#remember the other day when i couldnt think of more muses to bring
thexwayward · 1 year
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crimsonophelia · 3 years
Can I request for a fluffy friends to lovers fic with Venti and a human gn reader? They’re good friends (but the reader doesn’t know his real identity) and when reader brings up their desire to see a wind wisp in real life Venti decides to surprise them by transforming into his true form and paying them a visit. The reader finds this mysterious little wind wisp at their doorstep and gets excited, takes care of it, and while feeding it apple slices starts talking about how their good friend Venti would love to see them - but oh, he’s less of a friend and more of a crush who I’ve loved for a long time… wait, where did the wisp go? Wait, Venti?! When did you get here?!
featuring: venti x gn!reader
warnings: none
published: june 30, 2021
form: imagine
a/n: thank you for sending this in—i need more venti requests, he’s my baby <3
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you could tell that the drink was beginning to hit you hard when you felt your muscles go slack. it was your fourth pint of the night, and although you thought that you could hold your drink fairly well, you could never hold a candle to your bard friend’s seemingly bottomless appetite for wine. venti was on his seventh--or was it eighth?--mug of cider for the night, and was still fairly unfazed, if you consider his usual bumbling amiability to be his default. after a long day of working and whatever it was that venti did in the daytime, you two had decided to meet up at the angel’s share that evening for a drinking night between friends, and to catch up on life and whatever else goes on in the city of mondstadt. 
the night had begun with a mug per person, as you and venti caught up with each other. due to your duties at home, and his rather inconstant job as a traveling musician, it was oftentimes difficult for you and the bard to stay in touch--responsibilities always seemed to get in the way. so, naturally, you took advantage of every opportunity you could get to see venti, one-on-one, and simply talk. after knowing him for quite a while, he really was a delight to talk to, always full of witty riddles and forever knowing the right thing to say at the right time. venti really was quite remarkable. 
he also had the unique talent of contagious alcoholism; after having spent an hour or so drinking and chatting with him, you unwittingly started drinking more than your usual limit, absolutely carried away with whatever small conversation venti had you engaged with at the moment. the conversation had somehow strayed into the topic of myths and legends of mondstadt. venti was speaking of some strange conspiracies surrounding the origin of the anemo hypostasis up in the mountains, and as the alcohol began to break down your proper judgement, you began to go on and on about how you, as a child, dreamed of seeing an elusive wind wisp. 
you had heard stories about the boy revolutionary, armed with his bow and his words, accompanied by a little white wind wisp, leading mondstadt’s journey to freedom. the story had enchanted you when you were young, and clearly you still had not given up hope of meeting a similar wind wisp. perhaps it would bring you the same joy and power to change your life for the better, just like it did for the hero of old mondstadt. 
venti listened to your reminiscing closely, looking at you with a quizzical look of interest. your intoxicated state made it so that you didn’t notice the look on his face as if he was plotting something, but, to be fair, venti’s poker face was notable for its impregnability. the night ended with him having to walk you home, propping your arm over his shoulders so that you wouldn’t trip and fall on the cobblestone streets. the last thing you remembered was him tucking you into bed, and singing you one of his funny little songs.
the next morning, you woke with a pounding headache and the bright noon sun peeking through your shutters. archons, was it so late already? you pulled yourself out of bed, trying not to stumble, distracted by the pounding in your head. you had a long list of things to do today that you had to complete, and you severely regretted drinking so much and so late with that damned bard last night (though you could never really hate him--he was too adorable).
slipping on whatever clothing closest to your bed and sluggishly following through with your daily morning routine, you got ready to head out the door to water the carrots and potatoes in your backyard. as you pulled open the door, prepared to step out and face the piercing daylight, you caught yourself as you almost stepped on the little figure at your doorstep. lying there on its side, was a wind wisp. yes, just like the ones you had read about all your childhood and you had mused about endlessly last night. it had its little eyes shut, sleeping probably, its delicate little form curled up on the step. 
you were bewildered, partially at the coincidence of it all, but mostly by the rarity of what had occurred before your eyes. a wind wisp, something most people never even saw once in their lifetimes, suddenly showing up right at your doorstep after you had talked about your desire to meet one just the night before. crouching down, you scooped up its little body in your hands. the little thing began to wake, hands rubbing its eyes sleepily, as it made a chirping noise. it was ridiculously adorable. 
“hey there, little guy”, you cooed. “what are you doing here?”
as it began to regain consciousness, the wisp floated up off your hands, small gusts of air emitting from its form, and it flew up to nuzzle against your face. it felt like a warm breeze brushing against your cheek, and you heard it chirping in your ear. 
you giggled. “well aren’t you the cutest little thing!” you raised your hand to pet it, and it made a little gurgling noise, leaning into your touch. something about its mannerisms felt so familiar, almost like something you had known in a past life perhaps, but you couldn’t put a finger on it. its presence was just endlessly comforting, even though you had only known it for a few minutes. 
reaching into your pantry, you pulled out some apples you had picked the day before, and cut it into small slices. the wisp watched you eagerly as you went about your business, like it could understand everything you did. holding up a thin slice to the wisp, a little hole in its void of a face opened up and enveloped the slice whole. a little shocked but certainly entertained, you gave it an approving head pat. 
as the day went on, the little wisp continued to follow you throughout mondstadt as you ran your errands. you went outside, behind your house, to take care of the crops you were growing. as you watered your plants, the little wisp helped you disperse the water more efficiently, blowing a gentle wind from your watering can so that you didn’t have to walk as far to water the faraway plants. you go to pick some apples and sunsettias nearby, and the little fellow would fly up to the hard-to-reach fruits and throw himself against them to knock them loose from the branches, right where you could catch them. you worried a little bit whether he was hurting himself by doing so, but he appeared to be pleased just to assist you, and he certainly was not ashamed to take a few bites from the fruits of your shared labor at the end of the day. 
considering how efficiently your errands were completed today, of course all thanks to the helper you acquired that morning, you thought it would be nice to use the time you had in the late afternoon to take the wisp out for a picnic dinner at windrise to show your appreciation. gathering some of the fruit the both of you had collected, and some sandwiches you made, you placed it all in a little wicker basket and set off for the great tree with your companion upon your shoulder. 
upon arriving, you laid down a gingham blanket in the shade of the great tree of windrise, just a moments away from the ancient statue of barbatos. you felt like a child again, remembering the summers of carefree exploration, tunneling through the thickets in the forest, or catching frogs by the creek, or tumbling down the hills by the sea. and now, a wisp joined you, taking you back to the memories of those years, when life was much simpler.
you couldn’t help but to think of venti, the bard, the friend, who had brought you such comfort through difficult times, whose music, like the warm touch of the wisp, reminded you of home and the beauty that life could bring. your companion was now feasting comedically fast on the food you had brought along, swallowing up fruits whole, and chewing for several moments before helping itself to another. you chuckled and gave it a pat. “greedy little fellow, aren’t you?” you couldnt help but to think venti would have loved to meet the wind wisp, considering his love for nature and all sorts of fauna, and considering the small resemblance between himself and the creature.
“stick around for a bit and i might introduce you to my friend, the bard”, you told it, not really caring that it probably couldn’t understand you. “im actually not sure that we are friends, to be honest. these days we rarely see each other but...” you trailed off, distracted by the sound of the breeze through the branches. the wisp stopped eating and watched you intently. “well”, you began. “i sometimes find myself wishing him and i were more than friends. maybe not lovers, not right away but... i just know that dearly. i cannot be sure that he feels the same, but that is of no matter.” you pat the wisp’s little head again. “if i can make him happy, even just as friends, that is enough for me.”
out of nowhere, a strong wind blew past you, knocking over your wicker basket and sending it flying several feet away. agitated, you scrambled up to chase after it, finally grasping it before it could fly too far. you were perplexed—where in the world could such a strong wind have come from? the sky was clear, and there were no clouds obstructing the setting sun. how odd, you thought to yourself.
you turned around to bring the basket back to your sitting spot, but to your surprise, the wisp was gone. no, in its place was now your bard friend, venti, sitting there on the blanket like he had been there all along. how in the world did he get here without you noticing, and where in the world did the wisp go off to? you hurried over to venti, questioning, “since when did you get here?”
the bard smirked, and fiddled with his lyre that you just noticed he had brought along with him. he had that look on his face again, the one he wore whenever he had some sort of plot in mind.  “whatever do you mean, [y/n]?”, he replied amusedly. “i’ve been here all along.”
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sxvxrxssnape · 4 years
severus' sixty-first birthday
- minerva sends severus a birthday card every year and though she doesn't sign it or return address it, he knows they're from her. they worked together for years, he recognizes her handwriting
- he's not entirely sure how she found his address but maybe owls are just that good at tracking people. still, she never asks to see him or mentions how the rest of the wizarding world has long thought he's dead
- at this point, he opens his kitchen window in the morning and watches the sun peaking over the horizon as it starts to rise, sipping on his coffee, as he waits for the letter to arrive
- he'll read through it, smiling softly (though he wonders about the part where she mentions a gift on the way. shes never sent anything more than a card) before tucking the card away with all the others. he'll get dressed then and then walk into town. it's a quiet place where he's chosen to live and he's made friendly with a number of people and sometimes he misses the vibrancy of the wizarding world and the comaderie of being a hogwarts professor but that atmosphere had long fizzled out and going back would never truly mean going back. he's moved on and he's fine with that
- he prefers early morning to get the shopping done. it's less crowded and the world feels untouched, pure and magical, at this hour. he'll stop at the local bakery, buy himself a pastry and another cup of coffee, savoring sweet almond and blueberry, before continuing to the grocery store and picking up the few things he needs for tonight's dinner
- its his 61st birthday today and though he doesn't want to make a big deal out of his birthday, he's learned that it's okay to celebrate your own existence and indulge in the things that make him happy
- as it stands, a well made shepherds pie with good bread and red wine would make him very happy today
- his grocery tote is charmed to keep cool and feather light, so after gathering what he needs he'll head to the bookshop. this is one of his favorite activities and absolutely not reserved for his birthday. his favorite bookshop is old and quaint, hosting strange books with mysterious origins. a lot of the locals think its all false but severus has a trained eye and can recognize magical tombs when he sees them. the first time he came, he cleared out any that could be considered dangerous to muggles. now he likes to browse through the remains and pick up a new read or two; they're not all magical but they are all interesting. the shopkeeper is a very old woman who looks very out of place in this millennium, but he supposes he does too some days
- she wishes him a happy birthday, eyeing his black coat with a certain kind of scrutiny he's gotten used to from her. he was never able to give up his long coats and now he wears them unbuttoned over black turtlenecks. it makes him look less imposing, he supposes, although enough people have asked what he teaches that it sets him on edge
- he doesn't remember when she learned his birthday, but he pays it no mind. a few of the people he's come across here have learned his birthday by now. its the reason he'll get a free scoop of ice cream on his way home. she always looks at him like he's familiar but just can't place how, and part of him worries she's going barmy and starting to forget he's been coming here for years
- as he's paying for the two new books he's found, she says something that feels like its meant to be a warning but feels more like a threat: the aurors are in town today
- "pardon?" he asks, but she just smiles sweetly and waves him off like nothing was amiss, as if his blood hadn't just turned to ice beneath his skin
- he leaves the shop numbly, thinking it over. she couldnt have meant anything serious by it, although now he's kicking himself for not realizing she was a witch (or perhaps a squib?) he kept up with the wizarding world fairly regularly when he'd first disappeared. he knew potter had cleared his name posthumously and that he was hailed a hero, so whatever the reason for the aurors being in town, it has nothing to do with him. he decides to carry on as normal; too many years have passed for him to be known by this new generation of aurors.
- he does get his free ice cream, a scoop of vanilla caramel with a drizzle of chocolate, and he's sitting in a wrought iron chair outside the shop, under a carefully cast warming charm to keep him comfortable in the january air but with a cooling charm cast over his frozen treat, when he sees them
- there's two of them, fairly young and most likely born during the second war. they're dressed in the muggle version of their uniform he's come to recognize and watches them from his peripheral as they head down the street and wonders what they could be in town for
- he doesn't notice the third, older auror watching him with widening eyes, no longer paranoid enough to check who's standing behind him, as he swirls his spoon through the remnants of melted ice cream and gets lost in his thoughts
- he heads home after that, lights a fire, and makes a tomato and cheese sandwich for lunch. he catches up on a few episodes of his current favorite show (a historical drama this time) and enjoys his quiet afternoon
- when its time to start on dinner, he'll put something on the record player (he's got a soft spot for the record player alright, he's aware of what spotify is, he just enjoys the nostalgia of vinyl), and get to work. he's got a glass of wine and he's singing along to pearl jam as he cuts carrots and potatoes
- he grows wild thyme and rosemary in the front yard, right next to the white chrysanthemums, so he puts his spoon down and goes to fetch some
- he doesn't expect to find potter standing just outside the gate with a pink bakery box in his hands looking simultaneously like a deer in the headlights and like he's just seen a ghost. which he supposes he has
- he ignores him in favor of picking the herbs. once he's done, he glances once in the direction of harry potter before returning inside. he leaves the door open and waits. it isn't until the herbs are washed and finely chopped, being stirred into the stew, that potter finally enters the kitchen. he holds the box tightly and blurts out "i thought you were dead"
- "evidently not." severus responds, spooning the mix into a baking dish and begins to top it with the mashed potatoes. "how did you find me?"
- he mutters some nonsense of working a case involving a local store selling magical wares to muggles (and severus frowns at this information, worried it might be imelda) and seeing him outside the ice cream shop. getting his address wasn't that hard and the cake he brought was simply a social nicety
- perhaps he hasn't been a professor for years now but he can still smell bullshit so he raises an eyebrow at the answer he's gotten. potter has grown in the years since he's seen him, no longer a strong-willed seventeen year old but now a tired looking auror of forty who's still just as bad at lying as he ever was. he thinks how he was around his age when they last spoke and that fact feels a little dizzying
- "you dont seem that surprised." severus muses, putting the pie in the oven and bringing down another glass. he has a feeling potter will be staying and the idea is already giving him headache. he thinks back to minervas letter and wonders if this is what she meant. perhaps its time to finally write back, he thinks, as he pours them each some wine; they have a lot to talk about it seems
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lostinyourdreams · 4 years
Heyy i really love your soul weaver fic, I was wondering if you could do an angst fic were edgar and his s/o get into an argument before his s/o match and before edgar can make up with them they end up dying during said match,,,
╔═══════════════・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.═══════════════╗
Thank you so much ^ ^ and of course, hope you'll enjoy it^ ^ Warning: angst, mention of death Characters: Painter (Edgar), Embalmer (Aesop)
Edgar couldnt believe it, you just couldnt be gone, not even when Aesop was embalming you and he stared at the deep wounds that had caused your life to slip away it just didnt feel real to Edgar and it all became worse when Aesop finished embalming you, you just looked too peaceful to be dead. Edgar got up from his chair and walked over to the table your now stiff body was laying on "Edgar I dont think..."the embalmer started but was cut off by Edgars scoff "dont tell me what to do" he snapped at Aesop who only took a step back, he knew how Edgar was and assumed this was his moarning progress so he decided to simply allow Edgar to stay here with you, without saying a word Aesop left the room, hearing the door close Edgar shoulders drop, were you really gone? He shook his head, no, you couldnt be you just look asleep. He gently cupped your cheek with his trembling hand, he excpected to feel the warmth that would feel his heart with joy but he only felt a strange coldness he had never experienced... No... a single tear ran down his cheek as he gently placed his head on his chest only to be met by silence "Y/n no...." he weakly whispered as he felt his knees getting weak, where was the sound of your beating heart, the sound that would lull him to sleep every night? Slowly lifting his head he stared at you, your eyes were closed as if you were asleep, your skin was still pale despite Aesop adding reds to make it seem more life like, your plush lips slightly curled upwards in a slight smile... He felt sick to his stomach, he would never wake up surrounded by your warmth, you gentle voice would never praise his paintings or himself, your warm touch would never caress his skin again and maybe worst of all he could never make you smile again, the same smile that would make his heart melt; It was all gone, cruely snatched away from him by this cursed game and manor. He clenched his first in anger, how could this manor dare to snatch you away from him?! All his emotions came crashing....He felt so many emotions at once it was dizzying, he felt anger, sadness, guilt and discussed, he was discussed by himself this very morning the two of you had fought, it wasnt unusal for the two of you to have an argument but it had never crossed his mind that you'd just be gone one day...  He collapsed onto his knees as tears were running wildly down his face and sobs echoed through the room as he helf your hand tightly in his pressing it against his forehead and just begging for this to be a nightmare, tho if it truly was a nightmare he yet had to wake up from it... You were now buried in red church cemetery, Edgar chose this location since he always fantasize about marrying you here as the others watch you entangle your future with his, he always thought this would be a place the two of you would remember for promising yourselves to one another never did he thought this would be a place of dread, a place that would bring Edgar a bitter taste in his mouth and make his eyes whell up in tears. He was the only person at your grave still, he was sitting down in front of it and staring at the engraved cross that spelled "y/n l/n" not "y/n Valden" questions arose in his mind, would you have even considered marrying him or would you have been turn away by his arogant personality? Was your death quick and painless? Were you thinking of him when you took your last breath? Or were you thinking about the fight that happened just a moment before your match started? Edgar has never apologized for any of the fights you had... well never apologized in the way of asking for forgiveness but after every fight Edgar would just be more affectionate and soft with you, he'd barely even complain about anything. Looking up at the sky he let out a shaky breath "I was such an asshole Y/n... Im sorry" not the most romantic apology but he meant it, he felt so angry at himself for not treating you better but he just didnt know how to treat you better. He truly hoped you could forgive him one day for the way his ego had blinded him into treating you like you were bellow him... He could never accept those day, his muse, his soulmate had been taken away from him so cruely... He knew you'd want him to move on and be happy but he would never be happy without you, tho he knew one thing, he'd need to ensure the world would never forget your beauty and kindness, even if he'd be forgotten he wouldnt care for as long as youd live on through his paintings. ╚═══════════════・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.═══════════════╝
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Last Night Chapter 3
Previous chapter
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Before they could go gallivanting around Paris, though, Nino made a request to stop in at the club to deal with a last minute tab mix-up from the night before - which since it was on the way to the location tagged in the earliest posts of him and Ladybug, he didn't have a problem with it. It was also kind of hard to argue with a request from a guy literally planning on following you on a glorified scavenger hunt.
But before then, of course, there was also the matter of the strange hotel room mix-up that needed to be sorted out. 
So after combing over the room for anything else he might have left and changing into something a little more comfortable, both he and Nino went down to the front desk in the hotel lobby. 
The Huxton truly was a fantastically posh sort of place - giving off the air of old money with a mixture of fashionable millennial hipster charm. Warm leather chairs littered the open lobby, accented by the navy and bright reds of carpets and plush cushions, and deep greens of floral arrangements around the connecting room leading to the open terrace and bar and lounge. It was the kind of place Adrien could see himself spending a lot of time in given the chance. Something between the extravagance of his old room back at the mansion and a home he’d like to create some day; filled with things that were like him - things that screamed Adrien. 
But that was a day dream for another time.
"Good morning, Mr. Agreste, I hope your stay has been pleasant so far!" A young attendant beamed at him the moment they approached the desk. 
He recognized the bubbly blonde immediately, having been helped by her when they checked in the day before. 
Estelle was her name. 
He wondered briefly if they’d been professionally trained, or if Estelle always looked this perfectly coiffed and outwardly radiant and approachable. It sometimes took multiple cups of coffee before even he could muster the amount of charisma she seemed to have in spades. 
Adrien grimaced, but tried to hide it under a smile, "Please, just Adrien. And actually I think something happened last night and I wanted to apologize."
The young woman gave him a confused look but allowed him to continue without interruption.
"You see, I woke up in a completely different hotel room than the one we checked into yesterday, and for the life of me, I don't know how, and I am so sorry for any trouble that might have caused. I'll pay for the room and any damage fee to make up for it."
The receptionist merely blinked for a moment at his word vomit, her bubbly radiance flickering for a moment as she seemed to mentally ask herself how this always seemed to happen to her before turning back into a megawatt bulb of sunshine, "Oh! I-I see. Would you happen to remember the room number?"
"Yes, it was 414." Nino answered in his place, recognizing the mortification crawling up Adrien's spine.
Estelle nodded and quickly began typing at her terminal, silence and persistent tapping filling the void while they waited for the impending news. Though, the longer they stood there, the more confusion seemed to fill her expression, "a-actually, sir, while I'm not completely certain of the circumstances, it - it looks like you booked that room."
"What? No, I only booked the room you checked us into yesterday."
She smiled once more, though, this time it seemed a bit strained - as she turned the monitor so that he could see what she did, "it says here that this room was booked early this morning. It looks like Collette was the one to book the room for you. She's not set to arrive until later this afternoon, but I could give you a call when she does?"
Early this morning? If the time stamp was to be believed it was nearly four am when the room was booked. 
Staring at the screen wasn't giving him any further clues, so he nodded at the attendant.
"Yeah, please do. Thanks."
They began to walk away but Adrien stopped, turning back to the woman, "By chance, do you happen to remember seeing me leave here yesterday?"
Even as she appeared put off by the question, she answered him quickly.
"Yes. Both times. First with your friend and then again about an hour and a half later. Though, the second time you'd changed clothes. I remember because you asked me if I thought it looked too flashy for a club." She giggled good naturedly.
Nino snickered at his side, coughing to cover it up when Adrien scowled at him. 
Finally, they waved and headed out the hotel's main entrance.
If ever Adrien hated the reminder that alcohol was not his friend, it was then as he and Nino stepped out into the late-morning sun of a gorgeous day in Paris - where the combination of splitting headache and overwhelming nausea nearly brought him to his knees while his friend pulled up the Uber app to confirm their ride.
"You good dude?"
The blonde could only grunt in response, swallowing back the abundance of saliva in his mouth in an effort to keep from heaving.
Something that didn't exactly convince his best friend that he was in the clear, "You know they charge extra if you puke in the cars, right?"
"I'll - I'll be fine. Just give me a moment."
Nino hummed, watching him with a curious tilt to his brow, "I haven't seen you this fucked up since the day after your old man's arrest. Just how much did you drink last night anyways?"
The unwanted memory of sitting hunched over someone's (he doesn't exactly remember who's) toilet bowl while puking his guts up until he had nothing left in his system (then dry heaving for at least an hour after that) flashed in his mind. It was a party his friends had thrown to just celebrate the end of Hawkmoth's reign of terror. For him though, it had been an opportunity to forget that twenty-four hours prior to that, he'd unmasked his own father after the man had tried to kill him and his partner in the hopes of stealing their miraculous to bring back his comatose mother.
There had been a lot of things he'd wanted to forget. 
Unfortunately for him, he didn't have the tolerance for the alcohol he drank. Landing him in a nice cozy embrace with the porcelain throne the next day.
Apparently he still didn't have the tolerance.
Through his musings of the past, Adrien failed to notice his friend fishing something from his bag to hand to him until it was waving in his face.
A pair of aviators. 
The blonde thanked him before putting the glasses on, reducing the ever present sting of light on his hungover brain. And just in time as a car pulled up to take them to their destination.
The ride to the bar was blessedly short and Adrien had managed to keep his stomach from rolling for the most part, but was very thankful when they climbed out of the silver economy compact with a half hearted wave and 5 stars.
Looking up at the ostentatious entrance to Chez Moune, the blonde had the strangest rush of dejavu. Something about the gold embellished entrance trim sparking familiarity that he couldnt place.
Nino walked right past him and through the doors, making his way up to the main club room and Adrien shook off his thoughts to follow after. 
The former cabaret turned dance club was lit brightly for the early staff, stocking and preparing for another night of fun for tourists and local party seekers alike. 
It was a club that Nino had managed to land more than a couple gigs, and had reserved a portion of for the going away party they’d all thrown him the night before. Celebrating the next leg of his life...
I’m leaving town soon. Tonight I’m supposed to be celebrating...
The voice wrapped around him like a fine silk, beckoning him towards the edge of a memory. Red - he was surrounded by red and moving shadows. And if he listened hard enough, he could hear the pounding of a bass beat that synced with the beating of his heart - steady and rhythmic and sultry. 
There was the twinkling of bells riding on the coat-tails of a sweet voice.
You’ll get over it, I’m sure...
"Hey man - did you hear me?”
Adrien blinked, and the red club lights and shifting bodies disappeared, leaving an entirely too quiet empty bar and bright fluorescents. It took another moment before he realized he’d been asked a question, turning to look at Nino and ground himself in the present once more.
"Dude, you sure you’re good?"
His adam’s apple bobbed with the force of his swallow, but he nodded slowly. He was dizzy, and for the first time, not because he was hungover.
The blonde turned back to the bar and snippets pieced themselves together in his mind, bringing clarity to what felt like a fever dream.
"I actually did make it back."
Adrien ran his tongue over parched lips, “I made it back to the club,” he said quietly, almost absently, but with much more confidence as he stared unseeing at a pair of bar chairs on the far side of the room.
That's where he'd seen her.
When he'd managed to make it back to the club and no one was the wiser of his identity behind the black mask, he'd looked up to find his friends, only for his eyes to lock on her almost immediately in the crowd.
Understatement of the year, but, It had been a total shock to his system. Knocking the breath clean from his chest as he took her in.
It wasn't the red mask or the signature pig-tails hidden beneath a chic rimmed hat that had given her away.
Funny enough, it was her skirt.
Maybe not funny, because the presence of that one article of clothing had turned his world on its head. 
It was more than possible he was mistaken. It could have been anyone.
But not just anyone could pull off ladybug spots. Which she did. Oh god she did. It was a long,  high-waisted skirt with a bow in the same fabric on her hip. 
But he'd remember that skirt anywhere. She'd only ever worn it one other time, afterall, and it was the last time he'd seen her, so the memory of her outfit from that day was burned into his memory.
It had to be her.
Adrien ignored the crowd as he made his way over to her, all the while his heart raced and mind fumbled over what he was going to say. The nerves were killing him. What if he was wrong? What if this was a complete stranger and he made an absolute fool of himself.
But what if it was her, a voice pushed in the back of his head, sounding suspiciously like Plagg. 
He fought himself the entire way over, his mind completely unaware of the body's natural magnetism to the woman until he was standing close enough he could reach out.
It was now or never.
“What’s a lady like you doing in a place like this?”
Mentally, he'd face-palmed at the absolutely horrid words spilling from his mouth. Seriously? That's what he went with?
The lady in question rolled her eyes at what was probably not the first pick-up line she’d heard that evening, turning to look at him, blue eyes flashing with something close to shock and recognition before a brow pulled up under her mask. 
She searched him for a moment. 
The longest moment of his life. 
Those eyes (if he was right, and he was positive that he was - oh god please let him be right) had always been so expressive - and he could see everything as it flashed in her expression; uncertainty, disbelief, reluctant recognition again before a smirk slowly graced her perfectly painted red lips, “Really? That’s the best you got?”
"For now, yes.” He nodded decisively, before finally taking the open seat next to her, “Though it did get you talking to me, so, I count that as a win."
She eyed him critically again before commenting, "Smooth."
"I try."
"Too hard."
He chuckled, because she always had been quite sharp-tongued and feisty. Good to see that hadn’t changed. “You never did answer my earlier question, though.”
"Why should I? You're a stranger in a bar."
Maybe, maybe not, he wanted to say, but thought better of trying to be too pushy.
"That's fair. You don't have to answer if you don't want to."
He could see her eyeing him critically out of his peripherals. 
“I’m leaving town soon. Tonight I’m supposed to be celebrating, but it just doesn’t feel right.”
He didn't let the grin spread over his lips at having gotten an answer, but did nod along, “I understand the feeling.”
“As it turns out, I’ll be leaving town soon as well. And I too am supposed to be celebrating.” what were the chances they'd both be here celebrating? Slim to nil.
“So what’s your excuse?”
“Well, I saw this lovely lady sitting at the bar and felt it was my sworn duty to keep her company.”
The masked woman snorted a chuckle, trying desperately to hide the amused grin as she brought her drink to her lips, “Wow. That was worse than your intro.”
“Meowch. You wound me!”
He caught the way her eyes cut back over him at the pun before answering, “You’ll get over it, I’m sure.” Laughing lightly into the back of her hand, sweetly, like twinkling bells.
He could spend eternity getting lost in the sounds she made, but he had a mission. He could not allow himself to be distracted.
He waved over a bartender and ordered a rum and coke, throwing a few bills on the counter, exchanging currency for liquid courage before turning back to his companion.
“Why doesn’t it feel right to be celebrating?”
She hummed, considering her words as she peered over at him and the drink he made himself busy consuming, then turning back to stare at the glass she passed back and forth between her fingers on the bar top, "There was - something I had hoped to do before I left Paris, but I don't think that's possible anymore… I missed my chance."
Missed her chance? Adrien fought every instinct in his body urging him to envelope this woman in his arms and tell her it wasn't too late - but he had no idea what she was referring to.
And it hadn't been her that had missed their chance. No, the blame for that was solely on his shoulders. "I see. I'm sorry to hear that." He murmured softly, not quite sure what else to say to her confession. 
Which left them sitting in an awkward silence that neither seemed to know how to dissipate. Both turning to finish their respective drinks.
That is, until the bartender came back around not five minutes after their glasses were empty with a fresh drink for the both of them.
Adrien’s masked companion immediately went to rectify the oversight, “Oh! But I-”
“On the house.” The bartender smiled, looking between the two of them - a kid in a candy store kind of giddiness to his stare, nodding his head like he was trying to find the right words to say before settling on, “And thanks. For everything.”
Both Adrien and his masked companion’s eyes widened at his words.
Neither confirming or denying his claims.
And the bartender didn’t stick around long enough for them to do so, either.
There was a moment where both of them just sat there staring at the drinks placed in front of them. Like taking the drinks would confirm every suspicion dancing between them. 
“I-it was almost like he recognized us or… something…” She said softly, and had it not been for his enhanced hearing, he probably would have missed it. She reached out and took the drink and Adrien watched as she stared at it, the faintest hint of a smile pulling at the corner of her lips. A soft yet sad far away look in her eyes.
A small chuckle escaped him as he too took his drink, “... or something.” He confirmed.
They were dancing around their identities again. It was so familiar and so frustrating, but he didn’t dare broach the subject in fear of breaking whatever spell kept her seated next to him instead of leaving. 
Because she had every right to.
She had every right to get up and leave and never say another word to him. Disappear into anonymity like a ghost of his past destined to haunt his every waking thought, but dancing just out of reach.
So he accepted the drink and accepted the company even if it meant hiding behind masks again, because - God he missed her.
He missed the easy conversion. He missed the quiet moments spent on rooftops under the stars. He missed her chiding him for his jokes. And he missed the way she demanded he take care of himself. Like her happiness depended entirely on his wellbeing.
And despite everything, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't still irrevocably in love with her.
It wasn't until they'd both nearly finished their free rounds that something caught the lady’s eye and made her groan to herself.
"Whats with the sound of distaste?"
She hummed, and shook her head, remembering her audience of one, "nothing. Just saw something gross." She threw back the rest of her drink then turned back to him, “You know… this place is seriously beat.” grumbling, and looking for sympathy.
But instead, she would be met with a flash of inspiration across his face. “Then what are we waiting for?” he stood, nearly knocking over his chair, but steadied himself, reaching out to offer her his hand, “Let’s blow this joint.”
She sputtered a laugh as she looked between his face and the hand he outstretched to her, “And go where? Do what?”
What couldn’t they do? He smiled, feeling an overwhelming excitement take hold of him. Like he’d just transformed and he could feel the power Plagg once offered wash over him. “Everything.”
He nodded, not at all deterred by the ‘you’ve grown two heads’ expression on her face, “You said you’re leaving town soon, right?"
“Then, what would one night of fun hurt?”
Because right now, he was Chat Noir. He could leap great distances, climb towers, defeat evil. They could do anything as long as they were together. 
"B-but I don't even know you. You don't even know me!"
He grinned still, "Perhaps we know each other better than we think we do? Either way, we're two people about to leave Paris. We can't just go without giving the city one last chance to give us an adventure, right? Something sweet to remember it by."
She chuckled again, looking dazed and stricken, and trying to convince herself that the man before her was nothing but a creep trying to lure her away. She glanced at something over his shoulder, but her eyes kept coming back to rest on him. The indecision was being overshadowed by a spark of temptation in her features - something giving away how badly she wanted to say yes.
All he needed to do was give her a reason. 
“Would I ever steer you wrong, M’Lady?”
The mystery woman's eyes widened as Adrien made the comment, confirmation of his suspicions in a single gaze as he offered her his hand in invitation. He could have said anything, and she could have denied it. She could have brushed off the comment as him being a terrible flirt and told him to take a hike.
Instead, recognition lit her eyes like summer fireworks and painful tenderness filled her stare.
And despite everything, She took his hand.
"No, I suppose you wouldn't. Would you, Chaton?"
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theharellan · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. tagged by: stolen from @dansiere tagging: @ghiassan, @deathsreflection, @altuspavus, @windrunnerrs (velanna), @hopewrought, @willbeshot, @seahaloed (iron bull), @asterfed​ (noctis), @ anyone who wants to steal it! also multis feel free to choose a different character
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated (i’m open to roleplaying with non-dragon age characters, and have AUs for other fandoms)
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. solas is both wildly popular and wildly hated. he’s been more consistently popular than the controversial women in the series, like sera or vivienne, who have only recently begun to get to the point where their tags are less vitriolic (although i’m sure it’s still out there), but there’s still a sizable hatedom that can’t have his name breathed in their vicinity w/o them talking abt how much they hate him. even if you’re currently cosplaying him!
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. again, you have ppl who are super into him and ppl who think he’s ugly. my personal opinion is that i think he’s weirdly pretty, and wish ppl would commit more to his unconventional features rather than try to chisel him into sb more traditionally attractive and that ppl who don’t find him attractive would maybe chill w/ calling him ugly. find him unattractive by all means, but lets embrace the fact that inquisition let their love interests have skin flaws etc and accept that some won’t be our cups of tea.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. its hard to deny at this point tbh.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. frustrating as the hate in the tags he has enough fans that i couldnt say he’s underrated w/ a straight face.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. he’s the reason the game starts with a bang and not the inevitable dissolution of the conclave b/c the sides are disparate.
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. regardless of solas’ relationship with the inquisitor, there are parallels and contrasts in their stories and he also is the reason they survive inquisition.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. fen’harel is well-known and revered, if feared, among the dalish, yet at the same time he’s not remembered for a lot besides locking the gods away-- and the context of that decision has also been lost. as solas he’s relatively unknown until inquisition and especially trespasser.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. again, polarising!! he has loyal agents and people are willing to speak well of him despite everything, including his enemies sometimes (depending mostly on the inquisitor). 
How strictly do you follow canon?  — generally i try to have a canon basis for my interpretation, even if i interpret the text differently than the author.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  solas is an immortal who is simultaneously jaded and very much invested in the small moments of life. far from being weary of the day-to-day lives of ordinary people, it is systems and orders he is most tired of. he walks an interesting line that feels far less misanthropic than other immortal characters i’ve experienced, yet still he’s quite cynical. as a character who has fought against religious based tyranny before, but in a completely different era, he is in a unique position where what he sees around him is both horrifyingly familiar and yet completely new. it allows an exploration of the wrongs of thedas’ society from an outsider’s perspective. his motivations are complex and multifaceted, often condemnable and yet also understandable. his character arc in inquisition (if befriended, or regardless in the case of my solas) takes him from a dispassionate, disconnected antagonist to someone deeply invested in the people of thedas, deeply conflicted and actively hoping he will be proven wrong again. i think his story is a testament to human (or elven, or dwarven, or-) connection and how even when we resist we can’t resist creating bonds with the people in our lives. i personally see this bond going beyond the inquisitor hence why i play low-approval solas as conflicted as high-approval, if not when it comes to the inquisitor.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  solas is selfish and motivated solely by revenge, he’s clinging to a past that clearly no longer exists, if you ignore all the people from it who are still alive. he’s totally unaware of all his flaws and never owns up to any mistakes ever. no, i haven’t listened to a single word solas has said in my life why do you ask. he’s also critical of my faves which means he’s #cancelled, there is clearly no validity to what he’s saying. ksjdf no but in all seriousness i think a lot of reasons ppl don’t find solas interesting are just... weird readings of his character that sometimes have no basis in the text of inquisition, but also there are plenty of perfectly valid reasons to not find him interesting. usually those ppl don’t like... talk abt how much they don’t find him interesting constantly tho. they just chill and aren’t invested in this particular villain. for one thing i think the game missed out on opportunities for exploring how someone who may not have even had a body at the beginning of his existence would feel about gender and sexuality, so making him presumably straight and cis was a boring choice. i also think that the dragon age games being very protagonist-centric hurts solas’ character, there’s no real reason why the inquisitor is the only one who can throw his plans into question but making the player the center of the universe means he’s not allowed to change due to the effects of other companions or NPCs. thank god this is rp and i do what i want.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  i have a history degree so when the inquisition companions were being teased, solas describing bias in primary sources from the memories he’s seen got me interested in him. but my first playthrough i didn’t actually take him with me all too often, i think my main party was dorian-blackwall-varric. i liked him, and i think he or dorian were my first friends in skyhold, but my initial interest was in other characters. between his dialogue that appealed to the historian in me tho and how his spirit opinions sort of turned everything i’d felt about spirits in the last two games on its head, i started vibing with him more the farther i went in. like merrill set me up for the “spirits are people” thing and solas hit it out of the park. then temple of mythal happened, and i did bring solas with me there. i found his dialogue fascinating and also suspicious, i’d just finished masked empire like the day before da:i came out so i definitely thought solas was an ancient elf in the same vein as felassan. it was after temple of mythal that i actually decided to make his blog, although like as one idk linchpin to cement my status as solas trash... i was hit BAD by the banter bug on my first playthrough, probably got like a dozen banters total. but then at some point late in the game i took solas to the forbidden oasis and he wouldn’t stop talking to people, and i really loved his banter with the rest of my party at the time.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  replaying inquisition, new DA content when the bioware gods deign to grant us a lifeline, but the biggest thing is my rp partners. i wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the people i write with, new and old. my activity of late hasn’t been the best, work and the summer heat has really been sapping me of energy, and does even during years when we aren’t going through a pandemic. but it’s the thought of my rp partners and love of solas that keeps me coming back.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? i have my doubts sometimes, but i think i do ok.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? there is no headcanon too small for me.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. but not lately * gestures to the low activity * i’ve been in this cycle where i get anxious abt late replies, so prioritise them, then burn myself out and can’t write the fics i want. i’ve had two i’ve been DYING to write tho i just... need to find the space in my brain to let myself.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. i mean it depends on the day. if i work closing shifts at my store it gets very quiet and boring around 8:30 so i spent the next 90 minutes thinking about character stuff.
Are you confident in your portrayal?  YES / NO / SORT OF? 
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. 
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  i’m going to say ‘no’ because like, i don’t ask for criticism. this is a hobby based on my interpretation of a character, if you think i write solas too soft then you’re welcome to think that, but i’m happy with the balance i’ve struck with his internal versus external behaviour and how he changes based upon who he’s speaking to. if you think i’m erasing straight people by making solas pan then ksjdfs. ok.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  yes!!! even if they retread ground already trodden, a) my interpretation may have adjusted since the last time i played or b) a reminder is nice. if it’s new stuff then it’s fun to think about.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  it’d depend on why they disagree. if they just disagree on a subjective opinion about what i took from a certain line, then they’re welcome to their opinion but i don’t necessarily care to hear it. if it is unintentionally hurtful then i would like to know. although rather than a comment i’d rather a non-anonymous message.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  same as the above.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  if they’re vocal about it i typically just unfollow / softblock if i was following in the first place. people can feel how they want about solas, but i’ve found over the years that if people really hate solas ooc it can often bleed into their ic interactions. it’s really weird seeing your character being brought up repeatedly in threads with others specifically to dunk on, for no reason other than i guess solas is living rent free in their heads, so at least we have that in common. but anyway unfollowing is just the best choice to avoid getting kinda pressed if i’m having a bad day.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  roleplay is the wild west of writing, so i think it’d depend on what the error was. coming at me like “you shouldn’t start a sentence with a preposition” would get a laugh, but i don’t edit my replies much if at all and mistakes will 100% happen. pointing out typos is chill so long as you do it politely.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  it depends! i’ve learned that being too easy going actually just means i’m subjecting myself to negative emotions to please people. so i’ve gotten less easy going as the years go by. how does one define “easy going” anyway? does asking that question mean i am objectively not easy going? the longer this thought goes on the more the answer seems to be “probably not,” but i like to think it could be a lot worse.
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santouryuuu · 5 years
pairing : luffy x reader
requested by : @akutagawahakuryuunosuke
Hello, can i request a high school au with Luffy please? the plot is what if he was a soccer team captain, he met her when he accidentally kicking the ball to far and knocking her off from the bench, she was the art student who lost her muse because her must got a girlfriend and meeting Luffy bring her back to painting after that is up to you hehehe thank you very much
hellooo~ here's your request! i hope that it's what you envisioned! this is actually my first time writing for Luffy so, i'm sorry if he seems out of character 🙇‍♀️ but anyways enjoy~
"Blank again, huh?"
You felt your hands freeze and your heart drop as you heard Usopp's comment. You tore your gaze away from the blank canvas to face your art teacher. You looked at the ground in shame and gave a slight nod in response.
He sighed and patted your shoulder, "It's fine Y/n. I understand that you're going through a rather rough art block. You'll get back on your feet one day."
You could feel him send a reassuring smile your way as you watched your hand tighten around the charcoal.
As if on cue, the bell rang to signal the end of the day.
"Pack up everyone! I expect to see drafts by the end of the week!" Usopp announced as he made his way around the room.
You carefully placed the charcoal back where it belonged and took out a wet wipe to clean your dirtied hands. As you were wiping your hands, you couldn't help but stare at the canvas in front of you. You wrinkled your face in distaste and felt a strong urge to just punch a rather unsightly hole through it. You resisted the urge and finished up packing.
You slung your bag around your shoulder and quietly headed to the soccer field.
In all honesty, you weren't a big fan of sports. You were far more interested in any activities that didn't involve sweating up a storm. However, you had discovered that sitting on the bleachers and watching the soccer team practice always cured your art block.
For some reason, it couldn't cure your current art block. Nevertheless, you still persisted.
You found an empty seat on the bleachers and sat down. You attentively watched as the soccer team kicked the ball around and performed a few trick shots here and there.
"Hey captain! I bet I can kick this ball farther than you can!"
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can!"
You watched as Luffy, the captain of the soccer team, made his way towards his teammate. They had a quick game of rock paper scissors to decide who would kick the ball first, Luffy won.
As the ball was set down, Luffy made running start and kicked the ball with all his might.
"Hey! Watch out!"
It was too late. The next thing you knew, a soccer ball flew straight into your face and had knocked you unconcious.
"You're in trouble now captain."
"Hey! This is your fault! Back me up Sabo!"
"Yeah no, I'm with Ace on this one."
The voices seemed to be distant but you knew it was coming from your right. As your eyes opened and adjusted to the bright flourescent lights, you groaned and sat up—instantly regretting it.
A pang of pain coursed throughout your body and you cursed as you slouched your body against the headrest of the bed.
"Oh you're lucky she's not dead."
You watched with a puzzled expression as an energetic brunette runs towards you and grabs your hand, "Hey! Are you okay?! I'm really really sorry for kicking that ball into your face!"
"Sorry what?"
"Uh oh, you gave her amnesia," the blonde sighed, "Good luck with this one Luffy."
"What are we gonna tell the old man?" the other brunette sighed.
The two men waltzed out of the clinic whilst sending mischievous glances towards the younger male. The boy next to you, Luffy, seemed amazed at their behavior, "Weirdos. "
"Sorry, what happened exactly?"
He turned to you and sent you a sheepish smile, "Ah...well you see... I may or may not have accidentally kicked a soccer ball into your face..."
You nodded, "Oh..."
"Oh? That's all? You're not mad or anything?"
You shrugged and started to look around, "It's an accident right? What could I have done? And you're sorry anyways so it's fine."
He started to laugh out of the blue, "S-Sorry, you're so weird! I just kicked a ball into your face and—Sorry."
He continued to laugh and soon you joined in his laughing, "Y-You're contagious!"
It went on like that for nearly five minutes before the nurse got annoyed and sent the both of you out.
You did argue that you were injured and unfit to leave, until she stated that you were passed out for five hours and that the only reason for your aches all over was because of your extremely poor posture, that she so generously decided to fix.
Both of you stumbled out of the clinic, still slightly giggly.
"Hey, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Luffy, the soccer team's captain. And you are?"
"Y/n, nice to meet you."
"Oh! You're that prodigal art student right? Usopp never stops talking about you!"
You felt your stomach sink and a slight blush rise to your cheeks, "H-He talks about me?"
Luffy nods his head, "I'm really sorry about your art block. But if you ask me, I think you could always just you know grab a hammer and smash it?"
You laughed, "What?"
"Isn't an art block like a big block of art?"
"No Luffy!" you laughed even harder, "It's not like that!"
He shrugged, "I don't know much about fancy art terms. I just know that you're really good at drawing!"
"Oh? How would you know?"
"I went to see your exhibit! I really really liked it—no I loved it! Everything you drew was so cool! I can't believe you drew them! Your art is really awesome!"
"You really liked it?"
He nodded, "Yeah! Hey next time do you think you could draw me? I'd love to see you draw me!"
"I'll think about it," you smiled cheekily as he looked at you with pleading eyes, "Hmm... It's getting dark already. We should probably head home."
"Oh you're right... Hey! I'll walk you home!" he beamed and trapped your hand in his own.
"N-No that's—"
"Let's go!"
You yelped as he dragged you into the street and strung you along. You weren't sure if he knew where you lived, but you just decided to follow him, because maybe the nurse had told him or something along those lines.
After hours of aimlessly wandering around, your legs began to feel numb and you were tired of being dragged around, so you spoke up, "Luffy do you know where we're going?"
"Nope," he confidently replied.
"You're kidding right?"
"Oh my lord," you murmured a silent prayer and stopped in your tracks, "Luffy, I really appreciate the effort, but—"
He shushes you, "Trust me!"
"No Luffy listen—"
"Y/n! I've got this!"
"Luffy we've passed my house four times already!"
"No we didn't?"
You sighed and gently tugged your hand out of his grip. You pointed to a house parallel to you and gave the most patient smile you could muster, "That's my house..."
"Oh... Well why didn't you say so?!" he chuckled and grabbed your hand again. You couldn't help but scoff and slightly smile at his airheadedness.
Once the both of you reached the front door Luffy let go of your hand.
"Oh! We're neighbors!" the brunette from before exclaimed from the second floor window of the neighboring house. He smiled brightly at the both of you and continued, "I'm Ace! That's Luffy! What's your name?!"
"She's Y/n!" Luffy yelled back, "I walked her home!"
"Luffy brought a girl home?!" a blonde had then squished his way into the window, "Luffy! Do you remember what I told you about bringing—Oh! It's you!"
He waved energetically, "I'm Sabo!"
"—You damn kids are too noisy!"
"Uh oh," Ace and Sabo exchanged frightened looks before closing the window and making a run for god knows where.
"Sounds like they woke gramps up," Luffy giggled, "They're in sooo much trouble now."
"You guys seem really close," you commented.
"Of course! We're brothers!"
"Really?! You guys don't look alike. At all."
Luffy hummed and placed his arms behind his head, "Not by blood anyways, we basically drank gramps's sake when we were little and swore an oath."
"Wait wait wait wait," you shook your head and chuckled, "so you guys are like an exclusive cult or something along those lines?"
"I guess?" he shrugged, "I don't really know either."
You laughed and pinched Luffy's cheek, "You're really cute... Thank you for trying to walk me home. I appreciate it."
You noticed a small blush creep up his cheeks before he sent you his signature beaming smile and a thumbs up, "No problem! Good night Y/n!"
"Good night Luffy."
As you both went your seperate ways, you couldnt help but feel more than inspired to grab a pencil and sketch.
Your hands wouldn't stop working and it seemed as though your inspiration was unending. Despite all the sketches laid out messily on your desk, the one that stood out the most was Luffy's portrait.
Maybe a muse was all it took to get out of an art block...
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
always been close {Roger Taylor}
Anon asked: okay i LLOOOOVe your Ben hardy/roger taylor fics and i was wondering if you could write more of them? I don't have a particular request (anything you write will probably be fantastic) but i do really like a smug or cheeky roger taylor.... so do what you want with that...
Anon asked: Could I request a Roger Taylor x reader fanfic where they’ve been good friends for years,the other members know the reader too but one day the hook up and the other members notice that something happened between them and at the end they somehow end up together.I want a lot of shocking reactions from the boys as I live for them.You don’t need to write it if you don’t like the idea.But thank you ! 💗
A/N: 2870 words. Me, cramming as many prompts into a singular trenchcoat and shoving it out into the world: are you not entertained?! also.... like, light to medium smut..... i might start writing all out smut. Not exactly what was asked for, but it was a fun time. Jealousy warning as well.
“So how do you know Rog?” Deacon smiles at you when you offer to help the boys pack up after their first show, it’s a kind smile, a smile you can trust. Brian and Roger like him well enough, and you at least trust Brian’s judgement enough to be friendly to their new bassist.
“I don’t.” You tell him, straight-faced as you haul the bass drum into the back of van. Deacon’s expression turns confused as Roger passes you another piece of equipment. Looking the newest band member directly in the eyes, you double down on the bit. “I’ve never met this man before in my life.” 
“I’m getting a beer, you want your usual?” Roger calls to you, and you turn back, making a face at him. “I’m done packing up, Brian’s the only one left.” He responded to your nonverbal complaint by making a flippant gesture to the guitarist, who was clicking the last of the latches shut on his guitar case. “Drink?” He asked you again, and instead of answering you just beamed at him. Poor Deacon just looked confused.
“Pay them no mind, Deaky.” Brian said, sliding his guitar case in the back beside the bass. “It’s a blessing they’re even coherent half the time.” Brian, exasperated, turned to you. “How’d you meet Rog?” He asked, voice flat as if it were a question he’d asked a hundred times before, and you looked back at him.
“He killed me in a past life and I’m biding my time for revenge.” You responded, expressionless, to which he shook his head.
“That’s a new one.” He would give you that much, before turning to John. “Y/N and Rog grew up together.” He said by way of explanation, speaking over the top of Roger shouting from the door that they’d run out of your favourite drink, but that you could share his beer if it came to it.
“You drink piss-water and I can see mine in your hand.” You accused, while Roger leaned down, his lips at the rim of the glass that held your drink.
“These are both for me.” Somehow, he thought the best course of action was to take a drink from the one obviously for you, slurping the top of it obnoxiously. 
“Children, children, get in the car.” Freddie called over the top of you both, and you took the opportunity to snatch your drink from Roger’s hand, spilling it both on him and yourself, though you still thought a crow of triumph was warranted.
“So how do you know Roger?” The girl he’s brought along to the band’s first album recording is pretty enough, dark hair, cute shorts. She smiles at you and it’s all teeth, something a little bit nasty and insinuating in her tone. It takes a moment for you to suppress your eyeroll, you’d dealt with this before any girl who was into Roger seemed to see you as competition, and as flattering as it was when the two of you started hitting the town together, it was wearing thin now.
“I’m his personal bodyguard.” You tell her, and the girl purses her lips, but doesn’t say anything else. Mary hides her laughter behind her hand, and drapes her other arm against the back of the sofa, an open invitation for you to lean against her and watch as the boys set up in the other room.
They record for hours, trying everything and anything, experimenting with everything they had, making music, dancing, living electrically for the time they had in there. The woman he’d brought takes most opportunities to throw herself on him, dance with him, keeping it relatively tame for present company, but you knew the look in his eyes, and in hers. 
The last take of the night is when her thinly-veiled jealousy shtick is wearing thin on you, and you leap up after his final recording session, jostling the sleeping Mary where she was lying on your lap, running to him. Wrapping your arms around him, you let him spin you around in elation.
“That was good! That was so good, wasn’t it, Y/N?” And he’s glowing with excitement, eyes only for you. You answer in kind, gushing about the music, how excited you were for it. There’s triumph running through your veins when the other girl has to clear her throat to get his attention. He went home with her, but you still feel victorious.
It’s a feeling you’d always experienced, since you were young; at first it was only the two of you, both of you going to the same high school a district away, not knowing anyone. But Roger had a magnetism to him, and an aggression that brought in a certain type of person. You weren’t lonely, no more than any other high schooler, but for all yours and his friends, you both made damn sure to stay best friends.
It continued into university; he’d brought you in to meet the band at the first gig, and they took to you immediately, so you kept coming, would help them pack up, make yourself indispensable, earn your place as Roger’s best friend in this world he’d cultivated around himself.
And now here you were, the final gig before he and the others officially drop out to become serious musicians... Or, there you were, because after half an hour of drinking and throwing peanuts at Roger and the girl he was with - who had said the band was shit, though the drummer was cute, while in the bathroom - Roger had dragged her out to the car he had managed to scrape together enough cash for.
“Roger?” Now you’re just tired, lying in his bed, wearing his shirt. “Why’d you bring me back here? I was a dick to you, to-” you can’t remember the name of the girl he was with, but she was just trying to have a good time, you know you shouldn’t have-
“Stop talking.” He yawned as he walked into the room, wearing his pyjamas shorts and drinking from a half-filled bottle of water. When he sense you’re about to say something else, he puts up a hand, eyebrows raised at your possible defiance, and you close your mouth, sulking.
Climbing into bed with you, the two of you shift automatically, your head resting on his chest as he wrapped an arm around you, looking up at the ceiling. The two of you hadn’t shared a bed like this in years.
“Sorry.” You find yourself murmuring as he strokes your back, well, as much as he can with half of it being used as part of your pillow.
“Why’ve you gotta be like this?” He sighed, but you just tucked up closer to him.
“I thought we weren’t talking about it.” Voice low, you feel a quiet, self-deprecating laughter rumble through his chest, and his hand comes to rest at your hip, fingertips brushing against your thigh where his shirt ends. You’re waiting, holding your breath to see what he would do. You know he’s looking at, can feel his gaze on your face, but he doesn’t stop, fingers moving slowly just beneath the fabric of the shirt to your underwear. His thumb slides beneath the elastic, and finally you look up at him. He’s so serious, God, you could cut the tension with a knife, and it snaps as he does, pulling the elastic of your panties up in one quick flick and letting it snap against your side. 
“Ow! That hurt, you asshole!” You laugh, shifting to prop yourself up on your elbow, but he’s already pulling you down for a kiss, grinning against you lips. It feels like it should. You fit together easily, his hand moving to keep your hips steady as you shift automatically to straddle him. “You’re such a dick sometimes.” You pull back, still grinning, lips still only inches from his. He raises his eyebrows pointedly at you, and you’re pretty sure there’s nothing hotter than Roger’s smug fucking face, as he then proceeds to graze his nails up your thighs, kissing you to swallow the whimper that escaped you.
It feels like it’s been a long time coming. It’s fun, but its not unfamiliar; you’ve known each other for so long it’s like it’s a natural progression. You can read each other like a favourite book, somehow instinctual and a little awkward, which is, well, it’s perfectly you two. 
“You know what? I don’t think I’m actually sorry for cockblocking you tonight.” You mused, a little out of breath, shooting for serious. Though it takes Roger a moment to process what you said, he grins up at you, gently poking a spot on your inner thigh where he knows a hickey will bloom.
“Maybe should thank you.” He snorts, which only goes to set you off laughing again. The sound of it, warm, syrupy and at ease, it makes him grin, proud of being able to illicit such a genuine laugh from you in this situation, and soon you’re pulling him up to kiss him again, still thrumming with laughter.
No-one notices at first. Well, to be fair, you and Roger are weirdly touchy, so if he’s pinching your ass more than usual, no-one seems to care enough to comment on it. Well, you notice, but you couldn’t care less. Things between you have shifted; not gotten weird or bad, just shifted sideways. Roger’s still sleeping with any practically any girl that throws herself at him, and you’re free to hook up with anyone and everyone you like, but sometimes... you just find yourself together at the end of the night.
One night, the girl he’s talking to at the bar gives you a catty look when he’s not looking. She saw the two of you come in together, never mind the cute guy who had been buying you drinks for the past hour. Excusing the poor guy who you know is now probably going home alone tonight, you make your way to the bathroom, leaning against the wall beside it, watching Roger and waiting until you catch his eye.
He frowns slightly at you, but you just nod towards the bathroom and raise your eyebrows in silent question. It’s almost comical how fast he leaves the girl at the bar. When she follows his trajectory with her eyes, she sees you waiting; you wink at her, the grin on your face stretching into something smug as Roger wraps his fingers around your wrist, pulling you into the bathroom. Mine. 
It’s not like you do that every time you go out together, just if you get bad vibes off whoever he’s with, or if she makes a face at you like you’re some sort of competition... which you are, but you don’t want to seem like it.
The thing is, Roger does it too, he’s just a tad more possessive. Sometimes he’s subtle, mentioning to you and whoever you’re with that you had to go; band rehearsals early the next morning, even though it was usually a lie. Your favourite, however, was the night you both went to a dingy little pub with a jukebox rather than a band, and the guy who had been plying you with alcohol had come back from the bathroom with a grin. You were tipsy, feeling on top of the world with this stranger’s hand on your thigh, when out of nowhere, Roger’s arms wrap around you, warm and familiar.
“You right there, mate?” The man at the bar had snapped.
“He called you a ditzy bitch in the bathroom.” Roger had murmured against your ear, low enough so only you could hear, and in your liberated state, you were ready to yell at the man, though the man had enough yelling of his own to do.
“Alright, you wanna go, mate?” He growls, standing, and your smile turns poisonous as a new thought occurs to you.
“Yeah, Rog, do you wanna go?” The soft, amused nuance in your voice conveyed such a different message that it was laughable, you turn your head to rest your forehead against his where he’s perched his chin on your shoulder. The man at the bar deflates a little as you lose interest in him, and Roger’s smile widens. 
“Sounds like a plan.” She mine. It’s there in his eyes, the way he keeps an arm around you as you leave the bar, you feel it thrumming through him as pulls off your shirt in the back of his car.
Sometimes you head to bars with the boys and Mary, sometimes they still play pub gigs, and yet they still don’t seem to realise. Or, most of them don’t seem to realise.
“You and Roger are hanging out a lot.” Mary smiles at you, a glint of mischief in her eyes as you watch the boys complain about trying to fit their gear in Brian’s stationwagon. 
“Of course, he’s my best mate.” Shrugging noncommittally, you hear Mary hum, unconvinced. Shooting her a suspicious look, she just shrugs in return, mimicking your own dismissive gesture. 
“You want me to give you a lift home?” As if to prove Mary right, Roger calls out to you, pulling out his keys. You can feel Mary’s pointed look, and your expression falters, shaking your head with a smile, though your heart’s not in it.
“No, I-” you start, but then the rest of the band is looking at you, “there’s someone at the bar.” Gesturing over your shoulder awkwardly, you give them all a strained smile and head back inside. Catching Roger’s expression, he actually... looks hurt, and a little jealous, though he covers it up quickly.
“Can I ask you something?” The pub’s doors closed behind you, and you’re fully intending to stumble into a taxi when a voice is heard behind you. Whipping around and almost losing your balance, you spot Roger, leaning against the edge of the building.
“Do not sneak up on me like that Rog.” You admonished him, reaching an arm out to him for support, and he’s there automatically, wrapping his arm around you. 
“What are we doing?” It’s actually snowing outside, and you’re tempted to say freezing my ass off, but he seems serious.
“Fuckin’ around.” You mumble, turning to wrap both your arms around him. “You’re my best friend.” Voice dreamy, you feel it when his arms tighten around you.
“Best friend.” He repeats, quietly, and you hum thoughtfully for a moment.
“Mine.” The word is firm as you speak it, and he leans back, eyebrows furrowed.
“What does that mean, Y/N?” He asked, and with the distance between you, he watches as snowflakes drifted about, settling on your closed eyelashes.
“Means I hate that you fuck other girls, Rog, but you’re my best friend and an adult so you can do what you want.” It takes you a moment to get the full sentence out around your vaguely uncooperative tongue, but when you open your eyes, he’s smirking at you.
“There was no guy at the bar.” It was a statement rather than a question, but you snorted with laughter anyways.
“’course not, you knob. Mary was getting suspicious though.” You told him, and he had to muffle a laugh at that. After a beat, you raise your eyebrows at him. “And yet, Roger, you walked all the way back here and waited until I was kicked out to spend time with me.” 
“Yeah, well, gotta look after what’s mine.” 
“Those look fresh.” Mary poked at the hickey on your throat, commenting loud enough for the boys to hear as the two of you draped yourselves across the sofa in the rehearsal room. Giving her a shit-eating grin, you can see Roger’s own wicked smile where he’s tweaking his drum kit. 
“That’s because they are.” Swatting her away, you pulled a magazine from your bag, flipping it open.
“So the boy at the bar-?” Mary giggled, shifting to read over your shoulder, though you weren’t paying attention to the words.
“Oh no, this is all Roger’s work.” Shooting for nonchalant, you can hear the others stop their tuning as Roger continued to set up. Looking up, you can see Mary grinning out of the corner of your eye, Brian looking like he was quickly forming a headache, John frowning into space, deep in thought, and Freddie looking between the two of you.
“How long’s this been going on?” He asked, seemingly still unsure about the nature of the relationship.
“A while.” Roger supplies, which John echoes as a question.
“Year, maybe?” You look to Roger, for confirmation, and he shrugs, making a noise of vague confirmation. Brian finally unfreezes where he’s got his base in one hand, and other pinching the bridge of his nose.
“What the fuck, guys?”
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trueslove · 5 years
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✧・゚: * (  park jiwon  ,  cis  female ,  she / her  )  have  you  seen  violet  hwang  around  ?   i  hear  the  twenty-one  year  old  is  working  as  an  art  director  .  did  you  know  they  have  97  love  alarm  points  ?  if  they  ever  want  to  be  truly  loved  someday  they  should  ease  up  on  being  temperamental  &  enigmatic  .  at  least  you  can  say  they’re  disarming  &  convivial,  too.  /  love alarm blocked
                     hello  !  im  xan  and  ur  watching  d*sney  channel ...  just  kidding  we  do  NOT  support  big  corporations  who  just  wanna  take  ur  money  😔  im  22  ,  from  the  est  timezone  (  even  though  my  sleeping  schedule  ...  does  not  reflect  that  sjbdwjkbdjdw  )  &  i  go  by  she  /  her  pronouns  !  im  gonna  be  honest  this  intro  is  gonna  be  completely  winged  so  buckle  up  ....  and  meet  violet  😋 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     quick stats + aesthetics  !
full name: violet hwang. 
nickname(s): vee, vivi.
zodiac: tba....
sexuality: bisexual.
birthplace: manhattan, new york.
current residence: toronto, canada.
aesthetics: maraschino cherries at the bottom of a glass, driving with the windows down at night, unanswered text messages, black nail polish, the sound of rain hitting the windowpane, kissing and not telling, smiles that don’t quite reach the eyes.
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     backstory ! 
was born and raised in nyc baby ! she’s a true city girl, grew up in lower manhattan ( the financial district if u wanna get specific ) to a family with lots of $$$$ thanks to her father’s position as a ceo of an investment bank located on wall street 
life was pretty smooth until she was 17 and her father got arrested for embezzlement and fraud </3 it was actually a huge scandal for the investment bank he worked for because it was a whole group of higher ups who had been in on these crimes. basically a bunch of already rich men trying to get richer ... disgusting ik /: 
her life changed pretty drastically after that ! the hwang name was all over the news, their family was pretty much disgraced by high society in nyc, not a very fun time for anyone but especially not for violet’s mom 
after her dad got arrested violet was uhh high key furious with him for ruining their lives with his greed and she wanted nothing to do with him, but her mom couldnt let go. she was still defending him, spending the money they had left on lawyers which included the money the family had set aside for violet’s trust fund that she would have had access to once she was 18 </3
 so her plans for college changed pretty drastically JSDBJWBDJW ( goodbye ivy league education ) she actually ended up getting into the university of toronto for visual studies on an academic scholarship 
so she made the big move all on her own....moved into a tiny dorm...and vowed to reinvent herself. she didnt wanna be labeled as the daughter of a white collar criminal anymore so she just made it a point not to talk to much abt her past to anyone 
her struggles as someone who grew up with $$$$ turning into a broke college student made for some embarrassing but funny moments <3 luckily though everyone else had their own struggles so no one found it suspicious JSBDJWBDJ
when love alarm launched three years ago, violet had just started college so it was really the Big thing anyone and everyone was talking about. since she’d never been a fan of other dating apps, she wasn’t gonna download it but her roommate at the time convinced her ! at first it was fun, just something she didnt take too seriously 
fast forward to graduation and she’s snagged a job as an art director for a little local museum, doing freelance art directing on the side to help pay the bills. low and behold one day a photographer hires her to be the art director to a shoot they’re doing for a badge club member who was in a very high profile and public relationship at the time
violet ended up working with that photographer and badge club member a handful of times, enough for her to catch fee-🤢 catch feelin-🤢 i cant even say it .. she’d never rung anyone’s love alarm before, so of course her first time had to be with someone who was already taken </3 safe to say she ... freaked out 
she was embarrassed above all else, but also heartbroken bc in her head like ... why would someone who literally is part of an exclusive club based on ppl ringing their love alarm care that she rung theirs ? she didnt think it’d be a big deal to them the way it was to her ( but also didn’t stick around long enough to find out jsxbsjbdjw ) 
when she was offered the block she didn’t hesitate to use it figuring it’s better if no one knows her romantic feelings ever again like that /: she’d delete the app but a part of her still likes knowing there are ppl out there who DO like her like that so ... Rip truly 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     personality + tidbits !
she comes across as ... kind of a bitch SDJBJWBJWBDW it’s truly not on purpose she just has a pretty serious resting expression most of the time ( so she looks mad or annoyed even when she isn’t ) and she’s pretty difficult to get to know ? not to mention the fact that no one has ever witnessed her ring someone’s love alarm .. so all that combined just makes it easy to assume she’s some sort of ice queen when that’s far from the truth /: 
violet really isn’t one to open up too deep to people, but that’s got a lot to do with the past she’s kind of running away from ! so if you’re her friend most of the stuff you know about her is probably surface stuff, but when she’s close to someone she can make that fact hard to realize ? she just has a way with making the people in her life feel important so it’s easy not to be focused on how much you know about her 
never bothers to correct the people that misjudge her. if you don’t like her, if you want to make up assumptions and rumors about her, go ahead like violet really won’t stop you which can sometimes make meeting new people difficult </3 if you’ve seen the dating class webdrama chuu was in she’s kinda like oh seyoung’s chara joowon 🤧
if she wants to, though, she’s pretty good at getting people to like her / trust her ! she does this a lot in professional situations, which is why she’s been doing so well as an art director so far despite being so young 
she’s also very loyal to her friends ! if you can’t ask for extra sauces at mcdonald’s....if you can’t make a phone call to your credit card company explaining that a $3,000 charge to starbucks wasn’t you.....she’s your girl <3 since she’s relatively not bothered by the way people see her ( unless it has to do with her past ) she’s usually the one speaking up if someone she cares about can’t 
after the ... incident ... JSDBWJDBWJ she’s really not a fan of the badge club and everything it stands for ): BUT she continues to do art directing work for a lot of the members when they do photoshoots, or instagram campaigns, or if they have a pop up shop, etc. it’s good money and she needs every penny considering she’s living without support from her family 
cannot cook to save her life so she’s always eating out .. this really is why she’s taking those more high profile jobs she can’t budget .. but it’s better, safety wise at least, that she continues wasting her money on takeout aha <3 
pretends she’s not a romantic and is all about the ~casual flings~ but really she’s just afraid of serious feelings and the idea of a serious relationship ... it’s the trauma 😔 constantly jokes shes gonna bring the tinder whore era back JWDBWJBDJW she is sick of this true love nonsense ! ( the irony of this url ahaha... ) 
she’s the most social after a few drinks, since drunk her isn’t burdened by a mind that overthinks literally everything the way she is sober. if you don’t supervise her though she can get pretty carried away and probably get into some kind of trouble so she’s definitely not the person you want to be in charge on a night out !
really wants a dog but doesn’t think she’s cut out to be a pet parent it feels just as scary as the idea of having an actual kid so ... BDWBDJW if you have a pet ? she’s gonna be living vicariously through you <3 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     wanted connections !
the photographer that hired her / introduced her to the badge club member she ended up having feelings for 
the badge club remember she had / has feelings for because we love suffering 😈
old roommates from college !! maybe even the one that got her to download love alarm in the first place hehehe
also a current roommate / roommates because your girl can’t afford to live on her own <3
someone she’s confided in about her past ( maybe they judged her for it and had a falling out, or maybe they remain confidants ) 
an ex bf or gf she dated while she was in school ! she never rang their love alarm ( even though this was pre block ) so maybe that’s why things ended between them. or maybe they never rang each others and it was just a mutual thing where they both didn’t really have feelings for each other and tried to date anyway and it didn’t work. or perhaps they dated and when violet realized she was starting to have those feelings she dipped before she ever got a chance to ring their love alarm bc she didn’t want to be exposed like that and commitment is scary ): 
spare best friend ? i’d use a knife emoji to show you how serious i am but i dont wanna scare anyone away aha .. i would just love a best friend plot 🥺
current flings / hookups or past flings / hookups ! i imagine most of them to not be serious but it would be kinda cool if there was someone she’s seeing now that she’s got the love alarm block that she’s actually falling for considering she’s never gonna be able to ring their love alarm hehehehe
people she art directs for !! i imagine she’s got a pretty long list of employers ( from badge club members to regular folk  🤧 ) so it would be cool to have people who hire her for stuff, or who collaborate with her for artistic endeavors since i’ve noticed we have a lot of artsy muses <3 
ummm maybe an enemy. but where it’s like .. the hate isn’t even that deep it’s just like oh you dislike me ? well i dislike you FIRST 😠 and they insult each other and try and sabotage each other like five year olds fighting on the playground like it seems super serious to them but to everyone watching it’s like ... can you guys just get over it you dumb babies KSDBSDBWD like they could probably be good friends if they just .. stopped 
and you’ve reached the end of this NOVEL of an intro post JDBJWBDJWBDW im literally so sorry i tried not to ramble but ..... its just who i am </3 please come shoot me a message to plot !!! you can use tumblr ims but im way more available / quicker to respond on discord so if u wanna add me there and plot u can find me at junhee mr. soft hands ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172  i also did not check this post for typos so if u find one ... mind ur business 😭😭😭 
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ksjsflower · 5 years
16th of July - Jungkook X Reader
part 1
genre: humor, college!au, jungkook! fuckboy au, future smut and angst
words:idk dude
It was at times like this that you wondered whether the whole universe that we live in is just a tiny fraction of something way more powerful. Could it be destiny? If there even was such a thing, you were almost certain it had struck you when you had least expected it to. Thursday, 16th of July, 2016. The day you knew you would remember your whole life and all of your next lives.
The 16th of July 2016, Thursday. You were 19, just graduated from highschool, ready to start college. Oh, were you in for a ride. During your high school years, all you ever thought about was how fun college and moving in with your best friend, Nana, would be. Nana was actually more like a sister to you. You guys met way back when you were 5 at a playground. It was at the moment she stepped on your sand castle and started crying and apologizing you knew you two were gonna become friends.
However, moving in - not so fun actually. Both of you had a mess at home, and of course, your mothers were worried sick about you two 'becoming independent and growing up so fast'. The first day you two arrived at your dorm was chaotic. People were running aroung, bumping into each other like there's no tomorrow, everyone was all up in their business. Until.
'Dude, the guy with curly hair and a leather jacket by the lockers has been staring at you for about 2 minutes now.' Nana whispered to you while you were trying to balance your books for the classes you both got today.
'Uh, what? Where and who and why?' you crinkled your nose when a certainly heavy book pressed your pinky. 'I could use some help over here, stop looking around for boys, its the first day for fuck's sake..' you rolled your eyes.
'Alright, FIRST of all, - she was getting ready for another one of her rants - 'it's kinda hard not to notice when there's quiete a few people over here if you didnt already realize that, that his eyes out of all the people he can look at, only look at you. For t w o minutes. Even three now, cause' I just checked and he is still looking, only now he has a smirk on his face probably because your hair is a mess from holding 20 books and I am talking to you about him not so subtly cause now hes looking at me haha-''
You were so confused as to why she was rambling to you while looking behind you as if something was approaching. Nevertheless, you didnt think much of it. You just thought it was another one of Nana's silly actions, until you felt a hand on your shoulder the same moment Nana abruptly shut her mouth.
You slowly started turning around not expecting the smell that came from behind you to be strong cologne. You hated cologne, so it left you wondering for a second why you actually enjoyed inhaling this particular one.
But when you actually did turn around surprising yourself when you didnt drop any of the books you were holding, you were met with a face of a boy. A rather good looking boy. Man, probably the best looking boy you have seen in the last 10 years. When your pair of eyes met his doe like pair, you were left speechless. Thank God you werent the one who was going to start the talking because as soon as you opened your mouth you were cut off by his own voice.
'Are you guys new here? I saw you going around looking all confused and shit so if you need any help, you can ask me, I dont bite,' - he mused in a rather interesting tone,you couldnt decipher if he was being flirty or if his tone was usually sensual like that. - 'Yeah, I'm sure thats why you were looking,' Nana jumped in very awkwardly and as to prove her point, she added an unpleasant laugh at the end of her statement which made you want to face palm yourself right in front of his face.
'Yes, of course. Now why else would I be looking? I am a well mannered man.' He gave a smile so charming you were sure you would have flown to another dimension right then and there if it werent for all the books you were holding.
He must've noticed your lack of response which is why he took half of the books you were holding to himself. 'There you go.. saw you struggling for a little while. Also, I couldnt help but notice your little friend over her talking about me? Or am I possibly wrong?'
You finally spoke up and mentally congratuated yourself for not stuttering. 'Uh, yeaahh.. you're probably seeing things, we were just trying to find the right classes and stuff..'
'Seeing things? Damn, didnt have to word it like that, makes me feel undesirable,' he gave a breathy laugh while faking being hurt by putting his hands on his chest.
'Oh, I am sure that it does' you answered sarcastically. Cmon, this guy looked like sex on a stick. Feeling undesirable? Certainly not his case.
'See, you get me. I was not mistaken when I thought I felt a connection to you the moment I saw you across the hall,' he gave you a cheeky grin which left you rolling your eyes at the back of your head so hard you were sure they were gonna stay there.
'A connection? Please. And here I was thinking that this was a fuckboy free college.' You sighed dramatically which left Nana bringing her fist to her lips to stiffle her laughs.
He did look a bit taken aback by your response, but nevertheless managed to cover it up with a smirk in a span of 0.02 seconds. 'Arent you a fiery one, huh?' He smiled yet again in his seemingly natural flirty self.
'You havent seen anything yet.'
'Oh, so you're implying that we are going to have more talks in the future?' He smiled at you but his eyes were rather daring.
'You wish. Keep dreaming boy. Theres only one first impression and youve ruined it, so we aint talking any time soon.' - Nana once again let out a wheeze, only this time it was loud and you shut your eyes tightly wanting the ground to open and swallow you.
'Its alright, it doesnt have to be anytime soon, I can wait if its you who Im gonna talk to.' His comment left your cheeks tainted a light shade of pink, but you couldnt let your resolve crumble infront of him. Who did he think he was all confident trying to seduce you without even knowing your name?
'Nah, Im good. You didnt really understand what I meant. We aint talking anytime soon is supposed to mean that we are never talking after this again, kapeesh?' you were stating to get tired but you wanted to continue bickering with the unknown boy for some reason.
'Baby, dont underestimate me. Never is a strong word. - plus.. if we aint gonna talk thats okay we dont have to talk, we can always do other things.' he winked at you after throwing the innuendo right at your face. You scrunched your nose at the pet name but chose to ignore it.
'That was extremely pervy of you saying that to someone you have quiete literally just met. - you paused to flick your hair behind your shoulder. 'you should congratuate yourself, ive never started hating someone as soon as I did with you, you are the first one to accomplish that , you should feel proud, man.'
'I can be a lot of firsts to you, you know. I feel honored to be honest.' he announced proudly for some reason.
'Bold of you to assume you would be my first. Dont underestimate me, baby.' you threw back repeating his exact same words.
Nana was getting ready for the good part when suddenly you cut her fun short. 'Nana, lets go.' you grabbed your books from his hands harshly with one hand and pulled your best friend with the other free hand.
As you two were walking away you ignored Nana's whispers of protest when suddenly a voice was heard from behind you two.
'I'm Jungkook, by the way!' he yelled over a few people passing by.
You stayed quiet and opted for giving him the finger while he was still facing your back. Jungkook did not know why that action pulled the biggest toothy smile on his face, but was certainly glad you didnt get to see it.
'Well... at least he was cute?' Nana added while you two already walked away.
'Yeah. Cute.' you answered emphasizing both words as to let her know you thought he was everything except cute.
Well, college was going to be a lot of fun.
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mintchocolateleaves · 5 years
Locked Out The Other Side (1/?)
Summary: At the end of the day, Jake isn’t brave, or an adventurer. He wants to be, but he is not. He is just a sixteen-year-old boy who wants to go home, Or, on Earth-C, Jake can't find himself settling down in the same way others do. So, he decides to head somewhere that seems more like home. His own, personal adventure.
Notes: You guys KNEW THIS WAS COMING. I mention reading HS, you all should have known. Okay so essentially, I love Jake. I wanna write a lot for him. If tumblr’s being a pain then here’s an [AO3 Link]
Jake isn’t exactly sure what he’s expecting the moment he opens his eyes, but honestly, it’s not this. He’s not expecting to wake up halfway across the tiny village they now call home, with goosebumps on his arms and eyes staring up at the stars. He’s pretty sure he should be back in his new room, the one that’s bare of any movie posters, and not in the cold of the evening.
Although really, he says that it’s cold, but frankly, it’s not that much. Not really.
Sure, goosebumps are rising up his skin, but that doesn’t mean he’s not comfortable, lying here and staring up. It’s nice knowing that he’s one of the reasons these stars exist now, except, well, not really, he didn’t really do anything and Jake knows that and-
Maybe lying down here looking up at the stars isn’t so comfortable after all.
He pushes himself up, blinks as he rubs at his eyes and checks to see if his phone is in his pocket. In the past, he used to text mainly with his skull-top helmet, but now that seems kind of… silly. And impractical.
Nowadays it’s just him and his phone, and honestly, Jake is surprised when pushing into his pocket shows that he does, in fact, have his phone on him. For a moment it was a little nice to think maybe, in the depths of the evening, it had been just him.
Still, his phone is here, still mostly charged, and so he takes the opportunity to check Pesterchum. He wouldn’t want to be ignoring anybody, because honestly, he’s probably a bit too skilled at ignoring people and that’s not a skill he should be condoning.
Honestly, he shouldn’t be surprised that there are none.
He scrolls down and there are messages from the day before, all of them answered in quick succession because else the same tightness in his chest would return. A message from John mentioning how they’re hosting a movie night and wouldn’t it be cool if Jake joined them? A quick hello from Roxy asking if he was going to explore a little bit with her, Jane and Dirk.
Both rejected.
It’s not that Jake doesn’t want to watch any movies, but the idea of getting together in a big group kind of leaves him feeling kind of… strange. Like, he’d probably be so focused on not making a huge fool of himself that he’d end up making a fool of himself – and even then, he wouldn’t even be watching the movie.
He’d told John maybe another time. Maybe they could watch movies with just the two of them? He kind of thinks that’d be nice.
And the whole Roxy exploration idea? Gee, it’d be cool and all, he’s always loved exploring but well. Jane hates him, and Dirk was so mad at him when they broke up and honestly, most days he thinks Roxy’s only being nice to him because she’s like, pitying him and just being polite.
His phone buzzes.
-- gardenGnostic [GG] began pestering golgothasTerror [GT] at 04:21 --
GG: hi jake!!!
GG: couldnt sleep either huh
GT: Not really.
GG: that sucks :(
GG: i cant really sleep either so i was just tending to the plants were growing
GG: have you been to the green house yet
GT: Not yet.
GG: its pretty cool im growing pumpkins again
GG: remember in our letters how i was always losing pumpkins
GG: i recently found out that it was roxy who was taking them shes really cool :)
GT: Yeah.
GG: hey jake are you okay you dont seem okay :(
GT: Gosh jade i didn't mean to worry you!!
GT: I'm actually feeling quite merry right now!
GT: I woke up because it's a bit chilly in here so i'm going to get nice and toasty and head back to sleep.
GT: Sorry i can't stay and talk but an adventurer needs his sleep you know!!
GT: until tomorrow jade!
-- golgothasTerror [GT] ceased pestering gardenGnostic [GG] at 04:24 --
GG: ok
GG: :(
GG: im worried about you jake
GG: ill talk to you tomorrow
-- gardenGnostic [GG] ceased pestering golgothasTerror [GT] at 04:31 ----
 Jake slips his phone back into his pocket, pushing himself up so he can hug his knees. Now that he’s firmly not looking at the sky and the stars, he’s staring out past their village, to the trees that seem to loom over them.
He’s not sure whether they loom because they’re so large, or whether it’s because recently he’s been feeling pretty small.
Jake isn’t entirely sure, but he doesn’t really think the difference is that large anyway, so not knowing is fine. Adventurers don’t mind not knowing things, and Jake is an adventurer, even if he’s not really been doing much of that recently.
Breathing out a sigh, he blinks again.
Funny how since they’ve come to Earth-C they’ve all pretty much stayed in the same area. Sure, they adventure out sometimes – like Roxy and the others, they’d been fine with looking around the immediate vicinity – but he doesn’t think that they’ve gone any further than a few miles.
Maybe because they’ve got a home here, and there’s no point searching for anything else when they’ve already got that.
The only thing is, with the busyness of this entire place, the amount of people – human, troll or carapace – Jake doesn’t really consider this place to be home. He’s got a room, and he’s got his own space, but home isn’t…
Home isn’t this.
It is secluded, hidden away on an island that is purely his. It’s overgrown vines and mystic ruins, isolation and seclusion. It’s having the space to be on his own without ever feeling like he’s trying to hide away.
Disappearing is something Jake’s been trying to do recently. He’s not altogether good at it, but he’s not bad at it.
Really, it’s not that he wants to disappear, but rather: Jake wants what he’s wanted since their session ended, since it even began, and that’s just… to go home. Earth C is so foreign to what he’s used to, that most days he thinks that maybe everything he’s remembering is gone for good.
Actually, that isn’t a half bad idea.
If it’s impossible to feel settled here, in his bare room and isolated state, nervousness swimming through him – then why doesn’t he try to find the home he remembers? This new earth is similar in a lot of ways, so he reckons he could find at least something resembling the pacific island he’d lived on.
And if he can find it, then surely, he can… settle there.
It’s not like this place is really tying him down. He doesn’t know most of the people living here well enough to be tied to them, and those he does know? Roxy, Jane, Dirk…
Well, then they have their space from him. He wouldn’t want the lot of them to be anymore pestered by him than they already have.
It’d be an adventure.
And adventurer would definitely go for it. They’d map out the lands they explored, take note of the terrains as they search for the treasure that they’re certain is out there. They’d explore everything, they’d see places that they’d never been before and goddammit, maybe Jake hasn’t been an adventurer in a while but he-
He kind of wishes he could be one now.
He wishes he believed in himself enough to be one, to take that first step and grab everything he needs, to let everyone know that he’s going to find something great, past this village that they’re trying to raise. Jake wishes he was brave enough for that.
But he’s come to realise that honestly, he feels more like a fake, feels more like a coward than anyone brave, so he doesn’t. He doesn’t have the courage to let everyone know, to be an adventurer who gets to go on some sort of quest.
At the end of the day, Jake isn’t brave, or an adventurer. He wants to be, but he is not.
He is just a sixteen-year-old boy who wants to go home.
And that want is all he needs to decide to head out in search of it. It is not an adventure. It’s not some miraculous journey for him to find himself, or anything. It’s just Jake, and his head, and the thought that maybe things will feel a little better when he’s home.
It is a bright morning, the skies holding no clouds in sight, and Roxy Lalonde is ready for action.
She’s got a lot of plans in action for today, actually, because the sun is bright and although she’s late to push herself out of bed, she’s got things to do.
Most of the things are similar to yesterday. Help build a little more of the village up, help Jane with some baking, spend some time drawing with Callie. But today – today Roxy has a brand-new plan that she’s been musing over for a while.
Well, it’s more something she’d tried in a different way before, but today she’s pushing the issue. No longer will she skirt around it.
Roxy is going to find a way to bring their friendship group together again.
She’s been trying to subtly bring them altogether for a while now, and frankly, it’s been harder than she’d expected. Well – not really. The motion has been mostly a success.
Callie has integrated into the group easily enough, which has been amazing. And Jane has become much more comfortable talking with Dirk again, which is even better, because Roxy had been lowkey worried that their mutual affections would cause some bittersweet rivalry.
And Roxy herself, has managed to get over the big, awkward crush she’d tried to force onto Dirk in the past, managed to move past to a point where their conversations don’t seem as strained anymore.
There’s only one person that they’re missing and that’s Jake.
Roxy isn’t a fool, she knows when someone is dodging her attempts to bring everyone together, and Jake has been doing just that. He’s kind of a shut-in to be honest, turning down all of her promises for adventure before she even has the chance to emphasise how awesome they’re going to be.
But enough is enough.
Today is the day.
Roxy’s got her game on and she’s going to drag Jake out on an adventure with them today, whether he wants to or not. Even if he throws a tantrum and the entire day goes horribly for it, she doesn’t care.
They’re going to hang out because how else are they supposed to get over all the things they’ve said and done to each other as a group. She won’t let him remain idle while the rest of the universe moves on.
No throwing away of friendships today, no, no.
Jake lives near the end of the village, on the side nearer to the river than the forest. It’s not that far a distance from where Roxy herself lives, so she settles on walking, letting her kitten, Frigglish the second, pad along beside her for some exercise.
“Let’s go get Jake,” she says to the cat, leaning down to run her fingers through soft fur, grinning as the cat follows beside her. “This is going to be so, frickin’ sweet.”
 -- tipsyGnostalgic [TG] started pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG] at 11:05 --
TG: janey
TG: adventrue today!!!
TG: *adventure
TG: be ready okay
GG: Alright, see you soon! :B
GG: Cupcakes?
TG: hells yeah <3
-- tipsyGnostalgic [TG] stopped pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG] at 11:09 --
 -- tipsyGnostalgic [TG] started pestering timaeusTestified [TT] at 11:10 --
TG: di-stri!!!
TG: ur adventurin wit/ us today right??
TG: u cant say no
TT: If I can’t say no, then isn’t the answer yes?
TG: exactly!!
TG: see u there
-- tipsyGnostalgic [TG] stopped pestering timaeusTestified [TT] at 11:14 --
 -- tipsyGnostalgic [TG] started pestering golgothasTerror [GT] at 11:15 --
TG: jakey-boiii
-- golgothasTerror is now an idle chum! --
TG: dammit jake
TG: were draggin you out of isolation
TG: this is a prison break
TG: we wont take no for an answer
-- tipsyGnostalgic [TG] stopped pestering golgothasTerror [GT] at 11:16 --]
 “You know what Frigglish the second,” Roxy says, glancing down at her cat as it pads along beside her, coming to a stop just outside the door to Jake’s house. “I think this adventure is going to be pretty epic.”
Frigglish the second lets out a small mewl that Roxy takes as agreement. Then, he lets out a second mewl that’s a slightly different pitch. Roxy implies the meaning to be one of, knock on the door already.
Roxy does.
Knuckles rapping on the door, she offers three sharp knocks, waiting for the any signs of life behind the door. She doesn’t know much about Jake’s sleeping habits recently, but she doesn’t think he’d still be asleep at eleven in the morning. He’d always seemed like more of an early bird.
“Jake!” She knocks again, this time, several more raps echoing a jingle she remembers enjoying before they’d played Sburb. “Jakey, open the door, we’re going on an adventure!”
Jake does not open the door.
Fine, if he wants to play things that way, Roxy thinks, then she’ll just up her game. She’s not a rogue of the void for nothing.
Closing her eyes, Roxy visualises the object she wants in her mind, fingers tingling slightly as she tries to bring the object into existence. It doesn’t take too long until she feels the object plop into her hand, corporeal and weighty.
“Last chance Jake,” Roxy calls, opening her eyes again. There is no movement. “Fine, I’m coming in.”
Taking the object she’s conjured, she lifts it up to the door handle. It’s a key, brass coloured, and it fits within the hole almost as if it were the real thing. Maybe because with her powers, it pretty much is.
The door unlocks with a faint click, and Roxy pushes it open, wincing slightly at the creak. Jake’s really got to put that on his to-do list, creaks like that belong in a horror movie or something.
She searches through the rooms individually, glancing around. Some areas are messier than others, but most importantly, they’re all empty. No life in sight other than Roxy and her cat.
Jake is gone.
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kendrixtermina · 6 years
Blue’s Relationship with White and what that may imply about her character
Now when it comes to Pink and Yellow, we got enough outright rants to tell what their respective deals were and how it impacted them - We hear that Yellow kind of felt that she was the Unfavorite or at least never good enough, and she would often take the fall for Pink, and we saw that Pink was simultaneously White’s favorite but also the one most at odds with her because of how White felt that she was kinda alike to her but in all the wrong ways. (and frankly, Pink’s personality, for better or for worse, just wasn’t conductive to falling in line. )
In Blue’s case, well, she’s right there next to Yellow when they’re trying to confront her, but there’s no scene or montage where that’s the main focus - Even so, there’s quite a few salient lines scattered here and there. 
For once thing, Blue’s the one who comes the closest to bringing up anything resembling positive or at least neutral memories of White, such as when she wistfully muses about how they used to spend more time together and tries to appeal to her by pointing out how they used to be closer 
While Yellow doesn’t really mice words and is all like “We’re so done for”, Blue choses to describe her as “difficult” - just from how she says it it’s kinda obvious that she actually means “tyrannical” (indeed, just look at her “O noes!” reaction when Yellow first brings up the possibility of bringing in White - she actually has to take a moment to calm Blue down after that), but she still likes her enough to put the ugly truth nicely it nicely. 
Part of this is probably because she’s a very sentimental person, the type to hang onto their attachments and remember things in an idealized light - For once thing while she clearly loved Pink alot, their relationship wasn’t all sunshine and roses. At the same time I don’t think she’s just selective or delusional here, once upon a time she and Pink probably did have a special bond as the youngest ones (not unlike Steven and Amethyst) - that’s probably why she’s the one trying to “talk sense” into Pink in all the flashbacks, but also likely how she squandered any trust there may have been between them, because, from Pink’s side of things it must have looked like any closeness they once had would be used against her, especially in the light of all the dysfunctionality that was going on, and, well, finding out that they’ve been razing inhabited planets this whole time. 
So I’d wager that White was only somewhat less distant that she was throughout era two - and even in the present day she can manage a pleasant-enough facsimile of surface-level affection when she isn’t angry. There’s always an implied threat in the air particularly in the way she tends to pick apart people’s weaknesses but she does give people cutesy nicknames - so their semi-positive interactions were probably largely of that superficially-pleasant sort and not anything more genuine than that that would have represented a drastic change
To begin with their temperaments don’t clash that much compared to the others - Sure, Blue’s a lot nicer (to those she likes at least) and couldnt suppress her attachments if she wanted to, White’s way more unreadable, but both have this sorta withdrawn-yet-dramatic quality. You’d think they could have a lot half-present superficially-pleasant not-quite-conversations. 
Given that White views the other Diamonds’ attachments to each others as faults and weaknesses so she wouldn’t have valued or encouraged that much, that said I don’t think she realized just how much she’d driven them away until her moment of weakness. it may not even have occurred to her as a possible consequence
There’s something rather tragic about Blue just wanting for them to get along again when even she had been forced to admit that Pink was well within her right to want nothing more to do with any of them.  
Then there’s that line about how she knows it isn’t her purpose to be happy - the way she puts it, it’s like she’s referencing something White herself might have told her sometime ago to shoot down some objection of hers. 
Supposedly the inspiration behind White was some old-timesy informational film where some lady says utterly soul-crushing comformist stuff with a nice pleasant voice as if she were dispensing useful advice - perhaps Blue got to hear a lot of such stuff, like White standing there, smiling, possibly doing Blue’s hair or adjusting her outfit, and being like, “Who said you’re for being happy, you’re for being perfect and doing Diamond stuff” , possibly with an unsubtly implied rather unpleasant “or else” - 
i lot more insidious that way.
If the others ever questioned White before, sometime long before Pink was around (which they might not have, because, who’d be there to introduce them to any alternatives?) you’d think that Blue would do it in some statement about how she in particular is miserable and been more likely to get the “break them by talking” approach while Yellow might’ve made more evidence-based arguments and gotten a tantrium in her face. 
It’s possible that Blue was never all too satisfied with her life, and that Pink’s alleged shattering was just the breaking point because whatever craptastic dysfunctional family life they had before was the only joy she had in her life. 
Perhaps she told Pink to “just smile and wave” because that’s how she coped.
When Blue first shows up in person, a lot of people noted a huge contrast between the way she came off in Garnet’s flashback, not as many noted that whsatever she acts like on Earth or when she’s alone with Yellow, she does rather quickly shift to an impressive Bitch Voice once Holly Blue Agate and the undercover CGs enter the room- 
It’s not all bias nor a thing of the past, if you judge or indeed the degree of sadism evidenced toward “Rose Quartz” but she doesn’t seem to get anything out of vengeance either, they’re all trapped in their little circles of counterproductivity and wreacking interstellar havoc all the while. 
And it’s not for nothing that she’s frequently sporting a veil, particularly in the early appearances. She’s been playing this part of the crapricious ice queen, telling herself that this is the right and proper way,  and trying to find some satisfaction in it but by the time Steven & co encounter her she can’t really bring herself to do it that much
One hopes that she’ll find a renewed sense of purpose, and that White will learn to count herself lucky that the other two still want anything do to with her.  At least, they did seem to be taking the first steps toward making amends. 
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fullsunhyuckie · 6 years
things he said through his teeth. artist!renjun
Tumblr media
for as long as you could remember, you strongly disliked renjun. he was everything you’re not. smart. talented. funny. nice. (but not to you) the two of you attended the same school all the way till college. you shared 4 classes with him, history, literature, math and art, all of which he was better than you in. 
you dislike how much he brags about how good he is. dont get me wrong. you know he’s good, you just dont want to admit that. you dislike the fact that he brings around his sketchbook and treats it like an actual person. his group of friends only consists of 3 other teenage boys but he saves 5 seats for lunch because ‘the sketchbook needs a seat too, dumbass.’ you even saw him talking to his book one time. insane. 
you dislike the fact that he always stares at you as he draws on his book. and when u catch him doing that, he will immediately raise an eyebrow as if mocking at your inability to do anything. you know that he always makes it an effort to one up you. thats why you dislike the fact that he looks at you so much even though you dont know why. but i mean thats how it works. when you strongly dislike someone, you’ll look for the worst in them.
on a fateful day, when you had a math test, you were having a terrible cold. you could not stop sneezing and coughing which, let’s be real, irritated many. but no one was willing to do anything. except renjun. he wasnt gonna let your sick body stop him from getting an A. so he came up with an evil plan. 
two weeks later you had an F on your report card and a sad face on your test. you were fuming. the decision of having a tuition class was dependant on this test and now you were forced to attend it. you were so ready to fist fight that tiny shouldered boy. 
but since he played dirty on you, you were going to do the same. so, on the same day you got your report card, you sneaked into his classroom and stole his sketchbook. if he was so protective of it, there has to be something embarrassing in there. you sprinted out of the classroom and hid in the toilet. you swore you saw him as you ran out. 
you flipped through the book and you were in awe. you knew he was talented but you didnt know he was this talented. most of his drawings were of a girl. there were many of the girl frowning and giving an evil smirk. there was one of the girl smiling which made you smile. while doing so, you accidentally looked into the mirror and oh were you shocked. you looked back at the book and it dawned on you that that girl was you. 
now, you realised you had the perfect revenge. so you skipped your way out of the bathroom and there he was standing outside with his little fist clenched tight. 
“ i hate you so much, i could kill you.” he said through his teeth.
“ do you draw things you hate? i mean if thats your aesthetic then i cant complain.” you replied cheekily. he was confused for a second but he caught on immediately. you could see his broad shoulders rising up and down. he snatched his book and flipped through it to make sure you didnt steal his drawings. 
“ look, the reason i draw you is because,,,” “ so you admit that you,,,” “ will you let me talk?! i draw you because there are ,,, things that cannot be expressed. like the feelings ,,, that i have ,,, towards you.” he gritted his teeth as he says. you burst into a loud chuckle and he yells. “anger! the feeling is anger. angry feelings for you! god youre so full of yourself!” he huffed. 
you shrugged and gave him a toothy grin and left. the whole night you couldnt sleep because you kept thinking about his drawing. you were his muse, technically, right? you were so amused by that fact that you decided to stop by his apartment to tease him about it. 
you knocked on the door and a blonde boy in a white tee with basketball shorts and a rimless circle glass appeared. he had a few splatters of paint on his shorts and his tee. you noticed how his glasses were sliding off the bridge of his nose. he looked good. almost flawless. he groaned the moment he saw you. 
“ what are you doing here?” he said, his face full of frustration. 
“ well, i thought since i give you inspiration for your drawings, i should stop by often so you wont run out of ideas of things to draw!” you half-yelled because of how excited you were. you wiggled your brows, causing him to feel even more irritated if that was even possible. 
you were so ready for him to slam the door on you. but instead, renjun looked up to the ceiling, mouthed a few expletives and walked away. and the thing is, he left the door wide open. with you standing right outside. 
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the-ash0 · 6 years
surviving paradise ch 26 - loss
Lekus was dead.
They stood outside Frieza’s on-world throne room, the giant doors slammed on them after the shortest debriefing ever, and it just would not stick. His head throbbed with the attempt to find the logic in a timeline of completely unrelated events.
Lekus was dead. What had just happened?
The Saiyans had returned a day late. Just a day, but one day should have been enough for another epic prose session detailing their failure. Not to mention that Vegeta had expected another public debasement, another one of Zarbon’s great tales. He had also expected Frieza to reiterate its proposal where the tyrant implied that Vegeta was not cut out for command. That he shouldn’t bother with any delusions about being self-reliant; he should just sit at Frieza’s side from now on and wait on the Icejin’s orders before he acted.
He had been ready to accept the offer.
But none of that occurred. Frieza had given Zarbon one warning to ‘keep it short’, then still cut him off after less than a minute, dismissing his elite with a: “so, the mission was a success. Great” Next, the Icejin turned to the Saiyans and addressed the whole group in another out of character act. ”You’re all on stand-by until further notice. Well done.”
It wasn’t fucking well done. Vegeta was infinitely aware of that; aware that he’d finally and irrevocably messed up. Frieza should have sensed that. The lizard should have been well aware that any advantage the Prince had gained last time could have been taken back with interest in that very moment. Yet Frieza had acted distracted and absent-minded. So, apparently, any game they had been playing was already over.
Why had Frieza lost interest? Vegeta was nearly sure he could have just ordered his squad to turn around and go back after one look at that planet and their defences. That he could have reported to Frieza the job was impossible and he needed to send the Ginyus or something, and he’d still have gotten the same glowing review. Hell, in its present state of mind, Vegeta could have taken the squad on an intergalactic pleasure-cruise and the tyrant would still have complimented him on a good job and sent them on their way.
It didn’t make sense. Frieza was nothing if not perfect: immaculate, obsessed with cleanliness and time-tables, and devoted to micromanagement. For the lizard to just drop his modus operandi was unsettling. And Lekus? Lekus was dead, and it didn't even seem to matter.
Nobody gave a fuck. Not Frieza, not his Saiyans... No one. Couldn't they see? Couldn’t anyone see? Granted, Vegeta supposed he should not have expected the lizard emperor to care. But his own men, he had at least expected to be somewhat upset. Instead, they stood around outside the doors, clapping each other on the back in congratulations. An odd relief was expressed on their faces, any tension long gone. All his Saiyans, except for Raditz, who was still in the tanks because his wounds had worsened on the return trip despite cryo sleep. And Lekus...
Lekus was fucking dead, and Vegeta had just gotten congratulated on a job well done.  
“A celebration is in order!” Jack roared, as coarse and boisterous as ever.
Nappa guffawed right back. “Let’s get shit-faced drunk!”
Even Nion, who believed himself to be the voice of reason, laughed. “Drinking is called for.” He paused, then looked the prince's way with uncertainty. “Will you toast with us? In memory of Lekus?”
Why were they happy? Vegeta snarled, countering his own pounding head. “In Lekus’ memory? You fucks crazy?”
“My prince, please relax. We did well. We received a good review and some down time, finally. And he earned it for us, together with your outstanding tactics, of course. We should celebrate!”
Vegeta wasn’t really sure why that set him off. Nion was not smart enough for this level of sarcasm. Still, a ‘job well done’ was a bald-faced lie, and it lit the Prince’s face bring red as he screamed. “Fuck that dumb fuck for getting himself killed. And fuck you all!”
With a punch to Nion’s gut, Vegeta shoved the elder out of the way then growled a warning at the others. They stepped back, cowed. Still, the Saiyan teen felt suffocated. Smothered, like he was drowning. Outside; that’s what he needed. With an angry tread he took the fastest way out one of the ornate balconies, then pushed off and flew up into the white clouds overhead.
The air was frigid cold on his face, whipping in his ears so loud it hurt. But the cold, wet air calmed the rage and numbed his pounding head. After a little while, it felt good to just dive down and wind through the white-topped jagged peaks that covered most of the planet’s surface. Vegeta was not one to notice beauty, and he hated this planet too much to consider such a possibility. But the action was mildly entertaining, perhaps even enjoyable when done at a speed that made the curves a challenge.
When the novelty had worn off, Vegeta returned to the heights above the clouds, watching his long shadow in front of him in quiet contemplation. A prince should practice cold logic, even if his gut felt like it was on fire. Vegeta felt like that a lot lately, and he hoped it was an age thing. He was royalty, and only lower classes were supposed to be susceptible to bloodlust bad enough that they could not see past their own rage.
And looking at it now with a literal cooler head, he wondered why he had been angry at all. Vegeta had planned to downplay the loss. But he had been so sure he would have been called out on Lekus’ death, that when it did not happen it caught him off guard. In fact, Vegeta though he would have preferred it if someone had blamed him. It would have made it easier to brush off.
Yes; brushing it off had been what he had intended to do. Act casually. Drinking with the men would have been perfect for that. It's what commanders did. Probably. He’d just been blindsided by these fool reactions. And Frieza’s. Which worried him to his core.. But. No, he should have accepted the offer to go drinking.
It would not do to turn around and find his squad though. If Vegeta showed up now, someone might think he was apologizing for his earlier behavior. But he couldn’t keep flying like this indefinitely either. At the rate he was burning through his ki, even a Saiyan could not keep the cold at bay for much longer. The small sun was already half-hidden behind the jagged peaks, so it would be dark soon and colder still. Besides, he had worked up quite an appetite. After getting his bearings, Vegeta grudgingly opted to go back to Frieza’s ship and get a filling meal.
On return, he checked the med-bay first to find Raditz still immersed in healing liquids. At least the third-class was going to live. Not that he cared; at least not enough to have his mood lifted. Vegeta trekked to the mess hall next, thankful that most staff had disembarked. He was in no mood to talk to anyone.
Sadly, there was still a short line at the feeding station. Five men out of the six in the room stood waiting, and the line did not move. At all. After a minute, Vegeta shoved past the waiting men until he found the culprit: a tall, thin green alien that moved slowly and deliberately, collecting his slob with agonizing slowness. Like an old man, although Vegeta doubted the creature could be much older than himself. Vegeta growled at him, but when the man turned, recognition fluttered inside the Saiyan’s mind.
The feeling, it turned out, was mutual. The creature froze, and the closer Vegeta studied it, the more disgusted he felt. It was too thin and had grown up weak. Then the man started to shake as well. This was not an unusual reaction to the Prince of Saiyans from a civilian but for a soldier… it was just odd.
“Don't I know you?” Vegeta pondered.
The green man’s face contorted, either in rage or fear. Or both. “You...” it hissed. Then it seemed to lock up and as it looked down at its ugly, crooked fingers.
What a mess of a man. How could Frieza allow something like that to work for it? Vegeta mused, and yet. He knew this creature… well, it didn't really matter. Food, now that was important.
“What the hell is the hold up?” he inquired.
The look of shock that came over the man’s face sparked another memory. Of someone younger, a lot healthier looking, and... Yes, this was the boy... The one that could... cook … right? Vegeta certainly didn't remember him being this ugly and crooked, or this weird in the head.
A purple face pushed the tall green thing to the side, and this one Vegeta definitely recognised: Cui. “Can't even remember his name, can you, Vegeta? This is Cordwell. You’ve caused him a lot of suffering, you know?”
If Cui had meant to talk for the gaunt thing, he met some opposition from the creature in question. The thing called Cordwell leaned over Cui’s shoulder, and pushed round fish-like eyes close to Vegeta’s face as it spat out: “It’s all your fault!”
Vegeta returned the challenge with another snarl. How dare he speak that way? Lekus... No. And now this creep? No. he was not responsible. “You might want to be more specific. You upset I didn't kill your mom before she had you or something?”
Cordwell made an attempt to climb over Cui, long limbs reached out and twisted fingers grabbed for the prince. “You put me up to it. Put us up to it.”
It foamed at the mouth now, and the spectacle was disgusting enough to make Vegeta rethink fighting the creature. Maybe he’d eradicate it from a distance, but he didn't want to catch whatever madness held the lanky alien. Its words made little sense, and despite any real belief that this thing was capable of intelligent conversation, Vegeta heard himself ask: “What?”
“We tried to run,” Cordwell panted, having made a path over and past Cui, who now tried to restrain him from behind. The squid didn’t have enough footing, and so the green mess inched closer to Vegeta. “You told us we’d die if we didn't. That we should take the pods. But we were caught.”
Confused, Vegeta fixed Cui with a questioning glare. But he was met with such a hostile look  that he had to ask: “What nonsense is this freak talking about, squid?”
Cui tisked at him, then violently wrestled the much larger alien back. “You gonna deny this now, monkey? Everyone knows your father was a traitor. But you had to go on and pull us down with you, didnt you?”
“What are you talking about?” Vegeta inquired, disgusted.
The foaming, sick thing accused with a voice that jumped another octave: “When your stupid old man got himself killed. You told us they’d come for us too. That we’d be killed. That we should run. But we only ever got the pods to lift off before we were retrieved. And we ran, so we were guilty. I’m... I’m all that’s left. We... we... we should never have listened to you. You killed them.”
That didn't make sense. Vegeta had not known about his father’s coupe until after it had happened. He’d not had the chance to tell anyone anything, with Frieza smacking him around. And even if he had... What the man claimed was impossible. No one could get a pod to take off without clearance.
Nothing the boy said made any sense. None of whatever was supposed to have happened to those boys was his fault... and Lekus...? That wasn’t his fault either. Vegeta stared down at the tray in his hands, red pushing up and around his vision. The tray shook as his hands threatened to bend it, until found the perfect place to bury it: right in that lying green slime’s lying face. The Saiyan didn’t pause before he socked Cui in his tentacled mouth. Vegeta turned again to charge a blast at Cordwell, but the thing was already swinging its own tray at Vegeta. It contacted with a smack to the side of his skull, but the Saiyan took it with a grin, just so he could fire off the ki he held.
It was not rage that overtook him, rather something empty and uncaring. Vegeta swung punches without even blocking, and when he felt Cui rain blows on his back he took the punches to his kidneys and spine as well. He was probably smiling, perhaps even laughing. Vegeta’s fists throbbed with every impact, and he clung to that feeling regardless of any other body parts screaming that he was taking actual damage.
Vegeta didn’t give a fuck anymore, he just methodically punched the tall green creature to the beat of some alarm that had gone off and now blared across the mess hall. He turned to exchange fists with Cui again, only slightly hampered by the green beanstalk that now tried to restrain him. Vegeta swung out his elbows left and right, not even caring what he hit. This bought him a few seconds, which he used to turn his assault back to Cui, until something dropped on his head hard enough to daze him.
It must have been Cordwell, dropping something hard on him. But it was impossible to tell, because his head was ringing. It didn't matter though. With a shake of the head, Vegeta waited for his vision to clear enough so he could pummel the first shape he made out. He’d drink it up, all of it, drink it up and spit it out tenfold. And it was working. Cui and Cordwell were so confused and rattled by Prince’s willingness to take anything they dished out that they guarded more than attacked.
With one last hard hook, Vegeta pushed Cui back far enough to make another one-eighty turn and lounge at Cordwell. But the creature had already backpedaled at least six paces and then dropped to his knees, eyes wide as he looked off to Vegeta’s left and cowered. It was not as the Saiyan had it pissing its pants though.
“Dodoria.” It shuddered, like that monster was something worse than the Prince. Vegeta was less impressed. He just turned to face this new threat, and charged up another blast.
The pink brute reached out a large fist and engulfed Vegeta’s entire arm, blast and all. “Making trouble, little Prince? And while our master is getting ready for his guests no less? Bad timing.”
What guests?
“Fuck you,” he raged and tried to pull his arm free, unwilling to extinguish the shot, even when he started to smell cooked flesh. That ki was intended for Dodoria’s face, to wipe that ugly smile off it. Vegeta bared his teeth.
Dodoria blinked, then smiled a toothy smile. “Oh yeah. I think you need a little time to cool off, don’t you?”
“Fuck. You.” It burned, and it occurred to Vegeta that his hand would sear off before he even pierced Dodoria’s thick skin. Logic. He was going to think, not act like some blood-raged… The ki went out.
“I’m guessing that’s Saiyan for yes.”
read the rest on https://archiveofourown.org/works/15338988/chapters/35590152 or ff.net
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imrobert-clarington · 6 years
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It had been a long night for the Anderson-Clarington family. After a few hours of coaxing, Robbie had managed to tuck Cooper under his chin and carry him out of his office. He had texted Blaine to meet them at the house, thankful that the younger Anderson had taken it upon himself to buy a car seat of his own. Robbie had to admire the commitment that he was taking as an uncle. He knew there was something special in the bond between uncle and nephew. 
As they got home, Robbie focused on getting a passed out Cooper out of his clothes while Blaine got Zach ready for bed. Once Robbie got his fiance tucked into bed, he walked the younger Anderson out of the house and thanked him for everything before locking the door. He went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before heading back up the stairs to the bedroom. 
He hadn’t even so much as sat down on the bed before he noticed two pairs of eyes on him. He almost had to laugh at the sight before him: Zach had managed to pull himself up by the side of the crib and was looking at him expectantly. “If it’s not one of you avoiding sleep, it’s the other, isn’t it,” he mumbled softly as he set the water on the bedside table. He walked over quietly to the crib, standing there for a moment and looking down at the big brown eyes staring back at him. 
“Come on then,” he said quietly, bending down to pick him up gently and settling him against his hip. “It’s late, Zach Attack, we need to get you to sleep. You’re the one who’s supposed to get an ungodly amount of sleep right now.” 
He walked down the stairs slowly, still feeling paranoid about carrying a little infant down. He’d never been afraid of tripping on them before, but when he literally had another life in his hands....well, that was a different story. 
He grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch as he walked past, the movement disturbing the two pups that had just settled on the couch. Dodger immediately went to follow him, though Penny stayed behind, looking up at him. “Pen, I think Dad needs you up there,” he said softly. He knew that Penny couldn’t actually understand him, but the way she hauled ass up the stairs immediately made him second guess himself.
He continued walking out onto the deck, shifting Zach closer to him as the chilled night air settled around them as he walked towards the hammock. It wasn’t so unbearable, though, especially after he switched on the small space heater next to them. Dodger settled underneath the hammock as Robbie gingerly laid them down and draped the blanket on top of them. 
He looked back at Zach, who was still staring back at him. He had to be thankful that the boy had at least gotten used to him, if nothing else. It had been a hard week, with Ellie going back home and the boy getting used to his new environment. He took the fact that he wasn’t being screamed at as a good sign. 
Robbie could tell that the boy was tired, seeing as his usual energy was radiating off him as normal. He could only assume that he was refusing sleep, something that seemed to run in the family. 
“So,” he mused. “I know how to tire your dad out enough to pass out, but I guess now is an experiment to see what it takes for you.” He paused for a moment, bringing his knees up so the young boy could lean against them. “I mean, I could just talk for a while, bore you to sleep,” he said with a small chuckle. “I could teach you how to dab, though I think Cooper would kill me if I took that away from him. Not to mention I’m not sure how effective it’d be.” 
He sighed softly as he shrugged. “I’m trying to remember what my Dad did when I had nights like this. Granted, that was ages ago. Obviously, I don’t remember from first hand experience. You don’t really remember things that happen when you’re a baby. Just like you won’t remember this night at all.” 
“My mom would tell me though. Later in life, I mean. I was a fussy baby, apparently. Dad was the only one who could calm me down and make me get to sleep. He would turn me into a plane, reenact some of the famous battles of the World Wars. Kept it PG, of course, and that would be enough to make me laugh, to stop crying. Then he’d just walk me around the room until I had no other choice but to sleep.” 
He slipped his thumbs into Zach’s hands and waved them back and forth, the boy still staring at him, a little lost but Robbie could appreciate the attention. “I wish you would’ve gotten the chance to meet him. He liked to sound tough a lot but he was a big softie; he’s where part of your name comes from too, you know. I wish he was here too, ‘cause then I could ask him how-” he was cut off as a pair of hands launched themselves into his beard. 
He paused for a moment before cracking a laugh. “I was trying to have a moment here!” he said through his chuckles. He closed his lips around his teeth and nipped at Zach’s hands, illiciting a squeal from the small boy. Robbie let his laughs fade out as he looked at the boy, seeing every bit of Cooper in him, though also catching the small glimpses of Ellie underneath. 
But for the first time that week, after pulling Cooper out of the depths again, Robbie was determined to see himself there too. He sighed softly, carefully getting out of the hammock, turning off the heater and walking them back inside. Dodger immediately went back to the couch, though Robbie lingered in the hallway, walking to the small group of photos that were hanging there. 
“That’s him,” he said softly, as he pointed to a picture of his father. “See? Looks scary, but then you remember that he was just barely as tall as your Dad, and he’s not so bad,” he chuckled, moving on to the next picture. “That’s Sarah, your aunt,” he said quickly, letting the use of the titles help him make this seem more normal, “and your cousin, Gabe. Gabe’s a maniac, but he’s a good kid. It wouldn’t surprise me if you know the name of every dinosaur in existence by the time you’re two. Also, it’s a good thing they live on the other side of the country or you would be getting so spoiled.” 
He pointed to the next one as Zach laid his head on Robbie’s shoulder, his little hand fisting in the man’s shirt. “That’s Hunter,” he said, pointing out the man in the family photo as he gently leaned his head against the boy’s. “Honestly, he’s a hard one to keep up with, but he’s family, and I think a good uncle to have. If I know either him or your uncle Blaine at all, those two would probably fight to the death for the title of ‘World’s Greatest Uncle’. I’ve already been through it with Hunt when it comes to Gabe,” he chuckled. 
He stopped at the next picture, sighing softly at the image of his mother. “And you’ve met Mom,” he said softly. “She loves you, don’t worry, I don’t want the tension from last week to scare you. She’s just...worried. It’s a weird situation. But I think it’ll work out okay. See, the thing with your Dad and I....nothing about us has ever been normal; we’ve had to make our own normal. It’ll be a fun story to tell you one day, but honestly, how we had our first child....well, why should that be normal?” 
He heard a labored breath under his chin, and he knew that that meant the boy had fallen asleep. He smiled softly and walked back over to the couch, tossing the blanket back down. With a finally pat to Dodger’s head, Robbie slowly made his way back up the stairs. He placed the boy gently back in his crib and pulled the blanket over him. He leaned against the side of the crib and watched him for a moment. He leaned over and kissed his head gently and sighed. “I do love you, kiddo. We’ll hit a rhythm, I promise.” 
He tapped the crib lightly with his knuckle before stepping back and glancing over at Cooper. He smiled to himself as he noticed the man had already star-fished. He stripped down to just his t-shirt and boxers before crawling into bed, mindful of Penny as she moved to compensate him. He reached over and scratched behind her ears, kissing her head softly before laying back. Instead of curling on his side, though, he nudged his way under Cooper’s arm and wrapped one of his own around the other’s waist. 
The house was quiet, but with his fiance next to him, his dogs in their respective places, and his son across the room, it was home. And that’s what Robbie held onto as he drifted off to sleep. 
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beencaughts · 6 years
⌚️ ☢️ AND the heart symbol one bc i couldnt copy and paste it ly
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
 [ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
The stinging of Luna’s arms and legs were becoming unbearable. Standing outside in the searing sun was not a part of her plans nor was it to be stuck in a random part of England all day. Luna hadn’t really known what hot was until today. When the hell did England get so hot anyway? Sweat adorned her figure from head to toe. Her long dark tresses stuck to her face and neck intolerably. Her were feet slightly swollen from walking around all day. Luna couldn’t quite comprehend how Prince managed to have the same symptoms as her but he looked a hundred times better. Luna was miserable, but she couldn’t complain (yet at the same time she could) when the most attractive man in whatever town they were in was right next to her even as annoyed as they both were. The sun hung low in the sky, sunset upon them. “Prince, we don’t know where the fuck we are. It’s getting dark. We’ve been walking around all day. I am sweating in places that I have never sweat before. Can we just go back to the car and risk being murdered by some fucking weirdo?” She asked after grabbing his hand to get his attention. The tension between them had been boiling all day with their usual snide comments intensified by the heat. Luna tried to hide her annoyance but her words were charged, and Prince was ready for them with words of his own. Usually, Luna wouldn’t have argued in the middle of the street, but she didn’t know any of these people so anger spilled out of her as they made their way back to his janky car. “I hate you so fucking much,” She mumbled, attempting to open the car door. It had only been opened an inch before it was slammed closed by her wonderful boyfriend. “What the hell is your problem?” Except Luna knew exactly what his problem was. Anytime she said those three words, it sent Prince over the edge. His reaction was almost frightening. Her body was trapped between Prince and the incredibly hot metal of his car. He lowered himself to look her in her eyes to question what she said, but she couldn’t bring herself to challenge him. Instead, she focused on the way his muscles tensed when he was angry. How ridiculously good he looked in his shirt. How ridiculously good he looked this whole day. The sun was down but she could feel herself growing hotter. Enveloped in the heat of the moment, Luna couldn’t stop the words spilling out of her mouth. “Who cares? Fuck me.” The Spaniard didn’t even wait for his response. Her lips were on his in an instant, her nails digging into his back in an attempt to pull him closer to her. Luna didn’t care about how sweaty and gross they both were — she needed him. Maybe the day wasn’t so bad if it ended in hot car sex.
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola was so excited when she finally convinced Jason to take her to Scotland. They had spent most of their time in the city she grew up in and loved so much, and she really wanted to experience the same thing with Jason. They were on their way to Glasglow when their car slowed to a stop. Iola cursed under her breath, telling herself that the rental car place was going to get a piece of her mind when they finally reach their destination. The place where they stopped was rather busy — streams of people walking down the sidewalk and cars lining the streets. Iola joined her boyfriend in front of the car and closed the hood so he could focus on her. “We can find someone to fix the car while we enjoy the beautiful scenery of this random city or whatever they’re called here. There’s no reason to waste such a beautiful day stressed,” she smiled before taking Jason’s hand. It was nearly impossible for Jason and Iola to have a bad time when they were together. The couple could be stuck in the worst situation imaginable, and they would somehow find a way to make it bearable. Being stuck in a random town was barely an obstacle for them. There were so many cute shops. The architecture was beautiful. The sights were breathtaking. Iola would’ve been pissed at herself if they didn’t see any of this. She dug her toes in the cool grass at the park as she basked in the sunlight. “Wouldn’t you have been pissed if we sat around moping?” With her shoes in her hand, she spun around to face her boyfriend. She thought Jason looked so handsome while he watched her frolic around the green pasture. He had warned her before that Scotland was nothing but fields but clearly she didn’t mind it. It was a change from fast pace Chicago and LA, and Iola loved it. She plopped down next to Jason, resting her head on his lap. “I can’t believe you wanted to keep this place from me. Totally not cool,” Iola attempted to say in a Scottish accent but failed miserably. 
⊰ july 17th ⊱
Arianna and Zayn had only been dating for a couple of months when they decided they wanted to get away from everyone. There was so much drama going on in the house that they stuck to either one of their rooms anyway, so why not just ditch the show altogether for a little while? They had decided to drive to San Diego since it wasn’t too far from Los Angeles, but their car had stopped mid-drive. The two Brits had no idea where they were. Maybe they were somewhere in Anaheim? Who knew. Arianna couldn’t stop laughing as she and Zayn reminisced about everything. The moment they met, the moment they had sex for the first time, the moment Arianna could actually tolerate being around Zayn after he totally threw her under the bus for the sex thing —everything. They had already called Triple A, so they had nothing else to do. “I remember when I admitted I had a crush on you. I really put my foot in my mouth that day, but I still mean what I said. They’re all idiots for not wanting you. I should thank them, though, so thank you, idiots,” Arianna giggled, pulling her boyfriend in for a kiss. They spent the rest of their day in the car blasting music from their phones and singing along, dancing in their restrictive seats, and laughing about anything that could come to their mind until they were rescued. 
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
The darkness of the night surrounded Luna and Prince, a cool breeze wrapping itself around Luna’s barely dressed figure. It seemed a bit stupid to be sitting outside at the cusp of midnight when her dress barely went past her ass and her jacket was only there for fashion purposes, but nighttime seemed to be the only time of the day Luna and Prince were able to tolerate each other. Maybe it was the illusion of privacy that made them more comfortable around each other like no one else was watching them so they could indulge in their true feelings for one another. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her frame to preserve whatever body heat she had left, but it was no use. Her teeth were chattering loudly which happened to be the only noise filling the silence between them. Prince did make a comment about her going out half dressed but Luna just shook her head. “Less for you to take off,” the brunette pointed out nonchalantly. “Or is the problem that it’s less for other guys to imagine to take off?” She teases with a brow raise, Prince rolls his eyes. “The problem is that you’re fucking cold.” His words cause her to chuckle. The two of them finally reach his car and Prince opens the door for her to Luna’s surprise. Eventually, they’re sat in front of Luna’s flat with the radio filling, yet again, the silence between them, but that left Luna with her thoughts. She and Prince clearly had feelings for each other yet they were going absolutely nowhere. They still hadn’t defined whatever they were and anytime Luna brought it up he got defensive and changed the subject. “Prince,” she spoke softly. “What are we? And I don’t want some bullshit answer. I want to know how you feel about me.” Her words were quiet to match the atmosphere. Luna turned her body to face him, folding her legs underneath her as she waited for his response. And wait is what he made her do. Prince, in typical Prince fashion, ignored her while he finished his cigarette. After about 5 minutes, Luna felt triumphant. Why the hell did she think getting involved with her arch nemesis was remotely a good idea? Maybe he was doing all of this to fuck with her. He didn’t really like her and all of this was apart of some plan to humiliate her. The Spaniard wasn’t much of a crier —the only time being at her mother’s funeral — but as she slumped against her seat, she couldn’t quite help the tears welling up in her eyes because, fuck, she loved him. “Forget it,” she mumbled, turning to get out of the car but he stopped her. Their eyes locked — hers glistening from the tears that had yet to fall. 
“Luna? Luna!” Cass’s voice called out, snapping Luna back to reality. She turned to her best friend with a smile at the sight of her in her bridesmaid dress. “Cass, you look so beautiful, oh my god!” Luna tried to shake her head of the memory that suddenly came back to her to focus on the fact that she was 10 minutes away from getting married, but she couldn’t quite get it out of her head. It was her favorite memory of Prince. Yeah, she had been about to cry, but it was the first time Prince admitted his feelings. Not drunk, not high, not angrily, but looking Luna in her eyes and telling her how he felt. It was one of their most intimate and vulnerable moments. If it had never happened who knows if they would be here today. 
Luna attempted to blink her tears away at his words, but they refused to go away for a much different reason. She was relieved, happy. “Do you really mean that, Prince? Or are you going to take it all back tomorrow and pretend you never said it?” She wasn’t given much of a verbal response. Instead, Prince brought her face to his, reassuring her that he meant everything he said and kissed her. 
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola checked out her figure in the mirror again. She didn’t know if this dress was the right one for their anniversary. The blonde had already decided the last nine didn’t make the cut, but she didn’t know if she should make it ten and make them any later for their date than they already were. “Babe, what do you think of this one?” Jason was obviously going to tell her that she looked amazing in anything she put on, so she decided to stick with the dress she had on to get a move on it. This was their fifth anniversary together, and Iola was extremely happy because it meant she was half-way there to marrying the love of her life. His dumb not-marrying-Iola-until-she-was-26 rule was the bane of her existence, but if that was what he wanted then she had no choice than to accept it. They were sat at dinner, laughing and reminiscing about all of their times together. It was amazing to think about the fact Iola had been with the same guy since was 16. Most people assumed that they were both too young to commit to each other, but Iola knew that there was no one else in the world for her than the man sitting in front of her. “My favorite memory of us that’s not when you finally slept with me?” She asked before thinking back to her favorite memory. 
Iola had spent months trying to find the perfect prom dress — practically the whole school year. Prom was a big deal in every American girl’s life, and it had to be perfect. She knew that Jason was going to be her date, so she wanted to wear something that would blow him away. All Iola wanted to do was impress Jason whenever she had the chance, and this was her big moment. She knew he felt weird about going to a high school dance, but the fact that he was still willing to be her date made her happy. She just wanted to return the favor. “How do I look?” Iola asked her mom as she walked out in her dress. Her long blonde tresses were dressed in curls as they cascaded over her shoulders. Iola didn’t have much time to admire herself when she heard the doorbell, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. Her hands were shaky as she exited her bedroom. Iola, he’s your boyfriend. Why are you so nervous? she tried to assure herself, but when her eyes landed her boyfriend she got all the more nervous. He looked dashing in his suit. Iola wondered to herself how she got so lucky. She honestly couldn’t get down those stairs fast enough to Jason. “You look amazing, babe,” she said in awe. They did the typical prom stuff: putting on the corsage and boutonniere, taking pictures, and bidding her family adieu. Her cheeks were a bright red by the time they reached the dance from all of the compliments Jason wouldn’t stop giving her. “You flatter me too much, honey,” Iola giggled as they walked into the venue. The night was going well. Iola and her friends were chatting about graduation and college, taking pictures, and dancing. Her friends were suggestive because they knew Iola was still a virgin, and it was the stereotypical thing to lose your virginity on Prom night. Iola chose to ignore her friends. They were horny teenagers, but Iola was in love. She was willing to wait for Jason if that’s what he wanted to do. There was no rush for her anymore since she was 18 and there was no more changing his mind about it. Now it was all about when it was the right time. “Will the most wonderful guy in the world dance with me to this painfully slow song?” The blonde asked, holding out her manicured hand for him to take. Her green hues were filled with contentment and love as she swayed to the music with Jason. “Thank you for coming with me tonight. I know that it must be weird, so I am really thankful that you’re here. I love you.” She kissed him softly before resting her head on his shoulder, spending the rest of the night having fun with Jason. 
⊰ july 17th ⊱
Arianna had taken a trip by herself to gather her thoughts. She just needed to get away from everything. Ari couldn’t stand sitting in her home anymore. It was a big house but she often felt alone in it. Zayn was home yet he wasn’t really. It was the same for her, so she needed to get away to clear her head. Ari attempted to focus on the book in her hand but her mind couldn’t stop racing. Throwing it to the side, she opted to take a walk on the beach instead. She couldn’t stop thinking about her fiancé and all of the good times they had before their son died. A slight smile tugged at her lips when she thought about the day she had told him she was pregnant. They were both so happy at the thought that they’d be starting their own family especially Arianna. 
Ari’s leg bounced up and down nervously as she waited for Zayn to come home. How was she supposed to tell him? Should she go romantic? Classic? Random? She hadn’t really thought it through since she had only found out a couple days ago. The only person who knew was Serenity. It was actually quite funny because the day she found out, his brother had told her that she was going to find out that she was pregnant then. She chuckled to herself but looked towards the door once she heard the door open. Arianna greeted her fiancé with a kiss, a smile never leaving her face. They started their conversation as usual, but Arianna knew she had to just come out and tell him. “I have a question,” the blonde says nonchalantly. “Are you still opposed to the name Starburst? Because hear me out. Imagine holding a small baby child and it’s having sweet baby dreams. I don’t know about you, but what I’m picturing in my head looks like a Starburst.” Obviously, Zayn was against the name that Arianna always joked about naming her first kid. He told her that they were setting their future kid up for failure and that only made her chuckle. “I don’t think eight months is that far into the future,” she muttered, her eyes gaging for his reaction. It took him a while to catch on to what she was saying but by the time he fully grasped what she was saying, Arianna’s smile reached her eyes. “Yeah, I’m really pregnant!” She was swept into her fiancé’s arms, their laughter flooding their kitchen. Arianna really thought she couldn’t have been happier than in that moment. Was there a better feeling than knowing you were about to start a family with the love of your life? There was going to be a person living and existing and they were a product of their love. 
Arianna couldn’t help the lone tear that strolled down her cheek at the memory. She hoped that one day she and Zayn could go back to being that happy.
⊰ v. what if ⊱
It had been years since Arianna and Ashton decided to rekindle whatever they had in the GYHAB house. Yeah, she had ended up with Zayn, but after getting cheated on three times, Arianna had to end it while they were still on the show. She knew that she deserved better but she knew she wasn’t going to find it there, so she left the show soon after her breakup with Zayn. It was a bit random the way Arianna and Ashton ended up crossing paths again, but she was happy it happened. 
“I’m actually unemployed and hating on MTV. I don’t know why they would invite me to their awards show but here I am,” Arianna joked with the people she managed to keep in contact with from the show. While Arianna was grateful for the opportunities and experiences the show gave her, they did it at the expense of her personal life. Ari had never lower than when the producers turned her relationship with Cody to shit. When she found out that even though Zayn and Arianna had wanted to sleep together, it was ultimately because of a task or consequence or whatever. Hell, Ashton leaving probably had something to do with them too. The thought of her favorite Aussie made her smile sadly because if he had stayed, maybe her love life wouldn’t feel so hopeless. She missed him so much she could still hear his voice in her head. Or Arianna was delusional enough to think that she did because all of her friends turned to greet him and the other 5SOS members. Arianna hadn’t seen him in a year and a half. They were probably two different people than when they liked each other. “Hey,” she greeted softly, the awkwardness in her tone loud and clear. Ashton attempted to lighten the mood between them with some small talk, but Arianna couldn’t help but feel somewhat angry at him. “Sorry that I’m being so awkward. It’s almost like I’m not 100% over you disappearing without a word before we were supposed to go on our first and after we slept together.” He pointed out that she didn’t have much room to talk because she was in between guys at the same time which just made her laugh because he did have a point. This lead to them having an hour-long conversation about everything that happened between them. “I was totally going to go to the after party because you know I’m such a party animal, but if you’re up for it, I’m still willing to go on that date with you.” Arianna was taking a shot in the dark here. They hadn’t been talking that long at all, but Ari had a gut feeling that she couldn’t let Ashton go again. She didn’t know why but she just couldn’t. And she didn’t. Their first date was amazing. The blue-eyed girl hadn’t really been on a first date before but she was happy it was with Ashton. The two of them grabbed some pizza and walked around to see the sights of New York. It was a very romantic city at night. They sat in Central Park, watching over the city. “Shouldn’t you be getting back? I don’t want your band members to think I’ve kidnapped you,” she laughed, meeting his gaze. Call it cheesy, but as they looked at each other it was if there was something pulling Arianna towards Ashton. Their faces were mere centimeters apart “Am I totally crazy for this?” But she wasn’t given an answer. Instead, she was given a kiss.
Arianna smiled at the memory because if MTV hadn’t invited her unemployed and angry ass to their awards ceremony, who knows when Arianna and Ashton would’ve talked again if at all. “Mum, watch me!” the eldest of her twins called out to her. “I’m watching! Go on!” She called back. Their daughter was sitting on Ashton’s lap cheering on her brother and his little league team. She looked over at Ash, taking her hand into his, and thinking about how amazing her life turned out. 
[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up.
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
Luna sat comfortably on the cool marble floor, leaning over acrylic plastic to wipe away the crimson sheathing her boyfriend’s skin. She was unsure of how to react when her string of curses about how stressful school was becoming was cut short as her eyes laid on Prince covered in bruises and blood sitting on her couch. That was what came with being a drug dealer, but Luna never thought she’d see the day where Prince was in this condition. There was no one who could even begin to imagine him like this. The heat from the water he stood in radiated through her skin as she treated his wounds, placing kisses after she was done before moving to the next where she would repeat the process. Luna had started to become damp from the running water, but taking care of Prince trumped her peeve about wearing wet clothes. “Dios mío, novio, you have to be careful. As much as I like taking care of you, I don’t like doing it like this,” she spoke softly, placing a kiss of equal measure to his cheek. “Don’t take too long in here. I have a paper due in five hours, and I’m still not done healing your battle wounds,” she smiled, giving him a playfully threatening look as she retreated to her bedroom. Her mind seemed to be at a million different places, and it was now Luna realized that Prince had priority over all of those things. School, work, even her family — Prince was the most important. Even now, she was willing to get an F on her paper in order to make sure that he was okay. Her laptop sat atop her thighs, three of the five pages being done with an hour and a half to finish when Prince finally emerged from the shower dressed in the sweatpants she had left for him. “I was beginning to think you drowned in there,” Luna joked lightly, sitting her computer aside to grab the first-aid kit instead. “You know, I used to have to do this a lot for my brother,” she muttered as her hands busied themselves in finishing her earlier job. “After he got into that gang stuff, he used to come home all beaten up.” Luna couldn’t bring herself to finish the story, but she was only speaking to fill the silence between them. Maybe her stories about her brother would somehow cheer him or make him feel better. Her hazel eyes locked in with his, giving him a small smile, leaning in so their lips were mere centimeters apart. Her hand made its way to his jaw, her thumb hovering lightly over the mark that rested at the corner of his mouth. “Mire este, this is going to scar, babe.” A smile had overtaken her features and a laugh shook her body, pulling away from Prince. “I tried to pull a you on you, but I just couldn’t take myself seriously.” Luna was really trying her best to get him to at least crack a smile but decided to give up as she leaned in to press a kiss to his bruised temple. She encouraged him to lay in between her legs with his head resting on her chest while she attempted to finish her paper, deciding that if he wanted to tell her what happened today, he’d do it whenever he felt like it (also known as when he thinks Luna stops feeling sorry for him.)
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Maybe Iola had overreacted when Jason had admitted to her that he had slept with someone else when they were broken up but she couldn’t help it. Blame it on the fact that she was a Scorpio and they were notorious for being jealous and possessive assholes. She couldn’t stand the thought of someone having Jason in that way because when they were broken up that’s how she felt. Iola had plenty of opportunities to hook up with other guys at college but every time she thought about Jason. She thought about how she only wanted to share that part of her with him. He was the only one deserving of it. Iola had just gotten back from the hospital, having needed to get stitches because she accidentally broke the ceramic mug in her hand when he dropped the bomb on her. In hindsight, she should’ve known squeezing it to contain her anger was only going to make the situation worse. The faux-blonde knew that Jason wouldn’t be talking to her, but she really wanted to fix things with him. “Jason,” Iola started, however, he just ignored her. She had changed into one of his shirts, the end of it dancing around her thighs. Iola laid down on her stomach on their bed to face Jason even though he was obviously trying to ignore her. “I know you probably don’t want to speak to me — and you don’t have to — but I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. When you told me that you slept with someone else, it made me scared. Like maybe you found someone that you loved just as much as me. Maybe someone better. I shouldn’t have projected the way I feel onto you. When we weren’t together, I felt like I didn’t want anyone else because you were the only person. You were and are the only person that loved me for me and not for what I could give to you. I couldn’t let anyone else in like that, but that doesn’t mean you had to or have to feel the same way I did, so I’m sorry.” She got up to get something out of her purse and left it next to him before she headed to the living room. It had been a gift card to some local art store. She thought it would cheer him up a bit because she had done the same thing after their “first date.” Iola had insisted on taking him out to replace everything she accidentally destroyed but he didn’t ask for much. So she decided to secretly get him a gift card to the store and slip it into the sketchbook that he did pick. She had left on a note on the inside telling him that they were even, but if he really wanted to make it up to her then he could text her and take her on a real date. It was quite bold of her, but Iola knew even then that she wanted him. Her note this time consisted of a simple sorry and if he would let her make it up to him by taking him out.
⊰ july 17th ⊱
Arianna was terrible when it came to staying mad at Zayn. He would fuck up but in the end, she was always there to coddle him for the mistakes he made. Zayn had said something during an argument about regretting proposing to her which sent her over the edge. No one had asked him to propose to her. He had done it because he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, right? Regardless, Zayn’s words hurt and with everything else going on in their life right now, Arianna had had enough. Louis had mentioned a few days ago that he was going back home to see his family and invited her, and now she was going to take him up on his offer. Zayn, of course, tried to convince her to stay but when she told him no, he got more desperate. He started saying things that made her feel sorry for him, and so now here she was with him wrapped up in her arms. “I love you, Zayn, I’ll be back,” Arianna tried to reassure him. “I just need some space to clear my head. But I’ll come back; I always come back.” She rubbed soothing circles on his back, completely disregarding that Zayn was the one who fucked up in the first place. Arianna figured that she loved Zayn and never wanted to see him upset even if it was from her reaction to his actions. It was a horrible trait that she needed to fix. She placed small kisses to his forehead before letting him go to grab her bags. “Just remember I love you, okay?” Arianna said before giving him one final kiss and walking out of their front door.
⊰ v. what if ⊱
The crackling sound of silence filled the room as Arianna and Ashton simply looked at each other. Arianna didn’t mean for things with him to go as far as they did. What happened between them that day Ari showed up at his door was never meant to happen again, but it did. Ari began having an affair. She thought that they were being low key about it, but when Zayn had spotted a hickey on her, and she was left with no choice except, to tell the truth, all of her fears had become a reality. Ari didn’t know about the future of her marriage which should’ve been her main concern, but hearing about what her husband had gone out and done made it seem less important. Ashton was there for her whenever her relationship became too much to handle, and she felt it was her obligation to take care of him. There were times Ashton would get in his feelings about his affair with Arianna. She knew that it was wrong for her to give Ashton false hope about them ending up together especially now that Zayn knew and she was still coming around, but in her defense, she never said that she would even leave her husband for him. She would only run to him when her marriage turned to shit and sleep with him with the occasional non-sexual encounter. Who would possibly get the wrong idea about that? Arianna knew she was a shitty person, so she tried her best to make him feel better. She had brought by all of his favorite stuff, hoping he would it get him out of his rut. “Look who brought you vegemite?” She said cheerfully, finally breaking the silence. Arianna cuddled into Ashton’s side before throwing on his favorite movie. Nothing Arianna was doing was working but at least she was trying, right? She frowned softly to herself before taking Ashton’s hands to make him look at her. “I know I’m the world’s worst person in the world, but I just want what’s best for you and to see you happy. I wanted to have my cake and eat it too. I’ll leave if you want me to. I’ll do anything if it’ll make you feel better.”
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