#religious conflict resolution
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peacetalks · 2 years ago
The underlying religious conflicts
Clarification: You were probably appalled - and rightly so - by my mistake in the wording that made it sound like there was anger towards Islam in the original Bibles, written in earlier centuries. It was a mistake to extend the ancestral disputes to modern Islam, because the religion changed the course of history. I apologize.
توضيح: لقد شعرتم بالذهول على الأرجح - وهذا صحيح - لكن خطئي في الصياغة التي جعلت الأمر يبدو وكأن هناك غضبًا تجاه الإسلام في الأناجيل الأصلية ، المكتوبة في القرون السابقة. . كان من الخطأ أن امتد نزاعات الأجداد إلى الإسلام الحديث ، لأن الدين غيّر مجرى التاريخ. أنا أعتذر.
Thank you to google for the improved help with translations. I work with the program through translating and re-translating so that we learn together to improve the accuracy of writing through the language barriers.
شكرًا لجوجل على المساعدة المحسّنة في الترجمات. أنا أعمل مع البرنامج من خلال الترجمة وإعادة الترجمة حتى نتعلم معًا لتحسين دقة الكتابة من خلال حواجز اللغة.
Most of our media in recent months has been glossing over the underlying religious conflicts in the conflicts perpetuated today.
From the perspective of an avid reader of The Bibles, I offer this:
"God" and "Lord" usually refer to human leaders in these books, but science has left many questions of power and magic in the Bibles wide-open to interpretation and imagination. There is tremendous conflation between the generations of leaders in the Bible.There is much that encourages good behavior, in powerful words, in these books, so I value them highly. There is much that promotes conflict and prejudice too, so they must be read with the grain of salt of any attempt at history. Without the same amount of study time in my life devoted to reading the Quran, I hesitate to make wide-arcing statements about it, but I wonder if the people of Islam have found similar patterns in their literature? In my recent readings, I see much anger in both sets of literature toward one another, and tremendous variation in what "the people of Israel" means at different times in both tomes. The cultural traditions passed down by religion keep us reminded and attached to the depth and meaning of history and life n ways that no other literature does, We need that sorely when political solutions sink into despondency and rhetoric, but we are still reading works charged by the violence and struggles of our ancestors, whose lives and communication systems and tribulations are vastly different from our own. Can we as a society--all the people of Earth--acknowledge that we do not understand our ancestors all that well, that they move us and their stories change us, but that we have determined most people in most other cultures to be good and moral beings who have learned a rather different set of historical trends and tendencies than us? Can we step back and realize that Darwin described important aspects of evolution but sent us down a path of further conflict by emphasizing intense competition and overlooking the fundamentals of cooperation in a social species? Please, please, remember how many of the "facts" we were taught as youths look entirely different with time and reassessment. What stands is that people all over Earth eagerly seek peace and reconciliation.
Thank you, each and every person giving time and patience to a better existence for all.
كانت معظم وسائل الإعلام لدينا في الأشهر الأخيرة تتستر على الصراعات الدينية الكامنة في الصراعات المستمرة اليوم.
من وجهة نظر قارئ نهم للكتاب المقدس ، أقدم ما يلي:
عادة ما يشير مصطلح "الله" و "الرب" إلى القادة البشريين في هذين الكتابين ، لكن العلم ترك العديد من أسئلة القوة والسحر في الكتاب المقدس مفتوحة على مصراعيها للتفسير والخيال. هناك خلط هائل بين أجيال القادة في الكتاب المقدس. هناك الكثير مما يشجع على السلوك الجيد ، بكلمات قوية ، وهذه الكتب ، لذلك أنا أقدرها تقديراً عالياً. هناك الكثير مما يروج للنزاع والتحيز أيضًا ، لذا يجب قراءتها بحذر من أي محاولة للتاريخ. بدون نفس القدر من وقت الدراسة في حياتي المخصص لقراءة القرآن ، أتردد في الإدلاء بتصريحات واسعة حوله ، لكنني أتساءل عما إذا كان أهل الإسلام قد وجدوا أنماطًا مماثلة في أدبهم؟ في قراءاتي الأخيرة ، أرى الكثير من الغضب في كلا المجموعتين من الأدبيات تجاه بعضهما البعض ، وتباينًا هائلاً في ما يعنيه "شعب إسرائيل" وما يعنيه ودلالاته في أوقات مختلفة في كلا المجلدين. إن التقاليد الثقافية التي يورثها الدين تجعلنا نتذكر ونعلق بعمق ومعنى التاريخ والحياة بطرق لا يفعلها أي أدب آخر ، فنحن بحاجة ماسة إلى ذلك عندما تغرق الحلول السياسية في اليأس وا
ما زلنا نقرأ أعمالاً مشحونة بعنف ونضالات أسلافنا ، الذين تختلف حياتهم وأنظمة اتصالاتهم ومحنهم اختلافًا كبيرًا عن حياتنا. هل يمكننا كمجتمع - جميع سكان الأرض - أن نعترف بأننا لا نفهم أسلافنا جيدًا ، وأنهم يحركوننا وتغيرنا قصصهم ، لكننا قررنا أن معظم الناس في معظم الثقافات الأخرى جيدون والكائنات الأخلاقية التي تعلمت مجموعة مختلفة من الاتجاهات والاتجاهات التاريخية عنا؟ هل يمكننا التراجع وإدراك أن داروين وصف جوانب مهمة من التطور ولكنه أرسلنا إلى طريق مزيد من الصراع من خلال التأكيد على المنافسة الشديدة وتجاهل أساسيات التعاون في الأنواع الاجتماعية؟ من فضلك ، من فضلك ، تذكر كم من "الحقائق" التي تعلمناها كأشخاص أصغر سنًا تبدو مختلفة تمامًا بمرور الوقت وإعادة التقييم. ما يقف هو أن الناس في جميع أنحاء الأرض يسعون بشغف إلى السلام والمصالحة.
شكرا لكم ، كل شخص يعطي الوقت والصبر من أجل حياة أفضل للجميع.
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religion-is-a-mental-illness · 11 months ago
By: Charles Q. Choi
Published: Mar 7, 2012
Chimpanzees have police, too. Now, researchers are discovering what makes these simian enforcers of the peace step into conflicts, findings that could help shed light on the roots of policing in humans.
Animals handle conflicts within groups in a variety of ways, such as policing, where impartial bystanders intercede when disputes crop up. Policing, which has been seen in chimps, gorillas, orangutans and other primates, differs from other forms of intervention in that such arbiters are neither biased nor aggressive — they are neither supporting allies nor punishing wrongdoers.
Policing is risky, however, since it involves approaching two or more combative squabblers, which may lead to would-be arbiters becoming the targets of aggression themselves. To find out why primate policing evolved despite such risk, scientists took a closer look at pol.
The researchers analyzed one group of chimpanzees in a zoo in Gossau, Switzerland, for nearly 600 hours over two years. This group experienced a great deal of social tumult — zookeepers there introduced three new adult female chimps, upsetting the former order, and a power struggle also led to a new alpha male. The investigators also looked at records of chimp policing behavior at three other zoos.
The scientists monitored ape social interactions, such as aggressive conflicts, friendly grooming and policing behavior. Policing could involve threatening both quarrelers in a conflict, or running between the antagonists to break up the squabble.
The researchers explored a couple of potential explanations for policing. For instance, policing might help high-ranking members of a group control rivals to keep themselves dominant, or to help keep potential mates from leaving the group. However, both explanations would require high-ranking males to be the arbiters — female chimps usually do not fight over rank, and female chimps are the most likely members to leave groups, not males. In contrast, the researchers found that police chimps were of both sexes. [8 Ways Chimps Act Like Us]
The researchers suggest policing helps improve the stability of groups, thus providing the arbiters with a healthy community to live in. Supporting this notion is the fact that arbiters were more willing to intervene impartially if several quarrelers were involved in a dispute, probably because such conflicts are more likely to jeopardize group peace.
"The interest in community concern that is highly developed in us humans and forms the basis for our moral behavior is deeply rooted — it can also be observed in our closest relatives," said researcher Claudia Rudolf von Rohr at the University of Zurich.
The scientists detailed their findings online today (March 7) in the journal PLoS ONE.
Because conflicts among social group members are inevitable, their management is crucial for group stability. The rarest and most interesting form of conflict management is policing, i.e., impartial interventions by bystanders, which is of considerable interest due to its potentially moral nature. Here, we provide descriptive and quantitative data on policing in captive chimpanzees. First, we report on a high rate of policing in one captive group characterized by recently introduced females and a rank reversal between two males. We explored the influence of various factors on the occurrence of policing. The results show that only the alpha and beta males acted as arbitrators using manifold tactics to control conflicts, and that their interventions strongly depended on conflict complexity. Secondly, we compared the policing patterns in three other captive chimpanzee groups. We found that although rare, policing was more prevalent at times of increased social instability, both high-ranking males and females performed policing, and conflicts of all sex-dyad combinations were policed. These results suggest that the primary function of policing is to increase group stability. It may thus reflect prosocial behaviour based upon “community concern.” However, policing remains a rare behaviour and more data are needed to test the generality of this hypothesis.
"mOrALiTy cOmEs FrOm GoD!!1!"
Even chimps know you don't "defund the police."
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pastorjeremynorton · 10 months ago
Conflict Resolution In the Early Church
Uncover how early Christians tackled complex challenges in Acts 15. Discover pivotal strategies for dialogue and compromise in our latest post. Dive deeper into their timeless wisdom. www.LeadBiblically.com #Acts15 #EarlyChurch #ConflictResolution
Three Strategies from Acts 15:1-35: The early Christian church faced numerous challenges as it grew and expanded beyond its Jewish roots. One pivotal moment of conflict and resolution is detailed in Acts 15:1-35, where the Apostles convened to address the contentious issue. “But some men came down from Judea and were teaching the brothers, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of…
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skunkes · 2 months ago
I feel like its a very lazy unimaginative cop out but i think its fine since im never going to make a whole grand beginning-to-end comic with my ocs, but it may be better for me to just scale the "big picture" back to being vague, at least for Talon.
Just like how if he WAS in a big comic I'd want to show and imply vs Tell....im good at the little details and day to day slice of life things showcasing my ocs' personalities as a result of their lived lives up to "now", i dont need to have every single one of talon's 400+ years of life detailed, the basic summary is enough....even if that/those summarization(s, if including al) are still boring i suppose...
reaching a point where im liking my art and range and flexibility with styles (kinda !) and stylization and its like ok now what do i do with that. I wish my ocs were more interesting/that i could MAKE them so...!
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howdoesone · 1 year ago
How does one explore the impact of ethnic and religious divisions on the occurrence of war crimes?
Ethnic and religious divisions have long been recognized as significant factors that can influence the occurrence of war crimes. These divisions often exacerbate tensions, fuel conflicts, and create conditions that facilitate the commission of atrocities during times of war. Understanding the impact of ethnic and religious divisions on war crimes is crucial for comprehending the root causes of…
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bouquetface · 4 months ago
DK through the Houses
Darakaraka (DK) Is the planet that has the lowest degree in your vedic natal chart. DK is said to represent your spouse.
Planet, sign + aspects will influence the accuracy. This is going to give surface level insight. It is not a personal read of your placement.
DK in 1st House
You can be controlled by the spouse. This can indicate they are decisive and assertive. They will plan/handle most things that happen in your life. Depending on the planet and its sign placement, you can like or dislike this about the spouse/marriage.
DK in 2nd House
Your money is likely to be managed by the spouse. Spouse may cook or you cook mainly what they desire. Spouse will influence the relationship you have with your family after marriage - bring you closer, separate you or remain neutral. This will depend on the planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment).
DK in 3rd House
Your spouse can influence your communication - who you talk with, what you talk about, etc.
Your spouse can take the responsibility of communicating with neighbours. They can befriend neighbours or if reason to talk with neighbours occurs, they will take care of it.
Your spouse will influence you relationship with siblings. This can be negative (conflict occurs) or positive (they become friends). This would depend on the planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment).
DK in 4th House
Spouse will take on main (not full) control of the home. Where, which home you buy. How the home is decorated. Fixing the home if something goes wrong. Cutting grass, cleaning gutters, etc.
When poorly placed, they may refuse to take any responsibility for the home.
The spouse will take on responsibility for your happiness. Either they feel obligated to keep you happy or your happiness is heavily affected by spouse's moods. Accuracy will heavily be influenced by planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment).
DK in 5th House
Spouse will be very focused on children - raising them or having them. They will influence your education and hobbies as well. EX: Depending on the planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment), they may encourage or discourage you if you wanted to get higher education. They may want control of children's education - homeschool, public or private school, religious school, etc.
DK in 6th House
Spouse will take on responsibilities of your enemies and health. Depending on planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment), the spouse could encourage your anger or encourage you to resolve issues you have.
EX I have seen irl: Sun DK conjunct Venus in 6th: This person does not speak to their biological parents, spouse encouraged them to talk issues out with them. This person declined but still we see the spouse suggesting resolution.
Spouse could be very routined. They could influence your diet - vegan or non-vegan. If you have pets, they could take on more responsibility of taking care of those pets.
Your marriage is likely to be very even especially is venus or libra influences this placement. I have observed this in so many relationships where the spouse and person split household chores, cooking, dish washing, bills, etc. It is not likely for the couple to divide based on traditional gender roles like man will cut the grass, woman will cook and do dishes. It's more like one will cook, the other will do dishes.
DK in 7th House
Spouse will take on main responsibilities for partnerships in your life. They will involve themselves in any conflict you get into - ex: you are fighting with you sister over something small, they will involve themselves in the conversation.
If you were to get into any legal issues, they will take on responsibility like helping fill paper work, reminding you of court date. However keep in mind, accuracy is dependent on the planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment).
DK in 8th House
Your spouse can be heavily involved in their own family matters. They can be very secretive and observant. EX: Someone who pays a lot for good home security.
Accuracy dependent on the planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment).
DK in 9th House
The spouse will teach you something. They can educate you on their beliefs, politics or religion or culture. Depending on the planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment), the spouse could do this arrogantly or kindly.
You can meet mentor type people through the spouse. Like someone from the spouse's family could help you advance your knowledge on your career, your beliefs, your education, etc.
DK in 10th House
The spouse is a workaholic. Depending on the planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment), spouse could positively or negatively influence your career and reputation. EX: Saturn DK in Cap 10th, spouse's discipline and dedication to career inspires you to start doing better.
Spouse could influence your career by somehow deciding where you work, what you do for work, if you can change your career or not. They can involve themselves in your career and work. You could end up working together or meeting at work.
EX: You are a teacher, they will suggest ideas for projects that you take. Or spouse will decide where you work because they decide to move for their career, thus you have to look for a new job in the new location.
If badly placed, they may be very lazy. They could hate working and taking responsibility for anything 10th H related. They may nap and sleep in a lot. This would show AFTER marriage not before.
DK in 11th House
Your spouse will influence your social circle. They can introduce you to new people. They can intentionally or unintentionally separate you from old friend - ex: you move & meet new people, lose touch with your childhood friends.
Your spouse will influence your desires/goals in life. An example I have seen: person wanted to travel and study abroad for a masters, after marrying their spouse this changed to wanting to raise a family. They had Moon DK in sag 11th House.
Accuracy for yourself will be influenced by the planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment). As well as aspects and 7th House.
DK in 12th House
Your spouse can control the money that you spend.
Your spouse can influence your sleeping habits. EX: You can't sleep until spouse is in bed or spouse develops sleep apnea.
Accuracy will be dependent on the planet (is it benefic or malefic) and the sign (neutral, exalted or detriment).
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libraford · 4 months ago
I have a lot to say about the decision our BOE made about Lifewise, but I'm going to go over the useful information here first and then the shitshow in a later reblog.
Last night, the board of education in my city decided to rescind allowance of Lifewise in our public schools.
Lifewise is a non denominational Christian youth group that operates during school hours, and only during school hours. Their mission is to bring Jesus to public schools, and they are able to do this legally because the education happens off-campus. They typically do this during lunch, recess, or electives. The program is voluntary.
They were allowed in our school system through a former board member, two years ago. The program has come under some scrutiny, which I will cover in a reblog. So the topic of rescinding their decision came up this year.
This was a huge debate. I will get into it later.
But I wanted to state the reasons why our board chose to rescind the decision and end business with LifeWise, so that if they (or others of this type) come to your school system and you don't want them there, you have a model for what has worked in debate.
1. An important aspect of the decision to rescind this particular decision does not restrict religious learning before or after school, or on weekends- and only applies to religious programs during school hours.
2. Unlike accommodations made for Ramadan (an example that was brought up in debate), LifeWise is not a core observance of religion.
3. The social times of school, such as lunch or recess, are just as much part of the learning process as structured class time. Play is imperative for a growing mind, and playing with kids from other religious backgrounds is especially important.
4. While Lifewise supplies their own buses to and from locations, transition times in schools (getting children to and from lunch, recess, bathrooms, electives) are some of the most stressful times for teachers. Adding another, for which only some of the students are part of, is a strain on resources.
5. Entrusting your students to a third party who has not been vetted by the schools is an intense liability. Not just the obvious danger of a dangerous person, but- are the trained in first aid? What do they know about seizures, autism, allergies, diabetes...what are their policies on conflict resolution... there are a lot of variables to think of when you leave your students in someone else's care, even for just an hour.
That's all the notes I have for that meeting. If one of these programs is courting your school board, it's probably a good idea to have these points in mind now, rather than later.
I'll talk about the rest later.
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annabelle--cane · 2 months ago
iirc the first audio bootleg that went around of andrew barth feldman's performance as evan hansen was from his first or second show, and despite the hype opening nights get they're never anybody's best work and abf was an Actual sixteen-year-old so it wasn't as airtight as some other performances, and in particular I remember getting to "words fail" on the bus to school and thinking he wasn't really giving it enough punch, it didn't even sound like he was particularly crying. and then it got to the next scene, and the line where he actually broke was "I lied, about so many things. not just connor. last summer, I just, I felt so alone..." and I had. like. a quasi-religious experience but for abject despair.
inspired fucking choice to leave some extra emotional escalation for that line. like, of course, that's the secret that always meant more to evan, it was buried so much deeper than any of the connor stuff, it's the original sin from which the entire rest of the plot stems. his whole thing with the murphys was just to offset and distract himself from his real bedrock problems with his mother, the letter confession is the climax of the plot but this confession is the resolution to the conflict set up in the first scene. evan's entire life for the last year has been molded by this untouchable white hot shame about attempting suicide that he resolved to simply never tell his mother about, so of course this is the moment that really breaks him, to him it feels like the dissolution of his entire world. from his point of view he could be just about to finally destroy the last vestiges of anything positive in his life, and stressing that makes it hit so much harder when heidi accepts him with open arms.
and then I had to go to homeroom ap spanish.
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saetiate · 21 days ago
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❥ get a love reading! this valentines, cora @saetiate and ave @venustrvck are taking requests! event status: open
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send in: a character + one or more tarot cards (listed tropes) from below + sfw/nsfw preference + any other details! extra love heart! you can also send a kink from below the cut too. received requests here
you'll receive: a short drabble/fic based on your request :)
fandoms: blue lock, naruto, one piece, honkai star rail, genshin, love and deepspace
queer character hcs/reader and polyamory welcome too! please specify gender neutral/fem/masc/trans reader. no specifications will default to fem or gender neutral reader. this event is (n)sfw and dark content friendly!
example req 1: "hi! can I get a sae x f!reader, with the lovers - mutual pining? please and thank you!!" example req 2: "can i have oliver aiku x gender neutral reader with strength: arguments and add petplay please?"
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❥ the fool: innocence, playfulness, recklessness; blind date, games, pick up lines, childhood friends to lovers
❥ the magician: transformation, beginnings, good omen; first meeting, meet/cute, meet/ugly, artist and model
❥ the high priestess: magic, dreams, knowledge; dream sharing, fortune telling, magic au
❥ the empress: passion, nurturing, fertility; motherhood, pregnancy, children with your f/os
❥ the emperor: authority, discipline, stubbornness; royalty au, power play, enemies to lovers
❥ the hierophant: community, learning, rituals; domestic life, university au, family traditions, religious observances (e.g. christmas, pouring sake for ancestors, tying the mangalasutra)
❥ the lovers: love, harmony, mutual attraction; soulmate au, confessions, mutual pining, first kiss
❥ the chariot: travel, action, ambition airport meeting, work-related au, summer/vacation fling, ceo au
❥ strength: courage, overcoming obstacles, urges; arguments, forced proximity, conflict resolution, proposal
❥ the hermit: solitude, withdrawal, introspection; hurt/comfort, unrequited pining, awkward flirting
❥ wheel of fortune: optimism, success, luck; chance/fated meeting, koi no yokan (knowing you will fall in love with someone), matchmaking
❥ justice: karma, honesty, decisions; returning a favor, relationship talk (e.g. talking about moving in together), mistaken identity
❥ the hanged man: suspension, potential, indecision; trust issues, infidelity, caught between two f /os, asked out as a bet/dare
❥ death: destruction, change, new beginnings; lost love, break up to make up, exes, grief and mourning
❥ temperance: communication, healing, moderation; comfort, wound-tending, drunken confessions
❥ the devil: desire, lust, temptation,; incest, any smut (see list of kinks below), omegaverse, supernatural elements
❥ the tower: drama, catastrophe, pride; hate sex, best friend's sibling, miscommuniation, yandere
❥ the star: renewal, hope, rest; easy love, at peace, coming home, first love
❥ the moon: emotion, fantasy, confusion; friends with benefits, late night/pillow talk, fantasy au, defining the relationship
❥ the sun: joy, friendship, prosperity; friends to lovers, fluff, love realization, praise kink
❥ judgement: awakening, resurrection, absolution; fake relationship, second chances, arranged marriage
❥ the world: fulfillment, experience, completion; marriage, growing old, aftercare
if you'd like, you can add or request a kink from this list: oral f!receiving, orgasm denial, body worship. 69, vanilla and sweet, omegaverse, size kink, lingerie, aphrodisiac, threesome, dirty talk, cockwarming, yandere, overstimulation, aftercare, face sitting, fingering, praise kink
get your love reading now! inbox either ave or cora with your req!
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extra info
you can add dealer's choice at any point and we'll decide for you <3
you can send any req to either of us! blue lock can go to either of us, and by default it would be better to send one piece asks to ave and genshin+hsr+lads asks to cora, but we'll both receive them either way and make sure to get yours written :)
if you've already sent a req to either of us before, feel free to send it through again under this event
all drabbles will be a written collaboration by us <3 don't worry, we're very good friends and have been for years! cora specializes in dialogue and ave specializes in beautiful imagery and emotion-charged scenes, so it should be the best of all worlds
we reserve the right to deny any req we're not comfy w, we don't think this will happen but just in case!!
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deception-united · 8 months ago
My biggest difficulties are some of these things in my medieval fantasy story: how to start a war? When to introduce the war? Any tips on the ideal length?
Starting a war in a medieval fantasy story can be a difficult process. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Starting a war:
Establish tensions. Build up political, economic, or ideological tensions between nations or factions before the war.
Create a casus belli. There should be a clear reason (or a combination of factors) for the war, such as a territorial dispute, a betrayal, or a religious difference.
Show the buildup. Depict the mobilisation of armies, diplomatic efforts, everything that goes on leading up to the war.
Here are some ideas you may want to consider:
Wars often begin due to escalating political tensions. Create a backstory involving conflicting interests between kingdoms or factions, such as disputes over territory, resources, or succession rights.
Economic struggles, such as famine or trade embargoes, can drive nations to war (control over vital resources, such as fertile land, water, or trade routes, amongst others).
A high-profile assassination or kidnapping will often become a catalyst for war, since it forces one side to retaliate.
Deep-seated religious or cultural differences can also lead to war. One group might feel oppressed or threatened by another, leading to an uprising or a holy war.
A personal vendetta between powerful leaders or nobles can escalate into a full-scale war, especially if they rally their followers to support their cause.
When to introduce the war:
Early introduction: Have the war present from the onset of your story it's central to your plot, so the rest of the narrative can focus on the consequences, battles, and the impact on your characters.
Rising action: Having a gradual build-up to the war by developing the political social tensions over the first part of your story allows for deeper character development and more detailed worldbuilding.
Midpoint: Consider starting the war at the midpoint of your story, marking a turning point in the narrative to drastically alter the direction of your characters' journeys.
Climax: Introducing the war as a climatic event is effective if you're focusing your narrative on the events leading up to the war. It can also leave room for sequels.
Ideal length:
Pacing: Balance action, dialogue, and description to maintain a steady pace. Alternate between intense battle scenes and quieter moments to develop characters and explore the impact of the war on their lives.
Relevance: The length of the war should be proportional to its importance in the overall plot. If it's the main focus, it should take up a significant portion of the narrative.
Scope: Consider the scope of the war: a small skirmish or a epic, continent-spanning conflict?
Character arcs: Ensure the war serves the character arcs and story goals—don't include it just for the sake of a plot element. The length of the war should also allow sufficient time for character development. Show how it personally affects your characters and how they grow or change as a result.
Subplots: Use subplots to add depth to the war narrative. Political intrigue, espionage, romantic entanglements, and personal vendettas can enrich the main plot.
Additional tips:
Make it personal. Connect the war to your characters' motivations and emotions. They may have a friend, family member, or significant other participating in the war, or you can make it impact them directly in some way.
Show the consequences. Depict the impact of war on civilians, soldiers, and the environment.
Do research. Draw inspiration from historical wars and medieval history for inspiration, and to add depth and authenticity.
Plan the resolution. Consider the aftermath and how the world and your characters are changed by the conflict. This will provide a sense of closure to your readers.
Remember, the key is to make the war serve the story and characters, not the other way around. Thanks for asking! Hope this helped ❤
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aventurineswife · 3 months ago
hear me out: sunday x reader, but when Sunday was Bronze Melodia and reader is someone who Gopher (and by extension, Sunday bc y’know grooming.) considers a sinner. Sunday finds himself falling for reader, but kinda mentally battling between love and what he was taught. aka religious trauma sunday ig (bonus points if he argues w gophers nasty ahh)
u can decide what to do with the rest :D just a lil concept i wanted to throw out
"Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies."
Summary: You are deemed as a "sinner" by the Oak Family, led by Gopher Wood, and is frequently summoned to the Dreamscape. Sunday, once a revered figure as Bronze Melodia, is tasked with guiding lost souls, but he begins to question the teachings he’s spent his life upholding. As he finds himself drawn to you, his inner battle between duty and newfound emotions intensifies. Torn between his role and the love he’s beginning to feel, Sunday faces a difficult choice—one that challenges the very core of his existence within the Oak Family.
Tags: Sunday x Reader, Religious Trauma, Forbidden Love, Angst, Slow Burn, Emotional Struggle, Conflicted Feelings.
Warnings: Religious themes (exploration of indoctrination and guilt), Emotional conflict (internal struggles, self-doubt, and identity crisis), Mentorship/Manipulation, Angst (heavy emotional tension and heartache), Mild violence(?).
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In the Dreamscape, Sunday is Bronze Melodia—a revered figure among Penacony's people, tasked with guiding lost souls under the Oak Family's watchful eye. You've become his frequent visitor, someone Gopher Wood has labeled a “sinner,” a title that weighs heavily on your shoulders and darkens your interactions in the Dreamscape. Gopher’s sermons have painted you as a threat to the Order, yet there's something about you that draws Sunday closer, unsettling the foundations of everything he’s been taught.
It begins in quiet moments: Sunday, reserved yet diligent, listens as you confide your thoughts and fears. You sense his inner conflict in the way his hands tremble ever so slightly as they rest on the pages of his book, the way his gaze occasionally softens before hardening again. He's polite, distant as Bronze Melodia, yet there’s an undeniable pull between you—one that frightens and fascinates him.
One evening, when the weight of Gopher’s teachings grows too heavy, Sunday finds himself seeking solace in your presence. As you speak, he’s caught between his role and the truth that he feels stirring within. You challenge the ideals he's held all his life, quietly unraveling the bindings of his loyalty to Gopher’s ideals. But still, he’s torn. He’s been raised to believe you’re dangerous, yet your gentleness speaks louder than Gopher’s condemnations.
Sunday can’t help but wrestle with his emotions in moments of solitude, replaying your words and Gopher's warnings over and over. The idea that love and care could exist outside of the Order’s defined “purity” haunts him, conflicting with the strict doctrines he’s internalized. Finally, unable to stay silent, he confronts Gopher.
In a tense exchange, Sunday questions Gopher's labeling of you as a “sinner,” a term that has started to feel hollow in the face of what he feels for you. Gopher's response is calm but chilling, reminding Sunday of his place, of the Order that has made him who he is. Yet Sunday doesn’t back down entirely, holding onto the fragments of his love for you. In the end, Gopher leaves him with a choice—one that could seal his fate within the Oak Family or cast him out as an exile.
Sunday returns to you, conflicted but resolute. He confides in you, sharing the depth of his battle against the values ingrained in him. Your presence becomes a grounding force, something that feels like hope amidst his turmoil. While he’s not ready to completely turn away from the Dreamscape and the Oak Family, he begins to imagine a world where he can both honor his beliefs and explore the connection that has grown between you.
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(Art credit to @oversaltedcat on Twitter/X)
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arabellaego · 6 months ago
kwisatz haderach (dune) | max verstappen 
pairing: duke atreides!max verstappen x princess!reader 
warnings: mention of religious conflicts, secondary character death, violence
based on the Dune books and movies.
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summary: Max Atreides, after seizing the throne through a holy war, confronts Princess Y/N Corrino, offering her marriage in exchange for sparing her father's life. Despite their complex past, Max is driven by visions of their destined future where Y/N torn between duty and emotion accepts as she grapples with the loss of her family's power.
a/n: This is the first time I've posted here! hope you like it. Pls note English is not my native language but I tried my best. I´ve been obsessed with Dune movies and I just pictured Max as Paul Atreides. Maybe I´ll make more parts but enjoy!
glossary at the end
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Max Atreides was certain of one thing after initiating a holy war in his name. There was only one way to solidify his claim to the throne after the execution of his house by indirect government orders. He had to marry Princess Y/N of House Corrino, the only daughter of the emperor who had ruled until that fateful day.
“If you are to advance your claims, Duke Atreides, I must insist that you first extend the courtesy of allowing my family to defend themselves with fairness and honor,” the princess said with calm and decorum that characterized her, despite her entire family being trapped on the planet Arrakis. 
In her desperation to find a solution that would preserve both her dignity and lineage, she proposed a traditional duel to death to decide her fate.
“My reign shall not be one of tyranny, Princess Y/N. Thus, I deem your request justified in the name of the noble dynasty you represent” the last survivor of the famed House Atreides replied. His firm and resolute tone did little to calm the nerves the princess felt within, though she was grateful that the facial adornments of royal etiquette partially concealed her face. “Furthermore, there remains a blood debt owed to House Harkonnen for the murder of my father.”
In recent months, the princess had heard of Max Atreides and the rebellion he bore on his shoulders. His name was not unfamiliar to her; in the past, House Atreides had been one of the closest allies to House Corrino due to their influence and wealth. Plans were discussed, alliances were forged, and a possible marriage between the two heirs was quietly hinted at within the shadows of the court. However, the rising popularity of Duke Jos Atreides among the empire's most powerful houses led the emperor to reconsider giving his only daughter’s hand in marriage.
By the time this occurred, Y/N and Max were already aware of each other’s existence. In their free time, they conversed in the company of the princess’s court and the guardians of the young heir, who would tell them stories of Max’s father’s exploits as a diplomatic ruler. It was a sorrowful day when young Max stopped frequenting the gardens of Kaitain.
She never questioned her father’s reasons, as her upbringing dictated. Yet, Max Atreides remained a fond memory from her childhood. What, if anything, was left of that Atreides she once knew?
Max Atreides, covered in blood after a fierce battle against Lewis Harkonnen—who had been chosen as the emperor's champion to contest the throne—limped towards the royal entourage, where the emperor and his court watched the brutal confrontation. The triumphant shouts of the Fremen celebrating their leader’s victory echoed through the air, heightening Princess Y/N's alarm.
Noticing that the new emperor showed no intention of lowering the weapons he had used just moments ago to take his cousin’s life, the princess, driven by an involuntary force, spoke again:
“The blood debt has been paid. Spare my father’s life, and I will willingly become your wife.”
The relationship between Y/N and her father had always been cold and distant. She was not the long-desired male heir he had hoped to continue the Corrino dynasty, which had cast doubt on the succession in the eyes of the entire empire. Some houses saw this as a unique opportunity to place their last name in the line of succession, but the princess had not concerned herself with this—until today. “The throne is yours.”
Deep within, she silently thanked the universe for Max Atreides’s victory.
Without uttering a word, his heavy breath and gaze so piercing it compelled those present to look away, Max extended his hand towards the emperor, displaying the ring bearing the emblem of his house on his ring finger. All were stunned by this gesture; even the Bene Gesserit, always observant and calculating, could do nothing but watch and ensure the well-being of the imperial princess.
When no response came, Max struck the ground with his foot, creating a thunderous sound that shook the chamber and forced the former emperor to react. He took Max’s hand and slowly placed a soft kiss on the Atreides family ring, thus accepting his defeat and the end of his dynasty. He knelt, followed by everyone in the room—except Y/N.
This did not go unnoticed by the new emperor, who returned her gaze with an unreadable expression aimed at his future empress consort.
After the army was dispatched to quell those who refused to acknowledge the new ruler and the witnesses to the ascension of a new name to the throne of the known universe had been dealt with, Max Atreides could no longer delay his inevitable reunion with Princess Y/N.
In an adjacent room to the grand hall where the events had unfolded, the princess was trying to calm the royal entourage that remained by her side. She revealed her ability to suppress her emotions, handling the critical situation with calm, while her ladies-in-waiting helped her remove the dozen adornments she was wearing.
“Your Highness, the emperor wishes to speak with you alone,” one of Max’s commanders announced, bursting into the room.
“Of course,” Y/N replied with a touch of sarcasm, though she maintained her courtesy. She could not afford to risk innocent lives over a display of insolence.
With a steady stride, the princess made her way to where the new monarch awaited her, trying to focus her mind and devise a diplomatic strategy that might prevent further outbursts from Max.
“Her Imperial Highness, Princess Y/N Corrino,” announced the guard as she arrived. She entered the room and, with a firm stance, faced Max, keeping a respectful distance.
"In the name of my house, do not question the loyalty of my people, and I urge you to show mercy. I will not dishonor the agreement we made; I only ask that..." Before she could finish her plea, the strong hands of Emperor Atreides seized the princess's waist. She was overwhelmed with surprise, for of all the possible outcomes, this was the least expected.
“The vision of you guiding me into the future has haunted me day and night since I stopped returning to the garden,” Max said, scrutinizing each of her features before continuing. "Princess Y/N, I don’t expect you to understand. Perhaps you can forgive me one day."
Maybe it was the fact that the man who was now holding her as the empire’s most precious treasure had coldly murdered armies and stripped her family of their right to the throne in an instant; the natural response was a loss of confidence in herself.
Max observed cautiously, awaiting his now betrothed’s next move. Many futures lay before them—traumatic deaths, the failure of his cause, and a possible alternative to achieving everything he ever wanted. He could force the princess to submit to him, but that was not what Max desired.
The determination in Y/N’s eyes did not falter. She understood that the emperor was not showing weakness, but strength—a strength that had shaped destiny and now stretched out before them, an inevitable line in time.
“I hope for a peaceful coexistence with you, Your Majesty,” her voice was low but charged with an intensity that Max could comprehend. She could not expect less from a fellow heir like herself. “The torment required to reach this point—I am not innocent. Every pain, every death, the inability to act, makes me complicit.”
Y/N felt the weight of her words, the gravity of what she had revealed. He knew that her family had orchestrated the downfall of his. Though Y/N had no voice or vote in that conspiracy, she felt guilty as if she had perpetuated it with her own hands.
Duke Atreides released her, turning his gaze toward the window offering a desert landscape of the planet. He took a moment before continuing the conversation.
“There’s no need for you to express regret to me, Princess.”
“I only wish to be honest. You mentioned forgiveness first.”
“I wasn’t apologizing for the past.”
She knew that Max’s eyes could see far beyond what anyone could imagine. If the little information the Reverend Mother had shared with her was true, his visions were not mere dreams but premonitions of destiny. The teachings of the Bene Gesserit and her mother made her understand that Max might be the culmination of an entire species' evolution.
And though her conscience resisted accepting that her life no longer belonged solely to her, reality dragged her toward the realization that their fates were irrevocably intertwined. She could only cling to a fragile trust in her future husband.
“Kwisatz Haderach.”
Silence filled the room as they looked at each other, knowing they stood on the brink of monumental change. Max gazed at her intently, his intense blue eyes shining with a mixture of compassion.
“You are the Kwisatz Haderach.”
Slowly, she brought a hand to his face, gently touching Max's jaw, as if to ensure that what she saw was real.
The dilemma in Y/N’s heart was evident. The Max Atreides who had once wandered into her garden no longer existed.
Finally, Y/N nodded, a small sign of acceptance, but enough for Max to feel that the future he had seen was taking hold of everything. With a tenderness that contrasted with the intensity of his previous words, Max drew her close, enveloping her in his arms as if he were protecting her.
“This ends with us,” Y/N murmured, her voice firm and resolute, finding in Max the strength she needed to face the destiny that awaited them.
The destiny he had chosen.
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Bene Gesserit: A secretive and influential sisterhood with advanced mental and physical abilities, trained in espionage, politics, and manipulation. They play a crucial role in the power dynamics of the universe.
Reverend Mother: A high-ranking member of the Bene Gesserit, who has undergone intense training and a dangerous ritual involving the "Water of Life," giving her enhanced mental and physical powers, and access to ancestral memories.
Kwisatz Haderach: A prophesied superbeing with extraordinary mental abilities, able to bridge space and time. The Bene Gesserit have long sought to create this being through selective breeding.
Kaitain: The planet Kaitain was the capital of the Corrino Empire.
Arrakis: A desert planet also known as Dune, the only source of the valuable substance "spice" (melange), which is essential for space travel and extends life. Control of Arrakis is central to the power struggles in the universe.
Fremen: The native people of Arrakis, known for their survival skills in the harsh desert environment. They are fierce warriors with a deep spiritual connection to their planet and its resources.
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raddagher · 3 months ago
Arcane is over (😭) and I have some criticisms so here are my lists of who Won and who Lost in no particular order
1. Isha
Literally wasn't even mentioned after she died, like wtf was that
We couldn't have a memorial or anything? Come on
Her sacrifice was ultimately meaningless because Warwick got brought back anyway
2. Sevika
Didn't get a single line through all of Act 3
Where is my wife
At least she didn't die?
3. The entire Undercity, to be honest
Where did the independence thread go
Giving Sevika a council seat wasn't enough
I don't like that so many of them had to fight in Enforcer uniforms, that felt wrong
That was the MAIN CONFLICT for most of the show. It felt so weird to gloss over it at the end
4. Vander/Warwick
Gonna be real I wasn't super crazy about most of his presence here, I don't feel like it actually contributed much to anyone's development, except MAYBE Viktor's
We would not have lost anything if they didn't have the flashback scene with their mom
Super didn't like Jinx's ending as it pertained to him
5. Jinx
Hey I super don't like that every character who had a moment of suicide ideation or attempt ended up dead or "dead"
I don't like the way she "died" it didn't feel earned
I don't feel like the ending she got aligned well with her character at all. She spiraled and then just. stayed at the bottom of the spiral :(
They put a TON of family stuff in act 1 and 2 that didn't get resolution in 3
I think they kinda did my girl dirty I'm sorry
6. Loris
Clearly would have had more of a role if they didn't have to cut him for time
1. Vi
I want to say she won because she got to bang her cop girlfriend in a prison cell and the sex scene was good as hell but
She also was just taking massive L's the whole time
Like it never felt like she ever had any real wins other than that and that bummed me out
Didn't get enough time to be a dumbfuck with Jayce :(
Didn't get enough proper resolution for her wonderful fascist arc
She felt a little dropped in Act 3 as well
Glad she got that Vussy tho, good for her
And I did like the vs Ambessa fight, that was also good
I honestly feel like Viktor and Jayce's romance was written better than her and Vi's, and as a gay woman who is constantly watching mlm relationships get so much more attention, it rubs me the wrong way
1. Viktor (OBVIOUSLY)
The fucked up robot army. The religious imagery. The body horror. His robot alien design is scary as fuck. Absolutely incredible work
Got to be taller and stronger than Jayce hooray
They're canon. That was the gayest shit I've ever seen in my life
I do wish they had spent more time overall fleshing out more of the disability commentary, I feel like it was a little lacking in the end
2. Jayce
See above
Yeah he also got to be a big hero and got to be resolved really well
Did NOT see his death coming that was crazy
They Magnus 200'd his ass, damn
He chose Viktor over everything I'm emo
They made a heart when they touched their foreheads together fuck OFF
3. Heimerdinger
Literally just living his best life
Love that he didn't tell Ekko he can't die, he just let the poor boy think he got fuckin atomized, king shit, that's hilarious
I would have stayed in that universe too tbh
4. Ambessa
The single tear over Kino. Her love for her children at direct odds with her need for control. Her arc was explored so well
Died a warrior's death at the hands of her brilliant daughter, I know that's how she would have wanted to go
Also was very hot in every scene. Good for her (and good for me)
She just got a lot of love from the writers and I'm very happy to see that effort put into an older Black woman character
5. Mel
Speaking of gorgeous Black women
I was so worried she was going to get dropped but her ending was SO good
Her glow up with the gold is fantastic, she looks amazing in the white hood
Love that they gave her abilities that would inherently change her priorities AND gave her the throne of Noxus, I have high hopes that she'll be prominent in another show in the future
They made her such a powerful badass but still let her be merciful and forgiving. Absolutely amazing. She is the wolf
6. Ekko (?)
On the fence about him
LOVED the au scene. Perfect
And I loved that our boy savior got to be the one that set off the bomb that stopped Viktor
But he was kind of dropped otherwise? Like what happened with his tree?
Generally wish he had more development and screentime in this season
But I'm happy he was so pivotal to the climax
AND I'm happy he got to kiss Powder. He and Jinx would never have worked out
7. Maddie
Haha I never liked you. Get fucked you horrible little bootlicker. Typical cop
8. Singed
How come YOU get everything you want?
Fuck you.
Basically all my criticisms boil down to it feeling rushed overall. It's clear that they intended to have more time, and that breaks my heart. We all know Netflix's reputation for cancelling stuff out of the blue, and I've heard that maybe certain parties were unhappy with the depictions of gay romance and realistic social revolution. Whatever the reasons, I wish they had a third season, because I think they could have solved every problem I have with it. Regardless, it's an incredible work of art and very likely one of if not THE best animated series ever made.
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adrianicsea · 1 month ago
it may seem a bit trite to do so, but i realized i don’t make all that many REALLY personal posts about my life on this blog anymore, and as new years’ eve draws near, i wanted to share some of the highlights of what i’ve seen and done this year with you all! the way i use this blog may have changed, but it’s still the longest and most self-reflective diary of my lifetime so far 🩵
in the beginning of the year, one of the resolutions i made to myself was to get engaged to my now-husband! we celebrated our fifth anniversary as a couple in february, and in august, with the help of all of our closest friends, i was able to make our engagement night really special and something that we’ll both remember forever. he had no idea it was coming, which really made me happy, because i feel like i struggle to plan surprises!
while i did NOT make a new years’ resolution to get fully MARRIED, the outcome of the presidential election motivated us both to at least get legally married before the year ends, as we live in a state where marriage equality will immediately go away if obergefell v hodges falls in the supreme court. so we got married! our full, originally-planned ceremony still waits for us next autumn, but i’m still very excited and feel very safe to have it in legal writing. my insurance will also be much better now!!
on the note of insurance, i finally got top surgery this year! it’s something that i’ve known i wanted for more than half of my life, but it was never really financially (or emotionally tbh) accessible for me until now! i was pretty scared, as i’d never had any sort of major surgery before, but i’ve been SO happy and at home in my body ever since!! i was also able to get through the surgery and the recovery without my parents even knowing about it, which was a really great confidence booster for me— to see that i AM able now to get on in life and that i’ve found a support system who can help me with the things that my parents can’t or won’t.
march of this year marked my first full year of consistent therapy, and i’m nearly at two years now! being able to see an lgbt-specialized therapist has made a HUGE difference in my ability to really be vulnerable and discuss things with my therapist, and i feel as though i’m really starting to see how therapy has positively affected me in the ways that i think, view my feelings, and communicate with others. i feel like i understand my emotions better now than i ever have, and like i’m more confident and less afraid of standing up for myself and having difficult, potentially conflicting conversations!
i’ve been working on understanding and accepting my autism, and with seeing how it has affected my childhood and teenage years. i thought that the initial shock and reconciliation of realizing i’m autistic would be the only hurdle, but now i’m starting to see that there’s a lot of pain and emotional work that goes it to FULLY accepting it as a part of yourself and seeing the pain that it caused you (or at least, this is how i’ve felt about it).
partially related to the above, i’ve been making more of an effort to try new things, be more social, and to step out of my comfort zone in ways that aren’t TOO frightening for me! this year i went camping for the first time ever, went to my first renaissance faire, and formed a LOT of new friendships with all sorts of people, both in my city and online. i’ve also been trying to stop diluting/masking so much of myself in person, and while that still feels like a work in progress, it’s been really wonderful to find that people in the real world DON’T automatically write me off as weird if i go to the bar with earplugs or talk at length about my love and study of horror movies.
this may sound a bit paradoxical after some of what i’ve said already, but i feel like i’ve become closer to my parents and improved my relationship with them this year. we have a… challenging relationship due to differences in religious opinion, political views, and some generational differences in how we view mental health and emotional openness. i really resented my parents for a long time for their (inadvertent) emotional neglect of me as a child, but after having a really rewarding conversation with them about my transition and how their refusal to accept it has affected me, i feel like i was FINALLY able to understand and forgive them for a lot of the things i’ve been carrying against them all this time. we still don’t have the perfect relationship, and there are lots of things i hope my parents will grow and improve on (like STILL misgendering and deadnaming me after all this time lmao), but i feel like now i’m able to better understand where they’re coming from and to meet them where they’re at, so to speak. it’s always been difficult for me to accept that i might just never have the warm, emotionally effusive relationship i used to idealize having with them, but this year i feel like i’ve finally been able to make peace with the fact that they just aren’t those kinds of people. and that’s okay!
and here’s some other “smaller” things i did this year that made it feel a little fuller and brighter:
got a new tattoo, my most complex one yet! for the tv show that brought my husband and i together 🥹
got to see both MY favorite band AND my husband’s favorite band in our home city in the same year! i even got to be on the barricade for the first time at one of these shows!
got a piece of my writing published (and printed!!) in a fan zine!
got REALLY into final fantasy xiv, which has been my most-played game of the year and has become both a fun way to bond with my friends who also play AND a really nice emotional grounding tool!
i bought a five-year journal at the beginning of this year, and with the exception of a few days (maybe 7 or less total), i’ve filled out every day of it this year! it’s my first time ever completing one year of a planner/journal like that :)
did the daily sudoku puzzle on my sudoku app every day this year, and within the last three months, started doing the puzzmo daily crossword every day as well!
improved some of my art techniques, and learned a lot of techniques and technical skills for the digital art program i use!
started making more of an effort to spend time with my childhood friend of 20+ years, with whom i’d drifted apart a bit recently!
started learning how to typeset, print, and bind my own books, and even printed/bound my first big-ish book to give as a christmas gift this year!
sought out more movies from outside the US and/or from before the 1970s to watch. still not as many as i’d like, but i’m happy to have begun diversifying my film habits :)
learned to cook shakshuka, which has gone on to become one of my favorite meals to cook at home and a huge comfort food!!
my husband and i started going to the gym, as much as our busy schedule will allow us to :)
when i look back at 2024, one of the big regrets that sticks out to me is that i didn’t do more writing— ESPECIALLY sleeping with ghosts, my longest and most emotionally-invested project and one i REALLY want to make sure i finish. but when i think about how much growing and learning and DOING i did this year, it’s hard to be too mad at myself for not writing more! maybe it’s just that i’m getting older, but i’ve spent a lot of my 20s so far feeling like a child in suspended development, wondering when i was finally going to feel like a “real” adult. 2024 has FINALLY been that year for me— i can see the progress i still need to make, but i can also see all the HUGE steps i’ve made this year to become a more fully-realized version of myself, and now i feel excited and capable to continue on that journey!! hopefully including finishing SWG, as well as finishing/starting on some other writing ideas i’ve had.
if you’ve read all this, thank you so much for taking the time, and for following me on this blog! whether we’re longtime friends, recent mutuals, or even if we haven’t spoken, i hope that this year has been kind to you, and even if it wasn’t, i hope that 2025 is a better, easier year for you 🫂🩵
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months ago
by Alexander Nazaryan
Chicago is one of the great centers of Jewish life in the United States—or used to be, in any case. Several recent events, taking place in brutally quick succession, have raised the question of whether the city’s 300,000 Jewish residents are as safe as they should be. Will city officials do more than the bare minimum to protect them? Will the media cover their travails with the moral clarity victimhood purportedly deserves?
This month, two openly Jewish students were assaulted on the DePaul University campus; protesters were charged with vandalism after entering the Chicago Loop Synagogue and damaging property there; two Jews were attacked outside a performance by the unabashedly pro-Israel actor and comedian Michael Rapaport. The Rev. Mitchell Ikenna Johnson, the just-appointed education-board president, had to step down after The Jewish Insider unearthed his anti-Ssemitic social-media musings. “People have an absolute right to attack their oppressors by any means necessary,” went a characteristic post-Oct. 7 missive. There were also posts hinting at 9/11 denialism and misogyny, which seem to have done more to seal his fate than mere Jew-hating. 
“I feel so helpless,” a Jewish woman wrote on Reddit this year. The Midwestern branch of the Anti-Defamation League pointed out that the number of attacks against Jews had tripled in the past year. “We can’t help but to ask: Is this the new normal for Jews in Chicago? We hope not,” the head of the organization said.
An even darker thought is that this is the new normal for everyone in Chicago. As city government under progressive Mayor Brandon Johnson retreats from exercising the moral authority that should undergird the practice of politics, it is only inevitable that one group or another will bear the blows. Jews tend to get it earlier, and sometimes harder, than others—but from the pathologies we face, few ultimately escape.
Those pathologies have been on ugly display since Oct. 7, which the local Black Lives Matter affiliate seemed to celebrate with a social-media post. The offending post was deleted, and the group apologized, but a tone had been set from which Chicago has, to its own detriment, declined to deviate.
That is largely due to Johnson, who was elected last year. He began 2024, his first full year in office, by expending significant political capital to pass a Gaza ceasefire resolution—a vote for which he assiduously lobbied city aldermen and in which he served as a tiebreaker. To his credit, Johnson had also presided over a resolution condemning the initial Hamas attacks the previous October. So what does he really believe? Nobody knows—not on Israel, policing, taxes, or much of anything.
Having followed his career closely, I doubt the charge that he bears some deep animus toward Jews. But having promised Chicago progressive governance, he has delivered little governance of any kind. At this point, I suspected that not a few Chicagoans would be happy to have Donald Trump on the fifth floor, as the mayor’s City Hall office is known, which may explain why Trump nearly doubled his vote share here to 21.4 in 2024, up from 12.4 percent in 2016.
Trump even had the chutzpah to campaign in the Windy City, showing up the day before the presidential election to denounce the recent spate of anti-Semitism. Trump’s own commitment to racial and religious comity is questionable, but his nose for conflict is unerring. A true tabloid man, he knows that when it bleeds, it leads—and the Jews of Chicago had been bleeding.
In the heavily Jewish neighborhood of West Rogers Park—think a less remote Bensonhurst, or a leafier Williamsburg—a 39-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was shot on his way to synagogue. The suspect, Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi, aged 22, was an undocumented immigrant from Mauritania. Abdallah shouted “Allahu Akbar” as officers confronted him, firing on them also. Both victim and suspect survived the incident.
This was the most serious of the recent ant-Semitic incidents—and the response the most telling. The Chicago Tribune, from whose pages the legendary columnist Mike Royko launched daily assaults at bastions of cultural and political power, played keepaway: “Police: Man, 22, Critically Injured in Far North Side Shootout With Officers,” its viral headline said, as if Abdallahi were the true victim in all this; the headline went instantly viral, and not in a good way.
“This should be a national scandal,” said Richard Goldberg of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. It wasn’t. Perhaps feeling no real pressure from the media, Johnson, the mayor, took several days to issue a statement. When he finally did, it made no mention of the religious factor that had obviously been at play.
This, too, went viral—unintentionally, again. “The victim was a Jewish man, who was wearing traditional Jewish garb, walking to a Jewish place of worship on the Jewish day of rest,” wrote an outraged Alderwoman, Debra Silverstein, the only Jew on the City Council, which has 50 members. Months before, she had been heckled for speaking out against the Gaza ceasefire resolution. Back then, Johnson had seemed indifferent to her plight; little appears to have changed.
To add insult to injury, the Chicago Police Department declined to file hate charges, citing a supposed lack of evidence. Police chief Larry Snelling did finally relent, adding counts of terrorism and hate crime, which he announced at a news conference. Johnson also spoke at the event. “Anti-Semitism in Chicago does not reflect the soul of Chicago,” he said.
Johnson is fond of invoking “the soul of Chicago,” which he did more than a dozen times in his inaugural address in the spring of 2023. Today, that soul is roiling, and the anger is mostly directed Johnson’s way. His approval rating is an almost unbelievable 14 percent, making him the least popular mayor in Chi-town history—and as Royko would have happily told you over a beer at the Billy Goat Tavern, this town has had some pretty lousy mayors. 
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bestworstcase · 7 months ago
is there anything about rwby that you would have done differently as a writer? i.e. introducing certain ideas of characters earlier, complete wholesale changes, etc.
in terms of major narrative choices, adam attempts to assassinate sienna as in canon but her personal guard remains loyal, there’s a scuffle, and she’s able to escape wounded but alive, showing up at haven to pincer adam’s forces with the faction of the white fang that refuses to go along with his coup.
the albains are loyal to sienna but still weird and disliked – not for sinister foreshadowing but because sometimes people are just sort of weird and off-putting, and that’s a fun trait to give a couple of good guys who show the fuck up to defend an ally who’s hitherto been a bit distrustful and cool toward them when the violent splinter group tries to assassinate him; narratively the albains being like this while aligning themselves firmly with sienna also provides an opportunity to cast the belladonna’s alliance with and support of sienna into sharper focus and perhaps allows for blake to bounce off and talk to some guys in the “yes direct action and tactical violence, no whatever the fuck adam’s doing” camp to refine her understanding of the white fang and make it clearer how adam corrupted what sienna does and believes.
and the arc resolution is sienna reclaiming leadership of the white fang and preparing to clean house while ghira and ilia plan a second, separate but allied organization focused on advocacy with the overall point being that expecting one group to do and be everything is part of the problem.
i talk about this more here. the white fang arc really isn’t as bad as its frequently maligned but suffers from a lack of clarity in how it’s intended message is delivered; the point of sienna surviving and having genuine allies to represent her side in menagerie is to address that lack of clarity by articulating her philosophy and underscoring that the belladonnas support her and ally themselves with her because the objection isn’t “violence in bad” but rather “indiscriminate violence that materially harms the cause and violent infighting are bad.”
aside from that, i wouldn’t change anything significant presuming that i had to work under the same conditions as the actual writers (<- if they hadn’t lost those two episodes in v9, 9.10 wouldn’t feel so rushed and we’d have got that animatic as a full episode; if there hadn’t been budget issues in v5 mistral wouldn’t feel so empty; etc it’s very easy to fix problems like this in hypotheticals where you imagine you have infinite time and money, but in the real world if this were my story and i faced these sort of logistical challenges it would be to the detriment of the narrative in the same ways and i have no interest in pretending otherwise).
all that said
if i were the one writing this story and either i had more money or it was, like, a series of novels (<- which is what i’d be writing, realistically) – the religious layer of the story would be a lot more overt, not just in terms of the religious conflict with regard to the brothers but i would flesh out 1-2 other religions too. blake’s arc would feature wrestling with complicated feelings about god-of-animals-worship. ruby and yang would’ve been raised monotheistic light-worshippers; weiss would be a lapsed orthodox brother-cultist (in my head this is comparable to, say, the chasm between evangelical protestants and a lapsed catholic). oscar would be stolidly practicing some other religion that has nothing to do with the brothers, to ozma’s consternation, because that’s funny. salem would be still a polytheist but pointedly not worshipping Those Two, because that’s also funny.
<- this is not to “”fix“” anything i just think it’s important as a writer to be self-indulgent. and i like fantasy religions. bfrgscbk
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