#reportcard management
Efficient report card management system for India s education industry Streamline reporting, automate grading, and ensure secure data Ideal for schools, colleges, and universities seeking improved efficiency and transparency
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transgenderbenders · 5 years
I just wanted to message in case you weren’t aware. AIDaccess was shut down by the FDA. The website will let you put in all your medical and personal info before telling you that they cannot mail you pills (several people who know the AIDCcess people are trying to get them to change this). AIDAccess was the only website that was for sure selling real abortion pills, as they were associated with Women on Waves.
Thank you for the info.
Plan C provides an assessment of different online abortion pill providers which may help people find alternatives: https://plancpills.org/reportcard
Plan C also notes: “The Aid Access help desk ([email protected]) is still available to provide information and email support to people in the US who are managing their own abortions.”
For any followers who may need it, other abortion resources include:
the NAF (https://prochoice.org/) - the website also links to other resources
Planned Parenthood (https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/abortion) - provides a free online chat with a health educator to discuss your options (also available by text; standard message and data rates, no extra charges)
the Abortion Care Network (https://www.abortioncarenetwork.org/abortion-care-providers/)
Our Bodies Ourselves (https://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/book-excerpts/health-article/resources-for-support/) also links to resources that help with funding or emotional support
Women on Waves assessment (https://www.womenonweb.org/en/i-need-an-abortion)
-Jesse says
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thesmithfamily08 · 4 years
October 13th 2020
So much has happened!  Kids started school and we as of this evening have made it through the first 9 weeks of school!!! Penelope Got Mrs. Butts, I don’t think I knew yet last time I wrote on this.  Well school is going great for all three kids!  Penny is bringing home all 100% on pretty much everything her grades are all 100% of 98% haha, her teacher always tells me how sweet she is to everyone and friends with everyone!  Max’s work definitely got more difficult this year but he is doing fantastic with it!  He went head first into multiplication and division, he is learning cursive which he is soo much better at than his regular handwriting.  He is reading chapter books in one sitting just for fun at home all the time.  We just got his reportcard yesterday too and he has all high A’s!  So proud:) Lily teacher Mrs. Soto tells be weekly how much she loves lily and her little personality.  She says she is super helpful in class and friends with everyone.  She got her test results back and is well above average and got all 1′s on her report card, which is the best you can do in kindergarten.  I’m so happy they they are all getting to go to school in person and they are all doing so well.  It has been a crazy year no doubt and I’m grateful that they are getting a little bit of normalcy back in their life.
I’m not sure if I put it on her before but the girls started ballet too which has been great, they are going to have a recital in May which I am overwhelmingly excited to get to see :)  They wanted to start girl scouts but none of the troops around here are doing anything so it was easier to just skip it this year.  Max is doing scouts again, we moved him to another troop in Owasso and his best friend Mateo joined the new troop too!  It worked out super well they are actually doing things!  We went camping with them just a couple weekends ago and the weather was perfect.  They got to shoot bb guns, bow and arrows, and sling shots!  We went on a hike, and they even did a random plank contest which Penny won after 5 minutes!  We were all a little impressed with her abilities!
Rob started school virtual but they ended up switching back after 2 weeks or so.  Now he has some kids still doing virtual and some in class so he is having to keep up with both which has been a lot of extra work for him.  He seems to be managing alright though.
Max’s birthday party was last weekend!  He is turning 9 in two days!  How did that happen his last year in single digits, I’m not even ok with that.  We did a campout in the back yard.  We had 9 boys here!  Ended up only having 6 stay the night but it was really great.  They made rockets and shot them off in the back yard and Rob brought home his sling shot and they shot tennis balls with it.  We did a campfire obviously and roasted smores and we even watched Onward on the projector outside on the shed.  It was a super great party! 
So what else is going on around here, I’m kid free 7 hours a day 5 days a week.  That happened.  Which is crazy, awesome, nice, sad, but really I’m just about as busy as I always have been.  I just accomplish more because I don’t have to stop ever now and again to help someone.  I’m trying to get a few smaller projects and what not done around the house.  I still feel like there isn’t enough time in the day but I’m so very much thankful that I get to do what I do everyday so we can just have evenings filled with hanging out and not cleaning and running errands. Today I’ve been working on the garden, the weather has been wonderful lately so I’m trying to get the garden kid of cleaned up for next year.  Currently I’m spreading out the strawberry pants because they are getting too over crowded to the point they wont produce much fruit next year.  We haven’t had out first freeze yet this year but all I have left still growing is watermelon, bell pepper, jalapeno, and banana pepper plants.  Plus one random tomato plant which is doing fantastic. 
It is almost election day and I’m a total mess about it.  They are currently questioning the next supreme court justice to fill RGB’s spot before the election which will make the court 6 - 3 republican.  It is all a little overwhelming.  I have hope that Biden will pull out a win and the Nation can get some of its dignity back but I don’t know if I will be surprised at this point if Trump wins again.  A lot of people have already voted due to covid they are voting online but I’m going to wait until November 3rd and vote in person.  I feel like I need to see my vote being counted. November 3rd could be a really happy day, or not...we will just have to wait and see.
On the note of covid we have had 215000 people die in the United States since March.  It seems to be getting worse everywhere but no one is stopping doing anything.  I mean including me, we just had 9 boys over here for a birthday party last week.  Masks are required in most stores and and buildings, parks and what not are open, (except the new zoo park) :( My uncle got it but he is fine now, I know Rob has had a lot of students who have had it and recovered, I still don’t really know anyone who has died from it other than my moms neighbors in Claremore.  Disney world still isn’t back open like normal and I’m currently trying to think of a back up plan for next year just incase we decide to try something different. My grandma has canceled Christmas and Thanksgiving so that is kind of a bummer, but I think it was the right call.  I am curious what they are going to do with Mall Santa...will the kids get to sit on his lap and tell him what they want?  Maybe we will just have to write letters this year.  Weird times we are living in.
I started a fitness journey, I have stayed relatively the same weight since before I had kids.  It has been work to stay at that point but I’ve always tried to lose weight and finally get into good shape that I can be proud of.  Well I finally have made some progress, although it has been drastically slower than I would have ever imagined but still I am moving forward everyday and proud of my accomplishments.  I went from 120 to 112.2 in the past 6 weeks.  My goal is to get between 100 and 105 by Christmas.  I think I can do it it isn’t even Halloween yet.  Hopefully next time I post on this I have more good news and not “welp that didn’t last long” haha!
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karliepike123-blog · 6 years
Blog 1- welcome
Welcome to my blog, where I’m going to have excessive amounts of pictures of my dogs and pictures of my artwork. I have two dogs, Keisha and Jessie. Keisha is over a year old now (shepherd, collie, rottweiler mix) and jessie who is almost 13 (lab and golden retriever mix). Keisha has always been my baby from day one but has always been very weird dog. She loves to climb on top of the back of the couch, she always barks at nothing (overprotective), she always paces back and forth, etc.
As an artist I’ve never accepted any of my art work as being good, I have always relied on other peoples opinions because I have a low self esteem. What I realized since then is that I need to stop doing that, I need to create something that I want and I need to show confidence.  Now that is actually a lot harder then it seems, especially when u have no self confidence in anything. I’m still young though and I have a long ways to go, I feel like I’m already pretty good at art now, I still have tons of time too improve. could
I have been told that… time goes fast, I’m starting to believe it, half the time I don’t even remember the day before. However, maybe that’s just a short term memory thing. When I was a kid I used to be really good at remembering things, I don’t know what happened there… Maybe I fell downstairs too many times. It could also be the fact that I had tons of responsibility growing up after my parents divorce yet, I still managed to pass grades 6. I can easily remember that day, I came home with my reportcard and gave it to my dad. Once he opened it he started to cry, he was amazed with what I was able to accomplish.
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