#reverend silvas
wththefriz · 8 months
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I'm gonna subject you guys to my oc shit because I haven't posted here in a while-
I'm gonna try cause I need more publicity so if you see me reposting fanfiction, no you didn't ♡
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simplegenius042 · 2 years
@the-silver-chronicles Blog is up and running
So the blog above is where I will for now on be posting my Far Cry 5 au content.
Meanwhile the Simple Lounge Room will be used for random posts and reblogs. If you have any Far Cry 5 related question for the-silver-chronicles blog, I implore you to ask in the above blog rather than my simplegenius one.
Anyway, enjoy!
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Phillip is such an oddball of a New God. It’s even acknowledged in Far Cry The Reverend’s Rule that the other New Gods (like the Voice) view him as the black sheep amongst them. They often wonder why he would rather be human, and find him weird for even investing in the “meatbags” lives (they (especially the Voice) usually just use humans as a punching bag, meanwhile Phillip doesn’t like exerting his power like that unless he’s forced to, usually under threat of death by the Orchestrator).
Anyway, here are some of his lines:
[TW: Swearing]
To Joseph
"Do you know what this means, Joseph? ... Well you should, you caused it."
"...I think John's trying to drown our Little Boa again."
"Yes, Joseph? ... No? If I had anything more to tell you Joseph, do you think I wouldn't inform you about it? ... Good, now be quiet, and just enjoy the silence while we still can."
"Joseph, we've been over this, the current Faith is absolute. Stop looking out for anymore "potentials". That's Jacob's job."
"I feel... nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe you need a nap, have you ever considered that, Joseph?"
"No. ... No! Whatever it is you want to do, it goes against my "will" and that's final."
(About Joseph) "After all these years, he still continues to misinterpret my visions and words. Truly, I have made a severe misjudgement of character."
"Well, you see Joseph, the thing is, and-and now don't take this personally or anything but... like, I kind of hate you. ... Yeah. I’m not apologising for your redundancy."
To the Curse
"Pardon my cluelessness, but who are you again? ... Oh right, my bad, I just couldn't recognise you from the amount of rot on that poor deer's skull."
"...Truly. You are the voice of your eon."
"Now how was I supposed to know that? ... I can observe and talk to weird hipsters, I can't control the damn weather. That was Zeus' job and he's dead. ... Yeah, the mob got him. ... He'd probably still be here if he hadn't forced himself on everyone's wives and actually bothered being a husband to Hera. Dumb bastard."
"Well forgive me for being a little late. You have no idea how many hours it takes until Joseph says anything remotely useful in his fucking early morning sermons!"
(About Silva and the Curse “bonding”) “You're getting along? No? Well, I consider that progress. I'll leave you two to it then. Have fun!"
About The Voice
"Of course, I will not be late to another Gathering again, I promise. I shall also take on all responsibility of our little universe of traumatised heathens while you are gone. Have fun on your exploration!" (whispers underneath) "...Dick."
"His sadism knows no bounds."
"What did I do?! ... Fucking WHAT?! That's WHY you dislike me?! ... You are one petty bitch."
Silva Omar
"Oh my ME! She's grown up so much! I think I'm going to cry."
"You remember my name? You remembered my name!" *Squeals*
"Shh, shh, shh, it's okay. I'm here, Phillip's right here. ... That's right, your best and old friend is going to take good care of you. ... No one will hurt you while you have me. I promise."
"Oh? The Curse is acting up again? Well, you did insult their Bliss Cheese. ... I know it's weird and chunky but it's good for your health."
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fetchmearum420 · 3 months
How drunk I have to be to do the nasty with 1776 characters:
John Adams: 1 shot just for confidence
Benjamin Franklin: Sober. I’m strangely attracted to Howard Da Silva as Franklin lmao
Thomas Jefferson: 2 for confidence and to forget he’s a hypocrite
John Hancock: sober as fuck. He’s so damn sexy I can’t take it and I’d be doing him all night just saying. He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen
John Dickinson: Sober. He’s so hot
Edward Rutledge: no amount of shots could get me to bang him
James Wilson: sober. He’s adorable
Charles Thomson: sober. He’s perfect
Lyman Hall: stone cold sober. That man is fine AF
Richard Henry Lee: 1 just so I could keep up with him due to how enthusiastic he is
Thomas McKean: 5 because I want to forget he has a musket
George Read: Sober. He’s pretty damn cute ngl.
Caesar Rodney: I wouldn’t do it with him because one thrust and he’s 💀
Stephen Hopkins: 1 rum just to make him happy. I find him attractive ngl
Roger Sherman: sober. That man makes me feel so many things
Samuel Chase: 10 because I’d probably be squashed the entire time and I need to forget the pain
Lewis Morris: 100, he looks like a toad
Robert Livingston: Sober. His eyebrows make me feel things
Josiah Bartlett: 10. Idk why I’d do it with him in the first place, the man is bland af
Joseph Hewes: 3 mainly for confidence
John Witherspoon: 6 because I need to be drunk to sleep with a reverend
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 12.13
1294 – Saint Celestine V resigns the papacy after only five months to return to his previous life as an ascetic hermit. 1545 – The Council of Trent begins as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation. 1577 – Sir Francis Drake sets sail from Plymouth, England, on his round-the-world voyage. 1623 – The Plymouth Colony establishes the system of trial by 12-men jury in the American colonies. 1636 – The Massachusetts Bay Colony organizes three militia regiments to defend the colony against the Pequot Indians, a date now considered the founding of the National Guard of the United States. 1642 – Abel Tasman is the first recorded European to sight New Zealand. 1643 – English Civil War: The Battle of Alton takes place in Hampshire. 1758 – The English transport ship Duke William sinks in the North Atlantic, killing over 360 people. 1769 – Dartmouth College is founded by the Reverend Eleazar Wheelock, with a royal charter from King George III, on land donated by Royal governor John Wentworth. 1818 – Cyril VI of Constantinople resigns from his position as Ecumenical Patriarch under pressure from the Ottoman Empire. 1862 – American Civil War: At the Battle of Fredericksburg, Confederate General Robert E. Lee defeats Union Major General Ambrose Burnside.[ 1867 – A Fenian bomb explodes in Clerkenwell, London, killing 12 people and injuring 50. 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War: Battle of Nanking: The city of Nanjing, defended by the National Revolutionary Army under the command of General Tang Shengzhi, falls to the Japanese. This is followed by the Nanking Massacre, in which Japanese troops rape and slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians. 1938 – The Holocaust: The Neuengamme concentration camp opens in the Bergedorf district of Hamburg, Germany. 1939 – The Battle of the River Plate is fought off the coast of Uruguay; the first naval battle of World War II. The Kriegsmarine's Deutschland-class cruiser (pocket battleship) Admiral Graf Spee engages with three Royal Navy cruisers: HMS Ajax, HMNZS Achilles and HMS Exeter. 1943 – World War II: The Massacre of Kalavryta by German occupying forces in Greece. 1949 – The Knesset votes to move the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 1957 – The Mw  6.5 Farsinaj earthquake strikes Iran with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VII, causing at least 1,119 deaths and damaging over 5,000 homes. 1959 – Archbishop Makarios III becomes the first President of Cyprus. 1960 – While Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia visits Brazil, his Imperial Bodyguard seizes the capital and proclaims him deposed and his son, Crown Prince Asfa Wossen, Emperor. 1962 – NASA launches Relay 1, the first active repeater communications satellite in orbit. 1967 – Constantine II of Greece attempts an unsuccessful counter-coup against the Regime of the Colonels. 1968 – Brazilian President Artur da Costa e Silva issues AI-5 (Institutional Act No. 5), enabling government by decree and suspending habeas corpus. 1972 – Apollo program: Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt begin the third and final extra-vehicular activity (EVA) or "Moonwalk" of Apollo 17. To date they are the last humans to set foot on the Moon. 1974 – Malta becomes a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations. 1974 – In the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese forces launch their 1975 Spring Offensive (to 30 April 1975), which results in the final capitulation of South Vietnam. 1977 – Air Indiana Flight 216 crashes near Evansville Regional Airport, killing 29, including the University of Evansville basketball team, support staff, and boosters of the team. 1981 – General Wojciech Jaruzelski declares martial law in Poland, largely due to the actions by Solidarity. 1982 – The 6.0 Ms  North Yemen earthquake shakes southwestern Yemen with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), killing 2,800, and injuring 1,500. 1988 – PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat gives a speech at a UN General Assembly meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, after United States authorities refused to grant him a visa to visit UN headquarters in New York. 1989 – The Troubles: Attack on Derryard checkpoint: The Provisional Irish Republican Army launches an attack on a British Army temporary vehicle checkpoint near Rosslea, Northern Ireland. Two British soldiers are killed and two others are wounded. 1994 – Flagship Airlines Flight 3379 crashes in Morrisville, North Carolina, near Raleigh–Durham International Airport, killing 15. 1995 – Banat Air Flight 166 crashes in Sommacampagna near Verona Villafranca Airport in Verona, Italy, killing 49. 2001 – Sansad Bhavan, the building housing the Indian Parliament, is attacked by terrorists. Twelve people are killed, including the terrorists. 2002 – European Union enlargement: The EU announces that Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia will become members on May 1, 2004. 2003 – Iraq War: Operation Red Dawn: Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is captured near his home town of Tikrit. 2007 – The Treaty of Lisbon is signed by the EU member states to amend both the Treaty of Rome and the Maastricht Treaty which together form the constitutional basis of the EU. The Treaty of Lisbon is effective from 1 December 2009.
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zepolym · 5 years
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Kingdom of Willow Creek  HRH Queen Yasmin was spotted on this rainy day returning from a trip to San Myshuno. HRH Charles was no where to be seen. But as always we where greeted with HRH beautiful smile. Rumors are running wild since the royal couple have not been seen together since the holidays. Could there be trouble in paradise or is the Queens schedule keeping them apart. Royal Luncheon The Royal couple held a luncheon at Willow Creek Palace. With Special Guests the beautiful and very talented pianist Aylin Stern. The Reverend Samuel Silva and his beautiful wife Tessa. The world renown Doctor Ramon Ramos, the very handsome and single doctor has set  many a hearts a fluttering. Pictures of the group having a very good time especially HRH Queen Yasmin who has a special soft spot for the arts. The group enjoyed a special treat from Ms. Stern.
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Imagining if Doctor Who was Brasilian...
So, you may remember that link over this paragraph, wich was a trailer reimagining if Doctor Who was an american show, to celebrate the 50 anniversary that happened six years ago.
Inspired by that video, i haved this idea to post my fan cast, reimagining who could play the Doctor if the show was produced in Brazil. I have no ambition to wait for any TV Show to buy the rights of adaptation from the BBC, this is just a fun way to introduce you for some of the most talented actors and actresses of my country, and i will not go with all Thirteen encarnations, because that would demand a lot of brain cargo.
In no particular order, here it goes seven brasilian actors who could bring great charm and charisma to the character of the Doctor.
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Born in the city of São Paulo (Saint Paul) on March’s 01 of 1965, Miwa Yanagizawa is an prolific and aclaimed theater actress and director in 1989. Starting on TV in 1991 with a minisseries called Filhos do Sol (Sons of the Sun), though she continues to show up on television, it’s hardly with high lights. All of her roles were secondary (a deepo synthom of how badly brasilian television and cinema represents the significant japanese comunity that we have).
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She started to get some atention with roles in the telenovelas (yes, you thinked that only México produced this ones?) Viver a Vida (Live the Life), Morde e Assopra (Bite and Blows) and Sol Nascente (Rising Sun, of wich his role as Mieko Tanaka is pictured above with the hat). But they are usually stereotyped as the kind and motterly figures who usually fall under the radar in favor of young protagonists. Worst, this telenovela called Rising Sun that i mentioned? She did play the sister of a japanese character who have importance for being the leading heroine’s adoptive father, and this character of her brother was played by A WHITE GUY! And this was in 2016, we still do this shit!
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The closest to a role diferent of the kind and sweet type was in the telenovela Bite and Blow from 2011. Tough still a mother of a side character, she have the chance to show a more stern and severe side in the role of the traditionalist and conservative Tieko. If she played the Doctor, somebody with a tough and exterior learning how to thrust people and acept them as his friends would be a performance that i believe she totally could explore and be successful.
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Mohamed Harfouch is a syrian origin actor born at October’s 29 of 1977, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. He has a long career on television, my favorite role of his being the romantic musician Romeo in a kid’s show called Teca na TV (Teca on TV, pictured down here).
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He is now establishing himself in telenovelas. While all of this roles have been side characters, they still are a little more varied, alowing him to show from comedic to dramatic range, in rules such as the travelling lebanese barber and doctor Farid in 2011′s Cordel Encantado (Enchanted Cordel) and the palestinian medicine student Pérsio Farouk in 2013′s Amor à Vida (Love to Life).
If he played the Doctor, it would probably start with a broading and mysterious apearance, but lather reveal the more funny, energetic, kind and helpfull side of the character.
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Born at December’s 15 of 1969, Luis Miranda is recently gaining mainstream popularity in Brasil due to his role as transgender woman Dorothy Benson in 2014′s telenovela Geração Brasil (Generation Brazil). But he has an extablished career in theater comedy, with the role of comunity leather Edith (pictured down below) in the show Terça Insana (Insane Thursday) probably being his most famous.
But he also showed facility in more serious roles, such as the sleazy politician Ulisses in 2011′s TV Movie Homens de Bem (Man of Good) and the villanous Reverend Magalhães in 2013′s Film Trampolim do Forte (Fort’s Trampoline).
With such a varied of range, there is a very unpredictable Doctor, who could always surprise each episode.
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Born at the city of Cajazeiras in Octuber’s 27 of 1963, Marcélia Cartaxo gained great aclaim as the naive Macabéa in 1985′s cinematic adaptation of the classic novel A Hora da Estrela (The Time of the Star, pictured down below):
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After this role, tough, most of his roles had being very sided, and sufered similar stereotiping as Miwa Yanagizawa’s. But she is starting to break this after working in Fort’s Trampoline as Dona do Céu (pictured down bellow with the yellow dress), an autoritarian  and fanatically religious mother of the boy Felizardo. If she followed the line of using the smiley facade as a way to manipulate his enemyes, his Doctor could be an excelent experiment for her range as an actress.
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Born with the name Paulo Rogério da Silva at December 18 of 1970 in the city of Fortaleza, poet, singer, composer, acor, director and dramaturgist Gero Camilo has being particurally prolific in comedic movie roles, like Firmino in 2004′s Narradores de Javé (Narrators of Javé) and Zé Burraldo in 2007′s Pequenas Histórias (Little Histories, pictured down bellow). 
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However, he also haved the chance to show range in dramas such as in 2003′s Carandiru and voice acting the protagonist of 2010′s animated short adaptation of the teatrical poem Morte e Vida Severina (Life and Death Severina). His Doctor could be very expressive, genuinelly and explicitly funny, kind and show a lot of otimism, pathos and empathy in the most dark and dramatic situations.
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Born in Salvador at January’s 01 of 1970, João Miguel’s rise to fame came trough his role as the murderous cook Raimundo Nonato in 2008′s film Estômago (Stomach, pictured above). Three years later, he worked in the telenovela Enchanted Cordel playing the role of sensitive bandito Bel (pictured down bellow).
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After that, his stardom just keeps growing. He is now playing a Ezequiel, an aparently villanous character on Netflix’s 3 %, the first brasilian sci fi distopian TV series (pictured down bellow). So yes, he is no strange to the genre. If you either direct him be simpathetic, funny, misterious, scary, you can be very sure that he is totally capable of naturally pulling all this emotions at the same time.
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Born at October’s 15 of 1964 in Rio de Janeiro, acting since his youth in the 90s, Denise Fraga’s started his rise to fame in series of comedic sketches at the variety sunday show Fantástico. She usually played roles inspired by the lives of various wimen in diferent regions of the country, whose histories she collected. After that period, she shined with his performance as ex theater actress, buddist and astrologist Bia in 2008′s minisseries Queridos Amigos (Dear Friend’s, pictured down bellow), who tried to maintaing a joyous face despite the trauma of being phisically tortured during the Brasilian Military Dictatorship:
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And also as the traumatized guerrila veteran Vera in the 2013′s film Hoje (Today, also pictured down bellow), who is learning to acept the death of husband during the same period:
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Her Doctor could be very excitable at the possibility of having an adventure, wanting to share his passionate curiosity with his friends, and always want to do the right thing despite being afraid and vulnerable.
So, that’s all for today. Say in the coments bellow what you tought of the pictures and sugestions of this actors, and if you have any curiosity to know any of their works ;)
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pope-francis-quotes · 4 years
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15th April >> (@ZenitEnglish) #PopeFrancis #Pope Francis Holy Father Appoints Two Bishops in Brazil and Names an Apostolic Administrator in Peru.
Resignation of the bishop of Ruy Barbosa, Brazil, and appointment of successor
The Holy Father has accepted the resignation of the pastoral care of the diocese of Ruy Barbosa, Brazil, presented by Bishop André De Witte.
The Pope has appointed Bishop Estevam dos Santos Silva Filho as bishop of Ruy Barbosa, Brazil, transferring him from the titular see of Feradi Maius and the office of auxiliary of São Salvador da Bahia.
Bishop Estevam dos Santos Silva Filho
Bishop Estevam dos Santos Silva Filho was born on 10 April 1968 in Vitória da Conquista, in the archdiocese of the same name in the State of Bahia. He attended the course in philosophy at the Instituto Filosófico Nossa Senhora das Vitórias, in Vitória da Conquista, and in theology at the Instituto Coração Eucarístico de Jesus in Belo Horizonte. In addition, he specialised in Communication at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia, and at the Service to the Pastoral Ministry of Communication (SEPAC) in São Paulo.
He received priestly ordination on 9 June 1995 and was incardinated in the archdiocese of Vitória da Conquista, where he held the office of pastor in the parishes of Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro in Iguaí-BA, Senhor do Bonfim and Santa Rita in Planato-BA, Divino Espírito Santo in Poções-BA and Nossa Senhora das Candeias in Vitória da Conquista-BA. He was parish administrator of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Nova Canaã-BA, spiritual director of the preparatory seminary and the major seminary of philosophy of the archdiocese of Vitória da Conquista, and the major seminary of theology in Ilhéus-BA. In addition, he was a member of the council of formators, the college of consultors and the presbyteral council; ecclesiastical counsellor for the pastoral care of communication and the youth sector; archdiocesan bursar and professor of social communication.
On January 29, 2014 he was appointed as titular bishop of Feradi Maius and auxiliary of São Salvador da Bahia, receiving episcopal ordination the following 30 March.
Resignation of bishop of Callao, Peru, and appointment of apostolic administrator
The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Callao, Peru, presented by Bishop José Luis del Palacio y Pérez-Medel.
The Pope has appointed Bishop Robert Francis Prevost, O.S.A., of Chiclayo, Peru, as apostolic administrator “sede vacante” of the diocese of Callao.
Appointment of bishop of Erexim, Brazil
The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Erexim, Brazil, the Reverend Adimir Antônio Mazali, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Cascavel, currently parish priest of the Cathedral of Nossa Senhora Aparecida.
Reverend Adimir Antônio Mazali
The Reverend Adimir Antônio Mazali was born on 16 May 1966 in Corbélia, archdiocese of Cascavel, Paraná State. He studied philosophy at the Arnaldo Busato Faculty of Human Sciences in Toledo-PR (1986-1988) and theology at the Studium Theologicum in Curitiba-PR (1989-1992). He was awarded a licentiate in patristic theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (1999-2001).
On 5 May 1992 he was ordained a priest and incardinated in the archdiocese of Cascavel, where he held the following offices: spiritual director of the São José minor seminary and promoter of vocations (1992-1999); parish vicar of Imaculado Coração de Maria in Cascavel-PR (1995-1996); parish administrator of Nossa Senhora de Caravaggio in Cascavel-PR (1996-1999); administrator of the diocesan Shrine of Nossa Senhora da Salette in Braganey-PR; rector of the major seminary of theology (2002-2009); professor at the Interdiocesan Centre of Theology of Cascavel-PR (2002-2004); spiritual director of the preparatory seminary (2005-2006); professor (2005-2019) and director (2009-2019) of the Faculdade Missioneira do Paraná (FAMIPAR) in Cascavel-PR; parish priest of Nossa Senhora de Fátima in Cascavel-PR (2009-2016); consultant for family pastoral care at archdiocesan and Regional Sul 2 level.
Since 2016 he has served as parish priest of the Cathedral of Nossa Senhora Aparecida in Cascavel.
15th APRIL 2020 15:45POPE & HOLY SEE
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kflemhealth · 4 years
Another church vandalized as mainstream media ignores growing anti-Christian attacks
(Natural News) Statue vandalism and other anti-Christian attacks show no sign of dying down as a statue of Jesus was recently discovered knocked off its pedestal and beheaded at Miami’s Good Shepherd Catholic Church. The desecrated statue was discovered on July 15 by the Reverend Edivaldo da Silva. The church has now hired an overnight...
from NaturalNews.com https://ift.tt/2WNCU3N via IFTTT
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simplegenius042 · 2 years
Just so people know, I’m just gonna be info-dumping character and story information on my little Far Cry 5 fanfic universe in the next 3 to 6 hours.
What I have so far is:
- Paul’s and Silva’s twisted and toxic father-daughter relationship.
- Judge!Silva and Reverend!Silva’s relationship with the Voice/Philip.
- The biographies on the various versions of Silva.
- How Father Omar and Joseph Seed are foils.
- Reverend!Silva’s Curse.
- The unorthodox partnership between John “the Baptist” Seed and Kamski “the Good Doctor” Neon and how it is more plot relevant than it initially seems.
- The unexpected yet interesting romance between Silva and Faith.
- Azriel and the dilemma of wanting to get answers from her father, Joseph Seed, but afraid she’ll lose her (adoptive) Mamá, Industrial!Silva in the process (since the Tumultite ideology conflicts with Eden’s Gate).
- The conflict between Eden’s Gate and Tumult’s values, beliefs and attitudes.
- And the overall main story that takes place in Far Cry 5 and Far Cry New Dawn.
Additionally will include a post describing the Guards of Omar as well as the Apostles of Zachariah, and how both the Resistance and Eden’s Gate would (in your opinion, canonically and realistically) react to accidentally bringing both of these faction’s attention to the county (not really either of their fault, as no one could have predicted, respectively, a mass murdering death cult and a militaristic religious extremist group (whose dubious morality put Eden’s Gate to shame) would have been passing by at the time Hope County was in the early midst of their conflict), maybe some things surrounding my deputy OC Silva, and whether or not both Eden’s Gate would come to an agreement for temporary truce/team up in order to survive these two third parties before they kill everyone or stall long enough for the Collapse to finally make an appearance.
Please do not reply to the above UNTIL the post is made (I’ll reblog this post with the link once it has been made)
Anyway, I look forward to sharing this world with you.
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The order of which the Heralds are "taken down" in the AUs
AKA more or less how things occur in the AUs especially with the canon divergences:
Far Cry The Silver Chronicles (Deputy!Silva, kind of main Far Cry 5 timeline) - Silva takes down (but captures and spares in the moment) John first, though she struggles with the morals keeping him alive and essentially lying (by omission) to her allies, trying to decide whether a) she should spare him and risk the wrath of the community she just gained after being alone for so long, as well as keeping a major player of Eden's Gate alive who (in her current opinion) doesn't really deserve to live, but could use as leverage against Joseph, or b) justifiably kill him for all he's done, but also incur Joseph's wrath/accidently help forward his (from her current speculation, since she sees him as a proxy to Adam Omar, a more vile prophet) plans to continue the Reaping, but gets to confirm to the residents of Holland Valley and the GFH that John is gone, but also live with the guilt and regret and shame of killing an unarmed and non-threatening opponent, as well as probably straining her relationships with Kamski (because he started liking John, if only a little bit) and Faith (because John's literally her brother who she cares about, despite how unreciprocated that care is)). Then comes Jacob, who she intends on sparing, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of bending her mind to his will entirely, showing she is stronger than that, and will not play into Joseph's hands. She attempts to carry his wounded ass back to her bunker where John should be (but Kamski took the younger brother to help him out on a little side quest), but they are both intercepted and separated by Oscar Lapis and his Enforcers, who return Jacob to Joseph as a show of good faith. Silva never really fights Faith, though the adopted sister is attacking her in the Bliss, but its more of Silva debating with Faith while avoiding Bliss attacks. And then later Silva goes rescue Faith from Omar's Guard, as well as get out of a about-to-be-bombed Henbane region. Her "final confrontation" with Joseph is really just her rescuing him from Adam Omar.
Far Cry The Judges Duty (Judge!Silva, Silva is the Judge in 2018 during Far Cry 5) - Silva "takes down" Faith first, then they go get John from Paul and the Apostles, Jacob from Malvolio and the Deserters and lastly Joseph from Adam Omar.
Far Cry The Harbinger's Salvation (Alive!Elsa and Harbinger!Silva, the former is the morally-grey protagonist while the latter is a brainwashed victim in an antagonistic role) - Elsa manages to take down the Father and his Heralds rather quickly during a "peace meeting" by blackmailing them to help her kill Paul and the Apostles and save her sister who is currently a nigh-unstoppable killing machine conditioned to slaughter everyone in the county.
Far Cry El Industrial's Reign (Industrial!Silva and AliveBabyGirlSeed!Azriel, Silva is older than most iterations (being 37) and the leader of the surviving Tumultites and the adoptive mother of Azriel (aka Joseph's alive daughter, who is 20)) - Silva and Azriel capture John first, then have trouble with Jacob and Faith, before Alexander saves Jacob from Enforcers and Silva finally convinces Faith to come with her before Oscar and his Enforcers come, leading many people out of Faith's Gate but leaving the Angels behind to distract (and overwhelm) the Enforcers. Joseph and Adam's words towards Azriel do not help her mental state and she captures both Joseph and Silva, and the ending of this encounter can either go a nice bittersweet or really sad bittersweet.
Far Cry The Reverend's Rule (Reverend!Silva, Silva is combined with the Curse and becomes Phillip's new prophet) - Sylvester (soon-to-become Silva) recruit Faith with the help of the Curse and Phillip, then manage to either recruit John or Jacob, before attempting to get the other brother who solidifies his loyalty to Joseph, who loses most of his flock to Silva, John/Jacob and Faith's efforts thanks to Omar's Guard' arrival and Phillip's guidance.
Far Cry The Apostles' Rise (Apostle!Silva, Silva joins the Apostles of Zachariah) - Recruits a spying Faith first before attempting (but failing) to kill the other three. All of their survivals depends on the oneshot story.
Far Cry The Scavenger's Promise (Scavenger!Silva and Immune-To-Bliss!Azriel, Silva is 35 and works with any contract/odd job she can get from Gavin, and is hardened by the death of a 9-year-old (different from the canonically 5-year-old) Persephone, but ends up accidently adopting Azriel, who is 11-years-old and not related to Joseph) - Silva saves Faith from some Enforcers who framed (and about to execute) the sister, and goes to help Jacob and John out (their survival is up for debate), but are unable to get to Joseph in time as he is callously killed by Adam Omar while attempting to protect Azriel.
Far Cry The Inquisitor's Chime (Inquisitor!Silva, Silva is apart of the Yellowjack Mafia family because Omar's Guard murdered Persephone and Irene (the latter canonically died in earlier timelines, and no where near Persephone's death) instead of Paul and the Apostles) - Silva blackmails them into helping the Mafia and the Reaping does not happen.
Far Cry An Assassin's Pledge (Assassin/Hitwomen!Silva, 28-years-old and works for the Yellowjack Mafia) - Doesn't really take down the Seeds and is more hired by them.
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bettybxiong · 4 years
Another church vandalized as mainstream media ignores growing anti-Christian attacks
(Natural News) Statue vandalism and other anti-Christian attacks show no sign of dying down as a statue of Jesus was recently discovered knocked off its pedestal and beheaded at Miami’s Good Shepherd Catholic Church. The desecrated statue was discovered on July 15 by the Reverend Edivaldo da Silva. The church has now hired an overnight...
from NaturalNews.com https://ift.tt/2WNCU3N from Betty Xiong https://ift.tt/3hEEopl
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 12.13
1294 – Saint Celestine V resigns the papacy after only five months to return to his previous life as an ascetic hermit. 1545 – The Council of Trent begins as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation. 1577 – Sir Francis Drake sets sail from Plymouth, England, on his round-the-world voyage. 1623 – The Plymouth Colony establishes the system of trial by 12-men jury in the American colonies. 1636 – The Massachusetts Bay Colony organizes three militia regiments to defend the colony against the Pequot Indians, a date now considered the founding of the National Guard of the United States. 1642 – Abel Tasman is the first recorded European to sight New Zealand. 1643 – English Civil War: The Battle of Alton takes place in Hampshire. 1758 – The English transport ship Duke William sinks in the North Atlantic, killing over 360 people. 1769 – Dartmouth College is founded by the Reverend Eleazar Wheelock, with a royal charter from King George III, on land donated by Royal governor John Wentworth. 1818 – Cyril VI of Constantinople resigns from his position as Ecumenical Patriarch under pressure from the Ottoman Empire. 1862 – American Civil War: At the Battle of Fredericksburg, Confederate General Robert E. Lee defeats Union Major General Ambrose Burnside. 1867 – A Fenian bomb explodes in Clerkenwell, London, killing 12 people and injuring 50. 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War: Battle of Nanking: The city of Nanjing, defended by the National Revolutionary Army under the command of General Tang Shengzhi, falls to the Japanese. This is followed by the Nanking Massacre, in which Japanese troops rape and slaughter hundreds of thousands of civilians. 1938 – The Holocaust: The Neuengamme concentration camp opens in the Bergedorf district of Hamburg, Germany. 1939 – The Battle of the River Plate is fought off the coast of Uruguay; the first naval battle of World War II. The Kriegsmarine's Deutschland-class cruiser (pocket battleship) Admiral Graf Spee engages with three Royal Navy cruisers: HMS Ajax, HMNZS Achilles and HMS Exeter. 1943 – World War II: The Massacre of Kalavryta by German occupying forces in Greece. 1949 – The Knesset votes to move the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 1959 – Archbishop Makarios III becomes the first President of Cyprus. 1960 – While Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia visits Brazil, his Imperial Bodyguard seizes the capital and proclaims him deposed and his son, Crown Prince Asfa Wossen, Emperor. 1962 – NASA launches Relay 1, the first active repeater communications satellite in orbit. 1967 – Constantine II of Greece attempts an unsuccessful counter-coup against the Regime of the Colonels. 1968 – Brazilian President Artur da Costa e Silva issues AI-5 (Institutional Act No. 5), enabling government by decree and suspending habeas corpus. 1972 – Apollo program: Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt begin the third and final extra-vehicular activity (EVA) or "Moonwalk" of Apollo 17. To date they are the last humans to set foot on the Moon. 1974 – Malta becomes a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations. 1974 – In the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese forces launch their 1975 Spring Offensive (to 30 April 1975), which results in the final capitulation of South Vietnam. 1977 – Air Indiana Flight 216 crashes near Evansville Regional Airport, killing 29, including the University of Evansville basketball team, support staff, and boosters of the team. 1981 – General Wojciech Jaruzelski declares martial law in Poland, largely due to the actions by Solidarity. 1982 – The 6.0 Ms  North Yemen earthquake shakes southwestern Yemen with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), killing 2,800, and injuring 1,500. 1988 – PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat gives a speech at a UN General Assembly meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, after United States authorities refused to grant him a visa to visit UN headquarters in New York. 1989 – The Troubles: Attack on Derryard checkpoint: The Provisional Irish Republican Army launches an attack on a British Army temporary vehicle checkpoint near Rosslea, Northern Ireland. Two British soldiers are killed and two others are wounded. 1994 – Flagship Airlines Flight 3379 crashes in Morrisville, North Carolina, near Raleigh–Durham International Airport, killing 15. 1995 – Banat Air Flight 166 crashes in Sommacampagna near Verona Villafranca Airport in Verona, Italy, killing 49. 2001 – Sansad Bhavan, the building housing the Indian Parliament, is attacked by terrorists. Twelve people are killed, including the terrorists. 2002 – European Union enlargement: The EU announces that Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia will become members on May 1, 2004. 2003 – Iraq War: Operation Red Dawn: Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is captured near his home town of Tikrit. 2007 – The Treaty of Lisbon is signed by the EU member states to amend both the Treaty of Rome and the Maastricht Treaty which together form the constitutional basis of the EU. The Treaty of Lisbon is effective from 1 December 2009.
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mikahsykes · 6 years
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Center of the World was a really great band. L - R: Alan Silva (bass) Muhammad Ali (drums) Bobby Few (piano) Reverend Frank Wright (tenor sax). This is the cover art for their LP made for @espdisk "Unity" which was recorded live at Moers Festival June 1st, 1974 https://ift.tt/2R109SO
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andrewezellwash · 7 years
700 Club 119 Ministries Atheism Agnosticism Armstrongism: Former World Wide Church of God teaching* WCG Amish Alamo Christian Foundation (Tony Alamo) Aryan Nations Church Assemblies of Yahweh Acupuncture Alchemy Ascended Masters Astrology Anthroposophy Arcane School Animism Arianism Annihilationism Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) Apocalyptic Cults Alpha Course Adventism Automatic Writing A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment) A True Church (Darwin Fish) Azusa Street Revival Apocrypha (Catholic) Assemblies of God (Pentecostalism)
Baha’i Faith Buddhism British Israelism Baptism for the Dead Black Hebrews Black Mass Boston Church of Christ Branch Dividians (David Koresh) The Bohemian Grove Bible Codes (Michael Drosnin) Branhamism (William Branham) Brownsville Revival (John Kilpatrick, Michael Brown, and Steve Hill) Baptismal Regeneration
A Course In Miracles (Oprah Winfrey) Christedelphians Christian Identity Movement Confucianism Edgar Cayce (A.R.E.) Christian Science (Mary Baker Eddy) Church Universal Triumph Christian Churches of God (WCG) Church of Satan Celticism CAN ( Cult Awareness Network) Scientology Concerned Christians (Monte Kim Miller) Churches of Christ Church of God, International (WCG) Charismatic Movement Christian broadcasting Network (CBN) Channeling Church of the Great God (WCG) Contemplative Prayer Christ the Savior Brotherhood (CSB) Christian Fellowship Ministries Church of the Living word Catholicism Clear Word Bible
Da Free John Dual Covenant (John Hagee) Docetism Deliverence Ministries Doctrine and Covenants Dominion Theology Druidism Demonology (Worship of Demons) Divine Science Church The Door Dianetics Dungeons and Dragons
ECKANKAR Evolution Emergent Church Ecumenism Eastern Mysticism Elijah List (NAR) ESP
The Family " Children of God" (David Moses Berg) Mo Letters Fortune Telling Freemasonry (Masonic Lodge) Five Percenters (Nation of Islam Sect) Four Square Gospel Churches (Pentecostalism) (Aimee Simple McPherson) Fresh Fire Revival Fantasy Role Playing Games
Gnosticism Global Churches of God (WCG) Gatekeepers (militia) Global Awakening: Voice of the Prophets Grace Ministries
Hare Krishna (ISKCON) House of Yahweh Halloween Holy Order of Mans (HOOM) Holy Laughter Movement Heath and Wealth Gospel Hinduism Hypnosis Holestic Health Hell Fire Club Horoscopes Hebrew Roots Movement Hanuman Foundation Heaven’s Gate Hillsong (Brian Houston)
Islam International Churches of Christ Israelite Nation Worldwide Ministries Shadrock Porter) Inclusivism Illuminati (If it actually exists) ISKON IHOP: International House of Prayer
Jesus Seminar Jehovah's Witnesses (Charles Taze Russell) Judaism Jihad (Islam) Jainism Joel's Army Kabbalism Kabbalah Centre Kansas City Prophets (IHOP) Karma Knights of Columbus (Catholic) King James Onlyism Kingdom Now Theology Klu Klux Klan Kundalini
Latter Rain Movement Legalism Little Flock The Local Church (Watchman Nee) Lucis Trust Liberation Theology Living Church of God (WCG) Lamb and Lion Ministries ## (Monte Judah)## Lifespring Lakeland Revival
Magic/Magick (White and Black) Masonic lodge (Freemasonry) Mormonism (Joseph Smith) Mind Sciences Modalism Marxism/Leninism Mental Telepathy Metaphysics Macumba (Metropolitan Community Churches) MCC Manifested Sons of God Mysticism Maryology Modern Day Tongues and Prayer Language (Pentecostal) Modern Day Apostles (Pentecostal) Modern Day Faith Healers (Pentecostal) Modern Day Prophets of God (Pentecostal) Modern Day Miracle Workers (Pentecostal) Modern Day Exorcists (Pentecostal)
Nation Of Islam (Louis Farrekkhan) New Age Movement Necromancy Native American Spirituality NEO-Paganism Nation of Yahweh New Thought National Council of Churches NEO-orthodox Christianity NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) Near Death Experiences (NDE) New World Translation (Watchtower Bible)
Oneness Pentecostalism (T.D. Jakes) Occultism Ouija Board Order of the Solar Temple Out of Body Experiences (OBE)
Prosperity Gospel Philadelphia Church of God (WCG) Parapsychology Psychology (Sigmund Freud) Psychiatry (Carl Jung) Psychoheresy Purpose Driven Church (Rick Warren) Positive Thinking (Robert Schuller) Prophecy Club (Stan Johnson) Pentecostal assemblies of the World Potters House Process Theology Pyramidology Polytheism Peyote Way Church of Christ People’s Temple The Potter’s House Paganism Panteism Panentheism Psychic Healing Pentecostalism Pan African Orthodox Christian Church Promise Keepers Pentegram
Roman Catholicism (POPES) (PAPALCY) Rajeesh Religious Science Rosicrucian fellowship Radical feminism ROTS (Rise of the Saints) Facebook Group Reincarnation Restored Church of God (WCG) REACH (Oneness Pentecostalness) Rastarianism Religious Science Raelian Religion Rebirthing Remnant Fellowship Church Remant Study Bible (7th Day Adventist)
Satanism Spiritism Skull and Bones Seventh Day Adventist (Ellen G. White) Sikhism Shintoism Scientology (Ron L. Hubbard) Silva Mind Control Sufism Swedenborgism Sorcery Secular Humanism Gwen Shamblin "weighdown workshops" Shepard's Chapel (Arnold Murray) Social Gospel Sabbatharianism Slain in the Spirit (Charismatic Pentecostalism) Santeria Satanic Ritual Abuse Second Advent Movement Serpent Seed Doctrine Shamanism Shepherding Shriners (Masonic Lodge) Soul Sleep Spiritual Abuse Star Wars/Jedi Stonehenge Second Eighth Week Ministries
Taoism Theosophical Society Transcendental Meditation Tarot Cards Twelve Tribes Talisman Therapeutic Touch Toronto Blessing (Rodney Howard Browne) Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) (Paul Crouch)
UFO's and UFO Cults Unification Church (Reverend Moon) Unitarian Universalism Unity school of Christianity United Church of God (WCG) United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) Ultra Dispensationalism Universalism The Urantia Society
Voodoo Victory Chapel Vendetta Society Vedas Vineyard Churches/Movement (John Wimber)
Westboro Baptist Church Word of Faith Movement Witchcraft Wicca The way International Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Weighdown Workshop World Changers Church World Council of Churches World wide Church of God (Armstrongism) (No longer a Cult) Woman Pastors, Preachers, Reverends, etc. Warriors International
YOGA Yaweheism Yin and Yang
ZEN Buddhism Zoroastrianism Zodiac.
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God forbid you're Joseph Seed in the Far Cry The Reverend's Rule AU
Feel kind of bad for Joseph in this AU. Not only does he have to deal with an apocalypse and ensure his family and congregation's safety, but his God (Phillip) is actively working against him, working with the Curse (a descendant of the Snake that helped Eve burn down the original Garden of Eden), who is currently bonded to the very woman (Silva) he and his family are harassing and pushing the limits of, and is also capable of turning said woman into an unnatural beast that is practically immortal but also on the brink of death if it doesn't consume, which would probably be an advantage if it weren't for the fact Bliss is now its newest source of sustainability. Plus Phillip and the Curse are also tutoring Silva on how to be a prophet (to replace Joseph), and she's actually pretty competent at it, and is able to bring in some of his own flock to her side, even some Resistance members.
But on the other hand, he kind of deserves it, considering everything he's done (start a Holy War for one, an action that would lead to countless deaths, among other things in past and present).
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