#rex and mari🥺
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The Captain’s Log Prequel
A Captain Rex x OC: Mari Vontas Origin Story
Chapter 4: Discoveries in Uncharted Space
Series Summary: Mari Vontas has spent nearly twenty years of her life rising to the surface of the bustling ecumenopolis of the Republic Capital planet of Coruscant. Now, about a year into the conflict known galaxy-wide as the Clone Wars, Mari finds herself on a Civilian Rights Committee serving closely under none other than Senator Padmé Amidala. Though her passion for justice fuels her professionally, her personal life has yet to catch up. That is, until a night at the clone bar 79s changes her passion for her job, her historically rocky love life and the trajectory of her destiny forever.
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Pairing: Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas Word Count: 10k Series Rating: Explicit (18+ only, Minors DO NOT INTERACT) Chapter Summary: Mari and Rex's profound indulgence in each other has its roots in an unexpected place, from a near-death experience, with thoughts of a once unimaginable future on their horizon. Chapter Warnings: 18+ Explicit, NSFW, P in V Sex, Oral Sex (F Receiving), Language, Political References, References to Canon Plot, References to Canon, Mentions of the Ethics of War, Cloning and Clone Independence, References to Violence and Injuries
There was nothing about Mari’s surface-level life that she could ever fully grow accustomed to; not the sunlight shining on her face as it rose over the skyline and through her window, not the fact that her apartment was thousands of credits a month instead of government-supplied, and certainly not the fact that she had Republic senate transport readily available for her use whenever she wanted.
She was fully content to take the tram or local hovercabs everywhere. She had been an average citizen for most of her life so far–maybe less than average if she was honest with herself. A lift through the lower levels from a droid didn’t bother her the same way it would most of her coworkers, so when she suggested they hail a hovercab or take the tram home from the biggest senate event on the planet, Rex looked at her in disbelief.
They spent the entire ride to her apartment letting their hands wander just enough to explore each others’ bodies without disturbing the driver. Not that Mari cared particularly. She wasn’t the first girl to spend her late-night hours fooling around with a clone, and she certainly wasn’t going to be the last–especially not when he happened to be hands down the hottest hook-up she’d ever had.
His massive, armor-covered bicep slung over her shoulders as he pulled her tightly into his side, keeping her warm enough to stave off the chill of the cool night air. She normally loved watching the illuminated windows of Coruscant’s sky-level buildings pass by her as she made her way through traffic, but tonight her sights were focused elsewhere.
Rex’s beautifully rounded jawline tensed as he focused on their surroundings. Now and then he glanced down at her, flashing her his cute little side smile and turning back to watch their commute to hide the blush on his cheeks. His deep brown eyes flitted over the changing landscape as they sped through the air like he was carefully watching for any danger that could pull him away from this moment and into action.
More than anything, Mari wanted to throw herself into his lap again and steal all his attention away. Yet, watching him scan the world around them was equally as fascinating, and she would’ve paid as many credits as she had to watch him in action. He was a captain after all, so he must’ve been quite the intimidating man in battle. The Separatists wouldn’t stand a chance and she was sure his battle records probably reflected that.
By the time they arrived at her district, Mari was so turned on from watching him all focused and protective that she wasn’t even sure she could walk out of the cab. Well, that and the fact that she was understandably sore from taking him in that empty office only an hour earlier. She mustered up every ounce of strength she had left and followed him out of the transport, letting him take her hand to help her steady herself.
Rex tangled his fingers with hers and stepped forward, starting a leisurely pace to accommodate her. “So,” he started, looking around at the gilded, shimmering buildings that made up her block and laughed softly, “this is home huh? Fancy. Beats the hell out of our barracks.”
“It’s a lot more private if that’s what you mean.” she joked, pulling her dress up to allow her to move more easily. Rex looked at her knowingly and stopped, holding out his hand expectantly.
“Let me help you with that. Don’t want you to trip.”
“No no, it’s fine, really. I got it. I think I can handle holding some fabric.”
“I made it hard enough for you to walk as it is, c’mon let me help.” he chuckled, a twinkle of innuendo-laced mischief sparking in his pretty brown eyes.
Mari dropped her gaze to the street below, her messy curls falling lazily over her shoulder. Now she was the one blushing. “Fine, Captain. I will let you help me, but only because you owe me for ruining this in the first place.” She lifted the satin fabric high enough off the ground to expose her feet and handed him whatever excess he could hold.
He watched her carefully, his gaze roving over her curvy frame all over again. “Oh, I will make it up to you. I promise.” His eyes crinkled into little half moons when he smiled and Mari felt her belly tighten in response to what was clearly a more than suggestive promise. “But I think it might not end well for that dress, Mari. Not with how crazy good you look in it.”
“Oh, that’s ok. I have other things you might like seeing me in,” she replied, biting her bottom lip and blinking up at him innocently. “Or you know… not in.”
Rex’s brows raised and he shook his head in disbelief at his luck tonight. “Come on then, mesh’la. Take me home. You can show me around later.” He took a handful of her dress and urged her forward, ready to follow her lead toward her building only a few blocks up the path. She obliged and started on her way, practically skipping with excitement and swaying her backside more than necessary just to tease him.
They approached her skyscraper and snuck in the backdoor on the speeder platform, preferring to use the more private entrance set aside for the famous and wealthy to use unbothered by the public. It was perfect for sneaking someone out or, in their case, sneaking someone in. It took everything in Mari not to smother him in kisses in the lift up to her floor and by the time they got to her door, she was sure her desire for him must’ve been radiating off her in waves.
She jammed in her chaincode and her apartment doors slid open, the whole place illuminated by the neon signs that dotted the speeder lane her apartment overlooked. She stepped inside and Rex followed, the tamping of his plastoid boots on her solid marble floors filling the air. She flicked the lights on and set her stuff on the shelf, removing her heels and shrinking down another few inches. Rex ran his hand down her arm, reminding her of just how much she had wanted him to get her out of this dress again. Instead, he slowly walked past her, looking around at the size of her place and taking it all in.
Her hallway was dotted with her favorite flimsis of herself and her friends. A large circular portal door marked entry into the main room, a living room with a deep purple flat cushioned sofa and floating white caf table in front of a holoscreen she watched all her favorite shows on. A small white island divided the living room and the kitchen, where an unopened box of groceries sat waiting to be organized into place. Her bedroom door was just beyond the living space off the hallway on the other side and though she was itching to pull him in there, he clearly enjoyed looking around.
“Welcome to my place.” she declared awkwardly, never quite feeling or even believing that it was hers sometimes. “Sorry, I didn’t clean up much. It was a rough week.”
He stopped in the center of her living room to look out the massive circular window onto her small balcony and turned back at her in amazement. “This whole place is just yours? It’s amazing.”
“Thanks. I love it, but it can feel a little too big sometimes. It’s much more than I’ve ever had before.”
“Yeah���a lot more than I’m used to.” he chuckled, “I mean I’ve got my own quarters. But most of the time I’m just on a cot. Don’t have time to make it feel like a home, you know?”
Oddly enough, she did know. She knew all too well.
After her parents died and she was put up in her republic sanctioned boarding house, she didn’t bother to decorate anything. It wasn’t home to her. A single bed in a single corner of a cold, stale building on the lower third of Coruscant wasn’t anything worth getting used to. Wherever else she and Siviee could find to hold up in always felt cooler than republic housing.
This was the first place that truly belonged to her and though she loved decorating it, it still didn’t feel real sometimes. As if she was inevitably going to be taken back underground to one of her secret hideouts any day now. Never staying in the same place long enough to call it home.
Yeah, she understood exactly what Rex meant, but she didn’t need to tell him that. Not yet.
“Makes sense.” She shrugged off the subject and made her way to the kitchen to put away the groceries that her building's protocol droid routinely dropped off at the end of every week. “At least you’ve got all your brothers around. Though having met your men, it seems like you’ve got your hands full,” she smirked, remembering how his men razzed him at the bar the first night they met.
Rex cocked his head in agreement, “And that wasn’t even close to all of them.” He stepped closer, looking nervously at her as if he needed to ask for permission to sit. She had to remind herself she was dealing with a soldier, he would probably do that a lot.
She smiled at him, pulling out a stool and nodding him toward it. “You don’t have to ask me to sit, Rex. You can do whatever you want with me. There are no rules here.” She didn’t mean that to come out as suggestively as it did, but she didn’t feel too inclined to take it back either.
“Uh- right. Just being polite.” he sputtered out with a sheepish grin, taking a seat and making Mari’s insides flutter at his endearing awkwardness. He was so out of his element here it was almost funny. He may not have ever stepped foot inside a civilian residence off the clock. He was like a deer in speeder glowbeams.
“So how many men do you lead then, Captain?” Mari asked as she shut the last of her groceries in her cabinets. “I’m supposed to know this, being a member of the Senate and all, but the details of the Grand Army of the Republic are still fuzzy to me.”
Rex set his helmet on the counter and crossed his arms, the plastoid clattering as he settled into the stool. “Well that depends. Technically, I am in charge of the entire 501st Battalion which is really a Regiment of 2,304 men. Most Battalions are 576 men. You only met some of the boys from Torrent Company , which is 144 men.”
Mari blinked at him dramatically in confusion. “How is anyone supposed to follow that ?” she laughed and leaned on the counter, letting her breasts spill out of the top of her dress just enough to keep things interesting.
He tried very hard to pretend not to notice, but his much slower response told Mari that her teasing was working. Just like before, she wanted to see how far she could push him before he’d make a move. She couldn’t always be the one doing all the work. She wanted to be reminded again of what he was made of.
“Well, as is the case with my General, we don’t. Technically a group our size requires a Clone Commander .” Rex pointed out, his focused stare beginning to wander other places as the lust expanded the dark depths of his pupils.
Mari’s not-so-innocent glare met his as her hands began to wander up the length of his arm while he spoke. She traced the scratches and deep gouge marks on the plastoid, her mind just as fascinated by the stories his armor told. “And you’re not a Commander? Certainly seemed like you could’ve been to me.”
She stepped closer, walking her fingers up his biceps and giggling softly. She unclasped the buckles of his armor, unceremoniously letting his shoulder pauldrons and his chest plate fall to the floor beneath them. He turned toward her instinctively and allowed her body to slot between his knees. “Our…our Commander is the General’s Padawan. I was with her earlier. Besides, I prefer being a Captain…more-more hands-on.”
“That’s the idea.” Mari quipped, sliding herself now chest to chest with him and practically eliciting a whine out of him. “I seem to recall you being very…very good with those hands.” she carefully ran her hands down the length of his arms, removing the last of the armor on his upper body. The standard black issue body glove clung to him in all the right places and highlighted the dips and curves of his muscles beautifully.
Rex exhaled to calm himself, unclasping the armor on his lower half to remove it as well, and grinning at her as she groomed his ego. “I am. They…uhm…the boys count on me. The General trusts me to lead them all, even as a Captain. It’s more work than most Captains ever get, but I’m good at it. I love a challenge.”
“That’s a lot of weight to carry, blondie,” Mari joked, running her fingers along the pale blond fuzz at the nape of his neck. She traced her touch along knots formed along the broad line of his shoulders over a brutal year of war. “on these big, gorgeous shoulders. I don’t know how you manage it all.”
His eyes explored her face, darting between the depth in her brown eyes to the part of her kiss-flushed lips. He chuffed as he smiled half-heartedly, “That’s what my training was for. Besides, all that helps me do this.” Suddenly, his broad hands slid behind her back, hoisting her up onto her counter with ease and sliding her waist flush with his.
Mari giggled in both nervousness and anticipation, watching the familiar lust return to his pretty face. He rested his forehead on hers, pure passion simmering within him waiting for a spark to start the fire again. She could practically feel the blood pumping him full against her center and she slowly exhaled to let the tension build. His focus on her was so powerful it was almost intimidating, but his dominance over her gave her a rush she couldn’t help craving more of.
After a few tantalizing heartbeats and Rex’s battle-worn hands caressing the dip of her waist over her dress, she steadied herself on an elbow and cupped his cheek with her hand. “Well, if there’s anything I can do to relieve your stress-” Mari licked her lower lip and smirked up at him devilishly.
“I’ve got a few ideas.” He muttered, his other hand sliding further up her thigh underneath the blue satin hem. Mari’s chest heaved as her pulse raced faster and Rex stole a pretty obvious glance down at her breasts threatening to pop out of her dress. “If you’ll have me, of course.”
“You can have anything you want, Captain.” She trailed her fingertips down the thick corded vein in his neck, his pulse pounding beneath her touch. The tension in him was wound far tighter than his soldier’s composure would ever betray. She gripped the duraweave fabric clinging to his broad back and tugged upward, motioning for him to remove it. He smirked up at her and followed her unspoken orders, removing his top and tossing it into a heap on her floor. As Mari’s touch ghosted down the tight muscles of his chest and rippled over his abdominals, his weighted palm hooked into the crease of her upper thigh.
“I know what I want...” he muttered as if to declare it to the galaxy for maybe the first time. His fingertips traced across her hip bone and he dragged them tantalizing slowly down her soft skin. “To return the favor, mesh’la.” He smiled, tipping her chin in his other hand and drawing her attention to the passion in his eyes.
Mari let out a surprised sigh as the tension snapped and Rex closed the tantalizing space between them. She let her lips part and his tongue slipped inside, sliding over hers with calculated reverence. His lips were smooth, the faintest hint of champagne still lingering from the gala earlier. He took silent breaths each time he broke for air, goading her into chasing after him for more.
His hands worked twice as hard as his tongue, meticulously working to move her dress out of his way and sliding the delicate straps off her shoulders. His bare fingertips ghosted up her inner thighs, making her shudder the closer he ventured to her center. Mari couldn’t help the way her hips bucked closer to him, desperate for him to feel the heat he was already coaxing out of her.
“You always so needy?” he whispered between kisses, letting his other hand tangle in the hair at the nape of her neck as he held her.
“Oh you have no idea.” she giggled, letting her head drop back to give him easier access to her neck. He took the hint, breaking from her lips to lave his hot tongue along her jaw. She gasped, breaking into a delighted smile as his hand slid further down her back. “Especially looking like you do.”
“Is that so?” he teased, his tongue tracing down the corded vein in her neck. “I could have a lot of fun with you…” His lips closed in on the hollow of her neck, sucking what would no doubt turn into a massive purple mark on her skin. “Could tease you and make you wait hours.” he chuckled, his fingers catching the latch of her bra and snapping it open easily.
Mari whined pathetically, her free hand rushing to grip his bicep. “Please don’t.” she pleaded, catching his eye as he backed up to slip the bra off her chest. He smirked, gently twirling one of her fallen curls around his finger. He moved it aside slowly, brushing it off the curve of her breast so he could cup it in his hand.
He smiled at her appreciatively and ran the pad of his thumb over her pebbled nipple. Dipping back down into the crook of her neck, he traced down to meet where his hand cupped her breast, leaving hot kisses in his wake. “Don’t worry, mesh’la, I couldn’t even if I wanted to.” he muttered, popping off the plush of her breast so hard it was sure to break the blood vessels underneath. “No man could be that strong, trust me.”
“Good because I don’t want to waste another second without feeling you.” Mari said, her free hand scratching along the hair on the back of his neck. She gasped as he suckled her nipple between his lips, his tongue swirling around and sending shivers up her back. “ Oh Rex .”
He hummed with amusement, letting his strong hand massage her other breast lewdly. “You like that hmm?” He looked up at her with a smirk, his breath across her spit-slick skin making her nipples harden at the sudden cold. “Can’t help but worship ‘em. Your tits are fucking perfect.”
“Just like the rest of me?” she quipped, not quite ready to let him win yet. Her back arched as he turned his attention to the other breast, leaving another purple mark to match the first. He hummed in confirmation, his wandering hands now bunching up the fabric at her waist in a decisive effort to remove it.
“Exactly. I see why you’ve got all that confidence I like so much.” he smiled up at her, fiddling with the side zipper on her dress and finally sliding it open. “Those stuffy idiots you work with should appreciate you more. We certainly would.” With a firm tug he motioned for her to wriggle her hips and he slid the dress right off of her. “Bold, outspoken, funny, smart…we clones always take notice of someone like you.”
His palms ran gingerly down her bare sides like he was carving the shape of her from his own imagination. Trailing kisses down her stomach, he let each one linger the closer he got to her core. His warm breath coaxed the flames of the burning desire now swirling in her belly just like they had before. He could work her into a frenzy just like this, so tenderly and so easily. It was a nice change of pace from men in her past who spent practically no time prepping her this intimately before sex.
“You always talk so much? I bet you say such nice things to every girl who likes you.” Mari challenged, biting her lower lip while his hands massaged at the curve of her backside. She could feel his smirk against her skin as he gripped her ass harder.
“Only if it’s someone who deserves to hear it,” he muttered sweetly, kissing just below her navel and turning his grip inward to run over her inner thigh cautiously. “You act like I do this often.” Rex giggled, shaking his head at her in disbelief. She was always someone who took a lot of convincing, especially after all that men had done to her.
“I know what most clones get up to on shore leave. It’s my job to know.” Mari laughed, her breasts bouncing as her chest heaved. Rex couldn’t look away, losing his train of thought as he stared longingly. “Who do you think makes sure the Republic pays the subsidies so 79s can stay open?”
Rex’s brows raised in surprise. “On behalf of my men, you have our eternal thanks, but I lost interest in that kinda thing the second I was made captain. Don’t usually have the time for fun like that…or other things.” He glared at her, almost as if he was trying to reassure her through eye contact alone.
From Mari’s point of view, she had a gorgeous, half-naked, decorated clone captain situating himself between her legs and touching exactly the right places to drive her crazy. Either he had done this loads of times before or this was the fate of the universe bringing exactly the right person to her. After being given absolutely no favors in life and never being graced with the force’s mystical abilities, Mari was far more inclined to believe the former. She could never be that lucky.
They stared at each other for a few tantalizing heartbeats until slowly Rex gripped her inner thigh, his kisses following his hands into the crease. “Don’t worry, mesh’la. I know a guy doesn’t come across someone like you every day.”
Mari shivered as she watched Rex inch ever closer to where she wanted his attention. He slowed down, dragging things out to let the tension build, but keeping his movements slow and his eyes on her. Her heart was pounding, making her cunt gently throb to the rhythm of her pulse. She wanted him to have her all over again and the look in his eyes gave her no indication that he planned on stopping.
Rex backed up, maintaining his mesmerizing gaze as he exhaled a long pent-up hiss. His warm roughened palms slid up the insides of her thighs to just graze the bare skin of her core. “Mari-” Mari’s breath hitched in her throat as he looked down at where his hands rested. He drew little soothing circles against her skin with his thumb and waited for her attention again. “Do you trust me?”
What he was suggesting was a thousand times more intimate than most of the things she’d done with men she had actually dated . She’d only known him a week, give or take a few rotations. Yet, he waited for her approval. He checked in with her and went at a pace she was comfortable with. The haze of lust darkening his brown eyes was as enticing as it was honest and endearing. Suddenly, she was never more sure of anything in her life.
“Yes.” she whined, reaching for something to hold on to and finding his hand already there to receive hers. He kissed each knuckle softly before settling to his knees. Mari parted her thighs and trembled as she exposed her bare core to him. He inhaled sharply, his eyes glazing over with want as she showed him what he had been longing for.
He settled her hand down onto the smooth counter surface and stroked his palm along the inside of her thigh, dangerously close to her heat. Turning his attention toward the delicate exposed skin, he placed painfully light kisses closer and closer to her center.
“My pretty girl…” he muttered, kissing just along the outer folds and making goosebumps erupt across the expanse of her satiny smooth skin. “I want to make you feel as good as you deserve.” The pad of his thumb gingerly traced patterns just above her clit, letting her anticipation build even more. “Like you’re the only person in the galaxy who gets to know pleasure like this.”
His gaze locked with hers, his tongue darting out to wet his lips and just barely grazing the node. Mari let out a shaky exhale, her lower half trembling as excitement and adrenaline overtook her. His eyes blazed with determination and he didn’t look away for a second as he calculated his next move. With a deep exhale that sent his heated breaths of anticipation along her wet lips, he leaned in, pressing a solid kiss to her clit.
“Oh Rex…more kisses… please ,” Mari whined impatiently, feeling the prickling heat of desire rushing into her lower belly all at once. He hummed in satisfaction, the sensation only adding to the tingling at her core. Slowly, he dotted kiss after kiss on her sensitive clit, each one lasting a little longer than the last.
Unsurprisingly, he was just as good with his tongue as he was with his fingers a few hours ago. He held her eager hips down with one hand and parted her folds with the other. His lips wrapped around her clit, earning a high-pitched mewl as it made tingles spread outward from her core. He suckled gently, his fingers circling her wet entrance to tease her more. “That’s it, mesh’la. Taste so good. You want me in that pretty pussy again, don’t you?”
“Mhm. I’m ready, Rex. Take whatever you want. I’m yours.” she whined, rolling her hips toward him for more. His palms slid outward along her inner thighs, holding her steady to prevent her from picking up the pace.
“I know you are, Mari. And you’re such a good girl for me, but we have time and I want to give you the attention you deserve.” Rex cooed, leaning in to kiss her clit again and pressing his tongue firmly against the swollen node. She shook with anticipation, the heat swirling in her lower belly rapidly pooling at her entrance. She tried to writhe for more, but his hands held her steady.
His tongue lapped over the bud with increasing speed, strands of saliva dripping down between her folds illicitly. Mari moaned as the tension carried her higher, her back arching off the cool stone of her countertop. She laid out before him, fully naked, dripping with want, and totally at his command. It was filthy and forbidden and she loved it.
One of her hands gripped at the frictionless stone behind her, the other scratching along the rippling muscles of his bare shoulder. His tongue delved lower with each pass, parting her folds and tasting the wetness coating them. He groaned, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy as he enjoyed more of her.
“You’re…so good at that… Rex .” Mari whined, her thighs beginning to shake as the tension in her belly tightened even more. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath, but the racing of her pulse only made her cunt throb harder.
Rex’s gaze flicked up to watch her tits shifting lewdly with every movement. “I know,” he said as he chuckled with satisfaction. “I can tell.”
He was eating her out like he’d been starved for years and in his defense he probably had been. Clones didn’t often have time for foreplay at all, much less like this. Mari watched him through her lustful gaze. His brows screwed together in determined concentration, his pupils blown wide with desire and that signature grin on his face combined to make him so irresistibly attractive it made her body overheat.
Her opening fluttered around his tongue, just beginning to dip down inside her. White hot desire flared down her spine and she moaned so loudly she was grateful they were alone this time. Rex chuckled in smug satisfaction, the vibrations making Mari shudder with delight all over again. “You’ve been dripping for me since we left the gala, haven’t you? All over that cab too?”
Mari couldn’t vocalize a response anymore. She could barely do more than nod at him. He was overwhelming her much more quickly than before and she was sure one of those wide, strong fingers of his entering her would be her undoing. Just as she thought it, one finger replaced his tongue, slipping inside her opening with ease. Her walls received him eagerly, siphoning him deeper within her and making her whimper at the intrusion. “R-rex…I can’t-can’t take much more.”
He was too lost in her to register her words and he swore under his breath at the feeling of her slick now coating his fingers. “Say that again ,” he asked, licking another stripe over her clit. “My name. Say my name like that again. Sounds so good when you say it.” He pulled back and let a second finger enter with the first, his thumb gently padding her clit to keep the steady burn rising.
The familiar haze of climax was beginning to form inside her and she was barely conscious enough to remember her own name. But she wanted to please him and to let him know that if he kept treating her this well, she’d give him anything he asked. “Rex,” she moaned loudly, the sound making him chuckle with dark satisfaction, “Rex I’m so close.”
He curled his fingers inside her, massaging the spot that she had only ever been able to find on her own. Mari cried out in pleasure, droves of curses following as he prodded at the same spot in perfect rhythm with his circles on her clit. “Right there… fuck ..r-right there.”
Rex's brow furrowed with determination and he let out a few curses of his own as he kept at his mind-melting pace. “See? I know exactly how to take care of you, don’t I? Want to make you cum the way only I can. Can you do that for me, mesh’la?”
His fingertips fluttered against the spot inside her that made her see stars and she could feel the heat inside starting to overwhelm her. Everything about him was making her hot and she wanted nothing more than to give him what he so clearly desired. She whimpered, meeting his gaze as he let his tongue swirl over her clit again. “Cum for me, Mari. All over my fingers so I can taste you, pretty girl.”
Mari’s heart was pounding in her chest, the thumping rhythm of her pulse reaching a crescendo as she locked eyes with him. The passion in his eyes as he devoured her was such a stark contrast to the gentle, complimentary, polite nature he had always shown her. This side of him was maddeningly sexy and more seductive than any soldier-any man -she had ever known. His eyelids hooded in overwhelming desire as he suckled at her clit one final time, watching carefully for her reaction as he pressed his fingers up into her spot again, hard.
Her high collided with her at blinding speed, making her vision go white and a fantastic wave of sizzling tension melt down the entire length of her body. Her opening fluttered around his fingers, her walls clamping down on them inside and flooding her molten heat into his waiting palm. She sang out moans that would’ve made lewd holovid actors jealous and that she was absolutely positive she had never made for any other man before in her life. Mari’s fingers desperately scraped the smooth marbled countertop for something, anything to hold onto as her entire body convulsed with pleasure.
Instead, she was met with the warmth of his free hand again, his fingers tangling with hers and his thumb caressing the soft skin as she rode out her climax. “Easy, cyar’ika. I’ve got you. So fucking pretty watching you cum. Breathe and enjoy it. I want you to remember this the same way I always will.” He muttered, his fingers inside her still very slowly stimulating her as the spasming in her walls slowed.
All the heat in her body was replaced with the pleasant feeling of floating and finality she always experienced after any encounter she’d ever had. Yet none of them ever felt quite as all-consuming as this. If there was ever a way to know what floating in uncharted space felt like, Mari imagined it was something like this.
She giggled with delight, letting her every nerve ending feel the spark of pleasure he had brought her to. There was nothing else in her atmosphere but him. He surrounded her in every way and would keep her in this state of blissful balance for as long as he could.
“Wow…Rex.” she smiled at him, “get up here and kiss me.” Both of her hands grabbed for him this time and he slowly rose to his feet. His chin glistened with her wet release and he lifted her still boneless body into his arms to hold her steady.
“That good huh?” he shot her a cocky smirk, reaching up to wipe his chin with the back of his palm. Before he could, Mari grabbed both his cheeks in her hands and planted a sloppy kiss on him, licking the taste of her off of his lips. He tangled his hands in her hair, his tongue twisting with hers and savoring the taste of her pussy on both their tongues.
Mari broke from the kiss gasping and cleaned off the rest of his face with the pad of her thumb. “So, so unbelievably good.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight. “So good…that I don’t think I want it to end just yet. If that’s ok with you, Sir.”
Rex chuckled mischievously, “oh you want more , my filthy mesh’la?” he growled playfully, kneading her bottom in his hands. He turned them both around, looking for her bedroom door and finding its location with relative ease. “That can be arranged.”
Her thighs tightened their hold on his waist and she leaned back in his grasp to look at him eye to eye. “Ah ah…but this time I call the shots. I still have to put you in your place for earlier. My poor dress, what a shame,” she playfully tutted, scolding him softly.
His brows raised in surprise, “Yes ma’am. Whatever you say.” He smirked, a twinkle of mischief and excitement sparking in his eyes. He moved to her room faster than his perfectly engineered body could carry him, Mari continuing to dot his neck with little kisses.
She could feel his growing thickness against her bare center, the familiar warmth making her body ache for more of him all over again. Dragging her kisses to just below his jawline, she shifted her weight to pull him further into her room. He stopped in the doorway, grabbing her cheek and turning to lock her into another kiss.
He wanted her, she could feel it in the strength behind his kisses and the urgency in his steps. Faster and faster his heartbeats pounded against where her chest met his. Between broken kisses, he muttered the directive he needed, “Where…do you…want me?”
Mari pulled away, glancing at the state of her room behind her. She didn’t have much time to clean before she left for the gala earlier, but it wasn’t untidy. She couldn’t stand a messy bed, so naturally, that was their best option, thankfully. Rex suckled at the juncture where her jaw met her neckline, making her gasp out loud right before she could answer him. “B-bed,” she smiled, her hands dropping to grip his bicep. “Lay down for me.”
His dark eyes flitted around the unfamiliar room, finding her bed toward the back right wall. Humming in satisfaction he rasped, “Hmm, like it when you give me orders.” Mari giggled in response, unable to hide the blushed heat rising in her cheeks. He made his way toward her bed, spinning to seat himself down on the side of it.
Slowly, she slid her palms down his arms, working to get hold of his hands as she rolled her hips against his lap. “Well then tonight I can be in charge of you, Captain,” she whispered, her voice husky with lust. Her fingers wrapped around his wrists and she threw him down beneath her, pinning his arms above his head. “Understand?”
He exhaled shakily, his cock twitching against her heat and his eyes hooding with want. “Perfectly.” He rolled his hips up into her, the straining cloth of his bottoms catching her clit cruelly. “I’m all yours, gorgeous.”
She sat herself up, flattening her palms onto his lower torso. Her fingertips traced the cushioned muscles, following the subtle dips and curves of his abs until she reached his bottoms. “Since you love teasing me with these, better get them off you.”
Rex snorted, “you act like that’s a punishment for me.” He lifted his hips allowing her wiggle room to slide his black duraweave bottoms down his thighs. He shuddered as she palmed him over his briefs. Her hands stroked the length of him, eager to make him feel as good as he had her.
“Be careful, soldier. I can make it one if you really want me to.” She dipped her head down to where her hands were, eager to leave her faint lipstick stains on the strained fabric of his briefs. Rex nodded at her, following her intention to its logical conclusion and swallowing thickly as he waited in anticipation. She smirked, leaning forward to press a heavy kiss on his still-clothed tip. His head tipped back onto her mattress, sighing in delight as she let the trail of kisses travel down his shaft.
“Fuck…really like that. Such a little tease, aren’t ya.” He groaned, his deep voice gravelly and low as primal desire took over. His thighs shifted uncomfortably, desperate to have her touch him more.
Mari curled her fingers beneath the hem of his briefs and tugged them down slowly, her lips dragging kisses back up his length to meet his now bare tip. Grazing his sensitive head with her tongue, he gasped and bucked his hips into her. His hands flew to her head on instinct, slipping into her hair and holding on as her touch lingered.
She had absolutely no intention of making him wait any longer or prepping him any more than he already was. She needed his perfect, throbbing cock filling her now. But he didn’t know that. His hands cupped her cheek and slipped falling strands of hair out of her face, thinking that more delightful torture was imminent.
Instead, Mari sat up, sliding his bottoms fully off him and letting his cock slap up against his torso. “Oh normally I can be. But I can’t wait anymore to have you.” She slung her leg over his waist, straddling him fully and grabbing his sides for balance. He looked up at her in very thankful awe, resting his hands on her widened thighs.
He stared up at her, his gaze unbreakable and focused and his endearing smile growing on his handsome face. “Me neither,” he muttered, sliding his palms along the curves of her hips to grip her waist. Those beautiful brown eyes of his were never more honest than when they were looking at her and her heart jumped into her throat as the moment froze them both in time for a few breaths.
She broke first to line her entrance up with him, hovering above him torturously and jerking her hips along his length to slick him with the wetness coating her folds from her previous climax. Mari inhaled sharply, her body so desperate to feel him again it was making her shake. His reassuring hands on her waist and hip bone kept her grounded in the moment.
“Easy, my mesh’la, easy. I’ve got you. Take as much time as you need. Look so fucking good like this. Like a perfect dream for me.” His deep voice was as soothing as it was arousing and it gave her the strength she needed to settle herself down on top of him.
A garbled groaning sound cut off his words as she slipped his cock past her entrance. She carefully bobbed her hips up and down, easing him further and further into her heat with each shift of her hips. Her brows knitted together and her lips dropped open in a silent moan as she absorbed the delightfully painful stretch of him inside her again.
Mari could barely find the strength to move. He was huge , somehow feeling even bigger than earlier in this current position. With her every breath he shifted deeper into her and she whimpered as she finally felt him bottom out, her thighs splayed apart on either side of his toned waist. “S-so…big.” Her eyes rolled back and she bit her lower lip as her walls involuntarily contracted around him.
She was so much more sensitive this time. He speared into her so deep it was like he was rooted to her very core. She’d taken her fair share of sizes in her life. Nothing, nothing , felt like he did. The blood pumping him thick made him throb against her walls so strongly she could practically feel his pulse. His cock’s slight curve upward reached everywhere inside her that no other man ever had. He was perfect. He was made that way and he was hers. Right now, he was all hers.
Rex was desperately trying to pull himself together. Words weren’t finding his normally perfectly slick tongue and he looked wrecked with overcoming lust. His hands gripped her waist so hard she was sure she was already bruising and she didn’t care. She wanted to wear the way he held her for the rest of time if she could.
All of this overwhelming pleasure and she hadn’t even shifted a single bit yet. As she rose up and arched her back, the absence of him in the deepest depths of her cunt made tears prick in her eyes instantly. Almost immediately, she sat back down on him fully again. She moaned this time, loudly. The fullness making the heat in her belly feel so good she couldn’t help herself.
She lifted up again, this time finding a rhythm aided by his arms holding her up gingerly. The downright divine friction of his cock splitting her walls open repeatedly had her ravenous. The coiling in her belly furiously ignited the passionate flames of molten desire she’d only known since him. Over and over she rose and fell on top of him, riding his perfect, pounding cock as fast as she could handle.
Rex found his composure far sooner than she could, remembering his strength as her ever-tightening walls pushed his all too human instincts to kick in. He held her with both hands now, guiding her up and down the way he liked and carrying some of the weight to ensure she never tired. She was grateful for that because with how much strength it took her not to collapse immediately onto his chest, she needed the help.
“Rex. I…can’t stop…” she gasped, the rising heat making a sheen of sweat break out over her tan skin. The sounds of skin slapping skin filled her apartment, only broken by the groans and high-pitched whimpers leaving them both. “So deep. I love it just like this.” She reached for his hand and placed it on her breasts, begging him to touch her all over just to add to the pleasure.
“You’re fucking beautiful riding my cock. Such a good girl. Telling me how you like it, taking whatever you want from me. Use my cock. I want you to feel so good.” he urged, rolling her nipple between his fingers and groaning as her walls tightened around him in response.
“I feel…amazing. You’re so good, Rex. So…so good. Love how you fill me.” Mari cried out, grinding her hips down on top of him and watching his strength falter as he bottomed out inside her again. “Fill me better than anyone else, Rex. You’re perfect for me,” she admitted, throwing her head back and moaning loudly as he spanked her cheek playfully.
“I know I do. Want you to feel it all, mesh’la. I wanted to fuck you like this the second I met you. Fuck you so deep you forget everyone else. I wanted to make you mine.” he groaned, sitting up suddenly and wrapping his arm around her waist. Mari bucked her hips into him, the hairs around the base of him catching her clit perfectly and making her whine desperately in pleasure.
“I…I am yours. Fuck me like I’m yours, Rex. Only yours.” she begged, speeding up her hips and grabbing his face in her hands. She wanted to look him in the eye this time. She wanted to see his eyes as he took her away to bliss. The heat between them made their sweaty bodies frictionless and all Mari could do was chase her high against his lap.
Rex met her gaze with fiery determination, holding the hair at the nape of her neck and sharing his every breath with her as their thrusts met in unison. Asking him to make her his was all it took to blast his remaining composure to oblivion. His hips rocketed to life, snapping up to meet her bucking hips. Their volcanic climaxes rocketed toward each other with cataclysmic impact.
“Fuck, I’m…I’m cumming, Rex .” she moaned, looking into his eyes as her climax began to spread through her. She completely lost herself, resting forehead to forehead as the drag of his cock inside of fluttering walls made her vision white and overheated chills roll down her body from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. Her every nerve was set alight with a powerful tingle that dissolved into stardust every time his cock buried into her core. Hot, thick, and tearing her apart, she felt the tension burst, her walls collapsing around him in torturous delight.
He growled, low and so resonant it vibrated in her chest, “You’re all mine, mesh’la. Only mine.” He pressed into her one final time, pausing there as his cock spasmed inside her grip and emptied full ribbons of himself inside her more times than she could count. With an outpouring of curses and the softest whimper of her name, he shuddered a few more times and collapsed on the bed behind them.
Mari pulled off him slowly and gently, sitting back on her palms and spreading her thighs open to let his spend drip out of her fluttering opening obscenely. She panted, moaning softly and smiling up at him as she watched the mess he made of her. “All yours.” she repeated, watching as he smirked up at her with tired satisfaction at his handiwork.
She fell back into bed, laying on her back as she enjoyed coming down from one of her best climaxes ever and by far the best sex she’d ever had. After finally catching her breath, she rolled over on her side, resting her head on Rex’s pillow and drowning herself in the growing comfort of his scent. His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her by the small of her back into his side tightly. His chest rose and fell steadily, the exertion barely making him winded at all.
His dark skin was covered in a sheen of sweat that somehow made him look more gorgeous than before. She rested her hand on his chest and traced patterns over his scars with her fingertips. It was hard for her to avoid the obvious question of how he’d gotten the newest one. Her gentle motions on his skin stopped as she wondered and Rex looked down at her quizzically.
“You ok?” he pondered, the back of his forefinger stroking the dip of her bare waist.
“How did it happen?” she muttered, gesturing to the scarred edges of the now-healed wound with her fingers.
He sighed, “Oh this? Well since it kept me from this for a week, I should tell you the story.” He chuckled dismissively, but stopped when he saw the look of concern on Mari’s face.
“Right. We were chasing General Grievous, he’s one of the leaders of the Separatist Droid Army,” he started explaining when Mari interrupted him.
“Oh I am well aware of who he is,” she said with disgust, rolling her eyes and nodding at him to continue.
“Yeah, so we had ‘em on the run. Their ship was crashing and we were so close to finding him on the planet Saleucami. Just as we were close to tracking them down on speeders, I took a hit to the chest. Probably a Commando droid. Knocked me off my speeder.” he shuddered just slightly enough for Mari to notice and she tightened her grip on his bicep protectively.
He looked down at the scar, breathing deeply once or twice to compose himself again. “Kix and Jesse found me. Took care of me. I wanted to keep going. But the blaster wound was pretty bad. I had to stay behind. Jesse and I came across a farm a few cliks west of us and decided we could ask for some rations, water, shelter or something. And uh well-” he blinked, his brows knitting together in confusion.
“Well what? You found something?” Mari asked, unable to hide her intrigue. He was actually a pretty good storyteller.
“The Farmer. He was a brother. A clone . Had his own land, crops, a home, a wife…kids..everything. All because he deserted the war. You know, clones can get brought in and court-martialed for that.” Rex explained, looking at Mari with an expression she couldn’t quite read this time.
“You can’t be serious. The GAR’s not going to imprison someone because they chose a different life for themselves. That’s insane.” Mari scoffed, sensing Rex himself may not have realized the lunacy of that being labeled a crime until recently.
“That’s the law, Mari. It’s what we’re taught to do in the event one of us runs away from duty. Report them and let the Kaminoans or someone do the rest. I was pretty close to doing so, until the droids came and attacked us.” he sighed, his hand on her waist balling into a fist instinctually.
“Separatist droids attacked a civilian homestead?” she asked in disbelief, thinking of at least seven republic treaties that kind of action violated. Not that the Separatists cared about any Republic laws.
“Yeah, guess the clankers figured we were a threat to Grievous. They saw two clones and just went for us. I didn’t have much range of motion, but I was healed enough to at least protect the family. I owed that to him for harboring me until I healed.” he stopped and looked out the window at the dark sky illuminated with artificial light. Mari watched his expression harden, his jaw tightening as he reminisced.
“So what happened?” Mari asked, gently squeezing his bicep to bring him back to her. He closed his eyes and tipped his head to rest on the top of hers.
“The droids stood no chance against a man and his family. Especially not two clones. His family was fine and I healed up enough to leave the atmosphere again. But after what he, Cut–his name was Cut–showed me…the loyalty to his family, that unending ferocity in battle, it was exactly like what we were raised to do. He was still doing his duty, but for him it was personal. In a way that it isn’t for the rest of us.” He drifted off, as if the action he didn’t take was still weighing on him in some way.
“You didn’t tell anyone about him���did you?” Mari figured, holding her breath as she pieced together what had been bothering him. The secret he kept for his brother could get them both in trouble and it was against everything he claimed he stood for. He didn’t follow protocol and it was haunting him.
“No. I couldn’t.” he muttered, the admittance so quiet she could practically feel his shame. “Everything I have ever been taught tells me I should have. And yet, in the moment, it didn’t feel right. Working under General Skywalker, I am no stranger to breaking rules. We do it all the time. But this time I’m been struggling with it and I don’t know why.”
Mari thought about it from Rex’s perspective. As a commanding officer, he had to show an unwavering commitment to the cause in order to lead his men. If he, or any clones in his position, began to show too much deviation from the rules that made their duty so effective then the consequences must be severe. Possibly even deadly.
In Mari’s political world, the first thing Padme and Bail ever taught her is that just because something is a rule or a law, doesn’t mean it’s morally or ethically correct. The clones' existence as a whole was riddled with moral ambiguity and to keep them in line it seemed that the structure of their entire military relied on denying them basic ethics for life forms.
Cut somehow had come to realize that as a life form with independent thought and will, he was deserving of the same basic freedoms that all other natborns in the galaxy are inherently given. Most clones might never come to that same conclusion and she could see that, for Rex, this realization was hitting him pretty hard.
“Because in this case, the right thing to do is to break that rule.” Mari answered after a long period of silence. “Just because the GAR has rules to keep its structure doesn’t mean they’re always right. Cut made a decision to give himself a choice in the life he decides to live. The same choice you all should have as sentient life forms.”
“And it bothers me because following the rules means denying him his independence. I know we’re supposed to be committed to the war, but I can’t in good conscience betray my brother’s wishes like that. I have a loyalty to them above everything else.” he shook his head, his heartbeat now pounding under Mari’s cheek.
“Is this the first time you’ve met a brother who felt he didn’t want to live a life of war?” Mari reached for his hand and laced her fingers between his. He kissed the back of her hand and rested their joined hands on his chest.
“No. I knew another. A brother who felt that joining the separatists would help free us, but that was more of a betrayal. This is different. Cut wants a life of peace with a wife and a family. I can’t say I disagree. We all want that deep down.” he stopped, his eyes locking with hers immediately as she turned to look at him.
Mari wanted to say something more, a funny little quip about that being the reason he’s in bed with her. But all the words died in her throat as she saw the way he looked at her. He explored her face, his eyes darting back and forth as he focused on one feature and the next. Almost like he was trying his hardest to draw her face into his memory. Speeder light and neon floating signs outside her window reflected in the enticing depth of his deep brown irises, sparking them with the same fire she lit his heart with.
There were no words to explain this feeling. She couldn’t come up with them if she tried. Neither could he. His actions tonight, his presence in her apartment, in her bed with her right now, said it all. Whatever he and Cut had discussed on Seelos, it made him think of her.
On some level, if all clones were thinking about their individual lives beyond war, he was imagining what a life might be like with her . Maybe he was thinking about being something besides a soldier for the first time ever. He certainly deserved to find something to hope for after all he’d fought for already. Yet, never in a million lightyears did Mari think that something would be her. It was too huge. It made her feel too important.
She should be terrified by that much expectation, even if it wasn’t being explicitly stated to her. She should be getting up and asking him to leave since the physical part of their night was over. She should be backing away from yet another hopeless romance with nothing but probable disappointment on their horizon.
Yet, she didn’t move from his hold on her. She didn’t even want to.
“Well I’m glad you have something to look forward to.” Mari managed to whisper softly, tightening her hold on his hand and closing her eyes to nuzzle into his chest.
As she drifted off to sleep surrounded by the comfort of him, she heard one last low, satisfied mumble from deep in his broad chest. “Me too, mesh’la. Me too.”
notes: hi :) I know it's been a while since I've updated any writing. 2024 was a very hard year for me, but finally with all that past me I hope to get back to writing again. thanks for being patient with me. it means so much to me. I hope you like it :)
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#wip unwritten chapter 4#wip unwritten#captain rex x oc: mari vontas#captain rex x ofc#captain rex fanfiction#oc: mari vontas#the clones fanfiction#captain rex x oc#captain rex#the clone wars fanfiction#the clone wars fanfic#rex and mari🥺
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hehehshfhshdhwhahrhsjejej im screaming
Yes omg
Rex’s big fucking heart eyes and his dopey love sick little grin as she smiles up at him more in love than she’s ever been with anyone ever.
slow missionary with lots of eye contact and kissing and no chance of pulling out
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Things I want for season 6 of H&R:
A Charah I love you
We must meet someone from Sarah’s family, it’s time.
Idk if professional dynamics between Joe and Vanessa allow it anymore? But I liked them, I want them together
Scenes where Rex just gets to be a dog 🥺
Sarah and Karma girls night out
I will put in here Charah shower scene because I want to believe 😁
Charlie training Jesse to be a detective would be so much fun pls
A Charlie breakdown PLEASE 🥺🕯 I won’t specify the subject of his breakdown, writer’s choice. Sarah or Rex can comfort him I am not picky
I did not not like the mustache but I think we are all used to Charlie Hudson with a very specific look so anything else as a facial style seems foreign? I’d like his normal facial hair to stay.
I want Rex to be duped one time so he can beat the Mary Sue allegations 😅
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BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「\📢受付締切間近!/ 10月20日(金)神奈川公演からスタートする ライブハウスツアー 🔱BUCK-TICK TOUR 2023 異空-IZORA- ALTERNATIVE SUN🔱 BUCK-TICKオフィシャル先行予約の受付は、 本日(7/31)14:00まで‼️ この機会に、ぜひご利用ください🖐️😊 https://t.co/zJtNjb4TmR #BUCKTICK #異空 #IZORA」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1685856372519583744
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/lA2ce5aziV」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685856459232612352
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「📢本日(7/31)12:00〜 ファンクラブ会員限定ライブ 「FISH TANKer's ONLY 2023」 ✨チケット最終予約受付開始✨ 受付期間は8月6日(日)23:59まで。 ※お申込みには[FISH TANK]への入会が必要です。 🔽公演詳細・お申込みは<特設サイト>をチェック❗️ https://t.co/fcsKCTpCdz #BUCKTICK #FTO2023」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1685857821500555264
seekさん「\📣生配信開催中/ ただいま、会員限定生配信🎥を実施中! 会員の方はお見逃しなく👀 https://t.co/CmADLTiIfy」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1685858344328974336
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「📢8月1日(火)20:00〜 BUCK-TICK OFFICIAL WEB SHOPにて、 🔱BUCK-TICK TOUR 2023 異空-IZORA-🔱 7月1日(土)札幌公演および7月22日(土)東京公演から販売の新グッズの通信販売を開始❗️ 🔽商品詳細・お申込みは https://t.co/NpForEZCow ※商品販売ページは8月1日(火)20:00〜公開 #BUCKTICK #異空 #IZORA」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1685863691164770306
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「『RKF ツアー第二弾』 #アメブロ https://t.co/JYeTx8PlXn」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1685866161798623232
TAKA-te_oさん「池袋edge ウミユリ 今日一日中暑かったなーー 今日も一日楽しかったし久々に会えた人もいたし♪ 帰り浴衣の人多かっだな!夏や https://t.co/egiVZYL509」https://twitter.com/takakun_bk/status/1685278402620932096
荒井 かずみ Kazzmi Araiさん「ラルジャズ 猛暑の中、ありがとうございました 年々、篤人氏の選曲が、挑戦的というか冒険心満載になっていってる感じがして たくさんの人を楽しませたいという想いなんだろうなぁ、と おいらも自然と入った!! ラルジャズ初のシンガーお2人、強力だったし 夢さん真悟さんの安心感も❤️ 文字数ごめ https://t.co/Ky08VMLtKg」https://twitter.com/kazzmiarai/status/1685257489313599488
田浪真悟さん「昨日は、久々の ラルJazz LIVE有難う御座いました! soldにも感謝 あの場でしか分からない あの空気感が戻ってきましたね 非常に痺れましたし、楽しかった! Fletless Bassも大活躍♪ 暑い中お越し下さいました皆様 そして、メンバー様 LIVEハウス様に改めまして 感謝! https://t.co/qp7mIn1m17」https://twitter.com/ShingoTanami/status/1685229335903641600
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「@YUKIYA1999 令和の現代に奇跡を見たいね 皆さんフォローがまだの方は是非 一緒に奇跡を起こそう https://t.co/AEOfgUC31z」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1685597272493756416
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「@YUKIYA1999 令和の現代に奇跡を見たいね 皆さんフォローがまだの方は是非 一緒に奇跡を起こそう https://t.co/AEOfgUC31z」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1685597272493756416
arijiさん「KISUIさんのクラウドファンディング、 最後は支援者数100人で目標金額の130%を達成といういい結果になりました。 支援した側としても本当に嬉しいです! 本当におめでとうございます! https://t.co/NwO2ggCyWZ」https://twitter.com/ariji_evoke/status/1685672549148241920
AKIRA a.k.a.Christopherさん「【MV】愛の詩 feat.あいかりん https://t.co/mhS9g2kHuv チャンネル登録お願いします🌙 #失恋 #AKIRA https://t.co/BgwGlR7o6w」https://twitter.com/ax0111/status/1013095524000399360
KOJI✖︎KOJIさん「バンドマンとして許せん おまけに刺青 だから刺青の評判が悪くなる 絶対見つけて犯人の刺青ひっぺがしてやりたい」https://twitter.com/69koji_koji/status/1685499284035416064
MORE FIRE HERE/GRAND SLAMさん「本日、PRESENCEの西川茂氏より発表がありましたが、 GRAND SLAM のギタリスト 白田 RUDEE 一秀が永眠いたしました。 次回のGRAND SLAMライヴに向けて準備を進めていたなか、突然の大変悲しい報せはメンバー、スタッフ共々、今はとても信じられない気持ちです。 ここに謹んで哀悼の意を表します。 https://t.co/DgzanNULAZ」https://twitter.com/mhf2017102829/status/1685526319998836737
SHINGOさん「YouTubeアップしました! 23年ぶりにJURASSCのラジオ番組を復活♪ JURASSICのイチカバチカ! 今回 ↓↓動画リンク↓↓ https://t.co/RiLqWrvIWH 前回 ↓↓動画リンク↓↓ https://t.co/hnzVv7aZNY #JURASSIC #jurassic #ジュラシック #ジュラ #長崎 #25周年 #ラジオ #HUSH #CLOSE」https://twitter.com/DRUM_SHINGO/status/1685263527819522049
くろさわかな🥐8/5大船レコ発ワンマンさん「🌟大大大!#拡散希望 🌟 🌟MVフルバージョンで大公開🌟 🌟目指せ500 RT🌟 くろさわかなBEST ALBUM「MATOME Ⅲ」official trailer (MV) 【2023.8.5 release】 くろさわかなBEST ALBUM「MATOME Ⅲ」ご購入はこちら💁♀️ https://t.co/lip9062MmC YouTubeはこちらhttps://t.co/1gfFkZThs3 〜映像制作〜… https://t.co/Jb7dMn2z3w」https://twitter.com/6markStart/status/1683724329069207553
Daijiro Nozawa a.k.a.DIEさん「名古屋でクリスタルピアノ弾きたおします🎹💓🌹 ★9/16(土)〜DIE meets Crystal PIANO/ NAGOYA〜 @名古屋 Cafe ELM 2F Crystal Studio TICKET予約↓https://t.co/ciOqzFFnTH (8/2 21:00〜受付開始) https://t.co/e6GJRLRYSu」https://twitter.com/Pukapyu/status/1685130884507435008
KOJI✖︎KOJIさん「今夜はおかげさまで sold outになりました。 バンドマンとしてこんなに嬉しい事はない ありがとうございます https://t.co/kiY36ksPRA」https://twitter.com/69koji_koji/status/1685149230971940865
KOJI✖︎KOJIさん「明日はこれ DONT TURN AWAY 行きます https://t.co/tI9X4I06yv」https://twitter.com/69koji_koji/status/1684739435370606592
SEXX GEORGEさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『こんにちは0724ψ(`∇´)ψ』 #アメブロ 今後のスケジュール↓ https://t.co/ajYyswJ1M2 チケット予約 [email protected] それでは 塩分水分ガリガリ君補給しつつ 笑顔でガッツリ生きまくりやがりやがりましょう😆 https://t.co/7G3BxlcoCz」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1683293882266841089
MORIさん「wyse Live Tour 2023『Ⅳ』 埼玉、大阪、名古屋、東京。 4都市8公演、チケット一般発売中です。 今のwyseはこの瞬間にしか存在しません。 見逃さぬよう、是非体感しに来て下さい。 e+ https://t.co/OZWNLaLy8Z LAWSON TICKET https://t.co/oBdWBGq57k ぴあ https://t.co/26h6ySfTBG https://t.co/gEQPxbY1Pp」https://twitter.com/MORI25591502/status/1683681878602305536
SEXX GEORGEさん「おはよう☀ 今日の釧路は大晴れ 皆さん 塩分水分ガリガリ君を忘れずに 今日も1日 笑顔でガッツリ生きまくりやがりやがりましょう🤗 夜露詩紅ψ(`∇´)ψ 今夜の特別有料配信チケット↓ https://t.co/3Gx5SfpYmJ https://t.co/9sKRZPB3po」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1679296957414772737
SEXX GEORGEさん「Hyaku-G西日本夏旅2023 今年もRYOを道連れ世は情け チケット予約始まっています ご予約はお早めに! チケット予約↓ [email protected] *予約返信は明日以降になります https://t.co/0RizIRFDh4」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1677975664597831682
BOYS ROOM🚹🚺さん「今日は沢山泣いて沢山笑いました。 楽屋や打ち上げでも色々お話しさせて頂いて、本当気さくな優しい方で奢ったところも全くなく人間的にも素晴らしいスーパーギタリストでした。 白田さん…… またお会いしたかったよ… 本当に有難う御座います。 謹んでお悔やみ申し上げます。 https://t.co/s8JiMzOK5B」https://twitter.com/BOYSROOM_info/status/1685710692492689408
SEXX GEORGEさん「昨日はそう言う事でした でも皆んななおかげで全力で唄い切りました 本日柏04ライヴ 特別ゲストにHIMAWARIを迎えてやらせていただきます 兄貴、聴いとけ!!」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1685528071863255040
BOYS ROOM🚹🚺さん「無事着〜🚚 お家に帰るまでがLIVEです🚚 最後の帰りの道中まで、 終日楽しく過ぎせました🎶 隅田川花火大会の渋滞も交通規制も駐車場空いてるか問題も全て杞憂で案外空いていてラッキー✌️ 明日は柏まつり参戦じゃ〜👘 柏04のLIVEも「柏まつり」だよね?🧐 今日も1日🙏 https://t.co/NEzzK0JRc4」https://twitter.com/BOYSROOM_info/status/1685326524369833984
SEXX GEORGEさん「我孫子神音會3連チャンラスト ★7/30(日)柏04 歌詞輪の音會 〜柏04 7周年Final〜 夜露詩紅ψ(`∇´)ψ チケット予約 [email protected] ツイキャス(¥3,500) https://t.co/nYN210bP7Z 夜露詩紅ψ(`∇´)ψ https://t.co/NIrDe58tHu」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1685291561943465984
Phobia/KISUIさん ミニアルバム & MV制作クラウドファンディング応援アカウントさん「Phobia/KISUIのミニアルバム & MusicVideo制作プロジェクト - クラウドファンディングCAMPFIRE https://t.co/lVuo4nxiQJ #クラウドファンディングCAMPFIRE @campfirejpより 現在の支援総額 1,861,777円 124%達成 あと14時間 目標金額 1,500,000円 支援者数 89人」https://twitter.com/rN9TWfP0somwv2p/status/1685445872170225665
0 notes
Thinking about Rex waking up at like 3 am. He couldn’t sleep. It takes some time to adjust to time changes after traveling from planet to planet. That doesn’t seem to stop his body though…
because he’s hard as a rock. Painfully hard.
He can feel every dip and swell of Mari’s body snuggling against him, which is only making the throb worse. She’s sleeping so soundly - at least he thinks she is. Her hands are balled up in fists, clinging to the shirt he wore to bed. She always holds on to him like this the first night back.
With all the pent up arousal he’d had to bury down for weeks finally safe to come to the surface to meet her, his body couldn’t help but react. He sighed softly, shifting the heavy weight between his thighs while trying not to wake her.
She rustles gently, her thigh draped over his slowly dropping back. “Rex?” she mewls gently, “-you awake?”
His heart leaps in his chest at the sound of her voice. “Mhm.” he affirms, moving his arm to curl around her side. “A little too awake.” he chuckled, shifting uncomfortably as the weight of his excitement between his thighs reminded him of its existence.
“Mmm?” Mari cooed quizzically, lifting her head off his chest for a moment before realizing precisely what he meant. “Oh.” she giggled happily, turning to look up at him. Though her eyes were heavy with sleep, there was no hiding her intrigue. Rex would never mistake that twinkle in her eyes.
Her hands ghosted down the cool fabric on his chest, making his heartbeat thump harder in anticipation. The hand he’d been holding her waist with gripped onto her a little tighter to show his appreciation. He had really missed her, especially like this.
She brushed her fingers along the waistband of his briefs and hummed happily, “can I?” her eyes met his again and she smiled up at him so bright that the light of every star system he’d ever seen could never compare. Maker- he loved her so much.
“Please.” he practically whined, shimmying his hips up a bit to give her easier access. He inhaled deeply, her sweet floral scent making his brain go a little fuzzy.
Hooking her fingers into his briefs, she slipped it down and instructed him when to lift up so she could maneuver the fabric out of their way. His cock slapped heavily onto his upper thigh, making him shudder with relief.
She brought her fingers to her mouth, slicking each one with her tongue, the sound driving him nearly to madness. Her touch followed, each slippery digit carefully tracing around his shaft. “I missed you.” she teased, glancing up at him as she curled her fingers around his length.
His eyes fluttered closed, focusing on his shaky breathing so he didn’t explode right away. Already the movement was doing it for him. She stroked in a gentle rhythm, passing over his tip with her palm the way she knew he liked. Beads of his precum coated her grip, making each pass frictionless as she guided her fist up and down gingerly. “Mmm. I think….you can tell how much I- fuck- missed you.”
“Always, baby.” she muttered, her passes increasing in speed each time. The motions were steady and smooth now, allowing him space to twitch to his hearts content. It felt beyond good to be where he belonged.
His pulse raced, with all the blood in his body draining to his core. A thin sheen of sweat coated his skin now, sticking to the fabric of his tshirt and making him shiver. Her heat was right there against his thigh and knowing that made the fire in his gut rage that much hotter.
He groaned from deep in his chest, gripping her sheets beneath him as the pleasure swirling inside him threatened to boil over. “Ah fuck…Mari…” his mind was in a haze, the only thing he could think or feel was her. That’s all he wanted overwhelming him. As good as her perfect, talented little hands were, he could feel her slick heat against his thigh. He didn’t want to finish anywhere else.
With every ounce of strength he had left, he grabbed at her waist. “fuck- get over here.” he grunted, rolling her over on top of him and letting that warmth between her thighs bump against his now pounding cock.
She yelped in surprise, the softest moan leaving her lips at the delightful contact. Her hands splayed onto his chest, her dark hair spilling over to curtain the space between her body and his. Her big, dark eyes filled with devotion and arousal met his, daring him to make his move before she could hers. Both of their chests heaved as their heartbeats pumped shared pleasure in perfect sync.
With one hand settling on her hip, he used the other to curl into her panties and slide the useless fabric to the side. Her own dripping heat coated his fingertips and he outright moaned as he maneuvered his cock between her folds. Her hands were good, so good, but this was better. This was heaven. Her like this was all he had ever needed.
“Rex!” she whimpered, surprise mixing with her own excitement as he notched his length up to her entrance. He let the pad of his thumb press into her clit, watching her head tip back in ecstasy at the delightful pressure. “Ahh…fu-fuck…me.”
With her drenching his full and now desperately hard cock, he couldn’t wait another second. He’d bust right now if he lost focus. He took a deep breath and split her on top of him, groaning loudly as she enveloped him. Her hold on his chest faltered at him overpowering her and he shifted to hold her against him.
She buried her face in his neck and kissed him frantically to match the desperate snapping rhythm his thrusts were now finding in her. Tighter and warmer than he could ever recollect, she siphoned him into her over and over again, always finding space to take all of him. she was made for him.
“Mesh’la, you’re so good for me…so so good.” he rambled lazily, losing himself in her delightfully tight hold on him. The filthy sounds of her taking each bruising thrust was weakening his composure and all he wanted to do was give himself to her.
“Rex….Rex please….more. Give me everything.” She whined against him, her hand resting on his jaw and keeping them pressed together in joined ecstasy. “I want to take all of you. Please.” Her walls fluttered around him, signaling to him that she was far too close to make this last much longer.
He wasn’t far off either. Her words igniting the fire in him that would always inevitably lead to an explosion. All he ever needed was to hear her like this, calling for him and only him. His name. His girl. His his his.
A chilling shudder of molten heat rolled down the length of his spine, traveling down his entire body until it burst in his lower belly. “Gonna cum mesh’la. Tell me…tell me where.” he asked, desperately holding back his final bruising snap until she gave him the word.
She was already collapsing, her walls closing and locking down around him and not letting go. Her thighs tightened around his own and she leaned back to grasp his face in her hands. A filthy moan he’d only ever hear in his fantasies left her as she tipped her forehead onto his. “Inside….Oh Rex!”
His mind wiped and he felt the tension ailing him finally snap. Inside her. The words making him unwind at light speed. Thick spurts of him erupted into her waiting core with each weighted shiver. His climax joined perfectly with hers as it slammed into both of them. Her lips met his and he lost himself surrounded by only her. All he had ever wanted.
With his eyes closed, they shared exhausted exhales. Every shaky inhaled breath between them sealed in with a passionate kiss. He couldn’t break from her for even a second. His life was hers and she kissed him like she knew it. They took turns trying to catch their breath, panting as their lips parted only briefly. He couldn’t move and she wouldn’t either.
She held his cheek with her hand and nuzzled into him affectionately. “Thank you for waking me.” She sighed happily, curling her body into his once more.
“Thank you for helping.” He laughed softly, so pleasantly satisfied and thoroughly tired now. “I love you.” He admitted, pulling their blankets around them and holding onto her tightly.
“Love you too, baby. Now get some rest, you had a long mission.”
I am so unwell over them.
#captain rex x oc#captain rex x oc: mari vontas#captain rex x oc: mari vontas smut#captain rex smut#rex and mari🥺#oc: mari vontas
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👉👈 hi Aubrey first off I wanted to say I love you 👉👈
And secondly since you did so Beautifully on that first request can I get 1 from the pretty words prompt list with my other hubby Cody pwease 🥺
Lovely Mary! I love seeing your name in my notifs, my dear. Two things: my requests for 500 are technically closed but I'd be happy to save this for after I finish this round! Also, I don't actually write for Cody 😳👉👈 The characters I write for can be found in the "requests" tab on my desktop theme. I'd be glad to talk to you privately about what you might like instead though? But I'm so flattered that you loved the Rex drabble and want to request more. Love you!!! 💕💕💕
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It’s so Rex and Mari I’m gonna cry

Credit to whoever this artist is😭 it was on Pinterest
But it’s so THEM. he’s so big and strong and protective of her and she is so tiny but fierce and passionate in her affection for him and they love each other so much 🥺😩
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Rex is hot and he’s cocky and talented and smart and all of that but
His girlfriend is sexy. Like objectively. Like so hot he truly feels like he’s punching up dating her because there’s legit millions of his face around but only one of her drop dead gorgeous one
But it’s such a flex getting to go places beside her and watch peoples eyebrows raise at her and he feels so smug because she loves him.
An entire galaxy worth of people know who she is and think she’s stunning and would probably die to be in the place he’s in and he’s got her.
And that makes him really proud and almost boastful too.
#he’s fucking lucky and he knows it#but god he feels special just getting to be in her life#and now other people see she’s with him too and it makes his heart burst#Rex and Mari🥺#captain rex#captain rex x oc#captain rex x oc: mari vontas#oc: mari vontas
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luckily I had a wonderful friend do a commission of a pin up for my oc: Mari and well
you can guess which clone has her heart

Every Jedi General OC should have a republic gunship nose art design dedicated to them like this 👇


Alternative challenge:
Draw your OC as nose art pinup models

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look at him sleepin🥺😍

We love sleepy Rex don’t we folks
#captain rex#my sun moon and stars#he’s so cute#Mari waking up early to watch over him and make sure he gets his rest#rex and mari🥺
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What are your favorite fics of yours? Greatest hits, underrated gems, doesn’t matter to me. What are you most proud of?
Ahhhh hi bby🥹💙 so I’m gonna do my best to answer each of these.
My greatest hits are:
Captain’s Log - my main fic that started it all. It’s got everything, passionate love (and smut, a LOT of smut), dealing with war trauma, rebellion and freedom fighting etc. it’s the story of my oc: Mari, writing from a reader pov, and her love story with Rex as they survive in the galaxy post order 66. It was my first fic and the fic I will always come back to.
Unwritten - the prequel to captains log but written from my oc: Mari’s actual POV about how her and Rex first met and fell in love over the entirety of the clone wars era. It’s political, it’s coming of age, it’s got clone friendships, political ally ship and lots and lots of smut hahaha. The love between these two develops here and I could talk about this fic for 4000 years.
My underrated gems are:
Afflictions - my empire era boba fett smut one shot. I love this piece. It’s toxic and messy and all the things I’d imagine asshole Boba Fett would really be like during this time.
A Twisted Fantasy - my commander wolffe fantasizing smut fic. It’s more recent but it’s so filthy and secretly soft and so so wolffe to me. I love going back and rereading this bc I can picture him so clearly in it.
Out of Our Element - a commander wolffe fic that’s happening during the event of captains log and with my twi’lek oc: zeeta. it’s smutty, switchy, so much back and forth sexual tension between two expert seductive people with Wolffe’s signature secret longing yearning underneath it all. I love this piece so much and it’s one of the things I’m most proud of. And my twi’lek oc: zeeta art was inspired by this.
But honestly the fic im most proud of by far is:
No Shame - it’s commander Wolffe x reader and I love this piece so much. I think it’s probably the best smut I’ve ever written AND the best I’ve ever written a reader character. She is a self-conscious, self-destructive, very anxious reader and it’s a very different reader character than I usually write but I absolutely LOVE how I wrote her dynamic with wolffe and how he acts to protect her vulnerability in this. It’s just so good I literally can’t believe I wrote it.
I love all the things I’ve worked on. I have hundreds of thots, one off asks I’ve answered etc in my masterlist in my bio. If you love reading these, I promise you’ll like the less involved stuff too. 🥰💙
#rexxdjarin fics#rexxdjarin writes#rexxdjarin#clone fics#clone troopers#star wars fanfiction#star wars the clone wars#the clone wars#clone trooper fanfiction#the clones#the bad batch#the bad batch fanfiction#the clone wars fanfiction#captain rex#boba fett#commander wolffe#rex and mari🥺#wip captains log#oc: mari vontas
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Ok I am OBSESSED with this.
The first one is the nice classy one Mari puts on her desk or in a little locket or probably her holopad screen
The second one is right after she got finished kissing Rex stupid and he’s all love hazed and blushy and silly because he loves her sm🥰
everyone I would tag kinda is already so anyone is free to try this. it’s so cute !!
seriously, if you know me I tend to avoid valentine's stuff but I saw this pop up and immediatly had to make Talia and Rex - tagging a few folks to try it out below but obvi if you see this and want to make it go right ahead!
npt: @rexxdjarin @queen--kenobi @eternal-transcience @returnofthepineapple @ulchabhangorm @littlemissmanga @sleepingsun501 @wild-karrde @ariadnes-red-thread
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I had a mari and rex thot 😈
mari wearing the most delicate intricate sheer lace panties
a little tiny skirt and thigh high boots
and when theyre out at 79s she bends over just slightly as shes passing rex to get out of their booth and go get them both drinks
and she gives rex and only rex the little peek she knows he deserves and that will drive him fucking nuts
later on when theyre dancing together and hes got his hands on her thighs and sliding up to close around her hips he makes a little pass up under her skirt and runs the pad of his thumb along the lace just gently enough to feel her wet heat pooling on her panties and tracing the length of her slit
and he whispers in her ear "when I take you home, I want to trace the patterns on that pretty lace with my tongue and taste you for hours until youre begging to cum. my little tease."
#rex and mari🥺#captain rex x oc#captain rex x oc: mari vontas#captain rex x oc: mari vontas smut#captain rex smut#captain rex thots
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Rex and Mari’s Date Nights on Coruscant
Date nights on the underground levels are some of Rex and Mari’s best memories together 🥺💙
Post on ao3
ps can you tell that I have brain rot over them and am totally and completely obsessed with their love 🫣🫠🥰😍😩
#captain rex x oc: mari vontas#captain rex x ofc#captain rex x oc mari vontas#captain rex x oc: mari vontas art#wip unwritten#rex and mari🥺#oc: mari vontas#rexxdjarin art#rexxdjarin fanart#captain rex fanart
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There’s a very important scene in unwritten that I’m planning where Rex brings Mari a really dangerous but rare and beautiful flower, a Felucian Glow Lily, when he returns from a long mission bc it’s symbolic blah blah blah and I’ve been wanting to find a way to draw it and well I did and it came out perfect and I love it so much🤭🥺
Them 🥺🥰
#oc: mari vontas#captain rex x oc: mari vontas#wip unwritten#rex and mari🥺#captain rex#captain rex x original female character#my art#rexxdjarin art
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She has the top right and both of the bottom 2.
Rex made her the first prototype 🤭
Because he’s just a lil bit possessive of his beautiful girl🥰🫠
Hey I made more :)
This time with my favorite clones
Catch me wearing one of these every day of the week.
Am definitely going to attempt to make the Wrecker one though with my mom's criket because fucking hell am I down bad for that man.
Some alternative versions below cut!
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