#request to do an open house TOMORROW for eight hours WHILST I am working from home.
sportsthoughts · 6 months
my goodness landlords are literally the worst people alive
6 notes · View notes
enthusiasticharry · 4 years
Baby Steps
summary: you’re harry’s sons therapist, and he isn't the only one you end up helping.
word count: hi! it has been a long while since I’ve posted on here so I hope you enjoy this 8.6k piece of pure fluff and smut!
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As a child, Harry had never been given many opportunities to freely express himself. He grew up in a rural area where the sheep overruled the people and the only extra-circular activity available was playing football at the park with his friends that weren’t truly his friends. He was only a mere teenager when he decided that whenever he had kids, he would give them as many opportunities as possible. 
He tried in school, don’t discourage him about that, but it didn’t work out as planned. That’s how he ended up working within the company he did. He started from the bottom, working 9 to 5 within a cubicle everyday until he had worked up to become chief editor. He had his own office, with his name written on a plaque upon the door and his photos sat upon the desk. It made day to day that little bit more enjoyable.
“Finishing early today, Mr. Styles?” Genevieve asked, watching as he closes his door behind him. 
“Yes, I am.” He smiles politely, “It’s been in the calendar for weeks.” 
“I’ve noticed.” He knew she hadn’t. Genevieve was okay at her job, he supposed. She was an apprentice the company had hired straight out of university and of course he didn’t mind that she was still finding her feet, “Enjoy your evening, Mr. Styles.” 
“You too, Genevieve.” He nods his head at the girl and walks towards the exit. 
At the ripe age of twenty-eight, Harry knew that he still had his entire life ahead of him but at the same time he was pretty content. He had his job, his small town house and more importantly his son, Theo. He hadn’t expected his girlfriend of a couple of months to get pregnant but in his mind he knew what had happened and that it was something that the two of them had to take responsibility for, but she didn’t think the same thing. Harry had loved her, and he had hoped that she had loved him and their son as much as he did but it just wasn’t meant to be. He had suspected that she was going to leave, he just hadn’t expected it to be in the middle of the night whilst their son was a month old and still nursing. 
It was the following morning that Harry knew that he was going try his damned hardest to be the best Father possible for his son, try to give him the world and everything good that came along with it. 
“Harry!” Mrs. Walters, the woman who lives next door exclaims as she throws the door open, “Please come in.” 
“Hi Mrs. Walters.” He smiles, following the elderly woman into the living room, “Has he been good today?” 
“We had a little disagreement at nap time but apart from that he’s been perfect!” 
“I’m glad to hear it. He’s never been the biggest fan of naps.” 
Just seeing Theo’s little face light up as he walked into the room was enough reason to keep his heart beating for centuries. Theo was the absolute double of Harry, and he could even see it himself. Even at three years old he had his father’s green eyes and curly brown hair and it was another thing that caused his love for his little man to grown everyday.
“Dada!” He toddled over to his father, only just starting to feel confident upon his feet, and wrapped his arms around Harry’s legs, his chunky cheeks pressed against his shin. 
“Hi bubba.” He picks his son up and rests him upon his hip, “Did you have a nice day with Mrs. West?” 
Theo nods and drops his head down upon Harry’s shoulder with a light sigh of content.
“He’s been amazing, Harry, don’t worry.” The older woman drops her head to Harry’s free shoulder, “I’ll see you two tomorrow.” 
“See you tomorrow, Mrs. West.” 
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Theo’s little hand rests comfortably within Harry’s as they walk through the door of community centre, his little feet tapping upon the wood in his trainers. 
“Harry! Theo!” You exclaim, walking over to the two of them with a large smile across your face, “I’m so glad you could make it this week!” 
“Yeah. Sorry about last week, I couldn’t get out of work on time and then once I did he wasn’t in the best of moods.” 
“Don’t worry about it! It’s totally fine, we understand that you can’t make every week.” 
Harry nods his head. 
“Anyway.” You have a nice smile and it was probably the first thing that Harry noticed about you when you met, “We’re just about to get started.”��
Harry sits down, crossing his legs as he does so. Theo drops down upon his father’s lap straight afterwards, his face pressed into the material of Harry’s crisp white dress shirt. Harry’s eyes bounce to look over the other children, the ones who acted similarly too Theo when they first joined. They all either sat in their parents laps comfortably or on the floor now, not one with a flicker of anxiousness across their features.
Theo and Harry have attended three of these sessions to help with confidence, and Theo had only just started to leave his shell in the last twenty minutes of the last session they went to and now it felt as though Harry had messed everything up again. He felt as though they were back to square one.
Then he feels a hand upon his shoulder. 
“Its okay.” You smile, squeezing gently, “He’ll be okay, don’t worry.” 
He will be, Harry knows that. 
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Another week had passed and Harry was yet again sat in a circle in the children’s room of the community centre with Theo sat upon his lap. Harry felt a little more at ease this week, since his little boy sat forward with a small, very small smile on his lips as he looked at… you? You hadn’t been there to greet them like you were last week, and he certainly hadn’t had the chance to say hello yet. It had been a warm-ish day today and Harry concluded that was probably why you were wearing a cute yellow sundress with small white flowers on it, something he had never seen you in before. You still wore your smile, Harry had noticed. 
“Today.” You always overplayed your facial features to interest the children, “We are all going to write a story together.” 
Theo’s little eyes widened in excitement. 
“You like that idea, bub?” Harry whispered. Theo nodded. 
“So I’ll start.” You touch your chest, “Then we’ll pass to Edith’s mummy and then Edith and we’ll continue that way around the circle!” 
Harry and Theo would be third, which wasn’t too bad. He just hoped that Theo would get involved, he loved stories enough to have a mind spiralling with ideas. 
“Once upon a time, in a land far, far away there lived a princess…” You start, smiling to the person next within the circle. 
“…in a big castle with a swimming pool!” 
“She has dog!” 
“…called muffin who she loves to play with in the…” 
“Then.” Harry started, leaning so that he was speaking to Theo as well as the rest of the group, “One day, something magical appeared in front of her…”
Harry beams and whispers, “Well done Theo!”
The story finishes with the princess riding the dinosaur along a rainbow, courtesy of the little girl called Tara who finishes the circle. Normally the children disperse the last twenty minutes or so to play amongst themselves whilst the adults talk about what type of week they’ve had. They were doing just that, but today, Harry’s heart stopped at the sight of his little boy sat with little Tara drawing at the tiny desk when usually he just does that on his own. 
Harry had honestly never thought that he would be going to group behavioural therapy for his three year old son, but, he promised he would do anything for his little boy.
“Hi everyone.” They were now sat around a table, one fit for adults, whilst a few of your colleagues watched the children, “I’m excited to hear how all your weeks have been!”
Tara’s mum starts, explaining that this week the nursery had phoned up to explain that she hadn’t spoken to anyone at lunchtime but there had been the odd time where she’d had a small conversation with a couple of classmates. 
Harry listens to a few others. How Ryan had bit a kid at school the other day, how Delilah refused to say anything for a couple of days that week. Harry had never experienced Theo biting or injuring other kids but he had experienced him shutting down and not speaking to anyone. 
“Harry.” You smile, “How has little Theo been this week?” 
“He’s, uh, been okay I suppose.” He runs his finger across his bottom lip, “Nothing out of the ordinary. Had an odd hour or so yesterday.” 
“Has he made any friends at nursery, yet?” 
“No. I don’t think so. I’m trying to get him in everyday but it’s proving to be difficult.” 
You smile, “He’ll get there Harry. It might take him a bit longer than normal but he will get there.” 
After listening to the other parents, the meeting for that week finishes. Harry waits for Theo to finish his drawing before helping him into his coat. Your words pondered through his mind — he certainly hoped that Theo would get better but it was a walk, not a sprint. 
“Hi Theo.” You beam as you walk towards the two, “Can I see your drawing?” 
After a few moments of contemplation, he passes the drawing to you.
“Wow! It’s beautiful! Can you draw me one whilst I talk to your Daddy?” 
Theo listens to your request and starts on the drawing straight away, picking up colour after colour whilst Harry looks at you with furrowed eyebrows. 
“I just wanted to have a quick word, nothing bad, I promise.” 
Harry nods. 
“Theo is making excellent progress in the program and I’m sure you’ve seen the results for yourself but as you know he is going a little slower than the rest of the kids.” 
“If this is because we missed one then it’s completely my fault—”
“It’s not! Don’t think that, it’s not!” You’re quick to say, “I was thinking the other day of ways to help and I remembered that my friend runs a group at the weekend for children that are struggling to cope with the loss of a parent.” 
“But I thought he was too young to be affected by that?” 
“I thought so too but I did some more research and even though he was very, very young when his mother left, it could still be affecting him.” You swallow and tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, “He will have noticed that he doesn’t have two parents and that could be the stem of all of the problems.” 
Of course this had run through Harry’s mind a few time but he always brushed it off because he was so young when it happened. The fact that woman might be the reason his son was so quiet and not himself all of the time caused his stomach to flip. He hadn’t seen her since that night but she was still affecting him day upon day and he hated it. 
“When is this group?” 
“Oh!” You exclaim, happy that he hadn’t just shut the idea down, “It’s on Saturday at ten whilst twelve but you can come and go as you please.” 
“Will you be there?” Why had he just asked that? He probably sounded like such a weirdo. 
“I will.” You smiled, “Just for you.” 
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Harry certainly hadn’t expected to spend his Saturday morning sat at upon a bench outside the community centre watching Theo play with other kids. He was surprised how easily Theo had left his shell around all of these kids but he supposed they all had something in common, that they were raised by only one parent. 
Another thing he hadn’t expected was to be sat sharing the said bench with you, but he wasn’t complaining. 
“Black coffee.” You smile, holding out the cup for him to take. 
“Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem.” You take a sip of your own cup of tea, “He seems to be doing well.” 
“I’m really surprised. The last time I saw him gel to someone so quickly was when he met our neighbour, Mrs. West.” 
You smile, “It’s good. You’ll be able to figure out which group works the best for you both.” 
“Will you be here every week?” 
Is he flirting? You certainly weren’t complaining, anyone with eyes could see that Harry is a very handsome man but never in a million years did you think that he would be flirting with you. Maybe he wasn’t even flirting and you were just letting your imagination run a little too wild. 
“I’m sorry.” He’s quick to say, “What I meant is that he’s comfortable around you, and I would hate for him to loose that sort of comfort.”
“I completely understand.” You nod. So he wasn’t flirting with you. There was a part of you that was sort of disappointed and wished that he had been flirting with you, “Well he seems to be enjoying himself here so how about we slowly introduce him to just coming here. I’ll come for the first couple of weeks so that he’s comfortable.” 
“Thank you. I haven’t said that enough but I honestly can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing for my son.” 
“It’s my job, Harry. I do this for a reason.” 
“But you didn’t have to do this. Spend your Saturday morning sat on a bench with me to make sure that Theo is okay. You didn’t have to do this.” 
“But I am. I’m doing it because I care about that little boy and I want him to get better. And you’re certainly not bad company.”
Harry smiles and looks away. It probably makes it more obvious that his cheeks are flushing at her words. You have always made Harry nervous, even from the first meeting when he asked whether you could help his son. Was it wrong? Probably. Did he care? No, as far as he knew this crush was harmless and it wasn’t as though it was reciprocated he supposed. 
“I know I’m not as exciting at Theo but I do try.” 
“I can tell.” You smile, “Was he okay at nursery yesterday?” 
“The same I think. Nursery didn’t say anything when I picked him up and they usually do if something happened. Good or bad.” 
“That’s good. Some will just ignore the problem. I’ve helped a few parents who have struggled with that.” 
“I’m lucky.” He nodded, “We’re lucky.” 
“How are you?” 
“I’m fine. Theo’s getting better, that’s the most important thing.” 
You sigh, “Not Theo. How are you?” 
“I’m getting there. I’m taking each day as it comes, I suppose.” 
“Do you have people that you talk to?” You ask before immediately trying to retract your question, “I understand if you don’t want to tell me. I can be nosey sometimes.” 
“No. It’s fine.” He coughs to clear his voice, his eyes watching as Theo sits in the sand pit with a bucket and spade, “I talk to my mum and sister if there’s anything really wrong.” 
“Nobody else?” You’re daring, and your eyebrow raises in nervousness. 
“I’m single if that’s what you’re asking.” He chuckles. 
Your eyes bug, “Well I—”
“Its okay, YN.” He laughs now, his dimples deepening, “Are you single?” 
“I am.” You smile, “I’m glad you have someone to talk to that isn’t your three year old son. It’s important.” 
“I know. I kept a lot of it to myself at the start and just tried to be the best that I could be for Theo but it hit a point where I needed help, and I knew I did.” 
“It’s commendable that you did that. Too many single parents try to do it on their own and it just doesn’t work. It not only causes them to fizzle out but it causes strain on the kids.” 
“Have you got children?”
“No.” Your lips curl, “I just enjoy working with them — to a degree obviously.” 
A chuckle passes. It’s at this point that Harry realises that this is the first conversation you have had with him that passes the point of being somewhat professional. You’re dipping your toes in the idea of the conversation being about getting to know each other rather than being about Theo or any information about the group. 
“I can’t imagine.” 
“You never know what the days going to hold when you walk through the door. They say to never work with children and animals.” You laugh, “Where you do you work?” 
“I work at a publishing company. I’m the chief editor. It’s not the best but it pays the bills.” 
“It sounds very interesting.” 
“It isn’t. The amount of articles about interior design I read on a weekly basis is sort of absurd.” 
“Interior design?” 
“I work for an interior design magazine. I probably should’ve explained that first.” 
You giggle, “I bet your house is immaculately decorated.” 
“To a degree.” He chuckles, “Living with a three year old sort of means you’re house always looks like a bomb has hit it.” 
“I can imagine.” 
“I wouldn’t change it for anything. Yeah it is a mess but it isn’t too bad and he’s leaning that he won’t get treats if he doesn’t clean up after himself.”
“Nice. I’m sure that works a treat.” 
“It does.” He laughs, “Literally.”
“He’s a good kid, Harry. You can tell. He’ll be perfectly fine.”
You keep saying that. 
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Harry received a message the following Wednesday around lunch time that he hadn’t expected. He was just about to tuck into the salad he had pre-made this morning fort lunch when his phone lit up on the desk. A small message box covers up his wallpaper which was a photo of Theo in the bath, bubbles on his head in a cone shape and upon his chin like a beard. 
Hi Harry, Its YN. I promise I’m not weird I just got your number of the system to send this. I’m just letting you know that tonight’s group is cancelled, I’m bunged up with a cold and would hate to pass it onto any of the kiddies :) Hope you are well.
Hi YN. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. See you next week. H. 
Harry couldn’t hide that he was a little disappointed. He was starting to enjoy going to the centre every week. He could say that it was because his son was slowly coming out of his shell, and that was part of it, but ever since your conversation he had that one weekend he enjoyed the few words you spoke to each other. 
If he was more confident in the way you felt about him, he probably would’ve messaged to ask if you needed anything bringing but he thought that it would’ve been a little bit odd. Hopefully in the future it wouldn’t be as odd. 
“You can’t eat your chips yet, buddy, they’re too hot.” Harry explains, picking a couple of the chips from Theo’s plate and blowing on them. The young boy sat and watched his father, waiting for his chips before chewing them happily. 
“Oh! Harry!” 
You’re stood with a drink in your hand, jeans and a floral blouse hanging loosely upon your figure. You looked cute and cuddly, something that Harry had missed seeing over the past week or so. 
“Hi YN.” He smiles, wiping his mouth with his napkin momentarily, “How are you feeling?” 
“Much better, thank you very much.” You smile. 
“Would you like to sit?” He asks, motioning to the spare seat, “You don’t have to if you’re busy or anything.” 
“No. I would love to. Are you okay with that Theo?” 
For the first time since you’ve arrived the little boy looks up at his  eyes immediately light up at the sight of you stood there. 
“Miss YN!” 
“I’m guessing he’s okay with it.” Harry smiles, watching as you pull out the seat and seat and sit down. “You weren’t in a rush, were you?” 
“No.” You smile, sipping on the hot cocoa you had just bought, “I had just finished for the day actually. Did a bit of shopping and then decided to walk over here.” 
“Sounds lovely. Anything exciting?” 
“If fruit and veg is exciting, then exciting.” 
“Hey, take it from me, trying to make fruit and veg exciting for your kids is the most exciting thing about fruit and veg.” 
“Not a fan?” You ask, looking at the young boy who had started to munch on his chicken nuggets. 
“Not really. Can you not tell?” 
You laugh, looking at Theo’s plate which just had chips and chicken nuggets on with a blob of ketchup on the side. 
“He seems to be enjoying those?” 
“Oh god yeah.” Harry laughs, “He can eat for England. Takes after me in that sense.” 
“That’s good. Some parents sometimes come in saying that their children don’t eat and it’s worrying them.” 
“He went through a phase when he turned around two and a half of not eating but he rectified that very quickly himself.”
“That’s good? Have you had work today?” 
It was only then that you had noticed his attire. Jean flares and a shirt that said something about eating honey. On anyone else you it would’ve set warning alarms within your head but he made it look suave and quite attractive. 
“No. I have weekends off so I can spend them with Theo. I sometimes do a bit of work from home but not a lot, do you?” 
“Sometimes. If there’s an emergency I’ll sometimes have to go in.” 
“Is it hard? Do you find working with vulnerable children hard?” 
“Challenging, I’d say. Maybe not hard. Some of the things that have happened to the children to cause them to behave the way they do are hard to listen to. Trying to get them to talk or just explain how they feel is even harder.” 
“You do God’s work, YN.” 
“I wouldn’t say that. I hate the though of children suffering, and I’d like to think I do my best to help with that.” 
“You do. From experience you do.” 
“You’re forever feeding my ego. I kind of like it, keep it coming.” 
“Eh.” He curves his lips and moves his head from side to side, “You’re not that bad to look at either.” 
“Cheeky! But you’re not too bad yourself, Styles.” 
“Daddy!” Theo interrupts, “Toilet, please.”
“Okay bud.” Harry stands up and so do you, “You don’t have to go, I’ll be back in a minute.”
“No it’s okay, I probably should leave.” You smile, “I told Norman that I’d only been ten minutes and that was half an hour ago.”
“My dog! God, I probably should’ve specified that. Norman’s my dog.”
“Ah.” Harry laughs, “That makes more sense. I’ll see you later YN.”
“Bye Harry.” 
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When you got home that night, you see the majority of the time sat staring at your phone whilst Norman stares at you as though you’ve gone crazy.
“I should just text him.” You sound crazy talking to your job but it is oddly comforting, “What’s the worst that could happen?” 
Hi Harry! It was lovely seeing you and Theo today. I hope you had a lovely rest of your day :)
You immediately regretted sending the message. Would he think you were weird? Had you just ruined any chance you had of it going any further? Your stomach twisted and your phone lit up. 
We did thank you, YN. I hope Norman wasn’t too mad that we kept you out longer than expected. H.
You giggled. He remembered. 
He got over it pretty quickly. Gave him a treat and everything was back to normal.
That’s good. It’s a good thing dogs are forgiving creatures.
Rather I bribed him to forgive me. He can be stubborn when he wants to be.
I think you might be describing my son. He certainly didn’t get his stubborn side from me.
Good. I would hate to have to bribe you to speak to me.
Well that depends what you would have bribed me with. But hopefully you’ll never be in the bad books.
You seem to have very high expectations of me, Styles. I might just surprise you.
I’m going to hold you to that. The next time I see you I expect to be surprised.
Are you free any time soon?
Not until next weekend really. I finish work at five-ish everyday.
Is there any chance that you’d maybe want to do something after work? I can hopefully surprise you?
I’d like that very much. Tuesday okay?
Perfect! See you then, Harry.
Sweet dreams, YN.
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Tuesday couldn’t come quick enough in your eyes. You were pleasantly surprised that you’d even managed to bag yourself a date with the man, usually you’d shy away from the male species as much as possible. That didn’t mean that you didn’t spend the entire time messaging Harry the other day with warm cheeks and a fuzzy tummy. The fact that he could’ve thrown everything back into your face being the thing that scared you the most. 
You had messaged Harry last night that you were going to a restaurant, not a fancy one but one that required a smart/casual dress code. You spent probably a little too long getting ready, curling your hair and applying the make up you wore too perfection, dressing in some high-waisted trousers with a long-sleeved tucked in to reserve the warmth that the British summertime had selfishly taken away. 
You had hundred’s of thoughts bouncing around in your brain. It wasn’t everyday that you bagged a date with the man of your dreams and even if it didn’t work out — at least you could say that it had happened. If it didn’t work out it was probably a good thing that Theo had started to make the move from your group to your friend’s to avoid uncomfortable confrontation. 
The reservation at the restaurant was for eight, so you had arranged to meet there for around politely declined. The drive was quick but the wait for Harry seemed to take hours. 
When he did arrive, your breath caught within your throat. He was wearing simple dress pants with a silk floral shirt tucked in, the first couple of buttons undone. It revealed tattoos that you were shocked to see that he had upon his chest and stomach. It intrigued you to know whether he had more tattoos. A part of really wanted to see them. 
“Hi.” He smiles and wraps his arms around you in a welcoming hug. He smelt really good. 
“You look lovely.” 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Styles.” 
“Shall we go in?” You nodded. 
The table reserved for the two of you was small but lovely, located in the corner of the restaurant by the floor to ceiling windows. You had been to this Italian plenty of times in the past and it had become one of your favourites. As you sat down, you had ordered a bottle of wine to share between the two of you. 
“Is that your first surprise?” He asked as the two you tapped your glasses together in cheers, “Drinking on a work night?”
“It’s a special occasion.” You shrug, “You’ll have to figure out yourself whether it’s part of the surprise or not.” 
He raised his eyebrow at you before he broke into a smile. 
“I’m looking forward to it.” 
The waiter comes a few ticks after that, asking what we would like. I order a bowl of pasta whilst Harry orders a pizza of some sort. 
“How was Theo when you left him today?” You started to tuck into the bread and dips that the waiter had brought as an appetiser. 
“Absolutely fine. I’ve never seen someone so exciting to spend time with their grandmother.” 
“Weekend’s with my Grandma were the shit!” You exclaim with a smile, “We used to bake and she’d cook me all of my favourite dinners.” 
“You were spoilt rotten, to say the least?” 
“Of course I was! That’s how little Theo is feeling.” 
“Are you close to your family?” 
“Yeah I am. More so my Mum and Grandma. I don’t really have the best relationship with my Dad.” 
He nods, “My mum and Dad divorced when I was young so I was brought up my Mum. She remarried when I was nineteen.” 
You hummed, “Are you close with your stepfather?”
“I was.” Harry coughed to clear his throat, “He died in 2017.” 
You immediately felt bad. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” 
He stops the sip of his drink quick, “You haven’t, I promised. How are we supposed to get to know each other if you don’t ask questions?” 
“We sort dived right into the deep shit straight away.” You laughed, “Quick fire questions: favourite band?” 
“I honestly couldn’t pick one.” 
“Well.” You sighed, “I tried but that answer was boring. Pick one!”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs, his smile growing, “I love Fleetwood Mac, The Zombies, The Kinks—”
“Basically anything from the past?” 
“Pretty much.” He laughed, “I grew up listening to Shania Twain and Joni Mitchell with my mum.” 
“I would’ve loved to have that childhood.” You laughed, “My mum was all for Bon Jovi, Meatloaf and Prince. Always said ‘I could’ve been a rock chick’.” 
He laughs and sips his drink. 
The conversation for the rest of the evening flowed better than you could have expected. You honestly don’t think you’ve ever been on such a lovely date before in your life, if you could even call it that. 
You learnt about his childhood living in Holmes Chapel whilst he learnt about yours. You hadn’t expected to enjoy his company so much and even as the night came to a close you found yourself not wanting to leave. 
“I must admit.” He starts as her walks you towards your car, “I was quite disappointed when you said I couldn’t pick you up.” 
“Why was that?” 
“Because I’m not able to drive you home, walk you to your door and hopefully give you a little something to remember me for the night.” 
“Really? Who said that I would have let you?” 
“You wouldn’t have?” 
“I don’t know.” You tease, “Why don’t you come over and try?” 
The smile on his face as he leaned in is something that will haunt your dreams at night for the better. Your eyes flutter closed and sigh in content as his lips touch yours. It was a little embarrassing, but there had been a few moments late at night where you have wondered what this would feel like. Those were enjoyable dreams but the real this was so much better. 
No tongue was involved but you already knew that this was something you could become addicted to. The feeling of his large palm against your cheek as his kissed any worry you had away from the night. Your whole body tingled and if you weren’t in a public car park, you wouldn’t know whether you’d be able to contain yourself. 
You both pull away breathlessly. 
“I think you would’ve let me.” 
“I certainly fucking would.”
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If Harry had any other option — he would’ve taken it in a heartbeat. 
When Harry had woke up this morning, he had expected it to be like his normal Monday morning. Waking up early and making breakfast whilst Theo sleep in. Then he’d wake Theo up to have breakfast and then Harry would dress him for the day. 
That hadn’t happened this morning. 
When Harry had walked into Theo’s room that morning he found his son, already awake with tears streaming down his face. He tried to comfort his son, and tried to get him to talk but he just didn’t stop crying. 
That’s how he ended up stood in the corner of his son’s room with his phone pressed tightly to his ear. 
“Harry? Hello?” 
“Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, well uh, not really.” He scratches the back of his neck, “There’s something wrong with Theo.” 
“Is he okay?” 
“No. I came into his room this morning and he’s non-stop crying and he won’t talk to me.” 
“I’m on my way.” 
You drove as fast as you could. The sound of Harry’s voice, mixed with his words and the faint sniffles in the background was enough to send your heart spiralling. You used the message that Harry had sent with address to navigate your way towards his house. 
Doors unlocked. 
You raced your way up the stairs, taking two at a time and saw Harry waiting at the top of the stairs. 
“Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem.” You squeezed his arm in reassurance, “Is he in there?” 
Then you saw him. The small boy with the brown curly hair and the green eyes that matched his Father’s peering up at you, small sobs leaving his lips. 
“Hi bud.” You smile, “Is it okay if I sit down?” 
The small boy nods and you do so, a small sigh escaping your smiling lips. 
“Your Daddy phoned and said you were feeling a little upset this morning and asked if I could come and talk to you. Is that okay?” 
He nods again, sniffling slightly. 
“Is there anything you want to tell me?” 
He shakes his head. 
“Can you tell me why you’re crying?” 
“Dream.” His chest heaves up and down. 
“Did you have a bad dream?” A nod. Okay, you could work with that. 
You hadn’t realised that Harry was stood at the door, leant against the frame with his eyebrows furrowed and his thumb running across his lip. He honestly wouldn’t know what he was going to do if you hadn’t been so lovely and come to check on Theo at such short notice. 
“Was your dream about Daddy?” Another nod. 
It honestly broke Harry’s heart. He had never ever though that something like this was the reason his son had gotten himself into such a state. 
“Have you been having a lot of these dreams?” Nodding. So much nodding, “Are they scaring you?” 
“Daddy hurt.” His voice was so quiet and unsteady.
“Daddy gets hurt?” Your palms start sweating, “Is that why you’re so upset? And you go quiet sometimes? You think Daddy’s going to get hurt?” 
“I’m right here Theo.” Harry walks over and drops down to be face to face with his son, “I’m not hurt, and I’m not going to hurt.” 
“You don’t move.” He cries become louder and louder the more they spoke. 
Harry leans over and pulls his son off the bed, dropping him onto his lap and wrapping his arms tightly around him. You watch as Harry smooths his hand across his son’s back, hoping that it will calm him down and stop the crying. Harry’s catch yours and your heart physically breaks for him. You’d never seen anything like this in your four year career. 
“Listen to this, bud.” Harry wipes his tear stained face briefly, “How about we take today off nursery and work and we’ll spend the day together.” 
Theo nods and you smile, gently standing up and removing yourself from the situation. For the first time you can look at Harry’s house. It was exactly how you had pictured it to be — immaculately designed with a splash of Theo in ever corner. You drop down upon the sofa with a sigh and use your hand to try to rub the fatigue away from your face. You hadn’t had a morning like this in a long time. 
Twenty minutes or so later, Harry joins you on the sofa with a deep sigh. 
“How is he?” 
“He’s asleep right now. I laid with him and he drifted off.” 
“That’s good.” 
He reaches over to grab your hand that was comfortably rested upon your thigh, threading his fingers nicely between your own. 
“I’m sorry for calling so early. I know you were probably busy and this didn’t help.” 
“It’s okay.” You give his hand another squeeze, “I told you that I’d help in any way that I could.” 
“I know.” He nods, his voice starting to break, “It’s just so fucking hard YN.” 
“Hey, don’t cry.” You move so that you can wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a comforting hug, “I know it is but we can sort this out, I promise.” 
“Just knowing that this was because he has been worried about me. What kind of parent does that?” 
“I want you to listen to me now, Harry.” You place your hands upon his cheeks, pulling his head up from your shoulder so that he’s looking directly at you, “You have done nothing wrong. This was completely out of your control.” 
He nods and you wipe the tear that had fallen down his cheek away. 
“I’m going to help you now and we’re going to get Theo better.” 
He leans forward and to your surprise places a deep kiss to your lips. 
“Thank you.” 
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Harry had invited you over as a thank you a couple of days later. You had told him multiple times that he didn’t have to thank you for anything and that you’d do anything for him and Theo but he insisted. Theo was still next door with Mrs. West after being picked up from nursery and she made it complete aware that she didn’t mind watching him for a few extra hours so that he could do this for his friend. 
If Harry was honest, he doesn’t have many friends. Mrs. West has spoken to him about it on many occasions and he supposed that the old woman was just excited that he might actually have a friend that wasn’t herself or his son. 
You had arrived at Harry’s house to see the dining room set out with plates and cutlery and wine glasses with delicious smell coming from the kitchen. He greeted you with a soft kiss upon the lips and a small hug. 
“Has Theo been okay?” You ask, leaning against the counter as you watch Harry fry the vegetables for the stir fry.
“He’s been better. He’s been talking a little more according to to the teachers.” He starts to plate up the noodles, “For the first couple of nights he stayed in bed with me, as you suggested but last night he stayed in his own.” 
“Did it go okay?” The two of you walk with full plates to the dining room.
“There were a few tears but he slept through the night.” 
You honestly couldn’t have been happier for the two of them. You have worked with the two of them for a couple of months and now finding out that things were actually starting to work left you feeling happier than you had ever expected to be. 
“That’s really good. I’m happy for you.” 
Before you knew it the time had escaped from the two of you. Somehow, you had made your way to the sofa and now sat with large glasses of red wine in your hands. 
“Are you sure you don’t need to get Theo?” 
It was nearing seven, and you started to worry. 
“If I go now he’ll probably kill me.” He laughs, “Mrs. West brings out the sweet treats around this time.” 
You giggle and lean forward to capture your lips upon his. His hand reaches up to cup your cheek, the other resting lightly upon her thigh. In one confident movement, you shift your body so that your knees are either side of his hips. A part of you still couldn’t believe that this was happening, not only with anyone but with Harry. 
This had all happened quicker than you had expected but you weren’t complaining. 
“YN.” He pulls away breathlessly, “Hey, are you sure?” 
“God yes.” 
“Okay then.’ 
He skilfully picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carries you towards his bedroom. You land upon the bed with a small thud that causes you both to giggle. He presses his lips to yours one last time in a breath-taking, heart-stopping kiss. 
“Move up.” You shuffle your bum up the bed so that your head is rested upon the lush pillows. Harry’s fingers toy with the zipper of your jeans, his eyes looking for any sign of uncomforted on your face, “This okay?” 
You nod quickly, “It is.” 
He sighs shakily, his fingers slipping into the band of your jeans, pulling them down your legs. You lift your hips up to aid him in the movement. At this point you were glad that a day ago you hd decided to have a pamper session and shave your entire body. 
His lips place small kisses along the inside of your thighs, your body withering under his touch. It had been a long time since someone had touched you in this way, and your senses felt as though they were on override. 
“Harry.” The small moan escapes your lips as he licks a stripe along your clothed centre. 
“God.” He hooks his fingers into the material and pulls them down your legs, “You’re so fucking wet.” 
You hum as his lips wrap around your clit, your chest heaving up and down as he uses his tongue to flick the sensitive nub over and over again. This had all happened so quickly and you felt so overwhelmed that you had no idea if you were going to last very long at all. 
“Fuck.” You moan, “Harry.” 
“That’s it.” He murmurs against your centre, giving your clit a few kitten licks afterwards, “Say my name again.” 
He suckles on your clit so quickly that you’re left breathless, your fingers threading through his curly brown hair. You tug on it causing a groan to escape his lips against you, sending your orgasm rushing in. 
“M’coming.” Your chest heaves, “Fuck, baby.” 
Harry pulls away after coaxing you through your high, his lips and chin glistening with your juices. He licks what he can before lifting up so that you can kiss him. He drops down, his head falling into your neck and for the first time you can feel him against your exposed thigh. 
“Do you want me to help?’ 
“No.” He smiles, pushing your hair away from your face, “Tonight was a thanks to you. Hopefully there will plenty more opportunities for you to repay me in the future.” 
“I’m excited for that.” 
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“Daddy?” The little voice wakes the two of you up from your slumber, “Miss. YN?” 
“Hiya buddy.” Harry’s quick to pick the little boy up and drop him in the middle of the two of you, “Did you have a good sleep?” 
Theo hums and cuddles into his Dad’s chest, “Morning Miss. YN.” 
“Morning Theo.” You smile, “I’ve told you before, you can call me just YN.” 
You and Harry had started to see each other frequently since the last date and very recently, in the past few days or so you’ve both made the jump of having sleepovers. With Theo it made it difficult for Harry to stay over at yours so you stayed over at Harry’s — not that you minded one bit. 
“Okay, YN.” He smiles, leaning forward to place a kiss to Harry’s dimpled cheek. 
“What do you fancy doing today bud? If you ask nicely YN might be able to stay with us today.” 
“Really?” His eyes widen in excitement. 
“Of course.” You smile and ruffle his hair, “But it’s your day, what do you want to do?” 
“Can we go to the cinema?” You both nod, seeing as though that’s a very doable request from the little man. 
“What do you want to go see?” 
“Frozen 2 please, daddy.” 
“Of course.” Harry kisses his cheek and your heart swells at the sight. 
Theo sat the entire time in the cinema contently chewing on his popcorn as his eyes never left the screen. Harry’s hand was firmly grasped within yours and you both repeatedly picked it up to kiss the back of each other’s. It was the simple gestures that drew you to Harry in the first place, from that very first day at the centre. 
“Did you enjoy it?” You both have one of Theo’s hands in yours, swinging him up as you walk along the pavement. 
“Yes Daddy.” He beams. 
“What do you fancy doing now? Fancy a McDonalds?” 
“Can I have an ice cream, please?”
“Of course, baby.” 
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It was rare that you and Harry managed to get a night alone with each other, but this specific Saturday night Anne had offered to take Theo and the two of you weren’t complaining. It had been two or so months since your relationship grew from being professional into something more and you were yet to fully consummate your relationship. 
You did other things, of course, in the dead of night when Theo was fast asleep. You were both just uncomfortable with the idea of having sex and reaching that last level of intimacy whilst he was in the other room. 
The thought physically made you shudder. 
“Are you hungry, baby?” 
“I could eat.” You respond, sitting across from Harry as he scrolls through his phone whilst leaning upon the kitchen island. 
You scoff, “Is that even a question?” 
Once the delivery of your pizza’s arrive, you don’t think you’ve ever seen someone inhale a pizza as quickly as Harry did. He even ended up eating a slice of your own. 
Cleaning up was easy and before you knew anything, you were both changing and getting ready for bed. It was at this point you could go through the plan that you’d created a week or so ago when you learnt that this day would be happening. 
You dressed yourself in delicate white lingerie that would have anyone swooning and dropping to their knees. You tousled your hair, applied some lip balm to your lips and walk out to the bedroom. 
“Fucking hell.” He drops his phone onto the bed beside him, “Where have you been keeping that?” 
“It’s one of the surprises I always ramble on about.” 
“Totally worth it.” He throws his hands up and makes grabby movements towards you which you give in to. 
His arms wrap around you waist and pull you down so you could press your lips to his. There was something different within the air today and you could both feel it. 
“You wanna feel me?” 
His fingers reach up to unclasp your bra, dropping the lace material to the floor as you clamber upon his lap. His lips wrap around your pebbled nipples, the feeling of his swirling tongue earning breathy moans to escape your lips. 
“Just finished my period.” 
“Ah.” You thread your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly. 
You drop to your knees, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you use your hand to palm him through his boxers. You place two kisses to each of the ferns, another one at the top of his happy trail before you hook your fingers into the material of his briefs, pulling them down as he lifted his hips to help. 
This wasn’t your first rodeo with Harry’s dick, but that didn’t mean that you became any less nervous every time you saw it. 
“Are you just going to stare?” 
“I’m contemplating?” 
“Contemplating what?” 
“Whether or not you deserve me to suck your dick. Leave me to it, baby.” 
He shuts his mouth the second to place one kitten lip to his base, your eyes watching as his stomach heaves up and down at the feeling. Wrapping your lips around the tip, you start to bob your head up and down, using your spit to ease yourself into it. Harry’s hand reaches out to grip your hair, guiding your head up and down but making sure to not go too far. 
“You’re amazing. Fuck, YN baby.” 
You use the free hand that wasn’t aiding you by jerking the length that you couldn’t take to squeeze his thigh, right by his tiger once before allowing your finger to rub over your sensitive nub through your panties, allowing any sort of friction to be released. 
“Gotta stop baby.” He gently pushes you off of him, your mouth releasing him with a pop, “Need to last for you.” 
Once you’re stood up he pulls your panties down your legs, watching as you step out of them. You both switch positions so that you’re laid on top of the plush comforter whilst Harry fumbles through his bedside table, taking a foil packet out. 
Your eyes never leave him as he gives himself a few tugs before rolling the condom on, giving you a once over before bending down. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He questions once and you nod, muttering confirmation as he moves to hover above you. 
You feel a little discomfort at first, probably due to how long it had been since you last had sex. 
“Move, Harry.” 
His lips are on yours again as he starts to move his hips, finding his rhythm as he thrusts in and out of you. You whine into his mouth whilst he groans into yours, the feeling becoming all too unbearable for the two of you. 
“Feel so good, H. So big, so full.” 
The chuffed face he pulled as he continued to thrust his hips to yours, his lips wrapping around your nipple briefly was enough for you to fall for him again. 
“M’gonna come, baby.” 
“I know, H, me too.” 
He slipped his hand down between you both to use his fingers to rub your sensitive bundle of nerves, sending you over the edge. A long moan of his name leaves your lips, your back arches and your eyes start to water. 
“That’s it. Fuck! Squeezin’ me so tight.” 
He moans as he comes, spilling into the condom whilst his movements halt inside of you. 
He head drops forward upon your shoulder, the two of you masking in the overwhelming thing your had just experienced. 
“There’s no one else I ever want to do that with.” 
“Looks like you’re stuck with me, then.” 
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“YN.” Theo catches your attention as you wash both of your hands after the painting session you had both just had, “Are you my new Mummy?” 
Your movements halt as you look down at the little boy, his features becoming more and more like Harry’s everyday. 
You look up to Harry who’s stood drying his hand a couple of metres away, a goofy smile present on his lips as he nods at you. 
“If you want me to be Theo, but are you sure?” 
“I love you, YN.” 
“I love you too, now go dry your hands.” 
Harry passes him the towel to dry his hands which he does with little no disagreement. 
“Are you going to go turn the TV on whilst Daddy talks to Mummy?” 
The words felt odd leaving his lips, but a good kind of odd. You watch as he leaves the bathroom and bounds towards the living room. 
You wrap your arms around Harry and sigh contently into his chest. 
“I can’t believe he just said that.” 
“I can. There’s no one else I’d want to be his mother.” 
You stand on your tip toes to kiss his lips once. 
“I love you, Harry.” 
“I love you too.” 
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Chef’s Kitchen
Prompt: #31 for @noona-clock​ –“It’s your turn to make dinner.”
noona-clock said:
Could I please request prompt 31 with my prince Yunhyeong? A roommate AU, perhaps! Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us, my love 💜🙏
Pairing: Song Yunhyeong x reader
Genre: roommates au / chef au / fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 1178
This story has a second part to it now, which you can find linked at the bottom of this post.
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Getting a new roommate came with a whole lot of learning. And whilst you were a little worried that Yunhyeong might have some mannerisms that wouldn’t fit in at your little abode, you were also definitely excited.
You loved getting to learn all about new people.
So far, you had discovered he was rather neat and quick to keep things in order. He was playful, especially when teasing you, and from the smell from in his bedroom whenever the door was open, he was a scented candle user.
All good points and frankly, with how many smiles he had given you over the past two weeks of living together, you couldn’t fault him on anything.
You were certain his moving in was the best thing that had happened in a long time.
Despite getting to know Yunhyeong as the days went by, your schedules hardly matched up. You worked during the day when he was home and he worked most evenings at a bustling restaurant as the head chef so you were generally tucked up in bed by the time he came home. There was maybe an hour or two in the mornings where you crossed paths long enough to do anything together and so it surprised you to come home after work and find Yunhyeong still in the house.
“Wait, shouldn’t you be at work? Everything is okay, right?”
Yunhyeong sighed dramatically. “I guess I can’t even have a day off.”
“No you can,” you countered easily, unsure why you had been instantly worried about him. You smiled as you stepped into the kitchen he was in washing some produce he had gone out to get and felt your mood change completely.
This was perfect.
Yunhyeong looked at you and then back to his task at hand. “What’s with that crazy grin?”
“It’s your turn to make dinner,” you announced and he chuckled, shaking his head.
“Y/N, I spend most nights doing that for hundreds of people. Why should I make you dinner on my only night off?”
“That’s exactly why! I’m never going to get a reservation at the restaurant you work at to try the food you make! This is the best option for me. I get your expert cooking and company as well! Don’t worry, I’ll set the table!”
“Oh, is that so?” he humoured, glancing at you as you moved towards the crockery cupboard. “I didn’t hear myself agree to this.”
“You told me the restaurant is already eight months booked out in advance.”
“It is.”
“I’m not waiting eight months to try your food, Yunhyeong. Besides, I was just going to make ramen for-”
“Okay I am not letting you have just ramen for dinner,” he interjected with a shake of his head, piling the clean fruits into the tray from the refrigerator and started reaching for other ingredients. You watched on for a moment until you realised he was preparing dinner and squealed, clapping your hands together.
“You’re really going to cook for me?”
“You better eat everything,” he concluded and you grinned.
“Every bite, don’t you worry! I’m relatively easy to please.”
At first, you thought Yunhyeong would want to work alone. The kitchen was his area of expertise and whilst you had survived all these years just fine with your own cooking, there was something mesmerising about the way a professional did things. Even the way he held his knife was fascinating and thus, once you had changed into comfier clothing, you had taken to leaning on the countertop as you watched him in his element.
And that had led to Yunhyeong’s requests. “Y/N, don’t just stand there staring. We’ll cook together.”
“Oh no, I can’t-”
“I need some garlic,” he instructed and it wasn’t until you handed it to him that you realised you had obeyed to his request. You continued to run his little errands without any delay and in the short bursts of time where you were standing at his side, you couldn’t help but swoon over his direct approach with you. This must be how he controlled the kitchen he worked in, yet since it was all new for you, it didn’t take long for you to find him insanely attractive in this environment.
“Stop drooling and pass me those carrots, Y/N,” he suddenly said and with a blush steadily colouring your cheeks, you passed them over and discreetly wiped at your mouth.
You sure hadn’t expected this.
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When you both sat down to your meal, you were surprised by how much was on your plate. Looking up at Yunhyeong, you frowned. “Is this honestly the portions of a main dish at your work?”
“God no, if we went by those standards, we’d still be hungry after one plate full. I cooked a basic meal that will fill us both up.”
You looked down at your plate and blinked rapidly. “This is basic?”
“You didn’t leave me much time to prepare a meal for us to dine together,” he admitted and you shook your head.
“No, I mean, this is probably going to be the best meal I’ve eaten within these walls,” you breathed and Yunhyeong’s satisfied smile wasn’t lost on you when you glanced up at him. He gestured for you to take a bite and so, picking up your utensils, you did just that.
And then moaned.
You were surprised by how flavourful it all was. It wasn’t overpowering and without too much thought you rushed to take in a second mouthful. And a third, until you were satisfied enough to talk. “Oh my God.”
“You’re being cute right now,” he mused, taking a bite of his food and then shrugged. “Needed a little more salt.”
“Is that an occupational hazard?” you asked, unashamed that it was done so with a mouthful as you couldn’t quite get enough of his food yet. Swallowing, you shook your head. “It’s so tasty but to you, it’s most likely just alright?”
“It’s good,” he confirmed and you waited to hear why. Yunhyeong smiled. “Great, actually.”
“Oh, did the flavour hit you now?”
“No, it’s great because I’m sharing it with you.”
Pausing in eating, you examined his expression. Then it clicked. “Ah, because no doubt you’re like me and barely share a meal with anyone else.”
“No, most of the staff gather together on breaks or after work to eat together.”
Smiling again to himself as he focused on his meal, you were certain Yunhyeong’s eyes were warmer when he looked up at you. “Because it’s a meal we created together.”
“You liked cooking with me?”
He nodded. “I like being around you.”
“Just oh?” he asked, grinning softly as he turned back to his meal. “Am I the only one?”
“No,” you corrected firmly and caught his gaze. You shared a smile with him. “I like being around you and hope it happens more often.”
“Good because I have the weekend off too,” Yunhyeong stated, following it with a teasing chuckle. “Looks like it’ll be your turn to cook for me tomorrow night.”
Next story: Chef’s Kiss
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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bandrlodge · 4 years
Just My Type
Bucky x Plus Size Original Female Character: Briar Hawthorne
Chapter Summary: Briar experiences 6° of separation
Chapter warnings: general buffoonery, recreational drug usage (marijuana)
Chapter One: Design Client Anonymous
Briar smirked, pulling her coffee cup from the cabinet. Another night, another Natasha one nighter. Of course, she'd hurried them out as she heard her roommate stirring. She pulled Nat's comically small mug from the cabinet as well and prepped both of their drinks. One sugar for Nat. Five sugars and a heavy splash of Coldstone's Sweet Cream Creamer, for her cup. Briar heard the patter of her footsteps down the steps as she was topping off her mug.
"Morning, Nat." She smiled, sliding the mug over. She grumbled, ruffling a hand through her thick, red hair. Briar settled back against the counter, adjusting the neck of her oversized Manson shirt before grabbing the coffee.
"So...how was last night?" Briar asked. She sipped the coffee, relishing the warm hug now rushing through her bones. Natasha chuckled and downed her mug full in one gulp.
"Let's leave it with, slimy yet...satisfying." Briar gagged.
"Fuck you, you nasty bitch."
Natasha laughed, "I've offered, several times."
Briar shook her head, "I don't fuck where I sleep."
"That doesn't make a whole lot of sense." They heard a voice call. Briar's head snapped over to our balcony door, which was now closing on a very disheveled Clint Barton. His hoodie hung off his frame, obviously torn in a fight. Clint, was a character; the only one of Natasha's group that was ever allowed to meet her. She loved him and couldn't count the number of times he'd shown up, carrying pizza and begging to rewatch Avatar. One time, he'd even brought a dog, Lucky. From that moment on, he'd had a permanent invitation and open door to their place. Other than him, no one had ever been allowed inside the apartment and in the four years she had known Natasha, she'd never met a single friend other than Clint.
For good reason though; living with a semi retired Avenger was dangerous. She never wanted to try and draw more attention to our friendship and home by bringing home extras. Well, high profile extras, according to her.
"No one asked you, bird brain." Brisr smiled. Clint perched himself beside me on the counter, snatching the half full coffee pot from its machine and taking a swig straight from it.
She rolled her eyes and simply took another drink of her own, having learned long ago any war involving coffee was a war that would never be won with Clint.
"Oh yeah, Nat, uhm...Boss wants to talk to you. Says you should probably call him, like...an hour ago."
"So, we arent gonna address the bloodied knuckles and tattered clothes?" Briar cocked an eyebrow and glanced between the two. Nat shook her head, "Probably not. I'm gonna go make this call." A moment later she was gone, leaving poor Briar at the mercy of the blonde coffee fiend.
Clint finished off the remainder of the coffee sitting in the pot and scooted closer to me, bumping his shoulder against my own.
"So, how's work going?" He wiggled his eyebrows, flashing his side cocked smile. laughed, raking a hand through my hair. Her finger snagged into a blue tendril and pulling at it absently while she answered,
"Honestly? It's fine. That's it. I expected a bit more from a high profile firm. I took two cases from the lead designer and one from a coworker at their behest, but, there isn't too much to go around." Briar had switched from a solo home design firm almost eight months before. While being her own boss was pretty much heaven, she needed health insurance and there was no way she could afford those payments on my own. So, she took the newest Senior Designer spot at Legendary Interiors and the rest was history. Even with the small work load currently, Briar was pretty lucky with them. The base pay was substantial and there was always a fifteen percent commission for Senior levels. She had her health insurance and not once had she been asked to remove her piercings, change her hair color, or cover her tattoos.
"But, I'm lucky. So, I don't wanna complain too much. Plus...you should see the room I'm working on now. The case came nameless to me, but, the space is amazing. From what I can tell, I actually have the space to do all of the projects I've come up with. The proposal is being sent in on Monday afternoon. Hopefully..." Briar took a large breath, "its accepted." Clint nudged her,
"You're fantastic, Briar. It will be" He hopped off the counter, putting the now empty pot back into it's holder and held out his hand.
"Show it to me, Smurfette."
Briar laughed at him and abandoned her coffee cup to drag Clint down the hall to the design room. She flipped the light switch and pulled him over to the light table. Rough sketches of a modern penthouse with multiple greenery patches throughout the floorplan lay upon the table, littered with various colored ink marks. Clint sat on the stool and studied them for a few moments, chiding the blue haired woman for biting on her nails whilst he was doing so.
"This is great, B. The greenery you've used is so...oddly placed but, it works."
She squealed, "That's what I was going for. The client is a war veteran with severe PTSD. I wanted him to have the modern space he requested, but...he originally just asked for a little spot in the house to retreat to. But, I put a bunch of spaces around the house. Triggers arent confined to one space. So, why should his self care depend on getting to one specific area?"
Clint nodded along with her rambling, something obviously ticking away in that big brain of his.
She smacked his shoulder softly to get his attention, "Whatcha thinking, bird brain?"
He turned to look at his friend, a shit eating smirk plastered on his face.
"I know whose space you're designing."
Bucky had sent the proposal for a new design over to Legendary six weeks ago. By now, he had hoped to see at least a rough sketch. Except for a few short email exchanges between himself and the Vice President of Design, he had no information on who had taken his project nor, what they were doing with it.
He pulled out his phone and shot a text to Tony,
'You said that design place was the best, right?'
Not a moment later: 'Yes, tin man. Who got your project? Katherine? Jonas?'
'I don't know, Tony. I haven't heard from anyone other than Camille. She didn't give my name to the designer like I asked, which I appreciate, but I don't know whose working on it.'
Bucky managed to fix himself a hot cup of lavender tea before Tony responded with a name and a phone number.
'Her name is Briar Hawthorne. She's been with them eight months and is their newest Senior Designer. Camille gave it to her specially. That's her cell phone number. I had to schmooze for that. Use it wisely, old man.'
Bucky laughed, Tony schmoozing on his behalf was still jarring. But, thankfully, the past decided to stay in the past after the Thanos affair. There was too much to rebuild and too much to cherish now, there wasn't time for wallowing in past mistakes. He sat on his bed, pulling a sleeping Alpine tightly to his side and shot a message over to Briar.
Hopefully, he could get some information on his damn apartment design.
Briar sat on the balcony, weary eyed, and staring at the text message on her phone. She took another inhale of her joint and leaned her head back against the egg shaped hanging chair she was in. An exhale later she was typing her fifth attempt at a response to him.
She took another drag of the joint and recalled finding out the identity of her client.
Clint had laughed for a good five minutes. Chuckling at the absolute fucking serendipity he was watching unfold. Natasha had come in as he was dying down and as soon as he told her - in a hushed whisper between two very best friends - she had also spent a full five dying from laughter.
Turns out, the client was none other than Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. A.k.a. the Winter Soldier. Natasha had complemented the decision on the multiple greenery spaces for relaxtion and meditation, saying that the Sergeant would like that idea. Clint had teased Natasha about how she couldn't hog their Smurfette anymore, knowing that the team would likely attach themselves to Briar quickly.
She reread the text for the hundredth time.
'Hi, Ms. Hawthrone.
My name is James Barnes, and I am the client whose penthouse you are designing currently. I know originally I asked to remain anonymous but, I wanted to check the progress on the design. I've not recieved any sort of update.
Thank you, again. '
He seemed so formal. Briar was stuck on how to respond, wondering if she should mention Natasha or if she should just be professional.
'Mr. Barnes,
Thank you for reaching out. I apologize that you have not been provided with regular updates but, I can tell you that the draft proposal and cost summary will be available to you on your account dashboard on Monday. I submitted my idea to Camille yesterday afternoon. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns.
- Briar Hawthorne'
Professional, succinct.
She hit send and stuffed the phone down beside her thigh in hopes that the cushion on the chair would muffle the vibrations so she could ignore it should he respond. Briar finished out her joint and pulled another from her cigarette case and lit it up.
She felt the dooming buzz of an incoming message on her thigh and groaned.
It was James.
'Could we maybe meet tomorrow and go over the plans together? I would feel better going over the plans with the actual designer. Not her boss.
And call me Bucky. All my friends do.'
So, they were friends now? She chuckled and settled back into the chair again.
Meeting a client off the clock could go wrong, there was no telling if she'd face repercussions on Monday.
But, the opportunity to present her project on her terms in her words...
'Yeah, sure. I can do a full layout set up on my design wall here at the house. Just text Natasha for the address. She doesn't let me give it out. She's a weird roommate.
And call me, Briar.'
There. She threw it in.
The frustrated groan yell from inside the house a moment later meant that Bucky was quicker on the draw than she would have thought.
JMT tag: @sea040561 @heli0s-writes @suz-123
Thank you to you, reading this. Yeah, you. You're awesome.
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kinkyacademia · 7 years
Ohhh!! Maybe a scenario where heroes "rescue" Shigaraki's S/O (who was there willingly, but they don't know) thinking he kidnapped them and he has to go get them back? – (=ↀωↀ=)
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I realized that these requests BOTH applied to this, so I just added them together for one big request. By the way, this is PART 1, and I will be responding to another request as a part 2.
BTW! Shigaraki’s height? Well, comparing him to Midoriya’s 5’ 5.25”, standing next to him he seems like he’s 5’ 10- 5’ 11”. Also; seriously, YES? I loved writing this because I could insert a bit of myself into it.
-Mod Pasta🍜🍝
“Oh, you’re so sarcastic Tomura, almost too much for your own good.”
Midoriya and Toogata’s eyes snapped upwards to see two figures passing them leisurely. They had been sitting on a park bench, getting a bit of lunch before continuing to monitor the city. That, though, had gone down the drain when they saw the infamous Shigaraki in his black hoodie and pants. This time, though, he was without a mask, and latched onto his arm was you. You wore black sandal heels, a black skater skirt with two (F/C) stripes on the bottom, white stockings, and your favourite fancy top along with a (F/C) Pillbox with black lace covering half of your face. It might not be as obvious to other people, but Midoriya could tell that you two were on a date.
“Isn’t he?…” Toogata slowly glanced at Midoriya, his voice muffled slightly from the sandwich hanging out of it in shock. He quickly bit all the way into it, chew and swallowing so that he could speak correctly.
“Yeah… he is. And it looks like he… he has…. a girlfriend,” Midoriya muttered, causing Toogata to nod violently as he grabbed his helmet and turned on the communicator.
“Sir; we have a situation,” he started, watching intently as you giggled and pulled Shigaraki to a vintage dresses shop, showing him them. He mumbled something that Toogata couldn’t hear, and you seemed to alight in a blush and Shigaraki almost grinned to. Midoriya felt sick.
“He… he captured her,” Midoriya whispered, and Toogata glanced at him and then back at the “couple.”
“That’s quite obvious, Deku,” he whispered, then went back to talking to Sir Nighteye.
“Yes-____ Ward, next to the poncho shop that Bubble Girl said she wanted to go to. What, you didn’t know that? Yes, sir,” he nodded once, then glanced at Midoriya with a short smile that he could tell was forced.
“We’ve going to finish the rounds, then discuss it in the police station before taking action,” Midoriya protested that they should act now, but Toogata confirmed that it would create a disruption that could cause Shigaraki to hurt someone.
“I think they spotted you, (F/N),” Shigaraki caught your attention as you walked back into the Alliance from Kurogiri’s portal. She perked up, smile still adorning your plump lips.
“Who, the Heroes? Tenko,” you started, gently grabbing his chin and pulling him towards you. He stared daggers down at you, his height, social standing and figure dwarfing your own easily. But, this never seems to really bother you, “don’t think about them. Just focus on me.”
“I’m worried about you. Always,” he confessed, then leaned into you whilst pressing his lips to yours. It started out as a casual kiss, but as you started to move your lips against his, it became more heated and meaningful. He placed a few fingers against your cheeks, cupping them endearingly. As you tenderly nibbled his bottom lip, closing your eyes, someone cleared there throat from across the room, causing you to jolt and pull away from Tenko, effectively making him yelp and stumble towards you.
“When on earth will you two leave the “honeymoon” phase of your relationship?” Kurogiri asked, hands on his hips and eyes narrowed. Shigaraki glared heavily at him.
“Mind your own business, Kurogiri,” He muttered, and the man sighed as Shigaraki pushed past him, and you happily trailed behind me, giving Kurogiri an apologetic smile.
“Whatever you say, Shigaraki Tomura,” he muttered, scratching the back of his… mist, then turning to the hallway and walking off. This was the new Villain Alliance, and the house was a lot bigger on the underground level.
“Should we get something to drink before I take this dress off?” You questioned, and Shigaraki turned around very quickly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes, “And change into pajamas,” you confirmed, and you could see his lips pouting ever so slightly.
“Vodka on ice,” he simple ordered, walking past the kitchen and likely to his room. You nodded, veering left into the kitchen to prepare the drinks. How on Earth had you, a civilian, fallen for The Shigaraki Tomura? Well, the short story was that he bumped into you and grabbed your shoulder to steady you. You, a girl who is a little obsessed with 1940s attire, had worn a beautiful floral dress that day, and his thoughtless blunder caused it to rip. Your skin had also suffered, and if the ear piercing scream wasn’t what caused him to apologize, then your bag hitting his face definitely did.
On the next day, you awoke early to go back to your house. Tomura had tried to pull you back into bed, claiming “you’re naked; just stay and be warm with me.” Alas, you were going to go visit a friend today. You put your clothes on, and he groaned in annoyance when you pulled your bra on.
“Mmm, sorry for obstructing your view,” you cooed, and he huffed and turned away. Once you threw a little bit of makeup and powder on, Shigaraki started getting ready as well. You pulled a hairbrush out of your purse, gently tugging him back.
“I’ll never understand why you don’t brush your hair,” You fretted, running it through his hand a few times, causing him to grumble and swat your hand away.
“It’s fine. I like it like this,” he mumbled, and you whines before putting it back in your purse. You pecked his cheeks, adoring his sigh of embarrassment as you walked past him.
“Bye, Tomura, I’ll see you tomorrow,” you called ask you exited the building. You didn’t hear his response.
As you stepped onto the train, you heard a short gasp from right. Ignoring it, you sat down elegantly in an open seat, pulling a fan out and cooling yourself as you looked out of the window.
“E-Excuse me, miss,” you glanced over to see a young girl, maybe a few years younger than you, with a full Hero Suit on. It blue, yellow, and white, and her blatantly blue hair complimented it nicely. You turned your body to her, closing the fan and placing it across your lap.
“Yes, ma’m?” You furrowed your eyebrows, a little confused as to why she looked so flustered.
“I-Um-I’d like to take you t-actually, can I just sit down?” She stuttered her way through, even though she didn’t look like someone who stuttered a lot. You nodded, gesturing to the open seat.
“Absolutely,” You then turned away, flipping your fan back open and slowly fanning yourself. It took her a few minutes to say anything.
“I like your dress,” you glanced at her, a small smirk pulling at your lips.
“Ah, it’s nothing compared to what you’re wearing. Off to duty, Miss?” You assumed, and she nodded.
“Yes, I am. I’ve never seen one of those dresses in public before,” she used any tactic available to keep the conversation going, and you could tell that she was doing this for some sort of an ulterior motive. As it came to your stop, you felt the woman put a hand on your shoulder, and you stood up a little straighter.
“Alright, I must go now,” you waved her off, and she grinned happily.
“Me too! This is my stop,” she got up, letting you out with her. You started to feel a bit awkward at that.
“Ah… marvelous,” you pulled your phone out, dialing a cab. You could definitely walk, but this girl seemed a little obsessed with you, and you didn’t really like the vibe she was giving. As you exited the train, she continued to talk to you.
“I don’t do too much, but I am his main sidekick. What do you do, Miss (L/N)?”
“I’m an anesthesiologist, I work for eight days a month,” you explained in simple. It was true; you would be assigned to certain cases, complete the cases and go home. That’s why you had so much free time. You did have one college class, though, but that was only twice a week, and it was only one hour.
“How interesting, and you’re so young,” she added, causing you to chuckle.
“Ah, early twenties. I skipped Junior High, so college came naturally. I have a Masters, so I can’t work immediate cases, only the small ones,” you waved her off, slightly flattered. Then you saw your cab pull up, and you started walking towards it, “Ah, I must go now, Miss Kaoruko,” you waved to her, forcing a smile before entering the open door. She looked worried, taking a few steps toward you. You quickly closed the door, feeling ever so slightly threatened by her.
“Alright…” she muttered, waving to you as you left. You sighed to yourself, scratching the back of your head.
“I’m not surprised that you have a fan, with how you look and all,” the driver laughed, deep and rich. You sighed, chuckling as well.
“Oh, shut it sir.”
It was a peaceful ride to your friends house, but that was all until the cab got pulled over. Your eyes widened. “Were you speeding?”
“No,” he promised, and the person who came out of the police car definitely wasn’t a police man. He was tall, green haired, and a adorned a suit. The man, no, the boy who was behind him adorned a red cape and what looked to be armour. It was a fancy hero suit, and it read “1,000,000” across it. You rubbed your arm uncomfortably, adjusting your Pillbox down slightly.
“Sir, I must ask for your passenger to step out of the vehicle,” the tall man’s voice was a droning one that demanded attention. You felt fear strike your heart; was what Shigaraki said yesterday truly happening?
“Miss, they need you out of the car,” the man relayed to you, and you quickly nodded before opening the door and shyly looking away from them.
“I-I don’t have anything illegal, sir,” you confirmed, and his eyes seemed to soften in a sort of apologetic fashion.
“What’s your name, Miss?” He asked, and the boy beside him looked like he was about to respond for you. It honestly creeped you out slightly. The loud cars that rushing past you and the people walking on the sidewalk behind you were almost the perfect situation for you to get away if you so pleased.
“Well… it’s Doctor (F/N),” you avoided using your last name, lest it give away who you are in some context that you didn’t understand. The tall man took a step behind you, gesturing to the police car.
“Doctor (F/N), we would appreciate it if you would follow us.”
“Why should I?” You shot back, feeling a little bit creeped out. You took a step away from him, but then nearly ran into the boy wearing armour. He quickly grabbed your shoulder to make sure you didn’t fall over, and you pushed him away in fear. He didn’t budge, but it at least got you away from him.
“Doctor (F/N), you don’t have to be afraid of adhering to the Villain Alliance any longer. You’re under the protection of us,” the armoured boy pointed to himself with his thumb, a comforting smile upon his face. You did the only thing you could think of to do as your heart rate increased in pace.
“Villain Alliance? I’m ever so sorry, but… I’m afraid I don’t know what that is,” you pushed some of your hair into place, using a bit of your quirk to iron it out. Your quirk, creating small patches of hot iron on your skin, was quite basic and civilian-like. It wasn’t flashy, and definitely couldn’t be used for Hero purposes.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell us anything just yet. But, you are required to get into the police car, Doctor (F/N),” the tall man asserted, and you moaning softly in protest as his hand ghosted over your back, guiding you without touch into the back seat of the car.
The young boy sat next to you, and the taller man sat in the front.
“Hey, that was my customer!” The taxi driver exclaimed, and the police officer who was the driver explained something to him. You glared at the boy sitting next to you.
“I’m not fond of being treated like this.. I’m just a civilian, nothing more,” You started, and the boy frowned slightly.
“I’m sorry that they scared you that much, Doctor (F/N)-Oh! Haha, I’m such an idiot, neither of us have introduced ourselves,” he patted the taller man’s shoulder, “This is Sir Nighteye, and I’m Lumillion.”
“That’s fine and all, but I kind of want to go home right now,” you mumbled, looking away from the two boys as the police officer, a young lady with short brown hair, stepped into the vehicle and started it. You looked out at the people walking by, the bustling crowd now just flowing by like you never existed in the first place.
They acted like you were some sort of captive and that they had saved you. It got irritating, and once you arrived at your destination, you pulled your phone out and started to text Tomura.
-These stupid heroes saw us together yesterday and thought that you captured me. They aren’t taking no for an answer.
—What? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?
-I thought that I could talk my way out of it…
“Who are texting?” Sir Nighteye asked as he opened the door for you. You closed your phone, slipping it into your purse and stepping out of the car.
“My friend. I was headed to her house before you so rudely interrupted,” you explained, looking away from him in a dignified fashion before crossing your arms and closing your eyes.
“Just follow me, Doctor (F/N),” He muttered, obliviously annoyed with how you were acting. You felt Lumillion very close behind you, almost daring you to try and escape. You entered a large building with the words “Sir’s Corporation” in big letters across the top entrance. You had to go up a full flight of stairs to even get to the entrance. Once you entered, the casual building reeked of heroic intent. You were led to a questioning sort of room, but you hesitated to enter.
“This… this is too much, I want to leave,” you swallowed hard, feeling immensely nervous. You wished Tomura would just come and hug you in one of his special hugs where he slid his fingers into your back pockets.
“We know this is hard, but we’re going to need you to trust us,” Lumillion acknowledged, and you glared at him before entering the room and plopping onto the farthest chair away from the rest of them. There was a white table in the middle of the room with the contents to make tea on it and a few other fairly nice chairs along with light green walls. You closed your eyes, hoping immensely that this would just be over with.
“Doctor (F/N), we need you to tell us how they kidnapped you,” Sir Nighteye asked once the door had closed. You rolled your eyes under your lids.
“Oh, you must be joking. I’m not kidnapped, I was literally just going to my friend’s house,” you tried, and Lumillion piped up.
“Doctor, we get it; they’re scary, and we’re sure they threatened you to keep your mouth shut. You can tell us where they really intended for that cab to take you,” he sounded practically patronizing, causing your blood to boil. You sighed in relief when you felt a short buzz from your purse, and you looked down as you whipped your phone out.
—Where are you? I’m coming now.
—Put your phone away. They’ll get suspicious.
You quickly did so, and as you did, you feel a hand on your arm, causing you to look up and see the police officer from earlier.
“Mis-Doctor, please hand over the contents of your purse.”
“Why? Do you fancy my perfume?” You shot back, glancing at the wall and then back at her. Secretly, you were boiling down to a nervous and anxious mess inside.
“We need to know who you’ve been contacting,” she reached slowly for your purse, and you simply gave it to her. She seemed a bit surprised at that.
“My friend. Boyfriend, to be exact, it’s easy to say that he’s freaking out since I’m practically being interrogated,” you snapped, and the police woman pulled your phone out and set the crimson purse on the table. She looked over the first message, eyes softening.
—Stick through it, I love you
“She isn’t lying,” The officer informed Sir, handing your phone over to him. He checked it over, and once his eyes narrowed, you knew that he had found something important. He handed the phone to Lumillion, and you shifted awkwardly in your seat before pulling out your fan to keep yourself cool from how warm and uncomfortable things were getting.
“Doctor (F/N), you referred to your friend as a girl in the car. Is there a reason for that?” Sir questioned, and the Officer’s eyes widened as she turned to look at you. Your heart clenched; there wasn’t really a way out of this one, and you sighed before scratching the back of your head.
“What’s your lover’s name?” Lumillion questioned, slowly setting your phone on the table. In hindsight, you seriously did look like a captive right now, eyes wide and fingers shaking.
“Fine… his name is T-Tomura,” you felt your throat tighten up; what if Tenko couldn’t get you out of this? All you wanted was for you two to be back in bed, cuddling after that crazy sex last night. You just wanted to be away from these heroes, the ones who could so easily rip everything away from you; your love, your happiness, where you can go whenever and however because of Kurogiri’s quirk, where you can cry and hug Shigaraki or rant to Twice about the latest news.
There was a universal sigh around the room, and Sir Nighteye was the first to speak up.
“How did you first meet Shigaraki Tomura?” He questioned, causing you to smiled ever so softly as you reminisced. After you hit him with your purse, he glared hardly at you before he looked like he was about to slap you. Your eyes widened, and the people walking around you didn’t seem to recognize what was going on. Before he could do anything, though, a man in similar attire to Tomura had shown up and gently pushed him back. The man under the hood had no face, only two white eyes that resembled male sperm.
“At a mall. He bumped into me, and things blossomed from there,” you said in simple, and Lumillion presses his lips together and raised his eyebrows before shifting his body to you.
“You don’t have to be afraid of saying anything to us, (F/N), he can’t get to you in here. He doesn’t know where you are, and we’re heroes, so we can protect you if anything horrible happens,” Lumillion tried to comfort you, but it was to no avail; all you wanted was Tomura, and their comforts more came as threats.
“He’s not a good man, I know that, but I also know that you people never give anyone the benefit of the doubt,” you closed your fan momentarily to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. You then opened it again, continuing to fan yourself.
“What is the situation with you and the Villain Alliance right now, Doctor (F/N)?” The police officer asked, and she pulled a yellow notebook out and began to scribble on it.
“First of all, my name isn’t actually (F/N), it’s Miya,” telling that lie would allow for them to track less of you after Tomura found you, “and I don’t know anything about this Villain Alliance. All I know about them is what Tomura tells me,” the lie was an easy one to make, but Sir Nighteye didn’t see to believe it.
“Where do you meet up with Shigaraki Tomura, then?” He asked, and you decided to place a slightly different rout. You closed your fan, placed it on your thigh and hiking up your skirt to where the white stockings didn’t cover it. Scratch marks, freshly scarred, shown upon your skin. This caused the room to take a sharp breath, coming to expect the worst, all except for Sir Nighteye. He swallowed hard, looked away from you in slight surprise.
“Sometimes in hotels, sometimes otherwise,” that wasn’t was they were expecting. Lumillion’s face alighted in a bright red, and the police officer gaped.
“W-Wait, so you’re saying that you two….?” Lumillion threw his hands around, unable to find his words. Sir Nighteye cut him off.
“Yes, Miya is saying that her and Shigaraki Tomura meet up for sexual escapades.”
“Yes. It’s probably not in my best interest, but I can’t seem to stop myself when I remember his face when-“ The Police officer cut you off.
“Alright, that’s enough. We have a few other questions b-“ it seemed to all happen at once.
Sir Nighteye turned to the wall near the door, shooting out of his seat before the wall collapsed towards him. Tomura, clad in what you dubbed his “combat hands,” jumped through the mess and glanced at the two heroes and police officer.
“Miya, let’s go,” He used your fake name, grabbing your arm as you got up and closed your fan, placing it next to your purse as you picked it up. You simply tossed your things into it as he grabbed something from your dress and pulled it off, then turned to Tomura as you zipped it up. His eyes were the only thing you saw, but they still held the fire of a warrior. It was actually kind of cute. You then saw what you had expected in his hand; a small tracker device.
“Alright,” you muttered, heart still beating quickly from earlier. His arm, all but his pinky, wrapped around your shoulders as he started walking towards the wall, and he dropped the tracker on the ground and crushed it with his foot. Lumillion suddenly burst into action, scrambling up from the rubble since some of it had hit him.
“Wait, Doctor, don’t go with him! We can protect you!” He shouted, and you rolled you eyes away from him before walking through the portal that had just appeared in front of the back wall. You walked into a sort of main living room of the Villain Alliance, and as the portal closed, you heard one last curse from Sir Nighteye:
“We failed,” and the portal closed. Now, this might seem as quite a weak showing from the heroes, but you have to consider that this all happened in a matter of under five seconds. From the wall bursting in to the portal closing, you had moved as maximum speed out of the room.
“I told you not to go out today,” Shigaraki snapped, and you nodded quickly as you began to breathe quicker. Since this was the main room, other members around you stared in question and sympathy.
“I’m sorry-I should have listened to you, Tomura,” you admitted, and he pulled you closed before yanking you out of the room. Kurogiri shouted after you, but he was ultimately ignored.
“Wait, we must discuss this!”
“(F/N),” he stopped when you had made it about halfway down the hallway, and he threw you against the wall gently, enough not to break anything. You yelped, smile adorning your face before his arms came down upon either side of your head, almost cracking the wall, “do you think that you hold some sort of rule over me? Maybe because you control me in bed?”
“No, Tenko-“ you absolutely loved this heated overprotection radiating off of him.
“I can change that so, so quickly, (F/N),” he took a couple of the hands on his arms off, dropping them gently to the ground before putting the one on his face in his pocket. He then roughly grabbed your face without his thumb, his lips smashing into yours.
“I’ll admit, I made a blunder,” you said in between heated kisses. Then, yet again, Kurogiri broke your heated session.
“Shigaraki Tomura, (L/N) (F/N), seriously, is this the time to be making out? We must discuss the current events that just occurred,” he exasperated, and you pouted before grabbing Tomura’s sleeve and using it to whip the lipstick off of his lips.
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry Kurogiri,” you waved him off, slipping out of Tomura’s grasp.
“But… fine,” Shigaraki grumbled, grabbing his hands off of the ground and looking slightly like a chipmunk with too much to hold as he followed you and Kurogiri to the main room once again.
‘What a dork’ you thought.
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calwh7 · 7 years
Written in my blood: Chapter 3
It’s not letting me post long posts! This is meant to be Chapter 2 so just roll with it.
“Now as I just mentioned I’m a hitman, a very famous and very dangerous one. Tell me, have you heard of Charles Constantine?” Oliver looks me dead in the eye.
“You. A hitman? No. You’re not. Stop playing games. Why are you dressed like that? What’s happening?”
“Oh my god. Look, I’m your sister Charlie Goldstein. I was kidnapped sixteen years ago by a criminal syndicate that trains kids from a young age to kill. We are eventually released into the world as assassins or hitmen. I chose to be a hitman and the syndicate re named me Charles Constantine. I’m known as one of the worlds most powerful, brutal and dangerous hitmen. I have been trying for four years to get back to this life but I’ve been busy tying loose ends and ending connections that could get this whole family killed if I come back too early. Now, I need your help with something” I finished with a forced smile.
“....Okay. I don’t believe you, but you look like her. You’ve got her eyes, and her hair colour” He slowly blinks back at me trying to process the information.
“Well I really hope I do or else I must have someone else’s memories. I need you to inform Dad that he’s going to be killed soon”
“KILLED?! He’s gonna be killed by you?! No! What are you doing!”
“If you don’t shut up you’ll attract attention and we both know what will happen” I say as I inspect my switchblade. Oliver gulps.
“I don’t like these death threats. Please elaborate on that thing with Dad being killed”
“We both know about the war with Hinomoto and it seems Azusa Kuze put out an open contract for his head, as well as four others. You can’t stop me from taking those other ones, but if you tell anybody then I’ll most likely kill you. Don’t want to but that’s just business. I have been given the chance to complete this contract before my friends get to hear about it, you’re very lucky I accepted it. Now that I’ve signed it no other hitman can kill this group for a month, or if I get killed or give up within that time period. I took the contract so I can protect Dad, if any other hitman were to sign that contract before me, he’d be dead within three months. I know what my competitors are like” I eyed him up making sure he understood what I was talking about.
“Whew, Okay. This is a lot. So we need to tell Dad, and I’m sorry but we have to tell them that you’re alive. They don’t need to meet you or see you, but you’re disappearance has affected them so much you won’t believe it. And can’t you kill Kuze, who’s side are you on?” He stared back at me.
“I’m on no ones side, I’m not allowed to be. It’s in the job description. I kill for money, whomever it may be. Wether it political, passion or taking down a whole mafia, if the price is right I’ll kill for them. It’s dirty work. And no, you will not inform them that I’m alive. You can inform Dad about his situation though. And if he asks where you got the information, then simply tell him you got it from yours truly, Charles Constantine”
“Fine. Give me some time to process this and I’ll pass the information onto Dad. I’m glad your alive Charlie, but can I ask a lot of questions?”
“Go ahead” I lean back into the couch as he starts.
“Why all those tattoos?”
“Haven’t always been a hitman, joined a mafia when I was sixteen. I also get them for my own enjoyment” I shrug my shoulders in discontent.
“Okay, maybe I don’t want to know about your jobs. I just want you to know that me, Dad and Mum miss you and love you very much”
“Yea ok, thanks. Want to inform me about that kid? Akira I think? In fact inform me on everything” I ask.
“Well, six months after you disappeared Mum had Akira. Dads always been looking for you ever since, he’s kinda gone a bit kooky. He grew a moustache seven years ago. Mums always sad around your birthday and the date of your disappearance. She’s gotten better over the years, accepted that you were gone. Akira doesn’t know about you and Samuel can’t remember” Oliver looked down at the ground solemnly.
“That’s okay. You are the only one who knows who I am, what I am and why I’m here. Keep it that way. On a side note, how’s Mum been doing besides being sad on my birthday?” I curiously ask.
“Mum wasn’t the best for a while, took her a few years to get used to you being gone. She’s alright now, but we’re careful not to mention you around her, makes her upset. She really misses you. The party is about to start soon, sure you don’t want to join us? I could introduce you as someone else” Oliver seemed hopeful that I would accept his request.
“I can’t. I need to survey this area, I heard that a man I’m looking for is here right now. I’m just warning you again, but if you interfere you know what I’ll do” I smirked in his direction and left swiftly. I could hear his slight protest as I closed the door behind me.
It had been half an hour after the ball had started, just enough time for me to evaluate the situation and estimate how many people there are in the ballroom. Eight hundred and seventy three. From my discreet perch on top of the glass roof I could see Solomon Byrd directly beneath me. He was talking to a small group of woman in lavish ballgowns. He nodded to the group and made his way to the exit. Perfect, he needs the shitter. My plan had worked out fine, lace his beverage with a special drug and wait for the right moment. This is the kinda drug that’ll get you puking, I think it also causes hallucinations but whatever as long as he gets out this room.
I slide down a glass panel and climb my way to a first floor window where I can safely enter without being seen. I enter the male bathroom and hear Solomon puking in a cubical. Why the hell does this castle have public toilets? They’re honestly that popular that they need to put in a whole bathroom with multiple toilets for these accessions. Damn rich people. He finally flushes and washes his hands near enough to where I’m washing mine.
I finish drying my hands and casually start to walk to the exit. Once I was near enough to his back I grab his neck and head and start smashing it against the ceramic sink. His shrill cries of pain echo through the bathroom as I continuously smash his face in. The tap comes off of the pipe and water gushed everywhere, spreading the thick blood all over the soaked floor. After a few attempts at head banging I successfully kill Solomon and leave him and the smashed sink in the bathroom. It was sure a disgusting sight for I had completely caved in half of his head and blood, fragmented bits of skull and other parts were drifting along the bathroom floor as it really started to flood.
My plan was to leave the body to be discovered so Dad would really believe that someone was after him and it would also make my job a little bit more fun since the men must know I might come for them.
I shove my sunglasses back on and exit the castle without being seen. I stole a horse from a carriage and rode back to my house. No one will know that Charlie Goldstein just killed a man until they find the body. They probably found it about ten minutes after I killed him given the bathroom flood. They must be going frantic. There’s a killer on the loose! No, just your local hitman trying to do her job.
I drop the horse a mile from my house and walk the rest. My best friend Nitia greets me when I walk into the kitchen, she’s the one who was looking after Jason.
“Hope you didn’t have too much fun whilst I was gone” I grinned at her whilst helping myself to an apple.
“I was just playing with his mind for a little bit. I’ll wipe his memory before we release him” Nitia was very good at magic, probably one of the most skilled Wizardess’ in Gedonelune.
“Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow” I waved goodbye to her as she left for the night. I do the same and retire to my bed thinking about my family and the night I’ve just had.
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The Best Final Expense Sales Presentation Ever
Arriving At the Possibilities Domestic
Once I arrive At the residence, I really like to park in the driveway due to the fact that is in which family parks and they’re more likely to greet me. I search for the door that they use the maximum and that i go and knock on their door (normally the back or face door). While anticipating them to come back to a door, I appearance down at my clipboard and fake to read. I attempt no longer to make any eye contact until they open the door.
Once they open the door, I greet them as if they were watching for me all day long. “Mrs. Jones? My name is Joseph and the purpose I’m preventing by using nowadays is because you recently despatched this card in and it’s my task to convey you that records you asked. I might honestly like to head over this with you, can i are available?”
If they say yes, Wonderful!!! I am in! If they say it is not a good time, then I will schedule an appointment with them for tomorrow. Now you’re off in your subsequent one. Some human beings will permit you to in and Some people will make appointments with you, A few may not be Home. (Usually, make certain you go again or name if they’re no longer there.) Of course, A few will slam the door in your face… Ha (thankfully, no longer commonly.)
On the cease of the day, you ought to have made 3-four presentations and scheduled four-five appointments. The point is, you are available working and making a living. I have without a doubt made $8000 in fee in at some point!!! No joke nba finals schedule 2016.
Making Appointments
As an alternative then drives around all day, A few people choose to make appointments or hire someone to make appointments for them. For my part, I employed a person to try this for me. I schedule my appointments an hour and half of aside. normally it starts of evolved at 10:30 am and ends at 7:30 pm. I try and get 7 appointments an afternoon, four days a week. I Always make my appointments the day before due to the fact they neglect if it’s multiple days away.
Script for Putting Appointments Yourself
Right here is an appointment script you can use:
Precise Afternoon ____________, That is ____________
I have in my hand, a crimson card that you crammed out and sent in soliciting for statistics at the Social Safety Demise Gain Software.
Now, my process is to get this data out to you.
The deal with I have Right here is ___________________.
Is that accurate?
Ok… Splendid!
On the card ________, you wrote down which you had been sixty-five and that your wife changed into sixty-three… Is that accurate?
Extraordinary, Excellent…
Allow me to ask you a query: are you (you men) running, retired or receiving incapacity?
Oh yeah, this is Proper, it truly is Top… What time… Do you/she/he get off work…
Chit chat…
besides, like I said, my process is to this statistics out to you and I’m able to both get it out to you tomorrow at ______ or ______…
that is pleasant for you?
Do you have got a pen and paper handy or do you’ve got your calendar in the front of you?
I simply need you to jot down down my first call… it is Joseph. Closing name Haworth, H-A….
Now put down there ______am/pm on ___________day… that is the next day.
Well, I actually admire it slow, I look ahead to meeting you and __________, at ______________am/pm _____day________.
Have a Wonderful day.
Whilst you arrive at your appointment, smile Huge and anticipate you are getting in. Say you’re there for the appointment and ask to are available. it’s smooth to get in… maximum of them remember the fact that you’re coming.
To position you cozy, I want you to recognize that I’m no longer a sales individual at all. I am the most passive, not pushy character you could believe. There definitely isn’t any trick to it. So loosen up your shoulders and feature amusing.
Once you are inside the door, you praise their Domestic, their yard, their dog, the scent of the residence… you already know… anything! just compliment. My favorite one is to mention how smooth the residence is. If it’s miles truly easy, it way they paintings definitely tough at it and they recognize someone noticing. As I am on foot inside the house, I take a look at the pics and that i both ask who’s the pics before I take a seat down or I ask later. Anyways, seniors love to proportion their snapshots so make certain you ask approximately them.
I am Continually very informal and that i do my fine to keep away from the income presentation for approximately a 1/2 hour. I like to have them talk to me and inform me approximately themselves and their own family and their issues and so forth. I virtually get sucked in. I’m right there, feeling their pleasure and ache and I’m concerned and fascinated. I don’t care approximately the insurance at that point. Ultimately, you flow to the presentation and by this time you’re pals and this helps them pay attention and enables you already know how to communicate to them. Right here are the stairs:
1. You tell them why they obtained the cardboard and what it is about.
2. You deliver up the price of a burial and the reality their circle of relatives is going to need to pay $10,000.
three. You find out why they despatched the card in.
four. Ask who their beneficiary is and if they have ever paid for a funeral (both those questions bring out emotion because they don’t want their youngsters to pay for the funeral and by means of asking in the event that they have ever paid for one, this helps them don’t forget the ache of paying all that money for a funeral.)
five. Ask them what medicinal drugs they take and what they are for. Then you ask how their normal health is. “Have you had any heart troubles, or kidney, or liver or lung troubles? In that case, when?” You want to recognize while due to the fact maximum packages handiest care about the beyond 2 years or so.
6. Now you realize what they’re going to be authorized for and you may show them Some prices. I normally write down 3 or 4 charges on the lower back of their lead card. I attempt to suit what I think they could have the funds for. Once I write them down, I go over the prices and then hand them the sheet. I say, “Now, Mrs. Jones, I need you to look over these three prices and also you tell me which one is exceptional for you?
7. earlier than I provide them the fees, I inform them approximately a right away Advantage and a graded Benefit. The immediately Gain approach that their family will get the whole face quantity in the event that they died even after simplest one charge. The grading policy, however, makes them wait two years before they’ve full insurance. To find out which one they qualify for, I must ask the questions on the software. (but, if you requested enough questions in advance, you realize….)
eight. before I ask the immediately Benefit questions, I ask them to pick out-out a fee first. (This is called soliciting for the sale. You have to ask for the sale or you’ll not promote!!! Simple and simple). Knowing the rate they may pay helps with the subsequent step. Whilst you recognize they qualify for instant advantages, when you ask the ideal questions (which you already know the answers to), you rise up and congratulate them.
9. At that point, all You need to do is ask for his or her non-public data. “Mrs. Jones, am i able to see your SSN and Drivers License”… The point is which you begin writing the utility.
5 Tips Small Businesses Can Take Away From The Tiny House Movement
  What on this planet could small organizations research from the tiny residence motion if your industry is unrelated? It comes as no wonder that the growth, venture, reputation and cause of the tiny residence movement have grown over the past decade. Humans are joining this movement for economic freedom, environmental and entertainment leisure. Those proprietors lessen skyrocketing upkeep costs and dwelling fees that come from hovering mortgage payments of capacious houses. This movement also frees up the greater time to spend with family and journey.
during the last decade, we have seen the boom in restructuring, downsizing, and company dismantling by using many large corporations. In step with the U.S. Small Commercial enterprise Administration, 99.7 percent of all business enterprise firms are small businesses. Even as this percentage is an impressive variety, there are some fantastic pointers many small groups can cast off from the tiny residence motion.
Compact and cell: owners of tiny houses downsize to reduce the overabundance of clutter, high mortgage bills, and freedom to do extra things they need to interact in. They have got the capability of hitching their domestic at the returned of a car and may keep cash on in charges when traveling. Depending on your form of Commercial enterprise, with the convenience and digitization of many packages and clever gadgets, you can mobilize your Commercial enterprise and take it everywhere. Even if you relocate, your Business may be simply as portable. Small organizations can be compact in scale but can be large in their return on funding. Strength and price-green: Tiny house proprietors shop cash by using decrease operating prices, Power utilization, and upkeep fees. You will discover innovative ways to minimize your budget ensure areas as a way to free up cash for other crucial Commercial enterprise investments to grow your Business. Small agencies may not expend as a good deal Power and strength as large organizations. you can function more efficiently as well as efficiently. Environmentally aware and sustainable: Tiny homes may be constructed the use of environmentally friendly and repurposed materials. They’re constructed to remaining, however, are as precise and aesthetically attractive as the info in a larger domestic. Small agencies can observe similar f6ba901c5019ebe39975adc2eb223bef elements and recycled elements to their enterprise. Make a statement with customized and custom designed brand installations on a smaller scale, but with brilliant innovative slash appeal. Technological blessings: Era isn’t always as big and bulky because it as soon as become. Tiny houses can embody the identical degree of digitization as large homes, just on a smaller scale. At one time, huge corporations had the higher hand with harnessing greater superior applications in Era. In recent times, now not most effective is Technology extra superior and continuously evolving, many factors are ways extra low-cost than they’ve ever been. modern: Even as tiny house residing is not a brand new phenomenon it’s far increasing in popularity. The concept of residing a fine life on a small-scale pushes us to new tiers of residential creativity. We are stimulated to try something new, innovative, and revolutionary so as to make us stellar in our industry. Since many satisfactory products and services are greater low cost and reliable, small corporations can make exceptional purchases and outsource offerings so as to save on gadget and personnel budgets. just because a small Enterprise may additionally adopt a few thoughts from the success of the tiny residence movement, a number of These packages may not be feasible or attractive for your unique industry. You ought not to sacrifice satisfactory for affordability. Small organizations have the energy, but, to promote their Commercial enterprise with innovative, customized and great consumer experiences, no matter length and price range.
Effective Financial Goal: The Five Characteristics
  In economic control studies, a powerful monetary aim has to have 5 characteristics which can be effortlessly remembered as S-M-A-R-T. The subsequent paragraphs provide an explanation for all the 5 traits:
1) Specific
We might be contemplating being financially free however do you recognize what it takes? This purpose seems to be too standard. Our aim needs to be Unique in order that we will recognition especially in each location of monetary making plans and easily to manipulate our own expectancies. Particular purpose generally has best one outcome.
For example, aim to make investments RM200 in line with a month in unit consider and accumulate as a minimum RM2400 in a year; or spend within our price range every month. Those Precise desires are going to have different consequences however whilst mixed, they will make sure our coins float to be healthful. when every final Precise purpose is executed, we have become nearer to small financial freedom.
2) Measurable
We might be working very hard, however, how will we recognize whether or not our goal is accomplished? Therefore, our monetary goals need to be quantifiable.
For instances, we want to invest and gather RM50,000 in 2 years and the progress may be without problems quantified via looking at our funding account statement.
In reality, we need to be capable of measure or evaluation the development of accomplishing the goal including calculating our contemporary net well worth, debt-to-profits ratio and reviewing, go back-on-funding (ROI) and our modern-day insurance coverage. It is good if we are able to maintain a magazine and assessment our cutting-edge making plans.
3) Attainable
Many humans are prompted by means of the ‘Law of Appeal’ and trust that ‘nothing is possible’. Because of this, we tend to set difficult desires which require the first-rate effort. However, are Those desires practical and Achievable? It’s essential to recognize whether or not the aim is inside our capacity and logical norm.
For example, in case your goal is to reap RM1 million in a yr with the aid of only making an investment RM1000 in keeping with a month in any scheme. How possibly can Those be carried out? In truth, such investment scheme would require very excessive ROI within a short period and frequently comes with the very excessive chance. You may be misplaced your capital without difficulty.
The most importantly, we must now not stretch ourselves to attain unrealistic desires. This is to avoid frustration over failure which could end up in extremely good disappointment.
4) Profitable
We need to attain a purpose due to the fact need to get something in return or else nobody will work hard. While operating towards intention success, we have to be positive for the final results to be carried out and It’s significance to our lifestyles. In fact, it ought to be significant and enjoyable.
As an example, a man wants to invest his cash in building the up education fund for his son in twenty years. Within the future, this goal will be Profitable due to the fact his son might be able to enroll into better education.
However, the rewards could be in any form along with material, economic, dating and nonsecular.
five) Time-bounded
We need ok time to attain our dreams. It may be brief-time period, medium-term or long-time period, depending on the sort of dreams to be performed. Timeliness has been an important issue in existence. Consequently, we ought to allocate a time body to avoid procrastination. It will likely be proper if we will set a timetable for everything to be done.
For times, saving for retirement could require a few years due to the fact it’s far a long-time period planning and involved the huge amount of cash. Therefore, planning for retirement in a quick-term (1 to 5 years) may be unrealistic unless a person is willing to have huge dedication in this.
In quick, time is priceless because it gives possibilities for development and creates extra effects. Consequently, the clever man continually said, ‘begin early and forestall procrastinating’.
A powerful financial goal would constantly have Those Smart characteristics; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Profitable and Time-bounded. That is to make certain that our goals are meaningful and get us towards monetary freedom. accurate luck on your goal setting.
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