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lucas-eliot Ā· 6 years ago
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iamacolor Ā· 6 years ago
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ā€œPerfect?ā€ ā€œBetter than that.ā€
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makesomehistory Ā· 6 years ago
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Skam France Appreciation Week
Tuesday: Fave Acting Moments from everybody else
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silverklar Ā· 6 years ago
Okay, so I decided to contribute to appreciation week for @renewskamfranceĀ with a favourite acting moment, and because Iā€™m a little late to the party Iā€™m sure this post will be a mess. Also, I canā€™t make gifs so Iā€™ve just used crappy screenshots but bare with me!!Ā 
Many posts talk about their favourite Eliott moments, and I agree with them all because Maxence really delivered. Even though most of them mention Le Premier (which is more than understandable) I havenā€™t seen anyone mention the clip before that, the Double Date one. But as it is one of my favourite moments of Eliott (or more a favourite of Maxenceā€™s performances, perhaps) I wanted to mention it now.
First, thisĀ ā€œdouble dateā€ thing was bound to be a disaster from the get-go for obvious reasons that I wonā€™t get into, and both Lucas and Eliott were apprehensive about the whole thing. Especially Eliott, who was likeĀ ā€œbish what???ā€ when ChloĆ© suggested it, which is why at the beginning of the clip, we have an Eliott who looks like this:
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Thereā€™s just something about him in this moment that gets to me. Itā€™s as if he has this grey cloud over him whilst they are all together and he has to listen to ChloĆ© talk (and honestly same). We all knew he would hate it when the plans were made, and god does he look like it. Itā€™s incredible how much Maxence managed to portray here without even saying anything.
Then, we have The Moment where ChloĆ© claims to be so mature because of her dating Lucas (which just... no), and Eliottā€™s reaction is this:
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Heā€™s like ā€œah HELL no, this guy is MY MAN YA HEAR!!!!! BACK OFF!!!!!ā€ just by looking at him, which is so excellently done by our dear Maxence. Itā€™s not just the eyes that are expressive, itā€™s EVERYTHING about him. He has perfected the way Eliott just exudes this craving for Lucas that he so powerfully wants to indulge in, but he just canā€™t yet, because things keep getting in the way of them. And if this look is not a personification of frustration (and obviously jealousy, too), I donā€™t know what is. Itā€™s such a good acting moment of his.
Then, we have that glorious moment where Lucille is the best girlfriend of the year and announces to everyone that Eliott failed the bac, and Eliott is of course so thankful for that and sends her the most loving of gazes:
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And then, he starts to fumble a little because the subject clearly makes him uncomfortable, and he looks down at the floor as if heā€™s trying to look for the words to say:
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(this screenshot is terrible but if you watch the clip, you can see how LITTLE he wants to talk about this). He also responds to that whole thing by drinking more beer, and thatā€™s when we get this again:
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Heā€™s so done with Lucille here that after he counters her withĀ ā€œdonā€™t you think youā€™ve talked enough?ā€ he actually huffs out a laugh as he continues to go off at her. And thatā€™s horrible when you think about it. This is probably an argument theyā€™ve had countless times, yet she hasnā€™t listened to him and keeps going there. He doesnā€™t know what else to do to make her stop. And thatā€™s why Eliott looks like this when Lucille leaves the room because sheā€™s hurt and upset by what he said:
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And like this when ChloƩ follows her:
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He knows that what he did was wrong, but in that moment he was so annoyed by Lucille and her controlling that he didnā€™t know what else to do. And I can definitely understand that, but it still breaks your heart. This was so well done by both Maxence and Lola, but Maxence especially is brilliant in this part. He conveys so many emotions in such a short amount of time. Itā€™s incredible, really.
And THEN, finally, when the girls have left the room and Eliott explains to Lucas how he had wanted it to be just the two of them, the light in his eyes immediately starts to come back just by talking about it:
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You see this??? It baffles me how Maxence can switch between all of these feelings by doing next to nothing. He becomes the feelings heā€™s supposed to emit. Theyā€™re not just ā€œEliottā€™s feelingsā€, theyā€™re a part of Maxence.Ā 
Then, at the end of the clip, he smiles the tiniest of smiles:
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All because he knows that heā€™s going to get to be alone with Lucas!!!Ā 
And not long after this moment (not taking into consideration the actual order they filmed), we got the happy, giddy, flirty, playful, yet so significant interaction between Eliott and Lucas in Le Premier. The first couple of seconds of that clip is just them laughing. If you think about it from Eliottā€™s perspective, that night evolved in such a wonderful way. He started out in a gloom, but the sun eventually found a way to shine through again with all of the power it had. Maxence really did that. And thatā€™s such an accomplishment that my English vocabulary is failing me to describe it. Itā€™s magnificent.
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romancing-lady-whistledown Ā· 6 years ago
Favorite acting - Second roles
in which I somehow manage to make the longest appreciation-post so far for the character who was known for only showing up on Fridays.Ā 
I swear the only episodes of season 3 that doesnā€™t have a scene on this list is episode 1 and episode 6 - oopsies!
The trailer
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I recently shared all the trailers for the remakes of Isakā€™s season with my friend who is an actress and who is not watching the Skam-remakes. The Skam France trailer stood out to her, and the first thing she said wasĀ ā€œI like the acting of the guy who plays French Isakā€. Just like alot of people when they watched the trailer for the first time, she thought Eliott was Isak/Lucas, but unlike those who knew what Lucas looked like, she didnā€™t realize that he was Even/Eliott when he turned around. She said Skam France was one sheā€™d check out if she ever decided to watch a remake. The point of this little story was that Maxenceā€™s acting stood out to her from the trailer alone enough to make her interested in watching the season, and the exact same thing happened to me when I first watched it. Maxences performance in this trailer was what captured my attention and made me intrigued enough to watch the season live. I am eternally greatful for that.
Ā The Piano-scene
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I donā€™t think I need to go too much into depth about this one, we all know why this scene is amazing, but I need to say something. Now, I donā€™t know about you guys, but if someone put me in front of a camera and basically told me to fall in love right then and there, I would not know wtf to do. But Maxence clearly did, because thereā€™s no other way to describe what is going on in this scene. In the trailer Eliott definitely had his ā€œlove at first sightā€-moment just like Lucas did when he saw him for the first time in the common room, but this clip took the whole thing one step further. It was like Eliott in the trailer saw Lucas and immediately knew that he was gonna be someone important to him. I'm sure that if we had been following Eliottā€™s pov instead of Lucasā€™s weā€™d see something very similar to what we saw from Lucas in episode 2. Eliott trying to learn more about Lucas, Eliott looking for him at school. I think from the moment he saw him in the hallway Lucas was always on his mind, just like Eliott was always on Lucasā€™s mind. But during the piano-scene, there is no denying things reached another level. We moved past the curiosity point. During this scene Eliott fell deeply in love, and by the end of the scene he was so far gone that he was past the point of no return, which is why by the time he tried to distance himself from Lucas in episode 5, it was far too late. The whole time we were watching Lucas in Season 3 we saw that he was hopelessly in love with Eliott, but Maxenceā€™s performance in this scene makes me feel like, had we been following Eliott instead of Lucas, we wouldā€™ve seen that he was even a little further gone than Lucas. Maxence manages to show the change that has happened in Eliott in the way he looks at Lucas as heā€™s about to leave. Before the piano scene he was acting very flirty and smooth, but after? Lucas looks like he can at least pretend to be somewhat casual until Eliott shuts the door, meanwhile Eliott looks absolutely mesmerized. We know that Eliott was holding back from kissing Lucas for the first time in this moment and looking at Eliottā€™s face in this screenshot, had I not known how the scene plays out, I couldā€™ve totally pictured him jumping at Lucas here.
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Oh look, I went too much in depth about this scene after all. Should I say Iā€™m sorry or youā€™re welcome?? Either way this clip was definitely one of Maxenceā€™s best acting moments in Skam France, and the fact that we basically switched pov to Eliott for a moment just added to how Maxence totally stole this scene. Anyways let me shut up.
The eyef*cking in episode 3
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Idk if itā€™s the mannequin elite in him or what, but Maxence sure knows how to secude the camera. If you once again put me in front of a camera and told me to look like I wanted to completely devour the person Iā€™m looking at, Idk how I would do that in a way that didnā€™t look either ridiculously over the top or so subtle the camera wouldnā€™t pick it up. But Maxence, once again, nailed it. As far as the scenes leading up to the first kiss in episode 4 are concerned, I would say the piano-scene in episode 2 is overflowing with romantic tension, while the scenes at the end of episode 3 are overflowing with sexual tension. First you have the dancing-scene and then you have the scene where Eliott casually comes out to Lucas and then proceeds to not so subtly eyef*ck him right in the middle of the street. And I think we all felt like we were in Lucasā€™s shoes practically begging Eliott to kiss us as we were watching Eliott's expression in this scene.
That time Eliott asked Lucas on a date right in front of his girlfriendā€™s face
Letā€™s get this out of the way, this scene as a whole is actually pretty hilarious when you think about whatā€™s actually going on in it, namely that Eliott asks Lucas out on a date and they proceed to pick up the eyef*cking from last time while Chloe instead of picking up on whatā€™s going on starts planning a double date for them. But what Iā€™m actually here to talk about today is Maxenceā€™s performance.
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The way Maxence walks up to Lucas in this clip really communicates so much about how Eliott is feeling in this moment. He looks so nervous and vulnerable. We know heā€™s had a bad couple of days, and as a result of that he had to stand up Lucas and hurt his feelings in the process which took them a big step back. From the way Eliott looks it seems like the only reason why he went to school was to apologize. Heā€™s putting himself completely out there, leaving himself open for rejection, a risk he is willing to take to at least have a shot at making things right and spending some time alone with Lucas. Maxence portrays this vulnerability so well. Another thing he plays so well in this scene is how Eliott only has eyes for Lucas. Itā€™s a miracle that Chloe didnā€™t at least suspect that something was up just from the way Eliott was looking at him.
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The dreaded scene
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Time to step into the more painful scenes shall we? Starting off with the first Eliott-scene I had a really hard time watching all the way through (except for the dubstep-scene but thatā€™s a whole other story). The way Maxence took Eliott from incredibly happy to see Lucas again for the first time since their special morning together and excited to be with him, to completely heartbroken by Lucasā€™s words. Just taking a screeĆ„shot of this scene hurt tbh. But the acting? A++
That time Eliott was a hopeless romantic and both I and Lucas fell for his sweet ass words
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This one is maybe a bit random and oddly specific, but I just love the way Eliott saysĀ ā€œNoā€ when Lucas asks if the kiss with Lucille really didnā€™t mean anything. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard so much feeling in aĀ ā€œnoā€.
That scene
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Iā€™m not gonna write an essay on this scene simply because itā€™s not one Iā€™ve rewatched as much as some of the others. But that's not because I didnā€™t absolutely love Maxenceā€™s performance. Maxence killed it and thatā€™s why itā€™s so difficult to watch.Ā 
Remember me
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Maxence was literally just in this scene for a few seconds but those few seconds are hella memorable. The way heā€™s sitting alone in the dark, making himself as small as possible, the haunting image of Eliott crying after seeing his big olā€™ sunshine smile in the majority of his scenes of the season...itā€™s short, but itā€™s very, very effective.
The time Eliott got to speak for himself
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We all desperately wanted a scene like this and boy did they deliver. And this was another scene in which Maxence totally stole the show. He portrays the absolute vulnerability of Eliott in this scene perfectly. Eliott is sitting down, lowering his head, once again making himself look smaller. Heā€™s on the verge of tears, voice breaking. Heā€™s opening up completely, leaving himself completely bare, no more secrets to protect him. And heā€™s bracing himself for the most painful rejection that he has been expecting ever since Lucas saidĀ ā€œI donā€™t need crazy people in my lifeā€. The way Skam France handled Eliottā€™s mental illness in Season 3 episode 10, and Maxenceā€™s performance in said episode, is the biggest reason why I so desperately want a full season for Eliott, and I know Iā€™m not alone in that.
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tripplenblr Ā· 6 years ago
Eliott deserves his own season.
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thatā€™s it. thatā€™s the post
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jebentnietalleen Ā· 6 years ago
Favorite acting moments
A lot has been said about Axel's amazing portrayal of Lucas and his many emotions. Most of the time, people praise him for being able to show hurt so convincingly, his crying really makes you feel what Lucas is feeling.
One of my favorite scenes is intervention because of this very reason. He is vulnerable and honest, yet still manages to berate Mika for making him sleep on the couch. It's such a cathartic scene and a lot of it has to do with Axel's acting
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But it's not just sadness and tears, the moments of pure joy and bliss are also done outstandingly
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What is there to say, really, except that Axel makes you believe Lucas is head over heels in love with Eliott, and that this is the happiest he has ever been.
I think it's safe to say we could not have wished for a better actor to embody Lucas Lallemant.
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emotionalandchill Ā· 6 years ago
Imagine if we get an Eliottā€™s season with this level of phenomenal writing and directing and cinematography in general. Imagine that excellence?
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flying-elliska Ā· 6 years ago
Acting highlights - Lucas
Favorite acting moments from the mains for @renewskamfranceā€™s Appreciation Week - Axel Edition. In chronological order :Ā 
1. The eyebrow wiggle in Vendredi 17h12Ā ā€œEt moi tu me dessinerais comment.ā€ Itā€™s such a small thing but it made me giggle out of happiness when I first saw it. Itā€™s such an Even thing to do, and Lucas in this clip is so bold and charming - it anchors the reciprocity and playfulness of their relationship, and this clip is the one where I started falling for their version of the story. Right there heā€™s likeĀ ā€˜okay, bring it on, do your worstā€™ to Eliott, itā€™s almost like heā€™s daring him, and bold Lucas is one of my favorite things ever.Ā 
2. Lucasā€™s face just before the kiss in Vendredi 20h27Ā ā€œLe premier.ā€ These are quite possibly my favorite few seconds of the entire season. Heā€™s stepped out of the dark and as he raises his hands, heā€™s letting Eliott know I see you, I know your story, I know who you are. And we believe, in that moment, that he is not afraid, wholeheartedly. Thereā€™s almost a hint of cockiness, in that moment, too, a hint ofĀ ā€˜gotchaā€™, heā€™s probably happy with himself for having figured it out too. But mostly this is the first time heā€™s telling Eliott you are not alone, and he feels so certain and sure about it. And heā€™s so effing thrilled at being part of it all. Heā€™s making a choice, heā€™s stepping into his own life, his own story. He knows whatā€™s coming and he wants it and heā€™s letting Eliott know !!!!!!!!!!!!!! god itā€™s all coming together so perfectly in that moment.Ā 
3. Gate punching because I like to suffer I guess. Method acting, wow. But in the whole clip, there is something just so intense and overpowering about Lucasā€™ rage and despair. We are just so there with him, I almost remember how my hand hurt after I watched the clip. I mean I donā€™t think actors should have to hurt themselves to show their commitment to the role but watching the clip i can totally understand why he did it - he just seems posessed by the role in the whole thing and Lucasā€™ descent into anger then despair, powerlessness and numbness and so he punches that gate because he has no other way to let the emotions out. Wow.Ā 
4. Intervention. The whole clip just...everytime I see it, I cry like a little baby. I am in awe of how Axel just went there so fully without witholding anything. The little waver in his voice as he says how the couch is his room actually, the lip wobble and ugly tears, the sheer raw despair as it all bursts out...itā€™s so painful and yet so cathartic as he finally lets it all out, everything that has been building up, and we live every single second with him.Ā 
5. Lucasā€™s tearful smile at the end of Jeudi 17:32Ā ā€œCā€™est pas des adieuxā€. That smile just says so, so much. The weight of all heā€™s been through, the joy of it, the relief, the pride, the exhaustion, the longing, the sheer happiness. Itā€™s in that moment where it seems heā€™s realizing the journey heā€™s just been on and how worth it it has been. Heā€™s finally found someone he loves and that loves him just as much, heā€™s come out and accepted himself, and even though there was pain and fear and heā€™s basically having withdrawal symptoms over Eliott leaving, he knows he will get him back. And heā€™s letting himself bask in those emotions, after so long repressing them. Heā€™s crying in the street and he doesnā€™t give a shit. Itā€™s so powerful. Itā€™s basically a reward for the hell theyā€™ve put us through all season and just wow. If only for that smile, it was worth it.Ā 
I could go on forever, heā€™s incredible in basically each scene he is in but yeah, those are my personal favorites.Ā 
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loca-over-luca Ā· 6 years ago
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still can't believe i actually wrote something that was published? like whuttttt šŸ¤Æ
@renewskamfrance šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
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noahcoma Ā· 6 years ago
so i actually tried to make a trailer for what iā€™d like to think is drug-dependent/drug dealer arthur for skam france season 5. enjoy!
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makesomehistory Ā· 6 years ago
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Skam France Appreciation WeekĀ 
Monday: Fave Acting Moments from the mainsĀ 
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yeetlegay Ā· 6 years ago
Iā€™m just saying an Eliott season would mean so much to me as a queer person with a mental illness. I was forced to take a year off from uni after basically lying in bed for two months ignoring classes and other responsibilities, and Iā€™m sick of only getting to see MIs like mine through another characterā€™s eyes. I want to see Eliottā€™s life through his eyes, how he copes and doesnā€™t cope, how he navigates a relationship, how he gets out of bed some mornings and some mornings he doesnā€™t, how his daily life is impacted by his mental illness without being defined by it. There are almost no positive portrayals of characters with mental illness in the media, particularly a more ā€œseriousā€ one like bipolar disorder, and an Eliott season would do so much to destigmatize and humanize mental illness. Showing him living each day, having a healthy romantic relationship, seeing the ups and downs, watching him grow and learn about himself over a season, would be so powerful for me and so many others, offering hope and encouragement to people who often feel like there canā€™t be a happy ending for them because of their MI.
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romancing-lady-whistledown Ā· 6 years ago
Favorite acting moments - Lucas
Ok so Iā€™m one day late for @renewskamfranceā€™s appreciation week but Iā€™ll do posts for day 1 anyway because it feels weird to skip it.Ā 
Lucas is easily my favorite lead in any Skam ever, an his season is also my favorite, so finding highlights for him was easy and difficult at the same time. Easy because the season gave Axel so much to work with, difficult because there is so much to choose from.Ā 
Lucas face during the build up to the first kiss.
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The way Axel captured the mix of emotions was something Iā€™ll never forget. Lucas was nervous, obviously because thereā€™s the risk of rejection coming with making the first move but also because making that move meant stepping out of the facade heā€™d been struggeling to keep up for so long. At the same time he was also excited to take that first step, both to embrace his feelings for Eliott specifically but also to embrace who he really is. Obviously heā€™s taking the first step towards accepting that he is gay, but also the fact that heā€™s someone who craves emotional and physical intimacy, heā€™s affectionate, heā€™s loving, and all of that has been pushed down for so long.
Iā€™m crazy about you please kiss me
There was not a single second in this season where I didnā€™t think Lucas was in love with Eliott. There was not a single moment I didnā€™t believe he was desperate to kiss him. That is not something every actor can portray, and if they canā€™t that will weaken even the most well written love story significantly. But Axel looked drunk with love in every moment he was with Eliott, and nothing is more iconic that his blissed outĀ ā€œplz kiss me faceā€.
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Lucas breaking down
As much as Iā€™d love for Lucas to be happy and in love all the time, thereā€™s no denying that having a breakdown is just as relatable, if not more, to many of us, and the fact that Axel repeatedly portrayed that as well as he did plays a huge part in why I got as attached to Lucas as I did. It also added to the emotional experience to know that this was the first time Lucas experienced both love and heartbreak, and I give HUGE points for the fact that Axel wasnā€™t worrying at all about what he looked like and went all out with his crying-scenes. There were so many amazing breakdowns but I included pictures of my 3 favorites.
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Pretty much all of episode 6
Axelā€™s performance as Lucas is carrying this entire episode from start to finish. With a bland or weak actor in the lead role episode 6 mightā€™ve been a pretty depressing and not very enjoyable experience, but Axelā€™s performance kept me invested in every clip. As angsty as it is, episode 6 is an important part of Lucasā€™s journey and for that reason I do appreciate it as much as the other episodes. Lucas was incredibly fragile and on the verge of tears throughout pretty much the entire episode and Axel portrayed that so so well. The way he can get his voice to break just the way it does when youā€™re about to cry? A++
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The absolute vulnerability of Jeudi 17.32
Do we see a trend here? Clearly I love the way Axel portrayā€™s the vulnarable, soft and tender sides of Lucas, and itā€™s no secret that this is my favorite clip. Lucas was so soft and vulnerable in this entire scene and it really showed how far heā€™d come from the beginning of the season. The way Axel took him from sad tears over having to (temporarily) be separated from his boyfriend after everything theyā€™ve gone through to be together to happy tears over how this entire painful journey really was worth it in the end? What a beautiful last clip to give us from Lucas point of view.
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tripplenblr Ā· 6 years ago
lucas was a bit surprised to see Eliott at the party and that makes me wonder if Eliott wasnā€™t feeling very well (emotionally) ....Ā 
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puniyo Ā· 6 years ago
In the eyes of Eliott Demaury...
In the eyes of Eliott Demaury, I can see the whole universe. It sounds like a silly love statement from a diehard fan but where is the lie in this? If there is one talent that Maxence excels at is the ability to communicate Eliottā€™s feelings and emotions through his eyes (and this is his first acting job). There are a lot of actors out there, famous ones inclusive, that can barely show anything through their gazes and that is so important in acting. The script is important, the delivery of lines as well, body language and mannerism, BUT (capitals on purpose) the first thing that most people notice are the eyes ā€“ the color, the size, the shape, and then, almost as instantly, how much of a characterā€™s state of mind is poured in them. Iā€™m very picky when it comes to acting, and people rarely touch me (I just see them trying hard to become someone they are not) and with Maxence, well, I donā€™t see Maxence in any of the scenes or insta posts. I see Eliott Demaury, senior high literature stream student, a lover of the world and a sensitive, beautiful human being (and beauty as in inner beauty). I canā€™t pinpoint a favorite moment, they are all my favorites, but letā€™s just take the shot below as an example.
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We all know this is from episode 8, when Eliott stares at Lucas (and Lucas stares back, gosh one must love how these little love games are played). We see the affection he has for his hedgehog, the simmering desire that is to be fulfilled very soon, but beyond this, there is a trace of insecurity and perhaps even fear that lingers in that gaze. Fear of what you ask me, since the night has been great so far, for those who have watched Skam OG will know about his MI, but for those who havenā€™t done so (like how I was when this episode/clip was released), I was wondering if he was afraid that he would somehow hurt Lucas or whether the whole atmosphere was just too dreamy to be actually true. There is such a conflict of emotions in his eyes and it just takes the viewer on quite the journey.
If there is one thing that I would like to tell Maxence is that he is a brilliant actor, that he should be proud of his talent (no one dares to tell me otherwise), and that Iā€™m truly thankful he has blessed us with his portrayal of Eliott Demaury. Ā 
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