#resident evil: Infinite darkness
emahriel · 1 year
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thank you for coming to my ted talk
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leonw4nter · 7 months
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She Likes The Way It Feels When He’s Right There
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ID!Leon x F!Reader
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“Mom, for the last time, I don’t want to go on a date with him!” You emphasize for what seemed like the nth time that night. Inviting Hunnigan over for dinner with your mom causes regret to pool in the depths of your belly; she doesn’t need to be around to hear you and your mom argue over your love life. Work was already stressful and your mom is piling up on that tall tower of things that plague your mind. You keep your head hung low, gaze trained on a piece of quinoa on your plate with your fork poking at it as you feel your attention slipping away, making no effort to rein it back in if it means not hearing your mom ramble on about having kids and settling down with someone.
“Y/N? Y/N.” Your mom’s voice snaps you back to reality, bringing you back down to this godforsaken dinner. “Did you hear what I just said?”
You temporarily shut your eyes, fingers stiffly curling over your fork. Deep breaths, breathe in and out, don’t flip the table over like a crazy person.
“No, I didn’t. I was busy thinking about work,” you grumbled in a low voice.
“I was just saying that he makes a good amount of money, maybe a little more than you do. It’ll be greatly beneficial for you,” she urged you. You love your mom, you really do, but there's a time where she gets a little suffocating for you and still acts as if you’re 13, not 30.
“What are you suggesting, mom? My job is just fine and I don’t need a man to rely on for money or my future or anything at all!” You snap, forgetting that your friend is in the same room as you are right now. Hunnigan comfortingly places a hand at your back, causing you to jump a little bit before relaxing down and taking a forkful of your dinner even if your appetite is almost gone.
“Ma’am,” Hunnigan begins, placing her elbows on the table and interlocking her fingers together. “I think whoever Y/N should get with is entirely up to her– that is, if she wants someone in her life. You may be her mother but you don’t have control over how she lives and besides, she’s a grown woman.”
Your mom shuts up, her lips pressed into a thin, burgundy line. For the first time in what felt like forever, silence befalls over the three of you on the dining table. “I was her age once so I know what she’s going through. I’m just giving her suggestions on how to secure a stable future because that’s what I want for her–”
“Well, mom, surprise: I’m still not going to see him. I’m doing just fine and–”
“I’m seeing someone, okay? I have someone else!"
Those words shock everyone, including you, even if you’re quite literally the one who said that. Your mouth moved faster than your mind could move, spouting nonsense in desperation to cut this draining conversation. Hunnigan reaches over for a napkin, blotting her mouth and trying to keep her coughing subtle and quiet after choking on her white wine. Even while dabbing at her mouth and still making an active effort to keep her coughing at a minimum, her eyes are wide and bore right into you with heightened interest.
“Who are you seeing then?” Your mom breaks the silence.
“Leon,” you promptly answered. All of a sudden you’re self-conscious, worried that she’ll sense your fib and call you out. You want to smash that bottle of wine against your head and knock yourself unconscious and wistfully get sent into another existence, going missing until everyone forgets you ever existed. It’s too late to take that back now, you really had to name-drop instead of saying “someone from work”. This is going to be one hell of a dinner and even more one hell of a talk with Hunnigan.
“Were you being for real?” Hunnigan asked. She has her arms crossed, red glasses placed on her head amongst ebony curls.
“No… we aren’t anything. Just friends,” you regretfully admitted. You rest your head against your desk, cheek in contact with the cold surface.
Hunnigan giggles, grabbing the empty office chair beside you and scoots closer. “Really. ‘Just friends’, my ass. I see the way you look at him– heart eyes and all.”
You close your eyes and groan even louder, burying your face in your hands as you recall that fuck-up from last night. She wasn’t wrong about the heart eyes; you’ve harbored feelings towards that man for years now but you were always too much of a chicken to confess your feelings. Besides, this guy probably has someone in his heart– this fact shouldn’t hurt but it kind of does but who are you to dictate who he should love?
“You’re being so helpful right now, Ingrid. Thanks a lot,” you croaked.
“Why’d you even say his name in the first place? Could’ve gone with Patrick, he and Leon are in the same department.”
Boom. Could’ve said I was seeing Patrick instead… why’d it have to be that man with his stupidly pretty blue eyes and stupidly perfect, pink lips and his stupidly smooth voice and his stupidly charming smile…
“Well– Leon and I are friends, of course he somehow popped up in my mind first! And last night was not one of my brightest moments, okay? People make mistakes!”
Ingrid laughed like it was the funniest joke she’s ever heard, leaning back into the chair and crossing her arms.
“It’s not like your mom’s going to be content with just hearing you date someone. She’s going to ask for proof and probably ask to see him, knowing her.”
“I know! I know, it’s just… imagine going up to Leon and just saying the stupidest thing ever–”
“What stupid thing are you going to say to me?” Leon suddenly chimes in. You shoot up, almost stumbling backwards in the sheer speed you just exhibited. His sudden intrusion causes explosions of pink to burst on your cheeks, eyes to be wide.
“You look like you just saw a ghost,” he chuckles. I wish I was a ghost right now. I need to be 6 feet below ground.
“You’ll be in charge of keeping Y/N company the entire afternoon, Kennedy. I’ve got papers at my desk,” Hunnigan explains with a sly smirk. “Catch you later.” Leon throws her a thumbs up and as he turns around, she shoots you a wink. I swear, Hunnigan, I’m so going to throw hands with you!
“Don’t you have work to do?” You ask Leon.
“Nope. Finished them all yesterday,” he replied.
“Just came out of the last one earlier.”
“Training the rookies?”
“They don’t have training today.”
“Won’t be in one as far as I know.”
Fuck he’s going to be with me all day… but didn’t I secretly wish for this…?
“What’s up with all the questions?” Leon asks. “You’re being weird today but then again, it’s not like you’re never weird.”
“Oh shut up.” You exclaim. Despite his joke, you remembered that part of Leon’s job includes being able to read people in terms of their body language which means that he would pick up whenever you were nervous around him. This is not my day.
“Well you’re always busy. It’s just new to see you not doing something,” you retort. You try to adjust your body language, making sure you look a lot less secretive and tense than you were earlier.
“And you’re the one busier than me this time,” he observes, tilting his head to the papers stacked on your desk. “I can help out if you want. They’re just reports right?”
“Um, yeah. I could use the help. That one’s the finished pile, the one beside it is the one that needs checking.”
“On it, ma’am.”
Shit that was kinda hot.
He takes a pencil from your mug and sets it right in front of him before taking a portion of the unfinished stack and placing it on the empty desk beside yours. He distances himself from you, brows furrowed in focus. He gets up and takes off his navy blue blazer, draping it over the back of his chair. If you think that was hot, he also proceeds to roll the sleeves of his crisp, white button-up up until his elbows, veins deliciously adorning his arms. His arms are straining against the fabric, ripples of his muscle bulging beneath. Leon, I swear to God, I’m going to get nothing done if you do my paperwork looking like an absolute snack– no, a 5-star Michelin meal that I can never, ever afford.
“Sight-seeing, I see.”
His voice snaps you from your swirl of diabolical thoughts, grounding you again.
“I wasn’t.”
“Your eyes on my hands told me otherwise.”
“Fuck off! Just do the paperwork!”
He simply smirks and chuckles to himself before really starting on the paperwork, blue eyes focused on the dark ink on paper, occasionally marking things. Lord have mercy, please, I just want to get work done.
Taking a deep breath, you take your own stack of papers and start work; it would be hypocritical if you kept urging Leon to work but you were just busy shamelessly drinking in your friend’s arms. Right. We’re just friends.
Since two people worked on the papers, you managed to get them done faster than you thought. After dropping them off at your boss’ desk, you head back to your cubicle to get your things ready before clocking out for the day. Leon had already finished getting his things together and changed into black bootcut jeans and a black leather jacket over his white long sleeves, black helmet on the nook of his arm since he rode his bike home.
“You wanna ride?” Leon asks, which causes you to raise your eyebrows and smirk. “On my bike, I meant. Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Of course I know what you mean, dumbass. And as much as I want to, I brought my car to work so… I’ll pass for now. Thanks though.”
He nods, before setting his helmet aside, and helping you pack your things even if they aren’t much. “Thanks again.”
“No problem.”
You two walk out of the dark office and make your way out of the building, heading for the parking lot. Just before you get into your car, he speaks up. 
“So… you know how Valentine’s Day is highly commercialized?” he begins.
“Mhm. What about it?” you asked.
“There’s this high-end restaurant downtown and they’ve got good food at the cost of a wallet-decimating bill. They’ve got a discount for couples who dine there and… I was wondering if you’d wanna come along with me as a fake date. It’ll be easy on the pocket with the discount they’re offering.”
Your eyes widen, warmth creeping up from your back and settle at the nape of your neck. It’s not like he’s even asking you out on an actual dinner date, the man just wants to have dinner that’s easy on the pockets… even if he’s out here riding on the latest model of a Ducati but he still asked you out, instead of other women in the agency– women who have fuller hips and better hair than you do. Women who you think have a better chance of catching his eye anyways.
“That sounds nice. Um, yeah sure. I’m free. I’m assuming that this is going to be on the 14th?”
“Yep. So uh… I guess that’s a date then?”
The air turned slightly awkward, you two just standing around awkwardly with gazes either downcast or focused on something else.
“I’ll- I’ll go now, Leon. Um, bye!” you say.
“Uh, bye. Get home safe and goodnight,” he responds.
With a small nod, you get in your car and start it. Buckling your seatbelt, you pull out of your parking spot and drive home. You noticed that Leon stayed behind, making sure he got to see you leave before you catch a quick glimpse of his bike’s lights from your rear-view mirror.
You still felt kind of awkward around Leon especially with last night’s mortifying cover story but luckily his chill demeanor made you feel less on the edge. You thought about all the times he made you feel flustered: when he switched places with you on the sidewalk so he’d be the one on the outer part instead; when he ran to a convenience store to get you pads and new underwear when you bled while at work; see him interacting with one of your coworker’s kids; when he pretended to be your boyfriend when several drunk guys were trying to hit on you at a bar; the endless pet names he’d give you. Sometimes it felt like flirting but you know that Leon likes to joke with anyone; maybe you’re just looking too much into things and this is just a manifestation of your growing feelings for him. It’s hard not to fall for your best friend when he’s more than just good looks and his stupid jokes and beneath those he’s a truly brave man– probably the bravest man you’ve ever met. He’s stupidly selfless; in most situations where you’d probably run away and save yourself, he’d stay behind to finish the job at the cost of his life. He’s still standing firm at the faces of mind-bending horrors, doing this because “if no one does then who will”, as he always said. He probably has someone to fight for that’s why he’s this dedicated, even if he was forced into this kind of work. With a sigh, you turn up the volume on your radio and force all your thoughts to the back of your head; you’ll bring them out again later when you get home, accompanied with a cold beer.
“So let me get this straight: Leon asked you out for dinner?” Hunnigan’s voice comes out of your laptop.
“Yep.” you respond.
“And you two will go as a fake couple to be able to get that discount because the food is normally expensive.”
“Listen, girl. I’ve known Leon longer than you have and it’s not like he’ll just ask random women out to be his fake date.”
“He didn’t ask me to be his fake date, he just asked me to come along with him.”
“Think about it: he could’ve asked anyone. He could’ve asked me or Ashley or Shen Mei but he chose to ask you! This is something!”
“It’s nothing. Besides, I was the only one at the parking lot with him so he asked since I was the nearest.”
“Dude! He was free the whole day! He had plenty of time to look for anyone else but he chose you!”
“He wasn’t exactly free since I had him help me out with reports.”
Hunnigan lets out an exasperated sigh at the other end of the call, probably frustrated that your negative thinking is getting the best of you. The both of you stay silent for a bit, nursing your beer before taking a small sip.
“Well, regardless of whatever he thinks of me, I’m going to enjoy dinner. It wouldn’t hurt to think about it as a friendly get-together, y’know,” you speak up.
“It would hurt, Y/N. I know you; you’ll probably get home and blast your greatest heartbreak hits or something,” Hunnigan points out. You bite your lip, not even making an effort to tell her she’s wrong when she’s painfully right– you’d sulk and just berate yourself for being so pathetic with these feelings.
“You know, you should just ask Leon what you are to him. Tell him you’re not happy with all the meaningless flirting if he’s doing that with non-romantic intentions. I’m sure he’d just apologize and beat himself up over it.”
You stay silent for a little longer, thinking about Hunnigan’s words. You’re an agent, for God’s sakes– you‘re supposed to be comfortable with confronting people and you are… just not with Leon but why? What are you so afraid of? For Leon to be distant from you and your friendship fizzling out into nothing? Maybe. Just maybe.
“Yeah. You’re right. Thanks girl, that was really good advice.”
“Hey, no problem. You can always count on me with your boy problems.”
Several days after that call, you managed to get out of work quite early. There wasn’t much to do since all papers that you and Leon did a few days ago were already good and there weren’t agents under your watch that were on overseas missions so you got off early. Since Leon offered to give you a ride to work on his bike, you didn’t bring your car along so you’ll commute going back home if you were to clock out earlier than him. You looked around for Leon, telling him that you were going to go home early to get yourself ready for the dinner “date” later this evening. You spotted him in the break room with a few other agents, chatting with Patrick.
“Leon, hey. I’ll be heading home now since I don’t have anything else to do. See you later.” You say with a small smile as you peeked around the door frame. Everyone turned from their conversations to look at you, then looked back at him.
“I can send you home, since I’m free too,” he offered. Though your gaze was on him, you could spot other agents with smirks on their faces.
“Yeah, Leon. We can take it from here, you can go out with Y/N. It’s Valentine’s Day too,” Shen Mei adds. She gives the agent beside her a small nudge with her elbow, shooting them a knowing look before shifting her eyes back to you.
“Are you okay with it, Y/N?” Leon asks. Though his voice sounds relaxed, you can see a hint of something that flashed in his eyes that you can’t quite put a finger on.
“Yeah. I’d like that,” you respond.
You swear you see Leon’s face light up when you say yes, instantly moving from where he was and going closer to you. “Let’s go.” he softly says. You don’t miss the ghost of his touch hovering over your waist, causing your heart to relentlessly pound against your ribcage. You bite back a small smile, chewing on the inside of your cheek and hoping that your cheeks don’t turn pink.
Now you two are in the parking lot, standing beside his bike. He hands you your own helmet while he wears his own, offering you his leather jacket, which you take anyways. Protection, he says.
“Hey, I think it’ll be a bit boring if you just head home so why don’t we do some things before dinner?” he suggested, putting his gloves on.
“What things?” You mused.
He averts his gaze for a little bit before continuing on, looking a little shy with his movements. “Maybe a visit to the park would be nice,” he offers in a small voice.
His sudden shyness makes you smile a little, a quiet giggling bubbles from your throat but you take his suggestion nevertheless.
“Sounds like a plan,” you say.
The afternoon was fun; you two went to the park and took nice pictures of the view, though you noticed that Leon’s pictures were mainly of you but you didn’t mind it. You also suggested having ice cream and going to an empty playground, the sight of two adults on the swings and having the time of their lives both silly and wholesome. Of course, he sent you home safe and made sure to come back in 2 hours to pick you up for dinner. This time, he said that he’ll be using his car so that the wind won’t ruin your clothes. Immediately, you dashed to your room and picked out a dress and heels that you’ll wear for the dinner while also planning the make-up look you’re going for and figuring out what hairstyle you’ll be doing. An hour later, you shower and get dressed; the dress you chose hugged your body well, which made you feel a little more confident in yourself. You got your hair styled and your make-up done, opting to do it a little different than you usually do. After getting ready, you sent pictures of yourself to Hunnigan. In response, she sent so many voice messages of encouragement where she’s practically screaming. After a few minutes of waiting, Leon calls to let you know that he’s waiting outside.
You walk out and see him leaning on the hood of his car, an elegant arrangement of flowers on one hand.
“Hey,” you softly say. He turns around and faces you, taking a hand out of his trouser’s pocket. It���s as if his eyes have the moon and stars on them, his face lighting up when he sees you. He lets go of a breath he didn’t know he held, a subtle pinkness dusting his cheeks as he places a hand on your waist and leads you to the passenger side of the car. He walks over to his side and opens up the door, taking his time in staring at you for a little more.
“You’re gorgeous,” he mutters in a low voice that’s something else entirely, his words coming out with a slight rasp.
Now it’s your turn to feel flustered; why wear blusher on your cheeks when you have Leon to keep a blush on your cheeks all night long?
“Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself, you know.”
He turns his attention to the steering wheel before he remembers to give you the bouquet, that dorky smile of his completing his look.
“Here, got you these. Just because this isn’t an actual date doesn’t mean I won’t put effort into it.”
Here we go again with another game of “is he into me or am I just looking into things too much?”.
“Thanks. These look really pretty,” you observe. You noticed that the flowers didn’t make you sneeze or cause your face to itch, much to your surprise.
“I remembered how you have allergies to flowers so I got ones that didn’t trigger an allergic reaction so I’m glad that turned out well.”
Oh. Oh.
Oh boy were you in deep. Leon Scott Kennedy, he’s really more than just a pretty face and dad jokes. He even remembers the little things. Gosh, I’m in deep.
“That’s… that’s really thoughtful of you, I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. So… shall we?”
“We shall.”
He starts the car and drives you two to the restaurant he talked about. During the entire ride, you noticed how his eyes wouldn’t stop flitting from the road and to you. You joked about keeping his eyes in front of him and how they can take their time admiring you during red lights or when you finally get to the dinner. You two sat in comfortable silence, sweet music coming from the radio filling in for the stillness inside the car. He stops at a red light, fingers drumming on the sleek leather of the steering wheel.
“Can I be honest with you, Y/N?” he suddenly asks.
You nod, turning your head to face him. “What is it?”
“I don’t want this to be a dinner between coworkers or friends.”
His words yank the breath from your chest, the inside of your mouth feeling a little parched. You can hear the thundering of your heart in your ears, drowning out the song on the radio.
“Does this seem fake to you?”
“Yes– well, no– I mean–”
“I’m going to say it now while we’re not there yet: all this isn’t just for a discount.”
You go silent, thoughts disappearing and trying to piece things together. What does he mean by “does this seem fake” and “all this isn’t just for a discount”?
“What are you trying to tell me, Leon?”
“I heard you and Hunnigan days ago. You like me. I overheard you talking to her about your mom wanting you to see someone and then you blurting out that you were seeing me as a way to escape being set-up with some dude.”
Shit! He heard! I’m going to dive head-first into a cement-mixer right now. Argrhaghrag–
“I knew and heard that, that’s why I didn’t press any further.”
Didn’t press any further? Didn’t press with– Oh. He didn’t press any further when he suddenly piped in with his “what stupid thing are you going to tell me?” question because he already heard all the context he needed. He was just polite by not telling me he heard Every. Single. Thing.
“Listen, Leon. I’m so sorry– I was not thinking when I suddenly blurted that, I hope you don’t feel harassed or anything–”
“I like you, Y/N. That’s why I asked you, you specifically. I could’ve gone to dinner with anyone else but I didn’t.”
He runs a hand through brown locks, soft strands sifted through slender fingers.
“I asked you to dinner under the guise of wanting to take advantage of this day’s commercialization but I lied. There isn’t even a discount, actually. I just want dinner with you. The food really is great but I don’t think it’ll taste as great as eating it with someone I love.”
And to think that you didn’t expect him to ever like you.
“I don’t just want us to be friends, Y/N. Unless you think otherwise, then I’ll respect it.”
You two just sit there in total silence, some 80s romantic song serving as background music for whatever magical moment is happening right now. Leon looks a little more anxious now, sapphires shifting between your eyes and lips.
“I feel the same way too, Leon, and I don’t just want this to be a fake dinner– not ever. I just didn’t think that you’d actually get feelings for me when there’s all those other women in the office,” you shyly admit.
“I’m in love with you and you only, Y/N. They’re not you.”
Those words set off a reaction similar to a factory reset in your mind and suddenly, you don’t have a single thought and you’re not thinking before moving. You lean in from the passenger seat and with a silent prayer that his windows are tinted (highly likely they are), your hand finds its way into his blazer. You bunch the fabric up and draw him in for a kiss, shutting your eyes. You feel him tense up a little bit before he relaxes into your touch, a calloused hand reaching to cup your cheek. The soft smack of lips can be heard inside the car before you pull away, half-lidded eyes staring straight into inky pupils that swallowed all the blue in his eyes. Your gaze is downcast, admiring the glossy smear of your pink lip gloss on his lips.
“I bet I look real good with your kiss,” he rasps with a small smirk.
“I bet you’ll look better without these later,” you hinted while eyeing his suit, giving him a wink.
This was not how you thought your dinner night would play out but you didn’t mind.
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NOTE - Finally done with 3/4 Valentine's fics!!! Personally, I don't think anyone's getting me anything for Valentine's Day but a girlie can continue to dream :') I finally got to see my grades and I'm really happy with how it turned out-- all my grades (except for one subject-- WHICH IS NOT MATH surprisingly) went up by several percent so I hope I get to do the same thing this quarter!!!! Anyways, that's it and thank you for reading this fic!!!!! I <;333333 U
The dividers are made by @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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viperrot · 1 year
I also have a small request if possible. I'm thinking of something with old Leon x single mother reader. Leon is moving to a new neighborhood for a while and his neighbor is reader. I was thinking that the reader's daughter (possibly 2-3 years old) would see him once and be crazy about him, screaming all day that she wants to touch his hair 🤭🤭. And Leon being... well, Leon doesn't know how to react, but he starts to like the little one and little by little falls in love with the reader. I was thinking damnation Leon (he deserves so much love ugh😔🤭). Further, I'll leave it up to you to develop the story as you want. Kissss 😘😘😘😘
P.S. I love your stories❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
⇁apple pie | leon kennedy
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Post RE4 leon s. kennedy x single-mother!reader
there's a new person living in the house next door, and your daughter is incredibly excited to make a new friend. so, what better way to welcome him than with a pie?
content includes: strangers to friends (to lovers)?, leon trying to be normal and failing, who let this guy talk to women?, reader checks out leon oops!, reader is described as feminine-dressed, reader is called momma, reader and baby is implied to be of asian background oops sorry i am asian so this just happened very naturally and i am a slave to my brain + too lazy to change it
not proofread i am sleepy
2497 words
song rec: "love me" by elvis presley
this is written with Vendetta, Damnation, and ID! leon in mind. i recently hung out with my little niece, who is named mei, so i just decided to name the little one mei as well! hope you enjoy, anon ^w^
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"Momma, momma!" you hear your little one yelp from the front yard. You look up from your dishes, confused and fearful that your precious daughter had injured herself. Peeping out the window right above your sink, you immediately spot your tiny child pointing to her right with a sparkling eyes, her chubby little fingers extending as far as they could. You cock your head questioningly as you walk towards the wide-open front door to check what she was trying to show you, your hands patting against the fabric of your dress as you stepped out onto your wrap-around porch.
Hiding behind the vines of your overhead plants, you squint between the leaves to try and get a look of what your daughter, Mei, was trying to show you. Slowly, you make out what seems to be a man fumbling with his keys. His cocoa coloured hair swayed as his clumsily handled his keys in front of his door, his jaw tightening as he grew increasingly frustrated with himself. You watch him curiously, unknowing of your little one stumbling across the yard and onto the porch the stranger stood at.
"W-what the-" you hear the man stutter, dropping his keys as he frantically looks down at his feet. You can feel the corners of your eyes crinkle as you try to get a better look from the vines of your precious plants, and you realize that Mei had found herself tugging at the man's pants. You gasp and trip your way over to the front of his house, shoeless with your apron practically falling off.
"Mei-Mei, you can't just run after strangers!" You grow embarrassed the closer you get to them. You stood just in front of the porch when you finally get a good look of the man.
Your cherub of a daughter is basically climbing the poor man at this point, jumping up and down at his feet as she bumbles out her baby-gibberish—things like "Hair! Hair!" and "Do you like pie? Hey, mister! Pie?" coming out in one long string of rambling. Quickly, you go up the small set of steps and pick up Mei by the waist, tucking her into yourself as you sheepishly apologize to the stranger.
"I-I am so so so so sorry, sir, I didn't realize she was so excited to see you," you stammer out, trying to contain the little babe that was trying to climb out of your arms.
The man in front of you is gorgeous, standing at six-feet-two with those heavy boots of his. His dark brown hair framed his face to accentuate the sharp lines of his jaw and cheekbones, the deep blue of eyes piercing through your body as if you were simply a window. He stood tall and stiff, chest slightly puffed out in his black leather jacket and white t-shirt combo. The denim jeans he wore did nothing to hide his legs, the bulge of his thighs almost giving you whiplash. His eyes lock onto yours, his plump lips slightly parted.
“It’s alright,” he grunts. “She’s just a kid,” the man nods at the cooing cherub in your arms, who was craning her body backwards with her arms stretched out in attempt to touch his hair.
“S-still, I should have been watching her. Sh-she isn’t normally so… uh…”
“Excited? It’s alright, ma’am,” he lets out a soft chuckle, his head shaking side-to-side. You feel a blush begin to dust over your cheeks, and begin to to step backward.
“Y-yeah, excited. Anyways,” you clear your throat. “I’m still sorry. I-if you need anything, I’m right next door!” You bow slightly before booking it back to your home, bare feet treading against the lawn connecting the houses together. You feel a bit guilty for not introducing yourself to him, but you were so embarrassed by Mei, you couldn’t help but run away.
“Momma, go back! Back!” Mei began to cry, her lip quivering as she looked over your shoulder. Her little arms reached for the stranger, who was watching from his porch.
The door shut behind you, and your daughter let the tears flow. Distraught, you set your little one down on the couch just a few steps away from the door and dragged your thumbs across the apples of her cheeks, asking her softly about what was wrong. Mei hiccuped and sniffled, snot smearing across her tiny lips as she cried.
“What’s wrong, Mei-Mei?” You frown, bringing your apron up to her flat little nose to wipe away the boogers. She trembles as you comfort her.
“I-I wanna touch his hair,” she sniffles, her tiny palms rubbing against her cheeks to wipe the tears. “Can we p-please see him again, Momma,” Mei’s frown deepens, and you feel your heart break at the sight.
“Mei-Mei, he’s a stranger. We can’t talk to strangers—especially not ones who don’t seem to want to talk to us,” you explain to the child. Tears continue to fall.
“B-but, Momma-“
“Mei-Mei,” you sigh tiredly, unable to resist your sweet daughter. “How about this—if you help me make it, we can bake a pie for the mister tomorrow and maybe we can see him again, okay?” Your daughter visibly perks up at this, the waterworks ceasing as she looks up at you with her sparkling eyes.
“Really!? Do you promise, Momma!?” She gasps, her chubby hands squeezing her cheeks with excitement. You nod at her with a gentle smile, and she jumps out of her spot on the couch, flailing around the living room like a wound-up puppy.
Mei wouldn’t stop talking about the man for the rest of the night.
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"This one! Oh, oh, no, I meant... this one!"
"Sweetheart, these are too red. We need green ones."
"But... these are green, Momma?"
"Oh dear..." you sigh heavily, taking the Fuji apple out of Mei's hands and setting it in your cart. "Stay close to me okay, Mei-Mei?" You tug at the little cowlick on top of her head softly, making sure she understood to not run off. She let's out a little noise of understanding and keeps a tight fist on the end of your dress, trailing behind you as you searched for the greenest apples you could find.
The drive home from the grocery store was filled with questions you didn't know how to answer. Things like...
"Do you think the mister likes My Little Pony?"
"I wonder if mister has any pets. He looks like he has a chihuahua!"
"If mister had a cutie mark, what do you think it'd be, Momma?"
And other weird things a child would ask. You tried your best to answer each question, but everything just leaded to another awfully confusing query. As you pulled the car into the driveway, you notice the sexy motorbike in the new neighbour's own, the black finish shining beneath the morning sun. You get out of the car, helping Mei right after before grabbing the groceries from the trunk of your two-thousand-five Honda Accord.
You unlock the door of your sweet little home, pushing it wide open with a bump of your hip. Mei skips inside, a small toy of Fluttershy in her hand and a plastic bag containing her "element of harmony" (a single red delicious apple, which is apparently the "honesty" element, or something along that line) in the other. The door clicks shut behind you two, and you trip into the kitchen after you kick off your shoes. Setting the bags down on the counter, you sort out the groceries before calling for your little one.
"Mei-Mei! It's time to start baking, sweetie," you hear her clumsy feet tip-tap against the hardwood and smile brightly when her head peeps into the kitchen. Her honesty apple was clutched tight in her hands as she walked up to you giddily, excited to get to work. You pick her up and set her on top of the clear section of the counter.
You trust Mei with measuring the dry ingredients, with some supervision of course. Together, you make the pie crust and allow it to chill in the fridge as you make the filling. Mei is in the living room at this point, eyes glued to the television as she embarks on a friendship adventure with her pony friends.
Silently humming a nameless tune to yourself, you peel and core the small Granny Smith apples, dicing them into little cubes before setting them in a brown-sugar mixture. By noon, you had shaped the pies into the shape everyone knows them to be—apple shaped apple pies!
The delicate little balls were placed on the baking tray carefully, not wanting to ruin the perfect shape. You brushed the tops with an egg-yolk-and-water mixture before putting the cute pies into the oven, setting a timer for 15 minutes. Proud of yourself for cleaning up the generous mess in your beloved kitchen, you open up the window above the sink to let the air in.
While you lounged on the couch with your beloved little dumpling, you're unknowing to the man next door, tinkering away beneath his ebony Dodge Coronet 440. The scent of the sweet apple pie wafted to his nose, making him stop his repairs on his old model. Shaking his head, he tries to ignore the temptation to knock on his pretty neighbour's front door and ask for a slice.
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The heat from the oven tickled your face as you carefully pulled the baking sheet out of the contraption, setting it down on the kitchen counter that was covered with a washcloth to avoid damaging the countertop. Mei watched you with a square-shaped tupperware in her chubby hands, eager to get the pie to the stranger next door.
You slide the oven-mittens off your hands and proudly look at your apple-apple-pies. Turning your attention to Mei, you pick her up so she can look too.
"Aren't they pretty, puddin'?" You coo. "You made these!" Mei claps her hands together happily, tupperware long forgotten with stars in her eyes as she beams at the sight of the apple-apple-pies.
"Can we take it to mister now?" the babe pratically vibrates in your grip with excitement. You nod at her and set her down on the floor, deciding to fish out a new tupperware box from one of your cabinets. When you find one of the proper size, you pack up one of the pies before you usher Mei out of the door after putting on your shoes, handing the container to her to carry.
Walking across the lawn, Mei immediately notices the open garage and makes a beeline towards the mass of legs beneath a black vintage car.
"Mister!! Mister!!!!" she practically yells, stomping over to the man beneath the car.
You can't help but admire the sight of the stranger. His thighs were practically ripping the denim of his jeans how tight they were on him, his white tank-top creeping up his stomach to reveal a small patch of hair just below his belly-button. With a grunt, he slides out from beneath the Dodge model, grease staining his entire upper body.
"Hey...?" He looks up at his from his spot on the ground, rubbing the stubble on his chin confused as he sits straight on the concrete.
"H-hi," you wave awkwardly, standing a safe distance away from him with Mei. You crouch down to your daughters level. "My daughter helped me make a pie for you as a little welcome gift. Go on, sweetheart," you pat her back softly, urging her to walk up to the newcomer. Like an excited puppy, Mei marches over to the handsome man, presenting the tupperware to him like a trophy.
"My momma put lotsa love into this, so you better like it, mister!" she demands, and the man chuckles softly at the order.
"I definitely will, kiddo. Apple pie's my favourite," he smiles gently before setting his sights on you. His blue eyes were illuminated perfectly by the sun as he looked over to you. "Thank you. My name's Leon, by the way. Uh, Leon Kennedy," he nods over at you as he takes the container from Mei's hands.
"O-oh, right! We didn't really introduce ourselves yesterday," you blush, fiddling with the hem of your blouse. You quickly introduce yourself and your daughter, stuttering all the while. It had been quite a long time since you had spoken to a man.
"Nice to meet you," Leon lets out a low laugh as he looks down at the pie. His eyes widen when he realizes it's shaped like an actual apple, but he makes no move to say anything as a twinge of pink crawls up his neck. "This looks... delicious," he drools, and you thank him for the compliment.
"Best eat it now! It's tastes the best when it's fresh," you smile, and he hums in response.
"U-uh, I think I'll eat it now, actually. Needed to take a break anywa-ngh—!" Mei slams her pudgy palm on top of Leon's mop of brown hair, causing the poor man to grunt. It didn't hurt, but it clearly caught him by surprise. You panic just like the day before and attempt to pull your cherub away from your neighbour, embarrassment filling your body.
"Mei-Mei! I told you that you can't just touch people like that!" You scold her lightly.
"Agh, don't yell at her—It's alright," the brunette assures you, standing up. His boots click against the concrete as he stands close.
"Please, excuse her, she's just very excited to have a new friend."
"Hey, hey—it's fine. Here," Leon ducks his head down enough for Mei to reach out. She turns her body in your arms, hands outstretching to thread into the man's hair. Unconsciously, you move closer to Leon as your daughter plays with his hair. The sight made your heart melt.
When Mei has her fill, Leon stands straight and gives you a warm smile. He has a look in his eyes you couldn't quite place, but you choose not to think about it.
"I, uhm..." you think of what to say, your eyes darting from each feature on his stubbly face. "We won't bother you now. I-if you need, something, we'll be a knock away!" you nervously ramble, slowly backing away from the gentleman.
"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind," he coughs out, a dust of pink brushing the tip of nose. Leon watches as you turn your back to him, wiggling his fingers at the little one that waved at him from your shoulders. He walks over to the tupperware sitting on the floor of his garage after you walk into your house, entering his own with the pie in his hands.
You don't know about how the tupperware was licked clean, not even a crumb of the crust to be seen as the container is left on Leon's dining table. The next day, a knock on your door distracts you from your dishwashing.
He wasn't lying about apple pie being his favourite.
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yeah im definitely going to turn this into a fic series or something i love domestic fluff i am so normal about dilf leon IM MAKING THIS HAPPEN
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vitospaghetta · 7 months
Leon's flirting in Infinite Darkness
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This scene has, since day one, been one of my favorites in Infinite Darkness. The series did an excellent job at bringing a lot of aspects of Leon's character to the surface. Things we were already very familiar with, like his kind and attentive nature, but also darker aspects of his character he generally tends to keep hidden, such as his anger, his resentment, and the extent of his trauma regarding Raccoon City. What I love about this scene is that it is also a prime example of one of those darker aspects of Leon's character. One that is integral to understanding who he is as a person — his desperation.
I've seen the idea of his flirtation with Shen Mei in this scene being interpreted as platonic become popularized. For some people, choosing to ignore what is being presented here is easier than accepting that Leon S. Kennedy would ever be okay with going on a date with someone already in an established relationship. Though I think that idea discredits the deeply human sentiment present in this scene. As morally objectionable as Leon's actions are here, there's something incredibly authentic about them. Unknowingly, he's disclosing his desires, and not just sexual ones.
It's very clear that Leon is asking her out to dinner with romantic intent. This comes down to my own personal life experience, but I've come to understand this as a universal truth: when a man you hardly know asks you to do anything with him, it's a date. He is asking you out romantically, guaranteed. In the case of Leon in this scene, when you take the context of Shen Mei being in a relationship and Leon's lifestyle into account, you can paint a clear picture of him not only asking Shen Mei out on a date, but he's doing so to get his foot in the door, so-to-speak.
He's not looking for longevity, he's doing this with the sole intention of sleeping with her. That's why he disregards her relationship — approaches this with a shameless 'I'm willing to be the mistake she makes at least once' mentality — because he's not looking for a relationship. He's desperately yearning for pleasure; for the burdens of his life to melt away, even if the moment is fleeting. Even if it comes at the cost of someone else's relationship. An act of selfishness — something we don't often see from Leon — but desperation has a way of making people act impulsively. I think this speaks volumes about his character.
Leon lives a life that doesn't allow for him to be able to settle down. Given how compassionate and empathetic he is, he more-than-likely views relationships as impractical at best. He'd constantly feel like his happiness would come at the cost of his partner's, and that's not something he could live with, so he submits to loneliness. It's practical, it's fair, and it's the only option that makes sense given his career. A long-term committal relationship is just another opportunity his service to the government has taken from him, and while he can have it, he will not willingly drag someone else into a relationship that would surely be filled with disappointment to do so.
So instead, he seeks momentary pleasure. He flirts with women like Shen Mei and Hunnigan while on duty. He self-sabotages by pursuing emotionally unavailable women like Ada. One could argue that flirting with Shen Mei and Hunnigan are also him self-sabotaging, as they are also women that are most-likely going to reject him due to the professional nature of their relationship. He's going out of his way to avoid genuine connection, and therein lies the tragedy of it all.
At the end of the day, he craves normalcy. He yearns for a life he can't have and deeply resents being denied it. Moments like this are just displaying how Leon navigates the circumstances of his life, actively denying himself a happiness he is so deserving of, but deems as unfair to others. He wants to feel needed and appreciated in a way that makes him feel like anything other than a weapon pointed at the government's problems — to feel loved, in the most intrinsically human way possible, even if it's only for one night with someone and ultimately means nothing in the end.
This moment perfectly encapsulates something that has always been a crucial component of Leon's character, the extent of his tragedy — the lonely and isolating nature of a life he didn't choose.
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leon-jpg · 2 years
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Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (2021) Episode 2
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georgeromeros · 2 years
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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (2021) Episode 1
“More important question is, how the hell did zombies get in the White House?”
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zombiyh · 1 year
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infinite darkness leon awakened something deep inside me and that's on god
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winterwolf0120 · 10 days
Halloween outfits pt. 1
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Leon and Jada as Wolves 💙🩵🐺
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N as Dog 🐕💛
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marashi96art · 2 years
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It's 6 am here. Infinite Darkness stop hurting me
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whorbidmore · 6 months
anyway, just in case anybody ends up reading those silly little hcs i wrote, i may as well ask which stupid ass piece of smut i should work on first >:3
i mean, i'll be working on it anyway cus i am deep within the bowels of my obsession, but if there is an audience for these kinds of fics i may as well see what people think!
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midnightkolrath · 6 months
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Leon Character Study likely done by Carmelo Zagaria, who did the inks for Infinite Darkness: The Beginning
Included in the complete issue collection as bonus content, but I believe it was also at the end of issue 1 or so.
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vitospaghetta · 6 months
Leon's flirting in Infinite Darkness pt 2: A Deeper Dive
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After this post managed to gain a teeny bit of traction on here, I wanted to talk about this a bit more for clarification, and to further explore how this ties into the overall narrative and Leon's characterization throughout the franchise.
I'd like to make it clear right off the bat that I am not claiming that Leon is (and, for the record, I hate this word) a womanizer either. It was disappointing to see that that's what some people took away from my previous post. It's also worth noting that I don't think Leon's actions in the scene with Shen Mei come at the cost of his morality. Just as the erasure of negative qualities doesn't lessen the impact one character can have on others. Life isn't that simple.
The Gist
The interpretation that I have for the scene with Shen Mei is not one that claims that Leon is some selfish home-wrecker on the day to day. However, it is an exploration of the extent of his loneliness and how, even the most morally upstanding characters such as Leon, have traumas and emotional burdens that can make them behave in ways that are questionable at best. It was an analysis of how, in that moment, he inadvertently displayed a deeply vulnerable part of himself that does extend beyond that scene.
The man desperately yearns for affection and romantic connection with women while living a life that does not allow for him to do so in a way where longevity makes sense. Because of Leon's compassionate nature, he will not allow himself the indulgence of a long-term relationship in order to spare others the pain of being dragged into his life. Though short-term hook ups are something he is willing to pursue because then there's no risk of disappointing anyone. No missed anniversaries, birthdays, or holidays. No receiving a sudden call to fly out to god-knows-where immediately and being unable to say where he's going.
His innate human need for connection in the absence of normalcy lead to desperation. Desperation leads to impulsivity, and this impulsivity is what leads him to disregard a person's relationship status with a half-hopeful "soooo...?" In that moment, his desperation got the better of him.
The point of my previous post was to explore how a scene as brief as that one manages to peel back some of his layers to emphasize the extent of Leon's isolation imposed by his service to the government. How his inability to allow himself meaningful romantic connection ties into his most tragic flaws, consistent throughout the franchise.
Compassion Comes At A Cost
Leon has always been the type of character who will willingly throw himself under the bus in order to spare those he cares about from any unnecessary suffering. Choosing to work for the government to save Sherry's life, not turning Helena in to the authorities to clear his name in RE6 after the assassination of Adam Benford, his full willingness to sabotage his relationship with Claire at the end of Infinite Darkness in order to prevent the government from going after her. If there's one thing to know about Leon, it's that he will always put himself last.
He is not above sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of someone else's, but he would never expect anyone to do the same for him.
Given how okay he was with Shen Mei's rejection, I don't doubt in the slightest that he was almost expecting her to say no. Just like Hunnigan in RE4. Just like how he loves Ada, a woman who will never love him the way he loves her.
The scene in Damnation comes to mind, where Ada asks him about "that night," where it's heavily implied that they hooked up at some point between RE4 and the events of the film. Unsurprisingly, the implication was reiterated/confirmed by the writer of the film himself. He also says that "[Leon] shows his real self when he gets in touch with a woman," which I think is a very apt statement.
She says that Leon's angry with her, presumably for cutting their romantic endeavor short, and yet he still can't be done with her. He chooses to latch on to a woman he can never get close to.
It took him until RE6 to finally let Ada go, and I'd like to think that ties very nicely into the character arc we see from Vendetta to Death Island, where both movies explore Leon's transition from choosing to suffer alone to learning to find comfort in camaraderie.
This all ties in with each other. Leon's isolation, even outside of romantic endeavors, has always been at least a little self-imposed. His service to the government lays the foundation, and Leon does the rest himself because of the circumstances of his life. There's a tragic cyclical nature to it.
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This is the face of a man who willingly sets himself up for failure. It calls back to his "story of my life" line in RE4. He isn't hurt by these rejections because he doesn't expect much to come out of his attempts at flirting. He's throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Maybe it'll work out and he'll get lucky, though odds are it won't. Even he he does luck out, there's not much chance of a formal relationship coming out of it. Low risk, high reward.
Even Stephanie Panisello who voices Shen Mei jokingly said "Why do ya have to keep choosing these women that don't really love ya?!" in a Death Island interview while talking about how she feels about Leon.
When he asks Shen Mei out, he's asking for the hell of it — at least then he's trying to fill the void — but he's simultaneously keeping women at arm's length in an attempt to spare them. Maybe, given his history with Ada, he's trying to spare himself some pain, too.
Not Exactly OOC Behavior
Speaking of Ada, it's also not entirely unlike Leon to pursue someone who's already in an established relationship.
Infinite Darkness takes place in the original RE timeline* — the remakes are not canonical to these events.
(*The remakes do not supersede the events of the original games. They simply created a separate timeline where the games' narratives are approached from a different perspective — a chance to make the narratives more cohesive and modernized. Quite literally a "do-over," but not a replacement. Both the remakes and the original games are canon simultaneously, however all CGI media exists within the continuity of the original timeline. This is because they're all part of a pre-existing narrative, contiguous of each other.)
In OG RE2, Leon hears that Ada has a boyfriend and still develops feelings for her, and goes as far as kissing her in one of the endings, even though he found out earlier that her boyfriend supposedly died. Was John real? Probably not, but Leon didn't know that.
Though I also understand that the circumstances of these scenes are different — Leon, having developed genuine feelings for Ada, kisses her as he knows she's going to die, and after she admits that she loves him, too. It's a goodbye kiss of sorts. This isn't the tone being portrayed in the scene with Shen Mei, but it's noteworthy regardless. Just because someone has a boyfriend doesn't mean Leon's not gonna get the hots for them.
Moving Forward
Leon's longing for physical and emotional connection with others definitely highlights some of the more tragic aspects of his character. However, I think that the way we see his flirtatious behavior taper off over time is equally interesting. It's an indicator of his mental health (its decline leading up to Vendetta), as well as it is a testament of his maturity. When you consider his lack of flirtatiousness in Damnation/RE6/Vendetta/Death Island, you can see how he's matured emotionally. Though you can also see how he has truly succumbed to his isolation. The extent of his self-imposed burden, the extent of his hopelessness. A grim acceptance of loneliness, of impracticality, of his life being what it is, and having no idea of how to fix it.
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tyanis · 1 year
They know what we like...
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georgeromeros · 2 years
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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (2021) Episode 4
“We can make soldiers who never die. As long as they take regular doses of the inhibitor, they can fight longer and harder than ever before. It’s revolutionary, don’t you think?”
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neat-o-things · 1 year
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Back from my break!!
The two goobers, Patrick is so slept on it’s unreal
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