#rey Skywalker x yn
generalkenobee · 1 year
Remember how I posted about talking to that boy? Yeah no sike he's a jerk sooo
Rey smut should be out by the end of the night💖💖💖
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rynwritesstuff · 3 years
hiiii :) do u have a masterlist ?
Hello! I have a few, but they aren't updated! That's another thing I have to get on top of, whoops!
I will link them for you, though!
Kylo Ren Masterlist
Jacques Le Gris Masterlist
Rey Masterlist
Adam Sackler Masterlist
Flip Zimmerman Masterlist
Paterson Masterlist
Clyde Logan Masterlist
Maurizio Gucci Masterlist
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geo-winchester · 4 years
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Summary: Leia send Poe to a mission, he supposed to bring to the base someone important to Leia but he never imagine he’ll see someone of his past, someone he loved a long time ago and he found one of her secrets.
A/N: Hi! I had a few ideas for the next days, chapters of my series I want to write but I feel I had no time to write but I’m going to work on them, I hope you like this story and sorry for any mistake on the story.
Poe was fixing something on his X-wing, he’s been on the hangar for hours but he’s still couldn’t figure what was going on with his ship, BB-8 keep him company all the time, he order bb-8 to turn it on but when nothing happen he sighted and get back under the ship. He keep working on it until Leia came to him, he didn’t see her until she talk.
-How is it going, Commander Dameron?- she said making him turn around.
-Not good, We been working on it for hours but we can’t found what’s wrong with it.
-Maybe if you let a mechanic check it out it would be done by now- she said.
-Sorry ma’am but it’s my ship, I should be able to fix it- she smile at him.
-Listen, Poe I need someone thrustfull for an especial mission, someone I know he can succeed- he look at her, he was getting curious about this mission -I need you to get us this alley, her name is Yn, she was on Tatooine when she send us a distress signal a few minutes before she was capture, she might have some skill we can use.
-Ma’am are you sure I’m the one who should been going? What about Rey?
-Rey need to train beside, she’ll freak out and the minute she’s free she’ll walk away and we need her, can I trust in you Dameron?
-Of course, General, I’ll take another X-wing...- Leia shook her head.
-You can take the Falcon...
-Chewbacca is going to let me take the Falcon alone?
-He’ll go with you- he nod.
-When do we leave?
-The sooner the better- he nod before he went to his quarters.
They been flying for a while now, Poe was on the pilot sit as chewie stay quiet on his usually sit, Poe try to make some conversation but it was obvious that the Wookiee wasn’t a fan of him, he barely answer his questions and when she asked about the girl they suppose to rescue he ignored him, but at least he had BB-8 and Finn to light the mood. After they landed they look over the plan again before they get off the ship but they couldn’t even took a foot outside when two stormtroopers point at them with a blaster, all of them put their hands in the air after one of the stormtroopers give it the order, chewie took the opportunity when one of the stormtrooper distract he throw him away before the other stormtrooper could react BB-8 give a charge of electricity knocking him down, Finn and Poe look at each other amazed of what happened, Chewie roar and point at the uniforms.
-That’s a great idea- Finn said.
They been walking around the town with chewie as their prisoners, when they finally found the base from the first order they made up a story about how they get chewie and how they should go and search for the other mermbers of the resistance, when most of the stormtroopers went they made their way through the base.
-Do you think they’ll found out?- Poe asked, Finn shook his head.
-It was a good idea to put the uniforms from the resistance, I think we got time, unless they woke up before we go- he said as he took his helmet and search for Yn -Here, she’s on the cell 2187, go we stay here in case of anyone come here.
Poe start to look around the place for that cell, it took him a little more than he expected but when he found it he didn’t waste time and get inside the room, the girl inside her were sleep, Poe freeze when she recognized her, it was the girl he used to date before he join to the republic Air Force, he meted her on a job and they get a long quickly, they spend many nights together, do a few jobs together but everything changes when they follow different paths, of course he told her that they should join the Republic Air Force, he even propose to her but she told him that that wasn’t the life she want and before he could said anything she was gone. She wake up when she feel someone in her room, she look at the stormtrooper and smile.
-aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?- she asked.
-what?- he asked then he remember what he was wearing -oh right, I’m not a stormtrooper- he said as he start to removed his helmet- I’m...
-Poe!- she said as she run to him and hug him -What are you doing here?
-You send a distress signal to the resistance- she look at him in shock.
-you work for the resistance now?- he nod -We have a lot to catch up eh?
-Yeah, about that, Yn? I thought your name was Breha...
-That’s actually my grandmother’s name.
-Why do you hide you’re real name?
-I told you the first order was looking for me I didn’t want to make their job easy...
-And you didn’t tell me?
-Poe! Hurry up, they know about the stormtroopers, their coming- he sighted before he took her hand and drag her to the hall.
-Who’s that?- she said as they run.
-That’s Finn, oh wait that’s not his name, but he had the consideration to tell me his real name- she roll her eyes. When they get there chewie and Finn was finishing with a few stormtroopers -Everyone this is Yn, or like I used to called her, Breha...
-Can you forget about that?- she said before he shrugged, chewie came close to her and roar her -Hey chewie, I missed you too- she said with a smile, he roar again -no I’m not going to tell him right now, I’ll explained later...
-Explain what?- Poe said behind her, he was crossed arms -We need to go.
Poe give her a blaster before they start to made their way to the exit, Poe was a few steps in front of them, they keep looking for any sign of the first order but they didn’t saw anything, Yn look to her back but the sound of a scream make her turn around, she saw Poe on the ground with a wound on her leg, She and Finn go to him and move it to a safe place, they start to fight the stormtroopers, there were times when Yn was lucky enough to avoid a few gunshots, when everything was clear she help Poe to stand up as she put one of his arm around her shoulder.
-Can you walk?- he nod -Come on, let’s go- she said.
They keep walking to the Falcon as they keep fighting with a few stormtroopers, luckily they didn’t take that long to get back to the ship, Yn sit on the pilot sit something Poe didn’t look weird, he knew she was a good pilot, what he didn’t get was that she looks comfy on the ship, like she was there before, after they were sure no one was fallowing she turn to chewie.
-Can you take it?- she asked him, after chewie nod she turn to Poe -Come on let’s clean that up- she said as she help him to go to main hold -Are you going to talk to me or you going to stay quiet the rest of the trip?
-Why didn’t you trust me?- he asked.
-Is not that, I trust you but I couldn’t take a risk, you could be in danger...
-Because I knew who you are?...
-The name don’t change who I am, or what I felt about you...
-Is that why you said no?- he asked, she look at him before she nod.
-Like I told you, you would be in danger and I didn’t want that, I didn’t want that my... brother used you to get me- she said, but when she saw the confuse on his face she sighed -My brother is Kylo Ren, I been running from him since he fall to the dark, I used a different name a different last name, never stay in the same planet no more than 2 months... until I meet you and I’m sorry...
-Why are you sorry about?
-Because I was selfish, I put you in danger but I was happy with you and you had to know that I really want to run away with you and when you proposed I was the happiest girl on the galaxy but I also knew that I couldn’t do that to you, I couldn’t drag you to my life and I decide to go- he just look at her.
-What do you said if we start over?- he said making her smile -Hi, my name is Poe Dameron, I’m a commander of the resistance and I think you’re pretty- she blushed.
-Hi, Poe, my name is Yn Solo and I’m a good pilot and apparently and ex-smuggler- she said as she shook his hand -by the way you’re not bad yourself- she said making him smile, but his face immediately change when something click on his head.
-Wait... you’re a Solo- she nod -that meant that... your mother...
-Yeah, my mother is Leia Skywalker
-Oh my... I proposed to the general’s daughter...- she look at him a little scare of his reaction, but he smiled to her -and I hope that at least I can had dinner with her sometime- she smiled as she nod, he cupped her cheeks and give her a little kiss -Just like I remember it, perfect- she couldn’t help but giggled, chewie roar behind them.
-I’m coming- she said.
she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before she stand up from her place and walk to the cockpit again, Poe had a silly smile on his face until he saw chewie with crossed arms, he clear his throat.
-What?- chewie roar -We need to talk? About what?- chewie roar again -what do you mean I’m in trouble?- he asked but chewie didn’t listened to him, he was walking to the cockpit already -Hey come back hear!
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and-claudia · 5 years
Goner (Kylo Ren part 14)
Wordcount : 2.053
Date Posted: March 21, 2020 
This part is a little weird because the two parts (where it switches from the reader’s POV to Ben’s are basically happening at the same times) 
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I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you
The Final Order’s dreadnoughts covered the sky, making everything below them hide in their shadows. And they were all equipped with vast numbers of TIE fighters. I instructed my squadron to start firing at any enemy ship they could and to watch out for one another. We had a small number of fighters and we could afford to lose any. Although we all knew that was inevitable, we would lose men and women in this battle.
It didn't take long for them to be swarming us, easily taking us out one by one. I watch Snap’s X-wing go down right in front of me. I knew Rey and Ben were down on the ground somewhere. Hopefully fighting Palpatine better than we were fighting the Final Order.
“Poe what do we do?” Someone asked frantically through their helmet’s com as I shot down another TIE fighter.
Others began to ask him the same thing. Some even tried turning to me. I knew he was being overwhelmed with the severity of this all. It wasn’t his fault he was appointed the role of general.
“Poe, we have to make a call. We’re getting slaughtered out here. But we’ve come too far to retreat now.” I said into my comlink.
“She’s right. I’m sorry guys, I really thought we had a shot.” Poe said sadly.
“It’s okay, I did too. There’s just too many of them.” I said finally accepting my fate. I would die sitting in this X-wing. I was a goner, as was most of the Rebellion that was still left. I could only hope that Ben was fairing better than I was.
“I’m sorry Leia.” I thought to myself.  
I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you
Ben’s POV (This is happening basically at the same time as the first part)
I was down in Palpatine's temple with Rey. We were fighting off his guards. Rey was dealing with the ones closer to where he was sat, while I dealt with the ones further away.
I knew Yn was here fighting up in her X-wing. I could only hope that they weren’t getting absolutely slaughtered out there. I had seen how big the Final Order’s fleet was. But I knew she was alive still and that’s what kept me going.
Once I finished off the last guard near me I made my way over to Rey. We stood side by side with our lightsabers raised ready to fight him. Before we could make a move we were lifted up and brought forward, closer to him, then dropped onto our knees and held there by the Force. In the process, both of us had lost our weapons.
He did something that shot a jolt through us both and right to his fingertips. He looked at them in awe.
“A triad in the Force has been formed,” He mumbled just loud enough for us to hear him.
“Where is she?” He yelled. “Where is the other girl you share a dyad with?” His question was directed to me about Yn.
I stayed silent. I knew he knew where she was, he just wanted me to betray her. I wouldn’t. I looked over to Rey. She shook her head ever so slightly as if to say she wouldn’t do it either.
Then without warning another jolt shot through us as Palpatine began to absorb our strength. Then we were thrown back and hit the ground hard.
I was the first to open my eyes again, Rey was still lying on the ground. I stumbled up to my feet and saw Palpatine standing now.
“Look what you’ve created, Skywalker!” he yelled.
Once again I was shoved backwards by the Force. But this time, I didn’t hit the ground. Instead I was falling down a dropoff. It was deep and I knew in the moment I would not survive passed it. I was a goner, my only hope was that Yn makes it through the battle and finds a way to be happy.
Though I'm weak and beaten down
I'll slip away into the sound
The ghost of you is close to me
I'm inside out, you're underneath
I've got two faces, Blurry's the one I'm not
I've got two faces, Blurry's the one I'm not
I need your help to take him out
I need your help to take him out
I hit the ground and everything went dark. There was ringing in my ears but it soon gave way to a voice. It was familiar, but I could pin it just yet.
“Ben, Ben, Ben.” The voice kept whispering.
“Open your eyes Ben.” I did as the voice said.
“Mom.” I gasped.
“Hi Ben.” She said smiling.
“I’m dead?” It came out more like a question than a statement.
I watched as my mother shook her head.
“You’re not, but Kylo Ren is officially no more. He’s dead. But you, Ben,” She took a step to me and placed her hand on my chest, “You still have a long life ahead of you.”
I grabbed onto the hand that was on my chest and held it there.
“I love you, mom.” I said looking down at her with tears brimming my eyes.
“I love you too, Ben. Now go, I’ll always be with you.” She said and slightly pushed against my chest.
I was casted back into darkness, but not for long. My eyes shot open as I gasped for air. I hadn’t realized it earlier but my mother wasn’t completely gone until now. She used the last of her strength to save me.
I looked up at the ledge I had fallen from, and then began to climb it.
Though I'm weak and beaten down
I'll slip away into this sound
The ghost of you is close to me
I'm inside out, you're underneath
Though I'm weak and beaten down
I'll slip away into this sound
The ghost of you is close to me
I'm inside out, you're underneath
Yn’s Pov (This is picking up right after where it changed POVs)
“But there’s more of us.” I heard a new voice say in my comlink.
“What the?” I turned my X-wing around to see a mass of mixed match ships coming.
“That’s the backup I told you about, Yn.” I heard Poe say.
I almost had tears in my eyes. My hope began to return. Maybe this new ragtag fleet of ships would be enough to stop them.
Poe began giving orders. I let him take the reins because he has been in more battles than I had. I only said what I needed when it was needed otherwise I was letting him handle it all.
I Was just about to shoot the underbelly cannon of one of the Final Orders ships when I stopped suddenly. My X-wing came to halt when I felt it.
“Yn? What’s going on?” I barely heard Poe yell at me though the comlink. It sounded like I was underwater, with hands covering my ears that were stuffed with cotton. So muffled and distanced.
“Yn1 Watch out!” I snapped back just in time to doge a blast from a cannon.
“Yn, what’s happening?” Poe asked.
“Ben. Somethings wrong. I need to get down there to him and Rey.” I said.
“Go, land safely. Jean will cover you.” He said.
My brain was on autopilot. I began zoning out. It felt like part of me died.
I roughly landed the X-wing I was flying and stumbled out of it. The temple before me was huge. I undid one of the pockets on my fly suit and took out my lightsaber. I Was glad I had grabbed it beforehand. Then I took off my fly suit and left it lying on the ground beside the X-wing. I had landed as close as possible to the temple without actually crashing into it so walking to it didn’t take long.
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be!
Don't let me be!
Oh, yeah!
I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you
I stood on a platform as it lowered me down into the temple. I could feel the evilness radiating off of almost everything around me. My hands trembled in fear.
“He’s okay, he’s okay.” I kept repeatedly lying to myself. I knew Ben was dead. I had felt it the moment it happened.
“Yn.” I heard someone familiar say.
I turned to the direction the voice had come from. It was Leia’s Force Spirit.
“Leia?” I said in utter shock.
She smiled warmly at me. “Ben’s gone isn’t he.”
I knew the answer, but part of me was still holding on to be proven wrong. I needed to hear someone say it for it to truly set in.
“Yn, you are strong. You can do this. I know you can.” She said before she disappeared without answering my question.
Then he was back. I could feel it, he was stronger than I had felt before. I didn’t know how and part of me didn’t care, he was alive.
The platform continued to lower. It felt like it was taking an eternity to get to the bottom. If I had more trust in my abilities with the Force I’d jump but I still wasn;t nearly as strong as Rey or Ben and I didn’t want to risk it.
I saw a flash of electricity further down a corridor. Something big was happening. The platform was about half way down. I had to make a split decision.
I decided to take a leap of faith, quite literally. I jumped for the platform. I landed surprisingly gracefully and even more surprisingly unharmed.
I began sprinting towards where the lighting had been happening. The corridor was a lot longer than it looked from above.
I was knocked back by a blast of energy. Quickly I got back up and went to start running again but I felt another major disconnect in the Force. This time Rey.
I was once again sprinting. Although I knew I should be feeling sad at this moment all my emotions had shut off I felt nothing. Just adrenaline in my veins.
I reached the room where they were and saw Ben crouching beside Rey who laid on the ground not moving. He had a hand hovering over her chest. Her eyes opened and she sucked in a breath and sat up slowly. Ben retracted his hand. The connect returned as I continued running to them. They heard me coming and turned to me.
Ben smiled at me. And I smiled back. My emotions slowly began to come back. I fell to my knees beside them. Rey moved over some so I could get closer to Ben. I threw my arms around him.
“Ben.” I said. “I love you…. I love you so much.” I said shaking slightly as my tears began to fall. He held me for a moment, cradling my head, then pulled back and rested his forehead against mine.
“I know, I love you too.” He said, tears began to form in his eyes too. He let out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.” He said.
Just as I processed his words and before I could ask what he was sorry for he collapsed in my arms. It felt like it was happening in slow motion.
“No. No! NO!” I started out with a whisper, then a normal voice then a yell the broke into sobbing as I held him in my arms.
“Help me.” I said to Rey.
“How?” She asked gently.
“Help me heal him.” I said it more demanding than I had meant to, I couldn’t control all the emotions I was feeling at this moment.
“Yn, I don’t think it’ll work. It would just drain us, no one can survive dying twice… I hate to say it but he’s gone, I’m sorry.” She said.
I wouldn’t have it. “We have to try!” I yelled. “I’m not even hurt, I have all my strength still.”
She stayed silent. Then I finally looked up at her, “PLease.” I pleaded. She sighed sadly but nodded gently and said, “Okay, we can try.”
We both held our hands over Ben’s chest. I was concentrating all my strength on him.
“Please don’t be gone. You're not gone. You can’t be gone.” I kept repeating to myself mentally.
I could feel myself draining quicker than Rey was. I couldn’t give up or give in to the feeling of wanting to give up. We had worked too damn hard for this to be how we end. No, we didn’t go through all of this to die at the hands of Palpatine. We deserved to move on from this war, get married, start a family, grow old and die together peacefully. Not full of agony and pain. I wouldn’t have it.
With one last burst of strength I gave almost everything I had to save Ben.It was taking almost everything I had in me but I knew I could do it. This is what Leia was talking about. I may not be as strong as others were with the Force, but the bond we had was stronger than anything else we had ever experienced.
He was going to make it, I couldn't bring myself to think anything else.
Tag List: @cynthianokamaria​
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kissmekissme-calum · 7 years
A Hero To Us All - Part 2- Poe Dameron X Reader
Word Count : 1.8K
Part 1 is here!
Part 2 to A Hero To Us All. Hope you enjoy, please like and reblog if you enjoyed, send me ideas for more, if you want a part 3, be sure to let me know! Thank you all!
Reqested by many :)
After a week in the medbay you were released but that didn’t mean Poe was going to let you go back into action anytime soon, not that you could as you were still on crutches and had episodes of pain. Poe was still filling you in on what he had been up to while you were away on your mission, only he had kept a few small details to himself. For now anyways.
You had finally been able to meet Finn and Rey even though when you asked how they’d met, none of them gave you a believable answer. Poe only said he’d tell you later. After the tenth time or so of him telling you that, you finally snapped on him.
“Poe, tell me what happened? You seem to like both Finn and Rey, I like them too from what I can see, even though there’s something about Rey that I can’t quite place but, as for Finn, that comes to you! What happened? Why are you so scared to tell me?”
Poe sighed as you two entered your shared room so you could rest up again. “I went to Jakku.” You nodded, you’d been told about that part of the mission. “Got the map, gave it to BB-8 and sent him to wait for me.”
Poe closed his eyes tight, clearly he was fighting back something that you couldn’t quite place, it looked like he was trying to push a memory out, a memory he didn’t like. “The First Order was there.”
Your crutches had fallen to the ground and you leaned against the wall, a hand over your heart. You were not told about the First Order being involved.
“They killed Lor San Tekka, after he’d given me the map and I gave that to BB-8. I tried to shoot Kylo Ren but he froze me, and then brought me aboard his ship.”
Forgetting temporarily about your injuries, you trudged over to Poe, falling as you got close to him but he picked you up in his arms, holding you close, tears had already formed in your eyes. “You were captured?” Your voice didn’t project, Poe strained to hear you even as close as you were.
“Yes, but Finn, he was a storm trooper, he rescued me. Got me out of there in a tie fighter, we crashed and I got back to the Resistance, then Finn returned a couple days later with Rey and BB-8.”
“He rescued BB-8 as well?”
“Rey did, she found him and with Finn’s help, they got to us. She’s getting ready to leave soon actually, to find Luke Skywalker and bring him back to help us take down Kylo Ren. R2 woke up and showed us the rest of the map. (YN), will you look at me? I’m back safe, they didn’t hurt me too bad.”
“But they still did!”
“(YN)!” his hands gently caressed your face, his eyes boring into yours. “Just as you said, you did it for the Resistance! May not have gone the way we wanted but it happened and it worked out! We hoped for it to work, it did. Hope really has helped build this Resistance, we’re both proof of that.”
“I don’t like thinking of you getting hurt, did Kylo hurt you? What did he do to you? I’ll kill him.”
“No, you won’t. I know you have hard feelings towards him, more than many here, but right now we just have to take it slow. We’ll take them down soon, don’t worry. Can you tell me something though?” He lead you over to the bed so that you could get off your pained leg.
“What?” you grunted, scooting yourself to the head of the bed, sighing as Poe placed a pillow under your leg to keep it propped up.
“You said something about Rey. Said she looked familiar but couldn’t place it.” You nodded and he went on. “She said pretty much the same thing to Finn, about you. You recognize each other, neither of you remember how, but you both recognize the other. It’s curious to everyone, even the General’s tried to find a connection but she’s come up short too.”
That had come up in your head multiple times since being introduced to her, there was just something about her that made a spark go off in your head, but nothing came up clear, you knew there was something and now that she could see it too, it made the mystery even bigger. “I don’t know honestly, Poe, I’ve tried searching my head and nothing appears. I think it may be, that I recognize her face, but not how it is now.”
“Like a younger version? You remember her younger? How can that be?” He was now massaging your feet and muscles, it felt like heaven. “You used to live on Jakku yourself, maybe you saw her around the city or something.”
Instantly, your head became a circus. Thought after thought spun around, it was a madhouse, memories of you growing up, your parents doing anything they could to get you to make them money for alcohol. Sending you out with your younger sibling, she was smaller, she could fit into more places than you could which meant a better chance of finding something more valuable and making more money so that your parents had booze to drown their yells down til they fell asleep. Your sibling, much younger than you, didn’t look a thing like you, but you were blood. You had a connection that no other siblings could possibly have, or so you thought.
Years of these memories showed up, constantly that little girl showed up, a little older in some memories, then the most frightening day of all, worst memory anyone could possess.
Your parents had run their course with the First Order, they no longer cared about the pitiless objects they were given for weapons, that did them no good, so your parents did the only thing they could think of, they sold you and your sister. To the junker, make him money for no reason.
“Mom! Dad!” you had screamed, clutching at your sister, trying to keep the junker from touching her. “Come back!” They may not have been the best parents, but they somehow managed to keep a roof over your head, with them gone and under the ownage of a junker, who knew what would become of your life.
“Come back!” your little sister yelled as the ship carrying your parents took off, not long before they were out of the planet, the little dot that was their ship, disappeared like a popped balloon. They were now gone.
“Quiet girl!” the junker yelled and grasped your sister’s arm, dragging her to his shop.
“Let her go!” you screamed, trying to tug him away from her. No one was going to take her from you, not now, she was all that you had. She was your last family member you cared about. “Get your hands off of her!”
The junker kept a hand on her and used his free arm to hit you square in the chest, sending you flying back.
“(YN)!” the little girl was now shouting with tears streaming down her face. “Sister!”
The junker dragged her back and hovered over you, a nasty smile on his face. “You weren’t sold to me girl, just this one! Get out of here, off this planet.”
“Not without my sister!”
Another smack to the face, your head felt heavy, you couldn’t lift it off the sand. “I said, leave! She’s not your sister anymore.”
You couldn’t see what he was doing, so you didn’t know he’d called for a couple of thugs to come and get you. “Take her wherever, just get her off of this planet, far from this system. She’ll only be trouble for me if she stays.”
They nodded as he dumped some coins in their hands, they then dragged you to a ship. Your last glance was of your sister, still crying as she was pulled, you couldn’t hear her but you were sure she was yelling your name.
The door of the ship closed in front of you, tears now flowing down your own face. “I’ll come back for you, Rey! They won’t keep me from you, I promise! I believe that!”
For what felt like the thousandth time that day, a blow to your head knocked you out cold. That blow alone put you in a coma for months. When you woke up, you didn’t know where you were or why you were there. You didn’t know a thing about yourself.
“Are you okay? I’m here to save you.”
You were in a musty old cell, your eyes opened to see a middle aged woman staring straight back at you.
“Who are you?” your voice was weak.
She smiled. “I’m General Leia Organa, it’d be a pleasure to have you join the Resistance. You look like you could be of help to us.”
You didn’t know why, but you nodded hard, you knew that you had a reason, more so than just doing the right thing. You grabbed her hand. “It’d be my pleasure, General, count me in!”
“(YN)! (YN)!”
You snapped out of your haze, staring into your husbands, deep chocolate brown eyes, they were wide and his hands were on your shoulders, shaking you back to your senses.
“I now know.”
You smiled and placed a hand on Poe’s arm. “Rey, I now know why I recognize her.”
“Why?” He relaxed back now that you were back in the present moment with him.
“Poe, Rey’s my…”
The door to your shared room opened and Finn and Rey burst in, for some reason, this didn’t surprise you. Finn looked out of breath while Rey had a look of purpose and understanding and relief on her face. She met your glance and gave you a wide smile.
Poe and Finn glanced at each other before back at you girls.
“What’s going on?” Finn asked.
Poe shrugged. “I wish I knew.”
You smiled. “Help me stand Poe?”
He did as you asked and you hobbled over to Rey, instantly pulling her into a huge hug that lasted forever.
“I missed you.” She mumbled, tears in her eyes, sobs threating her speech.
Your arms held her close. “I know I missed you too.”
“You never came back.”
“Something happened that made me forget.”
“Same here.”
“What’s going on?” Finn asked again, a look of peaked interest on his face.
You and Rey shared a long look when you pulled back from the hug. “I was just telling Poe when you guys came in.” You released one hand and grabbed Poe’s pulling him close to you and Rey. “Poe, this is Rey.”
You pressed a finger to his lips.
“What’s…?” Finn tried but you sent him a look that shut him up instantly.
“Boys, this is Rey. She’s my sister.”
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geo-winchester · 5 years
A/N: hi guys! So here’s the ten part of this story, I hope you like it and I’m sorry it took me so long, but the uni take a lot of time, but I’ll try to write more.
Tag list: @reading--mermaid @thescarletknight2014 @chloe-skywalker
After the fight between Luke and Ben Leia feel how Luke fade away, she never thought about that moment, she always thought he would come home and help them fight this war, in someway her thoughts were happen, Luke not only help the resistance to scape, he also give Leia hope for have her daughter back, but even if she didn’t feel dark in her she feel something was different. When Leia get inside the room, her daughter was still unconscious, but she didn’t expect to see Poe sleep in the chair, she get close to him she saw the eye bags in his eyes, she thought that he probably stay up most part of the night, she touch his shoulder as trying to wake him up.
-Poe, wake up- he just move a little but he didn’t open his eyes, so she call him again -Commander, you need to wake up- this time he slowly open his eyes.
-General?- he said as he rubbed his eyes, the he realized where he was -Did something happened?- he said worry, but Leia shook her head, and give him a weak smile.
-She’s still the same- she said -Poe what are you doing here? You should be resting for the mission.
-I didn’t want to go without talking to her- he said and he took your hand -Beside I think Chewbacca can fly the millennium pretty well.
-Even when he can, you need to rest for the mission- she saw the way he look at her daughter, like if something will happen to her if he go -Don’t worry about her, she would be fine, and if she wake up, you will be the first to know.
-Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll be back before you know it- he whisper in her ear before he kiss her forehead.
It’s been two days since Poe left, the mission wasn’t long or difficult, it was just go for some supplies like weapons, parts of their ships and some other stuff, some part of him was sad to get home, the way he feel to have you but at the same time doesn’t was killing him, and he pray to everyone he could to let you back. When Yn open her eyes the room was empty, she freak out for a moment as she try to remember what happen, to be honest she doesn’t remember anything, just a green light and then she was in that room, she look at the door when this finally open, Leia walk to her daughter slowly, she could feel the fear and the confusion she had.
-Hello honey- Leia said, Yn seem that she was trying to remember.
-Mom?- she finally said not really sure she was right, until she saw Leia smile and saw how her face start to relax -Where are we? What happened?
-We’re in Ajan Kloss, we move the base here after...
-The base? What Base?- she asked.
-Honey, what’s the last thing you remember?- Leia asked her daughter, she had the suspicion of what’s going on, her daughter look down trying to remember.
-Ben was giving me tips to my train with uncle Luke... sorry master Luke- she said, when she saw the worry in Leia’s eye, she knew something was wrong -What is it?
-Honey, that happened six years ago...
-What? Where’s Ben? What happened to me?- Her mother didn’t answer instead she went out and look for a doctor.
-General, Commander Dameron just land, he’s coming to the room of Commander Solo- Lieutenant Connie said.
-Do everything in your power to make him stay away from that room- Leia told her as she keep walking to the doctor.
When Poe walk to the room he saw Leia was stand outside of the room, he could see the worried in her eyes, the door of the room was open so he could so Yn getting check by some doctors, he was about to walk to her but Leia stop him and took him to the other side of the hall.
-Why didn’t you tell she’s awake?- he asked a little angry.
-I didn’t want to worry, it could be nothing- she said.
-What are you talking about?- before Leia could answer his question the doctor came to where they were.
-Commander Dameron, I need to talk to the General, if you can excuse...
-He could stay, I’m sure he’s just as worry as I am- Leia said, the doctor just nod.
-General, we still don’t know what cause the lost of memory of Commander Solo...
-She lost her memory?- Poe asked, both of them nod.
-We believe that maybe see pictures, know what happened and see familiar faces could help her- he said before he excuse him and walk away, leaving Poe and Leia alone, none of them knew what to say.
-What’s the last thing she remember?- Poe ask unsure if he want to hear the answer.
-Before her brother fall to the dark side- she answered.
-So she doesn’t remember anything?- Leia shook her head -Can I see her?- Leia think for a moment, Poe wasn’t sure if he want to see her or not, he was afraid of how he’s going to react when she ask him who he was, does he suppose to say the true or maybe lie to her and wait until she remember him? What was the best thing to do?
-of course you can go, Poe, but don’t tell her anything about Han or Ben, I think I need to tell her that- she said before she go.
He walk to the room slowly, not sure of what to expect, when he get there, he wait for a moment, she was sitting in the bed as she try to focus, he didn’t know if she want to be disturbed so he think to go away, but she sight and see him in the door.
-What are you doing there?- she asked him.
-Hi... um... I just want to see how you doing, I... hear you wake up- he said trying to calm himself.
-Thanks- She said awkwardly -So... we know each other? Are we friends?- Poe doesn’t know how to answer that, did he suppose to tell her that she was his girlfriend, that he love her or maybe it was for the best to stay that way? He notice that she was expecting an answer.
-Oh, sorry... yeah, we’re friends- he nod and he start to talk faster-Anyway I’m glad your ok, I’m sure that you want to see someone more familiar like the General.
-If you don’t mind- she said -I want to know where my dad and brother are- she said with a shy smile, he nod and get out of the room.
That was the last time Poe talk to Yn, the next few weeks he birdied in work when he wasn’t fixing his X-wing he help another member of his squadron fixing their X-wing or he went to simple missions as allies, but of course he didn’t forgot about Yn, he knew about how she was or if she have any progress on remember things, sometimes he asked Finn or Rey, other times he asked Leia about her, and every time he asked about Yn they always told him that he should talk to her, sometimes he try it but every time he didn’t even make it to the hall he prefer to go back to work again, like that night, as he doesn’t have anything to fix on his x-wing he go to work on the Millennial, it was late when he start it, he work for a few hours with BB-8 keep him company for a while until he hear the door of the hangar open, he didn’t pay it that much of attention on it as he keep working on the ship, the only thing that make him stop was a voice.
-I know R2- Yn said to the droid as she make her way to the Millennial, he stay in his place, the droid beep again -Yeah, I know I have a meeting tomorrow- the droid beep again -I just want to see the millennial for a while, you want to join me or you going to wake up uncle Chewie to come here and protect me?- R2 Beep and she smile -Exactly he probably throw you to the wall if you wake him up- suddenly BB-8 bump in her leg as he beep gladly -Hey little guy- she said as she kneel -what are you doing here?
-Sorry about that- Poe come from the back of the ship.
-It’s ok... Poe, right?- she asked.
-Yeah- he said as he fake a smile -Do you need something?
-Sorry I didn’t know someone was here, I just want to try to remember thing if I come here.
-It’s ok, I was just about to leave.
-Really? It’s a shame I didn’t want to be here alone- she said and she look at the ship, he do the same thing -This was practically my home, and know I look at it and I just feel loneliness - he look at her -I’m sorry, you said your leaving and I...
-It’s ok, I can stay if you want it- he said making her smile.
-Can I asked you something?
-I think you just did- he said, remember the day she said to him -I’m kidding, go ahead.
-How do we meet?- she asked as they start their way to the ship.
-We meet when I join the resistance, your mother, the General, knew my parents back in the day when they fought with the rebellion, she invite me to have dinner with you.
-And we get along?- in some way each of her questions hurt Poe.
-Not really- he said remember that night -I kind of say that I could be the best pilot and you take that pretty bad- both of you laugh softly.
-Sorry about that.
-It’s ok, things got better when we both be commanders, we start to hanging out, we do a race to found out who was a better pilot...
-And? Who won?
-Of course I did- he said, she look at him and he see that she didn’t believe him -ok you did, but I do give you a fight, after that we start to spend more time together, we talk, you hang out with me and BB-8.
-I can tell we were really good friends.
-How?- he asked her.
-Because I feel confortable with you- she admitted, they keep walking through the halls of the ship until they got to the control room, she touch the controls and her smile fade -I think I haven’t been here since I go with uncle Luke.
-You been here after that...
-Right, Rey and Finn told me about that day- she said as she remember the scar she had on her side -I still can’t believe my brother did that- she said and he turn to Poe, he could see how the tears start to form in her eyes -You know he not always be like Kylo Ren, when he was Ben Solo he was the best brother someone could have, he always was there, sometimes I think he grow faster than he should -he look at her confuse -my parents wasn’t around all the time, mom have all those meeting and dad well... he always like the action, he never stop his work as smuggler so he went out a lot, and Ben he stay with me, he take care of me and sometimes act like a parent, specially when I get in troubles- she said with a smile -he was a hell of a pilot, he and dad thought me, one day we were young we start to fight about who was the best pilot, that night we sneak out of the house and take an X-wing- she said with a smile -we didn’t even make it out of the hangar, we got caught, mom was so furious but I know dad was proud that we try to do our first illegal thing- both of them smile.
-I told you this before but I was a fan of your dad.
-I think he would like you- she said to him and both of them just look at each other, Poe could see again part of the women he love, they stop when R2 start to beep -Yeah R2 I haven’t forgot it, any way I have to go, mom want me on that meeting, she said I need to start to act like a commander again so I have to go- she said as she start to walk to the door, before she could reach it, she turn to Poe -Thanks for stay with me, Poe- Poe was about to talk but the beeps of BB-8 interrupt him -I know, thanks for that too BB- she walk out of the room leaving Poe with his own thoughts.
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geo-winchester · 5 years
A/N: so here’s chapter four! OMG I didn’t know I going to write this far!thanks for your likes and I hope you like this one!
Summary: A few weeks after the starkiller base was destroy, the resistance know that the first order knew their location, general Leia order the evacuation of D’Qar.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Tag list: @thescarletknight2014 @reading—mermaid
It only been three days since Rey and Chewie went for Luke, and for the past three night she stay outside just looking at the stars, just like previous nights she was sitting on the ground beside her X-wing, but this time she start to think in Ben, she remember everything that happen and she try to understand him, for one moment he saw her brother in his eyes, the big brother who protect her of everything, the one who play with her, teach her how to use a sable, but the night he kill her father she was about to kill him, did she really was able to kill him? she shook her head trying to convince herself. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn’t heard someone approaching to her until Poe lay beside her and bring her to his chest.
-Hey you- she say.
-Hey, what are you doing out here?
-You know just thinking- he nod and they stay in silence as Poe start to brush her hair.
-can I ask you something?- he finally said.
-I think you just did- she joke -what you want to know.
-Why didn’t you want to go with Luke Skywalker?- she didn’t answer -I mean I know general Leia was train you for a while but he’s a Jedi master, you could become one.
-I just- she sigh and sit again facing him -something happen while we were on the starkiller base- he wait for here to keep talking -when Ben... or should I say Kylo kill my father, I fight with him, that’s how I get hurt...
-He was the one who hurt you?! I going to kill him when I saw that...- he stop talking when he notice she wasn’t finish -I’m sorry, keep going.
-Well after he hurt me I don’t really remember how but I had my sable in his neck, in that moment I felt so angry and confuse that I was going to do it... I was going to kill my own brother.
-What keep you from doing it?- he asked when she get quiet, she look away from him.
-He said that I was destined to be the most powerful sith, if he hadn’t say that... I don’t know if I would be able to stop... and when the map was complete, some part of me was afraid to see Luke because what if he see in me what he saw on Ben?
-hey hey- Poe said and he took her by her cheeks to see her eyes -there’s a difference between you and him, You choose a different path, you decide to stay in the light and you didn’t kill him, you didn’t succumb to the hate and the dark.
-but what if he’s right, what if the destiny or something lead me to the dark side?
-Well then I will have to go there and get you home- she smiled and kiss him.
They stay like that for a while, sometimes talking and sometimes kissing. The next few days her life start to become as normal as they could, some of the mournings she train with Leia and some mournings she train with her squad, most of the nights she and Poe have dinner together and they talk about their days, this made them feel like a normal couple. One day things turn out different, Yn was about to finish her training when she heard the sirens and the red light, she run to the headquarters and she found her mother, Poe and other commanders waiting for her, she sit beside her mother.
-I been inform that the First order has found this base and their coming for us- Leia said -we need to evacuate the planet as fast as we can.
-We’re going to need a plan in case the first order find us first- Yn said to her mother.
-I know, and that’s why I need you, congratulations commander Solo, your going to lead our way to our new base- She told her -ok let’s start with the evacuation.
Leia walk outside of the headquarters but she was stop by her daughter.
-Mom are you sure you want me to be in charge? Do you really think I’m ready for that?
-Yes, you’re ready beside I’m going to be with you all the time- she said -Now let’s get ready
The first order come faster than they thought they’ll be, Leia, Yn and some part of the resistance was in the leader ship while Poe Dameron fly his X-wing and try to make contact with Hux, he start to play a joke to Hux so he can have time for his X-wing charge full speed.
-Do you really need to joke right know?- Yn said to Poe.
-Hey you told me to buy time and that’s what I’m doing.
-how much time do you need?
-Not much, but you need to hear this- he said to her before he direct to Hux -look if you can’t reach him tell general Leia has an urgent massage about his mama.
The next thing they see was Poe fly with an incredible speed through the first order dreadnought trying to eliminate every blaster of that ship, in response the first order realese part of their fleet, after a few moments one of them shoot Poe’s x-wing on the back making him have troubles with his weapons but he was able to explode the last blasts as the last ship take off the planet.
-Poe, the last ship just take off, take everyone back her-
-No Yn, we can do this...
-Poe no, take your squad back right now.
-No we can take down the dreadnought, this thing can kill the entire fleet in seconds we can’t go...
-Yes you can, and you would bring your ass here... poe- she turn to her mother -He turn off the connection.
They saw how Poe lead his squad and the bombers to the dreadnought but as soon as they start to approach, the first other fleet start to attack them and take them down one by one, at the end only one of the bombers stay steel but it explode with the dreadnought. Poe and the survivors start their way to the ship and as soon as they landed the resistance go from the place, when poe get down of his X-wing he saw Yn waiting for him in the did with folded arms, he hear BB-8 beeping.
-Yeah, she’s really mad- he stand out of his X-wing and walk to her -Hey...
-What the fuck what’s that? You know how important this was for me, and you blow it...
-Blow it? I save us...
-Save us? Did you see how many people die out there, before this mission we were in low numbers! Now we have red numbers and half of the fleet is gone!
-That has to be done!
-No it wasn’t! You just want to be the hero because you couldn’t stand that i was in charge!
-what, of course not...
-I saw your face when you understand you allways going be the fly boy- she told him -and you have to blew my chance.
-You don’t even want this! You just want to prove your mother that your not your brother- as the words get out of his mouth he regret but before he could say something she punch him in the nose -Ok, I deserve that- she start to walk to the bridge.
-Commander Poe should I told Chewbacca that you break with commander Yn?
-No! We haven’t break up this is just a fight! He doesn’t have the right to tear me apart!- he scream and go in a different way than Yn, he hear BB-8 beeping -Finn dripping bag? What are you talking about- but then he saw Finn and he understand why BB-8 call him like that, Finn was dripping water, Poe run to him and hug him -Finn, buddy, how are you feeling? come on let’s get you some cloths.
After he got change. Finn asked him about Rey but he don’t know where she was so he take him to Leia, after a moment both of them step in to the bridge and saw Leia sitting beside her daughter but when Leia saw Poe she walks to him and slap him in the face -what is it with the Skywalkers and hitting me in the face- he whisper.
-you are demoted.
-wait, what? we took down the dreadnought!
-At what cost?
-It has to be done- he said but she ignore it, he turn to Yn -Thanks for the help.
-Hey don’t look at me I just want to make my mommy proud- she said with sarcasm and look at the window, now that they stop using the light speed she saw the stars.
Suddenly the alarm of the bridge sound again, apparently the first order was capable of follow them in lightspeed, Poe look at Leia.
-Permission to get in to my X-wing and fight back.
-permission granted- Yn look at Poe as he get back to the action, her mother look at her -What are you waiting for? Go!- she smiled to her mother and went after Poe.
-Don’t wait for me, start to fly the ship- Poe told to BB-8.
-Poe!- he heard someone screaming and turn around to see Yn, he wait for her and run together.
-Just when I was about to follow your orders- he said.
She was about to answer but she start to slow down when she feel him out there, she look at the window and saw his ship, her brother was getting closer full speed, she stay there watching him , she was so focus that she don’t even hear Poe yelling at her, when she finally look at him, he was already on the door and she start to run but before they can make it all the ships blows throwing them away.
-Yn! Are you ok?
-He’s here- she look at him, after a few seconds he understand why Ben was there.
-Leia...- he whisper, both start to run to the bridge but they were close to the bridge they saw a ship blowing up the bridge.
-No!- Yn scream and hit the window, she start to feel her legs weak but before she fall, Poe took her on his arms but he keep looking at the window in shock, that’s when he saw how Leia use the force to get back to the ship.
-Open the doors- everyone look at him -Now! she is coming back- they did what they said at time as Leia was on the door.
After the doctors took her to the medical room Yn stood by her side all the time, the doctors told her that she was to weak for using the force and they didn’t know when she was to wake up. Yn took a look to her mother she look so fragile and tired. She just stay there thinking about her mother. Yn clean her tears, this wasn’t fair she all ready lost her father she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to her mother too, she was about to use the force to talk to her but instead of seeing her mother, she saw him standing in the middle of the room studying her.
-Yn...- Ben finally speak.
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geo-winchester · 4 years
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A/N: Hi! I know I said I’ll post it last week but I couldn’t and I’m so sorry for that! but here it is, the 14th part of this story and I hope you like it! I had a few ideas and I hope I can write them!enjoy the reading and if you want to be tag in this story or in any other let me know!
Tag list: @chloe-skywalker @thescarletknight2014 @reading--mermaid
Poe and Finn were looking at Chewie as he was thinking on his next move of Dejarik. They keep playing as they were on their way to Sinta Glaciar colony, but neither Poe or Finn knew how does he manage to beat them all the time, they start to ask him if he was going to move but chewie didn’t listen to them, he keep concentrate on the game.
-He can’t beat us every time- Finn said to Poe.
-Apparently he does- Poe said but he didn’t look at him, he keep his eyes on Chewie.
-How does he do it?- Finn ask.
-This guy right here- Poe start to say -it cause he cheats- Chewie roar to him in defense -I’m kidding.
But the protest of Finn and Poe were silence when an alarm suddenly start to sound, Chewie was the first one to stand up and go to the cockpit and he was follow by Poe while Finn went to the scape door with R2 to found their informant, Boolio.
-Boolio, good to see you, you got something for us?
-From a new ally, a spy from the first order.
-A spy?- Finn ask -Who?
-I don’t know- Boolio say -Transfer the message, give it to Leia.
Finn took the cables and connect them to R2, a few moments later Poe saw a few Ties from the first order coming to them, Poe try to hurry Finn for the file and after R2 beep when the transmission of the message end, he quickly take the cables and give it to Boolio. Finn head to the gunner cockpit as Poe fly as fast as he can, Chewie roar after Poe accidentally crash with a wall.
-Sorry, I’m sorry, I know -but he roar again -She won’t be mad at me for a little scratch... -he said- at least that’s what I hope... Finn, how are you doing with those Ties?
-I got one- he said.
-Great, how many they left?
-Too many- he scream as he keep shooting at them, Chewie roar at Poe and when he saw what he was saying
-Good thinking Chewie- Poe said -Finn there’s a chance we can crush does Ties.
-I was just thinking that.
Poe change the angle of the Falcon so Finn can had the change to shoot at the bar, when he did it, the bar fell over the Ties and crush them but when they thought they could finally went back to the base a wall of Ties appear in front of them and suddenly Poe had an idea.
-How thick do you think that ice wall is?- Poe ask before he fly through the wall and make a jump in to the hyperspace.
When they stop, Finn asked him about how he knew to do that, but he didn’t answer, he saw a few Ties follow them, Poe keep flying through the planet as he try to lose them, when he could he take another jump in to the hyperspace. Poe keep doing the jumps in to the hyperspace when chewie start to complain but Poe didn’t listen, he knew this was the best way to lose them. They get in to a planet where a big monster appear from the nowhere, he wait to the exact moment to take another jump, they were getting close to the monster when Poe took the jump. After Poe was sure that there weren’t any Ties following them, he stop for a moment so Chewie had a change to look at the damage on the ship, he took the opportunity to goa and check R2-D2, he knew didn’t want to Yn to get worried if he saw a scratch on him, but before she could kneel in front of him the droid beep.
-What do you mean she’s heading to the base?- he ask, the droid beep in response -She was in a mission?- he kick one of the boxes, Finn go to look what happen -We need to go now- he said as he go to the cockpit.
-Great, now he’s on a bad mood- Finn said.
When Yn landed on Ajan Kloss her mother was waiting for her at the hangar, she sigh at the moment she take off her helmet, she step out of her X-wing, she didn’t mention the fact that her brother was on Mustafar as they walk to the control room, she didn’t want to worried her mother. She was explaining her what she saw when she landed on Mustafar when one of the soldiers told them that the falcon was about to land, she look at her mother who give her a nod and she made her way to the hangar. In the middle of the way BB-8 bump in her leg.
-Hey buddy, you got a good time with Rey?- she ask, the Droid beeps and she saw the little bump on the droid -Hey, What happen to you?- she ask but before the droid can answer her they hear Rey and Poe arguing, BB-8 start to beep quickly -He know? How does he know- BB-8 beep -Of course my mother tell him- she sigh and made her way to her friends, but her smile disappear when she saw the back of the falcon was on fire she run -What the hell happen?!
-where were you?- he ask.
-I ask first, what’d you do to my ship?- she ask and chewie Roar -You try to run away with lightspeed skipeed? You know you can’t do that with the falcon...
-That’s What I told him- Rey said.
-Yeah this could went a lot better if you two where out there with us and no here playing with the force or lying to your boyfriend and went to another mission... what did you do to my droid?- he said as he kneel in front of BB-8, who beeps in response -You drop a tree on him?- he ask to Rey.
-It was an accident- she said,
-Great, this day can’t get any better- he said as he walk away to talk to Leia.
-So he’s on a bad mood, Uh?- Yn ask Finn who nod.
-You should talk to him.
-First I had a fire to turn off.
-And probably a droid to fix...- he said.
-What?- she said and she hear R2-D2 behind her and saw a few scratches and bumps on him, she sigh -Let’s go R2, let’s help uncle chewie and then we can go and fix you...
After she help chewie with the falcon, she stay with him as she try to fix R2 and Chewie told her what happen on Sinta Glaciar colony, a few couple of hours later C3-PO told them that there was an emergency meeting on the control room, when they get there she stand beside her mother as Poe start to talk about what they found.
-we decoded the intel from the first order spy- he said, everyone get quiet waiting for Poe to keep talking -And it confirms the worst... somehow Palpatine returned- everyone start to murmuring.
-Wait, do we believe this?- rose ask.
-It Can not be, the emperor is dead.
-Dark science, cloning- one of the generals said -secrets only the Siths knew
-he’s been planing his revenge- Poe said -his followers has been building something for years, the largest fleet the galaxy ever known, he calls it the final order, in sixteen hours, attacks in all free worlds begin, the emperor and his fleet are hiding in the unknown regions on a world call Exegol- Yn notice Rey’s reaction at the mention of the world’s name, C3-PO start to talk about the planet.
-Excuse me- a new recruit start to say -What if all this is a trap for us, what if Kylo Ren is planning all this to make us go to this world and kill us all, I mean he tried it before, and sorry commander but I heard you when you said that maybe they got a spy on the resistance- he said and then he look at Yn -Don’t you think is a little weird that commander Solo, who betrayed us before, got a mission on a planet where everyone die and she come back with just a scratch...
-What?- Yn said.
-She could be the spy, she try to end with the resistance before- everyone around her start to yell, she could hear that most of the members of the resistance were protecting her.
-Enough!- Poe yell -soldier you couldn’t been more wrong, commander solo is one of our best pilots and commanders, she’ll fight with us not against us and if you talk about her again that way and you’re going to regret it- all of the members of the resistances agreed with Poe.
-I bet she was the one who shot him- the soldier said.
-Hey- Yn said -You’re maybe brave when you talk but I never saw you on the feel, I mean how long have you been here? A year maybe? And yet every time we got problems, you’re the first one to run, you can’t fly and I bet you don’t even known how to use a blaster and if you had a problem with me I don’t had a problem to kick your ass in front of everyone...
-Yn- her mother said, but she step in front of him, even if he was bigger than her, she could see the fear in his eyes.
-Next time you had a problem with me, you should had the balls to say it to me in my face- she said before she walk away from the meeting.
She start to fix the falcon with the help of chewie, they work in silence, the only sound they make was the sounds of the tools, after a few hours they decide to rest for a while and they sat on a couple of rocks and start to talk, in that moment they saw Poe coming to them, chewie roar before he get inside of the falcon, she stand up and face Poe.
-Are you ready to talk or you going to scream again?- she said.
-I’m sorry for freak out early... I don’t know what happen...
-I know what happened, you don’t trust me- she said.
-what? That’s not what’s going on...
-Of course it is! You’re afraid I’ll go dark again, even kylo felt it remember? That’s why you didn’t want me to get my memory back and that’s why you freak out when you realize I went on a mission alone... you know that deep down you had the same fear of that asshole- she said but he stay quiet for a moment before he start to walk to the Falcon -Where are you going?- but he didn’t answer it took him a few minutes to get back with the first aid.
-Sit down- he said, she was about to replay but the way he was looking she sit on the rock, he kneel in front of her and pour a little alcohol on a cotton, she groan when the cotton touch the wound on her hand, she hasn’t realize that she was bleeding, he apologize before he keep cleaning the wound -you’re wrong- he said as he start to bandage the wound -I do trust you... I’m not scare that you’ll go dark again because I know you...
-You said that before and yet I...
-Yeah and I know why you did it- he said -I know how much you miss your brother and you almost lost your mother that day, you only want to be with the last part of your family and that was your brother- he look at her eyes -but you were never alone, you had me- he said making her smile -I know you think I’m afraid that you fall to the dark again but that’s not what I’m afraid to, I’m afraid to lose you or that something happen to you and I wasn’t there to help you...
-You think I don’t feel the same way? How do you think I feel if one they someone told me that my brother kill the guy I love and I wasn’t there to protect him?
-You love me?
-Don’t be an ass Poe you know I love you- she said.
-Yeah I know but I like when you said it- he said with a smile -I got an idea, what if, from now on every time we had a mission we do it together?
-so we’re going to be that kind of couple?
-Well it work to our parents- she smile.
-You’re right- she said before she kiss him.
-Great, and by the way I think we got a new mission- he said.
-Wait... you didn’t come here to talk to me, right?
-I want to know if the falcon was ready- he said as he turn to the ship, she punch him in the arm -Ok I was kidding, I come to see you.
-That’s better- she said, he hug her and she rest her head on his shoulder.
-We should go, apparently Rey found a way to find Exegol.
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kissmekissme-calum · 7 years
Family Reunion - Rey X Luke Skywalker X Reader
Word Count : 1620
Not Requested
Some slight spoilers from The Last Jedi, i tweaked some of the details though to fit in with how i wrote this, i know i wrote it different, but hey, my writing my rules lol please enjoy!
Rey looked at you carefully, she didn’t know how you were going to react now that you were actually here. “Are you ready to face him, (YN)?”
Her voice was a mere whisper in your ear. Your eyes were fixated on the island that had become the home of Luke Skywalker, your father. It’d been many years since you’d last seen him. Just before he went into hiding, he made a visit to you at the Resistance base, he wouldn’t tell you why he was leaving, just that he had to and that Leia and Han would look after you.
“What about Ben?” you had asked, your father had flinched at that, you’d never seen him flinch like that before, it scared the living daylights out of you, a look you hoped to never see again and until this very day, you truly thought you’d never see it again.
That was many years ago, you could faintly remember what your father looked like, you continuously went back and forth with yourself on whether you wanted to forget him or find him. Then Rey came along and with her help and Leia demanding you go with Rey, here you were, about to find your father again.
“It’s been a long time.” You finally muttered, standing from the copilot seat. “He can feel that I’m here, I can feel him. I’m not sure if I should be happy or angry. Right now I’m leaning towards angry.”
Rey said nothing as she followed you off the ship, she told Chewie to stay with the Falcon as you began to climb the steps that never seemed to end. The higher up you climbed, the stronger the feeling in the pit of your stomach grew. Your father was getting closer and you were getting more nervous. About halfway up, you stopped cold in your tracks, Rey bumping into you at the sudden halt. “(YN)?”
You took a step back, your eyes staying upward, Rey followed your gaze. Standing on the edge of a cliff, staring down at you, was an old man. Wild hair flew from underneath his hood, a beard that was once so young looking was now a mass of grey. You knew that your father would have aged in the time you spent apart, but you cold never quite picture how he’d look if you saw him again. He was not wearing a smile upon his face, instead a grim expression lied there.
Was this the new Luke Skywalker greeting? Never before had you seen such a bland expression on a person’s face. With your eyes locked upon him once more, you and Rey resumed your climb, a long ass stare connected the two of you until you finally made it to the plateau, even ground with your father once more.
Luke Skywalker stood in his jedi robes, which flowed in the wind. Rey came up beside you, reached in her bag, found the lightsaber and offered it to Luke who stared at it as if it was the single most foul thing to ever have been brought into existence. She continued to nudge it towards him, but he made no effort in taking it from her.
Maybe being a little more rough that you should have, you ripped the lightsaber out of her grasp and stormed up to your father. You grabbed his hands and shoved the lightsaber into it. “Take it and be the man and Jedi we all need you to be! Aunt Leia needs you! The Resistance needs you! I know what happened with you and Ben, how he’s now Kylo Ren! I know it all, father! We need you to come back!” Anger soaked into your every word, filled every crevice of your body, Rey could feel it radiating off of you.
The ground cracked slightly, both Rey and Luke glanced down, but you continued to stare down the man who helped bring you into this galaxy.
“Relax, (YN)!” Luke yelled. If he thought that was going to calm you down, he was by far the most wrong anyone could ever be. “I’m sorry!”
“You left me!”
“I couldn’t bear being around you, having you see me for the failure that I’d become!” He threw the lightsaber behind him, you and Rey ran to the edge seeing it teetering on the edge of a smaller cliff. When you turned back, he was speed walking towards a hut.
Rey stayed at your side. “So, that’s your father?”
You huffed and dropped your bag on the ground before collapsing next to it and breaking down into tears. “Yeah! He left me and, this is what I got to be welcomed by! I shouldn’t have come, why did you and Leia make me come?”
She sat down next to you. “We know it’s hard right now, you didn’t see what I saw though, (YN). I saw a father and child reunited. The way he was looking at you when you yelled at him, I honestly don’t know if he heard a word you said, looked like he was trying to take you in as an adult and see what his child and grown into. He still cares for you and you still care for him, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be crying right now.” Rey had a knack for being right even when you didn’t want her to be, she was honest and right to the point. When you didn’t speak she put an arm around your shoulder and rested her head on your other shoulder. “I’m right, (YN), now get up, we’ve got to go and talk to your father again, get him to come back to the Resistance! We can’t let him stay here, we won’t let him stay here!”
You smiled and stood with Rey’s help. “You’re very persuasive! Maybe you should be leading this Resistance, you’re almost as scary as Leia is when she gets all authoritative.”
Rey grinned back at you. “I’ve heard that a time or two, now let’s go.”
Without another word, you two followed your fathers footsteps and soon came to an entrance to which laid many huts which all looked the same. There was no noise coming from any of them.
“Which one did he go to?” Rey asked and you used the connection with your father to find him.
You grabbed Rey’s hand and lead her to a hut that was to your right and three down. You didn’t even bother knocking on the door, just walked right on in. Your father was making tea or something like that. His back was to you. “Go away.” He said gruffly.
This was not how this was going to go, you were sure of that. “Father, you’re coming back with us to the Resistance! Aunt Leia demands it of you, we need you to face Kylo Ren, he’s helping the First Order take complete control of the galaxy, we’re down to our last glimpses of hope! You’re one of them! Come back with us or I’m getting Chewie up here to drag you back!”
Luke turned instantly. “Chewie? How did you get here?”
“The Millennium Falcon.” Rey answered immediately and Luke’s eyes widened even more and he didn’t’ miss a beat.
“The Millennium Falcon? Chewie? (YN), what happened to Han?”
Both your eyes and Rey’s eyes went downcast immediately, Luke understood then. “He’s gone?”
“Kylo. Ben.” Was all you replied and Luke’s face went darker than before. “Now, do you see why we need you to come back? Help us defeat Kylo Ren and the First Order! Train Rey here to be the next best Jedi! She’s already faced Kylo once, did fairly well, but now we need you to go after him! You did this to him, you need to put an end to it! Please, father, please come back and help us!”
Luke had walked over to you, lifting your chin up with his robotic finger, the cool metal sent a chill down your spine. He said nothing as he enveloped you into one of the biggest hugs you’d ever been a part of in your life, you wrapped you arms around him and began to let the tears fall down your face again. “I missed you, (YN).”
“Missed you too, father, please come back! For the Resistance, for Leia, for me!” you finished that word with a small hiccup. “Please.” You may have been begging at this point, but you didn’t care. The galaxy needed Luke Skywalker to come back and help defeat the First Order and you needed your father back into your life, he’d been gone from it way too long.
When he pulled back from the hug, you stared into each other’s eyes, both sets were full of wet glistening tears. “I don’t know if I can come back, I haven’t used the Force since I left, I can’t be the Jedi you all need me to be!”
You weren’t taking that for an answer. “Yes, you can father! Obi-Wan believed in you then, I believe in you now! Rey believes in you now, Leia, your sister believes in you and before Kylo Ren killed him, Uncle Han believed in you too! He helped Rey bring a droid with the map here back to the Resistance, he stood up to Kylo for you, father! We all know you can do this! Please, do this! You’re our only hope.”
He turned, and you thought you’d made him angry again, but a small smile had shown up instead and he looked between you and Rey. “Alright, take me to the Falcon and Chewie, and, for my child, (YN), let’s take down this First Order once and for all.”
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