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Esse é o nosso pacova (renealmia exaltada) mais conhecido como cardamo nativo. Renealmia é um gênero de Zingiberaceae (família do gengibre) com inúmeros usos, entre eles: ornamental, medicinal e alimentício. Visando ressaltar a importância deste gênero como potencial fonte de recursos agroeconômicos e etno-farmacológicos viemos nos debruçando muito em seus estudos. No que se refere à conhecimento científico ou técnico para o cultivo de espécies de Renealmia apresenta-se uma grande lacuna, que nos aqui do Pêuára estamos preenchendo aos poucos, fazendo inúmeros experimentos de germinação e manejo dessa espécies tão especial que também está em risco de extinção por conta de seus habitats naturais estarem sendo degradados. No seu perfil químico, apresenta a potencialidade anticancerígena e antiofídica, além de uma ampla variedade de usos medicinais. As sementes de cardamomo nativo, também são usadas como tempero ou condimento. O óleo obtido das sementes dessas plantas tem emprego culinário. Outros usos medicinais populares associados às espécies de Renealmia, que incluem o emprego da planta toda, folhas, flores, frutos e/ou sementes associados a distintos modos de utilização como infusos, decocto, banhos, extratos e pastas, incluem analgésico contra dores de cabeça e no corpo. Efeito antiacido para gestantes. Indicado para tratamento de bruxismo. Também tem efeitos antifadiga, antiflatulência, antiemético, antinauseante entre outros. Nosso maior desafio encontra-se na produção de matrizes a partir de sementes, devido a essa planta ser rara e ter uma dificuldade na propagação via sementes, além do mercado interno dar pouco incentivo para o consumo dessa planta como condimento, pois existe ainda um massivo emprego da importação e consumo do cardamomo da Índia. Mas com sorte nossos primeiros exemplares estão indo bem e futuramente novas plantinhas estarão repovoando nossa querida e amada mata atlântica 😀!! #cardamomonativo #pacova #renealmia #especiariasdamataatlantica #especiarias #cardamomodamataatlantica #reflorestamento #agroflorestamultifuncional #agroflorestasintropicaholistica #ekomat #compreummatplanteumaarvore #ubatubasp https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RKSKRnm34/?igshid=lycxxme5n1df
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1) Sweet-scented Water-lily
2) Drooping-flowered Renealmia
3) Brasilian Lily-Daffodil
4) Chamomile-leaved Arctotis
5) Thick-leaved Aspalathus
6) Spear-leaved Helonias
7) Lentifeus-leaved Schotia
8) Vetch-leaved Sophora
9) Climbing Cobbea
10) Snail-flower Kidney Bean
Illustrations taken from ‘The Botanist’s Repository’ by Henry Charles Andrews.
Published 1797 by the author.
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The Temple of Flora, or Garden of Nature: The Nodding Renealmia, Robert John Thornton, 1801, Cleveland Museum of Art: Prints
Medium: aquatint, stipple and line engraving
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Robert John Thornton, Nodding Renealmia illustration from The Temple of Flora 1807
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“アンビヴァレント:P・ヘンダーソン 穂を垂れるレネアルミアより/ Ambivalent : from The Nodding Renealmia by Peter Henderson” 333x242mm, oil on canvas, 2020
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For just $5.95 1 Package of 10 Seeds A large, vigorous and robust ginger that forms clusters of thick shoots with very long, undulate leaves and short, robust, reddish, basal inflorescences that sport greenish to purple fruits. A fabulous and bold plant for the tropical garden that will succeed in shad as well as in full sun. Germination: Soak the seeds for two days in lukewarm water. The seeds are sown in mineral-based cat litter (no clumping litter) or perlite (germ-free) in plastic-pots. Please sow the seeds on the mineral soil and cover the seeds with 5 mm - 10 mm mineral soil. Then put the plastic pot in a ziplock bag - with a pot size of 6 cm , a ziplock bag of size 12 x 17 cm is recommended . Fill in the ziplock bag as much tap water with a few drops of universal fertilizer, so that after the absorption of the substrate a few mm of water remain on the bottom. Then close the ziplock bag. daytime temperatures at about 77-86 F, somewhat lower at night at 68-77 F. Germination takes 45 - 60 days
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Ginger flower / Flor de Jengibre (Renealmia cernua) © Miguel Siu www.panamawildlife.net https://www.instagram.com/p/BoSc9tqldPD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zox83ydz0p02
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Interactions of Desmethoxyyangonin, a Secondary Metabolite from Renealmia alpinia, with Human Monoamine Oxidase-A and Oxidase-B
Renealmia alpinia (Zingiberaceae), a medicinal plant of tropical rainforests, is used to treat snakebites and other injuries and also as a febrifuge, analgesic, antiemetic, antiulcer, and anticonvulsant. The dichloromethane extract of R. alpinia leaves showed potent inhibition of human monoamine oxidases- (MAOs-) A and B. Phytochemical studies yielded six known compounds, including pinostrobin 1, 4′-methyl ether sakuranetin 2, sakuranetin 3, pinostrobin chalcone 4, yashabushidiol A 5, and desmethoxyyangonin 6. Compound 6 displayed about 30-fold higher affinity for MAO-B than MAO-A, with Ki values of 31 and 922 nM, respectively. Kinetic analysis of inhibition and equilibrium-dialysis dissociation assay of the enzyme-inhibitor complex showed reversible binding of desmethoxyyangonin 6 with MAO-A and MAO-B. The binding interactions of compound 6 in the active site of the MAO-A and MAO-B isoenzymes, investigated through molecular modeling algorithms, confirmed preferential binding of desmethoxyyangonin 6 with MAO-B compared to MAO-A. Selective reversible inhibitors of MAO-B, like desmethoxyyangonin 6, may have important therapeutic significance for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. from # All Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via alkiviadis.1961 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2vrCVKf
from OtoRhinoLaryngology - Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2g8x9LD
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Seguindo os testes com pacova, eis mais uma passo dado. Essas são as primeiras mudinhas produzidas por nós, a partir de sementes colhidas com carinho. Iremos acompanhar o desenvolvimento delas, no processo de plantio e de consórcio com outras espécies . Nós trará novos dados pro campo da agroecologia e etno-botânica. O pacova é considerado o "cardamomo nativo" e é pertencente ao gênero renealmia, que abrange mais de 80 espécies. É o unico gênero nativo da família do gengibre aqui no nosso país. É uma planta ameaçada de extinção devido à exploração inconsciente da Mata Atlântica, se fazendo cada vez mais necessário, ensaios como esse de multiplicação dessa espécie, e reinserção nas matas. Além disso ela compõe nosso mosaico agroflorestal de aromas e sabores, pois suas sementinhas são usadas por nós como uma especiaria, fazendo parte de nossas receitas e nossas bebidas fermentadas. Apoie a restauração da Mata Atlântica, consuma mais produtos locais e descubra também que esse bioma incrível, nos fornece tudo o que necessitamos. #pacova #cardamomobrasileiro #frutasilvestredamataatlântica #mataatlantica #restauraçãoambiental #floranativa #especiariasdamataatlantica #institutopeuara #ekomatyoga #compreummatplanteumaarvore #ubatuba https://www.instagram.com/p/B_qUziMHyrQ/?igshid=1p39w7cuk3ysu
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Some more botanical illustrations (coloured engravings) taken from ‘The Temple of Flora’ by Robert John Thornton.
1) Artichoke Silver-tree
2) Blue Egyptian Water-lily
3) Sacred Egyptian Bean
4) Quadrangular Passion-flower
5) Winged Passion-flower
6) Common Blue Passion-flower
7) American Cowslip
8) Nodding Renealmia
9) Curious American Bog Plants
10) Pontic Rhododendron
Published 1812 by Dr. Thornton.
Getty Research Institute.
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Sunday Gardening -- Dr. Thornton’s "The Temple of Flora"
Sunday Gardening — Dr. Thornton’s “The Temple of Flora”
The Superb Lily A good, romantic plant, from North America. The lily of the Pre-Raphaelites, and of church furnishing, is candid and white: this is pagan, a flaming creature or orange-red spotted with violet, towering up several feet. It was popular in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The Nodding Renealmia This plant from New Zealand has charm, but it does not seem to have touched the…
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Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach (No. 8)
Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) is a flowering plant that often grows upon larger trees, native to much of Mexico, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Central America, South America and the West Indies as well as being naturalized in Queensland (Australia) and in French Polynesia.In the United States, it is commonly found on the southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) and bald-cypress (Taxodium distichum) in the lowlands, swamps, and savannas of the southeastern United States from Texas and Florida north through southern Arkansas and Virginia.
This plant's specific name usneoides means "resembling Usnea", and it indeed superficially resembles its namesake Usnea, also known as beard lichen, but in fact Spanish moss is neither a moss nor a lichen. Instead, it is a flowering plant (angiosperm) in the family Bromeliaceae (the bromeliads) which grows hanging from tree branches in full sun through partial shade. Formerly this plant has been placed in the genera Anoplophytum, Caraguata, and Renealmia. The northern limit of its natural range is Northampton County, Virginia, with unsubstantiated colonial-era reports in southern Maryland where no populations are now known to be extant. The primary range is in the southeastern United States (including Puerto Rico), through Argentina, growing where the climate is warm enough and has a relatively high average humidity. It has been introduced to similar locations around the world, including Hawaii and Australia.
Source: Wikipedia
#Green Cay Wetlands#Green Cay Wetlands and Nature Center#wetlands#grass#water#dead tree#tree#nature#landscape#visitor center#spanish moss#flowering plant#Alligator Hole#landscape photography#photography#photoset#Boynton Beach#florida#usa#summer 2016#travel
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Ginger flower / Flor de Jengibre (Renealmia cernua) © Miguel "Siu" for www.panamawildlife.net #instagram #love #swag #style #nature_of_our_world #nature
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