#represion en venezuela
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blogintenso · 2 years ago
Mi vida ahora... Duro Exilio...
Un viento misionero sacude las persianas
no sé qué jueves trae
no sé qué noche lleva
ni siquiera el dialecto que propone
no abro hospitalidad
no ofrezco resistencia
simplemente lo escucho
mientras en el recinto vuelan nombres
papeles y cenizas
lo raro lo increíble es que a pesar
de mi desamparada expectativa
no sé qué dice el viento del exilio
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narcoestadosunidos · 4 months ago
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@narcoestadosunidosZeuzOlimpia @OlimpiaZeuz GOLPEDEESTADO EN🇻🇪#VENEZUELA Y AL PRESIDENTE @NicolasMaduro https://naasonyouporno.over-blog.com/2023/12/andrea-camila.html By: NARCOMALANDROS DE🇺🇸#EEUU @JMilei🇦🇷🇮🇱@ISRAEL @NETANYAHU🏴‍☠️@JoeBiden🚨@elonmusk https://pussyspace.com/search?q=huge+tits+asian&filter=dur NASSONLAPLAZALLDM #LLDM #GDL https://nassonlaplazalldm.over.blog/2024/08/javtven-javtven136514-visegrad24-jmilei-israel-netanyahu-joebiden-realdonaldtrump-golpedeestado-en-venezuela-by-narkoz-jmilei-israel-netanyahu-joebiden-elonmusk-nassonlaplazalldm-lldm-gdl-enriquealfaror-pablolemusn-juanjosefrangie-watch-porn-movie
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Dra. Claudia Sheinbaum
Demos significa “pueblo”. Este sustantivo, junto con krátos, que puede traducirse como  “poder”, componen el nombre de la democracia: el poder del pueblo. Abraham Lincoln lo definió así :"La democracia es el gobierno del pueblo, por el pueblo y para el pueblo". A la presidenta o presidente lo elige el pueblo, al poder legislativo lo elige el pueblo. Si los jueces, magistrados y ministros se eligen por el pueblo ¿dónde está el autoritarismo? Sugiero que conozcan la minuta de la comisión de puntos constitucionales de la Cámara de Diputados sobre la reforma constitucional al Poder Judicial que se discute en la Cámara de Diputados. Más democracia, más justicia, más libertad. La reforma al poder judicial no afecta ni nuestras relaciones comerciales, ni las inversiones privadas nacionales, ni extranjeras. Por el contrario habrá más y mejor estado de derecho y más democracia para todas y todos. Si se hubiese querido que los Ministros fueran nombrados por la presidenta se hubiera hecho una reforma como la de Zedillo, a la cual por cierto, no se opusieron algunos de los que hablan en contra de la reforma que se está discutiendo hoy. Nuestro interés no es más que un México más democrático y más justo. Ese fue el mandato popular.
Demos means “people”. This noun, together with krátos, which can be translated as “power”, makes up the name of democracy: the power of the people. Abraham Lincoln defined it like this: "Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people." The president is elected by the people, the legislative power is elected by the people. If judges, magistrates and ministers are elected by the people, where is the authoritarianism? I suggest that you read the minutes of the House of Representatives' constitutional committee on the constitutional reform of the Judiciary that is being discussed in the House of Representatives. More democracy, more justice, more freedom. The reform of the judiciary does not affect our trade relations, nor private national or foreign investments. On the contrary, there will be more and better rule of law and more democracy for all. If the ministers had been appointed by the president, a reform like Zedillo's would have been made, which, by the way, was not opposed by some of those who speak out against the reform that is being discussed today. Our interest is nothing more than a more democratic and fairer Mexico. That was the popular mandate.
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nerynero-so · 1 year ago
(Eng and esp)
★ My artist name is Nerynero queso.
★ My name is Oliver, I'm a proshipper, selfshipper, I'm from Venezuela and I enjoy activities like: Drawing, reading, writing, playing volleyball. My favorite animals are raccoons and sea otters so I'm likely to say I'm one of those animals (I'm not a bot either 😭). I'm Multifandom, though you'll mostly see me drawing about bsd, VnC I love, as well as Black clover among other animes, like BNHA. If I can help you in any way you can write me in complete confidence<3.
★ OTPS: Fyolai, Fyosiglai, Siglai, Bakukami, Suegiku (I really like any ship involving DOA).
★ DNI: Radical feminists, xenophobes, transphobes, homophobes, racists, sexists, people who make fun of mental ailments, people who are not tolerant and disrespectful, people who say that Aya Koda is the daughter of soukoku (I immediately give them block).
★ My comfort characters are really questionable.
★ Everything here is fiction unless otherwise stated! (Although sometimes I use my experiences to draw pictures with characters I identify with).
★ ABOUT MY SELFSHIPP: I have an Ocsona that I use to shipe it with any character that I like in the FICTITICAL situations that I imagine (it represents me but not in its totality, the character has own shout), his name is Oliver Samuel or if you like Nero.
★I DON'T MIND INTERACTIONS, if you like you can correct me and give me ideas to draw and I will do it (giving the respective credits) in fact you would make me very happy :D.
★ Mi nombre artístico es Nerynero queso.
★ Me llamo Oliver, soy proshipper, selfshipper, soy de Venezuela y disfruto de actividades cómo: Dibujar, leer, escribir, jugar voleibol. Mi animal favorito son los mapaches y nutrias marinas por lo que es probable que diga que soy alguno de esos animales (no soy un bot tampoco 😭). Soy Multifandom, aunque mayormente me verán dibujando sobre bsd, VnC me encanta, al igual que Black clover entre otros animes. Sí puedo ayudarte de alguna forma puedes escribirme con total confianza<3.
★ OTPS: Fyolai, Fyosiglai, Siglai, Bakukami, Suegiku (Me gusta mucho cualquier ship que implique a la DOA)
★ DNI: Feministas radicales, xenofobos, transfobicos, homofóbicos, racistas, machistas, personas que se burlan de padecimientos mentales, personas no tolerantes e irrespetuosas, personas que digan que Aya Koda es hija del soukoku (Inmediatamente les doy bloqueo).
★ Mis confort characters son de verdad cuestionables.
★ ¡Todo aquí es ficción a menos que se diga lo contrario! (Aunque aveces uso mis experiencias para hacer dibujos con los personajes con los que me identifico).
★ SOBRE MI SELFSHIPP: Tengo una Ocsona que uso para shipearlo con cualquier personaje que me guste en las situaciones FICTICIAS que me imagino (me representa pero no en su totalidad, el personaje tiene grito propio), se llama Oliver Samuel o si gustan Nero.
★NO ME MOLESTAN LAS INTERACCIONES, si gustan pueden corregirme y darme ideas para dibujar y yo lo haré (dando los respectivos créditos) de hecho me harían muy feliz :D.
★X (Twitter): @Nerynero_so
★Instagram: @Nerynero_so
★Tiktok (dead): @Nerynero_so
★Ko-fi: @Nerynero_chesse
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venezuelatrending · 12 days ago
La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro: Tomo IV
Ya está disponible el tomo IV de la Serie La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro #NicolasMaduro #Narcodictadura #Venezuela #Represion #DerechosHumanos #Dictadura #BarbarieRepresiva #RodulfoGonzalez #Politica #CriticaSocial Nicolás Maduro En este tomo: Empleados públicos y la sociedad civil protagonizaron diversas protestas en las calles contra las politicas de hambre de la…
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ordenmundial · 3 months ago
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adrl-pt · 3 months ago
Problems of Ukrainian army volunteers from Russia. Restoration of elected institutions in Venezuela.
You are watching news from the weekly rally at the Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Today is October 5, 2:30 PM.
On October 4, the Civic Council, which has been recruiting Russians for the International Legion of the Ukrainian Defense Forces since November 2022, published a report "Volunteers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with Russian citizenship: veterans without a homeland." The report provides examples of critical situations in which volunteers who are demobilized at the end of their contract or after being wounded find themselves. They often cannot obtain a residence permit, they are deported to countries that are unsafe due to the activity of Russian special services, and they are forced to wander around refugee camps. The Civic Council calls on EU countries and the UNHCR office to pay attention to this situation and develop measures to ensure the safety and legal status of volunteers. https://www.patreon.com/posts/dobrovoltsy-vsu-113345610
On March 19, at the FSB board, Putin gave the order to punish such people "wherever they are" "so that no one would dare to do the same." https://www.moscowtimes.ru/2024/03/19/putin-prikazal-fsb-naiti-vseh-predatelei-inedopustit-smuti-a124948
In 2020, the US State Department offered up to $15 million for information leading to the arrest of Nicolas Maduro and comparable amounts for 14 other Venezuelan officials accused of narcoterrorism, corruption and other crimes. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/nicol-s-maduro-moros-and-14-current-and-former-venezuelan-officials-charged-narco-terrorism
On September 17, an unknown group calling themself "the same Venezuelans who resisted, endured, and persevered" launched the "Ya Casi Venezuela" campaign. At the time of recording the video, they had raised $1.4 million out of $10 million to restore legitimately elected institutions and representatives. https://yacasivenezuela.com/
On October 4, Erik Prince told Colombia's "W Radio" that although he is not the project's leader, he supports the "good" government of the Venezuelans, who have clearly won the elections. He said that thousands of people from the Venezuelan security forces who oppose the regime have approached him for help. The first stage of the campaign will be to investigate election fraud and find out where the regime is hiding its stolen goods. https://www.wradio.com.co/2024/10/04/israel-detecto-el-lanzamiento-de-222-cohetes-de-hezbola-durante-este-viernes/?rel=buscador_noticias
Erik Prince founded the private military company Blackwater, which was implicated in human rights abuses during the US invasion of Iraq, his name is also linked to arms trafficking violations and numerous legal problems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Prince
And about "information laundering". Working with disinformation specialists for a year, the BBC discovered a UK-registered company, Yala News, broadcasting Russian propaganda to the Arab world. Its content is copies of messages from sites linked to the Russian state. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-65150030
Since September 24, pro-Russian channels have been spreading a fake video of activists holding posters in front of the UN building that have been replaced with anti-Ukrainian ones. The original video shows Russian anti-war activists of For freedom in Russia with posters in support of Ukraine. https://www.facebook.com/groups/forfreedominrussia/permalink/2429296493944161/
Fundraising continues for portable power stations for hospitals and schools of Ukraine and for the return of Ukrainian children kidnapped by the Russian authorities. https://antiwarcommittee.info/en/energy-for-life/ https://www.every.org/orphans-feeding-foundation/f/help-us-return-the-deported
Proofs and links are in the description. Subscribe and help!
Schedule of our activities, 11 social networks in 3 languages and much more on our website: https://adrl.pt/en
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swhelpley-blog · 5 months ago
Se ha hablado tanto de Venezuela, y se ha hecho tan poco por ella.....
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bizkaffee · 7 months ago
La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro: Tomo V
La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro: Tomo V de Rodulfo González Derechos Humanos Venezuela #NicolasMaduro #Narcodictadura #Venezuela #Represion #DerechosHumanos #Dictadura #BarbarieRepresiva #RodulfoGonzalez #Politica #CriticaSocial En este tomo: Zulmith Espinoza, madre de Luis Guillermo, joven de 15 años que murió tras participar en las protestas de 2017, habló en el…
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reasoningdaily · 9 months ago
Palo mayombe, is closely related to the origins of the Bantúes tribes as part of a kind of religion that developed in Central Africa, was later taken to the Isle of Cuba, where he joined other religions coming from Africa, specifically Yoruba, taking specific characteristics with regard to the traditions of the island, knows more about this religious current by reading this article.
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The Palo mayombe comes from the oldest African beliefs, where “Palo” means tree, and it was considered sacred spirits, because where the souls of the dead lived, this belief reached the northern part of America, especially in all the Antilles, which along with colonialism dispersed towards Central America, however, it is in Cuba, where this religious current took hold and mixed with other African spiritual currents that during that time arrived in Cuba, the Yorubas and the Lucumí. These religions also developed in Brazil and certain regions of the United States. Where they joined with spiritual lines such as Santería and Candombié, creating particular religions such as Shamanism and Voodoo. El Palo, as many call it, has a series of rules called:
It is a religious cult contained in Palo Monte, where the main belief is based on the natural powers and the veneration of the ancestral spirits that have lived in the African regions. It is a ritual that attempts to establish communication with the dead, through songs, dances and prayers in the “Kikongo” language. For many it is a magic that is responsible for keeping Good (Mbote) and Evil (Mbi) level.
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It is characterized by working with the energies of the Nfumbe or dead person and uses two Nganga: one for good and one for harm, it is a traditional and conservative rule. Its practice is carried out entirely in Cuba and has spread to other regions of America, such as the United States, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Panama. However, the large brotherhoods annually receive large numbers of santeros, where they are trained in the ceremonies, rites and activities that allow them to be carried out in different countries.
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Second rule or current within the Palo Monte, which is born from the rules of the previous one. It is very common among the so-called paleros, it comes from the Mayombe rule, where the main characteristic is the use of skulls, in Cuba it was syncretized and Christianized, its foundations are: lightning, zarabanda, mother water, earth. The rite is based on the innovation of the Congo god called Mpumgu, who is the African version of the Yoruba and Lucumi Orishas.
It is a current that derives from the Brillumba, original from Cuba, within the Palera spirituality, they cannot deliver Lucero, it is really a sacred house that the Tatas use to perform the Rayas and it is closely related to this current in the ceremonies and spiritual procedures , is a kind of variation that is a little more complex in the rituals and energy processing.
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The Palo Kimbiza Rule is characterized by linking the forces of nature as animated spirits, to whom it offers shelter to all the souls that inhabit the earth. Its ceremony is performed near a cedar tree called Ngangas, where it becomes a recipient. of the soul of a deceased person, who has previously established to reach Ngangas when he was alive. The Kimbiza order of Santo Cristo del Buen Viaje, created by Tata Andrés Facundo Cristo de los Dolores Petit, is the first completely Cuban religion. The priests of Palo Mayombe are called “Palero” or “Tata”, which represents the father, and “Palera” “Yaya”, mother if she is a woman. Each one must have great knowledge about magic and divination, but to aspire to be a Palero, the person must first pass a test, and check if they are accepted by the spirits, then perform the “Rayamiento”, which consists of a initiation ceremony, where the person assumes full responsibility for all spiritual assignments.
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El Palo becomes a Nguey (newly initiated priest), which represents an Iyago in Santeria. Subsequently, it must be initiated by a godfather or godmother in a ceremony similar to that in Santeria, it is secret and the rules are somewhat strict for the initiates, homosexuality is not allowed and when this inclination is discovered it is rejected throughout the Palo Mayombe community.
The house of a palero is called munanso or house, it can only be opened by the palero or palera himself. Each Palera tradition is carried out orally, its priests are in charge of transmitting the traditions to the initiated in this way, the idea is to preserve the secrets of the Palo Mayombe through the fidelity of the person, the secrets of this religious current They are not easily available in books or texts, they are in the mind and knowledge of each Palero. (See article Olodumare)
The history of Palo mayombe dates back to the region of Cameroon, before the migration of the Bantu to the south and settling in Angola, Congo and Cabinda. From there came a large number of slaves who with them also came the Palo Monte belief, the ceremonies and songs used by the slaves reached the Island of Cuba and began to be combined with the Spanish language, the same influence fell on other regions. from Central America and the Caribbean. Towards the 20th century, Palo mayombe began to proliferate and spread in Cuban communities settled in countries such as Venezuela, the United States, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, where in some countries the tradition remains intact, just as it develops in Africa.
Currently the Palo Mayombe culture is very large, especially in the Cuban regions of Santiago, Matanzas and Pinar del Rio, most of the practitioners are black, who in turn are followers of Catholicism. (See article African rites).
Vista como religión
Palo mayombe, also known as Palo, is considered a religion that mixes the shamanic current and elements of spiritualism, black magic and Catholicism, the main root arises from the Congo region that later expanded to other regions of the African continent and with the arrival of slaves to America, it spread throughout almost all of Latin America.
On this continent, the Palera religion began to take its first steps in regions where African tribes were beginning to establish themselves, these tribes were Mondongo, Bisongo, Timbiseros and Mandingas, who maintained their tradition of Bantu culture, in this way it took shape until that the three most important currents were born and then dispersed throughout the island.
Its strength consists of possessing and using the spiritual criteria of other religions, the mixture of African and European spiritual concepts allowed it to become a strong spiritual current, each one (Mayombe, Criyumba and Kimbiza) establishes a series of criteria that each palero must comply to the letter, however there are communal elements among them that allow the implementation of the Palo Mayombe criteria.
THERE ARE MORE THAN 50 Remaining Pages of this very important Historical document on Palo Mayombe - so if you click the title you can read the entire piece. Use Google Translate to make it your language in one click.
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blogintenso · 2 years ago
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Nunca hay que olvidar,
el porqué nos pasó,
lo que nos pasó.
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thechantrydeservedit · 3 months ago
Ya me queda claro que no te gusta ni pensar ni razonar. No vas a cambiar y no vas a mejorar pero ya que te encanta ponerte hablar de tragedias aquí tienes una causada por el gobierno
Neomar era menor de edad cuando lo mataron, el dejó sus estudios para apoyar a su familia y nunca pudo completar su formación, pedimos justicia para él y para todos. Sé que no te importa, pero alguien más lo verá y tal vez razone un poquito más antes de hablar de Venezuela
Literalmente lo que quieren todos estos venezolanos "libertadores" es un 11 de septiembre. Nada mas y nada menos. Igual que los chilenos derechistas con sus cacerolazos bajo el gobierno de Allende ("nos está matando de hambre! Nos está negando la telefonía! Nos esta negando la electricidad! Que nos liberen!")
("Solo queremos libertad!" Solo queremos que saquen a ese malnacido que nos gobierna! Después todo estará mejor!")
Estan jugando el exacto mismo rol los estúpidos de hoy como la gente estúpida en ese entonces. Ellos pidieron que Allende se saliera, y estados unidos cumplió su deseo.
Ningun cambio verdadero se impone pacíficamente, y si ustedes piden por la violencia-
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Esto es lo que estan pidiendo.
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birdzflycom · 1 year ago
Mexico rescues 31 migrants kidnapped near US border
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Courtesy: ft In a recent development, Mexico successfully intervened to rescue 31 migrants who fell victim to abduction near the US border. This incident unfolded amidst heightened efforts by politicians in both nations to address the escalating influx of individuals attempting perilous journeys to reach the United States. According to Mexican authorities, the group of 31 migrants, hailing from Latin American countries such as Venezuela and Ecuador, was on a bus traveling from Monterrey to Matamoros, situated on the Texas border. The abduction transpired last Saturday when armed, masked individuals forcibly disembarked them from the coach and ushered them into five vans, as revealed by Public Security Minister Rosa Icela Rodriguez on Wednesday. Rodriguez remarked, "While isolated incidents of this nature may occur to one or a few migrants, the magnitude of this occurrence in this specific region is unusual." Interior Minister Luisa Alcalde, later on Wednesday, confirmed the successful rescue of the 31 migrants, refraining from providing additional details. The surge in migrant movements through Central America and Mexico en route to the US border has become a focal point in the upcoming US election and a pressing challenge for President Joe Biden. Notably, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other high-ranking officials recently engaged with Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico City. Criticism from Republicans has been pointed at Democratic attempts to manage the crisis. Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, and numerous Republican colleagues visited Eagle Pass, Texas, along the US-Mexico border on Wednesday to assess the situation. Simultaneously, the Senate is working towards a bipartisan resolution to address the border predicament, though a consensus remains elusive. The issue has further exacerbated political tensions among US states, with Texas, led by Republicans, arranging the transportation of thousands of migrants to Democratic-led cities like Washington, New York, and Chicago. Migrants passing through Mexico are frequently targeted by criminal groups for extortion or ransom payments, exploiting their reluctance to report crimes to authorities, who, in turn, are disinclined to investigate. Statistics from US authorities indicate a record 2.5 million individuals were apprehended illegally crossing the southern US border in the year leading up to September. Notably, more than half of these migrants in 2023 originated from locations beyond Mexico and northern Central America, according to the Migration Policy Institute. Francisco Gallardo, a priest overseeing migrant shelters in Reynosa and Matamoros, has been receiving distressing reports for months regarding the kidnapping and ransom of men, women, and children. Victims recount instances of abuse, beatings, and torture during their captivity. Mexicans have endured the scourge of organized criminal activities for decades, often involving collaboration with local and national security forces and politicians. Since a spike in murders commenced in 2008 during a crackdown on drug cartels, over 400,000 people have lost their lives, as per data from the statistics agency INEGI. Additionally, more than 113,000 people are reported missing according to a government database. Critics have admonished López Obrador for adopting a laissez-faire approach to crime, allowing criminal groups to expand their territorial control and consolidate power. Recent incidents of extreme violence, such as the massacre of 11 youths during a party attack and the killing of 14 individuals as farmers revolted against an extorting criminal group, underscore the precarious security situation in the country. Read the full article
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venezuelatrending · 1 year ago
La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro II
La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro Tomo II #NicolasMaduro #Narcodictadura #Venezuela #Represion #DerechosHumanos #Dictadura #BarbarieRepresiva #RodulfoGonzalez #Politica #CriticaSocial La narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro ha puesto en ejecución nuevas formas de represión, entre ellas: Miembros de colectivos armados junto a militares reprimiendo a los manifestantes,…
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worldfamoustattoo-blog · 2 years ago
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Portrait de Armando Reverón ( un artiste-peintre vénézuélien, né à Caracas le 10 mai 1889, et mort dans la même ville, le 18 septembre 1954. Précurseur de l'Arte povera, et reste considéré comme l'un des plus importants du XXᵉ siècle en Amérique latine. (Source : Wikipédia). Réalisé pour Yomico Moreno ( a famous tattoo artist from Venezuela. He is known for his amazing tattoo style and clientele such as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. ( Source : Yomicoart.com ). Par la légende du réalisme en noir Robert Hernandez ( he was born in Prudnik, Poland on July 19, 1969. He's 53 years old today. Tattoo artist whose hyper-detailed black and white work, much of it represents the faces of artists or characters from popular fiction, has earned him international acclaim. ( Source :allfamous.org ). Some of his Tattoo styles include medieval art, impressionism, surrealism, contemporary art, and event photography. Some of his biggest celebrity clients are members of the Kiss band which is the same band which Robert admired all his life. Apart from that David Beckham and Victoria Beckham are also other big names he has worked with. ( Source : allstarbio.com ) MESDAMES et MESSIEURS  exclusif chez  " The Most Famous Studio "  à Perpignan, sur rendez-vous uniquement :  ROBERT HERNANDEZ  pour vos tatouages dans son style unique au monde. Encore quelques rendez-vous disponibles. Possibilité de payer en 4 fois jusqu'à 2000€ The Most Famous Studio by @marco.scarfo is Powered by : @cheyenne_tattooequipment @inkmachines ⚜️ Sponsorship: @tadoo_original @247inkmagazine (@247inkmag ) ⚜️ Pro Team : @tattooproton Award-winning, published and sponsored artists 🏆 Published : best studio in P.O. France . 🥇 Published : most famous studio in Europe ⚜️ Published : top first page l'independant 🥇 Published : first page " Le Journal Catalan " 🥇 Published by : @hifructosemag ⚜️1 MLN FLWS 3 times @247inkmagazine ⚜️ Interview + publication : TIME MAGAZINE INDIA ⚜️ V-partners : @kimberleyanngram @inkedhumanmermaid @coconutkittywins ⚜️ 5.5 MLN FLWS @blacktapeproject @zitavass (Top Model) @rzzn__giulia ( Miss WNTM Europe) @ladybossk_official Testimonial : @jillisalynn #roberthernandeztattoos (à The Most Famous Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDi1Awrsa4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bizkaffee · 8 months ago
La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro III
La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro Tomo III Derechos Humanos Venezuela #NicolasMaduro #Narcodictadura #Venezuela #Represion #DerechosHumanos #Dictadura #BarbarieRepresiva #RodulfoGonzalez #Politica #CriticaSocial El 1 de julio de 2022 el portal Costa del Sol reprodujo el reportaje “La lentitud en el sistema judicial venezolano se afinca en vulnerar los Derechos Humanos”,…
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raynerpenar · 2 years ago
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El jugador de Colombia Dayan de Jesus Frias batea durante el partido contra Panamá en la primera ronda de la Serie del Caribe Gran Caracas 2023 hoy, en el estadio Monumental de Caracas "Simón Bolívar", en Caracas (Venezuela). Los Federales de Chiriquí, representantes de Panamá en la Serie del Caribe 2023, consiguieron su primer triunfo este viernes al vencer a los Vaqueros de Montería, de Colombia, por 6-5 en la segunda jornada del torneo que se disputa en Venezuela hasta el próximo 10 de febrero. EFE/ Rayner Peña R. - Colombia's player Dayan de Jesus Frias bats during the match against Panama in the first round of the Gran Caracas 2023 Caribbean Series today, at the Monumental de Caracas "Simón Bolívar" stadium, in Caracas (Venezuela). The Federales de Chiriquí, representatives of Panama in the 2023 Caribbean Series, achieved their first victory this Friday by beating the Vaqueros de Montería, from Colombia, 6-5 on the second day of the tournament that will be held in Venezuela until next Feb. 10. EFE/ Rayner Peña @efe_noticias #Venezuela #caracas #fotoperiodismo #fotografiadeportiva #sports #seriedelcaribe #seriedelcaribe2023 #LaRinconada #panama #colombia #federalesdechiriqui #vaquerosdemonteria #RaynerPenaR (en Estadio La Rinconada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoN_IdDP2Uk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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