#reyes cruz polyship
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carvedincosmos · 4 years ago
Old Skin - Chapter 1
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Mayans MC || Polyship(OC x Bishop x Taza x Riz) Art by: Mod Irons Written by: Mod Irons
Author’s Note: Been a hot minute since I’ve written anything so please bare with me, this chapter is mostly set up establishing Mateo and such. Planning to hopefully make this a long run series, and may(?) have eventual supernatural themes if I decide that’s the direction I want to yeet it. For now though, hope you all enjoy! Word Count: 2.9k Warning(s): N/A
Tag List: @yourwonkywriter​
Navigation Chapter 1: You are Here Next: WIP.
Moving to Santo Padre had never been a decision he thought through before making. It was a decision made on impulse, on a split second determination to get the fuck out of where he was at in the moment. Mateo wanted out, he wanted away from the bullshit that he was forced to deal with day in and day out. He needed to stop hearing that name, a name that was never his to begin with. He needed to stop being called by the wrong pronouns, he needed to start taking life into his own hands, to feel like he had control of it for the first time in his life. He just wanted to be himself, whatever, whoever the fuck that could have been but he didn’t think it would land him here.
On the entire other side of the US, in a place called Santo Padre.
From what the locals had told him, at least with those he could talk to without getting nervous, the town had been dying for the last few years. Collecting dust until a renovation project was proposed and started to bring new life into it. It felt like it was the right move from him, to be there. Even if it was small compared to what he could consider his hometown. 
It was different in the way that it felt more like when he visited his dad and his folks during the summer. Yet at the same time is where he found familiarity in it. The sound of music was the same type he would hear on the long car rides back and forth from place to place in Florida. The smell of food that wafted from restaurants and food trucks, or whatever he went by, reminded him of his grandmother’s cooking. That type of familiarity made him feel comfortable but in the same breath it felt brand new. Like he could finally breathe without a struggle and hear his own thoughts without the clutter of others around him.
Honestly, despite all the anxiety he felt when he first arrived, he was thankful that some part of him had thought to at least do two things before he came here. Find a vacant building to put his shit in, and find a doctor where he could still get his appointments done at.
Finding a doctor had come easier than finding a building for himself. The research he had done a few days prior had landed him with an endocrinologist that wasn’t that far from Santo Padre but finding a damn house was surprisingly harder. The listings that he looked at fell short to the point that when he started meeting with a realtor everything he looked at just felt too small. That or it wasn’t the right fit for what he needed. That frustration kept him looking until he found it, a mixed-use building not too far from one of the main strips of Santo Padre.
When he saw it he knew it was the one.
It was a two story, the ground floor was perfect for a shop and the second floor was for an apartment big enough to comfortably fit him and what little he possibly wanted to buy. It didn’t take much convincing from the realtor to tell him to buy it. He knew the moment he stood in that shop, despite the old wallpaper and tile, and the assortment of other things that needed fixing or replacement, that this was it. This was the one, the place he needed to be. It was a feeling that sat on his gut, it felt right.
The place came with a price though. He’d be paying out the ass in rent for the next few years. Due to his less than good credit, but if it meant staying there and the hell away from his family then it was fine by him. He didn’t want to go back, he had no need too. So he happily signed those papers and claimed it as home...
The first few days of settling in had to be the worst though. From trying to tear off old wallpaper, yank up tiles and everything in between. The process was long and tedious, the only saving grace was when he took a break to watch people walk down the street, see the cars go by and just take a moment to relax for a little while. It was comforting, the quietness compared to home, but the one thing that really got him to start paying attention to the noise was the roar of motorcycles.
The first day he heard it was when he was working on putting the new tile down. They were solid black pieces with shimmers of white and green in them that reflected the light when it hit just right. Music was playing on his phone and usually it was loud enough for him to drown out any background noise while he worked on getting the shop together. Today though, it just didn’t cut it. The roaring grew steadily louder, filtering out the music like a beacon in the night. It drew closer and had him physically stopping what he was doing. The piece of tile he had in his hands was set down, standing up to dust off his hands on his black work worn jeans. His brows knitting in confusion as he processed what he was hearing.
Mateo found himself drawn in by the noise like he always had been in his younger years. His hand clumsily reaching for his phone and pausing the song that blared through the speakers. His eyes searched the street as he crossed the short distance between the front counter where he was to the door. His hand touching the metal frame and pushing it open, only to give another surveying glance before his eyes located the source. He became almost immediately fixated.
Not even a few feet down the street he could see a handful of bikers parked outside one of the other buildings lining the street side. Vaguely he could hear the murmur of a conversation being held, but it was muffled momentarily by the sound of the bikes still on. He found his gaze drifting from the assortment of bikes, taking each one in. He noted the varying shades of color and then the small amount of decal work on them. A brow raised in questioning. The thought of decals brought his thoughts to his own bike sitting in the bike, when it used to look like that. Bare as the night, but now it was covered in custom shit that he made himself.
He then found his gaze shifting from the bikes to the people who rode them, and he froze. His breath suddenly held in his throat as he took in what he saw. The patches were the first thing he took notice of on the back of their kuttes. It was an assortment of greens, reds, whites, and yellows. It was some sort of face, the brows knitted together. He couldn’t make out the finer details, but it held his gaze for a moment liking the shape of the design. Unable to help ponder what each color meant.
His gaze then wandered further upward and now he felt like he couldn’t breath. Not from surprise though, the bikers in general weren’t surprising, but it was the people themselves that had his breath being taken away. Each one drew his interest, for a variety of reasons but his gaze couldn’t help but linger on specific folks within the club. They were smiling and joking around as they moved onto the sidewalk, but Mateo’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the men who appeared to take the lead. 
The shorter one had salt and pepper hair. He was grinning the widest, his eyes shimmering in the day’s sunlight and Mateo could feel his cheeks darken with a blush. The way the corner of his eyes crinkled with happiness, it was like actual sunlight coming from a person and his laugh too, despite it being muffled by the distance, had Mateo’s chest tightening.
The other was a few inches taller than the first, his hair long and dark brown. His dark shades were settled on the crook of his nose, while a large grin tugged at the corner of his lips as well. Jewelry hung from his ears and around his neck, and the beginnings of a beard growing in that followed the curve of his jaw. His arms littered in tattoos. That similar feeling of sunshine in a person came from him too.
Mateo had to force himself to look away. He could feel the nervous energy down to his very fingertips as his hand went towards his face. Soothing over his beard and trying to lull himself back into a sense of comfort, but even as his gaze stayed towards the ground for a moment it was already drifting upwards towards them once again. Staring and trying to take in every feature he could. Something about them, something about it, that moment, just left him motionless. He just stared for what felt like an eternity, unable to tear his gaze away. Right until someone looked over finally noticing his presence back.
One of the group registered that he was there. The guy who looked like he was possibly the youngest, met his gaze. He had short shaved hair, a dark mustache that stood out on his face, and his eyes were a dark brown too. A large tattoo was plastered on his right arm that went from his shoulder down to his elbow.
The man’s brows knitted together heavily at the sight of Mateo’s stares. His crossed arms dropping to his sides as a note of questioning went across his face. From where he stood he could see Mateo’s eyes widen, embarrassment growing more apparent as he tried to head back into the shop with as little notice as possible.
Once the door closed behind Mateo there was a beat of silence, or what felt like silence of him. Mateo’s hand rested on his chest, his breath shakingly leaving his body as he became violently aware of how hard and fast his heart was beating. What had just happened in those few moments? What was this rush of feelings and emotions coursing through him. It made his head reel, and his eyes skewed shut for a moment as he attempted to realign his thoughts.
“Jesus Christ, what the fuck was I doing staring at bikers?” His voice came out as a hoarse, nearly choked whisper. “I know damn well my Aunt Rita raised me better than that.” His head shook side to side in an attempt to clear his thoughts. A hand coming up to his head as he moved away from the door and now used the nearby counter as a brace. His heart sounded like it was up in his ears, and with every thump he found his eyes drifting back towards the window where he caught the man still looking at him though the windows. A cold spike of anxiety crawled up his back, only for it to raise into panic as he saw the turn of other heads towards the shop. An ‘oh fuck’ was hurriedly whispered out before he turned his back towards the window attempting to busy himself with tiles once again. Catching one last glance at the wave of confused expressions on one or two of the MC’s faces.
Once Mateo turned his back towards them another member moved to stand beside Ezekiel. Angel, the younger’s elder brother, was now giving a heavy squint at the mysterious man in the shop. A brow raising at the squirrely behavior presented before he sniffed, a hand going to rub at his nose before he took a look around to gauge their surroundings. “You know who that is?”
Ez’s gaze snapped away from the shop window and immediately towards Angel. His shoulders lifted in a light shrug, a shake of his head immediately coupled with it. “Nope, never seen him. I think he’s one of the new folks pop was talking about moving in though.”
A frown pulled across Angel’s lips as he kept his gaze locked on the shop for a moment. “He’s got a hell of a staring problem. What’s your thoughts on it?”
“Don’t think he’s a problem, just a guy who stares too much. Probably doesn’t know anything about Santo Padre, so nothing to worry about.” Ez touched Angel’s arm in reassurance receiving a shake of Angel’s head.
“I don’t trust it, he’s been eyeballing us since we got here.” Angel retorted, behind him he could hear Coco snort. His head whipped over in the other’s direction as his frown deepened. “What?”
A look of amusement was on Coco’s face as he pulled a final drag from the cigarette he held, dropping it to the ground and putting it out with the toe of his shoe. “Nothing, maybe he’s just staring ‘cause of how ugly you are.”
Immediately chuckles, snrks, and even a laugh echoed from the MC. A small grin coming to Angel’s lips as his brothers made him quickly forget his worries. His brows knitting together at the jab from the other patch, crossing the small distance between him and Coco. His arm being placed around the other’s shoulders and getting on Coco’s level. A finger pressed into his chest. “Man, the only ugly one here is you. Have you seen your face?” Angel snapped back.
Coco snorted again, his own amusement building into a laugh before shoving the taller patch away from him. “Fuck off, Angel.” He chortled.
The laughter quickly built, only being cut in by Taza, motioning for the group to head into the building. “Doesn’t matter who’s the ugliest, we’ve got shit to do come on.” His tone was firm but his grin radiated his own amusement too.
The MC obeyed almost immediately, packing into the building one by one. Taza could hear Coco and Angel still lightly ‘bickering’ when they went in but his attention was now on the work in progress shop. He was lingering, sparing a glance at the man in the window who was now working back on the floors. This kid looked familiar to him. Vaguely so but still familiar enough to make him stop and think. It was gnawing in the back of his skull, his previous content expression morphing into that of confusion at why could not place the face with the thought.
Behind him lingered Bishop. His gaze on his VP before it flitted towards the shop where Mateo now was fumbling with his phone. His own brows knitting together, swearing that for a second he almost looked strangely familiar but also could not place why. It drew a feeling of uncertainty into his chest, and his hand came to rest on Taza’s shoulder blade. “You think he’s a problem?”
The suddenness of the touch had Taza immediately looking towards his Presidente. A small shake of his head occurred when the question was asked. “No,” He drawled for a few brief seconds as if searching for a sentence of what he really thought. “Probably nothing to worry about.” His own hand briefly patted Bishop’s shoulder in return before he turned to head back into the building quietly. His mind now racing through memories trying harder to figure out why that face looked so damn familiar.
Bishop on the other hand now lingered a little longer. His gaze only flitted away from Mateo to watch Taza enter the building and then it went back to the shop. The longer he stared, the quicker some sort of discomfort crawled into his chest like a surge of bad memories and good. That he couldn’t place neither here nor there. The only thing he was certain of is that face was familiar, like he had seen it in dreams before or some distant past that was so blurry now that he couldn’t even begin to recollect it. A hand scrubbed down Bishop’s face before he turned to head inside not liking the feeling he was left with. Curiosity and worry, both of those things dangerous in their own right. 
Tentatively after the majority of his anxiety had died down, Mateo looked back towards the window behind him. His shoulders finally relaxed as he saw the group of bikers had gone inside and he was no longer being stared at. A hand brushed up across his face and he shut his eyes. His other hand resting on his chest as his heart still pounded in his chest. His legs felt weak, moving to sit on the floor exhaling sharply once his butt met the half finished floor. Why the hell did he just zone out like that? Especially when it came to fucking bikers? He knew it just kind of happened, he could be engaged in a conversation and then just completely check out and not be there mentally but this? This was on another level. It was like he was there, but he couldn’t tear his eyes not even for a moment.
A nervous chuckle raised in his chest, pressing the heel of his palms against his face. His anxiety left him shaking with tears beginning to burn at his eyes. “What the fuck was I thinking staring at them? Oh god
 I hope I never run into them again.”
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Next batch of social media’s? The poly ship baby chronicles. The Cruz-Reyes baby is just đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„° whos the bio dad? That’s up to your beautiful minds lmao.
@breanime @thickemadame @cherieann-2001 @woahitslucyylu @amethyst09
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The amount of big dick energy in this gif set is astronomical. The flavor. The true flavor of it. I can feel it through the screen.
@breanime this is the Cruz-reyes polyship when they have to wait for your call from the doctor to see if you are really pregnant. Ugh it’s just a mood
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Richard Cabral & Vincent Vargas & Clayton Cardenas // Coco Cruz & Gilly Lopez & Angel Reyes // Mayans MC (01x09)
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breanime · 5 years ago
How about for the reyes-Cruz polyship we go for fluff 2 and 7 😘
*gif not mine*
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Angel and Coco were both on edge. Neither of them were comfortable in these kinds of situations, but you were their girl, and they wanted to support you, so here they were

in a god damn museum.

wearing their kuttes.

tats on display.

uncomfortable as hell.
You had a piece on display, and there was a silent auction for it, so your boys came to support you. They loved your work, and more than one piece (including the one up for auction) had been inspired by your love for them. A week ago, when you’d told them about the auction, they’d been excited for you—and they still were—but they hadn’t really grasped the situation, meaning they hadn’t anticipated the snobby art people who kept eyeing them with suspicion and fear.
“You clock the motherfucker with the fifteen scarves?” Angel whispered to Coco, his eyes on you from your spot across the room.
Coco’s eyes narrowed, and he nodded. The guy had been following you around, chatting with you as people walked around the gallery. He was looking at a painting with you, talking your ear off. You turned to the side, looking at it from a different angle, and the guy not-so-subtly checked you out. “Motherfucker’s lookin’ hard as hell.”
“He can look, but if he tries to touch I’ll break his fingers,” Angel grunted, hands in his pockets.
“How much you wanna bet that that’s the guy who asked her out a month ago?” Coco asked. “The trust fund kid with the terrible taste in music. And art.”
“And scarves,” Angel added, “It’s fucking Cali in the summer, why is he wearing so many scarves?”
“And why is he talking to her so much?” Coco asked back. “You think we should step in?”
Angel looked around; across the hall was where your piece was, and there was a small crowd of people around it, appreciating your hard work. He sighed. “Nah, not yet. She knows we’re here; she’ll let us know if she needs us.”
“Can’t wait to be outta here,” Coco muttered, “fuck, I just wanna be in bed with our girl.”
“I feel you,” Angel said back, “just a few more hours, and then we’ll have her all to ourselves again
” He titled his head, eyes still on million-scarves-guy. “Okay, he’s starting to piss me off now.”
Coco opened his mouth to respond, but he closed it when the museum curator stood up and tapped a tiny, sterling silver spoon on his champagne flute.
“Attention,” he called in what was clearly a fake British accent, “attention everyone! We have made a sale—the biggest sale of the night!”
Everyone gathered near, and Angel and Coco both looked over at you. You smiled at them, knowing how much they disliked this setting—you did too. But this was where artists started in this town, so
here you were. It was uncomfortable for you being there, stuck with all of the snobs and hipsters, but having Angel and Coco there made it better. Just knowing that they were there with you helped keep you calm. Even as Evan—the pretentious mansplainer with his stupid “fashion statement” scarves—bothered you, it wasn’t as annoying as usual because you knew your guys were close.
“Miss Y/N Y/LN’s piece, titled Blood Is Blood, has just sold for $5,400 dollars!”
Your jaw dropped, and Angel and Coco both cheered loudly.
“That’s my girl!” Angel called out, applauding heartily.
“That’s our girl!” Coco corrected him with a grin.
You laughed, rushing over to them and letting them both engulf you in their arms. Evan, seeing you kiss Coco and then Angel, discreetly left the building, hoping not to run into either of them outside.
“So proud of you, mi dulce,” Angel said, kissing your cheek.
“What you gonna do with all that dough,” Coco teased, “not that we’re gold diggers or nothin’, but
You giggled, smiling up at them. “Well, the first thing I’m gonna do is grab my check and get the hell out of here,” you pulled them closer, one hand on Angel’s kutte and the other on Coco’s, “then I’m gonna cash it and toss it on your naked bodies.”
“Well shit,” Angel grinned, “let’s get the hell out of here then.”
You took both of their hands, matching grins on all three of your faces, knowing you were in for one hell of a night.
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! And if you really enjoyed it and you can send in a tip, I would greatly appreciate it! @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown was this ask from you??
Venmo: @Bre-P14
Cash App: $BreAnn14
Everything Taglist: @sweetybuzz25  @mrsjaxtellerfan  @rhabakoli  @encounterthepast @realduckvader   @justvnash @knowles-morgan  @ateliefloresdaprimavera @evanlys19  @nyxxnoxx @carlaangel86  @luminex3 @jigsawlover10  @gollyderek @otomefromtheheart  @lexxierave  @amethyst09 @falsehopesndreams  @a-dorky-book-keeper @witchygagirl @glimmerglittergirl @fvckthisbxtchup  @ben-c-group-therapy @felicity-x0 @amirra88 @yourfellowangel @vibranium-soul @xserenax-13  @woahitslucyylu​  @gemini0410 @ktiz90 @theoceanhathsolace @starrynite7114 @my-rosegold-soul @papa-geralt-of-cirilla​
Mayans MC Taglist:  @glorified-angl  @jamielennkeeler    @wrcn9fvlcver    @whyisgmora @whovianayesha @everyhowlmarksthedead @scuzmunkie  @angelreyesgirl​
Coco Cruz Taglist: @chelsfic  @langiinspirations  @rxbelprxyer​
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I have no idea if your requests are open but I think you’ve done Angel and coco poly relationship stuff before. Could you do a general HC or just a would include of what their relationship is like? I live for Angel and coco! 😍 please disregard if you don’t want to or your requests are closed!
I believe I have done a general HC of angel and coco
This is the general HC for the polyship between angel,coco and reader!
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breanime · 3 years ago
1. my favorite fic is a tie between show and tell and the “who did this” drabble for coco.
4. best ship from your masterlist is the reyes/cruz polyship!
12. i constantly re-read rio, johnny, coco and angel. a lot. sometimes jax!
13. not that i can remember but i took a screenshot of part of the “who did this” drabble to keep and read over and over
love you 😍
Those are some of my favorite coco fics of mine too! Especially the "who did this to you". I love a contrite murder bf 💗
Eee, I'm glad you like my Reyes-Crus ship! Idk, I felt like it was okaaaaaay, but not my best. So you liking it makes me happy!
Hold up, you reread Johnny? I thought I was the only one who rereads Johnny because, ya know, I'm literally obsessed with him, even if I'm the one writing him....especially if I'm the one writing him lmao
DISCLAIMER: If you ever took a screenshot of any of my fics, please show me so my little decrepit heart can grow a bit with love and adoration for you and a teensy bit of pride for me!
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breanime · 5 years ago
Angel Reyes Masterlist
*= sexual situations (read with caution)
Collage created by the incredible @songtoyou
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Reyes-Cruz Polyship Headcannons*
Friendships and Forts
“Can You Forgive Me”
“Can I Have This Dance”
Possessive Angel*
Getting Back Together with Angel
A Lazy Day with Angel*
Selected Drabbles
“Or Nah” drabble*
Escape Room drabble
Angel helps you with nightmares drabble
“Aw baby, are you crying?” drabble*
“You mean there’s a baby in there” drabble
“He can look, but...” drabble*
Closer song drabble
Angel leaves you for Adelita and regrets it drabble
Angel leaves you for Adelita and regrets it drabble (Part Two)
Gif drabble (making up with Angel)*
Gif drabble (“are you breaking up with me?”)
Gif drabble ("half on a baby")*
Angel falls for a sex worker (Part One)
Angel falls for a sex worker (Part Two)
***For character specific drabbles, search that character’s name on my blog
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breanime · 5 years ago
Coco Cruz Masterlist
*= sexual situations (read with caution)
Collage creates by the amazing @songtoyou
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Getting Back Together with Coco Cruz
Reyes-Cruz Polyship Headcannons*
Show and Tell*
Selected Drabbles
“Who did this” drabble
“Have You Tried It” drabble*
“Stop looking at me with pity in your eyes” drabble*
“I told you not to fall in love with me” drabble
Gif drabble (Coco wants to impress Reader)
Gif drabble (Coco is thankful for his family)
“I don’t want to scare you away” drabble
“Hell yeah I’d kill for you” drabble*
Or Nah song drabble*
Or Nah song drabble Part Two*
I Won’t Say I’m In Love song drabble
“Could you stop dancing like that before I cum in my pants” drabble
“Could you stop dancing...” Part Two*
***For character specific drabbles, search that character’s name on my blog
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