#reptile x ashrah
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norithelord · 4 months ago
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This meme from twitter AngelScales version :3
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ironladders · 5 months ago
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she misses him 😔
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vi0letcolor3dbug · 2 months ago
Same duos, different universes.
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firstknightvulion · 4 months ago
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Syzoth loves his wife very much.
Some days are easier than others for Ashrah. Ascending from demonhood is tough.
Pencil on paper by me.
Another of my Bored at Work Series.
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txxxciii · 1 year ago
People on Twitter argue about Ashrep/Angelscales but tbh as long as my boy Reptile gets a lovely gf i'm fine with it
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smokingtomas · 1 year ago
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Anyone remember this meme😄
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suja-janee · 1 year ago
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How I draw syzoth/ashrah vs how I draw bireena
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darkne1t · 11 months ago
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I drew this meme for my mental health
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v5m4k · 10 months ago
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le kissu
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smokingtomas · 1 year ago
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hello ashrah/syzoth nation
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norithelord · 25 days ago
Syzoth and Ashrah's date with their 'Earthrealm skins' 💚🤍
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Ashrah's outfit design by me 👉👈
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ironladders · 9 months ago
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absolutely surrounded…
template + timelapse:
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inkskxtch · 1 year ago
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i offer u all a few more stupid meme redraws because every time i sit down to work on Actual Decent Art its like my brain just shuts off until i revert back to this doodle style and draw something stupid
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ishimaru-suprimacy · 11 months ago
Mortal Kombat tweets cus i havent finished my drawing and i need to pist smth 🙏
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firstknightvulion · 2 months ago
I’m in a writing mood, apparently. Little Drabble.
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izzabela · 8 months ago
Buldak Nightmare - MK1 (2023) Roster x male!reader (scenario fic)
in which your spice tolerance is way above everyone else
a/n: i recently bought a pack of buldak... so iykyk
ship[s]: friendSHIP (get it?)
warning(s): sindel ain't dead hoes, slight character deviations, def. using my own headcanons for some characters
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Earthrealm (human reader)
Raiden & Kung Lao
- you're eating with him and Kung Lao after a hard training session with new initiates at the Wu Shi
- to save money, you offer to cook ramyeon for them, an obsession of yours you want to put them on
- in front of them lay bowls of semi-orange ramyeon, with sprinkles of cabbage, green onion, and other stuff that came from the pack
- you tell them "enjoy!" and immediately stuff your face silly with the food
- as much as both loved food, especially Kung Lao, they were nervous. Kung Lao took a whiff and noted the pungent spicy aroma, to which Raiden agreed. However, they didn't want to waste your efforts, so they dove in head first. Kung Lao took a hearty bite while Raiden took the safer route
- regardless, both men are wide-eyed and choking, gasping for air, water, and their souls as the spice hits their tongues
- poor Kung Lao, snot coming out of his nose and the entirety of his face red. Raiden is straight up crying, but he offers a weak smile to make up for his position
- you stop eating and try to help them, but you're sitting idly as they say they can handle it. they take their sweet time, drinking water mid bites and breathing quickly- any strategy to try and make the spiciness go away
- after they're done eating, Raiden's back slouches against the chair, while his best friend is hunched over the table. their faces are red, and remnants of their "episodes" linger: dried tear stains, tissues all over the table and floor, and empty cups signify their victory
- they'll eat this again, for sure, just a little later... in the next century when the tournament happens again
Johnny Cage:
- he's definitely nervous
- he's white, so of course his bland tastebuds couldn't handle the heat
- he looks at you with his signature, flashy smile, but you can see the way his eyes dart left and right, away from the bowl
- he came from a poor town, so poor that even Maruchan noodles were a luxury to him. Stardom allowed him access to all sorts of services and foods, but this was put of his professional scope. His ego wouldn't let him lose to you though, so he tried to match your pace and shoved an equal amount of noodles in his mouth
- at first bite, he's down for the count
- your favorite token white boy is legit howling in pain over the spiciness of the buldak
- "I thought you said you had this before?" you asked.
- he's blowing his nose over how spicy the noodles are, "I went to Korea... once!" he annunciates with his pointer finger in the air
- still, his pride won't take the loss, so he does his best to finish it all through tears and pathetic male hiccups
- he accidentally got some on his hand, and he rubs his eyes which practically sends him into a seizure
- when he's back in the real world, he pushes his bowl to you as he watches you down the spicy nuke of food down with a joyful smile
- as much as he values your friendship, he will not be doing this again
Kenshi Takahashi:
- while he doesn't show it, he loves his friends. So much so he'd put himself in a position like this to make you happy, even if he hates spicy noodles
- he definitely would stick to how normal instant ramen is: simple, savory, and safe, and not the abomination that you placed in front of him. Though he no longer can view colors, the smell is what begins his growing fear. An artificial, spicy, and a unique smell entered his nose, and he remembers a brief memory
- he remembers going to South Korea once, for business of course, but he never got to try the food due to his mission at the time. Of course you had to put him on it, and he was slowly beginning to regret it
- "Are you sure this is safe?" he said, his brows upturned as his red bandana covers his marred eyes. You look at him with concern, "Safe? Korean food is as safe as it gets!"
- he doesn't want to make you sad though. He watches you carefully, his teal vision showing you slurping the food with a bright smile on your chiseled face. Quickly, he slurps up the food to get over it quickly
- no, dearest reader, he doesn't get it over with until a whole three hours later
- his diet was strict, ex-yakuza habits still going strong, but it's also due to him being a special agent for the OIA and an Earthrealm champion
- because he no longer has eyes, he simply sweats, shouts, and swears- a lot. he does it so much the police were called on you both for fear of "abuse" (it was abuse if his mouth)
- at the end of the night, you felt so bad that you did the dishes and cleaned up his kitchen, but he says he had a great evening.
- "Just... choose a different brand," he said with a lopsided smirk
- she's eager to try new things, since being able to leave the Netherrealm, and this was no exception
- you knew she had history with heat, being from the Netherrealm and such, but you didn't know if that applied to food. When you mentioned to Ashrah about your favorite spicy ramyeon, she was curious and down to try it. So, with the monks permission, you were allowed to cook in the kitchen and prepare the lovely dinner you promised your friend
- in the dormitories of the Wu Shi Academy, you both slurped up the noodles with ease and joy
- "Seems you enjoy the burn," you remark, her cheeks full of ramyeon as she stops mid-chew
- she covers her mouth, "I am no stranger to the heat, my dearest friend," she said simply as she took more noodles in
- Ashrah takes momentary breaks, though, in order to actually digest the food. As she finished her food, she also took small sips of water, said it was to "help her digest quickly". You believed her, though
- as she said, her goal to purify herself makes her human, but she was still exploring what "being human" really meant
- when you're both done, she smiles happily and thanks you for going to such lengths to befriend her
- "We have to get Sareena to try!" you exclaim, though Ashrah looks a bit hesitant
- a conversation for another time perhaps
- he legit cannot stomach any form of human food, but that doesn't mean he's off the hook from your cooking
- being the Empress's Emissary meant great benefits, and access to the palace was one of them
- he invited you under the friendly (and watchful) eyes of Mileena, Tanya, and Kitana, so he could eat with you
- "What... is that?" he questions, "The ominously deep red sauce..."
- you smile, offering it to him. He says yes mistakenly, and you smother it all over his fried bugs galore
- he takes a relatively small bite, but it's not enough to keep him from throwing up and howling in pain.
- the three women were on high alert, ready to apprehend you, but he musters out a "no" to stop them
- you're by his side as he vomits his famous green goo, plus the remnants of the bugs he ate
- after getting him to a healer and medic, you get an earful from Empress Mileena and her sister, and Syzoth tries his best to stop them
- even after all that, he still wants to eat with you (just, not your food)
Kuai Liang & Tomas (plus Harumi & Hanzo):
- he, Harumi, Hanzo, and Tomas all sit together in the compound's eating area, the bowl of ramyeon in their hands
- you tell them to dig in, and you immediately slurp the unfathomably spicy noodles up with ease
- Tomas and Hanzo follow suit, but their confidence is cut short when the burning pain of the artificial spice hits their vanilla tongues
- Tomas was from the Czech Republic, so spice like this was unheard of. His European genes were getting the better of him, and it's evident through how much smoke is being emitted off his body
- Kuai is hesitant, but Harumi's soft voice pulls him through, "Together on three?"
- he and his wife eat it at the same time, and they are met with the same fate
- due to his own magic, Kuai's body becomes exceedingly temperate as the effects of the spice get to him. He's sweating profusely, and the metal chopsticks in his hand begin to warm
- poor Harumi, though, she's completely sprawled out on the tatami floor, fanning her mouth and kicking her legs in the air
- they don't even bother finishing their plates, which prompts you to eat more and finish for the rest of them
- both brothers are embarrassed, ashamed that you wasted your time for "men who couldn't even honor their word" (Kuai Liang's words), but you don't mind
- you simply ask, "next time?" and they look at each other nervously, Tomas's brows crinkling with anxiety
- "Of course," Kuai Liang says, "Why ever not?"
- you were gonna hold them to it, and Kuai Liang's conscious slaps him for that
Bi Han (plus Cyrax & Sektor):
- Bi Han knows your games, but he was certainly not expecting this
- after a mission in South Korea, you offered your culinary expertise to make some ramen, well, "ramyeon" for him, Cyrax, and Sektor. You had gotten it from a convenience store in the country, wanting to take a souvenir from the beautiful nation
- being part of his inner circle, he let you work your magic and cook up the ramyeon for him and friends. The kitchen was in close proximity to the office you all were going to eat in, and immediately all three men were worried when the smell of the food came to assault their noses. Bi Han especially, his worried face including an obviously upturned eyebrow
- when you bring out the huge pot of ramyeon, all of the men were even more appalled by the look of the food. brightly colored orange, it was clear that the spice wasn't the only thing going to kill them
- they were emboldened when they saw you put some in your bowl and eat it happily, but they weren't aware of your inhumane spice tolerance. Cyrax and Sektor ate some rather confidently, while Bi Han slurped up a max of five noodles.
- the poor men were losing their minds: Cyrax downing the tea prepped by one of the handmaidens of the palace compound, Sektor's head down on the table as he tried to compose himself, and Bi Han trying to keep his cryo magic under control
- Bi Han knew it could become out of hand, so he ran from the table in record time, also leaving a trail of ice. You noted that the man's chopsticks were covered in jagged crystals of ice, and his seat was covered in a layer of frost
- you stop eating and try to help your comrades, but they insist they thug this one out. Unfortunately, Cyrax taps out and heads to the kitchen for water, while Sektor pushes his bowl back with a sad smile on his face. You immediately clean up the food, trying to keep the mood up by making jokes on how they performed well and survived
- Bi Han comes back finally, but his hair slightly glossy as some strands stick to his face and forehead. He brushes it off, saying he got some snow on him, but you knew better. Still, you do not press further as you continue cleaning up, however he also comes to your side to help.
- "No more of this," he huffs out his order, "Effective immediately."
- you sigh sadly, not wanting to anger your Grandmaster anymore
Liu Kang & Geras:
- The Fire God was no stranger to heat, he literally commanded it. Your food, though, was on his mind as you presented it to him and Geras
- You were talking with Liu Kang as you strolled the grounds of the Fire Temple. He mentioned something about wanting to eat noodles, so you offered your skills to him. He accepted, of course, wanting to see his dear friend's capabilities
- so much so he even brought Geras in from the Hourglass
- as much as Geras says he does not interact with mortals, he finds your friendship his own personal fixed point in time. He does not mind you talking to him, you also found his sand manipulation fascinating, and he appreciated it greatly by making many a sand sculptures
- you presented the bowls to your friends and told them to dig in. You sat down at the table with them and stuffed your face silly, happily humming as you ate the noodles with eagerness.
- Liu Kang always does his best to keep his facial expressions to a minimum, as humility was his greatest strength. As much as the spice was getting to him, he still kept his composure as he spoke about the interesting flavors
- "I did not realize that much time had passed," he said calmly, drinking his water, "The people of the past would certainly be left awestruck at the creativity of humanity."
- Unsurprising to you, Geras kept eating the food with a straight face. You expected this much from him, being a "fixed" point in time and all, but did it really not illicit any reaction... at all?
- Geras speaks, as if hearing your inner thoughts, "I must admit, there is something peculiar in this food."
- everyone finished without a scream, worry, nor sweat. although, Liu Kang was drinking just a bit more water than usual. when you mentioned wanting to eat again with them, they both smile softly.
- "What are friends for?" Liu Kang said
Outworld (Outworlder reader)
Sindel & Li Mei
- as a dear friend to the crown, Sindel cherished you greatly. So much so that she saw you as the son she never had. Li Mei did as well. She did, after all, train Sindel's daughters, so you were but a child in her vision
- according to Sindel, you also could make a good sovereign if you married one of her daughters (you vehemently declined multiple times)
- tonight, Sindel invited you and Li Mei to the palace to catch up. Sindel also wanted to put your kitchen skills to the test, since she had remembered you mentioning you're a decent chef. She also invited Li Mei, just wanting to catch up with her as well
- the older Outworld women were sitting in the more intimate dining area of the palace, a simple round table with four seats surrounding it. As you finished up the food, the smell of the intoxicating artificial ramen invaded their noses
- "A rather interesting aroma," Sindel noted, "What exactly is it?"
- you shrugged, "A gift from the Earthrealm actor," sitting down across from your friends, "He said that it was a commoner's meal, and I was curious. Besides, he said it had a kick."
- you noted their silent reservations, the older women watching you eat it first. Your eyes are wide with joy, and you keep slurping the noodles Johnny gifted you.
- trusting your joy, they also ate the noodles with the preconceived notion they would also enjoy it. However, both women stood up in horror at the flavors of the food. Orange in appearance, they were under the assumption that it was just the color of the noodles. They were sorely mistaken, though, as the spices choked their airways closed from any air
- your mother-figure was holding her mouth with her hand, elegantly holding the food in as she waved for an Umgadi warrior to take her to the bathroom
- Li Mei was alone in her suffering, clutching to the end of the table as she coughed and hacked, haggardly breathing for oxygen
- you stopped eating as quick as lightning flashed, getting up to help your friends. Wrapping the food, you grabbed water from the kitchen to try and soothe Li Mei's pain, but it didn't do much
- by the time her episode had ended, Sindel came back looking as regal as she did before, as if she didn't feel the effects of the ramyeon (her lips were slightly red, though)
- she announces, "That actor is lucky he is under Lord Liu Kang's protection...."
Kitana & Mileena (ft. Khameleon)
- the sisters looked amongst themselves before they looked back at the hideously orange noodles. Khameleon is also present, face nonchalant as she does her best to do her job
- it's midnight in the luxurious hotel Johnny had set you three up in for the princesses Earthrealm visit. It was sanctioned by Empress Sindel that her daughters build rapport with Lord Liu Kang, plus experience the beautiful world. You were brought along too, since Kitana and Mileena asked for your presence.
- "how did you come across such a delicacy?" Mileena questioned, her sister also with a quizzical brow
- you were introduced to the spicy delicacy on your own trip to this part of the universe by Johnny himself, and ever since then you had stocked up on the food so you'd have enough back in the empire. now that you were back in Earthrealm, it was a good opportunity to stock some more in your pantry and introduce your friends to it
- you shrugged, "Johnny introduced me to it. I think you guys will like it!" you said enthusiastically, digging in your own bowl
- the twin princesses look at each other one more time before nodding, digging into the bowl just as you had done. Unfortunately, they underestimated the spice that was emitted from the noodles
- Kitana's eyes widened, mimicking her mother as she tried to hold the food in her mouth. Tears lined her eyes as she began fanning her face with her hands. Realizing it wasn't enough, she took her real fans out and fanned herself aggressively to relieve her pain
- Mileena, on the other hand, had completely let herself get consumed peppery noodle. Choking, gasping for air, her Tarkat disease got the best of her as her jaw unhinged and large fangs protruded from her mouth
- Tanya was unavailable for this visit, so Khameleon was in charge of administering the medicine for Mileena. Before she could do so, though, Mileena has a couple of words for you
- "Before I kill that pompous actor," she breathed, "You're head will be on a stake!" she lunged at you, but the medicine was administered just in time
- when you four get back to the Empire, Sindel scolds you for putting her daughter in a precarious situation
- but it didn't live up to the fact Mileena was down on her knees begging for your forgiveness
- in a very rare instance, Tanya had a day of rest from the Umgadi and her responsibilities
- also, in a rare instance, she asked you to cook for her the same food that got you in trouble with the empress and her daughters (yes, of course she heard about that incident)
- you placed the finished ramyeon bowls on the small square table in your room, the smell making her face twist in disgust
- "It's so... pungent," she said with conviction, "As if death came itself..."
- you look at her oddly, "I mean, Princess Mileena almost killed me... so I guess you aren't wrong."
- regardless, you smile and dig in, her joining after she offers a prayer to Delia and Argus. She chews slowly, her hand covering her mouth as she tries to decipher how she feels about the taste
- she's definitely feeling the heat, but she's more composed than the entire royal family. Holding the food in her mouth, she swallows her food and takes a good drink of water, offering a smile and her opinions
- "It certainly is... unique in taste, but it isn't entirely awful," she says with her rough voice, "Quite the opposite, in fact"
- you smile at her honesty, "Joy! Please keep eating, there's more in the pot."
- you two continue your meal, talking to each other about your recent life updates and plans for the upcoming days and weeks. You even ask an update on her and princess Mileena's relationship (she was under the impression she kept it well hidden)
- once you both finished, Tanya asked if she could keep the rest of it for herself and the sisters back in the Cenobium, to which you sent her off with a packed up box of it
- she would definitely eat with you again, mentioning that she'd try and get you inside the Cenobium herself
Shang Tsung:
- hiding out in Earth, you stole some food for you and Shang Tsung to eat. in a stroke of luck, you had found some cheap noodles by a convenience store, not taken in and unexpired
- both marked as traitors, war criminals, and villains, you two were on the run to avoid them at all costs, but at this point you two were starving
- as you cooked, you loved the zingy smell that the noodles emitted. Shang Tsung, on the other hand, harboring an obvious contempt
- "Why must we settle for such atrocious fodder?" the sorcerer said with distase
- "We cannot be choosy, Shang Tsung," you said, placing the bowl down on a makeshift table of cardboard boxes. You smooth your pants down and sit on the rickety plastic crates that acted as substitute chairs
- Shang Tsung looked at the food with abhorrence, but watching you chow down with joy (despite the circumstances you were both in) made him take a bite as well. Just a bit smaller, though
- no matter the size, the spice was taller than any threat he had ever faced. he kept the food in his mouth as he stood up, his fist colliding with the wall of the convenience store
- he. was. pissed.
- he tried to wash the flavor down with water, but it was no use. He bit his lip, so much so it began to bleed. You were up from the "chair" to help him, but he grabbed your thick neck with one hand and his other had his cuffed metal claws under your chin
- "Consider yourself lucky I find you useful," he whispered, his sultry voice in your ear. You gulped and nodded, taking his noodles and finishing them yourself
- he was in charge of food for an unseen amount of time as you two were on the run
Quan Chi:
- you and Quan Chi were stuck in a cave, similar to the mines he once worked in, except this time he was awaiting the food that he was promised
- on the run from the imperial army under Kitana's lead, the Umgadi, the Sun Do Police, and the champions of Earthrealm were after you two after they all found about your plots against the empire
- unable to go anywhere, you two holed up in a cave on the other side of a mountain in the desolate area of Outworld. Hungry, you decided to use some magic to heat up some food you had kept on you before you left
- the sharp, pungent smell attacked Quan Chi's nose, which made his face crinkle in pure loathing
- "This is not how I intended for things to go, my friend," his unique voice sounded annoyed as you placed a bowl in his hand
- "Seems to be an ire we both share," you say, equally displeased at the situation. Despite this, you ate the zesty noodles with ease. Quan Chi was hesitant, but ate as well
- "A most astute creation, my friend," he said rather proudly, "Pleasant, even."
- he was keeping up with your spice tolerance, casual dialogue about future plans, how to escape, and more as you both ate. Theonly taking a sip of water at the end of the meal
- by the time you both finished the food, you two were energized and ready for the next course of action
- "Delicious, my friend," he said, "Perhaps the Sisters will enjoy your skills as well."
General Shao & Reiko:
- You had just finished up making some spicy noodles for your general and his second in command. You were a talented chef within the ranks, and equally talented in kombat, but they were interested in the former trait of yours
- so, after training a new set of militants for the day, everyone was due for dinner, but you three separated and went to the general's tent for the meal. All three of you partook in light conversation ranging from potential rank upgrades, battle plans, and even family
- as you cooked, the smell began to invade their noses, with General Shao noting the smell first
- "Interesting smell," the general noted, "Reminds me of a time when I was younger."
- Reiko, though, kept his opinions more reserved, "It is rather... unique. How did you come across this?"
- You smiled, bringing their bowls to them, "The princess mentioned this to me in passing conversation. I had asked her to give me a pack to try it, and it is quite addicting."
- they look at the food in front of them, Reiko picking at the food as you and General Shao ate at the same time. You did not know your superior's lineage, but it is clear he enjoyed the heat it gave in his mouth. he's laughing whole heartedly, and his hand lands on your back with alarming force as he pats it
- Reiko takes one big hearty bite, but he's in a fit of coughs as he gasps for air and water. His face is angry, and his sweat began to wear his eye-makeup down. He groans in pain, setting down the bowl as he runs out the tent. General Shao laughs loudly, commenting on how his second could withstand taking a life versus hot food
- you two finished your bowls, and the General even split Reiko's bowl with you so you could eat more. A comfortable silence befell you two as you ate, and your heads turn to see Reiko back. His face is cleaned up, and he has glasses of water in his hands for everyone in the tent
- "Beverages," he announced gruffly, "For everyone."
- you both thank him and drank, washing down the last remnants of the flavor down your throats. General Shao praises your cooking, saying he will want more to share with the military, but Reiko stays quiet
- "Leave me out of your plans," he said politely, "I wish to partake in nothing regarding this... 'food'."
- Rain is quiet as you place the food in front of him. he looks down to see steam rise from the orange-sauce covered noodles, slices of beef and greens on top to add some nutritional value
- he was grateful that you were in defense for his change of heart. In fact, it was enough to let him keep his assets in the empire, the only thing he couldn't do was practice magic again (the deal between the Empress and the Sorcerers Circle)
- "Eternal thanks for you," he says quietly, "It's been a while since I last had a meal with someone."
- you smile at your friend, pulling the chair out from your front to take a seat. His eyes are noticeably more tired than before, guilt and fatigue in his mind. you were the only one in Sindel's court to trust his change of heart, while the intrigue rather scorn you and him for being together- especially after he decimated an entire nation. Everyone, and you meant it, did not trust him nor his words. But, you were the only one to give him a chance
- you watch him pray, offering up to the gods before he dug in with a fork. It surprised you that he ate first, and you conclude it's the tiredness getting to him. When he finally swallows the food, though, he's wide awake
- he cries out, leaving the table and tripping on the way to the kitchen to grab water (if he activates his magic, he will be sought after by the imperial army)
- he cries out to the gods, splashing his face with water over and over and over again until his complaining ceases
- by the time he is calm, he turns to you with the most incredulous face, pointing to the bowl of black magic
- "You willingly consume such foods," he said exasperatedly, "To a degree in which you do not even feel pain?!"
- you nod, and he puts two fingers on the bridge of his nose to express his disappointment and obvious distaste
- he gives the bowl to you, stating he is full by watching you eat
- he'd rather be imprisoned than do that again
Orderrealm (Seido survivor)
Havik (ft. Darius):
- as a follower of Havik and his vision, you did his best to get close to him
- unfortunately, your inability in kombat didn't allow you to join him in the field. That didn't stop you though, and you've found great prestige in the culinary arts
- so much so that Havik and Darius wanted you to cook for them in their conquest of disorder. of course you did, immediately jumping on the opportunity to show your favorite food to him and his partner
- "Before Seido fell," you began as you placed the bowls in their hands, "This was my family's favorite dinner food."
- they looked at you sadly, Havik's contorted face trying to show concern
- "The government kept raising the prices of ingredients, so we settled for this," you take a big bite, smiling at the memories, "It's pretty good! The spice keeps you awake, and it's not all that overpowering."
- both men nod, and they take a bite after hearing your experience under the cruel government
- unfortunately, their pity for you dissipated as quickly as it came, the unbearable spice of the noodles getting to their tongues and throats
- Darius made the mistake of not chewing wholly, while Havik ate the noodles without anything to quench the pain
- Havik's face, being burned off at the jaw and mouth, didn't allow him to chew correctly, so the spice just sat there on his tongue as he writhed and yelled in pain
- "Never again!!" they yelled in unison
Vaternus (Vampire reader)
- you were the exception in all of Vaternus- not being able to stomach humans after becoming immortal. you still ate normal human food, especially your favorite noodles when you were still a human
- you and Nitara ate together, her devouring human flesh as you ate your spicy noodles. She eyes you curiously, a thigh in her hand as you slurped the orange noodle up
- "Odd creature you are," she said dead-panned, "Does that even sustain you?"
- you nod happily, your bowl in her face as you point to the noodles with your fork, "Mhm! You want to try?"
- she's hesitant, the smell getting to her nostrils as she turns from disgust
- "I'll pass..." she says, "The sauce, perhaps I can stomach it."
- You flash a dopey smile, taking the leftover sauce packet and coating the human body part in loads of it, before spreading it out evenly for her to enjoy the taste
- she takes a good, hard, long sniff of the sauce, before taking a fat bite out of the thigh again. She chews thoroughly, getting a feel for the taste before spitting it out in front of you
- she's got a glare on her face, her sharp features even sharper with her disgust
- "Never again, you heathen."
- she tosses the entire part away, letting it rot as she picks up a human arm, relishing in the taste as blood coats her mouth and around it
notice that nitara's is the shortest (megan fox killed her)
anyways, buldak is not for the weak. i cried so much eating half of my bowl, my dad ate the rest without breaking a sweat
also, i've got a trip this saturday to california! i'm meetin my boyfriend's family, so the requests might be slow, but i'll get to it asap!
that's all! i'll see y'all in the next fic!
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