#request 1497
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lostdrarryfics · 2 years ago
Hi! I just remembered this fic out of nowhere, and I can’t find it anywhere. I want to say that it was ff . net, but I can’t be sure.
It’s about how Harry was r*ped, and it damaged his magical core(?) so bad that it was fatal. Some way or another, he and Draco get turned in their child selves, and Snape takes care of them as they age up a year per week(day? Few days?). There’s some Severus/Remus I think in there too.
It was such a strange fic, but I’d really like to read it again. Thank you!
We believe you’re looking for Growing Pains by SensiblyTainted (190k, M)
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kevinationnto · 24 days ago
The Red Queen's Request
"Your Majesties." the Mad Monk began. "May I know the reason you have sent for me?" he said, as he stood before the Red Rulers. The Red Queen, though she had her usual glare on, was pleased to recieve a devout loyalist. The Red Prince, who never was interested in the running of the kingdom, looked on, bored. The Red King could only sigh sadly and stare at the floor for the entire duration of the exchange, still despondent over the loss of Eggbert and his very good advice.
"Very well." The Red Queen replied. "Now that that NO-GOOD, TREASONOUS EGG-" she nearly yelled, before instantly regaining her composure, "-is gone from our court, we are in desperate need of an adviser who will help us keep our court, and our kingdom, in line. I have not forgotten your words to us."
The Mad Monk answered her, "Your Majesties, I have told you a million times. The kingdom is all well and good, and your court will remain loyal to you. They won't ever revolt, they all want to keep their heads. But..." the Mad Monk continued, "... since I see that your request is a most urgent matter, I would be foolish to refuse. I have no love for that egg, and I have what we need to keep everyone in line."
The Mad Monk, you see, cared nothing for the Red Royal Court or Wonderland, or her people. He especially despised Eggbert- him and his soft-heartedness. The Red Rulers had every right to be strict and stern with their courtiers and their people. Who was Eggbert to interfere? Eggbert cared nothing about climbing the ranks. He was only dedicated to peace, service and very good advice. The Mad Monk only wanted more and more power, and to watch Wonderland burn with chaos and disorder. And although he had nothing to do with Eggbert's banishment, the Mad Monk was only too happy to fill in the power vacuum he'd left.
Then, he said the words the Red Queen wanted to hear- "Therefore... I will be humbled and honored to assist you, as your most trusted adviser, and confidant."
"Good." the Red Queen said ominously. "With you by our side, I do not doubt that all of Wonderland shall kneel before us!"
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Some Proposed Headcanons of Mine
When I saw the Mad Monk, I was immediately wowed. @thealmightyfruitcake is a genius. The perfect villain to be beside the Red Rulers! As I read his character card, ideas flared up in my head. Ideas that fit perfectly with the story of Eggbert, my own OC.
I then came up with a headcanon- the Mad Monk, upon becoming the Red Rulers' top guy, would undo everything Eggbert did. The Red Rulers' abuses against their courtiers, including Ragthy Ann, would increase tenfold, he'd steadily increase his power and influence over the Red Royals, and Eggbert would not be there to stop it. However, being the tricky trickster he is, the Mad Monk would secretly defect to the White Queen before the Red Queen's defeat. After the Red Rulers' exile, he bitterly watched Eggbert assist the White Rulers in reforming and ruling benevolently over Wonderland. But when Eggbert eventually left to spread reformist ideas to other lands, he hatched a plot to rescue the Red Rulers from the Nothing Atoll. He unfortunately succeeded, setting the stage for...
... the War of the Looking Glass.
But it'll be some time before my next comics arrive.
My mind immediately highlighted parallels with the sacking of Dr. Dillamond and his replacement by Dr. Nikidik, (Wicked) and the histories of the following countries:
🇬🇧: The Good Parliament of 1376 did its best to reduce corruption in the Royal Council, but John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster, had the Bad Parliament, which undid what the Good Parliament did, convene the next year.
🇮🇹: Supporters of Girolamo Savonarola, the Mad Monk of Florence and a fierce critic of the Medici, burned thousands of artworks and other objects in the Bonfire of the Vanities of 1497.
🇵🇭: In 1871, Carlos Maria dela Torre, the beloved Spanish Governor-General of the Philippines, was replaced by the tyrannical Rafael Izquierdo, who reversed the reforms dela Torre had instituted. This led to the Cavite Mutiny and the execution of the GomBurZa.
🇷🇺: After the Russian Revolution of 1905, Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin enacted a series of reforms but continued repressing would-be revolutionaries.
Sorry I bored you, but I have an uncontrollable love of history!
I hope you like the comic I spent a couple of hours on. And as always, feel free to ask me questions about Eggbert and anything related to him!
Wonderland AU and Red Prince belong to @endomentendo
The Mad Monk belongs to @thealmightyfruitcake
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trofysisters · 7 months ago
Антон чувствовал себя уже совсем взрослым, а значит, что ему нужно найти серьезную работу. Мечтал он стать акулой бизнеса, однако в Симбири дела с этим обстояли плохо, зато нужны были врачи, полицейские и спортсмены, но совершеннолетние. (Anton felt like he was already quite an adult, which meant that he needed to find a serious job. He dreamed of becoming a business shark, but in Simbiri things were bad with this, but doctors, police officers and athletes were needed, but adults were needed)
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Пришлось Антону смириться и ехать в школу. В это время его папа возжелал покрыть страстными поцелуями свою ненаглядную Наденьку. (Anton had to resign himself and go to school. At this time, his dad wanted to cover his beloved Nadya with passionate kisses)
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Надя не только приняла его приглашение, но и так быстро приехала, что менеджер едва успел сходить в туалет. (Nadya not only accepted his invitation, but also arrived so quickly that the manager barely had time to go to the toilet)
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Прямо там Надя бросилась к нему с поцелуями. (Right there, Nadya rushed to him with kisses)
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"Женюсь!" - решил менеджер, и начал умолять ее оставить мужа. Поначалу Надя отнеслась к этой просьбе с недовольством. Чтобы она оставила комнату в Областно�� центре ради провинции?! Но, оценив перестроенный дом и второй этаж, Надя милостиво согласилась. Даже вещи из города забирать не стала. Как была в стареньком пальтишке с 1497 симолеонами в кармане, так и переехала. ("I'll get married!" - the manager decided and began to beg her to leave her husband. At first, Nadya reacted to this request with dissatisfaction. For her to leave her room in the Regional Center for the sake of the province?! But, having assessed the rebuilt house and the second floor, Nadya graciously agreed. She didn’t even take things from the city. She moved in an old coat with 1497 simoleons in her pocket)
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Вопрос с мужем тоже решился быстро. Ксан Ксаныч, видимо, следил за ней, поэтому был найден рядом с домом. Надя объявила ему о разводе (The issue with her husband was also resolved quickly. Ksan Ksanych apparently followed her, so he was found near the house. Nadya informed him about the divorce)
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и с гордо поднятой головой прошествовала в свой особняк. Она искренне считала Ксан Ксаныча неудачником и верила, что менеджер будет ей достойным спутником жизни. Хоть Ксан Ксаныч сейчас горько рыдал, но он испытывал огромное облегчение от этого разрыва. (and with her head held high, she walked into her mansion. She sincerely considered Ksan Ksanych a loser and believed that the manager would be her worthy life partner. Although Ksan Ksanych was now sobbing bitterly, he felt great relief from this break)
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А Надя с возлюбленным поехали в ЗАГС, где он сделал ей предложение руки и сердца. (And Nadya and her lover went to the registry office, where he proposed marriage to her)
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В прошлый раз они скромно обменялись кольцами, поэтому в этот раз Надя хотела пышную свадьбу. Даже товарищ Крамплботтом пришла на их бракосочетание в красивом платье. (Last time they modestly exchanged rings, so this time Nadya wanted a grand wedding. Even Comrade Crumplebottom came to their wedding in a beautiful dress)
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Надя вновь чувствовала себя любимой и счастливой. Ей было всё равно, что большинство гостей она видела первый раз в жизни, да и пришли они, скорее всего, не ради нее, а поесть на халяву. (Nadya felt loved and happy again. She didn’t care that she saw most of the guests for the first time in her life, and they most likely came not for her sake, but to eat for free)
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По крайней мере, Тимофей со своей скромной зарплатой вряд ли мог позволить себе купить индейку. Только пришлось объяснять сыну, что некоторые всё выходят замуж и выходят, всё рассчитывают и рассчитывают, а расчет в таком деле… Нет! Только чувства! (At least Timofey, with his modest salary, could hardly afford to buy a turkey. Only he had to explain to his son that some people keep getting married and getting married, they calculate and calculate, but the calculation in such a matter… No! Only feelings)
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Когда молодожены вернулись к своему столу, то обнаружили на месте Нади девушку в белом платье. Надя схватилась за нож. Конечно, вонзила она его не в соперницу, а в торт, но осадочек остался. (When the newlyweds returned to their table, they found a girl in a white dress sitting in Nadya’s place. Nadya grabbed the knife. Of course, she stuck it not into her rival, but into the cake, but the unpleasant feelings remained)
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Накормив мужа, и гостей, Надя засобиралась домой, а то неровен час, мужа уведут. (Having fed her husband and guests, Nadya got ready to go home, otherwise suddenly her husband would be taken away)
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Пока влюбленные обменивались клятвами в ЗАГСе, со школы приехал довольный Антон. Низкие оценки совершенно его не смущали. Зачем учиться, когда он может пойти на платное отделение в университете? (While the lovers exchanged vows in the registry office, a satisfied Anton arrived from school. The low grades didn't bother him at all. Why study when he can go to a paid department at the university?)
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Дома на столе он обнаружил записку, из которой узнал, что его мама вернулась, и они с папой женятся. Для Антона уход матери стал серьезной травмой, поэтому он не хотел ее видеть, не хотел снова пережить боль утраты. (At home, on the table, he found a note from which he learned that his mother had returned and she and his father were getting married. For Anton, his mother’s departure became a serious trauma, so he did not want to see her, he did not want to experience the pain of loss again)
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Своим горем он поделился с другом - папиной коллегой. Антон давно надеялся, что она станет папиной невестой, а теперь всё кончено. (He shared his grief with a friend - his father's colleague. Anton had long hoped that she would become his father’s bride, but now it’s all over)
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Когда молодожены приехали домой, Антон к ним даже не спустился. Он не желал стать невольным свидетелем их страсти. (When the newlyweds arrived home, Anton didn’t even come down to see them. He did not want to become an involuntary witness to their passion)
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Но увидев утром на своем этаже Надю, мальчик не выдержал и выразил недовольство ее переездом к ним. (But when he saw Nadya on his floor in the morning, the boy could not stand it and expressed dissatisfaction with her moving in with them)
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Менеджер тотчас поспешил вмешаться, чтобы защитить любимую, ведь Надя такая нежная и ранимая. (The manager immediately rushed to intervene to protect his beloved, because Nadya is so tender and vulnerable)
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К счастью, за Антоном прибыл школьный автобус, его родители уехали на работу, и конфликт был на этом завершен. Уже дома Антон всячески игнорировал мать, а та не пыталась с ним наладить общение. (Fortunately, a school bus arrived for Anton, his parents left for work, and the conflict was over. Already at home, Anton ignored his mother in every possible way, and she did not try to establish communication with him)
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Зато для менеджера день был продуктивным. Он издал книгу со своими любимыми рецептами восточной кухни и получил 10 000 симолеонов в качестве гонорара, а также повышение до шеф-повара. Домой вместе с ним прибыла его настырная коллега, которая выглядела сегодня особенно обворожительно. (But for the manager the day was productive. He published a book with his favorite oriental recipes and received 10,000 Simoleons as a fee, as well as a promotion to chef. His persistent colleague, who looked especially charming today, arrived home with him)
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От греха подальше, менеджер собирался лечь спать, но коллега предложила ему немного потанцевать с ней. Надя знала, к чему ведут такие танцы. (Out of harm's way, the manager was about to go to bed, but a colleague invited him to dance a little with her. Nadya knew what such dances were leading to)
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Она была готова рвать волосы на себе от отчаяния. Неужели и этот муж оказался изменником? (She was ready to tear her hair out of despair. Did this husband really turn out to be a traitor?)
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Видимо, чтобы окончательно разрушить их брак, коллега, наклонив менеджера, страстно его поцеловала. (Apparently, in order to completely destroy their marriage, the colleague bent over the manager and kissed him passionately)
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Хоть мужчина не желал близости с коллегой, но обвинения и удары посыпались на него. (Although the man did not want intimacy with his colleague, accusations and blows rained down on him)
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Коллега была крайне довольна собой. Она поставила себе цель - выжить Надю из этого дома, и она будет к ней идти. (The colleague was extremely pleased with herself. She set herself a goal - to survive Nadya from this house, and she will go towards her goal)
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Que Sera, Sera
Pairing: Alcide Herveaux x F!Reader
Warnings: Reader has a bad day, Reader is not a werewolf, eating and drinking, talk of past abusive relationship (not in detail)/abuser, lots of emotions, angst, the hard parts of relationships, pregnancy
Word Count: 1497
Summary: After a stressful day at work, you come home to your loving boyfriend Alcide. Unfortunately, he’s got some news to share with you concerning his ex. Will your relationship be able to survive the challenge?
Notes: Jukebox Challenge Part 2! This one is angsty af, y’all. I just re-watched my way through True Blood and I just want to snuggle Alcide! Among other things. But yeah, this is inspired by Doris Day’s “Que Sera, Sera” but, like, in a dark way. Sorry Doris. 
Follows/Likes/Reblogs/Comments are always appreciated! If you have a song or situation in mind you’d like to see, request it!
XOXO, Meghan
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You were exhausted. Work had not gone well, traffic sucked getting there and back, and you’d spilled the coffee you’d been ten minutes late for all over your outfit within minutes of arriving at work. When you pulled the car into your driveway, however, your tensions melted away. 
Coming home to Alcide made all the bullshit worth it. You couldn’t suppress the smile that rose as you got out of the car. The smells coming from the backyard clued you in on what he’d gotten up to on his day off, so you dropped your bag and made your way through the house to the patio. 
His back was facing you where he stood setting the glass table for dinner. Two plates piled high with steak and potatoes and roasted carrots, silverware, a wine glass next to your plate and an open beer by his. Your mouth watered — not only at the smell of the steaks, but at the sight of the man tending them. Red buffalo check flannel stretched over his incredible shoulders and a pair of jeans hugging his tight ass and thick thighs. 
“Hey Darlin’,” he said, not turning around. Stupid werewolf senses alerting him to your presence. He was impossible to sneak up on.
You made your way over and snaked your hands around his waist and pressed your face between his shoulder blades. He smelled of fresh linens and spicy cologne, grounding you in the moment. Everything that had made today suck was gone in an instant, a distant memory because of the man in your arms. 
Alcide turned in your grasp, his arms settled around you. “I’m glad you’re home,” His voice rumbled in his chest alongside the steady thump of his heartbeat. You nodded and pulled back to look up into his handsome face. 
“Me too,” you said, kissing the tip of his nose. When you pulled back you couldn’t help but notice the far-off look in his eyes, even as they were trained on you. He looked like a kicked puppy, apologetic and sad. You reached up and smoothed your thumb along his furrowed brow. “Something wrong, babe?
He cleared his throat and expertly dodged the question with a forced smile, “Let’s eat ‘fore it gets cold, yeah?” 
He led you by the hand around the table and pulled out your chair like he always did, then filled your wine glass with a delightful red blend he knew you loved before settling into his own chair. 
You ate in contented silence for a few minutes before you felt his eyes watching you. 
“What?” you asked, mouth full of potatoes. 
The corner of his mouth lifted in a sad smirk, and you noticed a flash of guilt in his eyes. He’d been picking at the label on the beer bottle, his food barely touched. Something was wrong.
“What? Did I do something?” you asked, brow rumpling in concern. 
“No, nothin’ like that,” he answered quickly, then leaned back in the chair and ran his hands through his hair, groaning loudly. “Debbie called today.” 
At the mention of his ex, every muscle in your body tensed. You had known Debbie and Alcide since high school, you knew the seemingly unshakable hold she had over him. When he’d shown up on your doorstep six months ago saying he’d broken up with her for good and needed a place to crash, you’d happily offered him your guest room. 
A few months later, after what you thought was a friendship-ruining confession of your long standing crush on him, he moved his stuff into your room and you’d been living in domestic bliss for the last four months. 
“What did she want?” you asked, grip tightening on your utensils. You stared at the space just beyond your plate, not trusting yourself to remain impartial if you looked directly at him.  
“She’s uh, she’s pregnant,” he said. Your eyes snapped to him, panic flooding your system and the calculation of when he moved in vs. how far along she’d be vs. how much your heart would break now if he went back to her started running in your mind so quickly you almost missed his next sentence. 
The utensils clattered against your plate and you tried to summon any scrap of empathy you had as he continued. Your stomach churned. 
“Remember that night I went to Lou Pine’s for Lisa’s birthday party? That’s when it happened, I guess…she’s almost six months along and is having some issues, medically, so she wants me to help her out…”
Alcide kept talking but you stopped listening, downing your glass of wine and quickly pouring yourself another. You downed that one too. Hopefully that would calm the carousel of questions that was buzzing through your brain, picking up speed with every second that passed. 
“Stop talking,” you interjected. “I…I need to process.” 
You stood up so quickly the deck chair toppled over, but you didn’t care. Instead, you grabbed your wine glass and the bottle and stomped up the stairs to the bathroom. Not until the lock clicked into place and a towel pressed against your face did you finally let out an angry, primal scream. While you knew Alcide probably still heard it and the flimsy knob lock wasn’t enough to keep him out, you also knew that he would respect that you needed space. 
He was considerate like that. 
You drew yourself a scalding hot bath and threw in some oils and a fancy bath bomb for good measure, then stripped and got in. Hot baths helped you sort out your emotions. Steam wafted off the top of the water, condensing along your skin.
Anger at Debbie, since you knew that the pregnancy was most likely a way for her to manipulate Alcide and get him back. He was a fastidious man when it came to birth control, wearing a condom even when you had an IUD, “just in case.” Either Debbie took advantage of him in an altered state, or she turkey-bastered it, or it wasn’t actually his. Whatever she’d done, the outcome was the same. 
Fear that Alcide would leave you. Honorable nearly to a fault, you had no doubt Alcide would do whatever he could possibly do for his child, and he would take care of its mother as well. You’d known each other for years but had only been together for a few months, and you’d seen how easily Debbie pulled Alcide back into her orbit. 
Sadness. Self-pity. What you had with Alcide was still new, and couldn’t possibly compete with the years he’d spent with Debbie — especially not in her current situation. You couldn’t argue with that kind of history. He would pack his things and leave you alone in your house that now felt too big for one person but perfect for two. 
When the glass and your bottle were empty, you drained the tub and sat there until it was empty. As you pulled a towel around you, a few soft raps on the door caught your attention. 
“Go away,” you said, words slurring slightly from the wine. 
“Not until you hear what I’ve got to say.” His tone was firm, and you knew it was no use arguing. The exhaustion you’d come home with was back tenfold it seemed. All you wanted was to crawl into bed and disappear under the covers, but you owed it to him to hear him out. 
So you opened the door. Alcide had one hand resting on the trim, the rest of him hung limply, like only his bones were propping him up. He wasn’t even looking at you, his hair falling in front of his face. 
In all your processing, you had barely considered how this was affecting him. Suddenly saddled with a responsibility he never wanted with a woman he knew he couldn’t trust. You reached out and brushed his hair back. He leaned into your touch, raising his face to you. In the light coming from the bathroom, the redness around his eyes was apparent, some tear tracks disappearing into the scruff along his jaw.
“I didn’t want this to happen. You have to know that,” he half-whispered, “I never wanted to hurt you.” He looked at you, desperation in his eyes that melted your heart. 
“I know.” 
“I don’t want to lose you, but,” he gulped, fresh tears forming along his lashes, “I understand if you want me to leave.”
“No! I don’t want you to leave. That’s the last thing I want,” you assured him. Relief broke like a wave over his face and he pulled you tight against him, burying his face in your hair. You hugged him back just as tightly, but it wasn’t until you felt the dampness spread in your hair that you fully softened for him. 
You stroked his back and muttered words that you weren’t sure you believed. “We’ll figure it out. Together, you and me. It’s gonna be okay.”
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jackhkeynes · 3 months ago
collected notes on the polity of Provence.
Provence (Docian Proença /pʀuˈɛ.sɔ/) is a polity in the south of Gaul [France] on the Middlesea [Mediterranean] coast. It first became independent in 1499, and its capital city is Marsella [Marseille].
The name Provence descends directly from the Latin name Provincia Romana, so called as it was the first Roman province to be established on the Gaulish side of the Alps. The name of the polity's predominant language, Docian, derives from the division of the French languages into the lengas d'oil (Northern, including Roun [Rouen] and Paris French) and the lengas d'oc (Southern, including Vascon and Docian) depending on their word for "yes".
Medieval Provence was a vassal of various greater powers for almost a millennium. It was incorporated into the expanding Francian Empire in the sixth century and remained part of its western fragment after the empire was divided in two in the ninth. By the early eleventh century it had become mostly autonomous, but it was conquered once more as the last piece of the First Drengot Empire.
After the 1170 Emergency at Dijon, the Kingdom of Burgundy left Drengot control, taking the country of Provence with it. Provence was elevated to a duchy in the thirteenth century under the house of Savoy, and as the direct link between the capital at Geneva and all of Middlesea sea-trade, it became known as the panier de Borgogne (the 'Burgund breadbasket'). Provence was conquered by Vascony during the Vascon Ascendancy of the early fifteenth century, but was returned to Burgundy during the reign of Ambrose III in 1494.
Along with this political turmoil, the late fifteenth century saw extensive piracy in the Middlesea; in Marsella the raiding verged on occupation, and many of the wealthy fled to safer pastures inland. Aid requests presented to Rudolf VIII went largely unanswered, and things came to a head on the 21st of June 1497 when Daniel Menton (Lord Amigòt) led the local aristocracy in declaring independence from Geneva (to this day the 21st of June is a national holiday in Provence). The War of Provincial Independence lasted two years until Burgundy's defeat at the Battle of Margès.
Daniel Menton led the new republic for the next eighteen years, manoeuvring against a hungry Barcelon and their piratical allies who de facto ruled Marsella (it is generally understood that Lord Amigòt established Marsella as the capital of Provence in large part to closely monitor Jondumal's fleets). His successor and cousin, Antoin, ruled for only three years despite the guidance of his mentor and Daniel's friend Guillèn daus Sanz; the coming of the Second Great Dying ravaged the Amigòt dynasty and the Provincial people both.
The following decades saw independent Provence take its place as a preeminent mercantile republic. By the end of the sixteenth century their trade network reached across the Atlantic to port towns in Mendeva [North America[ like the newly-established Santrafew. These towns would eventually coalesce into the territory of New Provence.
By the end of the nineteenth century, the power of New Provence had eclipsed that of its Vetomundine progenitor. As the Drengot Collusion formed to the north, Provence became in many respects a European outpost of New Provence, in a reversal of their respective statures centuries earlier. The region stood with Vascony as a bulwark against Drengot hegemony until the Furore of 1961 and the collapse of the Drengot Collusion.
The Latin Republics: Jewels under Tyrian Standards by Jacob Trelaune, published by the Yievle Brethin Primers, 1902
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richmond-rex · 2 years ago
Hello! This is pure speculation but - giving Elizabeth being sick after Arthur's birth, her being ill again (around 1497 I think?) when Margaret Beaufort mentions that in a letter (and this time it had nothing to do with a pregnancy, as far as I know), the fear for her life at Edmund's birth etc., do you think she might have had a more fragile constitution than what was previously assumed?
I ask that because some (most) historians really portray her as super healthy and having these easy pregnancies without actually diving a little deeper. To me, at least - and again it's only my opinion based on speculation - she does not seem to have had such easy pregnancies as assumed, or such a robust health as usually supposed.
I could very much be wrong, but I was really curious to know your opinion on the matter. I hope you have a great day! 😊💜
Hi! Recently Anna Duch has highlighted Elizabeth of York's difficult pregnancies. There's the time she was ill right after Arthur's birth in 1486 (and possibly before his birth too, as she didn't accompany the king on his northern progress even though symbols representing both king and queen had been programmed in advance), Prince Edmund's pregnancy in 1499 when the Spanish ambassador said her life was despaired of, her pregnancy in 1502 that saw some medical expenses following each other very closely, Princess Katherine's birth in 1503, and that illness alluded by Margaret Beaufort after Princess Mary's birth in 1496 (not 1497). We know that because her letter to Elizabeth's Lord Chamberlain is dated 25 April 1496 (Mary was born on 18 March 1496):
As for news here I am sure ye shall have more surety than I can send you. Blessed be God, the King, the Queen, and all our sweet children be in good health. The Queen hath been a little crased [i.e., ill], but now she is well, God be thanked. Her sickness is [?not] so good as I would but I trust hastily it shall, with God’s grace, whom I pray give you good speed in your great matters, and bring you well and soon home.
Margaret signs her letter at the Palace of Sheen (later Richmond), which makes me think she was accompanying the queen during her confinement before and after the birth. So what we have here is Margaret retelling the queen's sickness a month after her last labour, and knowing Elizabeth became sick after Arthur's birth as well, this illness might have had to do with childbirth too. But Elizabeth might have had poor health in general. We can't trace all of the medical expenses Henry VII paid for his wife, for example, to her pregnancies. Although Elizabeth's health is not often discussed, there's an old novel where apparently Elizabeth of York does nothing but complain and get sick, so I don't know if it was always the case.
There's also the fact that Henry VII didn't have sturdy health, either. In 1487 (so when Henry VII was still relatively young), Giovanni de Giglis, the papal collector in England, wrote to Pope Innocent VIII saying that 'on account of ill health the King requests a dispensation authorizing him to eat meat on fast days. Supposes that the Pope has already granted these demands'. Back in 1486, the pope had already granted an 'indult for [Henry VII and Elizabeth of York] and each of them and six persons, and for Margaret, countess of Richmond, the said king's mother, and other six persons, not to be bound to fast in Lent, and during that season to eat eggs, cheese, butter and other milk-meats, whenever they shall think fit'.
It's hard to decide whether Henry VII really had poor health from the very beginning of his reign or if it was just diplomatic parlance to get a dispensation releasing him (and his wife and mother) from fasting. It does seem like he got a dispensation to eat 'milk-meats' in 1486 and then asked another for 'meat' in general the following year. It might just be a translation inconsistency though, and maybe the two documents allude to the same thing (milk-meats), or it might be that the papal collector wasn't aware that Henry had already gotten a dispensation. It seems odd though, considering Giglis mentioned that he had asked the pope for Henry's dispensation several times.
Considering Elizabeth of York was also included in that dispensation, is it possible Elizabeth had ill health too? I don't know! It does seem like the type of papal privileges royals used to get on the regular (like indulgences for sins etc). All I know is that Elizabeth's health certainly doesn't seem to have been sturdy enough to support calm and healthy pregnancies, or at least it appeared so half the times she was pregnant (4/7).
I hope you have a great day too! 🌹x
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azo-unit1497 · 2 years ago
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months ago
Events 7.8 (before 1930)
1099 – Some 15,000 starving Christian soldiers begin the siege of Jerusalem by marching in a religious procession around the city as its Muslim defenders watch. 1283 – Roger of Lauria, commanding the Aragonese fleet, defeats an Angevin fleet sent to put down a rebellion on Malta. 1497 – Vasco da Gama sets sail on the first direct European voyage to India. 1579 – Our Lady of Kazan, a holy icon of the Russian Orthodox Church, is discovered underground in the city of Kazan, Tatarstan. 1663 – Charles II of England grants John Clarke a Royal charter to Rhode Island. 1709 – Peter I of Russia defeats Charles XII of Sweden at the Battle of Poltava, thus effectively ending Sweden's status as a major power in Europe. 1716 – The Battle of Dynekilen forces Sweden to abandon its invasion of Norway. 1730 – An estimated magnitude 8.7 earthquake causes a tsunami that damages more than 1,000 km (620 mi) of Chile's coastline. 1741 – Reverend Jonathan Edwards preaches to his congregation in Enfield, Connecticut his most famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"; an influence for the First Great Awakening. 1758 – French forces hold Fort Carillon against the British at Ticonderoga, New York. 1760 – British forces defeat French forces in the last naval battle in New France. 1775 – The Olive Branch Petition is signed by the Continental Congress of the Thirteen Colonies of North America. 1776 – Church bells (possibly including the Liberty Bell) are rung after John Nixon delivers the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. 1808 – Promulgation of the Bayonne Statute, a royal charter Joseph Bonaparte intended as the basis for his rule as king of Spain. 1822 – Chippewas turn over a huge tract of land in Ontario to the United Kingdom. 1853 – The Perry Expedition arrives in Edo Bay with a treaty requesting trade. 1859 – King Charles XV & IV accedes to the throne of Sweden–Norway. 1864 – Ikedaya Incident: The Choshu Han shishi's planned Shinsengumi sabotage on Kyoto, Japan at Ikedaya. 1874 – The Mounties begin their March West. 1876 – The Hamburg massacre prior to the 1876 United States presidential election results in the deaths of six African-Americans of the Republican Party, along with one white assailant. 1879 – Sailing ship USS Jeannette departs San Francisco carrying an ill-fated expedition to the North Pole. 1889 – The first issue of The Wall Street Journal is published. 1892 – St. John's, Newfoundland is devastated in the Great Fire of 1892. 1898 – The death of crime boss Soapy Smith, killed in the Shootout on Juneau Wharf, releases Skagway, Alaska from his iron grip. 1912 – Henrique Mitchell de Paiva Couceiro leads an unsuccessful royalist attack against the First Portuguese Republic in Chaves.
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silvestromedia · 8 months ago
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St. Alban. St. Alban was the first martyr of England, his own country (homeland). During a persecution of Christians, Alban, though a pagan, hid a priest in his house. The priest made such a great impression on him that Alban received instructions and became a Christian himself. In the meantime, the governor had been told that the priest was hiding in Alban's house, and he sent his soldiers to capture him. But Alban changed clothes with his guest, and gave himself up in his stead. The judge was furious when he found out that the priest had escaped and he said to Alban, "You shall get the punishment he was to get unless you worship the gods." The Saint answered that he would never worship those false gods again. "To what family do you belong?" demanded the judge. "That does not concern you," said Alban. "If you want to know my religion, I am a Christian." Angrily the judge commanded him again to sacrifice to the gods at once. "Your sacrifices are offered to devils," answered the Saint. "They cannot help you or answer your requests. The reward for such sacrifices is the everlasting punishment of Hell." Since he was getting nowhere, the judge had Alban whipped. Then he commanded him to be beheaded. On the way to the place of execution, the soldier who was to kill the Saint was converted himself, and he too, became a martyr.
ST THOMAS MORE, ENGLISH MARTYR, 1535 A.D. St. Thomas More, Martyr (Patron of Lawyers) St. Thomas More was born at London in 1478. After a thorough grounding in religion and the classics, he entered Oxford to study law. Upon leaving the university he embarked on a legal career which took him to Parliament. In 1505, he married his beloved Jane Colt who bore him four children, and when she died at a young age, he married a widow, Alice Middleton, to be a mother for his young children. A wit and a reformer, this learned man numbered Bishops and scholars among his friends and by 1516 wrote his world-famous book "Utopia". He attracted the attention of Henry VIII who appointed him to a succession of high posts and missions, and finally made him Lord Chancellor in 1529. However, he resigned in 1532, at the height of his career and reputation, when Henry persisted in holding his own opinions regarding marriage and the supremacy of the Pope. The rest of his life was spent in writing mostly in defense of the Church. In 1534, with his close friend, St. John Fisher, he refused to render allegiance to the King as the Head of the Church of England and was confined to the Tower. Fifteen months later, and nine days after St. John Fisher's execution, he was tried and convicted of treason. He told the court that he could not go against his conscience and wished his judges that "we may yet hereafter in heaven merrily all meet together to everlasting salvation." And on the scaffold, he told the crowd of spectators that he was dying as "the King's good servant-but God's first." He was beheaded on July 6, 1535.
ST. JOHN FISHER, BISHOP OF ROCHESTER, ENGLISH MARTYR-St. John Fisher was born in Beverly, Yorkshire, in 1459, and educated at Cambridge, from which he received his Master of Arts degree in 1491. He occupied the vicarage of Northallerton, 14911494; then he became proctor of Cambridge University. In 1497, he was appointed confessor to Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry VII, and became closely associated in her endowments to Cambridge; he created scholarships, introduced Greek and Hebrew into the curriculum, and brought in the world-famous Erasmus as professor of Divinity and Greek. In 1504, he became Bishop of Rochester and Chancellor of Cambridge, in which capacity he also tutored Prince Henry who was to become Henry VIII. St. John was dedicated to the welfare of his diocese and his university. From 1527, this humble servant of God actively opposed the King's divorce proceedings against Catherine, his wife in the sight of God, and steadfastly resisted the encroachment of Henry on the Church. Unlike the other Bishops of the realm, St. John refused to take the oath of succession which acknowledged the issue of Henry and Anne as the legitimate heir to the throne, and he was imprisoned in the tower in April 1534. The next year he was made a Cardinal by Paul III and Henry retaliated by having him beheaded within a month. A half hour before his execution, this dedicated scholar and churchman opened his New Testament for the last time and his eyes fell on the following words from St. John's Gospel: "Eternal life is this: to know You, the only true God, and Him Whom You have sent, Jesus Christ. I have given you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. Do you now, Father, give me glory at your side". Closing the book, he observed: "There is enough learning in that to last me the rest of my life."
The ten thousand martyrs of Mount Ararat were, according to a medieval legend, Roman soldiers who, led by Saint Acacius, converted to Christianity and were crucified on Mount Ararat in Armenia by order of the Roman emperor. June 22
ST. PAULINUS, BISHOP OF NOLA-It is not common to receive the faith from two “giants” - but that’s exactly what happened with St. Paulinus, whose conversion is credited to the influence of Sts. Ambrose and Augustine. Known for his charitable works, Paulinus was elected Bishop of the Italian city of Nola. He died in the year 431.
St. Aaron. Aaron was a native of Britain. He went to Brittany, where he became a hermit on Cesabre (St. Malo) island. He attracted numerous disciples, among them St. Malo of Wales, and became their Abbot.
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steele-soulmate · 8 months ago
Princess of Candy Coated Lies, Modern Royalty AU- King Peter Steele & Single Mother OFC, Soulmate AU
Chapter 8
SUMMARY: Single mother Molly Anne Harper does the best she can do, given her circumstances- since she broke up with her ex-boyfriend by sending him to jail, she’s been struggling to be the best mother to twin daughters while working barely minimum waged jobs. But when she meets her soulmate- King Peter Thomas Ratajczyk of Brooklyn- she quickly finds herself falling heads over heels in love with the guarded, battle damaged ruler. Likewise, Peter finds himself with a family of a women and two little girls who call him daddy. But what happens when their father gets out from behind bars and starts to cause mayhem?
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A Soulmate AU where you never know what the first words your soulmate says to you until they say it
CHAPTER WARNINGS: mentions of domestic violence (nothing graphic) mentions of alcohol abuse (nothing graphic) mentions of domestic abuse (nothing graphic) mentions of illicit drugs (nothing graphic) mentions of wrongful arrest
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORESS: This fic is dedicated to SkullWoggle on AO3 and @rock-a-noodle on Tumblr.
“Thanks!” I called out as the Amazon delivery was dropped off by the front door. I stepped out onto the gorgeously spacious wrap around porch and picked up the package, smiling as I glanced at the shipping label and saw my name- MISS MOLLY ANNE HARPER- and found myself wondering if I would ever get the chance to become Mrs. Molly Anne Ratajczyk.
I carried the parcel into the kitchen, where I deposited it onto the island and located a pair of scissors to open it. As I was opening the box, the front door opened and a friendly halloo sounded out.
A pretty woman a few years older than the king wandered into the kitchen, untying her scarf from her neck and smiled kindly at the sight of me.
“You must be my baby brother’s soulmate!” beamed Princess Cathy, coming up to take my hands into hers and squeeze. “Mary Claire, right?”
“Actually, my name is Molly Anne, your highness,” I corrected her awkwardly, jerking my thumb over to the door that led into the laundry room and the garage. “The king is in his man cave with my daughters, showing them how they can help him build their bedroom furniture.”
“Do you mind if I get to know you more first?” she asked me eagerly. “I can go pester Peter later.”
I asked her to go into the laundry room and grab me a laundry basket so that I could toss the girls’ new bedsheets in for a wash. She came back out empty handed and told me that there was no laundry basket to be found. In response, I went onto my Amazon app and added two sets of two collapsible laundry baskets to my wish list- a two set of a green one and a blue one, and a two set of a pink one and a red one.
“No problem,” I told her, taking out the girls’ new bedsheets first and setting them off in a pile, two sets of twin sized bedsheets in a soft creamy white color with stripes and funky patterns covering the bedsheets.
“So tell me more about yourself,” Princess Cathy asked me, standing over on the other side of the island as to give me space while I unpacked the box from Amazon.
“Can you be a bit more specific, please?” I requested of her.
“Tell me about when you and Peter met,” she begged of me next.
And so, I told her of how Lady Bridget Barlowe had successfully swayed me into taking her place for two weeks, convincing me with money that I had planned to put towards my twin daughters, of how the king sniffed out my carefully put together ruse almost at once, of how he said those little words that I had never knew would be the first words my soulmate would ever say to me until those words escaped past his lips…
Of how the king would now take care of me and my daughters.
“Molly Anne, might I ask you what you want to happen next in your life?” the Princess asked me next, making me pause as I was pulling out two sets of soft lilac bath towels, hand towels and wash clothes. “I mean, what do you want to happen next?”
“I want to king to adopt my daughters,” I blurted out. “I want him to adopt them, and I want him to marry me. But… but I don’t know if he wants that also.”
“Molly Anne, let me tell you a secret- Peter craves love,” she told me in a gentle tone of voice. “When he was a little boy, he always looks for approval and sought out words of praise. He became a good student, earning near perfect grades, despite having severe learning disabilities. He dated extensively in his later teen years and well into his twenties, up until dad died. He’s been ruling Brooklyn for fourteen years now, and he told me that he’d given up and meeting his soulmate.”
I hummed as I tugged out new sheets for the king’s bed- I had selected a set in green stripes and a set in a soft creamy white. I unfolded them and tossed the new bed covering into the washer, throwing in a pod of detergent before shutting the door and programming it for a regular load.
“You’re a good mother,” the princess commented as I returned to the kitchen, smiling my thanks when I saw that she had removed the bath towel sets for the girls and myself and was now clipping the tags off.
“I need to be,” I shrugged, flapping the bath necessities open and getting them ready to be washed. “I worked two full times jobs- a waitress at a mom and pop breakfast café and a desk secretary at a small law firm. The king had me quit those jobs and promised me that he will care for the three of us. I have trust issues with men though quite understandingly, with my history with the girls’ father.”
“Are you comfortable enough to share?” she asked me, leaning forward on her elbows on the countertop.
“Henry was the perfect guy for me when I first met him- or so I thought,” I recalled with a wistful sigh. “I dropped out of college, even though I had one last semester to go before graduation and moved in with him. Things quickly went downhill from there- he would get drunk and beat me black and blue, he would conduct drug deals out of the front room of his small, rat infested apartment, and ran with a rough group of people who would break into businesses and houses to steal stuff and sell for drug money.”
Here, I hesitated, not wanting to go into this painful part of my life.
“He made me spend a few days behind bars,” I confessed with a snort. “He had me hide some stuff in my room, and when the police came to search the house, he made them believe that I stole the stuff and they arrested me. I did six weeks behind bars, and then I found out that I was pregnant.”
Here, I paused, shutting my eyes as I took in a sharp inhale of air.
“And so, I ratted him out,” I chuckled. “I told the police everything- from who he got his drugs from to which storage container he used to hold the stuff he and his buddies stole to how he and his buddies chose which house they would break into. When he was confronted by the police, he was jazzed up on something, and he killed three police officers before he was tazed and sentenced to sixty years behind bars with a slim chance at parole after ten years.”
The princess tossed her head backwards in a laugh.
“Atta girl,” she praised me around a heavy onslaught of giggles. “If they hurt you, go for where the moon meets in the middle.”
I sniggered, smiling as the sound of little footsteps pounding up the stairs from the garage, signaling that the rest of the family was coming up.
“Just remember- Peter will do anything for love,” Princess Cathy reminded me gently. “You should talk to him and tell him what you want. I know that he will happily accommodate you and your needs.”
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iqmarketinsights · 9 months ago
Flange Bolt Market Trends: Insights into Revenue Outsourcing Strategies
The comprehensive analysis report on global “Flange Bolt market "Flange Bolt market" trends encompasses a thorough study of the ongoing growth factors driving the Flange Bolt market, the current market scenario, development status, and future opportunities. The market size of the Flange Bolt segment is predicted based on a detailed analysis of types, applications, and end-use industry segments. The report incorporates effective strategies within the business framework aimed at improving the growth rate of the industry. Additionally, the forecast report on the Flange Bolt market provides complete information regarding industry production, sales, consumption status, and market prospects, along with an in-depth Flange Bolt market share analysis.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1497
The global Flange Bolt Market size was USD 2238.6 million in 2024, and the market is projected to touch USD 2789.2 million by 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.2% during the forecast period.
Global Key Manufacturers Covered in Flange Bolt Market:
Würth (Germany)
Infasco (Canada)
Auto Bolt US)
Bolt King (US)
Femico (Taiwan)
Jeng Bright International (Taiwan)
Flange Bolt market Segment by Type:
Carbon Steel
Alloy Steel
Flange Bolt Market Segment by Application:
Water Conservancy
Chemical Industry
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1497
Regional Analysis:
North America
Rest of the World (RoW)
Flange Bolt Market Report Highlights: -
The report covers forecast and analysis for the market on a global and regional level.
The report includes the drivers and the restraints that affect the growth of the market.
The report discusses detailed information about the market opportunities.
The market is segmented on the basis of product and end-user industry which in turn is bifurcated on the regional level.
The key target audience for the market has been determined in the report.
The revenue generated by the prominent industry players has been analyzed in the report.
Key Questions Answered in The Flange Bolt Market Report:
What will the Flange Bolt market growth rate?
What are the key factors driving the global Flange Bolt market?
Who are the key manufacturers in Flange Bolt market space?
What are the market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Flange Bolt market?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Flange Bolt market?
Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of Flange Bolt market?
What are the Flange Bolt market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the global Flange Bolt Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by types and applications of Flange Bolt Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by regions of Flange Bolt industry?
Purchase this Report (Price 2900 USD for single user license) - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1497
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quantmarketinsights · 9 months ago
Flange Bolt Market Trends: Insights into Revenue Outsourcing Strategies
The comprehensive analysis report on global “Flange Bolt market "Flange Bolt market" trends encompasses a thorough study of the ongoing growth factors driving the Flange Bolt market, the current market scenario, development status, and future opportunities. The market size of the Flange Bolt segment is predicted based on a detailed analysis of types, applications, and end-use industry segments. The report incorporates effective strategies within the business framework aimed at improving the growth rate of the industry. Additionally, the forecast report on the Flange Bolt market provides complete information regarding industry production, sales, consumption status, and market prospects, along with an in-depth Flange Bolt market share analysis.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1497
The global Flange Bolt Market size was USD 2238.6 million in 2024, and the market is projected to touch USD 2789.2 million by 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.2% during the forecast period.
Global Key Manufacturers Covered in Flange Bolt Market:
Würth (Germany)
Infasco (Canada)
Auto Bolt US)
Bolt King (US)
Femico (Taiwan)
Jeng Bright International (Taiwan)
Flange Bolt market Segment by Type:
Carbon Steel
Alloy Steel
Flange Bolt Market Segment by Application:
Water Conservancy
Chemical Industry
Get a Sample Copy of the Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1497
Regional Analysis:
North America
Rest of the World (RoW)
Flange Bolt Market Report Highlights: -
The report covers forecast and analysis for the market on a global and regional level.
The report includes the drivers and the restraints that affect the growth of the market.
The report discusses detailed information about the market opportunities.
The market is segmented on the basis of product and end-user industry which in turn is bifurcated on the regional level.
The key target audience for the market has been determined in the report.
The revenue generated by the prominent industry players has been analyzed in the report.
Key Questions Answered in The Flange Bolt Market Report:
What will the Flange Bolt market growth rate?
What are the key factors driving the global Flange Bolt market?
Who are the key manufacturers in Flange Bolt market space?
What are the market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Flange Bolt market?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Flange Bolt market?
Who are the distributors, traders and dealers of Flange Bolt market?
What are the Flange Bolt market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the global Flange Bolt Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by types and applications of Flange Bolt Industry?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by regions of Flange Bolt industry?
Purchase this Report (Price 2900 USD for single user license) - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1497
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nexonmarketinsights12 · 10 months ago
Flange Bolt Market Insights: Evaluating Growth Opportunities till 2032
New Research Report on “Flange Bolt Market” provide insightful data on the main market segments, dynamics, growth potentials and future prospects of industry. The study covers complete analysis on changing market trends for industry. The report shows the year-on-year growth of each segment and touches upon the different factors that are likely to impact the growth of each market segment. Each segment has analyzed completely on the basis of its production, consumption as well as revenue. And also offers Flange Bolt market size and share of each separate segment in the industry.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report at - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1497
The global Flange Bolt Market size was USD 2238.6 million in 2024, and the market is projected to touch USD 2789.2 million by 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.2% during the forecast period.
Top Key Players in the Flange Bolt Market:
Würth (Germany)
Infasco (Canada)
Auto Bolt US)
Bolt King (US)
Femico (Taiwan)
Jeng Bright International (Taiwan)
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The Flange Bolt market research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.
Market split by Type, can be divided into:
Carbon Steel
Alloy Steel
Market split by Application, can be divided into:
Water Conservancy
Chemical Industry
Report presents a detailed picture of the market by the way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources by an analysis of key parameters. Our Flange Bolt market covers the following areas:
Flange Bolt market sizing
Flange Bolt market forecast
Flange Bolt market industry analysis
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What Global Flange Bolt Market Report Offers?
Provides strategic profiling of key players in the Flange Bolt market.
Drawing a competitive landscape for the world Flange Bolt industry.
Describes insights about factors affecting the Flange Bolt market growth.
Analyze the Flange Bolt industry share based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis etc.
Extensive analysis of the industry structure along with Flange Bolt market forecast 2020-2024.
Granular Analysis with respect to the current Flange Bolt industry size and future perspective.
Regions Covered in Flange Bolt Market Report:
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Egypt and GCC Countries)
Purchase this Report (Price 2900 USD for a Single-User License) - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1497
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elenpeter · 11 months ago
Flange Bolt  Market 2024 Size, Share and Growth by 2031
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Global “Flange Bolt Market” Report shows in depth analysis of global market size, share, regional and country-level analysis market segmentation, growth, share, competitive landscape, sales analysis. It is most comprehensive and important additions to industry that provides detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the global Flange Bolt market. It provides information on the key growth drivers, constraints, challenges, trends and opportunities of market.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report at - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/1497
The global Flange Bolt Market size was USD 2238.6 million in 2024, and the market is projected to touch USD 2789.2 million by 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.2% during the forecast period.
The Following Manufacturers Covered in the Flange Bolt Market Report:
Würth (Germany)
Infasco (Canada)
Auto Bolt US)
Bolt King (US)
Femico (Taiwan)
Jeng Bright International (Taiwan)
Market split by Type, can be divided into:
Carbon Steel
Alloy Steel
Market split by Application, can be divided into:
Water Conservancy
Chemical Industry
Regional Analysis:
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Egypt and GCC Countries)
Inquire or Share Your Questions If Any Before the Purchasing This Report - https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/pre-order-enquiry/1497
The Study Objectives of Flange Bolt Market are:
To analyze and research the global Flange Bolt capacity, production, value, consumption, status and forecast;
To focus on the key Flange Bolt manufacturers and study the capacity, production, value, market share and development plans in next few years.
To focuses on the global key manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis.
To define, describe and forecast the market by type, application and region.
To analyze the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity and challenge, restraints and risks.
To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting the market growth.
To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.
To strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the market.
To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market.
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
Key Questions Covered in Flange Bolt Market Report:
What will be the Flange Bolt market growth rate and value in 2031?
What are the Flange Bolt market trends during the forecast period?
Who are the Major players in the keyword Industry?
What is driving and Restraining this sector?
What are the conditions to market growth?
What are the opportunities in this industry and segment risks faced by the main vendors?
What are the forces and weaknesses of the main vendors?
Purchase this Report (Price 2900 USD for a Single-User License) - https://proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1497
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crimechannels · 1 year ago
By • Olalekan Fagbade Its unlawful for you to be collecting pension- Femi Falana tells Akpabio Constitutional lawyer, Mr Femi Falana (SAN), has said that it is unlawful for the Senate President, Godswill Akpabio, and other former governors to be receiving pensions as ex-governor. Falana, who stated this in a statement on Sunday, reportedly urged Akpabio and other ex-governors to emulate Ogun State’s former governor, Gbenga Daniel, and former Gombe State governor, Ibrahim Dankwambo. The senior lawyer stated that since the Kwara, Imo, and Zamfara states Houses of Assembly had abolished the Governors Pension Scheme, he admonished other Houses of Assembly to follow suit without any further delay. He also made reference to the judgment delivered on November 26 2019 by Justice Oluremi Oguntoyinbo (retd.) declaring the payment of the pension to former governors as illegal and unconstitutional. The plaintiff, an advocacy group, Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project had filed the suit against the Attorney-General of the Federation) wherein it challenged the constitutional validity of the pension paid to former governors in Nigeria. Justice Oguntoyinbo had in judgment in a suit marked number FHC/L/CS/1497/2017, declared the payment of the pension illegal and unconstitutional. Consequently, ordered the Accountant-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice to recover the life pensions collected by former governors serving as senators and ministers. Falana noted that in compliance with both judgments, Daniel and Dankwambo had requested the governors of Ogun and Gombe States, respectively, to stop paying them the scandalous pension. Falana said, “This is highly commendable at a time when not less than 20 former governors in the executive and legislative branches of government are receiving double salaries. “In view of the foregoing, we call on Senator Akpabio and other former governors in the executive and legislature to emulate the example of Senators Daniel and Dankwambo by rejecting the payment of the illegal pension forthwith.”
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natequarter · 6 months ago
[ID: An extract from an academic text. It reads: "The Tudors came to the English throne in 1485 with a strong papal wind at their back. Richard III was unpopular in Rome—a result of his bloody usurpation, and of his outrageous attempt to bastardise the sons of Edward IV with wild assertions about the invalidity of their parents' marriage. Richard also failed to seek a dispensation for his own marriage to Anne Neville, a consanguinal cousin, as well as an affinal sister-in-law. Pointedly, after his victory at Bosworth, Henry VII requested and received a dispensation for his marriage to Edward IV's daughter, Elizabeth of York, to whom he was related in the fourth degree of consanguinity. Crucially, and unusually, Pope Innocent VIII followed this with a bull confirming the legitimacy of any children from the marriage, and of the Act of Parliament that declared Henry's title.
There was a strong scent of cooperation around Anglo-papal relations in Henry VII's first years. Henry had the 1486 papal bull of dispensation printed as a broadsheet in English translation, with further editions in 1494, 1495 and 1497. Successive popes indulged the English usurper-king, bestowing on him the traditional honours of presentation with a papal cap and sword of maintenance, and an ornamental Golden Rose, as well as graciously dispensing him to eat cheese and eggs during the Lenten fast. The papacy also responded benignly, if cautiously, to Henry's desire to see the last of the direct Lancastrian line, Henry VI, canonised as a saint—excessive sanctity being the only plausible excuse for the disastrous levels of incompetence Henry demonstrated in the exercise of his kingship." /end ID]
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this isn’t at all surprising when you think about it, but it’s funny how ricardians always like to say if richard had won at bosworth the reformation wouldn’t have happened when it was henry who had a stronger relationship with rome
almost like that event wasn’t a forgone conclusion in 1485 and could have happened with one of richard’s descendants too!
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