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starcrossed591 · 2 months ago
KDrama Year in Review 2024
Only a few KDramas took up residence in my unconscious (looking at you, When the Phone Rings) this year, but looking back, there were a good number that I found pretty solid overall and looked forward to watching every week! I’ve been pretty flexible about genre this year, but since I was getting most of my angst from CDramaland (CDrama Year in Review forthcoming), I tended towards KDramas on the lighter and/or otherwise more restrained side. There’s some flotsam and jetsam to wade through first, but here we go:
Disclaimer: Rankings based on my personal preference, not objective quality
15) Romance in the House (dnf)—Did not even remember I watched this. The premise was meh, the deadbeat dad was unlikeable, and it seemed like they wanted me to root for him to win the mom back (no thank you). Some of the actors were doing their darndest to push through, but it did not work for me at all. Dropped.
14) Marriage Impossible (dnf)—I like the two lead actors, especially Moon Sang Min (I really liked him in Under the Queen’s Umbrella), and they had pretty good chemistry, but they were underserved by the weakness of the script. Dropped before they even got together (alas, the gifs of their first kiss looked like great fun).
13) Cinderella at 2am (dnf)—Interesting first two episodes in which the FL takes the money of chaebol boyfriend’s rich mother in order to break up with him, but then lost all momentum from there. Another miss from Moon Sang Min. Pick better scripts, buddy! Dropped.
12) Love Your Enemy—This rom com is fine I guess? I dropped after about six episodes because there’s too much else on my watch list. The actors playing the two leads in the high school flashbacks were unfortunately much more compelling than the ML and FL as adults, which leaves the whole thing feeling unbalanced. I don’t know if it’s the actors or the script, but this one just did not land for me. Dropped.
11) Serendipity’s Embrace—Finished this mostly inoffensive rom com mostly out of fondness for Kim So Hyun and because nothing else was airing that I wanted to watch. Did not actually like that much, do not recommend unless you don’t have much else to do.
10) Captivating the King—Was very obsessed with this sageuk for the first half. Cross dressing FL out for revenge? Vengeful, unhinged (bisexual) king? Yes please! However, they lost me when the FL who was supposed to be Very Smart kept acting Very Dumb, so I got distracted and never came back to it. I do still adore Cho Jung Seok and it was fun seeing him play a darker role after most recently seeing him in Hospital Playlist, but come on! If you want me to believe your FL is a strategic genius, she has to act like one or have a very good reason why she’s not! Dropped.
9) Love Next Door—Hyped up way too much; totally understand why so many people dropped. Mostly finished out of goodwill for Jung Hae In and Jung So Min, both of whom I adore, and a much more magnetic secondary couple. Was ultimately a mid-tier rom com/family drama, though I probably would have liked it better if my expectations hadn’t been so high. Would still recommend if you have fondness for any of the actors, though.  
OKAY now time for dramas I actually (mostly) liked!
8) Marry My Husband—Very much enjoyed Park Min Young, the rom com queen, in her transmigration revenge era. I liked it more when the SFL and SML were a sort of everyday awful that still managed to be soul sucking before it all took a hard turn into makjang territory, but still really enjoyable overall. I'm also still struck by the scene in which the FL breaks down after her (fake) bestie betrays her for a second time by sleeping with her husband. The feeling of betrayal she felt, even when she basically knew it was coming, was not actually lessened by that foreknowledge, perhaps because of the forlorn hope that maybe her friend *wouldn't* betray her this time around.
7) Queen of Tears—Kim Ji-won and Kim So Hyun were both fantastic in this much anticipated drama, and watching their relationship develop from married couple fully at odds with each other to ride or die partners was excellent. The ensemble cast also featured many of my favorite secondary characters of the year, including himbo brother and devoted daddy played to perfection by Kwak Dong Yeon and unhinged, excon, serial divorcee aunt played by Kim Jung Nan! Unfortunately, there was a little too much plot bloat and some unearned plot twists (amnesia, anyone?) and the episodes were all just too long (Writer Park Ji Eun really, really needs an editor, but I expect no one could tell her No after the success of CLOY). Still a fun ride overall, though!  
6) Tell Me that You Love Me—(Started airing in 2023 but ended in 2024 and wasn’t available to stream in my area until 2024, so I’m counting it!) This quiet, slice of life romance was a very comforting watch for me. I found Mo Eun (Shin Hyun Been) a restful character to watch as she tried to figure out her life while trying to make it as a working actress while also falling in love with Cha Jin Woo, an artist who is also deaf. YMMV re: the ending (and I hear the JDrama it’s based on may be a bit better), but if you want a drama that’s soothing while still grounded, I recommend this one.     
5) My Sweet Mobster—Had no expectations for this drama—in fact, I saw the descriptions and promo material and thought it would be a hard pass for me—but then ended up completely charmed by this goofy rom com that nonetheless took recidivism and the real challenges faced by excons to integrate into society after serving their time very seriously. Honestly, worth checking out just for Uhm Tae Goo as swoon worthy, deep-voiced, former mob boss Seo Ji Hwan—easily my favorite new-to-me actor of the year.   
4) No Gain No Love—Again, I had no expectations for this rom com, but then ended up totally sucked in by Shin Min-A’s performance as Son Hae-Young, a successful career woman who has reached her ceiling promotion-wise at work solely because she is unmarried. Her insistence on not suffering losses even in relationships and her resulting conviction that that insistence made her unlikely to find a partner also struck a chord. My mileage varies with Kim Young Dae, but his turn as the convenience store clerk she convinces to fake-marry her was charming. Rom com tropes follow, some with more success than other, but the pointed critique of the gendered double standard many of the characters face made this one really land for me. Bonus points for Hae-young’s relationship with her two foster sisters, the only two of the many children her mom fostered to stick around.
3) The Midnight Romance at Hagwon—I know a lot of people had high expectations for this one and then dropped it when it wasn’t what they expected, but it ended up being a highlight of the year for me. I came for Wi Ha Joon in a romance, and stayed for the unexpectedly earnest commentary on what education is actually for, especially when it has turned into teaching children how best to win at taking a test. When the first big fight between the FL and ML was a yelling match about a pedagogical disagreement on the best way to teach literature, I was a goner. The thought of a former student showing back up in my life to seduce me at my place of work irl gives me hives, but I honestly loved this drama so much. Highly, highly recommend.
2) When the Phone Rings—I know I’m being premature by putting this drama so high on my list when it hasn’t yet concluded, but I CAN’T HELP IT, SUE ME. I’m so obsessed with this drama, it has taken over my dreams. Hong Hee Joo and Baek Sa-eon’s messy relationship is so, so fun, and I’m rooting for them so much. I do sometimes see the twists coming in this makjang thriller romance, but am still surprised often enough to keep me on my toes. Also, more red flag heroes please, Baek Sa-eon is so so fun when he’s being little extra unhinged.
1) Lovely Runner—Im Sol and Ryu Sun Jae had my whole heart for the entirety of this drama’s run. This is another one where the premise did not originally appeal to me—Im Sol going back in time to save her idol from dying is not at all sexy to me—but it’s another one where it took so many twists and turns that a non-spoiler description just can’t do it justice. Sol and Sun Jae had such good chemistry and were so ride or die for each other. I honestly loved that (spoiler) you go in thinking that Im Sol’s love for Sun Jae, just to learn that Sun Jae fell for her both first and much, much harder. Im Sol’s time travel shenanigans were never totally explained, but I’m just fine leaving it all a little timey wimey because I loved the journey so much.
Favorite Female Character: Look, I love a KDrama Lost Girl (tm), so it’s gotta be Hong Hee Joo (Chae Soo Bin) from When the Phone Rings for me. I love the balance between (spoilers) how adrift she feels in her personal life with how unhinged she can get when making calls with the mask of 406. I also love her artful use of sign language, especially when she deploys it specifically because she knows the person she’s talking to won’t understand her.
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Favorite Male Character: If I was in my green flag era it would be Sun Jae, but since I’m in my red flag era, it’s absolutely Baek Sa-eon (Yoo Yeon Seok) from When the Phone Rings. He’s been unhealthily obsessed with Hee Joo for 20 years, and I love that for him. Also, I adored YYS in both Mr. Sunshine and Hospital Playlist, so seeing him play a character here somehow halfway between his polar opposite roles in those dramas is a real treat.
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Favorite Secondary Female Character: I adored Nam Cheong Mi (So Joo Yeon) as the SFL in Midnight Romance in Hagwon. She started out *totally* out there in her quest to be hired as a lecturer at the elite hagwon for which the drama is named, and I empathized her total dedication to being a fantastic teacher that became more and more apparent as the drama went on. I also appreciated her growing friendship with FL Hye Jin. She refused to let herself be used by others as Hye Jin’s rival, even when it would have been really easy to do so for her own gain.
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Favorite Secondary Male Character: A tie here for Baek In Hyuk (Lee Seung Hyub) as Sun Jae’s bestie and eternal wingman and SML Kim Tae Seong (Song Geon Hee), both from Lovely Runner. The delightful ensemble cast is part of what made this drama so strong, and the scene where these two were on screen with Sun Jae were some of the funniest. I also really, really liked Tae Seong’s unexpected friendship/relationship with Im Sol in each variation of the timeline, especially since he was the first person to consistently recognize future Sol as distinct from past Sol.
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Favorite Ship (runner up): Look, I know I should just choose one couple, but it’s my list so I make the rules, and I’m so obsessed with Hee Joo and Sa-eon right now that I have to give them their own slot.
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Favorite Ship: Sun Jae and Im Sol’s (in Lovely Runner) determination to protect the other even at the cost of their own lives takes the cake here for me. I also loved seeing Sun Jae recognize Im Sol’s feelings for him multiple times across different possible timelines, and always, always choose her. I was rooting for them so hard and they made my heart flutter so many times across so many timelines that it has to be them.
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Favorite Secondary Ship: I ended up really loving the romance between spicy romance  web novelist Nam Ja Yeon (Han Ji Hyun) and chaebol/her internet troll Bok Gyu-heon (Lee Sang Yi) in No Gain No Love. Seeing how these two went from true enemies to lovers was such a treat. I do some research on Webtoons in my professional life, so seeing this drama take seriously the toll that internet hate can take on creatives felt really profound (and pointed) to me, and seeing Gyu Heon realize how much harm he caused in trolling her so hard and figure out how to legitimately make restitution really resonated for me. Plus, the bonus episodes in their spin off, Spice Up Our Love, were a nice treat! These two are totally ready to carry their own dramas as leads, if they want to.
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Favorite Platonic Relationship: I’m a sucker for friendships between women, especially for some reason when there are three of them, so the friendship/sisterhood between Son Hae Young, Nam Ja Yeon, and Cha Hui Seong  in No Gain No Love was catnip for me. The way they always showed up for each other even if they didn’t agree with the other’s choices really, really worked for me. Ja Yeon and Hui Seong’s roles as Hae Young’s only foster siblings to stick around long term was really touching, though also bittersweet.  
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Dramas I Missed: I meant to watch A Virtuous Business, because who doesn’t love middle aged women selling sex toys? I still might, but that one will likely stay on the back burner for a while. I might also pick up Atypical Familyat some point, since enough people liked that one well enough for me to be at least a little intrigued. Anything else I ought to check out?
Non-2024 Drama Spotlight: I watched Link: Eat, Love, Kill at the end of last winter break, and it was such a fun little drama! It had that unexpected mixing of genres-- the perfect balance of romance, thriller, murder mystery, and magical realism—that made me love KDramas in the first place. I adored Moon Ga Yong as the ne’er-do-well FL forced to move back in with her mother and grandmother by her lackluster career, and her romance with the chef starting a restaurant across the street (played hilariously by Yeo Jin Goo) who, for reasons unknown, shares a psychic connection and can sometimes feel her emotions! Throw in a murder (maybe?) that the mom and grandmother help the FL cover up; a cold case; a fridge that somehow keeps ending up with a body in it; and unexpectedly sharp commentary on domestic violence, and you have yourself a winner, at least in my book. I highly, highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t yet!
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Dramas I'm looking forward to: Idk I live under a rock and am happily surprised when fun dramas show up on my dash. I do like the Webtoon for The Remarried Empress, so hopefully the drama for that will be good? Not over all the articles describing this story as a "historical" when the plot depends on the ML being able to *turn into a bird*, so we'll see I guess
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sleepy-bebby · 18 days ago
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There’s a scientific journal called “Get me off Your Fucking Mailing List”.
In 2005, computer scientists David Mazières and Eddie Kohler created this highly profane ten-page paper as a joke, to send in replying to unwanted conference invitations. It literally just contains that seven-word phrase over and over, along with a nice flow chart and scatter-plot graph.
An Australian computer scientist named Peter Vamplew sent it to the International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology in response to spam from the journal. Apparently, he thought the editors might simply open and read it.
Instead, they automatically accepted the paper — with an anonymous reviewer rating it as “excellent” — and requested a fee of $150. While this incident is pretty hilarious, it’s a sign of a bigger problem in science publishing. This journal is one of many online-only, for-profit operations that take advantage of inexperienced researchers under pressure to publish their work in any outlet that seems superficially legitimate.
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wttnblog · 1 year ago
The January Wrap
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amazon-dot-com · 11 months ago
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hell yeah gamer grandma
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teaandspite · 6 months ago
The Great Goodreads Diss List (Part 1)
Context: For many years now, I have been collecting funny lines from Goodreads reviews to share with my coworkers. (I do collection development, reader's advisory, and weeding at a public library, so I read a LOT of reviews)
Are some of these, perhaps, rather mean? Yes, but they are also very funny, and come from a place of honest frustration. In the tradition of Bargepole threads and lists everywhere, names and titles have been censored.
"First, I want to say that I understand how hard it is to write a book and how amazing it is when it is actually published. Congrats to the author for that accomplishment. That said--"
"Warning: This review will be lengthy due to pure hatred."
"I found myself feeling really, really annoyed with the world that this book is allowed to exist. We live in a universe where the passenger pigeon is extinct but this book goes along merrily being read by unsuspecting lovers of words and ideas and stories? It just seems like too much, you know?"
"Don't do it. Don't spring the cash for the hardcover. Instead, eat an entire bag of Twizzlers, spend some money you don't have at a high-end department store, look up on Facebook the shady college boyfriend that made you cry, research the current value of your home or 401K and then read all about how the big hedge fund managers are faring during the economic crisis. You'll feel about the same stomach pain if you waste your time reading this book."
"This wretched novel begins with the mugging of an old lady and it appears I may be in the process of repeating that loathsome crime as [author] was 78 when she wrote it. It is not nice to put the boot into such a poor defenseless old creature lying there with only a damehood, a Booker Prize and a few million quid. It’s a nasty job but somebody has to do it."
"I think this is the way dead people would write, if they could."
"I am considering setting up SPABB: Society for the Protection of Accurate Book Blurb. This blurb appears to have been written by someone from the publishers who met [the author] the night before, got very drunk, lost his notes and then constructed something in a fug of hangover the next morning."
"I congratulate [the author] on the early half of his book, which was thoroughly fun and made me laugh and think. I congratulate [the author] on the second half of his book, for finishing it. It reads like that was difficult."
"…a woman whose taste in contemporary literature has roughly the same batting average as a pitcher in the National League."
"The author is a pompous windbag."
"Recommends it for: No one. Recommended to me by: A friend who apparently wished to cause me great suffering."
"Makes me wonder: is it possible to obtain similes at a volume discount?"
"The repeated phrases made me want to mail a thesaurus to the author."
"I'm disappointed in myself for finishing this book."
"if the author described [character's] eyes as "obsidian" one more time I was tempted to write her and ask if her thesaurus broke."
"They say that an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters would, if given infinite time, eventually produce the complete works of William Shakespeare. [This book], on the other hand, would probably take the average monkey just under two hours."
"I can't imagine what the author had to do to get this nadir of Western literature printed on innocent trees, but he does seem to know a LOT about being well-connected in New York."
"This book is so bad it is almost worth reading just to make you appreciate the other books you are reading."
"Reads like it was written by a brilliant author, the night before it was due."
"raises interesting questions, like: can a book be so bad as to constitute an act of terrorism"
"has this author ever spoken to a human woman"
"This acorn has fallen so far from the tree that it can’t even see the forest."
"I’m guessing they are touted as ‘beach reads’ because no one will care if they get dropped into the ocean."
"This book begins with all the energy of a hand vacuum near the end of its battery life, and the pace doesn't quicken much from there."
"At least everybody’s eyes stayed the same color this time around.”
Part 2
Part 3
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sennamaticart · 1 year ago
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Found my Movie Rating Chart while cleaning up the harddrive
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pricelessreviews · 4 months ago
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nirvanaida · 4 months ago
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links your click
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violetsonnets · 5 months ago
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fall tbr
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anna-scribbles · 1 year ago
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wttnblog · 1 year ago
The November Wrap
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lithiumseven · 1 year ago
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The sheer hilarity of Martin Scorsese beating out JENSEN ACKLES, noted Tumblr idol and madman in arguably one of his most batshit years because of Goncharov is sending me
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teaandspite · 5 months ago
The Great Goodreads Diss List (Part 3)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
This is the last of the list, at least at present. I'm not quite sure when I started saving these, but it's been somewhere around 6 years!
"I think we should thank this book for finding us a new source of renewable energy: Jane Austen's corpse spinning in its grave."
"DNF @ 30% and I'm embarrassed to have made it that far."
"was written solely because the author received a thesaurus for her birthday."
"This book was so horrible that my friends and I started a Terrible Book Club where we passed around a copy in which we wrote snarky comments in the margins."
"If I wanted to hear endlessly repetitive justifications of bad decisions, I would go reread my journals from 2003"
"I can’t believe I’m expected to care about these two people who have the collective personality of a chair"
'This is one of those books that makes me feel that, even though I had heterosexual parents and a heterosexual family and grew up in a heterosexual world, I will never understand heterosexuals.'
"isn't so much a cliche storm as it is a cliche monsoon, a tsunami of platitudes, a tornado of concepts that have been Done Before."
"someone PLEASE give [author] a bag of commas (or at least give them to his editor)"
"I am reading this For Science."
"This book could be the perfect door stop, but the cat sprayed it."
"This book is fine for people who enjoy chewing sawdust."
"[Title] was my first husband's favorite book, and he used to quote from it all the time. When we got divorced (it wasn't amicable), my lawyer asked how I'd feel about using that fact in court."
"If the main character were an instrument, she'd be a cowbell."
"There's a metaphor that has been beaten to death and will never bother anyone again."
"The characters [...] were flatter than frogs hit by all eighteen wheels of a semi. Even the dogs were underdeveloped."
"It's the OJ Simpson trial! But with an extraterrestrial! This will never get dated!"
"about as exciting as an uncooked Brussel sprout"
[Author is] "Someone you'd sit behind in a 100 level philosophy class and maybe secretly want to choke a little."
"I read this book while locked in a psych ward against my will. I would have rather stared at the wall for five days instead of reading this."
"[...] a metaphor so blunt I am surprised it did not injure me"
"It takes a certain and rare kind of writer to make a story about civil war, genocide, and a refugee crisis boring and unreadable."
"Use this book to stuff an old mattress."
"I cannot honestly say that [book] is the worst novel ever written, but I grant [author] the benefit of this doubt solely because I have not read every novel ever written. (In private, however, I maintain my suspicions.)"
"disintegrated in my hands, which felt like a blessing."
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hummingbird-games · 2 months ago
2024 in Review (Indie Games)
2023 | 2022 | 2021
Helloooo gamer friends!!!
I'm so tired.
Anyhoo, y'all don't care about that!!! Y'all are here to see what games I played and what the heck I have to say about them! Reminders: I don't bash games I didn't like, and I try to post more in-depth thoughts and reviews and general yapping to Gem's Game Gems.
When Stars Collide - I am by no means a sci-fi girlie. I need a HEAPING dose of fantasy or fantasy elements to help me out. That said, y'all might remember how I went feral for Gilded Shadows, so I am locked in for this journey with WSC. It's just as mysterious and lore intense as GS, but also just as intriguing and engaging!
Love Me, Love Me Not - I looooove when a game charms me to pieces??? Our MC Addie, the introduced LIs, the story, the art??? Where do I begin?? Anyway, please check this one out y'all! I'm impatient for the full game (shocker, I know).
Threads of You: Beyond the Bay - So my thoughts and reactions for this one are on the side blog, but I really enjoyed the demo and I have eyes for Chris, Vince, and Alex hehehe.
Lost in Limbo - While I'd been keeping tabs on this game for what seems forever because of the character art that originally caught my attention, I almost didn't finish the demo because it was lowkey disturbing (I'm a wimp and not all horror is made equal). But!!! BUT!!!! I push through to the end, had a good time, noted that I need to play the full game in the daylight with the music turned down low. And I absolutely adore Ara and Xal so, so much.
A Simple Twist of Fae - Absolutely no one cares, but I read a lot of manga this year. Like, a lot-a lot. Like, ~180 books and 1/3 of that was manga. Anyhoo, When JMB announced she was cooking up this game, I was impatient to get my grubby hands on it. AND THEN I PLAYED IT AND IT WAS THE SHOJO INSPIRED GAME OF MY DREAMS?!?! Like.....I wish I could both have it on my computer and also on my bookshelf. Final build dropping when??? (Also the UI design is utterly delightful, I cry.)
The Summit Library (FULL DEMO) - The last time I reviewed this game, we got chapter 1 as a taste, and I was. Locked! In!! The full demo gives us the first 2 chapters as well as the previews for all the romance routes and while giving everyone a whirl I'm *still* undecided on who to go for in the future, I must mention this: TSL is so aspec friendly???? I do love a game with smut, don't get me wrong looks at College Craze but sometimes I have my moments of being overwhelmed/sliiiiiiightly repulsed and the variety of options you have to choose how you react and interact with the various LIs in this game is amazing. (I have more thoughts on this, so I'll try to remember to post to the sideblog, but please understand that this game is totally worth your attention and time imo!!!)
Fully Released & Played (at least 1 playthrough)
Rabbit Trail - This. Game. Is. SO. Cute. *punches the air* 😭🥹(Copy + paste of my review on the itch.io page -> This was so charming, so fluffy, so cozy, just delightful all around??? I've only reached one ending so far, but René is just the cutest protag to play as, and his interactions as he delivers his mail made me cheese so dang hard! (Also, I wanted to fight his parents for not properly appreciating their kid LOL))
Stuck by Design - I checked this game out because I was looking into games that fellow programmers had worked on, and this cozy game stumbled onto my lap. The music was perfect, the UI is beautiful and clean, and I thoroughly enjoyed the performance of the VA for the LI, Yuki.
Wake Me Up If You Need Me - I called this game older!HSDJY MC x Ryan coded and I'm still right. The voice actor MAKES this game, and the interactions the player has with Reed is so flippin' delightful?? All my love and adoration to the game developer. May they make more beautiful games.
CTRL FREAK - The developer team brought us The Faithfulness of the Universe which is a banger in its own right, and CTRL FREAK is the team's commercial, finished project that I also found delightful. The soundtrack and the animations are chef's kiss 💛
Breathless Winds - Ooo, baby, ooo. So. If there is only one game you play from this list and you have some spare cash to spend (at the time of writing, the game is on sale!!!) please, please, check this one out. It left me absolutely spellbound, both the orginal demo, and then the full game. While I didn't get to blog fully about this one, and I only tackled 2 of the 4 routes, this game is absolutely everything. This is my indie game of the year. Poppy and her journey resonated with me, and between the music and the art, everything just came together so perfectly.
Wake Up Magical Girl - Listen TF up, if miseri creates it, I'm gonna play it, idc, idc. That being said...this game had a kick to it that when I finished my first playthrough, I had to stare off into space and gather myself. It takes the concept of magical girls and heroism and gave me a teeny tiny existential crisis, but other than that, I'm fine, it's fine, play this game, thank you.
Sleeping Under Spells - God, I love me a game where I get to argue with a LI. I love it. Bonus points if it's lowkey stupid stuff we're bickering over LOL!!
Our Wonderland - Yeah, uh huh, you thought you'd escape me talking about this game this year, didn't yah???? Too bad. The fifth and final arc dropped this year and I played it and I cried and felt for the briefest moments that life was okay. To say something different than my review of last year, I love that this seems to be the game that helps fellow ace devs find and flock to each other, I'm not kidding 🤣 so thank you Carrot for helping us fellow aspec peeps feel seen and validated and understood!
I Watched a Full Game Playthrough and Highly Recommend
Replay Boys - Okay so technically at the time of posting, there's still one more video I'm waiting to watch (Naja of BlerdyOtome uploaded her stream to YouTube) but my Godddddd. I've had my eye on this game for FOREVER but I was lowkey waiting for it to move to itch.io (I'm still a lowkey Steam hater 🥹) anyhoo, watching this absolutely wild game made me go ahead and buy a copy for myself to replay at a later time, but it's just great. The summary only scratches this surface of what the game entails 🤣
Gemi’s Gushies
(a list within a list of games that have devs trucking along in the background and I want to spotlight for y’all)
Save the Villainess - Life got away with me and unfortunately I never finished my play of the demo BUT what I have played was fun and I hope to return to this in the new year!
Woman of Xal 2 - Plot Twist Studios is on that Sequel Train with the next installment of WoX!!! Which I'm VERY excited for!!! I've unfortunately only completed one playthrough of this game, but the first game is definitely a masterclass in replayability, and I hope next year I'll be able to do a second playthough as I wait for game 2's Kickstarter!
And that's 2024! Any shared favorites?
- Gemini 🫶🏾
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pricelessreviews · 1 year ago
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