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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
I really need some RenDoc
Anyone got anything like quotes or headcannons? (or maybe something for Ren and Doc from either my self insert story or from TCoH?)
Please I need to feed my simping
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
My Self insert RenDocSelf Story Part 2
Here’s a second part of the simp story. Again under the keep reading line. Enjoy!
~~Doc POV~~~
She was killed by a creeper? But she doesn't do PVE. She isn't good at that. Why did she let herself get killed? 
I paced my half home. Worried sick about her. Rolling the beaded bracelet in my hand. It was a joke gift from her during the second secret santa from the last world. I treasure it so much. 
"I pray she was just getting home late from working at Bigger Logz Inc with Ren and ended up having to deal with the mobs." I say to myself.
I leaned against the wall, slowly sinking down to the floor. I was in love with her.  And Ren. But me and Ren had been on and off for so many years and so many worlds. We just kept it private. But how do I tell him that I have a crush on his employee?? 
I ran my normal hand through my hair. Nerves and emotions fighting all at once inside me.
I pulled my communicator out and sent Ren a private message.
Docm77: we need to talk in the morning. It's important.
Renthedog: sure! How's 8am sound love?
Docm77: perfect see you then. Please make sure you get some sleep.
Renthedog: i will try.
I sighed before closing my eyes, drifting off to sleep.
~~Ren POV~~~
I frowned at my communicator, why did doc want to talk? Was I doing something wrong in our relationship? And what was going on with Luna?
Why did she die to a creeper? She knows better than to go out at night. That's why I always make sure she's home before sunset. Yea, I know it's wrong of me to have feelings for my employee. 
But can you blame me? Out of all the hermits, not including doc, everyone was unusual. 
Grian had real wings, Mumbo was a genius at redstone, xisuma's the admin, false is the best pvper there is, stress had ice powers in the last world, iskall has a cyborg eye and loves slime, jevin is slime, tfc is the oldest and wisest, joe is crazy good with words, scar has prosthetic legs, cub is a genius, tango is some sort of fire creature, impulse has his thing with shovels, zedaph can make a creation for anything, hypno can hypnotize people, etho is a ninja, keralis has the biggest eyes ever, cleo is part zombie, and bdubs can sleep to make it day. But Luna. She was a normal human, who was kind, gentle, caring, hardworking, fierce, good with explosives, and god damn I'm in love with her.
I was already back at tatooren. Waiting for the Renpire to contact me back. I yawned, I needed sleep. I pulled up my communicator and sent Luna a private message.
Renthedog: hey Lu. I'll be waiting at 9am tomorrow.
I was about to head to bed when I got a message back.
LunaNight2012: I won't be in for a while. Sorry boss. I need a week off.
Renthedog: everything ok Lu? 
LunaNight2012: I just need personal time
Renthedog: ok. Just call me if you want to talk. I'm here if you need me
LunaNight2012: thanks
I frowned as I sat on my bed. I need to talk to Doc tomorrow. 
~~~My POV next day~~~
I gasped, slowly waking up. Oh great, I fell asleep in my corner. I stood up, wincing at all the pain my body was in from staying in that huddled up position all night. I placed a lever on the wall and opened up my iron door. Stumbling into the kitchen I frowned as I saw the big mess. I opened my fridge, pulling out a piece of raw porkchop, sticking it into the furnace with coal as the fuel and waited. I knew I had a lot to clean up.
The furnace stopped, my cooked porkchop was done.
I pulled it out of the furnace, not caring about burning myself. I mean, I just got told, unintentionally, that one of my crushes is in love with False.
"Yes I know I didn't have a chance with him. That's why I've been fighting with him. Since I joined with Grian." I ranted to myself, eating the cooked porkchop.
I finished the porkchop and went back to my room, changing my clothes and grabbing my building material. Time to fix my house.
I walked back into the kitchen and began placing blocks and fixing up my house.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
My Self insert RenDocSelf story Part 1
Here is part 1, it’ll be under the cut, because i’m still nervous about it.
Also tagging @cuteypandapie because they seemed interested in this story
I smirked as a trident was pressed against my throat. Yep, me and Doc were fighting again. This happened every week. I felt the trident pierce my neck a tiny bit. I pulled out my TNT and within a millisecond, pulled out my flint and steel, lighting the TNT.
"See you after respawn, Docy~!" I teased before the TNT exploded, killing both of us.
I gasped as I sat up in my bed, in my base. Getting up, I walked over to my mirror, seeing all my respawn scars. But the one I reached up and touched was the latest one, on my neck. I turned around and grabbed my collar necklace. I couldn't show it off like I wanted to. I had stuff to do now.
I grabbed my extra set of enchanted diamond armor, diamond tools, and elytra. I took off using my elytra and rockets back towards where I blew me and Doc up. I quickly gathered my items, putting Doc's items in a shulker box, leaving a sign that read "To the Goatfather. From L" 
I smirked, before quickly taking off towards Dead Dog Gulch. I had to help Ren out with his Quadchopper. I landed as gracefully as I could before making my way to the Bigger Logz Inc meeting room.
I quickly got on my work helmet, my name painted across the front. I reached the door to the building. Fixing myself to make myself seem presentable before knocking on the door.
"Come in!" Ren called from inside.
I felt myself shiver at his voice. Yes, I had a crush on Doc AND Ren. Do they know? God no. I'm pretty sure neither of them feel the same. I opened up the door and smiled at Ren.
"Good morning Luna. Did you and Doc finish your fight already?" He asked with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes. "I had a meeting I couldn't miss. So I ended it quickly. Now what is wrong with your QuadChopper?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
"One of the timers isn't working." Ren explained, getting up from his desk, walking around and sitting on his desk, facing me.
His tail swayed and his ears twitched in different directions. God, he was so freaking cute! But he's my boss!
"Didn't you create it?" I questioned, smirking.
Ren tugged on his vest a bit, not meeting my eyes. Weird.
"Yea. But I figured a fresh set of eyes would help." 
"But you know I'm better at helping harvest wood than I am with redstone. Ren. You know you should ask any of the redstoners on the server to help, not me. So call Mumbo, call Tango, hell call Doc, "The Goatfather". I'm going to go refill the barrels at the shopping district. I believe in you boss!" I called out saluting before I took off towards the Bigger Logz wood storage.
I opened the door and began to gather wood into the shulker box for moving the wood between storage and the shop. I rubbed at my collar, people would call it a choker but I like to think of it as a collar. I mean hell I fight Doc every week, and I work for Ren. I belong to both of them but they don't know.
I finished loading the shulker box, placed it in my inventory and left. Flying towards the Cowmercial District. I landed outside of the shop, smiling as I went through the barrels and restocked. It didn't take long. Any profit from the shop, I placed in the now empty shulker box. 
"Alright, better get this to Ren." I exclaimed, packing up the shulker and getting ready to take off. 
I stopped, seeing something that caught my eye. Doc, Etho, and False walking down the Cowmercial district. I hid behind a barrel as I listened to them talk.
"Thank you once again False. I'm glad to finally have had BDubs killed." Doc stated, getting closer to the shop.
I held my breath and peeked out from the side of the barrel. Watching the scene unfold. I noticed that False now had the tag. Or as Grian liked people to call it, Tag 2: Electric Boogaloo. Yes I rolled my eyes thinking about it.
"Not a problem at all! Thank you for letting me have the tag in exchange for killing him. I better head out to my base! See you later Doc!" False exclaimed, taking off towards her base.
I hid behind the barrel once more. Why was I jealous? Doc and I were "enemies". Not dating… so why am I hurt he didn't ask me?
"I think I love her Etho."
I could feel my heart break.
"Doc, you've been talking about her for the last hour. I would be more surprised if you weren't." Etho explained, the two sounding as if they were walking away.
"She's an amazing fighter! How can I not be!" Doc exclaimed.
I stopped listening before I quickly pulled out my rockets and ran down the hill towards the water. Yea, I couldn't get my rockets out fast enough. I just swam over to Dead Dog Gulch.
It took me longer, but I made it there, walking over to the office, dripping wet. But hey it hid the fact that I was crying. I walked into the office, startling Ren.
"Luna? That was quick. Why are you soaking wet?" Ren asked, walking over to me.
"Fell into the water and had to swim over from the Cowmercial district. Is it alright if I just take the day off? I got the sales. Here." I handed him the shulker box before turning around and walking out.
"See you tomorrow, please stay safe!" Ren called out to me, worry in his voice.
I smiled weakly at him before running out and taking off towards my base. I entered into my base. Heading straight for the bathroom. I dried off and changed before walking to my room. I grabbed the only makeup I had. Something Cleo gave me in the last world, cover up makeup. Yes. I've been fighting with Doc since the S6 1.13 world. I sat on my bed and faced my mirror. I took off my collar and tossed it into the corner. It was a joke gift from Doc. From the first Christmas in the last world. That was the other reason I liked wearing it. There were many reasons but still. 
I opened up the makeup and began to cover up all my scars from my fights with Doc. The one on my neck, one going up my left arm, one in the middle of my back, one on my stomach, and the last one, the one over my heart. That one hurt to cover. It was the first time I had fought with Doc and the moment I realized I had a crush on him.
I hadn't even realized I was crying until I felt the tears hit my hand. I looked up at myself in the mirror. Tears streaming down my face.
I looked down at my hands. I was better with explosives then I was with my hands. I can't fight very well with a sword. Maybe I should practice.
I looked outside, it was night time. And BDubs was away for the week. Time to fight some Zombies without using TNT. I lived on the island to the far north, just behind Zedaph's base. I got on my diamond armor, pulled out my enchanted diamond sword. I walked out of my base, instantly finding a Zombie. 
I ran towards it, swinging my sword at it only to miss and shove my sword into the dirt, getting mud on my face. I groaned, trying to pull my sword out of the mud. 
I could hear the mobs getting closer. I was being too cocky. God dammit! Now I'm gunna get killed by zombies, skeletons, and suicidal creepers! And spider, yuck. 
"Ow!" I exclaimed as a Skeleton shot my arm, an area where my armor didn't cover.
I finally managed to get my sword out of the mud and slipped trying to get up. I finally managed to rush back into my base. Closing the door and pressing my back up against it. All I could do was cry as I heard the zombies breaking my door. It didn't take long. Zombies broke my door, and then a creeper blew me up. Of course everyone was notified. I gasped and sat up in my bed, running over to the door and grabbing my stuff before rushing back to my room and switching my spruce door out for an iron door. 
"I'm so stupid! Now Doc is probably laughing about how bad I am at PVE. I hate everything…. I think I'm just going to stay in here for a while… I'm sorry Ren sweetie. But I don't think I'll be able to work for a while." I cried to myself, pulling out a book and quill, writing in it like a diary.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
Should I give Doc his robotic parts in my Seven Deadly Sins x Hermitcraft au?
I’ve been debating it.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
So, would you guys be interested in
Hey, just wanted to ask, would you guys be interested in reading my SDS x Hermitcraft selfinsert rendocself story? Like ive only completed 2 episodes so far (And am now skipping to episode 6 cuz i like that episode, and i hate writing episode 3)
If I get enough notes on this post, whether its likes or reblogs, or even comments, I may post the first two episodes on AO3.
Just give this post lots of notes if you are interested in reading it
It’s not crazy detailed, mostly because im watching the episode as i type.
But yea, do the like thing, or the reblog thing, or even the comment thing
Heck you can even send me an ask about it.
Also im tagging all the posts with #Grian as Merlin
Cuz that’s what brought me to doing this XD
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
So here is every part of My Self Insert RenDocSelf Story!
Wont be posting anymore of it on here, maybe
ill post it slower on here, a part a day
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
My Self Insert RenDocSelf Story Part 3
Ok third part, I’m thinking about putting this on ao3 now, mostly because there is going to be some smut. but thats not for a few parts. also @cuteypandapie
~~Doc POV~~
I landed at Dead Dog Gulch. Walking over to the Bigger Logz Inc office door. Just walking inside, Ren jumped a bit. His tail and ears stand at alert. Man I love him.
"Ren. We need to talk." I said, walking over to him and taking his left hand in my robot one.
"We do. You know I love you right?" Ren asked, big puppy dog eyes looking up at me.
"Of course! And I love you my Renpup! But I want you to know. I am also in love with Luna." Doc explained, kissing Ren's hand.
Ren blinked at me. "You love her too?"
I froze, slowly looking up at him. We both loved her? Maybe this was luck finally shining on me.
"We need to tell her how we feel. If we both love her then I believe we should see how she feels back." I smiled, leaning forward and kissing his nose.
Ren smiled up at me, but suddenly frowned.
"She's taking a week off. I never did figure out where she lives. She wouldn't tell me." Ren explained, sitting back down in his chair.
I frowned, tapping on my robot arm. I pulled up a map of the world. I knew where most the hermits lived. From Grian, Mumbo, and Iskall, to 'Team ZIT' to Cub and Scar, etc. But I wasn't sure about Luna. 
"Well there aren't many places we can search. She is obviously secluded. So she could either be in the desert down to the south west, to the east by where Cub and Cleo are, or on this island to the north." I explained, pointing at the areas. 
Ren looked at the map and frowned. "She flies to the north when she leaves to head home. I noticed it when she left here yesterday." 
I frowned, closing the map. "Did she leave late last night?"
"No, she left halfway through the day. I don't know what happened but she was refulling the shop and collecting sales when she came back, all wet. Said she fell flying back and needed to take the rest of the day off. I think she was crying too. But I don't know what was wrong, she wouldn't tell me." Ren explained, his brows furrowing. 
I frowned. "I was in the shopping district. I was thanking False for helping me get revenge on BDubs. Then when she left I was talking to Etho about how much I loved Luna… You don't think Luna overheard me and thought I was talking about False do you?" I asked, worry clear in my voice.
I ran a hand through my hair, was it my fault Luna got killed by a creeper last night? Was it my fault she wasn't coming in to work?
"Doc? Doc!"
I blinked, looking up at Ren, who was standing over me. When did I sit down? 
"Are you ok love?" Ren asked, looking at me worried.
"I think it's my fault Luna tried fighting mobs last night and died to a creeper." I explained, a tear running down my face.
Ren frowned. "No blaming yourself. So she's most likely at that island. Come on, let's go see her." Ren smiled at me, helping me stand.
I nodded and strapped on my elytra. The two of us took off to the north.
~~~My POV~~~
I finished fixing my house up, smiling weakly as I wiped the sweat off my forehead. 
"Finished. Now I can go take a shower before I go help Grian with his mansion." I said quietly to myself as I walked into my house, heading to my bedroom and grabbing a change of clothes.
As I was leaving the room I stopped and looked at the choker. I reached up to my neck, tracing the small scar on my neck. It hurt to touch, but I believe that's just in my head.
I walked into the bathroom and got ready to shower. I needed to wash all the grim off from yesterday. 
I was only in the shower for 20 minutes. But when I got out, dressed, and my hair wrapped in a towel, something didn't feel right. I slowly and quietly opened the bathroom door. I poked my head out, not seeing anyone in the hallway, I quickly and quietly headed towards my room, only to freeze in the doorway upon seeing Doc and Ren in my room.
"If you didn't like the choker you could've told me." Doc said, holding up the leather collar.
I just stood there, frozen, with my dirty clothes in my arms. I didn't want to see them yet. I wasn't ready to face rejection. I wasn't ready to admit that I was going to forever be alone. I guess Ren noticed this and slowly stood up and walked over to me, his eyes full of worry.
"Lu. Are you ok? Why did you try fighting mobs last night?? You know you can't PVE very well. You're better with TNT than weapons! Where are all of your scars?" Ren asked, noticing that my scars weren't visible.
I was wearing a tank and shorts, so all of my scars from mob deaths, head games deaths, TNT deaths, etc should be visible. But none were visible. And that was what snapped me back to reality. I pushed past Ren and threw my clothes into my hamper, grabbing the collar out of Doc's hand I frowned at him.
"Why don't you give it to False. She's obviously the girl you love! Why not give it to her. Obviously I'm just your enemy. Now if you don't mind, 'Goatfather', boss, I have to go help Grian out at his mansion." I spat out, throwing the collar back at Doc before putting on my armor and elytra and rushing out of my house.
I took off towards Grian's mansion. Tears streamed down my face as I flew.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
Part 18 is up of my self insert story!
Yes im going to finish book 2 chapter 1 of TCoH tonight
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
My Self Insert RenDocSelf Story Part 7
Here we go! Hope you guys enjoy!
~~Next Day~~
I slowly woke up feeling two bigger bodies on either side of me had me smiling. It wasn't just a dream. I carefully reached up and scratched Ren's head, except I accidentally scratched the wrong spot and instinctively, he bit my shoulder, since that was where his face was buried.
"Ow!" I yelped, causing Ren to wake up and proceed to fall off my bed, with a thud.
Doc woke up too. Robot arm ready to fight.
"What happened? Oh my!" Doc exclaimed, seeing the Ren Dog sized bite mark on my left shoulder.
"Ren! We've talked about biting!" Doc lightly scolded. 
Ren rubbed his eyes sleepily. "What do you mean? I know that. What happened?" Ren asked, yawning.
"Ren. You bit my shoulder." I exclaimed, surprised that he didn't remember it. 
Doc had gotten up to grab a towel. Ren blinked, looking between my fave and the mark.
"OH OH NO! I'M SO SORRY LUNA!! PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!' Ren exclaimed, tears starting to run down his face.
I smiled as Doc told me to sit up so he could wipe off the blood coming from the marks. Thankfully Ren didn't take any skin with him when he bit down on my shoulder.
"I'm not mad Ren. It's my fault. I think I scratched a wrong spot." I smiled reaching over and patting his head with my right hand. 
"Ren, darling. Can you go grab the bandages?" Doc asked, smiling at him.
Ren nodded and quickly got up, rushing to the bathroom. Doc shook his head and chuckled.
"He's gotta learn that you are more fragile than I am." Doc explained, as he took the towel away from my shoulder. "The bleeding has stopped."
"That's good." I smiled as Ren came back in with a bandage big enough to cover the bite mark.
"I-I'm sorry for hurting you." Ren apologized, tail between his legs.
"Oh sweetie, come here!" I held out my arms. Ren crawled up into my arms, burying his face in my chest.
"You don't need to apologize. It was an accident and accidents happen." I soothed as Doc bandaged up the wound. 
My communicator buzzed, so I grabbed it with my right hand and brought up the hologram message system.
Grian: Hey, are you coming back today to help me? 
Grian: Lulu?
Grian: I'm coming over
"Shit!" I exclaimed as I read the last message.
"What?" Ren asked into my chest.
"Grian is coming over. So unless you want my overprotective brother friend to find you with your head on my chest I'd suggest we all get up and start making breakfast." I suggested, kissing the top of Ren's head.
"But you're comfy!"
I chuckled. "Yes but I don't want you getting blown up by Grian."
"Fine! I'll cook us up some steaks." Ren stated, leaning up to kiss me on the lips before standing up, giving a nice stretch and walking into the kitchen.
"Grian's going to be mad anyways once he sees the bandage." Doc stated from where he stood next to the bed.
"Not if I wear a short sleeve shirt." I winked, turning my back to doc, taking off my tank and rummaging through my closet.
I could hear Doc walk closer. "Is that one from me too?"
"Yea, third fight we had." I explained, not looking away from my closet.
I gasped when I felt Doc kiss the scar, causing a shiver to run up my spine. He wrapped his arms around me and gently moved my messy blonde hair so he could kiss my neck.
"Docy~~" I moaned, melting into his touch.
"Lulu!! Where is Doc!" 
We both froze as I grabbed a top and quickly, and easily, shoved Doc into my closet.
I threw on the shirt before Grian could walk into my room.
"I'm in here Gri!" 
Grian walked into my room, lifting an eyebrow as he looked around. "Where is he?"
"What do you mean?" I asked, walking over to my nightstand and putting on my collar choker.
"Where is Doc? I see the hickey on your neck Luna." 
"And I know if I look at Mumbo's neck he's gunna have hickeys too." I said with no hesitation. 
I opened up the other side of my closet going through my shoes. Doc handed me a pair of tennis shoes and winked. I managed to not blush as I pulled the tennis shoes out and closed the door.
"He left. Had to go do Goatfather stuff. Either that or he had to go bully Bdubs again." I smiled as I tied my shoes. 
"Uh huh sure. He's absolutely not in your closet then?" 
"You can check!" I exclaimed, having heard the slight noise of an invis potion being opened.
Grian looked at me before walking over to my closet and opening it. 
"Ok you aren't lying…. Luna. Why is your shoulder bandaged up?" Grian asked worried. 
Shit, why'd I grab a shirt that hung off my shoulder.
"It was an accident. I woke up this morning and accidentally scratched Ren's head wrong and he bit me." I had a lot of space between the last two words, and I regret saying them.
"Im skinning a dog!"
I quickly grabbed Grian's shirt, stopping him. "You are not skinning one of my boyfriends. And you need to learn to get along with them. Doc please drink milk because I know for a fact you are standing behind me now."
Doc grumbled from behind me before he drank from a bucket of milk he had in his inventory. I felt his arms snake around my waist and I calmed down. 
"I finally got the two idiots I've been pining after for 3 years. Grian can you be happy for me and not try to kill them. Though I feel like Doc here could very well take you on." I giggled the last part.
Grian pouted. "But it's my job as the older brother to scare the little sisters' boyfriends." 
"No, that's the father's job. Thank god my parents aren't on this server." I chuckled leaning back against Doc, letting go of Grian.
"Oh?" Doc asked, now curious.
"My father is tough. That's all I'll say." 
"Fine, but I'm staying for breakfast. We have building to do today Lulu!" Grian exclaimed before leaving the room.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
in case anyone was curious, I have 14 parts up on ao3 of my rendocself story
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
My Self Insert RenDocSelf Story Part 5
Hewo! Here is part 5, now the next part is gunna be labeled as nsfw because part 6 has my attempt at slight smut. so yeah. Anyways enjoy, @cuteypandapie
We quickly made it to Doc’s half house. I smiled as I swiftly flew straight to the bedroom and flopped onto the pink bed. I sat up and smiled as I waved at BDubs who was next door. Doc landed in the room and Ren crashed in the room below.
“You really need to be nicer to him. BDubs was just mad at you for constantly bullying him. OH!” I exclaimed as a bee flew all the way over to me from BDubs side.
I giggled as it snuggled up into me. I noticed the tag and smiled even more, hugging the fuzzy bee.
“Beedoubleo! I haven’t seen you in a while! How’s my little baby!” I cooed as the bee buzzed happily.
“Beedoubleo! Come on! We’re heading back to the village!” BDubs called out. I smiled and released the bee to fly back to his owner.
“Hi BDubs!” I called out, waving to him.
“H-Hi Luna! I thought you and Doc hated each other?” BDubs questioned, Doc I knew was glaring at him.
“Not anymore. Although we still might kill each other once a week. Thought you were going to be away for a week?” I winked, causing Doc to blush. 
“Plans got cancelled so I returned early.” Bdubs explained, smiling as Beedoubleo returned to him.
Bdubs chuckled and walked off, once he re-leashed Beedoubleo. Ren finally came upstairs, a bit disheveled from his landing. I chuckled and patted the bed spot next to me, which Ren happily joined me. He laid his head on my lap and I smiled and instinctively ran my hand through his hair. I chuckled when he almost melted into my legs.
“So, how long have you two been together?” I asked, causing Doc to stiffen from his spot, where he was leaning against a pole.
“What do you mean?” 
“Well you two seem like you have actually been secretly dating for a while now. I had my suspicions. It helped my crush if I just thought you two were together.” I explained, scratching behind one of Ren’s ears.
“We’ve been dating in private on and off since the beginning of our time in the last world.” Ren said sleepily, his tail wagging happily as I scratched his ear.
I chuckled. “So the Stock Exchange was covering up your relationship. That makes so much sense. I mean I’m still upset that my Night Inc was never in the Stock Exchange.” I fake pouted while still scratching Ren’s ear.
“Yes. So was Area 77.” Doc admitted, sitting on the bed and putting Ren’s legs on top of his legs.
“I knew it!! Grian and I kept trying to free Villager Grian!” I exclaimed, stopping my petting of Ren’s head.
Ren whined and grabbed my hand, putting it back on his head with a blush. I chuckled and continued my scratching.
“I was in the Civil War. Grian got me on Team G just because of my last name, it’s Night. Aka a G in the name. Also because we just became Brother and Sister at the start of the last world’s adventure.” I explained, laying down on the bed as Ren cuddled up against my chest. 
I was small, and skinny. So having the big buff Ren Dog laying on me was a bit of a weight but I was blushing like crazy because Ren was snuggling into my tiny breasts. Doc was just chuckling at this. 
“He’s been wanting to snuggle against your chest for a while now.” 
“But my chest isn’t impressive.” I stated, frowning as I looked down.
Ren looked up at me, making eye contact before burying his face in my chest again, making happy noises as he buried his face between my small breasts.
My face was bright red. I knew it was because Doc was laughing at me. 
“Stop laughing! I do need to ask. What are we now? Like are the three of us dating?” I asked, looking out over the sky.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
is anyone interested in hearing more about my lure for my RenDocSelf crossover story?
Cuz I have lore for how Doc, Ren, and Myself met in the story. 
I’ll talk a little about it under the cut, but if you haven’t watched the latest season of the Seven Deadly Sins, then this may kind of spoil.
So in the anime Meliodas and Elizabeth met over 3,000 years ago. And they were lovers, one is a demon, the other of the goddess race. And their parents cursed them.
But for mine I have Ren to add to that.
So yea, if you wanna know more let me know and I’ll make a separate post explaining it all.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
Guys, someone needs to stop me from making more fics while still working on fics
I now have another selfinsert rendocself story idea >.< but its 7 deadly sins crossover in a sense
Where im Elizabeth, Doc is Meliodas, and Ren would be a Holy Knight like Gilthunder that I grew up with (changing the story to fit my needs? Fuck yes)
Also Grian as Merlin just has me laughing as i picture him in her main outfit XD and Mumbo as Escanor,
Stress is Elaine and Iskall is Ban, Cub is Diane and Scar is King.
Idk if this story will actually see the light of day
Just thought id share my thoughts
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
My Self Insert RenDocSelf Story Part 4
here’s part four! @cuteypandapie 
I probably just ruined any chances with Ren. Great. I landed at Grian's mansion with a stumble. I rubbed my eyes as I walked inside. 
"Grian! *sniffle* I'm here to help!" I called out.
Grian and I became close in the last world, since that's when we joined. He's like a brother. I was so happy when he started dating Mumbo, and supported him during Sahara. Grian stepped out of a hallway where his bedroom was.
"Lulu! I thought you were helping me tomorrow? *yawns*" Grian yawned before noticing my face.
"Lulu! What's wrong?? Why have you been crying?? Does it have something to do with the reason why you were killed by a creeper last night?" Grian asked, rushing over to her, worried.
"Doc likes False! And I was just rude to Ren. I've lost my chances!! *sniffle* maybe I should just leave hermitcraft, maybe try out another server." I weakly smiled.
Grian went wide eyed. "No! You can't do that! I can't lose you!" Grian cried, hugging me tightly.
I cried into his shoulder, my tears wetting his sweater. "I don't want to leave. I love all of you guys so much! I would miss you so much! *hiccup* but it hurts being near them when I can't have them." I cried, burying my face in Grian's shoulder, I could feel him patting my back. 
"Do you want to stay here for a bit?" 
I moved my head back to look Grian in the eye and nodded slightly. I froze when I heard footsteps coming into the manor. 
Grian moved so I was behind him. 
"What do you two want?"
"We came to see Luna."
"Well she's upset right now."
"Luna. We love you."
I froze, what? They can't mean in the same way I love them. I slowly stood up, my back still to them, me and Grian stood back to back. Heh we did this a lot when we were overwhelmed in a mob attack. But we both loved TNT, so yea.
"She doesn’t want to hear your lies.” Grian stood his ground, he was so much shorter than Doc and Ren. 
Maybe that was why me and Grian got along so well. We looked like siblings, minus Grian’s feathery wings, and we were the same height. I kept my back to them and grabbed Grian’s wrist. He stopped his ranting and looked back at me.
“You sure?” 
All I could do was nod. 
Grian turned back to Ren and Doc. “If I find out you upset her again I will personally blow up your Goat Mountain and log farm.” Grian threatened.
Grian glared at Ren and Doc before hugging me and heading back to his room. I slowly turned back to face the two, keeping my eyes at the ground. I was still scared. Doc took a hesitant step forward and held something out, I slowly lifted my head up, just enough to see that he was handing me the collar again. I reached out a shaky hand and gently took the collar from Doc.
“Luna. Did you not read the note I wrote with the gift? When I first gave you that necklace 2 years ago?” Doc asked me, causing me to frown.
“Yes. “To my enemy, I'm your secret santa, sadly. And I figured since you work for a dog, you should have a collar too. - Docm77” Word for word I remember it. Couldn’t forget it even if I wanted to.” I explained, looking down as I ran my fingers along the leather of the collar.
“Luna. I mean it when I say I’m in love with you.” Doc stated, putting love into each word.
I clenched my fist up. “But I’m not a talented fighter! I cheat when we fight by using TNT! No one would actually fight me when all I use is TNT!” I exclaimed, tears running down my face. 
“I love you too Luna.” Ren stated, voice filled with love. 
I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks. “But I don’t want to choose.” I choked out, finally looking up at them.
My eyes went wide as I noticed that Ren and Doc were holding hands as well as holding out their free hands towards me. I finally gave in, running towards them and hugging them both close. Oh man, Doc’s bare chest is pressed against my face.
“We love you Luna. It just took us way longer to figure it out.” Ren stated, as him and Doc wrapped their arms around me, encircling me.
And now my face was buried in Doc’s chest, so fluffy. I guess that’s the creeper part of him. I just kept burying my face in Doc’s chest. 
“Luna, sweetheart. Why don’t we head to Doc’s place. We have a lot to talk about don’t we. Plus Doc might start purring if you keep up what you're doing.” Ren chuckled, and that’s when I noticed the vibrating noise coming from Doc’s chest.
I felt my face heat up before I moved away from Doc. I chuckled when I noticed his creeper face heating up. I looked towards Grian’s hallway and called out.
“Thank you Grian. I’m going to Doc’s house with Doc and Ren. Tell Mumbo I said hi!” I called out, hearing a choked cough coming from the hallway. 
“Stay safe you two!” I called out again before strapping back on my elytra and taking off after Doc and Ren.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
i did it. the rendocself story is up on ao3
im so freaking scared
but i can moderate the comments
Please give it a look!
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lunanight2012 · 5 years ago
What would u guys like me to work on?
The Creatures of Hermitville Book 2 Chapter 2
Or the next part of my RenDocSelf self insert story?
Just curious
How bout this
Like for rendocself
Reblog for tcoh (the Creatures of Hermitville b2 c2)
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