#revivify ritualt with all that racket. astarion is not good in emergency situations his first instinct is to freak out and bitch
avvidstarion · 1 year
Hiiii this wasn’t on the ask meme but does Avvid have any special in-combat dialogue for when a party member goes down in battle? Is it the standard ‘Astarion, no!’ Or is there more to it? :3
ohohohohoh i love this! I included what avvid would say when others go down, and what the others would say when avvid goes down!
Avvid's reaction when others go down:
Generic/mid approval: No! your bones are not yet mine to command!
Astarion: NO! Get away from him! Hold on, my love, I'm coming!
Karlach: I won't let you die! Not now, not ever!
Lae'zel: Get up, my sister! You're far too skilled to die like this!
Shadowheart: No! Shadowheart! You deserve a better end than this, don't give up now!
Wyll: Wyll, my friend, hold on! Now it's my turn to save you!
Gale: Gale, no! I told you, I won't let you die!
Halsin: Halsin??? Halsin, get up! Please!
Jaheira: Come on, old lady, you still have some fight left in you! Get up!
Others' reactions when Avvid goes down:
Astarion: Damn you, Avvid, you can't keep doing this to me! Shadowheart, do something!!!!
Shadowheart: Astarion, stop screaming, you're distracting me! Avvid, please get up this time...
Karlach: Fuck, Av, not again!
Lae'zel: Av'vid! You call yourself a gith? Rise!
Gale: *deep sigh* I need to teach you some warding spells, my friend...
Wyll: Avvid, look out!...oh, dear. I will not let you fall again, my friend.
Jeheira: You have more mettle than that, little cub! Do not give up now!
Halsin: Hold on, Avvid, help is on the way! I won't let this happen again!
I haven't met minsc yet and idk much about minthara so they aren't included for now
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