#remember Blume and Mjolnir or Ishtar? Hell even Ares?
randomnameless · 3 months
why don't you want jurgdral remakes? are you afraid they will be localised like fodlan games or modified like shadows of valentia?
Lolcalisation aside, I'd say the biggest thing I'm dreading with those remakes is IS' (if FEH is any indication) willingness to retcon those older games to, I suppose, make them more "trendy" or approchable for a "modern audience".
Sure, FEH might goof here and there, but take the "Miccy founded the DB" take - it's present at least in more than one unit so imo, it's no goof at all, what is it supposed to mean? That a Miccy who is only a person who joins an existing group because she embraces their ideals and thus puts them above her own "need" to hide her existence, as a Branded, is not as... bankable as a Miccy who forms her own ragtag group of randoms to fight against Daein, giving hints at her later role as the leader of the Daein army?
I've ranted enough about IS retconning Lyon and Magvel in general (tfw Eph was caught by Grado lel) but it follows the same pattern, OG!Lyon (and FE8 in general) falls because of his very human and earthly desires - he might have ideals and all, but at the end of the day, he falls because of his love and adoration/obsession for the twins and that is something he cannot fight against - FEH!Lyon sassing Fomortiis is just, no. Fomortiis always has the last laugh in FE8 (at least with Lyon and even, I'd say with the playable cast because, again, his soul isn't erased, he is stuck again in a shiny rock, just like what happened in the lore, and led to Lyon's possession. Who can be sure that in 800 years after Ephraim's adventures, L'Arachel's descendant won't be seduced by Fomortiis' power and free him from his shiny rock, like Lyon did?).
FE15 is its own thing lol - but there is a possibility for Jugdral to be pissed on like Magvel and Tellius were in FEH, and I guess, for any Jugdral fan that's terrible.
Sure, FEH seems to treat Jugdral verse with, uh, careful consideration but hey - if the Ayra wanking is any indication, even Jugdral isn't immune to retcons to make a popular character even more #badass, plot be damned.
Add some eggtivation here'n'there, and I wouldn't be surprised if we had some NPCs or even characters in support dialogues explaining how major holy blooded people aren't always better in the domain corresponding to their holy blood than non HB people because non HB people can bypass their lack of dragon blood with hard work - completely pissing on this core Jugdralian mechanic that was translated in FE4's gameplay by weapon rank.
Is it gatekeeping? idk.
For me, it's just that I fell in Jugdral Hell some years ago (nearly a decade!) and despite its defaults, I still like this verse very much so I'd like a remake that is as faithful as possible to that thing I came to know all those years ago, maybe to exchange with new (and non new lol) fans about that verse!
But if we get, idk, a very #badass Deedee who doesn't, idk, mind killing a kid or two to show how #girlboss she is, well, for me, that wouldn't be Jugdral at all, but some sort of adaptation using those characters but writing them OOC.
Of course I can't say I have a better reading and take on those characters as IS themselves, but after seeing A!Mareeta's FB where she is supposed to be at her best/peak performance, and IS still wrote her to be "below" Ayra in terms of ability when Mareeta's Major Holy Blood means her skills with the blade are naturally superior to her "great aunt" 's skills I still think there's something that's missing.
It's as if we had Reinhardt throw better spells/be stronger at Thunder Magic than Peak!Ishtar, or worse, Azelle on a pony teaching FE5!Saias how to throw fire spells.
It's just, not possible in the Jugdral verse, because Jugdral verse is pretty inequitable and major HB people are cheat codes compared to minor HB people or non HB people. Now with that being said, the story is about what those people with magic blood that are cheat codes do and if they use their powers for good or stupid things. It's not about Midayle finally showing Aidean that his skills with a bow are superior to her sister's so now, he is finally strong enough to protect her from Verdane ruffians.
But after Fodlan's false "yeah but crests aren't the alpha and omega and yet i'm never going to tell you what they do because otherwise my excuse for worldbuildling falls apart", I wouldn't be surprised if Jamke, in a support, would teach Bridget how to use a bow.
So yeah, it's better not to have any remakes.
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randomnameless · 6 years
CHAPTER 10 - Perlucos to Chronos!
Seliph’s going to rescue those children while no one cares about Julia! A shame in this bout where siblings talk to each other while an aunt bonds with her niece!
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First, someone useless promotes. Is he going to be more useful now? IDK.
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Lana can finally fight! Look at that 11 def from Duchess Dozel. Wonderful?
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Arthur had to get a pony for this chapter, because there’s going to be some serious Hilda slayin’ in it.
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At a leisurely pace? Aw, he is procrastinating on his “hunt children” duty. Maybe he is a good guy deep inside.
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Oh, so here it’s father-in-law, so yep, talking about the dear departed Reptor! they didn’t murder him you could have asked aida she’d have known who truly backstabbed the monocle man but she isn’t here anymore
Hilda wants to avenge her family, just like our heroes! If she didn’t order a bunch of children to be captured/killed 20 lines before i’d be more sympathetic to her but...
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Holy crap, are you going to pull a Mjolnir ?
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Ares has none of this nonsense. After all, he still has to avenge Eldie!
Wait, that was anticlimatic. Let’s use a Naga’s wheel.
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In a new reality, Leif talks to his 3rd sister, the only bio sister though.
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He has doubts. Look at him.
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“Here to do what I can” - Alty was actually thinking about her first bro, the non-biological one.
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“someone” how rude Leif! It was Julius, you know, the guy who rewarps around! Granted, even in FE5, Leif never saw Julius. he’d think it’s Salem cosplaying or Saias who’s shrunk
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At least Leif knows what is Julius’ title. Maybe Finn taught him. Note how Julius tries to make friends, he saves them from a certain death! “that’s how you recruit people in Fire Emblem, isn’t it?”
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Well, you were going to kill their leader, so yay, Arion might be a little sour and send his troops after us.
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More EXP for Lester? “but he already promoted!”
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Help him with a bow/lance/sword/magic through the guts? Remember Leif, in Seliph’s gang, we only kill, we don’t capture.
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“surely” oh Leif that’s not how you cheer someone up!
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Look, he is trying to play the good brother again!
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I don’t know how you’ll manage that Leif. Postwar!Alty is in a world of grief!
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As honest as Seliph can when his wife is cheering - naturally it ended with a crit.
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Crawling? Well, she doesn’t have a pony, but that doesn’t mean she’s crawling!
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Ingrate is, i’d say, an appropriate term. Not to say Hilda is right, of course, but maybe in her POV she “raised” Tine, gave allowed her, idk, food, a status and some lessons in magic, something that, say, Danan would never have done for Lex’s kids. But Tine has the nerve to turn against them, how dare she?
(not taken in Hilda’s POV : Tine watched her mama tortured to death, and i’m not sure she was given anything by Hilda or if Hilda allowed Blume to “give” her things and play with the Ish siblings)
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See? You can’t brag about having tormented her mom while expecting her to be grateful! 
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Granted, Tine needed a lot of help to fight here.
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Is she really in hell? Some say she ended up in an ice coffin, waiting for the day when Claude will sacrifice himself to let her live anew
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Tine’s achievement of the day : managing to make Hilda retreat.
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But she stole her tome! Ha, take that!
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I love those Loptyr battle quotes. Maybe there’s a special kind of module where you learn how to sound dramatic before fighting?
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Sadly he didn’t take the “death quote” option.
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Okay, said Lene. “I need money for my dolt husband, his HW costs a lot to repair!”
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Why Loptyr needs children ? Is is something like Medeus in FE3 who needed to eat princesses or something else entirely?
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Of course! Patty could never abandon children, she used to take care of an orphanage you know?
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You’re welcome!
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Meanwhile, Faval scores with the Ishtar shabby look-alike. With this, Freege and Jungby are united! Yay?
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??? I thought Miletos was in deep shit since the beginning? Maybe it was some kind of other deep shit, like Hilda Hilda’ing people she didn’t like, but nothing like sacrificing children?
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Loptyr isn’t a devil, he is a dragon!
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Thank you, said Alty. It’s completely useless for me, but thanks still.
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15 years? Even after they got their OP Holy Weapons? Dudes, were they all foot units or what?
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Even Verdane!
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Glory to him! I swear in this game it might be the 2nd or 3rd time I heard Heim’s name. I mean, he is the hero who rekt’d Loptyr/Galle!
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If only we had a descendant of Heim around... I mean, we still have a Baldo Crusader, so he is going to save the world, right? Right?
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It reminds her of the few good times she had torturing Tailte!
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At least, no gendered slurs here, and i’m thankful for that or any “how could a woman do that” nonsense. 
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Strong and Deedee? It never worked together Shanan, say it, he is really Siggy’s son. Deedee’s just here to give him fluffy hair and some res, that’s all! Siggy’s where the boy got all of his stats!
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I love this part, because yes, Seliph is Isaachian at heart. Fig Granvalle, their new Emperor is Isaachian, despite his pedigree saying the contrary.
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Don’t put the cart before the horses Seliph. Shanan has a HW, you don’t, so there’s nothing to lend, save, maybe, for your horse.
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Oh, maybe Shanan was thinking “look Siggy, i’ve done a great job, your son doesn’t suck anymore” and felt proud/nostalgic, because he’d have wanted Siggy to see how a good man is lil’Seliph became.
Don’t worry Shanan, ghost!Siggy is listening!
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Of course he care, what kind of shit kid doesn’t care about his caretaker when he grows up and inherits some piece of land from people he never knew/cared about?
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:’( RIP civilians.
Granted, knowing how that man/dragon is full of BS, his “I hear” doesn’t sound convincing. Maybe everyone ran away because someone with his army came to besiege the city?
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... We have to fight this war to the end to kill more Morrigans, is that it?
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Weren’t the Mairists part of the Loptyr Empire too a long time ago?
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