#representative office singapore
incorpglobalsstuff · 6 months
Insider Tips: Maximizing The Benefits Of Dependent Passes For Families Living In Singapore
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Possessing a Dependent Pass in Singapore grants expatriates' families a plethora of possibilities. It authorises them to live in Singapore alongside the primary work pass holder. It bestows a range of entitlements that contribute to a more comfortable and rewarding life in a new country. 
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 8 months
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Is it time to go?
By Howard Sackstein
Today, the South African Jewish community numbers but one third of what it did at its peak. Though our numbers have shrunk, the vibrancy of our community has remained intact.
In the 1970s and 1980s they used to joke, “When the Jews go; it’s time to leave, when the Portuguese go; it’s too late.”
The clock ticked, and stopped on 7 October 2023.
The behaviour of the South African government was nothing short of betrayal. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s failure to condemn the 7 October massacre; his failure to reach out to the families of the two South Africans massacred in the Hamas genocide; his failure to act on the two South Africans kidnapped by Hamas; and his smirk blame of Israel for deserving the attack two weeks after the massacre, while wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh, will forever be a symbol of his Judas moment.
In American politics, they talk of a “tortoise on a lamppost”. Sometimes, the tortoise mistakenly believes that it got onto the lamppost by itself.
Ramaphosa’s spineless leadership has allowed his jihadist foreign minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, and her mujahidin director general, Zane Dangor, to direct foreign policy without intervention. Pandor mislead Parliament by claiming that there were no beheadings of babies and that Israel had attacked the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital. With no South African diplomats in Israel and Al Jazeera as her only source of information, Pandor meanders in the dark. Her ignorance, however, is self-inflicted. Her department was invited to view the 47-minute video of Hamas-captured atrocities, and declined to attend.
Hamas informs us that Pandor telephoned it to congratulate it on the success of its “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack on Israel. Pandor claimed that she was merely offering humanitarian assistance, but refused to release the “call-out” transcript of the conversation. As a convert to Islam, Pandor uses her own zealotry to pursue a pro-Hamas agenda to the detriment of South Africa.
In December, Hamas visited South Africa, was feted in our Parliament, and celebrated in the African National Congress’ (ANC’s) offices in Johannesburg. When Ramaphosa finally met the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, he sprinted to issue a statement and later, while meeting the Muslim community, stated that they had issued a statement as “we’re concerned there are distortions”. Given that the president’s statement was issued first, this both makes no logical sense and effectively paints the official representative body of Jews in South Africa as liars.
It’s a clash of civilizations. Jews have traditionally ascribed to the values of Western liberal democracy. In the ANC’s hard-left, revolutionary world view, Western interests must be opposed everywhere – in Ukraine, in Morocco, and in Israel. South Africa believes that it must be the vanguard liberation movement celebrating the imagined successes of Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia. Pandor is currently attending the 7th Africa-Cuba Solidarity Conference in White River.
But actions have consequences. The West is becoming increasingly disenchanted by South Africa’s antics. Last year, South Africa’s invitation to the G7 Summit didn’t materialise, and the currency has lost 50% of its value under Ramaphosa. The renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act looks increasingly precarious together with the approximately 250 000 jobs it created. South Africa is increasingly isolated from those countries which could help it the most.
Ramaphosa had a choice to turn South Africa into a Singapore or a Sudan. He chose Sudan.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
British presence in the Straits Settlements […] (Penang, Singapore and Melaka) as a whole opened the way […]. Governor Andrew Clarke [...] clearly intended that economic botany should follow the quest for tin. Hardly three months after the [signing of the treaty legitimising British control in Malaya] [...] the Governor pressed Lord Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies, himself a keen botanist and collector, for the services of a ‘scientific botanist’. [...] Intimate plant knowledge among local [people] [...] assisted the discovery of many [plants valuable to European empire] [...] and the absorption of a number of vernacular names such as kempas (Koompassia), pandan (Pandanus) and nipah (Nypa) into scientific nomenclature. Equally, indigenous names for timbers, pre-eminently meranti and cengal, attained the status of trade names on the international market. Malay knowledge [...] proved also invaluable for commerce and [...] industries.
The Great Exhibition of 1851 at the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, which displayed representative samples of colonial resources, was a microcosm of empire. Empire [...] co-sponsored the surveying, mapping and inventorying of people, lands and products for the ends of imperial power. Tropical nature, once a source [...] of wonderment, was brought to the domestic market place.
High on the imperial economic agenda were the Malayan territories, the source of gutta percha (from Palaquium gutta). Ingeniously adapted by the Malays [...], the plastic qualities of gutta percha were investigated for medical and industrial use by the [English East India] Company surgeons, T. Mongtomerie (1819-43) and T. Oxley (1846-57). [...] At the same time Oxley successfully pioneered the use of gutta percha for plastering fractures and preserving vaccine, the latter hitherto unable to be kept even for a few days. When a Prussian artillery Officer [...] then perfected its use for insulating telegraph cables, the product immediately gained strategic importance for the empire. Similar adaptations of other indigenous uses of plants paid dividends to industry and agriculture. [...]
The emergence of Hevea rubber in the Peninsula, superseding gutta percha as an industrial product was, again, the result of scientific exchange within the close-knit colonial botanical network [...] [following] [t]he illegal exportation by Kew [Royal Botanic Gardens in London] of the seedlings from South America to Ceylon and the Singapore Botanic Gardens [...]. Out of the seedlings sent in 1877 to Singapore, seven were planted by Hugh Low in the Perak Residency Garden. These and those raised in the Botanic Gardens furnished the seeds for the first plantations.
Though an introduced species, indigenous knowledge [...] of a wide variety of gums and exudates [...] benefited the plantation industry.
This [...] scored a major triumph for the colonial plantation industry. [...]
Large areas of Melaka had already been laid to waste by [...] a fast-growing variety of Brazilian cassava introduced in 1886 by Cantley.
The same cultivators soon turned the Imperata grasslands to rubber, but its rapid spread meant that a number of native plant species either became very rare or were entirely exterminated. The wild ancestor of the domestic mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a likely example. [...] During his visit to Singapore in 1854 Wallace identified, within just a square mile, some 700 species of beetles [...].
All text above by: Jeyamalar Kathirithamby-Wells. "Peninsular Malaysia in the context of natural history and colonial science." New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies Volume 11 Number 1. 2009. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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jordanianroyals · 9 months
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11 January 2024: Crown Prince Hussein, accompanied by Princess Rajwa, attended the launch of the Jordan-Singapore Tech Alliance Forum.
Speaking at the launch, Crown Prince Hussein highlighted the forum’s importance in unifying the two countries’ efforts towards technological excellence.
He stressed Jordan’s keenness to become a rising force on the international tech scene, highlighting the importance of digital transformation and entrepreneurship in nurturing creativity and turning ideas into reality.
The similarities between tech talents in Jordan and Singapore can be a bridge that connects the two countries and enhances cooperation in service of mutual interests, the Crown Prince said at the forum, held by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and Jordan’s embassy in Singapore, in cooperation with the Singapore Business Federation and SG Tech. (Source: Petra)
His Royal Highness invited business people, experts, and CEOs to visit Jordan to learn more about the ICT and entrepreneurship sector, which is full of promising Jordanian talents.
Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmad Hanandeh said that with more than 8,000 students graduating from IT-related programmes each year, Jordan’s digital economy continues to flourish, noting that Jordanians are making an impact that is attracting businesses from around the world.
He expressed the ministry’s keenness to continue helping Singaporean companies find the perfect home for their business in Jordan, highlighting the Jordan Source programme, which is helping businesses capitalise on Jordan’s exceptional potential as a global IT and business process outsourcing hub.
The Jordan-Singapore Tech Alliance Forum saw the participation of nearly 150 representatives of tech start-ups in Singapore, in addition to six Jordanian start-ups that provide technical support to international companies in sectors like gaming, digital education, and creative industries.
During the forum, key Jordanian tech companies gave briefings on their work, and participants engaged in discussions to attract international firms to Jordan by showcasing the competitiveness of the ICT sector in the Kingdom and success stories of Jordanian start-ups.
The forum also featured a presentation on the Jordan Source programme, launched in 2021 during a ceremony attended attendance of the Crown Prince, to promote Jordan as an international hub for innovation and investment in ICT and communications.
The forum is part of a series of Jordan Source promotional tours to attract investments and build partnerships with international companies seeking to expand into the Middle East through Jordan.
On the sidelines of the forum, a memorandum of understanding between Jordan’s Institute of Banking Studies and the Singapore FinTech Association was signed.
Planning Minister Zeina Toukan, Jordan’s Ambassador to Singapore Samer Naber, and Director of the Office of the Crown Prince Zaid Baqain attended the forum.
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mariacallous · 4 months
The US is widely seen as the global leader in artificial intelligence, thanks to companies like OpenAI, Google, and Meta. But the US government says it needs help from other nations to manage the risks posed by AI technology.
At an international summit on AI Safety in Seoul on Tuesday, the US delivered a message from Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announcing that a global network of AI safety institutes spanning the US, UK, Japan, Canada, and other allies will collaborate to contain the technology’s risks. She also urged other countries to join up.
“Recent advances in AI carry exciting, life-changing potential for our society, but only if we do the hard work to mitigate the very real dangers,” Secretary Raimondo said in a statement released ahead of the announcement. “It is paramount that we get this right and that we do so in concert with our partners around the world to ensure the rules of the road on AI are written by societies that uphold human rights, safety, and trust.”
The US government has previously said advances in AI create national security risks, including the potential to automate or accelerate the development of bioweapons or to enable more damaging cyberattacks on critical infrastructure.
One challenge for the US, alluded to in Raimondo’s statement, is that some national governments may not be eager to fall in line with its approach to AI. She said the US, the UK, Japan, Canada, Singapore, and the European AI Office would work together as the founding members of a “global network of AI safety institutes.”
The Commerce Department declined to comment on whether China had been invited to join the new AI safety network. Fears that China will use advanced AI to empower its military or threaten the US led first the Trump administration and now the Biden administration to roll out a series of restrictions on Chinese access to key technology.
The US and China have at least opened a line of communication. A meeting between President Biden and Chinese president Xi Jinping in November saw the two superpowers agree to hold talks on AI risks and safety. Representatives from the nations met in Switzerland last week to hold the first round of discussions.
The Commerce Department said that representatives of the new global AI safety network’s members will meet in San Francisco later this year. A blueprint issued by the agency says that the network will work together to develop and agree upon methodologies and tools for evaluating AI models and ways to mitigate the risks of AI. “We hope to help develop the science and practices that underpin future arrangements for international AI governance,” the document says. A commerce department spokesperson said that the network would help nations tap into talent, experiment more quickly, and agree on AI standards.
The Seoul summit on AI safety this week is cohosted by the UK government, which convened the first major international meeting on the topic last November. That summit culminated in more than 28 countries including the US, members of the EU, and China signing a declaration warning that artificial intelligence is advancing with such speed and uncertainty that it could cause “serious, even catastrophic, harm.”
Amid rapid deployment of generative AI systems like ChatGPT last year, some prominent researchers and tech leaders began to speak more loudly about the potential for AI algorithms to become difficult to control and perhaps even a threat to humanity. Talk of the most far-off threats has since faded, but policymakers around the world are concerned about more immediate problems, such as the potential for generative AI tools like ChatGPT to spread disinformation and interfere with elections. In January, some voters in New Hampshire received robocalls using an AI-generated fake of Joe Biden’s voice.
Last October, President Biden issued a wide-ranging executive order to address the potential and pitfalls of fast-moving leaps in AI most evident with the startling abilities of ChatGPT. The Commerce Department was ordered to work on a number of initiatives to develop AI safety standards and also to develop a plan for global “engagement on promoting and developing AI standards.”
Biden’s executive order also required the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, which is part of the Commerce Department, to establish a US AI Safety Institute to systematically test AI models to understand how they could be misused and how they might behave.
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william-r-melich · 5 months
Tik Tok on the Chopping Block - 04/25/2024
Yesterday, Joe Biden signed the Tik Tok Divest-or-Ban bill into law. I covered this bill extensively in my post, "Tik Tok Bill/HR 7521" back on March 16th of this year. This bill forces ByteDance to sell Tik Tok within one year. It's clear to me that this Chinese owned company is controlled by the CCP and is using it to gather information on US citizens and influence children toward committing self-harm and suicide.
Tik Tok's CEO, Shou Zi Chew released the following video statement yesterday. "Make no mistake, this is a ban, a ban on you and your voice. We are confident, and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. The facts and the Constitution are on our side, and we expect to prevail again." He was referring to how they circumvented Trump's executive order to ban the app in the U.S. back in 2020. Tik Tok's position is that through China's Counterespionage Law, its customer data is stored in Virginia and backed up in Singapore. They claim that they have never or ever will share U.S. data with the CCP. Yet the owner of ByteDance previously issued a letter of apology to the CCP about failing to follow the CCP's directives. It's obvious to me that they are more of an arm of the CCP than a private company and we should not trust them. At the same time, I'm also conflicted about trusting our own government. Regardless it's now signed into law, like it or not.
Tik Tok and ByteDance together spent over $7 million since the beginning of this year on TV and digital ads in an effort to stop legislation from passing the bill. A Tik Tok spokesperson said this, "This expenditure reflects work we do to educate policy makers about how legislation could affect our community of 170 million American users." Tik Tok officials lobbied Congress and Biden's executive office last quarter. Biden's executive office contains the National Security Council, the Office Management and Budget, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and other divisions.
As I mentioned in my previous post on this bill last March, Donald Trump and Elon Musk both came out against it. Trump is concerned that it could expand government powers on other platforms, and Musk is concerned about censorship. The bill is intended to remove any foreign influence and investment in social media platforms and websites here in the U.S. The government would have to prove that a foreign entity is directly involved and then initially force divestment, and then later if necessary deplatform the app and shut down their operating websites.
I'm all for private companies operating platforms that allow freedom of expression, but not if they're being operated by a foreign adversary like China's CCP. Yet I'm always very skeptical of our government and their tendencies to over-reach in order to go after their political opposition. Especially with this current bunch in charge. All we can do is to stay informed and hopefully for the sake of our freedom and security vote in Republican majorities in both the house and senate, and get Donald Trump back into office, in my opinion.
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The executive director of a police union in California has been placed on leave and is facing federal charges after allegedly importing drugs from overseas and distributing them throughout the country.
Joanne Marian Segovia, 64, ordered thousands of synthetic opioids including valeryl fentanyl that were disguised as chocolates, wedding favors and makeup, according to the criminal complaint filed Monday by the Office of the United States Attorney.
Segovia, who serves as the executive director of the San Jose Police Officers' Association (SJPOA), allegedly used her personal and office computers to order the opioids and made shipments using the union's UPS account, the complaint said.
Segovia has been the executive director of the union, which represents officers with the San Jose Police Department, for nearly 20 years, according to CNN affiliate KGO-TV.
At least 61 shipments containing drugs worth thousands of dollars coming from countries including Hong Kong, Hungary, India and Singapore were shipped to Segovia's home between October 2015 and January this year, according to the complaint.
"The manifests for these shipments declared their contents with labels like 'Wedding Party Favors,' 'Gift Makeup,' or 'Chocolate and Sweets,'" the United States Attorneys Office for Northern California said in a press release.
"But between July 2019 and January 2023, officials intercepted and opened five of these shipments and found that they contained thousands of pills of controlled substances, including the synthetic opioids Tramadol and Tapentadol," the press release said.
In February 2023, Segovia was interviewed by federal investigators but she continued to order drug shipments, including a package in March containing valeryl fentanyl seized by federal agents in Kentucky, according to the complaint.
Segovia has been charged with attempt to unlawfully import valeryl fentanyl and faces up to a maximum sentence of 20 years, according to the complaint.
An attorney for Segovia did not respond to CNN's request for comment.
Segovia has been placed on leave and cut off from all access to the police officers association, San Jose Police Officers Association spokesperson Tom Saggau told CNN in a statement. No other individuals with the association were involved or knew about the scheme, Saggau said.
"Last Friday we were informed by federal authorities that one of our civilian employees was under investigation for distribution of a controlled substance and the POA has been fully and completely cooperating with the federal authorities as they continue their investigation," Saggau said. "The Board of Directors is saddened and disappointed at hearing this news and we have pledged to provide our full support to the investigative authorities."
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spacenutspod · 5 months
Students from Universidad Católica Boliviana prepare to traverse the course at the 2024 Human Exploration Rover Challenge at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, near NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.Credits: NASA/Taylor Goodwin NASA announced the winners of the 30th Human Exploration Rover Challenge (HERC) April 22, with Parish Episcopal School, from Dallas, winning first place in the high school division, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville, capturing the college/university title. The annual engineering competition – one of NASA’s longest standing challenges – held its concluding event April 19 and April 20, at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, near NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The complete list of 2024 award winners is provided below: High School Division  First Place: Parish Episcopal School, Dallas Second Place: Academy of Arts, Careers and Technology, Reno, Nevada Third Place: Escambia High School, Pensacola, Florida College/University Division  First Place: University of Alabama in Huntsville Second Place: Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Third Place: Campbell University, Buies Creek, North Carolina Ingenuity Award  University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida Phoenix Award  High School Division: East Central High School, Moss Point, Mississippi College/University Division: North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota Task Challenge Award  High School Division: Erie High School, Erie, Colorado College/University Division: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota Project Review Award  High School Division: Parish Episcopal School, Dallas College/University Division: University of Alabama in Huntsville Featherweight Award  Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island Safety Award  High School Division: NPS International School, Singapore College/University Division: Instituto Especializado de Estudios Superiores Loyola, San Cristobal, Dominican Republic Crash and Burn Award  KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi-NCR, India Jeff Norris and Joe Sexton Memorial Pit Crew Award  High School Division: Erie High School, Erie, Colorado College/University Division: Campbell University, Buies Creek, North Carolina Team Spirit Award  Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Most Improved Performance Award High School Division: Jesco von Puttkamer School, Leipzig, Germany College/University Division: Universidad Católica Boliviana – San Pablo, La Paz, Bolivia Social Media Award  High School Division: Bledsoe County High School, Pikeville, Tennessee College/University Division: Universidad de Piura, Peru STEM Engagement Award  High School Division: Princess Margaret Secondary School, Surrey, British Columbia College/University Division: Trine University, Angola, Indiana Artemis Educator Award Sadif Safarov from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Rookie of the Year Kanakia International School, Mumbai, India More than 600 students with 72 teams from around the world participated as HERC celebrated its 30th anniversary as a NASA competition. Participating teams represented 42 colleges and universities and 30 high schools from 24 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 13 other nations from around the world. Teams were awarded points based on navigating a half-mile obstacle course, conducting mission-specific task challenges, and completing multiple safety and design reviews with NASA engineers.  “This student design challenge encourages the next generation of scientists and engineers to engage in the design process by providing innovative concepts and unique perspectives,” said Vemitra Alexander, HERC activity lead for NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement at Marshall. “While celebrating the 30th anniversary of the challenge, HERC also continues NASA’s legacy of providing valuable experiences to students who may be responsible for planning future space missions including crewed missions to other worlds.” HERC is one of NASA’s eight Artemis Student Challenges reflecting the goals of the Artemis program, which seeks to land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon while establishing a long-term presence for science and exploration. NASA uses such challenges to encourage students to pursue degrees and careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  HERC is managed by NASA’s Southeast Regional Office of STEM Engagement at Marshall. Since its inception in 1994, more than 15,000 students have participated in HERC – with many former students now working at NASA, or within the aerospace industry.     To learn more about HERC, please visit:  https://www.nasa.gov/roverchallenge/home/index.html    -end- Gerelle DodsonNASA Headquarters, [email protected] Taylor Goodwin Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. [email protected] Share Details Last Updated Apr 22, 2024 LocationNASA Headquarters Related TermsSTEM Engagement at NASAArtemisGet InvolvedMarshall Space Flight CenterOpportunities For Students to Get InvolvedPrizes, Challenges & Crowdsourcing
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 6/5/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
The FBI is looking to gather new information about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age reported on Thursday. AWC
Rodolphe Jaar was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the plot to assassinate Haitian President Jovenel Moise in 2021. AJ
Mexican TV has reported that a militant affiliated with Mexico’s Gulf Cartel was spotted carrying an advanced rocket launcher, the same type that the US has shipped thousands of to Ukraine. AWC
The Russian Defense Ministry said early Monday that Ukraine began a “large-scale offensive” by launching attacks along five sections of the frontlines in the eastern Donbas region. AWC
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Turkey has not changed its position on refusing to allow Sweden in the alliance. Boston Herald 
The US will focus its efforts on arming Ukraine and not attempting to bring the war to a negotiated settlement, America’s top diplomat said. Secretary of State Antony Blinken laid out a plan to massively expand Kiev’s military before talks begin. AWC
The Pentagon Thursday said it’s awarded a contract to Elon Musk’s SpaceX to ship Starlink satellite internet terminals to Ukraine. AWC
 Ukrainian soldiers trained by NATO and armed with Western weapons will serve as the “tip of the spear” during the upcoming counteroffensive against Russian forces, according to the Washington Post. Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said this support represents the “next level” of security assistance. The Institute
The Kremlin says it will not reenter the New Start treaty until Washington lifts its hostile policy towards Russia. Fox News
Zelensky says Ukraine is ready to launch its counteroffensive. The Hill
The Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) announced Thursday that the US and Taiwan signed the first trade agreement under a new economic initiative that was launched last year. AWC
Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu delivered a speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore and said a conflict between the US and China would be an “unbearable disaster,” a warning that comes amid soaring tensions between the two powers. AWC
US Indo-Pacific Command accused a Chinese warship of acting in an “unsafe manner” when it passed a US Navy guided-missile destroyer that was transiting the Taiwan Strait with a Canadian frigate on Saturday. AWC
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan says the One China policy is still in effect. Politico
Germany will send two warships to the Indo-Pacific in 2024. Reuters
Iran’s navy commander said Friday that Tehran was working to form a naval alliance with several Gulf Arab states, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and Iraq. AWC
US Africa Command (AFRICOM) announced that it launched an airstrike in Somalia on June 1, marking the second US bombing in the country within a week and the third since May 20. AWC
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offixsg · 1 year
Revamp Your Workspace with Stunning Office Renovation Singapore
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Are you ready to breathe new life into your office space? Look no further! Experience the exemplification of creativity and functionality with our excellent office renovation Singapore. From concept to completion, we spend significant time in changing dull and obsolete work environments into dynamic and moving conditions.
Our team of skilled professionals comprehends the significance of a well-designed office that mirrors your image character and improves worker efficiency. Consolidating our mastery in commercial interior design with imaginative arrangements, we make redid spaces custom fitted to your remarkable business needs. Whether you're holding back nothing, moderate look or a striking, imaginative feel, we take care of you.
With our extensive office renovation services, you can anticipate that fastidious consideration should detail, consistent task the board, and opportune conveyance. We utilize top-quality materials and state of the art methods to guarantee uncommon outcomes that surpass your assumptions.
Elevate your work area higher than ever and establish a long term connection with clients and representatives the same. Get in touch with us today for a meeting and let us transform your office into a masterpiece of commercial interior design.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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 On 20th November 1863 James Bruce, 8th Lord Elgin, the Scottish Liberal statesman and diplomat, died.
James Bruce was born in London, his father, the 7th Earl was a  controversial figure due to his involvement in the “procurement/theft” of  the Parthenon Marbles, to give them their traditional name, you might know them as The Elgin Marbles, anyway I digress again, back to the 8th Earl.
In 1840, following the death of his elder brother, he became the heir to the earldom and in 1841, on the death of his father, succeeded to the title, becoming the eighth earl of Elgin. That same year he was elected Southampton's representative in the House of Commons, but his new earldom brought an end to his parliamentary career. In 1842, he accepted the nomination for governor of Jamaica. During an administration of four years he succeeded in winning the respect of all[. He improved the condition of the Afro-Caribbean workers, and conciliated the white planters by working through them. He remained in this post until 1847. His successful administration led to him being offered the role of governor general in British North America, which he fulfilled between 1847 and 1854. During his time there, Elgin took the first steps in establishing a “responsible government” in Canada. 
This led to him becoming the first Canadian governor to distance himself from legislative affairs, leaving the real power of government to the elected representatives of the people and paving the way for the Canadian general governorship's essentially symbolic role today.
In 1857 as High Commissioner to China. While visiting China and Japan in 1858 and 1859, he oversaw the end of the Second Opium War but in doing so he ordered the destruction of the Old Summer Palace (the ruling Qing dynasty's residence and seat of government), near Peking (today Beijing),destroying thousands of priceless works of art, in order to intimidate the emperor and force him to sign an unratified treaty. Troops hurriedly looted the imperial collections in the palace, before the Old Summer Palace finished burning. The treaty ended up with China being forced to cede what became Hong Kong, to Britain  in “perpetuity“  
According to historian Olive Checkland, Lord Elgin "was ambivalent about the British imperial policy of forcing trade on the peoples in China and Japan. He deplored what he called the 'commercial ruffianism' which effectively determined British policy responses."
In a letter to his wife, in regard to the bombing of Canton, he wrote, "I never felt so ashamed of myself in my life."
It all leaves a bad taste in my mouth I deplore the British Empire and all it’s sins it inflicted on the world.
He subsequently became postmaster-general in the Palmerston cabinet and in 1862 was made viceroy of India. He died in He subsequently became postmaster-general in the Palmerston cabinet and in 1862 was made viceroy of India. 
He died in Dharmsalas, Punjab of a heart attack while crossing a swinging rope on this day 1863, while still in office, he is buried in the churchyard of St. John in the Wilderness in Dharamshala. Bruce's legacy is several areas of Canada and India have the names Elgin or Bruce, he also has a bridge ion Singapore and a street in Victoria, Australia, and Hong Kong named after him.
While China has opened up to French relations, the sale of Chinese art and artifacts in British auctions remains a point of tension between London and Beijing. All zodiac animal heads from the Summer Palace that have been found have returned to Chinese museums, however.
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incorpglobalsstuff · 7 months
Why Singapore Is The Ideal Location For Your Company's Representative Office
Singapore, also known as the "Lion City," has carved out a reputation as a central hub for global trade, finance, and transportation. Celebrated for its dynamic economy, political stability, and first-rate infrastructure, Singapore provides an optimal setting for companies seeking to broaden their Asian market presence. 
The city-state's standing as a prime business locale is reinforced by its strong legal framework and government policies that favor business. Its strategic geographical location in the core of Southeast Asia makes it a prime choice for multinational corporations to establish representative offices in Singapore.
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patma12 · 10 hours
Elevate Your Professional Image with Corporate Jackets in Singapore
In the competitive business landscape of Singapore, first impressions matter. One of the best ways to ensure a positive impression is through professional attire. Corporate jackets have become a staple in many workplaces, helping employees project confidence and authority. This article explores the benefits of corporate jackets in Singapore and how they can enhance your professional image.
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The Importance of Corporate Jackets
Corporate jackets serve as an essential component of business attire. They not only offer a polished look but also provide comfort and versatility for employees. In Singapore’s humid climate, lightweight fabrics and breathable materials are crucial. Choosing the right corporate jacket can make a significant difference in how you feel throughout the day, boosting both morale and productivity.
Versatility for Every Occasion
One of the standout features of corporate jackets is their versatility. Whether you’re attending a crucial meeting, representing your company at a networking event, or just heading to the office, a well-fitted jacket can adapt to any situation. You can easily pair it with formal trousers for a more traditional look or with tailored jeans for a business casual vibe. This adaptability makes corporate jackets a wise investment for any professional wardrobe in Singapore.
Building Brand Identity
Wearing corporate jackets can also reinforce your company’s brand identity. Many organizations choose to customize jackets with their logo or brand colors. This not only promotes unity among employees but also enhances brand visibility in the marketplace. When you wear a jacket that represents your company, you embody its values and culture, creating a cohesive image that can attract potential clients and partners.
Choosing the Right Corporate Jacket
When selecting a corporate jacket, several factors should be considered. Fabric choice is crucial; breathable materials like cotton or polyester blends are ideal for Singapore’s climate. Fit is another important aspect; a well-fitted jacket can enhance your silhouette and boost your confidence. Additionally, consider the color palette that aligns with your company's branding—neutral tones often work well in professional settings.
Customization Options
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elsa16744 · 4 days
The Future of ESG Regulations: What Companies Need to Know 
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Global business leaders want to modify corporate strategies to embrace ethical practices. This situation implies all businesses, governments, institutional investors, and fund managers must collaborate to streamline ESG reporting and disclosure regulations. However, compliance ratings also unlock new opportunities for enterprises to increase resilience and competitiveness. This post will highlight what companies need to know about the future of ESG regulations. 
Understanding ESG Regulations 
According to subject matter experts in ESG investing and sustainability compliance rating, multiple mandates instructing firms to provide socioeconomic impact data only overwhelm stakeholders. Several voluntary guidelines are available for the companies. However, complying with them does not mean your company is safe from non-compliance penalties concerning mandatory disclosures elsewhere. 
Emerging frameworks in another geopolitical territory will likely differ from your primary market's norms. Remember, every country modified regional ESG frameworks based on its unique policies and implementation challenges. For example, the EU is considered to be one of the leaders in regulating investor disclosures concerning ESG metrics and reporting. They have a sustainable finance disclosure regulation. On top of this, the EU taxonomy supplements the requirement of compliance. 
How ESG Regulations Will Impact Future Business Processes 
Interdependent laws and periodically modified directives encourage financial market participants and organizations to report how they work toward sustainable development goals. As a result, responsible companies pursue process transformation techniques to make their operations eco-friendly, socially inclusive, and legally resilient. 
Consider the United States regulatory bodies enthusiastic about ESG databases facilitating informed investor decisions. Accordingly, proposals for new rules focusing on climate-related disclosures and human capital management will come into force, although ESG reporting remains voluntary. Besides, the stakeholders show promising interest in standardizing disclosures. At the same time, Asia-Pacific countries, like Japan and Singapore, also support using an appropriate ESG score for each sustainability compliance report on climate risks and corporate governance. 
What Companies Need to Know About the Future of ESG Regulations 
1| Supply-Level Social Impact Considerations 
The social aspect of ESG represents the need to focus on employee well-being, diversity, and inclusion. For instance, social compliance also involves fair labor practices. Therefore, upcoming regulations will likely demand in-depth reporting on responsible human capital management. Regulators can analyze your organization's compliance level by considering the composition of an in-house workforce, safety at work, and pay equity. 
This heightened liability will cause companies to reassess their business relationships with suppliers based on labor rights. Additionally, they must ensure optimal raw materials acquisition that subsequently helps minimize environmentally harmful impacts. 
2| Extended Governance Requirements 
ESG compliance improvements necessitate good governance practices. Therefore, companies must excel at anti-corruption measures, fraud prevention, transparent reporting, and accounting integrity. The future ESG regulations will amplify digital governance trends, penalizing those organizations that jeopardize consumers' privacy rights. 
Businesses processing sensitive personally identifiable information (PII), like electronic health records or social security numbers, must embrace encrypted communication and empower data subjects to withdraw consent. All companies need to establish the role of data governance officers, enabling coordinated efforts to improve compliance ratings.  
3| Stakeholder-Assisted Continuous Improvement 
Ideas on ESG performance must be brainstormed through two-way communication with all stakeholders: investors, customers, employees, and regulators. Companies ask them how they can make a difference in this world because ESG regulation is the avenue of doing more than what standards dictate to contribute to society genuinely. 
Inviting the stakeholders to provide opinions on your projects of compliance enables you to build a culture of continuous improvement. Doing so can indirectly increase your brand's resilience against upcoming amendments to present ESG frameworks. Accordingly, each company must refine its sustainability compliance strategies at regular intervals to be better equipped for regulatory changes in the future. 
The future of ESG regulations will involve socioeconomic impact assessments across supplier relations, broader governance policies, and stakeholder-driven continuous change. Transparency in corporate disclosures for sustainable accounting will assist brands in assuring ethical investors and environmentally conscious consumers. 
Companies must embrace a proactive attitude towards these changes. Organizations that have excellent ESG metrics will enjoy incredible investor support and competitive advantages. However, predicting policymakers’ proposals and preparing for frequent guideline updates will remain indispensable to ESG-related risk mitigation. 
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georgemathew8899 · 4 days
What to Look for in Office Cleaning Services
Whether you are looking for a one-time frame deep cleaning or weekly housekeeping services, professional cleaners can assist with keeping your space tidy and coordinated. Choosing the best cleaning organization relies upon a few factors, including reputation, experience, and certifications. It might be ideal to spend and whether the cleaning organization offers an assurance or insurance.
While you can find various office cleaning services Singapore, some are superior to other people. Researching legitimate cleaning companies online and checking out their websites, social media profiles, and reviews can assist you with narrowing down your options. Whenever you've tracked down a couple of companies that meet your requirements, reach them to demand statements and compare pricing.
A very much maintained office space is basic for efficiency and a safe working environment. Nonetheless, day to day cleanup and upkeep can be overwhelming and time-consuming for staff individuals who need to focus on center business exercises. Hiring a cleaning service organization is an efficient method for alleviating the weight of these tasks and make your working environment more comfortable and alluring.
Office cleaning services Singapore likewise assist businesses with meeting health and safety standards, which is particularly significant given worldwide health concerns. Many companies currently focus on cleanliness like never before, recognizing its part in preventing the spread of infections. Regular office cleaning services Singapore ensures that high-touch surfaces, for example, entryway handles, work areas, and shared equipment are every now and again disinfected, reducing the gamble of germs spreading between representatives.
Additionally, professional cleaning companies like Whissh Deep Cleaning Singapore offer tailored services that can be customized in light of the specific requirements of every business. Whether a little startup needs intermittent cleaning or an enormous company requires day to day maintenance, these services can be adjusted to fit various schedules and budgets. This adaptability is basic for businesses that need to maintain a clean environment without disrupting their day-to-day tasks.
Whissh Deep Cleaning Singapore offers a scope of cleaning services to suit your necessities, from one-time deep cleaning to regular weekly cleaning. They use particular cleaning tools and materials to ensure a spotless outcome, as well as environmentally friendly cleaning products.
The cleaning services in Singapore assume a basic part in supporting businesses by ensuring that their environments are clean, safe, and helpful for efficiency. Investing in office cleaning services Singapore is a smart move for any business that esteems the prosperity of its representatives and needs to maintain a professional picture.
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mariacallous · 1 year
On July 18, the U.S. Commerce Department added two European commercial spyware firms—Cytrox and Intellexa—to its export controls blacklist due to privacy violations and other rights abuses. Both entities are controlled by former Israeli intelligence officer Tal Dilian and registered in multiple European jurisdictions, including Greece, Hungary, Ireland, and North Macedonia. They have been implicated in a variety of wrongdoings, including a major scandal in Greece, where Cytrox’s Predator software was used to hack journalists’ and opposition politicians’ phones.
The blacklisting is not a one-off. In fact, it represents a continuing effort by the U.S. government to curb the commercial spyware industry. The designation of the two companies is the first major initiative on spyware since U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order in March that limits federal agencies’ use of commercial spyware, and it sends a clear message that selling high-grade surveillance products to abusive governments will have consequences. Cytrox and Intellexa’s designation on the entity list imposes severe licensing requirements on the companies, effectively banning them from transactions with U.S. companies and accessing the U.S. market.
Getting to this point has been a struggle. The global spyware industry is a lucrative business; both governments and private actors have shown an insatiable appetite for targeted surveillance products. According to my research, at least 74 governments around the world have contracted with commercial firms to acquire spyware or data extraction technology.
The web of companies supplying these products is diverse. Although Israeli companies dominate the global export of spyware, European and U.S. companies are active market participants as well. Companies at the top end of the spyware market—such as Cytrox, Intellexa, and NSO Group, the Israeli market leader under U.S. sanctions since 2021—offer cutting-edge tools, including so-called zero-click hacks. These are malware programs that infiltrate devices without the user having to take any action to allow it in, such as opening an email or clicking on a bad link.
Although many of the abuses are linked to authoritarian regimes, such as the Saudi and Emirati governments’ reported use of NSO’s Pegasus malware to track the journalist Jamal Khashoggi before his assassination, democracies do not have clean hands, either. European countries such as Cyprus, Greece, and Spain have deployed spyware against civil society, independent journalists, and opposition politicians, as have illiberal democracies such as Hungary.
That is why U.S. leadership in reining in the spyware industry is such welcome news. Quite simply, few other countries have shown much interest in taking on commercial spyware firms, despite a parade of public scandals revealing major rights violations. The Biden administration started pursuing a measured strategy against spyware violators in 2021, when the Commerce Department put four spyware firms in Israel, Russia, and Singapore on its list of sanctioned entities, including NSO. Then, Biden signed the executive order in March of this year. In parallel, the United States also signed a joint declaration with 10 other countries against the misuse of spyware and establishing procedures to counter malicious cyberactivities. With this month’s blacklisting, the White House is sending another signal that it means business when it comes to reining in spyware abuses.
Yet for Washington’s actions to truly make a dent in the commercial spyware market, it needs other countries to join the fight—starting with Europe. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the two penalized spyware firms are based there. While most European countries have tough rules on the books to regulate spyware, enforcement has been lax. My research shows that a number of European spyware firms sell intrusive surveillance technology in their home markets and overseas, including Italy’s Memento Labs and Tykelab/RCS Lab, as well as Austria’s DSIRF. Moreover, European governments continue to deploy spyware to unlawfully surveil their citizens. This includes a major scandal in Spain targeting Catalan independence leaders and politicians, as well as reported abuses by Hungarian and Polish authorities. In a draft report submitted by Sophie in ‘t Veld, rapporteur for the European Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and other spyware (PEGA), she writes that “the abuse of spyware is a severe violation of all the values of the European Union, and it is testing the resilience of the democratic rule of law in Europe.”
So what can be done? First, the European Commission could do far more to address the spyware problem within the EU. Currently, the European Parliament is the only pan-European institution tackling this problem, but it lacks executive power and faces roadblocks at every turn. Very little will change unless the EU undertakes a more serious institutional push to break through obstructionism by EU member states. The commission has so far refrained from pressuring member governments to tighten their policies, highlighting Brussels’s limited ability or interest in fighting the problem. It would make a big difference if the commission sent a clear signal that cracking down on spyware is a priority. There is little reason the EU could not take steps similar to those implemented by the United States.
Second, democracies can be far more stringent when it comes to curbing their own use of spyware. Despite public scandals, democratic governments continue to show interest in acquiring intrusive surveillance tools. A good example is India: Just three days after Biden signed his March executive order on spyware, the Financial Times reported that Modi’s government had released a $120 million bid for new spyware contracts. Notably, Indian officials were concerned about the “PR problem” from NSO’s Pegasus and were looking for alternative companies from which to purchase surveillance capabilities. While preventing autocratic leaders from obtaining spyware is a formidable challenge, there are far fewer excuses for democratic governments to be using these tools, whether that’s in Greece, India, Mexico, or Spain. Citizens in democracies should demand better behavior out of their governments, especially when it comes to unlawfully deploying surveillance tools against journalists and civil society. Also needed is diplomatic pressure against culpable governments. In the case of Intellexa and Cytrox, the United States and its partners may not have significant leverage to wield against Hungary, where one of the Cytrox companies is based, but pressure could be exerted against other countries hosting these firms and their various entities. Already, there are reports that in response to Intellexa’s listing, the company’s Irish auditor has resigned.
Third, it is important not to overlook the Israel angle. Many notorious spyware firms are connected to Israel’s security establishment. Dilian, for example, cut his teeth working as a commander for the Israeli Defense Forces’ Unit 81, a crucible of advanced military technology responsible for developing intelligence products for special operations units and other defense agencies. Israel is a major hub and protector of the spyware industry. When other countries attempt to probe Israeli firms, they are often stonewalled. In July, a Spanish judge investigating the alleged hacking of ministers’ phones with Pegasus spyware was forced to close the court’s inquiry “due to the complete lack of legal cooperation from Israel.” There is no reason the Israeli government cannot follow the United States’ lead and enforce more stringent standards on non-military applications, rein in exports, and crack down on unaccountable companies. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming visit to the White House is a good opportunity for U.S. officials to have a candid conversation about regulating abusive surveillance practices and the next steps each country can take.
The White House’s export control designation of Cytrox and Intellexa should be commended. It reinforces the administration’s ongoing commitment to curbing spyware violations. But the United States should not be forced to act alone: Europe, Israel, and other jurisdictions should follow the Biden administration’s lead and take meaningful steps to restrict the behavior of mercenary spyware firms.
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