#remind me to finish jake's gifs this weekend
waklman · 2 years
Delicate (Pt. 1)
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summary: jake meets natasha's friend and gets his first taste of gentleness, but before he can chase the feeling, natasha blocks him off.
pairing: jake seresin x female reader.
warnings: negative self talk, cursing, mentions of drinking, sex, and nudity. this is a 18+ blog.
word count: 2.5k.
next part
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“Fine. We don’t even have to kiss.” Natasha offers, forehead slumped against your knees.
Natasha lost all shame when she came to you minutes ago, pleading with you to play pretend girlfriend this weekend with her—In hopes that her WSO would make the first move on her, provoked by jealousy.
She has stooped so low-even to the point where she’s gotten down on both her knees in the middle of your living room, hoping her desperation translates.
“Who even said anything about that!” you shriek, covering your face from embarrassment–refusing to look at her.
“Would you please get off your knees Nat?” you ask, dragging your hands down your face–stressed by her proposition. 
Upon hearing your strained plea, Natasha defeatedly peels herself off the floor, ignoring the bruising pain in her knees. 
“Look, if Bob is as sweet as you say he is, I doubt he’d try to play homewrecker, Natasha,” you’re firm with your response. 
Natasha sighs, haphazardly throwing herself onto the couch, next to you. 
“You’re right,” she admits. 
“How about you try making a move?” You reach over, resting your hand atop her head out of habit.
“You think I haven’t tried? Every time I flirt with him, he looks like he wants to run in the opposite direction.” The brunette leans into your touch, allowing you to stroke the top of her head. 
“Maybe he’s not sure if you’re joking or not,” you turn your head to gauge her reaction, but Natsha is blankly staring at the floor. 
“I don’t know if I have it in me to say I like him so outright like that,” she cautiously confesses.
You’ve never seen Natasha so down on her luck before, her usual fiery attitude is nowhere to be seen, almost as if it never existed in the first place. You two have never found yourselves in a situation like this in the span of your friendship, it’s strange to say the least, and so you’re both lost on what to do.
Natasha takes a peak at your face, hearing you hum in contemplation. She takes in your expression as your mind begins to skim through possible solutions, eager to relieve your best friend from her problem. 
“I’ll come with you to the bar this weekend,” you start,
Natasha immediately straightens up, almost smacking you in the process.
“Only for emotional support, You’re gonna tell him you like him. And because I believe in you, I’ll be there to cheer you on,” you finish, resolutely pointing your finger at her.
“I fucking love you,” she leaps herself at you, attempting to hug you. 
“One day, he better love you enough that he’d go streaking for you,” you poke her side, smiling, reminding her of the time the two of you went streaking back in college—after you had just made up from a ridiculous argument. It was almost like a strange promise—that no matter what, you’d be willing to completely embarrass yourself for the other person. 
It would have been a waste if you two didn’t stay friends after running down butt naked on the busiest street of your town. After all–you almost got arrested for public indecency that day. 
“I hope you find someone who would go streaking for you too, besides me of course.” She gloats happily, arms squeezing around  you even tighter. 
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Surprisingly enough, this is the first time you’re meeting Natasha’s team. The anxiety you felt leading up to this weekend is no longer a thought in your mind because everyone welcomed you with open arms, hugging and complimenting you as they introduced themselves. In a way, they’re all reflections of Natasha–reliable, kind, and self-assured, and you’re glad she’s surrounded by a good group of people. Though, you have yet to meet the last member of her team.
“Hey, where’s Hangman at, Coyote?” The tanned man you remember as Rooster, asks.
Coyote opens his mouth to speak, but shuts it again, not sure if he can say it.
“No.” Rooster exclaims, setting down his beer. 
“Yup.” Coyote nods, lips scrunched into a tight line. 
Before you could even turn to ask Natasha why everyone around the pool table looks distraught, there’s a shrieking sound by the entrance and it seems to be moving closer. 
“Jakey-pie, come on,” the person whines. 
Noticing everyone scattering around, trying to make themselves look busy at the sound of the voice, you look up—right in the direction that everyone is currently avoiding. 
Your eyes first land on the girl, she’s obviously young–somewhere in her mid twenties, and her choice of clothing is, well it’s definitely a choice. But—she’s strikingly beautiful, you really had no room to judge her. 
Natasha and Bob laugh beside you, watching as your eyes practically hang out of your skull upon seeing the girl inappropriately slobbering her lips over the neck of the blond man she’s clung to.
Your eyes frantically scatter to the man’s face, slightly disturbed by the girl’s very public display of affection. 
He has a sheepish smile on his face, but anyone with half a brain could pick up on the fact that there’s a twinge of discomfort in his expression. You can’t help but frown, wondering how often she does this to him. 
“Sorry I’m late guys. I had to pick up Stella.” The blond finally reaches the group, announcing an apology for his late arrival. 
A chorus of it’s okay and it’s fine are heard–but no one truly sounds like they’re okay with it at all. 
Jake’s nervous eyes scan over everyone, heart lurching at everyone’s dispirited reactions. But then he lands his sights on you.
His breath almost gets caught in his throat for a second. You’re the only one that’s not avoiding his gaze or sending him a dirty look–and your eyes are so kind. 
“Hey. I’m Jake or Hangman, I don’t believe we’ve met yet.” He forgets Stella’s arm is slung around his own, failing to free himself from her to shake your hand.
Jake prepares himself, expecting to see you judge him for letting the younger girl control his every move. Instead, you chose to smile at him, assuring him that it truly is okay. 
You don’t even falter under Stella’s harsh glare either, and a small part of Jake starts to believe his nonna’s rants on how love at first sight is very much plausible.
“Hi, I’m Natasha’s-”
“Friend who will be grabbing more drinks with me and Bob.” Natasha cuts you off, pulling you towards the bar. 
Baffled by her reaction, you turn to disapprovingly glare at her.
Behind you, Bob is smiling to himself—quietly observing your dynamic with the other pilot.
“That was rude,” you huff, leaning against the bar. 
“I was doing you a favor,” she scolds, nose pointed in the air.
Bob tries to come to the guy’s defense, moving to stand next to Natasha. “He’s not that bad.”
“You’re too sweet Bobby,” your best friend sighs.
You’re quickly distracted from Natasha’s previous behavior, slyly smiling to yourself because you notice that Bob’s ears are bright red at the small compliment. 
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You’ve managed to slip away from Natasha and Bob not long ago, a strong craving for pizza–invoked by a drink or two, leads you towards the exit of the Hard Deck.
From seeing the glowing red exit sign, your feet move on their own towards it, like a moth to a flame. 
But to your dismay, someone goes flying against your back, sending you to land straight on the bar floor. 
Dusting off your legs, you manage to stand again–turning around to see the commotion behind you. 
“Ugh. Go away Jakey-pie,” the girl groans, after shoving Jake.
“Honey, you’re drunk, let me just take you home.” Jake pleads, exasperated, not even realizing he's knocked you to the ground.
“No. I’m gonna uber to another bar with my friends, this place is boring.” She protests, her heels clicking loudly against the floor as she stalks off.
Jake doesn’t even have it in him to chase after her, shoulders drooping as he watches her unapologetically slam into strangers until she dips from his sight.
“Do you always let twenty year olds walk all over you like that?” A softer voice fills his ears.
He cranes his neck to check behind him, and there you are.
You are calmer in comparison to Stella, and Jake feels your energy waft off on him–allowing him to relax in your presence. 
“Hey, Natasha’s friend,” he greets you, smiling as he extends his hand towards you–successfully this time.
You gladly shake his hand, noticing his grip is a little weak, which is odd for someone in his field. 
And though the younger girl is far gone, you see the discomfort from earlier still swimming in his eyes. He looked like he needed some cheering up, and what better way to cheer someone up but with pizza?
“Hi Jakey-pie, are you in the mood for pizza?” you ask, head tilted.
“Lead the way please,” he nods, with satisfied smile plastered on his face, at the thought of a hot slice of pizza.
You comically spin to face the exit again, a little spurred on by the idea of pizza and Jake's smile grows wider watching you stomp off, mimicking Stella for his entertainment.
And before he can process it, you're already half way across the bar. Jake’s unsure how you’re navigating around bodies so well, and he grows worried trying to keep track of you as you swiftly move around fellow navy men who shamelessly stare down to look at your backside.
Finally catching up to you, he hoovers closely behind to block off the view of your butt–grinning directly at a man who looks at him angrily.
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“Pizza reveal…are you ready?” 
“So ready,” he nods, equally as eager as you.
Both of you turn to make sure the other has their hands placed on their respective boxes.
You both rip open the top of your pizza boxes, closing your eyes to inhale the intoxicating swirl of tomato sauce, slightly burnt crust, and melted mozzarella. 
“Noo, Jakey-pie! You’re a pineapple on pizza kind of guy?” You pull your hand up to your face, covering your gaping mouth. 
“Says you, mushroom pizza girl,” he scoffs, looking into your pizza box.
You both stare at each other, pretending to be upset with one another until laughter erupts between you two. 
You’re laughing so hard, you snort–and Jake almost pees himself when he sees strangers glare at you for being so loud.
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“Hey, so what’s the deal with that girlfriend of yours?” You ask, taking a bite of your slice.
“She’s not really my girl. I don’t know,” he sighs, joining you by taking a bite from his own pizza.
“You know, it’s really no good for you if you keep someone like that around,” you suddenly grow serious.
Truthfully, Jake wants to take your advice but he’s not sure if he can, because Stella is exactly the type of person he purposely keeps around.
She’s the kind of girl Jake feels worthy of–ones who stroke his ego and dick–and only listens to him talk about his feelings while they’re completely plastered, not remembering a thing he says by the time they sober up.
“What if that kind of person is the only thing I'm deserving of?” Jake doesn’t know if it’s the three beers or the dizzying San Francisco heat, but he lets his guard down without feeling an ounce of wariness. 
“Why don’t you see your worth, Jake?” You grimly set down your pizza to look up at him, hunger completely forgotten.
You look so concerned for him, and Jake doesn’t know how to process the strange feeling that starts to fill up his chest. How is that you–a stranger, care for him more than Stella has before? More than anyone has before?
Jake feels himself shrink in front of you, unsure if he’s deserving of being in your presence.
“If you heard what people said about me sweetheart,” Jake reaches to twist open his soda.
“You might agree that I’m not worth too much,” his body grows so weak, he struggles to get the cap open.
“Let me help you.” 
Jake stares up at you wide eyed, unsure if you’re talking about helping him see his worth—or helping him open his soda.
“I knew I’d find you here.” A voice furiously calls out from across the parking lot. 
Natasha’s commanding tone sends you snapping your heads in her direction, looking like two deers caught in headlights. 
She’s almost running towards you, with Bob struggling to keep up behind her.
“You–young lady, are coming home with me.” She grabs you from the slab of sidewalk you planted your butt on, you stumble to stand on your feet–carefully balancing your pizza box. 
“Wait. Let me get your-” Jake sputters.
“Hangman. See you Monday,” she cuts him off immediately, pairing it with a cold look.
“And Bobby, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She pecks Bob right on the mouth, causing your jaw to fall slack.
“What—wait-” It’s too late. She’s already leading you by the arm away from the two men.
Bob bites his lip, watching as you and Jake just sadly watch each other–worried you won’t ever get to finish your conversation.
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“Well..at least she responded '' Coyote says, peering over Jake’s shoulder, trying to ease his best friend’s disencourage state.
All I said was hey?
That was already too much lol. 
What’s your friend's name…?
“Don’t put those dots dude, you sound creepy!” Coyote exclaims, trying to grab at the phone–but Jake already sent it. 
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Jake frustratedly yells back, unconsciously biting his nails. 
Her name is Phoenix Lover.
Please? I’ll literally do anything. 
Natasha’s eyes almost burn, staring contemplatively at the bright screen. Hangman begging? That's new. Hangman begging her? That’s something rare. Biting down on her lip, Natasha types out her reply, thumb hovering over the send button, unsure. Fuck it.
Meet me here next week at 3, and I’ll tell you.
Jake and Coyote stare blankly at the address Phoenix sends over.
“Why does she want to meet there? There’s gonna be tourists flooding that area by then.” Coyote ponders. 
“I don’t even care man, I’m showing up.” Jake swallows, typing out a thank you. 
Natasha shuts her phone off, slamming it against her beating heart. She stares up at the ceiling, her vision trying to adjust to the pitch black room.
Seconds later, her phone dings, signifying that Hangman already texted back, and she hurriedly lifts the device back up to her face.
Thank you so much.
See you Monday, goodnight Phoenix.
“Are you texting Bobby?” You tease, turning over in her bed.
“What the shit. I thought you were asleep.” Natasha flinches, almost dropping her phone. 
“I can’t sleep. I miss Jakey-pie,” you replicate Stella’s whine. 
And although you sound like you're joking, you're really not. Your mind has been whirling ever since you got back with Natasha, unable to ease the worried feeling that festered in your stomach since that conversation with Jake.
“But seriously though, are you texting him?” You change the topic, not wanting to make it more difficult for yourself to sleep.
“No, I’m making plans to watch someone go streaking next week,” she proudly brags. 
“What? Who? Can I come?” You shuffle closer to her in bed.
“No. Goodnight.” Natasha turns her back on you, hiding her smile from view.
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thank you for reading, and as always-reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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taglist: @pono-pura-vidaa @teaminator @alana4610
not my gif! if anyone knows the creator please let me know!!
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blurredcolour · 1 year
Extrication in G Major | Part Two
Extrication in G Major Masterlist
Summary: While trying to convince yourself that you had made the right decision leaving the party without Jake’s contact information, the man himself unexpectedly shows up after one of your performances.
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Female Cellist Reader
Warnings: Language, Jake Continues to be a Stubborn Flirt, Mention of Sound of Gunshots, Alcohol Consumption, Reader Cannot Play Pool, Reader Panic Attack
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Credit: Renée Rodenkirchen
Word Count: 4669
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Your traitorous heart was more than a little disappointed at your successful getaway last Friday evening. No matter how many times you tried to remind it that you had come to this city on the sea, baked dry by the scorching heat, as far south as one could go without being in another country, to extricate yourself from other human beings – your traitorous heart wanted nothing more than to drown itself in Lieutenant Commander Jake Seresin’s jade green eyes. Those eyes glittering with the triumph of hearing you use his first name after a very determined and successful twenty-four-hour mission.
Preparations for the concert series the following weekend had helped distract you, occupying your mind during the day and using enough of your energy to allow you fall asleep quickly. It was in the wee hours of the morning, the thinking hours between three and dawn, that if you had the misfortune of regaining consciousness then all manner of thoughts would flood your mind. And somehow Jake had invited himself into the privacy of these pre-dawn ponderances.
It turned out it was an equally good thing you did not have his number.
As you were bidding one of your section mates farewell after the Sunday matinee, you were of a mind to treat yourself to a dinner out. Nothing extravagant, but a step above cup noodles to celebrate your first pay cheque and the successful completion of your first concert series with your new symphony. You would have missed him, dressed in a cobalt blue suit with matching tie, just a hint of weekend scruff on his face, if he had not called your name as you made your way down the steps outside the stage door. Your head snapped in his direction, and you paused, motionless on the stairs for a moment as you took in the bouquet of spring flowers he carried. He closed the distance between you with a few easy strides.
“Lieutenant Commander…” You started automatically and immediately regretted it with the way his grin faltered. “…Jake!” You finished quickly. “I…”
His grin recovered, taking on its usual air of self-assured confidence. “For you.” He held out the flowers. “Trade you for the cello?”
You looked to the bouquet and swallowed before nodding slowly, your traitorous heart fluttering beneath your ribs as you shrugged the straps from your shoulders and took the bouquet to cradle it in your arms.
“They’re beautiful, thank you very much.” You blinked rapidly at some unexpected moisture along your waterline – you honestly could not recall the last time someone had been waiting for you with flowers after a performance.
“Not as beautiful as you…or that concert…” He nodded, easily shouldering your cello and you looked to him quickly, somehow finding the idea of him buying a ticket and sitting through the concert unexpected. “My first symphony, yes.” He smirked. “It was very educational. Now, have you eaten?”
You shook your head; both at his ability to see right through you and in response to his question.
“Perfect, join me for dinner?” He offered his hand and you glanced at it, the logical part of your brain insisting that you refuse while your musculoskeletal system was already setting your hand in his. “Lovely.”
He led you over to a pick-up truck neatly parked in the attendees’ lot and set your cello on the backseat with care, buckling it in. It was at that moment you were fully convinced the man was trying to seduce you. Opening the passenger door, he gripped your hips, giving you a boost into the seat. You barely contained your gasp at the strength you felt in his arms as you landed softly in the front seat. Swallowing thickly, you swung your legs into the cab and buckled your seatbelt as he closed the door and came around to slide into the driver’s seat.
“So…name the cuisine, I’ll know the place.” He looked to you as he turned the key, the engine roaring to life powerfully.
Chewing on your lip a moment, you decided to name what you had been searching for on your phone, even if it wasn’t particularly fashionable any longer.
“Sushi?” You ventured, a touch of hesitation in your voice to give him the option to object but he nodded firmly before pulling out, easily manoeuvring the oversized vehicle through the city before pulling into a strip mall.
Your eyes darted between the Planned Parenthood and the 7-Eleven before landing on him dubiously.
“Best in town.” He assured you, helping you and the cello out of his truck, leading you into the unassuming restaurant.
The host was only mildly confused by the instrument slung over Jake’s shoulder but made no further comment as they led you to a table with a bench seating along the wall. Jake tucked the cello in the corner, resting it against a wall of decorative wood slats, before looking to you for your seating preference. You quickly slid onto the bench beside your instrument, and he slid into the wooden chair across from you as the host handed out the menus.
Making a combination of selections together, you settled back to sip on your green tea as Jake ordered, glancing around the packed restaurant.
“It’s busy for a Sunday…” You remarked once the server left, feeling as though the pair of you were overly formal with you in a performance dress and him in his suit.
“I wasn’t lying, it really is the best in town. Just like you’re the best cellist in that orchestra.” He grinned at you proudly.
You coughed a little as the sharp inhale his statement caused drove some of the hot tea down your windpipe. You shook your head firmly.
“Definitely not…” You croaked and cleared your throat again. “I’m just a substitute for a 4th chair, Jake…” you took a sip of cool water to calm your spasming muscles.
“We both know I’m not an expert here, darlin’, but I couldn’t take my eyes off you. That definitely speaks to your talent.” He insisted and you looked up in relief as your miso soup arrived, giving you something to divert your attention to instead of those intense jade eyes that were so determined to end your life with their adoration.
Not long after, a tray of immaculately prepared nigiri and maki arrived, making your eyes widen in awe.
“The presentation is so lovely, it’s almost a shame to eat it…” You murmured, wiping your fingers on the hot towel provided.
“Almost.” Jake smirked, doing to same and selecting one of the nigiri you had chosen, lifting it with his fingers in the traditional style. “Soy sauce, or no?” He asked your preference, following your instruction, before holding it to your lips.
You stared at his expectant face, stunned momentarily before reaching to take the piece from him. He shook his head and shifted it closer to your lips. You looked to him, skeptically raising an eyebrow, but the look on his face and the way it filled your lower abdomen with molten metal thoroughly convinced you that you would not win a battle of wills against him.
You parted your lips and accepted the bite-sized bed of rice with its perfectly prepared topping on your tongue, eyes closing involuntarily at the immaculate flavour.
“That’s right.” Jake breathed, making your eyes fly open as he sounded a lot closer than he ought to be.
You busied yourself with prepping a piece for him, chewing and swallowing as you motioned to the soy sauce dish with your eyebrows raised in silent question. He nodded with a smirk, watching you swipe the fish through the dark liquid before extending it towards his waiting lips.
He leaned forward, playfully bypassing the piece of nigiri to snag your pinkie finger between his gleaming white teeth.
"E…easy, flyboy, my hands are my livelihood." You protested weakly; voice notably thick.
He released the digit, pressing his lips to the pad of your finger apologetically before accepting the bite happily. He nodded enthusiastically as he chewed, insisting on hand feeding you the rest of the meal and only accepting the same in return.
After countless nibbles and nips to your fingertips, you unwrapped one of the toothpicks that arrived with the bill and carefully set it between his teeth.
“There, hopefully that will satisfy your oral fixation for a time.” You huffed, feigning exasperation.
He grinned at you as he paid, clenching the mint-flavoured piece of wood between his sharp teeth before manipulating it around his mouth with his tongue as he waited for you to finish the last of your tea. You gripped onto the ceramic mug, and the last of your sanity, tightly – you could not help but watch the dexterity of that slick, pink muscle inside his mouth and wonder what else it might be good at.
Jake insisted on driving you home that evening, despite your best efforts to assure him that ride sharing was convenient and affordable.
“I’m right here, right now, and free.” He cast you a cheeky grin and input your address into the map on his phone. You did not miss the slight raise of his eyebrow, but thankfully he was enough of a gentleman not to comment.
He undeniably sat up straighter the further he drove into your neighbourhood. His free hand – that for most of the drive had casually dangled from the armrest between you – rose to grip the steering wheel properly as the directions guided him to turn into the parking lot of your building. He pulled up to the door, putting the truck in park, and looked to you slowly.
“Darlin’…I’m going to need you to text me twice a day.” He said firmly, expression taking on an edge of seriousness you had never before witnessed from him.
“It’s not that bad Jake.” You protested, pulling on the handle, opening the door a crack just as the distant yet unmistakable sound of a few errant gunshots filled the air.
He raised his eyebrows pointedly as you instinctively pulled the door shut and you sighed heavily. You fished out your phone and opened a new contact, looking to him expectantly. He easily rattled off the ten digits from memory and you save them to your phone before sending him a message.
I’m alive.
He glanced at his phone on the dash and nodded.
“Thank you. I’ll walk you up.” Turning off the car, Jake grabbed his phone and your cello before following you up the stairs and down the breezeway to your apartment. He looked over the half wall down to where his truck was parked, tsking his tongue against his teeth. “Not even a secure entry?” He huffed a little as you unlocked your door and turned to him, reaching for your instrument with one hand, the somewhat stressed bouquet of flowers clasped in the other.
“Saving up for something better, this is not permanent.” You muttered and he set the straps in your hand carefully.
“You take care of yourself alright?” He frowned a little and you bit your lip, wishing his concern didn’t making your stomach flutter that way.
You slid the straps of your cello case onto your shoulder and reached up to tap his nose, smiling bravely.
“I’m much safer in here than the rims on your pretty truck down there…night Jake.”
He smirked a little and chased your finger with a few snaps of his teeth, toothpick having vanished somewhere along the way.
“Night, darlin’…I mean it though, two texts…morning and night, or I’m breaking down this door.”
“Understood, Lieutenant Commander.” You smirked and stepped back, letting the door close on his all-too-pretty face before you went and did something ill-advised like haul him in for a kiss. You pressed your forehead against the wooden door smoothed by numerous coats of paint, forcing your lungs to fully inflate with a deep, slow breath. The stretch was almost painful and reminded you that you hadn’t been breathing properly around him.
The cello was tucked away into its box in the back of the closet, and you found an empty plastic pitcher to set the bouquet in. Cutting off the ends and setting the flowers in water perked up the stressed blooms and brought an amount of cheer to your bland apartment. As you were settling into bed later that evening, you looked to your phone as it chimed – something that felt incredibly rare as of late.
You’ll be happy to know the truck is fine. Good night.
You laughed softly to yourself before replying,
Oh thank god...Thanks again for dinner, Jake. Sleep well
Despite his request for two daily messages, the actual number the pair of you exchanged far exceeded that. You had given him a direct method of communicating with you and he was prolific – photos, memes, stream of consciousness messages as he wound down in the evenings. Through your photo replies, it became increasingly apparent that aside from rehearsals, performances, and the occasional trip to the coffee shop near the rehearsal studio, you really did not get out much.
His campaign to convince you to join him and his friends for drinks at their favourite bar lasted precisely six days and four hours. He had a rational reply for each of your objections; not knowing anyone – “the point is to make friends, darlin’!”, the money – “my idea, my treat”, the access –“your Uber driver Jake will arrive in thirty minutes”, and finally the safety of your cello –“my place is right by the bar, it’ll be safe there you have my word.” Once each of your excuses was easily brushed aside, you were left with no other choice but to agree.
In fact, you found yourself looking forward to an evening out, stopping by the mall on your way home from rehearsal and picking up a new dress in a colour other than black. It felt like an extravagance, making a purchase purely for yourself, even if it was a mass-produced piece of a fast fashion. You felt on trend for the first time in a long time. The cut flattered your body and showed off your usually hidden legs, the shade highlighted your skin tone, giving you a much-needed boost of confidence.
Jake’s reaction when you answered his knock that night, the way his eyes raked up and down your body and his tongue darted out to wet his lips, convinced you that it was the best forty dollars you had ever spent. You took advantage of his distraction to indulge yourself in a little visual appreciation of his khakis – he’d been wearing them when you’d first met but you’d been a somewhat preoccupied by being annoyed with him at the time.
“All set?” He asked and you looked to his eyes quickly, nodding as you grabbed your cello and purse.
He quickly took over your instrument, waiting as you locked up before leading you down to his truck, once again boosting you inside. You watched with interest as he drove across the Coronado bridge, not an area of the city you’d had the opportunity to visit previously, swallowing as he pulled up to a row of Spanish style homes.
“I’ll just tuck this inside, ok?” He reached back, patting your cello and you nodded, trusting him enough to retrieve it from the backseat and take it into his house.
You weren’t entirely sure, but you thought you could glimpse the blue waters of San Diego Bay through the windows, which would set the value of this property in the millions. Your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth, and you had to put in a concerted effort to dislodge it, trying not to look frantic as he easily strode back to the vehicle.
“I’ll show you around another time, darlin’, the squad is eager to meet you…” He pulled out, pointing the truck towards the Naval Station as his free hand came to rest on the bare skin your knee, the warmth of his palm causing a bloom of goosebumps across your flesh.
Inhale. Exhale. Unclench your fingers on the door handle. You look insane.
“What horrible stories have you been telling them about me, Jake?” You smirked, pleased that your voice sounded almost normal to your ears.
“Nothing horrible at all, Javy can confirm, he’ll be there.” He insisted defensively.
It took you a moment before you remembered properly.
“Oh! Lieutenant Machado! I do know someone else here…” You smiled warmly as Jake pulled into the parking lot.
“What does that make me, darlin’?” He pressed a hand to his chest, looking all too wounded.
“Thanks for the ride, Jake. I’ll be sure to give you five stars on the app.” You grinned teasingly and hopped out of the truck, hearing him growl playfully as he followed after you.
The wall of humanity crammed into the small space on the other side of the door nearly stopped you in your tracks. You were thankful as Jake’s warm hand came to rest on your lower back, gently guiding you around the thick of it to front of the building where the roof sloped down towards a row of windows overlooking the beach and ocean beyond. A pool table centred the space and a smaller group of people, dressed in khakis just like Jake, were congregated there.
What followed was a series of introductions, each of them clearly preferring to go by their call signs. You bit your lip after shaking each of their hands and gestured around the group, trying to ensure you got it right.
“Rooster, Phoenix, Bob, Coyote,” Javy fairly beamed when you got his call sign right, “Payback and Fanboy?” You repeated hopefully and breathed a sigh of relief when they happily confirmed you got it right.
“So, Hangman said you’re from Boston…sure don’t sound like it…” Rooster smirked and took a sip of his beer.
You swallowed and tilted your head.
“Cuz I don’ muhdah mah vowls?” You asked in an exaggeration of a Bostonian accent.
You felt Jake squeeze you hip as everyone laughed and looked to him.
“I’ll go grab you a drink, what would you like?” He asked and you smiled warmly, placing your order.
You chatted warmly with Phoenix, Payback and Fanboy, Bob standing in your conversation circle listening quietly as Rooster and Coyote resumed their pool game. Jake returned with drinks, and you settled onto the tall, blue leather chairs that filled the space. While the conversation was remarkably similar to that among any group of work friends, the most striking thing about them was how competitive they all were.
No twenty minutes after your arrival and Fanboy had arranged a pool tournament. You were filled with trepidation, honestly not remembering the last time you had played pool, but decided to honour the intention of the evening and stood when you were called up to play against Phoenix. You stood patiently as Jake sized up a few cues against your shoulder before setting one in your hand.
“This is the right one.” He nodded definitively.
“Thanks Jake. Promise not to hate me after she destroys me?” You smirked.
“Not possible, darlin’.” He smirked back.
“The hating, or the destroying?” You laughed.
“Definitely gotta be the hating.” Phoenix grinned darkly at you from across the table you and felt more than a little intimidated.
Winning the coin toss, you eyed the neatly arranged triangle of colourful balls on the felt in front of you, keenly aware of many eyes observing and judging you. Taking a deep sip of liquid courage, you set the cue ball down and took your shot, unfortunately not sinking a single ball. There were a few murmurs of consolation, but they were quickly silenced when Phoenix proceeded to sink a solid-coloured ball – thus claiming that as her set – shortly followed by another three before finally missing a shot making it your turn again.
Gnawing on your lip, you studied the placement of the cue ball in relation to any possible shots with stripes, feeling the front of Jake’s shirt brush your elbow. You looked to him as he parted his lips, hoping he was about to offer some sort of advice when Fanboy suddenly shouted across the room –
“Ah, ah, ah! No helping! Solo tournament only!”
Trying not to look crestfallen you pressed a hand to Jake’s chest, trying not to focus on how firm it felt beneath your palm.
“It’s ok, I knew what I was getting into.” You patted the fabric of his shirt gently and turned back to the table before making you choice, leaning in to make your shot.
You could feel the hem of your dress sliding up the backs of your thighs as you bent at the waist and stretched forward, but you were confident that your butt remained covered, so you were unconcerned. Taking the shot, you surprised yourself as the striped three-ball actually sank into the pocket, straightening with a gasp. You turned to smile at Jake only to find him not where you left him. He stepped up behind you and squeezed your shoulders proudly before pressing his lips together and letting you choose your next shot, fairly vibrating with the desire to guide you.
You moved around to the other side of the table, having to stretch a little more, but with a pony wall right behind you it was unlikely anyone would see very much. Pulling back your cue, you were surprised when it collided with an unexpected obstacle and looked over your shoulder to see that Jake was once again occupying the space behind you. Unable to stop your arm in time, your cue slid forward to barely tap the ball, sending it spinning ineffectively across the felt and wasting your shot.
“Jake…?” You tilted your head as you came to stand beside him as Phoenix stalked around the table, hunting her next shot.
“Sorry darlin’…. just…got worried about your dress there…” He muttered, fingers skating along the hem of your dress, faintly brushing the bare skin of your legs at the same time.
You looked down, furrowing your brows in thought as you followed the movement before your eyes widened in comprehension.
“Oh I…” You swallowed thickly as your heart clenched and you nudged him with your shoulder in gratitude. “Thanks…”
After Phoenix sank another two, it was once again your turn. Unfortunately, you sank the cue ball and immediately lost the game, fully eliminating yourself from the tournament.
“Well, if I’d know that was all it took, I would have done that on my first shot!” You laughed self deprecatingly and happily hung up your cue for the evening.
Settling in to watch Fanboy and Bob play the next game, Jake took the chair next to you, his hand landing on your knee for the second time that evening.
“I can teach you, if you’d like darlin’…not sure if you want to callous those precious hands of yours but…”
You smiled warmly and finished your drink, shaking your head.
“I’d really like that…thank you…This music geek could use a little schooling in what to do at a bar.” You smirked and licked your lips as you felt his fingers press into your skin a little.
“You want another one?” He gestured to your empty drink.
“Maybe in a bit? I have pool to watch.”
“Well, save your attention for the really good players.” He winked cockily and you rolled your eyes but found yourself unable to look away as he started his game against Payback.
The positions he put his body into and the way those khakis hugged his muscles as he effortlessly sank shot after shot was definitely having an effect on you. As he handily won the game, you stood to fetch a round, thankful when Bob offered to help you as nearly everyone took you up on your offer. Upon your return, you narrowed your eyes playfully to find Jake in your seat, with no other vacant options.
“You stole my spot.” You took a sip, leaning against the wall beside him instead.
“Plenty of room, darlin’” He smirked, patting his firm thigh and you scoffed.
But after a few minutes of standing, you found yourself emboldened just enough by your liquor intake to stick out your chin stubbornly and shift to perch on his knees. You had barely glimpsed the widening of his eyes before your back was turned to him, but it had been worth it. Taking another sip, you turned you attention back to the pool table, clenching your thighs as you felt yourself gradually sliding off his knees. It had been fun while it lasted, you supposed.
His tanned forearm snaked around the front of your hips and pulled you fully into his lap, your back pressing against his chest, pulling a soft gasp from you.
“Couldn’t have you fallin’ onto the floor there, darlin’” He drawled into your ear, chin coming to rest on your shoulder, and you barely contained your shudder, nodding haltingly.
Doing your best to focus on the game unfolding before you, and not the way his scent filled your nostrils, you were grateful when he started to point out useful tips based on the shots Coyote was taking. His arm remained wrapped around your hips and your free hand naturally came to rest on his wrist as you relaxed against him.
One-by-one the rest of the squad was eliminated until the final round came down to Rooster versus Hangman. You slid off Jake’s lap carefully to visit the washroom before the game began, feeling comfortably buzzed and more than a little enamoured with the handsome aviator. You were just making were way back through the still-crowded bar when your eyes fell onto a pile of cash on the pool table, Jake grinning cockily as he added several bills from his own wallet.
“Yeah, I’ll take that bet!” He laughed and you felt the blood draining from your extremities, the temperature of the room seeming to drop by at least ten degrees.
Frantically, you tried to grasp onto thought and reason, but they had already abandoned you to terror and confusion. Acrid sweat prickled in your armpits, and you dug out your phone with shaking hands, the overwhelming urge to flee pulsing through every nerve-ending in your body, driving you to summon an escape. Your breaths had devolved to ragged gasps, and the dopamine rush when your ride share app confirmed a driver was four minutes out had a multicoloured aura dancing at the edge of your vision.
You turned, without looking up, towards the general direction where you knew the door to be, your shoulder colliding with something solid. Jerking your head up, eyes wild with a flood of fresh panic, you saw a startled Rooster making his way back to the table from the washroom.
“Hey, sorry there…you ok…?” His tone changed and slowed as he took in your face.
“Sorry, reallynotfeelingwellcanyoutelltheothersIgottago…” You exhaled in a rush and darted through the crowd without waiting for a reply, leaping into the waiting car and pressing back into the seat to try and restore measured breaths.
The pressure in your chest slowly eased the further you got from the bar, enough sense returning that you recognized the need to text Jake directly. You pulled out your phone and frowned to see two missed calls from him.
I’m so sorry, I’m really not feeling well. I had to bail. Good luck on your last game!
The single letter reply glared up at you, your lower lip wobbling as your vision blurred. You could not help but feel like you deserved this for daring to allow yourself to let Jake…to let his friends…into your life. Broken people like you with baggage like yours didn’t belong in places like that with people like them. You climbed out of the car at your crappy apartment block in your dodgy neighbourhood. This was where you belonged, and you really needed to remember that.
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Read Part Three
Extrication in G Major Masterlist
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95 notes · View notes
phoenixsbby · 2 years
This Isn’t What It Looks Like - Hangman x Bartender!reader
summary: Hangman is totally, 100% over his ex … he just needs a fake girlfriend to prove it.
WC: 5.2k
a/n: let’s take every cliche romance trope and turn it into a Hangman fic, shall we?
warnings: mentions of sex, swearing
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“No, absolutely not.”
“What?! Why?” Hangman’s leaning over the bar, staring you down intently while you finish up the closing tasks of the Hard Deck. You ran the last call bell awhile ago, happy to see everyone closed out promptly. Everyone except Hangman, that is. No, Hangman continued to linger until you said goodnight to the last patron. Then he approached, marched right up to where you’d been cleaning with that charming grin spread across his lips. You knew you were in for it.
“Do you know how ridiculous this sounds?” Hangman just shrugs. “You want me to pretend to be your girlfriend to prove to your ex that you’ve moved on ... which by the way you so clearly have not.”
“I have. And ... yes?”
“You think we can act like we like each other enough to convince her we’re in love?”
“I don’t see it being a problem.” His eyes flicker across your face before dropping to your body, giving it a quick once over. Heat rushes to your cheeks, despite the fact that it’s not the first time Hangman has looked at you that way. 
“Why is she even going to be here? A Naval base isn’t an ideal tourist attraction.”
“It is if you’re an Admirals daughter.” He visibly winces as your jaw compulsively drops.
“Oh, Hangman.” You tsk at him, fighting back a smirk that threatens to break out.
“That’s beyond the point.” He swats at the air as if trying to magically push the conversation along. 
“Well, what’s in it for me?”
“My undying gratitude?”
You hum, tapping a sarcastic finger against your chin before replying, “Next.”
“Y/NNNN.” He whines your name, like a child pleading with their parents for just one more piece of candy. Anyone and everyone who knows him could tell you that Jake Seresin has an ego. They would say that he’s demanding and likes to remind people that more often than not, he gets what he wants. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Hangman beg for anything before ... you kind of like it. 
“Jaaaakkkeee.” You match his tone, pouting your bottom lip a bit for emphasis. 
“I’ll scrub the bar clean for two weeks, I’ll take Marlie to the dog park every weekend for the next month, I’ll kiss the god damn floor you walk on.” The offer is tempting, you can’t deny that. You act like you’re considering it while simultaneously wiping down a glass as he continues. "We’re friends, aren’t we?”
You and Hangman are friends, in every way that a bartender at a Navy bar and a Naval Lieutenant can be. On nights when he’s not deployed or doesn’t have too early of a morning the next day, he’ll come around. Sometimes he’s with friends, sometimes he comes alone. On a couple of rare nights when the place is quiet, Jake will keep you company by choosing a seat at the bar rather than a table tucked in the back. When you can, you’ll sit beside him, make small talk, play some cards, or people watch until you earn a glare from the old guy who always challenges people to a game of darts despite having the worst aim you’ve ever seen.
During those nights, the ones you let resurface in your mind more times that you’d like to admit, you’ll find your legs tangled in between his, your bodies leaning in, unconsciously craving the closeness. You liked the way it felt to have some part of you pressed against him, liked the way his heat mixed with yours. Usually the contact ended when you remembered you had a job to do but, you never willingly pulled away. You noticed he never did either.
“That’s a loose term for it, sure.” It’s a lie and you both know it.
“And friends do favors for other friends, right?” He raises his brows, his normal grin turning into a sly and suggestive one. 
This time while wiping down a new glass, you actually consider it. In the time that you’ve known Jake, he’s been there for you. Again, there are only so many ways that a bartender and a bar patron can be there for each other but, Jake has checked almost all the boxes.
And then there was that one night, the one you’re too eager to blame on alcohol despite only having two drinks a couple hours apart. Sometimes after you get home from work, still buzzing from the energy of the bar, you’ll stare up at your bedroom ceiling and allow the memory to play out like a movie inside your head.
“I think it’s about time for me to get you home.” Hangman bopped your nose with the tip of his pointer finger. The crowd at the bar didn’t look like it would be dwindling out any time soon, drinks were flowing, people were singing and dancing. You were reveling in the fact that you had the night off but, were choosing to ignore that you were spending said night off at your workplace. 
“What? Why? I’m not even-“
“Drunk, I know. But it’s late and I’d like to be sure that you make it home safely.” Jake said and you forced yourself to not to acknowledge the way his smile, soft and sweet, made your heart drum harder against your breastbone. 
“Ever the gentleman.” You poked his nose back and let him drive you home. It was the middle of the summer which meant the California day heat lingered well past dark and you’d insisted that every single window in Jakes jeep be rolled down. The normally humid breeze was cool against your hot, slightly sweaty skin and whipped through your hair as you watched the coast pass by in a blur. 
A hand was placed gently on your thigh, not too high but, certainly not low. A warm feeling, like static electricity, radiated from where his palm rested, spreading its way higher and higher until it pooled in between your legs. Without looking over at him, you settled your hand on the top of his and intertwined your fingers together.
When he pulled into the driveway of the small cottage you were renting, neither of you made any efforts to remove your hands from each others hold. The head rush you were getting from the sensation of his skin on yours was enough to have you question whether or not you were actually drunk. 
But there was no way. Alcohol had nothing to do with the tidal wave of want that came over you when your eyes finally met, still sitting in the car, with only the center console keeping your bodies apart. You’d like to believe that want wasn’t derived from the fact that a very attractive man was staring at you like any second he’d devour you (although, that was certainly a driving factor).
You wanted to believe the result was from the fact that you knew Jake Seresin. You knew all his favorite restaurants he ate at growing up in Texas and how his dad was an asshole who’s never truly seen how great of son he raised. He was Jake, the aviator who listened to you babble on about your training your new puppy and your many failures attempts to find new hobbies. He was the man who really saw you and came back night after night anyway.
You felt a rush of coldness cover your body when he lifted his hand from your leg and stepped into the balmy San Diego night. He rounded the car and stopped in front of your door before pulling it open and reaching for you to help you climb out. You took his hand and shamelessly clung to his arm and to his side until you reached your front door.
You lingered there, allowing your key to hover just above the lock before deciding to throw all caution to the wind. He was much closer than you anticipated, your chests nearly colliding when you turned to face him. Neither of you spoke, like you were afraid that one wrong word or sound would pop this bubble of earnest tension you’d created. 
He took a step forward and your knee-jerk reaction was to take one back so, he continued pressing you until your back met the wood of your front door with a thump. Your breathing began to turn unsteady when he reached a hand up, hovering, almost waiting for you to pull away. When you didn’t, he let himself push a few stray strands of hair behind your ear while inching his face closer and closer and closer until …
He stopped with only a few inches left separating your faces. He was so close, you were engulfed in his scent - spicy and sweet and completely Jake. His hand moved down to your face, tracing, pressing, caressing its way down your throat and to your collarbones. He looked possessed, a man completely captivated by you and your skin.
With an easy dip of your head, you let your lips dance over his sharp jaw line, desperate to relieve this aching pressure that was building inside of you. More pressure mounted when you saw, when you felt, the way his body reacted to your movements. He released a long, rattled, shaky breath and gripped the door frame beside you for dear life.
His knee nudged its way in between your legs and you fought the urge to moan at its solidness, so close to where you needed him the most. He pulled his face back, just enough to gaze down at you through hooded eyes. 
“Tell me to stop.” His voice came out rough and guttural, like he was physical forcing the words to come out.
“What if I don’t want you to stop?” You didn’t, not in the slightest. In fact, you were seconds away from getting down on the ground and begging him to touch you, to love you. You reached out and let your hands travel from his uniformed chest down to his stomach, feeling the dips and ridges of his hard muscles beneath your palms.
He scooped up your hands with his and held them, so tightly, before bringing them to his lips. He kissed them, branding your skin as if his lips were hot irons, muttered a ‘goodnight’ then walked away.
You hadn’t felt that way, that impassioned and desperate in a long time. Maybe you’ll do this for Hangman because he’s right, friends do favors for each other. Or maybe you’ll do it for more selfish reasons, ones you’ll never so much as openly admit to having.
“Marlie likes to be at the park early, like really early to get the best pick of the sticks. And you don’t have to clean the bar but, I wouldn’t mind some company after-“
You let out a grunt when Hangman reaches across the bar, grabs you by the arms, and hauls you into him. The wood of the bar top is drilling into your hips, poking so uncomfortably into your bones yet, you don’t move. You sink into him despite the pain.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He squeezes you then pulls back, ruffling a hand through your hair which you quickly bat away.
“Yes, I know, I’m the best. So ... where do we start?”
The Friday night rush at the Hard Deck was showing you no mercy, you barely had a minute to breathe, let alone time to think about your agreement with Hangman. In fact, the predicament hadn’t even crossed your mind until your eyes meet unmistakable, rich green ones with a contagious grin to match from across the bar. 
“M’love.” He greets you as you set down two cold beers in front of him. 
“Hangster.” You greet him back with a wink. You go to move on to the next customer when you hear him call you back.
“Just a heads up, she should be here soon.” 
“Ah, yes, she who shall not be named.” You smirk, trying to do your job while holding the conversation. You pop off a few lids and swipe some empties before looking back at him, noticing that he’s not smirking along with you.
“I know, I know. Don’t worry, Jake, I’m ready to wow her. You are going to look so over her by the time I’m through with you.”
“I’m walking away now.” He grumbles as he grabs the beers and turns to go meet up with his fellow pilots.
“See ya later, babe!” You call after him, chuckling to yourself before getting back in the zone. Some of your friends and family had scrutinized you at first when they heard you were bartending. They acted like it was a black hole for all career potential but, they’re wrong. Bartending is no easy gig, it requires a lot of skill and acute focus.
Most nights, you allowed yourself to only pay attention to what was going on behind the bar and those sitting across from it. You rarely noticed the ebb and the flow of the crowd, who came in and who came out. Tonight however, you’re distracted, catching yourself watching the door, staring at any pretty girl that comes in wondering if she’s the one. 
You’re in the middle of a lighthearted conversation with one of your favorite veterans, your back facing the door, when you hear Jake call for you. When you turn around, you’re met with Hangman’s bright smile and a beautiful blonde attached to his side. Your eyes flicker to where his arm is wrapped around her back, to where their hips connect, before forcing yourself to refocus on literally anywhere else that isn’t Jake’s body coming in contact with hers.
He introduces her to you, her name is as pretty and enchanting as her princess style hair. She must get it blown out once a week, that volume is too good to be natural. And her skin is nearly flawless, kind of glowing. There’s no way she uses drug store skin care. God damn, you need to get it together.
“This,” Hangman reaches across the bar, his fingers tucking a stray piece of hair that fell away from your pony tail back over your ear “is my gorgeous girlfriend, Y/N.”
“It’s great to meet you.” You force the words to come out steady and sweet, not because you want to spite her but, because you feel rattled after that touch, under the gentle look Jake is giving you.
“Likewise.” She replies with a smile. 
“I’m due for a break soon, I’ll meet you guys when I’m off?” You place a bottle of the beer Jake usually gets down in front of him and ask his ex what she’d like. After mixing her a vodka soda, she tells you she can’t wait to hear about how you and Hangman met and fell in love.
You send Hangman a uh-wait-we-never-discussed-that look as he leads her away from the bar, holding your eyes to his for as long as he can over his shoulder.
Over the next fifteen minutes, you can’t help but watch them interact in between serving. Are they standing too close? Have they made any attempts at touching each other? You notice Hangman’s smiling and laughing a lot and it’s not that you don’t like seeing him happy, you just want to get a better understanding of how truthful he was when he said he’s moved on. 
When your designated break time rolls around, you let Penny know and clock out with record speed before making a beeline for Hangman. When you reach him, you place a hand on his back to let him know you’re there causing him to spin around to face you.
“There she is.” His eyes twinkle with recognition before he tugs you against him, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. Wow, he’s good at this. You wrap your arm around him in response, fisting the material of his shirt in your hand to keep him close. All for show, of course.
“So, Y/N,” His ex pulls your attention towards her “how long have you been a bartender here?”
“Almost a year.” You smile, a completely natural one associated with all of the memories of working at the Hard Deck. “I take classes during the day so, helping Penny out at night works out well for me.”
“She’s in a graduate program, working toward becoming an electrical engineer.” Jake adds, causing you to jerk your eyes to meet his. “Her dad was an engineer for the Navy. Guess you two have something else in common other than being completely enamored by me.” His ex lets out a loud laugh and playfully smacks Hangman’s arm, all while you just stare.
You’re shocked he remembers that. You told him about it once, when you first met. Since then, he’s asked about how classes were going but, you figured he wouldn’t remember the specifics. 
“She’s so smart.” He holds your eyes to his while resting a hand against the back of your neck and kneading it gently. Holy shit, you might spontaneously combust. 
‘That’s really cool, Y/N.” She says, snapping you out of your trance.
“Thanks.” Your voice comes out a bit coarse so, you clear your throat and turn to smile at her. “Not as cool as having an Admiral for a father. I bet that got Jake in just the right amount of trouble.” You pinch his side, smiling wider as he jumps and grabs your hand tightly. 
“Oh, yeah.” You watch as her eyes flicker to Hangman, a vaguely recognizable and totally unsubtle look, almost like desire, settles over her features. “We used to really get into it.”
You let out a hesitant chuckle, hoping Hangman will take the reins on steering this conversation somewhere else but when you glance up at him, you see him looking back at her with a matching expression of longing. You feel it like a punch to the chest and squeeze his hand that’s still locked around yours.
His ex is the first to shake out what can only be described as their staring contest, looking to you with a tight smile. “Well, let’s hear it! How did you guys end up together?”
“Yeah guys,” Phoenix and Rooster come strolling over to your group, sharing matching pompous smirks “tell us all about it.” Phoenix rests her elbows on the table while Rooster takes a seat, both ready to watch the Y/N and Hangman show. The only thing they’re missing is a bowl of popcorn. 
“Spilled drink!”
“The beach!”
Oh, shit. Your voices layer right over each other and now you have three sets of eyebrows raised sky high in your direction. Phoenix releases a snort into her drink and Rooster’s grinning like he just won the freaking lottery. 
You and Hangman’s eyes dart to meet, a muscle in his jaw clicking, one of your eyes twitching before you open your mouth to try and recover the situation.
“Well, yeah, uh .. we met because this smooth pilot knocked a beer right out of my hand and onto my shirt.” You feel a smile, a real, honest smile come across your face because what you were saying was true. The first time you met, Jake had turned around right into you, knocking over three drinks and soaking you in cheap alcohol.
You can remember the look on his face vividly, the way he was opening his mouth to say something along the lines of ‘watch where you’re going’ but, stopped short as he took you in. When your eyes met, when you felt the scorch of his stare on your skin, getting the stains out of one of your favorite shirts was the last thing on your mind. 
“I asked her to meet me on the beach after her shift.” Hangman adds. “We walked together, I told her I’d pay for a new shirt but, she insisted it wasn’t necessary.” Still true. “She said she sees the stain as a kind of reminder. She’d look at it and always think of me ... and how insanely good looking I am.” You roll your eyes playfully, hearing a chorus of laughs and groans from around you.
“I really wanted to kiss her then.” His grin simmers down into a look of yearning, one that’s almost slightly pained.
“And you did, right? Kiss her?” His ex asks.
“Yeah.” Hangman clears his throat, pulling his eyes away from yours. “And she’s been mine ever since.”
“Well, aren’t you two just the cutest?” Phoenix coos before sending you a wink and pulling a still grinning Bradley up and towards the bar. 
You’re blessed with an opportunity to divert the conversation (because any more and your heart may give out) when an older, but classic song you recognize instantly plays from the jukebox.
“Oh, this is my favorite song.” You say as the slow rhythm flows through the bar.
“Well you heard her, Hangman! Dance with her!” His ex smiles, pushing you two toward the area that others have designated as a makeshift dance floor. 
“Oh no, that’s okay.” You shake your head, laughing nervously.
“We should,” Hangman takes your hand and starts to tread backwards, pulling you along with him “before you have to get back to your shift.”
You let him pull your body flush against his before he props the hand he was holding on his chest and grabs the other one to hold up in the air. You’re thankful when he sways you softly, worried that heavier movements mixed with the dizziness that his proximity brings would most likely result with you hitting the floor. 
“I’d say it’s working.” His breath grazes your temple, pulling a shudder out from deep within your body. 
“Hm?” You hum, pulling back a bit to look into his eyes.
“Our relationship. She seems convinced.” You swallow thickly and nod, glad in someway that you’ve managed to persuade this woman into thinking you’re in love with each other. You must be great actors, maybe you should both consider a career change. “She told me she was single.”
“Oh.” You mutter, seemingly all you can manage in that moment. “And how do you feel about that?”
He holds your stare with slightly furrowed brows and you can see the wheels turning inside his mind. Whether or not it’s because he’s reading yours or formulating his answer, you’re not sure. And you may never know because the sound of the bell pulls you away from him and his attention. When you glance over at the bar, it’s packed and Penny looks like she’s drowning. 
Without giving it much thought, you press a kiss to Hangman’s cheek and whisper “I’ll see you later.” before booking it back to work.
You lose track of time, as you do frequently when the bar is this full. A couple of minutes may have passed, maybe a few hours, before Penny taps on your shoulder.
“Hey, sweetie. Can you do me a favor and run these out back? They’re taking up too much room behind here.” Penny asks, arms full of empty Coors Light boxes. You happily accept them from her grasp and make your way out of the back exit. When you manage to push the door open, you’re met with the sight of Hangman and his ex. Alone. Out back. With her hand on his chest.
You flinch involuntarily, nearly dropping the boxes all over the pavement. Hangman takes a big step backwards and his ex tucks her hands behind her back, all while you just stand there, wide-eyed. Should you be mad, as his fake girlfriend? It shouldn’t really hurt yet, it does. You can feel that pain settling in like a pit in your stomach. Does this count as cheating, even if technically no cheating can occur if everyone involved is single? If it is, should you cause a scene?
Ugh, they need a rule book for the parameters of fake dating. 
“Y/N,” Jake takes a step toward you “this isn’t what it looks like.” Your eyes flicker between Hangman and his ex, who both do a horrible job of hiding their guilt stricken features and you think okay, that’s bull but, you plaster on a smile anyway.
“No, yeah, of course. I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.” You toss the boxes into the recycling before heading back toward the door. You’ve almost scurried your way out of the situation when you hear Jake call your name again. You grip the handle, hard, and look over your shoulder. “I’ve got to get back in there.”
And that, you do. You work feverishly, like the only thing in the world that matters to you is serving the best drinks these customers have ever had. You only focus on three things; pouring, cleaning, cashing out and doing it again and again. You certainly do not focus on the thought of Hangman and his ex, standing so close, touching each other.
Pour, clean, cash out, pour, clean, cash out.
When Penny rings the last call bell, the relief you feel is so deep that you’re sure it’s radiating from your bones. The night’s finally over, which means you can put these weird, confusing circumstances with Hangman to bed and return back to your completely normal friendship tomorrow. 
You were hoping to head out early, sneaky and silent to avoid a certain someone. But Penny asked you to cover the closing duties and you simply cannot say no to that wonderful woman. So you stayed busy and by the time the bar is cleared out, you want to celebrate - you’ve successfully evaded that conversation. 
That is, until Hangman comes sauntering up to the bar seemingly out of no where. 
“So, about earlier. I can explain-“
“Don’t worry, we’re not actually dating remember? So, no real apologies needed.”
“Right.” A beat of silence passes. You’re very close to being the one to break the silence, to ask him if you were going to pretend this night ever happened or simply ignore all of it and say goodnight. But, he beats you to it.
“She asked me if I thought we were going to last. She asked me for a second chance, something about seeing me after all this time and realizing she still has feelings.” You nod, putting on a brave face. If that’s what Jake wants, if being back with her would make him happy then, so be it.
“I told her I didn’t want her. I told her I loved you.” You swallowed the emotion clawing its way up your throat.
“Right, because to her, we’re in a completely legitimate relationship and couldn’t be happier.”
“Exactly.” More silence and you take it as an opportunity to really look at him. You take in his droopy posture, his slightly unfocused eyes. He looks sad. And all you want to do is make him feel better. 
“Hey,” You place a hand over his “hypothetically, you chose the moral high road tonight. I’m proud of you for that. You don’t deserve someone who would put herself out there for a guy who’s taken.” You wink to try to lighten his mood but, he only manages a give you a thin grin back. 
“I’m sure you’ll find the right someone ... someday.” You add, the words tasting like battery acid on your tongue. 
“I’m not really looking.” He grits out, removing his hand from under yours. 
“But .. you leave with women all the time, I’ve seen you.” You scoff, turning around because you need to scrub the other side of the bar and because you know if he continues to look you in the eye for long enough, he’ll see right through you. He’ll see right into your heart and find that little part of it you’ve tucked away for him.
“You’re seeing things then because I haven’t. I haven’t slept with a woman, even so much as thought about it since ...” He trails off and you pause, anticipation compelling your body to vibrate, like a jet engine starting up inside your chest.
“Since when?”
“Since I met you.”
You feel your breath hitch and have to grip the edge of the bar to keep yourself up right considering your limbs have decided to turn to gelatin. You turn to face him, taking in his glazed over eyes and delicate features.
“But that was-“
“Trust me, you do not need to remind me how long it’s been.” He forces out a breathy chuckle. You’re convinced that blood no longer pumps in your veins, fire courses through you instead and it’s igniting every particle in your body like they’re sparks waiting to catch. You drop the rag you’ve been using and step out from behind the bar, aching to be closer to him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I figured you didn’t want to be with someone like me. Someone who’s gone half the time, someone who may never come back.” He shakes his head, letting it hang low. “I didn’t want to put you through that.”
You reach out, tracing the collar of his khaki uniform with your fingertips. “Can’t I make that decision for myself?”
“You can,” He looks up, resting a hand over the one you have against him “but if you chose to be with me then, you’re making the wrong one.”
“Then let me be wrong.” You let Jake guide your hand to his cheek. He leans into your touch before putting his other hand around your waist and pulling you into him. He kisses you with all the hunger and passion you felt the night on your porch, that you’ve continued to feel for him since. His lips are warm and burning with need as he takes control, diving his tongue deeper like he’s desperate for air and the only oxygen left in the word is buried inside you. 
He pushes his body against yours, walking you back into the wooden edge of the bar. Desperation starts to bleed through, wrecking all your precision and turning both of your movements sloppy and frantic. You think it must be unnatural to kiss someone with this much desire, to no longer need air as much as you need their lips on yours. Eventually, one of you will pull away to breathe but, you’ll be on your last dying gasp before you do.
What pulls you away from each other isn’t basic human need - it’s Penny, pushing through the door from the kitchen and freezing in her tracks once she realizes what she’s seeing.
You break apart with blood rushing to your cheeks from embarrassment rather than lust.
“Pen, uh-“ You push Jake further away from you “this isn’t what it looks like?”
Hangman laughs, latching his hand around yours before pulling you back to him without remorse. “Sorry Penny, this is exactly what it looks like.” 
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^ me, preaching Hangman supremacy
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Styx and Stones
Part 6:
"It's always been yours, I cannot find another this heart will beat for." -S.L. Gray
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Pairing" Rooster x OC Delilah "Styx" Mitchell
Warnings: Language, drinking. Mentions of cheating Mentions of a character wanting to unalive themselves. A tiny bit of sexual teasing if you squint. 18+ Minors DNI
"Uuuugggghhh" Delilah groaned as she continued to walked slowly but surely on the treadmill during her physical therapy. "Come on Styx you can do this.... dig deep." Hangman encouraged her while he spotted her incase she fell. "You got this babes!" Phoenix told her. As she continued to walk Bob queued up "Eye of the Tiger" on his playlist. Styx snorted out a laugh.
"Alright Del, that's two miles today I think that's enough." Hangman told her. She leaned forward bracing herself on the front of the treadmill "No, I can keep going.... just a little longer... ugh... I... can... do... this..." She continued to push herself. Jake sighed and looked at Phoenix.
"Remind me again why you wanted us to help you with your therapy and not Rooster?" He asked her
"Because... Rooster.... treats me like a china doll... and freaks out if I show the least amount of pain." Styx panted out. "Plus, you are here to push me Hangman, Phoenix is here to make sure I don't over do it, and Bob is here for moral support."
"I also make sure everyone is hydrated and provide the sick workout beats!" Bob piped up from where he was sitting on a bench.
"Well I hate to say this, but I agree with Bagman... you need to stop for now, don't over do it." Phoenix said stopping the treadmill. "Sit, get some water, take a break." She commanded. Styx listened to her friend as Jake helped her hobble over and sit next to Bob who passed her a water bottle.
"Please tell me why you are pushing yourself so hard? The Navy said to take all the time you needed to recover." Bob asked her.
"Rooster and I are getting married this weekend and I will be damned if Maverick pushes me down the aisle!" Delilah told him taking another gulp from her water.
"Well if you didn't want to be pushed maybe you shouldn't have planned a wedding for six weeks after you woke up from a coma." Jake stated. Phoenix jabbed him in the side with her elbow at that comment "What?" He muttered under his breath looking at her.
"I know it's quick y'all but if the past few months have taught me anything it's that I have wasted enough time not being with Bradley, and we aren't guaranteed tomorrow and I don't want to spend any longer than necessary not being his wife." Styx told them matter of factly. "Also he doesn't know I am planning on walking down the aisle. Y'all and Mav are the only ones who know... I want to surprise him so please don't go and run your mouth and ruin it for me."
"*Cough Cough*, Bagman" Bob replied sarcasticly.
"Hey! What is this? Gang up on Jake day or something?" Hangman replied looking hurt.
"I will make sure to keep a tight leash on him Styx, don't you worry." Tasha said winking at her man.
"Since when do you wear the pants in our relationship?" Jake asked her. "Since always babe... Since always." Phoenix replied kissing him on the cheek.
True to her word Phoneix made sure Jake didn't ruin the surprise and soon the entire squad found themselves getting ready for Bradley and Delilah's nuptials.
"You're parents would be so happy for you." Maverick told her as she finished getting ready. "They loved Rooster when you two were growing up just like Carole loved you, and I know Goose would have too. Even though they aren't here with us today physically I know they are watching down and smiling." Maverick smiled at his niece.
"I bet you said the same thing to Bradley didn't you?" Delilah asked him as she fastened her bracelet.
"Similar, I mostly told him about how much Goose would have loved you and how shocked he would be that his son was marrying my niece." Pete told her.
"Thank you Uncle Pete." Delilah told him looking back at him through the mirror. "For what dear?" He asked her. "For loving me like your own." She replied with tears in her eyes. "Delilah, I, you are mine. Maybe not in the physical sense, but I will always take care of you... now it's almost time. Penny will be here any second to get us."
Moments later Penny knocked on the door and came pushing a nicely decorated wheel chair into the room. Delilah and Maverick shot each other a knowing glance as Penny didn't know about their plan either.
Maverick pushed Delilah through the back halls of the church to keep her hidden from view. They stopped in front of the large oak doors and Maverick gave two short knocks to indicate to Harvard and Yale who were waiting on the other side that they were ready.
Delilah and Maverick heard the first few bars of the wedding march play and the minster asking for everyone to rise. "You ready kid?" Maverick asked her as she grabbed his arm. Yale and Harvard opened the doors and Delilah was greeted by the most wonderful sight. At the end of the aisle in all his dress whites glory stood her future husband waiting on her with the biggest smile on his face and a few tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
"Here we go." Mav whispered as he bent down to help Delilah up.
"What is she doing?" Rooster whispered to Hangman who was standing beside him. "Just wait" Jake whispered back.
Delilah pushed up on the arms of the chair as Maverick hoisted her into a standing position... all eyes in the church went wide at the sight.
Slowly but steadily Delilah and Maverick made their way down the aisle. At the side of his bride WALKING towards him, Bradley lost it. The tears he had tried to push down poured from his face. Hangman patted him on the shoulder and passed him some tissues. Rooster looked back at him "you knew?" He asked. Jake just shrugged his shoulders and grinned at him like the Cheshire cat.
Delilah was glowing as she walked down the aisle she had the biggest smile on her face. She wishes she could say she saw all the beautiful decorations in the chapel as she made her way through it, but the only thing she could focus on was Bradley, her Bradley. After so many years of loss, chaos, and stupidity on both of their parts, they were finally together.
Though life has tried to tear them apart in more ways than one, they always bounced back and found each other. They were the true definition of soul mates tired together by an invisible string.
When they made it to the end of aisle Maverick was more than happy to give Delilah away to Rooster. When he placed her hand in his, he patted Rooster on the back and said "Take care of her for me now"
"Alway Mav, always." Rooster promised. Delilah passed her bouquet to Phoenix and turned to face Bradley, fully drinking in the sight of him for the first time. "You look beautiful." He whispered to her. "You look pretty good yourself" She whispered back.
Rooster made sure to hold onto her tightly during the ceremony as she refused to sit down in the wheel chair after she came down the aisle. At the end of the vows there wasn't a dry eye in the house, and when Rooster pulled Deliah in and dipped her down for their first kiss as husband and wife everyone cheered.
At the end of the ceremony when the two turned to walk back down, Rooster swept her into his arms and carried her down the aisle while everyone cheered.
At the reception cake was eaten, champagne, beer, and whiskey flowed freely and of course Bradley led everyone in a round of "Great Balls of Fire" but when he followed it up with a beautiful rendition of "Hey There Delilah" Styxs became a crying mess.
She and Rooster shared a beautiful first dance to "Can't Help Falling in Love", something else Maverick had helped her practice for without Rooster knowing.
"Love you so much" Rooster whispered in her ear as she held onto him. "Best surprise ever seeing you walk down the aisle. You looked like an angel Mrs. Bradshaw." He cooed kissing her again.
"I have one more surprise for you Bradley." She told him pulling away. She gave a signal to Phoenix who then had the DJ pause the next song that was coming up. Delilah made her way to the small stage in the venue where a microphone was still standing after speeches had been given.
"Hello everyone!" Delilah called into the mic. She fiddled with the side of her dress... while she oozed confidence in the sky, Styx hated public speaking, so what she was about to do next was completely out of her comfort zone.
Rooster sat down, confused as to what was happening
"I first wanted to start off by saying thank you to everyone who came today. This wedding while planned in only a few weeks was years in the making." Delilah began.
"As many, if not all of you know almost three months ago, Rooster and I were in a terrible accident. One that left me with a major head injury. At the time of the accident Rooster and I weren't on the best terms, but thankfully we came to our senses and reconnected.
After we discovered I was injured, more than what we had first suspected, Rooster kept me alive for days until help came. And when it did, he watched me almost die in his arms." Delilah's voice began to crack
"After that I underwent surgery where I was dead for ten minutes, but thankfully the medical team revived me. After my surgery, my body had so much trama, I went into a coma for almost three weeks, during those three weeks this man never left my side ever after being told the longer I stayed under then more likely the chance I would never wake up again." Delilah looked lovingly at Rooster.
"He didn't care what anyone told him, he never gave up on me. Even after I made the biggest mistake of my life and left him years ago, he still stayed by my side because he loved me, and I am so thankful he does. My life is better with him in it." At her words Rooster felt tears spring into his eyes for the second time that day.
"Now all of you know how much my husband... oh that sounds fun to say, HUSBAND loves to sing for a crowd I on the other hand have never been a fan. But what you may not know, is his singing saved my life... I am sure his voice is what brought me out of my coma, because the first thing I remember from waking up, is him.
So, as a special surprise for him, I thought it was my turn to sing." Delilah took a deep breath as Bradley's face lit up with shock.
"I knew I wanted to sing for Bradley on our wedding day, but it took some time to find the right song, but I think this is it." Delilah nodded to the DJ as the first few bars of Christina Perri's "A Thousand Years" began to play.
For the second time that day, Delilah had surprised Rooster. She sang beautifully with her whole heart and managed to make everyone cry once again.
By the time she was finishing the song Delilah had tears in her eyes too. Once she was done Rooster helped her off the stage, picked her up, and spun her around.
"Baby, that was beautiful... thank you." He told her putting her down. The newly wedded Bradshaws made their way around the venue talking to their guests and enjoying the evening until Jake and Tasha came and grabbed them telling them it was time for the garter and bouquet toss. Hangman brought a chair to the middle of the dance floor while Phoenix ushered Delilah into it all the while pleading for them not to make a big deal of it, but the cocky glint in Rooster's eyes told her other wise.
The DJ gathered all the unmarried men to one area, with the Dagger boys aside from Hangman front and center. He then began to play the song "Pony". Delilah's face went red as Rooster began to give her a lap dance and make a fool of himself. He lifted up the skirt of her dress just enough to get under it.
Everyone thought Delilah's face was red with embarrassment, no one would have guessed it was because Rooster trailed hot, wet kisss up both her legs and gave her slit and long hard lick over her panties while he was removing her garter.
He came out from under her dress with the lacy band in his TEETH. Hangman was howling with laughter while Styx covered her face.
Rooster shot the garment into the waiting group of men, only for it to land in the hands of poor unsuspecting Bob who turned three shades of red as he looked over to his girlfriend Sadie who was also blushing.
Delilah kept her bouquet toss much more PG opting for the classic "Single Ladies" to be played. She turned around and tossed her bouquet high to the group of women. The photographer at the wedding got an amazing shot of Sadie pushing Halo out of the way to catch it because quote "I will be damned if I let some other girl catch it when my Bobby got the garter." The irony of the whole thing is everyone but Sadie knows Bob is proposing next week.
As the night came to a close, Bradley and Delilah were thoroughly happy and exhausted. They sat down after a dance just to catch their breath. While they were sitting down Delilah turned to Rooster
"Hey Rooster! You big STUD!" She drawled out the same way his mother used to call his father
"That's me Honey!" He replied
"Take me to bed or lose me forever"
"Show me the way home Honey!"
And that she did...
Tag List: @callsignmuse @shanimallina87
Eeekkkk I hope yall loved this chapter! This is NOT the end but I felt like we needed some fluff after a lot of angst!
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floosies · 2 years
pairing: mob!jake lockley x oc!fem
warnings: slow burn, pining, cursing, mentions of violence, smut, mentions of dr*gs 18+ ONLY
taglist: @lex-the-flex @tsnelf7
(i'm sorry this took longer than I wanted to and its a bit of a lengthy chapter as well. oh also! in a couple of chapters i'll be adding pictures at the end of the chapters for more description.)
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"... I watched the guys getting high as they fight for the things that they hold dear to forget the things they fear..."
He had woke up the next morning with the words fresh in his mind. Jake had heard her, there was nothing he could about the new reality he was living in with this new found knowledge. Instead, he watched as she slept, his gaze focused on the way her chest rose and fell, all the while his mind racing with all the thoughts of what this meant for them. Neither of them ever spoke about previous love or being in love.
Even familiar love was something taboo for himself. The closest thing he had to family was Frenchie and the woman he considered a grandmother who tried to raise him when he was a kid. Alicia was scared for his wellbeing and now she had admitted she loved him, even if she was under the impression he was asleep. If anything that meant she was just as scared of admitting it to him. His mind went back to the conversation they'd had, he wouldn't leave her, even if it was what she thought was best. In the same way he had gained control over his fears, he was going to get rid of the problem for both of them.
They spent the weekend working and messing around, just like every other time they got together. Avoiding dangerous topics was like second nature to both of them, but Alicia knew that come Monday afternoon they would either begin to drift apart or grow more tightly knit.
Late Sunday night she was at her uncle's place arranging for the meeting the next day. He tagged along as always, still he couldn't figure out what was to be expected and she refused to mention anything, only answering with, "when everyone is here then I'll tell you. It's only fair and part of code." This only made him role his eyes in annoyance to her constant need to abide by some old code.
Still, he couldn't deny how good she looked when she was in her zone. It reminded him of the first time he saw her, how she was just sat taking notes on her little screen. He either had one blessing or got lucky, in his mind, there was no way a woman like her could ever have loved a man like him, and yet here he was waiting to find out from her who he would have to kill so he could bring some sort of peace back for both of them.
Monday morning they woke up together, but just as quickly as they woke up they went on separate ways. After getting ready she went to back to finish setting up whatever was left, and he went to Barnes' office. The two men sat there, both with a drink in hand, and worry that they were trying to drown out. It was Barnes who voiced his opinion first, "she's a genius ya know that? After what happened last time, whenever she decides to present or lead these meetings I just figure it's gonna be some heavy shit." Jake nodded, "believe me I'm just as impatient as you about all this. I don't like the way she's winded up about whatever she's gonna say."
That anticipation was only growing as the time came and she changed the room in which the meetings were usually held, to a room in the downstairs area of the home. Some of the other members of the group made jokes about the precautions, to which she only smiled. Her heart was racing with worry that they wouldn't see the seriousness of the situation or even more terrifying, this would cause an all out war between them all.
She began with disclosure and furthered into her reasoning. However, once she began detailing the information she had uncovered and showing it to the corresponding members, it was clear that her worries were serious. Their faces suddenly becoming more stoic as she explained that the two remaining individuals were looking to not only destroy the underground organization, but also attacking their public negotiations by any means necessary. They'd hired private investigators to detail the daily lives of both themselves and those deemed as close ties to them.
Jake could see now why she wanted him far away from her for the time being, although that understanding was being pushed away by anger. Not at her, but the people going after them, they clearly hadn't learned their lesson the first time. Still, he watched as she assured all of them that they still weren't at the level of wealth or power to do anything yet. It was why she wanted to bring this to light. She was a genius, because knowing this, he would kill them much more easily.
Surprisingly they all stayed for dinner, using it as an excuse to get started on planning how to deal with these nuisances. Alicia's stress couldn't handle all the planning though and led her to going back to her place early. As much as Jake wanted to follow suit, he had to stay, this curse of this thing was that he had to work with all these people. If he had it his way he would have just done it all himself, but he knew better than to be hostile at a moment like this.
When it was over though he went back to her home. She was in her backyard at on her lounge with a bottle of wine and a joint sat on an ash tray. He sat next to her, like how he had the first time they met. They both acknowledged each other's presence but didn't know what to say to one another. It was an odd feeling having her be the stoic one at the time.
Soon the sun began to set and neither of them had said anything. She took a small risk in slowly placing her right hand onto his left one. He was caught off guard by the action, but quickly got a firm grasp of it, and placing a kiss on the back of her hand. The small action was enough to make her smile, even now he was still somewhat nervous by her.
It took a moment, but she spoke up, "so now what happens? You know why I'm so afraid now." Her voice was still soft though as if she didn't want to cause more concern. Jake being the man he is answered her with the truth, "ay mi cariño, trust me they have more reason to be scared than you." His stare was laser focused on her, "I heard you whisper that you love me a couple nights ago." The look on her face, her eyes widening, "Jake I-" he shook his head with a smile on his face, "I've never actually said that to anyone, but lately I've come to realize I love you too. I've just been to scared to say it out loud." She let out a small sigh, "never thought we'd both be scared of each other after this long."
He shrugged, "knowing you're scared to lose someone you love is scary I guess." Her head laid on his shoulder before she mumbled, "but I guess we have to take the risk." He leaned his head into hers, "its a calculated risk though, if anyone tries to put their hands on you les va tocar perder mi amor." They didn't say anything after that, again taking time to enjoy the silence, but in the threat he had made she found a comfort.
Behind closed doors Barnes was both infuriated and worried. History was repeating itself in the worst way. However, he knew now how to handle this. They all did and now he had time on his side to make sure nothing would go wrong. If it all worked out his way, no one he loved would get hurt and this would all be over with quickly.
Although, it would be hard to convince everyone that it would be the best idea. In his train of thought he needed the genius that is his niece away from everyone, in seclusion, and to re-evaluate everyone he had recently hired. The trouble came in the form of his niece's stubbornness and Lockley's loyalty to her.
Barnes had a private meeting with Rogers where he mentioned all this to him. A sense of confusion came off, "I don't see what you want me to do. You're the man with the plan here." Barnes rolled his eyes, "I need you to get Lockley onboard. I gotta pedigree all the staff and deal with the whole public front, plus it gives you an excuse to pull the godfather card you rarely use now." Rogers sighed, "and if he says no?" He barely finished the question before his friend jumped in to answer. "Let's hope for everyone's sake he doesn't say no."
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Jake and Amy frolicking in waves while Mac naps and Grandparents watch the baby monitor hc
I don't think you meant the waves literally but I did!
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They've only had the chance to get to the beach once during their week at the Santiago cabin, otherwise filled with nature hikes and kiddie pool time and frankly, a lot of indoor play and cuddling during worse weather. But now it's the weekend, the sun is blasting hot in the sky, and half of the rest of Santiagos have joined them, including Camila and Victor. So when Camila decides they're all having a beach trip on sunday, no one is against it.
Amy is still busy slathering whatever part of Mac is uncovered in sunscreen (it's not much, because she’s got him in a tshirt and swimtrunks and a sunhat). But Jake can see her glancing at the ocean ever so often from their giant family blanket. She's only had the chance to dip her feet in it, not walk further than knee-height last time, because she kept looking back at Jake and Mac on their much smaller blanket then and rejoined them as quickly as possible. (Jake, in turn, didn't go in the water at all because the squealing baby on the blanket was far more interesting, but he knows how much his wife loves the sea usually.)
"C'mon", he says when Mac is sufficiently covered up and already sticky with sand as well, "Go swim. I'll stay with lil Macaron."
"No, it's fine - I wouldn't want a long swim - and Mac needs more sunscreen in about-"
"Ames." She's still staring at the waves, where three of her brothers are already nothing but little spots in the water because they've swum out so far. "We'll be fine here." He gives Mac a little tickle that makes him squeal again, and Amy's even more unsure.
"You can both go!" Camila exclaims from a few feet behind them, sorting through the drinks cooler they slugged down here. "I'll watch our little cariño for you, don't worry."
Before Amy can say anything, Jake has already handed Mac over to his very happy grandma (and grandpa, who's waving some beach toy in front of him) and pulled Amy up and over the sand.
She's still looking over all the time, giving little waves, definitely judging whether or not Mac needs more sunscreen right now, while they're wading into the water.
"Babe, your parents have raised 8 kids, they know what they're doing."
"i know, I know. Im being irrational, I just-" before she can finish her sentence, a little wave of water from Jake's hands splashes across her front, when they've barely made it hip-deep.
"Jake!!“ she yelps." It's cold, we have to adjus-"
Another splash of water, this one hitting her chest, and oh, the fight is on. She chases him, struggling to run in the slippery sand, while he laughs and keeps throwing water at her. She returns the gesture well enough, and when she finally reaches him to grab hold of his hands and stop him, his wet hair is plastered to his head, although they're only standing in the water waist-deep.
"You're such a child!" she laughs, reminded of her many times having a splash fight at this beach with Matteo decades ago.
"Yet you still had a child with me." He quips back, which was a mistake, because the carefree look on her face quickly turns back to the beachfront looking for said child.
"Oh no, you're not going back. You haven’t even been in the water properly." And with that, she can feel Jake's arms wrap around her chest from behind, and she knows what he’s planning a second after it's too late.
"Jake don't you DARE-"
But he’s already falling backwards and pulling her with him under the waves.
She comes back up sputtering after he lets go, her hair all over her face, and douses him with water when he comes back up laughing so hard he swallows a bunch of it and has to cough.
"Jacob Peralta!"
"What, you didn't wanna dunk? That's what the sea is for!“
She keeps hitting splashes of water at him while he laughs, so he grabs her hands - both to stop her and to pull her close, placing a kiss to her lips.
"Mh, you taste like pasta water."
"Salt water, Jake."
"Sure. Can we make pasta for our turn at dinner for everyone?"
She only laughs and nods before he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her even closer, her bikini sticking to his wet chest, and kisses her again, deeper and more intense than before.
"You know my parents are probably watching us." She mumbles when their lips part only a few inches.
"Oh no. Better hide!“
“Jake, NO-"
But he's already pulling her down again.
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since0202 · 3 years
Chapter 22: Graduation
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After Spring Break had ended, Grace was kicked into overdrive preparing for her finals. This was it. One final push and this would be off of her plate. 
She spent most of her nights in her room studying, at the library with Bella and Edward tucked away in a corner, or staying late at Paul’s taking way too many study breaks. Sometimes she’d take the truck to Paul’s before he got off rounds to surprise him, cooking dinner and setting up at the small kitchen table with her books. He’d stumble through the door, shirtless and exhausted but immediately crack a smile and scoop her up for a kiss when he saw her there. He’d share about his rounds in between bites and when he was done, he’d tug her off to take a shower with him and try to derail her study night. 
Other times she’d get to his house late, spread her books out open on the floor and fall asleep waiting up for him. At some point in the night she’d feel herself get picked up and placed in bed. A freshly showered Paul would slip in beside her and wrap his arms warmly around her, sighing softly into her neck. 
But once the crush of finals was upon her and Bella, she knew she’d have to stay away to push through the end. Her last night with Paul, she was wrapped in arms as he pressed his lips to different parts of her face and neck, letting his hands absently trace the sides of her body. 
“Okay, so I probably won’t see you for a full week. Communication is going to be limited. Tell me,” she said, trying to hide the creeping smile as he dipped his head to kiss below her collarbone, “How will you survive?” 
Paul let out a chuckle and pulled his head up to stare sleepily into her eyes, “I won’t.” 
“Hmmm, better make the best of it now then.” she teased. He groaned sleepily and buried his head into the crook of her neck. She laughed, kissing his forehead and wrapping her hands around to cradle his head. 
“Rounds have been so brutal lately,” he said softly, his voice muffled against her skin. 
“I know I’m sorry. Are you still tracking Victoria?” She said staring up at the ceiling. He took some quiet breaths and said, 
“I mean, yeah kind of? Sometimes we catch a scent and sometimes we don’t. Leah actually picked up a new scent tonight which is why we were out so late. We traced it along the treaty line and then it kept hopping back and forth. But we typically never get a solid sighting. It’s frustrating.” He gripped her sides firmly as he said this as if the tension rising in him was causing him to physically manifest it. She wiggled underneath him to remind him she was there and he loosened his grip, kissing into the crook of her shoulder. 
The new scent worried Grace. She’d have to check with Edward to see if they had picked up on anything new on their end. These days in her limited time on the rez, she was basically the go-between for the pack and the Cullens. Bella was hoping to get them to work together more and Grace was trying to push in that direction too, but that had fallen by the wayside when school work had kicked in. 
“Hmmm, what does Sam think?” Grace asked after a short silence. But Paul had drifted off. Grace lay staring at the ceiling for a long time after that wondering what was coming. 
She traced absent minded patterns on Paul’s back listening to his rhythmic breathing and before she knew it, Jake had crept into her mind. She had kept her promise to Paul—she hadn’t been with Jake alone or even really talked to him since that day. Not that Paul ever really gave her a chance. Any time Grace went on limited rounds on the weekend, she was paired with Paul and any outings outside of that were (like meeting up at Emily’s for lunch or hanging on the beach with the boys) strictly chaperoned by Paul. 
Now, images of Jake circled in her mind. There was just the odd look every now and then during the times she did see him. He kept his distance and for that she was grateful. The tug was still there but she was able to keep at bay with her and Paul’s healthy sex life and Paul’s constant presence. But even now, Grace felt herself thinking about Jacob’s face and how she’d steal glances at him when Paul wasn’t looking and catch him looking back at her too. 
Grace woke up early the next morning to get home before Charlie noticed. It was Sunday right before her finals and she was planning on spending the day finishing up some papers. Paul was going to be out all day on rounds anyway. She bent over the bed to plant a kiss on Paul’s mouth. He stirred and opened his eyes groggily reaching for her. She kneeled on the bed, backpack slung over her shoulder, hair tied up in a messy knot. 
“A whole week huh?” he mumbled. 
“Yeah,” she whispered leaning down to kiss him again, “I’ll see you on the other side.” 
“Hmph,” he laughed sleepily. “I’ll walk you to your car.” 
“No, stay in bed, you’re tired.” Grace protested but he was already pushing his way around her and pulling on some sweats. Paul rarely slept in clothes and made sure Grace did the same. He said it improved their ‘efficiency,’ to which Grace had laughed as he had peeled her out of her clothes. 
He took her backpack from her shoulder and placed it on the passenger side seat before coming back to meet her at the driver side door. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and kissed him, opening her mouth and letting him glide his tongue just inside her lips. She sighed softly into his mouth with a gentle moan she couldn’t quite contain and his grip reflexively tightened on her hips. She already felt the kiss getting out of hand as he pushed her back against the side of the truck. She pulled back lightly and smiled saying, 
“I gotta go.” He looked at her face seriously for a moment and then without missing a beat he said, 
“Right. I love you.” His eyes held hers as they went wide and she opened her mouth to say something. 
“I….” she stammered searching his eyes. He lifted an eyebrow leaning back away from her and she felt the cold creeping in between them. Panicked, she said, “I love you too.” A smile broke over his face and he leaned down to kiss her again. Grace was happy to have him close again but her ache returned. 
“Let’s go back inside,” he said devilishly. 
“Jesus, Paul,” she groaned,  smacking his arm and wiggling out of his arms. “I’ll see you next weekend.” She climbed up into her truck and he shut the door behind her waving her off as she went. 
The end of finals had passed swiftly, crashing up against graduation, and now as Bella and Grace posed in their gowns with their diplomas, smiling for the camera that Charlie held before them, Grace was relieved. 
She had done well, graduating near the top of her class, just behind Jessica and Eric—no small feat for a girl who had been expelled from her previous highschool. 
“We better get back and get ready for the party,” Bella said as they wrapped up hugs with their friends. 
“Right. No curfew tonight, right Charlie?” Grace joked. He rolled his eye. 
Back at home, Grace pulled on her jean mini skirt with her dark green fitted shirt. She took time to expertly curl her hair in gentle waves around her face and tapped on some of her orange/red lip tint. 
Bella was combing her hair behind her, “Is Paul coming tonight?” 
Grace scoffed, “Yeah right. Like he’d ever be caught dead in a house full of vampires. That boy’s head would explode.” 
“That’s a bummer,” Bella said softly, putting on a thin coat of mascara and pulling at her plaid shirt, “Do I look okay?” 
Grace turned to look at her full on, “What are we going for here?” 
Bella looked down at herself, “Just… like casual party goer.” 
“Hmm, do you mind?” Grace said, getting excited. Bella shook her head. 
Grace smoothed Bella’s hair in soft luxurious brown sheets that waved away from her face. She tapped on some bright red gloss across her perfectly pouted lips and dug through her closet before tossing chocolate brown fitted shirt dress her way. It was made of soft, clingy, cottony fabric that clung to every curve and dip of her body. Bella blushed as she put it on and Grace put the finishing touches on her. 
“So, this says: Casual party goer who’s looking to stun her boyfriend into submission,” Grace cocked her head to the side satisfied. Bella let out a laugh curling a self-conscious arm around her middle. 
“Ready?” Grace said shoving her feet in some simple white keds. Bella looked at herself once more in the mirror, pleased with what she saw and nodded. 
The bounded down the steps together just as Edward was making his way up the steps to them. 
“Charlie, we’re going!” Grace yelled over her shoulder. 
“Bye dad!” 
Outside, Grace skipped ahead of Bella so that Edward could take her all in. 
“Nice huh?” Grace nudged him and headed toward the car. Edward was speechless. Bella tucked her hair behind her ear and gave him a simple, 
Grace enthusiastically gave the thumbs up from behind his back before climbing into the back seat of his car. From the back seat, she watched as Edward gently took Bella into his arms and placed a careful kiss over her mouth, holding her face with one hand and saying something to her without letting his eyes leave hers. Bella stared back up adoringly and Grace felt her heart skip a beat for a minute. She never saw two people more in love. Like really in love. 
The party was extravagant to say the very least. Grace and Bella were immediately swept into the crush of people. Edward held fast to Bella as they moved around the party, greeting friends, grabbing snacks, and hugging Carlisle and Esme each and thanking them so much for the party. They clearly had not thrown it for just their Alice and Edward. Cakes with Bella and Grace’s names were prominently displayed along with their senior pictures (that Alice had insisted on earlier that month right after finals) throughout the house. 
Grace had whisked Bella out onto the dance floor with Jessica and Angela for a few songs before she retreated in a quiet corner with Edward who fawned over her lovingly and encouraged her temporary outgoingness. 
When Grace found herself trapped in the middle of the dance floor as a slow song came on, she looked around her quickly for a way out. And then from behind her she heard a familiar voice ask confidently, 
“Can I have this dance?” 
Grace whipped around coming face to face with none other than Jacob. 
“Jake?! What are you doing here?” Grace said, taking an automatic step back. The couples were crowding in around them though so it was hard to keep distance. 
“Bella invited me.” Jake said nonchalantly. Grace shot a look over at Bella who was being glided across the floor by Edward. No one was paying her any attention. 
“Okay…” Grace said warily. 
“So?” Jake held his hands out to her, “Will you dance with me?” Grace hesitated, looking for an escape. She had promised Paul the very exact opposite of this, but now she was trapped. And she didn’t really want to say no. 
“Sure,” she said. Grace took the two steps forward to close the small gap between them and Jake let his hands slide across her waist to rest on her lower back. She snaked her hands up around his neck as he swayed them back and forth with more rhythm than she thought he was capable of. 
“I know you’re not supposed to be alone with me,” Jake said, staring down at her, casting his gaze away every now and then to lower the intensity that was already pulsing between them. This was the closest they had been in months and the ache that was always there had subsided for once. She let her body move closer into Jake to monopolize on the feeling of overwhelming relief she felt at being held. It was like having a rock stuck in a shoe for months with no end in sight and then suddenly you’re able to take your shoes off and dip your feet in cool, clean water. 
Grace wasn’t going to deny it. “Paul doesn’t trust you.” 
“Paul is a control freak.” Jacob shot back. 
“For good reason, apparently. Look where we are,” she looked down at the nonexistent space between them and he sighed, readjusting his grip on her so that she was pressed up against him just right. She clicked into place with him like a puzzle piece and it made her dizzy. They were gathering stares from those around them. 
“So you’re totally comfortable coming to a vampire graduation party then?” Grace said in a low tone. Jake laughed. 
“I guess. When the payoffs are nice at least,” he said. 
“What do you mean?” Grace said, confused. 
“You, Grace. Obviously,” Jake replied somewhat annoyed. 
“Me? You’re here for me?” Grace sighed and tried to pull away at this, but he held her fast and she didn’t protest too much. His grip was comforting where Paul’s could sometimes feel too tight. She relaxed into that feeling. 
“Don’t get too excited. I came for that, too,” he nodded over her head and Grace looked over her shoulder to see Alice volleying between here and not here. A vision. Grace let go of Jacob but felt his hand easily grab hers as she made her way across the dance floor. She held onto it, just to drag out that feeling of relief. She’d take whatever fight this would cause between her and Paul, just to have this feeling for a little longer. 
“Alice.” Grace said. Bella was right next to her. 
“What did you see?” Bella echoed. 
“A problem,” Edward replied as he read Alice’s mind. 
The Cullens, Bella, Jacob, Embry and Quil who had accompanied Jacob to the party, reconvened in the study. 
Jake had finally let Grace go and she had stood next to Bella with her arms crossed in front of her. 
“We’ve been tracking the situation in Seattle for awhile,” Carlisle said looking to each new face around him. “It seems like Victoria has been playing possum with us and has instead been making an army to come and confront us.” 
“An army? What, you mean like an army of vampires?” Jake said incredulously. 
“Newborns, our kind. Their human blood lingers in their tissue so they are at their strongest when they’re first turned. And when a vampire creates a lot of us at once, it’s usually for less than savory reasons.” Jasper contributed. 
“So what do we do?” Bella said. 
“Well, they were passing around Bella’s scent, so their motive is pretty clear. It seems like they’ve changed course, according to Alice’s vision and they’ll be coming here.” Rosalie stated dryly. Edward tightened his grip on Bella who had a look of pain on her face at the news. 
“It might be to our advantage to have them come here right?” Emmett said, arms crossed. 
“More vampires mean more problems for us,” Jacob said. His eyes locked with Grace’s. 
“We know,” Carlisle said, a genuine sound of regret in his voice. “I’m sorry.” He said quietly. Jacob nodded at him, thankful and Grace’s heart swelled. 
“So we draw them out,” Grace said suddenly. All eyes snapped to her at once. “Woah.” she said. 
“What do you mean?” Esme asked. 
“Emmett said we have the advantage, which we do. And we can draw them out and attack them from both sides, right?” Grace looked to Jacob who uncrossed his arms. 
“Right.” he nodded. “We’re in.” 
“Jacob, do you think Sam could come to some sort of understanding in this instance, so we could work together?” Carlisle asked. 
“It would give us the numbers,” Jasper said, the wheels turning now as he prepared a battle plan in his head. 
“I can talk to him. As long as we get to kill some vampires.” Jake said sarcastically. 
“No.” Bella said suddenly. 
“Bella,” Edward placated softly. 
“No, you’ll get yourselves killed. It’s too dangerous.” Bella continued, not listening to Edward. 
“Bella, this is what we do,” Jacob said. Embry and Quil nodded behind him. 
“We’ll be fine, Bella,” Grace said. Jacob gave her a warning look. Something told her that he wasn’t including her in his instance of ‘we.’ 
“You’re definitely not going to be there,” Bella said matter-of-factly crossing her arms and getting irritated now. “Absolutely not.” 
“Okay, mom. We’ll talk about it later,” Grace poked. Bella’s face was set. Grace and Jacob connected again, this time communicating wordlessly and coming up with a plan to convince Sam. 
“It would be ideal if we could maybe coordinate with Sam and the pack, to ensure that there are no mistakes in the field,” Carlisle said. 
“Yes, it would be best so we could train around each other. You’ll give us the edge we need, but if we can work with each other and learn from each other, then we can optimize our chances of survival.” 
A weak sound came from Bella at this and Edward pulled her into him again. 
“Got it. I’ll talk to Sam,” Jacob turned to Grace, “I’ll need your help with that.”
“Of course.” Grace said. He gave her a gentle smile and Grace felt herself shiver. 
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Chapter 13 -- Perfect Harmony | Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Emily Fox is a talented 17-year-old with a passion for all things music. Her dream is to become a successful singer-songwriter one day. But to achieve that dream, she needs to get into one of the most prestigious music schools in her district – it’s all been part of her plan since she was six. Sadly enough, those schools cost a ton of money that her parents don’t want to invest. They don’t even want her to pursue her dream. So, now Emily’s hustling, working at the music store to save up to get into college. That’s until she meets Charlie, an annoying seventeen-year-old boy with the same dream as her. The only difference is, he’s just doing it. He doesn’t need a fancy college to pursue his dream to become famous with his band. He just writes his songs and books small gigs here, there and everywhere. Will meeting Charlie defer her from her dream college, or will he actually help her achieve the dream?
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x OC (Emily Fox)
Warnings: mentions of death, sexual assault
Important note: the characters of Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and Madison are based on the characters they play on the show and i do not own their names, only OC are mine. The songs aren’t mine either, they’re all from the show except for one.
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Chapter thirteen 
~|Emily Fox|~
“Good morning, party girl!” Uncle Mitch shouts a little too loudly on a Sunday morning. “You look rough.” I sit down at the kitchen table on the opposite of him. “Gee thanks,” I rub my face harshly, then rest my head on my hand with my eyes shut. “You got in late last night. Didn’t think you’d stick around at a Brianna Holly party for so long. It surprised me you went in the first place, but you know, you do you.” My eyes shoot open at the reminder of last night. Jake’s eyes. Jake’s hands. On me. Jake’s lips. On me. “I shouldn’t have gone,” I tell him honestly which only earns me a worried look. “I mean, it was fun teasing Brianna a little and standing up for myself and playing a song with the boys but then Jake…” I trail off, not wanting to talk about it but Mitch and I are all about the open-book-policy. Talk about anything and everything with each other even if it might worry the other. Better to share the load than take all of it on one’s shoulders. “What did he do?” Uncle Mitch’s voice sounds darker, heavier. Almost villainous. “He was talking about how great we used to be and that he wanted it back, I think? I don’t really remember what we’d talked about, all I know for sure is that he’d tried to kiss me. The boys had to literally tear him off me.” Mitch’s eyes are intense, but at least he’s not trying to go and murder Jake. “We left pretty much straight after that and the boys took me to the Music Store. We stayed there, talking, pretty much all night.” I smile at the memory because even though what preceded that beautiful moment was literally the worst thing, it’s still a moment to cherish forever. “I’m glad those boys were there to help you out. They sound like great friends.” I smile a little and nod determinedly. “Wish I could hear you guys play.” “We’re having band practice later tonight, if you want to come and li—” I can’t even finish my sentence, because Mitch has already gotten up excitedly, dancing around the kitchen – though I wouldn’t call that dancing – and running up to me to hug me tightly. “But first!” He lifts a finger in the air. “Let’s grab all the snacks and watch some movies!” I nod excitedly and get up to gather up some snacks. With hot cocoas and all the chocolate in the world, we settle onto the sofa with blankets wrapped around us and Disney+ open to pick a movie since today is Disney day. We alternate between Disney+ and Netflix, one week Disney, the other non-Disney. “Can we watch Aladdin?” I suggest, mainly because it reminds me of mine and Charlie’s moment on the balcony, unbeknownst to my uncle. It’s been a little while since we’d made out on the balcony. Might have to suggest it soon. Mama needs her sugar. “Your uncle Bobby loved that movie,” Mitch comments as he presses play, “Do you remember you two singing A Whole New World together when you were really young, and he gave you a bath?” I nod my head at the far, but beautiful, memory. “That first weekend I came to stay at this house?” Mitch nods his head, “Yeah, I used to make a Sultan out of Bobby with the bubbles.” Uncle Mitch laughs at the memory. “The bathroom was such a mess after that!” I can’t help but laugh at the desperation in Mitch’s voice. “But you two were the cutest duetters alive. I loved having you around when you were really young too, you know? Still so innocent, not knowing how big and bad the world was. It made me forget about the big, bad world too.” I smile at him and rest my head on his shoulder. I don’t know what I’d do without Uncle Mitch. Live on a street, I guess? Probably? He might not be family by blood, but he sure does feel like it. I never knew anyone being with Uncle Bobby than Mitch. They were my one true pairing. I wanted someone to love me the same way they loved – and still love – each other. Their bond is unbreakable.
“Ready to go, Mitchy?” I ask when we’re both changed out of our pajama’s after dinner, ready to head to Jeremy’s garage for band practice. It’s the first time we’ll be rehearsing in his garage, but I’m excited to find out where Sunset Curve previously used to rehearse. Pre me. “Yes! I am ready to partaaaay!” I roll my eyes at him, an amused smile on my face. “Behave though? Don’t go and embarrass me on the first day meeting them, okay?” “Yes, mom.” Mitch can be such a child, but I love that about him. “Boys?” I knock on the wooden door that’s ajar. There’s some rummaging inside, but nothing else. I push it open to find all three boys inside already. Charlie’s sorting through his loose songbook papers, Jeremy is tuning his bass, and Owen just sitting on the couch, playing around with his drumsticks. “Hey! I brought my uncle; I hope you don’t mind?” “Oh, not at all!” Jeremy says, and gets up from his spot on the armchair. “Hey, I’m Jeremy,” he introduces himself with a smile, reaching his hand for my uncle to shake, which he does. My uncle has this look on his face that I recognize as his gaydar. He literally scans people to find out their sexuality. His gaydar is very accurate. “Mitch, nice to meet you.” Owen gets up next, shaking my uncle’s hand too. “I’m Owen, the drummer,” he shows the sticks in his hand. “I see,” Mitch replies with a smile, and then comes Charlie. “Hey, I’m Charlie, I’m—” he points at me, and I know what he’s going to say, but I can’t have him tell my uncle about us yet. “The lead singer!” I chime in and give him a knowing look. “Right, yeah, the lead singer,” Charlie looks kind of hurt, and it breaks my heart in two as well. Just an us-thing, for now. Then it can be an everyone-thing. I hope he understands. “Nice to meet you, guys!” Mitch then leans closer to me, “And which one of the two cute semi-straight boys is the Cutie from the Music Store?” he whispers with Charlie just a few feet away. His head turns slightly and his mouth curls upwards. He heard Mitch. “Semi-straight?” I ask for an explanation. “Jeremy is questionable.” “Right…” I trail off, still whispering, “Let’s get to work, guys,” I speak up now, so the band knows I’m talking to them. Uncle Mitch looks a little hurt at me ignoring his question, though I’m pretty sure he knows it’s Charlie. “What song first?” Charlie queries while my uncle takes a seat on the couch and we get ready. “Why don’t we let the guest choose?” Jeremy suggests, pointing at my uncle. “Me?” I nod my head, encouraging him. I’d told them all the songs we’d made or already sang together. Which are three, four if you count This Band Is Back. “I really liked Perfect Harmony when Ems showed it to me the other day.” Charlie and I exchange a glance, a shy smile plastered on his face, and I’m pretty sure mine mirrors his. He goes to grab his acoustic guitar for this one. “Perfect Harmony it is, then!” Owen says and counts us in. Where Charlie and I imagined the soft beat and melody, that’s where Owen and Jeremy come in with the drums and bass. We’d only practiced this one a couple of times before. It still has the same, electric vibe it did when Charlie and I sang it alone. I still feel the same sparks, the same tingles rushing over my body. “I feel your rhythm in my heart, yeah,” I sing without taking my eyes off of him. “You are my brightest, burning star, woah-woah” “I never knew a love so real” “So real,” he echoes. “We're heaven on earth, melody and words When we are together we're In perfect harmony Woah, woah Perfect harmony Woah, woah Perfect harmony” I glance at Uncle Mitch. He’s staring at us with so much pride and intensity. When he catches my glance, he mouths “Cutie from the Music Store”, which makes me smile like an idiot. He knows. “We say we're friends We play pretend You're more to me We create a perfect harmony” Uncle Mitch gets up off his seat, clapping and whooping like an intense fan. “My favorite song ever! So beautiful!” he shouts in between cheers. We play Now or Never, and, upon Jeremy’s request, This Band is Back before calling in a break. “I need a wee,” I say and patter towards the bathroom in the back. When I’m about to head back inside, I hear the boys playing a song I haven’t heard before. Or at least I don’t think I have. It intrigues me even more when I hear Mitch’s voice through the microphone. “Let me introduce myself We got some time to kill Consider me the pearly gates to your new favorite thrills We could go make history or you could rest in peace But here there ain't no misery Cause on the other side we live like kings” I find the boys in their regular spots, Uncle Mitch probably having told them what chord to play in or something. Either that or they’re just playing around, and Mitch’s song just matches. “Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Let your body loose, let your body loose Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Show you a thing or two 'Cause you ain't seen nothing” That’s when I recognize the song. It’s the one Uncle Bobby wrote for a Halloween musical at his school once. It was the villain song of the whole story and stuck in all our heads for months. I still know the words, and thus decide to sing along with my uncle, much to the boys’ surprise. “Life is good on the other side of Hollywood Life is good on the other side of Hollywood So welcome to the brotherhood Where you won't be misunderstood Life is good on the other side of Hollywood” I get behind the keyboard and play a couple of notes, leaving the verse for my uncle. “Everything has got a price but happiness is free Just so happens, you're in luck We've got a vacancy We can set the night on fire and break out of the scene Your soul print on the walk of fame On the boulevard of your wildest dreams” I now grab a mic too, properly wanting to join in now. “Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do boys? Let your body loose, let your body loose Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do boys? It ain't bragging if it's true Now you ain't seen nothing” I walk up to Jeremy whilst I sing along to the chorus and Jeremy’s shredding the bass. “Life is good on the other side of Hollywood Life is good on the other side of Hollywood” I walk over to the drumkit and jam out for a moment with Owen. “So welcome to the brotherhood Where you won't be misunderstood Life is good on the other side of Hollywood” I then move to Charlie while my uncle gets to the bridge. The boys stop playing and clap along with me. “The rain don't blind the rising souls They got too much to see I got your glamour, got your gold Got all you'll ever need Let me hear you now!” The boys have somehow remembered the lyrics my uncle just sang, and sing them with me now. “The rain don't blind the rising souls They got too much to see” “Yeah,” Mitch goes for a high note, chilling my spine. “I got your glamour, got your gold Got all you'll ever need,” the four of us continue. “Yeah,” Another high note from Mitch. The boys now pick up their instruments again. “I said watch me make a move, watch me make a move boys” “Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?” the boys and I echo. “I said watch me make a move, no, I don't disappoint” “Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?” “Watch me make a move I'm ya number one choice” “Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?” “Watch me make a move Come one and give me that noise” The boys take a break. “A tomb with a view Ain't it something?” And pick it back up with a bit of bass before all three of them join in again, and even join me into singing the backing vocals for my uncle. “Life is good on the other side of Hollywood Life is good on the other side of Hollywood So welcome to the brotherhood Where you won't be misunderstood Life is good on the other side of Hollywood So welcome to the brotherhood Where you won't be misunderstood Life is good on the other side of Hollywood” Charlie and Jeremy stop playing and leave Owen a little drum solo.
“Ain't it the best? Long live the dead!” Mitch shouts out dramatically, and then Owen goes off again on his drums. “I thought your Uncle Robert was the musically talented one?” Charlie asks with an impressed smile on his face. “How do you think we met? It was musical night in our favorite bar, and we sang a song together. That first scene in High School Musical?” The boys nod, knowing what he’s talking about, “It’s based on our story… Just straight.” The boys laugh light-heartedly at his story. “That’s not true,” I whisper, making them laugh even more. “That was a fun song though! How did you know it?” Jeremy asks me. “Uncle Bobby wrote it. He is – was – the music teacher at this high school and he wanted a cool villain song for the villain in his Halloween musical, so he wrote himself one. The song used to be stuck in our heads for months on end. It surprised me I still knew it.” “The boys were playing around with their instruments and it reminded me of Bobby’s song,” Mitch tells me, “I couldn’t help but chime in and start singing.” He wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. “It’s such a tune,” I say with a smile, “I think Bobby would’ve liked us singing it together.” “I think so too,” says Mitch and he presses a kiss to my hair. “Let’s get home now, yeah? Give your boyfriend a kiss and we’re off.” Charlie and I freeze, neither of us expecting Uncle Mitch to know about this since I never told him. “Oh, come on. You could not sing Perfect Harmony without staring at each other like that heart eyes emoji-thingy. I don’t only have amazing gaydar, I also have amazing love-dar.” He winks at me as I shake my head in disbelieve, but I can’t help the smile either. My uncle knows me well. “See you tomorrow, guys,” I say with the most awkward wave. I mean, I’m not going to kiss Charlie in front of my uncle. Especially when he specifically told me to do so. That’s just weird. Uncle Mitch gives me a look, which I shoot back. He then rolls his eyes. “I’ll meet you outside. Say goodbye properly.” He leaves the garage, and then it’s the four of us. Neither Charlie nor I move, still unsure of the public displays of affection in front of the boys. “Seriously?” Jeremy groans before leaving the garage with Owen. They’ll be able to entertain my uncle for a while. I don’t even know why it’s so hard for me to show PDA. It never used to be this way with Jake. But maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe us taking it slowly and not showing us off too much is healthy for us. “I’ll see you at the store tomorrow?” I ask whilst the two of us slowly walk up to each other, inching closer and closer by the second. “Definitely,” he replies with a smile. Once we’re inches away, he grabs my hands in his. “Isn’t your uncle going to be annoyed you didn’t tell him sooner?” I shrug. “I don’t think so. He knows how private I am about relationships. And besides, you heard him, he’s got amazing love-dar.” Charlie’s laughter intertwines with mine. “I think he knew before today already too. He’s all-knowing.” “As long as he doesn’t know about our sneaky dates on your balcony, I think we might be fine.” I chuckle at that comment, and then both of us fall silent. “He probably knows this’ll happen though.” The words come out just above a whisper as he inches closer and dips down. His lips meet mine in a sweet, somewhat long-lasting kiss. “I’m pretty sure they’re eavesdropping, though,” I say when we pull away. “No, we’re not!” Jeremy shouts from the other side of the door. “Yeah, definitely,” says Charlie, and he lets go of one hand, intertwining the fingers of his other hand with the one he’s still holding. He leads me out the door and then lets go of that hand too. “She’s all yours, Mitch,” he tells my uncle, and reaches out the hand he’d just held mine with for a handshake. “Hey!” I shout, “I’m no property!” Both Charlie and Mitch raise their hands in defense. “Yes, girl! Tell ‘em!” Owen preaches, holding his hand up and I slap mine on it in a high five. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I kiss Charlie’s cheek quickly and then leave the boys with Uncle Mitch. “They’re really nice boys, Muffin. I’m glad you’ve found them.” I smile at that. “Me too, Mitchy, me too.”
Taglist: @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @hannahhistorian92​ @gingerxarmy​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @lovesanimals​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @calamitykaty​ Lemme know if you want to be on my taglist for this story/any of my other works!
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Not Sorry ~ Embry Call (Part 1)
A/n: Oop look I'm not dead HAHAHHAHA! Anyway.... here we go, my BABY!!! I tried to keep this one part but I mean look how long I got. It was a hard no lmao. It should only be two parts though so I'll finish that up and then be done with the mini series! Hope you enjoy all the loopty loops and around and back and forth as much as I did.
Word Count: 6900+
Pairings: Jacob x reader, Embry x reader, Embry x Quil (mentioned)
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The two of us left the Swan house hand-in-hand. Jake looked at me, next to him, with a deep frown. "What's wrong?" He asked.
I looked over, my undeniably sour expression breaking as my eyes landed on him. A weak smile lifted onto my face, my mood lightening just by seeing my boyfriend's face. "I was just thinking maybe it isn't helping by having us both come in. I know it's helping to have me at school with her, and you hanging out afterward, but..." I shrugged. "Did you are the way she looked at us when you held my hand in the car?"
Jake looked at his feet, nodding a little. "I get it," he finally said. "But I don't want to mess up how we do things just to-" he cut off, his jaw working. Jake had had a brief crush on Bella, leading him to hang around the house a lot. That was how we got together. We'd seen each other plenty of times since I'd always been close with the Swans. Bella and I had played as kids, since my mom and Charlie were on really great terms. There were rumors she had feelings for Charlie at one point but that never panned out- obviously. Now, I just visited on weekends to check in so he didn't get too lonely. It had become habit after my mom died. My dad was absent minded, tending to work and otherwise ignore me. Charlie and I were similar in that way: alone, unless we had each other.
With Bella's presence came a greater need for me. I helped her settle and helped Charlie adapt to having to be a dad to a girl my age, instead of a friend like he was with me. Bella and I vibed the same way Charlie and I did; we formed a friendship pretty quickly. With Bella came Jake, and with Jake came feelings. He was a year younger than me, so I hadn't been too keen on it at first, but Bella met Edward and then began to grow distant and then Jake caught feelings for me too, so things kind of just took off.
Now Jake and I were together and Edward and Bella... weren't. He had moved and she was absolutely crushed. From what I knew he had cut off everything between them... honestly, I couldn't even begin to imagine her pain.
I looked at him, my lips pressed together. "I know how you feel, but we have to think about her feelings too." He glared at his feet. He hated Edward to this day, even more now that he had left Bella the way he had than he did before when the only bad thing he'd done was 'steal' Bella from him- something that had begun to wear off as Jake and I continued to be together. Maybe the two boys could have been friends if Edward hadn't hurt Bella like this. I pulled him to a stop, pushing away how Jacob's hate for Edward made me once again wonder about how he felt for me and Bella - he had said a few times that he was completely over her but sometimes I still wondered - to focus on the discussion at hand. "I can't imagine how terrible it is to lose someone that you-" I looked into his eyes and felt suddenly breathless. "That you love." His lips twitched and I wasn't sure if it was a smile or a frown that he'd almost manifested, which made me nervous. "I just mean, I can't imagine how she feels. We have to be sensitive and even though I hate censoring our relationship a bit as much as you do, I also want her to be able to escape thoughts and memories and she can't do that when faced with a couple, because any couple and all loving relationships remind her of him."
He sighed through his nose and then moved close, his nose brushing mine. My eyes fluttered close and my body relaxed, sagging a little.
"Okay." As he spoke, I could hear his smile. He paused a second and then kissed me and suddenly I was smiling too. We were next to his truck, out of sight of the house, and I was thankful that neither of us had to stop this moment to spare Bella. When he pulled away, I was left breathless. He leaned close, his lips brushing the skin on my ear as he whispered as quietly as he could, "Do you love me?"
I never went so rigid so fast while being in as relaxed a state as I was in so soon before. The ease I'd had just a split second before disappeared as if I didn't know what relaxation was and my eyes shot wide. "I- well- I- um- I-"
He chuckled softly and I stopped breathing altogether. I had leaned away when he'd spoken so he moved back to where he was before, pressing against me. His fingers brushed against and fidgeted with mine comfortingly. "I love you too." He left a soft kiss against my neck and I shivered as he leaned away, looking at me through his eyelashes even though he was just a bit taller than me. He reached out, touching my cheek. "And I promise I'll never never do to you what he did to her. I'm here, forever and always."
A grin broke out on my face and I burst into giggles. My hands reached up, fingers curling around the back of his neck. I pulled him into a hug and he was laughing too, tilting as I leaned too much. We scrambled to catch ourselves, neither of us strong enough to catch ourselves as we went careening as my excitement threw off our balance. I took a breath in and he smelled amazing. He was warm and his smile light up the whole world and warmed my insides. It was the happiest I'd ever been and when I went home that night I went to sleep sure it wouldn't be the last time I was that happy, in Jacob's arms. For just a second I was sure of eternity.
Much later, Bella got a lot better and there was no pressure to censor our relationship in front of her. A few times she would put our hands together, winking and laughing and teasing and nudging us and talking about how cute we were and how nice it was to see us so happy. I think she lived a little through us as much as she used our love and success to distract her from her own pain so she could separate herself from it and grow without it there to hurt her. Jake became her best friend and I became her sister, is talking about things she couldn't with Jake, as well as me being over more often since I was closer and also had a closer relationship with Charlie, directly. She gave each of us the "I'll kill you if you hurt them" talk and joked about chaperoning dates if we started acting like we were being "naughty". She basically became my mom more than anything and I jokingly called her that constantly. That's how the parent-besties joke was born. Since Jake and Bella were best friends the same way Charlie and I were best friends, and now there was a running joke that Bella was my mom, Jake and I started calling Bella and Charlie the parent-besties. Every time Jake or I struggled with homework or school in general or family or friends or Jake brought up Sam - the leader of a gang on the Reservation that set Jake and Quil (his friend) on edge - or Embry - Quil's ex-best friend and therefore also someone who used to be a close friend of Jake's but who ditched them when he joined Sam's gang - or any other stresses came up, Charlie and Bella would team up to figure out what was wrong if we wouldn't talk about it, or figure out how to distract or cheer us up. They'd first bump and jokingly say, "Activate parent friend powers" and if Jake or I were around we would laugh and they would grin and wiggle their eyebrows.
It was like a little family. Jake would come over with Billy every Sunday night and Jake would pick me up on the way so the three of us would jam out and crack jokes and Billy and I would team up to tease Jake as we drove over, and then when we got to the house, Jake and Bella would impersonate Billy and Charlie poorly while Billy and I jokingly argued who was Billy's truest best friend and Jake and I would flirt over the table and Charlie and Bella would pretend to gag and roll their eyes and groan and call us gross. The more we hung out the closer I got not only to them but the people they cared about. I met Quil and the two boys began to teach me how to work on cars and related such things. Quil absolutely loved to give me piggyback rides and wrestle me while Jake usually took the lead on teaching me mechanics. For the first time in my entire high school career I actually held a lasting conversation with Bella's friends, Eric, Angela, Mike, and Jessica. I was the weirdo in town who talked to no one and always sat alone in every class and worked alone in every group activity. At this points even teachers had given up- at least the Cullens even had each other. Before Bella, I had no one. Now I had so many people it was nearly overwhelming.
Just as my life was reaching perfection, it came crashing down in a rain of fire and brimstone.
It started, weirdly enough, with something good. One day I hadn't talked to Jake in a full week so when he popped up at my house because I'd been telling him how much I was struggling with homework - I was too proud to go to Bella for help - so he'd found some free time and had gotten permission to come and help me. I'd run at him, completely meaning to tackle him. Except, he caught me instead and fully lifted me off my feet, spinning me around before kissing me hard. It was a wonderful feeling that had my head spinning and left me a little nauseous... but also, it shouldn't have happened. Jake wasn't weak but last I checked he was barely strong enough to catch Bella when she lost her footing, or push me off when I was pinning him to the ground so he couldn't move at all. After that, I noticed that not only was he a lot stronger than I remembered, he was also growing insanely taller and hotter. Like, temporaries wise. We couldn't lay under blankets anymore because it came hard to breathe very quickly.
It all climaxed when Bella set up a group hang out to go to horror movie. Jessica, Eric, and then Angela all bailed so it was just me, Bella, Jake, and Mike. With me and Jake joking and flirting especially hard, Bella was left to third wheel... with Mike, who was only too enthusiastic to sweep her off her feet and win her heart, just like he'd been trying to do since the first day she'd come to town.
At the end of what was supposed to be a group hang out, Bella was obviously at her wit's end. I decided to turn to Mike, glaring at him, hands on my waist. "Can you lay off?" He looked at me, raising an eyebrow. It was during the movie and he'd tried to distract himself from the movie by flirting with Bella but it wasn't working. I'd finally lost my patience.
"What's wrong? Jealous?" He joked.
I heard Jake next to me make a noise that raised the hair on the back of my neck. He growled. I shook my head to clear it and then turned my frustration to him. I stood, motioning Bella to take my place. She was only too eager to do so, leaving me between Mike and Bella... which meant that I was next to Mike instead of next to Jake, who was separated from me by Bella.
By the end of the movie, Jake was obviously as much losing his ability to keep his mouth shut as I was. Mike had long gone quiet but before that he'd tried to make jokes and talk to me and I was completely tired of him. Bella reaches over and took my hand, squeezing it in both apology and thanks. I shot a small smile at her. As Mike ran off to blow chunks after the movie ended, Jake pulled me against him. He leaned against the wall, his hands on my stomach and my back against his chest, his chin on top of my head. Bella talked to me as he stayed quiet, letting us girls go back and forth as we waited for Mike.
When he came out he tried to play cool, putting an arm around Bella after eyeing up me and Jake. "Let's head out." Bella moved away from Mike so his arm dropped and I smirked. As if to run it in, Jake moved next to me so he could put his arm across my choosers as Mike had just tried with Bella. I didn't stop him. That seemed to piss Mike off. "You're really attached at the hip, aren't you?" the blonde, pale with sickness boy shot off.
"I obviously don't mind my boyfriend being on me," I replied smoothly. "Unlike other people who might be averted to having a boy on them in this sort if they're not either close or dating." Jake snorted in my ear.
Mike made a mistake and caught Jake's shoulder, turning him so they were facing each other and pulling us apart. We had started walking past him so I kept going while Mike pulled Jake back. Immediately Jake smacked Mike's hands away from him, flaring with anger. I turned to see Bella pushing between them, trying to calm down a much taller, stronger, angrier Jake and a cowardly Mike who was trying to backpeddle and failing. "Don't touch me," Jake finalized, pointing at the other boy. "And for that matter, stop touching Bella and stop looking at my girlfriend. Stop being an ass, stop talking in general." He turned abruptly and pushed past all of us. I turned to go after him, catching his hand, but he yanked himself away. It wasn't hard as I let go of him almost immediately- his skin was burning. It had beeb warm all night but now it almost hurt to touch. I wat he's him go, speechless and unsure.
Mike, apparently still having not learned his lesson, moved next to me. "Seems like an ass to me."
Bella had to drive because Mike was half blinded by a black eye. Charlie picked us up from there. Mike's last stab was the last thing said of the night.
It had been weeks. No calls, no texts, no visiting. Nothing. He was completely ignoring me and I couldn't understand why. The few times Bella or I had gotten an answer from the Black house was when Billy picked up. He gave us some lame excuse about how he was super sick and couldn't get out of bed and couldn't have visitors and that was that.
Bella was pacing in front of my house, having dragged me outside to demand we go visit Jake and get some answers. She was trying to get me to go with her, but I wasn't confrontational. On top of my already timid, anxious nature, I hadn't been getting good sleep, unable to get my brain to quiet or my heart to calm or my tears to stop as I quietly sobbed in bed. As the days passed I began to think more and more that this was a Bella-Edward situation and the day that Jacob had first told me he loved me and the promise that had followed it echoed on repeat in my mind.
He promised he wouldn't leave me. Ditch me. He promised, forever and always.
Bella wasn't having it. "Come on I'll drive!"
Neither was I though. "If he's really that sick then whatever, he doesn't want guests. Okay. If he just doesn't want me around..." I shrugged. "It's been WEEKS, Bells. The Jake we know and love would have shot me a call at this point even if it would have killed him. After how he brushed me off, I just feel like something more is wrong than just some fever." I sighed heavily. "This is a choice. I can FEEL IT. He's actively making a choice to cut me off. If I'm wrong then he'll come to me eventually. If not..." I looked helplessly at my hands. "I can't force someone to be in my life." I looked back at her.
She must have seen herself in my face because she lost all the color in her face and stumbled away. I went to love to her but she held a hand up. I froze as she took a second to catch her breath and think. "Okay," she said finally. She looked at me and nodded. "I can respect that. But I'm going to his house, without or with you."
Another sigh slipped from me. "I can't stop you," I said as I shrugged, my hands moving through the air, palms facing the sky. We exchanged one more look before she left too and I went back upstairs. Bella would figure it out and bring me news. It would all be sorted when she came back; I had nothing to worry about. I fell into a restful sleep with ease for the first time in weeks, and it was absolute bliss.
"WHAT?" I shot to my feet, eyes wide and mouth open.
Bella couldn't meet my eyes. "He's... gay." She looked awkward and I knew she wasn't telling me the truth, which hurt even more.
"Bella, you're a terrible liar," I accused.
She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "He's probably going to break up with you. I can't tell you why, it's too hard to explain. But I think you two should talk in person and sort it all out." She looked so tired and wrung out that I didn't even argue. I just silently nodded. She stood and we both went out to her car. She drive us to Jake's and then had to kick me out of the car for me to head to the house. He could break up with me, she'd said. He might want to. Why? What had I done wrong? Was he in love with someone else? Had he simply just fallen out of love with me? WAS he gay? Was there some huge secret he was keeping from me that lead him to feel guilty and pull away from me? Oh my god had he cheated on me? Not even with someone he loved but simply someone that was around more than I was. Someone prettier or smarter or more like him than I was. Or maybe he was secretly a terrible person and the person I'd fallen in love wasn't real. Maybe this was all an act. A game. My brain was racing with too many improbable and dramatic probabilities to make sense of anything so I just forced myself to push it all down and knock on the door before I could overthink it and stop myself.
Jake answered the door. I gasped at him. He was in a tank top and short, not things I'd ever seen him wear before. His hair was shorn completely short where it had been SO much longer before, and- was that a tattoo on his arm.
Our eyes locked and he sucked in a breath-
And then let it out, his shoulders sagging as if... disappointed. My eyebrows came together. "Jake?" I choked out, the word dry and quiet. It was almost a croak. It sounded like my mouth was completely dry, even as I choked on words and tears that were only too ready to fall. I knew what was coming by the look on his face before he even opened his mouth. I knew him too well.
"Look, I-"
"Stop," I managed to get out. I looked at my feet, my hands shaking in my peripheral vision and my eyes watering. "Don't-" I tried again. "Don't continue." I swallowed, trying to pull myself together and catch my breath. Suddenly I went incredibly numb and I managed to look at him with what I assume to be dead eyes and an empty smile. He looked sick to his stomach at my expression. "Bella warmed me that when she brought me here you might break up with me." I tried to make my smile bigger but my lip started quivering so I stopped. "I  understand. Things change. People drift apart. Forever never lasts as long as it's supposed to." Jake mad es look like he'd been run over by a semi truck. i knew without even asking that he was remembering his promise too. His lips parted but no noise came out. He just stared at me, lost and heartbroken, and I couldn't understand why because HE was doing this so obviously he wanted to, right? "you-" I cut off, my eyes finally focusing. I finally saw HIM for the first time. Something clicked in my head and my numbness wore off to a subtle emptiness as my smile swapped out for a frown, my eyebrows coming together in irritation as I tilted my head. "You joined Sam's gang, didn't you?"
Finally he found his voice. "Sam's not at all like I thought he was. He's actually helping me, so much. I owe him a lot. He's-"
"Oh my god," I whispered.
I stumbled back and he scrambled forward to try and catch me but I yanked away from him, out of his reach. Behind me the truck door slammed, signaling Bella coming to the house to help. "Are you okay?" She began.
Spinning to face her, I shoved a finger in her face accusingly. "YOU!" I screamed. She jerked back, eyes wide as she stood, unsure. "You knew! 'It's complicated'? God, Bella! You know how scared of Sam Jake is!" I looked back at him, my lip curling into a snarl. "Was." I looked back at her. "What and now you're pro-sam too?"
"He's-" Bella began.
"STUFF IT!" I screamed. "I don't know why you even brought me here! What, to see Jacob break up with me in person? So he could break his promise officially? So he could pull a full Edward and twist the knife already in my gut?" At the mention of the Cullen's name she visibly flinched away from me. I was too angry to care. "FINE!" I screamed hysterically. "Break up with me! Don't even bother trying to keep being my friend Bella. I bet you realize you still have feelings for her after all, huh? All those promises..." I laughed sickly and the two most important people in my life looked at me like I was the villain. As if I had hurt them. "Fuck you." I turned away and began walking.
"Oh come on, where are you going?" Bella called.
"You can't walk home from here!" Jacob added.
"FUCK! YOU!" I screamed over my shoulder. "I'm no longer your concern!" I turned around so I was looking at them, walking backwards. "So have you ditched Quil too then?" I looked directly at Jake, who flinched as horribly as Bella just had. I shook my head, turning away and taking off running. I knew where I was going now.
I hoped to high heaven Quil was home and didn't mind if I spent the night, because there really was no way I was getting back tonight.
Long story, he didn't. We ended up spending every second we could together, watching movies and wrestling and exchanging puns and pick up lines and never talking about Jake and Bella, and Embry, who Quil brought up the first night to let me know how he felt. Apparently Quil and Embry had been a lot closer than I'd originally realized before everything had been messed up when Embry had joined Sam's pack. With us only having each other, we cling to each other. We almost finally healed and settled with our friendship when suddenly Quil was gone too.
We worked all that time to get me a license and then work and put our brains together to fix up the very old car I'd found for cheap as best we could without Jake. I drove by one day to show off the finished and completed product... only to have Quil answer the door with short hair, the same tattoo on his shoulder that Jake had when he'd answered the door to me what seemed FOREVER ago, in a muscle shirt and cut off shorts. Neither of us even had to say anything. He just looked at me with the most apologetic look I'd ever seen and I turned away, getting in my car and going home. Halfway I pulled to the side of the road to break down. I'd begun to get over Jake, but I was in no way over how much I missed Bella, and the huge hole in my life that had been created by losing Charlie was simply too much to bear.
I honestly should have seen it coming. It had been the same thing that I'd seen happen to Ake and heard had also happened to Embry. He grew warmer, taller, stronger. Then, our f nowhere, he broke fever and got insanely sick so that he couldn't talk to me for four whole days. Finally he called to let me know he was better and that I could come over. The call was brief and I'd blindly, desperately hoped with all my soul that he just wanted to see me after all that time. We'd grown to be really great friends, going on adventures and creating a completely different friendship than either of us had had before with anyone. We were just so chill. No promises or forever imagining, but an unspoken understanding that we both hated the same people and enjoyed almost all of the same things. We had inside jokes and had made memories hiking and swimming and doing homework and preparing each other for upcoming tests and in general being each other's wingmen, more joking about setting each other up than anything since we both knew neither of us were ready or interested in doing that quite yet.
Now he was gone. Like Jake. Like Bella. like Charlie. Like Edward and Embry. Like my mom. Like my dad sink after. I was completely alone, empty, with a distant father and more often an empty house than anything.
I'd gotten obsessed with mechanics, picking it up as a hobby to distract myself from my emotions. I hadn't really gotten into much else and the physical tiring the fixing things up required of me as I hefted and cranked and pulled and jimmied and all such related physically demanding things tired me out and kept my brain busy. With my only talent having been given to me by Jake, I was left to blast music to tune out any memory or thought the activity could dig up. If I wasn't snagging old bikes and cars and such things and then re-selling them in much better condition then I was cleaning and babysitting. I was saving money up to move from Forks. I was planning on getting emancipated from my dad and moving away from the small town that had become my own personal Hell. I'd go somewhere else. Meet other people. Make my own family and my own home, since the paces and people I'd come across this far had failed me.
A year passed. The Cullens moved back and I saw Edward walking around the halls with Bella, which made me feel even more empty. Bella had absolutely everything and I was left completely alone. I'd finally let go of Jacob enough that he didn't haunt me. I could think and remember him and only a dull ache would resound in my chest. The release of coming to terms with being alone and getting over Jacob had allowed me to do something I hadn't done in a long time but had come to absolutely adore doing while I was dating Jake and was friends with Quil.
On Saturday's, I went to La Push. I had te same car I'd bought during my friendship with Quil, driving myself to the beach a few hours before sunset. I pulled off my pants, exposing the bottom half of the swim suit I had on underneath. I put my feet in the water and wiggles my toes in the sand. I tilted my head back so I was looking at the sky and then closed my eyes, letting my body slowly unwind. With my the shirt I always wore when I went to the beach, I walked further into the water a while after letting myself come undone and then reopening my eyes. After I was waist deep in the fairly cold water, I fully dove in. It burned and woke me up. Though it wasn't cold season quite yet, it also wasn't quite warm enough to be swimming.
When I hit the surface, I gasped and groaned, a shiver running through my body. I shook my head, blinking my eyes rapidly. A wild, loud laugh erupted from me before I began to swim to where I could touch and then back out far too much go be considered safe before I swam back to where I could touch. Back and forth, back and forth, until my body was numb enough not to feel the cold anymore. Then I closed my eyes and lay on my back, breathing evenly and focusing on staying afloat. Every thirty second or so - I kept track in my head, sometimes waiting until thirty-five or even fourty seconds if I felt really confident - I checked to make sure I wasn't too far away from shore that I couldn't get back again without tiring out and being pulled out to sea again. When I did get on the edge of too far, I pushed forward and swam back.
Halfway there was when I heard it. A huge splash that made me look over. I realized I must be pretty far away from my car, even if I wasn't far from shore. I was by the huge cliffs on the edge of La Push, close enough to make out people at the top jumping, and people at the bottom who, presumably, had already jumped. Close enough, I realized with a start, to make out faces.
First I saw Quil, of all people. My heart stopped and I almost stopped swimming, so shocked by seeing my old very good friend after over a year of time that I forgot how to move for a full second before the water in my nose quickly reminded me. Next I saw who I could only assume was Sam. He was similar to the guy I remember who'd carried Bella out of the woods what must have been two years ago now, and also fit description from what Quil and Jake had said. I looked up next, only to see who must have been Jake at the top. I was stunned most by this. Not because it hurt to see him but.... because it didn't. I felt that same dull ache and a sort of whistful longing for the joy and completeness I'd once felt, but Jake had hurt me very deeply and I'd come to terms with him being an asshole and how I deserved better. I would find someone better, if that's what I really did want for me someday. Until then, it was about me. It was about what I wanted and needed and what made me happy. Jake didn't make me happy anymore. Any good was tainted by the tattoo and the short hair and how he was shirtless despite the slight chill, in cut off shorts. He wasn't My Jake anymore. He was Jacob Black, nothing but a heart breaker and a complete stranger.
My eyes returned to the people in the water, only to immediately notice that a few of the guys were now looking at me as well. I clouding Quil who's eyes went as wide as mine were. His smile completely dropped, his expression unsure. I shook myself out of my stupor, nodding once to him before turning away and focusing on getting to shore. I was done with the beach today. It wasn't fun anymore Unlike Jake, Quil was only good memories and Sam was only the person who had stolen everything for me. It was too many mixed emotions, all intense, and it ruined my relaxation and tranquility.
I heard someone scream my name as I reached the sand, exhausted and nearly falling over. I'd gotten too used to the feeling of the water. I ignored them and everything as I quickly made my way through the sand, folding my arms over my chest as my body tensed up more than it had been when I'd come here, shaking and shivering in the cold. Another scream of my name, much closer. How had they already gotten to shore? My teeth were chattering and I continued to ignore them, even though now I could identify them as- "Quil come on. She's not interested." That was a new voice. I turned, still protective of Quil even after everything we'd been through. But it wasn't Sam.
This boy was much smaller and skinnier, even though he was also muscular and taller and bigger than most boys I'd seen my entire life. Seriously what did they feed these boys?! He had wet hair that was kind of wild and strong features. He was pretty, I won't lie. Very attractive. I felt almost pulled to him, just a little. Perhaps it was my curiosity.
Then our eyes met. The whole world seemed to freeze over and burn up at the same time. My body was both too hot and too cold, tingling and burning and flashes of weird feelings everywhere. I felt the air get knocked out of my lungs and my body released any and all tensions it had held before. I almost lost my footing completely. He did, falling to his knees. Probably because of the bigger mass he had on me.
"Whoa, Embry, you okay?" Embry. THAT was Embry? The Embry who was Quil's ex-best friend and almost lover? Who had been Quil's Jake? Who had left Quil and Jake alike to join some gang for god knows why? Got into god knows what trouble?
Very quickly, I pulled myself together and turned abruptly to take off running away from them. It was hard to run in sand so I moved to the path past the beach and then finally took off at full speed. I didn't stop until I hit my car, my lungs burning and my body weak from over exertion. I moved to the beach first to grab my bag with my pants and keys in it, moving to my car as quickly as possible to take my keys out and get in. I didn't see the guys and thought I was gone free... but then my car wouldn't start. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel for a while before collecting myself, taking hold of my emotions, and then calmly getting out and heading to the trunk where my tools were. I left my bag on the driver's seat, door open as I popped the hood and then looked through what was wrong. There was a knob loose again and I shook my head, reaching over to where my open tool box revealed a wrench that I grabbed to tighten it again and hoping hat would do the trick. I put all my remaining strength in to tightening it as much as possible before putting the wrench back in the box and then going to the driver's seat to try turning on the car again. This time it worked.
With that victory, the same rush as always filled me and the boys and the worries they brought me simply melted away as I stood up, grinning. I moved my bag to the passenger seat, moving to my hood to close up my tool box and close it before I went to put it in the trunk and leave.
Whatever I'd done had allowed the boys I thought I was sure weren't following me to catch up because as I closed my hood I immediately saw Jake and I froze stiff, my joy forgotten. How soon the face of my ex could crush my happiness in the same way that happiness had wiped my mind of him just for a blissful moment. He had his arms crossed over his chest, seeming almost... proud of me. "You kept up the whole car thing. You handled that pretty well. Pretty quickly too."
"Yeah, you started me on a path that I followed. I'm pretty good at it I think. It's kind of all I do, other than school. Don't have any friends or family to occupy my time so what else am I going to do, right?" His smile dropped at that. My expression didn't change from an emotionless, distant disinterest. He swallowed, not liking my new reaction to him. It had been a year and a half though, what did he expect? "What do you want, Black?"
He made a face like he was tasting something bitter. "Look, I just came over here because my friend said you looked hurt-"
"Embry?" I perked up and immediately tried to hide it.
He eyed me. "No..." He swallowed, shuffling like he felt physically uncomfortable suddenly. "Paul- why- why did you ask about Embry specifically?"
I shrugged. "Nothing. You guys always come here on Saturday?"
"Usually," he said slowly, after a pause.
My face scrunched in distaste. "I'll aim for Friday's and Sunday's then. See you, Jake." My expression softened. "Look, I'm over everything that happened. It was forever ago. No bad blood?"
He didn't see to like that. "Sure." Seeking hin again reminded me that he was a different body and ran with a different group, but in the end he was still the same Jake. Still tender and concerned and proud of my progression. Still my friend. Still the boy I'd fallen in love with once upon a dream. Strange. What had changed with us then, if I was the same and he was the same? Then I noticed the tiredness. He looked almost.... aged. More hesitant. Darker.
So that was it. Whatever he'd gone through HAD changed him after all. If anything, I felt bad for him. I nodded to make my leave but was only able to put my tools in the trunk and move to my driver's seat before Embry himself finally ran up, eyes wide and totally out of breath.
"Wait!" He moved quickly to the front of the car. Jake wore an expression as bewildered as ny own, so I assumed this wasn't normal. "Sorry," he scrambled to pull himself together, raising a hand to run through his wild hair. I let out a short laugh, cutting it off and covering my mouth. He was honestly gorgeous, in a totally different way than Jake was. Embry's smile was crooked and charming and kind of boyish. He was lively and goofy and put me at ease instantly. He seemed as fun as Quil but much more energetic and I was almost too ready for it. Excited. "Are you free, maybe next weekend?" He rubbed the back of his neck and I knew I was blushing. "I know this is sudden and really weird but you're really pretty and um I'll probably never see you again."
"She probably isn't interested in-"
"Sure." I didn't mean to cut Jacob off, but I'd already been about to say it when he'd begun.
He shot me an even more surprised look. "What?" He demanded.
Quil strolled up, shaking his head. "SMOOTH, Embry. Honestly you're a disaster."
That knocked me out of my weird train of thought. Embry. Embry who was Quil's. Right? Embry who was part of Sam's gang. Sam who had taken everyone from me, including Jake, who was also probably one of Embry's best friends again now that they were in the gang together and up to who knows what. Trouble. This boy was nothing but trouble.
While Jake busies himself looking between me, Embry, and Quil, I pulled myself together. "Sorry, no." Embry seemed surprised by that. Fair, as he'd gotten an enthusiastic yes from me just seconds before. I smiled politely. "I'm sorry- Embry was it?" He nodded. "I'm not interested. I'm not in the dating scene right now and even if I was, I don't think whatever you're looking for is with me."
As I went to get in, he scrambled to stop me. "No you don't understand!" He was suddenly very close and it was incredibly distracting. "I know what you must think of Sam and the rest of us, but I promise you you're actually EVERYTHING I'm looking for. Specifically."
I was genuinely stunned. "Uh... excuse me?"
Forever Tag List: @alexa-playafricabytoto @chipster-21 @captainxholmes @bitchyseawitch @justanotherdaydreamersoul
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Jake having a clingy day
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(okay in all honesty, this prompt ran away from me almost immediately and I doubt the definition of 'clingy' really fits anymore, but I enjoyed these three little settings way too much)
They've only been dating for a few weeks - well, almost two months now, his phone calendar reminds him (yes he set monthly timers for anniversaries, so sue him, he's dating a Santiago - it was bound to rub off on him). It's not really yet at the point where you can just laze around together without some sort of date-plan, he figures, not that he has a lot of past experience in long-time dating to relate it to. But his week at work without her as she was off sick has been shit, and his dad just drunk-dialed him, and the landlord sent him another threatening letter about some repairs, and frankly he just really misses his girlfriend right now. Just really wants to sink into her arms and forget the rest of the world on her couch, doing nothing at all except be with her. It's a bit embarrassing to admit still, but she doesn't even have to do anything to make him feel better. That's just the way she is. - Hey, feeling better? He texts her instead, trying to sound easy-going, as if he hasn't been texting her almost non-stop as soon as he got off work. - the doctor cleared me for work next week, but I'll still rest over the weekend, is her reply, and yeah, she really should. He should leave her alone and not bother her. Maybe find a funny video to cheer her up and call it a day. Not think about spending the weekend being lazy by her side, do nothing bigger than fixing up some stuff that's been waylaid by a week of sickness while she potters around in the bathroom. - you want to come over? pings on his phone before he can put it down and shake the thoughts off, and he doesn't fistbump the air from joy, but he certainly feels like doing it. - can I? he's still a bit nervous about it - probably going to lose his cool as soon as he's in her place, and moan and rant about all the stupid stuff, and she doesn't need that- - bring ice cream. and your pjs
They're on the couch not five minutes after he's stepped through the doorway and put the ice cream in the freezer. It's still built up into a comfortable sick-day-cocoon with several blankets and what he recognizes are the pillows and duvet from her bed, the side table covered in teacups and a snack tray and finished books. She'd already loaded some Reality TV Special on Netflix before he came, and they're only half-looking at the screen while he snuggles on top of her, his head resting on her now cough-free chest and her hands in his hair. "How was your week?" She asks, and he awkwardly shrugs. "Was fine. I missed you lots." He's allowed a little bit of clinginess by now, right? After almost two months of seeing each other basically daily. “I missed you too.” He can hear the smile in her voice, a little bit of hesitation, too. “Wanna stay for the weekend to catch up? We can order pizza and be lazy. You’ve still got a change of sweats in my closet.” She’s perfect, he thinks, that’s just the way she is. He’s never letting her go again.
It’s the hottest day of the year so far, and Amy can feel him hovering ever since they woke up. It’s a Saturday off work for both of them, and she was planning to run some errands, maybe check out that new gelato place if it’s not too overrun, and then avoid the heat as much as possible in her air-controlled bedroom. They’ve not really made plans today anyway, and Jake mentioned something about Charles inviting him to some food festival, but that all seems to have flown out the window, as she can see him always just in her periphery while she makes up his bed and does the dishes they created last night before she’s planning to leave his apartment. He tried to hug her from behind as he always does when she fixes something in his kitchen, but she’d only sighed. “I love you, Jake, but it’s just way too hot to be sharing body heat right now.” His arms dropped instantly with a quiet Yeah, you’re right before he stepped away. And ever since then, he’s just been - there. Not too close, but always nearby, putting away random things in his closet while she makes the bed, getting an extra dose of deodorant while she puts on what little make-up she can stand on such a hot day, leaning in the doorway while she goes through her purse to see if she’s left anything important lying around. She’s pretty sure she can hear a little whine in his throat while she slips into her sandals, but he tries to look nonchalant when she stands up to look at him. “Everything okay?” She asks, not really able to pinpoint what exactly has her worried about this weird behaviour of his.
“Yeah. Just hate seeing you leave, always.” He grins halfway and tries for the obvious joke. “But love watching you go, of course. That dress is da bomb.”
She rolls her eyes at that, but smiles, and gives him one more look-over. He seems okay. There’s no real reason for him not to be, and he’s still half-grinning like nothing’s wrong, anyway. So she gives him a goodbye kiss before leaving, and doesn’t notice his hesitance when she pulls her hands slowly out of his.
She’s halfway to the subway stop near his place, cursing at the heat and especially at the humidity that seems to choke New York today, when it hits her. Jake standing a bit sad and forlorn near her all morning, in his tank top and shorts, the only outfit really acceptable for such a hot day that he has, she’d thought as she picked it out while he was showering, but not something he ever really wears - and she remembers why.
Florida. Today’s a Florida day in New York. It’s hot, it’s humid, the air feels like it weighs down your chest, she’s dressed him in basically the outfit she literally shot him in, sans frosted tips of course. And she’s just left him alone.
She makes the 10 minute walk back to his place in 5, and tries to school her anxious face and out-of-breath heaving back to normal before she rings the doorbell, but the look on his face when he opens the door knocks the air out of her entirely. “Let’s go get ice cream.” She rasps, and he nods furiously. “We can take the subway to Coney Island, do the boardwalk? Stop for some pizza for dinner?” She can’t think of a more New York thing to do in the summer to bring his mind back from the dark memories of Florida. And when he grins again, real and properly this time, and pulls her in for a tight hug, she doesn’t give a damn about body heat.
He knows it doesn’t make sense. They’ve just spent two weeks on honeymoon together, one of them completely alone, even. They’ve seen each other basically 24/7, and have been closer than ever even after they came back home and settled into ‘marriage life’ for a few weeks, driving to work together, meeting in the breakroom for lunch, waiting for the other to finish up work so they can drive back home together too. But he woke up already missing her today, and she wasn’t even gone then. Her usual alarm had woken him up, even as she’d tried to kill it quickly, and he’d stumbled into the bathroom with her bleary-eyed. “You can go back to sleep, babe. It’s your day off.” She’d reminded him while getting her toothbrush, but he’d only yawned and leant on her back, hiding his face in her still unkempt hair. “Do you have to go to work? Can’t you play hooky?” “I think that’d be pretty obvious if you’re missing too.” “Who cares? Nobody, that’s who. We’re married. We’re allowed to be off together if we want to. It’s a package deal. Holt shouldn’t schedule us apart like that. He sucks. Well no, but his schedule sucks. I wanna go back to bed with you.” He argues, or rambles rather, and it should not be that convincing, but he’s also very warm and very soft and smelling of freshly laundered sheets and sleep, and it’s quite tempting to just crawl back into bed with him. But she has to be the adult in this relationship, at least sometimes.
So she lets him hug her while she brushes her teeth, and then turns him and guides him back to bed before she showers, and when she comes back into the bedroom to say goodbye, he’s already half asleep again.
He blinks awake again at 11am, and she’s long gone by then, her side of the bed not even warm anymore. He vaguely remembers her telling him to enjoy his day off while she kissed him goodbye, and he was awake enough to mumble Sure, love you, but he can tell he won’t as he steps into the shower. He’s had days off alone before. Heck, he’s had two days off alone already since after their wedding, and he’s spent them just fine, either couch-potatoing like a pro or finishing the shared errand list Amy has stuck to the fridge (usually most of the tasks are finished off with her picture-perfect tick mark, not his wiggly lines). So he doesn’t know what’s going on today, but it feels different, slightly off, and he can feel a little pang in his chest every time he notices he’s alone in whatever room of the apartment he’s in. It’s an irrational sort of feeling, he knows, and definitely childish, but then again when has Jake Peralta not been irrational and childish. (Although not as much as of late, thanks to several positive influences.) And it really sucks. Almost as much as that ugly emotion of jealousy.
Luckily, unlike jealousy, this feeling seems far easier to fix. Which is why he’s in his car about an hour after waking up, making the usual drive to work he could probably do blind by now (but really shouldn’t, I mean, you shouldn’t drive cars with your eyes closed, even he knows that, it’s just a figure of speech). Amy blinks at him slightly confused as he makes his way past her officers with lots of friendly Hello’s and little waves. He’s been doing his best to bridge the gap between the first floor and the ground floor, and they certainly appreciate him for it. And she does, too. But not on his day off, really.
“Hey babe!” He grins at her when he finally reaches her desk. “Thought I’d surprise you and take you out for lunch today! There’s that new deli two blocks down you wanted to check out.” Totally normal thing to do for a husband, right? He’s almost convinced himself when Amy sighs.
“That’s really sweet, Jake, but I can’t take off for the whole lunch. I need to be in on time for a meeting.”
“Oh.” His shoulders sink for a second before rising back up. “I can get us some sandwiches from Delgato’s then? Meet you in the breakroom?”
She smiles at him, at least, even though there’s still a hint of suspicion in her voice.
“That sounds lovely.”
He gets her sandwich order exactly right, of course, the same way he has for the past six years, and they’re happily eating and chatting like it’s a completely normal thing for him to randomly show up like he did, when Rosa walks into the breakroom and almost, only almost does a double take.
“Dude, isn’t today your day off?”
“I got bored.” Jake shrugs.
“So you came in to work? Nerd.” She scoffs, but Jake scoffs right back.
“No, I came in to see my wife.” It still gives him a little thrill to say that, and he wonders if it’ll ever stop. He hopes not.
Rosa only rolls her eyes, calls them ‘disgustingly sappy’, and decides to take her break at her desk instead, but Amy can’t keep her worried eyes off of him now.
“Are you okay, cariño?” Her voice is soft and she strokes his cheek after swiping away some breadcrumbs. “Did something happen the past few days that I didn’t notice? Or did you have a stress dream?” They don’t like to call them nightmares, or PTSD, or whatever they should be called after they morphed from just Florida-memories to terrifying rehashings of prison days, mixed with a good dose of dread and his subconscious extrapolating into even worse scenarios than what really happened.
“I’m fine.” He’s quick to reassure her, because her worried face is one of his least favourites, and he’s starting to feel pretty stupid for feeling so weird today when he has no reason for it. “I’m just having a day.”
“A day?” “Yeah, a ‘miss my wifey all the time’ day.” He shrugs and scratches his nose, a telltale sign she knows if he’s feeling awkward or embarrassed.
“A clingy day?” She grins as he scoffs again, scratches his nose a second time. “That’s okay. We all get those moods some days.”
You do? he wants to ask, but then clearly remembers the frankly constant stream of texts he got a few days before their wedding, when she’d taken extra time off to finish some last minute errands and seemed to spend the day trying to talk to him at all moments instead.
“Tell you what, how about I ask Holt if I can take some of my overtime today, and get home a few hours earlier? Then you won’t have to wait for too long anymore.”
She really shouldn’t, because they’re saving their overtime for important things now, and maybe a planned holiday or two, but she’ll have the lost hours back in soon enough. And it’s definitely worth it to see her adorable husband’s face turn from embarrassed and teen-crush-awkward levels into beaming, I-truly-married-the-greatest-person-on-earth levels.
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Chapter 2 -- Perfect Harmony | Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Emily Fox is a talented 17-year-old with a passion for all things music. Her dream is to become a successful singer-songwriter one day. But to achieve that dream, she needs to get into one of the most prestigious music schools in her district – it’s all been part of her plan since she was six. Sadly enough, those schools cost a ton of money that her parents don’t want to invest. They don’t even want her to pursue her dream. So, now Emily’s hustling, working at the music store to save up to get into college. That’s until she meets Charlie, an annoying seventeen-year-old boy with the same dream as her. The only difference is, he’s just doing it. He doesn’t need a fancy college to pursue his dream to become famous with his band. He just writes his songs and books small gigs here, there and everywhere. Will meeting Charlie defer her from her dream college, or will he actually help her achieve the dream?
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x OC (Emily Fox)
Warnings: mentions of death, sexual assault
Important note: the characters of Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and Madison are based on the characters they play on the show and i do not own their names, only OC are mine. The songs aren’t mine either, they’re all from the show except for one.
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Chapter Two 
~|Emily Fox|~
Tuesday mornings are somehow the worst. I don’t know if it’s because I spent too long at the Music Store cleaning up and trying to forget about the cute guy with the pretty eyes, or if it’s because the weekend is so freaking far, although closer than it was yesterday. “Hey, Muffin, time to get up. You got to get to school,” Uncle Mitch’s voice wakes me up that morning a second before my alarm goes off. I hate him for always coming in to wake me when I’ve got my alarm set for 7. “Thanks, Uncle Mitch. I’ll be down in a couple minutes,” I tell him with one eye open. “Promise me?” I open my other eye too, only to find him looking at me with that worried look in his eyes. The one that he always has when he thinks I’m nearing rock bottom again. “Promise,” I reply and wink at him to reassure him I’m fine. “Can you go downstairs and make me some coffee, please?” He nods his head curtly and turns on his heel to leave my bedroom, so I can get ready and he can go make some coffee. Throwing my blankets off me, I turn on some music and start getting ready whilst jamming to all the tunes in my music library. It takes me about fifteen minutes until I’m dancing down to the kitchen where Uncle Mitch hands me a coffee and an already buttered toast. “I’m glad to see you dancing again,” he tells me with a smile before sipping from his own coffee. There’s a small smile tugging at his lips, showing his pride a little. “Have you been writing again too?” I shake my head in response. “I mean, I do have like a small verse and a chorus for a song, but I’m really stuck.” Mitch presses his lips together into a somewhat sympathetic smile. I shrug. “I’m sure it’ll come back at some point. Who knows where I’ll get some inspiration.” I finish my toast and coffee quickly, kiss Uncle Mitch on the cheek before grabbing my backpack and heading out the door to school where I meet up with Madison. “Hey Hot Mama!” her voice chimes through the hallway as I’m at my locker unpacking and packing books. “Hey, Chica!” I greet back. “How was work yesterday? Haven’t heard from you at all.” I close my locker, shoulder my backpack and follow her down the hall to our first class of today. “Locked up pretty late last night. Had some of the worst customers ever. First a Karen thinking she knew more about bass guitars than me. Then this dude that thought he was just so slick. It was disgusting. Such a douchebag.” “I sometimes wonder why you still work there,” she shakes her head disapprovingly. “Because I need to pay tuition for the college I want to go to, Mads. Not everyone can get a scholarship.” Madison has received a scholarship from her number one college she’d wanted to go to since she was ten. Mostly because her parents want her to go there, but it’s been planted in her brain ever since then and it hasn’t changed. Especially not when she’d received the message she was going to be able to go on a scholarship. “I know, Ems,” she rolls her eyes at me, knowing how lucky she is, “But I mean, you still could work somewhere else?” I halt in the middle of the hallway, causing another student who was walking behind me to bump into me. I mutter a sorry before turning back to Madison. “There’s nothing I’m better at or feel more at ease than between music instruments, Mads. You of all people should know that.” She tuts then nods her head in agreement. “I know, I know…” she links her arm with mine, “But still… You could have a different job if you wanted to.” She wiggles her eyebrows and I know exactly what she means. However, I don’t answer because as much as I know what she means, she knows my answer without me having to say anything. And that’s how we leave things before going to class. Madison is a sweetheart. We’ve known each other since Kindergarten and there’s no one else I’d rather spill all my secrets to or giggle uncontrollably with when Uncle Mitch says something weird or the Queen Bee, Brianna, says something incredibly dumb. She’s been my rock with Uncle Robert’s death, telling her mother to send me and Uncle Mitch food when we didn’t feel like cooking. She’s listened to my endless rants about Karens and douchebags at the shop, and my heart-wrecking cries when Jake broke up with me last year. Not only that, she believes I can do anything I set my mind to, especially become a successful singer-songwriter. Madison is the only person on this planet I truly need. Madison, Uncle Mitch and Uncle Robert, were he still alive. Nothing more, nothing less. With all of that running through my mind – along with the cute douchebag from the Music Store – I don’t even notice where I’m walking until I’m bumping right into someone. “Oof! Sorry! I—” When I look up, I realize I don’t even want to apologize. I’ve apologized to him more than once and for all the wrong reasons. “Jake.” My apologetic expression changes to a what I hope would be a scowl. Although, let’s be honest, when bumping into an ex-boyfriend you used to love with all your heart, your broken heart still does a little leap. “Emily, hey!” he greets and a smile shines through. I’m not going to lie, I kind of missed that smile. Who wouldn’t miss those perfect plump lips curling up into a perfect smile? Dammit, Emily Fox, focus. Remember this boy broke your heart into a thousand more pieces when it was already broken. “What do you want?” I ask bitterly. “Brianna and I are throwing a party at my place tonight, if you’d like to come…” he trails off at the end, scratching the back of his neck, knowing all-too-well I wouldn’t for any money of the world go to a party thrown by Brianna and Jake. I’d much rather die. “I have to work,” I tell him simply, which is not a lie. Ash asked to close tonight. “Oh, okay…” he trails off again. “Anything else?” I raise an eyebrow at him, hoping, praying, wishing, I can get out of this situation as soon as possible. He opens his mouth to say something, and I nearly want to punch it close, but I refrain from doing so, especially when he closes his mouth again. “No, I’m sorry for bothering you…” He looks more regretful than he did when he broke up with me. “Uhm… I’ll see you around, I guess.” “Yeah,” I simply say and watch him as he walks away from me. There’s nothing I hate more than seeing Jake in the hallway. It’s just another painful reminder of what we were and were not. Just another painful reminder of the worst year of my life thus far.
After school, Madison and I head to the Music Store together. She needs to pick up some groceries from the store on the other side of the street, so she figured she’d walk me to work. While she talks the entire walk there, I keep thinking about Jake, but mostly about the cute douchebag from yesterday, wondering if he’d come back today. He did seem persistent. “See you tomorrow, Ems,” Madison says, waving at me as I enter the store. “See ya, Mads!” I shout back before closing the door behind me, the bell ringing overhead. “Thanks so much for closing up today, Emily,” Ash says first thing when she sees me. “Oh, that’s no problem.” “Just finish up with the last couple of customers and then sweep and sort the cash register.” I nod my head, understanding every single one of my task at hand today. While customers roam around the store, I grab my textbook English and finish up the exercise we’d started making in class, but none of us finished. Someone’ll ask me if they need me or ring the bell obnoxiously if they want to pay. “Hey, could you help me out with something?” I look up from my book to find a tall blonde guy in front of me. His hair falls in swoops, framing his face nicely. The kindest eyes I ever did see. He looks a bit nervous too, which makes me wonder why. “Sure, what can I help you with?” I move from behind the counter as he leads me towards the drum section. “I’m looking for drumsticks, but I can’t seem to find them…” he tells me, fidgeting with his jacket. I stare at him for a moment and blink a couple of times. “Oh, you won’t find them here, sweetie. They’re over there!” I point to another side of the store. “I’ll show you,” I beckon him with my finger and, with him in tow, make my way over to where we keep our drumsticks and other accessories for the music instruments. “Here they are!” I point to the racks filled with different kind of drumsticks. The boy scans the area and then picks out a pair he likes best. “Thank you,” he says with the sweetest smile. “So, you’re a drummer,” I state more than ask as we both make our way back to the cash register. “Yep, I’m in a band with my two best friends. Sunset Curve, we’ve been playing bars in Los Angeles for a while now, but don’t seem to be too lucky to find some sort of manager that could help us out, you know?” I make a mental note to check out Sunset Curve, and simply nod my head while putting his purchase into the register. “19 bucks please,” I tell him with a smile. “I hope luck is on your side soon…” I trail off, realizing I don’t know his name. “Owen,” he says as if reading my mind. He hands me the nineteen bucks in cash. “Emily,” I introduce myself, “Hey, if you want, our Music Store holds open mic nights on Saturdays, once a  month or something, if you ever want to bring your band down here? Music execs scout out here sometimes too.” Owen’s smile widens, making my heart swell with happiness. “Thanks, I’ll remember that.” He taps the counter once, then says, “And thanks for helping me find these.” He holds the drumsticks up so I can see. “You’re very welcome. I’ll see you around, Owen.” “Yeah, see you around, Emily.” He’s definitely gay. But the sweetest guy that’s ever walked into the Music Store in forever. He was so nervous and fidgety; it was kind of endearing. What a kind soul. I hope he gets what he’s wishing for.
It finally starts to slow down in The Music store around half past six, just before closing time. So, I begin to sort out the sheet music that’s been scattered around by musicians. I’d almost even forgotten about Cute Douchebag until the bell over the door rings and he’s walked in. I look up with a smile at first, thinking it’ll be the last paying customer of the day, wanting to greet them. But when I see him with his cute-ass beanie and his adorable brown eyes and his sweet smile, the smile falters.
“Make it quick, I’m about to close up.” I turn around to head to where the sheets are supposed to go. It’s silent for a moment until I hear him cough behind me.
“Can you ring these up for me, please?” he asks, handing me a pack of guitar picks. A little confused about his sudden change of behavior, I nod my head slowly and put them into the cash register.
“11 dollars 96, please.” Our eyes meet for a second when he gives me the money, and a jolt rushes through my entire body. I’ve never seen eyes so vivid and full of color. Everyone always says brown eyes are boring. But his. His aren’t. His are near gold.
Focus, Emily.
“Hey, would you mind if I played here for a while? My parents are kind of being jerks and I kind of have to escape, if you know what I mean…” he trails off near the end, our eye contact breaking as he casts his gaze to the floor.
“Uhm, yeah, sure. Just stay out of my way as I clean up.” He shoots me a thankful smile before scooting over to the guitars and picking out his favorite to play on. I need a moment to regain my composure before I can actually begin cleaning up.
And that’s how the Cute Douchebag and I spent our evening together. With his sweet melody flowing throughout the store as I clean up and count the money in the register.
“You done yet?” I ask him once I’ve grabbed my backpack and the keys to lock up. The boy looks up at me again with those golden eyes of his, making my knees feel weak. Why does he have this effect on me? This doesn’t make any sense. He should repulse me by the way he acted the other day, not make me feel weak in the knees. Nothing makes sense anymore.
“Uhm, sure yeah.” He gets up and puts the guitar back in its place before walking over to the door with me. “My name’s Charlie, by the way,” he tells me when he turns once he’s outside on the street.
“I don’t care,” I lie.
“I’m pretty sure you do, Emily.” Him knowing my name catches me off guard for a moment and not even just because it’s creepy that he knows it, but because it weirdly sounds good rolling off his lips.
“What makes you so sure of that, Charles?” I notice his full name – if that’s his full name – catches him off guard too. “That’s what I thought. Now, please, leave, so I can have a pleasant rest of the night.” He raises his eyebrow, seeing right through me. I know it. He knows it. But he still turns and leaves with that obnoxious beautiful smirk of his.
I hate that he makes me feel this way.
Taglist: @parkeret​
Lemme know if you want to be on my taglist for this story/any of my other works!
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