#remember: G-fuel dimension
stealingyourbones · 2 years
DPXDC Prompt Masterlist #351-400
351. Oh yEAH
352. Ice Ice Baby
353. Polar Cub
354. Organ Theft
355. Where's my Goddamn Electric Car Bruce?!
356. A Ghost Busters Worst Nightmare
357. Friendship is Magic 358. My Potions are Too Strong for you Traveler
359. Mysterious Blogging Foe
360. Prim and Proper Uncle Alfie
361. Gotham Cryptid: Open Fire
362. Fenton Family Murder
363. Red Speedsters Comin my Way
364. Permanent Slumber
365. Worlds Worst Therapist
366. Monsterfuckery Ahoy
367. Flashpoint Paradox
368. Owls Pulling The Strings
369. Mutual Jailing
370. Battle of the Bands (fav prompt)
371. Dependent on Technology ( fav prompt)
372. Ghost Encounter
373. Red Huntress: Hunted
374. Doppelgänger of a God (fav prompt)
376. Gliding Skates and Hoverboards
377. Calling Your Bluff
378. Cat's Seeing Specters
379. Oh Fudge!
380. Friend Of My Shadow (fav prompt)
381. Ghostly Echo of my Past Self
382. Beetlejuice
383. Timeline Police
384. I Got no Limbs to Hold me Down
385. Black, White, Red and Yellow
386. Ghostly Lightning
387. Rise from the Ashes
388. Core of my Being (fav prompt)
389. Ghostly Guardian of Magic (fav prompt)
390. Dear Mother Lazarus (Fav prompt of the list)
391. Rare and Endangered
392. Dear Dr. Pamela... (some gOOD SHIT)
393. Mxyzptlk
394. New Copy Boy
395. Dani Next Door
396. Involuntary Co-Possession (Fav Prompt)
397. Dad Dan
398. Did it Hurt when you Fell?
399. You're Not Tim
400. T-t-t-t-Telephone
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potatoesandsunshine · 9 months
WIP name game
tagged by @tameila 🌟 thank you!!! i just wanna apologize here for how there are so, so, so many of these. when i have an idea i create a document that very moment even when it’s just for a sentence. my storage space is in shambles.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs. that last part will not happen i’m sorry. again, there are So Many. also i’m gonna sort them by fandom and nobody can stop me
Critical Role Campaign 1
a better name for fire
are your bags traveling elsewhere
get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now!
never had the room to dream to fly
now is the season / of the hunter Death
the appeal of absolutes
the place where the river lets out
up where the air is light
Four Seasons
Critical Role Campaign 2
a gentler sunrise
a tide that dreams of motion
an echo calling back
Beau & Fjord
food and conversation
glance now over the wrong shoulder
high noon somewhere
intriguing a dragon
Lo, Navigator
perpetual motion machine
the animal of destiny
the beau spoils yasha one
the cheese grater fic
the ridiculous shadowgast au
when all the silver-plated heroes start to rust
who will remember thy green flame
you’re fuel to a fire that’s fixing to die
it’s getting absurd i’m putting a readmore. they aren't all currently being worked on but i will talk about literally anything on this list.
Dimension 20
everything that flowers / flowers for itself
food people again
give your immortality to me
the gukgag/seacaster pairing you never knew you wanted
the most ridiculous isekai ever
the problem with delayed gratification
tonight might be my night to reminisce
Dragon Age
hawkebastian bad ending
max ‘helen of troy’ trevelyan
not the same people that our old friends knew
the possession fic (shallow river, shining within her - the crane wives)
the fallout 4 AU
5. hey mister, that’s me up on the jukebox
6. there’s a local angel sitting on my right
Mass Effect
and then you live
ascends bright and calm the lord-star jupiter
The Zero-G Job
pluto shits on the universe
Untitled document
will there be flowers (after the war)
Star Wars
all roads lead toward the same blocked intersection
grease fire
Supergiant Hades
it’s done on a diamond, and for fun
taste of hot ashes on my tongue all day
The Good Place (i had actually forgotten about these! what a fun surprise!!)
i trust you’ve got nothing but good intentions
you don’t keep a ferrari in the garage
miscellaneous (this is a folder for WIPs that have less than 2 documents in the same fandom) 
better find another superstition
down along that devastation trail
god says yes to me
just like a torch
may your feet serve you well—and the rest be sent to hell
learn to wash your hands with fire
run for it, honey
she held her mouth up redly wan
Untitled document misc. 1
Untitled document misc. 2
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freezing82 · 3 years
Just watched Riverdale. Well, what can I say? I kinda liked it?! Yeah. Because it was completely weird and surreal. And I want to know how they'll extricate themselves from this mess. Everybody, except maybe Cheryl was OOC (we all know she's been nurturing her dark side, no surprise there). Shout out to Madelain Petsch, because she is a m a z i n g. And by OOC I don't mean just Out Of Character, but also Out of Control.
A re-watch is in order, but I don't know when I'll have the time, so for now, my thoughts on the premiere are under the cut, so that this post isn't kilometers long and I can protect as many people from spoilers (even if I'm using the tags, I care about my fellas in the fandom, k?). I'll reblog with additions if needed.
I should probably start from the beginning.
Jughead as Rod Serling was phenomenal. I never watched the 60s TWZ, but I've seen clips in the past and I can say Cole was amazing. Maybe that wasn't original, but this was a way to keep him as the narrator and pay an homage to one of the most famous sci-fi productions ever made. Was it a bit unsettling having Jug talking to the camera? Yes. But also new and intriguing. Also, the scene where he presents Betty & Archie to the audience is hylarious. He basically cockblocked them with the power of thought.
Before I delve into the madness of the new ships, I have an annoucement to make: VEGINALD is an abomination of a name for a ship. I don't want to hear it ever again. Thank you. RONALD would sound better LOL But we'll stick to Veggie.
Considering the hype RAS tried to fuel up for this premiere, I have to say I wasn't shocked that much. There were a few watered-down 'horror' scenes, it's the CW, it's not like they could do much more than that. I liked the concept of the whole town being magically bribed into this gory ritual. Archie VS Rivervale was hylarious! And Veronica delivering the blow who knocked Archie out was priceless! Almost as much as the delirious expression on Betty's face when she confesses she's carrying a son that will be the new Maple King in 25 years time (and most definitely killed as well). I loved that "The wicker man" reference. So fitting! To the risk of souding like a damn broken record, I have to reiterate how unsettling it is for a 25 year old man to SLEEP in his childhood room with his girlfriend, so that unkle Frank can take the master bedroom, with Alice Cooper in it (Fralice is a big NO for me, alright?). I'm sorry for both of their losses but let's just not put them together just because they're miserable alone? That's not a healthy way to portray a grown-up relationship. Alice, the woman who lost TWO children in the span of a few months: * Polly, who was kidnapped, tortured, murdered and discarded like a broken doll in the trunk of a car in the middle of a junkyard, and * Charles was serial killer and a convict, and Alice shot him for self defence and to protect Betty, but he was her son all the same. Nobody is going to make me believe she's recovered from that whole situation and is now ready to jump into a romantic relationship with a man who's had his fair share of tragedy and hasn't recovered. For what we know, maybe Polly and Charles don't even exist in this alternate dimension, we don't have enough information.
Let's get to BA, so I can be done with it. First of all...they didn't get the couch stripping scene which was in the trailer, too bad, so sad. They did get the 'I love you' and a few of the most bloodcurdling lines ever spoken by a character in a TV show in the hystory of tv, though. Betty saying over and over that she' SO READY to have Archie's baby seems to me more of a way to convince herself. She's the woman who has been suppressing a gigantic trauma for almost a year, in the main dimension which is Riverdale, remember? There's no way she's in the right mindset to make such a life-changing decision like having a child. So the only way to have her go all 'knock me out right now, Archibald' was to put them in an AU! Side (not so side) note: Archie being a complete ass about adoption? What.a.man. I mean, to be fair, Betty didn't give him a full disclosure about her motivation but his reply sounded a lot like 'my seed would make a better baby than the one we could ever adopt'. And yet again, insisted on having a child. Shame on you, Archie, you're an ass. Please STOP comparing yourself to the dearly departed Fred. Also a shoutout at how Mary Andrews (although not pictured) was used to put pressure on Betty.
Alex from RVD After Dark said there would be an explanation for Betty's desire for maternity. There was none, pre-ritual Betty reiterated that she's in her twenties, she doesn't NEED to become a mother right away. But let's stomp on her free will and have Archie put pressun on her, will ya?
Apparently many more young and supposedly fertile women in RiverVale can't get pregnant, so why don't we make a sacrifice and flood the earth with the blood and guts of the sacrifical lamb (or dear)? My God, he should have known something was off when Betty said he couldn't skip the pie. She said 'NO' in a way that actually gave me chills. As always, praise to Lili Reinhart and her incredible talent. It must have been difficult to switch from 'normal' Betty to this pod person we've been seeing in the last episodes of S5, in this premiere and are probably going to see for the rest of this mini-event. But she was so good. So good.
Archie has been sacrificed and Betty is pregnant, now what? I just hope they don't make Jug time-travel to save Archibald's sorry ass. But at this point that's excatly what I think is gonna happen in ep 6x05. It's the most basic of speculations, of course, but it's not like Riverdale can go on withiut one of his core 4, right? The audience (which does NOT include me, btw) would revolt and send death threats to RAS. Oh, no, that already happened: BA stans are saying he'd better explore BA relationship in depth 'or else'. Anyhoo, am I worried that BA is gonna last once we go back to Riverdale? Not so much. Am I worried that they're gonna bring Betty's pregnancy to Riverdale? No. I don't thing the writers can pull that off in a believable and reasonable way. Riverdale's Betty has serious menthal health issues, she can't worry about becoming a mother, too. Baby Anthony is enough to deal with, I don't think the show needs another kid for now.
What can I say about Jabitha? They didn't even kiss ONCE! LOL They could have, there was plenty of 'alone' time on screen for them to share a smooch, but they didn't.
Chemistry is nonexistent, you guys. There's really nothing more to say about them. I don't hate the ship, but I can't bring myself to like it. People who like Jabitha are either die-hard Jughead stans who hold a grudge against Betty or BA stans who see this as an opportunity to keep Jug out of Betty's orbit. I like Tabitha, but the only vibe I get whenever I look at Erinn and Cole sharing a scene is a potentially great friendship. Which I'm hoping the writers can pull off without too much drama. Utopy, I know. Tabitha could be a supportive, loving friend for Jug and Lord knows if he doesn't need that. But they don't know each other or understand each other deeply enough to become a stable couple. The only time Tabitha got a glimpse of the real Jughead (the one who asked her to cook maple mushrooms and babysit him while he was tripping) she fled. Yes, they are apparently sleeping in the same bed, which is odd considering they don't look at each other like they wanna jump their bones every two seconds, but alas. That apartment is haunted and they should move out asap, anyway. Spiders? Didn't I manifest Jug killing a spider? I believe I did.
Speaking of Jughead...if people needed any more proof that this is an AU: Jughead lost a pancake-eating competition! Jughead failing at anything regarding food? That could never happen in the real world ahah (He also said 'I love you' to Archie, instead of punching him right in the snout, but that's another story, for anither day.)
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toptenbestusbhub · 3 years
Top Ten Best USB Hub 2021
1. iBall Lappie Piano 423 USB Hub
iBall Lappie Piano 423 is a trendy USB Hub that has a little plan with an incorporated USB link. Offering just 4 Hubs, remembering one effectively available port for top, this is a magnificent decision for PC clients.
Primary Features
Number of USB Ports: 4
Solid Rubber Foot Pad
Thing Height: 28 mm
Thing Width: 12 mm
Thing Weight: 81.6 g
Item Dimension: 16 cm * 12 cm * 2.8 cm
2. Portronics Portable Universal Charging Hub Station
A keen charger that works both as an AC charger, just as a USB port, is the new Portronics UniPower Intelligent Portable Universal Desktop Charging Hub Station. It is simple and helpful to convey the item as it is lightweight. Allow us to view the highlights of this item.
Primary Features
It is a multi-practical charger that permits canny charging. It
permits USB port to distinguish and convey an ideal yield up to 3.6A.
It is an item that upholds a 100V-240V scope of info voltage.
The motivation behind why it is known as a savvy Charging gadget is that it can serve both as an AC charger just as a USB port charge all the while.
3. Belkin USB-C Multimedia Hub
Belkin USB-C Multimedia Hub accompanies fastened USB-C link and has up to 5 gbps transfer speed. It is an across the board answer for associate USB-C PC to numerous gadgets.
It is a multiport center which helps in associating projectors, screens, SD cards and thumb drives to the PC. It likewise upholds energizing to 60 W for doing the work while the associated gadget charges.
Fundamental Features
Number of USB ports: 3 USB ports, 1 HDMI, 1GB Ethernet and 1 SD card port
Thing weight: 180 g
Item measurements: 27.69 x 4.95 x 1.5 cm
Pass-through charging: Up to 60W
Information move rate: 5 GB each second
4. Quantum 4 Port Hi-Speed USB Hub with Power Switch
Quantum 4 Port USB Hub is a very thin high velocity USB center completely agreeable with USB 2.0 particulars. Each port has an over-current security kept up for the wellbeing of the gadget.
It is a 4 port center with an easy to use and ergonomic plan which is effectively versatile. This USB center point accompanies a force switch and supports all working frameworks including windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, 7, Mac and Linux.
Primary Features
Number of ports: 4
Information move rate: 480 mbps
Thing weight: 59 g
Item measurements: 0.4 x 3 x 0.4 cm
Viable with: Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, 7, Mac and Linux
Gives up to 500mA per port adequate for assorted gadgets
It accompanies a small USB 5P jack
5. Zinq Technologies Ultra Slim USB Hub
Punch Technologies Ultra Slim USB Hub makes it simple to perform various tasks with the PC and different gadgets. http://toptenbestblog.com/ It permits association with various gadgets for synchronous and simple utilization.
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It very well may be utilized to connect and get to mass stockpiling gadgets like outer hard drives, thumb memory sticks, SD card perusers and the sky is the limit from there. This gadget can likewise be utilized for charging cell phones, tablets, MP3 players and more by interfacing with power connectors.
Principle Features
Number of USB ports: 4
Item measurements:
Thing weight:
Viable with: PS4, Xbox, DVD copier, versatile hard plate, USB fan, PC radiator, U circle and then some
Backing OS: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 10, Mac, Linux and others
6. Quantum 4 Port Hi-Speed USB Hub
Quantum 4 Port Hi-Speed USB Hub is valuable for PC and work areas. It has a well disposed and ergonomic plan and is effectively convenient.
These USB center points can be connected and utilized really programmed network. It upholds every single working framework.
Primary Features
Number of ports: 4
Thing weight: 59 g
Item measurements: 0.4 x 3 x 0.4 cm
Information move rate: 480 mbps
Network type: wired
Supports all working frameworks including windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, 7, Mac Linux
7. TP-Link UH400 Black USB Hub
On the off chance that you are a devotee of USB centers with few USB ports, here is another incredible choice for you.
TP-Link offers this USB C Hub that accompanies quality ports with awesome force conveyance.
Alluring with extraordinary form, this gadget is intended to adjust to your PC in execution and style. It accompanies four faint LED marker lights.
This model is little and can be handily conveyed. Thus, if your work includes making a trip from one spot to another, this USB center point can do some incredible things for you.
Primary Features
Number of USB Ports: 4
Thing Weight: 49.9 g
Item Dimension: 7.1 cm * 7.1 cm * 1.8 cm
Information Transfer Rate: Gb each second
Voltage: 240 Volts
Remote Type: 801.11 ac
No batteries are required
No Programmable Buttons
8. Targus Armor ACH114AP-52 Powered USB Hub
Targus Armor is one more little USB Hub which intended to improve your efficiency altogether.
This is a USB Powered Hub that offers 4 USB ports. Thin and light-weight, you can convey this a la mode little device anyplace easily.
Principle Features
Number of USB Ports: 4
It is viable with PC, Mac, and Netbook PCs
It is USB fueled. Thus, it shouldn't be associated with any AC connector.
Thing Height: 13 mm
Thing Width: 33 mm
Thing Weight: 249 g
Move pace of information is up to 480 Mb each second
Item Dimension: 8.4 cm * 3.3 cm * 1.3 cm
9. TP-Link UE330 USB Data Hub
The most recent form of this TP-Link item is minuscule in size and offers some cool highlights.
This jazzy device is a result of value. The USB and LAN fittings can be effortlessly eliminated.
This is incredible for PC clients. Be that as it may, in the event that you are wanting to utilize it with your work station, you will most likely need an expansion link.
In the event that you are contemplating whether you have the privilege Operating System to work this gadget, don't stress. This model is intended to be viable with practically a wide range of OS.
Primary Features
Number of USB Ports: 3
Information Transfer Speed is up to 1000 Mb each second
This USB Hub likewise upholds USB 2.0 and USB 1.1 gadgets
Viable with Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10), Mac (OSX 10.6 to 10.12), Linux OS, Chrome OS. Additionally Compatible with Xbox, PS3/4, Raspberry Pi
3 Charging ports are accessible that offers 5 V 1.5 A for each port
Utilizations Realtek RTL8153 chipset
Remote Type: 801.11 ac
1 Year Warranty accessible
Thing Weight: 99.8 g
Item Dimension: 3.1 cm * 2.3 cm * 9.6 cm
Interface: USB 3.0
Accompanies Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
10. TP-Link Up525 25W USB Charger
Dissimilar to other USB Hubs, this multi-port gadget is utilized for charging your gadgets as it were.
This tasteful model accompanies 5 USB ports that permit charging your gadgets at an extremely high velocity.
With regards to charging, each gadget has its own necessities. TP-Link Charger is prepared to do astutely distinguish the apparatuses you associate with its ports and burden them as quick as could really be expected.
In this way, you presently don't need to stress while charging different powerful gadgets simultaneously!
Principle Features
Number of USB Ports: 5
Voltage: 220 Volts
Wattage: 25
No batteries are required
The thing incorporates AC connector
Remote Type: 801.11 ac
Thing Weight: 181 g
Item Dimension: 9.7 cm * 2.8 cm * 9.7 cm
Recyclable, FCC, RoHS, WEEE Green Dot Certified
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Black Eyes & Bloodlust - Chapter 12
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My Masterlist
Black Eyes & Bloodlust Masterlist
Summary: Dean has never met his Omega, never even thought there could be one waiting for him–but she’s out there, and they’re connected in ways they could never have imagined.
Characters: DeanxReader, Sam, Cas, a few OC’s
Warnings: SMUT so typical A/B/O warnings, Slow burn (and I mean it. SLOW BURN GUYS.) Language, depictions of mental illness, Gore and Violence. (Warnings will apply to all chapters just to cover all the bases.)
Word Count: ~3500
A/N: First official fresh-chapter post on this blog, woo!
Beta’d by @justcallmeasmodeus
The smell of gasoline was overwhelming as you filled up the tank of your car for the third time. Since Rowena had sent you on your way with a knowing smile and a pat on the cheek, every sense seemed heightened, kicked up another notch and helping push you headlong into what was starting to feel less like a dream-state and more like an entirely different dimension.
The roads you traveled now were familiar, a path you’d driven a hundred times, and yet everything felt new. Different. The piney smells you’d always found soothing were pungent instead, the bright greens of the surrounding forests too sharp and the crunch of pine needles under your shoes too loud. It felt like you were treading muddy water, desperately trying to stay upright while the tide of darkness tried sweeping your feet from under you.
At the same time, you could feel the dispassion. A calm that even the strongest current couldn’t shake. You were on a mission. A shark who’d scented blood and was on the hunt.
The only coherent thought was getting home.
Getting to Dean.
Rowena hadn’t been lying about that much at least. You could feel his energy inside you, pulling you to him as surely as something had pulled you to Rowena, crawling over and under your skin like an angry colony of ants.
There was a sense of freedom on the road as you traveled, enhancing the strange calm, but every time you stopped it fell away, leaving only the roar of your impending collapse.
Despite the eddies of emotion, you wished you’d always lived like this. Even flying down the highway your eyes seemed to notice every beautiful detail you’d been deprived of while wrapped in a cocoon of normal, and it made you furious. It felt like you’d missed out on some great big party and only now was the door cracking open so you could catch a peek of the festivities. Being stuck in one place, trapped in a nine-to-five job and feeling like some school girl dreaming about your perfect Alpha was a hell you never wanted to go back to.
The job was gone, and your dreaming days were over. Your eyes were open, and nothing from before mattered. Once you had Dean, the shattered pieces of your life would fall back into place.
Wind coming in the open window whipped against your face, cooling your skin and keeping the urge to vomit at bay. So much medicine had been through your system lately your body was in shock, stuck between heat and fully shutting down, but something kept you going.
Your arm throbbed almost in response to the thought.
Absently, you wondered if Rowena had been right about the magic she’d made sure to mention without providing any real answers.
The woman was a mystery, but like everything else, she didn’t matter. Every tire rotation brought you closer to your goal, and your foot pressed harder into the gas pedal. Your fingers toyed with the small, burlap, bag she’d given you for protection. Twisting it around your fingers sent tingles up your spine, making you wonder if it was for your protection at all. There was a palpable field of energy surrounding it that didn’t feel friendly.
At the next rest stop, you chucked it into the trash can. You were only a few hours from home and feeling stronger than you’d ever felt in your life, you didn’t need protecting.
Dean had gotten his own motel room after visiting Y/N’s apartment, unable to stomach looking at his brother and friend. He spent the night tossing and turning, the sleep he desperately needed refusing to stick around for long. During the short spurts of unconsciousness he was tortured with visions. He kept seeing himself as the one poking bloody holes and slicing up innocent Omegas, his hands were the ones smoothing their hair almost affectionately, his voice was cooing soft words so contradictory to the pain he was inflicting, his fingers delicately pulling open the sticky pages of an old family bible to store the bloody souvenirs.
Saving them, velvet shadows crusted in blood whispered from the back of his mind, you’re saving them. You’re opening their eyes. Letting them see the truth.
Every time he jerked awake the Mark flared and the visions lingered. In those fleeting moments he forgot it was not him committing these crimes, it was his Omega. Fueled by the Mark and twisted into a shell of her former self. When coherence returned he did remember. He remembered that it was still his fault.
Her mysterious connection to him was the cause, and she’d been thrust into the world of the supernatural, unaware and beyond unprepared to deal with the shared darkness raging inside them.
The guilt was a living creature as Dean left the bed and paced the room, alternating between reading pages of her file as he walked and sitting to take long pulls from the bottle of Whiskey sitting on the table. He stared at the pictures of her as he drank. He’d left them splayed out and scattered around the table, just like the two of them. When he was finally drunk enough to lay back down, he pulled Y/N’s balled up shirt from underneath the covers and tucked it close.
Dean woke again after a few hours, his body a raging storm of hormones.  The sun was barely seeping through the curtains and the room was cool, but a thick layer of sweat coated his mostly naked skin, and cold chills rolled violently from head to toe. Her shirt was draped across his face from where he’d fallen asleep desperately inhaling her scent.
Dean cursed inwardly. He should have known better.
Through the fog, he moved her shirt and stripped off his boxers before stuffing his hand under the pillow. Dean’s fingers sought out the soft fabric of her panties bundled beside his gun and pulled them out. The silk was cool and refreshing against his heated skin. Dean inhaled her clean scent as one hand brought the sheen fabric to his nose while the other trailed down his chest and abdomen to seek out his painfully hard cock. His thumb traced the mushroomed head, swollen, purple, and leaking with his need for her.
His cock jumped at the soft touch and he groaned, unable to stop his hips from flexing.
After rearranging himself against the pillows, Dean wrapped the silk around his cock and held it in place at the base. His fingers dug in through the silk, teasing the sensitive juncture just below his swelling knot. The fabric desensitized him enough to wrap his palm around the thick shaft and give it a languid pump. He did it again and again until his head fell back heavily into the wall, his eyes closing as he got lost in the sweet sensation of his tightening grip.
Taking her clothes had been questionable at the time, but now Dean was thankful he had them. Y/N’s scent may have sent him into an early rut, but they were hard proof that he wasn’t far from her.
He was picturing her smile as his hand worked, imagining how pretty her mouth would look wrapped around his cock, how soft her skin would be under his fingers and how sweet her voice would sound begging for his knot.
The silk was better than any lube as he sped his fist up, bucking up into it as his fingers twisted circles that tugged his balls up and ground against his knot.
The urge to pee had overtaken the hunger for snacks on your way into the convenience store, so you were in the bathroom when it hit.
The cramp came from nowhere and doubled you over, dropping you quickly to your knees. A thick gasp echoed around the stone room as a tingle stole over your clit and sank deep into your abdomen. Your hand shoved it’s way into the pajama pants you were still wearing, seeking relief of any kind. Two fingers sank knuckle deep into the slick that had gathered, and immediately you were pumping them against the trembling walls of your pussy, searching out your g-spot. Your palm smeared slick over your aching clit as another cramp rattled your teeth, the pressure blooming quickly into splintered pleasure. Hips bucking, you pressed and moaned until your walls finally fluttered and clamped down around your fingers.
You rode your own hand as aftershocks zipped through every nerve. When it was over finally you collapsed to the filthy floor, exhausted and confused.
Dean’s breathing was staccato as he pumped his fist to a furious crescendo, his body flushed and sweating, legs squirming and feet digging into the sheets until his knot popped and he came with a loud cry. Trapped between the silk and his pulsing cock his cum flooded out, squelching through the fabric as he kept moving his hand until he couldn’t take it any longer.
“You said we couldn’t trust them, then turned around and gave them Y/N’s file without a warrant!”
Doctor Mara rolled her eyes as Doctor Cameron shoved a cup of coffee at her before stomping over to the bar of their two-bedroom hotel suite. This was the same argument they’d had multiple times since she’d handed the file over to the youngest Winchester, and she was just about done with the entire charade. Months of planning had come and gone and she was anxious to see the rest of her plan through.
“Yes. I did. They’re FBI, Cameron. We didn’t have a choice.”
“Like hell we didn’t! And what if they find her before we do? Hmm? What then? Everything will be ruined. All our data lost! Tainted!” He slammed two mini-shot bottles and clenched his fist. “They’ll take her to some government facility and drug her up and all of our work will have been for nothing!”
“Cameron!” The cold eyed woman snapped, finally tired of his jabbering. “They will not find her. What’s happening to Y/N will lead her right back to us, just in time for the next phase.”
The hypnotist glared at her incredulously, unable to fathom her reasoning, or how she was sitting so calmly in that hotel robe while the FBI stole their patient, and with her, every viable option for future research.
“How can you possibly know that? She’s missing! What if the cops are right? What if she’s already dead? Then where’s my rare case and my fucking book?” Doctor Mara rounded the bar where Doctor Cameron was pounding more shots. Her delicate hand came to rest on his own, her thin fingers wrapping his wrist like a creeping vine. His eyes searched hers as her grip tightened with a strength that surprised him.
Her voice was a growl as she spoke, spooking Cameron into silence. “I don’t care about your god-damned book. She is not dead, because her body would have been found already you moron! She will come because the connection to her Alpha demands it. That’s why.” 
“Her Alpha? What the hell are you--” Long nails slashed into Doctor Cameron’s wrist, and he tried to wrench away from the suddenly terrifying woman to no avail.
“The Winchesters are not FBI you little shit, and I’m tired of hearing your whiny voice. Fuck the research. Fuck your book. Shut up, before I make you.” When her eyes flashed black, Doctor Cameron screamed, renewing his efforts to escape Doctor Mara’s grasp. Annoyed with the squirming man, Doctor Mara shoved him away. His head hit the wall with a thunderous crack, and he collapsed to the floor.
She didn’t need to check for a pulse, the perks of being a demon meant she could hear his weak heartbeat and feel the pulse of his tainted soul. The demon didn’t need him any longer… not with Y/N on her way to Dean.
The Winchester had stolen darkness not meant for him and murdered the Queen of Hell with it. The demon would see his queen murdered in return. Y/N’s soul was already corrupted, damned to hell alongside Dean Winchester the instant Doctor Mara had fully unlocked their connection through Cameron’s hypnosis.
She sipped the lukewarm coffee with a grin, feeling smug. The intended transformation was almost complete. Poor little Y/N, ripped apart on the inside by things she would never comprehend, and soon, ripped apart on the outside as well. Hopefully by her own mate.
What a show.
The sun was going down when you finally pulled into your apartment complex.
Your sweaty hands were searching out the prescription bottles the minute you threw the car in park, and you started to shake when you realized they were empty.
Fuck. Were there more inside?
You cautiously peered around the parking lot. Nothing seemed amiss, but there was a foreboding feeling stealing away the dispassion and replacing it with panic.
Then you noticed Lane’s car parked next to your spot.
Double fuck.
You debated leaving. Just turning around and driving until you couldn’t see straight, but an image flashed into your mind and wouldn’t leave.
Dean and Lane, standing together in your apartment.
Dean. Your Alpha.
Lane the perfect wife.
Lane, the perfect mother...a better Omega than you could ever be.
Lane, the traitorous bitch, offering Dean everything you couldn’t.
How dare she.
Everything was red as you fled the car, deliriously stomping your way up the stairs with murder in your heart. Halfway up a cramp brought you down, your involuntary scream echoing through the hallways. You could see your door as  your fingers clutched into the ratty carpet fighting to crawl the remaining few steps to the landing.
The door flung open, and out stepped a disheveled Lane. Her hair was a mess, her face red and swollen.
In the back of your mind you knew it was probably from crying or worry, but the rash on your arm was pulsing wildly, drowning out the logical thoughts struggling to the surface. Black streaks undulated from the center of the Mark, driving the darkness deeper into your heart.
Dean is in there with her, it whispered vehemently. She’s fucking your Alpha. Traitor. Whore. Weak willed woman in desperate need of a strong man. She should die.
Lane cried your name over and over as tears of relief and happiness started to flow, completely missing the violent growl directed at her. Before you could react, her arms were under yours, helping you stand and maneuvering you into your apartment.
His scent was everywhere, mingling unpleasantly with hers. You shoved her away to rush into the living room.You couldn’t smell yourself anymore, and the smell of death was only faint now, barely a whisper among the other unfamiliar scents. Your mind registered these things but did not latch onto them. Only one thing had your focus.
Every heartbeat was the pulse of his name in your veins, the smell of him different than in your dreams and diluted by time yet unmistakable. Your drive to find him had you staggering to the couch before you realized his scent wasn’t there.
He was here. He had to be. You changed directions and headed down the small hallway. Discovering your empty room brought forth a scream of rage just as Lane stepped in behind you.
“Y/N…” Her voice was soft, but echoed in the emptiness of your heart as you whipped around to face her.
Lane gasped when your eyes connected with hers. Your pupils had stolen all the space within, making her reel back. She thought you’d gone feral, and her heart clenched with anguish. “Oh shit...Y/N, it’s me...It’s Lane, your sister.”
“I know who you are, whore.” You spat, snarling as you took a step closer. The anger was pulsing deeper with every inhale of your Alpha’s scent; your temperature rising every moment he wasn’t touching you.
You were fighting two urges at once, unsure of which to address. There was the urge to find Dean, and the urge to see your forearm drenched in Lane’s blood. You wanted to shove your hand so deep into her chest you brought her heart out the other side and then rip it back through to show it to her before she died. You wanted to toss her broken body down the stairs and resume the hunt for Dean.
You did neither as your heat finally consumed you, full blown and aching for something that was too far away. The cramps were constant now, sweat rolling from every pore as you collapsed under the weight of the Mark and your heat.
Lane watched in horror as you reached for her, the rash on your arm a twisted rainbow of infection and your eyes blazing with emotions she hadn’t seen before. You fell unconscious after snarling at her one final time.
Dean was in the shower when Sam started pounding on the door. Sam could smell Dean’s rut, and was frantic in his knocking.
Dean growled as he yanked the knob to turn off the water, breaking it on the way down.
“Fuck off Sam!”
The knocking increased. “Dean! It’s Y/N! She’s home! Lane just called and…” Sam stopped speaking when the door flew open. His nose rankled at the scent of his brother’s activities but he kept quiet. Dean was soaked but flinging his clothes on faster than Sam had ever seen, and suddenly the car keys were flying at his face.
“What are you waiting for? Let’s go!” Dean shouted, spurring Sam into action.
Within moments, Dean was hopping into the passenger seat, his eyes wide and the Mark burning.
Sam floored the gas, speeding through the nighttime traffic, ignoring street signs and stop lights. He knew Dean wouldn’t stand for any delay in his condition. Sam skidded into a spot as close to Y/N’s apartment as he could get, but before the car completely stopped Dean was racing up the steps.
“Dean!” Sam called, but Dean was ignorant to anything but getting to Y/N.
Instead of his Omega, he found Lane crying at the top of the stairs.
“Where is she?” Lane flinched at the belligerent tone but recognized it for what it was.
She wondered briefly why an FBI agent would be reacting so strongly to her sister, but weakly pointed at the door. Dean rushed inside, following the scent of Y/N’s heat and abandoning Lane to her grief.
Sam trotted up the steps and stopped when he reached Lane. She didn’t flinch when he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, but neither did she stop crying. “What happened to her?” A sob racked her chest as Sam pulled her in, wrapping her tightly in his arms.
“I don’t know,” he lied smoothly, “but we’re gonna find out. We’re gonna help her, okay?” He waited for her nod into his chest before pulling her gently away and looking into her watery eyes. “I know it’s hard...but I need you to tell me what happened here.”
“Where is she?” Came Dean’s roar, interrupting the conversation before it began and sending Lane back into Sam’s arms in terror.
“Dean what’re you--”
“She’s gone! I can smell her but she’s gone!”
Lane whimpered, “She was just here I…”
“Why would she leave? Don’t lie to me!” Dean howled, snatching Lane up and shaking her until Sam pulled him off.
“Dean! You know what’s happening to her because it’s happening to you. Where do you think she is?”  
Dean’s chest was heaving as he glared around Sam at Lane. He had an unexplained and sudden hatred for her that made him want to kill her as surely as if she were a monster. She wasn’t, however, he forced himself to remember. She was human. His mind swirled with the violence the Mark was craving, thoughts tinged in red and black as he fought to stay level headed. Her song taunted him, the soft notes floating across his senses alongside her fresh scent.
He snatched the keys and flung himself away from Sam, heading back down the stairs at a run.
“I’ll take you back to your hotel.” Sam whispered.
“She’s my sister...”
“I’m sorry for all this, but you need to be out of the way for this part, okay?”
Lane nodded dumbly as Sam led her to her own car, the roar of the Impala fading into the night.
Your feet ached as you stalked down the sidewalks in the dark. You’d left your car in front of a random grocery store after jumping out of your second floor window. Consciously, you knew something was wrong. A jump like that should have at least slowed you down, but it it hadn’t. You’d been in your car and gone gone before Lane had stepped onto the landing to give you your space. Disappearing into the night was a glaring symptom of exactly how wrong everything was, but something had been wrong for going on a year now, and no one had been able to help you.
You thought you were hunting Dean when you’d first set out, your heat addled brain leading the way towards relief. Instead, as the scent of him faded something else replaced it. Something dark. The same something that had been writhing in your mind and body, forcing it’s way upwards while forcing you down. The same something that was on your arm. You knew that now. The darkness was speaking to you directly, as if it had a mind of its own, but it was using your voice.
Weak. They’re all weak. You were weak. Not anymore. Save them. You know how. You’ve always known.
You passed the park, multiple stores and not a few suburbs before finding your way to the woods. It was a small patch, surrounded on all sides by the downtown strips. Your worn shoes crunched angrily through the debris until you reached the spot you were looking for.
Dean didn’t need anyone to tell him where she’d gone. The Mark was raging, his rut acting as a compass now that he had the scent so fresh in his nose.
He sped through the empty streets as Sam had, ignoring all safety and stop lights on his way downtown.
The Omega in you was howling for release, but the darkness in you howled for something else altogether.
As you watched, a young Omega left The Club across from you, alone. She tossed her hair, revealing her clean neck, and a malicious grin split your ragged features. She was so much like the first one.
She was perfect.
Questions? Comments? Incoherent screaming?
Bring it on!
Story Tags:
@allaboutbailey @alligator210 @amarokofficial @antiscocialfanwarrior​ @bodhi-black @deanna-s-winchester @deliciouslydisturbed365 @edensparks​ @erinmcd1234 @faith901t-blog @fangirl-and-medstudent-help​ @fangirlanotherjust​ @flamencodiva @getnaildbyme @hennessy0274-blog @hotterthanfire-colderthanice @jodibullock1 @karouwinchester​ @katkit73 @kbl1313​ @kittenofdoomage​ @mannls​ @mbbevans @mistress-sassafras @ne-gans @pickleporkupine @rainbowkisses31 @secretlysage​ @shatteredabby @spnskinnyballs​ @starfirerules​ @tamtamlov @tgwge @thatrandomredheadchick @tumbler-tidbits @ultrahviolent @violentmommabear42 @weepingwillowphoenix @whisperingwillows @wildsageleon @winchesterprincessbride @witchyhoeski​
4ever&ever Tags:
@ain-t-bovvered @bamby0304 @curly-haired-disaster @dean-winchesters-bacon @ldyhawkeye @justcallmeasmodeus @maddiepants @mogaruke @mrs-meghan-winchester @stormy-skies-1997 @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @waywardbaby
Dean Tags:
@adoptdontshoppets @akshi8278 @bobasheebaby @paranoiadestroyah
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chickadee-dee-dee · 6 years
Tagged by: @sleepyspacebb and @bbyxotter (like a long time ago whoops sorry friends)
a - age: 24 (almost 25!!)
b - birthplace: I was born in a magical fairy dimension! 
c - current time: 10:31 am (I hate when these things include the current time, like, at the beginning, bc by the time I’m done answering this thing, it’s not gonna be 10:31 anymore, and, like, do I change it? It’s too stressful!!!)
d - drink you last had: I’m drinking a tea with honey rn! It’s this grapefruit green tea from David’s Tea and it’s great!
e - easiest person to talk to: My best friends! And also the void that is the internet!
f - favorite song: Youth by Daughter! And also Feel it Still by Portugal the Man! And also my current obsession is Sky Full of Song by Florence + The Machine!
g - grossest memory: I may have repressed all my grossest memories bc I can’t think of anything? Or maybe I’m just a gross human that doesn’t find most things that gross? Or potentially my grossest memories all happened while intoxicated so I don’t really even remember them that well? Idk
h - horror yes or horror no: NO x10000000. I don’t need to add fuel to my nightmare fire. My brain does a good enough job without any help haha
i - in love?: Nope! Well, I’m in love with my friends in a platonic way though! They’re the best and I love them a lot!!!
j - jealous of people?: I don’t really get jealous of individual people that often! Even when I do, it’s pretty much always a me feeling, not because of any external factor, so yeah.
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again?: People don’t imprint on my brain unless we’ve had several meaningful conversations, so you should probably, like, talk to me, or else I could be in the same room with you for a million years and not know who you are.
m - middle name: This is the internet so no, but fun fact: I actually didn’t have a middle name for most of my life but then I changed my legal name and now I have a middle name!
n - number of siblings: One!
p - person you called last: My mom bc she called me and I missed the call so I called her back.
q - questions you are always asked: “where are you from?” followed by “okay, but where are you really from?” (bc racism)
r - reasons to smile: Puppies and friends!
s - song you sang last: Dancing Queen bc it was playing hahaha
t - time you woke up: 8:30 ish (bc that’s my puppy’s breakfast time)
u - underwear color: Purple (literally had to check haha)
v - vacation destination: All the places! Although I would love to visit Iceland!
w - worst habit: So many omg
x - x-rays: I’ve had a lot of x-rays honestly (Although I’ve never broken a bone weirdly enough. Well I did fracture my leg when I was, like, 2, but it wasn’t a full break so it doesn’t really count)
y - your favorite food: Sushi!
z - zodiac sign: Leo sun, Gemini moon, and Sagittarius rising!
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miniroofboxrzm · 4 years
Mini Cooper Roof Box Reviews
Introduction to mini cooper roof box collection of 2021
As technologies are doing something good day daily in exactly the very same ways, four-wheelers are increasing on the road day daily. There are lots of cars offered on the market; one really is a mini cooper automobile with amazing design and appearances.
In the following article, we'll be taking one of the very best possible alternatives available in the market for a mini cooper roof box in 2021.
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More and Important Info concerning the Mini Cooper Roof Top Cargo Boxes-
The miniature aluminum freight boxes Can Be Found in five Unique models - Countryman - Clubman - Convertible - 3 door hatch - 5 door hatch
These are some of the mini cooper cargo roof boxes picks that one should know thoroughly before choosing any of them.
Depending on the model you're choosing for picking out the very best cargo roof box, then you need to choose whether you have to get a roof rack or less a few of the units have a roof rack and a few you have to purchase.
If you don't need to purchase the roof rack, then a number of the freight carriers don't require the one.
These are the title of several tops and finest mini cooper roof boxes, which might assist the user pick which is best for him and decrease all of his or her difficulties.
One of the fundamental things one needs to remember before deciding on any of those mini cooper roof boxes so the consumer can certainly enjoy their excursion.
Top Pick & It's Fitting options for mini cooper roof box category
2002-2006 R50  R53 Cooper S Hatchback
2007-2013 R56 Cooper S Hatchback
2008-2014 R55 Cooper S CLUBMAN
2011-2016 R60 Cooper S COUNTRYMAN
Some Deep in Think Tank:
While Choosing a Roof Box for Mini Cooper following will be the Technical Aspects you Want to keep in mind firmly:
Technical Data: • Dimensions (LxWxH): approx. 75.21 x 25.12 x 15.83 in. • Volume: 84.5 g • Weight: approx. 29 lbs.
Why don't you take a look at why Mini cooper and Its accessories are in demand?
The Mini Cooper has 1 Petrol Engine on offer. The Petrol engine is 1598 cc.
Depending upon the variant and fuel type the Cooper has a mileage of 13.6 to 15.6 kmPl.
The Cooper is a 5 seater and has a length of 3723mm, a width of 1683mm, and a wheelbase of 2467mm.
FAQ's predicated on Mini Cooper roof Box
Are these roofs to cargo boxes better than rooftop cargo bags?
All these rooftop cargo boxes are a lot better than the roof top cargo bags since they are durable and secure than freight bags since they cannot be damaged easily with some of the sensitive substances such as totes.
Are these mini cooper cargo box easy to install?
Yes, these rooftop cargo boxes deliver quick and simple mounting for simple removal and installation in a brief time so that consumer may enjoy their unplanned in addition to sudden trips. In the 1 go, it's possible to easily resolve a mini cooper roof cargo box for your vehicle.
Why is mini cooper so expensive?
$846 is that the cost necessary for mini cooper for upkeep in contrast to the $456 is your necessary maintenance cost for additional subcompact cars. However, the recorded mini cooper roof cargo box over can save your spending extra accessories needed for your mini cooper freight box.
End Up with my post about the Ideal mini cooper roof box of 2021
A few of those rooftop cargo boxes took that a roof rack, and a few don't. These freight boxes deliver various features like double side opening for simple loading and unloading of the merchandise.
Some include the ideal safety system, which retains your great safe from thieving. Most mini cooper freight boxes have been aerodynamically designed, which makes the box long-lasting and preventing it in several types of exposure. It makes it appropriate for every type of weather condition.
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privateplates4u · 5 years
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Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE: 4th Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car
We’ve all heard about the bad old days at GM when no car was allowed to challenge the Corvette’s performance supremacy. Those days are long dead. Team Camaro has applied its 1LE handling philosophy to the monstrously powerful ZL1, and the resulting monster is the most track-capable road car GM has ever sold. Up front, the standard Camaro ZL1’s 6.2-liter supercharged V-8 still makes 650 horsepower and 650 lb-ft of torque because frankly it didn’t need to make more. Being an enthusiast’s car, a six-speed manual is the only transmission on offer. An electronically controlled differential rounds out the powertrain. Out at the corners, magnetic shocks are replaced with Multimatic spool-valve shocks, and like the rest of the suspension, they’re hard-mounted with metal bushings, not rubber. The ride height, front camber, and rear anti-roll bar are all manually adjustable. A bigger grille improves cooling, and dive planes on the front corners and a massive rear wing provide downforce across the car. Equally massive carbon-ceramic brakes do the stopping. It’s Best Driver’s Car week! Don’t miss the incredible story of how we chose the 2017 Best Driver’s Car right here, and stay tuned for the World’s Greatest Drag Race, coming soon. Put it all together, nail the launch, and you’ll see 60 mph in 3.6 seconds and an 11.7-second quarter mile at 123 mph flat. Going the other way, the 3,837-pound ZL1 1LE will stop from 60 mph in a scant 91 feet. Put it on a skidpad, and it’ll pull 1.11 average g. Fling it at the figure eight, and you’ll get a 23.0-second lap at 0.93 average g. We Say “This car needs five-point harnesses because the dampers are so unforgiving. It’s true this 1LE has incredible grip; however, the compression damping is way too harsh while the rebound damping is just right. I’m not sure where they tuned this, but it clearly did not have a lot of bumps and jumps. The steering is freakishly quick. It took me three corners to calm my hands down, so I didn’t steer into and across the apex. The power seems to be well matched for the chassis, for a change, unlike the Z06. Third gear seemed very tractable and had a wide bandwidth. This feels like what I imagine a ’60s-’70s Trans Am car would be like.” – Chris Walton “I know Jonny loves this car, but I just can’t warm to it. Probably because I’ve lost all my fillings, and my kidneys are bruised. With the exception of the best roads, the ride in this Camaro is punishing. I’ve encountered smoother paint mixers. I had to remind myself that based on the numbers, this car is fantastic. Endless grip, fade-free brakes, abundant horsepower. But the thing is, I didn’t care. The bouncing was so bad that I found myself reacting to that instead of focusing on sheer act of driving. The Camaro might be brilliant on the track, but I wouldn’t want to drive this to get there.” – Derek Powell Read about other 2017 Best Driver’s Car contenders: Ferrari 488 GTB Porsche 911 Turbo S Porsche 718 Cayman S Lexus LC 500 Mercedes-AMG GT R Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport Aston Martin DB11 Nissan GT-R NISMO Mazda MX-5 Miata RF McLaren 570GT “Simply tremendous … tremendous grip, tremendous brakes, and tremendous power. And how about that third pedal? This added that special connection to the vehicle that the Ferrari or 911 Turbo simply can’t match, which is why I ranked it higher than those two fancy (and expensive) machines. With the Camaro, I felt like I—not some fancy software—had a big part in conquering 198.” – Erick Ayapana “That’s a driver’s car! When the aero and the tires shake hands, it’s a moment of revelation. You are suddenly driving a hard-mounted race car. Unreal. So much power, so much control, so much stopping ability. An absolute monster of a machine. This is an uncaged race car. Being able to actually use all 650 horsepower and 650 lb-ft of torque is mind-boggling. I’m not sure how this car isn’t a podium finisher.” – Jonny Lieberman “Long name, amazing results! Everywhere a competitor put a wheel in the air, the Camaro stuck like glue. There’s a lot of vertical movement in the cabin, but the car just sticks no matter what. It never jumps sideways a foot when it hits a mid-corner bump, never moves around laterally at all. Even when it feels like you’ve carried too much speed into a corner, it sticks. I can’t count how many times I put the throttle flat on the floor. In a 650-hp car this stiff on this bumpy road, that’s seriously impressive. The eLSD takes a little getting used to. If you start to feed in power mid-corner, the car turns in more as the diff gets to work. Steer with the throttle? Yes, please! “Brakes have huge stopping power and great pedal feel. Squeeze, don’t stomp, and get exactly what you want. “I thought this car would be too stiff for the road, and that’s coming from someone who drove the Z/28 for a year. I was wrong.” – Scott Evans Randy Says “It was not perfectly balanced for me. I’m really trying to smear a little lipstick from the perfection here, but it would go from a little teeny bit of understeer, which was perfect, to a little bit of oversteer, which is almost perfect. But when we put it in the context of what it is, which is a front-engine rear-drive car with 650 horsepower, the traction was incredible. It put down power extremely well, I could drive it with everything turned off, and for me, that’s just so much more satisfying. “The dampers felt great. Basically I never thought about it. Which means nothing came into my awareness as being, oh, this is too stiff. Or that is too soft. I don’t sense roll. So when I just turn for the corner, it just lies over there. That’s not good terminology because I don’t feel it roll. I’m sure it does, but I don’t feel it. Which means it’s got good damping. When I’m down in the corner, in the middle, I still have a steering response, and I can still tighten it up. “It was happy coming out of the corkscrew. That’s always hard in a powerful rear drive car. Put the power down. When you’re in a low gear and it’s a hard right. It wants to power oversteer. But this one was pretty damn good. Especially at that power level. See, we have to keep this in context. “The car generated a tremendous amount of braking force, but for the first time in any high-performance Camaro, it had a long pedal. I was pumping it a little bit, and I remember going up that Corkscrew thinking, ‘Jesus and Heaven above, let these work.’ And boy did they work. It stopped so well. It was very, very pleasing and satisfying how late I could brake in this—what is a relatively heavy car. It’s light for a Camaro, a supercharged Camaro. A bad driver could crash it immediately, but for a reasonable guy who can drive really fast and doesn’t need stability control, this is the ultimate pony car right now.” 2018 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 (1LE) POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Front-engine, RWD ENGINE TYPE Supercharged 90-deg V-8, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN OHV, 2 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 376.1 cu in/6,162 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 10.0:1 POWER (SAE NET) 650 hp @ 6,400 rpm* TORQUE (SAE NET) 650 lb-ft @ 3,600 rpm* REDLINE 6,500 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 5.9 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 6-speed manual AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 3.73:1/2.00:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Struts, coil springs, anti-roll bar; multilink, coil springs, adj anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 11.1:1-15.1:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.3 BRAKES, F; R 15.4-in vented, 2-pc disc; 14.4-in vented, 2-pc disc, ABS WHEELS 11.0 x 20-in; 12.0 x 20-in, forged aluminum TIRES 305/30R19 98Y; 325/30R19 101Y Goodyear Eagle F1 Supercar 3R (Tread 100) DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 110.7 in TRACK, F/R 64.1/62.8 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 188.3 x 74.7 x 52.0 in TURNING CIRCLE 38.7 ft CURB WEIGHT 3,837 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 55/45% SEATING CAPACITY 4 HEADROOM, F/R 38.5/33.5 in LEGROOM, F/R 43.9/29.9 in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 55.0/50.4 in CARGO VOLUME 9.1 cu ft TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 1.6 sec 0-40 2.2 0-50 2.8 0-60 3.6 0-70 4.4 0-80 5.3 0-90 6.6 0-100 7.9 0-100-0 11.3 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 1.5 QUARTER MILE 11.7 sec @ 123.0 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 91 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 1.11 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 23.0 sec @ 0.93 g (avg) 2.2-MI ROAD COURSE LAP 1:34.30 sec TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,900 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $71,295 PRICE AS TESTED $73,090 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 8: Dual front, front side, f/r curtain, front knee BASIC WARRANTY 3 yrs/36,000 miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 5 yrs/60,000 miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 5 yrs/60,000 miles FUEL CAPACITY 19.0 gal EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 14/20/16 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 241/169 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 1.20 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded premium The post Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE: 4th Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car appeared first on Motor Trend.
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An Overview Of Weight-Loss
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The first step to losing excess weight is coming up with a program. Are you currently willing to slim down? By following a number of fat loss basic principles you may discover commence a workout regime, to eat a healthy diet, improve your wellbeing, and then finally reach your weight loss objective.
The Best Weight Loss Programs for Weight Reduction
That isn't any shortage of diet plans on the market. There are a number of diets that are readily available. You'll also find diet books and packages. Which one performs? Scientific tests have revealed that no diet is better compared to the other people. The ideal diet program for you personally is to. Applying alpha femme keto genix could be your great way for losing weightloss.
To pick the best diet, then ask your self important questions regarding how much money you may spend, aid you've got from family as well as good friends, and also how much the right time you've got to organize and prepare meals that are healthful. You might want to take into consideration preceding food diet plans failed to do the job out. The replies to these questions can assist you to locate a diet that may meet your own requirements.
But remember that you don't have to buy a book or sign up for a membership to enjoy weight loss advantages. You may cut calories and eliminate weight on your weight. Lots of powerful dieters find by boosting physical activity and creating changes they're ready to see real consequences in this dimensions. To begin your own strategy, you need to figure out the number of calories to burn and the number of calories to eat daily off.
The Way to Calculate Weight Loss Calories
It will not make a difference what sort of diet plan you pick, your calorie consumption is reduced by all weight reduction packages in order for the body burns fat for fuel. You need to calculate your daily requirements and lower that amount to generate a calorie shortage So, to learn how many energy to cut to eliminate excess weight. It's possible to work with a simple on-line weight loss calculator to find out out this out or you can do a bit of math to figure out your amounts on your .
Remember that a shortage of 500 calories each day will let you reduce about 1 pound each weekper day A deficit of 1000 calories each day can cause a weight loss each week. Cutting on more than 1,000 calories might do far much more harm than good. Very low-calorie diets should be followed under the supervision of a doctor. You can checkout keto supplement inspection to knowing the benefits of the item.
Cut carbohydrates to Eliminate Weight
Now you know how a lot of calories to consume each day, it is the right time and energy to cut back calories for weight loss. You'll find two strategies to accomplish your objectives that are calorie. You are able to eat food that is less or you could take in meals with less calories. Most dieters unite approaches for best results.
Portion management will allow one to maintain most of your favorite foods in your everyday food plan. You also may find it beneficial to reduce meal pieces in half to absorb fewer energy. Some individuals measure food pieces to come across the proper amount to consume. The others can measure food pieces with no scale with their palms along with alternative kitchen gadgets that are useful.
But it's also essential to find out how to try to eat foods that are lower. After you train the body to crave healthy foods that are naturally lower in fat and packed with diet, you assist your body feel fulfilled and full. The outcome? You wish to take in more. Start looking for lean protein, whole fruit, fresh vegetables, lowfat dairy product, also also carbs that supply fiber and other nourishment.
Reduce Calories in Everyday Drinks
One of the fastest and simplest will be to improve the beverages you drink each day. Popular drinks comprise hundreds of g of increased sugars along with also carbs and some of those beverages are even labeled wholesome.
You can wonder if diet beverages are better. The answer depends on who you askfor. Dieters and some weight-loss experts say that diet carbonated drinks and other beverages are a welcome swap whenever you are trying to lose body excess weight. Specialists say synthetic sweeteners might cause more harm than good. Your absolute best option is to beverage water that is filtered to keep hydrated through daily.
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Home Entertainment Consumer Guide: March 28, 2019
"Kung Fu Hustle" "The Lives of Others" "A Separation"
At its best, James Wan's "Aquaman" is a live-action cartoon, complete with armies astride seahorses and sharks. It has a fantastic cast, including great supporting work from Nicole Kidman, Patrick Wilson, and Willem Dafoe. It's refreshingly goofy from a company (DC) that too often takes itself way too seriously. Really, the only problem with "Aquaman" is one common to the genre: bloat. There's no reason for this movie to be 2.5-hours long, and you can feel its charm washing away as the length sets in. My kids were excited for about an hour and it almost felt more like an obligation to finish it. I recommend watching it in installments. And focus on the fun stuff. 
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Special Features Going Deep Into the World of Aquaman Becoming Aquaman James Wan: World Builder Aqua Tech Atlantis Warfare The Dark Depths of Black Manta Heroines of Atlantis Villaneous Training Kingdoms of the Seven Seas Creating Undersea Creatures A Match Made in Atlantis Scene Study Breakdowns Exclusive Sneak Peek of Shazam!
"Detour" (Criterion)
An acknowledged classic of Poverty Row, Edward G. Ulmer's 1945 noir is as pitch black as the genre comes. Restored recently after years of people watching degraded copies, "Detour" has probably never looked this good. As expert Noah Isenberg explains in an excellent special feature, "Detour" was made for almost no money in roughly a week, depending on who you believe. It's a stunning piece of work, containing one of the best femme fatale performances of all time from Ann Savage. Ulmer and Savage's take on the role is instantly mesmerizing. Gone are the typically glamorous looks of the femme, replaced by grit and sweat and dirt. Savage's character feels threatening in such a perfect way that we know the minute our protagonist crosses paths with her, he's doomed. 
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Special Features New 4K digital restoration, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray Edgar G. Ulmer: The Man Off-Screen, a 2004 documentary featuring interviews with actor Ann Savage and filmmakers Roger Corman, Joe Dante, and Wim Wenders New interview with film scholar Noah Isenberg, author of Edgar G. Ulmer: A Filmmaker at the Margins New program about the restoration Janus Films rerelease trailer PLUS: An essay by critic and poet Robert Polito
"I Wanna Hold Your Hand" (Criterion)
Robert Zemeckis has been working with American nostalgia since his first film, 1978's "I Wanna Hold Your Hand," now available on a bonus-packed Criterion release. The film itself is a sweet comedy about not just Beatlemania but those years in which one had the time and energy to commit their lives to something like a band. A cousin of "American Graffiti," this ensemble piece is about a bunch of teenagers trying to get to "The Ed Sullivan Show" on the night that The Beatles would make TV and music history. It's a light-hearted comedy that doesn't hit every mark but is also truly hard to dislike. And it's particularly interesting as a stepping stone in the careers of both Zemeckis and Spielberg, who get together with Bob Gale for a fantastic special feature on this release about the making of the film. 
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Special Features New 4K digital restoration, approved by director Robert Zemeckis and cowriter Bob Gale, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray New conversation among Zemeckis, Gale, and executive producer Steven Spielberg New interview with actors Nancy Allen and Marc McClure Audio commentary from 2004 featuring Zemeckis and Gale The Lift (1972) and A Field of Honor (1973), two early short films by Zemeckis Trailer and radio spots PLUS: An essay by critic Scott Tobias
"If Beale Street Could Talk"
This might be the final great film of 2018 to be released on Blu-ray. There are some interesting films that came out the final few weeks of last year still to hit the market ("The Mule," "Bumblebee," others) but this is the last essential movie, one that you really need to see before you can close the book and move on to 2019. Barry Jenkins' adaptation of James Baldwin's book has been written about so many times since its TIFF debut, on this site alone, that there's not much I could possibly add to the conversation. Read my TIFF review. Read Odie's brilliant 4-star review. Read about it in our ten best. Read my interviews with Barry Jenkins and the stars of the film, KiKi Layne and Stephan James. I hold this movie very close to my heart and will for the rest of my life. It's gorgeous, riveting filmmaking and a true must-own on Blu-ray, especially given it has a commentary track by Jenkins himself. 
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Special Features Deleted Scenes Featurette: If Beale Street Could Talk: Poetry in Motion Audio Commentary by Barry Jenkins
"Mary Poppins Returns"
Everyone involved in this movie should give Emily Blunt a gift. Her prodigious charm is really the fuel that keeps this film moving (with no offense to Ben Whishaw and Emily Mortimer, who are always good). Blunt gets the film over its several dull passages, although even she can't save original songs that sound fine in the film but that I dare anyone to hum a section of outside of it. Like so many of the Disney live-action films, there's a magic missing here - the magic that allows a movie to live on in imagination when you're done watching it. This one is better than some (I'm still angry about "Alice in Wonderland" and "Beauty and the Beast") but that's mostly just because those movies didn't have a performer as charismatic and committed as Emily Blunt. For the record, my five-year-old STRONGLY disagrees. He loves this movie. But even he can't sing a song from it. 
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Special Features Deleted Song — "The Anthropomorphic Zoo" The Practically Perfect Making of "Mary Poppins Returns"  Seeing Things From a Different Point of View": The Musical Numbers of "Mary Poppins Returns"  Back to Cherry Tree Lane: Dick Van Dyke Returns  Practically Perfect Bloopers  Deleted Scenes Play Movie in Sing-Along Mode 
"Perfect Blue"
Satoshi Kon is an interesting enigma in that his name isn't as much of a household one as Hayao Miyazaki or Brad Bird but those who do know his work absolutely adore him. Kon's ambitious, visually breathtaking style is arguably never more brilliantly realized than in this 1999 masterpiece FINALLY getting a Blu-ray release for its 20th anniversary. That it took this long for a movie that so many people love to even get an HD release is telling in terms of how Kon's reputation doesn't seem to be at the level he deserves. 
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Special Features BRAND NEW REMASTER OF THE FILM NEW Lectures by Satoshi Kon featurette NEW Into The Blue featurette - New Interviews Original SD Version of Feature (Japanese mono Dolby Digital 2.0 with English subtitles) Angel of Your Heart Recording Sessions Angel of Your Heart Full English Version Theatrical Trailers and TV Spots—includes new trailers from US and UK re-releases Cast and Crew Interviews
"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse"
For months, it felt like Disney's "Incredibles 2" was the runaway favorite to take the Oscar for Best Animated Film. Who could have guessed that an animated superhero movie, which is usually the genre of straight-to-DVD fare, could be good enough to topple the highest grossing animated film of all time? Make no mistake -- this is no ordinary superhero movie. This is no ordinary animated movie. It may only be a few months old, but it feels like a classic already, a movie that I know I'll see at least a dozen times over the course of my lifetime. It gets richer and feels more ambitious each time I see it. This is a very strong edition of the HECG and I hope you got a nice refund from the IRS because this one is a must-own too. It also comes with some fantastic special features, including a cut of the film that includes several scenes that never got past the sketch phase re-cut into the movie. 
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Special Features We Are Spider-Man Spider-Verse: A New Dimension The Ultimate Comics Cast A Tribute to Stan Lee & Steve Ditko The Spider-Verse Super-Fan Easter Egg Challenge Designing Cinematic Comics Characters Heroes & Hams Alternate Universe Mode: In this all-new viewing experience, discover alternate scenes, plotlines, characters, and more with the filmmakers as your guide. "Sunflower" by Post Malone and Swae Lee "Familia" by Nicki Minaj & Anuel AA (feat. Bantu) All-New Original Short "Spider-Ham: Caught In a Ham" 
"Wanda" (Criterion)
I'll admit to not remembering having heard of Barbara Loden's "Wanda" until the Criterion edition showed up in my mailbox. It's a stunning movie, a bleak de-glamorization of the criminal life. A blue-collar woman named Wanda can barely make ends meet and has her kids taken away in a divorce. She basically stumbles into the life of a petty criminal, and the two form a strange, mesmerizing Bonnie and Clyde duo. He's abusive. She seems constantly uncertain, almost as if she could just wander off the face of the Earth. It's Loden's only film and it's a fascinating piece of work, almost akin to Cassavetes in its dirty, sweaty, naturalistic style. It's a shame Loden never got to make another movie, but I love that this one is getting appraised again a half-century after it was produced. 
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Special Features New 2K digital restoration by the UCLA Film & Television Archive, The Film Foundation, and Gucci, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray I Am Wanda, an hour-long documentary by Katja Raganelli featuring an interview with director Barbara Loden filmed in 1980 Audio recording of Loden speaking to students at the American Film Institute in 1971 Segment from a 1971 episode of The Dick Cavett Show featuring Loden The Frontier Experience (1975), a short educational film about a pioneer woman’s struggle to survive, directed by and starring Loden Trailer PLUS: An essay by film critic Amy Taubin
from All Content https://ift.tt/2TCB4ON
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richccrockett · 4 years
Oilhead Fork Seal Replacement
By: AdvWisdom Title: Oilhead Fork Seal Replacement Sourced From: advwisdom.com/a/oilhead-fork-seal-replacement/ Published Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 00:52:37 +0000
Replacing Fork Seal (oilhead)
I’ve busted another (it’s the 2.nd in 4 months) fork seal and I intend to replace it myself. I’ve searched the wisdom here and it looks simple. Just to make sure, can the wrench gods confirm the following steps:
a) With a 15 mm and a 19 mm loose the stanchion from the top triple clamp
b) once loose, the stanchion will move down inside the slider.
b) remove the plastic black band at the top of the stanchion.
c) unscrew the cup (is it a sort of dust seal ? is it screwn in?)
d) remove a retaining clip
e) pry the busted seal off. (anyone knows standard seal dimensions?)
f) Install new seal, reverse the rest of the operation
g) take front wheel and axle out, take air purge plug at top of stanchion out and drain fork leg at bottom drain plug.
h) fill 0.47 l of SAE 5 susp. oil.
Is it something like this or am I totally wrong? Why do these shites blow if there’s no susp internals inside? Are we supposed to purge the air regularly like on real forks?
  jdiaz 10-07-2003 01:09 PM
Don’t remove the slider at all. Just remove the fork brace bolts, the axle, and the brake caliper, and the fork lower drops right onto the garage floor. At least, that’s how my memory remembers it. I do know that there is nothing positively attaching the slider to the lower fork leg.
The rest of your procedure sounds fine, although I wouldn’t even bother changing oil.
  cj1150gs 10-07-2003 03:54 PM
1 Attachment(s)
Sorry, it may be my english. I am calling stanchion to the inner fork tube (attached to the top triple clamp) and slider to the outer tube (attached to the bottom triple clamp / telelever arm).
So do I need to loosen the lower (outer) fork leg? I though that, by releasing the inner from the top triple clamp, this inner would move down inside the (outer) bottom fork leg, allowing me to take the seal out by the top part. Hum… maybe a drawing…
  I just redid my left fork seal, and the upper (shiny part) of the left fork, today for the 2nd time since doing both in Achorage early this May, I tried to do it with out taking the entire fork out of the mounts. But it will save you time and knuck skin if you just take the bloody hold thing out. Rememer to re-aline the front axel before putting the tire back on. i tighten the bolts that #4 on preivioius pict. withthe axel in then put the tire back on.
as for replacing the fork seal. by taking the entire lower fork off you will have the ability to remove the bad seal easier. they are really tigith fit. also be very careful on putting the new one back in not ot damage the inner seal ring part of the seal. I used a large socket for to evenly get the seal to sit flat on the metal o-ring that goes below it. I had BMW Anchorage show me how to do it with their BMW speciality tool, I used a large socket that just fit into the lower fork section. If you have a friend with mechanic shop they should have a large enough socket. .
in addition, i put a bit of extra grease on the top cap to help keep dust getting into the seal and wearing it out quicker. To get old seal out is a pain and you need a L shaped hook type of tool to pull it out. that is why i take the lower section, so i can use my feet and legs to get a good hold on the fork to pull the seal out.
thing to check while doing seal replacement take the tiem to clean out any grime in the bottom of the fork lower section, i use a little but of desiel fuel as a solvent and clean inner part of the fork of and grime fork oil that did not drain out.
the uper part of the fork (shiny part) will slide in easily if the seal is sitting flat on the lower metal o-ring. also take out the tiny hex bolt on the top of the upper part of the fork to let air in as you re-insert the lower part back onto the upper part. and then when everything is at the right place tighten the tiny screw back to seal the fork.
In addition, you should check you upper fork section to see if there are any fine scratches… i had some bad ones from all the dirt roads i ride in Colorado, that could be the reason you seals are wearing out so quickly. And buy a pair of fork covers.
Remove front wheel and brake callipers:
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Loosen the inner top from the top triple clamp:
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Loosen the pinch bolts on the bottom triple clamp:
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Lower the fork tube in the lower triple clamp, let the cup(dust seal ) rest agaisnt it and push down to extract the dust seal.
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how it looks once out:
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Now remove the air purging little bolt from the top of the inner tube. Then pull the inner from inside the outer. Beware oil spillage!
Now remove circlip:
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Then pry the seal out with a big flat blade screwdriver. Protect the top of the outer tube with some plastic piece or something:
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Bellow the seal there’s a large washer (rusty in my case):
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Where it all seats (once cleaned):
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All in pieces:
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Now, when I took the inner from the outer I saw that the seal didn’t have any visible damage. The inner is also in good aparent shape without scratches… humm.. I begin to suspect crash is right. Let’s put the inners in the truing stand:
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Shit. Crash is Right. About both inner tubes.
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I didn’t have my feeler gauges handy. But I had a book 1 cm thick and a 100 pages :): . I can slip 2 pages but not three bellow the middle of the inner. So I guess it has a runnout of 2 to 3/10 mm. Is this acceptable? I can turn the inners inside the outers with no effort…
The Telelever A-arm looks OK. (Apart from the fact that it hits the Hepcko & Becker crash bars :splat.
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I can’t see the dreaded cracks in the paint.
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The grease under the dust cup is common practice on dirt bikes (real ones, that is). But the manual of my KTM says to put new grease in every 15 riding hours! So, I guess it is a good thing to do if we do ride off-road, but it should be at least inspected on a regular basis (like monthly?)
I borrowed a friend’s micrometer and built a pennytech measuring stand:
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As expected, the tubes are more or less inside spec (0.016″)regarding runout. (one is at 0.015″ and the other at 0.018″).
Well then why does the shop manual say to do so?
BMW Shop Manual Page 31.9] • Install fixed tube. • Install washer (6). • Push the lightly oiled shaft sealing ring fully up to the stop on the slider tube, then press home by tapping lightly and using threaded bush, BMW No. 31 5 611, expander, BMW No. 31 5 612, and reducing adapter, BMW No. 31 5 613. • Install retaining ring and dust wiper. • Insert bleed screw (1). • Bleed telescopic forks under zero load.
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louisonurmark · 6 years
For as long as I could remember, the B-segment sedan market was the epicentre of the Malaysian automotive industry – it was the segment that commanded the most attention and one that had the greatest impact on our buying habits. And while plenty of segment players have come and gone, two titans remain etched in consumers’ minds – the Honda City and the Toyota Vios.
Both cars battled it out for decades as king of this hotly-contested segment, each taking turns to deal blows with every passing generation, and each seemingly unwilling to back down. In recent years, it was the more modern, more competent City that secured the lead, helping Honda break Toyota’s stranglehold on the non-national sales title, as well as becoming the second most popular brand overall.
Not a moment too soon, the new Vios was introduced just last month, here to reclaim the ground it lost. This time, however, there’s more to the battle than just its arch nemesis – in case you haven’t heard, the SUV is the new “in” thing, and with the emergence of the ever-popular Honda HR-V and with models from Proton and Perodua encroaching into the segment’s price range, it’s getting very crowded indeed.
So, seconds out, round four – is the new Vios good enough not just to overcome its bitter rival, but also fend off the more desirable crossovers in the periphery – and make buyers overlook that enormous front grille? Toyota was eager for us to find out, so it got us to drive the latest heavyweight contender all the way to Desaru and back for a proper test.
Toyota may bill this Vios as all new, but it actually rides on the same platform as before, dating back to the second-gen model from 2007. It doesn’t even have a new model code – instead, it continues the same NSP151 designation as its predecessor. Not to matter, because pretty much everything you can see and feel (except the engine and transmission, which we’ll get to later) has been revamped in one way or another.
Not least of which are the looks, and it’s here that the company decided to throw caution to the wind, its Keen Look design language reaching cartoonish levels. It’s the front end that is divisive, with a humongous lower grille giving the car an absolutely massive grin, and a slim central inlet acting as a “moustache”. The effect is amplified by the vertical fog light surrounds that sit at the far corners of the bumper, flanking the grille.
The rest of the design is pretty straightforward, with broader, slimmer and sharper head- and tail lights contributing to a wider look. Along the side, a new shoulder line sweeps upwards aft from the front wheels and stretches towards the rear doors, and there’s also a second line that crosses the door handles on its way towards the tail lights. The beltline also sweeps up more elegantly than before.
Instead of offering a tarted-up TRD Sportivo model at the top of the range, UMW Toyota Motor is providing a bodykit as a standalone option on all models. I never liked these kits as they always added a lot of visual bulk, but I’ll admit that the front grille garnish on this one does disguise the size of that grille somewhat.
The interior is more conventional, with the only controversial bit being the Lexus NX-esque protruding centre console. The fake stitching on the hard plastic dashboard is just as offensive as ever, but the presentation is at least a little more tasteful here, and it’s all screwed together in typical Toyota bombproof fashion.
A new feature is the standard-fit automatic air-conditioning, which was previously only offered in other markets, although you still don’t get rear vents. Corolla Altis owners will be familiar with the redesigned three-spoke steering wheel, which loses the outgoing model’s slightly flattened bottom but still has a rim that is just a touch too thick for my liking, and which still doesn’t adjust for reach.
Behind it sit a pair of clear, legible dials (somewhat obscured by reflections) that do a fancy sweeping motion on startup, as well as a new 4.2-inch colour multi-info display that has been seen on everything from the Camry to the 86. At the back, the rear cupholders (there are now two of them) have been moved into the rear armrest, and the new USB charging ports are a godsend – even if they look like complete afterthoughts.
Don’t expect any miracles in terms of cabin space, as the exterior dimensions remain largely identical. Sure, at 4,425 mm long and 1,730 mm wide, the new car is 15 mm longer and 30 mm wider, but it retains the old car’s 1,475 mm height and 2,550 mm wheelbase, so no packaging breakthroughs here.
Indeed, you’re not gonna find rear legroom that would put D-segment sedans to shame – that’s still the City’s party trick – and rear headroom is also a little tight due to the sloping roofline. But it’s not what you’d call cramped by any stretch of the imagination, and you’ll still fit four adults comfortably.
The boot, which measures the same 506 litres as before, is likewise not class leading but it’s plenty for groceries and luggage. Do bear in mind, however, that the 60:40-split rear seats do not fold completely flat, the resulting bump making loading longer items a pain; the pews are also fixed on the base J variant.
One area that sees a much-needed improvement is safety. All models now get seven airbags as standard (up from just two before), joining stability control that was introduced across the range in 2016. What’s more, the top G model receives blind spot monitoring, but unfortunately you still don’t get autonomous emergency braking. Come on, Toyota – you can get a Perodua Myvi with this kind of technology!
The engine remains unchanged for 2019, retaining the 2NR-FE 1.5 litre Dual VVT-i naturally-aspirated four-cylinder mill that makes the same outputs as before – 107 PS at 6,000 rpm and 140 Nm of torque at 4,200 rpm. It’s now paired exclusively to a continuously variable transmission with a seven-speed mode (and new paddle shifters for the G), meaning that, for the first time, there won’t be a manual option, not even on the J.
Yes, before you rush into the comments, it’s yet another carryover engine and gearbox for the Vios, but at least here they are both fairly up-to-date, being only three years old. Indeed, the powertrain doesn’t feel at all outdated – it’s responsive and creamy smooth, and I’m pretty sure it will deliver the kind of fuel efficiency that buyers have come to expect in this segment.
What it does feel is underpowered. Sure, a deficit of 13 PS and 5 Nm over the City may not seem like much, but when both power and torque outputs are barely into triple figures, you’re going to notice the difference. Especially if you compare the two cars back-to-back, like what Toyota let us do during the drive.
Whereas the Honda will almost leap off the line, the Toyota struggles to get up to highway speeds, even though the engine itself is perky and willing to rev. It needs all the help it can get, and thankfully the CVT has been retuned to mitigate the relative lack of pace.
I’ve previously criticised the transmission for being sluggish, and it the recalibration goes some way towards addressing that, the CVT responding noticeably quicker to throttle inputs. The City is quicker still but at times it feels a little overeager, so it can be a bit difficult to drive smoothly. The Vios counters by reacting in more gradual and progressive manner, which is a benefit in stop-start traffic.
Of course, you can play around with the new Sport mode (conversely, an Eco mode is also available), which actually does a commendable job in making the car feel more sprightly, keeping the engine at higher revs and operating more like a stepped automatic transmission.
The snappy seven-speed function also does a better job of mimicking actual gears compared to other similar systems – even though the paddles themselves feel disappointingly cheap. I’d leave it as it is, however; this is still a family car, after all, and there’s only so much the CVT can do to mask the shortfall in power.
It’s just as well, then, that Toyota has not tried to chase a sportier driving experience, and instead sought to improve the Vios’ already impressive ride comfort and refinement. To that end, torsional rigidity has been increased thanks to a greater number of spot welding points and the use of underbody reinforcement, and spring and damper rates have also been updated.
The car’s deputy chief engineer Akira Kasamatsu told us Toyota not only benchmarked the new Vios against the City but also larger, more sophisticated C-segment models – and it clearly shows. Next to the Honda, this is a much more relaxing car to cruise in on the highway, with much lower road and wind noise even at speeds well over triple figures – undoubtedly helped by the acoustic windscreen found on the E and G models.
It also has the more absorbent ride, with soft springs and reasonable damping helping to iron out much of our pockmarked roads, even though it can’t quite shake off the cheap, hollow feel of most Japanese B-segment models. The result is a calmer drive, whether you’re just pootling along or travelling at a faster pace.
Out on the open road, the City’s sharper steering makes an immediate first impression, but a lack of body control also means that it feels more nervous as speeds climb, an unfortunate Honda trait in recent years. The Vios, meanwhile, is more composed and stable – but two things count against it.
Firstly, the car oddly tends to get affected by crosswinds, even at the national speed limit, causing it to meander around in its own lane. Correcting its trajectory isn’t such a straightforward task, either, no thanks to the steering that is so slow and vague as to give you no sense of connection to the front wheels.
As you’d expect, this also counts against the Vios when it comes to going around corners, with the numb helm and excessive body roll discouraging you from driving in a more spirited manner, even though the chassis itself is more than capable of coping. Despite its sporting pretensions, this is a car whose comfort-oriented character nudges you into taking things slow in order to appreciate its strengths.
Don’t let the stylistic overhaul fool you – the new Vios isn’t a wholesale revolution. Rather, it’s a surprisingly nuanced rejuvenation that leans heavily on the things that made this segment stalwart such a favourite for family buyers in the first place. However (and this is a personal thing), I’ve always felt that UMW Toyota’s practice of offering bodykits and its insistence of turning it into an amateur race car sends mixed signals.
For this is no longer the sportiest offering in this segment, neither possessing the most powerful engine nor the most dynamic of handling characteristics. For better or for worse, it’s the City that will give you what little enjoyment that can be had in this price range. But then, if performance and driver involvement is what you’re looking for, what on earth are you doing shopping for a B-segment sedan?
More worrying for Toyota is the emerging brigade of crossovers looking to steal its lunch money, and we’ll have to wait and see if the market will shift away from the humble four-door. Be in no doubt, however, that the Vios has never been better equipped to take them all head on. But you’ll have to get over that big mouth first.
DRIVEN: 2019 Toyota Vios – old hand learns new tricks For as long as I could remember, the B-segment sedan market was the epicentre of the Malaysian automotive industry – it was the segment that commanded the most attention and one that had the greatest impact on our buying habits.
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jacewilliams1 · 6 years
What draws us skyward?
I’ve never been able to actually put a finger on the target with this question. We all have our individual reasons, but I’m sure most of us have the same unexplainable reason that we can’t seem to spit out when talking to our non-pilot friends, resulting in some disgusted faces as we beat around the bush.
Obviously there are exceptions, but I would say that most of us either had the aviation bug since we were kids or we took a ride in an airplane that forever had us looking up. For me I just always had the bug. As long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to fly.
My first actual sense of flight started in the remote control world. Learning the basics of what makes aircraft fly. I’ll never forget building that first balsa wood airplane in the shop with my dad and watching it fly for the first time. This only strengthened my love for flight. My first actual small plane ride was in a Cub or a Champ; I was too little to remember. That first sense of flight and controlling something that operates in three dimensions was definitely something that changes you.
Sometimes a first flight lesson is the start of a whole new life.
From there I didn’t fly again until 7th grade. My family was tired of hearing me talk aviation constantly, so they let me schedule a flight lesson. Sadly, for them, I kept talking more! That first actual flight in that Cessna 172, N6506D (I’m still taking lessons in that plane), influenced me more than anything else in my life. On top of this, there was no better place to do it than my home, Flathead Valley, Montana.
I got to fly the entire flight, excluding landing. That afternoon, I got my first logbook entry signed and a love that will hopefully never end. After that first year, I logged a couple more hours here and there but nothing major. However, the summer between 8th grade and freshman year of high school, I flew a ton. Takeoffs, steep-turns, landings, everything.
I continued learning how to fly until the end of my freshman year. That’s when the light bulb clicked on. Flying isn’t just going out and having a couple of good laughs while pulling some G’s in a steep turn (minor for the acro guys, but for me this was major). If I wanted to fly, I would have to get down to the nitty-gritty and learn everything I could.
So now, as a sophomore, I’m in the King Schools PPL ground school. Over the past summer, I learned more than I ever have in that period of time working at the local airport (KGPI). Thanks to the local FBO, I had the opportunity to be the first high school student they ever hired. I gladly took the job. During my time with them, I learned how to fuel Embraer and Airbus airliners as well as marshal aircraft, and some very important people skills working with private aircraft.
With this, I was able to meet a wide variety of people. One day you met a celebrity and just a few minutes later you met a couple in a Tri-Pacer flying to California to go house hunting. I’m a people person and found this part of the job fascinating. I think I even have the basis for some studies on humans and how they interact, but that’s another subject.
The post What draws us skyward? appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2019/01/what-draws-us-skyward/
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privateplates4u · 5 years
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Exclusive 2018 Kia Stinger GT First Test: Well Stung
The concept of “grand touring” has been around for centuries, and the moniker has been applied to cars since the 1940s, but it’s a term we tend to associate with exotic sports cars. The formula, though, is pretty simple: stylish, comfortable on a long drive, and plenty of power. But there’s no rule that says it has to cost a fortune, and the Kia Stinger GT is absolutely taking advantage of this exception. We’ve driven prototypes at an overseas R & D complex, on a frozen Swedish lake, and on the Nürburgring Nordschleife. Now, finally, we’ve driven a production-spec 2018 Kia Stinger GT on real roads and to our own Auto Club Speedway test track. How does it fare against the German luxury sedans against which it will undoubtedly be compared? Korean-branded cars usually aren’t synonymous with performance, but the rear-drive Stinger GT launches from 0 to 60 mph in 4.8 seconds and clocks the standing quarter mile in 13.3 seconds at 106.9 mph. An emergency stop from 60 mph requires 113 feet, and it’ll pull 0.85 average lateral g on a skidpad. On our exclusive figure-eight test track, the Stinger GT recorded a lap of 26.2 seconds at 0.71 average lateral g. Impressive numbers. It’s pretty good to drive away from the test track, too. Out in the mountains, the Stinger GT exhibits a surprising but intriguing combination of vertical compliance and lateral stiffness. Over bumps, the suspension was soft and the ride of luxury-car quality. In the corners, though, it was stiff with excellent body control. Even when pushing hard, the Stinger GT rode well but dug into corners with little body roll. The power is well-matched to the vehicle and only feels inadequate if you let the revs drop too low. You want those turbochargers working for you, and the best way to do it is to take advantage of the paddle shifters because the transmission isn’t quite aggressive enough for the really twisty roads. “The engine has a fat torque curve, strong in midrange with noticeable lag at the bottom end,” our staff professional racer, Randy Pobst, said during filming for an episode of Ignition—which you can watch right now at Motor Trend OnDemand and YouTube.com/motortrend. “Low revs mean calling ahead and waiting for the power to be delivered. The Stinger is quite powerful, and one must constantly remind oneself that this is a Kia that is tearing up this winding road or on-ramp.” Randy’s critique continued: “The transmission is just not sport-smart enough in automatic, especially on the track. It shifts up, so I just let it. There’s no reason for me to pull that paddle. I just have to remember to downshift on the way in, or else it won’t. The shifting is reasonable. It matches revs. It’s quick.” It’s hard to say whether the transmission programming has changed since I drove a prototype on the Nürburgring or if our mountain roads and the Streets of Willow Springs racetrack are so much tighter that it amplifies the transmission’s inadequacy, but my initial impressions were more positive. As well as we know the Stinger GT can drift in the right conditions, it doesn’t actually want to get wild out in the real world. The suspension tuning is conservative, the default behavior at the limit understeer. It makes the car very stable, never trying to swap ends no matter how hard you drive it. Thankfully, there’s a lot of grip in the front end, so you have to push it very hard to get it to plow. Just driving fast, it feels neutral. You need to be pushing your braking points to the last second and carrying as much speed as possible into a corner to make it cry uncle. Here again, I wonder if the American-market tuning increases understeer versus the European-spec car I drove. Or maybe Randy just carries that much more speed in the corners. It’s probably the latter. The upshot: You’ll never feel a stability control intervention. “What they’ve done is create stability control by tuning the car for a lot of understeer in the middle of a corner,” Randy said. That’s not to say it won’t drift. Turn the computer off, give it a Scandinavian flick and too much throttle, and it’ll do a nice power oversteer or two. It’s just not a hoon by nature. “It seems that the stability control is always learning and adapting,” Randy said. “Even with it turned off, it became more and more invasive as the day wore on, and the wheelspin and sliding woke up the nannies that watch over us hooligans. After a few nice drifts, the car began to resolutely resist power oversteer—a darned shame and frustrating.” In other words, this is a grand touring sedan that actually takes its GT badge seriously. Out on the highway, it’s everything you want on a road trip. It floats over bad pavement while remaining taut and responsive on long, sweeping corners. In a world of Demons and Hellcats, 365 hp might not seem like a lot, but it’s plenty when applied correctly. The in-house eight-speed auto is programmed smartly for real-world conditions, delivering downshifts with little prodding. With the revs up and the turbos spinning, the engine delivers a pleasant surge of power that whisks you past trucks and loafers. It’s a very easy and comfortable car to cover distance in. “The springs and shocks that control vertical motion are quite soft,” Randy said. “But transitional responses are quite well-controlled, likely by relatively strong anti-roll bars, and the ride is still quite compliant. Think ‘older Buick’ ride quality. Surprising for a sport sedan like this.” It’s not just comfortable from the driver’s seat, either. The Kia has 2 to 4 inches of wheelbase over the Germans, and it puts them to good use. There’s ample rear-seat legroom and, despite the sloping roof, headroom for tall people. The front seats, meanwhile, are aggressively bolstered so you can concentrate on those mountain roads when you cross their path. Capable though it may be from seat to steering, and despite testing it on the Nürburgring, Kia insists the Stinger GT isn’t a track car. We took it to a track anyway, and things got complicated. Kia’s press cars at the moment are all preproduction prototypes, and the first car they gave us suffered a power steering failure and had to be replaced. The second car, as it turns out, hadn’t yet had its U.S.-spec springs and dampers installed, and it exhibited considerably more body roll and understeer on the track than the first car. As a result, Randy posted a lap time—1:28.90—that he felt wasn’t representative of what the car could do. With a properly equipped car, Randy believes he could subtract a full second. Things that didn’t change on track: the car’s weight and its braking performance—113 feet isn’t anywhere near a record in our 60–0-mph braking test, but it only tells part of the story. Randy was continually impressed at the durability of the brakes. Throughout a very hot day, the pedal remained consistent, and the steel brakes refused to fade. “The brakes are impressively strong, with a consistent and firm pedal feel that inspires confidence,” he said. “The braking does not upset the chassis, and the pad compound can take the heat.” There will be heat, and not just from the brakes. The Stinger GT is taking on a wildly competitive segment ruled by a small in-crowd. Whether it’s staring down the German triumvirate or the American holdouts, the sport sedan from the value brand has a lot to prove. “For a first effort at a genuine sport sedan, the Stinger is quite an accomplishment,” Randy said. “It clearly is set up for a comfortable ride as a priority over race car dynamics, but in the real world, this makes sense. Even more so among buyers of a big, powerful GT car.” Like no Korean car before it, the Stinger GT speaks the language of the enthusiast. Will they listen? 2018 Kia Stinger GT BASE PRICE $40,000 (est) PRICE AS TESTED $50,000 (est) VEHICLE LAYOUT Front-engine, RWD, 5-pass, 4-door sedan ENGINE 3.3L/365-hp/376-lb-ft twin-turbo DOHC 24-valve V-6 TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic CURB WEIGHT (F/R DIST) 4,005 lb (52/48%) WHEELBASE 114.1 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 190.2 x 73.6 x 55.1 in 0-60 MPH 4.8 sec QUARTER MILE 13.3 sec @ 106.9 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 113 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 0.85 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 26.2 sec @ 0.71 g (avg) EPA CITY/HWY/COMB FUEL ECON Not Tested How does the Stinger stack up? How good are the Kia’s performance numbers for a 365-hp 3.3-liter twin-turbo V-6 with 376 lb-ft of torque and a roughly $40,000 starting price? They seem all right when you consider the Stinger GT falls between a midsize and full-size sedan in dimension and weighs 4,005 pounds. Making a direct comparison is trickier because it’s hard to say exactly what the Stinger competes with. The Chevrolet SS was the most obvious spoiler, but it’s out of production. It started at about $48,000, hit 60 mph in 4.7 seconds, ran a quarter mile in 13.2 seconds at 108.9 mph, stopped from 60 in 108 feet, pulled 0.94 g average on the skidpad, and posted a 24.7-second figure-eight lap at 0.78 g average. You could match it up with the Dodge Charger even though that car is 10 inches longer with a wheelbase nearly 6 inches longer, and it’s 300 pounds heavier. An R/T with the 370-hp 5.7-liter V-8 is cheaper by five grand, but the Kia will dust it everywhere but the skidpad and figure eight—and even then, it’s close. You need the $41,000 R/T Scat Pack with the 485-hp 6.4-liter V-8 if you want to win. And the Kia has a far nicer interior. No, Kia wants a piece of the Germans. After all, the Stinger GT has a hatchback like the smaller Audi A5 Sportback or BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe. (The more appropriately sized Audi A7 is $69,000, in case you were wondering.) The Audi A5 is $43,000 to start, and your only option is the 252-hp 2.0-liter turbo-four. Based on results of the lighter A4, it’s slower, but like the Charger, it just pips the Kia on the skidpad and figure eight. But it’s substantially smaller. The BMW is also smaller but can be had with a turbo I-6 with 320 hp for about $50,000. Based on our test of the lighter 340i sedan, the 440i Gran Coupe is slower than the Kia, full stop. Mercedes-Benz doesn’t make a hatchback sedan (yet), but to smoke the Kia, you’d need to spring for the $54,000 C43 AMG, which clips the Kia in every test but is, again, a smaller package. In other words, the Kia can hang with the big dogs and might have carved out a pretty sharp niche.The post Exclusive 2018 Kia Stinger GT First Test: Well Stung appeared first on Motor Trend.
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ngilesewurhet-blog · 6 years
Goodnight, Adieu
The Personal, Technical, and Public Spheres: A Note on 21st Century Critical Communication Theory G. Thomas Goodnight
Goodnight defines critical communication inquiry by, “any particular act of argument, custom of practice, or institutional convention [that] carries with it expectations—which themselves could be granted and extended or disputed and taken to task” (259). He explains, “the test of taken-for-granted rules for communication is whether they are necessary or sufficient for the communicative work of agreement or disagreement” (259). My understanding of this is basically anything that isn’t a scientific fact, like the sun rising or the earth being round (sorry flat-earthers). To me, critical communication theory parallels critical literacy, which I learned through reading Knoblauch as an assigned text to English 101 students. Like this text, I had to read and reread multiple times to understand the concepts and decipher the codes (are codes related to heteroglossia?) because I am not well versed in the field of rhetoric theory. I do better with real-world application and examples, which I wish this text had more of, to understand its complexity. I’m not even sure that it’s a complex theory more than it’s written in complex language that a layman like myself has difficulty taking in on the first go. I wish I had a spirit guide of sorts that would help me navigate the exhaustive language of theorists (hint, hint). 
Anyways, the focus of the article is on “argumentative spheres”: the public sphere, the personal, and the technical. He begins by explaining these spheres in the social context. It is his belief that “argumentation always, though unevenly, had fueled American democratic practices”, which is difficult to argue with. In fact, I have always believed that argument, though I have always used the term protest, is what built this country. The social contexts he refers to are debate, societal conventions, action, politics, general communication and so forth. I would even argue that there is nothing that doesn’t fit into the social context, even talking to the voice in ones head is a social act. I don’t know if there’s a point to that, but I digress. Goodnight addresses this need to categorize when he says, “theory was brought on board to enable researchers to classify types or dimensions of communication and, thereby, to measure effects” (259). Pardon me while I follow my stream of consciousness here, but I believe the reasons I have such difficulty in reading theory is because, to me, it’s more chaotic to put names to things and then only address those things by the name that someone has created. Like I said, I do better with examples. My criticism of theory is that one has to be a freaking academic in a particular field to understand basic concepts that could be explained anecdotally. Gosh, can you tell how much I love theory? Soooo, long-winded point. When he uses the term social contexts, I have a hard time knowing what he means because social contexts can literally be anything. Much like Burke’s idea of “a set of interrelated terms” underwritten “like the law” (259). As such, he explains that these terms are “agreed upon terms”, but I don’t remember signing a contract. Is it possible that my frustration purely lies in the fact that I am struggling to understand? Yes. In fact, I’m sure that’s what it is. As a result, I have a difficult time covering the topic. For the sake of brevity, I’m going to move beyond the second page.
What I found compelling is how the three spheres work. He argues says that, “ each sphere appears to offer an assortment of spaces and styles of circulation that suit the communicative activities of assertion and doubt, belief and skepticism” and that “extensions of these expectations may vault into unreasonable demands, however, when conditions of reasonability for one context are unjustifiably expected of another” (260). I truly don’t understand what this means but I think it relates to a later point that “ the relationship among and within spheres…becomes a generative condition for controversies that may not quickly or easily be resolved”. As I see it, each sphere doesn’t act alone but more represents an overlapping Venn diagram of sorts where personal arguments, technical arguments, and public arguments are difficult to keep separated in practice. He uses the point that “ one’s dentist does not have to be a good friend or a Democrat; just a competent dentist” (260). To which I would reply, these days, American politics have become so polarized that that argument doesn’t hold up. I know of many examples where this may not be true. One in particular that comes to mind is the dentist who went on safari in Africa and came back with the head of an adored lion. So yes, I believe that even a dentist and his beliefs are enough to discourage someone with opposing beliefs to see that particular dentist. Perhaps an alternate argument could be made to support his point that would help me to understand the concept he is arguing, although I don’t know what that would be. It seems that our political culture is losing its ability to compartmentalize certain aspects of our day-to-day. Now, that’s an extreme example, I know. However, I know there are people participating in our economy that would, say, not sell a wedding cake to a gay couple because it’s against their religion despite the fact that they would be getting paid regardless. Politics are increasingly at odds with the argument about just being “a competent dentist”. That’s not to say that I would discontinue visits with my regular dentist if I were to find out he’s a Republican. But what if I found out that he’s an evangelical that regularly shames women for exercising their rights to abortion?
I hope I’m not coming off as being in complete disagreement with Goodnight, because I’m not. I’m just arguing that that particular example may need to be reexamined because I obviously can’t get past it (not that I’m anyone to criticize a clearly brilliant person). I also acknowledge the possibility that I am completely in the dark about what he’s saying. Sometimes my students will argue against an idea because they clearly don’t understand it. Am I that student?
I do have much more to say about this article and turn things around into a positive light, but as for right now, I’ve exhausted myself. Tomorrow I will continue with the article after I’ve had a chance to take a step back. I have yet to get to my favorite section, “Spheres of Argument and the Communications Revolution”.
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itsworn · 6 years
A 1955 Chevy 210 Packed With ’50s Style and Modern Muscle
Just about everyone has a cool Christmas story about finding a shiny new bike next to the Christmas tree or maybe a new car with a bow on top out in the driveway. For Allen and Shelly Smith, their story is a little different. It involves a worn and weary 1955 Chevy under a tarp at a relative’s house.
“It was Christmas Eve 2003 at Aunt Kathy and Uncle Larry’s house,” Allen remembers. “Shelly and I were watching the rain pouring down outside the kitchen window when I saw an easily recognizable silhouette under a blue tarp in the back yard. Later that evening we asked Uncle Larry what was under that blue tarp. ‘It’s just an old Chevy,’ he said. ‘Do you want it?’ Of course, I said yes.”
Allen and Uncle Larry struck a deal on the Chevy—including the agreement that Aunt Kathy could drive it when it was done. Soon after trailering it home to Santee, California, Allen had the 210 Post’s 283 engine breathing and the car driving again, but the project didn’t take off for several years. In 2012, Allen was getting restless while recovering from shoulder surgery and started looking toward the Chevy. His doctors agreed that he could get busy with hand tools. The initial teardown was done carefully with help from his friend Matt Funkhouser, owner of Funkhouser Racecars, who strengthened the frame, added back-half crossmembers, and installed a Chris Alston’s Chassisworks Pro Street four-link system. Front and rear QA1 Pro Coil adjustable coilovers were added to help achieve the desired low posture. The frontend includes tubular control arms and Heidts 2-inch drop spindles, along with an antiroll bar and steering box from Classic Performance Products. The rear four-link locates the rearend, with a Chris Alston’s g-Bar Suspension FAB9 housing, 3.70 gears, Eaton Detroit Truetrac differential, and Strange Pro HD aluminum case. A Chris Alston’s rear antiroll bar and Panhard bar further improve the handling characteristics of the street performance–oriented chassis.
Billet Specialties SLD89 five-spoke wheels match the Chevy’s overall nostalgic styling, but the dimensions are not exactly retro. Funkhouser installed mini-tubs and reconfigured the trunk tin to clear the 18×12 rear wheels wrapped in fat 345/35R18 Mickey Thompson ET Street SS tires. The front 17x7s roll on 205/50ZR17 Falken Azenis rubber. Wilwood Dynalite 12-inch front and rear brakes slow things down, aided by Wilwood tandem master cylinders and proportioning valve. A line-lock on the TCI Outlaw pistol-grip shifter controls the front brakes (for when Aunt Kathy gets to drive, no doubt).
As the chassis was under construction, the exterior sheetmetal was delivered to ACM Body & Paint in Escondido, California, to be media-blasted, repaired, primered, and sealed. Allen and Shelly wanted to keep a stock outer appearance, so brightwork, hardware, and proportions were retained; the filled fuel door is a mild custom departure from original. Restoration parts include a reproduction grille, headlights, taillights, side mirrors, and handles, all from Danchuk. Replacement glass is from Eckler’s Automotive Parts. D&R Chrome supplied the custom smooth bumpers.
Ramon Gonzalez at ACM shot the Axalta paint. The two-tone color scheme is a combination of GM White Diamond with gold pearl and dark gray (Allen calls it Gunmetal or Graphite) with blue metallic and pearl to add a Navy blue tone.
By now it had occurred to Allen that the Chevy would need more power than what the 283 could provide. Greg Grosset at Total Performance Machine & Fabrication in Santee located a DART all-aluminum 427 and rebuilt it for the Chevy, using Ross forged pistons and Oliver billet connecting rods with a Callies Magnum crankshaft, plus a Howards cam and Crower rockers, springs, and valves. The aluminum heads are topped with custom valve covers. Allen’s friend Paul Garrett at Rod’s by PG built the air filter housing that tops a Holley 850-cfm carb and Edelbrock Victor Jr. ­­manifold. An MSD Digital 6-Plus ignition fires the 427, a Mattson aluminum crossflow radiator with dual SPAL fans keeps it cool, and a Vintage Air Front Runner system drives accessories and dresses up the front. Bob Butler fabricated the custom headers. Ed Hanson’s Muffler Service built the 3-inch pipes feeding exhaust to MagnaFlow SS mufflers or through Quick Time Performance remote-control cutouts. Certified Transmission Santee considered vehicle weight, tire size, 638hp rating, rear gears, and intended use to custom build a 700-R4 transmission specifically for Allen’s street performance 210. East County Driveshaft supplied the custom driveshaft.
Allen wanted an interior that “respected the car’s character but tuned it up a bit,” and discussed his ideas with George Torres of Armando’s Custom Upholstery in San Jacinto. Those ideas were carried out with dark graphite and off-white leather upholstery, stitched in a retro style, over the door panels and modified factory seat (redone as a split-back bench). Billet Specialties door handles and steering wheel (on an ididit tilt column) are a contemporary complement to the retro-themed upholstery. A Danchuk insert dresses up the factory dash and a Classic Instruments Bel Era III Package combines Tri-Five style and modern instrument technology. The factory-style radio is a Custom Autosound Slidebar radio, installed by Allen and wired to Pioneer speakers. Vents for the Vintage Air A/C were mounted in the lower dash and a custom console was fabricated for the TCI shifter. Allen used an American Autowire harness to wire the Chevy.
The Chevy was completed in early 2018, after six years of on-again-off-again progress. Work had stalled temporarily by another shoulder injury in 2016, but Allen found ways to continue the build one-handed. Paul Garrett, Shelly, and other friends helped out when two or more hands were required. Allen said that those six years paid off when he saw the look on Shelly’s face as she drove out of 2018 Goodguys Meguiar’s Del Mar Nationals in April.
“We began building the car just wanting to make it driveable,” he says, “then decided that it was worth doing right and committed to investing the time, effort, and money needed to honor, respect, and appreciate this 1955 Chevrolet. We are now waiting for Aunt Kathy to come back down from Oregon to drive it!”
The post A 1955 Chevy 210 Packed With ’50s Style and Modern Muscle appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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