pearl-kite · 3 months
Trunk update:
I think I've gotten to the point where I can no longer advance by myself, I need help from someone who knows a bit more about carpentry, because it involves removing some old bent nails and replacing them.
But doesn't it look stunning at this point?
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When I got it, the locking mechanism was long gone, just the base of it remained. It was enough to find matching locks, and I got an original Excelsior set with some keys from Brettun's Village (where I've gotten all of my trunk-specific supplies so far, including some new leather handles).
It fits, BUT the lock is round, and the original is more of a cat's eye shape? So the lock doesn't actually connect and lock. So I need to remove the old one, which I've attempted to start, but I think I need advice from my dad before I muck something up. I've got one side loose enough to cut the nail heads off, but I'm not sure if that's wise yet.
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'Cause the thing is these trunks were not originally made with screws, they were made by clinching the nails back into the wood. Nice and sturdy, but it's making it a bit more complicated to remove because I can neither simply pry the nail straight out nor unscrew a screw. I don't know which direction each nail ended up turning, so I'm blindly trying to angle it out with no luck.
While the original trunk had one of the hasps (the one on the left) it was missing the other, but at the time Brettun's village had the exact hasp I needed so I got a spare. Literally fucking identical, I'm over the moon about that. The original holes are obviously still on the trunk, and I can get nails back through, but the OTHER dilemma I'm going to need assistance with: am I supposed to plug the holes up with wood putty before renailing? How do I clinch nails on a box that's a little wibbly? What am I DOING?
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The final two things are going to be replacing the handles, which I decided I need to do, and repapering the inside. I've got new leather, but I want to keep the caps as they're more unique than the replacements I can find online. So I'll need to figure out how to get those off without too much damage to replace the leather, then paint the caps black again, then tack them back down.
I'm still debating how to handle the paper. Proper restoration would have me completely removing what's there, but the last folks just repapered on top of the original paper, so I'd be stuck removing two layers. OR I could just remove what I can and repaper, OR I could get some poster board and cut it to size, paper the board, and just kind of wedge it in. That last option would probably be easier if it weren't a dome-back, but I could figure it out.
But yeah. Not quite there, but almost. I just need to clean my place up so when I ask my dad to come over to help I don't get scolded about keeping my place ~presentable~.
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m-aremagnum · 1 year
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I walk from poor christ to your memory
nailed, renailed.
It will be as it is.
Maybe my body will explode all I've
hoped for.
Then you will eat me sweetly
piece by piece.
I will be what I should.
Your foot. Your hand.
— JUAN GELMAN, Ausencia de amor [Absence of love] (trans. Mariola Diaz-Cano Arevalo)
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hamausagi · 5 months
i fall down. finally done redoing my room. and by redoing i took everything off all of my shelves and ripped them out and moved my loft bed (which included taking the mattress down, turning the whole bedframe around which took 2 people and a dream, put the mattress back on, renail to opposite wall) building a new set of smaller shelves, reorganizing everything, repainting half the wall, and nailing 2 new floating shelves
i am so tired but i am so happy my room looks SOOOO GOOODDDD
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longeth-dayv · 7 months
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today is ww1 day i guess tanks and OCs (those flags are from a faction made by someone on the bug fables discord) Renaille comes from me trying to do a sort of female version of the name Renault (because renault tanks)
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kb85lazy · 7 months
0,2 nail madin renail entr wor
Aaaaaah a lg
Lg j
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444names · 2 years
irish and french forenames with diacritics removed + scottish surnames with diacritics removed BUT excluding "h"
Adaineid Agorse Aiceatan Aille Aillean Alacris Allael Amuiremin Anain Aodre Aoirsa Aolain Aolan Aolmaom Arail Arand Argeinin Artasaoin Audrin Aurcean Bainne Bastiu Bette Blain Blaud Boillette Brain Brainn Branniog Brear Briart Brinn Brionanie Brionann Broit Bronn Bruin Bruir Buaitia Buall Buinn Caclual Cadain Cainaid Caincorsa Calle Canne Caodre Caoinn Caoirrey Caold Caolmacca Carlattig Catacill Ceacgiliu Ceacin Ceacnus Ceall Ceantan Ceartalas Cenan Cilernain Cilis Cille Cillein Ciobais Cionne Claide Cloirig Coifrana Coille Coilloud Coireacul Coist Colialin Collog Combrene Condan Connd Connt Corgan Crinn Crisene Croilimic Croirgus Crolere Cuait Cualabine Cucarceal Cuilla Cuiri Cuirie Cyriann Cyrit Daide Dainien Danailler Daomoir Daraillan Darnain Davin Deacras Deadainn Dearais Dearic Deasain Diadan Diera Donan Donne Dovir Dugum Dylvier Eaccill Eanaine Eanainne Eanarcain Eibeir Einetait Einiar Einnd Einne Einnis Eirin Emein Emerenran Emielin Erenclait Fabarlain Fabin Facieline Facnues Faodra Faoin Faoireara Feine Feinne Ferealan Ferine Fetimeis Fette Fiala Fiann Fiardan Finie Finna Finnes Fiocann Fionint Fionne Fiosa Flabierry Flain Flanle Floir Flongert Florain Fodar Frion Froilin Gaette Gairean Galas Galle Gelinn Gerorgusa Gille Gillear Gilludain Glein Goracca Gorainn Goran Gorgeas Gorlette Grain Graine Greard Greargel Griel Guainn Guainnus Guidenes Guirlas Gunain Gusan Islippein Jeaccaise Jeaccuiri Jeaccus Jeacilian Jeadrait Jeanais Jearne Jeart Jeasa Jerinn Joceal Jonarna Julain Jusar Kylvandre Laidig Laine Lanais Leinn Lemie Lenaud Lentan Liellan Liogantan Locain Locean Lonacne Lornain Losall Lucain Luise Lydig Macabarr Macadelim Macagann Macaide Macaille Macain Macainnee Macair Macaire Macal Macala Macaonan Macarcal Macca Maccaic Maccaig Maccal Macce Maccealuc Macceanin Maccein Maccilie Maccios Maccnic Maccodt Maccolan Macconan Maccorc Maccos Maccrairt Maccron Maccrot Maccucill Maccuid Maccuin Maccul Macculler Maccum Maccur Maccuraid Maccutasa Maceamus Macean Macell Macfion Macgainn Macgi Macgilib Macgilin Macgilion Macgin Macgine Macginn Macgues Macia Macian Macianan Maciann Macias Macie Macier Macil Macilcian Macile Macilinn Maciliosa Macill Maciller Macillien Macin Macine Macion Macis Macla Maclait Maclan Maclarc Maclaul Maclucill Macluis Macna Macnailte Macnaim Macne Macniadin Macnie Macniette Macnin Macnine Macno Macnual Macras Macri Macris Macrog Macronan Macrosean Macspolin Macuime Macuiment Macuis Maelin Maelyne Maette Maibeib Maili Maille Maillin Maine Maineinn Mairee Maite Maitrac Malany Manailein Maneideid Manlaulin Manniam Maoir Maoirnad Maracconn Maraig Maran Marcelais Marle Marna Marry Marta Masantin Matacra Meine Meire Moinnla Monail Monain Mondre Monna Morail Morear Morlain Mueliosd Muette Muill Muimel Munse Murean Myris Narry Nille Nioclise Niogan Noirearn Nuais Oirey Olaig Onacaig Patait Pauressam Paurin Pearan Peatan Peine Pientair Pieric Pilleard Pregilin Rabie Racill Reacgill Reacluin Renaill Riarnainn Rocann Roinearr Roird Rolar Rosannd Rostan Ruada Ruain Ruainne Ruais Ruasgill Ruimbain Ruiniern Runnid Saccian Saill Sainn Sanan Seacill Seall Seane Seard Seveen Sgaig Sgaraide Sgillewis Siabrosaf Siarce Siarnait Sicelyne Simbre Simean Sioberr Sioges Sionn Slionaig Smice Stinn Suair Suimenon Syleig Sylexan Sylvala Sylvin Tuain Tuargair Tulin Tulinn Uainn Ualacure Ureasgaid Vannain Yvelient
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werethehellami · 2 years
I Fucking HATE My “Brother”.
(sorry about spelling, im terrible at it.)
All he does is cry and wine and bitch about everyone and every thing. He always complains about how much he hates my mother since she dosent bend backwards to meet his wants. she meets his needs just fine, but since she cant instnly fix his playsation, shes a slut and bitch.
And me? Apperntly im a fucking whore and a slut who retared. (I’m atusitci.) He dregreades me constnly. I pay for some of HIS GAMES. I get him my free food from work. I buy him fun stuff. But im an evil monster who should fucking jump already. Aperntly nobody fucking loves me, and everyone only uses me. Apperntly Im a worthless sack of shit who too lazy to do anything. (Depsite the fact i always do the dishes, i always am the one that sweeps, im the only one who mops. (Our mom works 2 jobs so isnt home a lot), And between the two of us, im the one with a job.) 
He breaks my glass/procline/clay jars and screams at me. he refuses to ever leave my room when i ask. When im skaing and crying after he breaks my stuff, he still refuses to leave my room. hes alomst 16(April is his birth mounth) but he acts worse then me at 4 with undinoed autism on meds for bipolar dispoder.
I dont even think im a human to him. let alone his god damn sister for fucks sake. Erleir this day, he acused me of stealing his card then got fucking pissed when i told him that mom had becuase i gave it to her like he fucking asked. then proced to to tell me to shut up , and then cussed me out for saying “You stared it but whatever baby.” EVen our mom agree he was being a bart today. He blcked me because he cant hald being a fucking teen, let alone a decent huming being.
He always call me a slut, a whore cause i lost my vriginty at 15. Keep in mind, that i asked him if he was A-Okay if i slept with that peroisn, and wounldt if he told me not to. As In I LITTERLY ASKED IF I COULD SLEEP WITH SOMEONE< GIVING ALL THE CONTROL TO SAY YES OR NO AND I WOULD BE OFRCED TO ACCEPT THAT AWNSER! 
He one trew a bag of noodles at my face, when after he intruped my stimuless(Were i walk around in cirlces and lissen to music, while figgitng, making jesters, and radonm sqeeks of exitment.) To show me some fucking tic-tock of some shitty omegle chat. then got pissed when i told him, “Hey dont care why, but if your trying to make me cringe it sint going to work cuase Dudes just existing and the other man is being a prick.” I stared to countien my stimules while my brother  yelled at the top of his lungs about how much of a waste of human celkls i am. All the wile i say “Cant hear.” BEcuase i had headones on. HE then threw a bad of fucking macarnoine noodles at my face screamed at me more, then tore down my door. 
My door is a blankes naild to the celing. Why? Well it was his room but we switched as i wanted space and hard floors, and he wanted the carpet and door. Oringle door to the room was trown out. The room is now mine. I had to renaile the dlanket to the celing becuase he tore out the fuchikng nailes sevrel goddamn times.
He pushed me to the ground once, becuase we were told to clean up the house before 9, and at 7 i made it clear that the time for fun was over. I gave him one chore to do. SWEEP THE KITCKEN. Etheir he didnt do it, or he’s so icompent of a human being, that he cant acult sweep at all. And i say as I took a broom and made a dirt pile 3x his punny attempt. ANd when I called hoim lazy, we got into an agrumnbt. Then he pushed me to the floor as hard as he could.
HE aloud to call me retardeds, to call me a worthless sluyt, a noody who will doie alone. BUt when i say “You push all your friends and family away because you are such rude, mean, crule, conadsening, bart who sucks joy from even the most exiting games.” Im Teraing at his insercuriets.
He is alowed to joke about not being into incest after i say “Go fuck your self” in a joking way. But when i do, im a pice of shit. HE can randonly yell at me to “SHUT THE FUCK UP! JK” but when i do it, im going to far.
Yes i regoniose tht im no angle, and can be a bitch with words. But there is a differnt between starting fights and not wanting to take any shit. And im done taking his shiot. Im not his fucking sister anymore.
Im tired of holding his, of running back to after he says he sporry fpr being shitty. Im done being his support when he enjoys bruing our bride evrey fucking day. 
I Deseve better, and if i no longer have a brother, then so be it. Fuck him.
I work hard, i do my goddamn best a the mess i am being around other messes. I am doing my best as a perosn who only in recent years has been disoniose properly witrh autism, not BPD Or ADD, Or AHD. I am doing my traviling trough a world that i struggle to understand. And im doing all the while not being a asshole to those around me. I make freinds with evreyone at work, even those who i politalcy dislike. i am friend with the gass station clerks, who i have small talk evreyday with. I am friends with a buch of girls at school, a school that is half a mentle isnation( Burn out and deprassion is a bitch). I befrind random stranger at my workplace, by simpling talking to them and sharing space hearter tips!
I am a mess of a perosn, but that dosnt mean i get  to be an ass. 
So why does my brother think that he gets to? WHy does he think he desebves a free pass becuase our Bio dad was a total shit to him. why does he think he deseve a break after every fight, simply becuase he is also mently ill.
Why is it that in order to be fuckjing happy with my self, i cant be around him.
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wot-tidbits · 4 years
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Jahar Narishma by   cinnasterism
White Ajah by  cinnasterism
Nynaeve by  cinnasterism
Renaile din Calon Blue Star, Wavefinder to Nesta din Reas Two Moons, the Atha'an Miere Mistress of the Ships  by  cinnasterism
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alectology-archive · 3 years
The Windfinder stared her up and down, frowning. “You’re wet,” she said as though just noticing. “It is very bad to be wet for long in your condition. You should change your clothes right away.”
Elayne threw back her head and screamed as loudly as she could, a howl of pure outrage and fury. She screamed until her lungs were empty, leaving her panting.
you ever think about how much pent up rage and energy elayne has and how great it would be to see her go off. and then canon comes through and lets her scream to her hearts content <3
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lesgenouxdanslegif · 5 years
Pour le numéro 2 de Point de Côté, les vrais se sont rués au mois de mai pour pré-commander notre revue papier. Depuis, la revue est disponible sur www.pointdecote.fr mais nous tenions à vous remercier. Alors voilà, c'est fait. Et bon courage pour trouver votre nom.
Mathieu Pardon, Cedric Burnet, Jean-Baptiste Levee, Romain Viodé, Paul Vigneron, Julien Seguin, Philippe Babin, Yoann Gossmann, Jérémy Brialon, Nicolas Rousseau, Clément Fernandez, Yann Audouin Del Cabron, Mehdi Bensouda Korachi, Valentin Trijoulet, Carlos Oliveira, Antoine Guillarme, Vincent Piau, Romain Pourcelot, Thibaud Flouttard, Damien Wautelet, Baptiste Falgayrat, Simon Fraisse, Cédric Schepens, Regis Belhomme, Matthieu Péché, Vincent Le Guen, Stéphane Flüeli, Sacha Pitisi, Marc-Henri Depotte, Emmanuel Calfayan, Gilles Cabalion, Philippe Blanchard, Clement Guillout, David Jeandet, Jason Langenegger, Alexandre Torres, François Balao, Kévin Schultz, Rémi Peron, Baptiste Domps, Benoit Sxay, Aurelio Guerra Vigo, Genest Reboud, Laurent Oger, Jérôme Pajot, Aurélie Follain, Paolin Thoury, Romain Roumegoux, Yoann Quirico, Guillaume Primard, Julien Deymier, Grégoire Sella, Cédric Jablowski, Cedric Albouy, Alban Venneugues, Simon Bailleux, Vincent Chapat, Coraline Godelle, Adrien Gentizon, Lardeux Benoit, Gaspard Simon, Maxime Constant, Sebastien Nicolas, Julien Ryssen, Kevin Lamberton, Hugo Nouaille-Degorce, Christophe Portalez, Arthur Gremaud, Christophe Damas, Nicolas Tissot, Nicolas Le Dot, Thibault Quéméner, Boris Paulme, Martin Beche, Bertrand Réjou-Méchain, Samuel Rousseaux, Fabien Gautier, Geoffrey Noël, Pierre Borie, Julio Saramago, Sebastien Morard, Jérôme Platret, Gaetan Masset, Gauthier Galvez, Alexandre Vicaud, Morgan Palancade, Romain Pinguet, Thomas Weigel, David Guillaume, Kevin Iticsohn, Maxime Bivalski, Marc De La Taille, Antoine Gendre, Merlaud Romain, Arthur Szadeczki, Paul Morel, Romain Facon, Baptiste Tissot, Pierre Girot, Michaël Roch, Timothée Sauvat, Vincent Gudefin, Damien Joëts, Pierre Papet, Loïc Barras, Sebastien Andrac, Dorian Millet, David Cabouat, Jean-Philippe Proulx, Alexandre Abrami, Morgan Legros, Leroy Leroy, Aurélien Molière, Francois Ronxin, Davy-José Carvalho, Mathieu Dussart, David Michaud, Matthieu Gillot, Julien Mariez, Olivier Valla, Tristan Van Ee, Baptiste Galant, Quentin Couster, Mathieu Sudres, Mr Gaudin Alexis, Jean-Baptiste Feutry, Benjamin Legrand, Jeremie Daels, Ludovic Bozon, Nicolas Faure, Benoit Zehfus, Frederic Bianchi, David Doutreligne, Quentin Andrieux, Julien Toubeau, Thomas Ferter, Andréa Braga, David Rostren, Eddy Boyer, Louis Gagne, Kevin Jouan, Emmanuel Lebeau, Claire Beraud, Jeremie Le Lievre, Jocelyn Rouzic, Cédric Pernet, Bastien Roy, Maxence Lages, Jean-Philippe Le Pennec, Antoine Cognaud Ariztegui, Cyril Charlot, Christobelle Fringant, Xavier Vigan, David Perdrel, Benoit Grange, Vincent Chaigneau, Grégoire Masnou, Adrien Lode, Samih Marzouki, Pierre-Adrien Plasse, Cyril Mazubert, Benoit Grange, Julien Denis, Justine Carrel, François Vuillemin, Julian Muller, Thomas Kernen, Clément Meyrieu, Adrien Bisson, Mervin Rage, Eric Lantz, Géry Monier, Aymeric Matias, Joël Dumas, Johann Petit, Eric Lantz, Remi Dupuis, Vincent Cabanel, Cyril Carvalho, Eric Lantz, Ana Calatayud, Cyril Auvinet, Stéphanie Nemos, Bastien Chevalier, Benjamin Cortese, Bastien Lhermite, Eric Lantz, Tony Boudet, Fabrice Baret, Jerome Schonfeld, Kamel El Khayari, Matthias Solliec, Bastien Lhermite, Mickaël Robert, Mathieu Llouberes, Christophe Libin, Olivier Bloch, Thomas Mary, Gaëtan Hascoët, Arnauld Hervieux, Brice Boyer, Lucilla Cardinali, Fanny Argoud, Marion Mahieu, Christophe Jezouin, Yann Seral, Dany Moulin, Mélanie Vilain, Raphaël Ambeza, Guillaume Le Manchec, Florian Zacharias, Jerome Walrave, Clément Schryve, Killian Breuillard, Adrien Barbier, Luc Maréchal, Paul Henri Giraud, Arnaud Deloraz, Florian Cazenave, Guillaume Remingol, Adrien Van Hamme, Romain Vigne, Nicolas Maure, Sandrz Badji, Jean-Philippe Heitz, Nicolas Vernaz, Annecécile Boulet, Tanguy Martin, Baptiste Joron, Vincent Dezarnaulds, Damian Daramsy, Florent Crouhy, Olivier Jean, Remy Jegard, Michael Crausaz, Guyom Schutz, Mr Gaudin Alexis, Alain Bourgeois, David Sacleux, Anthony Balberini, Simon Boisnard, Aurélie Toqué, Virginie Thevenot, Cedric Fabulet, Martin De La Taille, Guillaume Puig, Ana Calatayud, Frédérick De Miollis, Bastien Isère, Hugues Barras, Hakim Saïdi, Jérémy Bogini, Pierre-Baptiste Parrot, Cyril Byk, Alban Ribault, François Desjardins, Marie Chaput, Bastien Peuziat, Laurent Galvani, Gael Lovat, Robin Schmitt, Ludovic Cherioux, Jacques Payet, Thibault Lacroix, Xavier Flavigny, Gatien Parat, Gael Marty, Benoit Gilabert, Alexis Laurendon, Olivier Le Roux, Germain Chapot, Arnaud Fourdrinoy, Franck Vaillant, Raphael Monteil, Alexandre Guyot, Didier Gardan, Benoit Peschier, Loric Brevet, Fabrice Perrin, Gaspard Landel, Nicolas Delmotte, Bertrand Lamoise, Frederic Degruel, Nicolas Marechal, Yoann Huguet, Stephan Gurvan, Iliasse Hassala, Nicolas Jaquier, Guillaume Guével, Alexis Delarue, Gwendal Moysan, Matthieu Peyrin, Rémi Bidoli, Julien Le Goupils, David Rosenbaum, Baptiste Cottignies, Jérémy Marie, Guillaume Bonnaure, Pierre-Antoine Piter, Corre Erwan, Térik Croiset, Yannick Escofier, Antoine Fourmentin, Mathieu Bocchi, Philippe Phan, Thierry Incerti, Paul Pannier, Benjamin Biemmi, Ismael Mijem, Gildwen Le Ferrec, Laurent Bartolucci, Benoit Gourde, Guillaume Lafay, Clément Le Guillou, Romain Goutille, Christophe Lorenzini, Patricia Grimaud, Melanie Macioce, Clement Guibert, Nicolas Dubrocq, Joris Jacquard, Anne-Laure Campion, Julien Kolszut, Cécile Rossin, Agnès Quintrie Lamothe, Td Nguyen Khac, Cedric Mage, Baptiste Andurand, Antoine Pierman, Stéphane Huser, Sabine Governo, Martin Savoure, Kevin Robert, Jean-Yves Jamaux, Olivier Vin, Jean-Baptiste Perchey, Cédric Banelli, Antoine Brunet, Denis Lamouroux, Simon Le Goff, Vincent Ledoux, Nicolas Adelhanoff, Nicolas Bruneau, Luc Planson, Jeremy Suzanne, Aurélien Autret, Brendan Rannou, Anne-Laure Roux, Antoine Gregoire, Benoit Sénélaer, Jérôme Séquin, Noémie André, Marion Blot, Romain Pattaroni, Pierre-Louis Roux, Louise Leclerc, Quentin Cuartielles, Ludovic Camus, Benoît Mounier, Pascale Schmitt, Davide Marta, Lucas Jaillet, Vincent Germain, Julien Rage, Philippe Schmitt, Morgane Rousset, Alexis Grappin, Jérôme Richard, Max Baron, Jeanne Peyron, Michel Mouraille, Frederic Renailler, Antoine Toussaint, Josué Quilliou, Audrey Tanguy, Benoit Cuisy, David Huck, Anthony Pouille, Florent Petton, Baptiste Jardiné, Emmanuel Faivre, Vincent Souvras, Marc Bee, Maelane Mialle, Marion Joubert, Germain Varet, Naïm Schnegg, Séverine Bolzli, Grégoire Kuonen, Mihai Argatu, Busuttil Clement, Gaël Jourdan, Martin Bay, Jean-Gaël Le Floc'h, Cyril Nodin, François-Xavier Dion, Thomas André, Thomas Deruaz, Stéphane Lacouture, Geoffrey Lefebvre, Camille Schmitt, Nathan Savary, Kevin Rincé, Thomas Fraser, Grard Maxime, Jean-Philippe Guerin, Andric Chevreux, Pierre Poirier, Severine Grilhe, Nicolas Michelin, Jean-François Poux, Cyril Bertier, Victoria Michel, Anne-Marie Lacharité, Benjamin Roubiol, Etienne Girel, Claire Ferhane, Paul De Laage, Guillaume Requier, Ghislain Paladink, Alain Chastaignet 937, Ludovic Touillet, Alain Ackermann, Bruno Languette, Simon Duroy, Maxime Nigra, Benoit Welsch, Mr Paul Rousseaux, Rémy Darme, François Béruard, Pierre Sabatier, Vincent Biennard, Romain Stremplewski, Florian Peuchot, Marine Vautrot, Thomas Le Saint, Mickael Blanchard, Aurélien Chanut, Marc-Alexandre Gérard, Richard Dion, Jérôme Strzelecki, Cuinat-Guerraz Nils, Christophe Chiri, Tony Charlot, Vincent Bouchet, Baptiste Agnely, Jeff Vialelles, Guillaume Chelius, Clément Berchet, Cyril Buffat, Hugo Florentin, Katherine Lessard, Jonathan Roy, Yohann Duboille, Nico Pierotti, Eric Lefebvre, Antoine Hue, Benoît Gandolfi, Romain Jezequel, Xavier Briez, Fabrice Bascoul, Bastien Mateo, Gérald Auboyer, Bertrand Balez, Edouard Coquatrix, Nicolas Deveaux, Yann Blanchard, Matthieu Poittevin, Fabrice Austruy, Philippe Duhamel, Thomas Avril, Céline Vairon, David Bloch, Gaël Merle Des Isles, Michael Fischbach, Etienne Monbaron, Thomas Montana, Michel Della Maria, Nicolas Danne, Benjamin Pinard, Guillaume Settembrini, Olivier Engel, Pecoul Didier, David Rouquette, Julien Chassevant, Gaetan Timmermans, Brian Joram, Yannick Chourreau, Maxime Ledoux, Claire Taurisson, Yoann Gilbart, Coralie Grossglauser, Alexandre Meurgue, Julien Caillet, Grégory Chevallier, Gregory Bonvin, Sylvain Bellia, Benjamin Deloute, Jacques-Teïva Baué, Julien Coudeville, Mathieu Collin, Elyse Leroy--Pasquet, Sébastien Gadby, Jeremy Plumejault, Grégory Laplaud, Jean-Baptiste Bardot, Arnaud Varey, Benoit Goimier, Martin Gobé, François Jacob, Nicolas Fréret, Thomas Friol, Alexandre Lécot, Guillaume Rudolf, Lucas Billuart, Thibaud Costes, Cédric Ferrin, Cédric André, Nicolas Nanet, Yann Legris, Pierre Meslet, Maxime Schmutz, Geoffroy Cavé, Jérôme Lastapis, Florine Tailleur, Julian Virlogeux, Renaud Dhal, Sébastien Lay, Pauline Andre, David Dubos, Amélia Perier, Arthur Hadet, Rémi Quintin, Christophe Bonnet, Thomas Heitz, Sabrina De Nadai, Stephane Suvityasiri, Nicolas Reczek, Stephan Tranchant, Andy Lenoir, Michael Clavery, Baptiste Poly, Antoine Lallier, Benoît Haefliger, David Tissot, Jerome Dani, Richard Guillet, Laurent Sabre, Cécile Molveaux, Eric Seyfried, Alexandre Lataste, Jean Regaldo, Isabelle Tondelier, Christophe Laurent, Gaël Revelin, Anthony Derien, Ludovic Edel, Cédric Dodrimont, Jean De Saint-Exupéry, Aurelien Lopez-Simier, Ivan Tonso, Jean-Sébastien Mayen, Thomas Ruynat-Franzini, Sébastien Caserio, Mathieu Pogeant, Gabriel Lambrot, Yvon Rouzic, Sébastien Godard, Matthieu Obach, David Turbillon, Cedric Pion, Jean-Simon Castellani, Loic Jalmin, Adrien Humilière, Augustin Picquendar, Renaud Enjalric, Renaud Lopez, Ludovic Jorsin, Benjamin Peigne, Aurélien Guy, Johann Montignies, Pierre Roques, Adrien Marchal, Xavier Leboeuf, Hervé Gauer, Damien Borensztein, Pierre Zimmer, Romain Durand, Sebastien Buet, Gregory Vautrin, Charles Cribier, François Cornic, Arthur Jacob, Paul Chastroux, Matthieu Prudhomme, Maxime Hourdebaigts, Yannick Dewael, Morgane Warzee, Vincent Gravier, Paul Milhau, François-Etienne Marchand, Thomas Plancon, Jean-Baptiste Hurteaux, Benoit Thomasson, Vincent Naval, Antoine Troullier, Benjamin Doyen, Vincent Kerbarh, Anthony Cloarec, Baptiste Cosson, Laurence Prevot, Frederic Le Meur, Maxime Rotier, Sebastien Pitoiset, Yannick Granger, Sebastien Pedelucq, Julien Bernard, Alexandre Garaud, Lia Badiceanu, Sébastien Durand, Thibaud Lafon, Jean-Pascal Bernard-Herve, Florian Sourdin, Adrien De Rufz, Alexandre Chojnacki, Julien Pellé, Jeremie Ballet-Baz, Gautier Lagabe, Benjamin Neveu, Pierre Sarthou, Noizat Cedric, Julien Zaug, Florent Gabé, Willy Jollivet, Julien Zaug, Marion Troiville, Thomas Messe, Julien Salomon, Jonathan Merceron, Marie Paturel, Loïc Sales, Clément Cheung, Mathieu Lion, Gaël Bourgeois, Anne Leleu, Morgan Pouliquen, Thomas Laydis, Charles Manoury, Baptiste Privé, Julien Courdès, Thibault Bride, Simon Patrice, Alexis Arnould, Frédérick Lopez, Rémi Perrin, Adrien Pajot Wagner, Jonathann Mayette, Benjamin Testelin, Julien Saint-James, Eric Lantz, Nicolas Labey, Vincent Gumy, Jean Davoust, Christophe Blanchard, Pol Le Roux, Alexis Lecanu, Bruno Caillet, Arthur Fages, Marcelin Boudeau, Vincent Nancey, Renaud Samuel, Gabin Mantulet, Emilie Courtois, Etienne Darrieux, Claire Lacoste, Nicolas Brédard, Arnaud Kuntz, Guillaume Lamirand, Pauline Schmidt, Meheza Walla, Dorian Laithier, Maxime Crozon, Antoine Wolff, Vincent Busch, Matthieu Duval, Quentin Baticle, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Quentin Debray, Guillaume Balazuc, Nicolas Cotte, Joakim Ribier, Antoine Brasseur, Vincent Gauchet, Rosa Maria Togni, Alexandre Walle, Adrien Semaille, Johan Freimann, Franck Cloarec, Jérémy Fontaine, Bastien Vallet, Anthony Lattion, Antoine Château, Paul Huguenot-Noël, Romain Rizzarello, Estelle De Pélichy, Nicolas Micoud, Albin Quéré, Steven Coutereel, Marc Olivier Carasso, Sébastien Cardinaux, Jean-Philippe Piau, Boris Faucon, Pascal Goudier, Florian Loubard, Jeremy Gotto, Abbate Antony, Cyril Neau, Erwan Manach, Stephen Henocq, Marion Robreau, Félix Richard, Christophe Ponce, Kévin Gatefin, Christophe Thierry, Sylvain Allegrette, Mr Corentin Davy, Guillaume Trichard, Andy Symonds, Johann Bernast, Gwendal Pencreach, Eric Levresse, Timothee Leddet, Julien Ben Amar, Nicolas Gourdon, Serge Mennecier, Francois Canu, Thomas Guillaumond, Philippe Benier, Rémi Guilloteau, Paul Citti, Nicolas Hennebelle, David Hugonnot, Alban Cabon, Jean Philippe Ajuste, Julien Deberles, Stéphane Villanova, Mathieu Lapeyre, Zacharie Figureau, Nicolas Jones, Guillaume Cressent, Henri Fayolle, Tracy Perez, Olivier Rodriguez, William Benz, Nicolas Le Nocher, Robin Laverdet, Yohan Et Pascale Rolland, Edouard Pichard, Anthony Calvet, Guillaume Combes, Valentin Saint-Maxent, Lloyd Pitiot, Johann Bignon, Jérôme Gaudin, Lucie Jamsin, David Pujol, Mathieu Gery, Yannick Reliaud, Théo Orange, Julien Joyeux, Mickaël Rialland, Eric Nougayréde, Frédéric Barreira, Jeremy Meteyer, Damien Ropars, Pierre Perrot, Alexis Devaud, Clément Dudal, Arthur Hitier, Sébastien Flores, Cheneby Matthieu, Maxime Granier, Laurent Limoni, Yohann Thill, Pierre-Yves Descombes, Romain Porché, Patrick Toutain, Antoine Lambert, Vivien Duchesne, Jean-Marc Djian, Tanguy Fetsch, Olivier Lejeune, Benjamin Gayaud, Laetitia Palatini, Benoit Bordigoni, Martin Bessot, Simon Guillou, Sylvain Lataste, Laurie Puertolas, Cedric Barrau, Ambroise Romnée, Pierre Minary, Camille Chanteloup, Philippe Dessertenne, Qi Xiaocong, Dominique Boiret, Celine Calamand, Steven Henriot, Olivier Borredon, Aissam Boualam, Cyril Bernard, Boris Generat, Guillaume Benard, Izvoren Depuiset, Géraldine Richard, Marc Roumagnac, Jean-Francois Martine, Marion Paquet, Baptiste Leger, Nicolas Blommaert, Jean Fleuret, Boris Thibaulot, François Chaillou, Ludwig Guerin, Valentin Orange, Fabrice Staub, Jerome Destarac, Vincent Martel, Nicolas Blanquet, Morgan Beaujouan, Gaëtan Soleil, Sylvie Leyendecker, Jonathan Tabutin, Simon Rizand-Mure, Alexis Girard, Franck De Giuli, Sophie Migeon, Guillaume Kempf, Jasmin Deschamps, Sébastien Cazuguel, Aurélia Siame, Kevin Nicolas, Antoine Hache, Sébastien Leclercq, Mathieu Vuillermoz, Yazid Ho Ten You, Matthieu Catelain, Arnaud Rondineau, Jérôme Ricol, Marion Le Guyader, Damien Pitiot, Dore Valerie, Valérie Bovay, Antoine Joal, Emilien Reusa, Jacques Vacher, Laëtitia Robert, Isabelle Erb, Stephanie Chutry, Juan Fco Rosello, Quentin Cotonnec, Fabien Begey, Tristan Hamard, Romain Counot, Vincent Daelen, Christophe Filliere, Mathieu Bernard, Marie-José Maigrat, Jean-Luc Cadenel, Fabien Genetier, Damien Pichon, Clara Et Guillaume Chavas, Corentin Michel, Mathieu Cousinie, Romain Lecuyer, Bertrand Mathy, Alexis Guyoton, Clement Patarin, Pierre Le Clainche, Claudine Coste, Arthur Flipo, Sébastien Nachon, Grégoire Actis, Justine Piquard, Emmanuel Duballet, Jérôme Spanogeorges, Célia Fradin, Le Goff, Jean-Philippe Martin, Sebastien Tapia, Albin Ravelli, Guillaume Debove, Benoit Gilquin, Alexandre Humbert, Sonia Ferreira Gomez, Gael Poissonnier, Jacques Chaban, Freddy Gaborieau, Léo Celdran, Cyrille Rougé, Xavier Wittwer, Pierre Niel, Sebastien Fernandes, Thibault Bertrand, Jean Pierre Ricard, Geoffrey Bire, Florian Legrand, Violette De Fleurian, Martin Michaudet, Romain Sempey, Laurent Bourgeois, Kevin Morisseau, Maxime Laget, Fabrice Soulier, Alexandre Biguet Petit Jean, Grégory Guis, Roudier Valerie, Cloarec Damien, Benoît Hoolans, Thomas Leparlier, Sophie Picavet, Emmanuel Lattion, Paul Boussemart, Thomas Coeugnet, Pierre-Yves Stopin, Bertrand Deleuze, Julien Aussel, David Uztopal 31, Alexandre Galiana, Antoine Relave, Fabien Coste, Thibault Liebenguth, Guillaume Roux, Joris Cabel, Guillaume Bernard, François Devaux, Matthieu Mailhot, Bertrand Dumont, Christelle Sturtz Froehlicher, Enguerran Giraud, Frédéric Fiandino, Simon Mathieu, Romain Labis, Maxime Batlle, Jeremy Lozach, Xavier Duprez, Julien Vidal, Franck Martel, Charles Passelande, Tristan Leiter, Briac Philippe, Arnaud Alamartine, Romain Bony, Robin Ucelli, Charly Auboin, Erwan Fourrier, Sebastien Yvart, Paul Gardere, Olivier Maria, Frederick Vaillant, Francois Tamburro, Benjamin Livas, Charles Michel, Loïc Villard, Martin Hendrick, Ludovic Dupuis, Antoine Verhoeven, Valentine Ramette, Cédric Mallet, Mathias Sanvoisin, Davy Gouriet, Loic Giacometti, Laurent Dethes, François Pellissier, Xavier Leblond, Laurent Fourquet, Antony Romero, Guillaume Briffault, Thibaut Tranier, Stéphane Chalmeau, Marc Delembre, Ludovic Levarlet, Constantin Hubert, Simon Demarest, Tristan Cariou, Simon Girard, Amaury Arnaud, Elia Collignon, Yannick Garbin, Jeremy Binet, Richard Gagneur, Nathalie Rosolek, Marine Olivier, Benjamin Bizeray, Marion Lac, Laurent Bazet, Peter Marck, Florian Rossband, Deliau Bastien, Olivier Coudert, Vincent Morin, Dany Robinet, Erwan Péton, Alexis Vernerey, Vivien Mennesson, Laurent Canon, Valerie Godfrind, Marc Langlois, Cécile Bennejean, Francois Ledoux, Marine Saccoman, Régis Debare, Delphine Maillard, Manon "petit Poulet" Denis, Nicolas Ricard, Jordane Boissard, Jérôme Cottard, Mr Frederic Chaney, Laurent Cambefort, Nicolas Buck, Adrien Dautheville, Baptiste Minart, Florence Santrot, Guillaume Ring, Matthieu Bienfait, Samuel Mehenni, Nicolas Gruda, Céline Maillard, Alexandre Assemat, Julien Maire, Gaëlle Leveque, Jean-Michel Laquerbe, Aymeric Destrebecq, Stéphane Chislard, Matthias Noguera, Jonathan Dupré, Christelle Aron, Gaetan Chasline, Julien Schille, Pascal Daviot, Jérémy Defosse, Marie Line Rapin, Lionel Bouvier, Pascal Ndiaye, Jérémy Mateos, Thibaut Cantié, Antoine Barroca, Sébastien Bégel, Ousmane Camara, Ludovic Terrier, Edouard Leculier, Romuald Senechal, Neal Garry, Myriam Muris, Léo Salles, Florent Odier, Mordelet Élodie, Thibaut Flament, Benedicte Durey, Jean-Marc Sauloup, Emiline Thouret, Tristan Eder, Daniel Godefroid, San Angelo Demelas, Charles-Antoine Dupuy, Bleschet Sebastien, Mickael Leroy, Nicolas Fontaine, Adrian Ciaurriz, Jimmy Trouillard, Nicolas Conquer, Félix Lelievre, Jean-François Rozat, Lauriane Laville, Kevin Vermeulen, Jean-Pierre Caridi, Jean-Baptiste Prichystal, Benoit Savajols, Aurélien Rosier, Eric Bonilla, Julien Berna, Jordan Hibon, Thomas Metzinger, Laurent Schram, Romain Soubde, Nicolas Clerc'h, Julien Maussion, Karl Rivoal, Kévin Hierry, Sébastien Perracchia, Alban Thollot, Edouard Pichard, Christopher Doré, Pascal Mouquet, Thierry Bernabe, Florian Benedetti, Julien Gerroldt, Guillaume Nardin, Clement Brun, Kevin Bouchery, Jean-Luc Vernois, Kevin Menard, Nicolas Duhail, Laurent Soudat, Antoine Juillion, Adrien Tarenne, Steve Cailler, Theo Rousselet, Stéphane Baillargeau, Hervé Theerlynck, Jean-Philippe Ganivet, Thibaud Sader, Mathilde Roux, Dominique Deflorenne, Florentin Le Provost, Thomas Toussaint, Thibaud Langlet, Simon Koehl, David Charrex, Samir Sellali, Jerome Catafort, Bastien Muñoz, Matthieu Flatres, Caroline Robin, Jean-Christophe Parichault, Ewen Henaff, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Alain Kittler, Stéphane Cambefort, Philippe Antiochus, Benoit Latus, Sébastien Languille, Benjamin Cornuel, Pierre Bureau, Elsa Birman, Vincent Chambard, François Navarre, Matthieu Delecourt, Alexandre Borgoltz, Lucas Gruber, Angéline Douchet, Matthieu Senges, Rodolphe Daubourg, Noé Barthes, Christopher Retiere, Antoine Labourier, Gérôme Branquart, Benjamin Cheron, Yves-Marie Hervault, Laure De Cabissole, David Minazio, Alexia Véran, Jacky Francois, Francois-Xavier Olivier, Thomas Fargeot, Frédéric Rolland, Elodie Gonon, Gaëlle Graciet, Arnaud Gueguen, Maximilien Pichelin, Florian Cavailles, Yohann Ouiste, Andoni Anetas, Benjamin Delattre, Julien Maisonnet, Floris-Lehmann Beatrice, Philippe Monteil, Alan Le Guen, Antoine Besqueut, Liane Aubert, Claude Hacen, Sandra Girardot, Xavier Thevenard, Anthony Launay, Christian Senen, Thomas Pernel, Quentin Debarre, Stéphane Binetruy, Cyril Clavier, Yvon Pitaval, Thierry Galindo, Rémi Jean, Maxime Baudry, Alexis Vaudelin, Antoine Plateau, Octave Poirot-Delpech, Franck Catin, Joel Bracco, Yann Seguinel, Sébastien Leroy, Frederic Cochennec, Francois Baly, Benjamin Touzé, Guillaume Blandin, Christine Lacouture, Quentin Bovay, Rene Pourtier, Alex Tarnier, Simon Devoldere, Kévin Bégasse, Maximilien Wecxsteen, Sacha Abecassis, Daniel Valentin, Arnaud Galinier, Marcellin Prudham, Benjamin Cuinet, Frank Wolff, Benjamin Bera, Yvan Diener, Arnaud Thomas, Christopher Colpo, Sébastien Le Mignot, Matthieu Guennegues, Timothee Vandel, Perrine Levenq, Seb Molinier, Sebastien Mieze, Antoine Dhaynaut, Pierre Schmidt, Stéphane Pasquier, Xavier Martin, Willy Deprez, Simon Gourc, Cyril Mallard, Loïc Andre, Remi Lacroix, Benoit Gandelot, Thomas Plagnard, Etienne Gleizes, Romain Leblanc, Alexis Louvel, Laure Gauthier, Stephane Charnay, Blandine Leperlier-Morel, Thomas Thiébaud, Jean-Marie Belz, Kevin Bouvier, Scott Simonin, Thibault Gregoire, Mathieu Dubois, Alban Grandjean, Kevin Coadou, Raphaël Sanguiniti, Pierre-Arnaud Bourguenolle, Jonathan Moncany, Cedric De Kuyper, Mathias Serrut, Laurie Phai, Nicolas Dauvilaire, Damien Imparato, Yoann Ghiandai, Alexandre Chasteloux, Thomas Zimmermann, Remi Jallon, Lionel Bonzoumet, Sébastien Racine, Rafael Di Geronimo, Jerome Joly, François Clapuyt, Maxime Villoria, Florian Maubru, Mathieu Reizer, Ludovic Bodin, Amaury D'oleon, Michaël Salerno, Aubin Perret, Dominique Chaput, Alban Declerck, Guillaume Bissey, Lionel Coulaud, Florian Weisser, Lucas Delas, Marie Bocquet, Benoît Beaubier, Benoit Boistard, Sophie Loup, Lucie Gras, Noé Vidonne, Antoine Dragon, Franck Vaudry, Rémi Wolf, Geoffroy Degrange, Guillaume Baert, Xavier Lottin, Hugo Babel, Damien Crémilleux, Simon Mahé, Thomas Haumonté, Estelle Feschet, Jean-René Molina, Téo Lindecker, Gregory Richen, Cédric Bavoux, Julien Roquet, Maria Semerjian, Christophe Sanchez, Pierre Gauly, Petitjean Gwenaël, Antoine Charbonnier, Stephen Bastard, Johan Veyrat, Maxime Fogel, Christophe Hamm, Sylvain Reculeau, Loïc Meynier, Anthony Gonzalez, Damien Collin, Ludovic Waldenaire, Benoit Olivier, Ronan Pierre, Yannick Boron, Guillaume Velot, Pascal Cotret, Laurent Auguste, Siméon Batlogg, Maëva Prigent, Jerome Englebert, Kevin Monpeyssen, Frederic Coudret, Alexis Alibert, Thibault Jochmans, Pierre-Adrien Morinaux, Quentin Law Koune, Laurent Muscarnera, Virginie Quesnay, Frédéric Bougeot, Vicedo Max, Jean-Loup Vassaux, Mael Rocaboy, Frédéric Blondel, Christophe Arcin, Romain Mandard, Romain Valette, Nadège Renaux, Julien Fistahl, Roberto Skory, François Feys, Damien Dollo, Xavier Morin, Sylvain Lamy, Pierre Soulabaille, Guillaume Rigaud, Fabrice Robelet, Nicolas Chiabaut, Romain Galvaire, Ludovic Dubois, Xavier Preisemann, Julien Herbert, Christophe Teriitehau, Yoann Mariotte, Thomas Amory, Amandine Christmann, Arnaud Grisey, Laurent Ducasse, Jean Marc Bottin, Agathe Arnaud, Nicolas Dublanchet, Vincent Laffay, Julien Collet, Antoine Boyer, Lionel Miconi, Silvia Alves Macedo, Alexandre Maier, Yann Treguer, Antoine Callaud, Grégory Bertrand, Simon Turc, Antho Leroux, Pierre Jacqueau, Flavien Deschaux, Doriann Frot, Romain Gresset, Laurent Quinquis, Alexandre Prunelet, Benoît Fousse, Jean-Régis Roux, Geoffrey Colson, Christophe Mazaud, Brice Timmerman, Mathieu Dubois, Pauline Vuillemin, Jean-Michel Thery, Max Sanfilippo, Maxime Thibault, Stéphane Roux, Nicolas Bouron, Sébastien Spehler, Jérémy Appell, Benoit Sautreuil, Ysé Bertin, Marc Etienne, Kevin Kervizic, Marie-Aline Putz-Perrier, Matthieu Byrdziak, Pierre Fromaget, Thomas Castagnet, Médéric Gosselin, Maxime Poligné, Jonathan Livin, Etienne Jacques, Alexandre Laugerotte, Fabien Boesso, Philippe Jungo, Louis Voisin, Nicolas Evrard, Emilien Gorisse, Benoît Leroy, Romain Mounetou, Helene Corriou, Aurélien Perol, Pierre-Yves Calmettes, Emeric Claveau, Gery Anne, Pierre-Olivier Besson, Yann Le Saux, Valentin Douvier, François Doutreligne, Eva Joly, Romain Orio, Jules Troncy, Benjamin Marcel, Vincent Picard, Jérôme Buzin, Camille Chanel, Matthieu Girard, Baptiste Greiveldinger-Hanus, Sébastien Lacoste, Clément Bernard, Florence Coste, Matthieu Denais, Yves Bayon, Jean-François Roulaud, Remi Allegre, Xavier Billet, Fabien Blas, Charlyne Buquet, Thibault Jarry, Julien Hannier, Pascal Lemonnier, Christophe Beauseigneur, Francois Monge, Mathieu Pelin, Brice Guiot, Paul Marie-Anne, Pierre Pena, Nicolas Agassis, Nicolas Darmaillacq, Kilian Jornet Burgada, Xavier Jacquel, Renaud Perrin, Stéphane Launay, Adrien Vocanson, Arnaud Delahaye, Mickaël Valet, Thibaut Gazet, Julian Jonfal, Grégory Macquart, Joel Desgreniers, Pierre-Yves Le Roux, Maël Desdoits, François Dain-Mabru, Mathieu Bouton, Hugo Marchesin, Olivier Souvelain, Paul Zunino, Leonard Papilloud, Sébastien Habé, Benoît Pouplin, Stephane Brogniart, Mélanie Hall, Antoine Desrosiers, Jean-Baptiste Mullié, Grégory Douriez, Benoit Thouary, Sylvain Ferreira, Félicie Lefevre-Michelson, Cérile Faucheux, Thomas Roger, Fab Standupbiker, Olivier Comau, Elric Aublant, Guillaume Dupré La Tour, Guillaume Ring, Thomas Zeggane, Séverine Bouveret, Cyrille Videbien, Yannick Glenat, Loris Pettini, Thibaud Moussion, Jerome Gibault, Laurence D'incau, Olivier Vuillermoz, Boris Frappier, Eric Besson, Jerome Paris, Antoine Couturier, Julian Blusseau, Vincent Pascal, Julian Gillet, Fabien Marty, Sylvain Chevillard, Mathieu Zimmer, Olivier Rische, Julien Gasné, Catherine Cohidon, Laurent Bassinet, Eric Jeanson, Anthony Chaigneau, Yves Et Jean Blancheteau, Louis Delebecq, Laurent Bouvier, Nicolas Jouenne, Francis Patin, Nicolas Blacque, Flora Corre, Maxime Brodard, Vincent Mira, Gaetan Blanchard, Jerome Durivault, Arthur Dufay, Regis Cabaret, Gedeon Pochat, Ingrid Farge, Mathieu Dussart, Erwan Herveic, Ludovic Thirvaudey, Pierre Burnet, Elise Capredon, Fabien Candy, Quentin Antoine, Charles Tassin, Matthieu Pelletier, Sebastien De Rossi, Franck Ladet, Julie Bastien, Solene Gatin, Antoine Marois, Guillot Jean-Christophe, Simon Defour, Boris De Lambert, Régis Adam, José Lagarellos, Yannick Barnich, Sylvain Equel, Stéphane Brunel, Jerome Franquine, Anthony Pogeant, Aurélie Le Fur, Hervé Cattacin, Josef Potoski, Paul Clement, Julien Beringuer, Romain Kirchacker, Arnold Aragou, Thibaut Vaissiere, Ludovic Lechot, Christophe Raffel, Golwen Kauffmann, Marc Dando, Charlotte Gourdin, Merick Swertvaegher, Anne-Lise Coutrot, Matthias Mouchart, Lorenzo Gaborini, Alexandre Parietti, Julien Triponney, Camille Belsoeur, Maxime Allain, Damien Cochet, Jacques Berlie, Antoine Tavernier, Simon Rivoire, Estelle Girard, Vincent Collette, Fanny Barbara, Valentin Borremans, Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal, Matthieu Melon, Marion Hochet, Hugo Schroeder, Antony Franzese, Aurélien Vellut, Guy Ravet, Nicolas Eyme, Claire Ruffat, Quentin Daragon, Christian Leroy, Nicolas Maillard, Quentin Bauden, Stefane Demarchis, Ivan Fouillé, Anna Cristiana Minoli, Nicolas Dumay, Eric Grelier, Guillaume Clavel, Guillaume Ghelmi, Benjamin Baud, Franck Gellenoncourt, Huy Viet Nguyen, Jean-Marc Nicolas, Anthony Marthinet, Quentin Wu, Fred Hamon, Apostolos Teknetzis, Corentin Salle, Marion Barbarit, Alexandre Dally, Christophe Nonorgue, Renaud Berquet, Fabien Cooke, Antoine Garrigue, Antoine Brissiet, Timothée Pierre, Clément Varichon, Aline Humbert, Jolan Siguenza, Arnaud Stas De Richelle, Guillaume Le Bellego, Arthur Camu, Valentin Benard, Yoan Bapst, Guillaume Chevalier, Antoine Verkest, Florian Castelain, Mathieu Selwa, Nicolas Marini, Thomas Badji, Nicolas Delporte, Matthieu Vesque, Julien Vincent, Presciani Damiano, Julien Iorio, Claire Manchon, Benjamin Lescroart, Davide Duina, Yves Boutherand, Julien Chassagne, Pascal Rudel, Julien Leblois, Corentin De Vleeschouwer, Bastien Pothier, Simon Barlet, Maxime Morin, Nathan Vitu, Roussel Léon, Jerome Pineau, Eric Cosson, Romain Bonnaire, Yann Slostowski, Nicolas Pentcheff, Guillaume Bei, Guillaume Folscheid, Régine Collart, Kilian Lecacheur, Arnaud Koncina, Nicolas Gantois, Tom Chabillon, Matthieu Loetscher, Thibaut Verlyck, Nicolas Chéret, Remy Bauve, Mike Guillot, Kévin Théraulaz, Fabien Masmondet, Anthony Chartran, Herve Cheilan, Sébastien Primault, Jérémy Kerouanton, Simon Perret, Guillaume Poublan-Couste, Tanguy Jandet, Kérim Berclaz, Nicolas Holman, Bruno Eigenschenck, Julien Mucchielli/ Kowalski, Rémy Vanlerberghe, Aubin Calamaro, Léa Guiraud, Claire Bourgain, Jean-Philippe Louis, Cedric Le Mouel, Karen Merlin, Emmanuel Larose, Matthieu Forichon, Alexandre Balageas, Mario Toussaint, Gabin Malaval, Geoffrey Camus, Bastien Cogoni, Nathalie Seroux, Nicolas Imbert, Albane Dupont Bardinet, Maxime Tartre, Germain Lacote, Clément Raymondaud, Claire Christiaens, Matthieu Giraud, Sébastien Collombier, Martin Sobczak, Yannick Melet, Lamiral Raphael, Guillaume Baralon, Jean-Benoit Pecastaing, Victor Perrin, Fx Lecompte, Grégoire Fatton, Alexandre Boucheix, Ernesto Marini, Alex Fauverge, Sébastien Sauvageot, Gilles Frezier, Pierre Hauglustaine, Yoann Fremont, Nicolas Boeyaert, Romain Vaslin, Sylvain Abruzzo, Benoit Bessiere, Thibaut Maclet, Jean-Charles Vauthier, Marin Chaumet, Julien De Caso, Amaury Guilbert, Yvan Arnaud, Antoine Coquard, Jérémie Gachelin, Louison Hardy, Erwann Moreau, Pierre Pinout, Thibault Tchilinguirian, Julien Witkowski, Jacques Moretti, Matthieu Payer, Quentin Lenoir, Gabrielle Saint-Alme, Romain Le Pemp, Thibault Benoit, Guillaume Mouricou, Nicolas Quille, Anthony Gautier, Boris Ploujoux, Pierre-Yves Marteau, Thierry Husson, Johan D'houtaud, Anthony Pottier, Adrien Marlault, Baptiste Rivory, Arnaud Pornel, Margaux Segrais, Marc-André Savard, Loïc Chan-You, Julien Damesin, Anaelle Brodard, Bastien Cortais, Aubin Gergaud, Victorhadrien Faux, Melanie Guignot, Valentin Giraud, Gérald Georg, Simon Chouquet, Thomas Thewissen, Jean-Marc Meunier, Gautier Bejuit, Alain Chastaignet, Mathieu Suzanne, Guillaume Hacques, Quentin Dousse, Emmanuel Pettini, David Drugeault, Nicolas Schlappi, Tom Porteneuve, Robin Frechin, Alexis Chapolard, Vincent Segura, Maxime Beffy, Guillaume Szevo, Flavien Besnard, Pierre-Yves Henry, Nicolas Lorin, Adrien Sinbrin-Durand, Thibaut De Roussane, Javier Gonzalez, Nicolas Faure, Julien Guimbert, Matthieu Velay, Frederic Duflos, Pascal Moulis, Clara Leyendecker, François Destombes, Bruno Turbé, Geoffrey Dequidt, Frédéric Delval, Romain Delabrosse, Oscar Rignell, Philippe Sablayrolles, Emilie Clément, Jean-Baptiste Lamaud, Eric Marteau, Sébastien Valette, Nicolas Robles, Francois Cusin, Nicolas Hoffschir, Benjamin Verrier, Charles Timmermans, Martin Careje, Louis Le Cour Grandmaison, Julien Chevalon, Gael Ouizman, Aline Tsatsas, Fabien Pinel, William Lefebvre, Emily Norris, Nicolas Fradin, Mathieu Schaal, Jean François Munoz, Claire Georges, Florianne Merle, Maxime Dubouloz, Stephane Charnet, Gaspard De Salins, Delphine Ottinger, Julien Jallamion, Antoine Buffet, Damien Chabannes, Léo Dubois, Lise Dauban, Xavier Francois Andre Schillinger, Victor Barret, Nicolas Cerisier, Wylfried Madonia, Pierre Locuty, Thibaud Vincent, Benjamin Gondry, Olivier Schiphorst, Sebastien Papin, Louis Vailland, Patrick Falque, Thais Pibouleau, Ronald Dutrieux, Julien Raison, Julien Giacobino, Victor Chabaud, Philippe Gabriel, Anatole Martin, Julien Saglier, Ewen Roth, Ange-Dominique Bonelli, Cécile Parent, Victor Da Silva, Olivier Dinhut, Delphine Bourdel, Julien Crea, Jean Baptiste Lefoulon, Alice Spagnesi, Jeffrey Fleury, Hugo Stephan, Vincent Cabanel, Marc Thiémard, Michel Lanne, Nicolas Guérard, Thomas Delamarre, Emeline Reignier, Eric Chardenal, Benoît Falquet, Laurent Bergeret, Jordan Bessiere, Antoine Rogez, Daniel Welter, Didier Esposito, Alexia Thouement, Marien Chardonnel, Flavien Bay, Pierre Lasnier, Franck Tartarin, Joseph Lovati, Patrick Bohard, Gary Martin, Cyprien Levallois, Xavier Goossens, Yannick Chapuis, Nathanael Hittinger, Julien Deschler, Benjamin Tremey, Benjamin Jebrak, Nicolas Touzar, Pierre Rolland, Yohann Rochefeuille, Cecile Bertin, Hugues Tabot, Cedric Vernet, Philippe Cheron, Pierrick Fonseca, Quentin Daunay, Melchior De Varax, Thibaud Cahez, Quentin Perret, David Dittrich, Kristina Kincelova, Olivier Apollis, Anaïs Schwebel, Didier Chaubet, Loïc Gerber, Clément Ros, Quentin Guilhot, Théo Esposito, Mike Aigroz, Etienne Daniel, Teddy Bouchaud, Maxime Drouet, Christophe Bonnevault, Bastien Trilles, Raphaël Mateos, Camilla Antonsen, Guillaume Line, Thierry Didoli, Pierre Chaffardon, Rémi Hermant, Vincent Romand, Paul Lenoir, Yan R Jousson, Claire Baron, Mickael Planche, Maxence Becourt, Jean-Michel Colombet, Laura Mayniel, Pierre Padrixe, Ronan Delanoe, Olivier Moutin, Owen Lissillour, Pierre Verrien, Adrien Trouillet, Jerome Durivault, Stecy Herrera, Pierre-Alexandre Delayre, Nicolas Mauclert, Laurent Demelenne, Xavier Allanic, Kevin Bessat, Victor Darchis, Gwenael Le Guernic, Joel Degat, Alain Speckbacher, Geraldine Magnan, Mathieu Gueroult, Mickael Vosgien, Jérome Defer, Hugues Ameline, Florian Germond, Audrey Borowski, Matthieu Henry, Pierre Druart, Michaël Sarrato, Franclet Marianne, Emile Guéant, Quentin Desreux, Fauchard Julien, Yann Bougenaux, Ronan Merot, Dorine Buessler, Corentin Lahaie, Adrien Perrin, Arnaud Ravat, Pascal Vergneault, Lucas Toulier Ancian, Nicolas Di Pilla, Xavier Desseauve, David Wipff, Samuel Leduc, Clément Giraudeau, Christian Bouteille, Benjamin Noël, Loïc Mousselet, Sakura Nussbaum, Stan Morel, Olivier Defechereux, Jeanne Chroscik, Clement Vigier, Pierre Gallat, Laurent Fougère, Florian Risi, Michel Arnaud, Jeremy Lage, Pierre-Gil Terras, Arthur Ferragne, Alexander Sass, Pascal Aymar, Flavio Hoarau, David Preti, John Deckers, Jonathan Mertens, Quentin Duhamel, Tristan Breuillé, Davy Juchet, Fabrizio Lavuri, Sindo Aldana, Ugo Ferrari, Samuel Coulin, Florentin Jarru, Julien Metivier, Yann Despicht, Chrystelle Verriest, Sandrine Meichel, Thomas Roze, Valery Zucchiatti, Guillaume Bernard, Pierre Walter, Yves Heloury, François Arrighi De Casanova, Bastien Peron, Thomas Pelletier, Cédric Pons Polo, Pierre-Hugo Romain, Gabriel Guibert, Didier Cador, Jacques Ricoux, Charles Delienne, Sébastien Cloux, Barthélémy Giraud, Pierre-Yves Brossard, Patrick Douin, David Calero Rodriguez, Francois-Henri Druot, Guilhem Millet, Nicolas Goffe, Yann Recoquillon, Aurélien Gautier, Benjamin Postaire, Denis Mazé, Damien Moron, Felix Mozet, Béryl Cote-Rey, Yves De Launay, Pierre Burlaud, Nicolas Puentes, Guillaume Routin, Vincent Bouad, Benjamin Metz Michel, Jerome Bazzanella, Jeremy Desdouets, Morgan Fraval, Nathan Levray, Maxime Leurent, Frederic Dhermy, Fabrice Vasa, Fanny Bernard, Cedric Hanquez, François Thiollet, Alexis Strievi, Frédéric Bernard, Paul Charbit, Frédéric Moulis, Benjamin David, Christophe Smol, Antoine Cenci, Arthur Thevenot, Tramoy Jonathan, Florian Kunckler, Louis Dulin, Julien Mottet, Clavien Borlat, Benoit Gaillard, Maxime Trichot, Mathieu Tesson, Emmanuel Arbellay, Romain Chabot, Arnaud Sauvaget, Nicolas Abbal, Matthieu Simon, Camille Leloup, Damien Cardenoso, Alexandre Degenne, Pauline Thetaz, Vincent Duquesne, Aurélien Fiers, Anthony Lanuque, Marcelline Junod, Christian David, Hadrien Dulau, Mickaël Thierry, Laurent Delobel, Nicolas Heu, Damien Gressler, Laurent Burgbacher, Mireille Masson, Jerome Sigrist, Jonathan Da Costa, Guillaume Arthus, Thomas Crémilleux, Fabrice Huré, Claire Louyot, Kelig Houzé, Caulet David, Anaïs Renaux, Chaumeau Sylvain, Thomas Vericel, Stéphane Van Loo, Bernard Labesse, Lionel Porte, Julien Poskin, Simon Giraudy, Patrick Bersch, Nicolas Pastorino, Thomas Leparmentier, Thoma Leparmentier, Nicolas Beaumatin, François Arnaud, Remi Anche, Baptiste Couzon, Etienne Loisel, Ludovic Bozon, Alexandre Mare, Mickaël Mysoet, Thomas Cantin, Sylvain Bresillion, Justin Bidault, Mathieu Jegou, Yann Bannwart, Johann Petric, Francois Colinet, Thomas Desprez, Bonnaffous Fabien, Charles-Antoine Dhulst, Julien Gonze, Hippolyte Girodon, Elodie Tercier, Félix Defrance, Husson Romain, Erwan Besnier, Paul-Emmanuel Souteyrand, Françoise Faure, Maxime Curien, Luc Verrier, Audric Bugnard, Renaud Jeantot, Julien Brengel, Ben Violot, Laetitia Blanc, Bertrand Gauduchon, Gautier Daras, Gildas Desevedavy, Philippe Bertreix, Germain Simon, Paul Swiergiel, Cyril Aumar, Antonin Juillard, Louis Rachou, Mélanie Stutz, Lucas Marchand, Alex Rosenbaum, Tatiana Neuenschwander, Julien Chambat, Aurélien Vinet, Maxime Le Bouder, Antoine Volatron, Marc Lecoin, Arnaud Petiot-Rouzet, Olivier Prelle, Arthur Jury, Jonathan Mathieu, Eric Peuvot, Romain Lallement, Dorian Tabeau, Roan Vallat, Clément Fabre, Frederic Stoven, Mickael Felix, Damien Selle, Vincent Dupin, Sébastien Negrello, Nathalie Gautheron Cerroti, Robin Gremmel, Louis Marle, Florentin Body, Nathan Lissoir, Romain Campourcy, Ambroise Foubert, Xavier Barral, François Billy, Lucie Phalip, Baptiste Bureau, Benjamin Bonnet, Benjamin Fuvelle, Matthieu Fouquet, Marion Delage, Julien Bahlau, Elio Zanoni, Alexis Dautcourt, Thomas Linder, Guillaume Kirch, Guillaume Dunand, Jan Martinkovic, Anthony Boujot, Jordan Marchioro, Florian Charles, Thomas Crenier, Titouan Delepaux, Anne Corriol, Florian Gilson, Brieuc Simon, Olivier Des Rieux, Thibaut Bandini, Julien Francq, Elodie Bernard, David Simonet, Eric Lannuzel, Matichou Bondurand, Marie-Anne Hely, Rodolphe Cazenave, Harold Chatelus, Thierry Chenavard, Florian Bissay, Benoit Pavée, Gautier Airiau, Thomas Garcia, Clément Quaireau, Julien Schaendel, Laurent Sitbon, Raphaël Campion, Jules-Henri Gabioud, Sébastien Baillieul, Elise Vantyghem, Xavier Mikalef, Axel Prin, Aloïs Dupuy, Simon Rocher, Max Romain, Olivier Angonin, Baptiste Lepauvre, Camille Defer, Julien Martinez, Caroline Schroeder, Jeremy Lejoly, Léo Gilliard, Ludovic Gay, Lionel Guillaume, Guillaume Gruot, Florian Dubourg, Jean-Baptiste Cazes, Romain Girardin, Olivier Lebleu, David Tavernier, Anthony Jean, Julien Bourmaud-Danto, Florent Gosselin, Benjamin Asselbourg, Mathieu Moser, Bob Brunot, Etienne Chavignon, Nicolas Jeanjean, Dimitri Grudet, Ophélie Néhémie, Fabrice Prokopczyk, Corto Sitz, Olivier Lodomez, Aurélie Scheer, Romain Piasenta, Laurence Jouanno, Aurelien Blanchard, Gael Reynaud, Alexis Duez, Thomas Lepilleur, Laetitia Vicart, Cristelle Robert, Romain Taupin, Cyril Desanlis, Julien Chorier, Sébastien Lejeune, Katia Demont, Aurélien Collange, Vianney Poiron, Stephanie Mercier, Thierry Davesne, Remi Arragon, Thomas Salmon, Julien Gaille, Vincent Jeanmichel, Sébastien Anger, Romain Ancel, Arnaud Paillard, Lionel Cachot, Cécile Clavier, Grégory Morel-Tivan, Baptiste Francois, Aude Et Timothée Lécroart, Manuel Pierre, Benjamin Martin, Gregory Taillard, Vincent Bauffe, Léo Pargemin, Marie Sammons, Frederick Reynaud, David Bagnoud, Francois Richard, Alexis Verdoux, Camille Maugein, Stephane Huon, Ketty Favre, Jean-Baptiste Pluchet, Joel Ormeno, Olivier Houssin, Damien Cormorant, Killian Alexandre, Youssef Ouarhahche, Stéphane Ravinel, Julien Yamba, Mathieu Allain, Clément Dumont Dayot, Augustin Toulemonde, Guillaume Boschini, Julien Delattre, Vincent Richard, Rodolfo Ripado, Julie Haldimann, Vianney Descamps, Victorien Menier, Aurélien Nourry, Mickaël Mussard, Benoit Aufaure, Christophe Anselmo, Cyril Laffitte, David Drouhin, Gilles Toullelan, Fabien Ciges, Pierre Marion, Tommy Vanaise, Pierre Ameglio, Emeric Soulier, Frédéric Guyon, Jean Labedan, Alexandre Coutant, Mathieu Jobard, Thibaut Wissocq, Damien Van De Veire, Valentin Audouard, Alexandre Billaud, Antoine Landrodie, Brice Muller, Marion Joigner, Vincent Navarro, Sébastien Hella, Stefan Rutz, Antoine Denou, Julien Jorro, Frederic Navillon, Marie-Reine Guedat, Emmanuel Firbal, Clerc Xavier, Antoine Van Den Broeck, Malik Limouzin, Martin Beraud, Aurélien Masson, Micke Lefevre, Thierry Ducret, Cédric Muzy, Arthur Beaucamp, Sébastien Thévenet, Camille Prevot, Damien Lotiquet, Jean-Benoit Roubinet, Pierre Van Moerkercke, Benoit Brémont, Guillaume Huyghe, Maxime Bacheley, Yoann Caillot, Tenas Felicien, Guillaume Cretinon, Antoine Doutte, Joffrey Belloy, Ludovic Vairon, Frédéric Bernard, Damien Corbi, Adrien Troesch, Julien Tissot, Yoann Robinot, Jean-Philippe Campmas, Raphael Raynaut, Patrice Maljournal, Perrine Tramoni, Yann Nourry, Edouard Thurotte, Damien Mullier, Sylvie Vitry, Lionel Vitry, Andy Vassard, Pedro Paoloni, Hadrien Jourdan, Nicolas Sfrontato, Kevin Jourdan, Alexandre Batz, Séverine Abis, Romain Andrieux, Thomas Rognier, Franck Scandella, David Landau, Martin Kern, Jonathan Bousset, Christophe Vrankenne, Alexandre Baudu, Marc Legrand, Thomas Morard, Olivier Rigat, Julien Tonnelier, Cyril Desramé, Benjamin Biga, Bastien Deltor, Gaël Verdier, Adrien Michon, Maximilien Lapierriere, Antoine Nicolas, Yoann Garault, Denis Monsegu, Christophe Becker, Mathieu Langlois, Julien Tapiero, Vincent Bourlier, Olivier Abbet, Martin Amiel, Emmanuel Suares, Loïc Duparcq, Julien Chatelain, Médéric Bonnet, Xavier Heuillard, Iris Ancely, Arthur Et Zoé Bourret, Guillaume Verni, Anna Hihn, Martin Boissonnet, Julien Ferlet, Jean-Baptiste Roze, Stéphane Lestienne, Alexandre Doisneau, Alexandre Schindler, Mathieu Esmieu, Antoine Boinay, Dubus Justin, Olivier Delouche, Olivier Delouche, Florian Roullier, Florian Laviron, Emmanuelle Ero, Anthony Goavec, Mathieu Phélix, Benoit Emprin, Nicolas Schoener, Mathieu Crétet, Jérôme Laverrière, Laurent Jeauneau, Joseph Podvin, Dimitri Boucher, Hortillons Project, Guillaume Barberon, Thomas Buet, Edouard Lecomte, Clement Casanave, Florian Guilhot, Gilles Walger, Aurélien Grare, Florian Drouin, Laurent Coussat, Jimmy Panozzo, Ségolène Sallantin, Wilfrid Garcia, Pierre Antoine Charbonnel, Cyril Mornay, Laurentx Pebet, Tom Spach, Damien Mérigot, Yann Ilhardoy, Mathieu Guers, Jacques Payet, Arthur Gatineau, Thomas Romeo, Morgan Henry, Rémi Polese, Kevin Cogne, Antoine Lagasse, Rémi Rupin, Christophe Daniel, Gabriel Gaultier, Guillaume Blecic, Clément Sezestre, Stéphane Moreau, Théo Meunier, Sabrina Bryant, Yann Morello, Michel Le Mercier, Sylvain Giraud, Philippe Poncin, Franklin Candelli, Guillaume Clavé, José Fernandez, Valentine Maury, Philippe Noblet, Julien Lafresiere, Anne Avril, Vincent Charbonnier, Yann Renaud, Julien Bruel, Julien Sommacal, Florent Bonnet, Destieu Clément, Jean Baptiste Mounaix, Gregory Freire, Marc Veschambre, Thierry Belzuz, Patrick Bord, Valentin Farigoule, Jean Fortier, Olivier Legris, Romain Robbe, Sylver Fresia, Paul Iratzoquy, Florian Tissot, Coline Ducos, Thomas Colombero, Tangi Carou, Quentin Laffiché, Lolita Frayssines, Francois Guihard, Cedric Le Coz, Romain Cini, Nicolas Enjalbert, Romain Sidobre, Stéphane Le Ster, Linda Mackay, Benoît Goiset, Thibault Gillet, Leo Geoffroy, Nadine Racat, Arnaud Guéripel, Jeremie Hager, Steeve Deparis, Luc Fresel, Jean-Christophe Play, Florian Pichard, Daniel Eissenmenger, Alexis Deydier, Jeremie Dumont, Francois Courau, Julien Hendrick, Vincent Le Bayon, Lionel Fluck, Baptiste Theveniaut, Johanne Samon Debus, Hervé Villard, Jeremie Marcuccilli, Lucie Arnal, Vincent Roguet, Benoit Dupart, Christopher Lai, François Nguyen, Joël Richard, Alexandre Privé, Raphael Candelier, Guillaume Rames, Maëva Chautard, Damien Magalhaes, Maxime Musial, Johan Decock, Victor Germain, Gwennael Davayat, Nicolas Devroux, Raphael Mesquita, Yannis Merlet, Olivier Morineau, Jérome Lesaint, Bertrand Desmottes, Basile Fagnoni, Olivier Deneux, Ameline Jahier, Arnaud Vandal, Xavier Lhommelet, Benoit Richard, Romain Marty, Paul Scourzic, Philippe Landreau, Sylvain Rigler, Florian Serre, Aurélien Dousseron, Nicolas Thal, Donatile Geisler, Ludovic Keller, Jérôme Ballanger, Alexandre Parolin, Pascal Antonucci, Pascal Serent, Aurélien Laviron, Pierre-François Ferrandi, Quentin Guillier, Marie Grand-Clément, Sylvain Boissonnade, Yoan Darmedru, Valentin Planchard, Mickael Sudre, Arnaud Bonin, Robin Delale, Thibaut Quemener, Vincent Alaux, Mael Lambert, Martin Pagnier, Remi Catteau, Jérôme Gallet, Valentin Kiselak, Régis Guignier, Benoit Vaillant, Philippe Cap, Franz Marsan, Paul Bayens, Paul Nouvellon, Noém Leman, Grégory Bittan, Mr Ou Mme Vegas, Mathieu Paley, Yoann Bonte, Baptiste Hagnere, Francois Erb, Pierre Commeureuc, Quentin Moulet, Chris Bedford, Quentin Dupleix, Vivien Fourès, Thomas Lahille, Jérôme Marmy, Simon Mahut, Margaux Wattel, Thibaut Lamy, Gilles Chibaut, Philippe Masson, Regis Pernet, Lotta Richter, Baptiste Garinet, Yoann Courcier, Thomas Mellinger, Baptiste Laudrin, Etienne Franck, Gilles Dietrich, François Bleykasten, Fabien Parcevaux, Valentin Le Corre, Magloire Ango, Benoit-Paul Astruc, Pierre Royer, Arnaud Mengal, Francois Boulland, Philippe Trauttmann, Nicolas Maurice, Carole Lafontan, Elisabeth Saverot, Cecile Menager, Pierre Rémond, Raphaël Schmitt, Florent Deschepper, Christophe Stals, Paulo Da Costa, Francois Cottet, Yannick Karinas, Antoine Pariaud, Pierre-Alain Amelon, Julia Chardot, Ann Saffre, Edouard Laguillier, Benoît Lebrun, Thomas Gomez De Mercado, Arnaud Fayolle, Guillaume Lion, Olivier Priour, Arnaud Kremeur, Caste-Belkadi Etienne, Frederic Bettini, Sébastien Puyoo, Alain Passieu, Antonio Ammendola, Benjamin Effa, Pierre Plasman, Chris Almond, Jean Allenbach, Katrin Nöchel, Charlotte Petit, Patrick Fonné, Grégoire Nalet, Claude Deladoeuille, Mathieu Jules, Quentin Mugnier, Gaël Clerval, Elsa Schroeder, Kevin Gautho, Lucas Bastoul, Herve Le Cunff, Nicolas Thiry, Malo Richard, Benjamin Benarroch, Ludovic Terrier, Mathieu Jalabert, Émilien Lejeune, Romain Pénot, Chantal Paquet, Albéric De Lambert, Aurélien Fourcade, Pierre Deffradas, Benjamin Melki, Gwenael Tirot, Ophelie Mathieu, Mathieu Ganot, Christophe Corbiaux, Jean-François Coeurjolly, David Mora, Robin Limousin, Emmanuel Honvault, Hubert Richard, Maxime Sauve, Cyril Guillonneau, Julien Maillard, Marvin Simonet, Stéphane Bessières, Kévin Badaire, Nicolas Bocqueho, Lucie Blancal, Julien Merle, Thibault Aubertin, Regis Peron, Lionel Dachaud, Quentin Martin, Jerome Folliet, Christophe Dagneaux, Philippe Riboulin, Loic Lagadec, Uvietta Camille, Romain Bidoli, Michal Pawlak, Mathieu Mamers, Thibaut Bernagou, Thomas Bisel, Gregory Pitart, Fabien Parmantier, Pauline Lovera, Clinique Vétériniare, Kaoutar Bendoumou, Romain Lucas, Mathieu Guntern, Mathieu Tournay, Christian March, Stanislas Bonnet, Philippe Loup, David Lajournade, Cécile Vince, Cedric Viaud, Ludivine Bompard, Julien Dechamps, Nicolas Bertaux, Mathieu Fouquereau, Sébastien Moisy, Jean-Philippe Martin, Patrice Girard, Cédric Lallement, Simon Dely, Pierre Meaux, Arnaud Jalby, Xavier Burdeyron, Bastien Levert, Xavier Pretat, Clément Désille, Thibault Lecointre, Denis-Pierre Merrien, Lebidois Antoine, Olivier Daire, Damien Berruex, Jean Christophe Brange, Nils Förster, Francois Jacquet, Eric Thouvenin, Thomas Fondeur, Anthony Roty, Julien Priol, Emeric Menard, Guillaume Bechet, Julien Picavet, Thierry Planchon, Baptiste Francois, Laurent Spieth, Julien Waeselynck, Nicolas James-Farges, Simon Bouby, Pierre Bichon, Guillaume Pujolar, Frédéric Reboullot, Magalie Rigaut, Franck Sutre, Adrien Maerten, Pierre-Jacques Laurand, Aurélien Souloumiac, Stephane Darbonville, Sebastien Jeans, Jean-Yves Bolzan, Gaël Chalavon, Maroussia Renucci, Marc De La Fouchardière, Gregoire Prum, Mireille Nelson, Valentin Piques, Bastien Guigue, Xavier Meziere, Delphine Pavan, Thierry Libert, Camille Peyrezabes, Romain Rizo, Mika Bonnet, Stephanie Gadroy, Guillaume Fondi De Niort, Benoît Kieffer, Thibault Tessier, Alexandre Choquet-Botella, Stéphanie Jégu, Mathieu Tiche, Adrien Legain, Kevin Denis, Gauthier Raphenne, Vincent Viet, Alain Suzanne, Christophe Michler, Claire Guyot, Charlie Perdrieau, Maxime Pann, Clément Gaboriau, Sébastien Schopfer, Clément Perrod, Jérôme Gingreau, Andrée Raverdy, Thomas Dubourgeois, Marine Favier, Quentin Lanier, Mathieu Olivier, Cyrille Mulsant, Jeremy Munaut, Gautier Delpont, Amandine Vantard, Mathieu Boutoille, Julian Mercier, Jonathan Baron, Roman Lecointre, Jean-Baptiste Feat, Antoine Bécaert, Baptiste Deboaisne, Simon Troadec, Karine Girard, Mickael Gelot, Antoine Dimey, Damien Nancy, Adrien Faivre, Mélanie Querrioux, Clément Le Breton, Lucas Gaillard, Julien Juras, Jerome Billiemaz, Sébastien Gaudinaud, Maxime Paul, François David, Richard Imperial, Veillon Laurent, Sebastien Chaigneau, Samuel Bard, Simon Le Devehat, Pascal Sallan, Paul Houlette, Romain Ausseur, Juliette Alexandre, Damien Rocacher, Jonathan Gonzalez, Philippe Feutry, Vincent Wagner, Sébastien Brameret, Tony Coupé, Aurelien Le Nouaille, Maxime Bodet, Haas Agnès, Bertrand Pons, Jérémie Bernard, Arnaud Bardy, Gregory Arnaud, Guillaume Bridon, Vincent Ottinger, Antoine Prevel, Loïc Sottas, Martin Rioche, François Heurtel, Laurent Daudet, Josselin Pujol, Maxime Pinel, Marc Puech, Ambroise Caroni, Quentin Bailly, Laurence Tange, Thibaut Pontis, Sebastien Kervarec, Anthony Cauchy, Margueret Adrien, Melanie Gobiet, Romain Balagny, Antoine Baisnee, Guillaume Depasse, Anaëlle Hedreul, Clément Andrieux, Thomas Dubois, Jérémie Marin, Jérôme Pons, Marco Perche, Caroline Falco, Pascal Thibout, Timothée Villette, Arnaud Perinet, Jérôme Coudert, Stéphane Meyer, Karine Bourgeon, Julien Guimbert, Julien Guimbert, Clément Dalaine, Pauline Pourteigt, Launier Olivier, Laurent Bodarwé, Romain Guest, Franck Levillain, Hugo Thonney, Fabrice Antoniolli, Vincent Minet, Alban Declerck, David Mabboux, Amandine Guitard, Slaven Depuiset, Dimitri Franzi, Nicolas Gaudin, Nathanaël Rosas, Thomas Lambeau, Laurent Garcia, Romain Chanon, Victor Bernard, Nicolas Berenger, Alexis Magliozzi, Mikael Jourdan, Eric Mervaux, Candice Fertin, Mathieu Pereira, Christian Loos, Stéphanie Vizot, Eduardo Briz, Bruno Muller, Fabien Enon, Jonathan Blaise, Clément Hudry Clergeon, Jean-Paul Herzog, David Bensussan, Benoît Richeux, Guillaume Fabry, Bernard Evreux, Pierre Prosperi, Guillaume Pierret, Estelle Marie Kieffer, Simon Tardif, Stéphane Jaouen, Elise Ralet, Gauthier Saint Olive, Dominique Ferton, Christophe Lepas, Thomas Tual, Jimmy Loirot, Gaëtan Levasseur, Lisa Lantonnat, Pierre-Emmanuel Pouliquen, Jeremy Manteau, Jean Marc Suty, Jean-Baptiste Montiel, Pierre-Henry Coppere, Emma Bellotto Laurencon, Benoit Ferron, Florent Ghirard, Gaëtan Bourgogne, Thibaut Le Car, Marion Paulat, Benoît Gaudy, Theo Astier, Frédéric Dejean, Guillaume Vautier Bicherel, Olivier Palmas, Paul Roumet, Julien Ravinel, Anthony Nakoneczny, Mathieu Suarez, Emmanuel Schuft, Thomas Le Gal, Quentin Lucot, Victor Charlet, Jérôme Brunol, Franck Romain, Celia Deriquehem, Florent De Bellefon, Sebastien Adroit, Laurent Janssen, Alexandre Koch, Cyril Clavelloux, Ismael Moussa, Emmanuel Abadie, Nicolas Ducros, Julien Goncalves, Mickaël Martin, Yannick Le Naour, Marion Arnoux, Michael Euvrard, Hugo Plassot, Laurence Pelay Lardies, Gerard David, Jérôme Rebel, Guillaume Derrips, Quentin Danel, Sandra Sineux, Martin De Lantivy, Alexandre Parpillon, Elouan Michallon, Cédric Barret, Elise Gérardin, Alexis Baudry, William Guillot, Mathilde Panisset, William Girard, Florent Tyvaert, Fabien Mys, Jean-François Zengerle, Alexandre Vix, Benjamin Serpollet, Simon Papot, Guillaume Labarre, Johan Muller, Frederic Gabry, Loïc Kempf, Fabien Hattab, Benoit Gillet, Matthieu Froment, Damien Donjon, Raphaël Juen, Vincent Desmidt, Jeremy Caro, Kévin Marques, Théo Detienne, Vincent Rabec, Alexandre Ganova, Lucas Philippe, David Taupin, Guilhem Collin, Quentin Pécheul, Maxime Bernard, Benjamin Vallet, Florimond Plard, Aurélien Cambon, Jérôme Gay, Richard Reverte, Loïc Furcy, Cédric Garrofé, Yorick Montagnon, Benjamin Bergiers, Arthur Duffour, Marilyne Lopez, Adrien Marcourt, Aude Galtié, Fabien Aeberli, Alexandra Faure, Guillaume Fierling, Simon Pligot, Benoit Mielle, Sylvain Dubreuil, Clément Frau, Pierre Vosgien, Sidney Thomasset, Ludwig Henriques, Edouard Courquin, Stephane Caron, Amélie Mahé, Christian Piffard, Mélodie Buchou, Céline Guillonneau, Julien Poma, Stéphane Sclavo, Laura Wucher, Anthony Maire Lantz, Flo Pinault, Donatien Drouin, Guillaume Levielle, Maxime Doffe, Vincent Laffay, Thierry Marchon, Steve Devillers, Nicolas Douay, Laurent Gavache, Louis Guichardot, Ludo Collet, Anthony Heurtel, Cyril Chamagne, Fabrice Clément, David Houlbert, Benoit Dumontet, Yves Chapeau, Bicelli Raphael, Yoann Lemestre, Frederic Morand, Christine Hoja, Raphaël Baudoin, Adrien Lhermitte, Mathieu Michel, Arnaud Clapet, Maxime Tissières, Benoît Montendre, Brice Dupont, Boris Clouet, Bertrand Cognet, Jean-François Breluzeau, Antoine Lamboy-Martin, Olivier Pistre, Ronan Gueguen, Francois D'haene, Nicolas Delelis, Alexandre Violle, Elsa Thual, Maxime Bonneau, Antoine Perez Martin, Benjamin Rodríguez, Jérémy Palacin, Celine Le Colloter, Chencheng Huang, Clément Violay, Vanessa Soulier, Orsal Damien, Florent Marichez, Romain Derreumaux, Pierre Provansal, Quentin Andrieux, Arnaud Fargearel, Pierre Barbet, Ivan Rulleau, Mathieu Dauphin, Valentin Dessibourg, Stephane Joly Bietiger, William Angleys, Antoine Mougel, Constance Jacob, Marc-Aurèle Taverna, Olivier-Jérémie Bois, Yoann Gondonneau, Florian Sourdin, Luc Bontemps, Fabrice Pellefigue, Paulo Cornec, Lilian Gentis, Regis Debare, Ulysse Lehnert-Vuaillet, Valentin Moulin, Didier Vignon, Rodrigue Mesquita Da Cunha, Yannick Didier, Axel Arnaud, Théo Cizeron, Dolma Gely, Matt Lefort, Paul Roger, Marjorie Jacquin, Jeremy Veron, Yvan Kerever, Victor Leroy, Olivier Le Carre, Noé Perrotin, Cyrielle Mathias, Gautier Bonnecarrère, Josselin Pienne, Olivier Berta, Ludovic Pommeret, Pierre-E. Ory, Sylvain Robert, Ahache Julien, Martin Morel, Erwann Le Guesclou, Marchais 1 B Montee De La Croix Blanche, Vincent Dupont, Adrien Elfassi, Guillaume Prouteau, Ernesto Gutierrez Pacheco, Michèle Aubé, Sylvain Wucher, Ronan Visdeloup, Albin Trevian, Quentin Nauleau, Daniel Thibault, Maxime Verriere, Laurent Wendlinger, Fanny Roy, Aurélien Kruck, Yoann Belloir, Nicolas Fornos, Pierre-Marie Donati, Marc Jahan, Marc Antoine Barthe, Julien Campisi, Adrien Lietsch, Antoine Rimpôt, Romain Adam, Pascal Egli, Pierre Cauchy, Virginie Crepin, Louis-Marie Gimbert, Duplessis Dominique, Madec Querré, Maxime Ortet, Damien Ducos, Julien Cabirol, Mathilde Gresset, Nicolas Delmas, Ronan Le Gall Du Tertre, Vautaret Julien, Quentin Guerrero, Nicolas De Groote, Justin Savourat, Romain Bes De Berc, Matthieu Leroux, Jean-Pierre Giorgi, Mikael Guermeur, Simon Richard, Guillaume Audette, Justin Pacrot, Clémence Gevrey, Romain Zanderigo, Benoît Ponchant, Benoit Chanal, Joris Burnet, Maxime Vergnieres, Guy Landmann, Yves Girard, Gautier Vieillefosse, Benoit Laval, Emmanuel Huet, Pauline Ballereau, Flavien Alfero, Catherine Chapuis, Gaetan Dervaux, Anne Amarenco, Baptiste Volland, Antoine Volland, Sébastien Potrzeba, Clement Boivin, Elian Luc, Loïc Carriere, Caroline Prince, Yann Paris, Sebastien Sion, Olivier Rose, Christophe Merle, Florian Renaud, Hector Cassegrain, Nathalie Pasquier, Mr Aurelien Morel, Thomas Dépret, Antoine Monnot, Ludovic Jaouen, Bruno Lenz, David Chapeau, Bruno Cantieri, Julien Barilleau, Olivier Dauvergne, Anne Wickart, Adam Pardoux, Matthieu Pouzols, Anne-Sophie Billard, Fabrice Monnier, Olivier Huitorel, Quentin Segond, Arnaud Dethorey, Erwan Bourgeois, Anthony Toulze, Sylvain Tamin, Gauthier Demanche, Alban Génicq, Francois-Xavier Gaudas, Mickaël Gouget, Michel Ho, Jean-François Bel, Romain Pagnier, Ismael Karroum, Florian Bourbigot, François Dodeller, Xavier Lahaye, Antoine Baud, Adrian Becker, Basile Ricquier, Elsa Quillery, Julian Luneau, Grégory Chalamet, Louis Pech, Matthieu Dubois, Maxime Bernard, Damien Millon, Guillaume Allantaz, Gregory Gibeau, Laurent Galaup, Yannick Merlen, Camille Geffard, Benjamin Schmitt, Vernoit Jeremie, Félix Tournemine, Frederic Cormier, Jean-Philippe Claret, Thomas Pradelle, Patrick Bourgeois-Hope, Fabien Tcheordukian, Nicolas Grosfilley, Gildas Desevedavy, Manon Whittaker, Anthony Gottiniaux, Rebecca Hadoux, Victor Pommier, Nicolas Guilleman, Solenn Jules, Rémi Martin, Quentin Belaghrouz, Mathieu Lago, François Gérard, Badr Boukenter, Romain Boudet, Arnaud De Guibert, Maxime Le Touarin, Fabien Lambin, Gaëtan Blanchard, Marion Choquet, Genevieve Morin, Gabriel Gobat, Quentin Vendeville, Anaïs Terrettaz, Robin Dayet, Sébastien Picaud, Nicolas Butz, Robert Nicol, Boris Grehal, Clément Belleville, Jean-Marc Noyes, Romain Lemesle, Lorin Valette, Lorin Valette, Jules Pijourlet, Bastien Ganivet, Simon Moreau, Paul Frapart, Chloé Guiot, Guillaume Agniel, Cédric Deline, Yves Petit, Benjamin Pollet-Villard, Arnaud Boutillier, Corentin Dedion, Raphaël Robert, Pascal Barthes, Julien Ravinel, Maxime Corbara, Loic Val, Alain Canevet, Joseph Allard, Robin Grison, Christophe Tabar, Rémi Blondeau, Nathan Coubès, Fabrice Balique, Julien Guinet, Louis Coulot, Nikolay Popgeorgiev, Antoine Regnard, Claudie Geffroy, Jeff Valette, Benoit Rage, Pierre Baude, Stéphane Rabin, Laurent Autret, Lucas Renaudin, Damien Béal, Pedro Ramondenc, Jean-Rémi Aulu, Hugo Quérou, Quentin Oudot, Dominique Arnaud, Goulven Mahé, Hélène Champigny, Paul Marguin, Sébastien Chapuis, Daniel Roche, Treuil Mathieu, Anne-Marie Adobati, Thomas Bourdier, Celine Champion, Amine El Borgi, Francis Vincent, Clément Le Bihan, Thomas Desrez, Gaël Terrien, Benjamin Delaplace, Pascal Cotret, Benjamin Mottet, Jérémy Quentel, Aurelien Chasseriaud, Gregoire Jouvenat, Jerome Couquiaud, Romain George, Yann Olivier, Pierre-Edouard Maris, Pascal Jacquard, Simon Baron, Benoit Rostagni, Michel Remy, Frédéric Laval, Romain Ors, Lionel Reynier, François Prévot, Kevin Steiner, Adrien Rochedy, Charlotte Paulien, Pierre Charpillet, Benjamin Sobanski, Baptiste Dugué, Eric Siber, Florent Giraud, Jean-Philippe Meurice, Gael Masse, Arnaud Boesch, Manuel Lannes, Migayrou Marie Christine, Romain Blanc, Jérémy Beloncle, Maxence Papegaey, Benoit Rybarczyk, Julie Delgado, Eric Montazeau, Julien Reydelet, Jeremy Weynand, Nicolas Hipp, Victor Grandchamp, Damien Troupel, Mathieu Louis, Grégoire Monteil-Tardivel, Seb Poirier, Grégoire Ruyssen, Jean-Luc Jelonek, Yoann Griffon, Thomas Fournaise, Olivier Coudert, Baptiste Moge, Raphaël Fourneron, Gaelle & Fred Quillevere, Anthony Jimenez, Audrey Tauzin, Benoit Leroy, Yann Le Merdy, Guillaume Davin, Antoine Rougieux, Jeremie Graille, Yanis Lecompte, Mathieu Baratas, Rauscher Philippe, Valerie Schumacher, Alain Barnier, Guillaume Scheer, Emmanuel Bidet, Chabaud Remy, Sagnol Carole, Clement Braux, Matthis Granet, Benoît Guerville-Ballé, Corine Casciano, Sylvain Franquenoul, Sylvain Augier, Romain Vondiere, Jean Magnol, Julien Vinson, Pierre-Marie Billon, Guillaume Andre, Vincent Hubert, Pierre Pétillon, Cyril Bouchet, Thomas Fiorese, Antoine Bernard, Olivier Stora, Marie Vivier, Lucie Deslot, Maxime Soriano, Nicolas Roussillon, Stephane Gania, Feigne Robin, Nathan Boirin, Nicolas Daru, Romaric Grogna, Antonin Boiffier, Jeremy Franchemiche, Brunilde Girardet, Léonard Dureuil, Anthony Amoudruz, Simon Janin, Nicole Lagneau, Ulrich Almeida, Greg Pemptroad, Ollivier Corbillon, Théo Sanchez, Johanna Dannreuther, Theophane Breuzin, Coline Debreux, Vincent Ramel, Victor Terrade, Vincent Robert, Axel Bruyas, Stéphane Sangline, Mélodie Richard, Julien Gaudin, Guillaume Ditsch, Vincent Chesneau, Emeline Monier, Jd Delaplagne, Benoit Marion, , , Lionel Planes, Sébastien Lombard, Guillaume Valentin, Marine Pardon, Anne Gerry, Benoit Prato, Cedric Hamonier, Christelle Desgeorges, Quentin Vrillon, Nicolas Boutherin, William Pampulim, Grégory Lacour, Khaled Stiti, Philippe Bellard, Maximilien Lapierriere, Pascal Caillon, Aymeric Rouaud, Jerome Froger, Helene Martin, Jean Christophe Tiani, Sebastien Petzl, Georges Adrien Naudin, Adam Kamkoum, Lucie D’alguerre, Cindie Dechambre, Anne Laure Perrin, Gerald Lorriaux, Valentin Leserf, Francois Gentric, Ludovic Di Nolfo, Hugo Friant, Damien Oswald, Cyrille Mauron, Benoît Le Bras, Stephane Porte-Chapui, Alexandre Daussy, Thomas Asnard, Jean-Baptiste Thonet, Jonathan Monnin, Gregory Dourthe, Thibaud Berdin, Jean-Claude Knopf, Rondel Cecile, Giacomo Casellini, Loic Chabannes, Sylvain Ligozat, Nicolas Hern, Céline Brachet, Mathieu Durieux, Pierre Le Padellec, Antoine Jeanroy, Alexandra Waz, Pierre Druart, Williams Lefebvre, Boris Jordan, Laure-Anne Nyssen, Pierre-Yves Biau, Nicolas Delcroix, Chivet Louis, Charles Kumps, Benoit Faivre, Jean Gael Pujante, Arnaud Colin, Romain Vergeot, Andre De Morais, Jason Auchere, Anthony Jimenez, Jean-Marc Lachat, Arnaud Bruyas, Edouard Landrieux, Yannick Barthe, Frédéric Dufaay, Nicolas Moreau, Jade Rousset, Yann Valiton, Julien Teulé, Dimitri Dupont, Jeremie Bousquet, David Bernier, Delienne Charles, Florent Derenne, Gaëtan Guérin, Tristan Michaud, Frederic Alix, Anaïs Cavaillé, Delphine Sauviat Barreteau, Damien Jubely, Sébastien Girard, Nicolas De Lazzari, Guillaume Chovet, Romain Leterme, Jean-Michel Henry, Cédric André, Leticia Luczinski, Nicolas André, Yann Terrat, Baptiste Tranchant, Anaïs Andos, Jerome Lerondeau, Gaëtan Chicanne, Michel Bonnaud, Bastien Savin, Sylvain Casteran, Corinne Morales, Gillou Pierre, Dominique Jacot, Justine Viry, Nadim Bellallahom, Cyril Cassaigne, David Abry, Benjamin Schneberger, Frédéric Barreau, Nicolas Delmas, Mickaël Tregoat, Francois Nicolas, Martin Delhommais, Laurent Abignoli, Gilles Guillon, Magalie Erard, Pascal Labbe, Ivan Dubessay, Bastien Wolf, Marc Vallee, Rémy Vasseur, Maud Caprice, Cyrille Blin, Grégoire Laumond, Sophie Boutges, Etienne Pillonel, Stephane Slezack, Joël Mur, Margaux Gaubert, Pierre-Alexandre Lourdais, Nicolas Pauzie, Jérémie Colomb, Richard Cadinot, Francois Sudres, Elodie Granjon, Eliot Bondois, Alexandre Gens, Florian Mélon, Emmanuel Robino, Guillaume Abrial, Denis Lapalus, Gilbert Agostinho, Moreau Grégoire, Romain Le Dortz, Elisa Forest, Thomas Robin, Célian Steiner, Hugo Guyader, Clement Noel, Liliane Amaz, Maxime Gauduin, Peggy Suzanne, Thierry Alibert, Jerome Bertet, Benjamin Douillet, Delphine Moenne-Loccoz, Lionel Xerry, Jerome Dambrain, Marion Rivollet, Jeremie Paimbault, David Gillet, Iris Bezard, Pascal Auriel, Priscillia Duhin, Hugo Riviere, Franck Yvonnet, Juliette Belondrade, Nicolas Recoules, Nicolas Brunet, Sylvain Furt, Maxime Chiffoleau, Sylvain Bobillier-Monnot, Jean Christophe Zeeh Petite, Jessica Dumoulin, Eglantine Noirhomme, Philippe Sylvestre, Philippe Thomas, Pierre Cabannes, Aurélien Duzan, Sébastien Ménard, Christelle Plissonnier, Benoît Urben, Florian Pino, Tarek Ziadé, Jean-Christophe Berger, Kevin Bramard, Florian Deuez, Remi Bize, Romain Passe, Nicolas Pendaries, Yannick Carrero, Estelle Saumade, Fabien Combes, Pruvot Margot, Romaric Haddou, Sylvain Gasquet, Mathieu Bazin, Thibaut Lebrun, Marie Viger, Cyril Coquemont, Magalie Geoffroy, Julien Hollier, Caroline Bourda, Stéphane Michel, Cyril Solbach, Baptiste Carpentier Agostini, Julien Couverchel, Emilie Mauras, Stéphanie Marco, Louis Ancel, Bastien Barritaud, Bruno Cruzeau.
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deansdiary · 6 years
Day 11: Castile, my angel with a green thumb.
Hey diary journal,
It’s Dean again. Sorry, it’s been awhile.
A lot has happened since I stopped writing in this thing. Sam, Cas and I found a new bunker, well house actually.
It’s a cottage in the middle of nowhere.
We were on a drive after a vampire hunt in Maryland, when we then took this hidden road thinking it was a hidden short cut some teenagers made to get to the main road faster. Stupidly enough, we kept driving on it even after the dirt trail stopped.
We didn’t pay attention to the woods around us either, Sammy fell asleep and cas was just saying,
“dean, you just hit a pot hole.. dean you hit another one.. dean you did it again... should I drive?”
We drove for about five miles until we found well.. her.
Our new home.
When we had first gotten there we obviously checked the place out. Left, right, down... up.
It looked like just an old abandoned hunters house, that was overtaken by plants.
Cas and sam fell instantly in love with this place.
Ha, I remember Sammy actually smiling again, after years of frowns.
“Dean is this gonna be our new.. home?”
What was I suppose to say, no? I just smiled and patted his shoulder.
Cas gave me this “happy husband” look.
Sooo, I gave in.
All afternoon that day, I painted every trap, we’ve ever known, salted every single window, and holy watered the door handles. The previous hunter only put a devils trap under his front carpet.
This place has got be locked and loaded in order for Winchester’s to stay here.
Once we were all done baracading this place of any supernatural, I helped Sam and Cas fix up the place.
The ole girl didn’t have power but, she did have generators. Lots of them. This previous hunter wasn’t dumb, he had backup.
Sammy and I fixed the plumbing (gross), Cas fixed the fridge after kicking it in a pouting 5 year old temper tantrum.
The rooms were all filled with stuff, but it looked like the hunter who lived here before left in a hurry. Relocation maybe?
They took all of the important memory’s and all of their favorite belongings.
There were frame sunbleached spots on the walls, albums picked through, clothes strewn everywhere; everything crunchy and musty from weather damage.
As sam and I were cleaning up the house we found a picture.
This picture was of mom and dad.
This was moms old hideout bunker. That’s why there were hidden rooms, that’s why the house was hidden. Mom lived here.
She must have run away for a month or so and found this place when she was young, stayed with dad maybe.
Sam and I gutted the whole house.
We peeled rugs, renailed floors, and repainted all week. I mean this was our home now, we had to give it the Winchester touch.
When everything was fixed, Sammy and I had a beer on the deck.
I’ve never seen Sam so happy.
He told me about all his dreams, his plans, Jess. How he always wanted to get a run downhouse and make it theirs. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught him starring at the sunflowers growing in the field behind the house.
Apparently, those were Jess’ favorite.
Sammy slept well that night, no nightmares.
I stayed up the first few nights, just to make sure everything was okay.
Cas poofed off somewhere for a couple days, probably feeding baby ducks baguettes in Paris.
I prayed to him long and hard, I needed my angel back. I went outside and hollared to him, tried calling him, searched every room in the house.
Then, in the very last room, I found him.
He was planting, covered with dirt from head to toe. There were little seed packets scattered across the whole room, and plant pots stacked to the ceiling.
When I picked up one of the plant seed pouches, Cas stopped and turned to me with a plant pot in his hand.
“Do you think Sam will like it Dean?”
He has pots filled with roses, lavenders, peppers, carrots, strawberries, pretty much any plant you could think of.
“I wanted to make sure Sam felt more at home, so.. I got plants, mostly sunflowers. I saw him smile at them today, and well, I haven’t seen him smile in a long time.”
I didn’t even know Cas saw him, but apparently he did.
“Cas, he’ll love it”
The next morning, that’s exactly what Sammy Said,
“Cas, I love it, thanks” and he hugged him.
My boys, my family.
Dean smirked and shut his diary, along with his pen, stuffing it into his inner shirt pocket.
Cas went back to Heaven to help out the angels on a urgent task.
Sam fell asleep reading a Harry Potter book he found underneath his bed.
Dean just sat in the chair for a minute, staring at his hands, thinking.
Next thing he knew, he was in that “plant room” staring at all the empty seedling containers and plant pots.
He grabbed a jug of water from the kitchen, and sat crisscross on the floor planting more seedlings.
The seeds he decided to plant were trees.
He didn’t know which kind, or let alone how to plant them properly, but he did know he was going to make something amazing with it.
He was going to plant a tree for each friend and family member the Winchester’s have lost.
Every damn one.
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bollingbrookshed · 2 years
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Crumple — This is extent of the damage from the fallen tree. I’ll need to do a little tin straightening and renail a few spots, but I’m feeling really lucky this was not worse given the size of that tree! 4-17-22
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con-fr · 6 years
lair review for @qandais! your dragons are beautiful and so impressive- so many low-digits, wow!
renaile is STUNNING!!! i absolutely love her soft, floral colors (especially with that gembond)! the accent is so sparkly and suits her perfectly as well <3 and i like how you layered her silks to create a slightly cooler tone! her bio and lore is really nice and all her art is amazing ;0
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loki is gorgeous and looks super ghostly and spooky :v especially with that witchy accent! i really like how you layered the cloak over the sylvan dress- she looks dark and mysterious yet elegant. the stained looks super good on her as well <3 the end of her lore is chilling, wow!
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thoth caught my eye immediately! she looks so nature-y with her greens but her tert and matching apparel give her such soft, autumny vibes ;0 spines suits her amazingly- so subtle, but what a nice contrast at the same time! and her accent looks gorgeous on her. she looks so peaceful and wise- fitting, considering her lore!
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donjel is such a gorgeous double, wow!! i love how maize circuit contrasts against his darker primary ;0 and the pop of color that his apparel brings in!! that accent is super cool as well <3 and his lore is neat!!
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qenehelo looks so fiery and vibrant!! i LOVE that accent on him- it goes so well with his circuit! his scarf matches perfectly with his colors as well ;0 he looks down-to-earth and autumny but regal and sparkly at the same time! i love him sm <3
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alhamdtechnical · 3 years
Handyman Service for Home Maintenance
Handyman Service for Home Maintenance Handyman Service for Home Maintenance: Owning and caring for a house is a giant responsibility, but the proper repair tools and maintenance tips leave easy living. Smoothly navigate your home’s seasonal upkeep with our home maintenance checklist and expert advice. Like a regular health check-up, a home maintenance schedule is very important for each house’s upkeep. Continuing to test on your exterior, appliances, heating and cooling, plumbing, security, and electrical systems will help prevent breakdowns, save money, and keep your home looking its best.Yearly maintenance plan : Spring:Clean gutters; confirm they’re flowing Inspect the roof for damaged Check to flash, and re-seal pro re Renail any loose siding or trim Check house and garage for any rotting wood, and repair Check porch flooring, and repair pro re Check and replace any bad caulking around windows, doors, siding joints, or anywhere else Scrape loose window glazing, and replace Clean windows and their frames when installing Wash and repair screens at this point. Check caulk or seal between house and drive, and repair pro re nata. Oil garage door Trim trees, bushes, and Wait until spring-flowering shrubs have finished ) Clean flower beds out round the house. Drain off sediment from quandary tank and heating system Add copper sulphate to basement floor drain and downspout drains to manage tree roots in the main sewer.SUMMER :Scrape, prime, and paint any areas on the house or garage that are in need, especially any bare wood. (Note: Observe precautions for reducing exposure to lead-based paint.) If the house or garage doesn’t need paint, wash the exterior off a minimum of Look for visible signs of carpenter ants, termites, or the other destructive Check all flat roofs, and recoat or seal pro re nata, especially Check for mortar that needs repair (including chimney mortar and inside fireplace,) and tuckpoint or repair as required.Check concrete drive, sidewalks, patios, and landings for condition and level; patch cracks, level, and/or replace, as needed. Clean carpets and wax tile and hardwood Add copper sulphate to basement floor drain and downspout drains to regulate tree roots in the main seweFall:Patch and seal driveway (asphalt or concrete), and concrete steps/ Check tuckpointing on all brick areas, then seal masonry with a silicone sealant. Check weatherstripping on all doors and windows, and repair as Check all areas that require to be caulked, and repair pro re nata. Make sure all garage floor or driveway drains are flowing Clear gutters of leaves, check for leaks, and repair as Inspect the roof for loose or missing shingles, and check flashing seals; repair pro re nata. Clean and reseal decks, fences, or other structures manufactured from pressure-treated Oil garage door Prune bushes, trees, and shrubs (except spring-flowering shrubs.)Have furnace checked or tuned up, and alter filter; have the boiler checked every few years (every year if the boiler is quite 20 years old.Have the chimney cleaned (yearly, if wood-burning; every 5 years if only for gas ) Check damper in the fireplace for obstructions, like birds’ Drain off sediment from quandary tank and heating plant Add cupric sulphate to basement floor drain and downspout drains to regulate tree roots in the main WINTERAt beginning of winter, shut off interior valves supplying outdoor water pipes to forestall them from FreezingChange furnace filters Repair any interior wall damage; enhance or repaint pro re nata. Check and re-grout tile altogether bath and kitchen areas, as needed, and apply a silicone Add cupric sulphate to basement floor drain and downspout drains to manage tree roots in the main SewerDevelop a plan for next summer’s home At winter’s end, re-open interior valves Schedule a Home Maintenance InspectionHiring a knowledgeable home inspector to thoroughly inspect your home every 2-3 years can facilitate your find the little problems before they become big ones. an awfully small investment now can save thousands of dollars later in big fixes. For more
information on home maintenance Doing regular, seasonal maintenance on your house is the neatest thing you’ll do to take care of or add value to your home.
Also Visit : https://alhamdtechnical.com/handyman-service-for-home-maintenance/
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bangkokjacknews · 3 years
Six phrases with military origins
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The earliest reference to ‘colours’ as a means of identification can be traced back to the English navy, who adopted the term in 1706 to describe their flags of identity. Since then, we have regularly used expressions containing the term, such as to Nail One’s Colours to the Mast. a We will often hear this said of a person who is resolute in his or her principles or view of events and prepared to make them public knowledge. We might even take it as a declaration of allegiance. Since 1706, battleships around the world have flown their national ensign proudly from both the mainmast and at other points on the vessel. a In times of battle, a flag might be lowered as a sign of surrender, as any ship taking a pounding could lower the main flag and capitulate. But it might not be a captain or senior officer taking that decision. a Any frightened sailor, amid the chaos of battle, could loosen the rope and take his chances as a prisoner of the enemy. Let’s face it: an able seaman would simply be put back to work aboard the conquering ship – a considerably better option to a watery end.a a To prevent this, dedicated and brave sea captains might order the flag rope to be literally ‘nailed’ into the mast, preventing any sign of surrender being made during battle. Since the early 18th century, the term has been used to describe a determined or principled person. Sir Robert Peel used the phrase in the Croker Papers (1844) when he ridiculed a political opponent: ‘I have never heard him (Ashburton) make a speech during the course of which he did not nail, unnail, renail and unnail his colours again.’ a Arnold Bennett when writing The Matador of the Five Towns (1912) included the line: ‘She could not conceive in what ignominy the dreadful affairs would end, but she was the kind of woman that nails her colours to the mast.’ a When you find a person Three Sheets to the Wind they are roaring drunk and capable of very little. There are two suggested origins for this phrase, the first is that a windmill with only three sails (sheets) would rotate badly and wobble like a drunk. But the second is far more likely, especially as, like so many of our favourite phrases, it has a nautical origin.a The sails of a tall ship were controlled by rope (the rigging) and these ropes were called ‘sheets’. Two sheets controlled each sail and the story is that if one of the sheets wasn’t properly handled, then the other three (of the two sails) would be ‘to the wind’ and the boat would veer from side to side without being fully under control, much like a drunk trying to navigate his, or her, way home. More interesting history with Albert Jack A Diehard Supporter is resilient, fierce and will show complete loyalty in any circumstances. The original group of ‘diehards’ were the British 57th Foot Regiment, in the Duke of Wellington’s army, who fought bravely against the French during the Battle of Albuhera. On the 16 May 1811, their commanding officer, Colonel Inglis, had his horse shot dead from beneath him and he himself lay badly injured on the ridge that was a key position for Wellington’s army. At that time, the English were outnumbered by French troops and under heavy attack. But even so, Inglis refused all attempts to carry him to the rear and instead lay shouting encouragement to his men: ‘Die Hard the 57th, Die Hard.’ I am not sure if that sort of motivational speaking would encourage me much, but it worked at the time and the battle was eventually won – albeit with heavy casualties as only one of the twenty-four officers survived, along with one-hundred and sixty-eight out of the original five-hundred and eighty-four infantrymen. From that day onwards, the regiment, which became the ‘West Middlesex Regiment’, were known throughout Wellington’s army as the ‘diehards’. It is not recorded what the French army called the diehards after the event, but we can have fun guessing.
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To be Dressed Up to the Nines means to be wearing our finest suit or evening gown. Some suggestions for the origin of this phrase lead us to tailoring and the belief that it takes nine yards of material to make the perfect three-piece suit. But that seemed a little bit weak to me, so I looked further and found most sources insist it began as ‘dressed up to the eyes’, which has been corrupted over the years. Still not convinced, I decided to work backwards and look for all the possible uses of the word ‘nine’, discovering a little gem in the process. In the precious metals industry, the finest gold and silver are never classified as 100 per cent pure, but as 99.99 per cent; hence the finest metals are known as ‘the nines’ throughout the trade. It is my belief that ‘being dressed up in your nines’ means to be wearing your finest jewellery. Further evidence to support this theory lies in the archive of the Royal Gloucester, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regimental Museum in Salisbury. Queen Victoria’s favourite regiment was the Wiltshire (Duke of Edinburgh’s) 99th Foot. Stationed at Aldershot, they were always chosen to guard the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, consequently becoming known as ‘the Queen’s Pets’. The officers’ dress code included an unusual amount of gold lace on their uniforms; hence they were regarded as being ‘dressed up in their nines’ for royal duty. To Face The Music has two possible origins. The first is that nervous (often terrified) actors and actresses, on an opening night, would have to go out on stage at the start of their performance and quite literally ‘face the music’ (as the orchestra pit sat directly in front of the stage with the musician facing the actors). In this case ‘facing the music’ meant the actor actually went out and performed, rather than losing their nerve and bottling it. The second and less likely origin, suggests that a dishonourable military discharge would always result in the disgraced serviceman being marched off barracks to the sound of drummers playing (drummed out), in which case he too had ‘faced the music’. The phrase Pull Your Finger Out is these days associated with encouraging someone to get a move on, or hurry up and complete a task more quickly than they are presently doing. Loaded cannons would have gunpowder poured into a small ignition hole, which was then held in place with a wooden plug. But in times of battle, when speed was of the essence, the powder would be pushed in and then held in place by a gun crew-member using his finger. Impatient artillerymen, anxious to fire their cannons at the advancing enemy, would shout at his crewmate to ‘pull his finger out’ so that the gun could be fired. It has not been recorded how many digits were lost on the battlefields. - Albert Jack Shaggy Dogs extracts Albert Jack AUDIOBOOKS available for download here  
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