#republic commando canon
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sidhebeingbrand · 2 years ago
Time to Be Normal about Mandos on Main again
I really only have a main these days
This time it's about the presumption of loss built into their culture as defined by Karen Traviss and possibly hinted at in the new Didney canon
Blanket disclaimer that I am Aware of the Problematic Aspects of the Republic Commando Books. Like, I read the first trilogy, i saw them, I was there, Frodo.
But without those books and this author, we don't get Aayhan. Which is… it's neat.
hOkAY so in the RC books and KT's surrounding writing there are a few concepts that really Make mandos for me? Like as differentiated from any Noble Warrior People #253. 'A strong warrior code' is great and all but the specificity of the Mandalorian wordlview is…
I just like them, okay, I think they're neat.
SO ONE THING: is that Mandalorians used to worship gods. They don't anymore, but the concepts of them remain-- the god who represented the worst things in the universe, the one who would 'kill' your spirit, was Arasuum. A god of sloth and stagnation. The word arasuum still means 'stagnation' in Mando'a the same way that 'jovial' still means a good time bro even though the worship of Jupiter has strongly fallen off.
There was a trickster god, too, more neutral, and the Best god, the one mandalorians strove to emulate, was Kad Ha'rangir. Literally translates to 'the blade that makes ash?' A destroyer god, and a god of creation. The ideas are linked in the Mandalorian language-- creation comes from destruction, is only POSSIBLE with destruction. The greatest evil is everything staying the same. The greatest good is making new, and that comes with the end of things that are old.
(It is probably a heretical view that one needs a balance between the two-- Mandalorian stability and tradition are old. The language lives and gains new words and new ways to use those words but it has stayed more comprehensible than, say, Basic, which seems to have undergone massive levels of change within Yoda's lifetime. Is that not the hand of Arasuum? I bet the religious arguments about that ended up with the opposing philosophers in traction and that was the Really Polite Discourse)
What remains in the culture now that the gods are gone is this-- that the universe is not a battle between Good and Evil, Kind and Cruel, but Stagnation and Creation.
(ANd I watch The Mandalorian which is not bound to the concepts in the RC, I know that, but I also see: Bo Katan sits on her throne, staring at nothing, defeated, in the hands of Arasuum Bo Katan rises to the moment, throws off her stagnation, becomes Active, becomes Mandalorian once more.)
But anyway ANOTHER THING is that KT writes the Mandalorians as spiritually nomads, no matter how stable their current living situation. The only TRUE home a Mandalorian is guaranteed is within the Manda after death. A Mandalorian is not bound to a planet. A Mandalorian is Mandalorian because they have a mandalorian soul. And to have a Mandalorian soul is to know that at any time half the galaxy is pissed off at you, and you're pissed off at the other half.
There is a cultural expectation-- somewhat lost in later days by Mandalorians who live on Mandalore, but certainly firmly embedded in the minds of the remnant Ha'at'ade, the last of the true Mandalorians, who lost their civil war and saw power and structure ripped away from them.
In fact, their culture overlaps strongly with the Jedi here: they know loss is inevitable, and has to be accepted. That's one of the REALLY HARD lessons of the Jedi, too!
The difference, and likely one of the reasons* that Jedis and Mandos have Historically Not Gotten Along, is their reaction to that principle. Mandalorians don't limit their attachment to the things they know they may lose. Oh, no, they go full bore the other way-- they pour their time and souls into the things they love, and they defend them bitterly, and when they lose them if there is a tangible culprit for that loss they will pour their rage and grief upon that culprit--
(*There are a lot of reasons to be fair)
But then when the vengeance is done, the thing is over. What's lost is lost. Rebuild if you can. Salvage if you can. But you shouldn't be trying to re-enact the past! (TOR. Looking at YOU TOR) You are building the future. You are adapting, because that is how a culture is immortal. The Mandalorian word for immortal, going back to god words, is dar'asuum, and that 'asuum' is-- yeah-- straight from arasuum. No Longer Stagnant: an exulted state where you rise above your inherent inertia.
You can't avoid building because what you build will be destroyed-- you're robbing the future. You're robbing your soul.
Mandos know that everything lovely ends in time, to make room for the new; if it didn't, it would be the most poison fruit. If you can't let go, Arasuum's sleepy fingers twine around your heart, make you slow, complacent. You fight for what you love because you are a warrior, and the Taung's ashes burn inside your blood, but when it is gone it is gone.
Even a home.
(Din Djarin says: You'll have to move the covert. Paz Vizsla says: This is the way)
And you rebuild it from the ash, if it's practical to do so. You break down the old forge and remake it into the new one. You take the shards of glass that were people and homes and infrastructure and the very ground of your planet and you make new things. But you don't rebuild the same. What a fool's errand. What a stagnant thing.
SO THESE THINGS are encapsulated in one of the signature Mando Cultural Experiences, which is Aayhan.
Aayhan is that moment of perfect fulfillment-- of happiness, of peace -- in which you feel the ghosts of those who are not there to see it with you. In which what you have lost tangles with what you have gained. In which you Remember as you Feel. Joy laced with pain to make the joy more piquant.
It's just such-- of course. Of course they have a word for that, of course they IDENTIFY that because what do could you possibly have, if you have lost nothing? Loss is part of life, it is essential, it is what keeps the galaxy turning and the stars burning until they too end. The rage keeps your heart pumping. The threat of it keeps you sharp. The grief throws your joy in brighter relief. Without the danger and the reality of knowing Everything Ends you are a stagnant shell.
Loss is assumed, in their language, in their culture, in the stories they tell and the sensations they seek. And it's when this comes out-- this shape of a culture that is NOT like the one we live in, that is not common in the Galaxy they exist in, which is just-- Mando-- I don't know, it just gets to me. I feel things.
(And Paz Vizsla demands to know why his people should fight on behalf of who have taken from them, due to whom they have lost so much, and it is a rhetorical question: he will answer it himself in the next breath: "Because we are Mandalorians!" )
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verpineshatterrifle · 2 months ago
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Republic Commando: 501st About Order 66
"Only a civvie would have thought of Order 66 in simple terms of either unflinching loyalty or cruel betrayal. It was neither. It was complicated. It was the sort of complicated you could only truly grasp if you were standing there with a rifle in your hands, if all your buddies were dead, if you understood exactly why orders weren't optional. And it was the sort of complicated you just didn't have time to debate and second-guess in the middle of a crisis.
That was why you drilled. That was why you had orders. It was to make sure situations- and soldiers- didn't fall apart when things got tough."
"There were clones who likes their Jedi officers, or hated them, or didn't know them well enough to have an opinions, and there were clones who felt the Jedi had simply used up troopers' lives in their plan to overthrow the government. But most of them carries out the order, and for one reason- lawful orders couldn't be ignored when you felt like it. The army was there to do the bidding of elected governments, not to decide policy for itself. Orders came from those who had the bigger picture when you didn't."
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mamuzzy · 3 months ago
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Giving you back the hug, ner vod @nocturius8015ficore!!!
We did a little photoshoot with @ithillia <3 Check the link with her version too about Rose and Fi :3
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Kal'buir and Rose'buir invites Ordo and Fi for a big hug!!!
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Rose is ithillia's Mando OC, and the custom figures of Kal and Ordo are also made by her!
Let's cozy up moots!!! I will prepare tea for you @aerjnn @hastalavistabyebye @mereelskirata @starwarsanthropology @five-oh-thirst
@brokenphoenix99 @divine-valley @trudemaethien @whiskygoldwings @nukebag
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arliganzey · 2 months ago
part two: juno.
(part one: bed chem)
“Will you be all right until Etain gets here?”
Darman looks up from his datapad. It’s still a shock to see Bardan as he is now—no robes, green beskar’gam, helmet under his arm. He’s gone a few days without a shave, cut his hair to a manageable length, and had Darman not known better, could have been mistaken for a born and bred Mando’ad.
“I’ll be fine. Thanks, Bard’ika.”
“Be back in three hours.” Bardan disappears behind the helmet, now a faceless Mandalorian. He pauses, and Darman looks at him, half-expecting him to say one more then. But then he turns and leaves, and Darman is alone.
He waits. He’d much rather have met up with Etain when she returned to the barracks, walked with her down the skywalk to take a transport to the apartment. Maybe hold hands like the couples he’s seen milling around Triple Zero. But this is what they signed up for: a clone and a Jedi general couldn’t be together, so they had to meet in secret.
At least the squad knows. In fact, maybe too many folks are well aware of his and Etain’s relationship. There is some comfort knowing they aren’t the only ones–Atin and Ordo had their respective partners, too.
Before long, Etain pings his datapad I’m here. And the door opens.
Darman crosses the room as Etain drops her bag and heads straight for him. They crash together, Darman scooping her up into his arms and lifting her off the floor. Her arms tighten around his shoulders, her head turns to pepper the side of his head with kisses. He doesn’t put her down, carrying her to the couch. They fall onto the couch and Darman pulls Etain into his lap. They say nothing for a good, long while, letting their kisses and hands do the talking.
“Dar,” Etain says, interrupted by another urgent kiss. “Darman.”
It occurs to Darman that she may not be repeating his name out of desperation, and actually has something to tell him. His hands frame her hips, dark eyes peering up. “Yes, Et’ika?”
She takes a deep breath. She seems burdened by what she wants to say. Her jaw tenses, her lips pressed together. He inhales, and she cups his cheek, an apology waiting in her wide eyes.
“Etain. Please.” Darman’s heart starts to sink.
“Dar, I’m pregnant.”
His heart does something different, stopping for a beat. “What?”
She blinks, the corners of her eyes are wet with tears. “I’m pregnant.”
“With a–child?”
“Yes, Dar.”
“Our child?”
“Yes.” Etain’s eyes well up and she inhales sharply. “Our child.”
“Oh.” Darman scrambles to hold onto reality. A child. Their child. Our child. “You’re pregnant?” he confirms, his voice lifting.
Etain takes his face into her hands. “Yes, Darman. I am pregnant. With our child.”
Darman looks down as if he’s confused by the lack of any indication of the pregnancy on her person. “How?” He knows how. “I mean–when?”
“I’m twelve weeks along, which means…” Her face turns red. After a moment of reflection, Darman remembers where they were twelve weeks ago, too.
Darman breaks into a grin. Etain watches his face, still teary-eyed. “Right,” he says with a faint smile. In war, pleasant memories come few and far between. His smile fades when he looks into Etain’s fretful eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Dar, I don’t know what happened. I thought I could prevent this.”
Darman turns his face into Etain’s hand and kisses her palm. He’s at a loss for words. His heart starts to pound in his chest as his mind works over the details. What are they going to do when the baby comes? Won’t Etain get into trouble with the Jedi?
“Dar, talk to me. Please.”
“I’m still trying to…” A baby. He’s never interacted with a baby before, only seen them through glass. “I’m in shock.”
Etain’s hands move to his shoulders, her fingers clutching red fabric. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” Darman pulls Etain close, wrapping her up in his arms and holding her against his chest. The future has always been uncertain for him and this is no different. All he knows is: “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Etain sniffs.
“It’s going to be okay.”
Etain tightens her grip on his shoulders and he hears her hold back a sob. “I understand if you don’t–want this–but–I do.”
Her words punch him in the gut. “Et’ika.”
“I know it sounds crazy, but I can feel in the Force that this is right.”
Darman rubs a soothing hand over Etain’s back as he considers her words. How can it be right, when they have to hide their relationship? How can it be right, when Darman himself has no rights? How can it be right when in less than 48 hours, they would both be redeployed to fight in a war?
He’s asked and answered all of those questions, and he chose Etain every time.
“I trust you,” Darman says. “If you want this. If you think I can be a good father.”
“Of course, Darman. You’ll be a great father.”
Etain sits up and when Darman looks into her earnest eyes, he could be persuaded to believe her. He smiles. “We’re going to have a baby.”
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nocturius8015ficore · 4 months ago
Fanfiction: SPECIAL! Ordo X Maze
Nocturius: This is my vod and good friend @mamuzzy's birthday this week! <3 Here a short fiction about his favorite ship.
I wish him P for plenty uj' cakes... and cakes... 😏😏
Title: Hidden passage
Fandom: Star Wars Republic Commando books by Karen Traviss, *Canon Divergence.*
Characters: Null ARC trooper Captain Ordo and Alpha ARC trooper Captain Maze
Rating: Adult, NSFW, not-explicit, Gay, Clone shipping
Topic: Enemy to lover, thirsty horny bois.
Pitch: Maze and Ordo see each other secretly.
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Hidden passage by Fi-Core/Nocturius Somewhere between Hard Contact and Triple Zero Arca Company Barracks, Triple Zero (Coruscant)
The ARCA Company Barracks was quite a big building. A large refectory, many dormitories, refreshers and corridors everywhere to accommodate multiple squads and officers. Maze knew all of them like the back of his hand as it was his main battlefield. Paperworks, war logistics, Intel and providing strategic assistance to the special Ops with his General, Jedi Master Arligan Zey.
As most of his brothers were under live fire all around the Galaxy, he was walking regularly on a totally different minefield. Ordo’s unpredictable temper. The Alpha ARC was convinced for most of their interactions that the Null viscerally hated him, though, things were way more complicated than it looked. The fire he was seeing in his eyes now was burning him as they were both panting, gasping for air in the droid’s maintenance discreet corridor. 
Ordo, slightly taller and heavier in muscles, was holding Maze against the wall, kissing him passionately in the neck, biting softly his ears and his lips. The Alpha didn’t even try to resist, just enjoying the moment, feeling the tightness under the hard plastoid getting less and less bearable. 
The armor plates fell on the ground in a clunking sound, leaving the two men in their black’s, their hands caressing mindlessly each other's torso, back and thighs.
‘’Ordo… are you sure… It’s not against regulations? We are not supposed to…’’
‘’Regulations don’t care about what’s in your pants, ner vod. I do.’’
‘’ I didn’t know you were interested in me in that way, I read your message that you wanted to see me alone, I thought, here, would be perfect, but I didn’t imagine it would be… for this.’’ said Maze, his eyes rolling, the desire consuming him. ‘’ How did you know I would let you do that to me?’’
‘’ I didn’t. Wild guess. You Alpha Plank, never think outside the box.’’ answered Ordo, pushing him harder and unsnapping his undersuit with shaky hands.
‘’ Oh, the only thing I’m thinking now IS the box’’. Maze whispered, taking the Null butt cheeks firmly with both hands.
‘’ Quick learner…’’
For some inexplicable reason, according to the database, the MSE-droids were unable to find that corridor for 2 hours that day.
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viscanpikamine · 2 months ago
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Low quality pre clone wars Bardan/Akaan sketch, posting for the three ppl who care i love yall
Set right when Akaan got knighted, a year before the war
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mrbubblyurchin · 10 months ago
Jaing, Prudii, and Kom’rk don’t get a lot of love but I have lots of headcanons for them so here they are:
-Jaing is the troublemaker, and Kom’rk is a bit of a cynic, so while the three of them are together, Prudii is running on a caf, two breath mints, some kind of food from the cafeteria, and two singular brain cells, just trying to KEEP THINGS TOGETHER while Jaing and Kom’rk act like idiots
-Jaing and Kom’rk aren’t actually idiots. In fact, they are obviously very effective. They just like screwing with Prudii whenever they see him.
-Prudii is the nicest. He’s sweet and will is the type to give you a random hug whenever. Jaing will give hugs occasionally, but not often unless it’s Mird. Kom’rk has given two hugs in his life. Once to Kal, and once to Prudii when Prudii got super stressed about the possibility of being reconditioned after the first battle of Geonosis
-Prudii has caf with blue milk and sugar. Jaing has some shots of espresso. Kom’rk is straight up black caf.
-Kom’rk acts like he hates Mird. He doesn’t, and gives him pets when Jaing and Vau aren’t around.
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groundrunner100 · 2 years ago
I declare these Olympic Games…
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roseaesynstylae · 10 months ago
Regardless of what you think of the Republic Commando series, we can all agree that Mird should be canon-ed yesterday. Wonderful non-binary multi-legged gliding rat-dog.
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verpineshatterrifle · 1 year ago
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a zero explanation republic commando doodle dump, enjoy
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mamuzzy · 7 months ago
Blame the franchise. Star Wars was always homophobic.
If queer people were associated to Attack of the Clones and Revenge of sith, less likely that people would have been sitting into the cinema and pay money for watching it = no money, franchise fails.
You say Goran and Medrit are the Dumbledore of Star Wars, but they happened before disney take over. No movies were tied to these characters therefor if you don't read KT's books, you will never hear about them.
Do you think Disney really put all these queer people into their movies NOW because they really care about our rights or representation? WE ARE A FUCKING TREND. A MONEY WAVE.
In few years when the world go on full fascist, no queer people will be present in disney movies, you'll see.
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arliganzey · 4 months ago
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Republic Commando: Order 66
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nocturius8015ficore · 4 months ago
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A mysterious datapad entry! :O
Day 4 for Mamuzzy's birthday week! ;^p
( I swear I didn't read your fict before writing that entry @ithillia XD)
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sev-on-kamino · 2 years ago
Not gonna bother with anon lol. I wanna know who you think are the best dancers in the GAR? 🕺🕺
😎 Heck yeah! Let’s get into it!
Fives can dance his ass off. I know this in my heart. It is canon
Jesse can work his pelvic sorcery on me any day to any song. Again, this is canon, and I can’t be convinced otherwise
Thorn is undoubtedly an excellent dancer, and everyone is lined up for him when he makes an appearance at 79s
Scorch makes hella jokes, but he’s got the rhythm, and he dances so carefree it makes everyone wanna join him
Sinker isn’t into fast paced songs, but give him a slow jam, and he’ll absolutely wow you
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mrbubblyurchin · 9 months ago
Been awhile since I made a Republic Commando post, but I was just thinking about Bardan recently and how just generally awesome he is. I want to see him in canon again so badly. Anyways fun fact he’s actually older than Anakin believe it or not. Bardan was 22 in Triple Zero which was around the early part of the war still, when Anakin would have been 20-21 at most, meaning Bardan might have been in some classes or lessons with Anakin. I mean who knows?
Also, the idea of Bardan walking into the Jedi Council Chambers with rugged green Mando armor that none of the Council knew about near the end of Triple Zero and beginning to rant while Obi-Wan just silently wonders if this is something he needs to call Satine about is just… incredible.
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roseaesynstylae · 7 months ago
Me @ the canon RepComm ships: You’re fine, but I’m just gonna look at these OCs.
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