#repentance neville goddard
livingwellnessblog · 3 months
Correcting Neville # 3 Lecture: "Repentance: A Gift from God"
To repent is simply a radical change of attitude. That is what repentance means. For if I radically change my attitude towards life, I will then view the world and see the world from that change of attitude. And that change is a change of consciousness, and that change will be externalized in my world – Neville Goddard There is a bit of confusion here, and my intention is to correct Neville…
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the-reality-revolution · 11 months
Neville Goddard - Repentance A Gift From God
Remember Neville spoke of Repentance as an imaginal act, a form of revision. A radical change in thinking. Not to sit around feeling guilty and ashamed as it is often taught. "We speak in the Bible of repentance, and the world thinks that it means to regret, to be remorseful. That’s not what the Bible teaches. Prayer and repentance are almost synonymous terms. We are told to bear fruit that befits repentance. Then they say of the central character of the Scripture: “You and your disciples eat and drink with sinners.” And he replied, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Leave the righteous alone. They are so self-satisfied. They like themselves, so leave them alone. The word “sin” hasn’t a thing to do with breaking any moral code. The word “sin” means to miss the mark. That’s what it means. You have a goal in life and you haven’t achieved it, well then, you are sinning. You may have a billion dollars, and still are hungry for another. Well then, if you don’t have the other, you are sinning. You may keep all the so-called codes of the world imposed upon you by the priesthoods of the world—that would mean nothing as far as the Scriptures go. To repent is simply a radical change of attitude. That is what repentance means. For if I radically change my attitude towards life, I will then view the world and see the world from that change of attitude. And that change is a change of consciousness, and that change will be externalized in my world. Now, repentance is at once man’s responsibility and a gift of God. Now, let us show you what I mean by it." - Neville
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oouroboross · 19 days
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Redefining Sin
Today, I want to dive into a topic that's been misunderstood for centuries: sin. But we're not talking about sin in the traditional, fear-based way that most of us grew up hearing about. Instead, let's explore this concept from a mystical perspective, drawing from the teachings of Neville Goddard and Jesus.
What is Sin, Really?
When most people hear the word "sin," they think of breaking a set of moral or religious rules. But what if there’s more to it? What if sin is less about what we do and more about how we think and perceive ourselves?
Neville Goddard, a spiritual teacher known for his powerful insights on manifestation, taught that the word “sin” comes from the Greek word hamartia, which means “to miss the mark.” According to Neville, sin isn’t about committing immoral acts; it’s about failing to recognize and live in alignment with our true divine nature.
The Divine Power of Imagination
Neville believed that our imagination is the creative power of God operating within us. When we misuse this gift by imagining negative scenarios, holding onto fear, or believing we are separate from God, we are "missing the mark." In other words, we are sinning by not living up to our highest potential and divine truth.
Think about it: every time we dwell in negativity, doubt, or fear, we are essentially using our imagination against ourselves, creating a reality that reflects these lower states of consciousness. That’s the real sin—failing to see ourselves as the divine creators that we are.
Jesus's Take on Sin: Awakening to Your Divine Nature
Now, let’s bring Jesus into the conversation. When Jesus healed people and forgave their sins, he often said, “Go and sin no more.” But what was he really asking people to do?
Jesus’s teachings were not just about following a set of rules; they were about awakening to our true identity as children of God. When he spoke of sin, he was pointing to a lack of awareness—a forgetfulness of our divine essence.
When Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God is within you,” he wasn’t speaking metaphorically. He was literally saying that the divine power and presence of God reside within each of us. To sin, then, is to live in ignorance of this truth. To “go and sin no more” is an invitation to live consciously, recognizing our divine nature and the creative power of our imagination.
Applying These Teachings to Your Life
So, how can we apply this deeper understanding of sin to our lives?
1. Awaken to Your Divine Nature: Remember that you are not separate from God. You are an extension of the divine, with the power to create your reality through your thoughts, beliefs, and imagination.
2. Use Your Imagination Wisely: As Neville Goddard taught, "Imagination is God in action." Focus on imagining the life you want, not the life you fear. See yourself as already living in your desired state.
3. Forgive Yourself and Others Understand that sin is about missing the mark, not about being inherently bad. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and let go of guilt. This frees you to create from a place of love and abundance.
4. Repent by Changing Your Mind: The word "repent" in the original Greek means "to change your mind." Shift your consciousness from separation to unity, from lack to abundance, from fear to love.
Let’s Rethink Sin Together
Instead of seeing sin as a set of rules to follow, let's view it as an opportunity to realign with our divine selves. When we miss the mark, it’s simply a reminder to recalibrate our thoughts and intentions. We are all on a journey of growth and awakening, learning to use our imagination in ways that reflect our highest potential.
So, next time you hear the word "sin," remember this: It's not about being punished for wrongdoing. It's about awakening to who you truly are—a divine creator with the power to shape your reality.
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creature-wizard · 20 days
im still trying to get back on track after the neville goddard cult completely wrecked me and i went into a subreddit looking for like minded people to support. i saw this guy talking about how he used to be in a neville goddard discord server, he told the moderators that he couldn't visualize due to his aphantasia. he read all of neville's work, did every single tehnique and still got no results. instead of helping him, they resorted to laughing at him, belittling him and insulting him.
thankfully most commenters were normal and supportive, even sharing their own awful experiences in that same server but to no one's surprise, some of neville's followers were lurking in the comments and telling him how "they were only mean to you because of your internal beliefs, judging people creates your self concepts, the world changes with you, nothing is real outside of you, there is no factual sensory perception, those people are just a projection of your internal beliefs, it doesn't matter if you can't imagine, you can still manifest through feelings and true vibrational states" bla bla bla like holy shit can you motherfuckers keep to yourselves and just leave us ALOOOONE. y'all are identical to jehovah's witnesses waving pamphlets in people's faces and yelling at them to repent and turn to jesus.
I seriously hope these people wake up one day and realize that this is literally victim blaming, and they're absolute ghouls for doing it.
For anyone reading this: If you are leaving or questioning the Law of Assumption and need help, please see this post.
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muselogy · 3 years
neville goddard lecture - 05/24/1968
[…] The world of imagination is infinite and eternal, whereas the world of generation is finite and temporary. In that eternal world, the permanent realities of everything exist. Their reflections are here, cast in a glass called nature.
[…] The permanent realities of an extinct bird, animal, or fish, live! They can be resurrected and externalized by the seed of your contemplative thought, for everything lives within you! This world of generation I call the world of Caesar should not be neglected, as it is an important aspect of reality, even though it is only a shadow. Scripture urges us to revise, to forgive, and change our thoughts, thereby changing the conditions of our life. This is how it is done.
[…] Start now to practice what the Bible calls repentance, which is a radical change of attitude. No matter what it is, if it does not conform to your ideal change it by subjectively appropriating your goal. Remain faithful to it and no earthly power can keep you from attaining it.
[…] Every moment of time you have the opportunity to feed your pig. When someone phones to tell of their misfortune, revise their words. Go about your business of creation on the inside, and do not do a thing on the outside. Use your imagination and let your words come into being! All things are possible to you, because you are all imagination and imagination creates reality. Knowing what you want, imagine you have it. Knowing what you want to be, imagine you are it. Subjectively appropriate your objective hope and you have assumed a virtue you did not have. Ask no one to help, and do not feel below the water for something to fall back on if imagination doesn’t work. Instead, learn to count on your true Self, who is Jesus Christ!
[…] Start now to look upon the great mystery of creation as the subjective appropriation of your objective hope. Dwell upon my words. Put them into practice, and you will experience their fulfillment, for all things exist within you!
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1560hrs · 2 years
[🌟] girando en espiral mientras se manifiesta
una imaginación despierta trabaja con un propósito. crea y conserva lo deseable, y transforma o destruye lo indeseable - Neville Goddard
¿Así que te has estado manifestando y de repente viste algo en 3D que no era lo que querías y ahora estás pensando demasiado las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana? está bien, ¡lo arreglaremos muy fácilmente!
Entonces, las razones por las que podríamos girar en espiral pueden ser:
1. no ver ningún movimiento en el 3d.
2. experimentar lo contrario de lo que quieres.
3. experimentar movimiento pero luego se detiene abruptamente.
también puede ser cualquier otra cosa además de esto, ¡pero todo el problema tiene una sola solución! y a eso NO LE IMPORTA UNA MIERDA. sí, eso es básicamente todo. ves algo en el 3d que no te favorece? A quién le importa. ya tienes lo que deseas no? entonces ¿por qué molestarse?
AHORA, sé que podrías pensar, "es difícil no reaccionar ante el 3d"
sí, lo sé. pero quien dijo que no se puede reaccionar al 3d? ¿Quién dijo que no puedes hacer espirales? ¡TÚ HACES LAS REGLAS! ¡nadie puede impedir que consigas lo que quieres! literalmente nadie. tú eres el que tiene el control. por ejemplo, estás manifestando buenas notas, pero cuando el profesor te da tus resultados ves una F, empiezas a pensar, “¿no me estaba manifestando? la ley no funciona”. ¡¡ESTÁ TOTALMENTE BIEN TENER UN PENSAMIENTO NEGATIVO!! pero luego recuérdate a ti mismo, eres el creador, eres el dios , está bien, tienes una F, pero siempre puedes cambiarla, toda tu realidad está bajo tu control, la creación ha terminado. después de que te lo recuerdes, asume que lo que quieras ya es tuyo, no te preocupes por lo que muestre el 3D, es posible que te sientas un pocoinseguro o dudoso pero no pasa nada, tus pensamientos negativos no te afectan a ti ni a tu manifestación!! y solo tienes que vivir en tu 4d, también conocido como tu imaginación, eso es todo. el 3d es el pasado, tu 4d es tu presente y futuro! ¿Por qué centrarse en el pasado?
ahora ¿cómo no estar en un espiral?
fácil. tener un increíble concepto de sí mismo. ¡sí!
autoconcepto inmaculado = sin espirales.
¿por qué? porque crees en ti mismo y sabes que la ley funciona nmw.
Entonces, en conclusión, ¿qué debes hacer cuando estás en espiral?
1. PUEDES reaccionar y sentir emociones.
2. recuerda que eres el que tiene el control y que TU 3D ES TU MEJOR.
3. recuerda que la creación ha terminado .
4. Asuma que su deseo es suyo y sepa que su 3d se ajustará.
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vortexoculi · 4 years
Neville Goddard: The Telephone Technique| How to use it to manifest your desires
If you enjoy the videos please like ,share and Subscribe. Feel free to request videos on the comments! ***************************************************************************** ✔️ Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/vortexoculichannel Email: [email protected] ***************************************************************************** ✔️ Neville Goddard playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoojJ_6wCh7IMfGGUP__MvwnVGHO7SVOM ✔️ Neville Goddard Full List of Manifestation Techniques playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrpTw1-gDwU&list=PLoojJ_6wCh7IAeblpXWN0KNlkns04KXl7 ***************************************************************************** ✔️ How to enter into SATS (state akin to sleep): https://youtu.be/HVyJq2_Bb_U ✔️ Revision Technique: https://youtu.be/_XCgCDW_LY4 ***************************************************************************** ✔️ FB page https://www.facebook.com/VortexOculi/ ✔️ FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vortexoculi/ ***************************************************************************** Our Socials: ✅ Subscribe on Youtube: http://bit.ly/vortexoculichannel ✅ Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vortexoculi/ ✅ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/VortexOculi/ ✅ Blogger: https://vortexoculi.blogspot.com/ ✅ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VisualManifest1 ✅ Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/vortexoculi/ Neville Goddard: The Telephone Technique| How to use it to manifest your desires Neville Goddard telephone technique Neville talks about the telephone technique in his lecture TEST YOURSELVES (09-25-1967). Neville insists that the telephone technique is infallible and gives great results to manifest your desire. The telephone technique is a Revision technique ( I will leave a link in the description). Neville actually analyses one phrase from the Gospel of Mark The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of heaven is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." And explains that the world repent means a radical change of thinking/ behavior of something you dislike or want to change. And this is exactly the whole point or this technique. You revise reality and transform it to your desire. Neville does the telephone technique like that: While receiving a phone call and hearing bad news,  he completely ignores the bad or negative news he hears. He  revises the entire conversation immediately as he listens to it and imagines only the desired outcome. He doesn't wait a single moment to revise the bad news. He doesn't wait until night time or imagine while falling asleep ( e.g state akin to sleep: I will leave a link in the description) He changes it with his imagination and revises it to bring the desire he wants. He actually listens to the person on the phone saying they have obtained their desire. And by that I mean that you imagine that you are actually listening to the person on the phone telling that they have their desire. You imagine so vividly that you actually hear it. While on the phone don't be sucked in the person's bad news and complaints, just love them but ignore the bad news completely. You choose what you allow to enter, so don't let their negativity bring you down because you can change all that with your imagination. After the end of the conversation and when they are done with their complaining, while still remembering clearly how their voice sounds like, change their words and feel the joy. Use your imagination and vividly imagine their voice changing and becoming joyful, telling you the good news( their desire fulfilled). Hear them ( vividly imagine hearing them so it actually feels true) telling you positive news and the fulfillment of their desire. And this is the telephone technique. A technique based on Revision. Simple and effective. This “Telephone Technique” can be used by you and also for other people that you care about. If you are having trouble doing this technique for yourself you can try imaginary phone conversations with someone (e.g friends, family etc) congratulating you for your success.
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"O Caminho Da Intuição E Segredos Para A Auto Cura" Ingressos, Sab, 23
Apenas através do conhecimento e desenvolvimento da consciência humana, se torna possível uma nova visão de planeta, e Expansão da Consciência consequentemente uma nova postura de comportamentos das pessoas, que contribuirá para uma sociedade melhor, cercada de justiça e paz. Sabendo nós que os humanidade não são iguais, antes pelo contrário, e que toda gente terão seu detalhe de evolução” podemos edificar uma pirâmide de necessidades que nos concretiza mas esses deveres”. Quando se faz uma avaliação radiestésica do campo espiritual se detecta em que nível a persona se encontra de evolução, de maturidade para logo podermos conscientizá-la dessa nova verdade e orientá-la de suas necessidades de mudanças, também sugerindo pequeno número de.
Vá (ainda mas) para seu olho, sintonize na risca, e tente desvendar que é. Cabos elétricos frequentemente fazem linhas moderadas. As coisas ficarão verdadeiramente sincronizadas e, provavelmente, bastante confusas, porém esta etapa passará. objetivo é estender sua consciência qualquer vez mas para suas atividades, até o momento que você alcance um constante foco no olho.
Você deseja dormir, quer que corpo astral se afaste dos corpos etérico e físico, com finalidade de esses dois fiquem quietos, e não vibrando por toda parte. Estamos convictos que para aqueles que amam planeta do século 21 a experiência de transcendencia não pode ser quesito de chegada para a vida místico como tem sido a orientação de muitas tradições espirituais no Este e no Poente.
Você está saindo da percepção do mundo físico para espaço astral. Um conjunto de pessoas se reune, dá as mãos e em roda dança diferentes músicas folclóricas do mundo todo. Porém tudo é realizado por meio do torrão vibracional da mente e não de palavras tendo em vista de não estarmos mas atuando em um corpo físico ,veículo próprio da densidade 3D. Com tempo ocorreu outro termo que é Despertar Consciencial, que seria processo pelo que os cidadãos que estão atentos a essas manipulações, passam a questionar status quo e a mudar seus hábitos e padrões de consumo, particularmente.
26 — Estão isentas de qualquer tipo de preconceito justamente por saberem que um dia já foram em vidas passadas ou poderão ser em vidas futuras aquela pessoa a que a sociedade pede para julgar. Enquanto segura pêndulo em uma mão e mede pulsocom a outra, vá para olho, fique consciente da vibração, e respire com uma fricção leve. Muitas vezes médium sente tremor, a respiração e os batimentos cardíacos se modificam, porque com a aproximação do anjo (entidade), existe deslocamento energético afetando duplo etérico e consequentemente físico do médium.
É então que as pessoas estão se identificando com coisas tão diferentes e não mas estão apegadas a um único sistema de crenças. Um dos enganos mais comuns aos novatos é aguardar ver realidades espirituais com suas visões ordinárias e seus olhos físicos, como se, de repente, auras e seres espirituais fossem somados aos quadros do planeta que é percebido pela mente.
despertar da Consciência, conhecimento da Verdade, reencontro com a verdade, todas essas coisas irão despender muito dedicação. Para permanecer em silêncio e viver a felicidade naturalmente, é primordial fazer as pazes com instante presente, onde a vida flui. Você deve manipular todos e cada um dos músculos da parte de trás da goela para movimento de energia ser dirigido para cima, para extremidade da moleira, ao invés de horizontalmente pela boca.
Nesta Edição Próprio, a Universo Livros, tem como objetivo oferecer um formato completo e atingível à todas as obras da Série: Despertar da Consciência, com intenção de a maior parte daqueles que admiram as obras de Neville Goddard, possam adquiri-las conforme à realidade, de uma só vez, por um dispêndio menor que a obtenção individual de qualquer um dos títulos.
É no silêncio da noite escura da espírito humana sem que as forças das trevas percebam, pois elas não reconhecem a claridade em meio às trevas do planeta, que eles estão nascendo. Você passa a relacionar-se melhor consigo mesmo(a), adquire amor próprio, passa a se cuidar e a querer estar muito. Tente repetir esta prática em diferentes momentos do dia, como de manhã e à noite, para sentir se nota qualquer diferença em sua energia de vida.
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livingwellnessblog · 3 months
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Neville Goddard - What Must We Do? Believe!
You know what you want in life? Assume that you have it. Fall asleep just as though you had it. Live as though you had it. Act as though you had it, and the world will conform to it. In a way you do not know and you haven’t the intelligence to devise the means necessary to produce it, the whole thing will become a fact, and project itself upon the screen of space for you, if you dare to apply this story of repentance…that you need not accept things if you are willing to repent.
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Guided Meditation - The 10 Minute Revision Meditation
Join me at 2 pm pst for a short but powerful 10 minute revision meditation. Revise your past and change your life forever.(https://youtu.be/FImPM4qlPCY) The most powerful technique taught by Neville Goddard is the revision technique.  Previously on the channel I created a revision meditation that goes almost an hour.  After several requests I created this super short meditation designed to give you the power to revise anything in ten minute.   Through revision you can go back through your day, week, year or lifetime and imagine whatever you want differently.  Neville Goddard explained this as the true meaning of repentance.  By using this technique it is very much like time travel. Your life will change as if the thing you revised is true.  It has been an amazing experience for me and so many others. Neville Goddard says And now you have a mission, you have a purpose in life; it's a noble purpose, because you have been selected to really become the chief gardener in the garden of God, and in the garden you must have pruning shears, and pruning shears is revision. You simply revise, and as you revise the day you repeal the day, for the day is not slipping into the past, it does not recede as people think, it is always advancing into the future to confront you, either pruned or in some strange weed-like state. So it's entirely up to us--I hope that everyman and woman here today will take me seriously and start this day pruning your garden. pruning your mind. I know before I leave this city in a matter of two weeks that you will be able to tell me of the new things that spring in your world or that spring from the pruned tree that is your own lovely imagination. You try it: then you will know what Blake meant when he said. "In heaven, the only art of living is forgetting and forgiving." https://youtu.be/FImPM4qlPCY
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Neville Goddard God’s Law
But here is a law that transcends this law of planting and reaping: It is the law of forgiveness. Forgiveness is simply revision, or you may call it repentance. But the Bible speaks of it as repentance, and speaks of it as forgiveness. You come upon a scene…alright, you don’t like the scene, and it’s factual, no question about it, and you know that someone somewhere brought it into being by first imagining a scene of that nature because it couldn’t come into being unassisted by an imaginal act. So it is brought into being by an imaginal act. Well, forget it. Don’t condemn her, don’t condemn him; just now do something about it, and do it now. https://youtu.be/Aip0Zcs8guM
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