#renting a car in bali
lifeingrace · 1 year
Renting a Self-Drive Car in Bali: A Complete Guide
Looking to rent a self-drive car rental in Bali? Bali is renowned for its countless tourist attractions, such as beautiful rows of beaches, stunning landscapes, shady forests, breathtaking views, and captivating historical buildings.
However, joining a Bali cruise can be quite challenging depending on the schedules of other group members. If you're part of a tour group, it may not be possible to change the itinerary to suit your needs. Fortunately, you can avoid this by obtaining an international driving license. Without one, renting a car of your own on the island may prove to be a difficult task.
If you're an experienced driver and are planning to invite friends and family, renting a car yourself is a great idea. With a self-drive car rental in Bali, you can explore the island at your own pace and enjoy the views on your own time with your loved ones. So, go ahead and plan your Bali itinerary and make the most of your trip with a self-drive car rental!
If you're planning on renting a car in Bali, there are a few requirements that you need to keep in mind. Firstly, it is mandatory to present your international driver's license when renting a car. If you don't have one, don't worry, as you can obtain a driving license at the police station in Denpasar. However, do note that this license is usually only valid for one month.
When it comes to self-drive car rentals in Bali, they typically have manual transmission and always go straight. So, make sure you're comfortable with driving a stick shift before renting a car.
It's important to note that car rental packages in Bali don't always include insurance coverage. Therefore, you should inquire with the rental car company about the insurance coverage they offer. Often, insurance coverage is billed as an additional item on top of the rental fee, so it's best to clarify the details beforehand.
Before You Start Choosing A Self Drive Car Rental In Bali, Please Note The Following:
Before choosing a self-drive car rental in Bali, there are a few important things that you should keep in mind. Firstly, make sure to thoroughly inspect the vehicle for any existing damage or issues before signing the rental agreement. If you fail to bring any issues to the dealer's attention, you may be held liable and charged for any damage that was already present in the car.
Additionally, it's always a good idea to test drive the rental car before paying for it. This way, you can make sure that the brake pedal, handbrake, and clutch are all functioning properly.
Keep in mind that fuel costs are typically not included in the rental price, so you will need to factor in this additional expense.
Driving conditions in Bali can be quite different from what you might be used to in the United States or Europe. Drivers tend to follow their own set of rules, and it can sometimes seem like there are no rules at all. During festive processions, roads may be arbitrarily closed, and during seasons like Galungan, drivers who are unfamiliar with normal road rules may only give way if their vehicle is smaller than yours. Additionally, motorcycles in Bali often change lanes without warning, so it's important to stay alert and cautious while driving. The road network in Bali can also be confusing, especially if you are not familiar with the area.
Essential Advice for Renting a Self-Drive Car in Bali
Proper driver's license. If you're planning on driving in Bali, it's important to have a proper driver's license. Even if you're just planning on renting a motorbike, you'll still need a license. To be on the safe side, it's a good idea to obtain an international driver's license before you leave for Bali. You can get one from AAA in the US for around $15 USD, and you'll need to bring your regular driver's license and two passport photos. Alternatively, you can get a temporary Bali driver's license (also known as a tourist driver's license) for around US$30 at the Denpasar police station. If you need help finding the station, your hotel or guest house should be able to provide directions.
Start slowly and drive safely. The speed limit when driving in Bali ranges between 40 to 70 km/h due to hazardous road conditions, including large potholes and loose rocks. It's recommended to drive slowly and steadily to avoid any mishaps. As a tourist, you definitely don't want to end up in an accident. Shockingly, over 150 motorcycle accidents are reported daily in Bali, and it's likely that a significant number of those involve inexperienced tourists who have never ridden a motorcycle before.
To honk is to let others know that you are there or that you will succeed The Balinese are known for their politeness and patience, even when it comes to slow drivers. They won't honk their horns to rush you, but rather, they'll simply go around you if necessary. However, if they need to alert you of their presence, such as when passing you on your blind side, they'll use their horn to ensure your safety and avoid any accidents.
Always put a seat-belt on During my first night in Bali, I witnessed a car accident. Although Bali's traffic is generally calm and not very intimidating, taking precautions such as wearing a seat belt is always a wise decision when planning to rent a car for self-driving in Bali or any other country.
Stay on the highway’s left side In the US, making left turns can be intimidating due to parked cars, but in Bali, it's a breeze thanks to their left-side driving. However, if you're not confident in your driving abilities in Bali, consider using a car rental service with a driver or hiring a private driver to make navigating the roads stress-free.
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minkyungseokie · 3 months
Bali Meet-Cute | Logan Sargeant
synopsis; when vacationing in Bali, y/n accidentally meets a cute American F1 driver after he photobombs her picture
warnings; none
note; not requested
note2; I saw someone say they wanted this, I wanted this, everyone wanted this. I kind of rushed this, but I thought it was still cute
Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Logan Masterlist
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
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Y/n hopped out of the bed of the room in the resort she had rented for the trip. She had finally saved up enough money to go to Bali and wanted to make it worth all of the time she had spent at her terrible 9 to 5-job. She'd be staying for a month and so far, for the two days she’d been there, she's been doing nothing but sleeping. After doing so much work for more than a year, she was too tired to actually go out and do anything for the first two days.
Y/n didn't know much of what there was to do in Bali, but she knew that by the end of the day, she wanted to visit the Leke Leke waterfall. She had heard from a friend of hers who had visited Bali that the Leke Leke waterfall was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen and that Y/n absolutely had to visit if she ever went herself. And now she was here, she didn't know what to do.
"Shit, I woke up so late." Y/n groaned, picking up her phone and grimacing at how late she had slept in. Even if she had known what she was going to do, she wouldn't be able to do much of it because she had woken up so late in the day. It was around lunch time or a bit after what was considered lunch time. "I guess I should just go to the waterfall." Y/n mumbled, grabbing a tot bag out of her suitcase and packing up some bug spray, sunscreen, her camera, and a towel. Before grabbing her bathing suit, putting it on, and putting on shorts and a t-shirt on over the bathing suit.
Y/n quickly got into the rented car and drove off with guiding off her GPS because she had the same sense of direction as a blind dog.
“You have arrived at your destination on the right.” The GPS said. Y/n parked and got out of the car, taking a deep breath and smiling as she felt some of the tension she was still carrying from the long plane ride to Bali, exit her body, leaving only the feelings of bliss and tranquility. “This is going to be a fun day.” Y/n muttered excitedly as she pulled her camera out of her bag and pointed it towards the waterfall and its lush forest.
Y/n didn’t see or realize there was another person there, too transfixed on the ethereal beauty of nature that was in front of her. It was no wonder Leke Leke was a huge tourist attraction, it made the most perfect candidate for taking photos and it was perfect to put on Instagram. Y/n looked at her photos with a smile that began to fade.
Now who the fuck was that guy?
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Logan sighed. This is really what he needed after such a shit weekend. He knew that it was a decision that was made with the team's best interest in mind, but it didn't do anything but shatter his confidence that he had worked so hard during the winter break to build up. Logan was well aware that his rookie season was absolute shit, which is why he worked so hard during the break. He wanted to prove to himself, the team, his fans, and his haters that he could do it. That he could be better than what he did during his rookie season, but the start of this season proved to be nothing but stress and a mess. 
They both had to stop during their first race due to car problems, the next two races had no issues that Logan could think of, and then Alex wrecks his chassis, so Logan is forced to give up his own. The Florida resident shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair. He came here to relax, not to stress himself out more. He needed to stop thinking about what could've been if James actually trusted him enough to drive. He knew that they most likely wouldn't be getting points, but at least Logan would have more experience under his belt.
Didn't James say he didn't even really care about 2024 and 2025? Didn't he say he was focused on the new changes coming 2026 or something? SO why did the man feel the need to bench him if he didn't care so much. "That's enough, Logan." The blonde muttered, lightly slapping his cheeks, "You're here for a break. Not to destroy yourself anymore than you already have." He huffed and looked up at the waterfall.
Oh, what he would give to be like the Leke Leke waterfall. Untouched, unjudged, and unburdened by anyone or anything. Living in perfect harmony with the plants and animals that it shares a habitat with. He wishes it could be like this in F1. There was no drama, everyone got along, and the sport was made fun again like it was when he watched it on television when he was younger. But, alas, humans are flawed creatures that seem to bring destruction and ruin wherever they go. 
It was a high-intensity sport, yes, but there was so much unnecessary drama and hatred that came with the new grid and the new wave of fans. Why couldn't friendly rivalries be made where the drivers obviously aren't friends, but the fans don't fight like they hate each other(Lewis and Max fans. They seem to go to war for no reason when the drivers are at best civil with each other).
Logan shook his head again as he caught himself thinking about his job again, but this time about the hate he gets being an American in a European sport. "Now is not the time to think about this. I'll go get something to eat and come back later." Logan muttered, turning around and walking back up the little pathway that was worm by so many people trampling down the small hill to play in the pool.
He didn't realize another person was there until he heard a 'tsk' followed by, "Who the fuck is this guy? He ruined my photo."
Logan looked up and his breath caught in his throat when his eyes met the gorgeous (e/c) of a woman so beautiful, he swears she could've been a deity, "H-hey, did I, uh, did I ruin your photo?" Logan asked awkwardly as the sharp eyes of the woman before him practically bore into his soul and stripped away his layers one-by-one. 
"You did, but it's alright."
God, even her voice was heavenly. It felt like listening to a chill lofi beat with rain sound in the background. Beautiful and calming. It made him want to listen to it more as it was such a drastic change from the voices he hears everyday.
And by that, he meant the people who surround him. Not that he hears voices.
"Um, I'm sorry. If you would like, I can take a couple pictures for you." Logan offered hesitantly while the woman continued studying him, "There's something bothering you, isn't there? You look stressed." The woman observed, "Do I?" Logan awkwardly laughed as he straightened his clothing. "You do. What's your name? I'm Y/n." The girl introduced, bending down to offer him her hand.
Logan stared at her with wide eyes, unsure what to do. It seemed like she had no idea who he was and he was glad for that. It shouldn't have surprised him the way it did either. Despite having a huge fan base, Formula One isn't as well known as it should be. It really wasn't until DTS that any Americans knew what it was and they started gaining more traction as some people started watching because of how handsome all of the drivers were and stayed because they fell in love with the sport(I know I did) and there was nothing wrong with that.
Logan was brought back to reality by the woman shaking her hand in place as if telling im that she was waiting, "Are you going to shake my hand or are you going to continue staring at me with those big beautiful eyes of yours?" She asked
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Y/n felt like diving off a cliff. She didn't know where she mustered up the courage to say such a thing and now she was embarrassed by the way the man was staring at her, "Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn't mean it. I mean, I didn't mean it, but I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Your eyes are very beautiful, just like your face. I didn't mean-- I'm just going to stop talking now." Y/n rambled, face heating up as she felt herself digging a bigger and bigger hole.
Y/n looked down in embarrassment, too scared to look up and see the possible look of disgust that the man would wear, but she was pleasantly surprised to hear the cutest laugh she had ever heard from a guy and a hand slide into her own gripping it enough to reassure her, but not squeezing it.
"Thank you so much. If it makes anything better, I think you're absolutely breathtaking as well." The man said. Y/n looked up with wide eyes.
Breathtaking. He thought she was breathtaking
Her heart fluttered in her chest as she looked into his eyes. Y/n smiled bashfully and pulled him so he was standing next to her, "Come get some lunch with me. My treat." She offered. "Oh, no thank you. I couldn't--" "You're not. I'm offering, pretty boy." Y/n intterupted, "Logan." The man said, "What?" Y/n asked, "My name. Is Logan." The man, Logan reiterated.
"Well, it's absolutely lovely to meet you, Logan. Did you drive to get here?" Y/n questioned, leading him out of the forest by his hand, "I, uh, no. I walked here, um." Logan stuttered, easily keeping up with her strides. "Well, you can ride back with me. I know this is adrupt and weird for a first meeting, but I want to get to know you better." Y/n said, looking back at him with a smile that had his heart fluttering, "You do?" Logan asked.
"Of course, I do."
The duo found themselves sitting acros from each other in a resturant called Cafe Tahu after a short and silent car ride, "So, Logan, what's on your mind? What's got you looking so down while in one of the most beautiful nature spots in the world?" Y/n asked, tilting her head and resting it on her intertwined fingers.
Logan didn't want to burden her with his problems, but the way she was looking at him made him want to talk to her, “My job is to… drive cars and last weekend, my teammate crashed his car, putting it out of commission for the weekend. Um, usually if you crash, you're out, but…” Logan trailed off, clenching his fist.
Y/n slid her hand across the table and grabbed his clenched one until Logan had untensed his hand enough for her to intertwine their fingers, “Judging by your reaction, that’s not what happened?” Y/n asked. Logan shook his head, “No. It's not. They decided to give my teammate MY car. It's like they were rewarding him for his fuck up, but I'm not upset with him.” Logan let out.
“Well, I'm assuming it wasn’t his decision. You know what? I'm proud of you.” Y/n said, Logan looked at her in confusion, “For what?” He questioned. “For not losing your cool. For not blaming your teammate for the decision. For being so mature about it even though you could have gone ape shit. I have to say that I respect that.” Y/n said, removing her hand from his and instead holding his arm while using her other hand to prop her head up.
Logan looked deep into her eyes and nodded, “Do you want to…I don't know, have dinner with me tonight?” Logan asked breathily. Y/n tittered, “I don’t think first meetings are supposed to move this quickly, but at the same time, I've never had so much chemistry with someone I just met.” Y/n hummed, playing with Logan’s watch. “Yeah,” Logan muttered, distracted by her nimble fingers toying with his watch.
“Sure. Why not? Let's get dinner together.”
“Great. Can I have your number?” Logan asked, beaming while holding out his phone for her to take. She put in her number and handed it back, “After we finish our drinks, what do you say we go back to Leke Leke and take some better photos?” Y/n inquired.
“I’d like that.”
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gloomwitchwrites · 27 days
1k challenge request- what is Ghost like on vacation? NSFW always preferred lol
Ghostie on vacation? Vacation?!? Yes, please. Funny enough, Ghost is currently on vacation in Ink & Needle, and that boy is being naughty in that AU. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. Thanks for sending this in! I hope you enjoy it (and the steamy bits).
Most of these are gn!reader with one or two exceptions!
Word Count: 729
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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Do y’all remember the bit of banter between Soap, Ghost, and Laswell in MW3? And Ghost replies “why not both?” when it comes to whether they prefer the beach or snow. To me, that means Ghost is down for anything. He’ll take a road trip or a week-long stay in Bali. Man just loves a good vacation.
On that note, when Ghost and Soap were being a bit cheeky about the “tan lines around the eyes,” he insinuates he wears the mask, but I don’t believe that. When Simon isn’t in the field, he’s not going to wear his mask, especially on vacation. He’d stick out like a sore thumb.
If Simon is taking a vacation with his S/O, he’s really down for anything. It can be simple and romantic. It could be camping. Hell, you could drag him to Disneyworld and he’d probably still enjoy himself.
However, he’s very much controlling when it comes to traveling. He’s the Dad in this scenario. He packs in advance, he wakes up way too early to go to the airport, he checks to make sure the plane is actually at the gate, he keeps the schedule, and Simon isn’t necessarily going to just “go with the flow” in the moment. Simon is the one holding the passports and tickets. God help you if you try to seize them from him.
No mask. Period. And no work. Simon isn’t taking phone calls, emails, or anything else. Price can deal with any shenanigans on his own.
Terrible about putting on sunscreen. You’re always making sure he’s protecting his skin.
Most of the spending money is spent on feeding Simon. Dude is a brick wall and he’s always eating. And when he’s not eating something, he’s buying you whatever you want.
If the vacation requires driving, Simon prefers taking his own vehicle or renting one. He doesn’t skimp here. Simon will select a reputable rental car company and select something roomy.
Holds you accountable on everything, but is also incredibly indulgent. You might complain that something is expensive and you won’t get it, and Simon will say good on you for sticking to your guns, but he’ll also just fucking buy it anyway because he can’t help seeing you smile.
Vacations (or rather holidays) are Simon’s one opportunity to forget everything. He can spend time with you completely uninterrupted. No life shit. No work shit. Just you and him.
Enjoys the outdoors but is also down for exploring cities, walking through museums, and trying new things. Simon is open to exploring a culture he’s never interacted with before, especially if he’s doing it with you.
Likes to travel and go on vacation during off-seasons. Simon isn’t a fan of crowds and it’s not from an anxiety standpoint. That military training is hard to dislodge, and he’s often overly aware of potential threats in a crowd.
Has a terrible sweet tooth. Simon will eat more desserts than actual food if you’re not watching him.
Loves long road trips because he enjoys all the lazy blow jobs you give him while in the car. Sometimes he has to pull over and just have his way with you.
Basically, you and Simon are fucking regardless of where you are.
Going on a destination vacation to a beachy oasis? Simon is fucking you in the cabana, in the hotel room, in the private pool, under a waterfall. Sometimes it might be lazy and slow, and sometimes he’s just chasing his own end and needs to be inside you.
Camping? That tent is seeing some action. You’re little spoon. Simon is big spoon. And he probably has his cock buried deep inside you, rocking his hips lazily while is hand is playing with other parts of you.
But he’s smart not to fuck out in the wilderness. Bug bites are the fucking worse.
In the cabin in the Pacific Northwest? He’s fucking you by the fire while it rains outside.
Simon’s intimacy and romantic side really flourishes during this time. Because there are no outside distractions, he’s able to put his entire focus on you. Along with the sex, Simon is simply an attentive partner. While he’s here to enjoy himself, he is also highly aware of your needs.
Hates when the two of you have to go back to the real world. Would rather disappear with you forever.
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il-predestinato · 1 year
Interview with Charles Leclerc from Sportweek (La Gazetta dello Sport): “I play the piano, I love art, I want to fly. And I dreamed of Ferrari” (published January 7, 2023).
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What is fashion for you?
Charles: “A way of expressing oneself without speaking. I realized this when I started travelling all over the world, thanks to F1, visiting countries and cities I didn't know before.
“I realized that dressing well had a different meaning according to different cultures and traditions. That's when fashion really started to interest me, I would say from 2017, even though I've always liked it.”
What was the next step?
Charles: “I started attending fashion shows, then I became a testimonial for Giorgio Armani and then I came more and more into contact with this environment.”
You also take great care over the graphics of your racing helmets. Which design do you like the most?
Charles: “Probably the one used in France (2022), with the reproduction on the two halves of the photographs of my father Hervé and Jules Bianchi.”
Ferrari is red, but for your 488 Pista you chose a different colour.
Charles: “At that time I was using a matte black helmet with the Monégasque flag going from the front to the back. So I decided to order the car exactly the same. I still like it very much.”
What did you think when you saw yourself in a Ferrari suit for the first time?
Charles: “It was a very big emotion, because it was my childhood dream to get into F1 and race for the Prancing Horse, even though at that time I was not yet an official Ferrari driver (only FDA).”
Do you have any good-luck charms you don't part with?
Charles: “I had some as a kid. My grandmother always used to sew a cross inside my overalls, under the sponsors' logos, but that tradition has disappeared since she is no longer here…”
How do you express your creativity?
Charles: “Mainly through music. I play the piano and invent my own pieces. I will never be as good with a pencil at drawing.”
How do you choose the clothes you wear every day?
Charles: “There's a very classic part of me, which seeks simplicity and comfort, and another more creative part that leads me to play around with streetwear.
“I let myself be guided by the mood of the day, by how I feel, because dressing is a way of making something clear with one's image.”
Will we see a clothing line of your own like Hamilton did?
Charles: “I had started the project, but I stopped. Maybe in the future.”
Do you ever talk about fashion with Lewis Hamilton?
Charles: “Sometimes we discuss the brands we like. He really has good taste and a lot of courage to show off the strangest looks when he comes to the circuits.”
Favourite colours or colours you would never wear?
Charles: “These days I prefer grey, beige and white. I'm not a big fan of fuchsia, in the sense that I wouldn't see myself dressed all in fuchsia, but I've worn that too.”
How do you feel about walking the catwalk?
Charles: “I'm not comfortable. Too many stares on me. But I like to watch the show and observe the more unusual garments. I was at the Ferrari Style show in Milan last year and before that at Armani.”
Try describing the feeling of driving an F1 car to someone who does not know racing. Valentino Rossi, when he tested the Ferrari, said: It is faster than I thought.
Charles: “A nice definition, because it is difficult for a normal person to think about the speed of a F1 car. I always make the comparison with the Rollercoaster. It's like being up there, but keeping everything under control.”
Why are you happy racing?
Charles: “For the adrenaline and because on the track I feel free.”
Do you like motorbikes?
Charles: “I have one motorbike, customised, which I bought in Bali when I went there on a trip with my best friends. We rented it on the spot and I wanted to take it with me to Monte Carlo, even though it was a mess to get it registered to ride there.”
Why that particular motorbike?
Charles: “Because of the memories it holds. I had just arrived in F1 and I decided to take all my closest friends on holiday, for the first time outside Europe. We had a great time.”
Do you still think of getting a flying license?
Charles: “I've already had a few lessons, I'm now at 11 to 13 hours of flying, let's say I have the basics. I had to stop, I hope to start again in 2023. There is a lot of theory to study and I obviously like the practice more.”
How was the feeling?
Charles: “Excellent. I like the stall tests, because there's adrenaline, but also checking the plane in general. And to say that I've always been afraid of flying...”
What do you mean?
Charles: “Even though I've taken planes countless times in my life, I wasn't calm. Now, knowing what pilots do and all the options there are in case of unexpected events, has reassured me.”
Even today you are karting like when you were a kid. Would it be nice to discover a new Leclerc?
Charles: “I would like to help talented young people, who don't have the means, to emerge and make their dreams come true. However, it is a project that takes time and which I therefore see as possible only in the future.”
What does it mean to be the hero of so many very young people?
Charles: “Every time I come to Maranello, outside the Ferrari factory there are always kids waiting for me. In recent years, F1 has regained popularity, also thanks to Netflix. It's nice to see a child's eyes light up when we make a photo. A small gesture is enough, which does not cost effort, to give joy to others.”
Do you feel like an example to follow?
Charles: “I try to be myself, behaving well, if this can then serve as an inspiration for those who observe me, I'm happy about it.”
Translation by vetteleclerc.
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mister-eames · 6 months
that post which goes “love is giving them the last apple slice, no matter how much you want it” and all I could think was arthur and eames (big surprise!). They both have this protectiveness of each other but there’s not much work focused on them being down on luck (mostly cause dreamshare business is lucrative?) but what’s your idea on it?
I hope very much that I haven't misinterpreted your ask because I don't know the post, but it really raised an interesting thought!!! It sort of made me think of the actors/writers strike earlier this year - y'know? You hear 'actor' and you think Hollywood, they all must be raking it in, even if they've had a handful of side roles, maybe one major one. But thats not the case.
Like, maybe it's the same with dreamshare. Sure dreamshare sounds lucrative, you can drop some big names as employers, work on some big projects, but what people don't see is that it takes a lot of work to get those projects. Only a handful of dreamers at the very top who get the good, well paying jobs, or the ones with rare skills, i.e. forging.
It's interesting to think of Arthur and Eames and them being down on their luck, of working job-to-job just to pay the bills. Taking jobs in remote places just to get on top of their mortgage/medical bills/loan repayments. How they live in Inception makes me think they're at the 'lucrative' stage in canon timeline, they're financially very comfortable - but in the years beforehand? Skint. Broke. Going over their budgets with a fine-toothed comb. Some months they're down to a meal a day, or less. They don't turn their heating on in the winter time. They can't afford to fix their car so they walk/bus/train it everywhere. They dream of affording a place that has AC and getting to explore the places they travel to and affording nicer clothes and hitting it big. Job after job after job until, 'I can afford to buy you a new watch for your birthday', until 'we can pay two months rent in advance' until 'we're buying a new car', until 'I'm taking you to Bali for our anniversary' etc.
I actually really like this idea as much as I like the idea of them living it very financially cosy and comfortable. I like the idea Arthur and Eames living it large because I can imagine the days when they were living off a loaf of bread and water for the month and that's definitely something worth exploring!
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kimoana · 4 months
The Evolving Landscape of the Travel Industry in the Past Five Years
Over the past five years, the travel industry has undergone a transformative journey, navigating through a dynamic landscape shaped by a confluence of factors. The profound impact of the global pandemic, coupled with rapid technological advancements and the ever-evolving preferences of consumers, has molded the industry into a new paradigm. This report delves into the multifaceted changes that have unfolded, analyzing the interplay of these influential elements and their implications on the travel sector. From adapting to unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic to harnessing the power of emerging technologies, the travel industry finds itself at a crucial juncture, seeking innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs and expectations of a discerning global audience.
Rise of Experiential Travel Travelers have increasingly sought out unique and immersive experiences over traditional sightseeing. This led to a surge in popularity for activities like food tours, cultural encounters, and off-the-beaten-path adventures.
Bye Bye Bland Brochures Forget generic tours! Travelers crave EPIC EXPERIENCES, like truffle hunting in Italy or dog sledding in Iceland. Forget "been there, done that," it's all about "felt that, learned that!"
Sharing Economy Takeover Airbnb ain't just for hipsters anymore! Renting homes and cars from locals becomes the norm, blurring the line between tourist and temporary resident.
Save the Planet, See the World Sustainability is sexy! Travelers flock to eco-conscious destinations, choose green hotels, and ditch plastic souvenirs for locally-made crafts. Mother Earth thanks you!
Next Five Years: Buckle Up, Space Cadets!
Mind-Blowing Personalization Imagine a trip built just for you! AI reads your travel DNA, crafting hyper-personalized itineraries, recommending hidden gems, and predicting your next wanderlust move.
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So ditch the dusty guidebooks and prepare for an adventure-filled future! Whether you're seeking soul-stirring experiences or celestial escapades, the world and maybe even beyond awaits!
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emiratesviisa · 1 year
Exploring the UAE: 10 things to do in Umm Al Quwain
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Even while Umm Al Quwain isn't the most well-known emirate in the United Arab Emirates, it does have some undiscovered jewels. There are numerous benefits to visiting, even for just one day, including outdoor activities and traditional Emirati culture. The following are the top 10 things to do while you're there after receiving your emirates visa for South African citizens. 
Mangrove Beach
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The picturesque setting in Khor Al Yeefrah, hitherto a hidden gem in the emirate, is currently being improved with things like thatched parasols, swings, a cafe, and BBQ spaces. For those who want to explore the diverse flora and fauna in the emirate's protected area, kayaks are available for rent, and on the weekends, a DJ spins music. Although there is a minor entrance fee for cars, the amenities, and the picturesque setting make the trip worthwhile. Already, people like to picnic there at dusk.
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Get away to Kite Beach Center, where Bali and Zanzibar collide. The first licensed kitesurfing school in the emirate is located at this laid-back beach resort. All instructors are qualified by the International Kiteboarding Organization, and classes are offered for all skill levels. Although there is a little admittance fee (see the website for the most recent costs), it's a terrific place to spend the day relaxing in the sun and taking part in other water sports like kayaking or snorkeling. Additionally, visitors may stay overnight or rent cabanas for four hours, however, reservations are advised due to the busy season.
Tarzan Gym
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This unique idea creates a space on the beach that resembles something that might appear in The Flintstones more so than a typical gym. This entertaining gym is tucked away in Kite Beach Centre and is made up of several wooden pieces of equipment. Giant wooden dumbbells, barbells, and monkey bars are just a few of the adult-only "toys" available, making it a fun spot to go with friends and one that looks great on Instagram.
Thunder Road Pizza & Grill
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Although Dubai is frequently mentioned as the nation's culinary capital, Thunder Road is a true hidden gem. With hundreds of handcrafted cheeses, mouthwatering pizza, and, to top it all off, stunning ocean views from the patio, this Italian restaurant run by Italians will transport you to Italy. You must taste their handmade burrata. It's Italy meets the US with a pool table and kids' playground at the Barracuda Beach Resort, making it well worth the day trek up the coast. There is even a grocery store there where you can stock up on genuine Italian treats after applying emirates visa for South African nationals.
An abandoned aircraft
On the coast of the tiny emirate, an abandoned Russian cargo jet has become quite the attraction. The former skydiving airport is now home to the Barracuda Beach Resort, and the Soviet-era aircraft is visible from the E11 that leads to the hotel. It has been there for over twenty years. It is a fascinating location for aviation enthusiasts that was once cloaked in secrecy. We now know that the Ilyushin IL-76, sometimes known as "Candid" under NATO operations, originally flew for the Soviet Union in the 1970s to replace the equally illustrious Antonov 12.
Vida Beach Resort
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The Vida Beach Hotel, the newest addition to Umm Al Quwain's tourist scene, enables pet owners to enjoy the emirate's lovely coastline without having to locate a sitter. The hotel is stylish and, as one would expect from Emaar, the attention to detail is excellent. It is one of many hotels that have seen a market niche for the growing number of staycation travelers in the nation looking to bring their pets with them.
Umm Al Quwain Fort and Museum – Fort Al Ali
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The fort-turned-museum, one of the emirate's most cherished assets, provides tourists with a wealth of historical information. The Al Mualla royal family's founder, Sheikh Rashid Bin Majid Al Mualla, ruled Umm Al Quwain in 1768, making it the city's oldest historical structure. The fort was initially used as his residence and administrative center, but since becoming a museum in 2000, it has become a memorial to the history of the little emirate. Visitors can tour the property's former prison, weapon room, military room, and numerous other household spaces, providing a glimpse into construction methods used long before the contemporary UAE was created.
Siniya Island
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Take a boat from the shore to Siniya Island, which is eight kilometers east of Umm Al Quwain, where the island provides a fantastic glimpse into the historical and ecological splendor of the emirate. Before relocating to the mainland 200 years ago, Umm Al Quwain residents first settled on the island. Visitors can see a variety of wildlife on the island, including birds like the Socotra Cormorant and the Arabian Gazelle. The island is known for its mangroves, ghaf trees, and desert flora and fauna. On the island, there are 65 different archaeological sites, including burials, building remnants, and towers.
Dreamland Aqua Park
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Dreamland, one of the oldest water parks in the area, has established itself as a landmark. The park, which opened in 1997, is 250,000 square meters in size and has more than 30 rides, slides, and other attractions. Families can camp overnight or rent an air-conditioned cabana for a day to enjoy the park's beautiful gardens on the coast. This area is more than just a waterpark.
Labsah Camel Racing Track
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Camel racing is one of the oldest Emirati customs and is popular with both royals and commoners. It is a unique event in the nation and gives locals an opportunity to show off their cherished possessions. This is where the more genuine aspect of the country can be seen, even though it's a little bit rougher around the edges than events like the Dubai World Cup. Weekends in the winter are often when races take place around the 4 km track. Watch this amazing camel race after getting your emirates visa for South African passport holders.
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Affordable Family Holiday Packages for 2024
Planning a family holiday can be an exciting yet challenging task, especially when you're trying to find options that are both affordable and enjoyable for everyone. The key is to choose destinations that offer a mix of relaxation, adventure, cultural experiences, and family-friendly activities, all while staying within your budget. In 2024, there are numerous destinations around the world that cater to these needs. This guide will explore some of the top affordable family holiday packages for 2024, detailing what makes each location unique, the best attractions, activities to enjoy, and tips for planning your perfect family getaway.
1. Bali, Indonesia
Overview: Bali is a tropical paradise that offers a perfect mix of cultural experiences, beautiful beaches, and adventure activities. It's an affordable destination that provides a range of family-friendly accommodations and activities.
Top Attractions:
Ubud Monkey Forest: A sanctuary home to hundreds of monkeys and ancient temples.
Waterbom Bali: A top-rated water park with slides and pools suitable for all ages.
Tegallalang Rice Terraces: Stunning terraced fields that provide a great spot for family photos.
Beach Days: Relax on the sandy shores of Kuta, Seminyak, and Nusa Dua.
Cultural Tours: Visit temples like Tanah Lot and Uluwatu, and watch traditional Balinese dance performances.
Adventure Sports: Try snorkeling, diving, or take a family surfing lesson.
Look for family-friendly resorts that offer kids' clubs and activities.
Eat at local warungs (small restaurants) to save on food costs.
2. Algarve, Portugal
Overview: The Algarve region in Portugal is known for its stunning coastline, charming towns, and affordable holiday options. It's a great destination for families looking to enjoy sun, sea, and sand.
Top Attractions:
Zoomarine Algarve: A marine park with dolphin shows, water slides, and an aquarium.
Praia da Rocha: A beautiful beach with plenty of space for kids to play.
Lagos Zoo: A small, family-friendly zoo with a variety of animals.
Boat Tours: Explore the stunning caves and coastline on a family boat trip.
Water Parks: Visit popular water parks like Slide & Splash or Aqualand.
Hiking: Enjoy family-friendly hikes in the Ria Formosa Natural Park.
Book accommodations early to get the best deals, especially during the summer months.
Rent a car to easily explore different parts of the Algarve.
3. Orlando, Florida, USA
Overview: Orlando is a world-renowned destination for family holidays, thanks to its theme parks and family-friendly attractions. While some aspects can be pricey, there are ways to make an Orlando vacation more affordable.
Top Attractions:
Walt Disney World: A must-visit for families with its magical theme parks and attractions.
Universal Studios: Another popular theme park with exciting rides and shows.
Kennedy Space Center: An educational and fascinating experience for kids and adults alike.
Theme Park Visits: Plan your days to visit different theme parks while taking advantage of multi-day passes.
Water Parks: Cool off at water parks like Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon or Volcano Bay.
Shopping and Dining: Explore family-friendly shopping centers and dining options in Disney Springs or Universal CityWalk.
Look for vacation packages that include accommodations, park tickets, and meal plans.
Visit during off-peak times to avoid crowds and take advantage of lower prices.
4. Phuket, Thailand
Overview: Phuket is an affordable tropical destination that offers beautiful beaches, cultural attractions, and a variety of family-friendly activities. It's a great spot for families looking to experience a mix of relaxation and adventure.
Top Attractions:
Phuket FantaSea: A cultural theme park with shows, games, and activities for all ages.
Big Buddha: A massive statue offering panoramic views of the island.
Phuket Aquarium: A family-friendly aquarium with a variety of marine life.
Beach Days: Spend time on popular beaches like Patong, Kata, and Karon.
Snorkeling and Diving: Explore the rich marine life around the island.
Elephant Sanctuaries: Visit ethical sanctuaries where you can learn about and interact with elephants.
Stay in family-friendly resorts that offer activities for children.
Use local transport or rent a scooter to explore the island on a budget.
5. Barcelona, Spain
Overview: Barcelona is a vibrant city that offers a mix of cultural experiences, beautiful beaches, and family-friendly attractions. It's an affordable destination with a range of accommodations and activities suitable for families.
Top Attractions:
Sagrada Familia: Gaudí’s masterpiece, a must-visit for its stunning architecture.
Park Güell: A whimsical park with colorful mosaics and great views of the city.
Barcelona Aquarium: One of the largest aquariums in Europe, perfect for kids.
Beach Days: Relax on the sandy shores of Barceloneta Beach.
Museums and Parks: Visit kid-friendly museums like the CosmoCaixa science museum and explore the city’s parks.
Food Tours: Enjoy tapas and other local delicacies on a family food tour.
Use public transport to get around the city efficiently and affordably.
Look for free or discounted entry to attractions for children.
6. Marrakech, Morocco
Overview: Marrakech is a fascinating destination that offers a rich cultural experience, vibrant markets, and beautiful gardens. It's an affordable option for families looking to explore a unique and exotic location.
Top Attractions:
Jemaa el-Fnaa: The main square with street performers, food stalls, and shops.
Majorelle Garden: A beautiful garden offering a peaceful escape in the city.
Bahia Palace: A stunning palace with intricate architecture and gardens.
Market Tours: Explore the bustling souks and learn about local crafts.
Camel Rides: Take a camel ride in the nearby desert or palm groves.
Cultural Experiences: Visit traditional Moroccan hammams and enjoy local cuisine.
Stay in riads (traditional Moroccan houses) for an authentic experience.
Bargain when shopping in the markets to get the best prices.
7. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Overview: Kuala Lumpur is a modern city that offers a mix of cultural attractions, shopping, and family-friendly activities. It's an affordable destination with plenty to see and do for families.
Top Attractions:
Petronas Twin Towers: Iconic towers offering great views and an interactive science center.
Batu Caves: A limestone hill with caves and temples, easily accessible from the city.
Sunway Lagoon: A large theme park with water rides, wildlife, and adventure zones.
Aquaria KLCC: A large aquarium with a variety of marine life.
Bird Park: Visit the world’s largest free-flight walk-in aviary.
Cultural Tours: Explore the city’s diverse cultural heritage through its temples, mosques, and markets.
Use public transport, such as the monorail and buses, to get around the city.
Look for family-friendly hotels that offer amenities like pools and play areas.
8. Dubrovnik, Croatia
Overview: Dubrovnik, often called the "Pearl of the Adriatic," is a historic city with stunning architecture, beautiful beaches, and family-friendly activities. It’s an affordable European destination perfect for families.
Top Attractions:
Old Town: Explore the well-preserved medieval city with its historic walls and charming streets.
Dubrovnik Walls: Walk along the city walls for panoramic views of the Adriatic Sea.
Lokrum Island: A short boat ride away, this island offers beautiful gardens, beaches, and historic ruins.
Kayaking Tours: Paddle around the city walls and explore nearby caves.
Beach Days: Relax on popular beaches like Banje Beach and Sveti Jakov Beach.
Game of Thrones Tours: Visit filming locations from the famous TV series.
Visit popular attractions early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds.
Try local dishes such as seafood risotto and black risotto.
9. Sydney, Australia
Overview: Sydney, Australia’s largest city, is known for its iconic landmarks, beautiful beaches, and vibrant culture. It’s a great destination for those looking to experience city life and coastal relaxation.
Top Attractions:
Sydney Opera House: Take a tour of this iconic landmark or attend a performance.
Sydney Harbour Bridge: Climb the bridge for stunning views of the city and harbor.
Bondi Beach: One of the world’s most famous beaches, perfect for surfing and sunbathing.
Coastal Walks: Take the scenic Bondi to Coogee coastal walk for beautiful views and hidden beaches.
Wildlife Tours: Visit Taronga Zoo or take a day trip to see kangaroos and koalas in the wild.
Dining: Enjoy fresh seafood and multicultural cuisine in the city’s numerous restaurants.
Use public transport, including ferries, to get around the city efficiently.
Look for free or discounted entry to attractions for children and families.
10. Cape Town, South Africa
Overview: Cape Town is a vibrant city that offers stunning landscapes, cultural experiences, and a range of family-friendly activities. It’s an affordable destination with something for everyone.
Top Attractions:
Table Mountain: Take the cable car or hike to the top for panoramic views.
V&A Waterfront: A bustling area with shops, restaurants, and entertainment.
Boulders Beach: Visit the famous penguin colony and enjoy the beach.
Robben Island: Take a tour of this historic site where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.
Cape Point: Explore the dramatic landscapes and see where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet.
Beaches: Relax on family-friendly beaches like Camps Bay and Clifton.
Hire a car to explore the city and surrounding areas at your own pace.
Book tours and activities in advance to secure the best rates and availability.
Finding affordable family holiday packages for 2024 is possible with careful planning and consideration of destinations that offer a mix of attractions and activities suitable for all ages. From the tropical paradise of Bali to the historic charm of Dubrovnik, and from the vibrant city life of Sydney to the cultural richness of Marrakech, there are plenty of options to choose from. By taking advantage of family-friendly accommodations, local cuisine, and public transport, you can create unforgettable memories without breaking the bank. Whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, or cultural experiences, these top destinations promise an enriching and enjoyable family holiday experience in 2024.
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chandrarentcar2024 · 17 days
Whatsapp 0811-973-778 Gratis Jasa Supir, Rental Mobil Kampung Bali
Mencari layanan rental mobil yang lengkap dan terpercaya di Kampung Bali bisa menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Banyak pilihan yang tersedia, namun tidak semuanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan transportasi Anda dengan baik. Anda memerlukan solusi yang dapat diandalkan dan berkualitas.
Kini, tidak perlu khawatir lagi! Chandra Rent Car hadir di Kampung Bali dengan layanan rental mobil terbaik untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan transportasi Anda. Kami menawarkan armada mobil terbaru dan pelayanan yang prima untuk memastikan pengalaman berkendara yang nyaman dan aman.
Solusi dari Chandra Rent Car:
Lingkup Layanan Kami:
Rental Mobil Lepas Kunci: Kebebasan menjelajahi Kampung Bali dengan mobil pilihan Anda.
Sewa Mobil Bulanan: Solusi hemat untuk kebutuhan transportasi jangka panjang.
Sewa Mobil Kontrak Perusahaan: Layanan khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis Anda.
Antar Jemput Bandara: Layanan cepat dan nyaman dari dan ke bandara.
Sewa Mobil dengan Jasa Supir: Nikmati perjalanan tanpa repot dengan supir berpengalaman.
Drop Off Luar Kota: Fleksibilitas perjalanan antar kota sesuai kebutuhan Anda.
Sewa Mobil Mewah: Pengalaman berkendara mewah untuk momen istimewa.
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Daftar Unit Mobil yang Disewakan:
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Mitsubishi X-Pander: Tampilan modern dengan fitur canggih untuk kenyamanan Anda.
Hyundai Stargazer: Ruang kabin yang luas dengan inovasi baru.
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Toyota Fortuner: SUV premium dengan performa tangguh dan fitur keselamatan.
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Toyota Alphard: Kenyamanan kelas atas dengan fitur mewah.
Hiace Commuter: Solusi transportasi grup dengan kapasitas besar.
Hiace Premio: Lebih nyaman dan elegan untuk perjalanan berkelompok.
Keunggulan Layanan Chandra Rent Car:
Armada Terbaru: Mobil-mobil terbaru yang selalu dalam kondisi prima.
Pelayanan Prima: Tim kami siap memberikan layanan yang ramah, profesional, dan terpercaya.
Harga Kompetitif: Tarif yang bersaing dengan kualitas layanan terbaik.
Fleksibilitas: Layanan yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Keamanan: Kendaraan kami selalu terawat dan siap mengantar Anda dengan aman.
Kenyamanan: Mobil bersih dan nyaman untuk perjalanan yang menyenangkan.
Supir Berpengalaman: Supir kami memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang luas.
Layanan 24/7: Kami siap melayani Anda kapan pun dan di mana pun Anda membutuhkan.
Segera hubungi kami di 0811-973-778 untuk reservasi atau informasi lebih lanjut!
Nikmati perjalanan Anda dengan Chandra Rent Car sekarang juga!
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These Immigrants Are Leaving Australia Because of the High Cost of Living
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After moving to Australia from Bulgaria with her husband almost 10 years ago, Sonya Chuhovska is now planning to move back.
Amid increasing prices for everything from food to energy and especially housing, some immigrants like Ms Chuhovska are deciding they would be better off returning to their motherland.
Ms Chuhovska said the cost of living was a part of the reason she and her husband made the decision to leave but the decider was being able to buy a house without a mortgage.
"In Bulgaria, you can buy a house which is in a good state for about $50,000 [in a less developed suburb]," she said.
"That's quite a good incentive for [moving] instead of being stuck here paying a mortgage all your life, which feels quite heavy.
"It's a lot more freedom."
Ms Chuhovska and her husband have been sharing a rented house in the Melbourne suburb of Flemington with another tenant for the past two years.
She said they were only paying $450 per week and felt lucky their landlord had not increased their rent but the place was old and small.
"There's no dishwasher," she said. "There's no air conditioning."
Apart from property prices, she said the general cost of living was much lower in Bulgaria as well.
"Salaries are lower in Bulgaria … but my husband works in IT and he could maybe get a job from another European Union country and work remotely, so he will get a good salary," she said.
"Then you will live quite well, especially if you're not paying rent.
"I want to start my own business in Bulgaria … it's a developing country so business is kind of booming now."
As she is now a dual citizen of Bulgaria and Australia, Ms Chuhovska said the couple was not "burning the bridges".
"We can always come back," she said.
Choice of country 'a fluid state'
Zhang Renjie is another immigrant who has decided his family would be better off returning to their motherland.
The 42-year-old, who has his own foreign trade business, came to Australia in 2001 and brought the rest of his family over in 2008.
But this month the whole family is moving back to his hometown, the south-western Chinese city of Chengdu.
Mr Zhang said that he could continue to run his business from China and for the same income afford a much better quality of life, in part due to lower wages and interest rates.
"We can get a nanny to take care of the children, drive better cars and rent a very good furnished apartment," he said.
Mr Zhang said that as the cost-of-living crisis continued, leaving Australia was a frequent topic of discussion in the Chinese community.
"Quite a few of my friends moved back to China already," he said.
"Migrants' choice of living can be in a fluid state … it depends on the overall [economic and political] environment of the country.
"For example, I know the recent federal budget disappointed a lot of Chinese migrants [by proposing a reduction in migration]."
Mr Zhang said he knew he was in a special situation.
"We can work from anywhere, and our income won't be influenced by moving away, but it might be different for those whose job is physically based in Australia," he said.
"We will re-evaluate our decision around 2032 when Brisbane Olympics happen and have a look at the economic situation in Australia again.
"We will also consider moving to Singapore or UK in the future."
Bali a better option
Some other migrants, like Tiger Xiong, are choosing to leave Australia but are not heading back home.
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Ms Xiong came to Melbourne as an international student after the pandemic to escape the high-pressure working conditions in China.
She had hoped to be able to support herself after graduating but discovered this was harder than she expected due to the high cost of rent, transport and food.
"I would buy things that are near expiry date or on sale," she told the ABC.
"My roommates at the time would even pick out things that were still usable or eatable from the rubbish bin.
"All of our furniture was picked up from the street.
"My family in China lives a typical middle-class life … it would be hard to achieve that standard here."
As the cost of living continued to increase, she finally decided to take an exit after graduation.
But rather than going back to China, she moved to Ubud in Bali, where she met her partner.
"I pay around $300 per month for a house with a big yard here, which was the rent for one week when I was in Melbourne," she said.
"A lot of people work as digital nomads here."
Ms Xiong said she liked that young people were less materialistic and more interested in exploring spirituality in Ubud.
"What I've always wanted is work and life balance — the pacing of life in Bali is not something achievable in Australia," she said.
She said she still liked a lot about Melbourne and would have stayed longer if it was not so expensive.
"I haven't decided to migrate to Bali permanently, because things like medical and social services are less developed here," she said.
"But for now, Bali is the right place for me."
Implications of potential migrant brain drain
According to the ABS, 22,100 permanent visa holders left Australia in 2022-23, the third-highest number in the past decade.
The net migration of people born in China dipped slightly in the June quarter of this year with the number leaving — which includes international students — up from 18,630 in the December quarter to 24,720 in the June quarter.
Associate professor Anna Boucher, a global migration expert from the University of Sydney, said there would be a relationship between skilled immigration and access to housing.
"Whilst migrants are more educated within Australia, they have less access to property, less intergenerational wealth — which drives property purchases in Australia — and less liquid assets," she said.
It does seem unlikely Australia will run out of people wanting to come here.
The latest Boston Consulting Group Decoding Global Talent survey released in April found Australia was the most desirable destination for global professionals looking to move countries for work.
Dr Boucher pointed out that while immigration was expected to fall it had been relatively high in the past couple of years and the government was actually taking steps to stem the flow.
However, she said that if Australia did become a less attractive destination compared to other places — due to high cost of living or other reasons — there was a risk the country could miss out on, or lose, more highly productive migrants.
"There's always going to be more skilled migrants who want to come here," she said.
"But the government might have to lower admission standards, or might not retain people for as long — which goes against the premise of skilled migration, which is permanent settlement.
"It's not good for employers to have migrants who stay for a while and then leave either the job or the country, because you've invested in their training and their upskilling."
She said some migrants would be sensitive to changes in cost of living, but a lot of countries were dealing with high inflation — not just Australia — and this did have flow-on effects for housing in other countries too.
"Migrants might leave thinking, 'Oh, it's going to be so much better somewhere else' — and then it's not," she said.
"That's also I think a risk in that 'grass is always greener' kind of calculus of migration decisions."
Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-08/why-these-immigrants-are-deciding-to-return-to-their-motherland/103912586
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shininwanderer · 27 days
Wandering in Bali
Last Saturday, I landed in Bali for the third time. This time I was wandering in Canggu, Tabanan, and Kuta area. So, Canggu and Tabanan is truly new place for me discover, coz I have no guidance other than g-maps.
After landed in Ngurah Rai International Airport, i took go-car to the place where I rented a car, coz as far as my research on how to get to Tabanan, there's no public bus AND the online car (go/gra b car), it cost too high for me the solo traveller :"))) So it's better to rent a car, it cost 300k for a day. The car is squeaky clean and it is younger than my car tho, so it is very comfortable to drive on. Shout out for my friends who helped me to find this rent car.
Long short story, I succeeded driving through the hectic Raya Canggu Rd and By Pass Tanah Lot :') and arrived safe and sound on my first accommodation, right in front of the parking lot of Nuanu, where my marathon took place. It is EHOA Boutique Hotel Bali. I love the room, bathroom, pool, service, and everything, thank you for the warm hospitality <3
After the marathon, I rushed to get ready and tidy up the thing and check out from EHOA on 11 o'clock. Then, I need to travel down the same road to Kuta for my next accommodation, fave hotel Kartika Plaza, the very best transit hotel because it is affordable and near to the airport, only took 8 mins.
On Sunday morning, the road is not as busy as on Saturday afternoon, so I arrived in near Denpasar way before 2 pm to check in at the hotel, so I was thinking to had a lunch at living world, THEN I changed my mind, because it is hell of TRAFFIC around there, I gave up, so I right away drove to Kuta hahaha. I am still not getting used to the traffic again, because in Mataram rarely have tight traffic like in Denpasar :))))
After checked in at the fave hotel, I drove the car back to the rental place for returning the car. Then, I took go-ride to Beachwalk mall in Kuta, that's the nearest mall from the hotel. I was having Genki sushi (for the first time, LOL). At Genki, I was like the bucolic person in the room hohoho, I asked how the train works (which is use for delivering the dish). I am not ashamed for that hehehe
Anyway, then after having my very late lunch, I looked on g-maps for the distance of my current location with the hotel, it showed only 2km, so I am down for the walk hahaha. Because of the walk, I finally discover what Kuta beach looked like. It is very wonderful and you can see planes taking off and landing vividly. It was a blast
When I arrived in my room, I was drench with sweat HAHA, it was windy yet hot and my body is very sweaty by a little exercise tho.
That is it for my story wandering in Bali I'll definitely going back to Bali and discovering another beach which I haven't been to.
Written by Shine Jakarta, June 4th 2024
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anormalbinsan · 1 month
Making Memories with Car Rental and Driver Services
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The renowned Island of Bali, famously called as a slice of heaven on Earth, offers a diverse range of experiences for visitors seeking adventure, tranquility, and immersing in culture. Starting from its awe-inspiring shorelines to lush paddy fields, vibrant bazaars, and ancient shrines, there's something or another for everyone on this Indonesian paradise. But navigating Bali's teeming thoroughfares and winding pathways can be challenging, especially for beginner visitors. That is which is where getting a car rental with a driver in Bali is beneficial – providing convenience, convenience, and freedom of exploration this captivating island at one’s own pace.
Bali car rental with driver is a sought-after option that allows visitors to book transportation with a knowledgeable native driver to guide the island of Bali's streets. Whether you're looking to tour Bali's must-visit spots or venture off the usual route, utilizing an exclusive driver can improve your journey by offering insider tips, local insights, and stress-free transportation.
One of the biggest advantages of booking transportation with a driver in Bali is gaining access to native insights. Your driver is more than just there to navigate; they can also function as your informal tour guide, providing suggestions on top places to explore, dine, and purchase. Bali's highways can be chaotic, with cramped streets, pushy drivers, and unclear signage. By engaging a driver, you can unwind and enjoy the scenery without stressing about finding your way foreign roads or getting lost.
By having a Car rental with driver in Bali, you have the flexibility to create your individual itinerary and discover Bali on your own terms. Whether you want to explore several attractions in just one day or take a leisurely drive through the countryside, you're in charge of your itinerary. Traveling in Bali's tropical weather can be tiring, especially if you're relying on public transportation or taxis. A private car offers AC-cooled comfort, enabling you to get away from the heat and humidity between destinations.
Safety should continuously be an utmost concern when journeying, particularly so in unfamiliar destinations. By hiring a reliable car rental provider with experienced drivers, you can rest assured knowing that you're in skilled hands.
Renting a vehicle with a driver in Bali is an easy procedure, with several companies offering this service across the island. Start by researching car rental agencies in Bali that provide driver services. Seek out reputable providers with favorable reviews and a history of offering reliable transportation. Once you've selected a car rental provider, reach out to them to make a reservation. Be sure to specify the type of vehicle you require, the duration of your rental, and any specific requests you could have.
Before finalizing your booking, cross-check the details with the rental provider to guarantee there are no misunderstandings. Authenticate the pickup location, drop-off location, and any extra fees or charges. On the daylight hours of your rental, your driver will meet you at the designated location, whether it's your hotel, airport, or another agreed-upon spot. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself and talk about your itinerary for the day.
With your chauffeur behind the wheel, it's time period to sit back, kick back, and appreciate everything Bali has to provide. Whether you're exploring iconic landmarks like Tanah Lot Temple and Ubud Monkey Forest or venturing into hidden gems off the conventional trails, your driver will make sure you make the most of your time on the island.
While spontaneity can be fun, it's constantly a good idea to have a general itinerary in mind when hiring an automobile with a personal driver in Bali. This will help ensure you don't miss out on any must-see attractions and allow your driver to plan the most effective route. Successful communication is essential to a successful car rental experience. Be sure to communicate your preferences, interests, and any unique requirements with your driver upfront to steer clear of any misunderstandings later on.
Bali's can be capricious, with congestion commonly causing delays, particularly so during peak hours. Stay adaptable and give extra time for travel between destinations to steer clear of feeling rushed or stressed. As an outsider in Bali, it's important to respect the local customs and traditions. Dress modestly when exploring temples, refrain from littering, and always ask permission before taking photos of locals. A little gratitude goes a great distance. If you've had a pleasant experience with your driver, contemplate tipping them as a gesture of gratitude for their hard work and hospitality.
Renting a car with a driver in Bali offers travelers the perfect blend of convenience, convenience, and local expertise, permitting you to discover the island's treasures with ease. Whether you're in search of thrills, peace, or cultural immersion, having an exclusive driver by your side assures an unforgettable and relaxing experience from beginning to finish. So what wait? Book your Bali car rental with driver today and set off on the adventure of a lifetime!
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phoenix-of-jade · 1 month
( From Jihyun ) I’m curious to get to see one of your favorite places. And won’t there be others as well? I’ll start to pack right away and you better be quick too.
Well, the only clue I will give you is that it's a resort in Bali, so that should give you a feel of what kind of place it must be. It's gonna be beautiful, you will see! If I book us an apartment room, then we will have a full space just for ourselves, plus there's also private beaches we could rent. I'm now in the car on my way.
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carelessflower · 3 months
Malec wedding Scene
The golden sand streched meeting the ocean, they have rented a private area of the beach for the next few days, one for the wedding, and parties. Magnus and Alec danced slowly, as the song I get to love you played, all eyes were on them. Helene and Aline sitting next to each other, hand holding.
Mark was failing at making balloon animals for the little ones, Tavvy and Rafael were bored.
Magnus and Alec kissed once more, as the song changed.
"I love you Magnus Ligntwood Bane."
"I love you too Alexander Gideon Lightwood Bane." Magnus kissed his husband, bringing him close.
"TEAM MALEC." Simon yelled.
"Malec?" Alec eyed him, his arm wrappes around Magnus waiste.
"Magnus and Alec...Malec it makes sense better than the other name ideas." Simon stated, Alec noticed that the kids were bored, except for Max who was playing with what was supposed to be a flower ballon but it was just flat ballons.
"Kids, we are going back to the hotel for food." Alec called, giving Mark a small smile.
"There were all worms dad." Rafael huffed.
"Uncle Mark tried though."
He ruffled his sons hair.
"Can we go in the limo." Raf and Tavvy spoke, as Max was now bashing the balloon against his dad's arm and making roaring noises.
"Yes, go ask your granddad, and Tavvy ask your sister Helene." Most of the kids followed Alec up the stairs, he noticed that Magnus, Stanley, and Charlie and a few others were by the rocks.
"Congrats on being married." Hannah smiled at him, as he returned the small smile.
"Thanks. Oh Hannah I was wondering what is it, that your family does. Like I guess your royals, but it feels different, like there is more?" The question being in the back of his mind as he first met Magnus's dad when he was a young teen.
"Its a family secret?" Hannah walked towards the car, Alec quickly followed behind.
"But since im part of the family -"
"Okay, you know how the world opperates, so basically we get,unlimted tech, unlimited data, we get knowledge and access to other countries and sometimes when problem rises we sort it, sometimes we dont. Its like the mafia except no one knows who we are, we opparate in the background, money comes to our country and we run the globe.
There was still more questions.
"I dont get it. If your like the Mafia then how - "
"We control it, okay. Jobs and positions get passed just like the crown. Asmodeus is 17th in line, making Magnus 18th. However with the mafia positions can change, and we can go to places and govern areas. Like what Belial did in London in the 1980s." A red haired male said, Alec didnt remeber his name.
"Can you call the others." Hannah suggested, getting in the limo, sighing he turned back, and headed towards the beach.
"Alec wait up." Jace jogged over.
"Oh hi Jace." Jace bumpes his shoulder.
"Im so happy for you man. Youve come this far. Anyway I need your advice. Im going to propose to Clary, what do you think?"
"Go for it." Alec smiled, as Jace nodding his head, and running back to their car.
"Come on guys." Alec called.
Magnus kissed his husband once more.
"So honeymoon, where are you lot going?"
"Wow! Charlie exclaimed.
"So Magnus and Alec." Felix stood in front of the couple smiling.
"We got a superise." Stanley exclaimed.
Felix got out a key and handed them over to Magnus, looked up at them with an confused look.
"The island that we own off Costa Rica, well the family that work there are on vacation, and its empty we think you should go, since you havent been."
"Island off Costa Rica?"
"60 miles from Costa Rica. Travel by boat. The island is huge. A range of mountains, grasslands, and also we have houses and a park. Its nice, the animals are kept in their enclosure and the zookeeper will be ther-" Stanley was cut off as Raziel pulled his arm.
"Come on. Dont keep us waiting." He huffed, as Stanley pushed Raziel gently before running away as the others ran towards the steps, with Raziel walking behind them.
The house key was warm in Magnus's hand.
The couple looked at each other.
"One more trip?" Alec stated, as Magnus nodded.
so cute and fluffy
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stillvacations-blog · 3 months
Navigating Bali: Choosing the Best Transportation Company for Your Island Adventure
Bali, with its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and lush landscapes, beckons travelers from around the globe. As you plan your journey to this tropical paradise, one crucial aspect to consider is transportation. Navigating the island efficiently and safely can greatly enhance your experience. Here's a guide to selecting the best transportation company for your Bali adventure:
Research Extensively
Before your trip, dedicate some time to researching transportation companies in Bali. Explore their websites, read reviews from fellow travelers on platforms like TripAdvisor or travel forums, and seek recommendations from friends or online communities. Pay attention to the company's reputation for reliability, safety, and customer satisfaction.
Consider Your Needs
Different travelers have different transportation preferences and requirements. Consider factors such as the size of your group, your itinerary, and your budget. Whether you prefer the convenience of private transfers, the flexibility of renting a car, or the affordability of public transportation, choose a company that aligns with your needs.
Evaluate Fleet and Services
Take a close look at the types of vehicles and services offered by each transportation company. Some may specialize in airport transfers, while others provide day tours or shuttle services to popular attractions. Ensure that the company's fleet is well-maintained, comfortable, and suitable for your group size. If you're traveling with children or require special assistance, inquire about amenities such as car seats or wheelchair accessibility.
Check Safety Measures
Safety should always be a top priority when choosing a transportation company. Verify that the company employs experienced and licensed drivers who are knowledgeable about local roads and traffic conditions. Additionally, inquire about safety features in the vehicles, such as seat belts, air conditioning, and GPS tracking. A reputable company will prioritize the well-being of its passengers and adhere to strict safety standards.
Compare Pricing and Policies
While budget considerations are important, remember that the cheapest option may not always be the best choice. Compare pricing across different transportation companies, taking into account factors such as vehicle quality, included services, and any hidden fees or surcharges. Pay attention to cancellation policies, booking procedures, and payment methods to ensure a smooth and transparent experience.
Seek Recommendations
Personal recommendations can provide valuable insights into the quality of a transportation company. Reach out to fellow travelers who have visited Bali previously or consult with local tour operators and accommodations for trusted recommendations. Hearing firsthand experiences can help you make an informed decision and avoid potential pitfalls.
Book in Advance
To secure your preferred transportation options and avoid last-minute hassles, consider booking your transportation in advance. This is especially important during peak tourist seasons when demand for transportation services is high. Booking ahead not only guarantees availability but also allows you to plan your itinerary more effectively.
In conclusion, selecting the right transportation company is essential for a memorable and stress-free experience in Bali. By conducting thorough research, considering your needs, prioritizing safety, and comparing options, you can find a reputable transportation provider that meets your expectations and enhances your exploration of this enchanting island destination. Whether you're embarking on a solo adventure, a romantic getaway, or a family vacation, choosing the best transportation company sets the stage for an unforgettable Bali experience.
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bu1410 · 4 months
Good morning TUMBLR - March 7th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
Ch. VIII - 1985- 1989 - Bahrain - Part 5
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Me & Andrea - Mauritius Island - Dec, 1988
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Me & Andrea - Bali, March 1989.
TRANSFER TO MANAMA After almost two years of living in Awali, COMERINT decided that we would all move to Manama. For this purpose, a newly built apartment building right behind the Korean embassy was rented in its entirety. The building was equipped with all comforts, including a small swimming pool on the terrace, gym in the basement and large, spacious apartments. One big flaw, which we would soon realize: the location about 150 meters from the Great Mosque! Which was equipped with very powerful speakers, so at the end of the two years I would have learned the Muslim prayer. And in any case we lived better in the city, life in Awali was quite boring. Here you could see people circulating, and all the services were close at hand.
BIRTH of my SON I was in Cipriani's apartment during the usual Friday card game with colleagues that I received a call from Italy (maybe my sister?) announcing my son Andrea's premature birth!! Great celebrations, pats on the back, immediately a bottle of sparkling wine was opened to celebrate the event! The next day the Company's travel office booked a flight for me, and in the evening I was already on my way to Italy to meet my firstborn. I saw Andrea for the first time at the Niguarda hospital, inside an incubator: what a thrill!! 1 Kg and 175 grams of tenderness!! He was born prematurely, but was quite well, at least in comparison to his other companions in misfortune - one in particular struck me, a sort of ''chicken'' hanging in a ''crucifixed'' position. They told me that he weighed 750 grams. My wife was quite well too, even if she had a ''changed'' appearance. The long suffering and her injections had somewhat ''inflated'' her face – fortunately all side effects disappeared after a short time. I had to leave back to Bahrain again without seeing Andrea at home, and in any case we promised ourselves that as soon as possible they would come to Bahrain for a long period. In reality they only reached me the following year, given that Andrea had to be constantly monitored for at least a year.
WIFE & SON in BAHRAIN And then one day they finally arrived! Wife and Andrea took little time to integrate, both by making friends in the condo - with Mrs. Battaglia - and than also in the surrounding area. Facilitated by frequenting an adjacent playground, they had met Indian, French and Korean ladies, also with children more or less of Andrea's age. Which was truly a pest when we had to feed himself.
CHRISTMAS 1988 The end of year holidays were approaching, and we decided to take a holiday in Mauritius before returning to Italy. Thanks to my wife's friendship with an Indian lady, Saritha, who worked at an travel agency, the holiday was soon organized. We would have flown to Mauritius for a week's stay, and then from the Indian Ocean island a direct flight would have taken us first to London and than to Milan. The holiday was really nice: we had a bungalow directly on the beautiful beach of the Pirogue hotel. The treatment was first class. There was the opportunity to celebrate Andrea's second birthday, with a beautiful cake prepared by the hotel chef. That evening Andrea was wild, and managed to escape our control. With the help of the hotel staff we eventually found him on the dance floor where the evening shows were held. He had managed - probably with a stone - to break one of the colored lights that illuminated the small stage! I gave a tip to the attendants so that they carefully cleaned the glass from the surface of the dance floor, where later the dancers of the local troupe would perform barefoot. We rented a car and visited the wonderful island: Le Morne Brabant, the colored earths, the botanical gardens, the covered market of Port Louis and the beautiful Ile au Cherf. At the reception of the Tuessrock hotel I saw a blow-up of Prince Andrew and Princess Ferguson. I asked the girl at the counter why that photo was there and she replied:
They spent part of their honeymoon here!
Really???!!! I replied.
Eeee……they paid the bill regularly…I mean…….
The girl gave me a reprehensible look and then said: of course not…….
Ah… well…. The Ile au Cherf lagoon is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen
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Ile au Cherf - Mauritus
Terre Coloree
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La Morne - Mauritius.
HEATROW AIRPORT - LONDON The departure from Mauritus was characterized by a small ''accident''. At the airport during the passport control procedures a immigration policeman told us:
Ok… Sir your first son is here… but where is the second ?
Still planning – I replied thinking he was joking.
I'm not joking Sir… here on the landing documents it says that you arrived with two children, so where is the second child?
Look, officer… there's a mistake… just check our passports… how could we travel with two children if one is marked on our passports?
Ahh…yeah…it's true…. So was there an error by one of our officials when you arrived?
It seems obvious to me… In any case, the incident had put me in a bad mood. A mix-up like this can always cause problems and delays and even cause the plane to be missed. The British Airways flight stopped in Mahé, Seychelles, where the pilot landed so violently that all oxygen masks came off and several pieces of luggage fell from the overhead bins. For the rest everything was fine, in the sense that more than 13 hours of flight with a 2 year old child is not the best.
We landed in London in the late afternoon, and during the transfer from Terminal 1 to Terminal 4 the bus suddenly stopped. The driver turned up the volume on the radio and we learned that Pan Am Flight 103 had crashed over Scotland and there were probably no survivors. For long minutes all airport activity stopped and a thunderous silence descended where a moment before there had been nothing but deafening noises. Than everything re-started working again, but something strange and intangible remained in the air. The looks of the airport workers betrayed anxiety and concern, while increasingly chilling details arrived via the TV screens hanging in the waiting areas. We arrived at Linate around 9.00 pm and took a taxi back home.
FIRE AT METHANOL PLANT About 3 months after commissioning, the methanol plant suffered a first serious accident. Early morning the pre-warning sirens sounded, and all non-essential personnel were evacuated from the plant. The temperatures of the methanol furnace were rising, and the situation seemed to have gotten out of control of the operation's technicians. We took refuge in the Main Control Room, a building designed to protect plant workers even in the event of serious accidents, such as fires or ammonia leaks. The fight to prevent the furnace from catching fire lasted about 6 hours, with the operators trying to lower temperatures and flows inside the methanol plant. Mr. Mangialardi, at that time in charge of the plant, had to change the khaki-colored suit he was wearing several times (also due to the smell it gave off…) In the end the battle was lost, in the sense that the fire broke out between the bellows that connected the oven with the combustion chamber, but the prompt intervention of the firefighters coordinated by Mr. Palmizio - who had had plenty of time to position themselves to the west of the plant , limited the damage of the fire. However, I had the opportunity to see how scary a fire can be when methanol is involved - which, being very volatile, causes that type of flame that is not continuous, but rather ignites and burns in different locations at the same time. And this is why it is very difficult to fight it, given that the foam and hydrants must be continually repositioned. After the fire was put out, the damage was assessed and all in all it was limited. In two weeks of intense 24/7 work we completed the repairs, and the plant restarted.
RANGE ROVER For some time I had noticed a brown Range Rover in the car park of the plant, but I didn't know who it belonged to. One day I finally saw the owner, a young Bahrenite, an employee of the spare parts warehouse. I approached him, and after complimenting him on the car, I asked him if by any chance he was willing to sell the car. At first - like a good Arab - he prevaricated, but than, at my insistence, he showed himself open to a possibility. Within a few days we reached an agreement on the price - around 1.9 million lire (Barely 1,200 USD) I paid him a deposit, promising that we would close the deal the next time I returned from Italy. Was it so, even if we could have missed the last-minute surprise? Certainly not! The Range did not belong to the warehouse worker, he only had it for use, the real owner was a cousin of Emir Issa Bin Khalifa! So on the day of the appointment at the DMV for the transfer of ownership, the 'cousin' was present for the final signature. Great satisfaction on my part, I had an exceptional off-road vehicle at my disposal, even if Bahrain was certainly not a place to make long journeys, but there was certainly no shortage of off-road routes in the desert, such as the one that led to the so-called 'Tree of Life' ' – a gigantic tree in the middle of the desert in the center-South of the island, where there is no other plant or shrub for kilometers.
FINE FOR SPEEDING It was the end of the month, and evidently the Bahrain Police Command had received orders to raise some money to pay salaries. The fact is that many of us left the plant that evening, and on the 4-lane road to Manama we were stopped for over speeding. Those who were stopped for speeding just under 100 km per hour were given the opportunity to pay a fine immediately. Those like me who had exceeded 100 km per hour had their local licenses withdrawn, and were given an appointment the next morning at the Court in Manama. The next day there were around sixty ''guests'' in the Courtroom. After an exhausting wait, the judge finally appeared: an elderly guy, small and dry, with that ''don't bother me'' look common to many Bahrainis. He began the hearing by speaking in Arabic, while the interpreter translated:
You are here because you have broken the highway code of the State of Bahrain, and therefore you will be judged according to the current law… blah blah blah…'' After this long introduction, they moved on to examine case by case, right there in front of us all. The first ''defendant'' Mr. Rossi Aristide, COMERINT HR Manager, was called. Now the Judge spoke English:
Why yesterday at 6.27 pm were you driving your Toyota car with registration number etc etc at 124 km per hour?
Rossi: but you see, Your Honor
Ok…50 Dinars
Rossi: But Your Honor
Ok…60 dinars…. -Rossi: But he really sees….
Ok…70 dinars….
Rossi: …………. Next one.
The scene was repeated 4 times, before it was my turn - and all four times, at a nod from the accused, the Judge increased the fine by 10 dinars. Then came my turn: - So you're here because yesterday at 6.45 pm you were driving a Toyota car etc etc ……
Me: Sorry I don't speak English…….
Judge: 50 dihrams
I…. So I paid 50 dinars (130 USD at the time…) and my license was given back to me.
FRIDAY'S AT EMIR'S BEACH On Fridays in Bahrain, at least from September to April-May (in the summer it was too hot to go to the sea, whose water became boiling hot) we used to go as guests at Emir Sheik Issa bin Khalifa seaside residence, or rather at the beach of his villa. To be admitted onto the Emir's property, the essential conditions were NOT to be Arab. (Or Muslim). The reason given was that it was a security measure, following an attack that the Emir had suffered years earlier by a Bahrenite of Shiite religion. In truth, Shaik Issa didn't want inconvenient witnesses to see him when he wandered around deckchairs and umbrellas (especially on weekdays) to decide which women to invite to have a tea inside his villa. He usually invited two or more Western women, to whom he used to present a watch as a souvenir of the meeting. Once we arrived at the checkpoint at the entrance to the villa and with us there was also Mr. Perez, a Utilities operator, originally from Pozzallo, Sicily. He was looking really like a Palestinian so the Yemeni military guard, who was supposed to be given custody of any camera (I don't know how they do it now with cell phones) asks Mr. Perez:
Perez: no Italian
Yemeny: Show your passport
Perez: Ok here it is….
Yemeny: Umm…. ok passport Italian, but you have Arab origin, you cannot enter.
Perez: WTF…. I always enter….
Yemeny: Maybe …but it was a mistake…… There was no way to convince the Yemeni guy, that Friday we all returned home.
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Emir's Villa and beach - Bahrain
EMIR'S YATCH The island of Bahrain, like those that surround it, is of coral formation, the seabed around it is extremely shallow - the so-called shallow waters - and makes navigation in the Persian Gulf difficult and dangerous. The Emir Sheik Issa (which in Arabic means Jesus) had commissioned a large yacht from the Italian Azimut-Benetti shipyards, or rather after seeing it I would say a ship. The problem was that it couldn't get close to the Emir's villa, because the seabed didn't allow it. Help was asked from Italian Contractor SAIPEM, which provided a dredger and its operator, a former diver who no longer wanted to know about working underwater. He worked hard and in 3 months dug a canal deep enough for the Royal yacht to approach the villa. In the meantime, the Emir's emissaries had convinced the head of mission Nuovo Pignone, who worked at our plants, to move to the Sheikh's employ as head of mechanical maintenance of the yacht. Mugnaini, the name of the Tuscan former Pignone, told us of a life so boring that he almost regretted his previous job. One day the former diver Italian invited us to dinner in his apartment: he was a small and stocky guy, with a chest disproportionate for his height. Ettore and I joined him at his house, and when we entered the apartment his Thai wife was taking off his shoes - then she gave him a foot bath with hot water and a short feet massage. We sat down in the small living room, and the Lady - always smiling - brought us an aperitif. From the small window between the kitchen and the living/dining room, the Thai woman cooked and made sure that her husband and guests did not lack anything. Than dinner was served: delicious spring rolls, vegetable soup, and fried fish - the Lady first served her husband, then the guests and then went back to the kitchen, always looking at us through the little window, and asking if everything was okay! Certainly a big difference for that Italian, who told us that he had been left by his first wife - from Piacenza like him - after the lady had emptied their bank account. The guy dreamed of retiring to Thailand in a few years with his new partner, making the journey by sea with the pilot boat he had bought in Bahrain.
MASERATI FOUR DOORS After the happy conclusion of the plant start up, SNAMPROGETTI, which cared about the Bahraini and Gulf markets, thought of giving a present to the Emir - a significant gift, which had to underline the Made in Italy - so what could better represent everything that is, a splendid Maserati Quattroporte, special version? The car arrived at the plant shrouded in an aura of secrecy – Eng. Catalano whispered the name as if it were a state secret:
The M a s e r a ti…shhhh……. Accompanying the pronunciation of the syllables with the index finger on the nose……. The problem was that the Maserati wouldn't start! The electronics it was equipped with, perhaps during the long journey in the container from Italy, had completely failed! The arrival of 4 technicians directly from Modena was organised, to whom it was necessary to give ''all the necessary assistance'. It was decided to have an entire new electronic system delivered from Italy – only after its installation and testing of the car along the roads of Bahrain was the delivery date of the Maserati to the Emir finally set.
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ITALIAN AMBASSADOR Mr. FORATTINI Upon the arrival of the new Italian Ambassador Amedeo Forattini, brother of the famous cartoonist, our Company held a special party in his honor at Diplomat Hotel. The Ambassdor that had recently settled in the headquarters of the Italian Embassy in Kuwait city. All expatriate employees were invited, including the British. The Diplomat's ballroom was decorated for the special occasions: a long U shape buffet table, with every delicacy available to the guests. In a corner a well-stocked bar served fresh Italian sparkling prosecco, and all sorts of wines, cocktails and spirits. The reception proceeded well, the COMERINT management group introduced the guests to the Ambassador, who amiably shook everyone's hand with brief nods of the head. Meanwhile the Britisher's did honor to the buffet, especially its alcoholic part.
On a l specially prepared stage, the Ambassador said a brief toast and then approached the buffet table. At that moment Mr. Russel, a supervisor of the ammonia plant who since his arrival at the reception had not skimped on ''testing'' all the spirits available, rushed towards the Ambassador with his hand outstretched, in an attempt to congratulate him. It took just sec's: Forattini did something like a quick pirouette on himself, and then Russel sensationally missed him, ending up between the trays of smoked salmon and those of Russian and capricciosa salads! In an extreme attempt not to fall, Russel, holding on to the tablecloth, dragged a good portion of the scones, cured meats, olives, spring onions and pickled cucumbers to the ground!! The Ambassador behaved in an impeccable manner, as if nothing had happened, he continued to converse amiably with the guests, while the hotel staff first took care of the British guy and then within a few minutes put everything back in order. Later Russel managed to convince his friends that he had fully recovered, and returned home driving his car. A police patrol noticed his reckless driving and stopped him for investigations: he had not respected the right of way at a stop sign, so the British guy was taken to the police station. The alcohol test showed that Russel had largely exceeded the permitted limit, and therefore after two days spent in jail (the incident had happened on Thursday and the court was closed until Sunday) he was sentenced to pay the equivalent of 1,600 USD plus a suspended sentence of 15 days in prison.
ITALIAN AMBASSADOR DELIVER MASERATI TO EMIR OF BAHRAIN. The delivery of the Maserati to the Emir took place at his residence by the sea. It was a sober ceremony, the SAMPROGETTI top management supported by Ambassador Forattini illustrated the advantages of the car to Sheik Issa, and the Emir appeared satisfied. A brief refreshment of strictly non-alcoholic drinks was served by the numerous Indian waiters in the gardens of the villa. The cream-coloured Maserati was there in plain sight, a colleague of mine and I approached to look inside the car - we noticed the facing rear seats in ivory-coloured leather, the retractable bar, the satellite telephone - and of course the armored bodywork . Intent on appreciating the lines of the car, we didn't notice that Sheik Issa had approached, and after greeting us he asked us point blank:
What do you think of this car? Is it a good car?
Of course, Your Highness, a very prestigious car! - we replied in unison (even if calling an individual just over 1.55m ''height'' seemed a bit ironic)
And then – I added – there are only 2 examples of this car in the world!
Oh yes?! Said the Emir – and who owns the other specimen? -Well… it is in use by the President of the Italian Republic, but only you own it - he, the President, after 7 years, must leave it to his successor.
Good, good – continued Sheik Issa – and in any case I don't think I will make extensive use of the car, here in Bahrain the longest journey I can make is 40 km…
Yes, but now you can go as far as Saudi Arabia if you wish, Your Majesty.
Yes yes…well we'll see and… Shoukran …concluded Sheik Issa.
DOCT. BUSONERO & ME ON SAILING BOAT Before being ignominiously chased away by the President of GPIC Doct. Tawfiq, Doct. Busonero from Grosseto had convinced me a Friday to accompany him to the Zellaq beach - located in the western part of the island. This was a beach popular with expats who went surfing, paragliding and sailing. There was a little bar and a shed, where surfboards and lasers were rented. We took one of the latter, and before getting on I asked Busonero the question for the last time:
But do you know how to sail?
Of course? I attended school in Argentario…….
No because I - I said - if it involves climbing a mountain I have no problems, but for the sea…
Well it was a disaster… a nightmare… everything went normally as long as we were near the coast, but once offshore, the wind suddenly seemed to pick up. And off you go and capsize!! And luckily, one way or another - don't ask how - we managed not to capsize the boat. The calls to the now distant shore came to nothing. I was increasingly exhausted, and I asked Busonero to lower the sail, and we would try to row back. And so it was: we paddled laboriously for those 400 or 500 meters that separated us from the coast, and then we returned the laser still intact to the guy who rented it. From Zellaq to Awali it was just over 20 minutes by car, in your opinion how many insults can be uttered in this space of time? The first thing he said to Busonero was:
Ok you attended the Argentario school, but you didn't tell me it was a COOKING SCHOOL!!!
FAREWELL TO BAHRAIN – trip to Bangkok and Bali Four years were literally flown away!! So we were preparing to return to Italy. I had managed to send the Range Rover by sea with Merzario Shipping, so we decided - before to return to Italy - to take advantage of the fact that Bahrain is practically halfway between Italy and the Far East for a trip to Thailand and Bali. It was a very nice experience, the first time for us in Bangkok. We visited the city and the nearby Rose Garden, with elephant shows and Thai boxing matches. Then we flew to Jakarta, where there was a stop-over before reaching Bali. We arrived in Bali in the middle of the night, and during the check the policeman noticed that the expiry date of my wife's passport was less than the six months required by immigration law. The policeman asked us to follow him to his office, where he told us that yes I could stay, but my wife and son (he was on her passport) could not enter Bali, and had to leave the country on the first available plane.
Ridiculous, I told him how can you propose somthing like that!
Well said the policeman, the law is clear, they cannot be admitted to Indonesia. At the end of further discussions, I noticed a more ''condescending'' attitude on the part of the policeman who finally said in a low voice:
Do you have American dollars?
No I replied, I just arrived from Thailand and it's night, where can I find American dollars?
Well – he continued – it could be done like this: which hotel did you book in? I could visit you tomorrow afternoon and then we could sort this out.
I'm at Windham, I told him, indicating a hotel on the East coast. that we had considered.
Good – said the policeman putting the entry stamp on my wife passport – then I'll see you tomorrow! Obviously we had booked an hotel in the other side of the island, at about 80 km from Windham hote.
I never saw him again.
We had a lovely holiday, and we had a lot of fun: Andrea was a lot of fun, even though he suffered from frequent diarrhoea, and - to our great embarrassment - he stood out for a few episodes in the resort's restaurant and in the swimming pool! One day we rented a car with a driver for a tour of the island. The nature of Bali was incredible, we visited the famous Ulun Danu, the temple on Batan Lake, and then the Nungnung Waterfall, perhaps the most beautiful in Bali. During the climb to the waterfalls, a nauseating smoke began to come out of the dashboard of the car. I said to the driver:
Stop, the car is on fire!!
And he: yes? Then he calmly stopped the car, opened the hood and we discovered the smoke was coming from the air conditioner.
The driver didn't know what to do, so I told him to disconnect the air conditioner from the engine, so the problem would be temporarily solved. So we could continue the trip. We stopped for lunch at a local restaurant, following the driver's recommendation. There was a staircase to access the restaurant, surrounded by avocado plants. I said to the driver:
Of course you have nice mangoes here in Bali.
Mangoes? Yessss… too much mango here, he told me, pointing to the avocado plants.
After a delicious lunch, we took a walk in the surrounding area: the famous Balinese rice terraces stretched out as far as the eye could see in front of us. We passed a sort of raised gazebo where a group of men were playing dominoes and others were sleeping lying down. I asked the driver if it was a local custom and he said: ''Yes, these men wait, they kill time waiting for the women you see down there in the rice field to finish their work.'' Helping out in the fields, right??? Unfortunately the day of departure came, and it was a long journey from Bali to Jakarta to Bahrain where we stayed for another two days before returning to Italy with a flight via Rome. A long period had ended happily, and the future was yet to be deciphered.
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