#religious amigurumi
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dragonmom-art · 24 days ago
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I'm not a catholic person, but the majority of the people in my country is, so I am more than happy to make dolls of catholic saints and christian figures to please my religious customers. This time, I made Our Lady of the Apparition as a commision for my mom. Another very delicate work that I'm very happy with. Pattern by Monica Pamplona (with the base of Marcia Scarpelli and Karina Peres)
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raynbow-shimmer · 3 months ago
hi, i think i absolutely hate my art right now? I mean, i signed up for this exchange fest and i thought, alright, maybe ill write, but its exam season and i only have the spoons to draw, and I DONT LIKE IT, i dont like my art, and i need to submit it when its PERFECT, i mean, no one in their right minds would accept a piece of art the artist themselves are dissatisfied with, right?
Ok, maybe I over-reacted, on flipping back to it, it isnt so bad? Objectively speaking it passes? Sorry for the vent ask
Hey there anon!
I like imperfect art. Because while you may see the flaws, I only see a completed masterpiece. There is a saying that goes "always leave a mistake in your work, because only god can be perfect." I'm not religious, but that hits a chord with me. When I crochet I can laugh at the little mistakes, the missed stitches, the yarn sticking out where I didn't darn it in right, the bad color changes. It makes the piece mine.
When I make amigurumi, WHEW, I miss so many stitches because I cannot count to save my life. Sometimes I will pull out the round and redo it, but most of the time I will just add or subtract a stitch at the end of the round. I have very loose tension too, so you can always see the stuffing in my amigurumi if I use worsted yarn. Even sometimes when I use bulky yarn. It doesn't have to be perfect, anon. That is what makes art special.
You should see my first crochet pieces. I keep them so I can tell how far I have come. My first quilt? A disaster! Like, I sewed parts that were folded in on themselves. So, my edges aren't neat. My quilting lines? Good god they are atrocious. But I kept it. Because it showed that I did something. That I tried. And that I was ok with an imperfect work.
All you have to do is try and put as much of your heart into it as you can. My writing is absolute shit sometimes, and I wonder how people read it. But then I get comments that tell me "this is my favorite fic to read for x!" Or, "your fic really inspired me to write my own!" I think my writing is awful and cliche, but other people love it.
Don't doubt your work, anon. You might see a steaming pile of shit, but I promise you the right people won't. I once had someone paint me a picture of my cats for an art exchange. They got one of my cat's colors wrong. But I still love that piece with all my heart. Because someone took time out of their day to make that for me. That makes it special.
Don't worry if you are dissatisfied with it. You will always see things that can change because you are growing as an artist. You can't sit there and fix every little mistake because there will always be something new that pops up as your eye for art grows.
I'm sure your recipient is going to love it, no matter what! Good luck with the art and good luck on your exams! Make sure to make time for rest too!
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sodobabe · 1 year ago
Crochet Creations!
Alright, everyone. I veered away from my usual fic content to bring you my latest crocheted creation. I started crocheting amigurumi recently and haven’t been able to stop.
May I present to you, lil Baphomet. I was inspired by my love for Ghost, along with my religious beliefs to create this little creature of hell. This has probably been my favorite creation so far because of the little details I had to do. Peep the tiny bat wings he has!
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pandoramsbox · 1 year ago
Sci-Fi Saturday: Aelita: Queen of Mars
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Week 3:
Film(s): Aelita: Queen of Mars (Аэли́та, Dir. Yakov Protazanov, 1924, USSR)
Viewing Format: DVD
Date Watched: May 29, 2021
Rationale for Inclusion:
In retrospect, I did not research silent science fiction films as thoroughly as I should have going into this survey. A handful of additional titles should have been included, most notably A Trip to Mars (Himmelskibet, Dir. Holger-Madsen, 1918, Denmark). When we were coming up with the watch list, A Trip to the Moon (Le voyage dans la lune, Dir. Georges Méliès, 1902, France) and Metropolis (Dir. Fritz Lang, 1927, Germany) were the only silent films that immediately came to mind. The inclusion of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Dir. Stuart Patton, 1916, USA) came out of the chance discovery of the film's existence and availability, while Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Dir. John S. Robertson, 1920, USA) came from wanting to make sure that foundational text was represented.
Aelita: Queen of Mars (Аэли́та, Dir. Yakov Protazanov, 1924, USSR) was a film I waffled on including. I had last seen the film as an undergrad whilst taking a science fiction genre class back in 2006; I had even written a paper on it. I remembered that it was interesting, but overall not a great film. However, as I pondered it and dug into its history, I ran across a note that its costumes and production designs likely influenced later sci-fi films, like Metropolis and the Flash Gordon serials. 
With watching Metropolis being a given, I tracked down a copy of the Flicker Alley DVD release. (Although, like many existent silent films, since the film is in the public domain, you can view the whole film on archive.org) Besides, given the way the Cold War and Space Race would later influence the evolution of science fiction, Soviet and Russian cinema is essential viewing.
Watching Aelita again reinforced a lot of past opinions about it. Most of the narrative is more concerned with the stratification of society and manipulation of the workers, which for a film produced in the Soviet Union is not at all surprising. However, these aspects are politically and culturally interesting given that when Aelita was made the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) had only existed for two years, and Communist Russia was still figuring itself out.
The conflict between the desires of the individual and betterment of society plays into the discovery late in the film that the Mars scenes and rocketship development were all the daydreams of Los (Nikolai Tseretelli), an engineer. This revelation proceeds in a way akin to how Cecil B. DeMille made religious epics: the audience is given a sensational, decadent, sinful spectacle that is capped off with enforcement and promotion of proper social norms. The mysterious radio broadcasts that inspired Los turning out to be a commercial, and Los rejecting his daydreams of space travel that grew from it, shows how seductive and detrimental to society Capitalism can be, and how good comrades should reject it.
The Constructivist sets and costumes on Mars are definitely the highlight of the film. The abstract, angular and contrasting aesthetics are indeed alien looking relative to the shabby hodgepodge of attire and locales in the Communist Russia scenes, which is slightly ironic given how Constructivism would go on to define state propaganda as well as avant-garde art. I was so taken with the costuming in particular that one of these days I hope to make an amigurumi Aelita doll.
Speaking of the title character herself, Aelita (Yuliya Solntseva) is a stock seductive aristocrat willing to do whatever it takes to get herself more power and influence. Part of why Los kills his daydreams of Mars, and the beautiful Aelita, is how quickly she becomes a tyrant when she gains the throne of Mars, revealing that she had only exploited the revolting workers of Mars to serve as a coup. While this warning should have alerted Communist Russia to be skeptical of the intentions of all potential leaders, it only succeeded as an example of why the aristocracy is not to be trusted, based on how the history of the USSR played out.
It may only be a so-so film overall, but Aelita is an essential sci-fi film. If you're a fan of the genre, or silent cinema, it is worth seeing at least once.
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neothebean · 2 years ago
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Behold your tiny lord and savior, Yarn Jesus in a Yarn Manger
Pictured with a baby angel
(My mum bought me a Christmas advent kit from Hobby Lobby that had gifts and projects in it, the nativity scene was amigurumi so I started with that lol, I'll give it to her when I'm done since she's religious and I'm not)
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alittleyellowdinosaur · 4 years ago
Almost my 21st birthday...
So normally im hella uncomfy asking for things, especially when its my birthday bc I feel people feel obligated i guess? So this is not me asking for anything and trust me, i get how tight money is right now for so many people and really this is more of a “thought i’d throw it out there” than a “you must get me smth” but uh...
Well I wanted to post my amazon wishlists. I’ve had the shittiest start to my semester, including but not limited to being told i can’t use the bathrooms in my own dorm building because I’m nonbinary, not being able to eat lunch half the time, messy work stuff, and being incredibly lonely, not even mentioning the out of school shit like Van Gogh’s diabetes and the religious fucker on campus telling me I’m going to hell any time I try and walk to the student center. And it’s my 21st birthday this upcoming Tuesday (September 7th!) and I’m not sure I’ll be able to do anything for it at all bc I have no money and nome of my friends are responding to me wanting to do smth small for it. So, well, uh... If you had the means and you felt like it, then here’s some lists I guess? Idk, sorry if I’m lackluster I finally have a break after 2 weeks so I’m half falling asleep on my couch jdhgmdhlgk 
Here’s my wishlist of a bunch of fun stuff. Prices on it range from $2 to $400.
If you’d like to get me something more practical than the things on the wishlist, then here’s my wishlist for Crochet stuff, Here’s my Tea one, and here’s the one for school things.
I’ve also got a bunch of stuffie wish lists since it’s a hyperfixation of mine - Jellycats, Build-A-Bear, Squishables. For these please DM me for my address. 
Oh and if you want to get Van Gogh smth since his birthday is the 8th, here’s his list. 
KoFi donations are also appreciated. Or if you want to help me out but still get smth yourself, amigurumi commissions are open for any type of doll, or you could buy my book!
Thanks, and again, seriously, no pressure.
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nothingbutfangirlsmut · 4 years ago
I just want to let you lovelies know why I won’t be posting for about a week! This coming Saturday (April 24th) I have my first ever craft show! I’m super excited and nervous but all of my free time is going to my crafts at the moment. I’m trying to build up my inventory as much as I can before the show. Below are a few pics of some of my stuff. It’s all available on Etsy if anyone is interested at WickerCreationsShop. Below is the link..
Etsy Shop
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Amigurumi Bumble Bee
Amigurumi Piglet
Amigurumi Jellyfish
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Amigurumi Jellyfish Keychain
Amigurumi Star Keychain
Amigurumi Ghosts
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Amigurumi Mini Bumble Bee
Amigurumi Whale
Amigurumi Chubzilla
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Amigurumi Octopus
Amigurumi Koala
Amigurumi Alligator
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Deathly Hallows Symbol Keychain
Religious/Spiritual Keychains
Feather Bookmarks
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Zodiac Keychains
Mommy & Baby Llama Keychains
Self Defense Keychains
I’ve been super busy! But as soon as the craft show is over I’ll be back to writing and posting!
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creuzart · 4 years ago
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#amigurumay2021 Day 3 Introduce yourself: Hi, I am Jam! I am the creator behind Creuzart. Creuz is my second name and art because I make lots of crafty things. I’m originally from The Philippines but now living in The Netherlands. I’ve been crafting since I remembered but new to the world of amigurumi and got hooked. I am a self taught crocheter and been doing it religiously since 2018. Through the years, I’ve learned a lot and enjoyed the process. It wasn’t always a smooth sailing game but got through it. Now i’m happily creating amigurumis and selling it also in my etsy shop. My plan in the future is make my own patterns too, but i’m far from that goal. Right now, i am just happy crocheting and making videos for my YouTube channel (which is also named Creuzart) I am sharing my work in progress, made some basic tutorials and many more. Hope you’ll check them out too! Link in bio ❤️ Nice meeting you! • • • • • • #crochet #amigurumi #haken #gantsilyo #filipino #philippines #netherlands #etsy #etsyseller #etsyshop #etsyshopowner #instalike #instagood #instagram #instadaily #instapic #instalove #kawaii #amsterdam #holland #zandvoort #manila #pictureoftheday #happy #crochetersofinstagram #yarn #yarnstagram #amigurumilove #day3 (at Zandvoort) https://www.instagram.com/p/COao23ElMJB/?igshid=kso0nqs9k2iu
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gabisvt · 4 years ago
just realized how long these asks are getting, i’m so sorry hsjfjdj ><
anyways !! i must say the same to you, fellow minghao stan LMAOSHJ i think his fandom name is 8star but i’m not completely sure on that so don’t quote me or anything 🤚
you’re completely right about minghao & hoshi’s different energy. hoshi’s so chaotic ?? like if chaos was personified, it’d be him. i mean i believe minghao can be if he wanted to but i think he’s just holding back.
tbh i’d really like to try making a zoo full of amigurumi animals HWHAHS i think i’d finish making a froggy hat first though 🐸✨ i’ll let you know when i decide to get started! as much as i’d like to make tons of animals, i do want to make clothing items more often.
i actually have this super long wip w/ the childhood f2l trope but i haven’t had the motivation to finish it. the draft’s been untouched for months <//3
my break just started and to be completely honest, i think i’m just going to rest a ton ^^ since valentine’s day is this weekend, do you have any specific plans ?? like maybe a self care day? ☺️
(i’m also est!! it’s nice to talk to someone in the same timezone heheh)
aaaaa i’m so sorry this took me so long to answer (i’m a religious jew so i can’t use electronics on shabbat but it just ended so i’m back!) but omg *do not* apologize for how long these r!! i honestly rlly like that they’re so long, i feel like it shows that we have a lot to talk abt
and i think ur right with 8star, i feel like i’ve heard that before. but ya hoshi kinda just doesn’t hold back (especially if the last don’t lie is any indicator sksjskjs) but minghao just always seems very composed(idk if that makes sense 😂)
when it comes to crocheting i’m basically the opposite lol i’ve basically only made clothes id love to make some stuffed animals, and an amigurimi zoo sounds *so cute* aksjakjsks but i rlly want to make myself a vest (and i even bought myself yarn specifically to make myself a vest over black friday, and then it turned out i didn’t buy enough 🤡)
and i feel the lack of motivation, i have a bunch of small crocheting projects i haven’t touched in months😔 i blame school for robbing me of my motivation but also something in me just didn’t like using yarn needles and stitching in the ends together but that’s beside the point
my break just started and i definitely plan on resting (god knows i need to) but i also have a list of stuff i said i’d do once we went on break, and omfg i want to go ice skating so fricking bad akshskshs😩 there’s an outdoor rink not so far from me and i’m planning on forcing some of my friends to go with me (i’m not good at ice skating but i try to go every year)
i don’t really celebrate valentine’s day but i’ll prob take take advantage of the sales after and get something for my siblings or myself but now that u mention it... i do have a bath bomb i’ve been meaning to use👀 so maybe i will do a self care day! do u have any plans? (for both valentine’s day and break)
i hope ur break goes great and that u have a good night!❤️
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jujuya1103 · 4 years ago
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I made a little saint for my grandma! I'm not religious, but she does believe in saints and pray for them.
I wanted to gift her with an amigurumi, because I was making it for everyone at home, so it wouldn't be fair if she didn't receive one. Then mom thought of this and I thought it was perfect!
Pattern by Crochê by Anny Heiderick.
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mikadocutes · 3 years ago
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Hello, my dears,
Well, here is the Hero Ilya Muromets and he is Russian Bogatyr. Let me tell more words about what does that mean 🤗
🌟A bogatyr IPA: [bəɡɐˈtɨrʲ] or vityaz (IPA: [ˈvʲitʲɪsʲ] is a stock character in medieval East Slavic legends, akin to a Western European knight-errant. Bogatyrs appear mainly in Rus' epic poems—bylinas. Historically, they came into existence during the reign of Vladimir the Great (Grand Prince of Kiev from 980 to 1015) as part of his elite warriors (druzhina), akin to Knights of the Round Table.
🌟Bogatyrs are heroes of epics and legends, distinguished by great strength and performing feats of a religious or patriotic nature. There are indications in historical records and chronicles that some events that passed into epics actually took place in true history. The heroes stood guard over Russia, at the outpost. For a long time, epics (antiquities) were transmitted orally, until scientists, philologists and folklorists became interested in them.
This man is Ilya Muromets, he is one of the bogatyrs (epic knights) from the Rus' folklore. In the legends he is often featured alongside fellow bogatyrs Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Although Ilya Muromets's adventures are mostly a matter of legend, he is associated with a historical figure: a medieval warrior, and in later life a monk, named Ilya Pechersky.🌷
So how do you find this hero? 😄
#crochet #Ganchillo #gift #baby #artesanato #handmade #handcraft #lovecrochet #crocheterapia #crocheted #crochetinspiration #hechoamanoconamor #weamiguru #instacrochet #crocheterofinstagram #Amigurumi #AmigurumiDoll #AmigurumiLove #crocheting #crochetfun #crochetlove #crochetcrazy #crocheter #amigurumist #crocheteveryday #crochetdesign#etsyshop #etsysellersofinstagram #etsy
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nirvanavape · 4 years ago
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"They laugh at me because i am different; I laugh at them because they are same."- Kurt Cobain (Nirvana Rock band)#nirvana #nirvanaforever #religious #religiousart #hinduism #sikhism #buddhism #guru #amigurumi #goldentemple #covid19 #BrandonBernard #TheGameAwards #Tretechmedia #Fridaythoughts #Fridaymorning #Blessings #Prayer #HumanRightsDay #evermoreAlbum #rock #rockstar #rockband
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koalalovesyarndesigns · 5 years ago
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Excited to share this item from my #etsy shop: Both of these are up for sale! Goddess Amigurumi Dolls #paganworship #brigid #religious #blodeuwedd #sacredspacealtar #goddessfigureart #goddess #triplegoddess #goddessdoll #goddessfigure https://etsy.me/2nVcOxF https://www.instagram.com/p/B3IRHT5hU2T/?igshid=5dam8h51bpdh
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kafkasmelomania · 4 years ago
June 16, 2021: Amigurumi by Playa Gótica
*Bandcamp here
Because it’s Pride Month:
Here’s some queer history from around the world, not just the United States.
Here are some LGBTQIA+ GoFundMe campaigns: Rent Fund For Black LGBT Family, Help Roze get somewhere safe (Non-Binary LGBTQ), Survival and Gender Affirming Needs for Black Enby, College Fund for a Black Trans Woman, Tito’s top surgery and recovery fund, Omi’s Transition Fund: Health, Housing, & Security, Help Emmett Pay for Emergency Surgery
If you’d like to get involved with stopping the atrocities against Palestine, here’s where you can start (text in bold for readability):
DONATIONS: This Carrd is full of information, petitions, and places to donate, these are some additional organizations to which you can donate and a list of corporations to boycott, and this post has some information about the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund and a list of other organizations.
PETITIONS AND ACTIONS: This is a petition for the UK government to formally recognize the State of Palestine, this is a petition for them to introduce sanctions against Israel, and this is a petition for them to condemn Israel for their treatment of Palestine and Palestinians. This is a list of actions you can take (somewhat UK-specific) and a reading list of texts.
HISTORY AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This is one Jewish person’s explanation of the conflation of Jewish identity with the modern Israeli state. They mention the Nakba – read about it here. This 2016 Vox video and this 2015 CrashCourse video both give an overview of the conflict from its inception until the mid-2010s, this video explains the history of the Israeli settlements in Palestine, and here are some podcast episodes about Palestine. Decolonize Palestine has an FAQ about Palestine here and this post has some resources with background information and updates about the current situation.
PRESENT DAY: This is the Wikipedia overview of the current iteration of the crisis, this is a report about U.S. foreign aid to Israel, and these are the Wikipedia pages for Palestine-United States relations and Israel-United States relations. Here are some perspectives from on the ground in Gaza; this also explains why spreading the Palestinian point of view is so important. Vice News has a series of videos entitled “The Israeli-Palestine Conflict”. I particularly recommend “Life Inside Gaza After Nearly 2 Weeks of Bombings” (June 4, 2021), “Israel Is Vaccinating ‘Everyone’ – Besides 5 Million Palestinians” (January 28, 2021), and “Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel” (May 15, 2018). The latter provides some insight into why Israel is such a big talking point for the religious right. This Vox video from October 6, 2016, discusses one way that Palestinians are being pushed out of East Jerusalem: gentrification.
Black lives matter and here are some ways you can get involved in the  fight against racism, specifically anti-black racism (text in bold for readability):  
This Linktree and this Carrd are full of ways to confront and fight against anti-black racism: places to donate, advice for protesting, educational resources.
Donate to: Families Supporting Families Against Police Violence, the Racial Justice Network, Communities United Against Police Brutality, the Bail Project, the Black Trans Advocacy Coalition, the NAACP, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the Okra Project, the Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative, For The Gworls, G.L.I.T.S., the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, the Black Trans Travel Fund, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, and the Black Trans Femmes in the Arts Collective.
GoFundMe: Justice for Breonna Taylor, In Memory of Jamarion Robinson, Rent Fund For Black LGBT Family, Esperanza Spalding’s BIPOC Artist Sanctuary, Survival and Gender Affirming Needs for Black Enby, Jaya and Dylan’s Move out Fund, Janet and David’s apartment burned down, Help Revay get to medical school, Help Dai Parker Get Back into College Fund, Help Send Howard to Berklee College of Music, A Home for Harriett’s Bookshop
(via https://open.spotify.com/album/6K9IH1Jdu0w7Kr0jZ1Ed7T?si=frgVn97uSnmg4zTokvBglA)
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baublology · 8 years ago
Sunrise Time: Handmade & Vintage Gift Ideas
Sunrise Time: Handmade & Vintage Gift Ideas by paulinemcewen featuring sterling silver jewelry ❤ liked on Polyvore
Women s plus size shirt / Sterling silver jewelry / Stud earrings / Bohemian jewelry / Cuff bracelet / Brooch / Costume jewellery / Layered necklace / Serveware / Handmade Toy, Bunny Toy, Knitted Toy for Baby, Bunny Toy, No buttons,... / Baby dress, crochet dress, pink dress with flower, little fashionistas... / Teddy Bear Toy, Perfect Baby Shower Gift, Handmade Newborn Baby Toy,... / Cat Dog Costume Hat with Mouse Crochet Unique Handmade Pink Cat Dog... / Vintage 1800's German Religious Prayer Book, Christliches... / SALE Beaded Necklace Fiber Necklace Textile Necklace Fabric Necklace... / Bone China Egg, Made in England, Jubilee China Dish, Easter Egg, Pin... / Unique Bag Handmade Burlap Tote Lined Green Sage with Pink Irish Rose... / Amigurumi cupcake to trapillo soft stuffed with Strawberry to crochet,...
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nirvanavape · 4 years ago
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"Peace does not only come through prayer, we human beings must create peace."#nirvana #nirvanaforever #religious #religiousart #hinduism #sikhism #buddhism #guru #amigurumi #goldentemple #covid19 #BrandonBernard #TheGameAwards #Tretechmedia #Fridaythoughts #Fridaymorning #Blessings #Prayer #HumanRightsDay#evermoreAlbum
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