beckerstanstyrus · 5 years
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Us @ Hulu and Disney
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dociousunderdog · 5 years
My list of things I want from Andi Mack season 4 if we get one
I’ve tried not to look at other people’s posts like this so as to not be repetitive so hopefully most of these aren’t just mirrors of what others have said. Also remember this is just what I want so if you don’t agree that’s fine because this is just what I as an individual would like to see.
2. Confirmation that Amber and TJ are siblings.
3. Tyrus first date and kiss (not necessarily in the same scene because I think it might be cuter if they date for a while before kissing, I’m just saying I want both)
4. Andi going to SAVA and reconnecting with Libby and Walker, also attending SAVA
5. Muffy bickering
6. Cyrus calling TJ Thelonious in private
7. Jonah seeking out and receiving help for his anxiety and panic attacks
8. Cyrus coming out to his parents
9. TJ getting to state he’s gay like Cyrus got to
10. Jonah staying single for a while (cause he’s basically been in a relationship since the very first episode and it never ends well)
11. Bex and Bowie having another child
12. A possible return of Reed simply so he can cutely mock TJ for being in a relationship.
13. Tyrus hand holds
14. Cyrus cuddling into TJ’s shoulder
15. Andi having a teacher who doubts her because she’s just a craft person but then her crushing it and getting an A in their class and proving she belongs there (just give me tons of Andi straight up killing it in SAVA)
16. Bex and Bowie make some friends their own ages like possibly with Cyrus and Buffy parents or parents of people who go to SAVA just basically let them hang out with adults instead of children for once.
17. Kira not returning because I actually like how they left things with her because it shows that not all people can be redeemed, some people just are the way they are and there’s not much you can do about that.
18. Cece finalising a divorcee from Ham so he can continue to travel without being restricted and so she can move on and start living her life more freely
19. (This is more so if we get a season 5 because it would take more time for Cece to get to this point) Cece dating again, she deserves happiness
20. TJ learning about Cyrus’s past crush on Jonah and not being jealous because he’s secure with their relationship and trusts his boy
21. Marty starts training for another marathon and although Buffy isn’t planning on running one she trains with him so he’s not alone
22. The group meeting up at The Spoon every weekend as a way to wrap up their week and catch the others up on what’s been going on.
23. Andi growing her hair out (if she wants, it just seems like she always cuts her hair at the beginning of the season but now Peyton has her hair grown out a bit so basically just let her leave it if she wants)
24. Cyrus telling his and TJ’s love story through tater theatre
25. Or even better since this will be on a different platform, have the first episode start with Cyrus summing up the first 3 seasons with tater theatre
26. Marty jokingly does tater theatre and everyone yells at him because that’s Cyrus’s thing
27. The dumbass trio being the dumbass trio, basically just give me lots and lots of Marty, Jonah, and TJ hanging out and making bad decisions
28. If Amber and TJ are confirmed to be siblings, I want a lot of bickering and playful roughhousing (like Amber hitting the back of TJ’s head and TJ pinching her arm, stuff like that) but then maybe a scene where someone at school is acting homophobic towards TJ and Cyrus and Amber jumps in like “you made one hell of a mistake going after my little brother”
29. Andi being upset at first when her parents tell her their going to have another kid because she’s been an only child her whole life (even when she thought Bex was her sister, she was never around therefore Andi was still treated like an only child) but then slowly coming to terms with it and is the best big sister once her new sibling arrives
30. Diving deeper into the home lives of other characters, for example we still don’t for sure who Buffy was living with while her mom was deployed because she never mentioned another parent or a grandparent or anybody, Cyrus could or could not be an only child, they’ve never explained if he has any siblings, half siblings, or step siblings
31. Give more characters siblings because this eternal only child thing just doesn’t make sense. Cece is the only character at this point to have a confirmed sibling and that’s weird to me
32. TJ has a meal with all of Cyrus’s parents and he’s extremely nervous so Cyrus comforts him by holding his hand under the table
This is all I got for now, but I’m positive I will be adding to this post at some point lol
Feel free to add anything you want too, I’m interested to see if we have the same or differing views on what should happen going forward (if we get renewed)
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n0baras · 5 years
You: 123.....456
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renew andi mack
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kitalphrii · 5 years
I randomly thought about this scene from Sleepless in Seattle and it made me think of Tyrus. When they finally meet and get together no words are really needed. It is such a powerful scene because just from the way they are looking at each other and them holding hands you know they will be together. Like someone said in the comments of the video:
'The simple gesture of holding someone's hand is underrated. It speaks worlds in this scene.'
And that's exactly how I feel about the Tyrus scene as well. Sometimes holding someone's hand can be much more intimate than a kiss.
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camb99-cbmi6 · 5 years
So just a quick little update on my messages/letters to Disney, I forgot that my printer is dead so unfortunately will be unable to print them off and send to Disney UK. I’m not going to hand write them because for one thing writing is painful for me but more importantly my writing is an absolute mess so nobody would be able to read it. So I’ll be emailing a message to Gary Marsh and maybe Ricky Strauss (Thanks @disneymack) on Saturday as that’s now the day for the #renewandimackparty thing. I’ve also been finding it really difficult to get my thoughts into words, which isn’t usually a problem for me, but I guess that’s because I’m an emotional mess being so happy Tyrus happened and also so distraught about the show ending.
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
Guys! Get on Twitter and use the hashtag #renewandimackparty
We’re trying to trend but just don’t have enough people. Only compose original tweets or use the hashtag in a retweet with a reply!
We need to trend so Disney will release the rights to Hulu!
I legit made a Twitter account just for this. If you need to get one it’s super simple and only takes like three steps. They don’t ask for an email or anything. Just a phone number to send a verification code! Please help!!
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simusical · 5 years
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beckerstanstyrus · 5 years
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Let’s do him proud y’all
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n0baras · 5 years
one of the greatest mysteries of life is how Cyrus couldn’t even ride a carousel in season one but can ride a huge ass roller coaster in season 3 and be fine   
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n0baras · 5 years
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This is not mine but...
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beckerstanstyrus · 5 years
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Check out @renewandimack on Instagram for more info
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beckerstanstyrus · 5 years
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Doing my part on Hulu! But I didn’t know to be taking photos during the convo so I have to settle for these unattractive screenshots lol.
But who cares cause I got another “yup we’ve heard of you”!! 😁✊✨
Hulu if I tutor your support agents in Japanese can you pick up Andi Mack please?? 😆
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dociousunderdog · 5 years
You wanna know what hits differently now that we know TJ is gay and has liked Cyrus the whole time?
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This hits differently.
Andi’s reaction to Cyrus saying he has a physical issue
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beckerstanstyrus · 5 years
Remember to trend #RenewAndiMackParty on Twitter today :)
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dociousunderdog · 5 years
Hello Everyone!
I just got home from a VERY tiring day at work and I thought it’d be fun to play a game with you guys while I lay down and pretend the world doesn’t exist outside my bedroom door!
So basically what I thought of is you guys can send in a word or two that I will turn into a whole little Tyrus one-shot (I’ll also do Muffy, Ambi, or Wonah upon request but if there’s none specified I’ll just do Tyrus by default)
I think this’ll be fun so if you’re interested start sending your one or two word prompts to my ask box!
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