#retu askartelee paskartelee
returquoise · 1 year
I started crocheting a temperature blanket. I did it for two hours past my bed time and now I feel like I'll regret it when I need to get up for work at quarter past 2 in the morning.
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returquoise · 4 years
I have finally tried one of those stitches Bernadette Banner raves about, while fixing a few seam tears. And yeah, that stich I don't remember the name of totally slaps.
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returquoise · 3 years
I just finished a sewing project and I'm really damn proud of myself. I even made up the pattern myself, learned new stuff, and did a bunch of hand sewing to finish the seams.
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returquoise · 4 years
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I'm crocheting a blanket in Ravenclaw colours because I've suddenly rediscovered the wonders of crocheting.
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returquoise · 4 years
me, trying to figure out a new knitting technique: *knits happily for ages*
me: *notices i gone fucked up*
also me: *unravels the thing until the last point it made sense*
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returquoise · 4 years
My in progress crocheted Ravenclaw blanket makes me so happy that sometimes I just stop whatever I’m doing and stare at it while smiling dopily.
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returquoise · 5 years
Until two minutes ago, I thought the first woollen sweater I ever knitted would be awesome and now I’m just kinda giggling helplessly because oh lord the sleeves. It’s gonna look so funny but I’ll want to wear it anyway ahahahaha
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returquoise · 6 years
I feel like such a nerd; I keep opening my bujo and smiling like a loon because it’s so pretty.
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returquoise · 6 years
With a new year and a new bullet journal, I started a month's highlights page and I already have the first notation on it!
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returquoise · 6 years
Today has been a very good day; I'm over halfway done with my source translation (early 19th century Russian, you are my bitch), I'm over halfway done with the back part of my knitting project (I got enough yarn for a jumper as a gift yesterday; also I've really missed knitting) and between doing those I've had ample time to enjoy nostalgic tv.
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returquoise · 2 years
So I have broken sewing machine needles before but now I managed to break a metal sewing pin with my hand?
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returquoise · 6 years
When you ask someone a question how they want something done and they just switch to a different question.
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Bitch, do you actually want me to do stuff they way you want me to? Simple yes or no answers would help a lot because I'm not a fucking mind reader.
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returquoise · 6 years
I feel like I need to list some of the cool/fun/tiring stuff that’s been going on the last few days.
Escape room! Game night! Those stupid gifs! Patches! I still have no printing place! New cute shoes! I finally say Kingsman and it was fun!
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returquoise · 4 years
Kuka sadisti on kirjottanu ohjeet kierrettyyn joustinneuleeseen???? Niistä ei saa selvää – löysin selkeähkön videon, jossa sanotaan, että silmukkamäärä pitää olla kolmella jaollinen ja saakeli kaikki ohjeet sanoo, että sukanvarteen 52 silmukkaa, mikä ei tosiaankaan ole kolmella jaollinen. Ja sitten ohje sanoo vaan kierretty joustinneule, mutta kun ne lisägooglaukset sanoo eri asioita kuin se ohje! Novita, Martat, ja Kodin kuvalehti, miksi olette pettäneet minut näin?????? (ja ennen kuin joku sanoo, että muuttaa silmukkamääriä, niin sitten saan aikaan vain ongelmia myöhemmin koska olen perfektionisti ja vihaan epäselviä ohjeita yli kaiken)
Kello on myös kolme aamuyöllä ja oon egkä turhan kiihtyny asiasta mutta mä vaan halusin alottaa sukat saatana.
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returquoise · 7 years
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Omg my huge book!Ravenclaw scarf will be so warm, I love it already 💙💙💙💙💙
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returquoise · 4 years
I’ve never played the Sims but I think I just got part of the experience of contentment because I built stairs in the back garden.
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