#retsy my love
junkdyke · 1 year
i dont need companionship i need to rewatch aggretsuko
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revelca · 2 years
aggretsuko s5 was the best and the worst at the same time, and here's why.
so, the last season of aggretsuko is here, huh. it's one of my favorite shows ever and i just really want to discuss all that happened in s5 with someone. it's totally okay if you disagree with some of the stuff below, i'd love to hear your views and opinions!
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so, obviously, it wasn't perfect. it was fun, but it had some issues. luckily it was better than s4 and had some really good moments, but the 2nd half of the season was a big misunderstanding. i decided to make a list out of all the stuff that bothers me:
retsuko literally got forced into politics. saying she's a people pleaser is not enough to justify it. i'm not saying "you can't do politics in aggretsuko", i'm saying that it would be better if she went "maybe i can make lives of regular office workers like me better?". and what was the politics arc for, anyway? there was no point but if you have to do it then just don't force her into that? give her a reason that would make her go "maybe it's not that bad of an idea".
why were retsuko and haida always going to a grocery store that was far away? plot hole! you see, after the stalker incident in s3 retsuko moved and i remember haida literally saying something along the lines of "the shop below keeps it safe and light at night". in additon, the building retsy lives in was shown several times and there really is a shop below her house.
remember when retsuko dreamed of being a lil blushy bride with a big smile in a beautiful dress all the way back in season 1? it was important for her, it was her dream. and in the end, haida and retsy just went with the civil marriage thing and? why?? honestly, why...
one of the biggest issues is obviously the fact that we didn't get enough about retsuko's and haida's relationship. since when were they even together?? i might've missed this part, but my point still stands - we really didn't enough about them. 5 seasons of waiting and this is what we get?? i just didn't get the feeling that haida and retsuko are actually happy and in love with each other, so them getting married so suddenly was a big suprise to me. and it's not like there weren't any opportunities for them to show affection to one another! i'm not saying they should act lovey dovey all of the time, but take for example retsuko's visit in haida's house. when they went out for a walk to the garden, he could say something like "i know it's hard, but deal with them just for today, okay?" or "sorry that i'm making you go through this. you really shouldn't have went here with me." stuff like that is what would make it feel a bit more like a real relationship and this exactly what their relationship lacks.
in the end we didn't get a single bit of info abt whether haida have found a job or not. he was supossed to get into IT and? after visiting retsuko's parents it was never mentioned again?? did netflix really just forget about it?
this isn't really an issue, but i still wonder who have hit haida with that truck. his brother said that he didn't do it but how did he even know that happened? not like haida would've told him about that considering their relationship... is, yknow.
and now, to the good stuff!! i have to admit, the 1st half of s5 was good, great even. those honestly were the best aggretsuko eps after the stalker incident in s3.
SHIKABANE ABSJSJSJ (no explanation needed) <33
haida deserved that. bro was being miserable and i loved every second of it. now he knows how tough life can be!! and that's a good thing.
as always, tadano never fails to make the show better, no matter what season is it. the thing where he bought the whole internet cafe? hilarious.
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i'm bad at explaining why a show is good i was born to be toxic so that's about it haha. would love to hear others' opinions! <33
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kellodrawsalot · 2 years
So about Aggretsuko
so tomorrow is the final season of Aggretsuko, once i finish it I will share my thoughts on it too but I am hoping we get an amazing ending for our girl
I manage to binge season all four seasons, including the Christmas special 
and I got to say, despite my feelings about the ending of season 3 and 4....
I still love this series
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(yes season 4 is mild to bad, I will talk about that too)
The series still hits right when it comes to charm, talking about the economic problems of today, (they boomers are daydreaming about the Bubble economy again)  showing strong complicated and various adult women who all live different lives, be it a single strong career women or a wife with kids. My friends joke that in some ways I’m a lot like Retsy, (I try to please people and yes sometimes I do buy a product because I feel bad about going to a store and leaving without buying anything, I stress easy and do cry at times,) I think Retsy is a much stronger person then me trough and unlike her, I don’t desire a husband.) but still Retsy is easily my favorite character.
Season 2 is the highlight (so far of the series) I think it’s everyone’s favorite for a reason and while I know he’s popular with the fandom I do have to say with the new development of ai voices and ai art there are some things that just doesn’t sit right with me with Tadano 
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(Don’t get me wrong, I do like him!) Tadano wants to change the world by making most jobs obsolete with the workings of A, so that everyone can focus on something else they want to do, a passion or their dream, something creative. That’s great and all, but not everyone can make a living of that, ( see Manaka ) And even Retsuko points out at that moment: She’s fine with her office job, there are a lot of people who don’t really have any creative ambitions. And there’s nothing wrong with that. in fact, not everyone wants to turn their hobby into their day job either. Tadano’s dream and AI program will screw these people over. Tadano hopes that everyone can have a form of basic universal income, but that’s just not realistic, and I wish other characters pointed this out. 
That being said seeing Retsuko and Tadano’s relationship develop was a lot of fun to see, they have chemistry, and it sucks that it didn’t work out between them. But I like it because it wouldn’t be fair to either Tadano or Retsuko to give up a part of themselves just to please the other. That would have made have ended up in a bitter divorce or break-up. Tadano doesn’t believe in marriage and doesn’t want kids. He wants Retsuko to just stay with him, leave her job and do whatever she wants. Retsuko doesn’t want to quit her job, and she wants to be a blushing bride and have children one day. Yeah these two were not going to work.
The other highlight of season 2 is we get to see more of  Washimi and Gori, I love these two a lot, They are best friends and become Retsuko’s best friends through the series, we find out Washimi used to be married and got divorced just a few months later, she has no desire anymore to be a married woman, she’s happy with her life as it is and warns other women that marriage is not going to fix your life or all your problems. Then there is Gori, another 40-year old career woman who is looking for a husband: She regrets focusing too much on her career and less on finding a partner in her younger years. That said the series does not imply, that’s the only way for a woman to become happy and that Gori is an example of the fate of all regretful single women (just fyi studies suggest otherwise) Gori mentions that right now, she’s perfectly happy because of her career and her friends, she just hopes she will remain happy 20 years from now.
Season 3, Retsuko becomes part of an underground idol, she almost quits her office job because she CAN make a living of her singing career. It got ruined because a stalker makes an attempt to stab her. Japan has a deep issue with the way they handle stalkers, so this is sadly realistic for a lot of women living in Japan. She’s saved by Haida, but develops a form of ptds and hides away in her mother’s house. Sadly, no character suggests a form of therapy and Haida calls her a coward in a way to encourage her to go back to work. This rubs people of the wrong way, and it’s one of the reasons why people dislike the ending of season 3. Japan sadly has a stigma against therapy but I wish this more modern show that is willing to criticize some of Japanese traditional culture norms would have been open with this too, but alas.
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Speaking of Haida, I have very mixed feelings about the character, I do like him I was rooting for him up till season 3 and 4.  Him suggesting Retsuko is not that weak when Gori and Washimi tell him that Retsuko needs more time to heal from the attack made me uncomfortable. Just to remind everyone, you are not WEAK because you want to heal from a traumatic experience: remind yourself that. Haida is in love with Retsuko but doesn’t know her very well neither does Retsy know Haida, and by season 4 when they are in fact dating, both Haida and Retsuko keep secrets from one another. To me, it feels like Haida loves the idea of Restuko more then Retsuko.  AND IN SEASON 4 HAIDA COMMITS BLUE COLLAR CRIMES LMAO Restuko is not a forward kind of woman and she’s not insertive.Haida often lacks the courage to take more steps with Restuko because he doesn’t believe in himself. Their own character traits are holding them back in this relationship, making me believe this won’t work out. I hope season 5 being a conclusion of the series will show us the development of their romance or the break-up of these two.
One’s thing that is frustrating about Aggretsuko is that each season sets itself back and everything goes back to the statues quo, but I’m happy to see Haida indeed quit his job by the end of season 4. Good going show! That beind said season 4 just felt messy, Haida’s arc felt frustrating but the season despite its flaws also had some key high lights
The episode where the characters are defending and helping Kabae trying to mix her work with her role as a mother is beautiful, Himeru was an excellent villain, can’t help but love this corrupt fellow. Ton despite being very problematic, a relic of the traditional ‘‘women belong in the kitchen’‘ jerks, shows a lot of his moral greyness this season. It doesn’t justify his abusive actions towards Restuko but, he obvious loves his family, refuses to fire anyone of his staff, even refusing to fire Retsuko under the pressure of Himeru and through the seasons he’s the one who gave out important lessons to Retsuko that ended up saving her: He knows when she’s suffering, or forcing herself to be something she’s not for her then-current boyfriend. (  Resasuke and Tadano) Retsuko ends up helping him in this season and despite some problems here and there, I believe they have a healthier work relationship now. (unless season 5 fucks this up)
anyway I am still hyped for the final season and I hope we see a happy ending to our angry panda.
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or if you can’t Netflix maybe give us a movie to conclude everyone’s arc? maybe? ;-;
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3 platonic dynamics you like :3
(based on this fandom ask game)
1. Brett and Reagan from Inside Job
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I love their dynamic! I’m an absolute sucker for the happy go lucky (but secretly has issues) person friends with the snarky grump (who obviously has a sweet side) person. they both work together wonderfully, and trust each other completely even with different personalities. platonic or romantic, either way works for me! so long as there was some proper buildup. they’re great as friends, and it’s always nice to see supportive besties onscreen.
2. Washimi, Gori and Retsuko from Aggretsuko
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I will die for this trio friendship!! Washimi and Gori treated Retsy like an equal and provided differing perspectives for her problems.
they also genuinely worry and care about her (making sure she's okay after learning about Tadano, speaking to the president about Ton, ect.) I'd personally like to have people like that in my life!
someone said that they represent two facets of Retsuko, Gori is over-excitability and passion, while Washimi is serenity and seriousness which is pretty cool!
3. Wander and Slyvia from Wander over Yonder
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I love the friendship between Wander and Sylvia, they can share funny and nice moments when they help other, but they support mutually and resolve problems together just ✨✨✨ really good team!
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moonyartsblog · 2 years
Serie 7 Post 9: My heart melted drawing it, primary love of the series I absolutely shouldn't have missed it from doing it. 💕 How can you not love him? In short, watch it! Together with Haida they are the ones who are aesthetically the most "husband material" 🫢 So here it is and enjoy it, few things in life are as beautiful as it is. 👀✨ Let me introduce it properly: Tadano comes across in the earlier episodes as someone who never really grew up. Despite supposedly being Retsuko's age, Tadano comes across as an adolescent based upon his overly relaxed and slouched posture, using much more casual slang (affectionately calling Retsuko by the nickname "Retsy"), calm voice, and tired yet amused looking eyes and expression. He even decides to give up trying to get his driver's license. It is later revealed near the end of the seventh episode that he is not the type of individual Retsuko initially assumed him to be. He turns out to be a young genius and entrepreneur that is well versed in computer technology. It is also revealed he seeks to push beyond modern capitalism and wishes to restructure society to allow people to pursue their own interests without working a menial job. He is also not interested in the traditional conventions of a relationship as he has no intention of settling down and ultimately believes that romantic relationships are fleeting. Even though he had unintentionally hurt Retsuko's feelings in his brief romance with her, he is still respectful of Retsuko's choice on breaking up with him.
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citrus-feline · 6 months
i need to clarify. i am NOT team tadano because hes fucking stacked. that's besides the point. his personality is just infinitely better. he will take care of you girl. the biggest negative of him is that he will be busy all the time. and i guess the stuff that retsy cares about like putting labels and stuff on things and starting a family or whatever. idc about that shit. fr the only reason im married is to make it easier to deal with finances and stuff like home ownership. i would have been content to just be dating him for the rest of my life. now that i am married i am pleased to say so, of course, but it doesnt really matter much compared to other stuff.
shakes head. he's handsome and sweet and well put together and makes his goals / boundaries explicitly clear. just for a moment think about how his breakup w retsuko was written. it could have gone so much worse. but he was upfront about his beliefs and stood behind them. his boundaries are clear and he is open about them. THAT is someone to hold close. he will outright let you know if you aren't compatible because he will make you fucking Talk. too many bitches undervalue the strength of being open to communication in a relationship. that is the bread and butter of my own relationship tbh. its why we never fight. because we talk things out like adults. and of course there are disagreements with things, you will disagree with anyone if you spend enough time with them. no one has the same views 100%. it can be as simple as how long u put ur bread in the toaster for. there will be inconsistencies!!!!! and you approach that as understanding people. its okay to agree to disagree!!! it's healthy even!!!!!
im srry im getting weird about this but deadass tadano is such a well made character. i love him. the fact that he isn't everyone's favorite baffles me. hes honestly the most well-written romantic interest ive seen in any media ever. like yeah it isn't a NEGATIVE that he's fucking rich but you know what im saying??? get yourself someone like tadano.
plus he will give you the best head of your life. i know he can suck dick / eat pussy like it's his reason for living. i know this. also besides the point. but it's worth mentioning. thank u.
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midnightwerewoolf · 3 years
(season 4 spoilers)
Look, I actually enjoyed season 4.
Himuro was a strong presence in the show and obviously a bad influence on someone who seeks approval like Haida. He's had strong self worth issues the whole time in the show and to be honest he's right about Retsuko being amazing, he needed that slap from her and lose to Tadano to realize what he was doing and then standing up to Himuro. My boy needed to be expanded on and I'm happy.
I'm not that big of a shipper so I can't say anything about the whole thing with Retsuko, except that it needs more time to develop and that the two of them keeping secrets from each other was not a good thing.
How does he manage to remain the best boy the whole time he's on screen, like I love Haida, he's a puppy. But every time Tadano appeared on screen he stole the show.
Still being on good terms with Retsuko, still calls her Retsy and refuses to stop using that cute nickname he gave her, supportive of Retsuko and able to validate her confusing feelings towards Ton's situation and giving her another way out to help her former boss.
Tadano is amazing, I love him.
10/10 best boy.
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sejinaaaa · 3 years
Thoughts on Aggretsuko season 4
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the first minute of its release I immediately started to binge the show. And let me tell ya, it's insane.
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It starts off with the fact that Retsuko and Haida are finally starting to get together. Retsuko is really trying her hardest to yk make a move and invite him in but Haida is a fucking pussy he just decides and goes "welp I'm scared!! I'm going to throw away my chance bcs I'm afraid as shit!!" AH WTF IM SORRY IT JUST REALLY PISSED THE FUCK OUT OF ME I SWEAR IF I WAS RETSUKO IN THIS SITUATION I WOULD IMMEDIATELY BE LIKE "bitch no" I mean she did but ye yk anyways, Even if this was a really long-awaited ship I personally think that they aren't fit for each other. First of all, it was one-sided and Retsuko barely showed any signs of attraction to Haida throughout the 3 seasons, Haida barely even knows Retsuko and probably just loves the idea of her. If you do ship them tho I think that's pretty cool! This is just my opinion. Just to put it out there for a bonus Tadano got like a million times hotter but anyways Let's talk about Haida, most of the plot was centered around him throughout this season after all. I honestly felt bad for Haida at first but the more the series progresses until the last episode I just got kinda mad. first of all, him being jealous of Tadano is literally so unnecessary like I get it dude I feel that way sometimes but do u rlly not trust retsy enough to the point that you gonna be like "okay if i win this arm wrestling u stop calling her retsy haha big funni" srsly it was kinda possessive. I also got mad because he did tax fraud thinking it would help him like bruh and i got even madder because he said he did it for retsy like she didn't even ask you too man wtf . Okay but his password was actually really funny tho ngl I'm still processing everything about the series so my opinions aren't really final but rlly this is what I think.
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zombieplaguedoc · 4 years
Hey Love, Works been really tough for me lately. And it’s Valentine’s Day which you know I have little to no experience in this field. But, Yknow I love you right. I think I’ll head to the Karaoke Bar after Work Tomorrow, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to come? It’s ok no pressure at all. I just want to make sure you’re doing well hon! Remember to take care of yourself. Love,Retsuko (-Foxsbeloved)
Ahh, Retsy! My beloved death metal princess! I’m so glad to hear from you, I’m glad you manage to survive work, especially with that jackass boss of yours. I love you so much, and just spending time with you on Valentine’s Day is always great no matter what we do. And I do want to come with you to the Karaoke Bar, and I was hoping if we could maybe sing Kjaerlighet by I Killed The Prom Queen together? I always think of you when I hear that. Thank you love, please take care of yourself too. I love you Retsuko. 🥰
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kingdomofkitten · 5 years
The Wedding: Part 8: The Event
There he stood. Petrified. It wasn’t like this was not warranted. Marriage itself is a very stressful thing. All the time, effort, funds, everything is on the line for this one day. If one piece is off, it all comes crashing down. Everything has been building up to this. Will she say “I don’t”? Will she run out? Will HE run out? He can never tell.
“You aight, hombre?” He heard a voice call out, a familiar voice from a fennec fox. Fenneko, standing as a minister. The fact Haida had to bear witness to such a thing is nightmare inducing. “Um, yeah. Just...kinda nervous, I guess.” “Ah, I don’t blame ya. It’s a nerve-wracking day.” She replied. “But I wouldn’t worry about it, dude. You’ve known her long enough to know she would never stand you up.” He looked around, in contemplation, before responding. “...yeah, I guess you’re right.” Suddenly, everyone looked towards the end of the aisle, and stood up. “Here she comes, look alive.” The small minister told the hyena, as their sights turned towards...her. Retsuko. She began slowly making her way down, in a dress that helps make her shine even more than her natural beauty already emitted. Her head is tilted down, but even still, he could see a smile coming from her, with such a warmth to it. With his ears, he could hear the organs playing Here Comes the Bride. But in his mind, he was hearing all sorts of music playing at just the mere sight of her. Kiss From a Rose, Can’t Help Falling in Love, I’ll Make Love to You, Your Smiling Face, 214, I Don’t Mind, all the sappiest love songs he could think of, just playing all at once. He was in a state of shock, and euphoria. He was in love.
Haida took her hand, as she stood in front of him, with a wonderful combination of glowing eyes, and a bright smile. “Hi, sweetheart.” Said Retsuko, in the sweetest, most loving voice he ever heard. “Hi, Retsy...you look wonderful.” His words were only responded to by a bashful laugh, and a blush on her precious face. “Oh, stop, you look way better than me!” She exclaimed, causing Haida’s face to turn similarly red. “AHEM! Shall we get started?” Said Fenneko, casually looking at the engaged couple. Retsuko could only look in shock, at her dear friend as the one to wed them...but they both nodded.
And then, the fennec spoke.
“Dearly beloved! We are gathered here on this most joyous of occasions, to celebrate the union of Retsuko….um...yes, and Haida…...ya know, I never bothered to actually ask what the hell your last names were. Bah, who cares. Ya know, for all these years knowing these two, I knew, deep down, two very important things. One, they wouldn’t be anything without me.” That got a massive amount of laughter from the audience. “I mean, I ain’t joking, but alright. But two...that no matter what obstacles stood in their way, other people, life events, themselves...they were tailored made for each other. I ain’t a strong believer in destiny, to me, it’s just a cheap way to justify even the most mundane things in life. But if someone told me it was destined that they would be together as they have been...not gonna lie, I’d buy it. There is something deep within them that, I think, pulls them through. Maybe it’s their own hearts...maybe it’s their kid, I dunno. But somehow, someway, they managed to persevere throughout many of the hard times. Of course, those are not over yet. They probably still have quite a bit to go through. But hopefully, with a love like theirs, we probably won’t have to worry in the slightest about that. As long as that love stays strong, things will turn out just fine. But hell, you guys are probably getting sick and tired by me rambling on about them, let’s hear what they have to say! You two like to get your vows out of the way?”
Retsuko cleared her throat a little. “I-I’ll start, if that’s okay with you,” she said to her groom. “Of course! Go right on ahead.” The reassuring tone from Haida comforted her considerably, as she began her vow. “Haida, I remember it was just a couple of years ago, I didn’t really know you too much, and I wanted to get married, and have kids, so I didn’t have to work another day in my life...well, two out of three ain’t bad.” She joked, resulting in more laughter from everyone. “Jump ahead a few years, and now I am still working at my job, yes, but I am also a mother to an absolutely wonderful baby boy, and will very soon become the wife of the most amazing man I’ve ever met in my life. Ever since I’ve really gotten to know you, it feels like every day has something new about it, it’s like a brand new adventure every single time. The fact that you and Ikari are always by my side during it all really does mean a lot to me. I say this with no stretch whatsoever, you really changed my life in all the best of ways, Haida, and I cannot thank you enough for that. I vow to be a loving, and faithful wife, to be by your side whenever you need me, and to help make sure our son has a bright future ahead. I love you so much, I can’t wait to become your wife, and...sorry it took so long for us to even start a relationship in the first place.” The vow ended with her laughing very bashfully.
“...my turn?,” asked Haida, which solicited a “yes, dum-dum” from Fenneko. “Oh! Alright...well, firstly, don’t feel too bad, took me forever to get you a ring, so I think that makes us even,” he said with a smirk, causing Retsuko to laugh. “Secondly...I didn’t really think about it until a few days ago, but under most circumstances, this probably wouldn’t ever happen. I wasn’t exactly the most...stable dude. My crush on you all those years ago kinda put me in a few rough spots, I won’t lie. In most cases, I probably would’ve found, if we were ever a thing, that we didn’t work out in the slightest, and that I wasted so much time. But that didn’t happen. The moment you and I began going out, I felt...better about myself. More selfless, cheerier, more energetic, more focused. I can’t recall the last time I went into work with my chest clenching up, or my brain going all over the place! You managed to take a broken wreck like me, and fix me until I was a new man. I often wish I could repay you in any possible way, and kick myself for not being good enough...but you never seem to mind, and you don’t know how grateful I am for that. Taking care of Ikari with you has been one of the greatest honors I’ve ever had put upon me, and will probably continue to be that way for a long time. I cannot promise I will be the best husband in the world. I’m hardly the best boyfriend. But if it means I get to start every day with your incredible smile, and our pride and joy bringing us all the happiness in the world, I’m willing to do the best I possibly can. I vow to be a caring, and loving husband, to never turn my back on you, and to be there whenever you need me. I love you with all my heart, Retsuko, and I cannot wait for what awaits us.”
By the time both were done, their eyes were wet with tears, as both look at each other with the biggest smiles possible. “...guys, c’mon. You’re at an event, no need to get emotional,” said Fenneko, causing the two to laugh out out, before continuing. “Well, in any case, let’s get those rings on ya!” As they put the rings on their fingers (courtesy of the ring-bearer...Ikari), it really does start to sink in...this is happening. They are actually going to get married. And now...the moment everyone knew was coming. “Do you, Retsuko, take this lumbering oaf, I mean, Haida, to be your lawfully wedded husband, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” “....I do,” said Retsuko, with a small sense of joy upon saying those words. “And do you, Haida, take this death metal singing freak, I mean, Retsuko, to be your lawfully wedded wife, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, until death do you part? ….and even then, knowing you, you would desperately try not to part with her upon death?,” Fenneko joked. “I do,” said Haida, rather warmly.
“Well, then, by the power invested in me, and put upon my two closest friends, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride….kiss her, ya idiot.”
Haida very gently lifted Retsuko’s veil before being jumped by the red panda, who proceeded to give him the biggest kiss she could possibly give. He wrapped his arms, and returned the smooch, all while a roaring applause calls out to them. Not that it mattered to them. As far as they were concerned, they were together, in their own little world of love. As soon as the kiss broke, they could only stare into each others’ eyes, tears streaming down, and just laugh. “We did it!,” exclaimed Retsuko, repeating that phrase until Haida began joining her, nuzzling his face up to hers. He picked her up bridal style, and began walking up the aisle, outside the doors, to a bunch of cherry blossom trees. “Ah...it’s really beautiful out here, huh?,” asked Retsuko. “It sure is...but it doesn’t hold a candle to yo-“ “Retsuko! Haida! Wait!” The two turn, and see Tsunoda and Fenneko run up to them. “W-what’s wrong?,” asked Haida. “Well, firstly, ya gotta throw the bouquet, Retsy. That’s kind of a thing in weddings.” “Oh, okay!” Retsuko responded to Fenneko’s request by simply dropping the bouquet into the fennec fox’s arms. “There! Now you and Tsunoda can get married!” Tsunoda laughed at the gesture, while Fenneko just looked at them, unamused. “...ha. Funny. Secondly, we kinda forgot to get a wedding photo of you guys, so we need to do that quickly. We figured you guys would want Ikari, but since he refuses to let go of the ring pillow, I’m gonna have to ask that you guys take off your rings, and put them on the pillow when we get it set up, so it doesn’t look like he’s just grabbing a pillow for no reason.” “Oh. Sure!,” said Haida.
The four quickly look around, before finding a view of the lake, with cherry blossoms blowing around, a bunch of petals already on the floor. “Perfect!,” Tsunoda exclaimed, running over, and picking up Ikari, to put him in front of his parents, clinging tight to the pillow. The couple quickly handed the rings to Fenneko, who put them nicely onto the pillow, while the child began crying, possibly from being overwhelmed. “Ah, great. Um...pacifier? Anything?” “Oh, there’s one in my pocket!,” Haida revealed, grabbing one out, and handing it to Fenneko. She quickly plants it into the child’s mouth, subduing him enough to get the photo. “We only got one shot, so let’s make it count,” the fennec fox said, as she stood back enough, phone camera at ready. “You guys good to go?” The hyena and red panda looked at each other, love brightening up their faces tenfold. Suddenly, Retsuko draws her cheek up to Haida’s. “Ready, Fenneko!”
It was here, when Haida finally let it sit in. Retsuko was his wife now. The mere notion of that would’ve sounded like some distant dream not too long ago. He often wondered what that day would look like, and here it was.
Was he sure this wasn’t a dream? Surely an angel like Retsuko would never settle for a lowlife like Haida, right? That only seems reasonable.
But no. It was very much real.
It was real...
...and it was perfect.
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So, I mentioned how stressful the whole final chapter would be, given I want to get it done before Season 2 premieres...then I magically wake up at 4 in the morning, and decide to write it out. Funny how that works, huh? Well, anyways, there is an epilogue left, but otherwise, this IS the last part of this story. I want to thank all of you for being so patient with me, a lot of stuff has happened since the beginning of writing this, to today. A lot of work, a lot of laziness, a lot of illness and most surprisingly, a lot of stress. Yeah, while writing this wasn’t very stressful, events going on, either in my life, or in my social circles, kinda left me in various stages of stress. But, I think a large chunk of that is gonna die down now. Hopefully, anyway.
A GINORMOUS shout-out to @skeletonguys-and-ragdolls for the wonderful picture you see. Diana, thank you so, so, SO much for helping to make this thing that much more special to me, and for being as patient as you were during this whole thing. I want to apologize again for taking so damn long.
So! Where to now? Answer....well, firstly, get the epilogue done. That’s kinda the main thing. But also! Considering Season 2 is coming out (and yes, I did catch a bit of the trailer on Netflix...I like to think it helped increase my stress a little bit. :P), that raises the question....will the Ikariverse also include Season 2?????
Fuck no, I already had to kinda retcon things to get the Christmas special in there, you think I’m gonna sneak in a whole season? Get outta here.
BUT! Chances are ELEMENTS of Season 2 will be in there. I know Retsuko’s mom in the series will probably not appear, because....well, I already wrote in Rie, and I’m too lazy to change that. But other characters may still very much appear. We’ll just have to see. Until that comes, I probably will just write shorter, sillier adventures. I still need to write Gori and Washimi meeting Ikari, I think....actually, come to think of it, there’s a lot of stuff I need to write. Should probably get on that. :/
Until then, guys, have yourselves a wonderful day!
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burritodetodo · 5 years
Aww, Aggretsuko S2 final two episodes put me sensitve because Retsuko found the love of her life after two bad attempts and a reject, but Tadano's ideals were against hers.
They ended in good terms tho, and their love story was really cute, also Gori and Washimi consoling Retsy after their breakup either.
In general, the show got stronger on their characters. There were less Haida and Fenneko moments in favor of another minor characters (Director Ton, the hippo lady I can't remember her name sorry).
Gosh, Anai was so punchable but he was taken care by the hippo lady and became good because that disturbed 18 year-old boy needed was mother love. And Ton had glimpses of wisdom towards Retsuko but then he became the jerk he always is. Oof Retsuko's Mom was also irritating meddling into her daughter's life, but I guess it was her way to protect her young adult girl.
Aggretsuko is a very enjoyable anime that still gets into the perks of adult lives, modern society, social media and responsabilities. A comedy with some serious scenes. And gee, I respect Raicho's doom metal singing, but in English is way much better!
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PS: if I do a video review of this, Sanrio would bust my balls wouldn't they?
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sage-nebula · 5 years
I binged season two of Aggretsuko over the span of a couple days, and thought of course I really enjoyed it (though I think I might have enjoyed the first season a tiny bit more), I at first didn’t have too much to say about it. However, the popular topic at the moment seems to be Tadano and his treatment of Retsuko, and I wanted to post my thoughts since I can’t really bring myself to agree with either of the popular takes at the moment, mostly because I feel they’re both too extreme on either side of the divide. In other words, I don’t see Tadano as completely innocent and incapable of manipulation, but I also don’t see him as a malicious and definitively abusive partner to Retsuko, either.
Further analysis beneath the cut.
As noted above, the two popular takes I’ve seen regarding Tadano have been:
Tadano only wanted what was best for Retsuko and he never did anything to compromise that (usually served with a side of blaming Retsuko for not speaking up sooner) or
Tadano was manipulative, creepy, and borderline abusive and it’s good Retsuko got out of there when she did
While these are the two most popular takes that I’ve seen, the truth is, in my opinion, a blend of the two. Tadano did have some manipulative behaviors (particularly with one line in particular, which I’ll get to in a moment), but I don’t believe that his manipulation was entirely conscious, nor do I think it came from a place of malice. Instead, I think it came from a place of desperate loneliness, and the desire to keep the happy little bubble that he and Retsuko had going in tact for as long as possible.
Tadano is an interesting character not for his political views or for the fact that he’s a love interest, but rather because he truly is as much a failure (harsh though that word may be) as he is a success. Retsuko and the audience learn through the course of the season that Tadano is, in fact, not unemployed, nor is he poor; instead, he’s a very wealthy tech visionary who is revolutionizing the world of artificial intelligence, and has aspirations to overturn the economic system as we know it. But although Tadano is (at least thus far) a successful businessman in his field, he is also living out of his limousine . . . and is completely alone.
At no point throughout the series do we see Tadano have a meaningful connection with another character, apart from perhaps ENI-O, which is an A.I. that Tadano himself invented. He has a driver, but he and the driver barely talk; the driver spends most of his time playing a game in the front seat, while Tadano sleeps in the back. ENI-O monitors Tadano’s health and keeps track of his appointments (/makes the appointments), but it doesn’t really seem to have a personality despite being an artificial intelligence, and isn’t really one for conversation. Tadano doesn’t have any other business partners; he didn’t choose Retsuko’s company himself and as such doesn’t have any connections there; and the fact that it’s ENI-O that he’s returning “home” to after the breakup (in contrast to Retsuko) speaks volumes about who he has in his life. Retsuko cries to Gori and Washimi after the breakup. Tadano . . . just has his A.I. It doesn’t seem like he has any friends or family to return to after the breakup.
So, enter Retsuko. Tadano instantly jumps at the chance to talk to her at the driving school because he noticed that she was about his age. Note that this is something that Retsuko had noticed about him as well, but it wasn’t enough to prompt her to approach him, possibly because she has others (e.g. Gori, Washimi, Fenneko, Haida) in her life that she can talk to. But for Tadano, who seems pretty isolated and alone, seeing another adult at the driving school (someone his age who also didn’t have what is considered a basic skill for those their age) was exciting enough to strike up a conversation. He starts calling her by a familiar nickname (“Re-chan” / “Retsy”), even though in Japanese such a thing is usually reserved for close friends. Retsuko doesn’t call him on this (though it would have been perfectly acceptable for her to), which is fine, but the more important point here is that making acquaintances (because they weren’t even friends yet, really!) with Retsuko at the driving school was enough for Tadano to feel like she was enough of a friend that he wanted to use a friendly nickname with her. One could argue that perhaps he’s just a nickname-y guy, but at the moment we can’t really make that argument because we don’t see him use nicknames for anyone else . . . because we don’t see him interact with anyone else in a friendly manner. For all that people claim that Haida’s character was reduced to pining over Retsuko, it’s worth it to note that Haida still maintained past relationships (e.g. with Fenneko) in this series, and forged new ones as well (e.g. Anai, Gori, Washimi). Tadano, on the other hand, was completely isolated apart from how he latched onto Retsuko pretty much immediately, going so far as to leap out of his limo in the middle of a traffic jam to run up to and strike up conversation with her when he saw her on the sidewalk.
So for possibly the first time in his life (or at least the first time in a long while), Tadano has a connection with another person his own age, and it’s someone that he finds likable and fun, at that. She’s interested in spending time with him, just as he’s interested in spending time with her, and so he pursues it . . . as much as he pursues anything else he likes, which is about 50%. Because as Tadano himself says when he explains to Retsuko what he meant when he said he was just “fooling around” with work:
“If you take something you enjoy seriously . . . it becomes a full-time job.”
As a side note, I think this is the real reason Tadano is against the idea of marriage. Everything he says about it being “pointless” and “unnecessary,” while arguably true (my feelings on the subject slide closer to what he said versus what Retsuko would want), is just a logical-sounding excuse to hide the fact that, in reality, Tadano has commitment issues. He doesn’t commit himself fully to ENI-O or the work he does because he doesn’t want his work to feel like work. He enjoys it, and he wants to keep enjoying it, so he treats it like a hobby instead of a job. Similarly, Tadano enjoyed hanging out with Retsuko. He wanted to hang out with her forever. Marrying her would be taking their relationship seriously, which he didn’t want, because in his mind that would make it feel like work (and in a way, it is; relationships do take work to maintain). Therefore, he was against the concept of marriage, even though not budging on that subject cost him the relationship he so cherished.
But that’s a bit off the subject.
Back on subject: Tadano did cherish the time he spent with Retsuko. As he himself told her, he wished that they could stay together (read: hanging out) forever. The thing is, I believe that Tadano meant that in a slightly different way than Retsuko did, and not just with regards to marriage. Retsuko was fine with not spending every moment with Tadano because, again, she had other things going on in her life: She had her job, she had her friends, and she even had her overbearing mother. But although Tadano does have his work with ENI-O, again, he doesn’t have those other people in his life. All he has is Retsuko. And for a guy who has been very lonely for possibly a very long time, suddenly having someone to spend time with like that is probably like finding a warm blanket in a blizzard. Metaphorically speaking, he grabbed Retsuko and never wanted to let her go. Not in a commitment way, mind you---again, he doesn’t want to take the things he enjoys seriously!---but in a “let’s spend every second together” kind of way.
And here’s where the manipulation comes in.
After the article is published and the online harassment starts, Retsuko starts staying in Tadano’s limo (which, remember, is also his home given that, limo or not, the man is literally living in his car because his commitment issues apparently run so deep he can’t even commit to an apartment). Retsuko, of course, is super upset by the turn of events, which is probably why she’s choosing to stay with him, given that being with him at least affords her some comfort (given that she thinks they’re going to get married). As for Tadano . . . of course he doesn’t want Retsuko to be upset, but at the same time it would likely be wrong to say that he’s at all upset by the idea of her staying with him in his limo. In fact, he is probably thrilled. This is why, though he does ask her if she’s all right when she doesn’t respond to the first thing he says, he takes her “oh yes, I’m fine!” as truth, even though her body language clearly says otherwise. Yes, Retsuko could have been more honest . . . but:
It’s somewhat of a cultural thing in Japan to not complain unless the issue is Very Important, because you don’t want to seem a burden;
Retsuko was curled up on the car seat, faced away from him, wrapped in a blanket, not really responding to what he said. It’s pretty obvious she was lying, even without being in her head;
Even if her body language didn’t make it obvious, anyone who knows Retsuko even a bit knows that she tends to bottle things up, even if they don’t know how she eventually lets it all out; Tadano not picking up on that (particularly if it wasn’t him willfully not picking up on it, which I believe it was, even if subconsciously) goes to show how little the two really do know each other at this point.
So whether Retsuko could have been more honest or not, the fact that Tadano didn’t so much as ask “are you sure?” after she said she was fine speaks volumes. Instead, he dismisses her obvious upset as, “That’s Re-chan for you” with a little smile and goes back to work. Now, as I said, whether this is Tadano willfully not picking up on the fact that Retsuko is upset (i.e. he can tell but is choosing not to pursue it) or whether he just honestly doesn’t notice doesn’t change the fact that it makes their relationship look bad. Either he doesn’t know her well enough to tell, or he can tell and would rather not push because this works out in his favor. There is no positive outlook on their relationship here. But while I do not think that Tadano has malicious ulterior motives, I do think he was purposefully ignoring the fact that Retsuko was upset---not because he doesn’t care about her feelings, but because she’s here, with him, for the foreseeable future, and he’d rather like to keep it that way.
And this brings us to the uncomfortable line of dialogue I mentioned at the start of this post, the one that first jumped out at me as a red flag. This line comes from later in the final episode, when Retsuko has missed work for several days and is still staying in Tadano’s limo with him. At the start of the scene, Tadano asks Retsuko if she’s worried about missing work. Retsuko says that she is, a little. And that’s when Tadano says this:
“Don’t force yourself. If you go back now, they will all talk behind your back.”
I’m using the Netflix subtitles here, but while I would need to double-check this with my friend who is fluent in Japanese (particularly because Tadano’s speech is a bit hard for me to parse), but that first sentence sounds less to me like “don’t force yourself” and more like “don’t be” --- as in, “don’t be worried” rather than “take it easy,” if that makes sense. Like Retsuko confirms that she is worried about missing work, and Tadano tells her she shouldn’t be---and then he tells her why.
And it’s how he tells her why that strikes up a red flag for me, though again, I don’t think it’s Tadano being maliciously controlling or possessive.
Tadano tells Retsuko that if she returns to work now, everyone will talk about her behind her back. Setting aside the logical flaws (won’t they be talking about her behind her back right now? wouldn’t they talk about her behind her back if she returned several days from now?), the reason Tadano gives Retsuko about why she shouldn’t be worried about work is not that she dislikes it (that comes up later when he’s pressuring her to quit), but rather that everyone there will talk about her behind her back, i.e., her fellow employees will be against her. Tadano is including Retsuko’s friends, such as Fenneko, Haida, Gori, and Washimi in this. Not specifically---it’s doubtful he even knows their names---but he says they will all, meaning he’s including everyone in her workplace. They’ll all be against her, they’ll all talk about her behind her back, so she should stay there, in the limo, with him. Despite how he told Retsuko to dismiss the internet backlash in just the previous episode because all they had was baseless slander and “the number of flamers is fewer than you think,” here Tadano is making it clear that the gossip will definitely be a problem if Retsuko returns to work now. Therefore, she shouldn’t. Tadano is playing on Retsuko’s anxiety and insecurity to motivate her to not go to work and instead stay there in his limo for him, waiting for him to return whenever he has to go to a business meeting (at her company!), and hanging out with him whenever he doesn’t.
Now, again, as I said before, I don’t think Tadano is doing this maliciously. I don’t think that he’s consciously thinking up ways to manipulate, control, or possess Retsuko. But I do think that by this point in the season, Tadano has become so excited at the idea of hanging out with Retsuko full-time that he’s rushing into it full throttle, using everything he can in order to get her to stay with him. This is shown to us by how he not only suggests to her that she quit her job, but also pushes forward into her space as he suggests it: 
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Being a visual medium, Aggretsuko uses more than just character dialogue to show us character intention and motivation. The fact that Tadano is so passionate about the idea of Retsuko quitting her job to be with him that he actually gets up from his seat, puts a hand on the car seat next to her, and leans in so that their faces are only a couple inches apart, is meant to show us just how gung-ho he is about this, how he’s throwing everything he has into it, as much or perhaps more than he ever does. Even though Tadano is usually pretty laid back (illustrated by how I believe this is the first and perhaps only time he pushes into Retsuko’s space like this), he isn’t laid back, not about this. And make no mistake, although he tells Retsuko that she can start her own business or do whatever she wants to do, he also doesn’t let his true motivations go unspoken in this scene:
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Not via marriage, mind you, because that’s taking it seriously, and taking it seriously means work. But still, if Retsuko never has to go to work, and if she lives in his limo, then they can hang out and be together all the time. It’s the ideal solution in Tadano’s mind. It would make him super happy, and Retsuko says she’s happy (and is smiling, even if forced), and he can go along with and believe that, so everything will be better and their future will be “so much better.” If Tadano doesn’t take their relationship too seriously, then he doesn’t have to think too hard about whether Retsuko is being honest with her smiles or not. If Tadano doesn’t take their relationship too seriously, they can stay as they have been. It can be fun hangout times forever. That’s what he wants, and at this point he’s willing to say or do what he has to in order to keep it . . .
. . . but as we all know, it doesn’t work out.
I think that Tadano’s desperation really shone through during the scene in the karaoke room, in the build-up to Retsuko’s song. Before she turns on the music, he doesn’t give her a chance to respond to one excuse before he throws out another: Marriage isn’t essential to their relationship, marriage doesn’t guarantee eternal love, social status is an empty expression, marriage isn’t part of the future he’s laying out, and she should think about whether marriage is really that important. Once Retsuko says that it is important to her, and the music starts, Tadano becomes even more desperate, his voice rising, his speech becoming faster, his expressions becoming more wild as they finally start to have a back and forth dialogue:
Tadano: “It’s fine as long as we’re together!” Retsuko: “No, it’s not.” Tadano: “Don’t you trust me?!” Retsuko: “I do.” Tadano: “Then why . . . ?!” Retsuko: “I want to marry you, Tadano-kun.” Tadano: “Marriage is an illusion!” Retsuko: “I . . . want that illusion.”
That first line is Tadano expressing what it is that he truly wants: He just wants them to stay together, forever---not married, not committed and serious like that, but together. When Retsuko says that it’s not fine so long as they’re together, Tadano assumes that she must be worried about him cheating (and in his mind, likely thinks marriage would prevent that), hence the “don’t you trust me?” line, which she again rebukes. By the time he gets to “marriage is an illusion,” he looks truly upset---but that’s also when Retsuko’s song starts, and there isn’t much more to say after that, as he finally gets the message.
The fact that Tadano does get the message and leaves, alone, after their breakup speaks to what kind of person he is. If he were truly controlling and possessive, I think that he would have said or done anything---even lying about marriage, perhaps even going through with it if that’s what it took to keep Retsuko---in order to prevent her breaking up with him. But once he realized that Retsuko could not and would not be happy hanging out with him forever (and perhaps that not even he could pull the wool over his own eyes enough to make himself believe she was, especially if she wasn’t going to fake it anymore) he let her go. Tadano isn’t a cruel person. He’s not an abusive person. And I don’t think that he’s intentionally, or maliciously, a manipulative person. However . . .
I think that, at the end of the day, Tadano is a very lonely person who, perhaps, does not have a lot of experience with relationships, even platonically. I think it’s entirely possible, perhaps even likely, that he didn’t really have romantic feelings for Retsuko, or at least not in the same way that she did for him. Retsuko was looking for a boyfriend, but I think that at the end of the day, what Tadano really wanted was a friend---a best friend, even. He was fine with being Retsuko’s boyfriend if it meant they could get ramen together and hang out in his limo. He wasn’t interestd in the whole romance aspect of it as much as he was interested in the companionship and friendship. The thing is, Retsuko has friends and companions, and so she wants a different kind of relationship---one that Tadano, quite honestly, is probably not ready to provide.
I think what Tadano needs, before he can pursue a romance like this, is just . . . more friends, honestly. More experience in social circles that aren’t about promoting his software. Someone to talk to who isn’t an A.I. that he created. I think that friendship with Retsuko was good for that reason, but I think both of them approached the relationship from very different places, they didn’t know each other very well at all (Retsuko was jumping the gun with the whole marriage thing, but I think in her mind she just wanted marriage to be a someday thing, not a right-then-and-there thing, and it was just poorly explained), and as such they couldn’t quite be what the other needed. (Well, it’s not healthy to keep a friend full time in your limo either, but that’s why Tadano needs multiple friends that he can interact with regularly, not just the one. Also maybe an apartment. That limo is nice, but I don’t believe it has a shower. Seriously, get over your commitment issues enough to at least get an apartment, Tadano, please.) I think at this stage it’s too early for them to be Just Friends, because they’re both pretty hurt by the breakup, but perhaps someday, once they’ve both moved on, they can get there. And then Retsuko can properly introduce Tadano to her friends, and perhaps they can become his friends, too.
But in the meantime, what I leave you all with is this:
Tadano is not a malicious, abusive person. However, I think that his social isolation and probable lack of relationship experience of all kinds has left him unequipped to deal with a romantic relationship in a healthy and balanced way at the moment. For all that Retsuko was jumping the gun with marriage, Tadano latched onto her arguably more quickly. Tadano was manipulative toward Retsuko near the end, though it again was not out of malice (and was more out of tunnel vision on his own ideals and desires, and willful ignorance toward Retsuko’s feelings), and that is not okay no matter the reason or intention, but I think that since he’s not a malicious person by nature, he could learn how to better handle relationships with more (platonic) experience, which would leave him better equipped to try romance again with someone else in the future should he so choose.
Tadano is not a monster, but he’s not an angel, either. He’s flawed, like pretty much every other character in the series, and I hope for his sake that he masters at least some of the commitment issues soon, and gets some non-A.I. friends in his life, because goddamn, he needs them.
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trustinginthelight · 4 years
@allnostalgic​ sent: 📱 // for the 5 texts meme omg for retsuko and tadano?
Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn’t send, and one that they did | accepting
[ TXT   —   RETSY ]: Thanks for giving me your number. Looking forward to our ramen outing
[ TXT   —   RETSY ]: You’re cute. Really cute. Is it weird to text you that outta nowhere even if we’re dating? I’ve never really known etiquette with this sorta stuff lol
[ TXT   —   RETSY ]: Spending time with you has... made me happier than I’ve been in so long. My bad if that’s really cheesy lol
[ TXT   —   RETSY ]: I really didn’t think they’d take all of this so far. It’s all nonsense, so try not to let it get to you, all right? 
[ TXT   —   RETSY ]: I never meant to hurt you. I’m genuinely sorry that I did. I love you, I just don’t think marriage is right for me... I’d be happy to commit to you, but if marriage is what you’re looking for, I don’t think stringing you along would’ve been fair.
[ TXT   —   RETSY ]: I hope you’re all right after last night... My bad. I really wasn’t anticipating something like that to happen. Feel free to delete my number if you want to forget it.
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puropoly · 5 years
Did you watch the second season of aggretsuko?what were your opinions about it?
I did, and I have some mixed feelings about it, mostly because my unconsicous mind made me wait for tuca and bertie when this...is not tuca and bertie
spoilery under cut (EDIT: tumblr wont let me put this under a read more soooooooooo BEWARE SPOILERS AGGRETSUKO S2)
I enjoyed the new season and got a fair amounts of good laughs with it, and I don’t ask much of Aggretsuko beyond that. Tadano was great, VERY UNPREDICTABLE and the story got weirder thanks to him, in a cool way. 
I just have a problem with sanrio making a chibi donkey character hot wtf with the way Retsuko was written- bah, saying ‘problem’ is too exagerated. I’m glad they want to fight the old tale of “what every woman wants is to marry a rich guy and never work again” but no one, ever, would choose a shitty job where you have a maniacal coworker who harasses you and a boss that yells and forces you to work extra hours? over a peaceful life where you can work on your personal projects with someone who genuinely likes you. Or is it just me who thinks this...
I think they kinda made Retsy too compliant, she puts up with Anai’s bullshit during his entire arc and he got redemption thanks to the nice, patient hippo mom (cant remember the name) ....when I would have preferred that Retsuko punched him in the fucking face. It’s what I expect from catharsis panda show!!!!!! more screaming and REACTION
Also Retsuko’s mom..............ugh. I know they wanted to portray her as a comic relief and at some point she was but SHE GOT IN MY NERVES way too much like her obsession to get restuko married is so stupid but also something I hear from women around my age “if i dont get married / have a boyfriend before my 30′s ahah :) i will DIE” and idk it just. Upsets me
That’s all honestly, this show is still hilarious and relatable af and It brightens my days when a new season hits netflix. I love Gori and Washimi !!!! they’re my favourites
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002 | RetHaida
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(I love them!!!!!!)
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
• When I started shipping them:
when Haida went all blushy blushy around Retsy <3 dude I was giggling and kicking my feet whenever these two interacted! haida is so adorable
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• My thoughts:
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(source got from here)
(I used to be so addicted playing this mobile game just so I can collect all the rooms and to see these two together)
• What makes me happy about them:
they both put effort into making their relationship work and succeed!
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• What makes me sad about them:
their communication really fucking sucks.. and painful! season 4 made their relationship look worse and making haida a tax fraud ( this plot is so boring ) but the end of the episode it looks like they trying their best to be together! (i haven’t watch season 5 but i will soon!)
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• Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
anything weird. break up.
• Things I look for in fanfic:
smut. drunk and make out.
• My wishlist:
have all the characters do an epic musical number together and sing and play instruments together lmao or maybe everyone going to vacation!!!
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• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Retsuko x Puko , Fenneko or Tsunoda (I think they’d be great together)
Haida x Fenneko or Haida x Tadano!
• My happily ever after for them:
they are endgame and my OTP despite the season 4 mishandling and I'm hopeful for atleast a good ending for them in season 5! (no spoilers pls)
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irlwakko · 5 years
Semi-unpopular opinion but I didn’t really get an outright manipulative vibe from Tadano, I just feel like he SUCKS at communication. That might be why he feels more comfortable just being with ENI-O rather than in close interpersonal interactions but this gets into my headcanons and this post would be really long. Whereas Retsuko decided that if a partner didn’t want what she wanted in their personal life together, she’d have to move on, I think it was very hard for Tadano to see that for himself and realize that if she didn’t want what he wanted, he needed to move on, too. I think he truly did love Retsy and that he went about this marriage-kids-thing the wrong way: by trying to change her opinion over and over, instead of just letting her go even though they loved each other. It’s not right to try to change your partner’s opinion like that but it’s like they both held on too hard to this relationship, like a rough rope, which just left them hurt when they let go.
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