#renee x tamarack
shamachan · 2 months
woahh.. can u make step 2 tamaren (tamarack/ren) headcannons :]
Tamarack Baumann × Renee Murray headcanonsꔛ
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step 2.
amount of symbols: 4280± symbols.
i hope you don't mind that i did it like a little story. if you do mind, please tell! then i will write another one.
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— It all was so strange.
— Literally, "Hey, I'm that kid from the boys' club who treated you badly but i want to be friends with you now!", but Renee really felt sorry that she behaved like that. Especially for Tamarack, for some reason.
— Renee initially became interested in Tamarack because of her behavior change as she grew older. Of course, Ren herself had changed a lot too, but... Something was bothering her about Tamma. It seemed to her like Tamarack was like a dying star. She scolded herself a little for being so curious.
— In the first months, Ren’s attitude towards Tamarack was only friendly-neutral. She just wanted to know the reason for her being so closed to herself. But over time spent with Tamarack, she began to be sincerely interested in her.
— She herself didn’t notice how her gaze lingered on Tamma longer than it should, and how she came to Qiu’s class even when they were not there just to see her. She tried not to attach much importance to it at the time.
— At the same time, Tamarack slightly did not understand why Renee began to show interest in her doing and well-being. Aren't they were just acquaintances?
— She still accepted Renee's company with a slight smile and after some time began to consider her a new potential friend. But she didn't trust her.
— She especially didn’t trust what was going on in her head. She was friends and fully trusted only MC nowadays, apart from her occasional run-ins with Qiu, but they were not her friend at all. So why was she pleased with such interest from Renee? Why did she wait for Renee to come to her and, looking away, ask how her day was?
— They sometimes walked together, but not often. Mainly in the MC company, but... It was already progress, wasn't it?
— Ren hoped to get to know Tammy better, but Tamma was a little... Not sure what to think about her.
— They both needed time to figure everything out - about themselves and each other.
— Over time, they began to spend more time together, at first at Ren's initiative, because Tamarack didn't want to do it first. Just... Didn't want to. It was still her trait.
— Renee felt how she felt more nervous when she was around Tamarack than before. Is this was some kind of spell of hers? She didn't even know that herself. But, strangely, she liked it, even if sometimes this feeling in the chest was so annoying!
— Speaking of Tamma, she was kind of slowburn with Ren. Of course she started to trust and consider her a true friend with a passing time, but she was... Too insecure to think of this girl as something more? Even though she liked her back but surely just a little, you know!
— It all became a little easier, when Ren decided to invite her to her house. Her parents were so surprised, but didn't show it straight away. Ren was again as nervous as hell.
— First fifteen minutes they were just sitting there in silence, looking everywhere but not at each other. The only sound was a clock ticking. They couldn't take it long, they were certain about this, so they wanted to interrupt this silence...
— "Um...", "Hey...", they said at the same time, now staring at each other and getting that it was even more nerve-wracking.
— "So, ah.. What did you want to say, Renee?" Tamarack asked, smiling with corner of her lips bashfully. A slight blush can be seen on her cheeks and nose, and her hands were fidgeting with her sweater. Renee just looked at her with slightly opened mouth.
— "I wanted to say..." She closed her mouth, averting her gaze and blushing. Tammy looked so wonderful right now. "You look... You're pretty!"
— Oh uh. Now it felt like that scene with Baxter behind her back, making a compliment to Tamma. It was twice as awkward for Ren.
— Tamarack was stunned for a few seconds, her eyes went so wide. She blushed even more, not knowing what to say. "Well, I think you look pretty too... Even prettier than me, to be honest", she chuckled slightly, feeling like her cheeks were on fire. Now they were simply blushing messes, sitting next to each other. But it was... Nice.
— As it was time to leave for Tamarack, they just waved a goodbye to each other with smiles on their lips and slightly reddish cheeks. Even apart, they continue to think about their today.
— it was a strange, but no less important day for both of them.
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sorry if there are some grammar(??) mistakes!
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goldengroovy · 1 month
thirdwheeling because both of them are cowards who cant ask each other out (don't worry they got them free ice cream to make up for it)
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aoi1dee · 2 months
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@goldengroovy thanks for getting me into tamaren it is indeed life changing here is really bad tamaren doodles i drew with markers my sister got me
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[Going through basically every step] Renee Murray x FTM Reader
I always refer to Renee and [Name] as their current pronouns and will only refer to them as their former terms when referring to something they said when they were younger/at the age they used those terms. 
Heads up, Writing this is confusing for me because the OL’s school grade system is vague for my understanding, so the timeline might be confusing or it’s just me…
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[Name] and Renee.
The two most fucking oblivious people in the whole world.
Even Tamarack noticed. 
Renee and [Name] have been the closest of friends since elementary school. 
Sure, not at the very beginning when they met considering that [Name] was born female and only realized he was trans in High school. Renee, back in the 5th grade when she’d met [Name], wasn’t a huge fan of girls. She thought that girls were a distraction, envy covered with disinterest in anyone who identified as a girl and some internalized misogyny perchance. 
It only took a couple weeks for Renee to finally get used to [Name]’s attempts in starting their friendship, and I mean it took effort. Renee’s stubborn, no doubts about it. So when they met [Name], all she could think was ‘what a dumb girl. I’m never going to be friends with her!’ and made it their mission. 
Unsurprisingly, [Name] can also be stubborn with a mission. 
He made origami animals, brought a handful of nature from Tamarack’s backyard, and post-it notes to put in an envelope. Then it would be safely secured in [Name]’s bag until Renee would visit her mom’s classroom or when the group would hang out to be delivered into Renee’s hands. 
And for 3 weeks, this went on and on until Qiu convinced Renee to at least try being friends, which somehow worked. 
[Name] took the illusory award of Renee’s friendship with pride, making sure to enjoy every aspect. [Name] had invited her to his house countless times, had figured out every single little thing that Renee enjoys or hates based on observation (because god forbid Renee ever talk about her feelings), made gifts for her, and visited her class whenever possible as the years passed on. In return, Renee gradually began to return those actions, and more. Inside jokes, getting each other food, leaning on each other both physically and emotionally, and always being protective of one another. 
So imagine Renee’s horror when [Name] was starting to “haunt” her mind. [Name] was suddenly the person that Renee imagined being roomies with, wanting to hang out with him constantly, occasionally getting jealous if anyone ever tried to get as close as she and [Name] are.
“I can’t like her!”  She had complained, “She’s… her.” Renee didn’t want to lose her best friend. The one person who she understood and cared for the most, more than she did for Qiu. Hell, anyone else should’ve been her crush, but [Name]? This was going to fucking hurt if this goes wrong. So Renee made a promise to herself that this growing realization was never leaving the mind palace. This is gonna be a pain.
Little did she know that [Name] was juggling those same thoughts as well… just… differently. 
“They’re never going to like me! I’m going to have to explain so much. What if they don’t like me? What if my transition changes things?” [Name] doubted, “and then what? We just, what, go on dates? Or would we stay only friends? No one’s prepared me for this!”
So baby steps.
[Name] came out to Renee, Tamarack, and Qiu on bowling night that [Name] forced them on.
“I’m trans.” He states simply as he came back from a roll.
“You missed.” “Congrats!” “What?” The trio all said in a jumbled mess. [Name]’s eyes were mainly stuck on Renee’s reaction, noticing how her look turned soft. No judgment, no bitter or distant look… more so a sense of pride and ease. [Name] sat back down next to Renee while it was Qiu’s turn, getting a firm comforting side hug from Renee. 
She’s the prettiest person [Name] had ever seen.
And [Name] was the most handsome person Renee had ever seen.
Two years later, on Renee’s birthday, [Name] was the last person to stay for the party. The both of them sitting on Renee’s front porch, a smoky feel to the autumn air, faint smell of cinnamon coming from the Murray household. Renee paused for a moment, opening and closing her mouth, trying to find the right words for something. 
“How’d you figure out your whole… trans thing?” Renee asks softly, the words barely wanting to escape her. 
“Oh- uhm” [Name] straightens his back, furrowing his brows to think.
Renee catches how sudden the question is, groaning into their hands before muttering out a quick “Sorry, sorry. You don’t have to answer- and maybe wrongly worded, I just… you’re the only one I could imagine asking this to, so…”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, Renee! Let me think” [Name] reassures, looking away before explaining every thought and personal feeling that they felt safe to share with Renee. A small gut feeling in [Name] knew there was a reason she had asked, but he knew it wasn’t his place to prod. Even if there was a cautious approach to her voice that probably said it all in hindsight. All [Name] knew was that he had to give her space and a chance to open up if necessary.
“--So yeah. That’s when I decided I had to tell you guys.” [Name] shrugged, looking back at Renee. 
A small moment of silence followed afterwards, uncertainty painting Renee’s face. It almost made [Name] wonder if he said something wrong until he felt Renee place her head on his shoulder. 
“...Thank you for telling me” she exhaled sharply, her upper body going slightly limp as to try and relax herself.
Renee was the kindest soul that [Name] had ever met.
And [Name] was the most patient boy Renee had ever met. 
Once in their 20s, high school over with and their futures now fully in their own hands, the dating rumors were finally over with. Sure, Qiu and Tamarack were the main instigators, but it was surely not because they saw something that Renee and [Name] refused to see!
So what if Renee finally came out and the first person they told was [Name] and they both went out to celebrate at the diner? So what if Renee and [Name] were making plans to room together in an apartment? So what if [Name] bakes sweets for Renee, and Renee cooks for [Name]? And what if Renee and [Name] are each other’s closest “oh-so-definitely platonic soulmates”?
It isn’t like Renee had told Qiu about her crush, nor did [Name] tell Tamarack…
Definitely not.
It’s not like Qiu and Tamarack connected the dots in middle school and have tried everything in their power to get the two of them to finally just get together. 
“You have to tell her” Tamarack huffed, messaging her forehead, “She totally likes you!”
“It’s going to eat me alive if she rejects me! What if we stop being friends?” [Name] whined.
“What if you guys end up getting together and having the most loving relationship for the rest of your lives?” Tamarack exclaimed.
“How would I even start? Just go up and say ‘I’ve had a crush on you since we were in middle school! Surprise!’” Renee ran a hand through her hair and tugged lightly, 
“Yes!” Qiu yelled out, “That’s almost perfect!” 
“I can’t fuck this up, Tammy” [Name] sighed
“Then don’t. Go up to her.”
Imagine me this. It’s a Sunday night in Golden Grove’s park after dinner at a restaurant. Two people with one single goal in mind. Confess their fucking hearts out. Both of them unusually dressed up more formal than normal, fidgeting hands, nervous glances and laughter, but the comfortableness between two people who have known each other for years makes it bearable. 
These love dorks were [Name] and Renee. 
The only ones sitting on a bench, sitting in odd positions but deeming it comfortable somehow, (though it may be the reason they have back problems) and on the verge of exploding over how terrifying and exciting this is. 
“Renee-” “[Name]” They start
“Shit, sorry. Go ahead” [Name] bowed his head slightly. Renee cleared her throat, “Right, so… I think that you should know that I think your presence is great.”
“That’s good to know” [Name] chuckles,
“...Would you say you feel about the same?”
“I would die for you” [Name] states seriously at first, blank face before smiling to make sure that it was a lighthearted comment (but he probably would,) “But yeah, of course I enjoy your presence. We’ve been partners in crime for… basically our entire lives”
“Right right-”
“And you know, we might as well be together for the rest of our lives because we’re gonna live together, and I like you, and if you like me too we could get better tax returns if we ever got married–” [Name] began to ramble.
“What?” Renee raised a brow.
“I mean- maybe you don’t like me! We could still get married to get those tax returns- or not get married at all!” [Name] panics throughout the confession, “And by me liking you isn’t because of the tax returns! I really do just like you, I have for years, like middle school or highschool, but I didn’t want to scare you away and have to make all those origami animals all over again! Fuck, this is not how I wanted this to go–”
[Name] hides his face into his hands for a moment, groaning in disbelief towards himself, “I like you. That’s what I was trying to get at. I made it a lot more difficult than needed”
“I saw that” Renee giggled, flicking [Name]’s shoulder, “That may have been the most dorkiest or worst confession I have ever heard in my entire life, I’m still debating.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-” [Name] was interrupted.
“Now I’m not saying I don’t like you, [Last Name]. I’m just saying that your confession was out of this world. Not that I was going to do better than that either, but you know,” Renee shrugs, “I like you. I have for years now too…”
[Name] finally gains the courage to lift his eyes up to look at Renee, “Seriously?”
“Very seriously. You’re very important to me, [Name]. The most handsome man I’ve ever met, the boy I grew to love, someone I didn’t think I’d love or wait this long for, but you made every second worth it.” Renee gives a small smile, breathing in the foggy autumn feel. 
“I think we’re soulmates” [Name] says plainly, “Because no matter what would've happened, if in some alternate universe there was some kind of obstacle that tried to stop us from being together, we would’ve found a way back to each other no matter what. I know I would.” [Name] adds, placing his hand over Renee’s hand. 
They both exchange a gentle look, Renee’s fingers play with [Name]’s rings, intertwining their hands together. They lean in closer, and the giddy feeling of waiting after so many years practically swallows [Name] whole. 
It wasn’t a shock to find that Renee was a gentle kisser, cautious to make sure that they’re both enjoying it, occasionally splitting away and coming back, as if still starving for more affection. Eyes closed, feeling their hands still together… Each other’s first kiss. 
Two people that will always try to understand each other. Two people who don’t even need to try and find the beauty within one another because they see it constantly no matter what.
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dreamtydraw · 2 months
not rlly an ask but i think ur onto something with renee li like if there were going to be dlcs aside from wedding and moments (which there aren’t due to time) i feel like there would be a renee dlc like baxter / derek in ol1
Tbh a lot of us were thinking that Renee would become a dlc Li as a stretch goal during the crowfunding before we got told that it was not a possibility due to the very understandable issue of « this would add way too much work » and in a way we got the Poly route option at least.
I think why renne fit as a li is because she has the same position than Qiu and tamarack hold ( a kid the same age who you befriend and with who you grow up with ) which in my mind makes her even more of a li position than derek and baxter ( both not appearing before step 2 and having one step where they are not in entierly)
And also simply I just think she’s neat you know ? Trans girl who likes zelda and has an angsty phase in her childhood but who’s chill and has an endearing personality ? Sign me up, truly sign me up !
Understandably we won’t get a dlc for her but that dosen’t stop the Renee love her to hype our wife okay- I love her very much and in my heart and headcanons my mc and her are kissing alright- who’s gonna stop me ?!? The sapphics yearns for renee content okay-
Also on a side note i am more than on the renee x tamarack train. This ship is adorable !!!!
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cinna-rose · 7 months
So... *leans against this post* I got invested into this idea and the discord server I'm in didn't help and grew it into an entire au, so now you guys get Our Life x Avatar headcanons made by the server :)
Cove would 100% be a water bender. However, he'd get his bending from Kyra instead of Cliff. Cove used to learn water bending from his mom, but when Kyra and Cliff got divorced, Cove didn't have anyone to teach him water bending anymore (since I see Cliff as a non bender in this au).
Derek is an earth bender. If his siblings are also earth benders, (or benders in general) I can see him being the one to try and keep everything in order and not chaotic. If they aren't benders, then I feel like Derek would be relied on a lot.
Now Baxter? he wouldn't be a bender. His family probably came from a lineage of benders and when Baxter turned out as a non bender, his parents would push him to be better in other things, but would always be disappointed that he wasn't a bender.
Baxter being a non-bender would make his feelings of inadequacy worse. He would have to find ways to stand out in a world where people can bend things like fire and water and move the ground.
Qiu would be a fire bender and would amazing at it. In step 1, they'd use his bending to impress people and their popularity would probably be bigger since he can bend almost flawlessly.
In step 2, Qiu wouldn't use their bending in public anymore and would only use it around the people he's close with.
Tamarack would be an earth bender, but she wouldn't be good at it. She wouldn't put too much time in training and wouldn't want to since she thinks earth bending would destroy the forest.
In step 2, Tamarack would try to practice her earth bending due to her being insecure that she can't bend too well, but she struggles with it.
Renee would be a fire bender, which helped her friendship with Qiu in their childhood. While she wouldn't be as good at it than Qiu is, she can manage it well
Liz would be a fire bender. Pamela would be a fire bender and Noelani would be a water bender. I can see Pamela and Noelani adopting Liz and a MC that they could teach bending to if they were benders.
As for Lee, she would be an Airbender.
Terry would be a water bender while Miranda is a Airbender.
Xavier would be a non-bender and it's one of the things that helped them and Baxter get along.
Now, if either MC is the avatar...
Cove would be surprised when you first meet, but he gets over it pretty quickly. He'd be glad that there's someone else who can waterbend with him.
When Derek meets an Avatar!MC, he would be shocked and it'd take a while for Derek to see it as normal.
An Avatar!MC would make Derek be harder on himself and push his earthbending abilities to be a suitable partner for the avatar.
Baxter's problem with seeing value in himself and feeling like he's not good enough to be with the MC would be doubled if he's with an Avatar!MC. 
When first meeting Avatar!MC, Baxter would freak out internally but keep a cool front
If Baxter is with an Avatar!MC, his parents would see it as an opportunity for better connections and Baxter would hate that because he doesn't want his relationship with the MC to just be something to satisfy his parents.
When Qiu meets an Avatar!MC they would be surprised at first but would take it in a stride and proudly talk about being friends with the Avatar to anyone that will listen
If asked, Qiu would be happy to help MC with fire bending (they get even more giddy if they’re at crush with the MC)
Tamarack would be in awe that they're the avatar because they can control all four of the elements rather than the social status and influence that comes with being the avatar
Noelani and Pamela would go into shock because they adopted a child that's the avatar, but would try their best to help an avatar!mc learn the elements
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orion4ever · 10 months
Hi! i wanted to ask if you could write step 1 Darren with a kind of socially outcasted MC(male or gender neutral, your choice!) who’s not really great friends with qiu or tamarack but as soon as they met darren they kind of latched onto him.
like that vibe of like “Mc is crying and runs over in the derection of the boys club and everyone thinks they are going to hug qiu (including the boys club) but they run straight past qiu and hug ren and everyone is surprised”
take your time and take care of yourself! have a nice day/night!
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Author’s note: Yay, a Darren request! I thought this idea is cute, Also a good opportunity to give the boys of the OL fandom some love finally! I will add them to the master list! You didn’t specify if you wanted the reader to be the same age as Darren or Qiu and Tamarack’s age ,so I kept it ambiguous!
Pairing: Darren/Renee Murray x Male MC
Darren would first off, be surprised
He gives off an ‘I only need a few friends to be happy’ vibe, so he isn’t as social as Qiu or Baxter
So when you two met up, he was a bit awkward.
He was nice about it at least, he never tried making you speak up or anything; understanding just wanting to listen
Depending on how you all met, Qiu introducing you to him or meeting you in his class; Qiu ends up inviting you to hang out with the Boys’s club since he likes seeing Darren make new friends!
It is a similar dynamic to how Tamarack and Qiu were friends but Tamarack wasn’t really Darren or Baxter’s friend. But they all hung out and got along alright because they had someone in common.
Darren would be a little defensive having someone new join the boys’s club but over a short time; he warms up to you.
Darren would like to spend one on one time with you, maybe inviting you to go hiking with him and his family.
Or maybe Darren would invite you to just ride your bikes around, no talking necessary.
You two are in your own little world, while Darren does have other friends; he does really like your company.
He doesn’t mind if you cling on to him, he’d let you get away with it if you two were close enough.
He’d definitely pout about it tho.
You guys have a friendship that no matter the years, never falter.
You will be there when she comes out, and when that time comes. She will be brave enough to confess as well.
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periludic · 10 months
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𓆩♡𓆪 ( WELCOME ) . . . !!
✎ . . . Hi my name is Peri and I figured I should make one of these introduction things :D I honestly don't know how these work but here are the basics of what I am willing to do if you want to request headcanons or short stories :
Our Life (Beginnings & Always)
Our Life (Now & Forever)
Our Life (Beginnings & Always)
Romantically . . . Derek, Cove, Baxter (Any Steps)
Platonically . . . Any Characters (Any Steps)
Our Life (Now & Forever)
Romantically . . . Renee, Tamarack, Qiu (Step 1-3)
Platonically . . . Any Characters (Step 1-3)
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ ─ THINGS I WONT WRITE :
Kidnapping, the leads hurting the MC, yandere hc's, etc.
Homophobia, Racism, Ableism, Minor x Adult
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ ─ THINGS I WILL WRITE :
Alternate Universes (Royalty AU, Swap AU, etc.)
Angst, Fluff, etc.
Honestly, anything that wasn't mentioned above
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goldengroovy · 28 days
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good morning. suffer. goodbye (pspspsp more info in tags)
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goldengroovy · 2 months
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me after drawing tamaren instead of my olnf week submissions AGAINNN
based on this fic by @now-and-4ever !! it was super cute i died so many times
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goldengroovy · 1 month
i hate them so much (based on this)
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goldengroovy · 2 months
can i request tam and ren walking holding hands while eating ice cream 🤞
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ICE CREAM DATE!!! except the ice cream is.. extremely realistic for somw reason,,
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goldengroovy · 1 month
i think this is why renee wears a hat
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goldengroovy · 26 days
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tamaren doodlr as a way to ask for forgivenesss (not connectef the the ccomic)
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goldengroovy · 1 month
silly doodles of the gayest girls
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goldengroovy · 3 months
you've actually given me tamaren brainrot i cannot stop thinking abt them now.. feed me your headcanons if you have any to share please
Renee x Tamarack Headcanons!
Author Notes at the bottom!
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-> Tamarack and Ren were very distant with each other.
-> Tamarack had hidden herself from the world. Her shine was now dull, and unlike how she acted years ago, she was closed off to the world.
-> Ren noticed, because how could she not? She remembers the time that Tamarack had so boldly gotten into her face. Now, it feels like she'd apologize for even being in her line of sight.
-> Renee would smile at Tamarack whenever she'd see her. It's not exactly an apology for how she'd exclude Tam from the group for being a girl, but it was something. She wasn't brave enough to talk about it yet, and she felt like Tamarack didn't really want to talk to her.
-> Tamarack would try to smile back at her. It was different from the smile she wore when she was younger. Back then, she would smile so wild that you would see her gums. Now, she'd just perk up the corners of her lips. Ren didn't even notice that she had braces.
-> Ren was too scared to think about Tamarack. Tamarack was too busy thinking about how others perceive her to perceive Ren.
-> They're a little more at peace with themselves during these times. It's inevitable, they started talking.
-> Renee's more comfortable with the fact that she's a girl. Tamarack's more comfortable with the fact that she likes girls. This leads to.. flirting?
-> Tamarack thinks its a little funny on the fact that Renee strayed away from girls only to end up as one. She tries not to poke fun at it too much.
-> As they matured, Tamarack started hanging out with Qiu more. Renee happens to be in a lot of places where Qiu is.
-> Qiu is, unsurprisingly, the bridge between them.
-> The two start with awkward, friendly, compliments. But slowly, they start cracking jokes, and poking fun at each other. Somewhere along the line, Qiu doesn't need to be there for them to get along.
-> Renee is a little unsure of how she feels about Tamarack. She likes her. But how deep does that like go? Is it, like, a like like? Does Tamarack even like girls? Does she even like girls?
-> Tamarack is always sure of how she feels and what she wants. She's sure that she wants to kiss this girl and make her feel beautiful.
-> It doesn't need to be said, but Tamarack makes most of the first move. Renee however, is too flustered to reciprocate. She backs off, thinking Renee is uninterested.
-> Their relationship falters for a while, until Renee admits how she feels on a random tuesday during midnight.
"Have I ever told you how sorry I was for how I treated you when we were kids?"
"Like, a million times now Renee. Sweetheart, I appreciate the apology, but I forgave you long ago."
"Well.." She yawns. "Have I told you about how good you look in red."
"Hm?" Tamarack laughs. It's the nicest sound Renee has ever heard. "You're the one with red hair."
Renee's laying on her bed, phone in hand. She wonders if Tamaracks doing the same. If she closes her eyes as Tamarack speaks, it feels like she's right next to her.
She cuts off Tamarack as she rambles about her day.
"I missed you." She pauses. "I think I love you."
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I mayyyy or mayh not have gotten carried away.. like just a little. a tad. a smither if u will
cant believe my tamaren agenda is WORKING!!! if u make tamaren content i will literally write/draw u anything i am not joking. I LOVE THEMM!!
anyways wink wink ask me to draw / write more tamaren content and my life is urs!!!
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