#remember to check up on your local Leona fans
marisashinx · 4 months
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NEWS FLASH: Tamashina-Mina has been delayed‼️‼️‼️
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Fifth Year Summer AU: A Tropical Journey to my Boyfriend
Summary: Merula and some her companions have been invited to visit Jason in the Dominican Republic. However, the Great Snyde must face her greatest task yet. Jason’s mother.
Word Count: 5,600
The school year had come to a close, and all the students of Hogwarts had all headed home. Merula had made friends with Jason friends one at a time. They had bonded with each other in the last few months of school and had become friends themselves. Merula actually had planned to hang out with Penny during some of the summertime they were off. Mainly because the two had a plan.
"So do you think he'll be surprised, Penny?" Merula asked as she looked through her suitcase, making sure she had everything necessary packed. "It's not weird if we show up, right?"
"No, why would it?" Penny said as she checked her hair in her mirror.
"We have only been together for a few months. So I'm still nervous about him and me being so close. I mean we are talking traveling to the other side of the planet here!" Merula looked at her as she flopped down on the ground groaning. "I mean, this would be the first time I would meet his mother! What if she doesn't like me or she thinks I'm not pretty enough for him. Penny, you know Jason is a knockout, and his little fan club went mad when I took their idol!"
Merula kept going on and on about how nervous she was about this secret trip she and the rest of the curse breakers had planned. The whole reason being is Jason's parents had divorced, and his parents had agreed to shared custody despite their constant bickering that he should stay with one or the other. But Jason made it clear to his parents he'd rather be on his own if his parents couldn't compromise. If not with each other at least for his sake.
"Merula, I'm sure it'll be fine. Remember, you're the girl who bagged the best guy at Hogwarts!" Penny patted Merula shoulder, giving her a thumbs up. "Trust me, plus once Jason gets a load of you in all these cute outfits, there is no way his mum is gonna argue against this. Or is the self-proclaimed best witch of Hogwarts too scared of her future mother-in-law?"
"I'm not scared!" Merula snapped out of her little funk. "W-who would be scared of that? I'm not!"
"Merula, your shaking like a leaf. Everything will play out, and we'll have a good time. His mum knows we are coming with a few more. Rowan, Ben, and Barnaby are coming with us too- oh look at the time!" Penny shouted as she looked at her watch slightly panic. "If we don't hurry, we'll miss the port key!"
Without a moment's hesitation, the girls finished their packing and made their way to the port key location. The girls were taken by Penny's parents to the local train station and had traveled to an old train station frequented by wizards. The two met with their friends at the coastline where a man stood with an old fisherman outfit and staff. He pulled a pocket watch from his pocket as the five of them made their way to him.
"Payment and passports?" the old man asked as the teens stood in front of him.
Each of them pulled a few Galleons and their passports, paying him as he inspected their passports. After a few moments, the old man smiled as he was satisfied with the amount of coin he weighed in his hand.
"Alright, go ahead and grab the pot," the man directed them.
The friends laid their hands on the pot, waiting as the old man counted down. They all shook with anticipation waiting for their little "flight" to take place.
Five. Four. Three. Two. One...
As the old man uttered the last number, the kids were sucked into a cyclone, pulling them into the shoe as they screamed, not of fear. But out of pure excitement, they never traveled by port key, so their expectations weren't let down. After a few moments of screaming the group of friends landed on the sandy ground. They groaned as they stood up, dusting themselves and looking around themselves: Sun, palm trees, mountains in the distance, and the buzzing of the local town behind them.
"Wow, this place is beautiful," Merula said as she gazed at their new surroundings. "So exactly how are we going to Jason's place from here?"
Just then, a pearl white limousine rolled up next to the group with a tanned elderly man dressed in an elegant suit and gloves.
"Senor Rowan. Senor Ben. Senor Barnaby. Senora Penny and Senora Merula. Welcome to the Dominican Republic,"  he bowed with one hand across his chest, "I am Manuel, your guide and the head butler for the De Leone family. Dominar Jason's mother's side of the family. If you, please follow me." Manuel drew his wand, lifting their suitcases, and guided them into the trunk of the limousine.
"Well, that's how," Rowan said as he and the rest of them entered the rear of the limousine.
Inside of it, the interior was tanned coffee leather with a minibar toward the front section, with a raised roof with shelves of different forms of alcohol and coffee beans. Five goblets of water flew into the passenger's hands. It was impressive to see the progress of magic and the combination of muggle technologies. The car began to move as the friends watch the city pass by and they made twists and turns till they reached a narrow alley wall, plowing through a building as the group of teens screamed but then the car phased through the wall.
They were now in the wizard city of Pueblo Leona, a port town famous for one of the best Quidditch teams in South America, resorts, cliff diving, and the hometown of the De Leone family. As they drove through the town, they stopped at a large golden gate with two lion statues that stood fifteen feet tall. The statue's head followed the car as the gates opened, and the limousine pulled in front of the manor before them. It stood three stories tall, designed in the form of a Mediterranean with white marble columns with blue and gold accents to the edges at the bases of the walls. The roof was made of wood and polished to the point it reflected the light of the sun.
Manuel stepped out, holding the door of the car as the teens stepped out and looked at the mansion in awe.
"Jason said his family was wealthy..." Rowan said as he stared at the building in awe.
"No, kidding. How does anyone find their way around a place like that?" Penny chimed in.
"I hope we don't get lost," Ben muttered as they followed Manuel into the demesne.
The ceilings were raised high with polished wooden beams mounted with golden chandeliers and a central staircase with an azure carpet draping the stairs. The walls were decorated in paintings of the sea, port towns, and ships. As Manuel was explaining the layout, the head of the house came down the stairs. A woman who'd worn a blue sundress, with golden bracelets on either wrist and a necklace made of gold. Her skin was bronze with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was around the same as Merula, Jason's mother, Thalia De Leone.
"Hello, welcome," Thaila said with a gentle smile, "I hope the drive wasn't too rocky. Let me see if I get this right, Penny?"
"Yes, ma'am! It's a pleasure," Penny smiled brightly.
"H-hello ma'am," Ben stuttered as he stared at the woman. "I am Ben C-Copper..."
"You're right Penny, and he does seem nervous. You needn't be worried mi nino." Thaila laughed as she continued. "Barnaby?"
"That's me!" Barnaby laughed.
"Energetic, quite nice. You are Rowan?"
"A pleasure ma'am, your son is-"
"You're his best friend, I know. Thank you for watching him." She nodded then turned her gazed to Merula.  Studying the girl carefully invading her personal space. "And you..."
"Hello, Miss De Leone. I'm M-Merula Snyde," she muttered. What was with her, she thought. Usually, adults didn't intimidate her, but this one did oddly. Her bubbly demeanor and the analyzing look she had in her eyes were similar to eyes she knew too well.
"Merula Snyde. Hmm, you bullied my baby boy, and yet," Thaila's expression turned severe.
"I um..."
"But," she grinned and pulled her into a tight hug. "You made my boy smile!"
"Miss De Leone! You're crushing me!" Merula coughed as she was mumbling confused.
"Oh sorry! And dear, call me Thaila. Or mom." Thaila let Merula go as she rubbed the back of her head like Jason. Yep, they were related. "Ah, Jason should be out on the veranda in the back. Warning though, he doesn't know you're here. So you gotta be sneaky."
The group nodded in unison as they followed Thaila through the home. They gazed at the artwork and architecture in amazement. The detail was so subtle and precise that it would sin to touch even the walls. As they approached the double doors leading to the back they saw the young man they had all been looking forward to seeing.
Jason was sitting at a table sipping away some coffee while reading a book with his free hand. He wore his necklace Merula had gotten him for Christmas while a black v-neck, ripped jeans, and his hiking boots. How he wore that in hot weather was anyone's guess. He seemed too invested in noticing the door opening. But something did catch his attention, a particular scent that sent him over the edge — the aroma of fresh mountain air with the hints of lavender and nail polish.
"Jason, I have a surprise for you-" Thaila began speaking but was through off when her son jumped over the table and tackling Merula. "Jason Piscius Aurelius De Leone! Do not jump over the tables!"
"Ah! Jason!" Merula squealed as Jason lifted her and spun her around almost slinging her into their friends who had to dodge out of the way. "P-put me down, you knucklehead!" She laughed as her boyfriend pulled her into a hug but started to blush when she realized everyone was staring.
"Oh, sorry!" Jason placed her down while looking at his friends and giving them all hugs with the same amount of happiness. "What are you all doing here?"
"Well, we came to see you. Isn't it obvious?" Rowan laughed as he tapped his friend in the chest.
"I orchestrated the whole thing with your mum. I hope that's okay." Penny laughed as she hugged Jason sided.
"Really now? Gracias ma," Jason turned to his mother, smiling at him.
"Of course. I must say though," she looked at Merula and nodded in approval. "You got a good taste in women. She reminds me a little bit of me when I was younger."
"Haywood!" Merula cheeks started turning red as she wrapped her arms around Jason's arm. "How long are you gonna hold on to my boyfriend, hmmm?"
"Oh! Sorry, Merula!" Penny let go laughing as let Jason go. "She is similar to me in that regard," Thaila laughed. "I was a bit possessive of my men."
Merula blushed at the comment Thaila. She doesn't like others touching her stuff; especially touching Jason. She buried her face into his chest and sighed, trying to hide her embarrassment.
"Oh Meri," Jason leaned down and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.
As the group of friends was each shown to their rooms, they all had lunch out on the veranda. They chatted all about how the summer had been for the first few weeks. Penny and her family had gone to a muggle theme park in celebration of Beatrice being freed from the curse of the portraits. Barnaby had gone to Germany visiting many magical creature sanctuaries. Rowan visited his relatives in India while reading a small library worth of books. They shared many other stories until Jason suggested he showed them around the city. Everyone agreed to it with much enthusiasm.
Manuel had the limo drop of the teens in a market area. Manuel instructed them he'd come to get them before dinner for the evening was prepared. The group then followed behind Jason as he showed them the town. The streets were littered with people working stalls, kids playing, and many tourists enjoying the city's bright and vibrant life.
"Wow," Penny looked around at a stall of bright dresses and swimsuits. "These are so pretty! Merula, look at this!"
Merula walked over and looked at the wares intrigued by the patterns. Some of the models and symbols she saw looked as though a child drew them.
"Jason, what are those characters?" Merula looked at him bewildered.
"Huh?" he walked over and looked at them. "Those are Taino symbols. They were the natives of the Caribbean. They were relatively peaceful. That symbol is the "sun" or "sol." It looks a little odd, doesn't it?"
"It does but has a unique charm to it." Merula smiled at him. "So what else can be done around here?"
"Well, we can go to the beach? Surfing? Cliff diving?" Jason held his chin as he ran through his thoughts.
"Beach? That sounds nice!" Rowan chimed in as took off a mask he had bought from a kiosk. "Jason, do you have a spot in mind?"
"Wait, we left our swimsuits in our luggage," Barnaby said as he had been stuffing his face with ham croquetas. "I mean I got no problem swimming in my underwear-"
"Barnaby, no." Merula shuddered at that suggestion. "The beach does sound good, but we don't have our suits as Barnaby said."
"I think I can help with that. Follow me," Jason said as he took Merula hand as their friends followed Jason into a nearby shop. "Tio Rodrigo, donde estas?"
"Aquí mi sobrino, ¿qué necesitas?" said an older man walking out to the front of the store dressed in slacks and a button shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His skin was slightly tanner than Jason's but had a similar glow to him. "Oh my! What beautiful girls you brought here? Who are they?"
"Tio, this is my girlfriend Merula and my friends, Rowan, Penny, and Barnaby," Jason said as he explained they're from school and came to visit it (with it being planned by his mother) and that they needed swimsuits for the beach.
"Well, that is how my cousin is. But yes, I think I got a few things for you. Gimme a hand sobrino," he said as he walked into the back with Jason following.
A few minutes later, as everyone went through the store's wares, Jason and his uncle walked out with a few different swimsuits for everyone to try. They were each given individual bags so they could be their stuff separated. As they all decided and put their clothes over the suits, Jason tried to pay his uncle only for him to deny him as it was a free service since his friends came all this way to see him. Jason thanked him and left with his friends to the beach.
The beach was a sight to behold as the crystal clear water glistens with the gentle warm breeze of the sea. The gang made their spots and tossed off their clothes revealing for the first time their swimsuits.
"Jason, your abs," Barnaby commented as he poked at them, "how are they this sculpted?"
"It is interesting," Rowan commented as he did the same thing as Barnaby. "How often do you exercise or rather where do you find the time to do such things?"
"My parents tell me I must keep my appearance up and all. So can you stop- oh, Merlin." Jason stopped as he eyed Merula, who was looking at him nervously as his heart raced. He walked over to her as she looked away messing with her hair.
"W-well? Does it look weird?" Merula glanced at him.
"Meri, the only words I can use to describe you is beautiful, but even that doesn't describe how amazing you look." Jason smiled as he lifted her chin. "How I was blessed with such a beauty I got no clue."
"Oh, s-shut up!" Merula hid her face into her hands, trying not to peek at him. "But I do look beautiful?"
"You always do, mi amor," Jason blushed as he took in her appearance as a whole. Her swimsuit suited her well, he thought to himself.
A two-piece bikini in with an emerald shade and silver specks that acted like stars; the sight could make any man fall in love. Lucky she has already had the one person heart she needed.
"Um, guys?" Penny called to the adorably innocent couple. "Are we going into the water or not?
"Uh, y-yeah! Let's get going!" the two lovers said in unison, pausing briefly to laugh at their synchronization. They really were a match.
With that, the friends ran to the water and begun the joys of their vacation. Barnaby, in his excitement, picked Jason up and bodyslammed him into the water with a loud splash. Barnaby then picked up Rowan holding him over his head with screaming Rowan begging for mercy only for Jason and Ben to tackle their large statured friend. Merula and Penny laughed as the boys were acting well like boys. It was a pleasant sight to see their friends all having fun. While the two girls were laughing the boys snuck up and lifted them only for them to protest as the boys got ready for tossing them.
"One! Two! Three!!!" The four boys said in unison as they tossed Penny and Merula having loud shrieks pierce the air.
"Let's do it again! This fun!" Barnaby bellowed as he clapped his hands on Ben and Rowan's shoulders. "That was brilliant!"
"I dunno Barnaby, I don't want anyone getting hurt," Jason said only to feel something grab his ankle. "Huh? WOOOAH!" Jason yelped as he was pulled under the surface.
"Ha!" Merula said as she broke the surface. "Wait, that wasn't Barnaby."
"No, it wasn't Snyde," Rowan answered giggling.
Merula screamed as her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her and dragging her under. It was a surprise, to say the least as she wormed her way out of his grasp. As she stood up coughing, she looked around trying to find her giant dork.
"Are you alright, Meri?" Jason looked at her with an apologetic look. He hoped he didn't let his excitement get the best of him.
"Oh I'm fine, but you are a dead meat!" Merula lunged at Jason, climbing over to his back and putting him in a headlock while wrapping her legs around his waist. "You are in trouble you little twit!"
"Ah! Meri-" Jason yelped as he tried to keep his balance in the rocking waves of the shores. He tripped as a massive wave, swallowed him and Merula. The two rolled around in the waves until Jason was able to get his footing back. "For Merlin's sake, what were you thinking?" he coughed as Merula held onto his back.
"You were the one who tossed me in, so it's your fault," Merula said as she coughed up some water, "or do I need us to go under again?"
"You win. I submit to Merula Snyde, the most powerful witch on the beach." Jason laughed as Merula climbed off his back, and the two hugged each other with Merula flicking his nose. "Ouch!" What did I do?"
"Nothing, just need you always to remember even if I'm shorter than you I can still reach you somehow." Merula grinned as she wrapped her hands around the nape of his neck.
As the afternoon progressed, the friends walked around the city some more as Jason talked about some of the significant landmarks. One was the quidditch field at the center of the town, The Emerald Lion Dome, name mainly due to the emerald-shaded dome on the structure carved of white marble. It stood twenty-three kilometers wide and was to be the grounds for the next quidditch world cup as the sun started to set the group head back to Jason's home.
"God, I got sand all over!" Ben whined as he tried to shake off the sand that was slowly stuck on his body.
"I know, right?" Barnaby said as he blew his nose out. "It was so much fun, though. Did you see that sea serpent?"
"Sea serpent?!" Ben gulped at Barnaby's excitement of seeing a sea serpent.
"Oh? Yeah, don't go playing with the serpent." Jason said as he walked his friends back to their rooms. "It tends to eat those not paying attention. Don't worry Ben, and no one has been eaten in a couple of days."
"Wonderful." Ben opened the door to his room, scared.
"Dinner is gonna be in an hour or so. Get cleaned up and prepare for a feast!" Jason smiled as he made his way to his room.
"Oh, boy, I'm starved!" Barnaby groaned as his stomach growled.
Jason chuckled at his friend's honesty as he entered his room and making his way to his personal bathroom. He looked through his closet and thought about his options. Since his friends were here and how his mother was, he needs to consider something fun and functional.
On the other end of the manor, Merula had finished cleaning herself up and looked through her outfits. Penny had helped her pick out. She debated between a sundress Penny said looked good on her and a skirt with a blouse. What would be the best to impress Jason's mom and Jason himself?
"Awe, you all look amazing!" Thaila said at the first three to show. Ben, Barnaby, and Rowan had been told to dress for a party. Thalia had been planning this little piece while the teens were up and about exploring the city.
"Thank ma'am!" Barnaby smiled, puffing up his chest. He wore a green button-up, black trousers with his signature rings, and new dress shoes.
"I wish I asked Andre more on dressing advice." Ben looked at his own outfit. His attire consisted of a red polo with a golden bird on upper left pectoral, off-white slacks, and cleaned tennis shoes with what seemed to have a checkmark? Maybe from a muggle company.
"I agree we all look well, Ben. Stop worrying for a bit. We're here for fun." Rowan placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. Rowan had an olive sweater, with beige dress pants and black dress shoes.
As the festivities began, relatives and friends from the De Leones flooded the manor. Many had brought dishes from their homes and thus began the largest welcome party some of the young wizards had ever seen.
Merula had just stepped out of her room when she heard the sounds of festivities. She gazed out to a window adjacent to her door, seeing the people enjoying themselves. "Quite rowdy," she thought to herself as she started making her way down the hallway to the main stairs. Merula heart had been racing ever since she left her room. So far, the day has been good, but she hoped it stayed as she hoped. Merula was at the top of the stairs before she noticed someone across the adjacent section of the stairs.
Jason had finished getting cleaned up before he walked out to the stairs in an excited mood. He hadn't expected to see his friends till school or at least till he had done part of his summer in Italy with his father. But he couldn't think of that for the time. Right now was a time for celebration as his friends were here; and one that was a special one at that. He took a deep breath as he descended the stairs to meet Merula in the middle.
"You look amazing-" the couple said in unison.
"You go first!" Jason spoke with his nerves evergrowing.
"N-no, you go first!" Merula responded.
"No, I insist the most powerful witch goes first."
"So thoughtful of the gentleman," Merula smiled as she took a good look at Jason.
He wore blue chinos with an off-white button-up with his sleeves rolled up. Jason wore his necklace Merula had gotten him for Christmas, charcoal dress shoes, and an onyx-colored watch. His hair combed, and the scent of his cologne sent Merula heart ablaze.
"You look quite dashing if I must say," Merula blushed as her eyes dart to Jason and shot to the left, repeatedly.
"Not as beautiful as you though. You look amazing Merula," Jason caressed her cheek while giving an earnest smile.
"It doesn't look odd? I mean this isn't my cup of tea. Haywood suggested this and other outfits." Merula had decided to go with a sundress with a jade green tint, with her necklace from this past Christmas, and sandals.
"Merula," Jason took her chin and gently kissed her. "No matter what you wear or how you think you look, I'll always believe your beautiful."
"You're such a sweet talker, you know?" Merula stood on her toes and kissed him back. "Let's get going. I want to see what all the noise about."
Jason laughed as he took her hand and led her outside. The two walked arm in arm as the party seemed to be going well. Ben talking with some of Jason's uncles while playing dominos and as far as Jason tell his friend needed some work on it or they'd bleed him dry. To the left, Barnaby was helping himself with the food while two girls were trying to get his attention. They were most likely daughters of his mom's friends probably.
Jason had gone around introducing Merula to his many, many, relatives. Some young cousin. Aunts and uncles. All of them welcomed Merula as one of their own and comment on how she's so beautiful like Jason described. Clearly, someone can't help but brag about the best witch of Hogwarts. Over at a table, Rowan was sitting with Penny and Thalia. He and Merula decided to head over and sit down next to them.
"Ah! Mi hijo y mi futura nuera. You two look amazing!" Thaila smiled at the two love birds.
"Mama! ¡No digas eso!" Jason faced turned red.
"Aye. Sorry hijo, I just can't help myself at times. Merula, your dress looks lovely. It compliments you very well."
"Thank you, ma'am," Merula smiled, feeling happy by her dress selection.
"Now then, I want to know something if you don't mind me asking." Thaila leaned forward with her head in her hands.
"About what ma'am?" Merula asked.
"How much do you love my son? What is it that makes you love?" Thaila grinned like a schoolgirl finding out the latest gossip.
"Mom!" Jason shouted, embarrassed at his mother's questioning of his girlfriend.
"It's alright, Jason." Merula squeezed his hand. She cleared her throat and tried to muster as much courage as she could. "Well, Jason and I never got along in the beginning. I didn't think that someone like him could even consider loving me."
"Because of your lineage?" Thaila raised an eyebrow.
"Y-yes," Merula sighed, "but the fact he treated like an average person. Correcting me whenever I was in the wrong and trying to get me to see my actions will determine my fate. That I am the one to make my choice if I want to be like my parents." She glanced at Jason with a smile.
"And my dear?" Thaila looked at Merula curiously.
"Jason risked death for me too many times that I could even count. He saved my life and me from myself. From the monster, I thought I was," Merula looked at Thaila. "That's why I love him."
Thaila had her eyes clothes as she was in a deep thought considering Merula words before smiling at her. This girl has given her son happiness, and he has done the same for her. Now Thaila was thinking about planning their wedding in secret but knew Jason would find out and possibly flip his lid if she got ahead of herself.
"You are how he describes you truly. I can see why he loves you. You better not go breaking this heart mi nino, am I clear?" Thaila looked at Jason with a severe glance. "Am I clear?"
"I think I rather face another dragon than risk a broken-hearted Merula. I could at least die, knowing I didn't hurt her."
"Hey! I thought we agreed! No, dying!" Merula grabbed his ear, pinching it till his ear turned red.
"Ouch! Meri! Please, that hurts! Aaaaaaaaah!" Jason yelped as Merula tormented him as she did when he got all "tempt fate" and see what would happen.
"I think a dead you would be heartbreaking!" Merula pulled him close, releasing his ear and kissing it.
"Awww, Merula being friendly!" Rowan teased.
"Khanna, I swear I will end you!"
"Noted." Rowan held his hands up, surrendering to the threat. "But, I got to admit it's nice seeing how you act with him."
"Rowan, buddy?" Jason called as rubbed his ear.
"Yes, Jason?"
"Shush, please. I don't want any dead bodies on my home because I'm sure I'll have to bury them," Jason looked at his friend smirking.
"Well, that's enough of the talk. Come along children. It's a party after all!" Penny said as she took Rowan's arm and decided to hit the dance floor.
"I'll leave you to allow, but don't get too crazy now," Thaila smiled and winked at Merula and Jason, making her way to a group of adults.
"Um, sorry my mom put you on the spot." Jason hung his head as he rubbed the back of his neck. "My mom is eccentric and is-" he tried to continue but was cut off by a finger to the lips.
"Jason, you don't need to make excuses." Merula smiled. "I understand she is just concerned. Any parent would wonder who the person that has their child's heart is. Mine does because I brag about you in my letters."
"Meri," Jason smiled and pulled her into a hug, "I love you so much."
"And I love you," Merula pecked his cheek. "Why don't we go join the fun?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
The couple made their way to the dance floor and danced to their heart's content. Merula had gotten better at the dances Jason had shown her these past few months since they started dating. Some of Jason's relatives comment on how she moved well. He knew how to pick 'em. The two of them danced till they couldn't anymore. Sweat dripping down their faces with shallow breaths being taken.
"You hungry?" Merula panted as she held Jason's hand. "I'm starving," Jason said as they made their way to the food table.
"Good grief, this all smells delicious and looks the part.
"Presentation is always keen with food," Jason laughed as he handed her plate and got one for himself.
The two filled their plates and walked to the low standing section of a wall by the view of the city and sat down to eat. As they ate, the two had talked about how the quidditch world cup was coming soon. Though they had different teams, they agreed that somehow they'd go to see it someday. Maybe someday soon. Who can say?
For now, Merula just wanted to enjoy the time she has with Jason. This has probably been one of the most fun days she has had all summer. Her nerves about meeting Jason's family were put aside as she had his mother's approval. It was funny how Thaila is more than willing to welcome her as her future daughter-in-law. If Jason was okay with it, that is. But that was a thought she could think for another day.
"Hey," Jason wiped his face with a napkin, "there's something I want to show you."
"What is it you got to surprise me this time?" Merula looked at him curiously. "You better not try to propose to me," she teased.
"No! Well not now," Jason muttered nervously. "Come on, follow me." Jason offered his hand to Merula with a smile as she took it.
The two left the party and headed down the hill where the mansion was located. Merula wondered where Jason was taking her at such a late time in the evening. As the two made their way down a couple of blocks, they reached a beach closed off.
"Another beach?" Merula smirked. "Again?"
"Look closely," Jason pointed out to the gentle waves.
"If you say so- what the?!" Merula gazed at the water, shocked as it began to glow in a soft color.
"Impressed? Those are supposed to be bioluminescence from how muggles believe it is, but no one truly knows."
"It's beautiful," Merula said as she tried to comprehend the beauty of the lights.
"I don't understand it much myself, but I thought of it like stars swallowed by the seas. I wanted to show it to you because it is one of the most beautiful things I've seen," Jason gazed drifted to his love.
Merula didn't notice until Jason hugged her from behind. He was warm, and the scent of his sweat mixed with his cologne was all too familiar. Jason was, is, this best person Merula had ever know despite how he doubted himself and never tried to be someone he's not. An honest and caring person.
"So what's holds the spot as number one?"
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