#remove bubble chat
cassandracain52 · 4 months
so I’ve seen lots of fics about Bruce coming back and finding out things like Tim loosing his spleen or Damian getting shot (on multiple occasions by different people) and he almost always finds out by either having dug into the Batcomputers records and stumbling across it or just seeing it on scans or something after Tim or Damian is injured
but imagine for a moment Bruce finds out, not on his own, but by the others telling him.
And by “tell him” I of course mean that they all automatically assume that he already knows about all of it(because he’s the worlds greatest detective so obviously they don’t need to say anything) so they never bring it up until they mention it one day in passing and nearly give him a heart attack.
for example:
Bruce: Tim, I need you to come with me to speak with Dr. Thompkins down at the clinic about that new drug that’s been circulating
Tim: Oh, sure thing, just let me grab my mask
[Bruce not saying anything but looking at him confused because Tim is already fully suited up and wearing his domino mask?]:
[Tim, now wearing a surgical face mask]: Ok, I’m ready! [Bruce just staring at him, waiting for some explanation. He doesn’t get one.]:
Bruce: Tim
Tim: hm?
Bruce: Why are you wearing a face mask..?
Tim: Oh! Well Dr. Thompkins got mad at me last time I came to the clinic without one because there’s a lot of sick people there and I should be more careful since I’m immunocompromised-
[Bruce, immediately cutting him off]: Wait, what?
[Tim, slightly confused]: She got mad at me when I didn’t wear one last time..?
[Bruce, equally confused and growing very concerned]: No, not that. You’re immunocompromised?
[Tim, now completely lost because this is all common knowledge?]: Uh, yeah??
[Bruce, even more concerned]: How??? What do you mean??
[Tim, getting annoyed and rolling his eyes]: Well that’s what they call you when you have no spleen, Bruce.
Bruce: What.
[Tim finally realizing that, just maybe, they skipped a step]: I have no spleen? It got stabbed so Ra’s took it
[Bruce, about to have an aneurysm]: RA’S DID WHAT-
______ Or like him finding out Damian had his entire spine replaced
Bruce: Hey, do you think it’s strange Damian’s so small?
Dick: No?? He’s ten?? Ten year olds are small?
[Bruce, audibly concerned]: No, I mean don’t you think he should have grown some by now? Is he not eating enough?
[Dick, immediately relaxing]: Oh, that? Yeah, it’s fine
[Bruce, still concerned]: Are you sure? I was taller than that at his age
[Dick, waving his hand dismissively]: Nah, he’s fine. I think the spine replacement just stunted his growth a bit
[Bruce, near hysterically because all his kids somehow keep losing pieces of their insides and none of them seem bothered by it??]: his wHAT- ____
Dick has to spend the next several hours trying to stop Bruce from making everyone do a mandatory medical examination so he can make sure none of his other kids are missing anything
Dick promises that it was just the two things
Bruce is not reassured
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plontyy · 1 year
I forget homophobic people exist. Like they're not just some silly joke? Why is that. In 2023??
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foreveradreamaway · 3 months
streaming- MV33/1
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summary- a compilation of moments from maxs streams
i really loved writing this as i always have small idea that aren’t long enough to be their own post, if you have any small idea that goes with this or just in general then please comment it or send it to me and i will make a part two or another post similar <3
max loved to stream every now and then. he loved the interactions with fans and getting to play with his friends. you also loved when max streamed because it gave you some peace and quiet for a while, it also allowed you to do some house work without max following you like a lost puppy.
you had made numerous appearances in his streams and his fans loved it. probably enjoying seeing you both as actual humans and getting to see how you both live your daily lives together. some fans had made a compilation of the many times you made an appearance in one of maxs streams.
max sat in his gaming chair immersed in whatever game he was playing. you needed something from the room he was in and it couldn’t wait.
you opened the door as slowly and quietly as possible and creeped over to the thing you needed. apparently you weren’t quiet enough and he heard you. he moved one side of his headset off his ear.
“sorry, i just needed to grab the end thing for the hoover.” you sheepishly smiled. he only grinned in return. you took this as the opportunity to walk up behind him so you were in the frame.
“what are you playing?” you questioned as your face finally came in shot.
“im playing cod with lando, charles and carlos”
“aww cute” you sent a quick wave to say hello to everyone that was on the other end of the camera. however your eyes were quickly caught by the top of maxs head.
“can they hear me?” you questioned, he nodded. “okay. hello everyone, it’s your favourite person in the world here and i just needed to show you something” max had a confused look on his face as he watched you through the camera, wondering what you were about to show.
your hands reached for each side of the head set that was on his head and slowly removed it and handed it to him. your hands then went to either side of his head and tilted it down.
“max gets really bad headset hair guys and it will literally stay like this for the rest of the day” max’s hands quickly went up to his hair to attempt to fix while you and the chat couldn’t help but laugh.
“shut up” he grumbled as he lifted the head set back onto his head. “love you baby!” you called over your shoulder as you left the room.
“i hate her”
“i heard that!”
“mijn liefste, wil je zo pasta? Ik ben er nu een paar aan het maken” you can’t be seen as you poke your head round the door.
“Het gaat goed, dank je schat” he replies while not taking his eyes off the game but removing one side of his headset. “welke pasta ben je aan het maken?”
“i know i’m learning but im not that good yet max” you laugh.
“i said ‘what pasta are you making” he replies, suddenly feeling hunger bubble his stomach.
“i’m not sure yet. are you sure you don’t want any? i’ll surprise you” making food has always been one of your love languages, your mum had shown you to cook as soon as she could and you picked it up quick.
“yeah go on then” he finally turns to you and smiles as you walk away. when he finally turns back he sees the chat filled with questions and people telling him how cute you both are.
“yeah she is learning dutch. i’m teaching her” his face lights up as he talks about you. “it’s very easy for her though because she already knows other languages so she picks it up quickly” his smile never leaving his face.
max is looking intensely at the chat in-front of him, reading everything is the chat. answering a couple questions. he does this until he sees a familiar name come up.
“‘answer your phone’ what?” he quickly picks up his phone to see that he has ten missed calls from you. he is quick to call you back.
“max stop putting your phone on do not disturb and silent” you scold. he always did when he was streaming, he always said it was because he didn’t want to be disturbed however sometimes it was important. like now.
“sorry schat.”
“do you want anything from the shop? i’ve already got your m&ms and tomato soup.” max had a soft spot for m&ms and everyone knows about this man’s love of tomato soup.
“no i’m okay thank you baby. what are we having for dinner” max had a massive smile on his face. half because he was talking to you and because he knew how much everyone watching would love the conversation.
“well you’ve got mean prep” you couldn’t help but laugh as max groaned loudly and threw his head back. he hated meal prep. don’t get me wrong he loved being healthy and eating nice food but sometimes he just craved your cooking. “and i’m having a stir fry.”
“ugh whatever. i want stir fry”
“i know baby. ill make you one as soon as your nutritionist will allow me too”
“okay fine. when will you be home?” max kept the phone close to his mic to make sure everyone would be able to hear you on the other end of the phone.
“not long, i took the ferrari so it won’t take me long to get home. i don’t have my keys so be ready to pick up your phone and open the door! okay, i love you bye” you ended the phone call quickly before he could say anything about you taking his car.
“i swear she prefers my cars over her own” he laughed as he read through the chat again.
when you moved in with max you demanded that a sofa be put into his gaming/office room. he got you the cosiest sofa he could just to make sure you were comfy. max spent a lot of time in the room and you missed him when he was in there.
before you lived together, you tried to sit on the floor when you were round but you just weren’t comfortable enough so that’s when you demanded a sofa. if max was streaming or just had some admin stuff to do, you would just sit on the sofa and enjoy each-others company.
max was streaming, as per usual, while you sat all snuggled up on the sofa across the room. you had one the comfiest jumper of his that you could find, his joggers, a blanket covering your whole body and tucked under your chin and you glasses that sat on your nose.
max had specifically bought a pair of joggers that were too small for him. one day he came home to see you wearing a pair of his that were far to big for you and when he questioned you, you said that you just enjoy wearing his clothes. so the next day he went and bought a pair that were to small and placed them in his waldrobe. from then on they were yours.
you were also a secret iPad kid at heart. your iPad was literally your prized possession and you took it everywhere with you. now was no different as you sat there with your ipad resting on your legs as you watched tik tok.
“look” you turned the ipad around so that it was facing max, he leant on the arm rest of the chair to get a better view of what you were showing him. it was a cat.
“we should get sassy and jimmy one” he laughed as you nodded. he sat back into his chair and caught what the chat were saying. many people asking where you were.
he grabbed the camera from its holder and turned it to face you, showing you under the blanket. he got up out his chair and moved to sit next to you on the sofa.
“you are actually such an old man” you laughed as he struggled to hold the camera so that it would get a view of both of you. “give it to me” you took the camera from his hand and wrapped your other arm around his neck to bring him closer to you.
“hey guys, it’s your favourite person in the world here” the camera now had a perfect view of both of you as you put a quick peace sign up to the camera. you quickly nudged max and his fingers quickly went to the same position as yours. “i want to show you all my outfit, hold this baby” you handed the camera to max and threw the blanket onto him as you stood from your seat.
“max, show them my whole body my love” you laughed as he was only showing the camera your legs. “i’m trying Schat” you leant forward a bit and moved maxs hand so it faced where it should be.
“okay so my glasses are from specsavers, they are the only people i trust with my glasses. even if i need a new pair i would rather fly home than get a pair from anywhere else. because if they messed my glasses up i would just hear my mum in my ear saying ‘should have gone to specsavers’. my jumper is maxs- where is this jumper from?” you questioned him.
“umm its a zara one i think”
“okay so the jumper is from zara and these joggers are from nike. can i even say that? do they even sponsor you?” max’s laugh could be heard from behind the camera before he replies. “yeah it’s okay. i think” his face fell into a sheepish grin behind the camera.
“my socks are from god knows where. and the blanket is from also god knows where.” you gave the camera a big smile as you fell back into your previous position.
“you are the new version of maxplaining”
“shut up”
“can we play fifa?” you were sat on the floor, cross legged, next to max while he sat in his gaming chair. “you only want to play fifa because you always beat me” he huffed.
“exactly” you grinned at him.
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sexhaver · 1 month
Facebook Messenger loves to remove features at random with no announcement or rationale and while this has claimed a lot of victims over the years (R.I.P. to the secret :putnam:, :gta_sanandreas:, and (^^^) emotes), by far the worst losses were the basketball and soccer minigames you could play by sending their respective emojis and then tapping them in chat. they were pretty fun and tracked high scores across the chat, but that's not what i miss them for. they had two other properties:
whenever you exited the minigame, it would publish your highest score in that session to the chat in the same tiny font used to announce theme/emoji/nickname changes rather than a full speech bubble
you didn't need to send the emoji every time you wanted to play the game, you could scroll back up to the last time someone sent it and play from there
these combined to form a technique i referred to as the "dunk react", wherein i would reply to awkward messages by scrolling back up to the latest basketball emoji, playing the game just long enough to score 1 point, and then closing it. this would "respond" to the message with "Harrison scored 1 point playing basketball" in a super tiny font. the best use i ever got out of this technique was when i dumped my ex for cheating on me twice and she was sending me walls of text rationalizing her behavior and half-apologizing and mentioning suicide and i just responded to every single one of them by silently shooting a hoop
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thesassypadawan · 3 months
Can't Sleep (Padawan Anakin x MasterFemReader)
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Summary: Your sweet baby boy had a nightmare and comes to you for ‘comfort’…in hopes having some better dreams.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because of all the lovely smut. Good old fashion fun, mommy kink, and Ani’s big dick. Padawan Ani is of age (18).
Notes: A continuation of Nice Little Chat! ❤️
It all started earlier that night. You were lying on your sleep couch, enjoying some ‘quality’ time. When you heard the sound of the door hissing open…and a knowing smile crossed your face.
Aside from yourself, only one other person had the code for your quarters. Someone who was adorable and sweet…bratty and brash. Someone who you certainly weren’t opposed to joining you. “Baby…can’t sleep again?”
Propping up on your elbows, turning the light on with a careless wave of your hand. You’re met by the precious, erotic sight of Anakin. Hair tousled, pout on his face. Cloak slipping off his broad shoulders. Favorite blanket in tow and…raging erection sticking out through the opening of his loincloth, standing tall and proud.
“Had a nightmare,” he sniffled. Brows knitted together, chewing on his bottom lip. Completely oblivious (or not caring) to his current predicament. “Can I stay with you?”
“Of course,” you cooed. Grateful for the blanket’s cover as you subtly removed your fingers from your soaked core. “You know you’re always welcome. Come here, cuddle up with mommy…let her make it all better.”
Needing no more coaxing, he happily obliged. Hurriedly climbing under the covers and snuggling into your side. Larger body winding around you; cock pressing against your bare thigh. Smearing and leaking pre, whimpering softly every now and then…until he lulled himself to sleep.
At least, that’s what it seemed…
It’s so gentle, you chalk Ani’s little humps up to him finally having a VERY good dream. However, when they begin to grow faster and more erratic. Breath starts to come out in small puffs. An overwhelming sense of arousal floods the bond. And you knew all too well…
Shifting in his hold, your hand followed the lines of his toned chest and abdomen. Finding and cupping, squeezing his length gently; eliciting a tiny groan. “Mmmh, need some extra help settling in?”
“Please,” he whined. Rubbing himself into your palm, desperately seeking more friction. All the while looking at you with those big, blue eyes; the slightest dusting of pink on his cheeks. “Pretty please.”
Lips ghosted over his ear, fingers tugged at and loosened his wrappings. “Ssh, it’s okay…” Freeing him, nudging him onto his back. “I'll help you out…”
Wearing a playful smirk, you clamber on top. Straddling, running his fat tip through your slick covered folds. Guiding it towards, having it barely kiss your aching core. “Relax and let me take care of everything.” Before slipping him in with a flick of the hips and a low hiss.
Slowly, you rocked back and forth; bouncing, using just the right amount of force. Causing Anakin to squirm so beautifully, so cutely beneath you. That it had you practically purring in delight. “How’s that, my handsome boy?”
Big hands gripped your sides. Pillowy flesh spilling out from between his fingers as he dug in. Head tilting, rosy lips parting. The most precious pants and moans escaping him. “Hnng…feel…feel…”
“Good?” A giggle bubbled out and you grinded down harder in response. Taking his cock deeper, allowing it to bully and hit your cervix. Sparks of pleasure erupting, walls fluttering. “That’s what I like to hear.”
His pupils were blown wide, gaze unfocused. You could feel him twitching, tensing up. “Now, why don’t you cum for me? Pump me nice and full…so we can both have a lovely rest.”
If your words weren’t incentive enough, the way you clamped and clenched around Ani was…
Letting out a darling, little growl he came completely undone. His warm, sticky seed coated your insides. While you greedily milked him for every last drop…rode him steadily through his orgasm. Turning him into a babbling, mewling mess. “More…more…”
“Later, I promise.” Leaning forward, you brushed your lips across his. Capturing them in a brief, tender kiss. “It's time for bed.”
“Fine.” A sleepy smile formed at the corners of his mouth and his arms suddenly engulfed your waist. Abruptly rolling onto his side, taking you along…dick still buried. “Later.”
As he nuzzled his face into your hair, you could hear his breathing evening out. Feel him relax against you, mumbling ‘love yous’ over and over again. And… your heart melted.
Sure, you didn't cum. Small price to pay for Ani to have much better dreams the remainder of the night…Good start to his morning…and yours…
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @cacti5539, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen
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allywthsr · 1 year
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summary: you are bored in your hotel room and find Lando Norris on Raya, what will happen if he texts you?
wordcount: 5.7k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: smut, oral (f and m receiving), p in v
notes: seeing that video, did things to me, my first smut so please be gentle!! Comment your thoughts please also please pretend that you don’t need to be a celebrity to see others
You were in Amsterdam for a work trip, discussing business with possible new clients. The client that was scheduled on your last day, canceled the meeting the night before, because of some emergency that came up, so you being bored in your hotel room during the early afternoon, you checked Raya. You downloaded the app with your friends back in London to see who comes up and check out celebrities that had a profile there. You weren’t big on dating apps, you had Tinder but only to make fun of the jerks that were registered.
Nothing serious ever came out of the dates you had, Raya was your new hope. Maybe going on dates with celebrities would be better, maybe they wouldn’t be such idiots, in the end, you could always talk to tabloids and tell them what an asshole he was. They knew that risk and they wouldn’t just send dickpics out of the blue.
Going through the profiles you found some Instagram celebrities, but non caught your eye, you could clearly see the fuckboy in them.
You almost wanted to close the app, but saw a brown-haired boy named Lando Norris. You followed Formula One and watched as many races as you could, always keeping a close eye on the younger drivers, who just looked absolutely delicious. With Lando getting P2 in Silverstone and Hungary, you shifted your attention to him, stalking him on Instagram and finding him legs clenching sexy. You never would’ve thought you would find him on such an app. He could just scroll on his Instagram followers, chose a random person, and hit her up, she would open her legs in seconds, not that you were any different.
You clicked through his pictures, a black and white one of him looking like the dessert he is, one of him partying, and one of him with his friends and pulling a weird face. The three pictures showed his personality perfectly. Sexy, outgoing, and funny. You analyzed the profile further, looking at his profession which said, Formula One driver, age twenty four, wasn’t he twenty three? After a quick Google search, you checked that he was indeed twenty three years old. Lando Norris cheating his age, you saw what he was doing.
Visiting Amsterdam from London, just like you.
You didn’t hesitate for a second but clicked straight on the heart, hoping that maybe he liked you as well and before you could blink, a page popped up, and the words: ’You and Lando like each other!‘ flew across your screen.
You couldn’t believe it, he liked you as well. What? How?
What should you do now? Text him? Ignore it? You couldn’t ignore him. Meeting Lando was a one in a million chance. You wondered what he was like in real life, was he as funny as he appeared in all of the videos? You tapped on his chat and thought about what you wanted to say. Something sweet? Something funny? Something flirty? Or did you text him something about Formula One? You were about to exit the app and text your best friend, but then you saw a bubble appear, indicating that he was typing.
/////////////////// Meanwhile at Lando’s //////////////////////
He sat in his hotel room watching something random on Netflix when his phone made a sound, a sound that he specifically set for Raya. He removed his eyes from his MacBook and took his phone in his hand, he recognized your name from earlier. He looked for some fun on Raya, wanting a quick fuck to forget the busy weeks he had. So when he scrolled through the profiles and found yours, he was kind of drooling. You looked stunning in the pictures you put up, one of you in a park, sitting on a blanket and enjoying the sun, the next one was you, sitting on some random stairs in front of a house you found in Notting Hill and the last one was one of you sitting in front of a cake, made for your birthday. A big pink twenty two was piped on the white frosting while you smiled at the cake. You were surprised by the whole day your friends had prepared for you. Due to you moving to London for your job, you had no one at first, because of your job you got to know a lot of people and some stuck with you, surprising you for your birthday.
You looked super hot in all of your photos, choosing them with a laugh with your friends, saying how many creeps were going to slide in your dms.
So when Lando read: ’You and Y/N like each other!‘, he didn’t waste a second of not answering you. He thought you were perfect, from London and in his age range and not ugly. Lando clicked on the private chat and typed in his usual message, every time he used this, not one girl said no.
Hey there! You look absolutely gorgeous
What are you up to babygirl?
You almost let out a scream. He was a flirt, a big one. What should you do? Text your best friend and ask for help or just handle this like a pro and see what the outcome is. You decided to go for the second, if he wanted to meet up, then it was because of you and your texting and not because of your best friend that basically wrote the text for you. So you replied to him, if he was flirty, you would be too.
Hiya Handsome
Not much, chilling in my hotel room
What about you?
You wanted to keep the conversation going, so you obviously wanted to know what he was up to. If someone would have told you weeks ago, that you would be texting with Lando Norris on your Amsterdam business trip, you would have laughed at the person. You dreaded this trip, of course, it was fun traveling at the cost of the company but it was also lonely. Maybe texting Lando wasn’t that bad after all, he could be your company for the last day.
You didn’t have to wait too long for a reply from him, after seconds he had read the message and the bubble appeared again. He was not only fast at driving then.
The same
I‘m bored as hell
What are you doing tonight?
Oh god. What now? That was practically him asking you if you were free later. Of course, you were but that was not him asking for a date where he would kiss you on the cheek good night. That was him asking for a quickie and you knew it. But would you still meet him? Obviously! It’s not every day you get to meet one of your celebrity crushes.
Not much, had a client meeting but he canceled so now I‘m free
Thought about going out and seeing the city but am not sure, they said that rain is coming later
Why you asking?
You knew why he was asking, but you wanted to seem innocent. In your head you already started planning your outfit, you had a lot of serious outfits for work and barely anything nice to wear for a non formal meeting. But you were so happy you packed some lingerie, you had to because almost all of your normal non sexy underwear was in the laundry, which you forgot to put into the washing machine. Typical you.
It’s my lucky day then
The clouds are already really dark, seems like you can’t go out tonight :(
Wanna come to my hotel and maybe we could order some food? I‘m kinda craving some McDonald’s
You seem lovely
And it happened. What are you gonna do now? In the end, he was still a stranger, someone you did not know. He could be fully different from what you saw and knew of him on the internet. Oh god, what if he had some weird kinks and was going to pee on you or something? You just hoped he was normal in and out of bed. And McDonald's? Isn’t he an athlete that had to follow some strict diet? Did fastfood even fit in there? What were you going to answer to the ’you seem lovely‘? That was probably something he texted every girl, so you chose to ignore it for now.
That’s a bummer
You could be a serial killer and kill me before I get the chance of saying goodbye to my loved ones, but McDonald’s does sound nice
But does it fit into your strict diet, mister McLaren’s number one driver?
Were you actually going to meet him? You needed advice from your best friend. She knew what to do, you were sure, she always did. In the end, she was one of the humans that pressured you into downloading that app in the first place.
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The serial killer existence is not giving me the kick as it used to, so don’t worry, I‘m over it
I also don’t have any more space for the corpse in my basement
McDonald’s it is then
Someone did their googling, I see
It’s the break, I can do what I want
Also, my trainer will not know about this, and what he doesn’t know, he won’t get mad over
Are you still there?
Where did you go
The serial killer text was only meant as a joke, I would never do something like that, it would ruin my career
You chuckled, did he really think you were scared by the obvious sarcastic text? Cute.
If you retired from the serial killer being, then fine
I watch you drive around in circles every weekend, don’t get your hopes up, I didn’t google you
And what if I already texted your trainer and told Jon about this? ;)
Are we impatient? Am I that special that you can’t go a minute without me? Atta boy
You let out a sigh, it’s official now. You were going to meet up with Lando Norris. Then you could see how he really was and compare him to all the fan fictions you‘ve read. You really needed to sort out some outfit.
You comin‘? That’s sweet
So I got myself a fangirl? Just don’t be a Max Verstappen lover, I want you to be on my side
And if you did text him, you will get punished later ;)
You are gorgeous, just wanted to make sure that I was the only one inviting you for dinner tonight
Oh god, hallelujah. Now you kinda wanted to text Jon and see what his punishment looks like. You could feel the heat and the pulsating between your legs already and you haven’t even talked with him face to face yet. You needed to get there soon.
Sure, I always take a free meal, sent me your address? :)
Nah, I actually like George Russell but he didn’t answer me on Instagram… :(
So you‘ll do it
Now I kind of want to text him and see what that means… maybe I’ll send him a picture of you biting into a burger later
And no, no competition for you
Ah btw, what’s the dress code? I didn’t pack much fancy clothing except for my work stuff. Are we thinking sweats? Or else I’m gonna turn up in a work dress
The George Russell comment was made up, you never texted him but wanted to play a little with Lando. You didn’t know how to put the dress question in a flirty comment, you weren’t even sure if he was actually trying to get you into his bed. Maybe he was just looking for someone to accompany him for eating McDonald’s.
It’s the Hilton in Amsterdam, there‘s only one
I‘ll send you someone to pick you up, don’t worry
And that’s sad, I can’t get George to come here so quickly, guess I’ll be your only company tonight
Do it and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow
Please come in your sweats!! That’s the most comfortable for eating McDonald’s and chilling, besides, I won’t look at them when they‘re laying on the floor, so put on whatever you feel comfortable in
Yep, that was not just an ’I‘m bored’ dinner. Alright. You could feel your panties getting slightly damped when you stood up and walked to your suitcase. Fishing out dark grey sweatpants and a white crop top. You needed to shower before you went there, get cleaned up, and shave. What color of lingerie would you put on? You had no idea, maybe you should ask him since he‘s also not subtle about dropping hints about where this night would lead.
That’s nice, thank you!! What time will he be here?
Alright alright, sweats it is then, what color are we thinking for lingerie? I have some red, blue, yellow, burgundy and white
You were bold here, that wasn’t normally your case of flirting but he was just as forward as you were, so why hold back? And you really needed help choosing the color. What if he didn’t like yellow?
He‘ll be at yours at 6:30 pm if traffic is alright
Baby, I won’t make it through dinner if I know what you‘re wearing underneath
You‘re making things very hard for me already and I haven’t even touched you yet
But I love the color blue, babygirl
Put on whatever you feel comfortable in
He was the sweetest even while flirting. And him sending you a driver? Was this the princess treating your father always talked about when you were younger? But you were sure he didn’t have in mind what was coming for you after dinner if you would eat dinner before the sports session Lando had planned.
I‘ll see what I can do then
See you later handsome ;)
You hoped into the shower, washing your skin twice with the summer like smelling shower gel. Peeling your skin to make it super soft as well as shaving every hair you saw. You knew that men shouldn’t care if you had hairs on your body or not, but you felt better if you did. You were also happy, that you washed your hair yesterday evening so you did not have to worry about it now.
It was very difficult, to not touch yourself. The pressure that build up down there was almost unbearable, but you wanted to wait for Lando, it was his job now to make you feel good, you just hoped 6:30 pm would come soon.
When you got out of the shower you dried your body and tapped the screen of your phone, it was 4:48 pm. Enough time to get your makeup done and stress yourself. So before you did anything else, you applied some body cream to make your skin super silky.
Now sitting down in front of the hotel window with your travel mirror in hand, you started on your makeup. You didn’t want to overdo it and ruin this night, but you also wanted to look like something. So you did a light makeup, only applying products that weren’t heavy on your skin and looked almost natural.
The next time you took your phone in your hands to check the time it was 5:29 pm. Only an hour. You could do that. You decided to text your best friend the new details.
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So you did just that, applying Parfum on your ankles, between your thighs, and even spritzed some behind your ear. You just hoped he would like your Parfum. Packing together some things you would possibly need for sleeping over. New underwear, makeup remover, your face cream, and your phone charger, you doubt he had two. You put on your sweats and the crop top over the blue lingerie, was that even the right thing? Meeting up with him just for a quickie? He won’t remember you by next week, did you really want to go through that? You would get attached to him and he is never going to text you.
The next time you tapped on your phone it was 6:24 pm, you spent the last twenty minutes wandering around in the hotel room trying to get rid of the butterflies you felt. It was exciting meeting up with someone when you knew you would have a good night, ending it with pleasure. So you gathered everything and made your way downstairs to the lobby, you waited there for a car to roll up to your hotel.
When a black Mercedes rolled up, you made your way outside and the driver got out of his car.
”Are you Miss Y/N Y/L/N? I am here to pick you up on Mister Norris‘ behalf.“
”That’s me, thank you.“
You got into the car and waited for him to start driving, he wasn’t very talkative which you were thankful for, the nerves were getting the best of you, and you weren’t sure if you would even be able to talk a normal sentence without stuttering.
When you arrived at the hotel, the driver turned to you.
”I wish you both a good evening. His room is number 1283, the left elevator and then you need to press button twelve for the twelfth floor.“
”Thank you so much for picking me up!“
With that, your door got opened and you looked at the person with a disturbed look, seeing that it was only a Portier you relaxed. You weren’t used to this luxury. Thanking the guy that opened your door, you got out and went into the hotel to the left elevator, pressing floor twelve. The doors closed and you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. This was really happening. Before you knew it, the doors opened and you stood on the twelfth floor, now you only needed to find room number 1283. You followed the signs that were everywhere on the walls and a minute later you stood in front of the door.
With a thumping heart, you knocked at the door waiting for Lando to open it.
He answered with a big smile and tousled hair, he was dressed in some black sweats and a black T-shirt, looking handsome as ever.
”Hey, come in.“
”Hi, thank you.“
You stepped in and Lando opened his arms for a hug. Hugging before fucking, alright. He loosened the hug and his eyes scanned your body.
��You look absolutely gorgeous, Baby. Even better than on your pictures.“
”Thank you, but you aren’t that bad either, you look very handsome, I like your hair like this.“
You nodded.
What now? The sexual tension was already unbearable, you wouldn’t survive dinner. You both were practically eye fucking the other.
”Let’s sit down first?“
With that you went to the cream-colored couch, sitting on it and having the perfect view over Amsterdam.
”But if you are a serial killer, do tell me. At least I want to say goodbye to my family.“
You had no idea what you were saying, you wanted to lighten up the situation but what should you do?
”Nah don’t worry, not anymore. And you‘re here for work? I read you’re from London?“
”Yes, had some meetings with clients. I moved there for my work, I love it there. And what about you? Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be in some exotic place for holiday?“
”Kinda, I visited Tomorrowland yesterday to see my friend Martin Garrix and tomorrow I have tire testing for Pirelli, so no holiday for me just yet.“
”Ah that’s fun, what are you doing for the holiday?“
”I rented a yacht for my friends and family, you should come!“
”Oh, yeah“, you blushed, ”let’s see if I still want to see you after tonight, maybe you have a small dick.“ you smirked. You wanted to get to the point of why you were here. The wet panty proofing it to you, dinner could wait, the wetness between your legs not.
He looked at you with an open mouth.
”Me and a small dick? Baby, you have no idea what’s coming.“
With that, he put his hand on your thigh dangerously close to your core. You let out a shaky breath.
”The thing is, I joked about not making it until dinner, but I really don’t think I can resist you that long, knowing you’re probably wearing sexy lingerie under your sweats and crop top.“
You could see his eyes getting a shade darker than they were when you first saw him.
”Why don’t you find out for yourself?“, you wanted to sound sexy and just prayed to whatever lord, that it did.
And before you could think about it for another second, he took you and placed you in his lap, putting his hands on your waist. His lips looked absolutely delicious, you wanted to taste them, feel them on yours. As if Lando could hear your thoughts, he pressed his lips on yours, moving them, and slipped his tongue into your mouth searching for yours. You let out a quiet moan and nudged his tongue with yours. Your hands found their way into his hair, slightly pulling on the strands, hoping that that was something he was into.
Your lips creating the loudest sounds, every time they smacked together, taking deep breaths in between. Lando left your mouth and his kisses wandered slowly down your neck, leaving a trail of wetness behind (not only on your neck) and he slightly bit the skin of the side. Without you realizing it, you moved your hips against his, dryhumping him. Lando’s hands wandered under your crop top and slowly pulled the material up, to remove it, you held your arms up to make it easier for him. When the dark blue lace appeared, he let out a breath.
”Fuck babe, you’re killing me. Even better than I imagined.“
You could just hum because he immediately attached his lips to your chest, sucking on the skin that was now freed. That felt so fucking good. Your hands went back into his hair, attaching themselves to the brown curls.
”Le-Let me“, you pressed out, wanting to explore his neck as well. That was one thing you always found sexy, his thick neck, you wanted to touch and kiss it and now you finally could.
He let go of your chest and looked at you with big eyes, you pressed a kiss on his lips and did the same then he did minutes prior. Wandering down his neck and slightly sucking, you didn’t want to leave a hickey but some sucking never hurt anyone. Satisfied with what you did, you let go of his skin and licked over the said area, feeling him shivering under you. You could also feel something hard under you, and if you were correct you wouldn’t be disappointed. It felt the right way, thick and long enough but not too long.
With a quick heartbeat, you left his lap and slowly made your way in front of him, you wanted to see for yourself if you were correct. So you sank to your knees and looked up at him through your lashes, he groaned and his head fell backwards.
”Fuck babygirl, you make it so hard for me, I could just burst right now.“
”I make things hard for you? Oh Lando, trust me, I know.“
With that, your hand slipped across his bulge, giving it a gentle squeeze. His eyes focused on you again, he could almost see how hungry you looked at his dick as if it would be your last meal.
”I want this off.“
You tucked at his sweats, impatient to finally get to his member you haven’t met yet.
”Impatient are we?“, Lando acted all cocky now, but you both knew, that when you touched his dick with your delicate hands, he would turn into a puddle. With that, he lifted his hips and you were able to pull the sweats down, seeing him wearing no underwear.
”No underwear?“, you asked with crooked eyebrows.
”Figured I didn’t need them since you were going to remove them anyway.“
When his sweats was finally pulled lower to where his dick was, his member sprung towards you, he wasn’t fully hard yet but you could work with that. You gave his sweats the last pull and they were pooling at his feet, you immediately got to work. Not wasting a second of not touching him, you grabbed his member, which laid heavy in your head, and let a thread of saliva fall onto his head, moving your hand up and down, spread the fluid evenly, feeling him hardening with every stroke you gave him.
”You‘re killing me. That feels so fucking nice.“
The praise made you smile. At least he felt satisfied, that was already good.
”Put it in your mouth babygirl.“
So you did just that, you opened your mouth and gave it a long lick, from the bottom, to the tip. Your lips closed around his head, circling it with your tongue. Looking up, he had an open mouth and his eyes looked satisfied, you wanted to do more, slowly taking his member down your throat. Lando let out a moan and reached into your hair with his hand, making a messy ponytail to hold on to.
When you reached your limit, you grabbed the rest of his dick with your hands, following the movements you did with your mouth.
”Fuck baby, that’s enough, or else I‘m going to cum down your throat, I want to taste you first.“
With an unsatisfied hum, you let go of his dick and pouted.
”Let me take you to the bed.“
You nodded and he pulled you back onto his lap, standing up as if you weight nothing and walking with you into the bedroom. The bedroom was nicely decorated and from the window, you could see a beautiful sunset, but that wasn’t something you wanted to pay attention to. He sat you down on the soft bed and you shifted to the end of his bed, laying your head on his pillow. You inhaled the scent that came across your nostrils, fully smelling Lando. If you wouldn’t be up to different things right now, you would turn around and never stop sniffing his pillow. Was that creepy? Probably.
”You need to tell me, when I need to stop, yeah?“
You nodded, not being able to say anything, excited for what was about to happen. He laid on his chest between your legs, tugging your own sweats down. With a groan he let his head fall onto your thigh, seeing your lace panty made him weak in the knee, thank god he was laying down.
”Did you put Parfum on your legs? God baby, you‘re so fucking sexy.“
”You like it?“
”Are you kidding? Fuck yes.“
He placed kisses on your thighs, and with each kiss, he got closer to where you needed him the most.
”I can smell you from here baby.“
You propped up your legs and he removed your panty with a swift move. Seeing your glistening core, he almost drooled.
”You‘re so fucking wet and I didn’t even touch you properly yet.“
”Ever since you texted me, I was almost not able to resist touching myself.“
”Fuck Baby.“
Before you could respond he licked with his flat tongue over your pussy, collecting most of the wetness that left your core already.
”You taste so sweet, Angel.“
With a groan you placed your hands in his hair, pulling on the strands again.
He flicked your bud of nerves several times then went back to toy with your entrance. A moan escaped your mouth when he inserted his tongue inside of you and with his nose he nudged your clit.
”Go on, cum for me Y/N.“
Without a warning he inserted his pointer and middle finger into you and focused on your clit with his tongue, moving everything in a rhythm together.
”Fuck Lando, I‘m gonn-“, and before you could finish that sentence, your back arched and the pleasure washed over you, leaving a pulsating feeling in your core. With one last lick, Lando got up and positioned himself over you, his face glistening with your juices.
When he pressed a kiss on your lips you could taste yourself and let out a groan.
”Your skin is so fucking soft Y/N“, Lando said while he caressed your sides.
”Are you ready to take me?“
You just nodded, not being able to say a word. He already made you feel so good and he wasn’t even in you yet, you needed him, you needed him bad.
”I need you, Lan.“
”Good girl. Do you have a condom?“
”No but I‘m on birth control, you don’t have to use one, as long as you’re clean.“
”I sure am.“
His dick twitched at the thought of feeling you without a rubber, the skin on skin contact making him feral.
Taking his cock in his hand, and moved his tip through your folds, wetting his member. He looked you in the eye, silently asking you if you were ready. You nodded your head and pulled his head to yours to press a kiss on his lips, which he returned, sucking your lower lip into his mouth before pulling back and focusing on the cock in his hand. Slowly pushing his tip to your entrance, you closed your legs around his back and nudged him to push more into you. He slowly slid fully in you, as you gasped at the new sensation and felt full. He filled you up perfectly, it was like you were made for each other, stretching you in all the right places. He stood still and waited for your nod of approval to move. You clenched around his cock.
”Fuck Y/N, do that one more time and I won’t be able to hold back.“
You giggled and nodded your head, indicating him that he could move. He pulled his dick out and forcefully pushed him back in. You both moaned at the sensation.
”I hope you know how good you feel, it’s amazing.“
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head at this compliment. You loved this dirty talk he did, complimenting you. He took his hand and started to play with your clit while still pounding in you. You could feel yourself getting dizzy, the new stimulation giving you the perfect pleasure.
”Fuck Lando, you’re making me feel so full.“
He grunted at that statement. Speeding up with his movements, as well as rubbing and flicking your clit. Your moans getting higher with every thrust.
You could feel your release getting closer.
”Lando, I‘m gonna cu-”
”Baby cum for me.“
With that you felt your inside snap and the orgasm taking over your body, your eyes rolling in the back of your head and your legs started shaking. While you were on your high, Lando went and left kisses on your neck, slightly sucking, leaving faint purple bruises behind.
When you came back down you focused on Lando, clenching around him, trying to get him to cum as well. Sinking your nails into his shoulders and leaving little crescent moons on his skin, they would probably still be seen tomorrow. He groaned and his head fell down on your shoulder, panting. You could feel him painting your insides white, you moaned at the feeling.
”Fuck darling, you feel so good.“
He did some last thrusts to ride out his orgasm and then almost let all of his weight fall down on you. Your hands immediately went into his hair, stroking it while he still had his now softened dick inside of you. He lifted his head and pressed his lips on yours, moving them and creating smacking sounds.
Slowly pulling out, you could feel his and your mixed cum dribbling out of you, enjoying this sensation, Lando sat up and swiped his thumb over your labia, liking how it looked. He wiped his cum covered thumb on the white bed sheet.
”I‘d love to stay here with you, but I need to pee. It’s not very romantic but I don’t even wanna know what happens if I don’t.“
You sat up and Lando replied with a: ”Yes, please go, it’s important. I don’t want you getting a bladder infection after having mind blowing sex.“
You scoffed and got up, ”Mind blowing?“
”What is that supposed to mean?“
You turned around looking into his face, you both were smiling brightly, still having that post sex glow, but also because you joked about the sex you just had. It was fantastic. You started walking towards the en-suite bathroom.
”You were good Lando, but mind blowing? I don’t know.“
”My cum dribbling down your thigh is saying something else.“
You blushed and looked down at your thigh, seeing the white drips rolling from your core. You didn’t know what to say to that and went to the toilet to do your thing. Returning just shortly after, you sat in the bed next to him.
”You want to order some McDonald’s and stay over?“
Part two
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perfect dimensions
(Carmy x Designer!Reader)
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Summary: The Bear is weeks from opening, and Sugar hires an interior designer to bring the vision to life. Part 1/3.
Warnings: cursing, WILL contain smut later 👀NO use of Y/N because this is the 21st century. Carmy x female!reader, reader is described as having longer hair but that’s it for physical descriptions. NOT EDITED because I’m lazy girl tehe
—————————MINORS DNI——————————
“I hired a designer,” Natalie tells them in passing on Thursday, waving a vague hand when both Syd and Carmy open their mouthes to ask, “She’ll be here in like, twenty minutes.”
“Okay, heard, but we already have a design,” Carmy says, gesturing to the wall covered in layouts.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you had a degree in architecture and engineering. Those are fake dimensions, Bear; we don’t know shit about anything, so someone is going to come in and make sure that we’ve got the right fucking shade of white!” Natalie shouts before the office door slams shut, leaving Syd and Camry to stare after her with equal confusion.
“Pregnancy is making her…” Syd starts to say.
“Yeah, mean. Definitely a little mean,” Sydney sighs, “She’s right though. Vibe doesn’t get us to opening night.”
And that’s how Carmen finds himself stuttering through an introduction from a now much-more-pleasant Natalie when she shows a woman through the front doors.
Carmen extends his hand to you, clearing his throat, nodding like a fucking idiot when you tell him your name.
“Yeah,” he says, “I’m uh, I’m Carmen.”
“Nice to meet you,” you say, mouth spreading into a smile that makes his heart beat a little faster. “Walk me through?”
Natalie takes the lead while Carmy and Syd hang back. One glance at the look on his partner’s face should have sent Carmy scrambling for something else to do, but he’s not fast enough to remove himself from her presence before a laugh is bubbling from between her closed lips and he’s desperately hoping his face isn’t turning red.
“Im, uh, Carmen,” Syd lowers her voice in a mocking tone.
“Fuck right off,” Carmy shakes his head at her.
“You literally forgot your name!”
“I didn’t forget my fuckin’ name—“
“Like oh my god, a pretty girl with pretty eyes appears and you forget how to talk!”
“Are you done?”
“Absolutely not. I can’t wait for Richie to meet her.”
Carmen wishes the day would never come.
Ten minutes later you appear back in the dining room, Fak following close behind with a shit-eating grin that makes Carmy wish he had never gotten out of bed this morning.
“Carmy! Did you know she likes to bake?”
“No, Fak, we’ve only just met. Would you let her do her job?” Carmen sighs, rubbing his fingers into his eyes to stop an oncoming headache. Syd snorts.
“We’ll chat more later, Neil, I promise,” you say.
“You might have just made yourself a new best friend,” Syd laughs.
Carmy looks away the moment your eyes swivel over to his, trying to disguise that he’s staring as best he can.
“So,” you say, “Natalie said you had drawings. May I see?”
Camry’s fingers itch in a weird way, but he manages a nod before striding over to his backpack to pull out the notebook while you scan the wall of swatches and inspiration photos. You nods your head a little, like you’re concocting an idea.
Carmy wants to twirl a finger through the strand of hair hanging loose out of your updo.
“So, uh, this is what I’ve come up with so far.”
He then spends the next ten minutes walking you through each of the drawings, explaining himself a little too thoroughly, and making random comments about lighting and booth fabric. You look intent the whole time, brow furrowed at the page, occasionally pointing and you don’t even have to say anything—Carmy just starts to over explain immediately following the point of your painted fingernail.
When he’s done, you nod your head slowly, the corner of your mouth twitching up. You’re wearing some sort of lipstick that reminds Carmy of the stain of touching a cherry pit.
“These are amazing,” you say finally, and Carmy feels his face heat. “I like the vibe. I love the vibe, actually. Are you a sensitive person?”
You look up at him and Carmy short-circuits.
Syd says yes, at the exact time he says no.
“Conflicting signals,” you say, “Anyone else to weigh in?”
It takes a second for him to realize that you’re making a joke, and he has to shake himself out of a stupor caused completely by the sight of your smile.
“Uh, no, no I’m good. Gimme feedback,” he says, and you reach out to flip the pages back, landing on the entry.
“Great. I’m going to tell you what we need to fix,” you say, straight to the point. “This entry is too small. Either we need to extend out into the sidewalk, or we need to push the kitchen back by at least five or six feet. The bar is going to create a bottleneck right here, and we need to inset these shelves to give you a little more working room. The lighting here needs to be sconces, and the bathroom doors need to slide to maximize space—this is too small for a swinging door.”
Carmen is fully intent on taking in every word you’re saying, but out of the corner of his eye he can’t help but see Syd’s face transform into something mildly resembling devious.
“Heard,” Carmy says, nodding his head as you looks back up. “Let’s rock.”
You become a fixture in Carmy’s life in the same way that Sydney or Richie or Nat are, appearing every time he turns the corner and whispering a hello in passing before you start barking orders to the contractors who listen to your every word. Strangely, he can relate. A week ago you told him, Carmen, please decide which side of the bar you want the ice machine on, and do it quickly so I can tell the water guy when he gets here. He’s never made a decision so fast in his life.
Even Nat had popped an eyebrow when he replied, on it, before you’d even really finished your sentence.
Usually, he’s on autopilot—walking in and straight back to the office or the kitchen and hardly ever stopping to notice what’s going on. He’s the first one in and the last one out by design, so he doesn’t even see everyone else arrive until they’re already there.
This morning, though, Carmy walks into the kitchen to see you already there, writing something out in a notebook as Natalie talks, waving her hands wildly.
“Okay, I got you,” you’re saying only glancing up when Carmy’s shoes shuffle too loudly on the floor. “Oh! Good, you’re here. I need you.“
Carmy raises his eyebrows. “Need me?”
“To look at paint swatches,” you say, ushering him into the main dining area. The words ring in his head like bells as he follows you, the scent of your perfume surrounding him as he walks through the crowd of it. You smells so good, and it reminds him of New York City somehow, the faint scent of rain.
He figures that you must have come in even earlier than he and Natalie both, because you’re dressed more casually than usual, and there’s a charm necklace dangling over your tee shirt that he tries to identify when you turn without you realizing he’s staring. He makes out a paintbrush and nothing else.
“Right, so,” you start, gesturing to the wall. There’s a beat of silence with them both staring at the three swatches on the wall, and then Carmy turns towards you.
Your words overlap.
Carmy says, “I hate them.”
At the same moment, you say, “They’re horrible, right?”
Carmy laughs, shaking his head. “Yeah, yeah, not it.”
“Okay, so hear me out.” You say, leaving his side to pull something from your folder. “Pink.”
“Like, oyster shell pink. Neutral enough that in the low light it’ll look pale, almost indiscernible from white. And this wall—“ you point to the back where the booths will be and shake your head. “Has to be a mural. It’ll look unfinished if it’s bare.”
Carmy nods along with everything that you say, trying to envision it. “What kind of mural?”
You tilt your head, chewing at your lip. Carmy completely short-circuits for an embarrassingly long second.
“I might have some ideas,” you say in a soft voice, crossing over to the table where you’ve set your things and pulling out a black sketchbook.
“Two artists in residence, huh?” Carmy jokes, his stomach fluttering when you smile.
“Do you draw anything other than food and restaurant interiors?” You ask.
“Sometimes,” you repeat, looking up at him. He knows that you want him to elaborate—he would never admit out loud that he spends the hours he’s not cooking trying to replicate the way your necklace hangs off of your neck and the curve of your wrist.
Occasionally he doesn’t do weird, obsessive, borderline creepy things—sometimes he sketches the buildings outside his window as the sun goes down, or tries to remember what the boat in Copenhagen looked like, or that one place he used to drink coffee at in New York.
Your eyes narrow at him just a little, like you’re trying to read all the things he’s not saying.
He dips his head, half to look at the page you’ve opened the notebook to and half to get out from under the scrutiny of your pretty eyes.
“That’s insane,” Carmy finds himself saying, looking down at the waves of color on the page. “It looks like, almost like wood? Or marble. That’s—fuck, that’s so cool.”
The page is covered in shades of brown and deep green and black, melding together into something that reminds him of tree rings or stained wood panels, muted like an old chinoiserie river painting.
“You could hire someone to change it out seasonally maybe, it’d be cool, but I think something like this would look nice with the color of the wood we picked for the tables—“
“Will you do it?” Carmy asks, fingertips tracing over the edge of the paper and coming away brushed with color—oil pastels. “Could you, I mean, I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it like this.” He tells you, rubbing the tips of his fingers together and watching the color meld together before meeting your eye.
Your mouth is parted, eyes wide as you look at him, and he gets the urge to flick your bottom lip to see if it’s as soft as it looks.
“I,” you start to say, “Yeah. I can do it. If you want me to.”
“I do,” he says, too quickly. “Want you to. Paint it.”
Because what else would he be asking you to do? He wants to throw his entire brain into the blender on high.
“Okay,” you say, “I’ll start tomorrow.”
He makes a mental note to make sure he’s there all day to peer through the windows and watch you work.
322 notes · View notes
imaginedisish · 2 years
The Only Exception (Din Djarin x fem!Reader)
A/N: Hey guys!!! Ahhh here is the Din Djarin x reader fic I said I’d post. This has been sitting in my WIPs since late November/early December. This is what I was working on before I got sick. I’m so happy it’s done. I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out, although I may have written something similar to this already. It’s very much inspired by “The Only Exception,” by Paramore. I’m hoping I didn’t use this song as a title yet....Oh well. ENJOY!
Summary: Din has been wildly overprotective of you lately, but maybe it’s because there’s something lying deep below the surface that’s been threatening to bubble over...
Warnings: SMUT!!!!! 18+ Please!!! Oral (f!receiving), fingering, PIV sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), cursing, canon typical violence, Jedi!reader, Razor Crest still exists (and it’s def bigger in my head than it is in the show), praise kink, friends to lovers, angsty but fluffy and smutty dw, I only proofread like 2 times so it may be bad (it’s 3:16am...so...we die like men!), AFAB reader, uhhh I think that’s it...
Word Count: 3,078
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“I swear to the Maker, if you don’t get back on the Crest now, I’m gonna-,”
Din is cut off by the sound of your lightsaber clashing through the plastoid armor of the stormtrooper to your left. You swing your saber around, showing off more than you need to. You throw it down the alleyway, feeling through the force as it cuts through another stormtrooper before finding its way back to your hand.
“You’re gonna what?” You say, tilting your head to the side. You point your saber to the stormtroopers scattered around the alleyway. “I just saved you.” You close your saber and cross your arms cockily.
Din shakes his head, his gaze refusing to meet yours. “And where’s the kid? You just left him on the Crest?” You roll your eyes, turning your back towards him as you remove your cloak from your shoulders. There, in perfect condition, is Grogu, secure in a little carrier on your back.
“You really think I’d be that dumb?” Your words have a callous edge to them. Din had been far moodier than usual over the past few days, and with that came a strange overprotectiveness that you hadn’t seen before. It was starting to feel as if he thought you were going to mess up, that you couldn’t take care of yourself. “You think I’d put the kid’s life at stake?”
“That’s not what I meant.” The anger in his voice has all but melted away. You’re shocked by how defeated he sounds now.
You inhale deeply, taking a moment to calm yourself down. “So what did you mean, Din?”
“We don’t have time for this now.” He’s curt and almost a bit cold, his modulated voice echoing off the walls of the alleyway. “We need to get back to the ship.”
You hate the way he’s brushing you off, ignoring you, pushing you to the side. You didn’t need this; you didn’t need to put up with his shit. Not anymore. “What is going on with you?” The words come out louder, more aggressive than you meant them to.
Din takes a single stride towards you, his broad figure practically shoving you against the wall in the process. “We are not doing this here.” The feeling of him being so close to you clouds your mind. You can’t form a coherent thought, never mind a sentence. You want to say something, to stand up for yourself, but you can’t. “Now cut the shit so we can get back to the ship.” There’s that anger again, that finality in his voice.
In the distance you can hear stormtroopers chatting, whispering your name, mumbling on about Grogu, warning each other about the Mandalorian. Din was right. There was no time to hash this out here. You nod, finally caving in. Din takes a step away from you, immediately grasping your wrist in his hand before making a break for the Crest, just on the other end of the alleyway.
Somehow you make it without being seen. Din lets go of your hand, motioning for you to get on the ship. You make a b-line for the back and carefully remove Grogu from his carrier, placing him in his crib. You stand frozen in place in front of it, watching his eyes flutter open and closed as he slowly drifts off to sleep.
You don’t want to move. You rather watch the child you had come to care so deeply for sleep peacefully than deal with a massively enraged Din. The oncoming fight would most definitely wake Grogu, so maybe it was best for you to hide in the little corner that you had come to call Grogu’s bedroom, completely unnoticed. But obviously, that’s not an option. You begrudgingly step towards the end of the hull and decide to keep your hands busy by organizing the tiny stock of food that lined a makeshift shelf along the far wall.
You can hear Din’s heavy steps on the other side of the ship, presumably heading up towards the cockpit. After a few seconds and many annoyed grunts from Din, the ship is lifted into the air and away from danger.
You try your best to bring yourself to get angry at him, to yell some explicative across the hull of the ship and spit a curse in his helmet-covered face. You wanted the consequences, for him to storm over and scream back. But you couldn’t – because things weren’t normally like this. Din had always been kind, caring, protective even.
He'd leave the cockpit to grab a blanket from his cot when you fell asleep in the co-pilot’s chair. He’d come back and gently, yet silently, tuck you in with it. It was the only blanket he had. Sometimes you’d wake up in his bed, having been carried into it at some point during the night. He’d be awake, taking care of the child, flying the Crest, making sure nothing and no green baby woke you up.
You’d be lying if you said his doting behavior didn’t draw you to him, that it didn’t make you crave him. Every soft touch on your shoulder, every time you pretended to be asleep just to feel his arms wrap around you as he brought you to his cot. You’d let your stares linger a little too long from time to time, pushing past your reflection in his armor, searching for some sort of sign that maybe he feels the same.
You wanted him to come up behind you, rest his hands on your hips, squeezing softly at the exposed inch of skin where your top and your pants just can’t seem to meet, and whisper in your ear in that husky, modulated voice that he’s sorry, that he’ll make up to you by-
“Never, ever, do anything like that again.” You practically jump out of your skin at the sound of his voice. You quickly turn around, not realizing how close Din had gotten to you. His chest is practically flush against yours, the proximity causing you to stumble back against the shelf, threatening to bring it down with you.
Din immediately snakes an arm around your waist, keeping you from falling against the cold metal floors below. Your arms instinctively reach up around his neck to stabilize yourself. You’re glued to him now, and you don’t particularly want to let go. You swallow harshly, intimidated by the way the beskar clad man seems to tower over you, by the way you can smell him, by the way his forehead practically touches yours.
You take a deep breath, furrowing your brows and doing your best to collect your thoughts despite the fog that the moment seemed to create in your brain. “Do what? Save your ass?” You spit, instantly regretting the harshness of your words, even if he deserves them.
“You weren’t supposed to leave the ship.” He’s stern, his voice somehow punishing. “You were supposed to stay here with the kid.”
You shake your head, feeling far too much like a child caught playing in the front seat of their parent’s speeder. “You needed my help! You would’ve died out there without me! And I can handle myself,” You yell, trying to ignore how you could feel the rise and fall of his chest against yours. “If this is about risking the kid’s life, I promise you I wasn’t. I would never put him-,”
He cuts you off, “I know you wouldn’t, that’s not what this is about.”
What? You think to yourself, confused beyond belief. If this wasn’t about the child, then what could this possibly be about? “So then what’s the problem?” You ask, more aware of the way that Din is holding you against him now than you were before.
You can hear Din inhale deeply through the modulator. “You.” A shudder rolls down your spine. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed.” There’s still an edge in his voice, but he’s calmer now, almost pained, as if considering your death in some dark corner of his mind.
“Sorry that my death would be such an inconvenience for you,” You say sardonically. “It’ll be hard trying to replace me with some other force-wielding wizard that’ll be willing to babysit for you, since clearly that’s all I am.” You wanted the words to sting him, to hurt him, and maybe they did, but it felt like a punch in the gut to simply think them. You wanted to grab the words from where they still hung in the air and shove them back into your mouth, to swallow them so that they could burn in the acid of your stomach.
Din tilts his head down, crushed, defeated. Your heart winces. Fuck. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” His stare finds yours again, and you quickly look down at his shoulder, too embarrassed to have him look you in your eyes.
You shake your head. “But Din, that’s the problem,” You say, somehow finding the courage to meet his gaze. “I don’t know what you mean. How am I supposed to know what you mean if you won’t kriffing tell-,”
“Fucking hell, I don’t want to lose you!”
Your eyes widen. “What?”
Din looks around the hull, as if the words he was searching for were hiding, wrapped somewhere around its silver walls. “I can’t lose you. And before you ask, no, it’s not because you train the kid or whatever the hell you think it is.” You can feel the pain in his voice, guilt quickly filling your gut. “It’s just…” He trails off, silence hanging heavy in the air.
“Well…what is it?” You mumble, struggling to force down the lump in your throat. You wish you could see his face, to get a sense of his expression, an inkling as to what he was really feeling.
“You,” He says, as if those three letters held some secret, omniscient being or meaning. To him, they did. It was you. You were the thing that kept him up at night, the thing that made him want to show every facet of his being for the first time in his life.  “You’re reckless and careless and sometimes you drive me absolutely insane.”
You scoff. “Wow, what a glowing review of my services!”
Din shakes his head. “You don’t fucking get it. You’re so much more than that, because even though you drive me crazy,” He pauses; the modulator picks up his breath as it catches in his throat, “I know I’d never be able to spend an entire lifetime without you in it.”
You’re speechless. An entire lifetime? “Din I-,”
“Close your eyes.”
“What? You just said all that and you want me to close my-,”
“Just close your eyes. You trust me, don’t you?”
Of course I trust you, smart-ass, You think to yourself. So, you do what he says, shutting your eyes firmly. Then there’s a hiss, and then something clunks loudly against the floor. And then…
It’s warm, and soft, and smooth, and all those other perfect words someone would use to describe the perfect kiss. He has a mustache under all that metal, and now you know, because it tickles ever so gently just above your upper lip. His hands squeeze your hips just a bit tighter, pulling you further into his chest.
His lips press deeper into yours, hungrier. You keep your eyes closed tightly, your hands sliding up and into his hair, combing gently. He moans into your mouth at the touch as he guides you away from the shelf and towards his cot.
“D-Din,” You stutter in between gasps.
“What is it, mesh’la?” He presses a chaste kiss to your forehead.
You can feel the heat pooling at the bottom of your stomach, but there’s something stopping you, something telling you that there’s no possible way this could ever be real, that it wasn’t a set-up, that it wasn’t a dream. “Do you really want this?”
“More than anything.” You can hear the smirk in his voice, and you silently wish to yourself that you could see it. “Do you?”
You nod, repeating his words, “More than anything.”
His lips find yours again, his knee nudging in between your thighs as he pushes you down onto his cot. He’s on top of you now, his hands on either side of your body. “Wanted you for so long…” He whispers in your ear. “Wanted you this whole time.” Fuck, he was going to kill you.
Din presses sloppy kisses into the crook of your neck, leading up to your jaw. His hands stretch under the hemline of your shirt, his fingertips gliding across your stomach and towards the edge of your bra. You shudder as he reaches underneath, slowly inching towards your chest.
Something was changing within him, and that something was you. You made him want to throw his Creed away, to ignore all he had been taught his entire life. How could you ever possibly be something he shouldn’t have? He needed you.
More than anything. And you needed him.
“Please,” You beg. “I need you Din, please.”
And just like that, something within him finally switched.
“Open your eyes, cyare,” He’s so quiet you almost miss it. His fingers dip underneath your bra, rolling a nipple between his thumb and forefinger teasingly before doing the same to the other. “’Want you to look at me when I make you come.”
Panic rises to your chest. “W-what, are you sure? What about the Creed, what about-,”
“It doesn’t matter, not if it means I can’t have you.”
You wait a moment, giving him time to change his mind, but he doesn’t. You let your eyes flutter open, his curly hair and brown eyes flooding your vision. And Maker, there’s that smile, the smile you’d only heard through laughs and sarcastic, snide quips. You swear your heart skips a beat, maybe even two. He was perfect. Of course he was fucking perfect.
“You’re beautiful,” You whisper, your hands finding their way to his cheeks, his neck, your fingertips carefully running over his lips. His forehead rests down on yours, his eyes closing softly, reveling in the intimacy.
Din lifts himself off you and makes his way down your body, settling in between your legs. His fingers hook the waistline of your pants, tugging them down and throwing them somewhere in the hull. He feels your core through your soaked panties.
“So fucking wet for me, pretty girl,” He coos, practically ripping your panties as he pulls them down your legs. “Need to taste you.”
“F-fuck, Din,” You breathe sharply as his tongue laps at your clit, your hips lifting off the mattress. Din presses an arm across your hips, keeping you down against the cot, his free hand spreading your slick, teasing your entrance.
“’Tastes so good,” He rasps, his voice vibrating deliciously against your core. “Doing so good for me sweet girl.”
His mouth sucks harshly at your clit, taking the small bundle of nerves into his mouth, lapping at you like he was starving. You wanted more, needed more.
“N-need you, Din,” You whine, your hips fighting against the arm that held you down. He pushes you down further into the mattress, his mouth pressing even deeper onto your core.
“Not done with you yet,” He grunts, pushing two fingers into your entrance, pumping in and out, fast and hard. You could feel yourself growing closer with each thrust.
You moan his name like it’s a prayer, and in this moment it is. “Din, please, I, just…” But you can’t finish your sentence. It’s all too much, his fingers, his tongue, his voice, him. He was everywhere and everything all at once. And yet you needed more.
“Use your words, sweet girl,” He says patiently, nonchalantly.
“I want…” Your words fail again. “I…need you to f-fuck me, please.”
But he doesn’t stop, he keeps going. “I said I wasn’t done with you yet.” You could feel your walls fluttering around his fingers, teetering just on the edge.
“I’m so close,” You pant in between ragged breaths.
And then, abruptly, he pulls away, leaving you cold and empty. Before you can even think to sit up or reach out for him, he was back, his hips resting against yours, his pants and armor now somewhere scattered to the side. You could feel his cock throbbing against your inner thighs. He lines himself up with your entrance, teasing you.
“Din,” You whimper. “Plea-,”
He buries himself inside you, cutting you off, stretching you out. “So fucking tight,” He praises, pulling all the way out before thrusting back into you, filling you up again. “So soft, so perfect.” His fingers find your clit, circling the nerves roughly.
His forehead rests on your own as his left-hand searches for your right one. His fingers intertwine with yours just above your head, keeping you from drowning, cementing you there with him. It all feels so good, each pump, each circle at your clit. You can feel your walls clenching around him.
“Taking me so well,” He soothes, rocking into you. “Such a good girl.” It was all too much, his words, his cock.
“I-I’m gonna-,” You choke, white heat flooding your vision. You know Din isn’t far behind, his hips stuttering against yours.
“Come for me, sweet girl, that’s it,” Din moans, sending you over the edge. You feel yourself shattering underneath him, falling apart into a million pieces, only to be put back together again. His name slips off your tongue as he comes inside you.
His hips roll slowly against yours, gently rocking into you a few more times before pulling out.  
He shifts a bit so that you can comfortably lay on his chest. After all that, there’s only one thing you can think about.
“You wouldn’t be able to live without me?”
You look up at Din. His smirk stretches into a smile. He presses a kiss to your forehead. “I wouldn’t, no.” He says it so matter-of-factly, so simply, as if it was common knowledge. “I need you. I always have.”
“I need you too.” He was the only person you had ever needed, the only exception. You didn’t need to tell him. He knew. Always has, always will.
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing
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ln4bub · 10 months
47 + charles 🩷✨
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Charles had been streaming for a while, his laugh coming from his sim room every few minutes. You were starting to miss him, you loved that he was happy to give fans content but that didn’t mean you didn’t want your boyfriend to give you equal attention. You head down to the kitchen, grabbing one of Charles’ favourite smoothies before heading back up to the room.
Standing outside the door you place your hand on the handle, Charles’ voice spilling through the wood. “Oh my god. I have never looked so good.” You hear him say, shuffling around in his seat. Your eyebrows furrow, clicking open the door. The sight you see as you walk in stumps you. Charles is sat in front of his stream set up, in a banana costume. He turns to look at you, cheesy grin spread over his face. “Hi mon amour, what do you think?” He asks, gesturing to his outfit.
You walk over to him, placing his smoothie down and shaking your head. Everyone in chat starts saying hi to you, asking you to ban Charles from using his credit card to buy costumes. You laugh at their desperation, sitting down on Charles’ lap. “I think you look ridiculous, but still adorable.” You tell him, placing a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll come back in a bit for you.” You say, getting up to leave. Charles turns back to the chat but not before yelling a thank you for the smoothie. You hear him giggle, “I know chat I know, I’m very lucky to have Y/N.” With a giddy smile, you head down to the kitchen ready to start dinner.
As the pasta bubbles on the stove and you fry some pancetta, you hear Charles' footsteps coming down the stairs. "Food's almost done Charlie, I was gonna bring it up to you." You say, not turning to look at him as you focus on not burning your food. He wraps himself around you from behind, pressing a kiss to the exposed skin of your neck. Out of the corner of your eye you see a flash of yellow and you pause. Turning the heat off under the food you turn to face him, seeing him still dressed in that costume. He takes a step back, spinning in a circle with his arms out, a cheesy grin painting his face. Your eyes scan him, black shorts and white t-shirt peeking out from underneath the banana costume. He's smirking by the time you look back at his face, "Did you just look me up and down? Because if you did we are having sex. Right now." Charles tells you, dimples deepening at the way you laugh at his antics.
He wraps his arms around you, tapping your thigh to encourage you to jump. You do just that, your legs encasing his waist as he carries you over to the couch. Your lips mould together as you walk, you moan into Charles’ mouth as you attempt to tangle your hands in his hair only to be stopped by his outfit. “Oh fuck me.” You groan against his lips, arms resting over his shoulders in defeat. “In case you haven’t noticed mon cherie I am trying to but I am still a banana.” Charles replies, lips curling into a smirk as you lightly smack his shoulder.
He lowers you down onto the couch, resting on top of you lightly. Charles leans to kiss you once more but you stop him, “Strip. Right now.” His eyebrows raise in shock at your command, “If I knew all it took to get you to order me around was to dress as a banana I would have put this thing on much sooner.” He mutters, pulling the costume and his t-shirt off in one smooth motion. You roll your eyes at him, removing your shirt and blindly throwing it on the floor. Charles descends on you, his lips attaching to your neck. Your hips buck up against him, rolling against the fast-growing bulge in his shorts. He groans at the friction, teeth nipping your collarbone, making you whine. “Charles please, we don’t have the time for teasing.” You grumble, pulling him back up to you as he laughs. “Just say you want me cherie, no need for an excuse.” He smirks, fingers slipping into your shorts. His eyes shut at the feeling of your arousal, always shocked by what he does to you, even in that stupid banana costume.
You roll your hips against his fingers, seeking some friction. Charles leans down to kiss you, lips swallowing your moans as he circles your clit. Your hands come up to cup his face, fingernails scratching lightly against his neck. He groans into your mouth at the sting, hips bucking against yours. Both of you pull away, heavy panting messes, and remove the rest of your clothes. Charles remains standing, staring down at your naked body before he pulls you up to him in a kiss. “So beautiful mon amour.” He whispers against your lips. Your hand travels down his chest, wrapping around his length, causing him to whimper into your mouth.
Your hand twists around the head of his cock, feeling the thick vein on the underside throb with each pass of your fingers. Charles stops your hand, picking you up once more only to spin around and sit down, positioning you on his lap. He groans at the way your wetness coats his cock immediately, your hips grinding against him. You reach behind you and hold the base of his cock, sliding the tip inside you. Charles’ head falls back at the feeling, eyes fluttering shut and mouth dropping open. His breathing gets heavier with every inch you take, encompassed by the feeling of your warm walls squeezing him.
“Please move mon cherie, can’t wait any longer.” He begs, hands finding your hips and eyes finding your own. His eyebrows furrow and a deep moan rumbles through his chest as you begin to bounce on his dick. His large hands slide down your hips to hold your ass, guiding your body to move on top of his faster, harder. You throw your head back with a moan, walls clenching around Charles at the feeling of his thick cock sliding in and out of you. Your wetness coats your thighs as he continues guiding you, his hips bucking up into yours.
His hand slides around the back of your neck, tugging your face to his. He slams his lips to yours, tongue swirling around your own as he feels the vibrations of your moans. Your legs start to burn with the movement, momentum slowing and causing Charles to whine. “No, no cherie, don’t stop, s’il vous plait.” He mumbles against your lips, hips thrusting up into you. You pull away from the kiss, your hand resting on Charles’ jaw. You slide the hand down to wrap around his thick neck, “Use me Charles, fuck me like this and make yourself cum.” You tell him, applying slight pressure to the sides of his neck. You feel the vibration of his groan against your palm.
Charles plants his feet on the floor before thrusting up into you. His cock hits your g-spot with every thrust, his name spilling out of your lips as curses spill out of his in French. His thrusts are sloppy but hard, desperate to give you pleasure. He’s begging now, needy whines spilling from his lips as he begs you to cum around him, holding back his own orgasm until he feels yours. His thumb slips around to the front of your body, rubbing circles against your clit. You scream his name, legs tensing as your orgasm floods over your body. The tightness of your pussy coupled with the way your eyes roll back and your hand tightens around his throat caused Charles to spill inside you. Ropes of his cum coat your walls as he moans out a string of mumbled thanks.
You collapse on top of him, gentle kisses placed to the red marks you left on his neck. He hums into your hair as you both lay in silence, until you remember the pasta sitting on the stove and rush to the kitchen; the sound of Charles giggling following you.
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afewproblems · 1 year
I just got a tattoo done and was thinking about all of the before and after care instructions they gave me and how older Eddie would have possibly reacted to the list of things he would need to do or items to purchase for a new addition to his sleeve.
The artist reaches out to Eddie years after corroded coffin makes it big. She's fairly well known as a minor celebrity herself in the tattoo and body modification space in LA, so when she contacts Eddie's agent about offering a new piece for his eclectic sleeve he checks out her portfolio and is immediately sold.
She sends him the idea and he signs off on it right away and before they know it, he and Steve are on a plane from Chicago to Los Angeles.
It isn't until it's done, and the second skin is placed over the piece, smoothed out to ensure no bubbling, that Eddie balks at the secondary list of steps he needs to take.
The artist taps out the instruction email on her phone, hitting send with a dimpled grin before reaching out to shake his hand and Steve's, thanking them for being such great new clients. She asks Steve if he would be interested in a piece at some point, to which he smiles politely and shakes his head.
Steve has never been into tattoos for himself, though he's always gone to great lengths to admire and kiss each piece on Eddie's body.
Eddie half listens as they continue to chat, pulling out his phone to review the email she sent him.
"Ensure that you leave the second skin on for three to five days and upon its removal (see removal instructions on page two)..."
Eddie has to stop himself from rolling his eyes right then and there. It's not as though this is his first ever tattoo, he's been getting ink since before this girl was even born.
He winces at the thought, reminding himself that just because she's young doesn't mean she doesn't know her shit, and she clearly does. He shakes his head and nods when Steve says goodbye for them and they make their way to the elevator.
"Okay, what's with the face?" Steve asks quietly as soon as the door closes.
Eddie sighs and folds his arms over his chest, careful not to bump the now tender area on his forearm.
"You look like you swallowed a lemon, spill," he reaches out for Eddie's shoulder, his warm hazel eyes, now lined with gentle wrinkles at the edges search his face, "do you not like it?"
Eddie barks out a laugh, "it's probably one of the nicest ones in the whole collection, no Stevie, it's not that".
Steve raises his eyebrow now and just looks at Eddie until the elevator dings and the doors open before them.
God Dammit.
He loves and hates this ability, that Steve knows Eddie will crack eventually if he just waits long enough.
"Fine!" Eddie sighs as they make their way back to the hotel.
It's gorgeous out, nothing like the weather back home right now, the palm trees lining the streets and the twinkling fairy lights on every corner gives the area an almost magical feel, despite the bustling pedestrians packing the sidewalks.
"It's a little weird all the instructions," Eddie says eventually. He speaks slowly, doing his best to articulate exactly what he feels.
Steve nods, though the confused pinch between his brow doesn't quite fade.
"And I've been getting these done since it eighties, Steve, it's just a little--"
Eddie growls and tugs on his hair in frustration, "I don't want to be shitty".
Steve shrugs and loops his arm around Eddie's small waist, tugging him closer.
"Be shitty, you know I love it," he grins and lifts his free hand to remove Eddie's from his hair, "what about the instructions made you upset?"
"It's like I'm being talked down to," Eddie says with a frown, "I got a stick and poke from Jeff in '84 that was totally fine with out any of this," he lifts his arm now to show off the shiny second skin to Steve who nods.
"And which one was that again?" Steve asks, there's a leading lilt to his voice that makes Eddie want to sit on the sidewalk.
He huffs out a low whine, "Steve--"
"Eddie," Steve answers with a soft smile.
And Eddie knows he's lost this argument, if you could even call it that, because the bats that Jeff did for him all the way back in '84, have since been covered up.
Over the years they had morphed into six blobs of bluish grey on the back of his forearm that could no longer be distinguishable as bats, and after being asked about his 'abstract' tattoos by an interviewer a few years back, he had made the decision to get them covered.
And it could have been any number of things that lead to the eventual fading and blobification of his bats, but Eddie figured it was probably because they had almost immediately gotten infected a few days after Jeff had finished them in his parents garage.
Eddie clears his throat and opens the email on his phone again, taking another look at the list the artist had sent him.
"Fine, you gonna help me take care of this thing Stevie?" Eddie grumbles as they enter the revolving door of the hotel, stepping carefully into the pie shaped section to avoid colliding with the moving entryway.
Steve snorts and lets his hand curl through one of the belt loops on Eddie's jeans, "I think I remember agreeing to something like that, in sickness and health?"
He leans forward and nuzzels his nose into Eddie's ear, "till the end of our days".
555 notes · View notes
tippenstoepens · 2 months
Prettiest Girl in the Room
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part 1 - part 2 - part 3
Wordcount: 1.2k
You couldn’t hold it against Joe. As an adult woman, you knew better by now. Kisses don’t come with strings attached and just because a person kisses you, doesn’t mean they want to spend the rest of their life with you - especially if that kiss happened while both parties were drunk.
Which Joe made pretty apparent when he didn’t call you the morning after your kiss. Or the three mornings after that. Or the three months after that. All you had heard from Joe was his reaction notifications from the cast group chat when someone would send a Twitter meme made of the show. Everyone fancied one of Jackson’s character screaming “Well, you can shove your ham up your ass!” 
“Joekeery loved an image”
That’s all you got. 
You went about your life the way you always did between gigs: waitressing during the week, babysitting your friends’ kids on weekends, and sending out the odd self-tape in hopes your career wasn’t over before it had even begun. It was a nice, simple life. Not every actor was fortunate enough to afford a roof over their head in New York City, no matter how many doubles they worked. You consider yourself spoiled rotten every day. What could possibly be missing?
You didn’t date. That was probably part of the problem. That’s what made Joe’s silence ache so deeply. You wondered if it would change anything if he knew that the most action you had gotten in months before the kiss was getting catcalled in the streets. A simple kiss meant the world to celibate, touch starved women like you.
Maybe you should be the one to call him… And maybe you should crawl on your knees begging him to pay you a modicum of attention with “DESPERATE” written on your forehead in red Sharpie just to put the icing on the idiot cake. 
He popped into your mind way more often than he was welcome. At the grocery store when one of the songs he always played in the makeup trailer started harassing you over the intercom. In your kitchen when you removed fish bones from your salmon. In bed when you were trying to… Well, that’s no one’s business. 
“Guess who has two thumbs and just got renewed for a second season,” the director bubbled in the group chat.
“Oh, I love this game,” David texted. “This show. Our show got greenlit.”
It was time to shake it off. Not just for the sake of the show, but for your own sake. It wasn’t healthy to dwell so much on the past. 
On the first day back from hiatus, the producers and director had the cast sit for a table read of the first few scripts they had written. As Joe’s TV wife, you’d expect to be sitting next to him considering most of your scenes were together. Maybe you should talk to Joe and clear the air before the table read started. Yes. That’s the mature thing to do.
You arrived twenty-five minutes early - which is on-the-dot on time in the acting world. Joe wasn’t there when you arrived. Or ten minutes after you did. Or five minutes after that.The anticipation of Joe’s arrival was turning your stomach into knots. He was usually punctual. Surely, he wasn’t tardy because of you.
“Any word from Joe?” The director mumbled to his assistant. 
“Haven’t heard from him,” they replied.
You began to worry. Was he skipping out on the table read because he didn’t want to see you? Had his avoidance of you gone that far? He’d have to get over it eventually. He had a contract to fulfill. Just as you began your descent into a catastrophizing spiral, the clock struck eleven and Joe jogged into the room - beads of sweat forming at his hairline. “So sorry,” he panted. “Traffic was terrible.”
“It’s okay, we wouldn’t get started without our golden boy,” David teased. “I hear he’s up for sexiest man alive this year.”
Joe blew a short raspberry in response.
“Alright, alright, let’s get right into it, shall we? From the top of episode one.” The director chirped, no doubt relieved that he didn’t have to read Joe’s lines for him. “Interior. The Henderson bedroom. John and Jane Henderson lie in bed, covered only by their silk bed sheets. They’re snuggled up together. Post-coitus is implied.”
Say sike right now. You had never done a scene like this with Joe before. Never! The Henderson’s didn’t even have a scene like this in their honeymoon episode.
Of course this would be the first scene on the first day back after your first time seeing Joe after your first kiss. It was fan service. Every girl, guy, and person wanted to see more of Joe’s skin these days. But why did you have to be dragged into it?
You turned to look Joe in the eyes as you would have at any other table reading. Normal. This is normal. Business as usual. But it didn’t feel as easy as it was before. At first, you struggled to make eye contact and when you finally did, the intensity of his gaze made you blush a bit. Only a bit. The show must go on.
“That was amazing, sweetheart,” he scooped the line off the page and met your gaze again. 
God, the script writing was really going downhill this season, huh?
You sighed contently as the script dictated. “You’re tellin’ me!”
The whole cast chuckled.
The rest of the table read went on without a single hitch. After the ice was broken, things weren’t nearly as awkward as you dreaded they would be. The cast went through the entire table read five times before the lunch break. The first thing you did with your free time was approach Joe.
“You didn’t call.”
“Neither did you."
Fair, but not really because Joe was the one with a booming career and Joe was the one everyone tuned in to the show for and Joe was the one with most of the power in this dynamic and Joe was the one who initiated the kiss and infinitely many other reasons that he was to blame came to mind before you finally came to the conclusion that you didn’t call Joe because you were afraid of the possibility of rejection. What if you followed up only to find out that he wasn’t interested in you? Your low-self esteem convinced you that reaching out to a person like Joe was asking for embarrassment.
“So what now?” The rough exterior melted, revealing the vulnerable little girl inside that just wanted a boy to like her back.
“Well, that’s up to you,” he shrugged.
Not necessarily the answer you wanted. You just stared him down until he said more things.
“If it was just a drunken kiss, I understand. We’ll never speak of it again. We’ll keep things professional.”
“And if it wasn’t?” You murmured while making sure to avoid eye contact lest you be made a fool of for saying that.
“If it wasn’t… I’d like you to have dinner with me," he blushed. "Some time. If you… I dunno if you have free time- Well, of course you have free time, but I meant- If you want to have dinner,” he stammered and stuttered.
“I’d love to.”
Joe sighed in relief. “Great. Do you like Italian?” He smiled a bashful, closed lipped smile and it made the corners of his big, brown eyes crinkle.
“I love Italian.”
“I know a spot in the lower east side near Ludlow. Friday at eight? I’ll pick you up if you like.” God, his eyes.
The submissive in you wished he would stop worrying about what you like and make you do what he liked. The romantic in you found his sheepishness so charming.
“I’d like that,” you beamed.
Taglist: @thefrontofmymind, @bejeweled13swiftie
117 notes · View notes
perlelune · 1 year
Tag, You’re It | Ethan Landry | ix.
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Happy, carefree college days meet their abrupt end when every guy who approaches you mysteriously turns up dead.
Warnings: NON-CON, Stalking, Bimbo!Reader, Clueless Reader, Loss of Virginity, Incel Ethan, Cheerleader Reader, Skin Carving (w/knife), Canon Typical Slashing, Voyeurism, Kidnapping, Forced Masturbation, Filming, Blackmail
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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The next few weeks trudge along in a dull fog, the efflorescence of spring yielding to the sizzling heat of summer. You cloister yourself in a sedulous bubble, turning your focus to cheerleading and the upcoming midterms.
You miss your friends, each day agonizing as you’re trapped in aching loneliness.
You miss Mindy’s sarcastic jokes, Chad’s warmth, Anika’s laugh.
You miss the lazy afternoons spent in each other’s dorms and horror movie nights. You miss the goofy late night chats about everything and nothing.
You also miss Ethan, his kindness, his patience.
Without him, studying becomes much harder. 
Even more than the help he provided, his friendship meant the world to you. He always listened and knew exactly what to say to cheer you up. Unfortunately he’s just as in danger as everyone else in your presence.
Getting close to you is a death sentence. 
You’ve learnt that some time after Tyler was attacked.
He succumbed to his injuries the very next night.
The news shook the student body and unleashed a ripple of fear throughout campus. 
As for you, it cemented your decision to keep away from everyone you hold dear. 
It’s for the best.
Your heart shatters every time Ghostface’s words bounce in your head. 
If you had stayed away from Tyler, he’d still be alive. The guilt of knowing that weighs upon you everyday.
It’s no wonder people give you wary looks when you walk across campus. It’s a miracle Alana even let you remain on the team with everything going on. 
You know she has every reason to kick you out and, truthfully, you’d understand if she did. 
It’s like Jeff said at the hospital. You’re cursed.
It’s Friday night and you’re in your room on your own, your roommate away on a trip with her boyfriend.
You don’t mind it since Vanessa started tossing you the same strange looks as everyone else lately.
It’s created a weird atmosphere in your dorm.
You’ve even caught her trying to fill a form to switch roommates, citing medical reasons. She was expeditiously denied as the year’s far too advanced and has been in a mood since.
A break is more than welcome.
Sitting on your bed with your knee against your chest, you carefully apply the second coat of your favorite pink nail polish. You smile at your handiwork once it’s dry, happiness fluttering through you at how pretty your toes look. 
As you remove your toe separator and wiggle them, wondering if you should add a layer of glitter or not, your phone buzzes.
Terror clutches your insides. 
A surprised exhale leaves your lips and you even kick the bottle of nail polish across the fuzzy rug below your bed, staining the pale blue wool with bright dots of pink.
Heart pounding a heavy staccato in your chest, you gingerly pick up your phone from beside your pillow.
You suck in a deep breath, then another one.
Ever since that night, you’ve been on edge every time your phone buzzes.
Needless to say the last few weeks have taken a tremendous toll on your sanity.
Finally, you gather the courage to check the text you just received.
At the sight of the familiar name, a mix of relief and melancholy floods your insides.
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(Anika K: 
Hey, just checking on you and wishing you a happy Friday. Hope you’re okay and, if not, that things will look up very soon. 
I know you said you wanted space so I’m not gonna push, but I just wanted to let you know that I miss you so so much and things aren’t as fun when you’re not around.
I don’t know everything but I want you to know that I love and support you no matter what.
Here’s a bear for you cause I know how much you love them! 💖💖💖
Your bestie, Nikki)
A dancing bear shooting little hearts follows her message.
Tears swim in your eyes as you grow overwhelmed. They drip onto the screen, water smudging Anika’s words. You wipe your eyes and sniffle, grabbing the box of tissues on your night table. 
It’s not the first time your friends have tried to reach out.
Nearly everyday you get a message from Mindy, Chad, Anika and even Tara and Quinn sometimes, despite not being as close to them. 
They’re trying to get you to come out and act normal again. Except you can’t. 
No matter how much you crave it, normalcy is beyond your grasp. As soon as you’ll let your guard down, he’ll come back to torture you. Who knows who he’ll pick next just to teach you a lesson.
You can’t bear it. You can’t be the reason people are getting hurt. 
So you close the conversation with Anika as tears stream down your face, once again leaving her on read. 
Your heart sinks to your feet. 
You grab your teddy bear and hug it tightly, shuddering sobs wracking your frame.
The pit of hollowness inside you expands. 
You’ve never been so isolated before. It makes you wish you appreciated everything you used to have more. 
A gentle knock on the door lures you away from your wistful musings.
You gasp as your head jerks up.
You quickly wipe your eyes, lamenting their puffy redness as you get a glimpse of your despondent reflection in your vanity mirror.
You let go of your bear, propping him against the headboard.
Plastering on a smile, you plod to your dorm’s entrance.
Your jaw hangs slack at the sight of the head of brown curls and lopsided, bashful smile you know too well.
“Hey,” he greets, adjusting the strap of his backpack.
“E-Ethan? You shouldn’t be here.”
You attempt to shut the door but Ethan wedges his foot against the door jamb to keep it open.  He slinks inside and closes the door behind him.
Your eyes grow wider.
He drops his backpack on the floor and leans against the door, tilting his head sideways while running his eyes over you. 
“You missed all our tutoring sessions,” he notes.
A feeble apology stumbles out of your lips. “I’m sorry.”
He hums in acknowledgement before adding, “You don’t answer when I text or call.”
You heave out a long sigh.
“You should go.”
You try to shove him out but he doesn’t budge.
“No way,” he says firmly.
Your fingers outstretch toward the handle but Ethan’s faster, snapping the lock into place and placing himself in front of the door so you can’t escape.
You gawk at him.
“Ethan…What are you doing?”
Towering over you, he takes a slow step in your direction.
“I’m not going anywhere until you talk to me.”
“You shouldn’t be here.”
His hand sneaks under your chin when you lower your head.
“I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be,” he mutters, angling your chin upward so his gaze dives into yours. His chestnut orbs soften as they drink you in. “Come on. I’m always here for you, you know that.”
The longer you peer at him, the more the fences you erected around yourself crumble, until nothing is left but ruins.
More tears swell in your eyes.
“Everyone who gets close to me dies, Ethan,” you shakily confess.
Immediately, he wraps his arms around you, engulfing you in a tight warm hug. 
“Shh, that’s just not true,” he whispers tenderly, cradling the back of your head as you weep against his chest.
“Yes, it’s true. It’s like everyone’s saying. I’m cursed.”
He collects your trembling fingers from your lap and twines them with his. 
Your tears soak his shirt but Ethan doesn’t seem to mind. He grabs your hand and guides you back to your bed as you thoughtlessly trail behind him.
He sits you at the edge of your bed and hunkers down in front of you. Even like this, Ethan’s so tall that you’re still at eye level with him.
“You’re not cursed," he affirms softly. 
Water drips down where your hands are joined with his. 
“Yes, I am," you quaver. 
"But I am."
"No," he fervently retaliates, lifting one hand to swipe your tears with his thumb while the other one roams over your thigh. "It just wasn’t meant to be. These guys weren’t right for you…" You stare at him, numb with shock. Dumbfounded, you don’t move as he cups your cheeks and bends over you.
A confident smile unfurls on his mouth.
Warm lips suddenly collide with yours. You find yourself on your back, confined between Ethan’s large frame and the mattress as he kisses you senseless. 
You whimper and his kiss turns hungrier, his hand roughly gripping under your thigh in a way that’ll surely bruise the next day. He hums, exploring your mouth and sweeping over your curves.
As an unmistakable pressure jutting from between Ethan’s legs presses into your belly, alarm bells ring inside your head.
You bang against his chest to get him to stop. 
"Ethan! What are you-"
He finally allows you to breathe but doesn’t free you, keeping you caged beneath him by putting his hands on each side of you. 
He licks his swollen lips and caresses the side of your face before admitting breathlessly, "I love you."
Your mouth falls open in sheer disbelief. You toss him a contrite look as he scrutinizes you. 
"I…I’m sorry but I don’t feel this way about you, Ethan."
He chuckles, a hopeful smile blooming on his features.
"Maybe not now but…"
"No, I don’t think I ever will,” you cut him off, your voice dwindling. “I only see you as a friend. One of my best friends.” You raise your hand to graze his jaw and he flinches at your touch, his brows squeezing together. “I care about you so much…but not like that. I’m sorry."
Something shifts in Ethan’s eyes, the light in them dimming.
"I see."
The coldness of his deep timbre sends a wave of ice through your veins.
He scoffs meanly, a manic glint waltzing in his brown gaze, "So you’d throw yourself at any random guy but not me?” He corrals your jaw in a bruising grip. You whimper, fingers latching to his wrist to pull him away but he’s much too strong.
A devilish grin curves his lips as he leers down at you. “What are you, some kind of slut?” He leans over you so his lips ghost over your earshell. You quake as he mumbles chilling words into your ear. “Maybe since you’re a slut, I should treat you like one.”
You unleash an audible breath, your lip wobbling.
Suddenly, there’s no more air, no more space. Only Ethan’s large frame pinning you to the bed as his hands wander over you, feeling everywhere at once.
Struggling is for naught, his ardent mouth tracing the column of your neck.
He nips at your skin and you sob.
"No, Ethan, please. This isn’t you,” you plead, fat tears rolling down your face.
His hand creeps inside your shorts and your heart skips a beat. A squeal tears from your throat as he plucks at your folds through your panties. 
Ethan muffles your scream by draping his hand over your mouth. You look up at him with fearful eyes, adrenaline rushing through your blood.
Palming your core, Ethan unleashes a devious chuckle.
"Well, maybe you don’t know me as well as you think,” he whispers, yanking a broken wail from you when he pinches your bundle of nerves.
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yunwangja · 2 months
undercurrents | signal no. 5
masterlist | next signal
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kuroo led the way to the gym where tooru was, with you trailing behind him quietly. the gym’s polished floors gleamed under the bright lights, and the faint echo of bouncing volleyballs could be heard in the distance. noticing your unease, kuroo glanced over his shoulder and snickered,
"yn, are you going to be okay?"
you managed to roll your eyes at him. "of course i am." taking a deep breath, you kept your head forward, focusing on the rhythmic sound of your footsteps echoing through the hallway. he chuckled, "all right."
he gently placed an arm on your shoulder, guiding you to walk beside him. "and don't walk behind me," he said, pulling you forward, "tooru isn't even here yet and you're already being all shy."
"shut up," you muttered as he removed his hold on you and laughed, clearly unbothered. "whatever you say, yn."
as you both walked side by side, you could feel your heart racing. the closer you got to the gym, the more nervous you became. kuroo noticed your anxious glances and tried to make conversation to calm you down.
"don't you want to get along with him, though?" he asked, now walking in step with you.
"i mean... i want to be normal around him..." you muttered under your breath, "but it's hard to do, especially without acting suspicious..."
you really wanted to be calm and friendly around tooru, but your brain kept making you overthink every single action when he was in the room, worrying that you'd expose your crush on him. you never knew whether you were acting normal or not, so you just ended up awkwardly standing there, stuttering. kuroo chuckled.
"man, you're really down bad for him," he said, tilting his head upwards and running a hand through his hair. his casual demeanor was a stark contrast to your jittery state, and it only made you feel more self-conscious.
the walk to the gym felt like an eternity. kuroo's steps were confident, purposeful, while yours were hesitant and unsure. the closer you got, the louder your heart pounded. every possible scenario played in your mind—what to say, how to act, what to avoid. you were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice when kuroo stopped. you bumped into him lightly, snapping back to reality.
you found tooru carrying a box of volleyballs. taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you prepared for what was to come. kuroo called out to get his attention, "we're here."
tooru looked up and saw the two of you, a grin spreading across his face. "hey yn!" he greeted you, seemingly ignoring kuroo. he waved and placed the box on a nearby table before approaching you both, his steps light and casual.
"hi," you shyly greeted, your voice barely above a whisper. tooru only smiled wider, "sorry for taking too much of your time. after kuroo told us he grabbed lunch with you, i thought that you could tag along!"
you could feel your cheeks warming up, the nervousness bubbling up inside you again. "it's okay," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
"but don't worry, i won't make you do anything. let kuroo do the heavy lifting," tooru said cheekily, his eyes twinkling with amusement. kuroo reacted in defiance, puffing out his chest slightly.
"what do you mean leave it to me? what are you going to do then?" kuroo put his hands on his hips, his expression exaggeratedly indignant.
tooru giggled, a sound that made your heart flutter. "i'll chat with yn here!" he said, putting a hand on your shoulder. the touch was light, but it sent a jolt of electricity through you, making you freeze. your eyes immediately searched for kuroo's, silently pleading for help.
thinking he's suppressing his laughter, you communicate through your eyes, pleading him to stop making fun of you and actually help you handle your hidden freak-out.
instead, he only looked at the both of you and rolled his eyes, "whatever." he turned his back and started to grab volleyball nets, carrying them to the storage room.
you weren't sure if this was a good thing or not. your heart thrilled at the chance to be with tooru and spend more time with him, but it still annoyed you that kuroo chose to ignore your call for help. with how he usually was, he would always come to your rescue, even though he had an annoyed face.
"don't mind him, yn," tooru said, his voice smooth and reassuring. "i think he deserves it. he made you treat him to lunch, after all." he shot kuroo a teasing glance, the kind of look that spoke of long-held camaraderie and inside jokes.
you managed to chuckle, the sound a bit shaky but genuine. "you're right, he does," you said, running a hand through your arm in a nervous gesture, trying to reduce the stiffness that had taken hold of your muscles. you could feel the tension slowly easing as tooru’s warm demeanor began to work its magic.
"besides!" tooru continued, his eyes sparkling with a genuine interest that made your heart skip a beat. "we haven't talked a lot. i'd love to get to know you better." his charming smile made you feel like you could have died on the spot, your face heating up with a blush you hoped wasn't too obvious.
this was the perfect opportunity to get closer to him. you choose to make good of kuroo's absence and finally get over your nerves whenever tooru was with you. besides, this is what you wanted since you saw him on that volleyball match.
as you responded to him, kuroo glanced back at the two of you talking. his expression shifted, his playful demeanor fading. his eyelids lowered slightly as he watched you both, his brow furrowing just a bit. there was a hint of something deeper in his eyes—an emotion he rarely let show. his posture grew more rigid, and he took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling slowly.
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why did i think about the photocard thing? honestly idk too
anywayyyy !!!
omg i hope this is ok ... im quite unsatisfied with this but i will get better !!!!!!!1 i hope
taglist: @lvtilzs @rarararararq @iamfontenlos @kurooswifeyy @secretsunsetsociety @kagsnumnine @yumiecheesecrackers @tojirin @jaynawayna @noxva08 @zahrawr-writes-fanfics @urslytherin @mawenskiblue @smellysluna
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
nightbringer lesson 44
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I'm still gonna try to keep it brief but woooooooo here I go! Spoilers below!
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Okay, so biggest thing I picked up from this lesson was that Solomon's soul is not in his body. Right? Right?? Everybody else got that, too, right!??! Tell me I'm not insane. More on this later.
So we spent the whole lesson in Babel, where apparently you get to have a "moment of bliss" where stuff happens that makes you incredibly happy.
It starts out with everybody telling Asmo how they really feel about him, which is of course that he's beautiful and kind.
Then everybody ends up in TSL cosplay and Levi info dumps for several speech bubbles. (It's pretty adorable aldksjf.)
Then a ton of cats show up and Satan loses his mind. (But the cats also cuddle with everybody else because Satan's happiest when he sees cats cuddling with his family, the two things he loves in one place~)
Then everybody disappears because Mammon's moment of bliss is to be alone with MC (he's so bbg I can't take it). (Oh but I do feel the need to mention that everybody else was still there, they were just invisible which is SUPER CREEPY. Like c'mon MC was having such a cute moment with their first man...)
And THEN a bunch of food shows up and we think it's Beel's moment of bliss, but it's actually Belphie's because the twins are so close that Belphie is happiest when Beel is happy.
And then it like reverses and we have Belphie napping and all the boys in angel outfits, but it's actually Beel's moment. And they talk about this time they remember Raphael unleashing his spears on Mammon in the CR. And like then they feel guilty 'cause Satan doesn't have those memories but then:
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Satan saw everything from inside Lucifer? CONFIRMED. And Lucifer was aware of it, too.
And then everybody's like what was Lucifer's moment of bliss? And they're dumb about it, but MC is like Lucifer's moment of bliss was this entire experience because he's happiest when his family is happy. D'AWW very precious but also kinda meh, imo.
Then Raphael comes back, but it's really him this time yay!
And THAT is when we find out that only your SOUL is transported to Babel. Everybody's physical body was left behind.
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And I was IMMEDIATELY like oh. So THAT is why Solomon couldn't go inside. His soul is elsewhere. I don't think he's soulless, I think he's immortal because his soul is being stored somewhere that isn't his body. THOUGH it would also be interesting if Nightbringer was like... Solomon's soul gone rogue al;kjdsfjdf. But I don't think that's the case.
I think they're using this as a way to explain why people so often say that Solomon is more like a demon. Even though we also got this:
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Hmm. Indeed. Solomon is NOT a demon. They were mad at him for not mentioning the thing about only your soul going into Babel.
Anyway, that's my theory and it's the only thing that makes sense to me though I have no idea what it has to do with anything.
I also thought it was interesting that Raphael is now part of the Brothers No More chat group with Simeon and Lucifer. I hope this means we'll get more of him!
And then this from the hard lesson because wow I hope this isn't just No 2 exaggerating.
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LOL. You want to return something? BURIED ALIVE. That's so Devildom it's amazing.
Anyway, there were plenty of cute family moments in this lesson, but the potential hint about Solomon was the biggest deal, imo. What does it mean? I could be misinterpreting and maybe that isn't the issue at all? Maybe it's like... there's something wrong with his soul and removing it from his body would either expose something about him that he doesn't want the others to know or would like harm it further and put his life in danger? I dunno. He is still immortal, so.
My first thought was soul is elsewhere, but I do think having it like... reveal something about him unexpectedly would be interesting, too, now that I'm thinking about it.
I dunno, what do you guys think?
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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todoroklee · 8 months
New arrival
Lee!alastor ler!lucifer
As of last week, lucifer had moved into the Hazbin Hotel! And whilst it was going amazing for everyone, Alastor wasn't so pleased with the whole situation. He thought that lucifer didn't need to be there because he already had a home, but Charlie was persistent, and how could he say no?
Alastor was just standing at the top of the stairs, leaning against the banister, just watching husk and angel chat about their day. Suddenly, he heard something behind him, but he wasn't afraid so he just waited for it to show itself. And it did.
"Alastor! My man!" Lucifer yelled right to Alastors' ear, making him jerk to the side and rub his ear.
"Hello lucifer." He sighed, "what do you want?"
"Hey! There's no need to be so harsh, I just wanted to get to know ya a little better seeing as I'll be living here with you," he giggled.
"Hmm, no," Alastor said coldly, turning his back on lucifer.
"That's no way to speak to the king of Hell!"
"..." no reply from Alastor.
"Oh come on! You have to speak to me."
"..." once again, zero reply.
"Alastor!" Lucifer yelled again near his ear, forcing him to jerk away and rub his ear again. But alas, still no reply. As he had hoped, Lucifer was getting preeetty annoyed, so he took matters into his own hands, quite literally.
"You're just gonna ignore me, huh?" Still no reply, "Fine, let's see how long you last Mr Tough Guy"
Confused, Alastor went to look towards lucifer, but he was gone? Then, Alastor felt something scratching gently on his ear, making him go crazy.
Ah. Lucifer.
"What the fuhuck do you think you're dohoing?!"
"What do you think?"
"I don't know but quihit it!"
"I think it's cute! I've never heard you genuinely laugh before, this is adorable!"
"Excuhuse meHEHE?!" Alastors laughter went up an octave as lucifer went down, wiggling his fingers in the crook of his neck.
"Awww. Is your neck too ticklish? For a Radio Demon, I must say you are very ticklish!"
"STOHOP!" He laughed as he tried to cover his mouth but it was no use, his laughter was too loud.
"What happens if I go... here?" Suddenly, lucifers' hands shot down to Alastors ribs, making him squeal and collapse on the floor.
"Fuhuck yohou luhucifeher" He said, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"My God you are so fucking ticklish."
Alastors cheeks grew slightly red as he got up and brushed himself off.
"Shut up." He said, walking slowly away.
"Oh, I'm not done, Alastor!" Lucifer said, grabbing his hand and pulling him back, leading them both to the floor, the perfect position. They wrestled for a minute before lucifer ended up straddling Alastor by a quick poke to his ribs, giving him the advantage.
"Lucifer! Don't you dare."
"Oh, I dare"
Lucifer clawed his hands and vibrated them on the sides of Alastors ribs, targeting each individual bone.
"nohOHOHOHO!" Alastor shrieked and squirmed, but it was no help in trying to escape the tickly heaven hell.
Lucifer looked in awe. How could the meanest Radio Demon in town be so fucking adorable? His laugh was so bubbly and happy... He had a real smile on his face, not that copy pasted one, but a real. Happy. Smile.
"You are fucking adorable" Lucifer exclaimed as he watched Alastor get progressively more red in the face.
*gasp* "you did not just call lucifer himself a bitch! I think you need some punishment." Lucifer unclawed his hands and removed them from alastors body, giving him a minute to breathe before pinning his arms with his knees and blowing raspberries all over his ribs whilst gently scribbling and scratching all over his neck.
This pretty quickly sent poor old Alastor into hysterics. The mixture of soft, gentle tickles and the vibrations of the raspberries were heaven torture for him.
Alastor begged as his laughter went silent. At the plea, lucifer stopped instantly and got off him, sitting next to him.
Alastor was still a cute little puddle of giggles on the floor, trying to get rid of the ghost Tickles left over.
"Can I help?"
Alastor nodded and stayed still whilst lucifer rubbed all of the phantom Tickles away.
"You alright?"
"Did I go too hard?"
"No! It was uh...nice..." He said shyly as he brushed himself off and walked away for real this time but ran back upstairs and hid when he realised that everyone had watched him get his shit wrecked. In his books however, it was worth it. But he would NEVER tell lucifer.
Au: this took like fucking two hours 😭 I hope you guys like it because weirdly proud?
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frost-queen · 1 year
Shattered dreams (Reader!sister & Bridgerton Siblings)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07,@melsunshine, @goldenmoonbeam, @freyathehuntress
Summary: You are debuted (around Eloise's age) and have met someone in secret. Unaware to any of your brothers. One faithful day they find out that someone is trying to hurt you for 'not listening & not being a good wife to be'. Hearing of this your brothers boil with anger and come to your aid.
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The weather was nice, a soft breeze cooling the warming spring season. You took a deep breath, taking it all in. Spring was your favorite season after all. Not too hot, not too cold. Flowers blooming, birds singing and ducks enjoying their ponds. From afar you could already see the lake. Boats set on them to take a tour. Colin noticed your eagerness tapping you on your hand. – “Would you like a tour around the lake sister?” – he asked with a smile. He knew just how much you’d like that.
You formed a smile, holding your hand on his arm. – “Perhaps later.” – you answered. Colin furrowed his brows a bit confused. Why you wanted to wait stunned him. To be fair you wanted to take a tour on the boats, just with that someone special. With Hubert so to speak. You met him a few balls ago. None of your relatives aware of the meeting.
You were absolutely smitten with him. He’d be the one to save you. To care and comfort himself over you till he drew his last breath. You didn’t know why you kept it a secret. Perhaps because the encounter was so secretive and unproper by any standards set up by the ton you perhaps feared it.
Looking around you wondered where he is. Eyes slowly widening when your gaze met with his from afar. Your heart leaped and fluttered. He slightly motioned with his head for you to come and see him. You couldn’t hide the giddy smile on your lips. Slowly removing your arm from around your brother Colin’s. Colin frowned. – “I must ask mama something.”- you lied before he could question your intentions.
He nodded, turning his posture to Benedict and Eloise who were in a deep conversation. Colin over-heard their conversation, sighing loud with an eye roll. They were so headstrong in bickering about nonsense. You made your way over the green fields, keeping a close eye on your siblings behind you. You didn’t want any of them to see where you were heading. Taking several detours between small gatherings, you hoped to blend in and possible disappear from their eye.
The secrecy send a thrill through your body. Excitement bubbling up in your stomach. You gasped, turning sharply around with your back to them after spotting mama with Anthony. They were chatting with Miss Edwina and Lady Danbury. Anthony looking as if he’d rather chew off his own foot then be present any longer. It made you chuckle a bit at the idea.
You moved further, closer to the lake with your back kept towards them. Dipping through a gathering you hoped to blend in. Some ladies gave you a nasty look for suddenly joining in as if you were to eavesdrop or steal their possible suitor from them. You shook your head at them, letting them know that were not your intentions. You moved on nearing the lake. By the lake you looked confused around. Was he not here? Hearing loud a psst made you jump out of your skin. By your left, lurking behind a tree he stood.
You glanced barely over your shoulder before heading over to him. Hubert took you by your hand, pulling you closer to him. – “Miss Y/n.” – he said kissing your hand. You smiled lovestruck and flattered by the gesture. – “I have counted the days till I’d meet you again.” – he whispered. His compliment warmed your heart if he would’ve asked for your hand you would’ve accepted it within a heartbeat. You looked behind you to the lake. – “Shall… shall we go for a tour?” – you asked eager to go round the lake.
Hubert smiled leaving a kiss higher up your arm. You smiled a bit uneasy hoping no one had seen it as it was against standards. – “As the lady pleases.” – Hubert spoke. He offered you his arm as you took it. Hubert and you came in sight, making your way over to the lake. You kept your head down not wanting any of your siblings to recognize you.
You got on the platform. A boat waiting for you to get on. Hubert got in first. You smiled waiting for him to take your hand and help you down when he didn’t. He just sat himself down staring at the other side of the lake. You smiled sheepishly, lifting a bit of your skirt up. Foot dangling in the air, finding balance to set it down. The boat wobbled a bit when your foot touched the boat. – “Hurry up will you.” – Hubert said with a hastened wave. His comment made you stare stunned at him for a brief second.
Without thinking much further about it, you got onto the boat. Hubert took the oars, rowing the boat away. You took a deep breath, enjoying the ride. He rowed the boat further away from the mainland and out of sight. – “Is it not a lovely day My lord?” – you asked to stir up a conversation. His face made a ‘meh’ expression making you regret your question. – “My lord is everything…” – you started wanting to ask about his sudden mood when he stopped rowing. You blinked perplex when he threw the oars to you.
You caught them, staring confused at them. – “My lord… I do not understand…” – you said, looking back up to him. – “I am tired!” – he hissed out. – “Why don’t you row!” – he insisted upon. Your eyes widened at his request. – “Row… my lord?” – you repeated wanting to be sure you understood. – “Yes!” – he called out bothered. – “I spoke clear didn’t I or is your head filled with novelty nonsense?” – he said loudly startling you.
You quickly shook your head. – “Then start rowing.” – he insisted rubbing his shoulder as if it was sore. You nodded obedient with a nervous swallow. You set the oars in the water, giving it a turn. One oar plopped up from the water, splashing the boat a bit. It made you lose your balance a bit, nearly falling forwards. Hubert caught some water, wiping his vest with disgust. – “Apologies My lord.” – you quickly said. – “I shall do my best.” – you set the oar right, giving it another go. After a few failed attempts you found a steady pace to row the boat.
It didn’t took you long to start huffing and puffing at the weight you needed to row. His and yours. To be honest you weren’t that strong compared to Hubert. – “Can you not go a bit faster?” – he spoke with annoyance. You huffed loud, muscles soring up. – “Yes my lord.” – you obliged like a good girl. You started rowing faster and harder, feeling it immediately in your muscles. A pair in another boat raised their eyebrows at you.
Gritting your teeth you pushed through to row the boat around. – “My lord are … you enjoying … the view?” – you asked out of breath. Cheeks flashing with heat from the work-out. He remained silent, haunting the boat ride with it. Clenching your jaw, you felt yourself weaken with rows. Wondering why he was making you do this labor? You felt the wood roughen your palms.
Biting your lip, you tried to keep in any tears. It was so obvious to anyone he was making you do the labor he should be doing. It didn’t even seem to care him. Suddenly the idea of Hubert was very different. From someone you thought would be yours truly, he sure made you do work hard for it. You were slowing down, unable to keep up with it. Your muscles were so sore it used up a lot of effort to even move them. – “Why are you slowing down? Keep it up girl!” – he made clear.
His words stinging like a sharp knife in your heart. Looking up, you blinked rapidly to stop yourself from crying. – “Yes my lord.” – you replied softly. You groaned quietly rowing harder. Putting more work to your labor. Out of breath, you needed to use both hands to push one oar to make the turn. Grabbing the other one once more, you rowed back. – “My lord… are… are you rested well enough?” – you asked hinting to him to take over. He shook his head. Barely lifting a finger in assisting you. Your shoulders slouched with sadness.
Hardening your expression there even boiled some anger towards him. If this was how married life with him would be, you didn’t want it. Him making you do all the work while he enjoys your torture. You kept rowing as the mainland got in view. The colorful tents overtowering the ton. Hearing their laugher carry over with the wind it made you even angrier.
On the mainland looked Anthony briefly up, eyelashes fluttering to be certain it was you he saw on the lake. His eye narrowed trying to focus on you. – “Mama.” – Anthony said without adverting his eyes from you. Violet stopped talking to Lady Danbury, acknowledging her son. – “Is that Y/n on the lake?” – he wondered wanting to be certain. Violet turned her head. – “Why yes she is.” – she answered with smile. – “With a lord.” – she expressed giddy. Anthony’s eyes widened Violet tapped him on the chest.
“Do you know the lord? What is his name?” – she wanted to know. – “I don’t know.” – Anthony replied slightly worried. His eyes widened even more silencing his mother from asking any more questions, seeing you row. His expression hardened with anger. – “He’s making her row!” – he blurted out angered. He looked back, putting his fingers in his mouth to whistle loud. Colin and Benedict looked his way. Anthony called them over with one firm motion of his head. Colin and Benedict didn’t waste another second, hurrying over to his side.
He pointed at you on the lake. – “That little liar.” – Colin cursed out, clenching his hand. Anthony looked confused with a sharp edge to it at him. – “She told me she needed to ask mama a question.” – Colin filled in. – “Clearly she didn’t.” – Anthony bit back bothered. – “Why is she rowing?” – Benedict questioned. – “Shouldn’t he be rowing? Why is he making her do the labor?” – it didn’t sit right with him. – “I’m going to end this.” – Anthony said heading towards the lake. Benedict and Colin hurrying behind him.
On the lake Hubert put you to a stop. You exhaled loud and exhausted. Perhaps a bit too loud. You offered him the oars, smiling at his gratitude of taking over your task. You furrowed your brows when he pushed the oar down. He came closer making you wary. – “What are you acting upon my lord?” – you wondered. He forced himself onto you, making you push him off. It clearly didn’t set with him. – “Do you not love me?” – he asked or rather demanded.
His question baffled you. – “If you want to become a good wife you’ll listen to me!” – he said coming closer again. – “No!” – you called out, battling him away as he tried to force a kiss on you once more. – “I am just showing you my love!” – he yelled getting angry. – “It isn’t love if you force me!” – you yelled back kicking him against the knee. He groaned in pain, holding his knee.
You crawled further up the boat, wondering how you’d get out of this situation. Heck you’d jump out of this boat if it meant escaping him. Hubert rose standing tall. He grabbed you by your arm, yanking on it. – “ A good wife does as she is told.” – he rose his hand ready to strike you.
Anthony was boiling with rage already undoing one shoe of his to jump in the water. Benedict stopped a pair from getting in a boat so they could get in. Colin calling out your name from afar. You gasped seeing his hand go down ready to hurt you. Looking away, you kicked your foot up out of instinct. You felt his chest under your shoe followed by a splash. Opening your eyes, you stared at an empty boat. You crawled over to the other side, looking over the edge. Hubert resurfacing as he spewed out some water. – “Good thing we aren’t married yet!” – you shouted at him.
You grabbed the oars, finding the last bit of strength of yours to row back to shore. Out of breath you reached the platform. Anthony and Benedict hoisted you up from the boat, wrapping their arms around you. – “Where is he? Who is he?” – Benedict called out angered. You cried against your brothers chest. – “I am sorry… I thought he was the one, but he is not. He was so commanding all of the sudden. Making me row, the silence, the insults…” – you cried out.
Anthony hugged you tighter. Hubert swam to the platform as Colin stepped away to let him get up on it. – “Look what you did!” – he shouted with a stern finger at you. Benedict puffed his chest up. He pushed Hubert hard, sending him back into the water. – “If I see you near my sister one more time I’ll make you scream for mercy!” – Benedict threatened.
Anthony handed you over to Colin who comforted you. Hubert came climbing up the platform once more, chest laying on the edge ready to push himself up. Anthony lowered himself smiling angrily. He pushed Hubert back by his forehead, sending him back down.
“You are lucky there are witnesses or I wouldn’t be so well-mannered!” – Anthony called out. Hubert staid in the water afraid to get out and be plunged back by any of your brothers. Your brothers and you left returning to mama. – “Thank you.” – you told them. – “Family is always a priority. First and upmost.” – Anthony answered.  
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