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truebluewhocanoe · 2 years ago
The Doctor Who FFXIV Glamour Collection - Masterpost + Commentary
Alright, here it is. I’ve teased it, I’ve talked about it, and now you’re getting it: the Doctor Who glamour collection. In case you didn’t know, two of my most persistent hyperfixations are Doctor Who and Final Fantasy XIV. Heck, I even wrote a crossover between them. Then, I made a meme post assigning a job (in-game class) to each Doctor. Which of course, planted an idea in my head: why not make an outfit for each of those jobs I assigned, each based on the corresponding Doctor? And thus the Doctor Who glamour collection was born.
Note that while the outfit is based on the respective Doctor, changing your character’s design/race/gender (beyond switching haircuts and minor stuff) costs real-life money, so you’re stuck with my Au Ra gal as the model. I did make an effort to at least have a matching hair color, though. (With occasional highlights for spice.)
I’ve made each outfit its own post (mainly because tumblr image cap), and will be linking them from here, the “masterpost” (which will actually come out last.)
First Doctor - Scholar
Second Doctor - Bard
Third Doctor - Monk
Fourth Doctor - Dancer
Fifth Doctor - Paladin
Sixth Doctor - Red Mage
Seventh Doctor - Black Mage
Eighth Doctor - Dragoon
War Doctor - Dark Knight
Ninth Doctor - Astrologian
Tenth Doctor - Gunbreaker
Eleventh Doctor - White Mage
Twelfth Doctor - Sage
Thirteenth Doctor - Summoner
If you just want to see the pretty pictures, click on those links! Everything below here will just be explanations and details.
A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into acquiring the gear for each set, leveling each job to a high enough level to use said gear (can’t glamour a higher level gear’s appearance onto a lower level gear), and of course, taking the pictures. Taking the pictures was difficult for several reasons, but the major lynchpin was the fact that I used external tools (aka mods, which are kind of a no-no) to give an era-appropriate look for some of the shots of each Doctor. Hopefully it comes off well!
Oh, and if you’re curious: the most expensive single gear pieces were War and 9’s chest pieces. Damn modern-looking gear is always pricey! I dropped a lot of money at the Aesthetician to change haircuts, too.
The specific setup for the eras was as followed:
1st/2nd: Monochrome, RetroCRT, Film Grain, sometimes Cathode
3rd/4th: VHS_RA (chroma blur at 20), Colourfulness, LumaSharpen, Radiant GI
5th/6th/7th: VHA_RA (chroma blur at 10) Colourfulness, LumaSharpen, Radiant GI, Film Grain, sometimes Cathode
War: LumaSharpen, Colourfulness, Tint (Sepia)
8/Nu Who: LumaSharpen, Colourfulness, Radiant GI, and occasionally HexLensFlare
The gear and dye used for each glam will be listed in its corresponding post.
If people are interested, I might consider doing glams and photo shoots for the Fugitive, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and/or any other extended universe Doctors! I also have some ideas for some companions that I might use.
Here’s some extended reasoning on the job choices for each Doctor, including both lore and in-game mechanics:
First Doctor as Scholar: Scholar is a healer, and in fact one of the first healer jobs in FFXIV, so I figured it would make sense to give the first Doctor a job that closely aligned with the fact that they’re, y’know, the Doctor. But, with regards to gameplay, Scholar’s kit is considered by many to be a little janky. So, perfect, for the wobbliest-set days of the First Doctor!
Second Doctor as Bard: Bard is very much a support class, which keeps with the theme of sticking close to Doctor-y jobs early on. Otherwise: yeah, it’s because of the recorder. Also, the Second Doctor is a bit more trickster-y, and Bard is a job that involves planning ahead and also keeping well on top of all your cooldowns, which I think Two would be able to pull off!
Third Doctor as Monk: It’s because of the Venusian Aikido. And all the spirituality in his era, as well, but mainly the Aikido. Monk is considered to be one of the more difficult jobs to play, to the point of your computer’s frame rate factoring into extreme high-end play, but if any Doctor could manage that, it would be the Third.
Fourth Doctor as Dancer: I will freely admit this is one of the more arbitrary choices. Overall, I think the Dancer job’s vibes and flow fit well with Four’s Bohemian spirit and flowing scarves. 
Fifth Doctor as Paladin: Paladin is seen as kind of the most vanilla job in the game with the most straightforward flavoring, which I thought fit Five’s vibes. Paladins are the typical sword-and-board job, but I chose to not display the shield, to better evoke a cricket bat. And, as Paladin’s name implies, it has better party defense buffs than, say, Dark Knight, which does fit a Doctor with as crowded a TARDIS as the Fifth.
Sixth Doctor as Red Mage: Totally not biased here, Red Mage is one of my two mains, but regardless of that it’s a perfect fit for Sixie. Red Mage is a damaging caster job, but is actually consistently the weakest caster in exchange for great utility, including the best resurrection spell in the game. A flashy mage with a support focus is perfect for our loud technicolor shouty man with a heart of gold! Red Mage’s Limit Break (big super move) is kind of infamous for being so bright that for the few seconds when it’s going off, it’s difficult to see what’s going on in the fight, sometimes leading to deaths… which is very funny and fitting.
Seventh Doctor as Black Mage: Probably the easiest and most obvious job choice on this entire list, Black Mage is considered a difficult job that takes a lot of time to master, and often requires you to plan out your movements and attacks in advance to react to the mechanics of the fight. (In some of the most difficult fights in the game, Black Mages will often plan out every button they push for the first several minutes in order to maximize the effectiveness they’re getting out of every resource in their kit.) This makes Black Mage the no-brainer choice for our favorite little master manipulator. (Alas, no umbrella staff in FFXIV… yet.)
Eighth Doctor as Dragoon: I originally had Eight as a Reaper, but in trying to take the pictures, the vibes just didn’t match. So I pivoted him to the job that shares Reaper’s gear: Dragoon. Gonna be honest, this one was just vaguely gothic, and also what are vortisaurs if not time vortex dragons?
War Doctor as Dark Knight: Dark Knights have the aesthetic of a brooding edgelord, but lore-wise, they gain their power from their desire to protect the innocent and punish the wicked: a desire born from love. Fitting for a vilified Doctor who only ever wanted to do what was right…
Ninth Doctor as Astrologian: Astrologians use magical power channeled from distant stars to cast time magic, predict the future, and heal the wounded. Fitting for basically any Doctor, but especially so for the one who delivers the line about feeling the turn of the Earth. Furthermore, Astrologians deal the least damage of any job in the game: perfect for the most pacifistic and peace-seeking Doctor of them all.
Tenth Doctor as Gunbreaker: Here’s a fun one, a gun “breaker” for the “Man Who Never Would [Fire A Gun]”. What weapon does a Gunbreaker use? Oh yeah, a Gunblade. More like “The Man Who Totally Would And In Fact Has.” I think this juxtaposition highlights the Tenth Doctor’s emotional, even vengeful nature… and to add another layer: while Gunbreaker is a flashy, high-damage job, it is, at the end of the day, a Defender job. Calling back to Five’s Paladin, perhaps? (Also, Gunbreakers wear long coats, and the Tenth Doctor wears long coats.)
Eleventh Doctor as White Mage: White Mage is my other main, so I mean it with love when I say White Mages are the epitome of healers with a god complex, who mainly only keep the party alive to feel that sweet sweet satisfaction of saving peoples’ lives… and also to charge up their super big attack that can only be charged by healing. Meant to be a bit evocative of Eleven as the epitome of the Lonely God idea. Also, White Mage is a dead easy job to play, that even Eleven’s hyperactive brain could handle.
Twelfth Doctor as Sage: Okay, now we’re getting into the juicy stuff. Sage is the other shield healer in the game, the first being Scholar. But Sage is newer, flashier, more anime, and smoother to play. Are you thinking Twice Upon A Time yet? Sages, flavor-wise, are the epitome of combat medics… just as the Twelfth Doctor is the one to make the title of “Doctor of War” his own. Time is a flat circle! Thirteenth Doctor as Summoner: Also tying in with the First Doctor, Summoner and Scholar share an experience pool: so long as you have both unlocked, leveling one also levels the other. But while Scholar is a healer, Summoner is a (damage-dealing) caster that focuses on summoning entities to help you out. As the Thirteenth Doctor was born of the Twelfth Doctor’s resolution to his character arc- and with a chance meeting with the First- Thirteen being a Summoner would show how she carries that legacy but also has a fresh start with some fun new friends. (Also, Summoner is the easiest job in the game, and while Thirteen isn’t the most ADHD Doctor, she’s definitely up there.)
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