#remake of an old vid i did!
galaxysketches · 4 months
volo goes to court
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kenny-the-blink · 8 months
My gacha life roots are grabbing at me
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sparkypremium · 2 months
remake of my most popular vid hdj
old ver:
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ackee · 2 years
OKAY REMAKING MY LONG VIDEO ESSAYIST POST!! everyones free to add on more long video essayists/people you watch bc im always looking for more to put on in the bg as i draw 😤
f.d. signifier: reviews and analyzes black media
kennie jd: reviews bad movies, etc. honestly her vids are more 30 min ish, but she’s funny and i love her
quinton reviews: the 5 hr icarly vid. need i say more
super eyepatch wolf: did that vid on undertale aus/community lol
defunctland: extinct theme parks/other theme park tings
cj the x: video essays on who knows what but has made a few vids that have drastically changed my relationship with art (in a good way!)
the right opinion: well. he has the right opinion
sagan hawkes: horror games it seems
literally just this one video on the animation of sonic games
nezumi va: long ass vids about danganronpa!! (and sonic sometimes?) has one on underedtale too
jordan fringe: all about old cartoons/shows, sometimes does 1+ hr retrospectives
shanspeare: various topics like shows, pop culture, internet topics
colleen's manga recs: bit on the shorter side usually but talks abt shoujo manga
izzzyzzz: deep dives into obscure games, dolls, and other internet phenomenon
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rediscooler · 12 days
This is an animation meme i made (old art style) (maybe i’ll remake it)
I thought i did so well on it only for it to COMPLETELY FLOP *sobs in the corner of my room* ;-;
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Maybe subscribe to my yt while you're watching the vid /nf
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writebackatya · 11 months
1, 7, and 11 for Let’s All Go to the Movies!.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I’m pretty sure the idea of how I wanted to write this story came to me when I saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, specifically during the trailers. When the trailer for the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid I just remembered being in such “Ugh, I am so sick of these lazy remakes Disney has been churning out, this’ll probably suck” but in the middle of that thought I remember hearing excited gasps from various children throughout the theater who were all just so genuinely excited for that movie. All of a sudden I began to think about just how cynical I am now compared to when I was around that age. I guess I just really wanted to capture that feeling of being in a movie theater when you’re adult vs. when you were a child
And for the record, I have seen the live action remake of The Little Mermaid and I liked it! Ariel and Eric’s relationship was the best part imo, Halle Bailey is wonderful as Ariel, I enjoyed the songs they added, Mellisa McCarthy and Awkwafina do a great job at their parts, but the underwater scenes can be awkward at times, Flounder’s role seems lesser than the animated one, the new Sebastian just didn’t do it for me, and the King Triton and Ariel relationship just isn’t even close to being as good as the original.
7: Where did the title come from?
The title comes from a Ben Schwartz quote, actually! My first exposure to Ben Schwartz was back in the day when he’d appear in CollegeHumor videos, more specifically the Jake & Amir ones. In the Jake & Amir episode Movie Date Part 1, Ben Schwartz appears as a movie theater usher Jake and Amir never met before with the ordinary name, Sulu Candles. In his entrance he sings a song which is a parody of the old movie theater song Let’s All Go to the Lobby. The song starts at 30 seconds into the video, be warned there are plenty of adult jokes in the rest of the vids
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I had a lot of fun putting in nods/references/cameos from Disney, taking shots at Disney, parodying superhero movies, making up the Black Cauldron trailer, and putting all the continuity nods from the DuckTales show, but I guess at the end of the day I’d say the Dewey and Gandra stuff is what I’m most proud of
It’s a dynamic that I wish we would’ve seen more of in the show and I think I do a decent job capturing it. I just like how this whole dynamic started in my head with “This is how he’d get on her nerves” and then eventually I found something that I think is rather sweet. I don’t know, I just love when had Gandra call Dewey “bud” near the end
The other characters are great in the story too. Love Webby, Fenton, and Gosalyn. And I wanted to give those three plenty to do and memorable moments as well
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nancysacc · 11 months
Old cosplay (Lilya cosplay yuhhh!! Might redo it tho but maybe not I feel like annoying whenever I remake a cosplay lolll anyways god I love Lilya sm idk why but like I just wanna give her a biggg very big hug idc if she don’t like it I just feel so bad for her I just wanna hug her<\3) (fun fact I did find a rat in my slippers that I was wearing during this vid😭)
I just noticed I literally cosplayed sm pafl characters might post the Yana cosplay I did like 2 years ago that was my first pafl cosplay lol but idk
Sorry for the bad cosplays I literally suck at cosplay 👍🏻‼️‼️
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altocat · 2 years
I'm not entirely sure what I'm gonna say is accurate but I'm just gonna say it anyway:
Sephiroth literally pulled a "Multiverse of Madness" move on the entire FF7 universe
(Consider that Zack came back at the end and Aerith seems more different)
It's a possible theory I know from a analysis FF7 Remake vid in my country. Apparently at the aftermath of Advent Children, Sephiroth somehow sent his current conscious back to his past version (Aerith did the same) and the timeline went wacky from there and then,to summarize it and put it easy to understand
I'm of this mindset as well. Sephiroth's wing doesn't appear until Advent Children and when he reveals it in Remake, the game sort of seems to make a big spooky deal out of it.
So I'm pretty sure it's the same Sephiroth from the old timeline. Or a variation of him. The one at the Edge of Creation seemed curiously a lot more mysterious and less malicious. It could very well be possible that Sephiroth might not be the Big Bad after all, possibly even sane again. But I'm not sure. I won't be upset if he's still up to something devious because that's just how he is. But it's still pretty interesting.
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ximeria · 2 years
The year in review.
I guess one could say that LOL
2022 has been up and down in many ways, stagnation in other ways. It's honestly an ongoing thing to see if I can get the downs up and the stagnation to move.
Downs: I don't feel I'm creating much anymore, but it's mainly because I have too many hobbies for me to feel I ceate enough in any of them. There's a Danish saying: Mange bække små, which means 'many small streams (make a river when put together).
Solution: Kick my butt repeatedly and realise that I do in fact create, but its across so many types of media and platforms, that each feels like a small island - or aptly: a small single stream, disconnected from the whole..
Solution to not feeling like I create enough, I think, I want to try something new in 2023. I am not talking about views, clicks, kudos, comments or such. I have been in fandom for too many years to truly care? If that makes sense. It used to be about the comments, the interaction, then it became statistics and kudos. Which I feel a lot of fanfic writers are far too focused on. Hey, I could make a vid on that, that would cover another of my myriad of hobbies LOL.
So the new thing? If I can follow through on it, I'd like to try to string some of it together.
a. Tumblr: it's fun and games but can be used to link to other platform content.
b. Twitter: Ahahahahaha the dumpster fire is on fire. I use it occasionally, but that's about it.
c. Twitch: The one that has come closest to give me the kind of interaction I used to enjoy on platforms such as LJ and YahooGroups (yes, I'm that old, suck it up). I am part of a small community on Twitch (one of serveral, but this one is closer to my heart). I fire up a stream appx 3 times a week, none of it is major, new games (or if it is, it is rare and has some connection to our interests). I do not stream to get big, I do not stream to get followers or make money. I stream because the absolute gremlin energy in chat sometimes is amazing and fun. And when I say that, one might worry that it can't be controlled. I have mods, we mod for each others' streams. The mods are by far the biggest gremlins and I wouldn't have it any other way.
So stringing it all together? Well, I think I'll try to get better at putting schedules up on Twitter and Tumblr, and to share silly little shorts/clips. Because we do have fun and honestly, as long as you play nice and are open to the silliness we get up to, who cares?
And to top it all off, I am still in two minds about whether or not I want to cut my VODS from twitch before putting them on Youtube. So far, my Breath of the Wild ones are uncut and they are just there for anyone who might want to use something like 3-5 hours being entertained by my chat being a bunch of trolls and me blowing shit up/sniping enemies with bow and arrow or just puttering about, cussing at the enemies and looking for Korok seeds (or bridge trolls as some of the Koroks have been renamed by chat). We have a quote bot that gets all sorts of stupid stuff added regularly and most of it none of us can remember the context of, but it doesn't make it any less funny.
So you may ask, what do I stream? I stream mainly what I also write in: The Legend of Zelda - most of the time, Breath of the Wild. I run that as Saturday morning chill stream, meandering my way towards 100% the game, but marked as a slowrun because I have to pace myself - Tears of the Kingdom isn't out until May 12th. And even then, I'll not stream that one right off the bat. I want that one to myself, on the couch with my feet up and no other interaction than with the game.
Then there is the mayhem that is Sunday streams. Those are classic/older Zelda titles. It's lovingly also dubbed the scream stream, because I did Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask and both stressed me out like crazy. Currently I am doing A Link Between worlds. (If we go back through the year, I also managed Wind Waker HD, Remake Link's Awakening).
Thursdays fluctuate, but for the time being they are labelled Throwback Thursday - I started out with Grim Fandango, then did Douglas Adams' Starship Titanic and this coming Thursday, I'll be starting the Monkey Island series. It means odd graphics, weird games but ones that have a certain amount of nostalgia for me, for the community and for anyone who might wander by the channel.
And I can honestly say I am enjoying the hell out it. I have found people who became regulars who became friends and are now either streaming themselves or planning to do so. It costs nothing to leave a follow (save perhaps your sanity) and it's entertainment to some of us LOL.
Writing: Yeah. That. I felt I was slowing down, but honestly, I just write longer stories rather than shorter ones and while I do have the occasional writer's block, I still get ideas, I still enjoy writing. I'd just like more than 24H in a day cycle. That's all LOL.
2022 had me only posting 1 story, but one of 67K but I have the drafts for 2 in my GDocs and one needs a heavy revision while the other one I only just handed over to my beta reader. The one that needs the heavy revisions is also 60K+ words while the one I just handed over yesterday is around 20K. So I am writing, just not as much as I used to. That being said, if you guys could see my Trello… XD. I use trello to keep track of ideas or the ideas would either disappear or crush me under their weight. So 2023, my dear new year, I'd like to get some of them marked done ;)
So to all of you out there, hope you have had a lovely new year and I'll hopefully be crossing paths with you in strange places through 2023 ;)
For those interested, the following links are where I lose myself in the fun ;)
And I'll leave you with some shenanigans from the last stream I did before heading off on my holiday.
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crimsonxe · 1 month
So I did a YT search on FF7R today cause of hearing about the whole potential shift to Unreal Engine 5 thing and got a rant with spoilers for Rebirth that is referenced by certain people below the cut:
The "Aerith must die" death-cult shitlords just legit can't help their damn selves. Just saw a vid of someone not just pushing against the idea of Aerith living via multiverse or even in some ascended state; nah that's undoubtedly not far enough. No, they're pushing for her to be wiped out of existence canonically within the universe. Truly these disgusting bastards just will never stop showing just how little they fucking understand the message of FF7, while also just how much of inhuman edgelord shitbags they are. Worst thing is this shitbag trying to paint it as a shipping thing vs. y'know a story thing. I've already mentioned repeatedly how annoying it is that even in the hopefully/likely formed branches during Rebirth's ending that one of them was supposed to be OG one to check off that box; while in another Cloud succeeding in deflecting the attack on Aerith; because her death already was focused on in OG and everything about the R series was running against it including that Aerith's living or dying has little to NO impact on the story going forward. Her Holy didn't stop Meteor, the Lifestream had to rise up to do that; even that didn't truly stop Sephiroth or Jenova as shown in Advent Children with Geo-stigma. So having her live has no issue in general but especially within a multiverse. That isn't tied into shipping (which even on that front this douche fully means Cloud x each cause he wouldn't even have a thought of Aerti), but in seeing the elements within the universe and not being a death obsessed edgelord/shitlord craving the death of a character cause your sadsack pathetic disgusting ass view of the world is that cynical/nihilistic/jaded. Though this particular douchebag is also clueless in realizing how ofc his audience that watches him, thus would be aligned to him is going to vote in accordance with him in his poll. Its not at all reflective of what the general audience wants as has been shown via an actual poll done that showed a majority of people wanting an option of Aerith living.
But it did re-ignite the fire that'd admittedly cooled, cause there's a long wait to part 3 and it can't run full-blaze the whole time till then, pushing/shouting/yelling for the writers and crew of FF7R project to tell those people to fuck off and to deliver the true message of FF7 that is NOT death obsessed. One that shows that shows that slots in a "fuck fate" and that lives should be fought for, rather than just acceptance of death that is unavoidable. Also that actually utilizes the multiverse, rather than recycling old ass story that's already been told. Hell I've easily stuck to what I've said before in how I will NEVER watch Rebirth's ending again, unless part 3 does have Aerith survive in a branch or ascended to a new level of existence; while Remake's ending I've seen many MANY times.
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veritymysticmagic · 8 months
Squeeenix vent post thingy
Ok this is just a ah let me complain sorta post about how bad Square Enix is. I'm sure this will just piss of all the Square Enix fanboys lol
Now I will say every game dev has problems. Some more than others (I'm looking at you Atlus) but seriously Square Enix has soooooo many and it feels that alot of people, news outlets included, bend over backwards and do back flips to defend the studio.
They don't need your money and honestly they are the AAA game you're complaining about.
This list may change as I gather more info or hear more bs
Enix has stated several times that NFT gaming is the future, like you have to purchase your game as an NFT?? Like in an era where cloud services are trying to not let you own the game (DRM free discussion is a whole other thing) Square Enix is literally going full into it.
GOD AWFUL PORTS. For every one good port they have there are like four god awful ones. Remember the FF mobile ports? They were literally the best ports until the more recent remake ones. Secret of Mana? Awful port. Oh can we get a remaster of Chrono Trigger? Nah. (aside but Nintendo spearheading the remaster of Mario RPG was a very wise decision because Nintendo has a much better track record with remasters)
Pandering to "fanboys" by adding and CHANGING Cloud and Sephiroth in EVERYTHING. I get it FF7 is a very magical game. It was one of the first jrpgs I ever played back on the original PC (a story for another time) but the changes they did to Cloud to make him more edgy and appealing is just gross. Now they are making a Sephiroth game which ok but... it really weakens him as the main villain idk. Also the lack of anything for their other games really sucks. Which leads to the next point...
An immediate reversal of an old studio decision that coincides with what I think is the steady decline of the FF series. (my source here is Final Fantasy Union on youtube - great vids btw) Originally the rule was that no game story should be reused in another product ie. no side games. The reasoning was to ensure each game was its own product and not riding on what the fans want. This was until that developer left after the development of FFX. Once he left they immediately made X-2 a side game. Literally pandering to the fans. Yes this led to a better Final Fantasy movie in Advent Children (as opposed to The Spirits Within) but I honestly think this is the turning point of the FF games going into decline. Yes while 14 is considered incredibly amazing and yes it is good, the rest I feel have departed further and further from the original 10 FF games. This goes on to my next point
(eh may not be a negative) The change in Final Fantasy going from turn based JRPG to action based JRPG to just trashing that style and going straight into the DMC studio's style of game - ie Final Fantasy 16. I am of the opinion that the action based JRPG is not great as it tries to be two different systems at once. Yes Xenoblade does a great job of this but it may just be one of the few outliers. This has not been a JRPG style that has led to a lot of great games - if anything it feels like a one or two series and done sorta mechanic. And to the FF team's credit they immediately jumped away from it for FF16. What I don't like is that it kinda removes FF from its identity. Though this may be seen as a positive instead of a negative
Cloud Save PC ports. I am so sorry Kingdom Hearts 3 you don't deserve it. Speaking of Kingdom Hearts
Purposefully confusing story so that you buy more low effort media related to said story. Kingdom Hearts, FF 15, FF13, etc. etc. All of these games have purposefully confusing lore so that you want to buy more media to get more info. And usually this media is in the form of quick games, web books, dlc, and so on. Whether or not this extra media means anything or is any good is questionable and are usually only purchased by the die hards.
RELEASING AN INCOMPLETE GAME. Ok seriously this is the meat and potatoes and it all revolves around Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Rebirth. Yes that game. Yes the game that we have waited DECADES for. And I being a fan of the original Final Fantasy 7, I who went through the streets of Midgar and saw Jenova for the first time - was utterly disappointed. A game with that much anticipation and yet it was split into a TRILOGY to milk it for all its worth. As of right now what we have in FF7 Remake is just the first half of DISC 1 OF 3 from the original game. And yet this is ok? Its ok to remaster a game and not release the whole thing?? And it hasn't been a short wait. It has been 4 YEARS FOR THE SECOND TRILOGY GAME. Based on this that means we will need to wait 8 YEARS TO GET A GAME THAT IS ESENTIALLY A SUPER REMAKE. And honestly it did not get all things right. My greatest disappointment in the game is the change in how Jenova was presented to us. It is a shocking scene in the original game and to be honest it influences me as a writer to this day - it is completely stripped from FF7 Remake. Now you could say oh but Remake is a complete game, and Rebirth is a full other game. Its long enough to be considered a full game. But just the fact that it is a known and anticipated remake but not the full game disappoints me - and the fans who are waiting for the full game to just come out at a discounted price (btw this is exactly what happened when Kingdom Hearts came out as a pack deal). Meanwhile the fans who want the game at release are paying at least $60 x3 to get this game. That's a $180 game split into three. I bet the instant the whole game is released it will be in a pack deal for $80 and get even lower due to Steam sales. Also hilarious that they had to remaster a remaster by adding an interlude (FF 7 Remake Intergrade)
Now not everything at Square Enix is bad. Actually they did make some decent decisions such as
Leaving Dragon Quest TF ALONE. Unlike Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest does not have the issue of too many pander-y side games. Infact they have a great legacy of side games that are just solid (DQ Monsters, etc.)
Decent support but also not enough advertisement of their other IPs - They have alot of IPs that just fade into obscurity despite being good (Octopath Traveler, SaGa, the latter Life is Strange games) However these IPs suffer from poor ports or poor optimization (mentioned above under ports)
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biolizardboils · 3 years
head’s still full of Mother EarthBound Thoughts so im gonna spill some here. (warning this’ll be super messy and also contain big honkin’ spoilers for all three games)
for context i played and beat EarthBound after it came out on Wii U, then Mother 3 in 2015. i tried Mother 1/Beginnings at some point, but sadly my immunity to Old Game Jank doesn’t extend past the mid-90's. im a relatively young Mom Fan is what im trying to say here
i havent seen anyone here talk about the vid they put out for the Switch ports?? pls watch it its so cute and in-line with the games’ humor! lets all get to know Ness!!
im still watching Curiomatic’s Mother 3 vid daily and im still noticing new details and shit. and their website's so good too?? felt!Boney has my whole heart
my brain's been on fire imagining how the other two games would look in the same style. and like. it feels criminal to ask so soon after 1 and 2 got Switch ports, but a full 3-games-in-1 remake would be so good for the series for two big reasons:
1. it could fix 1/Beginnings' Jank and tighten its translation, bringing it in line with the other two, and
2. its the one situation i can think of that would force Nintendo to localize 3. like can you imagine if they remade the whole series and then left it in Japan?? people would have their heads!
not to mention a game with a modern 3D engine would be leagues easier to edit than the sprite-based original. cus while im scared of NoA over-censoring the game as much as the next guy, there are a few things in it that could’ve been done more sensitively, and that altering wouldn’t harm the plot if done right. i doubt i need to name specifics
also on the selfish side, i just wanna know what would change in terms of visual design. i wanna see all the enemies move in battle and Pippi with beady eyes like everyone else and how they’d officially differentiate Ninten’s design from Ness’s, and most of all i REALLY wanna see official art of Beginnings!Giygas. i wish to grasp his true form so bad it makes me look stupid
not that i dont like the fandom’s agreed-on designs!! far from it, i love them!! like Giygas having red-and-black eyes as foreshadowing is genius and whoever first came up with it deserves an award
i made a party playlist in case 3 ever got localized back when i was more hopeful about it. how far back, you may ask? i included this unironically. that far lmao
one of my fave things about the series is how, despite being made in Japan, it pays homage to so many distinctly Western pop-cultural concepts that it’s instantly nostalgic to the average English-speaker. the Spielbergian coming-of-age film, the dot-eyed yet contemplative comic strip, the kitschy B-movie monsters, the King-esque entities conveying the loss of innocence, the pairing of psychedelia with an insistence on peace over war. for a funny parody of America, it’s fascinating how right it feels at the emotional level.
speaking of psychedelia, i wanna plug this amazing prog rock cover album that deserves more love. like holy shit, youd think this is how some of these songs were always meant to be played. ive never had a drug trip cus im terrified of messing up set and setting, but to have my first while hearing this played live would probably feel beautiful
speaking of more psychedelia, last month i thought Polka Dot Tail by Ween sounded super familiar, and i just realized why: it sounds like Magicant (the second one). i might try to make a mashup later idk
ive been meaning to watch a vlog of Camp Fangamer’s EarthBound Bash 2015 for years and this week i finally did it! shit looked like so much fun, and i cant think of another game series that’d make for such an immersive event. i could only find one extended video of the Mother 3 bash they did a year later, but it seems like an equally transformative event, if not more despite Lucas being a mannequin
listen....i know people have done the math and ruled it out as a possibility....but i still really like the idea of Ninten and Ana being Ness’s parents. i just think its cute and neat and also opens up some opportunities for angst (something something the fear of your kids inheriting your personal battles)
bonus points for Lloyd being Dr. Andonuts cus i think itd be funny if he was the only character to appear in all three games
while im here confessing my fan sins, lemme add that i treat Smash Bros as canon cus it gave the world such gems as Ness’s eyes being purple and Boney having leg warmer fur
man i remember first seeing Porky in Subspace and thinking he was trapped in the spider-mech thing and i had to free him.... ah, the innocence of youth
removing Lucas from Sm4sh was a bitch move but the trailer when they put him back was honestly SO worth it. like him returning Ness’s favor from Subspace?? everyone noticing he smiled more and being so proud of him?? that was the best day of my life
speaking of bitch moves im still confused by how u get Claus, Hinawa and the Masked Man’s spirits in World of Light. like what the fuck did Nintendo mean by that shit. their placement and the fights themselves are such a specific gut-punch that its hilarious. killing two gods wont bring Claus back
but also its...nice to think that Lucas got a chance to see them again. like maybe one of the other fighters who knew his deal freed them and brought them to him, and everyone let them have a moment before they fought Galeem and Dharkon. imagine Claus being all “told ya we’d meet again someday :’) let’s go beat up that angel thing together!”
also cus Smash made me so used to it, i refer to all PSI moves as PK. even the ones that are PSI in both languages, like Magnet. PK Sue me
so like... im a twin. my sister and i love each other more than anything. we played 3 together, and quickly agreed that i was the Lucas to her Claus. what happens between them in the game is my absolute worst fear. ive had nightmares since childhood with the same basic theme -- losing her to a decision i can't sway her from -- so the final boss and the "hasty brother" line after gutted us. when youre literally linked from birth, it's hard to imagine life without, and even harder to prepare for the possibility. this game forced us to do so, and it hurt like hell, but it strengthened our bond in the process.
theres already a hundred essays about it but i love how 3′s ending manages to reflect every player’s wishes. everyone’s got their own idea of what Lucas wished for, so here’s mine:
the entire planet was purified and made habitable again
all the Chimeras were split into their original animals (but some of them chose to be friends still, so there’s at least one kangaroo and one shark that hang out often)
everyone that Porky abducted from other time periods were sent back with their memories intact (so Dr. Andonuts gets to be with Jeff again and is also less likely to be employed by another asshat)
im one of those people who thinks Lucas didn’t revive anyone who died, because it doesn’t feel right after the characters spent three years coping with it. (all the power to people who disagree tho, it’s all cool!) instead, i think he wished for a new place to honor everyone they lost, resulting in a beautiful new cemetery hidden in the sunflower field outside Tazmily. strangely, it contains lots of gravestones that no one recognizes; one with a haiku written on it, ten crosses lined up in two rows of five, even one the size of a bug; and at the very back, a swirling metal statue engraved in an alien language, lying between two stones marked “XX”.
and finally, i think Lucas wished to meet whatever force was looking after his world all this time, so he could thank them personally... and thats how you, the player, ended up in the game :)
im still utterly charmed by the image of the player, struck blind from being pulled into another world, being lead by the hand (and pokes in the back) to meet Lucas,,, like its okay sweetie you can say goodbye as many times as you need, im so goddamn proud of you!!! ill see you in Smash okay???
i think thats everything i wanna say? uhhh heres a fanmix i made six years ago
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skydreamplayzz · 2 years
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[its a Remake of some drawings i made in the past. The original Vid[a vid on tik tok] has More pictures but im too lazy now. While i drew this i amlost died of cringe because i looked at my old drawing🧍] i was lazy on the Wolf.
Why did i make my fav animal die again..well He killed it- but it was an "accident".
Hes Not used to kill someone. Exept in the genocide Route Killing frisk but because hes already kinda crazy [Not kinda really insane-] when frisk gets to him he forgets it or it just dosent matter for him anymore. He gets More insane/crazy as More frisk kills monsters. And in the end he isnt really himself anymore. But only in genocide Routes. Neutral ones just a little but still has control over his actions. 🌳
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growsagain · 2 years
Kinkbomb Issues - Cryptocurrency and NOT PAYING STUDIOS
I already spent half an hour crafting a well-balanced post about this and then tumblr freaked out and totally reloaded the page without warning and I lost the whole thing so expect me to be more savage this time.
Basically Kinkbomb - with whom I’ve had my studio for the last 5 years - lost their CC provider on 25th March. They did not inform studios of this. I found out because I was checking their Twitter to see if there was a reason studios hadn’t been paid. The amount i’m owed would basically cover 2 weeks of food for both Luce and myself. it means I can’t cover two bills that I rely on that money for each month, it might not be a big amount compared to some studios but I make very little money in the first place so the £200-£400 I make per month from legacy sales is vital. I was relying on this to make a living wage again after the move after scrambling for scraps for years.
I have huge sympathy for KB’s credit card issues. The increasingly Orwellian approach to the internet makes it harder and harder for adult sites to thrive. Many other clip companies have bitten the dust over the years, leaving studios hundreds of dollars out of pocket, or more. When clipvia went down they owed me around $800 (I was their top rated studio at the time and they’d generally been pretty good about paying me and the other studios that kept the lights on but I know I was one of the lucky ones)
I want to see KB come back from this, I want to see them get a new cc provider, pay all the studios what they’re owed and come back fighting. Until then I’m going to be uploading all new belly-related videos to Patreon only. I’m also happy to sell a single new vids one-to-one.
Please note: I do NOT have access to my old videos which are on kinkbomb. I found a small handful on an old google drive and there may be a FEW of my early videos on an old hard drive that’s currently inaccessible but most of them I do not have, *please* don’t ask, it’s heartbreaking to have to keep saying no. Any I *do* find i’ll gradually make available, either through Patreon or to sell one-to-one, until I have a better solution in place.
I don’t have current photo ID and it will take a couple of months to sort that out but when I do i’ll likely start an OF too. but Patreon is where I want to focus my efforts for the moment and will be doing a test run of the full GG set-up, wig, make up et al, over Easter ahead of making some new vids next week. I’m planning on starting by remaking my first ever video, in which I drank 2 litres of Pepsi!
I was a lot more eloquent than this the first time around but I don’t have the patience to do that again. KB is screwing over its studios - all we want is some transparency, to keep us in the loop. 
You can support me on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/gurglegoddess
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loish · 5 years
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I stumbled upon an old drawing that I made in 2001 (when I was 15) and people said I should remake it, so I did ~ 
Full process video is available through my patreon ~  For just $5 a month you get step by steps, sketchbook tours and process vids! https://patreon.com/loish
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if you could pick one solo video for phil to remake what would you pick and why? you know the drill- pass it on!
fuck i forgot i technically became a dnp blog with the name this is so funny akvdsjdbdjfbfb
he did a lot of stuff that he probably had to filter through a het lens so stuff that he could redo with more transparency like reviewing old chat logs or it’s not a solo vid but i fucking love the video with his mum and they could do that again without having that filter idk if that makes sense i’m just a slut for authenticity. and gay shit. that’s all i got.
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