#remember when I answered this ask request saying I'd have this done in a month???
not sure if I've already requested this so sorry if I have haha,
but how would the m6 react to a mc with sh scars? if it's not too heavy of a topic for you, if it is, I completely understand that :)
The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC has SH scars
~ not too heavy at all, anon, I'd actually been hoping to write this at some point and your request gave me that excuse! to anyone else who relates a little too much: you're not alone, your pain is valid, and there is hope for you even when it doesn't feel like it - brainrot ~
CW for: references to scarring and self-harm. I can remember points in my life when this would have been triggering for me to read. If this would be triggering for you too, please prioritize your health.
He noticed early on that you'd get a strange look on your face when he mentioned being comfortable with experiencing pain, and he's been curious about why for some time
You generally found a way to hide them - whether with your clothes or in the low lighting - until after you defeated the Devil, which was when Julian was less distracted enough to notice more details
Like the unusual textures that appeared when your clothes shifted as you moved around your daily tasks, and how hellbent you seemed on immediately adjusting them
He waits to approach the subject until he knows you're both in a calm headspace, after the day is done as the two of you lounge in front of the fire with your dinner
He wants to hear your side of things, but the first thing he's going to ask is to let him look at them. He's a doctor, he loves you, and he wants to know the extent of the damage and how he can help your healing
Might cry a little, but hides it and refuses to make it about himself by pulling you into the biggest hug instead
It throws him into some serious self reflection, which leads to lots of late-night talks about self-destructive habits and how you two can best support each other in a way that's loving and not enabling
Will get a matching tattoo if you choose to cover them that way
The first time they saw them was right after your resurrection, and their heart sank right down into their feet
Here he felt like he'd just saved you, only to find that you'd not only woken up in a miserable state, but that the life you'd had before had been far more painful for you than he had been aware of
Which is when they became determined to give you such a good life and so much platonic love and support that the scars on your body would truly belong to a past life
The first time you asked him about why you had them, he said they were leftover from an old battle that you had fought very bravely. Going into any more detail only made your headaches worse
They did watch your behavior and mood closely, though, in case you started to fight that battle again. They never judged you for them or offered to smooth them over
After you defeated the Devil together, he told you the truth about them and what they meant, even though he didn't know the details of why you had them
It was also their chance to give you an apology for not noticing before you died, when they were still your friend and cared about you. They know it's not their fault, but the guilt was still there
He kisses them every morning and night
She's heard vague stories from her family members about people who were in so much pain that they would self harm, but she'd never seen such a strong example in person
Which is why she initially assumed they were the result of some fierce battle or tragedy, and planned to ask you later
She first noticed them when she was fitting you for a new outfit, and saw how hesitant you were to let her look at them. Everything she's made for you since covers them completely
She finally asks about them several months into your relationship, expecting you to either not remember or to hear a moving story of conquering some fierce enemy or fighting for a loved one
To say that she doesn't expect your answer is an understatement. It surprises her so much that her only response is "oh," in an unusually small voice, before moving on to the next topic
She's able to process it the next time she's alone, when she's struck both by her awe at your capacity to fight something so dark and by her grief that you've been doing it without her all this time
Clears her next evening to have a private dinner with you, first so she can apologize for her initial response and second so she can invite you to tell her more about it and offer her support
Likes to dress you herself so you know you're not alone or unseen
Knew exactly what they were as soon as he saw them, which was less than half a day into your travels South with Morga
And promptly refused to talk about it because he can relate to those dark impulses more than he'd like to and because he didn't see it as being any of his business. But he does start to watch you
He watches for any sign of pain, he watches how you fix your clothes, he watches how your gaze falls on any sharp object, because even if it isn't his business he cares more than he expects
He becomes less and less discreet about how closely he's observing you until you finally notice it one evening, how the firelight falls on your scars and how his eyes fixate on them
At this point the reciprocated staring is so awkward that he'll do anything to fix the tension, so he shuffles and mumbles something along the lines of "You can talk about it if you want to. I don't mind."
So you do, and he gets hit square in the chest with how much he's come to care about you over the course of the trip
He's especially frustrated because he empathizes so deeply, and since he doesn't know how to fix himself, he's worried he'll only mess you up further
In the end, he learns to apply the kindness he feels towards you to himself as well, and sees your scars as valid as he sees his own
She's still very embarrassed (and slightly ashamed) for how things went the first time she saw them
She'd noticed something peeking out from your clothes, and how you seemed focused on covering them, and falsely assumed that it was some cool magical tattoo
Which only piqued her curiosity. This has to be juicy, and she's determined to get a closer look. Which is why, as soon as you'd become friends, she took her first chance to snatch a look
And then froze. And then dropped you, and then burst into tears. How could this happen, MC? Why would you do this to yourself? It looks like it must have hurt so much -
It's unfortunate but you're going to have to comfort her first while she works her way through the five stages of grief. She loves you, and she's heartbroken and confused about why this would happen
She needs time to process how she feels about it before she can listen to you without having a meltdown. Her normal response to self-destruction is a fist to the gut (Ilya) and that wouldn't do
Ends up following your cues when it comes to how she talks to you about it. If it's in the past, it's in the past. If it's a current struggle, then she's your partner. She'll be right next to you
She does think your fighting spirit makes you badass, though
He's not great at noticing details unless they directly correspond to physical strengths and weaknesses. Any kind of scarring from a wound is (from his experience) a totally normal thing to see
When he starts to notice how you cover yours or get weird about them being touched, he asks about it right away
You've got such cool scars, MC, why are you hiding them? You should show them off so everyone knows how battle-tested you are! Here, he'll show his off too! *cue him stripping off his shirt*
It's a little difficult to know how best to respond to this. You're each other's life partners by now, he should probably know the truth, but you don't know how to burst his bubble
You do end up telling him later, once you're settling into your inn for the night, and watching the realization and hurt dawn across his face is anything but easy
MC, why? You deserve the best, you are the best, you're his best, you're telling him that you treated someone like yourself this poorly when you were showing him so much forgiveness?
He's not trying to guilt you at all, but it comes close to having that effect. The only thing he can think to do is hug you really really tight and hope it convinces you that you deserve better
Still refers to them as your battle scars, because to him they are
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rebelrayne · 1 month
Hi, I'd like to request something if that's okay. Which litg athletes do you see competing in olympics this year or maybe next four years? And which ones do you NOT see competing? I hate sports but I have a weakness for athletes, especially certain litg ones.
I can see Levi doing it this year, maybe Jamal (my baby daddy) this or next one. And I think Dylan and Arlo would be too cancelled to participate. What do you think?
Hi Anon! I'm not sure I'm the best person to answer this but I'll give it my best shot! I am not well-versed in sports so hahaha I kind of got a little unserious in some parts.
These are the Islanders that I came up with that are athletes (in some form or it is their job): Levi, Reese, Rahim, Henrik, Jakub, Jo, AJ, Tai, Dylan, Arlo, Pete, Jamal, Lewie, Chloe, Hazel, Logan, Jack, Sophie and Jude. Yes, Kat is a club dancer but I wasn't sure if I could count that with Chloe and Hazel, but I guess on a technicality she could be here, too.
Below the cut this is so long haha
Season 1
Levi - Would probably more likely be coaching at this point in his career. He'd be 32 and had made a name for himself, but ultimately stepped down to further himself in coaching. Could also see him being a commentator, too.
Reese - That mf isn't retiring until they say he's not allowed on the team anymore. Sadly, I don't think wrestling is too popular but I could be wrong. Like he'd pitch a fit and claim they were just against him or something. He'd be there (unfortunately for us).
Season 2
Rahim - Might be out of his prime now. I mean, we know he's good at what he does and all, but this is a pretty competitive sport and when newbies come in, they tend to take it by storm for a while. He's probably just playing the circuit.
Henrik - Yeah, he was a climbing instructor but there's sport climbing. I don't see him doing the Olympics though. He's pretty down to earth, probably not interested in making it his job in this way. He'd rather spread knowledge and love of climbing to others through teaching.
Jakub - lmao as if this big-headed buffoon would miss out on weightlifting or something. Like he's too stupid to be cut from the team anyway. Send him an email and he still flies to the Olympics because he can't read idk
Jo - She would qualify under Cycling BMX Racing and I think she would have done it before. I'm not sure if I'd believe that she's at this one though. She's older, probably settled down or at least doing something related and not racing as seriously anymore?
Season 3
AJ - Definitely there. Loves competition, a great team player. She's 100% playing Field Hockey at the Olympics and I love that for her.
Tai - So technically I think Tai is a rugby coach not a player? Maybe I'm not remembering that though. I think he would be more likely a coach than a player for this Olympics though personally. He has the personality to be tough but also inspirational.
Season 4
Dylan - Definitely did not make the roster after his S4 mishaps. They were so embarrassed that they ghosted him. Left him on read when he asked about how to put in an expense report to get money back for his flight and whatever because no one contacted him about flying with the team. His teammates all blocked him on social media except one, and they didn't only so they could see his profile and laugh about what a loser he is :)
Season 5
Arlo - I mean, I don't know if she got canceled sadly. She was doing what everyone on Love Island does and I can't really blame her. I think she was probably given the opportunity to try out for the team, but that doesn't exactly mean she made it. She was Semi Pro, which means she wasn't the best out there anyway.
Pete - Tried out to be on the sport climbing team, fell on his ass and still has a bruise on his tailbone eight months later. BYE.
Season 6
Jamal - Please, they probably invited him personally to be on the team. He's got such a great energy and he's funny. He'll be there for sure and is definitely medaling.
Lewie - I mean this is a big sport. Did he try out? Sure. Did he make it? Maybe. Football is a massive sport and you're going up against the best in the entire league. I'm going to stick him in the maybe but probably not.
Season 8
Logan - Does anyone even remember this guy? I mean, like, I picked him at the last recoupling and I still forget his ass exists. That's probably what happened if I'm honest. He tried out, the coaches forgot that he had and he never got a call. Aw, poor Logan. Maybe he should try being more memorable next time.
Jack - Oh, he tried. He tried and failed. They laughed and were like, no this is serious not just a hobby. But they invited him to be a Physio for the team so all in all, a win for Jack. (He fangirls over the cyclists when he sees them).
Sophie - I think she tried out and as annoying as she was, she may have made the cut for Acrobatic Gymnastics (is that a thing still? idk). Kinda hope she sprains her ankle as she walks up to the mat or whatever, but I'm kind of a terrible person so.
Season 9
Hamish - yes. If being annoying and obnoxious was a sport. I love him, but he would win the gold. No competition. Though he does play golf now......damn, is there anything he can't do????
Jude - Okay yeah he would be there but the last time it was held was 2021 so I guess it would be next year if it was every 4? Not sure on this but there is a Motor Sports category. You go, Jude! Even though you're kind of a dick and weirdly obsessed with Kat in my game.
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griffin-girl-r · 1 year
Now it's her, but then was you (Part 3)
Created: 03.03.2023
Finished: 10.03.2023
Edited: 25.09.2023
Age: 15
Word count: 5,947
Warnings: Blood, Death, Miscarriage, Loss, Gubshot wound
Request: Yes (Wattpad user)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Nikolai (Comic book character)
Part 2
One second.
16-year-old Natasha was anxiously waiting for her lover to show up at their meeting place.
Or better said, her fiancé whom she loved with all her heart.
"Natasha!" The boy that Natasha had been waiting for, called her with a wide grin on his face when he spotted her
"Nikolai!" Natasha shouted back with a smile as she ran into the boy's open arms
Nikolai kissed the red-headed girl with passion as he went a few days without seeing her.
He was a soldier in the Russian army.
Not by choice, that was clear.
He was taken away from his home by the government and forced to join the army to fight in a secret war they planned to start.
But now, he regrets nothing because, in this way, he got to meet his soulmate.
"How are you feeling?" The 17-year-old boy pulled away and cupped his finacée's face "I heard from one of the contacts I have in there that you have been feeling extremely sick for the past week since I saw you the last time."
"I'm okay." Natasha whispered "Don't worry."
"Don't lie to me, Tasha." The boy worriedly said "Have they done something to you?"
"Niko..." Natasha breathed out "Do you remember that night we spent together exactly a month ago after my birthday when you asked me to marry you?"
"How could I forget?" Nikolai nodded with a smile "One of the best days of my life."
"Well..." Natasha started as she looked down "I just found out that I'm pregnant, Niko." She quietly mumbled, unsure of the reaction her fiancé was going to have "4 weeks pregnant to be exact. The baby is yours."
Nikolai stared at young Natasha for a split moment as he processed the news he just heard in his shocked state.
"You-You're pregnant?" Nikolai stuttered "With my b-baby?"
Natasha nodded, still not daring to look up at Nikolai's face.
But instead of words, Natasha was pulled into a bone-crushing embrace as the tall boy pulled her head into his chest and kissed the top of it, over and over again.
Natasha was slightly taken aback by the sudden hug but wrapped her arms nonetheless around the boy's waist.
"That's wonderful." Nikolai sniffed, having a wide smile on his face and happy tears in his eyes "Oh, my Natasha, we are going to become parents. Do you know what that means? It means that we will finally be that family we dreamed about."
"You actually want this baby?" Natasha sniffed unsure as she pulled back from the hug "It comes with a lot of responsibility. You know, right?"
"Of course, I know. And my answer remains the same." Nikolai smiled "That's if you want to keep it too. You are the one who will carry it and go through all that pain of childbirth to bring this baby into the world, so if you say that you are not ready to go through all of this yet, I'm sure we could find a solution."
Natasha quickly nodded "I do want this child, Niko. I want it so much. This baby will mark a new beginning in our lives."
"Then I promise you that I will do everything I have to do, so I could get you out of that hell before our baby is born." The boy pressed a soft kiss on the girl's lips "I will be the man of this family and I'll protect you both. I'll find a way for us to escape somewhere they will never be able to find us. How about we go to the West? Settle there?"
"I'd love that so much." Natasha sniffed the happy tears away
"I hope we'll have a girl." Nikolai chuckled out of nowhere
"It's that so?" Natasha laughed "I thought that you would want our baby to be a boy. Well, you know, because you are a boy and most men wish to have a baby boy, not a girl."
"Not me." Nikolai shook his head "I want a baby girl that will be the spitting image of you. In this way, when we're old, I'll have a younger version of you and your beauty and kindness. You will forever stay young through our daughter, then through our granddaughter, and so on."
"Isn't it a little too early to think about grandkids?" The girl laughed
"Never!" Nikolai sternly stated with a smile "Grandkids will be a part of our life if we want to grow old together. But you know what I was thinking?"
"What?" Natasha softly smiled
"Let's not have just one daughter. Let's have 5 daughters. Maybe 6." Nikolai proposed "We can have 6 baby girls that look like you."
"You're really silly, Niko." Natasha laughed
"A silly man that is head over heels in love with you." The boy declared, bringing Natasha in for a kiss
The soon-to-be parents couldn't be happier.
Nothing could break this happiness they have.
"I love you." Nikolai whispered in Natasha's ear
Two seconds.
Natasha was sitting in her room now that she wasn't allowed to train anymore and the general gave direct orders for Natasha to be moved to a private room, given the fact that she was carrying his next best assassin.
It's been 2 days since she revealed to her boyfriend that they are expecting a baby and also 2 days since she saw him last.
She was missing him so dearly.
"Don't worry, my love." Natasha whispered as she placed her hand on her stomach "Daddy will come back to us soon. He is finding a way to get us out of here, so we could give you a normal life."
Natasha's little moment of peace was interrupted by the door of her new room being opened and four guards entered the room uninvited.
"Romanova." One of the guards said "You have to come with us." He pointed with his head to Natasha and 2 of the other guards rushed forward, grabbed Natasha by her arms, and pulled her onto her feet
"Why?" Natasha struggled to free herself "What is happening?"
"We don't know. The general's orders." The first guard explained as the other guards dragged Natasha away to Dreykov's office
Natasha was scared.
She couldn't understand what this was all about, until she was pushed inside Dreykov's office.
Natasha tripped and fell down on her knees, worry filling her mind that this could have hurt her baby.
"Welcome, Natasha." Dreykov dragged out with a smirk on his face "I hope you're ready for your surprise."
That's when Natasha looked up and noticed it.
It was a trail of blood that led from the door to Dreykov's feet where a pool of the said blood had already formed.
Natasha looked from the door to where that bloody trail was leading and she felt like her stomach made a flip when she saw whose blood was it.
It was the blood of her Nikolai who was now lying lifeless at Dreykov's feet as his body was covered in gunshot wounds.
"Niko!" Natasha shouted as she bolted up on her feet only to throw herself on her knees once again, but this time next to her lover's head
Natasha looked at the boy's pale face and at his skin which was starting to turn into a bluish color.
Hesitantly checking his pulse, the girl found none, much to her dread.
"Nikolai..." Natasha whispered as she gently cupped his face and shook it "Niko, please... Don't do this to me. To us." Tears flooded her eyes and she let them fall freely "This baby will need its dad. I need you, Nikolai. I can't do this alone. What will I tell our baby when they ask me about their dad?"
Natasha sniffed and grabbed the hand of her lover and placed it on her stomach, putting her own hand on top of his.
"Please stop playing and open your eyes, love. For me. For our baby." Natasha sobbed "Please!"
The girl bent down and placed a soft kiss on the now cold lips of the man who was going to be her husband one day. On the lips of the man who was the father of her baby.
Lips that Natasha knew they used to be warm, no matter how cold the weather was.
Nikolai's hand fell limp to the floor once Natasha let go of it.
And with Nikolai, a part of Natasha has died as well.
Now, their baby is the only thing Natasha clings to and the only thing she lives for.
Giving her baby the life she and Nikolai dreamed for it to have will be the only purpose in her life, besides loving that baby with all she has.
Three seconds.
"Hi, Niko." Natasha whispered as she knelt in front of Nikolai's grave "I have some news for you."
Natasha looked behind her at the 2 guards that had followed her, so she could visit the grave of her lover, then back down at the small bump of her stomach and she placed her hand on it.
"I just found out the gender of our baby this morning. They allowed me to have a check-up so they will make sure our baby is healthy." Natasha whispered as she rested her forehead on the gravestone "It's a baby girl, Niko, a girl. Just like you wanted from the beginning. We are going to be the parents of a beautiful baby girl." Natasha sniffed "Do not worry, my love. She is very strong, just like her dad. I promise you, Nikolai, that as soon as our daughter is born, I will escape with her. We will make you proud."
Natasha stood up, but not before placing one last kiss on the cold stone, as she walked back to the guards that were ready to lock her back up in her room.
But Natasha's happiness hasn't lasted for too long.
It was late at night, on the same day she visited the grave, after dinner, when she woke up screaming in pain.
Looking down, Natasha saw the pool of blood that had formed on her bed.
"No, please..." Natasha sobbed out in pain "Don't do this to me, Niko! Don't take her with you! I beg you! She's all I have left from you!"
20 minutes later, Natasha was emotionlessly staring at the ceiling in one of the Red Room's labs.
She just had a miscarriage.
She just lost the last part of Nikolai that she had.
But most importantly, she just lost her soul.
She lost her baby girl.
A baby that she will never be able to hold in her arms.
A baby that could have been, but never will be.
She lost her humanity.
Natasha opened her eyes.
You collapsed to the ground with a loud thud.
Natasha fell to her knees next to your head.
The rest of the world didn't matter to her anymore in those moments as she stared wide-eyed at your bleeding body lying limp on the floor.
This was giving her a deja-vú.
She hesitated for a second to get closer to you as she felt a wave of unbearable pain wash over her.
She knew this feeling. It wasn't the first time in her life that she felt like this.
She had experienced this kind of pain when she thought she had lost you in a miscarriage so many years ago.
She slowly came back to her senses after a few seconds of staring as realization set in of what was happening.
You were bleeding to your death and Natasha couldn't let that happen.
She had too many flashbacks of the possible outcomes of what could happen and she needed to act quickly.
For you, for Anna, and herself.
She and Anna couldn't lose you all over again.
"Baby?" Natasha tearfully called you as she gently shook your body hoping to get any reaction from you "Baby, please answer me! I beg you! I can't lose you all over again. Not again. This time I don't know if I will be able to make it without you." She cried "You can't just die! I need you. Anna needs her big sister. I won't let you die!"
And with one move, Natasha slid her arms under you and picked you up, desperately starting to run to get you some help.
"Help!" Natasha shouted as she burst inside the med bay almost taking down the door
Bruce, who was already assisting a few injured Avengers, looked up, only to see Natasha covered in the blood of her recently found older daughter while carrying her in her arms.
"Natasha?!" Bruce asked confused as he ran from Steve's side whose injuries he was assessing and started looking over you "What happened?! Where's Anna?"
"They shot her." Natasha cried "Anna it's currently being watched by Wanda. Please save my daughter. I just found her. I can't lose her."
"Give her to me." Bruce said as he extended his arms to take you from your mother who was reluctant to let go of you "We don't have time for games, Natasha. It's a gunshot wound to the chest. I need to take her into surgery right now or else we would not be able to save her. Please. We are losing precious time."
At the remainder that she could lose you, Natasha carefully placed you in Bruce's arms and stepped aside as he rushed inside a room with you in his arms while being followed by a few of the other doctors who were present there.
Once the door was closed and Natasha couldn't see you anymore, her knees gave up on her as she fell to the ground, heart-wrecking sobs coming out of her mouth.
Steve groaned as he stood up on his feed and crunched down beside his red-headed teammate.
"Steve?" Natasha cried out "I could lose her, Steve! I could lose my baby again. I barely just got her back. She can't leave me again because I know that if she does, this time it will be forever. There will be no her showing up in front of my doorstep alive and well."
"That won't happen, Nat." Steve rubbed her back as he already knew what Natasha was talking about, as Bruce had just a few minutes ago informed them of what was happening "I know because she is a strong girl. Just like her mother and she will survive this one as well."
"Steve, I failed my baby. I failed her, I failed Anna who is my little baby and I failed my Nikolai. I promised him I would protect our daughter at any cost and look where we are right now." Natasha sobbed "How could I ever gain their forgiveness after everything I let happen to them only because I wasn't capable enough to protect them?"
Steve opened his mouth to comfort Natasha but his ears picked up on the sound of small but quick footsteps, running toward them.
Natasha felt little arms wrapping around her neck as a little body hugged her as tight as it could.
"Don't cry, Mama." Anna whispered in her mother's ear as she rested her head on Natasha's shoulder "I don't like it when you cry."
"I'm sorry, baby girl." Natasha cried as she very tightly but carefully hugged her youngest daughter "Mama can't help it. She is really scared for your sister. I'm scared because Y/N/N was hurt very badly by the bad guys and I'm afraid that she won't be okay."
"Don't worry, Mama." Anna slightly pulled back and wiped Natasha's tears away with her palms "My sis promised me that she won't leave us ever again and I know that she wouldn't lie to us. She always keeps her promises." Anna innocently explained to Natasha trying to calm her mother down the best she could
"Y/N?" Anna asked as you both were eating some ice cream
"What is it, baby sis?" You asked, looking down at her while wiping your mouth with your hand
Ever since Anna asked you to be her big sister one week ago, you kept on calling her your baby sis and rarely called her by her name now.
"Now that you're here with me you won't leave, right?" Anna shily questioned "Because you're my big sis now."
"I promise to never ever leave you alone." You smiled and ruffed her hair "We're sisters forever."
Anna smiled and snuggled closer to your side.
She believes in your promise with all her heart.
Natasha didn't have the heart to tell Anna the real seriousness of the situation. She's still just a baby. Natasha knows that Anna won't fully understand what is happening to her. All Anna knew was that she just found out that she had an older sister who loved her to death and that every time they met for the first time, had kept her promises to her younger sister.
Natasha kept clinging to Anna as she tried to find some sort of comfort in holding her younger baby as her oldest baby is currently having a tough battle with her life.
Three hours later, Natasha was sitting in the waiting room in a chair and only a few of her friends were by her side as the rest were making sure that the compound was 100% safe and cleaned the mess that those intruders made.
Anna was soundly asleep without a worry, tucked safely in her mother's arms, as she was certain that her big sister would be just fine because that's what Y/N promised her.
Anna's positivity was the only thing keeping Natasha grounded in these moments when she felt like she was about to lose her mind from worry.
"Natasha?" Bruce's quiet voice pulled Natasha out of her mind
The woman quickly stood up on her feet as she waited for Bruce to give her some good news, being mindful that Anna was still asleep in her arms.
"We managed to save her." Bruce shily smiled "She is currently in one of the recovering rooms and we are keeping a close eye on her vitals but with care, time, and patience I'm very optimistic that she will recover in no time."
Natasha let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as the pressure she felt over her entire body, suddenly eased.
"Can I see her?" Natasha's voice filled up with hope as she gave Bruce a watery smile
"You can." Bruce nodded "I'll have to warn you first that she isn't looking in her best shape but as I previously said, she will look better with time. She is still asleep as we speak and I'd say that she could wake up somewhere in the next few hours, maybe even in a day but that is not to worry about. It's only normal."
"Thank you!" Natasha breathed out tearfully
"The good part about the spot where she was shot is that the bullet had missed her heart and important blood vessels by a few inches so there it's no risk of complications as she recovers. Yes, we will supervise her for the next 24 hours but that is just a formality, not a sign that something is wrong. Pain in the chest zone, headaches, or feeling of tightness in her chest are all normal symptoms after the surgery so do not worry. I have given her medicine to relieve the following pain but those symptoms will slowly disappear and in about 2 to 4 weeks she should be back up on her feet although she isn't allowed to train for at least the next 3 months and for the next month she has to take it easy. Is that clear?"
Natasha quickly nodded "Yes. Thank you once again, Bruce."
"I'm glad I could help." Bruce smiled "Now go inside."
"Can Anna come with me inside as well?" Natasha asked as she wasn't yet ready to let go of Anna
"Why not?!" Bruce shrugged "But as long as she doesn't mess up with the wires or anything else that her sister is attached to."
"She won't. I'll make sure she doesn't cause any trouble." Natasha nodded again "Thank you."
"Go now." Bruce stepped aside to allow Natasha to pass
"Do you want any of us to come with you inside?" Wanda worriedly asked
"No. It's okay." Natasha shook her head "I need some time alone with my girls."
Her girls.
It all felt so right.
She finally has her girls with her. Not just one of them. She can now share all the love she has inside her with the daughter she thought she lost as well.
Stepping inside the room where you were recovering, Natasha couldn't control the few lone tears that escaped her eyes at the sight of you.
It's true that in the past few months that you have been living with them she grew really attached to you, just like Anna did, without knowing why, given the fact that you were treating her so coldly, always keeping your distance from Natasha.
But now she understands everything.
She understands why you were so protective of Anna.
She understands why you were so cold and harsh towards her.
She understands why Anna felt an instant connection with you the first moment she laid her eyes on you.
And she now understands why she had felt that motherly urge to protect you and to keep trying to get closer to you.
If it had been anybody else, Natasha would have given up a long time ago in trying to get closer and befriend that person, but when it came to you, something inside her was screaming at her to keep trying to get you to open more towards her.
"Mama?" Anna sleepily mumbled as she stirred awake when Natasha sat down in a chair next to your bed
"Shh, sweetheart." Natasha quietly said as she started rubbing Anna's back up and down "You're okay. Mama is here. You don't have to worry."
"Y/N?" The small girl questioned in her sleepy state
"She is right here, baby." Natasha whispered "She is okay. She is just sleeping. Why don't you go back to sleep as well?"
"I wanna sleep next to Y/N." Anna mumbled more awake than before
"I don't think that is a good idea yet, baby. She is connected to some machines right now that are letting us know that she is okay while she's asleep and we don't want to mess up with them and potentially hurt Y/N, don't we?"
"I promise I'll be careful, Mama." Anna pleaded, looking up at her mother with the biggest puppy eyes she could muster "Please?!"
How could Natasha say 'no' to such big and beautiful eyes?
"Okay, fine." Natasha sighed "But we need to be really careful. Understood?"
"Yes, Mama!" Anna eagerly nodded
Natasha carefully laid Anna on the bed next to you, making sure to remind her once again to be careful around you and your sister gently snuggled closer to your side and fell back asleep.
Natasha leaned back in her chair as she watched over you and Anna and felt like she couldn't get enough of seeing you both together.
This was everything she ever wished for but, as always, thought she'd never have.
Natasha smiled.
You and Anna reminded Natasha of herself and Yelena when they were kids.
Natasha had the habit of accidentally hurting herself all the time and Yelena would just stay by Natasha's side while Melina was taking care of Natasha's wounds and after, her little sister would try everything to make Natasha smile and forget about the injury.
"I swear that, starting from right now, I will protect you both with everything that I am." Natasha whispered "I'll try my best and even more to be the best mother for you both and I'll try to make you open to me Y/N. I will be your mother too just like I wanted from the first moment I found out you were on the way. I will do everything that I can so we can become more than mother and daughter, more than teacher and student, we could become best friends, and partners in crime, and alongside Anna, we can become the best family ever. Loving, caring, happy and the list can go on and on. We will be the Romanoff trio. The 3 Romanoff girls that no one can stop from achieving their dream life. Mama loves you both so much, my girls. I promise that no one will ever be able to break us apart and keep us away from one another with lies." She stood up, bent over, and kissed Anastasia's head then yours "My sweet baby girls..." She whispered
"Mama?" A sleepy voice mumbled
At first, Natasha thought that Anna was the one to call for her but the voice sounded way more mature than Anna's little high-pitched voice.
"Mama?" The same voice whispered and Natasha looked from Anna's face to yours
As she did so, she found you looking directly at her face with a frown expression on your face.
Natasha swallowed down the tears that invaded her eyes in an instant at the realization that you had called her 'mama'. Something she was definitely not expecting to hear for a long time given the fact that she still needed to figure out a way in which she could make you listen to her entire story and get you to talk to her about your feelings as well over the revelation that she was your mother.
Natasha was hurt, angry, and sad over finding out that the daughter she thought she lost a very long time ago was kept away from her.
She could only guess that you were feeling confused, frustrated, and hurt that the woman you were raised to believe had abandoned you had, actually, never truly abandoned you.
That, while they lied to you that Natasha had abandoned you, they lied to Natasha as well about you being dead.
And all Natasha wanted was to make you forget all the lies, the pain, and the hurt and start to live a normal, happy, and full-of-love life where you knew that your mother and baby sister would always be there for you.
Whether you like it or not.
You are stuck with them now.
"Mama?" You called Natasha once again
"What did you just call me?" Natasha's voice waved filled with too many emotions and she frowned trying to keep her tears at bay
"Mama..." You breathed out once again and Natasha wasn't sure if you were entirely conscious of what you were saying given the meds you were on
"It's me..." Natasha cried out then sniffed "It's me, baby. I'm Mama. I am your Mama. Don't worry, baby girl, Mama is here. Everything will be okay. You will be okay. I'll make sure of it."
"Mama, hurts..." You quietly mumbled
"I know, baby. Mama knows, but the doctors have already given you medicine for it and very soon it will stop hurting." Natasha quietly explained as she stroked your hair out of your face "But look!" She gave you a soft smile "Mama is here. Your sister is here too. You will never again be alone. We're here now."
You slightly moved your head and spotted Anna peacefully sleeping, cuddled at your side, then looked back up at Natasha.
"Promise?" You whispered as your eyes started closing again
"I promise, baby girl. Mama promises." Natasha placed a gentle kiss on your forehead "Rest now, my love. You need your rest to get your strengths back. You need it. Mama and Anna will keep being here when you wake up after your nap, sweet girl."
And with your mother's reassuring words, you closed your eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber.
As soon as Natasha was sure that you were asleep she let her head fall on your shoulder and started sobbing.
She managed to keep it together only for as long as you were awake then she entirely lost it.
Hearing you call her 'mama' , just like it should have been from the very beginning if you weren't separated from her, was making Natasha's chest hurt from the amount of happiness that filled her heart.
She couldn't describe in words what it felt like when you called her like that but she can tell for sure that she wants to keep hearing you call her that for the rest of her life. She doesn't want to have to live without you for another second of her life.
You and Anna are now the center of her universe.
Her soul is finally complete again as the other half Natasha thought would forever stay dead came back to her at the most unexpected time in her life.
A few hours later, Natasha was cradling a now awake Anastasia in her arms, as the woman was quietly telling her daughter a story.
But the story was interrupted when you softly groaned, making known that you were now awake as your eyes slowly opened and you looked in the direction from where the voices were coming.
"Look who's awake." Natasha turned Anna around as she pointed to you with a smile on her face
"Sissy!" Anna cheerfully shouted and you groaned at the loud sound, making Anna immediately calm down "Sorry, sissy." The small girl quietly said
"It's okay..." You whispered "Why don't you come here and give me a hug so I could forgive you?" You smiled softly at her
Your little sister quickly moved from your mother's arms directly into yours as she very gently gave you a small hug.
"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Anna's small voice was filled with concern for your well-being as she sat crossed-legged on your bed
"I'm okay." You smiled "Don't you worry. With a little love from you, I will be better in no time and we can play and train together again very soon."
"I promise that I will look for the bad guys that hurt you and I will kick their butt!" Anna raised her chin and made you and Natasha share a laugh at her determination and innocence
"Thank you for doing it for me, baby sis." You giggled as you played along with Anna's game
Natasha was silently waiting for you to notice her presence as well and she knew by the way that you were trying to avoid her gaze that you hadn't yet forgiven her and that the previous moment from a few hours ago was nothing more than you being confused after the complicated surgery you had went through.
The oldest redhead sadly sighed and looked down at her feet.
How stupid could she be to believe that you had finally accepted her as your true mother?
"Mama?" You called and Natasha's breath hitched in her throat "Why are you standing there alone? Come here and give us a hug."
Natasha looked up at you tearfully as she rushed forward and brought you and Anna in a tight embrace. Both of you sighed happily once you were in her arms.
"My babies." Natasha cried as she pulled Anna closer to her and buried her nose in your hair, breathing in your scent that she felt like she couldn't get enough of
You smiled contently and Anna snuggled even further away in Natasha's arms as she enjoyed the new feeling of having her mother and her older sister by her side.
"Anna, baby..." Natasha hesitantly let go of you both "Why don't you go and tell Aunt Wanda to make you and Y/N her famous pancakes so we could celebrate that your sister is okay?"
"But, Mama..." Anna whined, not wanting to leave your side
"Anastasia." Natasha said more sternly
"Fine!" Anna rolled her eyes and jumped off the bed
"Aren't you a little bossy for a 6-year-old?" You asked with a giggle and Anna just turned around and ran out of the room to go find Wanda
You turned to look at Natasha only to find her already staring lovingly at you.
"Can we talk?" Natasha quietly questioned "But this time we'll be honest with one another. No lies and no hidden feelings."
"I think I'm ready to talk since we haven't got the chance to before we were attacked." You nodded
"I'm sorry." Natasha truthfully told you "I'm so sorry you had to go through everything that you did. This was not the life I wanted you to have and I swear that if I had known you were alive, I would have stopped at nothing to find you and bring you with me."
"I won't lie." You sighed "All my life I had asked myself if the reason why you abandoned me there was because I was a burden that kept you back or that you didn't want me because you haven't birthed me and that I was created in a lab where I developed inside those machines for so many months." You looked away from Natasha "But hearing your story now, seeing how you treat Anna, and putting together different pieces of information I've learned over time, had made me realize the truth. A truth that I wasn't yet ready to hear just because my pride, anger, and training wouldn't let me believe it." Turning your head again, you looked directly into her eyes "But now I believe you. I am not going to let the opportunity of having the best mother and little sister in the world pass by me just because I believed the lies of a manipulator more than the proofs that show me the real truth about my existence."
"I'll never understand how they managed to trick me back then but I promise you, my baby, that it will never happen again." Natasha took your hands in hers and started playing with them "Now that I have you back with me, you will never again be taken away from me. I love you so much, Y/N. I always did and I always will. No lie will ever be able to separate us."
"I think it's time to put the past behind us and look forward to a brighter future." You nodded "A happy future where we are together like the family we are. Just you, me, and Anna. We can do this together."
"Damn right, we can!" Natasha tearfully chuckled as she brought you in her arms once again "I know it will take time but we can overcome everything as long as we are together. Just me and my girls." She kissed the top of your head
And Natasha, as well as you, kept that promise of becoming a strong and inseparable family alongside Anna.
You could only be happy that everything you thought was right was actually wrong and not only that Natasha hadn't abandoned you, but she loved you with her entire heart.
Anna was happy to have that big sister she always wanted to have and to be surrounded by double the amount of love that was now coming from Natasha and you.
And about Natasha, she felt like she was living in a dream. She had two beautiful, healthy, and alive daughters, that loved her and had opened their hearts toward her.
After all this time and after everything that happened, the three Romanoff girls have finally got the family they always dreamed about.
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
Hi I just saw that you write smut, could you write a hank x android smut (like a sequel to the hank x android reader fic you made) and hank kinda shows the reader what to do since the reader doesn’t really know how since he’s a android (but the reader does know about people having sex)Please and thank you 😊
First Time
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Fem aligned people (+ She/Her users) DNI / Minors DNI
Deviant! AMAB Male Reader x Hank
Sequel to that other Deviant Male Reader story :)
NSFW/LONG (jesus christ it's fucking long) Fic - Warnings: Established Relationship, Android Virginity gone?, AMAB Reader (Terms like: dick, cock, hole), (The request did not clarify who's top/bottom so I made Hank bottom and Reader top). Soft sex. Minor hair pulling (kink)? Praise Kink, Blowjob (Hank receiving)
Detroit Become Human
Note: First time writing smut here, so it's gonna be my rusty smut writing.
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3 months had passed since Hank and I's first kiss and our first date, and I'd been staying over at Hank's house more often since he thought that it'd be better for me to stay in a slightly more open room.
I've accustomed myself to Sumo, and the feeling of the shared bed Hank and I have now, and the silly movies that Hank enjoys.
Though, it seems that Hank tends to forget that I'm an android. He sometimes cooks food and offers it to me, or says "We've hung out this entire day and you haven't used the bathroom this whole day, have you talked to your doctor abut it?"
It's funny when he remembers, and it's nice to see him ask questions about me-- but I've realized that there's something else at the tip of his tongue. Like he's waiting for something, like he wants to say something.
It's been happening for maybe a week or so.
As I lay on his couch, scrolling through the tv channels, I notice him from the corner of my eye, leaning on the kitchen counter. He's hesitating again, nervous.
And I hear him take a deep breath.
"Do you know what sex is?"
Hank's avoiding eye contact at this point, and it's getting me worried
"I mean, I've read about it in the books that I have, so I know what it is. If you're asking me if I've had sex? No." I answered simply. His heart's beating faster and he's visibly nervous and blushing. It's cute.I place my eyes on him and only him,
"Right, so- fuck. I know this isn't supposed to be this nerve wracking to ask, but it's just.. it's been a long time and-" He pauses, as if looking for his words, but he's struggling.
I get up from the couch, walking over to him and place my hands on his waist to kiss him. The furthest we've ever gone is heated make out sessions, and the times that I play innocent and blind to me grinding up against him occasionally. "I want to take us to the next step too, if you're okay with that" I ask for him. He nods, furrowing his brows as he composes himself. He's breathing heavier and his hand firmly holding mine while we head to our room.
"I'll be honest, I really don't know what I'm doing--" I admit, slipping my shirt off hesitantly. "That's okay, I can help" Hank reassures, "Just follow my lead, you shouldn't need to feel tense. For now, we can just take our clothes off" He sits on the edge of the bed, unbuttoning his shirt while I'm already down to my boxers. I take this opportunity to place my hands on Hank's belt, my fingers fidgeting with the buckle. He practically folds in front of me with eyes wides. "Can I help you with this?" I ask
"Yes" He huffs eagerly, watching me unbuckle his belt with ease, and unbutton his pants (with less ease). I let him pull his pants down, and there's this excitement that fills the room. Hank hasn't done this sort of thing in a while, as he'd confessed on our first date, while I'm inexperienced, but have a broad idea for what I'm in for.
He groans a bit to himself, palming himself over his boxers before scooting himself back into the bed, and with his other hand, pulling me towards him.
I laugh softly, running my hand through his hair before giving him light kisses to his mouth, cheek, forehead... and eventually to his neck, and that's where he starts to crumble. His breath hitches, and soft groans escape him as I leave hickeys and trails of kisses around his collarbone. Something I've never and will never get tired of.
His hand finds it's way to the back of my neck this time, grouping my hair into his hand and giving it a light tug to move me lower. To his chest.
I hum along, my hands roaming his body. He's perfect, from the way he lets out soft breaths of relief from the way I kiss and bite him, my hands groping his sides, and slowly moving up to his chest.
"Gently, I want you play with my nipples, okay?"
I look up at him and see his pleading eyes,
"Yes, love"
I place one hand over his nipple, and start playing with him, trying to discover his reactions and sweet sounds, curious for him. With the other, I start trailing my hand down to his lower stomach. He subtly thrusts his hips up for friction, only making him sigh in defeat as he realized I'm stopping there to tease him
"Did I tell you, you could just place your hand there?" He asks, knowing the answer. I purse my lips and shrug "I don't know what you're talking about"
"[Name], just-" He starts, "god, fuck you" he huffs. I chuckle, watching him writhe a little under me.
"What do you need?" I ask,
"Just touch me, put your hand on my dick" he orders. Though this is where I freeze. So far, all my knowledge from books and my relationship with Hank has gotten to this point. Teasing, flirting, the hickies- but me actually pleasuring someone with my hands?
He notices my hesitance before placing his hands on the sides of my face, "I'll tell you what to do, don't worry"
My eyes soften to his voice, and slowly I move my hand down to his clothed dick. He takes a deep breath, before whispering out "Good boy, just... keep moving your hand over it and be a little rougher"
I did as he said, applying slight pressure and repeating up and down movements over his dick, watching his breathing get heavier and his voice get whinier by the second. Though my curiosity starts getting the better of me. How would he react if I pulled his boxers down? Touched him without the barrier? Got a taste of him?
With my free hand I played with the hem of his boxers, wondering how I'd ask for permission. Hank, fortunately, caught on. He gave me another (slightly more pressured) tug to my hair, "It's okay, you can do it"
He smiled at me, watching me study him closely while I pull down his boxers, seeing his hard on. My emotions go all over the place as Hank comforts me, rubbing the crook of my neck and shoulders and his eyes softly looking at just me
"What should I do?" I ask, "Like-"
"What do you want to do?"
"But-" I'm interrupted by Hank once more
"You can do whatever you want to me, darling. I trust you" He says.
Reluctantly, I lower my head and place my hands on his thighs to move his legs apart and give me space. Hank hums in approval, laying his head back while his hand gently leads me.
Unfortunately, the lack of taste buds don't give me a more 'human experience' but I'll take what I can get. I run my tongue over the tip of his cock, my hands at the base before I start putting more and more in my mouth. His hips and legs shake a little, and he's breathing quicker- heavier- almost letting out whines and I already feel myself heating up at the thought.
Carefully I start bobbing my head, closing my eyes as I enjoy the moment and hearing him in pleasure.
"Goo-d boy, fuck. You're doing perfect, just don't- don't hurt yourself" He adds. I hum, noticing a shiver come from him as the sounds I make cause the vibrations to his dick, and I find this moment to tease him. I let out groans, trying to take a little bit more in, massaging his thighs while I treat him, feeling him get more desperate
"Keep going, please" he begs, "I- I'm gonna cum"
Knowing that I'm the one who'll get him to cum with just my mouth makes my stomach churn, like a sense of possession. I keep at my pace, hearing him get closer to his end, not even noticing that he's trying to thrust into my mouth. Android positives? No gag reflex.
He's panting, before rushing his hand to my hair again and giving me a tug as he cums in my mouth. I pause before taking his cock out of my mouth, and swallowing it.
"You can spit it out now" He huffs, sitting up on his elbows
"Spit what out?" I ask,
"Did..." He stared down at me in a little bit of shock before hiding his face in his hands and laughing, " I don't know what I'm gonna do with you.."
lightheartedly, we laughed at the situation (though I was a little lost, his laugh lights up my day).
He kisses me, wrapping his arms behind my neck, hooking me closer to him
"Are you still up to fuck me?" He asks, both of us now fully comfortable in the atmosphere. I nod, peppering his face once more with kisses as he praises me and giggles
"Then I'll lay down, there's lube in my drawer" he mentions for me. I reach other, scrounging for it until I find the bottle, practically full. "I use this to.." I wait for him to fill in the gaps
"Lubricant, like to decrease the pain" he clarifies.
"how long have you had this?" I asked
"Just a couple weeks.." he says, looking away. I don't question further as my attention moves to the bottle, "But- uh. I already used some to.. prep myself before" He mutters.
We both blush at the confession, and I silently squirt some on my finegrs. "Well I still want to be careful with your body" I state, "I would never want you to feel hurt"
He positions himself, spreading his legs and his hands spread his ass so I could get the full view, him looking away to the side in embarrassment. The image itself turned me on, and my tightening boxers made the situation a little worse. I clear my throat, "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, love. You're very very handsome" I say, watching his squeeze his eyes and his lips part as I slip on finger inside of him.
From 1 finger curling, it was easy to slip in 2, and almost surprisingly, 3. He moans, his hands gripping at the sheets
"How're you doing?" I ask, "do you need something?"
"Just- just go quicker, please. I need you" he pleads.
I swallow, hard. "Right, of course"
I take my fingers out, notice him whine at the lack of contact. I pull my boxers down, finally, and positions myself closer to him, adding lube to my own dick. His eyes widen at my full image, and moaned softly at my appearance, "Please, god, just fuck me right here"
"Yes darling" I nod, placing the tip of my cock at his hole, pushing myself in as Hank arches his back, moaning and trying to pull me closer as he wraps his legs around my waist
"Fuck yea, that's right" He groans, "give me a second"
I look down at him as he adjusts to my size for about 2-3 minutes, grinding occasionally to see if he's set.
"Yeah, shit. I'm good, you can move now" He says, a happy smile on his face. I start moving my hips, in and out, seeing him tremble and smile to himself again, pulling me in to kiss him while I fuck him.
"You're such a good boy, [Name]. You're fucking me so well" He praises, "Shit why didn't we do this sooner?"
He grunts, "Faster, please"
I follow his order, holding back the fact that I wanted to cum as he squeezes me. I moan into his shoulder, my hand gripping at the bed for balance while I ravage him
"Shit, pretty boy! You're so good!" He moans loudly, for a second worrying me about the neighbors, but Hank's much more distracting.
"God I love you, Hank" I mutter, "I love you so much"
"I love you too" He replies, his hands back on the sides of my face. He gasps lightly as I find new angles to fuck him at until he finally starts saying he's ready
"Ready for what, hm?" I let out, a smirk clear on my face
"I wanna cum, darling. I'm going to cum, cum with me" he pants, "Be a good boy and cum inside me"
I nod, wincing out as I feel him tighten a little around me. I speed up my thrusts, watching Hank become an utter mess below me. "I'm cumming" I moan
"Good boy, on the count of 3, got it?" He huffs, and I just can't deny him.
I whimper, feeling the edge make me sensitive
Hank's voice pitches slightly, squeezing his eyes shut and throwing his head back
I rode out my orgasm inside of him, still thrusting as he came over his belly and some on me. We were panting, the smell of sex clear as day and us both sweaty.
I broke the silence, taking one deep breath "That was fucking amazing, baby" I smile, "I'll get us some water and a towel before we cuddle, but do you want to take a shower together?"
He sighs, a lazy smile on his face as he stretches, "Yeah, that'll be nice before I wash these blankets"
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y2kuromi · 11 months
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anyone is free to read and interact with my works but if you're -13 or 23+ please do not interact with me personally
i do not indulge in drama or discourse on my blog, i’m js here to be delulu about gojo !! if you do inform me about such things i'll deal with them how i see fit which is usually privately
i do not tolerate any negativity, however constructive criticism / feedback is always appreciated, but please be nice and respectful about it ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
you're more than welcome to hit up my inbox for interactions or any questions you have abt my fics !! i loveee receiving asks ‹3 .if you want to be mutuals feel free to ask cs i'd prob be too shy to ask first!!
i’m v v easy to talk to, feel free to ramble abt your day/interests or js have casual convos especially if we're mutuals (just pls don't trauma dump) ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
i keyboard smash/type in caps, you’ll rarely see me cursing, but i do curse occasionally, quiet mutual but i still interact. ( socially awk :c ) sometimes inactive bc of school and stress :/
feel free to assign yourself a nickname, emoji, number, or whatever you’re comfortable with if you’d like to be one of my anons
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if you fit the basic dni criteria, if you support racists or any problematic creators. you support israel. if you are a pro-shipper. if you write heavy dark content, nsfw (only) and you are a porn link poster or you abuse tags.
if you sexualise characters who are minors as in the age of under 18. or age minor characters up purely for smut i'm gonna block you. it's weird asf :c
if you write + reblog writers or fics romanticising things like incest, step-cest, r@pe, sexual assault, intense age gaps (pedophilia) or aging up minors like that just doesn’t fly with me
blank + ageless blogs, my blog is sfw and i’m a minor but still, i’m tryna curate my experience so please convince me you aren’t a bot
if you spam like, 5+ posts. i appreciate reblogs and comments sooo much!! they keep me motivated but spam liking gets me shadow banned which is totes not fun
i use the block button how i see fit. if you fit any of these i’m probably going to block you. but please don’t hate me >.<
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my blog is sfw ! the closest i’ll get is mildly suggestive. my blog is not spoiler free. spoiler warnings will be in the fic notes before hand or posts with spoilers will be tagged accordingly
please remember i’m a highschool student, so my posting schedule is extremely inconsistent.
i typically write for myself. so you'll see a ton of posts for my faves but i'm open to requests! i treat requests like suggestions, so please keep them short and sweet
if you send in a request through an ask, i'll answer it privately if possible or after i've finished writing and posting it. please be patient when sending in your request. if it's not posted within a couple months (6) i probably won't write it
i do write: fluff, angst, suggestive. my writing formats come in oneshots, mini series, series, drabbles and headcanons. this blog is mostly jjk-centred. however, i do write for blue lock and other animangas as well
most works are self-indulgent: meaning, they are either female centred or gender neutral. i tend to characterise my (y/n)s however no further descriptions are added (skin tone, body type etc.) unless i say so in the tags.
i do not write: nsfw, adultxminor. inc3st, stepc3st. yandere, mafia, gore, dark content, su1c1dal themes, abuse, mental illnesses , character x character, self harm, eating/mental disorders,abuse, & other sensitive content.
pretty please give credits if you take inspo from my works!! don’t plagiarize me or post my works on any other platforms
done reading my rules? get in lover ! we're going shopping ‹3
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arjaysteez · 1 year
Throwing in the towel
I came into this career because I could not stand the push back and the more I waited the longer I strayed away from my goal of being a nurse. It sucks that money was involved and my position is to restart all over again.
Sleep technician
sounded so good on paper when my friend told me about it. The money, time, and freedom that it came with all sounded great. It was too good to be true. The position, schooling, and job was already aimed for. Took them months to schedule me a trainer (mind you I requested early April and didnt get scheduled 2nd week of July) With the trainer I was paired with I could not comprehend her teaching style and pick up on her picky habits. It led me to be frustrated every single day. When things went wrong, it was not a 1 on 1 conversation. Others working the shift heard the mistakes I would make and along with how rude my trainer was talking to me. She made me feel dumb to the point I was losing interest and would hate myself for driving back the next day. I really enjoyed the job and actually picked up on how to scoring/ stages of sleep and arousals. I just could not stand my trainer. I joined at bad time while I had to learn Dr.Chrono I also had to learn AdvanceMD.
Last thursday, I felt I was on a roll I had everything done on a timely manner. My trainer on the other hand was on her phone and eating taco bell all night. She'd check up on me and I'd tell her the things i've done so far. When it was almost time to go she decides to check on my scoring/staging and gets upset when she catches a small mistake that I missed which was one DeSat (OSA). Something she could have caught if she were to check my work earlier in the night. Now we were left staying almost an hour over and she's complaining that she is tired when the whole night all she did was eat and be on her phone. Telling me why are my calculations wrong and that these are people lives if I were to make a mistake. First, my calc. was right til you caught the one DeSat i missed which turned everything wrong because now the AHI is different. Second, dont be angry if you ask me if I remember the patients SpO2 minimum because regardless of my answer of guessing or IDK you were already on my ass about it.
Aside from actually learning how to score and do notes, I looked into the financial part of this job. It was not fit for my lifestyle to live paycheck to paycheck if i were to commute for a minimum wage job. Being a certified tech is already lowest of the low but putting the time and effort into becoming a registered tech still put you in a low bracket. Reaching six figs would require me to work 5+ yrs not to mention other perks to even reach that amount. I seen the bigger picture through a giant magnifying glass. Just to find out that there are more to it. You would think money is good til you realize what you need to put yourself into. They make you read the charts to make sure the patient isnt going into some cardiac arrest but pay you minimum isnt right... they say the job is high in demand but pay is low. Wouldn't you want High pay if in demand??
Anyway, I wasnt fit for the job nor did I felt i belonged. So I made the decision to leave and go for IT.
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faireel · 7 years
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Yes, Professor (Part 2) - Cillian Murphy X Fem!Reader
Warning - smut / oral (f and m receiving) / Daddy Kink / spanking
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton @jardinsecos @bitchwhytho @gypsy-girl-08 @queenofkings1212 @look-at-the-soul
Lots of you requested a part 2 to this... And who am I to say no, eh?
Your phone buzzed as you your lecture began. How you'd managed to retain any sense of composure after being fucked over Professor Murphy's desk was beyond you, especially as he'd ripped your panties off before you left and kept them in his pocket. For the last hour you'd sat with your legs as closed as possible, convinced everyone in the lecture hall knew exactly what you'd just done.
And during the whole lecture, that was all you thought about.
What you'd just done.
It wasn't illegal. Nor was it against the rules - he wasn't your superior, he taught a completely different class.
But he was 20 years older than you.
And as much as you enjoyed what happened this afternoon, that made you worry.
Were you a fantasy fuck for him? Had he done this with other students over the years? Were you just another notch on his bedpost?
Leaving the hall after everyone else had gone, heading to your student halls quickly and alone, you didn't open the message until you were safely in the confines of your room, the door closed and locked.
It was his address. Fuck... He was serious? He wanted to see you again? You had to reply now... He'd have two little blue ticks indicating you'd read it...
Fuck he was typing again...
Then it stopped.
Then it started again.
Then it stopped.
The fuck was he writing, a dissertation?
Nothing came through. All that 'typing' and nothing came through. You pondered for a few moments, before typing your own response.
"Answer me honestly?"
"Of course."
"How many others have there been? Before me?"
"Are you asking me how many women I've slept with? Or how many students?"
"Women?" You had no business asking that... Why did you ask that?
"I said be honest."
"I lost my virginity at 15 to a local girl I'd been seeing for a while, we broke up when I was 17. I married my wife at 21. We divorced at 27. Had a brief relationship that ended about a year ago. Then you."
"Were they all younger than you?"
"Lila was three months older than me. Kate was two years older. Hannah was ten years older. You are the only one younger."
"You remember their names?"
"Of course, there's only four of them! Do I need to remind you it was you who wanted this? I tried to stop you."
"I know."
"Then why the interrogation? You wanted to fuck, so we fucked. I invite you over for dinner and I feel like I'm getting the Spanish Inquisition?"
"I'm sorry, okay, this isn't something I normally do. Dinner?"
"Funnily enough me either. And yeah, dinner. We eat, we talk, we get to know each other."
"Isn't that what people normally do before they have sex?"
"Normally. Nothing about this situation can be called normal though, can it? Listen if this isn't what you want, then tell me now. If we're playing the 'honesty' game, be honest with me."
You paused. You thought deep about what he'd said.. you had no reason to doubt him. Wasn't he known for being one of the most honest and down to earth people in Hollywood? He was known to have integrity and strong morals...
"I'll see you at 7."
Knocking Cillian's front door at 6:55pm, you were instantly struck by how 'normal' it was. You'd never know a wealthy, famous actor lived there.. a simple townhouse, with a low maintenance garden, a small driveway..
"Hey," he smiled, inviting you in. He didn't rush you inside like you thought he would. No glances around to check if anyone was watching..
Your eyes cast around your surroundings. Dark green walls with white wood trim, a small side table against one of the walls with an old fashioned candlestick landline telephone, which made you smile. Your mum had one when you were growing up, inherited from her mum before her, it always reminded her of her childhood.
And that uneasy feeling swept through you again.
"Dinner in about ten minutes," he took your coat and hung it on the coat stand by the door, and you slipped your shoes off. His fine hardwood floors looked expensive.. he took your hand and led you down the hallway.
His kitchen was spotless - everything in order, not so much as a dirty mug on the side.
"I may have lied to you earlier," he said, taking out a bottle of wine and two glasses. Your back stiffened - here it comes...
"It's five. I've had sex with five people. I may or may not have hooked up with a costar filming Inception after my marriage ended. I also may have been absolutely shit-faced and can't remember a thing so I tend to not count it," he laughed, pouring two glasses. You relaxed again, exhaling and laughing with him.
"I'm sorry.. about all that."
"No I get it. It's a massive cliche, isn't it? The whole teacher/student trope."
"Is it a fantasy of yours?"
"No. Never has been. I'm not into you because you're a student y/n. I'm into you because you're you."
"Okay.. and I'm not into you because you're a professor."
You looked at him, stunned.
"Now, it might not be the only reason you're into me, but it's a factor," he approached you with the wine and placed it on the table in front of you. Moving closer again, he stroked over your arms, his eyes devouring every inch of your skin that he could see.
Ever closer again, he began to back you up against the wall. You could almost feel your heart beating through your chest, the blood rushing to your head.
"What was it you called me this afternoon..?" Cillian's body was pressed against yours now, you were pinned between him and the wall. His knees parting your legs as he slotted his frame between them.
"Say it, y/n.."
A low growl left his chest as he brushed his lips over your jawline. You felt the rush between your legs now, along with his groin, but you were left longing as he pulled away from you and went back to the stove, stirring whatever it was he'd cooked up in the pot as if nothing had happened. You took a deep breath, understanding his game, and sat down at the table, taking a large gulp of the wine to steady yourself. He continued to ignore you, and focused on his task at hand - occasionally sipping his own wine as he stirred, added things, checked the oven..
After nearly ten minutes, he placed an empty plate in front of you. Bowls and serving tongs/spoons were placed along the centre of the table - chilli, rice, potato wedges, salad, garlic bread.. the man had created a feast.
"I hope you like it hot y/n," he smirked, sitting opposite you and offering you first helpings. You raised your eyebrows at him, and served portions of each item onto your plate.
"How hot are we talking, sir?" You saw him shift in his seat a little, but his icy stare remained unflinched.
"Only one way to find out."
You talked while you ate. He opened up about why he left Hollywood behind - unable to cope with the fame side of things any more, he had always felt uncomfortable with it. Even more so after his marriage ended and the papers accused him of cheating with costars. His ex wife had to go public to dispel the rumours. She was someone he still considered a close friend - they simply grew apart.
You found yourself talking about your ex - the only boyfriend you'd had. Ryan was at your university, studying Psychology. And it wasn't nearly as amicable as Cillian and his ex wife. He had been paired up with Sarah, a girl in his class, to work on a project, however he spent most of their study sessions learning more about physicality than psychology.
He listened intently on everything you said. His focus was totally on you. No distractions, no interruptions, just listened as you told him more about yourself than you had shared with anyone. Ever. He was so easy to talk to, so easy to communicate with. And those eyes were staring right into your soul.
The meal was finished, Cillian cleared the plates, forbidding you from helping and banishing you to the living room with another bottle of wine. You sat on the plush sofa and music suddenly filled the room from somewhere. Soft jazz tones, gentle sounds of an electric guitar..
Cillian came through a few minutes later, settling on the sofa next to you as he clinked his glass with yours.
"Bluetooth speaker connected to my phone," he chuckled as you gave him a questioning look.
"Very high tech," you smiled, crossing your legs and leaning back against the cushions. The dress you were wearing hitching up your thighs. Intentionally.
His eyes glanced down at your exposed skin, and you swore there was a flash of lust across them. He put his glass down and took yours from you.
"I hope you didn't have any other plans for tonight?" he said, suddenly on his knees in front of you. His hands parted your legs, clearly decided to skip on any more small talk.
You shook your head as his hands stroked over your thighs, opening you up and sliding your up to your waist. His lips chased an invisible trail over the flesh, edging closer to where you needed him. Your hips grinding over the sofa cushions, desperate to feel him.
"Patience is a virtue.." he whispered, before biting the inside of your thigh, groaning as you flinched and cried out his name. Your hands in his hair trying to drag him further up your legs.
He snapped his head back and pinned your hands by your waist - his eyes darkened and your core clenched hard. Once again, the quiet, shy Mr Murphy had let out the inner Dr Hyde lying dormant in his system, and fuck, did it turn you on.
"Keep your hands to yourself, or I'll tie them behind your back."
"Cillian, please..."
"Now now, that's not what you called me this afternoon is it?"
"Please..." Your pussy was throbbing now, you could feel the dampness in your panties as his mouth hovered over them.
"Smells so sweet.. I bet you taste even better."
"Say it, y/n."
"Daddy please, fuck me!"
He chuckled, a dark chuckle that could have made you cum on the spot. His hands released yours briefly, removing your underwear. Sliding your dress over your head, you lay completely bare in front of him on the sofa.
"No bra."
"No point," you shrugged. Your chest wasn't huge - but he wasn't complaining as he cupped each breast in his hands and squeezed them.
"They're perfect."
He lifted your legs over his shoulders. His arms under your thighs pinned your hands back down on the sofa as his tongue slid over your folds slowly.
You had no expectations - Ryan wasn't exactly good when it came to intimacy, but your reservations disappeared as his tongue found your clit, taking the swollen bud into his mouth as he sucked at it lightly. Rolling his tongue around it in small little circles.
Your back arched, and you fought against his hands to try and grab at him, but he held firm. His mouth attacking your most intimate parts with gusto, sending stars into your vision.
"Jesus... Oh fuck..." Your hips rocked against his face, desperate for more, which he was only to happy to deliver. His teeth scraped over your clit a few times, before his tongue returned - you back arched as you felt your orgasm build.
How long had he been down there? God knows but he had some serious stamina. He didn't relent once. Eating you like you were his last meal, devouring every inch of your soaked pussy. The sounds of him groaning against your mound were intoxicating, the feeling of being restrained was adding to the intensity.
"Fuck.. I'm close..." You gasped, and desperately fought to stop your thighs clamping around his head as you started to come undone.
With a cry of his name, you came over his lips. A gush of warm fluid leaving your walls, sliding down his chin as he lapped at you, tasting the very essence of you. He laughed as you writhed under him, pulling your hips back before the sensation became too much.
His chin was soaked, his blue eyes were still as dark as they were before his attack - maybe darker.
"I could spend an entire day just eating your pussy, y/n," he grinned, moving over your body and kissing your lips - you tasted yourself on his, adding to your desire.
"My turn," you grinned.
Cillian moved onto the sofa and pulled his jeans and boxer shorts down, kicking them off, pulling you onto his lap. You swiftly removed his t shirt, quick enough to hear a rip as it left his frame. You grimaced at the sound but he just laughed, pulling your lips back onto his as he bucked his hips up, his hard length stroking your folds.
You hadn't had a look at it earlier, and slowly crawled onto your knees. Now it stood, hard and proud, directly in your line of sight. His hands stroked your hair, your hands stroked over his length - sliding up and down the shaft, smiling at the ooze of precum leaking from the top. His turn to smile as you licked it away, groaning at the salty taste as it hit the back of your throat.
Before he had time to react, your tongue slid up the thick, pulsing vein on the underside of it, his eyes fluttering closed as you did.
"That's it.. put that filthy mouth to good use y/n."
"Yes Daddy..." You smiled before clamping your lips around his cock, relaxing your throat and sinking down.
"Shit..." He gasped, feeling his cock hit the back of your throat easily. A few more slides of your lips had his legs shaking underneath you, his fingers tangled in your loose curls, and hips bucking up into your mouth.
You groaned around his cock, noticing the little spasms in his abdomen when you did. So you did it again. And again.
"Fuck... I can't..."
You pulled your mouth from him and pumped his cock with your hand, nodding your head.
"Yes you can Daddy," you licked your lips and sunk over him again. His hand on the back of your head now pushing you further. Sucking each time you brought your head up had him loudly panting, his chest rising and falling quickly as he fought to hold back.
One more groan...
The sound of his release, the guttural grunt as he came down your throat made your pussy throb. Swallowing it down as his cock pulsed, you watched his face contort - eyes scrunched closed, mouth open.
Releasing his cock from its wet confines with a pop, you rolled the remnants of his cum around with your tongue before swallowing it all down, his eyes now back on yours as he gasped for breath.
"Did I do good, Daddy?" You asked, innocently.
He responded by pulling you back into his lap, straddled over him, and lifting you easily. Carrying you up the stairs, kicking open a door and onto his bed.
"You did good, little one. So fucking good," his lips were on your neck, his semi hard cock grinding against your pussy lips as he rocked his hips into you. For a 45 year old man, he had stamina - his cock at full mast after only a few moments.
"Are you going to fuck me, Daddy?"
"Fuck.. bend over," he knelt back and flipped you over onto your belly, hoisting your ass in the air. Peeling apart your exposed folds, he slid his fingers inside you, feeling how tight your walls were as he stroked inside. Once he found his treasure, he pumped his fingers against it, revelling in watching your hips ride his hand.
The smack of his other hand came as a surprise, and the juices that flowed after made him do it again. Removing his fingers, you felt his cock replace them slowly, easing himself gently in with a passionate moan.
His hand pushed down between your shoulder blades, his other gripped your raised ass as he began to move.
Slow strokes at first, but not for long. The way your pussy gripped him had him thrusting harder. Faster. Your walls clenching over him.
"You wanted Daddy to fuck you again, didn't you?" He grunted as he pounded into you from behind.
"Yes! Fuck yes, harder..."
"Want Daddy to fuck this pussy so hard you'll be feeling me for days, huh?" A slight change of angle...
"Oh god... Fuck... There, don't stop!"
"Cum around my cock y/n, make a mess for me.."
No words left your lips now - you weren't capable. Or coherent. Just mindless and desperate gasps, groans, pants...
"Fuck I can feel it, it's there... Cum y/n, cream over my cock like the little slut that you are!" Another hard slap against your ass had you spiralling, free falling over the edge. Gripping the bedsheets, you came hard. Feeling the gush of your fluids fly through you onto his thighs.
"Want Daddy to cum inside you don't you? Fill you up, claim you.."
"Please! Daddy please..."
He fucked you through another orgasm before you felt his cock spasm, your fingers reached underneath to scratch over his tightening balls between your legs as he emptied his cock into you with a roar, ropes of warm cum flowing through your pussy, spilling over your hand as you squeezed his firm balls.
A few moments of respite, before his softened cock slid out of your hole, and he collapsed on the bed next to you. Pulling your body into his as he wrapped the duvet around you both. You rested your head on his chest and felt his breathing calm, playing with the soft chest hair.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked gently, kissing the top of your head.
"That was an option?" You looked up with a smirk, your eyes sharing the same lust-filled darkness as his as he looked down at you in mock-surprise.
"Duly noted y/n."
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newmih · 2 years
An argument
Words: 1166
Characters: Newt x female reader , a guy named Will because Newtie has to be jealous of someone
Request: I would like (if possible) a picture with Newt :p I'd also like (IF possible) that it happens in the block, we won't be matched again, and there would be a jealousy thing (I let you choose if it's my side or Newt's).
A/N: I haven't posted for a while but now I'm back… maybe? By the way, thanks for the 150 followers, it's really huge for me! /English is not my first language. Sorry for any mistake I made./
Bonne lecture
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I laughed again. It was the first time in a long time that I hadn't done that with someone I hadn't known very long. Usually my only company in the glade was Minho, Newt and sometimes Alby. I hadn't really bothered to socialize with anyone else since I'd arrived, and I wasn't really interested in the boys in this place anyway.
Will, as he was called, had only been in the glade for a couple of months but we got along pretty well. I mean, if I stopped lying, I'd say we got along pretty well. He smiled at the joke I had just told and took the opportunity to discreetly put his hand on my arm. The sudden movement surprised me but I wasn't really counting so I let him do it, waiting to see how far he would go. With Minho and Newt by my side most of the time, no one was really trying to approach me so this altercation was more fun for me.
The discussion went on for a few minutes and I finally took the lead and leaned in to whisper something in his ear. At least, that's what I was about to do before a very loud throat clearing interrupted us. I froze as I recognized a tuft of blond hair that I saw out of the corner of my eye. Always at the right time, right?
"Newt. Heyyy. How you doing man?" I shifted to let Will have a chance to talk to the blond. Oh boy, the look on the former runner's face didn't bode well. For some time now, he had been regularly starting arguments without me understanding why. Maybe men have their periods too.
The new guy stiffened at the sight of Newt's face and backed away slightly. The blond man in front didn't even bother to give him any more attention and he turned directly to me. I could feel his eyes burning through my skin and the tension was so thick that Will decided it was best for him to get away from here. "Um… Well see you later Y/N."
When he was finally a few feet away and I was sure he couldn't hear us, I turned to Newt, gave him the blackest look I could before yelling as loud as my vocal cords would allow. He flinched but kept a straight face. Realizing that he wasn't going to give me any explanation for what had happened and that he would ( again) act as if nothing had happened, I turned my back on him and walked away from the teenager as far as possible.
Footsteps sounded behind me and I rolled my eyes. Obviously the message hadn't gotten through and this idiot had decided to follow me.
"If you ask me, I think you're overreacting. "Remember when I asked your opinion? Neither do I." I continued to walk toward my hut, quickening my steps. Part of me hoped he would leave me alone but the other part desperately wanted him to not let go, ever. Damn feelings! I heard him growl before he took me by the arm, forcing me to stop at the same time.
"Let go of me, assface." He rolled his eyes before answering in the negative. How stubborn he could be. "Newttttt!" He simply smiled, as if he thought my pissed off self was cute. Jerk! He took my other arm and a shit-eating grin appeared on his face.
I sighed and lifted my head, clearly annoyed by his behavior. "You have your whole life to be a jacked. Why don't you take the day off?" He cocked his shoulders at my remark and put his hands on his hips. He was stubborn and didn't let go of things easily, which was something I liked about him. But when he stubbornly argued like that, all I wanted to do was push him into a pile of shit.
"Y/N. Stop playing the child." "Playing child? Me? I hope you're kidding! You're the one who's been playing child for the past few weeks." He shook his head. "Nonsense. You're saying nonsense." "Ha because that's really mature behavior." I stared at him in silence, since he didn't seem to be willing to answer me.
"BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? For the first time since I arrived in this prison someone is really interested in me! For real!" My sudden outburst made him back off slightly and his eyes softened at the sight of the milky tears that had managed to run down my cheeks. A long moment of silence passed and I began to think that he would never answer me. Too bad, my life here was already miserable, with no hope of freedom. I wasn't going to let myself feel for someone who clearly didn't care about me.
I shook my head and walked away. "Because you deserve someone who values you." The whisper coming from the blond was so faint that if I had taken a few more steps, I probably never would have heard it. I froze in my tracks, wondering what was best to do.
"Are you jealous of Will?" Finally, curiosity had overridden my desire to get away from trouble and the message my brain was sending me: way too many feelings all at once! "No!" His hasty reply made me smile and I hid it behind my hand.
"Really? Because you should try to be more convincing you know." He opened his mouth, closed it, only to open it again. This time he managed to speak, but the words he said didn't make sense together. I burst out laughing, not being able to watch him struggle anymore. Newt crossed his arms and frowned. Damn, his adorable frown.
"Damn it Y/N! Could you please stop laughing and help me instead." I shook my head before finally managing to pull myself together. "Sorry, but it's kind of funny watching you try to fit all your vocabulary into one sentence." He shook his head, a smile beginning to take over his handsome face as well.
Then he walked over to me and without giving me time to react he took my face in his hands. "Easy there." I didn't know who I was trying to calm down, him or me. But what I did know was that I had wanted to kiss him for so long that I didn't know if I could hold back any longer. And with his face so close to mine, my thoughts were slowly starting to blur.
"Can you picture us? You and me together?" His breath hit my face and I pretended to think at his questions. But I'd long since had my answer, and I couldn't make fun of him anymore anyway. There wasn't enough space between the two of us anymore. "Yeah. Sure Newt." He smiled at me and looked for any sign of reluctance in my eyes before finally closing the gap. It was about time, jacked.
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rattyoakenbitch · 3 years
❝𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲❞ ─ 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝
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but when he loves me i feel like i'm floating
when he calls me pretty i feel like somebody
❥ content ; little gn reader, sfw agere, corpse is a cg, mostly fluff with a smidge of angst
❥ warnings ; daddy issues, childhood trauma, hints of emotional & verbal abuse and of course age regression if ur uncomfy w that stuff. also pet names and the use of the word "daddy" but not in a sexual/smutty context!!! agere is not a kink!!!
❥ synopsis ; you age regress to cope and corpse takes care of you through it all
❥ a/n ; i got a request to write this agere fic a couple months ago on my wattpad! i myself used to be a part of the agere community but it has been years so i forgot a lot of what i learned. however, unlike age play and cgl, agere is just a coping mechanism and totally nonsexual!! pls do ur research before u attack members of the agere community (: ur coping mechanisms are valid!!!
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With a frustrated groan, you push yourself away from your desk, now spinning slowly on your little office type chair.
You had procrastinated and hadn't done any of your work, and even when you did try to finish it, you were easily distracted or discouraged by intrustive thoughts.
Your mind would never fail to drift back to memories of when you were younger. However, those memories weren't exactly fond or anything you'd even want to remember.
Yet they were there, either popping up unexpectedly or lingering in the back of your unconcious mind.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt two strong arms wrap around you, causing you to nearly jump out of your seat.
Corpse hummed. "Are you done with your work yet, darling?"
"Can't finish it.. My brain doesn't wanna co-operate with me today, or ever," you whine, feeling angry tears begin to form behind your waterline.
Corpse sensed the anxiety and frustration in your voice and immediately knew the cause.
"You're not a failure, Y/N. Your father was wrong, and you know it."
"Yeah, but hearing his words in my head don't exactly help when I'm trying to work."
"I know, baby, I know," Still not letting you free from his embrace, Corpse held your significantly smaller hands in his. "But he's not here. It's just me, doll. You're safe."
He knew what he was doing. And he knew that you knew.
You pulled away from his hold, now standing up to face him. He as well stood up to his full height, looking down at you with soft, comforting eyes.
"A-Are you sure I can..?" You ask timidly, looking down at the floor to avoid his gaze. He nods encouragingly.
"Of course, doll. I'll take care of you."
He brings his hand to caress your face and tilts it upwards so your eyes met.
Your eyes dart across the room, looking anywhere but into Corpse's own eyes.
"Tsk, eyes on me, baby."
You hesitantly bring your eyes back to meet his, prompting Corpse to praise you. You feel the blood rush to your cheeks at this.
"You promise?? I don't wanna be a distraction, I-"
Wordlessly, Corpse brushes his thumb on your bottom lip, causing you to quiet down immediately.
"What are you saying? I always have time for you. Now c'mon."
You giggle as Corpse lifts you up into his arms bridal style and takes you to the living room.
You end up watching a Studio Ghibli movie together, tucked underneath blankets and with you snuggled up into Corpse's chest.
At some point during the movie, you unwrap one of Corpse's arms around you and take his hand. This causes Corpse to unconciously hold your hand in his big, calloused ones, adorned with metal rings.
You both look down to where he held you.
"Awe, now would you look at that. Your hand looks so cute, the way it fits in mine," he coos, causing you to sink further into your blankets, hiding your blush.
"Mm stop," you pout, only making Corpse chuckle some more.
"You're hiding because you're blushing?"
"Yes!! Now stop laughing, you big meanie."
Corpse only responds by lifting you back onto his lap, resting his chin on your head.
"Aww, you really are blushing like a rose," Corpse fawns. "Aren't you just a pretty little thing?"
You decide not to sass back and instead accept the praise.
As you both refocused your attention on the screen, Corpse lets go of your hand and instead runs his fingers through your hair. You hum in satisfaction, leaning into his touch. Corpse continues to do this all while he whispers sweet nothings and praises in your ear until you drift off into a blissful sleep.
After what feels like an hour later, but was really just thirty minutes, Corpse's phone chimes, his screen lighting up to reveal a text notification.
As softly as he can, Corpse reaches over to the side table to grab his phone. Despite his efforts, you wake up from the movement and the sudden lack of warmth that was once wrapped around your body.
You huff in annoyance.
"I thought you said you weren't busyyy."
"I know, little one. Sean wants me to join a game with the others. If you want, you can watch us play. We won't be streaming."
You nod in agreement, and once again, Corpse carries you into the studio, setting you down on his lap soon as he sits down.
You hear a little beep, followed by a variety of voices, all talking above one another. It comes to a stop, though, and you're relieved of the overstimulation as soon as they realize Corpse had joined the call.
"Hey, Corpse is here!"
"What's up, Corpse?"
"Hey guys," Corpse greets them. "I hope you don't mind that Y/N's with me right now. They're little again and I promised I'd spend time with them."
You heard some 'aww's' in the back as voices overlapped again.
"Oh, no, yeah of course we're okay with that."
"That's really sweet!"
"All right, guys, no cursing or excessive yelling! If you scare Y/N, you're gonna have me to answer to!"
Though they couldn't see you, you still shyly huddled closer into Corpse's chest. Corpse's friends, being your friends as well, knew that you were an age regressor and were fully supportive and accepting. So this wasn't the only occassion where they'd played with little you around to watch.
"Thank you," you mumbled sleepily into the mic before yawning and laying back down into Corpse.
He gives you a kiss on the top of your head before he goes back to chatting and playing with his friends. An hour passes, and then it's night. The cold nighttime air seeps in through the windows, causing goosebumps to form on your exposed skin.
Silently, you tug at Corpse's hoodie, prompting him to look down at you. Though you've been quiet throughout the past hour, Corpse hadn't forgotten about you.
He raises a brow, confused for a second until you grab at his hoodie again with pleading eyes.
"'M cold, daddy."
"Shh, okay, baby, I got you."
Corpse pulls his sweater over his head, and on instinct, you raise your arms up as well. Corpse takes his hoodie and puts it on you, causing you to giggle in delight.
"There you go. Is that better?"
You beam, "Mhm!"
As Corpse shared this moment with you, he was still blissfully unaware that his mic was still on. That was, until he heard the choruses of "awe's" in his headphones.
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helloalycia · 3 years
a bitch [one] // leigh shaw
summary: you're used to leigh's constant mood swings and unpredictability, but didn't expect she'd ever do something to hurt you like she did.
warning/s: cheating
author's note: an angsty leigh shaw imagine was requested, so here we are! there's one more part to this so enjoy 😊
part two | masterlist | wattpad
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Leigh Shaw could be a very unpredictable woman.
Ever since the unfortunate death of her husband, Matt, she'd become very erratic. It was hard to remember what she was like before he died, but then she'd flash me a smile and say something adorable and I remembered. Other times though, she could be as explosive as they came. If you ever got swept up in her mood swings, you'd be screwed.
Despite this, I remained by her side. That's what best friends did. Even when she yelled at me or gave me the cold shoulder or treated me like dirt, I stayed because I knew that was what she needed.
One time, a few months after Matt's death, I was stopping by to see how she was. A prime example of the cold effect she could have on people.
I raised my hand to knock, but the door suddenly swung open, revealing a peeved Jules and a pissed Leigh further behind her in the hallway.
"Hey," I greeted her sister with a smile, but she moved past me moodily. I glanced at Leigh before catching Jules' arm, stopping her. "What happened?"
Jules smiled bitterly. "You know, you should reconsider where you put your care, Y/N. Some people just aren't worth it."
At that last part, she glared over my shoulder, no doubt at Leigh. I turned to look at Leigh, who merely stuck a middle finger up at her sister before storming towards to the kitchen.
"What a bitch," Jules mumbled, making me wince because it was such a horrible word.
Jules shook me off before marching to her car to leave. I sighed and turned around to let myself in to their house. Closing the door behind me, I followed after Leigh and found her making toast in the kitchen angrily.
"Hey," I began softly, not wanting to give her another reason to get pissed off. Sitting on a stool at the island, I asked, "What happened?"
She forced a smile as she grabbed her toast from the toaster and dropped it on a plate. "My sister can't respect my space is all."
I pursed my lips awkwardly, watching as she grabbed butter from the fridge. Noticing my silence, she glanced up at me through her eyelashes.
"What?" she deadpanned, pausing from her actions.
"I don't think Jules is trying to upset you," I began, knowing I'd probably regret it. "I'm sure she understands you want space, but she loves you. And when you see someone you love hurting, you feel like you have to do something."
A sour smile broke out on her face as she scoffed. "Wow. Could you have your head stuck any further up Jules' arse?"
"Leigh, that's not what I'm–"
"What the hell are you even doing here?" she snapped. "I didn't invite you, Y/N."
Tensing my jaw, I refrained from getting annoyed. "Believe it or not, I actually wanted to check on you."
She curled her lips into a frown. "Well, I'm fine."
As if to prove that she was, she continued to butter her toast, but when she set her knife down, it slipped off the edge of the table and clattered to the floor. Frustrated, she slammed a fist on the countertop.
"It's okay, I'll–"
"Just get out," she cut me off when I was making a move to help her. I paused, wondering if she meant it, then her deadly green glare settled on my face. "Leave."
Sighing with defeat, I nodded and wordlessly left.
Sometimes Leigh wouldn't apologise. She'd act like nothing had happened and we'd move on. Other times, she actually would, surprisingly recognising that she'd done something wrong.
There was this one time when I'd invited her over for the evening to eat dinner and watch some films. The dinner went perfectly fine – we talked, we laughed, we spent time together – but then when we settled in the living room to watch a film, things started to unravel.
I can't remember exactly what she'd said. One second we were choosing a film on Netflix, then she was trying to make plans with me on the weekend. Unfortunately, I already had plans with my girlfriend, Alex, and Leigh didn't seem to like this. She'd made a comment under her breath and though I don't remember it specifically, I knew it wasn't polite.
Before I knew it, we were screaming at each other, arguing over the dumbest things. It started off being about my girlfriend and then the most unrelated stuff was being brought up on both of our ends. Sometimes she could be so aggravating, managing to rile me up and bring the worst out in me. The argument lasted a few minutes before she left, leaving me seething and full of hurt.
It was the following day at work when she came to see me next. I owned a café a few doors down from her mother's dance studio and was working a shift when her sister came through the front door.
I smiled at her when she approached the counter dressed in gym gear, her usual getup when at work with her family.
"Hey, how're you doing, Jules?" I asked.
"I'm good," she greeted with a smile, before it faded. "Just a warning, Y/N, Leigh is incoming in one minute. She wants to apologise."
Eyes rolling with mild annoyance, I let out a sigh. As dreadful as our spat was last night, I knew I had to also apologise to her. I'd said some hurtful things that made me feel all icky inside. Going to sleep after a fight was never a nice feeling.
"I don't know how you've put up with her for this long," Jules commented, picking up a cupcake from the display. "She can be so horrible to you."
I frowned, not feeling comfortable talking badly of Leigh behind her back. "That's not fair, Jules. You know what she's going through."
Jules gave me a knowing look. "I do, but that doesn't give her a free pass to treat you like she does."
Shrugging, I busied myself with cleaning up the crumbs from Jules' cupcake and giving her a plate.
"I take it you're going to forgive her then," she stated, though she definitely knew the answer judging from her expression.
"We both said some things we shouldn't have," I tried to explain so it didn't seem like I was giving in so easily, which deep down, I definitely knew I was, but Leigh was worth it.
Jules chuckled. "Yep, you're forgiving her. Looks like it's Leigh's lucky day."
I didn't say anything as she picked up the plate, ready to take a seat at one of the tables. Just as she was about to leave, she paused thoughtfully.
"You know, if you didn't have a girlfriend already, I'd say you were whipped," she said casually.
Ignoring her words, I watched her take her a seat on one of the spare tables. She made jokes like that a lot, but the truth was that I would probably do anything for Leigh. We'd been best friends since university – that was way too long to simply throw away our friendship because she was going through a tough time. And yes, the girlfriend talk threw me off at times... by the time I'd realised I liked Leigh as more than a friend, she was engaged. And I got over it, but Jules continued with the jokes and I continued to dismiss it.
As Jules warned, Leigh entered the café and caught my eyes with a nervous smile. I returned it, just as nervous as she looked, before watching her approach the counter. She was dressed in gym gear, like her sister, but a fine layer of sweat coated her skin which made me think she may have just finished teaching a class.
"Hey," she said with a rare gentleness to her voice. Her hands rested on the counter, fumbling slightly, before she put them by her sides instead. "How are you?"
Uncomfortably, I played with a loose thread on my apron. "I've been better, not gonna lie."
She exhaled regretfully. "I want to apologise, Y/N. Last night... it wasn't fair what I did. Just snapping at you like that."
I didn't know what to say, so I stayed quiet and avoided her eyes.
"I just get so angry sometimes," she admitted, noticing I wouldn't speak. She sounded exhausted and I looked up to see her running a hand through her hair. "I can't explain it. My anger at you wasn't about Alex or the plans, it was just me."
"It's because you're still hurting," I told her what I'd observed, shoulders relaxing. "And you're not very good at expressing that."
She shook her head, eyes drifting to the till distractedly. "I should be because I keep hurting the people I love."
My heart ached at the devastation in her voice and I put my hand out, motioning for her to take it. Thankfully, she did and I squeezed hers gently.
"Look, let's just forget it happened," I said with a small smile. "I... I didn't exactly say the nicest of things either."
She grimaced, letting go of my hand. "No, I get why you said it. It wasn't fair of me to just start on you like that. You were just defending your girlfriend... God, I can be such a bitch sometimes."
I winced at the word, it grating my ears. "That's not true, Leigh."
"It is." She nodded slowly, rolling her eyes. "Everybody thinks it. Including you."
"I don't think that," I said with creased brows, meeting her saddened eyes. "You're not a bitch. I've never once thought that."
"Really?" She raised a brow, smiling with defeat. "Not even that time when I stole your doughnuts after that fight we had two weeks ago?"
I shook my head. "Nope."
"Not even when I snapped at you for no reason the other day when you tried to help me write my article?"
"Not even then."
Her expression softened with guilt. "Not even when I called you a selfish jerk last night for not wanting to spend time with me even though you have a life of your own?"
I rounded the counter and stopped before her, looking between her guilt-ridden eyes. "Especially not then, Leigh."
She breathed out quietly and I pulled her in for a hug, glad when I felt her relax beneath me. Her arms clasped around my waist and I was glad we were good again.
It was a year later when Leigh and I eventually got together as a couple. It was a long time after I broke up with my girlfriend and it was completely unexpected.
I'd invited Leigh to be my 'date' to my mum's birthday party, since the two had gotten on so well in the past. She was happy to oblige, but as soon as we arrived, her mood changed.
I was helping collect the pizzas from the delivery guy when he started to flirt with me. At the time, I didn't even realise, but I knew that Leigh had acted different since it happened. When I finally confronted her about her sudden mood swing, she proceeded to make out with me completely unexpectedly and then admitted she was in love with me.
I'm not gonna lie, it was a good time. Since breaking up with my girlfriend, I'd been single and falling for my best friend all over again. Leigh making the first move was all I'd needed to finally share how I felt, too.
That was six months ago, and since then, we'd been going strong. Of course, there were still times when she had her mood swings and took it out on me (and literally everyone else) without realising, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I was used to it, used to her. So much that I should have trusted her even when presented with conflicting evidence.
We were at her workplace, Basically News, where she wrote columns part-time. It was a work party she'd been invited to and she'd asked me to be her date, which of course I said yes to. At the moment, we may or may not have been a little tipsy as we stood in the corner, drinking from flutes of champagne.
"Thank you again for coming here tonight as my date," Leigh said with a grin, arms laced around my neck as she held me close.
Pressing a kiss to my lips briefly, she pulled away and left my head spinning, and not just because of the alcohol.
"Any excuse to not be on the closing shift at work is good enough for me," I said playfully, resting my hands behind her waist.
She gasped. "Oh? So it wasn't me who persuaded you to come tonight?"
I pulled a face, feigning forgetfulness. "Hmm, I'm not too sure. Maybe you'll have to remind me why I agreed to come."
She bit her lip to contain her grin, eyes flickering to my lips. Leaning in, her lips met mine and I closed my eyes, enjoying the way she combed her hand through my hair and tilted my head towards her so she could get better access. She was a really good kisser and she knew the effect she had on me as I felt her smirk into it, catching her breath, before chasing down my lips and nibbling on them temptingly.
Remembering where we were, I gently pushed her back and tried to contain my smile. "Make it PG, Leigh. You're at work."
She licked her lips and began to laugh, green eyes darting between mine. "You're just so cute."
I rolled my eyes playfully. "I don't want everyone here knowing how irresistible you are or they might try to steal you away."
Her laughter filled the air, making my stomach flip at the sound.
"Though I think they may already know that because of how sexy you look tonight," I added, eyes fluttering down her body to appreciate just how well she pulled off her fitted black dress.
She raised her brows with surprise, making me mirror her expression comically.
Leaning close to my ear, she said above a whisper, "D'you wanna know something not-so-sexy?"
Her breath tickled my ear and sent shivers down my spine, making me tense up slightly. Judging from the expression on her face, she was very much aware of what she was doing to me.
"What?" I asked with amusement.
"I really need to pee," she said, and I began to laugh because she did, too, and I knew she wasn't kidding. Pressing a kiss to my cheek, she added, "I'll be right back."
Letting go of me, she waved goodbye before going to the toilets. I busied myself with getting to know her colleagues whilst I waited, until five minutes had passed and I realised she still hadn't returned. Deciding to check on her, I headed in the direction of the toilets, only to freeze when I saw something I definitely wasn't expecting.
Leigh was kissing another girl outside of them.
It was her colleague, Abby, that was the first thing I noticed. But I didn't stay to make out anything more as I immediately turned around and walked away, trying to make my brain catch up to what I'd just seen.
Leigh was kissing somebody else. Somebody that wasn't me. Somebody who I had always suspected had a thing for her, but I never considered that maybe Leigh had a thing for her, too.
Definitely not tipsy anymore, I found the nearest table and took a seat, trying not to assume the worst. But how else could I perceive what I'd just seen? It could have been a mistake, though I was so shocked and hurt and angry that I couldn't imagine how. Maybe she'd explain herself to me. Or maybe she'd tell me what actually happened. Maybe.
Leigh returned not long after, finding me at the table. Smiling like nothing had happened, she pulled me up and led me to dance. Not once, for the remainder of the evening, did she suggest that anything was out of the ordinary, nor did she explain herself. And I couldn't help but wonder how I had the worst luck with women.
This one hurt way more than the last time because it wasn't just anyone – it was Leigh.
A year and a half ago:
"Danny mentioned the breakdown you had last week because they didn't have doughnuts, so I, er, brought you these just in case."
Leigh cracked a small smile in the passenger's seat before accepting the box I held out to her. I'd just parked up outside the place where she went to her grief counselling group, having offered to drop her off. It had only been a few months since Matt died, but sometimes, the old Leigh shone back through and it made me feel hopeful that she'd make it through this.
"Thank you," she said genuinely, fingers wavering on top of the box, before she lifted her gaze to meet mine. "And thanks for the ride. You didn't have to."
I shrugged, thumb tapping the steering wheel mindlessly. "I don't mind. I just wanna make sure you get here okay."
She sighed, shaking her head, though a ghost of a smile was on her lips.
"Text me when you're done and I'll be happy to pick you up, too," I added casually.
"Thanks," she repeated, though didn't make a move to leave my car just yet. I didn't rush her.
Sadly, the silence was broken when my phone began to ring and my girlfriend's name flashed on the screen in my car where my phone was connected to. Glancing at Leigh, I just about made out the eye-roll she did.
"Sorry," I apologised, before declining the call instantly.
"Why d'you do that? Could've been urgent," she said with a clipped tone.
Oh, no, I thought. Whenever she used that tone, it meant she was picking a fight.
"I'm here with you," I said like it was obvious, hoping that one thing didn't ruin the moment.
She tensed her jaw, looking down as her hair fell around her face. "Whatever."
Before I could think of a way to make her feel better, the screen lit up again and my ringtone echoed through the car. I winced at the glare Leigh sent to the screen. If looks could kill, my car would be toast.
Declining the call, I looked to her worriedly. "What's wrong, Leigh?"
Her glare fell to me. "Why the hell do you keep declining it? She's calling you for a reason."
I raised my eyebrows. "Because I'm here with you? Alex can wait. I'm taking you to grief group."
"Well, I'm here at grief group," she mocked, turning to face me with an unexplainable frustration.
I didn't understand why she was so touchy all of a sudden. The car ride here, she'd been fine. Just a moment ago, she'd been fine. But now... now she was acting unreasonable.
My phone buzzed in my pocket suddenly, followed by a tone that signalled I had a text. Leigh smiled bitterly, rolling her eyes.
"Let me guess," she muttered. "It's her."
Still very much unable to keep up with her mood swings, I didn't answer. Her gaze snapped to mine as she stared at me with disbelief.
"Why the fuck aren't you checking it?!"
I grimaced, my own exasperation slipping out when I blurted, "I'm a little confused to what you want from me right now, Leigh!" Breathing out slowly, I said, "I'm sorry if this is bothering you. I'll turn off my phone next time."
As if I'd deeply offended her, she raised a brow incredulously. "Are you kidding me? Why would this bother me?"
Okay, I was extremely confused now.
"I don't know," I admitted, bewildered.
"Is that what you think of me? Some clingy bitch who won't let you live your life?"
I widened my eyes. "What?! Leigh! I never said–"
"Sorry if taking me is such a task," she said abruptly, moving to put the box of doughnuts on the dashboard.
"I never said that," I told her sternly.
"You didn't have to. I know already. I'm just a burden on everyone."
She got out of the car and slammed the door shut behind her. Meanwhile, my confusion was still trying to make out what the hell just happened.
"Don't bother picking me up," she said through the open window of the passenger's door. A scowl was on her face as she added, "You should go spend time with Alex. She's probably missing you."
Breathing out, I leaned back into my seat and watched her walk away and to the entrance of the building. When she acted like this – so push and pull with her emotions – I was so conflicted. What could possibly be going on in her mind that she managed to flip everything that just happened? A complete 180?
Knowing she'd just need some time to cool off, I shook my head and focused on leaving. But then I remembered my phone went off and pulled it out to see what was so important. Aside from two missed calls from Alex, I saw I had a voicemail, too, not a text.
Grumbling fo myself, still disgruntled by Leigh's attitude, I raised the phone to my ear to have a listen, whilst hoping it wasn't actually anything life-threatening.
At first, all I could hear was some very faint laughing and vague noises, kind of like material rubbing together and breathing. I assumed Alex had left me a voicemail without even realising since I'd done that countless of times to other people, having dropped my phone in my bag without realising it was still on. But then the noises became more distinct and I made out words.
"Jake, stop messing about," a voice said, whom I instantly recognised as my girlfriend.
I furrowed my brows. Jake? Jake as in the guy she worked with Jake?
"If you stop teasing me then maybe I will," a gravelly yet devious voice responded.
My throat went dry when I heard more laughter before it went quiet. It didn't take a genius to understand what was happening, especially when the moans that followed echoed in my ear, begging me not to forget.
Unable to listen anymore, I hung up and threw my phone onto the passenger's seat. Tears welled in my eyes as I glanced over at it hesitantly, almost wishing it hadn't even existed. And as much as I didn't want to accept the glaring fact, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
She was cheating on me.
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animatedrapture · 4 years
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"𝖐𝖎𝖘𝖘 𝖒𝖊 𝖘𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖞" — suna rintarou ;
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𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: suna rintarō is so much more than his bored eyes, the blunt between his lips, and his tendency to slack off—luckily, you're one of the very few people who know this; especially after he comes home to you sullen after finding out he didn't make it to the olympic players.
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘: female reader. fluff—established relationship. angst if you squint. comfort. mention of drug use. like, one swear word.
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 2k
𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊: in lieu of the influx of toxic stoner!suna content, i offer you a piece of appreciation towards him and all that he is. i was meaning to post this in my new blog but i thought there's so much of you here who would appreciate and need this more. written on a whim at 1AM and didn't proofread so for any errors, gomen. repost because tumblr tagging hates me. cross posted on ao3 under the same username. original post here. this was written before we got information that he actually made it to the olympic team. furudate really told me to stfu, huh?
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It's you who find out first that there is truly so much more to Suna Rintarō than his expressionless exterior, sleepy eyes, and bored gaze towards even the most ridiculous situations. It's when his self assured stance dwindled as he walked towards you once upon a time, introducing himself first before asking you for your number.
"My number?" You echoed his request, trying your best not to gawk at his attractive features and six foot two stature towering over you so easily; making you feel oh so small. (Which is funny, given that you were already standing straight on your heels.)
"If you don't mind, 's cool if you say no," he replies, tearing his gaze from you as if he was actually anxious you'd say no.
It's funny, really. It's not every day a famous pro-athlete known for both his good looks and skills walk up to you, asking for your number and actually considering you'd say no to him and his pretty features—in fact, nevermind that he was pretty, it was more the fact that he wasn't so full of himself to actually think you wouldn't say no.
That's what makes you nod your head; your heart already beating right out of your chest as he gives you a lazy grin and his phone to press your number in. When you're done, you hand it back to him and you mentally pat yourself at the back for not visibly trembling.
"Y/N?" He reads your name from the contact information, and good God, did your name sound so beautiful coming out of his mouth. He doesn't wait for your reply anymore, looking back at you from his phone, the lazy smile still across his lips as if he knew it was a heart killer.
"Thanks, I'll text you later," is the last thing he said before he walked away from you.
It didn't take long for you to fall in love with someone like Suna Rintarō—underneath his detached personality also lied someone who was truly passionate with the things he set his mind to, gave his time to. Like you or volleyball or the video game he's been waiting to release for a whole month—it only had to be something or someone who was special enough, then, he would give it his all.
The smoke that filled his lungs occasionally did nothing to lessen your own intoxication of Suna Rintarō and his passions—because every exhale, his dark green eyes would meet yours and oh so easily, he offers you that same lazy smile yet one that was dripping with affection.
"Should you even be smoking that, Rintarō?" You had questioned him before, about the second time you've seen him put the rolled blunt in between his soft lips, inhaling it.
"It's a once in a while kinda thing, you don't actually think I'd sacrifice my career for this don'tcha?" He grins at you, amusement flooding his usually bored eyes — now glazed over with the effects of the weed—from the way he gazes at you with an eyebrow raised.
It's when you realize that Suna Rintarō was independent and knew what he was doing—did what he did with full awareness, full control, full flexibility. It's as if who he was in court was who he was in person as well.
"You're really interesting, y'know that Rin?" You had mumbled against his chest once before, it was at the first few months of dating—he had one of his arms around you with you cuddled on his side, watching a movie from his couch.
"I mean—you've always been so good at what you do, huh? But you still work for it."
"What makes you say that?" You can feel him looking down on face against his chest.
"C'mon, don't be silly. You were scouted at middle school and you only got better as you grew up!" You say, finally moving your head to meet his gaze.
But all you get is a flick on your forehead and his low chuckle, "'s not that deep, y/n," he answers.
But you already knew better.
Suna isn't one for words, and no matter how much you insist that he was beyond the description of words, he only rolls his narrowed eyes at you. You find out Suna Rintarō, your boyfriend, was a huge inspiration during your sixth month together when you finally met his little sister.
It's hard to say it wasn't amusing how snarky she was, just as he was to his friends whom you've met a few times before—Atsumu and Osamu Miya, you remember. She's quick with her tongue, easily retorting back to her brother's comments.
"Are you sure you didn't just pay Y/N-san to be your girlfriend, nii-san?"
"Nah, you still jealous I came out prettier than you?" Suna bites back, a teasing grin plastered across his face. His sister only scoffs, looking back at you.
"You can tell me if he blackmailed you to come here!" She attempts to whisper. You're not sure whether you should be worried or continue to laugh, but you do neither as you choke on the drink you were sipping on right as she told you this.
"Shit, Y/N," Suna curses as you cough, your throat burning at the drink's intrusion, but Suna's quick to rub soothingly against your back as he offers you his water, his eyes glazed over in panic.
"You okay?" He asks when you stopped coughing, and you nod in response—throat remaining slightly sore. Suna lets out an aggravated groan, "Be careful next time," he manages to scold you, but oddly enough, his words remain saccharine.
There's something about the way that his little sister doesn't seem the least bit surprised with his reaction that somehow lets you know that perhaps, Suna Rintarō might just be quite the caring brother behind closed doors.
After that, it was when Suna excused himself to take a call from his manager, leaving you with his sister.
"Hey, nee-san, promise you'll take care of Rin-nii? You won't break his heart, will you?" His sister asks, eyes gleaming with something akin to hope, expectation, wonder. It easily takes you by surprise.
"Don't you worry, I'll promise I'll take care of him, promise I won't break his heart," your voice easily softens, nodding. His little sister's gaze remains on you, as if she's assessing you and as if she would easily tell whether or not you meant the words that came out of your mouth.
It makes you hold a breath until she nods slowly, smiling at you lightly just as Suna comes walking back, eyebrows raised, knowing he must've missed something.
"Whatcha girls talkin' bout?" He asked as he slipped back on his seat beside you.
"None of your business, obviously," his sister quickly answers.
They're truly quite similar, it's enough to make you smile and get through meeting his little sister until both of you dropped her off back to the train station.
"What'd she tell you?" Suna nudged you after seeing her train leave.
"Nothing, Rin," you answered with a wide smile, leaning up to place a chaste kiss against his lips—yet just as you pull away, one of his hands has found its way behind your neck, pulling you back to him.
You never thought a kiss could feel so loving before—but it really seemed as if Suna Rintarō had a knack for proving you wrong, over and over again.
It was the day that the Olympic team was announced when you see so much more of Suna Rintarō. Quick like the blink of an eye, or lightning that leaves the thunder chasing it; Suna felt the exhaustion, the pressure, the burnt-out feeling that's been repressed in the back of his head. It comes to him, crashing down like boulders not just on his shoulders but weighing down every part of his body.
Did he lack somewhere? He wonders. Where did that lacking end and start? What could have he done? Was it training, where he spent most of his time now? Suna had end up seeing you less and less since the drafting of olympic players started and you've been nothing but patient.
What was he supposed to tell you? After all the time it has stolen away from you—that he didn't make it?
When he opened the door to your shared apartment, he doesn't look up at you with a relieved sigh as he usually would—he avoids you gaze entirely, he avoids your observing eyes from the couch you sat on, watching him slowly shrug his shoes off.
"I'm just gonn—" he started, about to make an excuse to avoid looking at you.
"Prepared your bath, Rin. C'mon," Suna hears you say but it doesn't sink in his head, watching you take his hand, leading him to the bathroom.
Suna remains silent as he looks down on the bath you prepared for him, warm and inviting.
"Meet me in the kitchen when you're done, okay?" He hears you say, followed by the echo of your footsteps walking away.
You easily understand that Suna Rintarō was more than his talents, his efforts, and every little thing about him when you feel his large arms wrapped around you, his broad chest pressed against your back and his face buried on the crook of your neck. His fresh scent right out of the shower engulfing you and invading your senses, flooding you with him.
"'m sorry, bunny," he mumbles.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, Ri—"
"It's odd, thought I'd pull it off, thought it'd be nothin' if I didn't make it. Don't know why I'm so upset right now," he continues, cutting you off, "Been so patient for me too, bunny. Thought I'd be nice to make you proud, ya know?"
Your sigh comes out sharp from the heavy feeling from your chest, not knowing what to do to make him feel better—like he did with you, always knowing his way around your low moments.
You wriggle out of his arms, making him grumble until you fully face him. He looks back at you with a small frown, eyebrows furrowed, watching your expression.
"I'm always proud of you, Rin. Olympic player or not, you make me so proud," you speak softly, your hands cupping each side of his face.
"Don't even get why it matters to me this much, it's just—" it was your turn to cut him off, tipping your toes to press a lingering kiss against his lips. Suna smiles against your lips, carrying you to sit on the kitchen counter like he always did—knowing you always would have to tip on your toes to reach him.
Soon, the lingering kiss turns slow and passionate—lips softly grazing the other, and it feels more like pouring the heavy weight of love out of your chest and into the other. A kiss so loving, so reassuring, so passionate—the kind that easily takes your breath away and makes your mind go blank. When Suna pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours, breathing heavily. You smile at him because it's all you can do when your heart feels like it's going to leap out of your throat just to offer itself to him entirely—and Suna smiles back at you, pecking your lips before wrapping his arms around you again, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You run your fingers through his hair, hoping it would help soothe him, and then you say, "I promise that you'll make it next year, Rin. I'll be with you now, and I'll still be with you then."
It only makes him hold you tighter, closer to him, "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, Rintarō. You deserve the world and all the stars in the galaxy."
"'s too bad there's nothin' more I need than you, then."
That's what Suna tells you—Suna, who was smoke in his lungs, dumb videos of the twins to blackmail them with, little mistakes, bored eyes, and lazy attitude. The same Suna who was slow kisses, passion, and genuine smiles reserved for you—the same Suna who gave his passions his all, the same Suna who held you securely in his arms every night, the same Suna his little sister admired. Most of all, the same Suna Rintarō you loved with every beat of your heart, every fibre of your being.
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📞 violet is calling... all content featured belongs to ©️ animatedrapture. do not plagiarize, repost, or modify.
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jeongvision · 3 years
before i request i'd like to say CONGRATS ON 1000 FOLLOWERS BABE!! your writing is some of the best i've seen on tumblr and i'm looking forward to all your future work.
anyways!! here's the request:
mark + roommates! au + "did you just slap my ass?"
- @markleesflathead :-)
pairing. mark lee ✗ fem! reader
genre. fluff, humor, roommate au
warnings. mild cursing, not proofread
author’s note. PFFT I LAUGHED SO HARD AT YOUR REQUEST HAHAHA I LOVE IT! and thank you so much, babe! hope you enjoy this blurb <3 it’s slightly based on a true story haha
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“Y/n…” Mark called.
“Hm?” You looked away from your computer screen and faced your roommate. He stood in your doorway, dressed in grey sweats and a plain white tee. He must’ve just ran his hand through his hair, dark strands pointing in several different angles.
He cleared his throat before adjusting the glasses on his nose. “What.. is that?”
You raised an eyebrow. “What is what?” You pushed yourself away from your desk and swiveled in your chair to the direction of your roommate, arms crossed against your chest.
“That thing that’s sitting next to you.”
“You mean my tablet?” You grabbed your tablet off your desk and showed it off to him. “Johnny bought me this for Christmas, remember?”
“No, not that,” He points next to you. “The one with stripes.”
You followed his line of sight, your eyes landing to the one in question. ‘Wait… is he being serious right now?’ you asked yourself. You huffed out a breath. “You’re kidding, right?” you asked. However, the latter in front of you stays immobile, waiting for you to speak further on the mysterious figure that sat besides you. This whole exchange left you incredulous that you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
“Mark, that’s my goddaughter. I’m babysitting her for my friend.”
Your best friend recently got promoted at her office after months of strenuous work hours. While it was certainly great that she obtained a higher position and pay, it demanded more of her time away from home. Until she finds a qualified babysitter or a family member available to watch her daughter, she asked for your time when possible. Today was one of your free days— the only thing you had to get done was researching for your final project.
Your goddaughter was an absolute sweetheart. The moment her eyes laid on you, she spread her arms out and ran towards your legs for a hug, cheers and giggles emanating from her lips. She even went as far to show you some of her favorite videos she watches on Youtube Kids. Three hours into babysitting and you forgot to inform your roommate that you had a guest over.
What a surprise it must’ve been for Mark to wake up at 1:48pm with a pair of miniature shoes at the front door and a child using her tablet in his roommate’s bedroom.
He tilts his head. “Since when you have a goddaughter?”
“Since five years ago, Mark.” You rolled your eyes. “Her name is Victoria,” you introduced her. Looking down at her, you push some of her baby hairs away from her face before placing an urging hand on her back. “Want to say hi to my friend, little one?”
She lets out a shy smile and cowers behind her tablet, not long before answering the latter. “H-Hi..” she meekly greets. “I’m Victoria.”
Mark instantly melts at her introduction and coos at her. “She’s so cute— oh my god.”
You giggled. “Yeah, I know.” Standing up from your chair, you reached out for one of her hands. “You woke up just in time, actually. We’re about to bake some strawberry shortcake.” You nod your head to him. “Wanna join?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Sure.” With all three of you departing from your bedroom, you all enter the kitchen, blinds long casted aside to let the afternoon sun enter through your apartment. Victoria plops onto one of your dining chairs while you sorted through your pantry of baking ingredients. You heard Mark open the fridge but instead of him sifting through the contents that you’d expected, you hear no actions from him.
You laughed. “Strawberries, whip cream, eggs.”
After gathering all the ingredients you needed, you both placed them on the kitchen counter. “Okay, so do you want to mix the eggs first while I cut the strawberries?” you asked him.
“Yeah, sure thing—” He jumps a little in his spot. “What the— Did you just slap my ass?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “No, what? I’m literally in front of you, Mark.”
Both of you looked behind him to see none other than Victoria standing with her angel-like eyes, peering up at you two with innocence. However, her demeanor cracks through as she lets out a fit of giggles from both of your confused expressions.
“Victoria…” Mark called out. “Did you slap my butt just now?”
She nods. “Yup!”
“Because why?”
She giggles again. “Because.. I like slapping butts.”
You shrug your shoulders. “Maybe she has a thing for cakes.”
“Dude, what?”
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jeongvision’s milestone event!
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valberryy · 4 years
oh, eurydice (it's an awful sound). — venti
de l'autre côté de l'eau, comme un écho. / tu dis que c'est la fin du monde, c'est ton silence mon eau profonde.
um,, idk what to say cause i dont want this to b my venti summoning post but. anyways. also tagging @starfell-traveler look i finished it!!!! b proud of me /hj
pairing: venti x gn!reader
content warnings: mentions/descriptions of alcohol & blood/injuries, major character death, it's just heavy angst i'm sorry
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Venti still remembers the first time he heard you laugh, warm and clear and bright, like the chiming of cathedral-bells.
In those golden days when he was getting used to his new face, he often found himself wandering—much to the chagrin of his friends. If he wasn't in one of the many taverns of the newly-built Mondstadt, he was wandering these new, free lands.
And that was how he met you, the spritely scion of house Gunnhildr, who had strayed away from your envoy with a bottle of wine and leaves in your hair. He noted the mischief dancing in your eyes, the sunlight dappling on your skin, the way your mouth formed a small "o" when you saw you were not alone.
Your eyes had lit up when you caught sight of him. "Oh, my lord!" you called, "Fancy a cup and a chat, perhaps?"
Venti stood still for a moment to ponder your request, but at the sound of you popping the cork off the bottle and pouring it into a cup you had brought, he found his resolve weakening. He took a seat next to you as you pulled a stray leaf from your hair, taking a sip from your cup before passing it to him.
How brazen of you, he mused.
While cherry wine, in his opinion, could never hold a candle to the dandelion wine he had grown fond of, it tasted all the sweeter coming from you.
You had laughed at this sentiment of his, clear as the water from the lake nearby. "Is that so?" you asked. "Perhaps I'll bring some more of this kind especially for you, dearest bard."
Venti responded with a playful pluck at his lyre-strings. "I'd prefer if you called me by my name, young master Gunnhildr."
"And what would that be?"
Just as he was about to respond, the two of you caught wind of voices yelling out your name, and you flinched. "That must be for me," you said. "I shouldn't have expected to be able to hide forever."
He helped you stand, stretching out his arm to pull you up—your hand was soft and warm against his own, and the "thank you," that rolled from your lips made his heart flutter in a way he wasn't used to.
"I'd love to see you again," you said, and he smiled.
"You talk as if this is goodbye forever!" Venti joked. "We can meet here again, if you so wish."
"Then it is done," you said, and squeezed his hand as if in confirmation of your new arrangement.
And with the lightest press of your wine-stained lips to his cheek, you had run off without another word—only the sound of your distant laughter and, "Sorry, sorry! I'm back now, mother!" left in your wake.
That promise had soon become habit, and habit a new way of life—one wherein you would sneak away from the rest of your family to rendezvous with Venti in the forest, to share wine and song and sweet, honeyed words alike.
(And as time wore on, you pressed your wine-stained lips to more places than just his cheek, and the cheeky bastard would have you do it again, and again, and again.)
"What d'you reckon your family would say if they figured out you were sneaking away for this?" Venti mused, "Like a hero in a romance novel."
With a laugh, you lay your head over his lap and smiled when his hand came to rest in your hair, his fingers gently playing with the strands. "Scold me, I suppose," you said. "There are worse fates than not being allowed outside for a month, my love." 
You plucked a stray dandelion out of his hair, blowing the seeds to the wind. 
"Hmm? And what would those be, I wonder?"
"...You're so infuriating, Venti," you grumbled, and he simply laughed and took another sip of wine—elderflower this time, tasting like spring upon his tongue. "I can't even dare imply that I want to be with you forever without you teasing me for it—what kind of lover are you? Hmph."
He paused, a teasing grin growing on his lips despite your previous words. "Are you asking me to marry you?"
An odd noise left your throat. "I mean," you said, "unless you want me to take your surname instead? ...Now that I think about it, Venti Gunnhildr doesn't quite sound the best."
A laugh, first from him, soon followed by one of your own. "Your family won't allow it, would they? But if the fates allow…there's nothing I'd love more than to be with you," he said. Gently he untangled his fingers from your hair, weaving his fingers between your own instead. "That is, if you want it too?"
A world of just you and him, a life where he would never have to stray far from your side—perhaps this was what Amos so desperately craved for, in those days. Venti watched as you removed the signet ring from your pointer finger and fit it snugly on his own, admiring your handiwork and smiling up at him.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Somehow it felt odd to see you in clothes other than the casual attire he had always seen you in. When you were seated upon your horse like this, dressed in richly-dyed leathers and embroidered silks with your family crest hanging proudly from your breast pocket, you seemed much less like the cheeky [Name] that would pluck his lyre from his hands to play your own tune, and more like the young scion of house Gunnhildr that the rest of the world saw you as.
"I'm sorry, dearest," you said, your voice thick with regret. "They only told me about this last night, so I've had no time to tell you… And father wouldn't let me refuse, so—"
Venti laughed, "When did you become such a worrywart? It's only one round of hunting, right? I'll be waiting for you back here."
You huffed, leaning down to press a kiss to the corner of his lips. "Then I'll be sure to hurry on back to you."
He pulled you back down for another kiss, square on the lips this time, before letting you go. "Don't miss!" he said, calling after your horse, to which you turned and yelled back at him,
"If I do, it's your fault!"
He laughed, settling down beneath a tree and closing his eyes. You'd be there to wake him when you returned.
When Venti awoke, it was not to your hand shaking his shoulder but to a thud and the worried whinnying of a horse. His eyes snapped open as you groaned, one hand clutching your stomach and the other propping you up. When you caught his gaze you smiled weakly, too much blood in your teeth and not enough light in your eyes.
"I'm back, dearest," you said, and he had stumbled over to catch you before your arm gave out.
He pressed down on your torso, where three large gashes ran down from your chest down to your stomach, large and jagged as if from the claws of a bear. You groaned in pain and he pressed a kiss to your hand in apology, your skin pale and clammy in a way that reminded him too much of harsh, cold winds and a boy with his lyre. 
"You should've seen me, Venti," you breathed, "I shot it right in the throat…are you proud of me?"
"Very," he said. "I'll always be proud of you."
You laughed, broken and pained and sad. "Good," you said, "good." Then you looked up at him, the tears welling in his eyes, the reality of his fate—your fate—finally looming upon him. "Don't look at me like that, love," you cooed. "Please, smile for me, okay? Sing for me…can you spare me at least that much?"
His grip on your hand tightened. "All of that and so much more, dandelion," he said. "Please…"
"So much more, huh…" you mused. "Then, how about one last kiss before I go?"
"...You talk as if this is goodbye," he says, but doesn't protest when you pull him down by the collar, your red-stained lips pressing weakly against his—
—But instead of the sweetness of wine, there was only the sharp bitterness of your blood in his mouth.
"How far would you go for me?" was something Venti had thrown around a lot, never expecting you to give him a straight answer—not with how you shoved his shoulder and said, "Just because there wasn't a ceremony doesn't mean I'm not your spouse, Venti. Wouldn't the answer be obvious?"
But he still recalled the first time he had asked you and the first time you answered, your fingers tangled with his and your head buried in the crook of his neck. Your voice had been softer, gentler, lacking the playful edge but just as genuine as always, "From the deepest depths of the ocean to the highest to the highest peaks in the sky," you said, "Until my hands wither away into dust."
"Maybe you're the bard instead of me, love," he had said, then.
In this new world without you he found himself clinging to whatever remnants of you he could—the dappled sunlight in the forest, the slightest sting of alcohol going down, the glint of your family crest on the ring that adorned his finger.
One of his many laments was how he could never mourn you in the way he felt you deserved—he had not the power to turn back time, lacked the dominion over anything static and permanent to immortalise you with. He only had his lyre and his voice and his winds, and all he could do was paint the skies grey in his grief, have the gales sing requiems that you would never hear.
From the deepest depths of the ocean to the highest peaks in the sky he would go for you and back—and if the darkest depths of this world contained the secret to getting you back, perhaps even a mere spirit on the wind could bear the trek through the dark. 
(After all, Venti knew in his heart of hearts that you would have done the same for him.)
The heart of the Abyss wasn't a land of mindless bloodshed and fire—it was cold and calculating, like a predator lying in wait. It was this place, in the depths of Teyvat and in the winding depths of their palace, that he knew could somehow bring you back to him. 
"Are you the one for whom the skies wept, bard?"
Venti swallowed down the lump in his throat. "I am," he said. "I want a deal."
The person before him raised an eyebrow, canting their head to the side. 
"One life," they said, "and no second chances."
Cold, and calculating, and inevitable—but still he would try. Venti owed you at least that much, no?
He squeezed your hand as you trailed behind him, muttering to himself: don't look back, don't look back, don't look back. No matter how much he longed to hold you, to see your face and feel your skin beneath his, he kept his gaze to his feet as you both moved onwards into the dark.
(When he saw you again, just as beautiful as the day he lost you, he dropped his lyre to run into your arms, burying his face in the crook of your neck and surrounding himself with only you, you, you. 
"Venti," you said, and he nearly wept at the way his name rolled from your tongue. "Let's go home.")
You squeezed his hand back, so gently that he almost couldn't believe you were really there. "Why don't you sing me a song, dearest?" you quipped. "Anything you like."
In spite of himself, in spite of the cold around him and behind him and in his own hand, he smiled. "Have I ever sung you the one with the mist flower and the sparrow?"
He heard you huff behind him. "That one again? You know how bad I am at hitting the notes in that!"
"Hmm, sure, sounds like an excuse to me…"
He laughed and squeezed your hand again, as if to remind himself—you were here, and he was taking you home, and you would be able to feel the sun on your skin and taste wine from his cup in the way you had always loved. He would be able to write you songs and guide your hands across his lyre, and he need never stray far from your side.
You need never go somewhere where he couldn't follow.
"We're almost there," he said, resisting the urge to turn around to smile at you. "There's a bottle of wine waiting for us. It wouldn't do us any good to leave it for too long, you know?"
He squeezed your hand again, but you didn't respond.
He swallowed down the lump in his throat. His footsteps hastened, quicker and quicker until he was near-running towards where he knew the surface lay. Had he been tricked? Were you never there all along? Had you gotten lost, or fallen, or left, and left some other person in your stead?
Anxiety clutched at his heart like brambles, and Venti found his mind wandering back to those days with the wintery winds and the friends he had lost to the storms. Not again, he prayed, please, never again.
He ran until his legs ached, ran until the first drop of sunlight finally kissed his skin, and he let go of your hand to turn around—
—to see your face still shrouded in darkness, your eyes wide, your hand still reaching out for him.
"What?" he breathed, "No, please, I can't lose you again—"
You smiled, and though your teeth weren't coated in blood and your body was free from any wounds, Venti's heart had sunk even further than when he had caught you that day. 
"No, love, please, I'm sorry—"
"Venti," you said, "I'll see you again soon, okay?"
"I love you." 
With whatever time you had left, you reached out further to brush the tips of your fingers against his cheek. "Smile for me, okay? Sing me one last song…" 
And before he could reach out to you again, you had once again gone somewhere he couldn't reach. 
(Yours was a song he sang without end, even when all of Mondstadt had forgotten your name—and even when he felt like he didn't deserve to bear your memory. 
On days when he uncorked a bottle of cherry wine or caught the Acting Grandmaster's eye, Venti found himself staring down at the ring you had placed on his finger in those golden days—and if he closed his eyes and pressed his lips to it the way you had done to him, he swears he can still hear your laugh, warm and clear and bright.)
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animesmutfest · 3 years
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Satoru x Kakashi x reader
Firstly i just want to thank you all for your support, I genuinely had no idea this would blow up and was just posting the stories to post them but i am so grateful to have you guys as an audience. This smut was harder to make but with some inspiration from my husband and some manga, i think it'll turn out pretty spicy. So without anymore delays welcome to my 100k smut special. Hope you all enjoy but be nice lol it's the first threesome I've written about
You stared at the calendar longer than needed, you knew your eyes were correct. Today was a very special day for more than one reason and you could barely contain your happiness. Not only is it your birthday but it's the day that they come home. They both parted ways about two months ago for work and were able to get some time with you for a while starting today. You missed them so much it hurt, their touch, their voices, their kisses, just everything. You craved them more than anything in this world. Peeling your eyes from the calendar you head out to the store and picked up wine and ingredients for dinner. On your way home you stopped by a friends house to let them know you would not be available for a while and without pressing you for details she understood that you'd be tied up... hopefully literally. Once your home your phone rings and its Satoru. "Hey baby" you answer excited. "Hey princess~ i just wanted to let you know I'm waiting for Kakashi now and then we will be on our way. I'm thinking maybe 3 hours" he says in a very giddy voice. "Okay love i cant wait to see you two, get here safely" you reply. "yes maaam~" he says before hanging up.
You spent the time doing your hair, makeup and making dinner just how the likes it. They should be home within the hour and you have never been more ready to throw yourself on someone so badly. Meanwhile in the car with your loves. "You think she'd like these or these?" Kakashi asks Satoru holding up two bouquets of roses, one red and the other pink. "I'd say red considering the occasion" he reply's smirking. "Buuuuut lets just get both to be safe" he adds. "Good thinking" they go to check out and talk on the way to the house to catch up on lost time before the needed to talk about the facts. "You know this is he first time right?" Satoru asks staring out the car window into the sky through his shades. "What do you mean?" Kakashi asks. "She's never had both of us at once" he says smirking. A light blush appears on Kakashis face under his mask as he realizes he's right. They had always had alternate schedules so they each had their time with her but this is a first. To be home at the same time after being away for so long. How exciting. "We have to be extra careful with her tonight. And the next day, and maybe the next day~" Satoru says biting his lip a bit. "Understood, I'm sure we know how to make this experience as perfect as can be for our queen" Kakashi says smiling through his mask. They spent the rest of the car ride planning out everything as best as they could.
You hear them pull into the driveway and your heart begins to race as your legs moved on their own towards the door. You swing the door open before either of them could touch it and pulled them both into a deep hug. "We missed you too baby" they say to you. Satoru leans down and kisses you tenderly before Kaakshi follows right after caressing your soft skin. "Happy birthday love" Kakashi adds and they both extend their arms giving you the roses. "Their beautiful... thank you so much" you say smelling them while they fully enter the house and lock the door. "Oooh~ something smells good" Satoru coos as he walks to the dinning room. "Oh right! I made you guys dinner. Its been a while since I've been able to cook for either of you." You say as you set the flowers in a large vase before preparing to set the table. "I definitely miss your cooking... among other things" Kakashi says as he walks to the room with his bags. You blush and quickly turn around so they cant see your face. "Go get cleaned up, ill get the table set" you say. Both smiling they do as you requested. By the time you had pour their drinks they were walking towards the table. Both wearing lose sweats and t shirts as they sit down. You couldn't help but look down as they walked and you gulped at the sight. We all know about the prints and they were no exception. The guys give each other a looked in acknowledgment of your eyes wandering and shared a chuckle. You sat at the table  and talked with them as they ate their dinner. "Anything you wanna do after we're done?" kakashi asks. "I'm just going with the flow today, i really don't have anything planned in particular" you say taking a sip of your wine. When you look up you see both of them staring at you smiling. It was so terrifying yet you found yourself pressing your legs together. "Are you down for anything?" Satoru asks leaning back in his chair. You slowly nod looking down at your glass when you hear their chairs move at the same time. Your head shoots up to see them walking towards you. "W-what's going on?" You ask nervously. "Do you trust us?" Satoru asks. "With my life" you reply. Before you could ask more questions Kakashi throws you over his should and walks to "The Room" this rooms layout consisted of a large comfy couch, projector screen and a Alaskan king size bed built into the floor. He puts you down once inside and immediately grabs your neck pulling you into a heated kiss. Satoru walking over to the closet and grabbing the black box. While you were preoccupied he takes out your blindfold and covers your eyes. "You remember your safe word right baby?" Satoru asks as he rips open your shirt and bra. "Mmph y-yes" you reply only to receive a harsh slap on your ass from Kakashi. "Yes what?" He asks in a low voice. "Y-yes daddy" you correct yourself. "Good girl" he praises before turning you around to face Satoru and kissing your neck softly. Satoru begins to slowly take off your pants, tossing them aside once completely off. Your breathing become heavy as you feels their hands roam all over your body. Satoru runs his hands up along your waist until they reach your breasts. Without hesitation he takes one into his mouth, gently sucking on it as you run your finger through his soft hair.
You felt Satoru smirk against your skin as he nips on your nipple and pinch the other. You lean your head back on Kakashis shoulder while he leaves deep and dark marks all over your neck. "Are you going to be a good girl for us tonight?" Satoru asks after popping your nipple out his mouth. "Yes daddy" you say feeling his gorgeous eyes stare into you. He lightly chuckles before getting on his knees again and throwing your leg over his shoulder. You jump a bit as you feel his fingers rub your pussy slowly. "mm your soaking wet down here love~" he says before sliding a finger inside you. You let out a soft moan as your body tenses us and Kakashis hands move to your breasts squeezing them. "Oh yeah? What has you so worked up baby girl?" Kakashi says as he licks your ear. "It's because -fuck- because you both of you a-are touching me like this" you sigh with a light moan. "You mean like this?" Kakashi coos as his right hand wraps around your neck and he presses his dick against your back. "And like this?~" Satoru adds as he slips in another finger curling them inside you perfectly. You let a loud moan and your body trembled a bit. "P-please... I need more... please." Satoru slipping out his fingers and going to the bed laying down on it. Kakashi knew what to do, he guides you there as well before placing you in a 69 position on top of satoru on your hands and knees. He places himself in front of you before pulling down his sweats and pumping himself slowly right in front of your covered eyes. As satoru locks your hips with his arms he starts with soft flicks of tongue on your sensitive clit. Your hands grab the blanket as you begin to moan and your legs shake lightly. "Open your mouth sweetheart" you hear in front of you and without a second thought you comply. Sticking out your tongue letting saliva drip from the tip of it. Kakashi takes his time as he circles his tip on the bed of your tongue before sliding it deep inside your throat. Letting out a deep grunt once he bottoms out feeling your throat squeezing him just right. As he pulls himself back he grabs a handful of your hair for better support. Satoru dug his hands into your hips as he sucks on your clit, swirling his tongue just right. You moan into Kakashis dick as he fucks your face slowly but deep sending vibrations from him. "Good fucking girl... sss fuck- stick out your tongue more. Fuck yes just like that." He groans going harder with each thrust. Satoru made sure to make an absolutely mess of you as you grind softly on his face.
Satoru smirks against your skin as he quickens his pace knowing you were so close to cumming. Kakashi pulls from your throat as you gasp for air and pant from the tightening coil inside you. "Fuck I'm gunna cum~ feels so good daddy!" You whine as you grip kakashis shirt with one hand. Reaching down he plays with your curls as he watches you fall apart on satorus tongue. "Ahhuh god! Fuck! I-I'm mmmph! C-cu-" you couldn't get the rest out as you gush on his mouth twitching and trying to pull yourself from him as he cleans his plate. Once he's had his fill he releases his grip on you and licks his lips. "Delicious as always gorgeous" he says kissing your thighs. You can't see them but you hear them taking off their clothes and moving around the bed. You then feel one of them snatch your hands and put them behind your back while the other ties your hands together. You smirk a bit as you were getting more excited by the second. Feeling the bed dip down you feel satorus hands help you on top of him. And then you feel Kakashi right behind you holding your bound arms. You feel something wet and cold rubbing against your ass before it slowly sunk into you. You whimper at the unfamiliar feeling but just as you were getting use to the feeling of being teased from behind you feel a strong vibration against your clit. Hanging your head down you felt the vibrator going in circles on your pussy and what you come to realize a thick plug being pumped in and out of your ass. "Feeling good princess?" Kakashi asks with a chuckle as he admires your voice as it echos in the room. You were drunk on the pleasure and they haven't enough done much just yet. You called for them over and over again and before you knew it you were cumming again. "That's it baby. We just wanna make you feel good" satoru says as he slow down the circles before turning off the vibrator and slowly sinking you down on his thick dick. You cry out from the stretch but immediately felt so fucking full. Full of him and the pleasure he brought to you. As he bucks his hips into your clenching pussy Kakashi removes the plug and rubs his dick on your ass. "We need you to cum again princess. Can you do that for us?" Kakashi asks as he grips your arms and bites on your shoulder a bit. Satoru slowed his thrusting to let you answer but all you did was nod frantically. He looks down at satoru and with a smirk he begins circling the vibrator over your clit again with satoru still giving you deep and slow thrusts. "Close already? That was fast~" he mocks you as you clench around him. Kakashi pulls your body back and turns your head to him as he kisses you again. Your moans muffled with his mouth but your body jerks forward as you cum again. Tears stream down your face,  you couldn't speak just react. satoru stop thrusting and pulls you into a heated kiss sliding his tongue in your mouth and making sure you knew who was in charge right now. Your breathing was still all over the place but you didn't have time to get it together when you felt Kakashis dick press into your tight ass. Your nails dig into your palms as he pushes himself half way in. Satoru grunting from the pressure and you wilding moaning between them. Both of them rubbing your body as they comfort you through the stretch. "Your taking us so well baby. Just a little more and I promise it'll feel good" Kakashi says. "I-I already f-feel good..~ haaa fuck" you cry out. Not men blushing hard before Kakashi slams the rest inside you cause you to scream out. "I'm sorry love but I can't hold back anymore" he moans as he slowly begins fucking your ass. Squelching sounds and moans filling the room you all slowly lose your minds with one another. Satoru no longer being able to sit still begins thrusting upward into you again much harder than before. One one entered you the other would pull back a bit. "Ahaaah shit!! Fuck fuck! T-too much!" You breathlessly moan. Kakashi removes your blindfold and hands. You kindly reach behind you pushing him back a bit as he speeds up while your other hand rests on Satorus chest.
So many hands digging into your flesh that you don't know who is grabbing where anymore. And in a split second you blink and real size they have stood up sandwiching you between them with their arms holding you perfectly still. You wrap one of your arms around Satorus neck and then reaching over your shoulder you grab Kakashis. Their groan and labored breathing pushing you closer to your release yet again. You were begging them to make a mess of your insides, to break you or breed you. Whatever came first you wanted it and you wanted it so badly. "Mph gunna cum gunna cum again! Ugh right there! Please don't stop!~" their faces closed in on you as they fucked you in sync with one another. "Come on then birthday girl" one of them coos. "Make as much of a mess as you want" the other chimes in. Your grip on them tightens on both of them. Soon there you were again, but this time you couldn't hold back. Your body refused to hide the fact that you were receiving the ultimate amount of pleasure and as you yell into the air and come undone you find yourself squirting and violently shaking. "God your so sexy" Satoru says as he slams into you as hard as he can cumming deep within you, your nails scratching him harshly and Kakashi following right behind him. "Fuck I'm cumming baby!" He grunts as he too fills you up a strained whimper escapes you. Your eyes glazed with lust as you stare up at the ceiling feeling their cum drip from your aching holes. Best birthday ever.
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starwarstbbfan · 3 years
Chapter 40 - The Next Morning Pt. 2
Once the Bad Batch sent Scar the address of where they docked, she gathered up her things and went to bid goodbye to Jace and Padmé. Scar decided she'd probably... scarred Jace enough in the two days they spent together.
"I'm uh, sorry about what happened last night. I probably made a bad impression on you," Scar looked from Padmé to Jace, "- both of you. I'm sorry." Padmé reached out to place a hand on Scar's shoulder, giving her a sympathetic smile.
"It's alright. We've all done things that we regret." Scar looked at Padmé with awe, the woman continuing to surprise her over and over. She decided to voice her appreciation.
"I want to thank you for the kindness you've shown me in the last two days." Scar said and she smiled a little as well, "If you ever need help, feel free to contact my squad."
"I will. And it's the same for you. You'll always have a friend in the Senate." Scar nodded and then focused on Jace, though neither knew what to say. Jace spoke first.
"I, uh, appreciate you coming to the funeral. Having a friend there made it more... bearable." Scar tilted her head curiously at the term friend, not knowing that the young Jedi considered her one. Besides the Bad Batch, she didn't really have anyone else that could be considered a friend and vice versa there was probably no one that thought of her as friend material.
"Y-Yeah, no problem." Scar replied, cursing herself for stuttering. There was an unspoken tension between the pair, as Jace had loads of questions he wanted to ask Scar about yesterday, and it was the same for the latter, though neither were brave enough to bring it up.
Padmé was of course oblivious to this, only seeing two teenagers acting awkwardly with each other and this made her smile knowingly. The bashful smiles and general awkwardness was a tell-tale sign for the woman and it brought back memories of her and Anakin's time on Naboo.
Padmé could tell that Jace had a thing for the female clone and he practically admitted it during their little discussion. It was unclear whether or not Scar felt the same way as she was more reserved about her feelings, but Padmé had an inkling that she might feel something deep down and it just needed to be coaxed out.
She found herself feeling sorry for the pair, as the chances of them seeing each other again was slim, what with the war going on. If only there was some way for them to spend more time together...
Padmé then remembered something and in less than five seconds concocted a plan.
"Hey, I'm going back to Naboo in about a month." Padmé told the pair, and they looked at her curious as to why she brought it up. If only they knew the real reason... "I was going to go alone, but why don't you two join me? And your squad, if they want to. You can take a break from the war and I'd really enjoy the company."
"Really?" Jace asked and when Padmé nodded he smiled, and Scar "I haven't been to Naboo since I came to live at the temple. A visit would be great!" Padmé chuckled at his enthusiasm.
"I figured you'd like it. How about you Scar?" The female clone shrugged, not too keen on the idea. But she didn't want to hurt Padmé's feelings.
"I'm not sure. Our squad moves around a lot and we don't always know when we'll get our next mission."
"Then I'll send in a request for you to join me as bodyguards." Scar still looked unsure, "I won't take no for an answer. I'll make the necessary arrangements and contact you once it's all sorted."
"I guess I can't argue with a Senator." Scar said with a light chuckle and Padmé confirmed this, and if she were immature she'd do an evil laugh as the two teens had no idea what she had planned.
Scar was surprised when she laid eyes on the new ship issued to Clone Force 99. It was three times as big as the Havoc Marauder and definitely an upgrade.
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Scar spotted Wrecker and Tech standing at the bottom of the ramp leading inside the ship and the giant close was the first to see Scar. He waved eagerly and didn't even wait for her to reach them, bounding over and scooping his little sister into a big bear hug. Scar ended up dropping her bag as Wrecker did this, but she didn't mind and chuckled while wrapping her arms around the big guy's neck, honestly just as happy to be back as he was.
"How ya doing Scar? It feels like forever since we last saw you!" Wrecker said while setting Scar back down on her feet.
"It's only been two days, Wrecker." Tech stated, having followed his brother to greet Scar. Scar, getting caught up in the moment of their reunion, wound up hugging Tech without thinking, surprising the goggled clone and herself. Scar immediately pulled away and muttered an apology. Tech gave her a small smile and patted her shoulder, showing that he wasn't weirded out by the action and Scar relaxed while returning the smile.
"Yeah, but it feels like forever!" Wrecker exclaimed again in a 'duh' tone, making Tech roll his eyes and Scar was secretly happy that she was missed so much. It showed that these boys really liked having her around if they missed her presence.
Wrecker gestured behind them and had a grin of his own. "So, what do you think of the new ship? Pretty awesome right?" Scar hummed while glancing at the ship.
"Well I haven't seen the inside yet so I can't make a conclusion about its awesome factor yet, but from the outside it looks pretty decent." Scar took another look at the ship and then turned to Tech with a questioning expression, "A Dynamic- class freighter though? I'm not sure why we'd need a freighter. Why not another attack shuttle?" Tech had had a similar thought at first, but after examining the inside had come to the conclusion that it was better and explained why to Scar.
"Well, with a bigger ship we'll be able to store more and have to make less frequent stops for supplies, thus freeing up more time which means more missions." Scar found herself nodding, agreeing with the genius clone as the positives of having a bigger ship began to outweigh the inconveniences.
"I guess that makes sense." Scar said, and then a smirk grew on her lips and she looked at Wrecker, knowing he'd agree with her next statement. "More action sounds good to me."
"Yeah!" Wrecker yelled excitedly before grabbing Scar's hand and pulling her to the ship, "Come on, you gotta see the inside!" Scar was dragged across the landing pad and up the ramp, and she chuckled at Wrecker's child like giddiness over the new ship, though truth be told she was as excited as he was, just better at keeping her composure.
After going up the ramp into the ship, there was a small hallway and they turned right at the junction, Wrecker mentioning that there was one of two sleeping quarters to the left.
They entered the main hold/lounge area. Hunter and Crosshair were sitting on the small couch that curved around a small, round table at the center of the room. The former got up and went over to clap Scar on the shoulder in greeting while giving her one of his rare smiles.
"Good to have you back." Scar did her best to smile back, even though her chest was heavy with guilt as seeing the Sergeant made her think about the secret she was keeping from him. She could feel Crosshair's eyes boring into her back and that didn't help things.
After being given a tour of the rest of the ship Scar asked where she would be sleeping.
"Those of us who don't snore will be sharing the starboard bunk room." Hunter stated and Wrecker looked embarrassed(Tech was still outside) while Scar chuckled.
"Ok. I'll go put my stuff away."
"I'll help you." Crosshair volunteered, much to his brother's surprise while Scar reluctantly agreed, knowing that he just wanted to get her alone so they could talk about Scar's drunken adventures.
Tech walked in and declared that Scar had two visitors, and the female clone grew confused, until the two said visitors walked in. A small smile broke out on her face when she saw it was Jace but it quickly faded when the second person walked in behind the young jedi.
"Fives!" Scar exclaimed, sounding more scared than happy to see the reg. Said clone either didn't notice or didn't care as he smiled, "W-What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to return your cloak." He held out the article of clothing in her direction and she wordlessly took it, her eyes wide as saucers. She was going to say thank you and usher him out the door, but he beat her by saying, "How's the hangover?" Scar winced and couldn't look any of her squadmates in the eyes as they looked sharply at her - save for Crosshair. You could probably hear a pin drop from the silence that followed that question, Fives not realizing the chaos that such a question was about to bring.
"Hangover?" Hunter repeated, and Scar could feel her palms begin to sweat as she could hear the displeasure in his tone and she knew she was in for it. That didn't mean she could postpone the inevitable for a little while longer.
"Thanks for stopping by, Fives." Scar said with forced calmness before grabbing one of his arms, "I'll walk you out."
Only when they were outside did Scar let the reg go, and he asked if he'd done something wrong.
"No!" She exclaimed rather loudly, and she lowered her voice, "No, uh you didn't do anything. I, on the other hand, am dead meat."
"They didn't know about the bar?" Fives asked and Scar looked at him in surprise for knowing, to which he smiled knowingly, "Hey, I've done my fair share of stupid things and then hiding them from my superior officers. They always found out though and I'd be sentenced to cleaning droids for two weeks at a time."
"That's comforting, thanks Fives." Scar said sarcastically, making the reg chuckle.
"Sorry, I'm good with shooting clankers - not so much with giving comfort." Scar waved off his apology.
"It's fine," Scar assured him, and he relaxed. Scar shuffled her feet as she contemplated her next words. She's not one to get all mushy, but she felt the need to tell Fives she appreciated his company last night. "Listen uh, I want to say thanks. For last night. I was feeling pretty crappy and - and hanging out with you and Rex really helped cheer me up, even if I can't remember much of it." Fives smiled.
"Hey, no problem. We'll have to do it again and I'll introduce you to some of the other boys in the 501st that I know will like you." Scar found herself smiling as well, and while her chest felt heavy there was a slight warmth that formed from the fact that Fives wanted to hang out with her again and even introduce her to his comrades. She found herself feeling like she'd just obtained another big brother, and usually it took her a while to get comfortable with people but with them they'd seemed to click right away. To her surprise, she found herself looking forward to hanging out with the reg and said as much.
"That actually sounds nice. And thank you."
"Our squad isn't liked by a lot of the regs, mostly because of our deviant ways. It's why we normally keep to ourselves. But you've shown me that not all of the regs are unkind toward those who are a little bit different. You have no idea how much that means to us."
"Hey, embrace your differences. Most of those clones are probably just jealous because of it. But don't let it get to you, yeah?" Scar nodded, finding comfort in his words and that warm feeling grew. The reg then received a comm call from Rex that he needed to get back to their ship as they'd be departing for Ringo Vinda soon where their next mission would take place.
"Well, I'll see you around I guess." Scar said to Fives, and they grasped forearms while she thanked him again.
"Anytime, vod. Good luck." He was referring to what was waiting for Scar back on the ship and she laughed nervously but nodded in appreciation.
Scar waited until Fives had taken off on his speeder bike before taking a deep breath through her nose and exhaling through her mouth, giving herself a moment to prepare herself for what would happen next.
Scar sat on the couch in the lounge, looking down at the table while Hunter paced in front of her, trying and failing to keep his temper in check. Crosshair sat next to her while Tech stood on one side the door way leading to the exit ramp with Jace occupying the other side, having not left.
While Scar was with Fives, Crosshair took the liberty of informing Hunter what had happened, thinking by the time the girl got back he'd have calmed down. Unfortunately he was wrong...
"Let's see if I'm understanding this correctly." Hunter finally said, stopping his pacing in front of the table, directly across from Scar, "I let you go to Coruscant by yourself, trusting that you'll be responsible on your own. Apparently I was wrong since you went to 79's, got drunk, got into a fight, and destroyed a part of the bar in the process!"
"Technically it was just a table and a few dishes and cups." Tech stated, as if that would help. Judging by the cool glares Crosshair and Hunter gave him, it didn't. The former came to Scar's defense after.
"Come on, it's not like she did anything illegal-"
"Except for the bar fight." Crosshair gave Tech a look that said shut up.
"But no one was killed." Crosshair countered. Unfortunately his words didn't help diffuse the situation as Hunter began yelling at him.
"And I can't believe that you knew and didn't say anything!"
"Only because I begged him not to!" Scar exclaimed while Crosshair scoffed.
"So I didn't tell you about it. What's the big deal, Hunter?"
"The big deal is that I'm the leader of this squad and that means I have a right to know what happens, especially to the youngest member."
"He makes a good point too." Tech, ever the mediator, said.
"SHUT UP, TECH!" Crosshair and Scar shouted at the same time to the goggled clone, who looked back down at his datapad with annoyance written all over his features. He was only trying to help.
"I just want to know what possessed you to be so stupid!" Hunter's attention now turned to Jace. "And why didn't you stop her!"
"I didn't know she went to the bar!" Was Jace's answer and Scar wasn't about to have Hunter go off on him too.
"I left right after the funeral without telling him!" She said without thinking.
"Because I-" everyone looked at Scar expectantly, but the girl had stopped herself, not willing to reveal the fact that she saw her father's murderer for the first time after six years.
"Because you what?" Crosshair questioned, just as curious as the rest of them about what could've caused Scar's recent irresponsible actions.
"It's nothing." Scar muttered before getting up from her seat and heading for the doorway where Tech and Jace were in an attempt to escape to her new room. But Hunter caught up with the girl and grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving.
"Hang on, we're not finished here."
"Well I'm finished." Scar told him in a cool voice that had an underlying threat that went over the Sergeant's head as he made her turn back around to face him.
"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what possessed you to do such a stupid thing."
"I don't have to explain anything to you!" Was Scar's response and Hunter's voice raised once more as he replied.
"Yes you do -"
"No I don't! You're not my dad so stop acting like you are!" This comment made everyone look at Scar with confusion, as it came out of nowhere. Tech especially found it odd that she would say such a thing when the subject of her father was one rarely talked about because Scar refused to. And now she brought him up so randomly?
The gears in his head were spinning as he watched Scar stomp pass him and he noticed the pained look on her face and was Tech imagining things or were there also tears in her eyes?
Jace had also noticed and made a move to follow her, only for Tech to stop him.
"Maybe I can talk to her." Jace suggested, and the goggled clone shook his head.
"When Scar gets like this, it's best to just let her cool off a little. Unless you have a death wish." Jace looked to where Scar had disappeared and then back at Tech.
"Is she always this," Jace wracked his mind for a word other than crazy, "...intense?"
"Define intense." Crosshair said while taking out a toothpick from the container attached to his belt and slipping it between his teeth, the conversation had made him agitated enough to need one.
"Scar does have a tendency to lose her temper easily, and can be rather impulsive and reckless." Tech said after, and he began stroking his chin while voicing his thoughts on the matter, "But it had to have taken something big for her to do what she did last night." He concluded and Hunter, who'd been staring at the door Scar disappeared in, finally broke his gaze away when Tech said this.
"What makes you think something happened?" He asked.
"We all know that Scar has had a rather hard life and because of that it's left her traumatized. Nala Se claimed that Scar was designed to withstand stress like all the other clones, but I believe her mutations might have altered the amount of stress she's able to handle. Therefore Scar is able to - and has - experienced breakdowns when something triggers those traumatic memories to resurface. Most of the time she'll just lash out, and I've studied her behavior and documented different times where we've said or did something that triggered her and made sure to share it with everyone to ensure it's never repeated."
"Can't you just tell us what's going on without turning it into a science lesson?" Crosshair asked while tiredly shaking his head. It was too early for scientific crap in his opinion. Tech gave his brother an annoyed look but decided to cut to the chase regardless.
"Obviously something triggered Scar yesterday, most likely while she was at the Jedi Temple since the Commander said she left rather suddenly." At this Jace replayed the memory of when he and Scar were on the elevator. When she said she saw the man who killed her father. Mace Windu. Jace frowned and he looked at the floor while Tech continued his rant, unaware.
"It had to have been something bad to have pushed her over the edge to resort to drinking which has been an unhealthy coping mechanism for her in the past." Tech finished, yet only Hunter and Wrecker at this point were listening to him as Jace was in his own little world and Crosshair had been watching him closely and noticed when the young Jedi's demeanor changed. He decided to call him out on it.
"Something you want to tell us, Jedi?" The sniper asked coolly. Jace looked up at him with surprise, then tried to wave off the question.
"It-It's nothing." Jace said. It was probably just the alcohol that made Scar say something so odd. She did say some pretty strange stuff during the taxi ride...
Crosshair didn't buy the excuse though, and after standing up made his way across the room to stand dangerously close to the young Jedi, the sniper hardening his glare to intimidate Jace into talking. He did also vocalize a threat.
"You can either willingly tell us what you know or we'll be forced to get it out of you one way or another." Jace wasn't going to be threatened into talking and stood up straighter while leveling Crosshair's glare with one of his own, though it was kind of hard since the sniper was a few inches taller than himself.
"Like I said, it's probably nothing." He said in a firm tone and Crosshair's lip twitched up in amusement at the boy's boldness but didn't back down. He motioned with his head to his goggled brother.
"Tech here knows a thousand ways to kill you that would make it look like an accident and with Hunter's enhanced senses he can make sure there's no trace about who did it. And carrying your dead body won't be an issue for Wrecker. Try again." Jace's jaw went slack and he briefly glanced at the other three and after realizing that they were serious about committing homicide for their squadmate he made the decision to speak in order to live another day.
"When I was taking Scar back to my cousin's place, she mentioned seeing Mace Windu, "the guy who killed her father"." Jace watched as all four of the clone's faces dropped and they all glanced at one another with grim expressions. The young Jedi was now confused. "B-But how can that be possible? Scar's a clone, isn't she? That means she wouldn't have a father."
"Technically us clones do have a father or donor as he's more seen as. Scar was raised by the man and trained separately from the other clones. He was killed by Mace Windu at the first Battle of Geonosis and Scar unfortunately saw it happen along with her brother, Boba Fett." This name sounded familiar to Jace and this time it was Hunter who noticed the young Jedi's demeanor change and asked him what he was thinking. "Boba Fett. I feel like I've heard it somewhere, maybe from my master," Jace thought for a moment then snapped his fingers as he remembered, "- no, Ahsoka! She mentioned him once, I think." Tech was quick to jump on this. 
"Do you think she might know where he is?" 
"She might, why?" Jace asked and Tech did his "I'm smarter than all of you" smirk. 
"I think Scar is long overdue for a reunion with him." He declared and Hunter looked at his brother like he was crazy. 
"What does reuniting her with her long lost brother have to do with anything?" He asked, sounding very exasperated about the whole situation. 
"He's the only one who understands what Scar's been through and talking about it might help her. She's made it fairly clear that she's not comfortable talking to us about it, but she might with him." When none of his brothers had an answer he shrugged, "It's worth a shot." Tech then turned to Jace, "Do you think you can find out more from Commander Tano?" 
"I'm not sure. But maybe I can ask Mace Windu, since he is my new Master."
Holy crap, the time has finally come! Calli is going to reunite with Boba in the next chapter!! Is anyone else as excited yet terrified????? Then this gif is for you(I do not own it).
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What do you think will happen? How will it affect Calli/Scar??
Also Padmé, what does she have planned?? 🤔😏A vacay on Naboo? Hey, it worked for Padmé and Anakin - though it was the start of the end of the Jedi and the galaxy but we don't talk about that. Hopefully Calli's and Jace's relationship won't have such... drastic consequences.
And I know some of you are disappointed that I'm giving the Bad Batch another ship. I just feel like five people living in a tiny shuttle that appears to only have two bunks in the original version (I added six in my story) but I felt like they needed a bigger ship. Especially since they appear to basically live in the ship, they need more space. Here's a map of what the interior looks like to help give you a visual.
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Of course the outside will be painted with red accents cause that's their squad's color. When I played KOTOR I instantly fell in love with this type of ship😍 I hope in time you'll like it as well, or at least tolerate it lol.
Anyways hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter!
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