#reposting some of my other stuff to my main blog now
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x gn!reader
Warnings: None really, Gaz being a playful menace maybe, incorrect military titles/workings, not proofread
2.7k words
Despite it being the end of a workday you and your little office department are left with a cruel trick on Halloween in the form of a massive load of paperwork from one of your superiors. Someone comes along and throws a wrench into your evening.
“One, two, someone’s coming for you! Three, four, better lock your door! Five, six get a crucifix! Seven, eight, better stay up late! Nine, ten-”
“Shut it, ya nitwits! Ya don’t even have the bloody song right!”
The door to your office did little to muffle the drunken cacophony of off-key singing of the Halloween party going on outside your tiny little office. Despite your best efforts and warnings, someone had been able to sneak a bottle of liquor into the party and dump its contents into some of the fruit punch; something about the ‘blood’ needing a bit ‘something extra’. It was a good thing you carried extra bottles of water or else you’d be forced to quench your thirst with something less than savory.
It wasn’t a large party, just mainly your department seeing as the small bunch of you were all left behind to finish some loose ends left by some overly lax superiors. Most of the department consisted of civilians with normal office worker who saw nothing more than a faulty fax machine and angry office managers every few weeks; nothing compared to the combat ready sergeants and corporals that used the small communications department as a respite from their training or running away from someone’s ire. Lacking any authoritative power, you never did much to stop any of the soldiers, seeing as you’d do the same if you ever heard some of the instructors yell the way they do at their men and women.
A staff sergeant, one you’ve seen a hundred times yet never were introduced a name to, came to you and your co-worker with an arm’s full of files and flash drives; something about last minute contracts coming in and a PMC group finishing a mission only hours before. It’s Friday, and they wanted it all done before the weekend but seeing as they had a… ‘very important meeting’, the staff sergeant volunteered the department to get it done. By that point, most were already packing in their lunch packs and bags, so the added work was anything but appreciated.
You had been staring at the spreadsheet on your monitor screen for possibly five minutes, eyes only blinking when they were near painfully dry, before you straightened out each limb in a stretch and drawn out groan.
You’re tired. You were tired before you even entered the office. Usually you could muster a structured smile if you brought along a cup of coffee or perhaps ate a meal gentle enough on your stomach, but you missed both alarms despite you being awake far before the first set off. Perhaps it was a bad idea to keep scrolling through videos in the warmth of your blankets.
The chatter outside only grew louder as the hours went on, most coworkers stopping their data entry only an hour into it, the rest shortly following suit. Many have given you partially completed files, one of them even giving you a single cell entered into his spreadsheet before unceremoniously giving up. So, here you are. Picking up the pieces of half-assed work that was never yours while the others brought in takeout and booze to ease their tired bones and fill their empty stomachs. Must be nice.
In your lax state you easily slipped into a dreamlike state, eyes ever so slowly closing while your body slumped further into the worn out office chair, the most comfort you’ve had all day. You were so relaxed your brain couldn’t focus back in fast enough when the door to your office carefully swung open, the bright yellow lights outside of your dimly lit office shadowing the face that peered in, a gentle voice calling out to you, jolting your whole body in a fright.
“Pardon me-” The voice spoke just loud enough to rise over the Halloween music and hollering, an embarrassed chuckle following your fright. “My bad, I didn’t know if I got the right room.”
“No, no… Come in.” You straightened yourself up again, smoothing out your shirt and fixing the leaning tower of manila files that flooded your desk.
A man stepped through your door, a blue cap on and visibly dirt dusted tactical gear still on his well built body stepped into your lamplight, a folder in hand. If you were being honest with yourself, you couldn’t deny how ethereal he looked with how his built framed was lit from behind you, the yellow light from your lamp giving only his torso a golden cast. His face was mostly obscured by his cap but his nervous smile of clear to you.
“Apologies. I was told to drop these off here.” The gentleman approached your desk in few, even steps, the folder stretched out to you.
It could have been the late hours of the evening or exhaustion reaching into your consciousness, but by the way your mouth hung open and your gaze lingered a little too long, you were nonetheless captivated by the gentle nature of this man’s smile. Your hand had instinctively reached for the manila folder, your eyes tiredly lingering on your guest’s features. He had scars, scratches and indentations that formed memories on his skin, though none of them hindered the soft lines of his jaw or cheekbones, the scruff of his beard lending maturity to his youthful skin, all to help frame his eyes that looked into yours. He was quite handsome, to say the least.
“Ah… Are you well?”
You felt a dial up noise in the hind parts of your brain, thoughts beginning to whirl again when he broke the silence. You snapped the gripped folder away, using it to partially cover your face in reflex, embarrassment burning on your cheeks. “Sorry! Sorry... I’m- a bit of a ways away from here, I think…”
He offered a snicker, smile only growing wider towards you. “It’s alright! Just making sure you’re still ticking in there. Seems like you’re working a bit of that overtime. Was scared I lost ya there.”
You could only offer a pained smirk, a sigh unconsciously leaving you. It seems he understood everything wrong in that one emote, shifting feet and letting out a sigh himself, almost as if to help relieve the tension that was building both in the room and with the party outside. “You have a lot to finish, then?”
You glanced over at the files that rested suspiciously on the edge of your desk, space being minimal on your work area even before you were handed the tall stack. “Yeah… I should be done by-” you flipped through them haphazardly, a few off the top sliding off and to the floor. You just sighed and left them there. “Christmas, perhaps.”
The gentleman chewed his lip, humming a note before picking up the spilled files. “With breaks I hope?” He questioned, which left you only with a half-hearted chuckle, your head lulling to the side in exhaustion just thinking about the work.
Thumbing the recent file open you glance over it in passing as your guest straightened out the pile of folders. “Sergeant Garrick?” You asked, glancing up at the gentleman. He nodded and offered a proper introduction to himself. Sergeant Kyle Garrick, a member of task force 141 with Captain Price.
“Most just call me Gaz, though. Much more friendly that way.” He shined his teeth in his grin, arms beginning to fill with an overabundance of files as he shifted the weight.
“What are you doing, Sergeant Garrick?” Piquing your attention and sitting straight up now, you watched as Gaz hiked the files as far up in his arms as he could manage while also peeking around the tower itself.
“Tidying up! Can’t get on with the merry and gay if you’re buried in paperwork.” He called out to you, already making his way to your office door with caution.
You stood from your chair and barely cleared your hips from the desks when you went to grab a part of the stack of files, the spontaneity of Gaz’s actions waking up your mind, finally. “No, no, no! These stay in here, I haven’t finished any of these yet!” He pushed the door open with his foot and knee, huffing at the struggle of nudging you away with his hip and propping the door open. “Sergeant Garrick!”
“Ah ah ah! Sorry love but these aren’t yours anyhow. Just returning them to their rightful owner.” He pushed past you with force, though only enough to knock you off of your path and stumbling you back. It shocked you just how unabashedly he changed demeanor and took the lead to whatever plan he had mustered.
“Sergeant Garrick!” You couldn’t help but raise your voice to him, calling out.
“Gaz!” He simply called back playfully.
You blinked after him, stunned, gawking at the way he hurried past the bodies of drunk partying coworkers. Seeing the sergeant the workers cheered out in praise, clapping as Gaz shuffled out of the department room. “Shred ‘em!” “Toss ‘em in the bin!” “Get those bloody things out of here!” Amongst other profanities towards the files Gaz carried.
Hearing the demise of all your hard work and the looming threat of your superiors shouting down at you, you picked up your pace to chase Gaz down, attempting to save yourself from the dread of being reprimanded for other’s actions. “Sergeant Garrick!” No response. “Sergeant! Sergeant Gar- Gaz!” You shouted again.
He slowed down, already making it to the elevator that was at the end of the hall. “Yes~” He elongated his words, a smug smirk on his lips.
“Could you please set those files down? I’m not entirely privy to the idea of being yelled at for your… Mishandling.” You did your best to glare at him, but your eyes were too tired and your shoulders slumped in defeat hours ago, making you look more like a pleading beggar. “Please?”
Gaz thought for a short moment, the mischief still in his eyes when the elevator doors slid open. “Hm… No.” And he stepped in, pressing a button inside. Your feet were moving to join him in that same second.
“What do you mean ‘no’? What are you even doing?”
“Taking these back. I see no reason for you to do all this work. It’s Friday! It’s Halloween, aren’t we meant to go knockin’ on doors and getting’ some sweets?” He grinned at you, waiting for the elevator to stop moving and open its doors, wide steps leaving you behind when you hesitated to follow.
“That’s for children, you know! I am not that! I have a job to do, sergeant Garrick, and you’re hindering it with your… Whatever this is- shenanigans!” You huffed at him, trying to widen your stride to keep up. “I have to get this finished, I don’t have all night.”
Gaz stopped all too suddenly, a grunt leaving you when you knocked into his back, stammering back when he snapped himself around. He gave you a moment to regain your composure, and wasted not a second more. “Gaz. And no. You don’t have all night and a night like tonight is much more suited for bars or costume parties. Besides, you also don’t look like-” he picked up a file from the sack, flipping it open and scanning it over. “Staff Sergeant Nicolas Wilkers.” He smiled at you and slapped the file back at the top of the pile.
You tried to explain, correct even, and speak up for yourself when he went back to his full speed as if he’s rushing to catch something. You hardly had a chance to form a sentence before he continued. “If that isn’t you, which it isn’t since you’re not even enlisted, then it’s not your problem. I don’t see why you should have to sort all these out on your own- Especially when everyone else has gone and jumped ship. Quite a crude lot, aren’t they?”
Gaz stopped in front of a door, vinyl lettering spelling ‘Nicolas Wilkers – Staff Sergeant’ on the frosted glass. Gaz wiggled the door knob when it didn’t turn, a curse slipping out under his breath when it wouldn’t budge. Wordlessly he crouched to the floor, dropping the stacks of folders onto the ground and unceremoniously shoved the folders underneath the door two or even three at a time, the sound of flapping pages and folders colliding being muffled on the other side.
“Gaz!” You watched in horror as he quickly shoved the large tower of folders shamelessly underneath the door, Gaz looking unbothered and even amused. To be honest, in the back of your exhausted mind and aching bum, you could care less about those folders once he started, the trek down sapping the last of your energy.
It only took a handful of minutes for Gaz to successfully push all the folders through the small crack underneath, standing up, dusting off his hands and pushing his fists to his hips in a triumphant huff. “There. Out of sight, out of mind, yeah?” He turned to you, where you just starred at him with a fatigued gaze. “What? I already told you, it’s not your work to worry about. We’re just returning to sender, hm?” His smile returned, two firm pats landing on your shoulder as he returned to the elevator.
“And where are you going now?” You exhaled the words, heavy with defeat.
“Going back up to Communications. We can’t forget your stuff, now can we?” He smirked, pressing a button. The doors started to close as the fried wires in your brain connected, a startled yelp escaping you when you realized what he said.
“No! You did enough already, I don’t need you messing with my stuff, too!” You shoved your hand in the way of the closing doors, though Gaz already had a propped hand up and in the way when you finally moved.
“I’m not messing with anything, love, I’m just getting your stuff. We’re going off to a bar; there’s one that has a little costume party goings on ‘bout a short distance away from base. Shouldn’t be too bad.”
Gaz looked content as you gawked at his idea, looking around the moving elevator as if searching for a hidden camera or other. Unfortunately for you and your exhaustion, there were none and you were left with the reality of Gaz speeding off the elevator and making a bee line to your office door.
You halfheartedly jogged after him, giving up when you saw the Communications staff were gathering their coats and belongings, tossing out their mess of bottles and crumbled papers into the bin. Some passed you saying good tidings, others patting your back in congratulations and ‘Good riddance of those blasted papers.”
Gaz had your coat and bag in arms when you weaved past your coworkers, closing your door and smiling at you when you stood face to face with him, partially shocked by your body’s automation to meeting with the sergeant.
There was a bubbling of something in your gut, something that left you a bit breathless and irate, something akin to anger.
But then Gaz smiled his gentle smile, looking right into your eyes with a level of sureness and ease that left that bubbling turn into butterflies for just a brief moment, your train of scrambled thoughts hitting a wall with a single word brimming with confidence.
You blinked, one then twice then thrice, before exhaling fully. You didn’t know you were holding so much weight in your shoulders just then, the festering feeling leading to a moment of just breathing in the air. It smelled like a soft, powdery scent that one might get with a day’s long wear of cologne. It was lovely, how you missed it this whole time confused you more than Gaz’s insistent need to wedge himself into your workday.
Thanks to him, though, it seems that your work day has ended. Someone shut off half the lights to the department just then, nudging your focus back to the man in front of you. Turning around you saw someone wave to you both, calling you two to hurry up before disappearing into the hall. Leaving you with little else to fight for, you shrugged and relaxed your body with a sigh, reaching for your coat in Gaz arms.
#sunny writes#cod mwii#gaz x reader#gaz x you#gaz x gn!reader#kyle gaz garrick#cod gaz#cod kyle gaz garrick#kyle garrick x reader#kyle garrick x you#gaz mw2#reposting some of my other stuff to my main blog now#gaz supremacy whoop whoop
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Count On Mom ~Batfamily Imagine~
Summary: The kids try to get Bruce to get away from the computer. Luckily, there is always one person who can take his mind out of anything including Batman duties. You.
Author’s Note: Haven't posted much in a while and I kept seeing a lot of Batfamily stuff at the last convention I went to so here we go!
BatFamily Masterlist
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: boob flashing, hint to smut
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
Three of the batkids stared at their adoptive father as he had been stuck in front of the screen in the Batcave. None of the moved as they watched Bruce in some kind of trance.
“How long since he moved?” Dick asked Cassandra and Jason.
“A day,” Cassandra monotonous answered.
“I think he blinked a minute ago, does that count?” Jason asked.
“It’s official. Alfred called it. He said he’ll bake cookies if we can get Bruce to stop working,” Duke said as he walked into the batcave.
"Step aside," Jason said as he cracked his knuckles. "This will be over in no time."
As the kids began to try to get Bruce to move away, no effort was made to moving Bruce.
"I got an idea," Dick said as he took out his phone.
You felt your phone ring, making you put the groceries down onto the kitchen island so you could answer your phone. You had just gone to the store to grab some ingredients to make dinner for tomorrow's dinner.
“Hey mom! Are you and Damien almost done with grocery shopping yet?”
“We just got home. Why?”
“We’re trying to pry Bruce off of the computer in the Batcave and Alfred said he’d make us cookies if we get him away from the screen.”
“I’m on my way,” you say with a chuckle at the end.
"Already began to bake the cookies. I know you'll be able to get him away," Alfred told you.
"Of course I can. That's my superpower in this family," you joked.
When you got to the Batcave, you saw your husband tiredly staring at the screen in front of him. The dark bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep made you upset but you knew there was one thing you could do that would always get his attention.
"Aw my poor husband," you say.
"You got this mom?" Jason asked you.
“Step aside kids and close your eyes,” you tell them as you walked over to your husband.
“What are you going to do mom?” Dick as as he covered his eyes. The rest of the kids quickly covered their eyes to avoid to see what you were going to do.
You climbed onto Bruce’s lap before lifting both your shirt and bra in front of him. Bruce quickly snapped out of his daze before looking up at you with a smile.
“Tempting me my love?”
“Maybe,” you smile as you pulled your shirt and bra down.
“Let me have my cookies and you can have me,” you whispered into his ears as you stood up.
“Okay kids. Enjoy Alfred’s cookies,” you say as you headed out.
The moment the kids uncovered their eyes, they watched in shock as Bruce already began to make his way towards you.
“Leave it to mom for getting Bruce to do anything other than his Batman duties,” Jason said.
"I wonder how she does it," Duke says out loud.
"Because dad's got it bad for mom," Dick tells him.
By the time Bruce got to you, you were eating your chocolate chip cookies that Alfred had made with Damien. You winked at your husband as you kissed Damien’s head.
“Alfred, why don’t you and the kids go out for a bit? It’s lovely outside,” you tell him.
“Of course,” Alfred said before walking over to get the rest of the kids. You began to head upstairs to your room, knowing that you had stirred something in Bruce.
“You coming Bruce?” You called out. You smirked as you heard Bruce’s fastened footsteps.
You let out a laugh as you felt him pick you up. You held onto him as he rushed over to the bedroom.
“I owe you some alone time don’t I?” Bruce asked you with a smile.
“Yes you do. Now, while everyone is out of the house, why don’t you make it up to me?” You asked him.
“I plan to," Bruce said before kissing you passionately.
#bruce wayne x reader#bruce wayne imagine#bruce wayne#batman x reader#batman imagine#batman#dc#dc imagine#batfam x reader#batfam imagine#wayne family adventures#alisonwritesimagines
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Hero’s Paradox, The legend of Zelda AU
Brief summary | [Versión en español aquí]
The story takes place in the present timeline of Tears of the Kingdom, after the encounter with Ganondorf beneath Hyrule Castle and the disappearance of Princess Zelda. In this story, Link—Wild, our protagonist, awakens with more than one remnants of the past: he bears the arm of the first King of Hyrule and is joined by several other Links. These heroes have been pulled from their own timelines, where they had lived in peace after completing their respective adventures.
Now, they have been dragged into Wild’s present-day Hyrule, a kingdom facing imminent doom due to the destruction of the Master Sword and the reemergence of an ancient threat. The central plotline will focus on uncovering how they arrived in this timeline and, most importantly, how to return to their respective timelines.
Available HERE and WEBTOON
FAQ & boundaries
You can support me on Ko-Fi and Patreon <3
This AU won’t include any type of LinkxLink. It’s not focused on romance, angst or heavy topics. Hero’s Paradox is mainly about the interactions between the chain and their personal feelings regarding their experiences.
Hero’s Paradox will be posted in comic form. Occasionally, I’ll post text updates about the main plot. [I’m an artist not a writer lol]
You don’t need my permission to draw my designs, If you do I would love to see :]
You can use my art as pfp but please do not repost my artwork.
About Me
Hello, just some additional information about me here!
* You can call me Keo, I am +20 Yrs old and aro/ace, so keep that in mind lol.
* My art blog is mainly about my AU but maybe sometimes Im gonna post unrelated art stuff.
* My fandoms are exclusively The legend of zelda, Pokemon, Naruto and Halo lol, Im VERY NORMAL about them.
* Art requests are totally okay, I may or may not do them but you can always make ur request, my commissions are also open if you REALLY want that art idea realized (DM me via instagram or check my ko-fi commissions) 🗣️
Anyway! Thanks for reading
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I take no issue with monetizing cc. You release good content and have an agreeable release window, I either choose to subscribe, or I wait. Cool. What I do take issue with is this
Perma-paywalls or ridiculous early access release windows. Anything exceeding thirty days is excessive. My opinion.
2. New creators setting up immediate early access. The skillset is just not there yet to put a price on your creations. You barely have a base to sell to. This includes creators who created for other games, then come over to The Sims and try to sell to us. For example, the creator that makes skins and admitted they don't even play the game. Simply here for profit.
3. Creators that do not qc their work, or steal from other creators. Girl.
4. Customer service. Once you start creating for profit, whether it be supplemental or your main source, you have to have a level of customer service and professionalism. You have now started a brand. A very niche brand, but that's what it is. You cannot be short with people for asking valid questions and catching an attitude with them. Like that one lady with the tree coming out in February. If you are one of those rare creators who is lucky enough money to hire someone to handle your social media, I suggest you do that. Or supply a friend with more patience with their favorite coffee or something and let them handle it. Something.
5. Not interacting with the community you are trying to sell to. Connect with people. Repost their edits, lookbooks, builds, leave comments, give a like. The creator mentioned above commented that no one comments on their stuff, at least not here. Fair. This community does not talk like it used to, but to each other like it used to, but you can go to creator pages and see that they are perfectly curated advertisements. Like a showroom. No reblogs of anyone using their content. If you want that for your main page fine, but at least have another side blog where you can do the outlined above.
6. Pushing something out just to push it. I think we have entered a space, both creator and follower/consumer, where everything feels so fast-paced. What's the new thing coming out, what's next, etc. So much so that I think it has made creators push out content just to keep up, especially if they rely on that income. This has resulted in some creators getting into hot water for releasing the same item(s) in different sets and in different colors. Or creators releasing duplicates of the same thing. It can be frustrating, but I question if it is because they're just trying to keep up, or afraid to try something new or different in fear of it not doing well. Some smaller creators who create different content don't get as much love and I question if they would receive more if they followed the wave, or were big enough to start one.
Now to this community
If a creator disrespects you or others or moves in a way that you don't fundamentally agree with, and you complain but still download and or advertise their content, you're moving counterproductive to your plight. Why would anyone reflect on themselves when you prove that you're going to advertise their content anyway?
2. Show love to these creators. Big and small, especially small, monetized or not. Everyone likes to hear or see that what they release is valued. Don't harass or disrespect creators if they take a break, or they don't get something out quickly. Especially the modders.
3. Interact with each other. Even if your aesthetics or different. This is a community. If you see something you like, LIKE IT. Share it, leave a comment.
4. Create the thing simmer. The edit, cc, build, lookbook, whatever. Create the thing and share the thing. Even if it isn't part of a popular trend or aesthetic.
I'm speaking about myself here too because I want to better about this.
I want this to feel fun again. Not just based on what is in at the moment.
This might be read. Might not. Just my two Abes. Anyway I'm about to make some soup from scratch. Toodles!
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joelscruff -> @pedropeach 🍑
so! this past little while has certainly been a dumpster fire of a situation! but if anything, something good that has come out of it is that this was the final push i needed to finally make a new blog.
i've been wanting to do this for a while; some of you may already know (because of the amount of times i've complained about it lmao) that joelscruff is and always has been a sideblog. when i first created it i hadn't used tumblr in years and wasn't anticipating using it very much again, so instead of just making an entirely new blog i decided to just make a sideblog attached to my very old (and unused) main. but obviously once i realized there was a whole ass community on here for pedro and pedro character fic, i ended up sticking around and - as a result - being stuck as a sideblog.
unfortunately being a sideblog on tumblr is extremely limiting. i can't follow from this blog, send asks, or even like posts. it was only very recently that sideblogs were even able to reply to posts. it's always been extremely frustrating and for the longest time i've toyed with the idea of just making a new blog so i wouldn't have to deal with the sideblog limitations anymore. but of course i was hesitant because making such a big change and leaving behind what i've done on this blog is a difficult decision to make.
however, after the shit that's gone on the past week, how it's affected me, seeing how it's affected the people closest to me, and witnessing the love and kindness from others because of it - a fresh start just sounded like a really good idea. the fact that i am no longer limited by tumblr's sideblog rules is incredibly freeing and, frankly, all of this stuff has just left an extremely bad taste in my mouth and has left joelscruff feeling like a shell of sorts that i'd like to leave behind.
so, you can now find me at @pedropeach
it's bittersweet to leave this blog behind, but i will be keeping it up as an archive - none of my fics will be deleted. at this time i don't see myself reposting them to the new blog, nor do i see myself posting any fic for a little while in general. however, when i do decide to start posting fic again, my current series will continue to be updated over there as well as on my ao3.
so yeah! whether you want to follow the new blog is up to you! if you decide to say goodbye or stick around, i appreciate you and the time we spent together on this blog all the same. it was truly an incredible experience and i will cherish it forever. i love you 💖
#a few people have already found me over there and the support has been so heartwarming#i really do love being a part of this community and i'm excited to have a new space 💖#I CAN FINALLY LIKE POSTS!!!!!!
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Welcome to Daily PJ!! this blog is run by @shynetyme06 ✨
(^ there is also a lot of pj stuff on my main, my fixation on this character is just so strong I needed a place exclusively about him at the same time, so here we are)
🩵I accept requests! you can ask me to draw a specific pj variant, other characters to interact with pj, etc etc (ships are kinda eh cuz I only personally like a select few, but feel free to ask and I'll see if I'm comfortable drawing it)
🩷Some days there will higher quality drawings, others there will be sketches or just small doodles, so that even with low motivation I can post about him every day :D 💛Reposts to other platforms are only okay if you include a direct link to either this blog or my main. Credit for using my art for pfps and banners on the other hand is not necessary, but appreciated 🖤I will not be drawing anything problematic or suggestive‼️
✨Daily tag: #daily pj ✨Unrelated: #not pj (it isn't "not daily pj" since I might post pj more than once a day sometimes) ✨Speaking tag: #shy rambles ✨Art tags: #shy art and #shy requests That's all for now!! this post is subject to change the longer I do this so yeag
(dividers by @/cafekitsune)
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Hey Everyone,
I don’t tend to write these kinds of posts on my tumblr page, however I feel this is necessary.
In the event you are not aware, Dumb and Jocked, the main person I do collabs with, and also who is someone who most people might consider to be one of the backbones of the Tumblr TF community, has deactivated his account and left us last week.
Most of the people and I do not know exactly why or how this happened, but it's the reality of the situation unless he somehow does return in the future.
Some tumblrs might still have some of his stories reblogged, including mine, however some of which cannot be accessed as they are stuck at the ‘read more’ page. Notably his longer stories ‘Branded’ and both parts of the major collaboration we did together in ‘Narrow residences’.
If anyone has any of these stories saved somewhere, it would be great if you could either link it to me or post it on Tumblr.
Below will be my farewell to him, in the event he ever does somehow read it. This probably is not the best farewell letter, but it's the best I could do in such short notice and also posting it publicly. —————————————————————
Hey Dumb and Jocked,
Thanks for reading this, and I'm sad to see you go.
We’ve worked on various collabs together and it was fun throughout the years discussing various ideas here and there with you.
Unfortunately, after you left, it just feels really upsetting looking at the stuff you wrote. Even those that were saved from reblogs and reposts from other blogs. While I do want to keep them for memories and also because I did collaborate on some of them, it just feels much sadder trying to indulge in your stories or continue in sequels of it.
I was shocked that you would leave us out of the blue, however a part of me anticipated this.
I'm mostly speculating, but this is a hobby that can be rather controversial and you contributed a massive ton, likely without any compensation. You were quite private in general and talked about stories and bounced off my ideas now and then.
You sort of have a clean gateway if you decide to ever leave for good, as you probably are not really close to anyone here other than writing TF stories.
Some of us hoped that you might return, and speculated maybe it's tumblr accidentally banning you and you would get your account back, but as the days went by, it only reaffirmed that my anticipation was likely correct.
I myself mostly continued on tumblr for you, and I'm not sure if I would continue now that the main reason and person I stuck around for has left without letting any of us know. It is something I will have to decide for myself in the future.
If you ever do return to Tumblr or decide to message me privately to talk about things, that would be great. I do hope you return, even if you don’t write stories that frequently or even at all, so we could talk for a bit.
However I know that I won’t wait forever.
That’s all I will write in this letter. It was fun writing and discussing TF stories with you while it lasted.
-Sjw Publishings
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And Your Eyes Look Like Comin' Home ~LA!Mihawk Imagine~
Summary: Mihawk has to go back to sea to both yours and his dismay.
Author’s Note: The next post will be about Shanks and reader meeting!
Based in my Enchanted series
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: slight angst, but mostly fluff
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
It became almost like clockwork. During the week, you’d teach at the school, Mihawk will walk you home, and you two will have dinner together. And on the weekends, you would sell what you had in your garden before enjoying the day around the village and waters with Mihawk before going back home.
It was a nice routine between the two of you.
But Mihawk needed to go back to sea and he didn’t want to leave you. He had grown fond of you during his time here. But he needed to take care of business. After all, he was a pirate warlord of the sea.
“I need to head out to sea again,” Mihawk tells you one night at dinner. No sugar coating. No leading it on, just the straight honest truth so you wouldn’t have time to process it.
“You do?”
“Oh. When do you leave?” You asked disappointingly. As much as you didn’t want to admit, you wanted him to stay.
“Tomorrow morning.”
“You should take some food with you before you go,” you tell him.
“I’ll be okay.”
“I insist.”
“Very well.”
The next morning, you stood by the dock to say goodbye to him. You gave him a basket of the food you grew in your garden along with some extra stuff that Mihawk had bought for the two of you.
“So I guess this is farewell?” You asked him. You hated that you were sad about saying bye to him.
“For now. I will be back in a month or two at most,” he tells you.
“To finish me off and claim your berry?” You joked. You came to closure that Mihawk had no intentions of killing you anymore ever since he decided to stay.
“No. To come see you again,” Mihawk said before sailing off. You shook your head at him, not believing his words before walking back to your home.
You had gotten some letters from Luffy during the time to keep you company. He wrote to you about his time at sea and how he has a crew who he’d love for you to meet. But reading his letters made you sad, missing him even more.
Every day for the next two months felt boring after Mihawk left. You knew it was a bad idea to keep falling for pirate men but you couldn’t help it. You wanted them to stay but you knew that they also belonged to the sea.
You heard a knock on your door which scared you for a moment. You weren’t expecting anyone especially not at night. You took a peak from the peep hole before opening the door quickly when you saw who it was.
“Brought you some new seeds from some other islands for you to grow in your garden,” Mihawk tells you as he held up your basket. You saw two bottles of red wine in the basket along with some other goodies besides the seeds (which were organized nicely).
“I’m guessing you’re staying for dinner?” You asked with a small smile. Your heart was racing from seeing Mihawk in front of you again.
“If you’d have me,” Mihawk said. You nodded before letting him inside your house.
“Not gonna lie. I kinda missed you,” you chuckled.
“What a coincidence, I missed you too,” Mihawk says with a soft smile. You smiled up at him before grabbing him a plate for dinner.
After dinner, you and Mihawk were drinking a glass of wine while he told you what he did while he was out in sea.
“I got you this as well,” Mihawk said as he gave you a large box with a bow wrapped around to keep it shut. You gave him a side look before taking the gift and carefully undoing the bow.
Inside the box was a beautiful dress. Your eyes widen as you looked up at Mihawk.
“What? I can’t accept this. Mihawk, this is too much,” you tell him as you tried to give him back the dress.
“I insist. It’s yours,” Mihawk tells you as he pushed your hands away gently. You admired the dress in your hands before looking back up at Mihawk.
“Thank you,” you say before kissing his cheek.
“I think we had enough to drink. Let’s get you to bed shall we?”
“You know, you can stay here if you like. I have an extra bed in the next room so you don’t need to stay on your ship.”
“If you’re okay with it.”
“Then I shall stay. I’ll be here when you wake up,” Mihawk tells you. You nodded before taking the dress in your hands to take with you to your room.
“Goodnight, Mihawk.”
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
You went into your room and closed the door behind you. You admired the dress as you held it up to your body, imagining yourself in it. It wasn’t too fancy and more of a casual dress but it was still beautiful. When was the last time you got to treat yourself with something so beautiful?
The next morning, you put on the new dress before walking out of your room. You saw Mihawk in the kitchen, getting breakfast started.
“I could’ve cooked,” you told him. Mihawk turned around to look at you.
“You look beautiful."
"Thank you," you smile as you got closer.
"Does the dress fit nicely?”
“It does! I’m still in shock about you getting a dress this nice for me,” you chuckle to yourself.
“And why’s that?”
“I just never thought to myself that I deserve something this nice,” you tell him.
"I think you do deserve something as nicely as a dress," Mihawk tells you.
"Thanks. I feel like I need to be careful with this dress. I don't want to get it ruined."
"I can always get you more dresses if you like."
"You don't have to do that."
"I insist."
The next time Mihawk went to sea again, you were upset once more. You didn't want him to leave but you knew that he needed to be out at sea.
"I'm not sure when I'll be back again this time," Mihawk warned you.
"Just be careful. Okay?" You asked.
"Of course."
"Be safe," you tell him.
"I'll be back again," Mihawk said before sailing off once more.
The next time Mihawk came back, he had another dress wrapped up for you.
"I feel bad now. I don't have much to give to you," you tell him.
"You letting me into your home is more than enough."
"Where are you from though, Mihawk?"
"Kuraigana Island."
"You're a long way from home," you pointed out.
"Maybe. But I'm fine with being away for the time being," Mihawk said.
"Maybe one day I can visit Kuraigana Island?" You suggest.
"I'd like for you to visit whenever you can," Mihawk says. You smiled a little before getting dinner ready.
#dracule mihawk#dracule mihawk x reader#mihawk#mihawk x reader#mihawk imagine#one piece#one piece x reader#one piece imagine#one piece live action#opla#opla x reader#alisonwritesimagines#enchanted universe
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All stories start somewhere, but the beginning isn’t always as interesting, so let’s cut right to the chase. That’s also my name, Chase Fetcher, but you’ll find most people just call me Fetch. Now, let’s rush over the important stuff you need to know. * I got my medical degree in the army; * I found out black market organ trade pays much better than a monthly salary; * I got busted and lost everything, but people still wanted my services; * I’m a quick study and expanded my expertise; * Now I’m a modern-day mercenary specialised in kidnapping, “gentle” persuasion, organ harvesting and...waste disposal.
Such goes Fetch's introduction in the first chapter of Villain's View!
Welcome, dear reader, to the VV dedicated blog, where I shall slowly repost each chapter of VV onto tumblr for better readability and accessibility because DeviantArt's mobile access is garbage 🗑️
Some CW: This story contains several uncomfortable themes including: kidnapping, murder, torture, SA, abuse, neglect, blood and gore.
In other words: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT!
Below you'll find the masterlist that will (eventually) link all chapters together. Further down, you'll find extra info on some of the characters, VV-related WIPs I'm working on, other VV-related (crossover) series, mini-series, one shots and information regarding requests.
Requests are currently closed.
Villain's View
Chapter 1 - All Stories Start Somewhere
Chapter 2 - The Blood Under My Nails
Chapter 3 - That's Life
Chapter 4 - It Takes Guts
Chapter 5 - Dig Deep
Chapter 6 - Hit The Road Jack
Chapter 7 - Country Roads...Sorta
Chapter 8 - Take Me Home?
Chapter 9 - Good Soup
Chapter 10 - Don't Go
Chapter 11 - Just Fine
Chapter 12 - Not So Fine
Chapter 13 - Not Fine At All
Chapter 14 - Fine, But...
Chapter 15 - Trust
Chapter 16 - All Stories End Sometime
Villain's View Characters
Main characters:
Chase Fetcher
Erick James
Prominent side characters:
Peter Allard
Matthew Bishop
Keira Thorne
Jack Garland
Tito Rana
Mike Tracy
Harrison James
Mercedes Grant
Victim's View: Some Stories Continue - the long-awaited sequel to Villain's View!
Your Move - crossover AU by @scarletfish8eta (complete!) My Move - the thrilling sequel (complete!) Our Move - the chaotic conclusion (complete!) Consequences - the brainrot was real (in progress...) Polycule Harem College Murder Mystery Sitcom (AU) - ...long story (in progress...) Fantasy AU - Where VV and the whole YM plot make a brief cameo (in progress...)
Long story short: Consequences is an AU sequel to the YMO AU and the poly harem college AU is an AU sequel to Consequences.
Medwhump May 2024 - A medical whump event where I chose to focus on the VV universe on my event participation blog: @whumpsmith-participates
The Demona Case The Marz Case The Aquara Case The Carter-McLaughlann Case (scrapped) YMO Xmas Special Dilf in Distress
Requests are currently closed.
Psssst! You! Yeah you! Would you like to hire a professional kidnapper? Follow this link and tell Fetch all the details he needs: Name, age, picture, reason for kidnapping, torture-limits and additional notes. And you just might be his next client! Disclaimer: I have limited spoons and some requests may be rejected. Requests sent while I'm not taking any are automatically rejected.
#intro post#pinned post#masterlist#masterpost#Villain's View#VV#YMO AU#writeblr#writeblr intro#whumpblr#whumpblr intro#whump intro#whump writing#cafekitsune#<- banner credit#requests info
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Dragon Concept Arts Part 01
Some concept Art for the redesigns of my sorta older tribes that did need some redesigning. For now imma focus on redesigning the tribes that mainly exist on my main Fan Continent, Arkterrah. (Plz note not every dragon in these fantribes of mine will look like this, this is just what theyre pictured as for reference. )
Also reason why there is no concept Art for the Gaiawing is bcs I already drew a Official ref of what a Gaiawing would look like normally.
Anyways here are the "more readable" notes for these guys (Plus some extra stuff):
Techwings (top left): 1) Eyes having a glowing ring, 2) the strange pastel parts on their body glow neon, 3) the strange tube like structures on their body are called conductors & can create electricity + glow, 1x) Royal or Royal descendants have extra conductors on their wings & tails, common Techwings don't, 2x) Royal or Royal descendants can & only have paws on their legs, Common techwings dont.
Florawings (top right): 1) Eyes always have 2 tones, one being the main & the other being the color of the fronds, 2) Every Florawing will have fuzzy eyelashes, no matter the gender, 1x) Every Florawing will have their colors be based on flowers, herbs, leaves, fruits, & vegetables (but also occasionally tea), 3) Are fluffy but also very chubby, 4) The extremely green patches of fur on their body (neck & legs) have the ability to grow herbs & flowers + even photosynthesize to the point they don't rlly need to eat,
Some extra notes that aren't seen on the pics but I wanna write out:
Techwings have abnormally freakishly long ahh tongues & love the taste of minerals.
(I got lazy lol- Idk very sick atm so I might not update this until I get better + I'm stupid)
Anyways uh.... Yeh sorry for the late post. Uhhhh kinda didn't have much time + I kinda forget about this so very sorry tbh. Just wish yall can enjoy these weird drawing/concept pieces of what my tribes Normally look like.
All of these tribes are mine. (Yes I did make them, it's been a long time I think like 3 is years ago since I first made em but hey they still exist today)
Art is mine.
Program: Ibispaint x.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
#neptuniadoesstuff#art#Random Nameless Characters#Random Characters#dragon art#Dragons#wings of fire fantribes#wings of fire#WoF#Techwings (Bub's Fantribe)#Florawings (Bub's Fantribe)#Crystalwings (Bub's Fantribe)#fantribes#wof fantribes
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So in one post you’re ranting about people on Twitter stealing jokes and in another you’re reposting other people’s art….
I think you have a deep misunderstanding of the problem.
There is content creation... Someone makes a thing.
There is content curation... Someone shares a thing someone else made.
There is attribution... Someone credits the creator of the content.
There is theft... Someone takes credit for content they did not make.
I love content creation. Artists are great.
I love content curation. There is way too much content on the internet and without people sorting through it and finding the best stuff, we would all go nuts looking at all the bad stuff just to find a few hidden gems. When I was doing this as a job and when I wasn't creating content, I used to go through about a thousand images per day just to find 5 to post on my blog. It's actually a lot of work.
I love attribution. One of the main ways I grew my following was by content curators sharing my work and crediting me.
People like the thing. They see who made it. They follow that creator.
I do not like theft. Sometimes you can't find a source for something. I understand that happens and I struggle with that sometimes myself. But people sharing something they did not create and taking credit for its creation is super scummy. Especially if they are erasing watermarks and adding their own. This will give people the impression they made the thing, so they won't even try to find the creator of that content. The original content creator will never get the benefit of more followers.
So, whenever I curate content, I always try to find the source. Especially if it is a creative work that took a lot of time and effort to make. I also try to give people multiple ways to consume that creator's content.
If you look at the art you mentioned, you can see links to several places to follow the artist.
And if I cannot find a source, what I will absolutely not do, is give people the impression I am responsible for creating the content. And oftentimes someone will recognize the creator and I am able to add attribution after the fact.
As both a content creator and a content curator, these are the best practices I have developed over years of doing this. Some people accuse curators of being just "reposters" and being lazy for not creating their own content, but they are an extremely valuable asset to artists. We need ethical curators to share our work and attribute it properly so we can build audiences.
What we don't want are content thieves and those assholes who say, "credit goes to the artist who made this."
Hopefully you have a better understanding of the issue now.
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->Current fav art i've made!!<-

I'm THE silly little doodler! /j
*warning that most of my art is suuuuper bright, so if you are sensitive to vibrant colors, uhhhh IM SORRY

Art tag!
UTMV Birthday blog!
Fanart tag!
Sona Tag!

!!!Links to other socials!!!
Art Fight!
Spotify stats!
Discord! (Moots+friends only pls!)

I have a ton of different interests/fandoms I'm in, but the main ones I'm fixated on right now are Undertale Multiverse, LEGO Monkie kid, and One Piece!
A couple of my other fandoms are Rise of the TMNT, Steven Universe, Mob Psycho 100 (I AM MOB), Dungeon Meshi, Ok K.O Let's be heroes!!! (TKO AND KO ARE MY SONS), Hermitcraft (grian enjoyer :3) Spiderverse, Soul Eater, My hero Academia, Avatar TLA, The Owl House (HUNTERRR), and TPOT+BFDI
I ALSO LOVE MUSIC A LOT!! If I'm not watching One Piece then I'm probably listening to tunes!! My fav artists are Cavetown, Kikuo, Maretu, Bear Ghost, Lemon Demon, and plenty more!!

pro-Israel, Homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, proshippers/ comshippers, countryhumans (sorry LOL) and thats basically all I got

feel free to use my art in whatever u want (other than merch ofc), just make sure to use proper credit and that you're not just reposting it!!! (like "This BEAUTIFUL BREATHTAKING AMAZING ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ART was made by @Hiro-doodlez on Tumblr!" /j)
pls dont be mean to me... i am just a small little guy...
I admittedly kinda suck at having and talking to friends and moots, im sorry about that!! You probably will end up starting most convos because I explode everytime i hit the send button /hj LOL
old pinned because i love it...
might add blinkies soon if i find some good ones LOL
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Hi! I'm Esmiara!
You probably already know me because of one of these pieces:


Main fandoms:
Bungou Stray Dogs (All chara, mostly Soukoku & Atsulucy)
Yu-gi-oh (All chara and cards)
Apothecary Diaries (mostly JinMao for now)
Less common fandoms:
Demon Slayer (All chara, no shipping)
Promare (mostly Lio, some GaloLio)
Hoyoverse (charas I like, no shipping)
+ Occasional OCs and original stories
What about NSFW?
Nope, nada. You won't see any here.
Other links:
Twitter (inactive)
Bluesky ( inactive for now)
Original oneshot comics (only in french)
What software and brushes do you use?
I use Clip Studio Paint and a fairly limited amount of simple brushes. Like two most of the time.
The scribbly black and white doodles simply are edited pictures of black gel pen drawings.
For more art related infos, you can check my #Tips and stuff.
Can I repost and/or translate your art?
Yes you can! But ONLY:
- with correctly linked credits.
- for personal use.
- on social medias i'm not active. Instagram and Tumblr are forbidden. However Facebook, Pinterest and Tiktok are perfectly fine.
If you have any doubt, don't hesitate to directly ask for my permission. I won't bite you.
Also please understand that these are my own conditions and permissions of use. If other people don't want their work being reposted, you ought to respect their decision.
Are you also [some person] on Tumblr?
No I'm not. And I can't be that person. I only have this one blog as well as a completely unused one. So any other blogs can't be me.
What's your favorite ship?
Soukoku! It's my beloved OTP.
Do you sell merch?
Yes! I post news and updates about it on Instagram. But as of now, I don't sell anything online and only go to cons in France. So I don't really talk about all this on Tumblr.
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Hullo! I’m seven-gill (or 7gill). I’m also known as MelonHarvest on DeviantArt (https://www.deviantart.com/melonharvest). Any pronouns.
What’s a seven-gill? It’s a type of shark! Specifically the Broadnose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus).
This blog is primarily dedicated to my my artwork, so I don’t plan on reblogging anything barring a few exceptions. If you wanna see stuff I think is cool, check out my likes page.
I post whatever, whenever, but right now my main output is fanart for the YA fantasy series Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland. I've been a fan for over 10 years, but admittedly I've grown out of the actual books themselves. Even if I don't read them anymore, I love to draw the characters anyway!
I’m also into marine life and the ocean as a whole. I’m currently curating a list of interesting aquatic (or semi-aquatic) organisms, so if there’s one you’d like to share, PLEASE DO!!! I want to see them so badly, even if it’s already on my list (300+ entries strong). I’d type out my other interests, but you can probably gauge them from my posts/likes.
As a disclaimer, I am an adult. I would rate this blog PG13, but I will provide content warnings when appropriate. I bring this up because I’m aware some of my followers are minors, and I post fanart for a series aimed at tweens and teens. I do not post or engage with NSFW content.
I use Autodesk Sketchbook and/or ProCreate with an iPad and Apple Pencil.
I do not take requests, commissions, or art trades at this time.
Please don’t repost my artwork to other platforms without my permission, thank you! I’ll probably say yes anyway. If you must, please remember to credit it to my Tumblr or DA account.
For my WoF art, I tend to favor a cartoonish style influenced by the 2D works of Disney/Dreamworks and AnimatedWings- a fan organized unofficial Wings of Fire animation project. I am not affiliated with them.
You are welcome to use/reference my designs for your own work.
My main moot is moosemann404. They’re a super talented writer and have some hella cool fics you should check out. I recommend the Portal one. GO READ IT.
** Edited for brevity
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grousing about ai art stuff
every time i open twitter (my mistake) there's a new thread on how to spot ai art or ai photos by finding all the mistakes in it, and like obviously this is useful and it's good to watch out because they kEEP SHOWING UP EVERYWHERE AHHH HELL WORLD HELL WORLD, but it's also a little depressing that we're training ourselves to nitpick all kinds of details within a piece of art.
like even before the artifically generated image boom randos on twitter would reply to fully finished illustrations with the most asinine unsolicited advice possible. art's gonna be flawed sometimes! i'll draw someone in a weird pose because of vibes! i'll wing a hand! i don't fucking know what a house actually looks like!!! like yes of course the way a human artist creates flawed art is different from the way an algorithm doesn't actually know what anything looks like because it has no mind. it doesn't know shit. so it's not that it's UNRELIABLE but it's like. it's like... i've been telling myself and others every time i'm struggling to make something look Just Right that actually nobody i going to be staring as hard at my art as i am while making it. if i don't point it out people aren't likely to notice unless they are going through it with a fine toothed comb BUT NOW WE ARE DOING THAT APPARENTLY. WHICH IS ANYONE'S PEROGATIVE AND FAIR ENOUGH! PEOPLE CAN LOOK AT MY ART HOWEVER THEY WANT IT'S FINE
but it's ALSO so depressing to consider having to analyse every single piece of art you come across like that my goddddddd i just wanna enjoy it!! i wanna enjoy art!!!! i mean the main reason i finally stopped going on twitter regularly was during the NFT boom and i got so tired of having to vet every single artist i came across to make sure i wasnt retweeting nft stuff. like that really ruined my previously enjoyable experience of LOOKING AT NICE ART ON MY FEED WITHOUT PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.
god another thing that happened during the dark nft times was how certain art styles tended to be nfts. and i don't mean the ugly apes and stuff, like of course there's those, but there were a lot of artists who sold their souls to crypto and there was just a certain Vibe to a lot of those styles. like i got a sixth sense for it, i would see a piece of art by an unknown artists and when i checked - yep, that was a crypto guy now. and you know what!!!! i hated that!!!! i hate that it ruined entire art styles for me!! AND NOW ARTIFICIALLY GENERATED IMAGES ARE DOING THE SAME!!!!! like what tends to tip me off is less because i spotted some wonky hand or a weird flap but because the style is a popular one for the ai bros to imitate. you know what i mean right!!!!!! it's kind of how the ai photos look a bit too clean and crisp and smooth in an unsettling way. it just pings the brain a bit.
ULTIMATELY the absolute main method i have for filtering away ai images isn't so much looking for mistakes, but by checking sources. it's the same way i check that i'm not reblogging from reposting accounts Because That's A Thing I Care About Too - if there's no description or the description seems off and i don't recognise the OP, i check the original post/blog to see what's up. if the image gives me a weird vibe, i check where it comes from and who posted it. oftentimes the comments on posts with ai images will point it out - they're not always accurate and there's definitely been times where people are a little too trigger happy to accuse art of being AI... but it can be a good lead or confirm suspicions. on one hand, i don't want to do detective work while im having chill scrolling time, but on the other hand - i already had this habit for other reasons, so it's less disruptive to me than the alternative. it also helps that it's very rare for ai shit to turn up in my tumblr feed. i don't want to keep looking over my shoulder!!
(also for anyone who wants a little bit of optimism in the middle of all this, here's an episode of Better Offline podcast that outlines how it's very unlikely for generative ai to actually get much better. here's the part two also.)
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𓍯𓂃𓏧♡ Have you heard of the moon's rabbit?
Nyallo and welcome to the blog~I go by Tato/Tater or Yu whichever you prefer, also I use they/them pronouns. Welcome to my art blog/twst blog. I'll be posting and archiving most of my art, wips, doodles here, reblogging some art that i like. I'm quite shy but please don't hesitate to drop something in my ask! I try to answer if it doesn't overwhelm me. I mainly be moots with ppl I see interacting with me :>
ART ONLY ACCOUNT: @vbpotaters
Do not repost my art or use for A*i learning! Don't forget your daily clicks: https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
Art Masterlist: here! Barren dump acc: @viperbnuy Strawpage (small summary): https://viperbunnies.straw.page/ Current status: Freedom but at what cost ๋࣭݁ ⭑.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ONGOING EVENT: Oc Ask Game!
Read BYF: - This blog will be SFW, and while I am an adult I'd much rather if you don't send me NSFW asks. - DNI if you: ship Inc3st/Minors with adults, support A*i art, L0licon/sh0tacon, or fall under any of these. - This blog isn't spoiler-free. If you do not wish to see any spoilers block/filter the tag #spoilers / #twst jp - While my main fandom is TWST as of the moment-- Please do expect that there will be some posts from other fandoms as well. - English is not my first language + I'm neurodivergent, there may be times where I might misinterpret your statement-- clarify it to me gently if i do!
ASKS ARE OPEN - All my social media are linked on my strawpage, if it's not there it's not mine. - DMS are closed to avoid bot mails, but Mutuals are always free to dm me here (Or ask for my Discord handle if you want to chat!) - I don't mind tags especially from moots! May it be for tag games or something that you think I'd like, feel free to tag me. - I don't mind if you make content featuring my OCs, given that it's done respectfully and SFW. I always appreciate everyone's efforts hehe :>
More about me- - I'm tater! I'm an INFP and Filipino, currently in my last year of Univ so I'm quite busy now (and will be busier in the future) My timezone is GMT+8 but I'm sometimes awake at questionable hours. I like the color blue a lot, and make a lot of OCs. - My love language is gift giving, I do a lot of arts for friends and people I vibe with :3 (Btw please don't feel pressured to give me anything in return! really just interacting with ya'll is enough for me!) - I also don't mind sharing F/Os!
What to expect from my blog? - Lots of Jamil Viper art, that man cures my artblock and is the main driving force for my art. He is my muse, and I enjoy analyzing his character a lot. - Yumeship/Selfship/Oc x Canon content ! I reblog a lot of yumes from mutuals, and do some yumeship art as well. - Art style practices? My style fluctuates a lot, partly due to me forgetting what brushes I last used and also cause I don't enjoy sticking to one style.
Art related: #Taters doodles - My art tag #Taters fave - Art I'm particularly proud of #Mashed tater - Style experiments/ Art studies / Practices #Taters kid - Personal art of my Original Characters #Viper sightings - Miniseries of Jamil doodles. #Taters inspos - Stuff that I look back on when I need some inspiration
OC / OC x Canon ship related: -> OC MASTERLIST - (WIP) #Oz Damarys - My main twst oc #Ozml - Main tag for my Jamil yumeship (mute it if you want) #AuroraVoid - Main tag for my Silver yumeship #Croccymouse - Main tag for my Yuu and Sebek ship #RiverofMementos - Tag for my Clyde & Idia platonic ship #StripesNClaws - Tag for my Kaden & Leona platonic/familial ship
Miscellaneous: #Taters yap - Some yap session, can be irl or fandom related. #Taters misc - random things, varying from pet photos to etc #Taters straw - Findings from my strawpage #Taters gaming - Gameplay from the many games i play x.x # (Moot's name)tot - Mutuals!
#Taters treasure box - Gifts from others!
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