#replies * jaerim .
tipsys · 5 years
                clad in an long sleeve turtleneck and leggings, jae rim played with the collar nervously. well... not quite nervousness, because every time he looked in the mirror he got a glance of emmett and everything in him relaxed. looking down at his clothes, there’s a soft pout on his lips as he turns to face the other. “look what you did---!” he whines, voice lacking any sort of resentment towards the other (in fact, there’s a slight hint of amusement and affection afflicting his tone). “my go-to aesthetic is cute but also obviously a little bit of a slut. and you know what ISN’T adorably slutty?” as he finishes speaking jae rim moves forward, knees straddling the other’s lap as he leans back to look at him. arms are placed around his neck, and rimmy can’t help but let the pout break into a smirk. “---turtlenecks.”
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   -------- for @ofsociopcths​ !
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shrikcs · 2 years
        𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆,   𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐌 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍,  bathing in the lake at the foot of the mountain.   The inky surface of the water reflected a gibbous moon waning in the night sky,  only twenty-four hours away from reaching its brimful form.  He would climb the mountain before sunrise and send out his kindred that night.   Reinforcing their guard while patrolling their territories during the night of a full moon was the modus operandi for vampire clans and hunter estates alike;  on the night of the full moon,  there were always lycans traveling astray. 
   He had been expecting the skulking figure to be one such creature,  but it is no surprise to learn that it’s Callyn whose been lying in wait at the border of the Son’s enclave.  Jaerim has no doubts that she is here to kill him—  even if he didn’t poses the capacity to detect murderous intent,  there is no other event for which the ancient witch would approach him.  
   Still,  he does not hide nor hurry.  He dips below the water and washes his hair,  working out the stiffness on the left side until his fingers don’t run into any knots.  Then he washes every crevice of his body with a rag.  The night obscures it in the water,  but the rag comes away red from his hands and neck.   He fed in anticipation for the frays tomorrow night,  and it pleases him that it’s in good time for an encounter with Callyn as well. 
   He hears her behind the northern treeline at this point and smells her faint scent wafting in with redwood on the gentle breeze.  Jaerim’s back is turned in the direction,  but he slowly begins to move toward the water’s edge,  to a rock formation where he left his robes.  
   Jaerim bets his wits that she’s celebrating for catching him at a vulnerable moment,  when he’s naked and wet.  Unfortunately for her,  he has no qualms about exposing his figure.  Jaerim is not known for being shy,  or even modest about his physique.  But he’d still rather avoid fighting with all of it hanging out,  so—
   ❛   — It’ll be less awkward for the both of us if you give me a chance to put on my clothes before we battle to the death.   ❜   Jaerim makes his voice loud,  then mutters the second part,  knowing Callyn might not be wanting to fight him but trying to cast a spell that’ll instantaneously make him empathetic and fully agreeable to her unhinged demands:   ❛   Or whatever you planned tonight.   ❜
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑  — @acatalepsii.
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thefanfictor · 4 years
You Are The Cause Of My Euphoria (Jungkook Blurb)
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Contents: Minor Verbal Abuse, Psycho!Jungkook AU, Overprotective!Jungkook AU, Controlling!Jungkook AU, Minor Blood & Gore Warning, Character Death, Implied Kidnapping (if you consider being tied up in your own house kidnapping), Drugging
(A/N: This was actually inspired by a comment under the ‘Euphoria’ remix called ‘Horroria’ and is written with permission from the commenter, Matcha_fellow (now Aizawa Shota)! Enjoy <3)
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“FOR FUCKS SAKE, Y/N!!” Jungkook yelled, whipping around to face you. You turned around from your heated storm up the stairs. Your fists were clenched by your sides, shaking in fury.
“WHAT JUNGKOOK??? GOD, WHAT???” You screamed back, throwing your hands up. “JESUS CHRIST, I GET IT, YOU HATE MY FRIENDS, OKAY???”
Jungkook growled, stomping over to you. His hand flew out to grab you, but before he could get your arm, you whipped away from him. You didn’t hesitate before launching yourself over the railing. Thankfully, you’d only been 3 or 4 steps up, so it wasn’t a huge drop. Now he was glaring at you over the rail.
You didn’t know what was happening. Last month he’d been the cheerful, carefree boyfriend who you’d fallen in love with 3 years prior. But recently, something had just... changed. He became harsh, overprotective and VERY controlling. If you didn’t come home on time from hanging out with your friends or just being out, there would be yelling and fighting. You didn’t have the heart to leave him though.
You’d been together for 3 years and maybe something had happened that he hadn’t told you about. Maybe he was just emotional over something he couldn’t bring himself to say. You couldn’t leave him. You just couldn’t. Some rational part of you knew this relationship wasn’t healthy, that it would deteriorate your mental health. But your heart had overpowered your brain and you stayed. For him.
Tonight you’d come home fifteen minutes later than you’d said you would. And Jungkook was FURIOUS. You’d gotten home and there was no ‘Welcome home, baby!’ or ‘Was the drive home safe?’. No. You’d gotten home and found him in the doorway, metaphorical steam pouring out of his ears.
“Where the hell were you, Y/N?”
“Koo, there was traffic. I got caught up in it.”
“Bullshit. I know you decided to break my rules and stay out longer. What the fuck have I told you?”
It just escalated from there. He accused you of liking your friends more than him. You’d pulled out your phone to prove the traffic. He asked if you even loved him anymore, since you couldn’t obey him. You called him overdramatic. That only pissed him off more. It got worse, calling each other names, fighting about the most petty of things. His behavior was crazy, dare you say almost psychopathic. And now you were here.
“I’M NOT A CHILD, JUNGKOOK. I’M AN ADULT AND I’LL STAY OUT AS LATE AS I WANT, OKAY?? WITH YOU BEHAVING LIKE YOU ARE, I HARDLY EVEN WANT TO COME HOME!!!” You screamed, tears beginning to sting your eyes. You had managed to hold them back for a while, trying to get the anger out. But now it was catching up to you, everything you had done and said in the past half hour.
“So that’s how you think, huh?” Jungkook remarked, his voice suddenly and frighteningly emotionless. You looked up at him, the tears starting to leak from your eyes. Jungkook slowly descended the stairs, approaching you with slow, heavy steps. All the adrenaline had begun to fizzle out and you hadn’t the strength to run from him, so you just backed up, trembling. 
Your back hit the wall behind you and you stood, frozen in fear. His face came close, just inches from your’s. You could smell the strawberry-scented shampoo he’d used that morning. It used to smell comforting. Now it only contorted your stomach, making you sick. His hand slammed onto the wall next to your head and you whimpered, looking at him with your watery, fearful eyes.
“If that’s what your thoughts are like, then I’ll just end them. Then you won’t have a reason to leave,” He growled. “You’re mine, hear me? Only mine, and you’ll do as you’re fucking told.”
You couldn’t hold it back anymore, the dam breaking. Tears began to pour faster down you face and you shoved him away from you. What did he mean by ‘end them’? It scared you even more given the fact he had paired it with ‘then you won’t have a reason to leave’. That pushed you over the edge.
“DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME ANYMORE??? OR AM I JUST A TOY TO YOU??” You let out a strangled sob and ran past him, burying your face in your hands as you ran up the stairs. You tripped on one of the steps, and crashed onto the higher ones. You didn’t bother to get up and just slowly started crawling up the stairs, sobbing.
He reminded you of a kid you knew in Kindergarten, Yeonjun. If someone else played with his favorite toy for too long, he’d throw a fit. Sometimes he’d start a fight with the other kid if the kid refused to give Yeonjun his toy back or just if the other kid was playing with it for too long.
“You’re being a child, Jungkook,” You whispered in a cracking voice. You’d reached the top of the stairs and were walking to the door of the bedroom you shared with Jungkook. Once you were safely inside, you collapsed onto the bed, pulling the blankets tightly around you. Their warmth was only a small comfort to you.
The door creaked open, but in your blurry state of mind, you thought nothing of it. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you bawled your heart out. The bed sank as someone else climbed on and that’s when you froze. He must’ve noticed, because a pair of arms wrapped around your blanket-burrito self, pulling you close. 
You whimpered again, but the hold was gentle. After several moments of nothing, you began to relax. Maybe he’d finally realized what he’d done and was here to apologize. You nestled closer to him, feeling him press a soft kiss onto your head.
“I love you, Kitten, I really do...” He murmured. You’re shattered heart began to mend itself and you were opening your mouth to say it back, but your eyes widened as a cloth was pressed against your face.
“But you’re MINE,” He snarled. You breathed in to scream, inhaling the sticky sweet smell of whatever drug the cloth was soaked in. You thrashed, screaming into his hand, but his arm held you tight, allowing no excess movement. The world began to darken and the last thing your eyes landed on before your consciousness failed you was the clock. It was 10:48PM.
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Your body was aching as your eyes fluttered open again. Everything hurt. You were propped up against something soft, although you couldn’t see what. Through the haze of your eyes, you could see the clock again. 4:32AM. You blinked. You’d been out for HOW LONG? The room was dim as you looked around, but before you could even register your surroundings, you heard a soft melody coming from the other side of the room.
Neoneun nae salme dasi tteun haetbit
Eorin sijeol nae kkumdeure jaerim~
It was one of your favorite songs, Euphoria. Jungkook’s ever-so-soothing voice had always been there to calm your mind. But now it was different. Slower and with an ominous music box sound over it. You went to cover your mouth and stifle a sob, but the slightest movement stung your wrists and you looked down, realizing they were tied in front of you with a thick, chaffing rope. A glance down your body told you your ankles had suffered the same fate. You were scared out of your mind. 
The song continued and you realized a pair of arms had made their way around your waist. Or maybe they had always been there. You were too afraid to think back and try to remember. A horrible stench had filled the room and it was making you nauseous. Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness by then and you realized there was a rather large mound in front of you. You squinted, trying to figure out through blurry eyes what the hell it was.
The realization made you throw up. Bodies. Gutted, bleeding bodies. A large pool of thick, dark liquid had pooled from under it and you realized you were sitting in it. Blood. So much blood, everywhere. 
You leaned to the side and threw up, your momentum pulling the thing holding you to the side. You couldn’t stop your scream this time though, as the body of your friend Taehyung crashed to the ground, dead eyes open and staring at nothing. A trickle of dried blood trailed down his chin.
You looked up in fear and began to study the sight in front of you. One by one, you figured out the horror beset upon you. Hoseok’s ‘Hope World’ bracelet around a limp wrist that was sticking out from under Jimin’s head of pink-dyed hair that was now streaked with red. Lisa’s bangs, matted to her forehead with blood, and Jisoo’s blue tie which had been stained purple. That wasn’t even all of them. You could make out Jennie, and you knew Rose was likely in the pile too. Seokjin, Yoongi, Najmoon were on top of the mountain. Bodies of other were there as well, but you couldn’t bring yourself to count how many of your friends were dead.
All your friends, the ones that Jungkook would yell at you for being out late with, were lying lifeless in front of you, and Tae behind you.
“Do you like it, sweetheart?” Came a melodic voice from above you. You almost screamed again, as your boyfriend rolled gracefully off the bed. You couldn’t reply, horror blocking up your throat. You could only collapse into terrified sobs, unable to tear your eyes from the gore in front of you. Everyone you cared about was gone. 
Your eyes strayed to Jungkook and you almost passed out again. His hair was wild and so were his eyes, wide and feral. His clothes were torn and stained. Blood streaked his body everywhere. His cheeks looked dirty. Two large cuts ran across his cheek and nose.
“Why...” Was all you managed to whimper, before breaking into tears again. He came close, crouching in front of you. His hand made it’s way to your chin, gently lifting your face to him. His grip was soft, but his skin was cold. No longer did it bring happiness and warmth.
“Because now we can be together forever, love,” Jungkook replied with a smile. It looked genuine and that’s what scared you. No remorse, no sadness, no pain, not even anger. He didn’t regret what he did.
His lips met your’s in a soft kiss and out of instinct you kissed back. But you didn’t want to. You wanted to get him away. Far away, and never see him again. You could taste blood on his lips. He slowly pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours. His eyes were dark, dull. Possessive. It scared you more than the dead bodies in your room.
In your panic, you failed to notice the syringe he pulled out. Failed to notice him raise it to your arm. Failed to notice how his grip tightened on your other arm. A sharp sting raced through your bicep as the needle entered your arm and you hissed. You began to cry again as whatever liquid he’d just pushed into your system began to numb you. You eyes began to slip shut as you felt him undoing the bindings around your wrist, just before it lost feeling.
You fell sideways, into his arms. He smelled irony. Like blood. He smelled of dirt and sweat as well. Your sobs began to fade, and it became harder to breathe. You glanced up at his eyes one more time. He was smiling softly at you, but tears were running down his cheeks. 
You couldn’t feel anything as you slipped into unconsciousness. Not his lips leaning down to meet your’s one final time. Not the shaking of his hands as they caressed your cheeks. Not the tears dripping onto your neck. Not even his arms pulling you closer. But you could hear, and you heard his voice shaking.
“You are the cause of my euphoria, princess.”
(Disclaimer: I do not condone this type of behavior, and please don’t think of Jungkook like this. I’m merely a writer who saw an interesting prompt that I liked and I went for it. In my opinion, Jungkook is the LAST person who would ever do this)
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refractionrp · 4 years
hi there 💞 are there any fcs you'd like to see?
hey 💕 a few suggestions are fromis_9, infinite, lovelyz sujeong & jin, exo suho & sehun, lee hyori, and song jaerim! we’d love to see lots of faces, but we’re sure our members have some they’d like to see as well (please reply below if you do).
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evercharmed-a · 5 years
  “What if it doesn’t work?”   Minhyuk’s laugh is bright as he crosses the distance between them. He shakes his head, hands reaching up to cup Sasha’s face in his palms.   “Why do you keep asking that? It’ll be fine.”   He gives Sasha’s cheeks a gentle, but decisive, pinch.   “I’ll be fine.”
  He’d let Minhyuk pick the day, wanted him to choose when it’ll happen. The week leading up to it, he’d barely seen him -- busy saying goodbye to his friends, to his remaining family, to everything he would never see again in the same way as he does as a mortal. Sasha doesn’t remember much of his last days as a human, memories distorted by pain and the desperate wish for it all to end. It’s different, for Minhyuk. He doesn’t seek eternal life to end his suffering. His motivation is love, the want for a future with Sasha. This, at least, he will be happy about.   Sasha sighs. It’s this optimism that drew him to Minhyuk, but he can't help but worry. Turnings don’t always take, and while he has never seen one go wrong, the sheer thought of it turns his stomach upside down. He’s lost so many lovers over the centuries, but Minhyuk -- losing Minhyuk is not an idea he ever entertains. Not even when Echo insists on bringing it up over and over and over again.   “Let me worry, will you,” he replies, but it’s a weak protest at best. Despite his concerns and the ever-growing knot in his gut, he hasn’t shared too many of his thoughts with Minhyuk. He’d told him what he needed to know, how it’ll be done and what it’ll be like after, but not what happens in between, or what could happen if it goes south. Minhyuk knows the risks, but not their extent. And Sasha plans on keeping it this way.   Minhyuk rolls his eyes. “You always worry.”   He leans down to press a quick kiss to Sasha’s lips, and when he pulls back, a bright, blinding smile overtakes his handsome features. Sasha melts right at the spot.   “Have some faith.”
  The spot Echo chose would be beautiful if it weren’t for its purpose. Deep in the woods, surrounded by towering trees and rows of bramble and wild strawberries. They’d said it would be the least likely place for anyone to interrupt, the werewolf pack Sasha had been worrying about taking offense not having claimed this spot yet. Perhaps they never would after tonight, though it’s the least of Sasha’s concerns.   Minhyuk taps his shoulder. It tugs him gently out of his thoughts, and he realizes he’s still holding him in his arms, like a husband would a bride. Sasha lets him down, gives him a moment to look about the area. The Owl Eyes tattoo in the back of his neck glimmers a faint shade of silver.   “I won’t lie, I thought you were going to bring me to an abandoned graveyard.”   Hidden in the shadow of a tree, Echo snorts, “Not everyone loves cliches. Besides, we wouldn't want to disturb all those other corpses. That would be rude.”   Sasha can’t help but laugh. A certain warmth rises to his chest, knowing he could have this forever. His sibling and the love of his life bantering like real family. He’d never been the religious sort, but he’d prayed to all the gods he knows the names of the night before, begging them to let him keep his Minhyuk. He knows it fell on deaf ears, as prayers usually do, but, in that moment, it had made him feel better. Hopeful.   “I’ll leave you two to it, then,” Echo says, stepping out of their hiding place.   They gesture toward the deep hole in the ground they’d already thought ahead to dig, the dirt of it piled up high beside it. Minhyuk steps closer towards its edge, peering inside.    “You know, maybe I should have worn something else. All this... earth.”   Sasha joins his side, slinging an arm around his waist. He presses a kiss to Minhyuk’s cheek, and the grimace he’d been pulling makes way for a soft smile.    Echo fake-gags. “Yeah, no, I’m not watching this.”   They’re gone in a flurry of leaves. As grateful as Sasha is for their support and their help, these last few minutes, he wants to spend alone with Minyhuk, just the two of them and the knowledge that by the time the sun goes down again, they’ll have all of eternity waiting for them.   Sasha helps Minhyuk into the hole, guides him down with him to kneel at its bottom. He pulls him into his lap, and Minhyuk lets him, not a single word of protest. He hadn’t been trembling before, but he does now, vague little shivers bolting up and down his spine. For all that bravado he’d displayed all through the week, not even his nerves are strong enough to face his imminent death without a sliver of fear. Sasha coos at him, his hands running up and down his back before he pulls him into a kiss.   Minhyuk relaxes just so, kissing him back with fervor.
  Minhyuk’s blood is sweet in his mouth. It drips down the corners of his lips, gathering at the point of his chin. When Sasha slides his hands up Minhyuk’s chest to feel his heartbeat, his shirt is soaked in it, too, wet as though he’d plunged himself into a lake fully clothed.    If he were feeding, he would have long stopped by now.   Minhyuk's heartbeat is faint at best, that one, crucial threshold between survivable and too much already crossed. The grip of his hands in Sasha’s hair fades little by little until his arms drops to his sides. Minhyuk makes a noise in the back of his throat, so quiet and so weak that it shatters Sasha’s heart.   And yet, he keeps going, drinks up every last blood until it leaves Minhyuk pale and lifeless. Sasha draws back. Gently lowers Minhyuk to the ground to pet his hair. A spidersilk-thin thread separates him from death. Sasha can barely take it. �� “I love you so much,” he whispers, nosing Minhyuk’s cheek. Minhyuk doesn’t respond. His breathing is flat, blood staining him from head to toe.   He’d struggled, earlier, when Sasha didn’t stop like he normally would. Flooded with panic, he’d tried to twist away, but Sasha wouldn’t let him. His please and screams of pain as Sasha’s fangs dug deeper and deeper into his skin, he knows will haunt him forever.   “Please, forgive me. It had to be like this.” Sasha kisses Minhyuk’s lips, cold instead of warm. Perhaps it would have been a mercy to snap his neck, like Jaerim had done to him.   Minhyuk takes his last breath.   Sasha buries himself along with him, arms wrapped tightly around his lifeless body, and weeps.
  “So?”   Echo sits on a fallen tree, legs crossed neatly. Behind them hovers Jeha, one hand toying with Echo’s hair.   Sasha brushes the dirt off of himself. Back in the hole, Minhyuk had still been lifeless when he’d woken, and even now, after he’d climbed out, there is no sign of life underneath that thick blanket of earth. Anxiety coils in his chest, hot and demanding. Sasha bites the inside of his cheek.   “Kiha needed two nights,” says Jeha, tone soft. He has his eyes fixed on the hole, too, almost predatory in his intensity. He means to comfort him, but as much as Sasha appreciates it, it doesn’t change the fact that right now, Minhyuk is still dead.   “How many hours until sunrise?” he asks, looking toward Echo.    Echo checks their phone. “Three. He has time.”   “Three.” Sasha nods. “Three hours.”   Jeha touches a hand to his shoulder. “Do you want us to stay?”   Somehow, though he doesn’t know how, Sasha finds the strength to smile. “It’s fine. Go home. I’m sure it’ll be all right.”   But it’s not all right.   The hours pass, and pass, and pass, and by the time Sasha leaves, the sun is already on the rise, burning his skin as he rushes through the streets. he showers and heads straight to bed, foregoing a meal, and when nightfall comes again, he rushes back to the spot, back to watch for any sign of Minhyuk having made it.   Another night passes.   Then another.   Echo follows him in silence on the fourth, their face a stony mask. They watch him as he paces about and only stop him when jumps into the hole and digs, frantic, head full with an endless loop of his own pleas and the noises Minhyuk had made as he died.   “Sasha,” Echo says, hands gentle for but a moment before they pull him back with force. In life, Sasha had been the older one, the stronger one, but in death, it’s Echo who has the upper hand, raised so, so well by their cruel master. “Sasha, it’s over.”   Sasha hears himself sob, the hot trails of his tears something his mind only barely registers. He struggles, still, against Echo pulling him into their arms, against Echo rocking him back and forth as he sobs into their chest, shaking life a leaf in a storm.   The mercy he'd hoped for in this life eludes him, still, and all Sasha can do is watch.
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xonismsx · 5 years
REPOST, don’t reblog.
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favourite things:
season: spring colour: yellow pie: ( for all the food ones i’m just going to reply as i would if she was human ) so probably strawberry rhubarb fruit: mango ice cream flavour: rocky road breakfast food: crepes alcoholic drink: screwdriver soda flavour: sprite scent: lilac flowers: tulips animal: cats movie: raiders of the lost ark tv show: sleepy hollow book: little house on the prairie superhero: wonder woman fairy tale: she doesn’t have one genre of music: traditional japanese music genre of movies: rom coms genre of books: mystery or nonfiction
pick one:
hot or cold juice or soda tv or movie movie or book late night talk shows or reality tv twitter or instagram trees or flowers philosophy or psychology ocean or lake water park or amusement park cats or dogs fresh water or sparkling water sugar or honey cookies or candy bath or shower morning or night running or walking piercings or tattoos frozen yogurt or ice cream vanilla or chocolate caramel or butterscotch art or music t-shirt or button down text or call ghosts or aliens
have they ever:
ridden a motorcycle: yes stolen something: she has but it was hundreds of years ago eaten an entire pizza by themselves: nope made a prank call: no broken a bone: nope fallen asleep during a concert or movie: yes walked out of a movie because it was so bad: she has, most recently it was girl on the train been on the phone with someone for longer than 2 hours: 100% she loves long phone calls & after tida moved out you best believe they had some good mother son phone calls dined & dashed: absolutely not held a gun: she has but not in recent memory ding dong ditched: nope gone skinny dipping: yeah cried during a movie: 100% smuggled food into a movie: yes but not every time lied to get a job: oh yeah, hella practiced lines in from of a mirror: not really tried to see how many marshmallows they can stuff in their mouth at once: this is one of those activities you do with your kids one evening just because, & it happened several times as tida grew up & could fit more in his mouth been kicked out of somewhere: nope been on a blind date: yes ghosted someone: no bragged about something they haven’t done: no said i love you without meaning it: she has & regretted it immediately gotten in a fight: definitely & you can bet she kicked ass fallen asleep on a bus: no
how do they take their tea or coffee: she almost exclusively drinks herbal tea, usually plain but occasionally a bit of honey to some added sweet what is their ideal date: something outdoors like a day at the beach or a picnic in the park what are some of their guilty pleasures: she doesn’t have any. she likes what she likes & feels no guilt about any of it longest they’ve stayed up for: she couldn’t tell you. probably around 30 ish hours? her third child, shizu took her sweet damn time coming out biggest purchase: her penthouse in new york greatest talent: she’s a beautiful singer although she shy to sing in front of people strange habits: not so much strange but she has a few OCD like tendencies when it comes to organization first job: motherhood, after that, nurse can they do a handstand: yep can they cook: definitely do they believe in the paranormal: no doubt do they have allergies: she had a slight sensitivity to citrus as a child but it went away once she hit puberty do they believe in love in first sight: absolutely. it’s how she felt about her first love, makoto have any special talents: she has extremely good balance & can do all sorts of advanced yoga poses. she can also flip things in a frying pan with ease
tagged by: no one! i made it up tagging: @softestmood​ || @sharkapologlst​ || @conseille​ || @amissums​ for hyungmin || @mondregen for jaerim || @fadedbouquet || + u !
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mondregen · 5 years
"I never doubted your words, Sasha," he replies while pressing their foreheads together. Even with tears in his eyes, Sasha looks beautiful. For a moment, Seokhyun is torn between wiping his tear away or continue holding his beloved's hands. "We'll... we'll find a way, okay? I'm not trying to disregard your fear, but... for the time being, I'm here, with you. And I don't plan on leaving you alone. I couldn't back then when we first met, and I don't think that's going to change."
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  “I know,” Sasha whispers, and it’s the honest truth -- for all his fears, he knows that Seokhyun wouldn’t leave him, not intentionally, not without a good reason. It takes away from the pain, even though it’s only a small consolation.  Another tear joins the first one, then another, until Sasha breaks altogether, a sob ripping from his throat. He leans forward, burying his face in the crook of Seokhyun’s neck again, arms back to holding him tightly.  In a way, this is -- relieving, having bared himself like this, letting Seokhyun in on what has been weighing him down for over a decade. The only one he’d spoken to about it were Echo and Jaerim, and neither understood. Neither knew what it was like to lose someone to this, how much different it was from Sasha losing lovers in natural ways. But there’s no judgment in Seokhyun’s words, nor in his eyes, and though Sasha’s still heart aches with all this loss, he has him, in the here and now, warm and solid and alive.  “Thank you,” he manages to say through tears, turns his head to press a kiss to Seokhyun’s pulse point. “Thank you.”
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lxtent · 7 years
numberxix replied to your post: x — [ Good evening lovely muns~! Here’s my plan...
( I wonder, indeed…is it because of Nam Joohyuk? )
[ Believe it or not, Nam Joohyuk is a bonus ;) Oh and I also didn’t realise that Song Jaerim was in this too, the fc I have as Heejung’s fiancee. I considered adding him as a muse alongside Heejung once before.
But I digress! That was not my main reason. Research, maybe...? ]
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everdreamts-blog · 5 years
  “What if it doesn’t work?”   Minhyuk’s laugh is bright as he crosses the distance between them. He shakes his head, hands reaching up to cup Sasha’s face in his palms.   “Why do you keep asking that? It’ll be fine.”   He gives Sasha’s cheeks a gentle, but decisive, pinch.   “I’ll be fine.”
  He’d let Minhyuk pick the day, wanted him to choose when it’ll happen. The week leading up to it, he’d barely seen him – busy saying goodbye to his friends, to his remaining family, to everything he would never see again in the same way as he does as a mortal. Sasha doesn’t remember much of his last days as a human, memories distorted by pain and the desperate wish for it all to end. It’s different, for Minhyuk. He doesn’t seek eternal life to end his suffering. His motivation is love, the want for a future with Sasha. This, at least, he will be happy about.   Sasha sighs. It’s this optimism that drew him to Minhyuk, but he can’t help but worry.   Turnings don’t always take, and while he has never seen one go wrong, the sheer thought of it turns his stomach upside down. He’s lost so many lovers over the centuries, but Minhyuk – losing Minhyuk is not an idea he ever entertains. Not even when Echo insists on bringing it up over and over and over again.   “Let me worry, will you,” he replies, but it’s a weak protest at best. Despite his concerns and the ever-growing knot in his gut, he hasn’t shared too many of his thoughts with Minhyuk. He’d told him what he needed to know, how it’ll be done and what it’ll be like after, but not what happens in between, or what could happen if it goes south. Minhyuk knows the risks, but not their extent. And Sasha plans on keeping it this way.   Minhyuk rolls his eyes. “You always worry.”   He leans down to press a quick kiss to Sasha’s lips, and when he pulls back, a bright, blinding smile overtakes his handsome features. Sasha melts right at the spot.   “Have some faith.”
  The spot Echo chose would be beautiful if it weren’t for its purpose. Deep in the woods, surrounded by towering trees and rows of bramble and wild strawberries. They’d said it would be the least likely place for anyone to interrupt, the werewolf pack Sasha had been worrying about taking offense not having claimed this spot yet. Perhaps they never would after tonight, though it’s the least of Sasha’s concerns.   Minhyuk taps his shoulder. It tugs him gently out of his thoughts, and he realizes he’s still holding him in his arms, like a husband would a bride. Sasha lets him down, gives him a moment to look about the area. The Owl Eyes tattoo in the back of his neck glimmers a faint shade of silver.   “I won’t lie, I thought you were going to bring me to an abandoned graveyard.”   Hidden in the shadow of a tree, Echo snorts, “Not everyone loves cliches. Besides, we wouldn’t want to disturb all those other corpses. That would be rude.”   Sasha can’t help but laugh. A certain warmth rises to his chest, knowing he could have this forever. His sibling and the love of his life bantering like real family. He’d never been the religious sort, but he’d prayed to all the gods he knows the names of the night before, begging them to let him keep his Minhyuk. He knows it fell on deaf ears, as prayers usually do, but, in that moment, it had made him feel better. Hopeful.   “I’ll leave you two to it, then,” Echo says, stepping out of their hiding place.   They gesture toward the deep hole in the ground they’d already thought ahead to dig, the dirt of it piled up high beside it. Minhyuk steps closer towards its edge, peering inside.   “You know, maybe I should have worn something else. All this… earth.”   Sasha joins his side, slinging an arm around his waist. He presses a kiss to Minhyuk’s cheek, and the grimace he’d been pulling makes way for a soft smile.   Echo fake-gags. “Yeah, no, I’m not watching this.”   They’re gone in a flurry of leaves. As grateful as Sasha is for their support and their help, these last few minutes, he wants to spend alone with Minyhuk, just the two of them and the knowledge that by the time the sun goes down again, they’ll have all of eternity waiting for them.   Sasha helps Minhyuk into the hole, guides him down with him to kneel at its bottom. He pulls him into his lap, and Minhyuk lets him, not a single word of protest. He hadn’t been trembling before, but he does now, vague little shivers bolting up and down his spine. For all that bravado he’d displayed all through the week, not even his nerves are strong enough to face his imminent death without a sliver of fear. Sasha coos at him, his hands running up and down his back before he pulls him into a kiss.   Minhyuk relaxes just so, kissing him back with fervor.
  Minhyuk’s blood is sweet in his mouth. It drips down the corners of his lips, gathering at the point of his chin. When Sasha slides his hands up Minhyuk’s chest to feel his heartbeat, his shirt is soaked in it, too, wet as though he’d plunged himself into a lake fully clothed.   If he were feeding, he would have long stopped by now.   Minhyuk’s heartbeat is faint at best, that one, crucial threshold between survivable and too much already crossed. The grip of his hands in Sasha’s hair fades little by little until his arms drops to his sides. Minhyuk makes a noise in the back of his throat, so quiet and so weak that it shatters Sasha’s heart.   And yet, he keeps going, drinks up every last blood until it leaves Minhyuk pale and lifeless. Sasha draws back. Gently lowers Minhyuk to the ground to pet his hair. A spidersilk-thin thread separates him from death. Sasha can barely take it.   “I love you so much,” he whispers, nosing Minhyuk’s cheek. Minhyuk doesn’t respond. His breathing is flat, blood staining him from head to toe.   He’d struggled, earlier, when Sasha didn’t stop like he normally would. Flooded with panic, he’d tried to twist away, but Sasha wouldn’t let him. His please and screams of pain as Sasha’s fangs dug deeper and deeper into his skin, he knows will haunt him forever.   “Please, forgive me. It had to be like this.” Sasha kisses Minhyuk’s lips, cold instead of warm. Perhaps it would have been a mercy to snap his neck, like Jaerim had done to him.   Minhyuk takes his last breath.   Sasha buries himself along with him, arms wrapped tightly around his lifeless body, and weeps.
  “So?”   Echo sits on a fallen tree trunk, legs crossed neatly. Behind them hovers Jeha, one hand toying with Echo’s hair.   Sasha brushes the dirt off of himself. Back in the hole, Minhyuk had still been lifeless when he’d woken, and even now, after he’d climbed out, there is no sign of life underneath that thick blanket of earth. Anxiety coils in his chest, hot and demanding. Sasha bites the inside of his cheek.   “Kiha needed two nights,” says Jeha, tone soft. He has his eyes fixed on the hole, too, almost predatory in his intensity. He means to comfort him, but as much as Sasha appreciates it, it doesn’t change the fact that right now, Minhyuk is still dead.   “How many hours until sunrise?” he asks, looking toward Echo.   Echo checks their phone. “Three. He has time.”   “Three.” Sasha nods. “Three hours.”   Jeha touches a hand to his shoulder. “Do you want us to stay?”   Somehow, though he doesn’t know how, Sasha finds the strength to smile. “It’s fine. Go home. I’m sure it’ll be all right.”   But it’s not all right.   The hours pass, and pass, and pass, and by the time Sasha leaves, the sun is already on the rise, burning his skin as he rushes through the streets. he showers and heads straight to bed, foregoing a meal, and when nightfall comes again, he rushes back to the spot, back to watch for any sign of Minhyuk having made it.   Another night passes.   Then another.   Echo follows him in silence on the fourth, their face a stony mask. They watch him as he paces about and only stop him when jumps into the hole and digs, frantic, head full with an endless loop of his own pleas and the noises Minhyuk had made as he died.   “Sasha,” Echo says, hands gentle for but a moment before they pull him back with force. In life, Sasha had been the older one, the stronger one, but in death, it’s Echo who has the upper hand, raised so, so well by their cruel master. “Sasha, it’s over.”   Sasha hears himself sob, the hot trails of his tears something his mind only barely registers. He struggles, still, against Echo pulling him into their arms, against Echo rocking him back and forth as he sobs into their chest, shaking life a leaf in a storm.   The mercy he’d hoped for in this life eludes him, still, and all Sasha can do is watch.
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murderincrp · 7 years
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“Twenty-two-year-old OFFICER. She works for the SEOUL POLICE DEPARTMENT.”
( i. ) An eye for an eye.
All that’s written on a smudged piece of paper. Go back inside, they’ve been told; stay together. So they do. Though barely five years of age, Hyebin is well aware that something is very, very wrong. If not for the horrified look upon her mother’s face, or the snarling of her father, then certainly the various cops would’ve been enough of an indication. Neither she nor her brother dares to utter a single word. They stand in silence, but they stand together.
‘Don’t be scared,’ he tells her, and she simply tightens her hold on his hand. Not even the wailing of sirens compares to the heartbreaking tears of their mother. More cops arrive, and Dabin and her are ushered back inside. ’Subin?’ The softness of her voice is not enough to make herself heard by elders, but her brother nods in response. ‘Let’s go upstairs, I’ll tell you a story.’
They don’t see their sister again.
( ii. ) Do not compromise with the devil.
Not for a single second does Song Jaerim think of catering to a criminal’s wishes. Giving up on his job does not bring their daughter back, and the last thing he can do is to dig up the roots. Investigations have never been put to a halt, but the results remain ever as disappointing. This means no more freedom. Hyebin and her brother are put on a tight schedule, with guards watching their every movement. No walking home from school alone, and no trips without supervision. Their mother has never looked as exhausted; their father is constantly working. More than a big brother, Dabin is her hero. As long as he’s there, nothing will happen to her. She tells herself this every morning when she wakes up, and every night before she falls asleep.
( iii. ) Face your fears.
‘I want to be a cop.’ Words that carry a heavy burden, but her brother speaks them pridefully. Their sister is still missing. If there’s one thing they got in common, it is that none of them will rest until they solve the case. In her father’s eyes, Hyebin spots that same glimpse of pride, yet it is her own announcement that receives an entirely different response. ‘I want to be a cop too,’ she reveals, but the protests follow suit. Her father speaks up first; tells her he won’t allow it. Her brother’s reply is no different. It is understandable, though no less frustrating. She leaves the room without a word and sleeps without bidding either of them goodnight.
When morning comes, the first thing she does is enroll herself in The Korean National Police University. Her father’s face has grown colder than before. It’s alright, she reminds herself, don’t look at him. His disapproval is not uncalled for, but that won’t stop her from trying her best. Day and night does she work to keep up her good grades, no matter how often she has been told to switch careers. In the years that pass, she keeps all of her achievements to herself, and even her graduation is celebrated by her mother alone. Men and their pride is what she blames it on, but she knows it goes much deeper than that.
What Hyebin wants is no different from their goals: to find out who took their sister. Her probationary period has only just started, but she strives to become an undercover agent someday. This, however, is something she’ll never dare tell her father.
Far too gullible and sheltered to make a reliable cop, yet double as determined to prove everyone wrong. Hyebin is desperate to solve her sister’s case, no matter what the cost. She is currently no more than a rookie officer, but wishes to go undercover someday (a horrible decision, really). A few kinds words and she’s sold. One would expect her to be extremely cautious because of the past, but the constant protection has caused the exact opposite. She is easy to fool, and too naive to be trusted with important information. No matter how hard she tries to focus on shutting herself down and improving her rank; it is no use when she has a heart that is stronger than her mind.
What Hyebin needs to learn is to be colder and less emotionally involved when it comes to her job. Often influenced by her intuition rather than solid facts, it wouldn’t be the first time for her to near mess up a case. However, do not mistake her for being a pushover. Hyebin stands firmly for what she believes in, and although it is easy to bribe her with kindness, she’ll not agree to do anything that she does not think is right.
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tipsys · 5 years
conversing with @dalbxch​ !
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his heart was pounding in his chest– zarek had never done something like this before ( but he also had never had such a serious relationship before either ) so the nerves were kicking in, but there was more excitement than anything. he had no schedules planned for a good two weeks, so on a whim he decided to fly out to see his boyfriend since they hadn’t seen each other in a while and it was killing him– he hadn’t told his boyfriend any of his plans and wanted to surprise him. he knew that rimmy would be at an event around the time he would land, making it the perfect opportunity for him to slip in at any given time, and rimmy definitely wouldn’t be expecting it, since it wasn’t like zarek to do this sort of thing, especially in public given that he still hadn’t come out yet. he was working on that, though it was getting more obvious to his fans, and they were suspicious that he was dating someone. once at the venue, it doesn’t take him long to find the other, he’d recognize his loud voice anywhere. standing a good distance away, zarek can’t wipe the smile off his face as he watches him in awe– that was his boyfriend, how lucky was he? when things settle down a bit, the singer makes his move towards rimmy, approaching from behind. “ excuse me, can i get a photo with you, i’m a big fan. ”
               events like these were some of the best times to see jae rim in his prime. it wasn’t run by a company that he’s personally involved with, there was no need for him to act a particular way or stay completely sober so he could speak on stage. so, he was having fun. the only thing that could make this night better would be his boyfriend simultaneously appearing right next to him... given his residence in a whole other country, he settled on just sending the other a text with a few too many heart emojis. at this point in the night, the boy has had several glasses of champagne, and he’s feeling blissful. or maybe not quite blissful, because it’s doubtful that many blissful souls talk as loudly as he is right now. rimmy’s telling a story to several people, most of whom are strangers, and his loud voice seems to attract more as the overdramatic story goes on. afterward, everyone disperses and he ends up just watching the action of the event from the sidelines. he’d recognize the voice behind him anywhere, especially when his favorite pick-me-up was watching videos of that voice. without thinking, he turns to face his boyfriend and places his lips against his. arms find their way around his waist, pulling zarek close as he reluctantly ends the kiss.   ❝ your boyfriend know you’re here? ❞
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hyunukhan-remade · 8 years
monsta-x replied to your photo “VAV ‘VENUS’ Image Teaser #2 Member: Lou (로우)”
song jaerim!
that’s his real name? thank you i will add it!!!
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