#reputed schools
Eddie blinks. Once. Twice. And a third time for good measure. The scene before him doesn't change. Steve Harrington stands off to the side of the lunch table, behind Jeff and Frankie who have both gone still as statues like they think if they don't move, King Steve won't see them.
"Uh, what?" Eddie finds himself saying, against his own will. He heard Harrington the first time, doesn't need or want him to repeat himself, but his disbelief seems to have won out against his grudge for all jocks and his indifference to Steve Harrington in particular.
Harrington's face pinches, like he's three seconds away from rolling his eyes. He doesn't do that, though, which Eddie will give him one brownie point for. "I asked if you had a minute to talk." Eddie's taking away his brownie point because Steve 'asks' in a way that sounds more like a demand.
Hearing the question and or demand a second time doesn't lower Eddie's hackles, but it does pique his curiosity. He drums his fingers atop his lunchbox, thinking it over. He wishes he could say he's pretending to think about it before he tells Harrington to fuck off, but the truth is he actually is thinking about it.
What could Harrington possibly have to say to him? They very much do not run in the same circles. Eddie only talks business at the picnic table past the edge of the woods out back and everyone who buys from him knows that. They share several classes, since they're both seniors, but everyone knows Eddie's on a track to not graduate (again) so he can't possibly be coming to discuss Mrs. Click's homework assignment.
"Sure. Should we go elsewhere or...?" Eddie trails off, lifting a hand to wave in a circle in Steve's direction, questioning.
Steve looks over his shoulder, back towards the side of the cafeteria taken up by the 'popular' crowd. When Steve turns his face back, he looks- well, kind of sad for a moment before it's smoothed over with indifference.
"No. It's probably good that the rest of your friends hear it anyway," Steve answers.
Jeff's eyebrows rise to his hairline, and Frankie frowns as his eyebrows raise at the same time, showing an expression of interest. Eddie's got no idea what Gareth's face is doing because Eddie can't see him unless he wants to turn his face away, but he's certain it's probably a glare of some sort.
Eddie leans back in his chair, wiggling like he's getting extra comfortable before he says, "Well, alright Harrington. Shoot."
"I'm graduating this year, so I just wanted to give you a heads up for next year. I tried to curb the bullying, but I know it still happened. So, since I'm not going to be here to watch out for that, you're gonna wanna up your," Steve gestures to all of Eddie, "everything."
He knew Steve curbed the bullying a bit, heard the confirmation of that last year from Jason Carver and Tommy Hagan, when he'd stepped in to save Gareth. Or rather, Gareth had come flying in to save him and then Eddie had to save Gareth- well, the details don't matter really.
"My everything?" Eddie asks, more confused than angry. He thinks he should be angry. Harrington has all but outright said he doesn't think Eddie's going to graduate with him, after all. But no. The main emotion now is confusion.
"Yeah. Your, y'know, freakinesss or whatever. Be more of it."
"Be more of a freak?" It's fascinating, that Harrington just keeps talking like he thinks anyone at this table care for his opinion.
"Yeah!" Harrington says, cheery like he thinks that Eddie's agreed with him somehow, complete with a stupid snap of his fingers that turns into a finger gun pointed at Eddie. "You've already got this like unapproachable mad dog kind of look about you, most of the JV team is already scared of you. Just like, up that a bit more and they'll probably steer clear of you and your friends." Then Harrington frowns deep, looking around the table of nerds and dorks before looking down at the top of Gareth's head to add, "well. Except probably curly here. No offense, but you seem an easy target."
"Fuck off," Gareth growls, because of everyone at the table, Gareth does have the most bite. (Most bark goes to Eddie himself). Eddie's more prone to run from a problem than engage in it, unlike Gareth, who he's had to pull off of a few people this year.
"Or not," Harrington retracts his previous statement and Eddie will grant the man another brownie point, which brings the total up to one.
"Good to know my reputation precedes me," Eddie grins, wild and a bit manic.
Harrington is unphased. "Yeah! Do that more. I think it really freaks Jason out and he's most likely to take the captain slot next year, so if you get him afraid of you, the rest of the team'll fall in line and leave you alone too. I think he's super religious, so like, lean into the satanic panic thing people are up in arms about and next year will be a breeze. And-"
Eddie lifts a hand, a motion for Harrington to stop talking. It surprised him a little that Harrington does. Even more interesting. "Stop me if I'm wrong here, Harrington, but are you suggesting that I become the bully?"
Harrington's mouth opens and closes a few times before his face pinches again. Instead of looking like he's going to roll his eyes and be bitchy, Harrington looks confused and then like he's deep in thought. An uncomfortable amount of awkward silence falls over there table, but it's just when Eddie's about to break that silence that Harrington finally speaks. "No. I'm saying just like, be you but bigger. Like, you don't even gotta look in the team's direction. If you're just more of a freak than you usually are, they'll steer clear without the bullying."
"You sure know how to compliment a guy," Eddie deadpans. He's not even upset that Steve's called him a freak. He's spent the majority of his high school career cultivating that outlook. He wasn't just a freak, he was The Freak.
Now a look crosses Harrington's face. One Eddie's not sure he's interpreting correctly. If he had to take a guess, he'd say the look was calculating, knowing, in a way that Eddie doesn't think Harrington could actually achieve. Then it's gone, replaced with the bitchy, eye-rolling look Eddie's used to seeing, and Harrington says, "I haven't said anything untrue."
Hmm. The most interesting thing yet. Eddie might not be graduating (again) but he's not dumb. He didn't survive this far in his life, with a father like his, without learning to read people. He wasn't as good as he wanted to be at reading people last year, but he's definitely good enough know to think that, maybe, just maybe, Harrington also knows a thing or two about cultivating a public perception. Making sure people only see a certain side of you.
"Alright," is what Eddie answers, "I'll take what you've said under advisement."
"Uh. Okay," Harrington says before he just walks away. Conversation over.
"Well," Jeff says, "that was strange."
"Very," Eddie agrees as he watches Harrington walk away, tracking him until the cafeteria door slams shut behind him when he exits.
Eddie has always wanted to up the ante, so to speak. Jump on a cafeteria table and rant about capitalism and organized sports. He never has before but next year seems like a great time to try.
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6okuto · 1 month
ok and when osamu gives atsumu the keys to his house and asks him to set up the surprise he has prepared for your anniversary . he's prepared for his twin to ask for some kind of payment, to gag at his love life and call him gross, but atsumu agrees easily and asks what he needs.
(he doesn't get out that easily—atsumu keeps texting questions and making fun of osamu's choice of home decor. but when everything's said and done, atsumu wishes osamu good luck and says to make sure you're happy) (he waits a day or two before holding it over osamu's head and asking for free onigiri) (he asks osamu to do the same for him a few months later)
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whenemmafalls · 2 years
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Taylor Swift Eras Tour Poster for Each Era Part 6: The reputation Era (2017-2019)
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housecow · 5 months
i always wonder what it’ll take for how fat i am to get acknowledged. the only time ive ever had it publicly or privately called out (besides in kink situations) was in 9th grade. i didn’t go to anime club because im not into anime (im still not) even though i told this dude i would be there lol.
he was pissed at me the next day and just mouthed the words “you’re fat” in the hallway like that would mean anything… i’ve never rlly been insulted for my weight or had it poked fun at. is it weird i want to get big enough for that to happen??
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theosbaby · 7 months
❥ mattheo as taylor swift's reputation
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— big reputation, big reputation...
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 day
hi i dont ever post serious shit on here that happens to me personally but like. it’s bad in tennessee yall. it’s worse in western nc. the rains from helene were so bad the dams failed. western north carolina and the places in between have been washed away. chimney rock, boone, cosby, erwin, and several other places along the east tennessee/western north carolina border are just gone or underwater or both. whole bridges were washed away. the interstate slid off into the gorge.
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these pics don’t even include the dozens of people stranded on top of the hospital in unicoi county. nor the countless folks stranded on their roofs waiting on rescue boats and helicopters. the homes that were washed away into the river. please keep us in your thoughts. they do not care about us here in appalachia. we’re a historically poor and underfunded region; we don’t have the infrastructure for this stuff here, because it’s not supposed to happen here.
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sweetbunpura · 3 months
Yuu: Crowley.
Crowley: hmm? Ah! Prefect, what can I do for you?
Yuu: Have you found me a way back home?
Crowley, coughs: It's proving difficult to find a way to return you home.
Yuu: Or, you're not trying to find me a way home.
Crowley: I-
Yuu: Be honest with it. Are you actually giving a fuck or are you blowing smoke out your ass? Promising me something you're not capable of even doing in the slightest?
Crowley: Prefect, where did this come from all of a suddenly?
Yuu: Because I'm tired, Crowley, and I've long since given up on thinking you'll help me. I thought asking you this would finally give me at least some hope, but no. Just like you're failing those who overblotted, you're failing me too. You useless ass bird. *Leaves and slams the door shut*
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arealtoughkid · 8 months
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this is me if you even care
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unordinary-diary · 3 months
Arlo’s Height
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I’m gonna say it right here and now: making Arlo super short as a Freshman and Sophomore is the funniest decision Uru has ever made— hands down. It gets me rolling every damn time.
But beyond that, it’s symbolic. I’ve mentioned the symbolism of Arlo’s height before— he’s 6’3”, and he is never once drawn next to someone taller than him. He commands the authority in every room he walks into, and his posture is immaculate. You see Arlo and you just know: that is the King. Arlo's height symbolizes power.
But in these flashbacks, Arlo is shorter than everyone. He’s around the same height as freshman Remi. Not only is he short, he has a bad case of baby face. This is more than a visual shorthand for the audience— the other characters pick up on it as well. His behavior is the same, but he is respected so much less. People perceive Arlo as young and weak. He has to work thrice as hard to get anything done because he has to prove himself constantly.
This parallels his struggles as King exactly. As we know from what he tells Blyke, Arlo had a lot of trouble in his first year as King. The Sophomores and upperclassmen all rejected him because he was Rei’s successor, the school was chaos, and the other Royals refused to work with him. In flashbacks, we can see that the freshmen don’t respect him either because he looks unimposing. The timeline matches up perfectly— he is short, he is disregarded. He is tall— he is respected.
Arlo’s height both symbolizes and contributes to how much power he has.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 5 months
rough draft for the all for one | abbey by mitski pmv ft. baby afo
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klayr-de-gall · 2 months
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Day 8 - High School
Dating a Rascal is never easy.
It's finally time for AU-Gust! I am so excited to do this Prompt-List this year! I'm looking forward to a month of new art! Let's go
You can always join in with all kind of fanwork and fandom! Make sure to use the #AU-August2024 Tag, so I can find you!
As always, all entries for this week (Day 5 till Day 11) can be found on my Patreon already!
[My Social Media and Patreon]
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souenkun · 1 month
I loooove the jp fandom's headcanon that geeta and larry are childhood friends who met during their time in the academy and, sometime in the future, geeta personally recruited larry to work for the paldean pokemon league, as she must be one of the first people who knew of his prowess in pokemon battling! Like yeah, the whole geeta being a "strict boss who is frustrated by larry's stubborn insistence to be an average worker that she has to assign him different workloads just to broaden his horizon" idea is intriguing, but stepping it up a notch by making geeta be the "best friend a.k.a the only one who has seen larry at his very best and his very worst, and knows for a fact that he could excel at anything he put his mind into if he steps out of his comfort zone, so she doesn't particularly drag him out of said zone, but pushes him out of it each time she can because she can't bear to see her best friend be unaware of the good chances and positive things that awaits him out there, not if she has a (small) say in it" is also downright hilarious 😭🤚
#it's happened to me before which is why i think this headcanon isn't very far-fetched! it's actually so big-brained even lmaooo 😭😭😭#like. i happened to befriend a stupidly genius in high school and she's why i got into a reputable uni in the first place. she dragged me t#study even when i was never in the mood and look at what it did to my high school grades! look at the strict habits that got me through uni#it's also kinda like when you're isolating yourself after a bad breakup and your friend has to physically drag you out to eat. maybe to get#piss drunk as well. all because they know that it's better to have company than to rot alone in your room with your thoughts... you get me?#that's geeta and larry in my eyes. larry's whole line about sticking to flat well-trodden path isn't about making him a famous trainer to#inspire paldea (geeta's whole goal). it's just to show larry that there are other good things too if he takes a peek outside!#and at the end of the day geeta meant well with that advice. that all she wants is for larry to see more of the world than what he's used t#which... idk. i think it's just more heartwarming to think of that advice coming from a friend! even if said friend is also your strict bos#also makes larry's quiet fuming even funnier LMAOOOO 😭😭😭 sometimes you have to suck it up and endure your besties' whims#but this is not a silly and whimsical whim. this is straight-up corporate whim. larry's not surprised he ended up patrolling area zero 🤣#if you've read this far and wanna see jp fanart of them on pixiv i can refer them to you privately! all of them are lovely and heartwarming#champion geeta#gym leader larry#elite four larry#pokemon#pokemon scarlet and violet#pokemon scarvio#scarvio#paldea
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latenightsundayblues · 8 months
Me and my husband will forever be a chain shipping song
I'm not sure if you mean that positively or negatively but I'm gonna assume the latter because i absolutely NEED to unleash my toxic chainshipping thoughts out into the world.
Cold yet overprotective Lawrence. Adam who's youthful and angry in contrast to that but still desperate for that sort of emotional connection he can't get with anyone else in the world. Gordon falling into old habits of apathy and putting up happy fronts he used to do with Alison because he's an old conditioned dog that's too stubborn to learn new tricks.
A relationship where they have literally nothing in common, the flimsiest couple on the face of the Earth held together only by their horrific shared trauma, that refuses to just crash and burn like it's supposed to. Them canceling each other out and remaining completely stagnant. Adam tries to talk to him about photography, but Larry was never an avid appreciator of the arts. Lawrence extends an olive branch once, offering dinner at some fancy restaurant downtown, his tentative little smile immediately falling again when Adam grumbles something about fast food being 'more than enough, so why bother?' They keep pushing each other away with pettiness so all that's left is awkward, clunky sex that always ends in tears and a vague unexplained need to stick together anyway.
Well that's all my thoughts on that. Would you like to place your order now sir
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cuubism · 2 years
truly the best dreamling fic trope is:
hob and dream: being weird as fuck and engaging in excessive pda
hob's students, colleagues, & staff at the new inn: 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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extravalgant · 1 year
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i really think this one deserved its own post. this just in: local journalist gets jumped
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demodraws0606 · 4 months
I'm really scared about the fact that Rui will graduate next year (in project sekai time) because I 100 pourcent think the idea of leaving the highschool friends he literally recently just made and everyone else in kamikou would definitely make him emotional.
And also there is definitely a bad association between graduating/changing periods in his life and losing people he was close to
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