#reposting to try n get some action on here ;0
miirtis-blog · 7 years
hello everyone! i am a ladies of kuroshitsuji roleplay blog, and i desperately need people to interact with. if i can send you starters or interact with your muse in any way, can you please like/reblog this post?
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
For Us; j.jh
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+another repost! i just read this and not sure why i even posted it, this was so terribly done lol
summary; jaehyun, you and your first born on a reality tv show
2.8k words lol
this is literally… so so… terrible. you guys shouldn’t read this because i literally put 0 effort in this ;; also this is female reader, i don’t know how to make this gender neutral…
if i see anyone liking this i will get so mad because this is absolutely trash i will delete this in 3 years >:(
+episode 1 
The show started with a toddler playing on the bed, obvious that his parents were on each side of him. 
Oh? Do we have a new member?
The baby suddenly turns to poke his father’s cheeks. His father grumbles in response, pushing the small hands away from his face lightly. 
“Daddy,” the toddler mumbles, “wakey wakey,”
Oh? This baby can speak English?
His father let out a low grumble. His face was blurred from editing. 
The toddler pinches his father’s cheeks as he let out a giggle. 
“Daddy, you look funny,”
What? He can speak Korean too? I wonder who their parents are.
The toddler then leans down to press kisses all over his father’s face, his father cracks a grin. 
“Hello, I am NCT127’s Jaehyun,” Jaehyun bow to the camera with a smile. 
“Hello, I am Y/N, wife of Jaehyun and mother of Jung Seungwoo,” you greet. 
“How long have the both of you been married for?”
“We’ve been married for almost 4 years,” replies Jaehyun. 
“How old is Jung Seungwoo?”
“He’s turning 2 years this year,”
“How many kids do the both of you want?”
You look at Jaehyun, who was already staring at you. The both of you let out a laugh. 
“I actually want 2 kids,” you say, “but before we got married, Jaehyun said he wants 5!”
“I was joking!” he exclaims, “but now it’s up to y/n, it’s her body and I’ll respect her,”
Jaehyun’s eyes flutter open, his dimples showing as he grins at his first born. He automatically puckers his lips, waiting for his kiss. Seungwoo didn’t hesitate to press his lips against Jaehyun’s.
“Good morning,” Jaehyun mumbles, shutting his eyes. 
His son whines, tugging on his father’s huge hands, “I’m hungry,”
Without hesitation, Jaehyun stood up, carrying the toddler in his arms. 
Woah! Their house is so big and clean! As expected from an idol!
Jaehyun places his child on the baby chair, leaning against the counter, facing him, “What do you want to eat, Seungwoo-ya?”
“Strawberries!” Seungwoo says cheerfully, slamming his tiny hands on the table. 
His father hums and takes out the box of strawberries. He washes the strawberries thoroughly before cutting it into edible pieces and filling them in a bowl. 
“Here you go,”
Jaehyun places the bowl of fruits on the table. His son reached out to take the fruits in his hands but was stopped by his father’s voice. 
“Jung Seungwoo,” Jaehyun glares at his child. 
“Why were you being mean to him?”
Jaehyun laughs, “was that mean? The both of us have been trying to teach him dining etiquette,”
“He’s almost 2 and still isn’t very good at using utensils, so we have been a little stricter with him,” you explain further. 
“Thank you for the food,” Seungwoo says as he clumsily pokes the strawberries with the plastic fork his dad has given him. 
Jaehyun had spent the whole day spending with his child alone. He had cook, played, change diapers for Seungwoo all alone. Because of the show, you had to leave for a day. 
After putting Seungwoo to sleep, he stepped out to the living room in the dark. He pulled out his phone, dialling your number that he had memorized. 
“Baby,” he whispers when he hears you pick up. 
“Jaehyun, how was it?” you ask him. 
He lets out a sigh, “exhausting,”
You laugh at his response, “did he behave the whole day?”
He hums, “yeah, we went to the market earlier then to the playground since he wanted to play,” he explains. 
You hum in response. You didn’t really know what to say since you know the cameras are still filming your husband. 
Jaehyun lets out another sigh. 
“You okay?” you ask. You could sense that Jaehyun wasn’t only tired, but he was also down. 
Jaehyun finally lets out a choked sob, he tried to quieten his sob, knowing his son is asleep in his room. 
Is he crying? Why is he crying?
“Jae? Why are you crying, baby?”
It took him a while to find the right words, “I didn’t know it took this much effort to take care of a child,” he whispers, “I’ve never properly taken care of my own child, I feel like a bad father,”
“Don’t say that,” you frown, “you’re a good father, Jaehyun. Seungwoo loves you.”
“I’m sorry for not helping you earlier,” Jaehyun whispers, his voice breaking, “I’m going to help you more now,”
You smile at his words, “It’s okay, Jaehyun. Don’t think too much about it, okay?”
Jaehyun lets out a shaky sigh, tilting his head up to wipe the stray tears, “okay,”
“Now go to bed, baby. Seungwoo doesn’t like sleeping alone,”
Right when you finished your sentence, Seungwoo started crying in his room. Jaehyun rushes to his son, stroking his hair. 
“Daddy is here,” Jaehyun whispers, lulling Seungwoo to sleep. 
“You’re a good dad, Jaehyun,” you continue, “go to sleep, okay? I’ll see you in the morning,”
“Okay, I love you,”
“I love you too, Jung”
+episode 3
Seungwoo was in the middle of the both of you, his left hand was wrapped around Jaehyun’s as the other was wrapped around yours. He would occasionally pull himself up, so he felt like he was flying. 
“Seungwoo, what do you want to eat today?” you ask him, looking down at the playful boy. 
“I want to eat something spicy!” he giggles. 
You gasp, “spicy? Will you be able to take it?”
He nods, “I want something super spicy!”
“If that’s what you want,” shrugs Jaehyun, “we’ll get you the spiciest food,”
Oh? Are they being serious? Are they going to feed Seungwoo really spicy food?
The scene changed to Seungwoo sitting with a small portion of Jajjangmyeon in front of him. 
“I’ll eat this well!” cheers Seungwoo as he picks up his chopsticks to eat. 
The emcees laugh at the scene. 
“can he actually take spicy food?”
“Nope!” you reply, “he’s tried cup noodles but complained but it was too spicy,”
“He thinks Jajjangmyeon is spicy.”
+episode 7
“Seungwoo,” calls Jaehyun, walking out of his room, “go get ready,”
To everyone’s astonishment, Seungwoo continues playing with his toys, ignoring his father’s words. 
“Seungwoo,” Jaehyun repeats. When his son continues ignoring him, he lets out a tired sigh, walking to you. 
Oh, what’s wrong with Seungwoo?
You suddenly came out of your room, walking over to your son, “Seungwoo, go get ready, we’ll be leaving soon.”
Seungwoo stops playing with his toys, looking up at you, “okay.”
Is he mad at his dad?
15 minutes ago…
“Daddy I want to eat chocolate,” whines Seungwoo, tugging on his father’s leg. 
His father shakes his head, “you’ve eaten enough, no more chocolates, Seungwoo.”
Seungwoo let out another string of whines, pulling his father’s pants, “but mommy says I can eat some!”
“No,” Jaehyun says sternly, “you’ve eaten enough, Seungwoo. 
Seungwoo was on your left, his hand holding onto yours. On your right was your husband, who was also holding your hand.
Your son has been throwing tantrums at his father ever since at home because Jaehyun wouldn’t let him eat chocolates. 
Seungwoo notices how Jaehyun was holding on your hand. Letting go of your fingers, he walks over and pulls your hand from your husband’s and holds your now free hand.
He’s so cute!
You let out a soft laugh, looking over at Jaehyun who was shocked by Seungwoo actions. His son turns around to stick his tongue out at his father.
Your husband walks on the other side of you, secretly reaching out for your empty hand. 
“Seungwoo, do you like mommy more or daddy more?”
“Mommy!” the toddler replies without hesitation, showing his grin. 
“Why do you like mommy more?”
Seungwoo looks around, making sure his parents wasn’t in sight, “because mommy lets me eat chocolate!”
“Mommy, carry me,” Seungwoo whines when he saw his father standing next to you. He lifted his limbs, waiting for you to carry him. 
“You’re a big boy, Seungwoo, you don’t need mommy to carry you,” replies Jaehyun. 
You hit his arm, letting out a laugh. You carried your son, placing him on your hips as the two of you walk happily. 
“Mommy you love me more, right?” Seungwoo asks, his hands on your cheeks. 
“Hm? I love both you and daddy the same,” you answer. 
He shakes his head, “No, daddy is a meanie, you love me more right?”
Jaehyun scoffs at Seungwoo, “mommy loves me more,”
You chuckle, “I love the both of you the same, stop arguing.”
Seungwoo suddenly pulls your face closer to his face as he pecked your lips, quickly pulling away. 
“Do you love me more, now?”
“I can do that too,”
Before you could even reply, Jaehyun used his pointer finger so you were facing him. Your husband left a sweet yet longing kiss on your lips, pulling away with a cheeky grin as your son let out a grumble.
+episode 11
“Can we invite Naeun over?” Seungwoo asks, tugging on your hand. 
You hum. Naeun was one of Seungwoo best friends, and one of your husband’s close friends too. They practically grew up together. 
“Babe,” you turn to your husband who was watching the news, “is Taeyong free? Seungwoo wants to see Naeun.”
“I’ll text him,” your husband replies, fishing out his phone to text his friend. 
Seungwoo crawls into his father’s lap, watching his dad type a message to Taeyong. When he saw his father finish typing, he looks at Jaehyun with a cheeky smile. 
“Can I play games on your phone?”
Before Jaehyun can even reply, Seungwoo already snatched his phone from his grip, crawling out of his father’s lap to play games on the phone. 
About an hour later, you hear the doorbell ring. Seungwoo quickly ran to the door, waiting for his parents to open the door. 
“Naeun-ie!” cheers Seungwoo as he hugs his friend, pulling the little girl in his room, playing around. 
“Hi Hyung, sorry I had to call you so last minute,” Jaehyun apologizes, hugging his friend. 
After most of the members getting married, most of them have decided to focus on their private life. 
“It’s okay, Naeun was missing Seungwoo, anyway,” replies Taeyong. He suddenly hands you a bag of fruits, “I remember you telling me that Seungwoo really loves strawberries, so I bought some on the way,”
That is so nice of Taeyong!
“You didn’t have to! Thank you, Taeyong,”
You place the bags of strawberries on the counter. 
“Where’s your wife?” asks Jaehyun, noticing that his friend came alone. 
“She’s busy with work, she couldn’t follow me,” explains Taeyong.
+Episode 18
The scene started with Seungwoo attempting to crack an egg, putting it in the bowl. Luckily, the attempt was successful, although there were some eggshells in it but Jaehyun managed to take those out. 
“What were you guys doing?”
“It’s Mother’s Day today and we decided to surprise y/n,” says Jaehyun with a smile. “I told y/n to go out with her friends today so I can prepare the surprise.”
Jaehyun planned to bake a cake for you. He originally wanted to make a romantic dinner for you, but you had told him you would be getting dinner with your friends, so he decided against that. 
Seungwoo climbs down from the chair to go to a camera, whispering, “Daddy is a really good cook!”
“Daddy,” Seungwoo calls out, his father hums without turning around, “can I give the uncles yoghurt drinks?”
“Go ahead, Seungwoo,”
The uncles might’ve been there for a long time, that’s why he’s offering them drinks. He’s such a sweet boy!
It took the boys a total of 3 hours to finish preparing the cake. 
Jaehyun heave a sigh, wiping the sweat on his upper lips with his sleeves. Jaehyun had frosting on his cheeks and forehead. 
“Daddy, you have frosting on your face,” Seungwoo giggles, pointing at his father. 
Jaehyun cracked a smile, even though he didn’t bother wiping the excess frosting. “How is it, Seungwoo?”
Seungwoo turns to face the cake. 
The cake is huge! It had 3 layers and it was covered in white and baby pink frosting (your favourite colour). He had also bought some edible flowers, sticking them on the sides of the cake. 
Jaehyun put so much effort and thought into this!
“We have 2 more hours until mommy comes home,” says Jaehyun, looking at the clock, “we’ll take a shower then will you help me with the flowers, Seungwoo?”
His son nods excitedly, “yes!”
After the both of them have taken a shower, Jaehyun brings out 5 packets of flower petals. 
Jaehyun bends down to face Seungwoo. His son reaches out for the bag of flowers, but Jaehyun snatches it before he could grab it. 
“We are going to put the flowers and lead them all the way to the living room, okay? Can you do that?”
Seungwoo nods and Jaehyun passes him one bag of flower petals. The both of them start arranging the flower petals, making sure it was perfect. When they reach the living room, Jaehyun had arrange the flower petals to make a heart in the middle. 
“When mommy comes, you’ll stand in the middle of the heart, okay?” Jaehyun instructs. 
Jaehyun receives a text from you saying you were on the way home. Panic fills Jaehyun, reaching out for Seungwoo, carrying him to the middle of the heart. He hands Seungwoo a bouquet of flower. 
“When mommy comes in, just stay still until mommy comes to you okay?” Jaehyun says quickly, adjusting his son’s hair. 
“Daddy you’re sweating,” mumbles Seungwoo. 
“I know! I’m nervous!” his father lets out a nervous sigh. Jaehyun stands up, “I’m going to hide in the room, so wait until Mommy comes over, okay?”
“And make sure you scream ‘happy mother’s day’ to mommy later!” reminds Jaehyun. 
15 minutes later, Seungwoo hears the door unlock and stands up, waiting for his mother to walk in. 
When you saw the flower petals on the floor you were confused. 
“What is this?” you mumble, loud enough for the camera to capture. You walk further in, following the petals. You gasp when you saw Seungwoo standing in the middle of a flower petal heart. 
“Seungwoo-ah, what is this? Where’s daddy?” you ask, going over to your son. 
“Happy mother’s day!” yells Seungwoo, running over to you. You immediately carry him In your arms, pressing kisses on his face. 
You feel arms snake around your waist. You turn around slightly to see Jaehyun smiling next to you. 
“Did you do all this?” you ask him. 
“Who else?” he murmurs. 
“I helped too!” Seungwoo interrupts, raising both his arms. 
“You did a great job, baby,” you coo, pressing more kisses on your son’s face. 
Jaehyun pouts at your words, unhappy that you didn’t give him a kiss. You put Seungwoo down, who immediately pulls you to the kitchen to show you the cake. 
“You made this too?!” you gasp, “this is crazy, Jaehyun!” 
“And yet you haven’t given me a kiss,” your husband sulk from behind. 
You laugh, turning around and placing your hands on his cheeks, pulling him closer to you. You lean in to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. 
“Ewww,” Seungwoo groans, letting go of your hand. 
You giggle at your son’s reaction, pulling away from Jaehyun. 
The 3 of you sat on the floor of the living room while Seungwoo plays with his toys. 
“Did you purposely kick me out of the house to do this?” you ask your husband, turning to face him with a smirk. 
Jaehyun had one arm wrapped around your shoulder while the both of you lean against the couch. 
Your husband groans, tilting his head back, “you can’t say it that way!”
You chuckle, resting your head on his shoulder, “I loved it, how long did it take you?”
“5 hours,”
“Really?” you pull away to stare at your husband, “you deserve a kiss then,”
Your husband immediately perks up at the idea and puckers his lips, waiting for yours. You lean in to press another sweet kiss on his pretty pink lips. 
The both of you were interrupted with Seungwoo placing his fingers in between your lips. 
He really hates it when his father kisses his mother!
“Should we play a game?” Jaehyun asks. 
“What game?” you nod at him.
“We let Seungwoo pick who he likes more,” 
You scoff at your husbands words, “why? Do you think he would run to you?”
“Of course!”
Seungwoo was standing a few metres away from his parents. 
“Seungwoo, you have to run whoever is your favourite, okay?”
The toddler nods. 
I wonder who he would go to, since he had spent the whole day with his dad.
As expected by you, Seungwoo came crashing on your arms. You laugh in victory. 
After spending the whole day with your dad do you like daddy more or mommy more?
Seungwoo leans closer, whispering, “I like daddy and mommy the same,”
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alchemt · 5 years
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repost ,     don’t reblog ,     please    ! 
full name.   varian of old corona   ! nickname.   v ,   goggles ,   hairstripe ,   vari  . gender.   cis male   (  he  /  his  ) height.   5′0″ age.   17 in canon verse ,   varies within others   !   zodiac.   aries sun ,    libra moon ,    pisces rising  . spoken languages.   drums my hands on the table ,   you got a dead language and something translatable and this kid learns it within a few weeks ,    easy ,    so we’re sorting demantius’ dialect in here ,   but i’d say both the dialects of the inner  +  outer parts of the kingdom  !    (    i’ll talk a lil more specifically ab this in accent  !    )    maybe a smattering of words n phrases of languages found in the other kingdoms ,   due to his work that has all kinds of people coming to him for alchemic assistance ,  as well as being an outskirt village  !
hair color.   black w/ brown highlights and a teal stripe  !   eye color.   blue   ! skin tone.   very light and very very fair ,    burns within a few hours of being outside in the summer sun ,    but before that ,    freckles  ! ! ! accent.   the tts  -  english version of what was most likely a version of an early nineteenth century germanic dialect by the coast   !     i would also reach to say that it’s probably audibly different from what is usually spoken within corona’s main city   /   citadel ,    due to the distance between main and old corona ,    there’s probably a different dialect for those living on the far reaches of the kingdom outskirts  !    voice.   usually very pronounced ,   very loud ,   and very fast ,   depending on whether he’s talking ab his work or not .    either way ,    it’s prone to cracking .   his brain tends to work faster than his mouth ,   so there’s a lot of repetition and backtracking as well  !   dominant hand.   ambidextrous  !    he’s confident enough w/ pouring chemicals with both hands ,   and his staff switches between right and left constantly .   it doesn’t look like he prioritizes towards one over another ,   usually using the one that feels right in the moment .   posture.    absolutely  horrendous  !    literally you will always find him slouching over notes and various versions of work ,    falling asleep in bad positions over his workstations ,    and w/ working his way around machinery   ––   hanging over and around gently dangerous and in - progress kinds of equipment and chemical machinery does  not  always equal the best of results for one’s muscles and posture    ––    but   !     ruddiger  is actually a really wonderful addition to the family here w/ this ,    a welcome weight on his shoulders ,   which also serves to remind him to straighten up   (   in more ways than one  🥺   )   ! scars.   lots of chemical burn scarring   !     alchemy is an incredibly dangerous practice ,    and vari is  not  one to stick to a safety protocol on his own volition ,     like  a  whole  entire  fool  ,   so there’s lots of burnt clothes and burn scars    ––   the gloves were most likely a  gift  from his father ,    as soon as there had been a few accidents leading to some permanent markings on his hands ,    the same w/ the apron .    i do like to think he makes his own goggles ,   though ,    i.e.  why he has  so  many  of them to go around   !   tattoos.   n/a in most verses ,    but i love the idea of him getting one to tie back to all the work he’s done w/ the demanitus legend   /   language when he’s older   !  birthmarks.   hmmm .    i may come back to this at a later point ,    but for now let’s say if there are some ,   they’ve been marked over by other scars .  most noticeable feature(s).   teal hair stripe ,    gigantic goggles ,   some article of clothing is always slightly singed   (   or still on fire ,   please let him know asap   !    )  .  
place of birth.   old corona  ! birth weight.   most likely underweight . birth height.   small ,   tiny ,   it sticks w/ him ,   the poor kid  !   first words.   blue  !     siblings.   none   !    can’t vouch for canon here ,   but i’m going to go with historical accuracy here and say his mother died due to sickness when vari was still a baby . parents.   quirin  ( father ) ,   a woman who wasn’t given a name bc tts is Like That™  ( mother ) parental involvement.   being son to the leader of the village isn’t always .   super  great   !   there’s a lot of interactions between them that lean into the thinking that there’s a .   stilted kind of relationship between them ?    (    think .    that is enough ,     varian     /     yes ,   sir .       think .     not again  ,    varian  .     think .    you are not ready .    )    running a village is a busy enough position to be in ,    let alone one in the middle of a crisis  ,     and it doesn’t feel like there’s much time left ,   or  prioritized ,   in either of those times  ,    to develop a relationship w/ vari  ?     i can’t imagine that the loss of his mother really .    helps  ?    there’s so much  hurt  there ,    you can see it when quirin looks at the portrait in qfad ,    and so they’re very distanced due to just .    not knowing how to reach one another  ?    there’s always something ,   too big to cross ,    too far to reach .    so much of varian’s story is trying to get his father to  see  him ,   to be proud of him ,   and it reflects so much onto .   quirin’s absence  ?    in vari’s work ,    in his interests ,   in  him   ?    and in wanting that ,   needing that emotional relationship more than anything else  ?    feels like enough to drive him to uh     .  .  .     doing A Lot™ to get it .   
occupation.   " wizard “  of old corona   →    alchemist   →    co-lady-in-waiting   (  The Best Day ,    you will never be able to pry this title away from him   )    →    the gentle villain stint    →    redeemed alchemist     →    most trusted royal engineer of corona   !   current residence.   old corona   !    depending on verse he also travels ,   and lives within the citadel to be close to the official castle lab  !   close friends.   ruddiger ,   rapunz.el ,   cassandra ,   eugene ,   lance  . financial status.   as son as the leader of a village ,   i’d say middle class ,   esp. since they’re living in an outskirt town ,   it isn’t much ?    a lot of varian’s experiments come from deconstructing old ones to reuse and rebuild from scraps .   he def sews their clothes back into working order as well   !    driver’s license.   not exactly modern ,    but he  can  fly a hot air balloon  !    that’s pretty vehicular   !    no license tho bc he’s .   gotta rebel in the ways that he still can  !   criminal record.   pulls out a scroll that rolls down the whole expanse of the throne room    :     “  attacking  “   princess rapunz.el on the night of the snowstorm ,   drugging an entire castle staff w/ laced cookies ,   assisting   +   instigating in the theft of herz der sonne's journal ,   assisting   +   instigating the plan to break into the castle vaults ,   stealing the sundrop flower   (    +   later destroying it    ) ,    endangering the crown princess on multiple accounts ,    multiple accounts of assault   +   endangerment to the people of both main and outer corona    (   birthday automaton ,   enhanced ruddiger ,   army of automatons .    ) ,     kidnapping the queen ,     attempted regicide ,    breaking out of jail ,     aligning himself with the saporians ,    wiping the memories of the king   +   queen ,    allegedly planning on continuing the memory wipe to the whole of kingdom corona ,    endangering the whole of main corona with his chemicals yet  again  . vices.   arrogance ,    doubt ,    recklessness .    love language.    primarily  actions  ! !     you need something done ?   you need someone to do something for you  ?    he’s your boy  !    he also gives gifts ,   as well ,   mostly  practical  ones ,   usually lil machines or things he’ll think that could be of use or necessity  !   
character’s theme song.    oh   i  will  make  you  proud   is too much of a  bop  to be anything but his theme  !   we also see it played throughout the seasons in instrumental swells within gentle or Big Plot™ moments ,   even all the way back in  what  the  hair  !   so much of his character  +  narrative arcs lean on being seen and known and validated  ?   it’s important to him ,    but especially for it to come from his dad ,    or even from those he admires n looks up to  ?     The whole entire Dream  ! hobbies to pass time.    experiments ,    building w/ spare machinery parts ,   playing around w/ ruddiger ,    cooking  ,    gardening  ,    sewing ,    reading ,    etc .     ! mental illnesses.   anxiety ,   depression ,    ptsd . physical illnesses.    he gets sick a lot .   exposure to dangerous chemicals can lead to a weakened immune system ,   so it ends up showing in lots of semi - sick days after all - nighters that he works through until he eventually collapses or gets worse .   it does mean that he eventually develops a good repertoire of being able to recognize various symptoms of sicknesses ,    and with a bit of studying ,    experience on how to treat people within his village   +   even beyond   ! fears.   losing his father ,    being lied to   /   kept in the dark ,   not being enough despite his best efforts  ,    never being fully trusted in the same way again ,   that he won’t be who he could’ve been ,    once ,    bright in the light ,   unhurt and unhistoried ,    and that the darkness is still in him ,   waiting for the day that he snaps again .    self-confidence level.    can i get a big  oof  in the chat bc it’s not .    really exactly super - great  ?    or even super - sturdy ,   for that matter  ?   ambition is one thing ,    but failed experiment and failed invention over and over again can be .   extremely disheartening ,   especially when it comes w/ a verbal disappointment speech ,   as well as side - eyes and general wariness   +   distrust from everyone in his village .   he’s incredibly confident in his knowledge   +   ability ,    and can don the   “  wizard of old corona  “   facade ,    but he’s .    he wants to do something right ,    so  so  badly ,   to prove himself ,    to prove that he can ,    even if he’s not exactly the right person to do it ,   he’s going to try anyways  ,    even if it’s just in case ,    even if it’s the only recourse left   ?    and that can be .    dangerous ,    to say the least ,    as we’ve seen .     but  but  but    !    with the help of raps and cass and eugene and lance ,   and being given the chance(s) to be included in their lil found family ,    in being able to prove himself among them    (    with some bumps along the way ,    a sad kid with no family left can go a lil feral w/ fury and grief as a treat ,    as you do ,    you know how it be sometimes    ) ,    and come into his own  ?    has been .      the  absolute  best   !     everything he’s done for the name of good ,    for the betterment of the lives of others  !    all of the light that it brings into his life ,    into his work  !      love that for him   !  !  !    vulnerabilities.   overactive ,   maybe leaning a lil too close to what’s really an obsessive need for answers ,    how that there are not many lines he’s not willing to cross to do something he deems Right™ or for those that he loves ,    how he’s easily provoked to accept challenges   +   problems to solve .
TAGGED BY.   @irnmaidn​ ! 💕 TAGGING.    so  i  did .   gently  cut  a  lot  out  of  this , so  if  you  are  interested  in  filling  this  out ,   let  me  know  and  i will  happily direct  u  back  to  the  whole  of  it   !
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archive-sugamoom · 6 years
Unit 0 | Prologue
Summary: When Jaebum and Youngjae got a call from their boss they didn’t expect that they had to give back their badges to him. They also didn’t expect to become part of Unit 0 the best squad of Seoul Police Department.
Words: 2831
Genre: Drama | Mystery | Crime | Detective!AU | More to come.
Warnings: Minor Drug Mention, some curse words here and there lol.
A/N: I fucked some things up so I have to repost this and Part 1!!!!! Anyways enjoy reading if you haven’t already! OOPS I ACCIDENTLY POSTED PART 1 FIRST
Requests | Masterlist
Character Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
‘’Hyung here is your coffee, have you found anything out yet?’’ Youngjae said as he gave Jaebum his coffee and sat down in the passenger seat of the car. Jaebum took it thanking him with a nod and took a sip before replying. ‘’No nothing yet. The suspect is still inside but I assume that he will come out soon.’’
Jaebum and Youngjae were currently on a stakeout and were very close to arresting the person they were following. It was a case that involved drugs. Personally it was Jaebum his favourite type of cases these days. The ones that didn’t involve corpses and risking him becoming one were the best. When it comes to a case with drugs it usually involved stakeouts to figure out the places where the drugs were being held.
‘’Suspect is now walking out.’’ Youngjae said interrupting Jaebum his train of thought. He looked up and sighed and handed Youngjae his coffee. But before he could take action his phone rang. Sighing he picked it up. ‘’With Jaebum?’’ He said with an agitated voice. ‘’Is that the tone you use talking to your mother as well detective Im?’’ Said the voice on the other side. But before Jaebum could respond the person on the other line started to talk again. ‘’Don’t answer that I need you and detective Choi here immediately.’’
‘’But sir we are very close to getting the suspect.’’ Jaebum said. ‘’Like I said get here. Right now detective Im.’’ With that the person on the other side of line hang up. Jaebum sighed as he started the car. ‘’What’s up Hyung?’’ Youngjae said after taking a sip of his coffee placing the other coffee in one of the drink stands in the car.
‘’We have to go back to the office.’’ Jaebum said as he looked around to get on the road. ‘’What? What about the suspect?’’ Youngjae asked as he looked at the suspect walking off in some shady alley. ‘’Gotta forget about him. The captain didn’t sound exactly happy when he called.’’ Jaebum responded not taking his eyes off the road.
Youngjae chuckled. ‘’When does he though?’’ Jaebum smiled glancing at Youngjae. ‘’I suppose you’re right about that.’’ He said taking a sip of his coffee at a red light. ‘’Thanks again for the coffee.’’ He said putting it down. ‘’Well someone has to.’’
It was strange they have never been in the office that is inside their office. The squad or well only Jaebum and Youngjae call it the office of doom, whose office was it? The captains. People only come in here when they fucked something up. And Jaebum was 100% sure that they did nothing wrong. So why did they sit there with the door closed and the blinds closed.
‘’You must wonder why you are here, am I right detective Im? Detective Choi?’’ Jaebum nodded together with Youngjae. One thing Jaebum learned when he started to work here is that when being in a situation like this, the last thing you should do is talk back. Their captain stood up and held out one of his arms. ‘’I’d like your badge and gun.’’
‘’Excuse me sir but what did you just say?’’ Youngjae asked looking at their captain in confusion. When Jaebum heard Youngjae he knew they were fucked, but he couldn’t help but think the exact same thing. ‘’You heard me detective Choi. Your badge and gun, please this is the last time that I will repeat myself for you.’’
Jaebum sighed and took off his holster where his gun was in, then he grabbed his bade from his back pocket and put it on the captains desk. Youngjae looked at Jaebum and then slowly did the same. ‘’Thank you for your hard work, the two of you had a successful career here.’’ The captain said looking at the two of them.
‘’Why did we have to do this.. Sir?’’ Jaebum asked as he looked at the badge he worked hard for to get. ‘’Why did we have to hand in our badge and gun if we had a successful career?’’ The captain chuckled, a thing he never did. Then he sat down and looked at the two of them. ‘’The two of you will be transferred to a different department.’’
Jaebum and Youngjae looked at each other and then back at their now ex-captain. ‘’Which one exactly?’’ Youngjae asked. Jaebum followed up the question. ‘’And why?’’ Their questions made the captain chuckle again. ‘’First. The two of you will be transferred to Seoul Police Department. And second, you can’t grow here anymore.’’ The captain said.
‘’Not to be rude sir but we stopped growing a few years ago.’’ Youngjae said looking at the captain. ‘’I didn’t mean growing like that detective Choi. You two are the best detectives in this unit and I want the two of you to continue and grow to become even better detectives.’’ He said and gave them a paper. ‘’Here is the contract please sign it to become officially part of the best unit of the Seoul Police Department. Unit 0.’’
The two grabbed the pen and signed the papers. When they were done they got up together with the captain. ‘’Well then, I shall send these to the SPD. Gentlemen good work. Now please leave my office I have work to do.’’ The captain said as he shoved the two of them out of his office.
They looked at each other once again. ‘’So..’’ Youngjae started. ‘’What about the drug case?’’ Jaebum finished. At that moment the one who worked as the civilization administrator tapped Jaebum his shoulder. ‘’Don’t worry the case will be given to someone else. Good luck at your new unit. Talking about them it’s time you two leave this place and go there, don’t you think?’’
At that Jaebum just nodded and left saying nothing. Youngjae quickly said bye and followed him. Once they were outside Jaebum groaned in frustration. ‘’For fuck’s sake! What a shit excuse is that?! I didn’t work my ass off this hard to be treated this way by that asshole!’’ Youngjae jumped a little at his outburst after all wasn’t leaving that place better than staying?
 ‘’Hyung please, your chin is showing.’’ Youngjae said trying to calm him down, though he couldn’t help but agree a bit. After all who releases their supposed best employees right in the middle of a case, right only a madman or someone that thought that his employees were threat to him. Jaebum sighed. ‘’Sorry Youngjae.. It was my dream working here… But you know the story.’’ He went with his hand through his hair. And looked at the said man. ‘’I guess it is time to go to our new work place.’’
Youngjae nodded and smiled. ‘’Everywhere is probably better than working with maybe the closest spawn of Satan.’’ He said and walked together with Jaebum to the car. ‘’You’re right, maybe a little change is better.’’
Now they were standing in front of their new office, it had been quite the search, it felt as if the Seoul Police Department was 10 times bigger than the one back in Incheon. It was so big they had to ask the reception where the office was for the so called ‘Unit 0’. Luckily the receptionist didn’t think they were stupid for not knowing and showed them.
They were nervous, they didn’t know what to expect, old people? Are they dressed as Sherlock Holmes? None of them spoke a word but it was Youngjae that broke the quiet atmosphere around them. ‘’Hyung you open it.’’ He said softly. Jaebum shook his head. ‘’No you do it you’re younger.’’ He responded in a hushed tone.
‘’Yeah but you’re older shouldn’t you be taking care of the younger people?’’ Youngjae said again this time looking at him. ‘’Sorry my hands cramped because my oldness decided on it.’’ Jaebum responded again looking back at him.’’
‘’Hi, can I help you?’’ Jaebum and Youngjae jumped a little at the quiet voice they heard behind them. When they turned around they relaxed a bit. ‘’Oh thank god you’re not a ghost.’’ Youngjae said as he sighed in relieve. Jaebum stayed quiet and kept looking at the red haired man before him. The red haired man chuckled at Youngjae his comment and then looked back at Jaebum. ‘’Is something wrong?’’
Jaebum blinked a few times realising that the man said something to him. ‘’Ah yes! I mean no there is not, well kind of. Do you work here?’’ He said. The man chuckled and nodded. ‘’Yes I do work here, come inside I suppose? Unless you have to be somewhere else?’’ The man said as he opened the door and walked inside. ‘’Actually we do!’’ Youngjae started. ‘’We kind of got transferred here without further notice, my name is Choi Youngjae or well detective Choi. And this is Detective Im.. Im Jaebum.’’ Youngjae said as he pointed at Jaebum.
The man nodded and sat down at his own desk. ‘’Ahh so you two are the new detectives from Incheon right? The name is Mark Tuan. Nice to meet you.’’ Mark said as he smiled at the two. He pointed at the two chairs in front of him. ‘’Please sit down, want something to drink?’’ He said as he got up again.
Jaebum and Youngjae quickly sat down and shook their heads. ‘’No thank you we just had our coffee actually.’’ Jaebum said. Mark nodded and walked to the coffee machine making his own coffee. It went quiet for an uncomfortable amount of seconds before Youngjae started to talk again. ‘’So uh are you all alone here… Where are your other colleagues?’’
‘’Ah sorry for not saying this earlier. Our captain is currently in a meeting, don’t know where the others are. Don’t worry though they are all nice.’’ Mark said as he sat down back down behind his desk. ‘’Could you tell us something more about… This unit and why it’s a zero and not another type of number?’’
Mark looked up at Jaebum after looking into some files on his computer. ‘’Oh we’re just like any other unit here, except well this office is all about research for cases and such. Perpetrators don’t come here. The captain also doesn’t have his own office and works alongside with us. Everyone here if basically best friends with everyone here. Oh and in here we don’t call it Unit 0 but the ‘JYP Unit’.’’ Mark finishes his story and takes a sip of his coffee. ‘’Are JYP the initials of the captain here?’’ Youngjae asked.
Mark nodded and looked at him. ‘’Yeah it is, we don’t call him captain when he’s around by the way. Just call him JYP and all will be fine.’’ ‘’That’s kind of irresponsible if you ask me’’ Jaebum mutters softly. What kind of Captain basically renames a unit after him. But hey all he has known was a very strict captain.
Both Youngjae and Mark heard Jaebum mutter and chuckled. ‘’Ah it’ll be fine Hyung.’’ Youngjae said patting Jaebum his shoulder. At that moment the door opened and closed almost immediately. ‘’Ah Mark I see you helped our new two detectives already.’’ A voice said behind them. Mark nodded and they slowly turned around. ‘’Hi I’m Captain Park Jinyoung, but the two of you can refer me as JYP. The man said.
Jaebum and Youngjae and stood up introducing themselves and doing their greetings. ‘’Oh please don’t be so formal, I’m not that old you know.’’ JYP laughed placing both his hands on each their shoulder. But I guess it is time for some serious talk, follow me. He said as he led them to his own desk.
‘’JYP We’re back! And the case is solved as usual!’’ Jaebum looked behind him once again when the door opened. This time a younger man walked in silver hair and loud. ‘’What would the world be without us!’’ Another young man came inside, black hair and tall. Youngjae looked at them and they looked at both of Jaebum and Youngjae.
‘’Guys quiet down a bit, good job though proud of the two of you. Also  come here I want you to meet your new colleagues.’’ JYP said pointing at Jaebum and Youngjae. The silver haired man walked to them. ‘’Hey the name is Bambam but you can call me Double B. I am currently the hottest detective in the area.’’ He said. ‘’No one is going to call you Double B.’’ The other one said. ‘’Hi I’m Kim Yugyeom, sorry about him. You’ll get used to it though.’’
‘’Shut up Yugyeom don’t pretend to be all innocent. We all know you’re the worst.’’ Mark said softly as he quietly kept typing something on his computer. Jaebum had to admit, the people here currently might be a weird bunch but he already knows that they are good people. Jaebum stood up and introduced himself to Bambam and Yugyeom. ‘’Yeah nice to meet you too, it’s Im Jaebum.’’ Youngjae stood up as well and smiled. ‘’Hi my name is Choi Youngjae.’’
JYP cleared his throat. ‘’Bambam, Yugyeom please get started on your report. Jaebum, Youngjae I have here your badges ready and your holster.’’ JYP said as he unlocked the closet next to his desk getting said objects out of it and handed it to them.
Youngjae took it gladly and looks at the holster. ‘’Thank you sir, where do we get our gun?’’ He asked. JYP chuckled. ‘’Oh that’s right you will be getting a customized gun. You know safety reasons. But you can always train your shooting at the range in the basement.’’ He said looking at Youngjae. Who looked at Jaebum. ‘’Hyung they have everything here.’’ Youngjae said excitedly.
Jaebum rolled his eyes at his friends excitement. ‘’Youngjae please don’t rub it in.’’ He said softly to him. The rest of the guys looked at him confused. ‘’Rub in what?’’ They asked. Youngjae grinned. ‘’What that I’m a way better shooter than you? Sorry Hyung no can do.’’
When Bambam heard Youngjae he laughed. ‘’Sorry no offense uhh Youngjae-Hyung but are you sure that you’re way better?’’ At that Youngjae looked at Bambam. ‘’You haven’t seen us shoot so who are you to judge?’’ Bambam gulped and apologised knowing he shouldn’t have said something like that.
‘’Yah Bambam come here and make this report with me!’’ Yugyeom said grabbing him by the collar. ‘’Yugyeom you will ruin this blouse if you pull it.’’ He said after Yugyeom let the collar go. ‘’I really don’t care you have a million other blouses to wear.’’ Yugyeom responded.
‘’Hello? You’re speaking with JYP. Ah Junior the two of you are almost done? That’s great, good job! We shall meet at the usual spot, great good to know. Another thing the 2 new detectives are here so get two extra seats, alright thank you.’’ JYP hung up and looked at his team. ‘’Well then everyone let’s head out shall we?
If there was one thing that Jaebum thought that would never happen in his career it would be a team dinner. But yet here was sitting next to Youngjae and Mark drinking out of his glass with soju. What he found more surprising is that he found himself enjoying himself, for once he actually had fun with other people aside Youngjae.
‘’Detective Im are you feeling okay?’’ Jaebum looked at the person who asked him, ah it was the only female detective of the unit (Y/n) (L/n) was her name, Jaebum had never thought he would meet someone as beautiful as her, now that might have been mostly the alcohol talking because Jaebum never admits something like that so quickly after meeting someone.
‘’Yes, I’m fine don’t worry.’’ He said as he returned the smile to her. ‘’I thought our favourite boss called JYP told you to call him Jaebum huh!’’ A drunk Bambam exclaimed loudly. ‘’Shut up and don’t come so close your breath stinks like beer. It’s gross.’’ She said pushing Bambam away from her.
She then continued. ‘’Besides I respect him a lot as a detective calling him by his real name feels unreal to me.’’ Bambam just rolled his eyes. ‘’Oh pleaaaaseeee don’t give me that crap!’’ ‘’Bambam quit it.’’ Jaebum looked over at Junior or well also Jinyoung. He looked at him as Jinyoung tried to control Bambam. He had to smile at the sight.
‘’Hyung…’’ Youngjae said to him. Jaebum hummed not bothered to respond. ‘’I’m kind of glad that we got send here. They seem a lot of fun don’t you think?’’ Jaebum nodded as he looked around. Mark sat quietly enjoying his drink. Then there was Yugyeom eating as if he was about to die. Bambam who tried to cling on Jinyoung and lastly he looked at his new boss and (Y/n) talking about various things. ‘’You’re right Youngjae they do.’’ Youngjae grinned. ‘’I’m always right.’’
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