#reliable carriers jobs
chatmetainr · 1 year
Making Shifting Simply Outstanding with Reliable Transporters
Experience Outstanding Shifting with Reliable Transporters. Make your relocation stress-free and efficient with our trusted transporters. Our team of experienced professionals ensures a smooth and seamless moving process, providing reliable transportation services for your belongings. From household items to commercial goods, we handle it all with utmost care and professionalism. Trust us to make your shifting experience exceptional.
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wumblr · 4 months
For decades, nuclear power has been the largest source of clean energy in the United States, accounting for 19% of total energy produced last year
false. first sentence. off to a great start. you may notice this is a 2022 chart but i can tell you the only new reactors started since then are vogtle 3 and 4 (you may notice that's not a new power plant but new reactors at an existing plant), years late and $17b over budget, vogtle as a whole produces 1.1gwh, we use about 29 million annually. point being: it has not risen to 19%, the last reactor since vogtle was watts bar in 2016 and since then we've decommissioned 14 of them
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The industry directly employs nearly 60,000 workers in good paying jobs
weirdly low estimate, almost by half
maintains these jobs for decades
"maintains" is doing a lot of work here, does that include toxic exposure payouts? because they are still fighting pretty hard to get those in the world's first nuclear contamination site, hanford
and supports hundreds of thousands of other workers
✅ true! 475,000 according to the NEI link above
In the midst of transformational changes taking place throughout the U.S. energy system
the Biden-Harris Administration is continuing to build on President Biden’s unprecedented goal of a carbon free electricity sector by 2035
have they developed carbon free cement yet? (yes.) at scale? (no.) are we just not counting construction emissions because they're one-time emissions investments or how does this work exactly, i would love to know because i think we're also not counting emissions from waste transport to longterm storage because we haven't started doing that. anyway they've built a train for it even though we don't have a storage site so that's umm. that's uhh. fine i'm sure
while also ensuring that consumers across the country have access to affordable, reliable electric power
i guess you can still say "across the country" if you exclude texas as an outlier
and creating good-paying clean energy jobs.
i guess you can still call them good paying clean energy jobs if everybody who mines and refines the uranium dies of cancer because you just pulled out of the largest disarmament program in history due to it being geopolitically inadmissible (for russia... to continue... selling us the uranium from decommissioning...? i'm still trying to figure out the optics of that one but anyway as i have previously stated we didn't actually stop buying it in cases where it's "liable to cause supply chain issues")
Alongside renewable power sources like wind and solar, a new generation of nuclear reactors is now capturing the attention of a wide range of stakeholders
weird way to say that
for nuclear energy’s ability to produce clean, reliable energy and meet the needs of a fast-growing economy, driven by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda and manufacturing boom.
this is a carrier sentence to inject the president's name, but i would like to question which sectors of the growing economy are driving the most energy demand because i'm sure there are no nasty truths being elided there (it's computing)
The Administration recognizes that decarbonizing our power system, which accounts for a quarter of all the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, represents a pivotal challenge requiring all the expertise and ingenuity our nation can deliver.
it's time once again for... the energy flow sankey chart! the reason the power system accounts for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions is in no small part because 67% of it is lost to waste heat. has the nation's expertise and ingenuity started working on that yet
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The Biden-Harris Administration is today hosting a White House Summit on Domestic Nuclear Deployment, highlighting the collective progress being made from across the public and private sectors
oh boy! a summit! talking about it is the same as doing it
Under President Biden’s leadership, the Administration has taken a number of actions to strengthen our nation’s energy and economic security by reducing – and putting us on the path to eliminating – our reliance on Russian uranium for civil nuclear power and building a new supply chain for nuclear fuel
gosh, i got ahead of myself and already criticized both of those things
including: signing on to last year’s multi-country declaration at COP28 to triple nuclear energy capacity globally by 2050
everybody criticized that
developing new reactor designs
which ones, the bill gates project that just got cancelled because utilities pulled out (edit: that's nuscale, the bill gates project is terrapower), the rolls royce submarine, or the one that just got regulatory approval (edit: this is also nuscale)
extending the service lives of existing nuclear reactors
yep! you sure showed the embrittlement at diablo canyon by doing nothing about it
and growing the momentum behind new deployments
nonsense clause, but it has this really ominous undercurrent due to its vagueness
Recognizing the importance of both the existing U.S. nuclear fleet and continued build out of large nuclear power plants, the U.S. is also taking steps to mitigate project risks associated with large nuclear builds and position U.S. industry to support an aggressive deployment target.
this one is not nonsense but they can't just out and out say "we are deregulating the industry because opening the process for public comment is most often the thing that slows it down" because then somebody might realize they're bulldozing ahead no matter what any constituent says, does, or actually wants
To help drive reactor deployment while ensuring ratepayers and project stakeholders are better protected, theAdministration is announcing today the creation of a Nuclear Power Project Management and Delivery working group that will draw on leading experts from across the nuclear and megaproject construction industry to help identify opportunities to proactively mitigate sources of cost and schedule overrun risk
i'm sure a revolving door working group packed with industry insiders can solve this without compromising their commitment to the profit motive, not that it particularly matters since the cost is passed on to the consumer in the form of fees on the electric bill
The United States Army is also announcing that it will soon release a Request for Information to inform a deployment program for advanced reactors to power multiple Army sites in the United States
good god... that is a fresh nightmare i did not see coming
Additionally, the Department of Energy released today a new primer highlighting the expected enhanced safety of advanced nuclear reactors
"expected" really serves to demonstrate several points i've made
i'm going to stop going line by line here because i know this is already too boring and long for anyone to read this far, unless anybody wants to know what i think about parts 50, 52, and 53 of the NRC licensing guidance -- which many of you have very clearly stated over the years that you don't -- and while i do want to acknowledge that it does go into more detail and even answer some of the questions i raised (vogtle comes up, diablo canyon comes up, a list of which SMR designs is given, or at least a list of the companies responsible for them),
what i would like to focus on is one conspicuous absence:
the reason we need a new fleet of reactors is because they are an essential part of the bomb production chain. they are the beginning of the refinement process, and we cannot carry out the plan (already underway) to replace the minutemen missiles currently in silos with sentinel missiles without significant new construction. we cannot start the president's desired wars with russia and china without the new sentinels. he's not going to be the one to carry this out, he's ensuring whoever is his successor in about 2030 or more likely 2040 will be armed to do so. limited amount of time left to prevent that
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racheyace · 3 months
G/t July day 10 – Alien
TW: some swearing, plane crash
Approx 2.3k words
Flying anywhere near Bermuda was never fun, the weather was so often unpredictable and even well-seasoned pilots with meticulous forward planning would still often get caught in the islands fluke storms. Raiden was currently navigating one of those such storms.
He was a solo pilot, and he preferred it that way, always seeing himself as a sort of lone wolf and taking carrier jobs where he could, this trip to Bermuda had been one of those such trips.
A devastating illness had been taking over the island recently and Raiden had been asked if he could deliver some much-needed supplies to the island.
The trip from Miami to Bermuda had been deceptively calm and he’d unloaded his cargo quickly and taken off again just as fast, headed back to Miami. Realistically he would be navigating dead East for most of the trip, skirting the dreaded Bermuda Triangle all together before then heading southeast to Miami.
Raiden himself never believed in the superstitions around the Bermuda Triangle, it’s been said that many pilots and sailors had gone into the triangle, never to return with no trace left behind. Raiden had always put that down to the chaotic weather systems within the triangle and not some supernatural force.
Even still, it was wise to keep away from the Triangle as much as possible.
Unfortunately for Raiden a rogue storm had seemingly come out of nowhere causing his navigation system to go haywire and steering him completely off course.
“Shit!” He flinched as some lightning struck his plane, causing the lights in the cabin to flicker.
Raiden glanced at the radar for the hundredth time, it blinked rather clearly, assuring him that the weather was clear and safe for flight.
“What the actual fuck is going on?” He growled at the radar, a supposedly reliable piece of equipment, capable of detecting storms nearby and navigating around them, not this time so it seemed. The sky had been clear when he’d left Bermuda an hour ago and then in an instant a bitch of a storm had formed around him.
Another bolt of lightning struck his plane this time proving more damaging, looking at the computer in front of him, the fuel tank light was blinking indicating that the lightning had damaged it.
“Mayday Mayday this is Saker 284 requiring immediate assistance!” Raiden shouted through the communication system, normally he’d have gone straight through to the Miami coms tower but he’d expanded the broadcast, hoping someone closer might be able to help.
Nothing but static. And he was losing altitude fast.
Archie’s day had started like any other, picking up his usual Mocha Latte from his favourite little café conveniently located just outside the airport before heading to work.
“Morning Arch, didn’t happen to get me one of those did ya? Nightshifts a fucking killer.” Kelsey groaned.
It was right on six o clock in the morning and time for change over in the air traffic control tower, Kelsey had drawn the short straw this week and had been given three-night shifts in a row. Looking at his coffee he felt a small amount of guilt that he hadn’t even thought of his poor colleague that morning.
“Sorry Kelsey, my mind was drifting this morning, busy night?” He asked, walking over to his computer, setting down his coffee and placing his headset on.
“Not really, though if it had been busier, it might have made the night go quicker, anyway I’ll head off, my bed is calling me!” She flashed him a tired smile before taking off her own headset and getting ready to leave.
“…mayday……mayday……assistance!” Archie’s eyebrows scrunched together in immediate concern, the voice in his headset was broken and full of static, he pressed some buttons to put the frequency on the loudspeakers and waved over the manager. Kelsey had also paused at the door and was watching with concern.
“Where’s the broadcast coming from?” Albert was the day shift manager, a large brooding man and a pain in the ass most of the time but under pressure no one could deny he knew what he was doing.
“I- I don’t know, the coordinates are going haywire it won’t zero in on his location.” Archie said watching his computer screen with interest, there was nothing on the radar currently, the next expected flight in this morning wasn’t due for another hour.
“Ask him his location.” Albert said bluntly.
“This is coms tower 349, please confirm your location.” Archie said calmly, though having Albert breathing down his neck didn’t help much.
“Saker 28… unknown…fuel tank’s gone….mayday” The line was broken and static continued to fill the speakers.
“There!” Archie pointed to the radar, an unknown aircraft had just appeared on it, seemingly out of nowhere, it was large, possibly a jumbo jet and it was only a few miles out and coming in at speed.
“I repeat this is Raiden Kalver aboard Saker 284, fuel tank is down and navigation system fried, requiring immediate assistance!” The voice on the line had become clearer now.
“Raiden, this is Archie Nugent in Coms Tower 349, we see you on our radar, the landing strip is to your left do you see it?” Archie asked urgently, the plane was fast approaching, heading straight for them.
“I see it, it’s too small I’ll miss it.” Raiden’s heart had stopped briefly when someone had responded to his call for help and then out of the fog he could see land below him, the storm had dissipated but now he was facing a whole new set of problems.
He’d lost basically all control of his plane, the left wing was smoking where the fuel had ignited it and he was going down, headed straight for an airport ironically.
“There’s a field directly behind the coms tower, veer to the right and slow down as much as possible, you should be able to make it.” Archie answered nervously.
They could see the plane in the distance now, the rumbling sound of the engine loud, they only had a minute or two and the plane would hit them if Raiden didn’t veer out of the way.
“Ahhhhhh!” Raiden yelled, his hand on the brake and pulling as hard as his sore arms would allow, veering to the right, the plane was turning slowly, and he could see the field beyond.
“BRACE! BRACE!” Albert shouted at the air traffic controllers that were still within the tower.
Archie remained frozen, watching with wide eyes as the huge plane sped toward them, it was veering to the right, and he gasped as the large wing glided over the coms tower missing it by an inch. A loud crash sounded out behind them, and Archie turned to see the plane had slammed into the ground, raining dirt and smoke all around.
“Get a med team down there now!” Albert shouted. “Good work Archie.” He gave him a thump on the back which reminded Archie that he still hadn’t taken in a breath.
Regaining his composure, Archie quickly climbed down the steps of the tower and followed the medical team, jumping onto their buggy without a word, he needed to see that Raiden was okay. That had been a close call for all of them and he imagined if Raiden was unhurt, he would at least be extremely shook up.
They approached the smoking plane and grew wary as it grew bigger and bigger as they got closer to it, Raiden hadn’t mentioned any other souls being on board. What was a plane this size doing here anyway, this wasn’t a major city by any margin, and it was extremely rare to get anything landing here besides a small passenger plane.
The aircraft was mostly mangled and it was hard to make out where the doors or even the cockpit were, they didn’t need to guess for long though.
A door at least fifty feet tall was pushed open roughly with a resounding bang and then a boot the size of a bus crashed down right beside the buggy. The medical team screamed and backed the buggy up only to bump right into a second boot.
“Holy shit.” Archie gasped, he jumped off the buggy and looked upward, a man, no a giant man stood taller than most of the buildings in his town.
Raiden had just crashed, he’d never crashed a plane before, he’d had some close calls in the past, but he’d never actually crashed. The force of the crash sent Raiden’s head slamming into the controls and after shaking the stars out of his eyes he looked around with urgency, the cabin was now filling with smoke, and he coughed as he pulled the handle on the door.
It wouldn’t budge so he threw his body at the door, kicking and punching it until it shifted just enough that he was able to pry it open. The sound of alarms rang from within the aircraft and Raiden quickly stepped out into the unfamiliar landscape.
Where the fields should have been green or brown even, he was surrounded by pale lilac coloured grass, something was not right. A sound came from where he’d placed his feet in the odd dark green dirt and he looked down, eyes widening immediately.
What looked like a toy golf buggy had just bumped into his boot and beside the buggy an impossibly small man stood staring up at him with wide eyes.
Raiden immediately took several steps backward away from the scene at his feet only to trip on the uneven ground and land roughly on his ass. The tremor caused by his fall could be seen as it tossed the small man to the ground and caused the buggy to tip over, more tiny people clambering out as a result.
“Man, I must have hit my head harder than I thought.” Raiden grumbled and put a hand to his still throbbing head.
Just when he was about to pinch himself, Raiden noticed the first little man he’d seen had now picked himself up off the ground and was walking cautiously toward him.
“A-are you Raiden?” The small voice reached his ears and he recognised it immediately as the man who had been on the intercom with him, Archie.
Raiden noticed now that the people weren’t exactly normal either, this little man’s skin was a pale green and his shaggy hair was a deep purple, where on earth had he landed? Was he even still on earth anymore?
“Yes.” Raiden answered, unsure of what else to do, they spoke English, he supposed that was a start, but he didn’t have any clue where he was or if these people could potentially be hostile.
“Are you okay?” Archie asked, stepping closer still, this man was so odd looking, his skin was a sickly cream colour and his hair a dull sort of brown, he’d never seen another person like him before, could he be an alien?
“Uh.” Was all Raiden could say before a loud bang like explosion came from the cockpit, the controls had now caught fire, they needed to get away now before the whole thing blew.
“Shit! It’s gonna blow!” Raiden warned urgently, he stood then ready to run and then remembered the little people wouldn’t be able to run as fast as he could.
“Ah, excuse me.” He said awkwardly as he grasped the small man Archie in a fast and scooped the rest around the buggy into his hands. With no time to marvel that about eight people were currently squashed between his hands, he held them to his chest and ran.
The aircraft finally engulfed by flames signalled it’s destructive end with a huge explosion, Raiden ducked down shielding the small people from the debris as it rained down around him. When the worst appeared to be over, he lowered his hands to the ground in front of him as the small people tumbled none too gently in the emerald soil.
“Sorry, I uh, I didn’t know what else to do.” He explained lamely.
Though the experience had been harrowing for Archie and the small team of medical crew, they were safely on land and largely unharmed save for a few bruises when the giant had squashed them together.
“He nearly killed us!” One of the medical crew shouted.
“He didn’t!” Archie shouted, though standing in the presence of someone so huge made his stomach church and his heart rate skyrocket, he found himself defending the injured pilot.
“In case you haven’t noticed, he crash landed here! He’s injured and despite everything he saved us from the explosion! So why don’t you do your damn job and check him over!” Archie couldn’t believe how authoritarian he sounded just then.
Though the giant was potentially dangerous, he’d done nothing thus far to show he meant any of them any harm. He could have left them there beside his aircraft, he could be an alien sent here to destroy them, but Archie didn’t think so. The mayday call had held real urgency, he didn’t think the giant had come here intentionally, wherever he had come from. He appeared just as shocked and confused as Archie and his colleagues did.
The medical crew stood shocked at Archie’s outburst, none of them moved an inch.
“Well!?” Archie urged, waving toward the giant who’d now laid down on his stomach to observe the small people better, and to be on more equal ground with them.
“It’s okay Archie.” Raiden spoke up then, noting the uneasy looks on the medical crews faces. “I’m not hurt, just a bump on the head really…uh but I do have some questions…” He said carefully.
“You and me both.” Archie laughed.
“I guess the main question is, where am I?”
I suck at endings, maybe because I never want them to end, so cliff hangers are a thing. Don’t worry this idea has been in my head for a loooong time, I have a whole story plotted out for these two but for the sake of G/t July and the theme of the day being ‘Alien’ I felt I owed it to you guys to share a snippet of this now. Hehe, stay tuned for more!
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michelalovesbieber · 4 months
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Maximizing Car Value in the Automotive Transportation Industry
While car carrier companies may not have the same level of expertise and equipment as luxury vehicle transporters, they still follow strict safety protocols to ensure your vehicle arrives safely.
They also offer fully insured car carrier service for your auto during transport, providing peace of mind in case of any unforeseen incidents.
Reliable Auto Transport
The best car transport services may have more flexible scheduling options due to the higher volume of shipments they handle. This can be advantageous for customers who have fewer rigid timelines and are looking for the most cost-effective shipping solution.
Additionally, some auto transporters offer discounts for return customers or for shipping multiple vehicles, which can further reduce costs.
Despite being more cost-effective, many reliable car shipping companies still provide customer support throughout the transport process. They understand the importance of communication and aim to keep you informed about your vehicle's status from pickup to delivery.
Factors to Consider
When deciding between luxury and auto transport, there are a few factors to consider. The main one is the value of your vehicle. If you have a luxury vehicle that holds a high monetary or sentimental value, it's worth investing in a luxury vehicle transport service to ensure its safety and protection.
On the other hand, if you have a more affordable vehicle, you may feel comfortable with a more affordable option.
Car Value and Protection Needs
The intrinsic value of your vehicle is not solely about its monetary worth but also its emotional significance to you. For vehicles that are rare, have custom modifications, or are of exceptional sentimental value, choosing a reliable car transport guide that specializes in providing helpful information with cars carrying is advisable.
These services prioritize the safety and security of your vehicle, giving you the assurance that it is treated with the care it deserves.
Additionally, consider the level of protection your vehicle needs during transport.
For instance, luxury cars with custom paint jobs or delicate bodywork may require an enclosed carrier to shield them from road debris and weather conditions.
On the other hand, a standard vehicle with a sturdy build may not need the same level of protection, making an open car carrier a viable and more affordable option.
Distance and Location
Another factor to consider is the distance and location of your transport. If you're transporting your vehicle within the same city or a short distance, the car transporters may be a suitable option. However, if you're moving your vehicle long-distance or across state lines, it's worth considering a nationwide auto transport service for added protection.
For long-distance transport, the risks associated with travel increase. Variables such as weather, road conditions, and the duration of the journey can affect the safety of your vehicle. Luxury transport services often have robust strategies and equipment to mitigate these risks, such as climate-controlled carriers and advanced securing methods.
Timeliness and Convenience
Consider how important timeliness and convenience are for your situation. Luxury transport services often offer expedited shipping options and can accommodate specific scheduling requests, making them a good choice for those who need their vehicle transported on a tight schedule. They can provide exact pickup and delivery dates that align with your requirements.
Auto transport services may operate on a more standardized schedule with less flexibility. This could mean longer wait times for vehicle pickup and delivery.
However, if your schedule is flexible and time is not a pressing issue, the savings from choosing an professional service may outweigh the convenience of expedited shipping.
When it comes to auto transport for luxury vehicles, it's crucial to choose a reputable and experienced company that specializes in handling high-end cars. However, if your budget or vehicle type doesn't require the same level of care, car shipping options are also available.
Ultimately, the decision comes down to the value and needs of your vehicle, as well as your budget. By considering these factors and doing thorough research, you can find the best auto transport option for your luxury vehicle.
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End to End
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In “End to End,” my new column for Locus Magazine, I propose a policy framework for a better internet: the “End to End” principle (E2E), a bedrock of the original design for the internet, updated for the modern, monopolized web, as a way of disenshittifying it:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The original E2E marked the turning point from telco-based systems where power was gathered at the center, controlled by carriers, to the packet-switched internet, where power moved to the edges. Under the old model, only the network operator could add new features. If you wanted to create, say, Caller ID, you needed to convince the phone company to update its switches to support a new signaling system (and you probably had to rent a Caller ID box from the carrier, too).
But packet-switching made it possible for new services to be created by people at the edges of the network. Once your device was connected to the internet, it could exchange data with any other device on the internet. If someone set up a voice-calling system and you connected to it, they could add Caller ID to it without asking Ma Bell for permission.
End to end was the core ethic of this system: the idea that the telcos that sat beneath these systems should get out of the way of their users, serving only to deliver data from willing senders to willing receivers as quickly, efficiently and reliably as possible.
E2E was a powerful idea, one that truly treated the telcos as utilities — the plumbing that sat beneath the services, obliged to serve its subscribers by doing their bidding to the extent they could. If you chose to use a internet calling service instead of making phone calls, the carrier’s job was to shuttle those packets around, not to slow them down or block them to funnel you into its rival service.
There’s a powerful logic to this: no one rents a phone line because they want to make sure that the carrier’s shareholders are getting the highest possible return on their investment. The reason we buy network connections is to get to the services we value.
We have no duty to arrange our affairs to the benefit of a carrier’s shareholders. If those shareholders are so emotionally fragile that they can’t bear the thought of network users making their own choices on which services to use, they should get into a different line of work.
E2E wasn’t a law, it was a principle. Principles are useful! They can be embedded in laws (for example, the laws that establish most network providers as common carriers often include an E2E rule), but just as importantly, they can give us a vocabulary for critiquing or designing services: “Ugh, I won’t use that service, it’s not end to end,” or “How can we make this work in an end to end way?”
Principles can be integrated into professional codes of ethics, or procurement rules for public bodies (“Our university only buys end to end services”). Tech groups and publications can use principles to rank competing technologies (“Which network providers are end to end?”).
Network Neutrality is a way of operationalizing E2E: the idea of Net Neutrality is that carriers should be obliged to treat all traffic the same. If you request Youtube packets from Comcast, Comcast should deliver those packets as quickly and reliably as it can, even though its parent company, Universal, owns several competing services.
Net Neutrality can be treated as a principle (“This ISP sucks — it violates Net Neutrality”) or as a regulation (“The FCC is fining your ISP because it violated Net Neutrality”). As a regulation, Net Neutrality has a problem: it’s hard to administer, because it’s very difficult to detect Net Neutrality violations. The internet is a “best effort” network, with no service guarantees, so when your Youtube connection starts to jitter, it’s hard to prove that this is because Comcast is screwing with it, as opposed to regular network congestion.
Which brings me to my E2E proposal: end to end for services. Contemporary services have no E2E. If you search for a product on Amazon, Amazon often won’t show you that product until you’ve looked at five screens’ worth of other products that have paid Amazon to interrupt your search:
If you hoist an email out of Gmail’s spam folder and add the sender to your address book, Gmail will still send that message to spam, or even block its server. It’s incredible that we had a Congressional debate about whether Gmail should mark politicians unsolicited fundraising emails as spam but not whether emails from your reps that you asked to receive should be delivered:
Platform creators are workers whose boss is an algorithm that docks every paycheck to punish them for breaking rules they aren’t allowed to know about, because if the boss told you the rules, you’d learn how to violate them without him being able to punish you for it. Again, it’s wild that we’re arguing about “shadowbanning” (a service choosing not to send your work to people who never asked to see it), while ignoring the fact that platforms won’t deliver your posts to people who explicitly subscribed to your feed:
Alexander Graham Bell’s first telephone operators were young boys who entertained themselves by deliberately misconnecting calls, putting you in contact with people you never asked to talk to and refusing to connect you with the people you were trying to converse with.
As @brucesterling​ wrote in The Hacker Crackdown:
The boys were openly rude to customers. They talked back to subscribers, saucing off, uttering facetious remarks, and generally giving lip. The rascals took Saint Patrick’s Day off without permission. And worst of all they played clever tricks with the switchboard plugs: disconnecting calls, crossing lines so that customers found themselves talking to strangers, and so forth.
Bell fired those kids. Even the original telecoms monopolist understood that the point of a telephone network was to connect willing speakers with willing listeners.
Today’s tech barons are much more interested in charging other people to interrupt your consensual communications with nonconsensual and often irrelevant nonsense and ads. This is part of the enshittification cycle: first, the platforms lock you in by giving you a good deal, including feeds that contain the things you ask to see and search boxes that return the thing you’re looking for.
Then, platforms take away your surplus and give it to business customers. They spy on you and use the data to help target you on behalf of advertisers, whom they charge low rates for ads that are reliably delivered. They insert performers’ and media companies’ posts into your feed, generating traffic funnels that result in clicks to off-platform sites. They offer low fees and even subsidies to platform sellers and creators who produce DRM media, like ebooks and audiobooks.
Users get locked into the platform — by the collective action problem of convincing their friends to leave, by the collapse of local retail that can’t match the investor-funded subsidies of would-be monopolists, by DRM that they are legally prohibited from removing, causing them to lose their investment if they quit the service.
Business customers also get locked to the platform: platform sellers have to sell where the buyers are; publishers and creators have to provide media where the audiences are; advertisers have to run ads on the services they’ve optimized for.
Once everyone is locked in, the platform can fully enshittify, harvesting surpluses from users and business customers for themselves. Platforms can hike fees, charge media companies and creators to reach their own subscribers, block posts with links off-site, insert ads into media (like Audible is doing with paid audiobooks!), and so on.
This is the cycle that E2E seeks to interrupt. E2E for services would dictate that platforms should connect willing speakers and willing listeners. The best match for your search should be at the top of the results — even if someone is willing to pay more to put a worse match there. Emails should be delivered to people you’ve told your provider you want to correspond with — not sent to a spam folder or blocked.
As with the original E2E, there’s lots of ways we can use this principle. It can simply be a term for criticizing platforms (“You aren’t sending my posts to the people who follow me — that’s a violation of the end to end principle!”). It can be a law (“It is a deceptive and unfair practice for ecommerce companies to deliberately return search results that are not the best match they can locate for the users’ query”). It can be a punishment (“The FTC settled with Google today and ordered the company to implement a Gmail feature that permits users to identify senders whose messages will never be blocked or sent to spam”).
Lots of people are pissed off about Big Tech and many have proposed that we could make it better by treating platforms as “utilities.” But I don’t want President DeSantis to run my email provider, or to decide what’s too “woke” for me to see (or post) on social media.
An E2E rule, on the other hand, creates a role for government that doesn’t determine who gets to speak or what they get to say — rather, it ensures that when people speak and to others who want to hear them, the message gets through.
Unlike Net Neutrality, E2E is easy to administer. If I claim that your emails are being sent to spam after I marked you as a sender I want to hear from, we don’t have to do a forensic investigation into Google’s mail servers to determine if I’m right. You just send me an email we observe where it lands.
Likewise for search: if I search Amazon for a specific product or model number, it’s easy to tell whether that product is at the top of the search results or not.
Same goes for delivery to subscribers: if we suspect that Twitter is shadowbanning posters — say, for including their Mastodon addresses in their bios, or linking to posts on Mastodon — we just send some test messages and see whether they are delivered.
Beyond administratability, E2E has another advantage: cheap compliance. Lots of the rules we’ve created or proposed for service providers are incredibly complex and expensive to comply with. Take rules about “lawful but awful” content, which require platforms to somehow determine whether a message constitutes harassment and block it if it does.
These rules require an army of expensive human moderators or a vast, expensive machine learning system, or both — so they guarantee that Big Tech will rule the internet forever, because no one else can afford to launch a new service with better community norms and better practices.
By contrast, E2E is cheap to comply with. Trusted-sender lists for email providers, search engines that put best results first, and content delivery algorithms that show you the things you asked to see in the order that they were posted are all solved problems:
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This isn’t to say that platforms wouldn’t be allowed to offer algorithmic feeds and results. Think of how Tumblr does it: you can choose between a feed called “Following” (posts from people you follow) or “For You” (posts that Tumblr thinks you’ll enjoy). Forcing platforms to clearly label their recommendations and give you the choice of controlling your own feed is a powerful check against enshittification.
If you know when you’re in charge and when the platform is driving things, and if you can toggle away from platform-determined feeds to ones that you design, the platform has to be better than you at choosing what you see, or you won’t choose its recommendations.
Platform owners have hijacked the idea that “freedom of speech isn’t freedom of reach” to justify the now-ubiquitous practice of overriding users’ decisions about what they want to see:
The Old Internet had lots to going for it. It wasn’t perfect, though. While it was easy to find the things you knew you liked, it could be hard to find things you didn’t know you liked. Recommendations, whether they come from an algorithm or a human editor, are a source of endless delights. But when a we find something we like through one of those recommendations, we need to know that we can find more from that source if we choose to.
Sometimes it’s nice to scroll an algorithmic feed and get a string of surprises. But we are forced to use those feeds, they will inevitably enshittify, to our detriment, and to the detriment of the people who make the things that please us.
As ever, the important thing about a technology isn’t what it does, it’s who it does it for and who it does it to. When we control our feeds, we can choose to let a recommender system do the driving. If we’re locked into a recommendation system, it drives us.
Today (Mar 7), I’m doing a remote talk for TU Wien.
On Mar 9, you can catch me in person in Austin at the UT School of Design and Creative Technologies, and remotely at U Manitoba’s Ethics of Emerging Tech Lecture.
On Mar 10, Rebecca Giblin and I kick off the SXSW reading series.
Image: Felix Andrews (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elephant_side-view_Kruger.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A room full of telephone operators at a switchboard; their heads have been replaced with hacker-in-a-hoodie heads. On the wall behind them is a poster ad for Facebook with the slogan, 'Find Your Facebook Group.' Atop the switchboard stands a small elephant with a bite taken out of its back.]
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syntheticmortal · 5 months
hi again since my game is coming soon i need some advice how do you handle kinfolk and kinfolk pcs if you run those also the whole thing about lupus and hispo being able to communicate thru form based nuances is a bit confusing i get like barking and maybe like body language but that’s for like super basic info ain’t it
Yo! :D
Everything I say now is about established setting and my suggestions, all of which can be overruled because it'll be your game - in the way I redesign Werewolves for my VTM games to better suit my needs as a GM. Also of note my only experience with WTA is running this current W5 game and reading a fuck ton of old books and forums for inspiration and OC making, but I feel confident in my answer here
Broadly Kinfolk, as the families of Garou and carriers of the Werewolf 'condition', don't work in the W5 system, where Garou are normal people randomly selected through mysterious means to undergo the First Change. So you're going to have to make some decisions about what role Kinfolk take in your game - functionally in old lore they're just humans with an immunity to the Delirium and the ability to maybe have a Garou kid. In the W20 Corebook, and the W20 book Kinfolk: A Breed Apart there's some Gifts that Kinfolk can use but they're very weak - and would need to be modified to W5 (as the way difficulty for rolling was done was very different back then too)
So how do you wanna play Kinfolk in your own game? Do all Garou need to be breeding with Kinfolk to make more Garou and there's no randoms? Is the Kinfolk the most reliable way to make more Garou but still people change randomly? (In old lore that was lost lineages of Kinfolk producing a 1-in-100 Garou kid, but it doesn't have to be here) - and maybe if a Garou, even if born, produces a "random" tribal affiliation like it does in normal W5, so you avoid turning Garou tribes into family lines and ethnicities like in old lore as I remember that was something you wanted to avoid for your own game ^^. Also in W5 the Garou Nation has fallen apart and the Garou aren't coordinating en masse anymore, so where do the Kinfolk fit into that in your game?
Also of note, because they're usually just normal people, Kinfolk are both incredibly vulnerable, taking damage as a human and not a Garou, and unable to engage with the spiritual half of things like enter the Umbra or see spirits. Any Kinfolk PC working alongside Garou is at big risk of both dying if they're in the same fights, and not being able to use the buffs with shapeshifting and powerful Gifts and Rites. (Kinfolk also historically were used like a servant cast, maintaining jobs to fun the Sept, holding houses where Garou could come crash, driving people around and such)
And then there's the Rage. The horror of being a Garou is the horror of being a very very angry monster that keeps killing people and breaking things and trying to make it all worth something - but was what you did in the name of Gaia even righteous? How many people did you accidentally kill? etc etc
For Kinfolk, they experience the horror of trying to be in a relationship with that person. There's a huge power dynamic and at the drop of a pin your spouse, your uncle, your parent, your sibling, or even child, could lose their fucking mind and trash everything, maybe even kill some of the family! Even you! It's a different theme entirely unless you wish to change what Kinfolk means for your game. (Not that I hate the idea of a mixed Kinfolk and Garou Pack, it sounds great, it's just more to think about for the GM)
And that's in addition to them feeling powerless to help or forgotten or even straight up treated like some sort of property by the angry warrior demi-gods that control their lives (this is why there were quite a few Kinfolk villains in old lore, as of course the conservative attitudes of the Garou at large were always a problem for PCs to rail against)
In summary - you need to decide what Kinfolk are going to be in your W5 game, and then it should be easier from there ^^
As for Hispo and Lupus form communication - I allow for simple ideas being shared with mostly body language. "Bad guy over there", "follow me", "I think we should go" etc - it's like Wolves are very good at communicating and THEN these guys are also fully thinking people who might be able to use context clues better than a literal animal. I admittedly don't know as much about how wolves actually communicate
If I've got any WTA people following along with this I invite people to add their own thoughts! ^^
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karenandhenwillson · 5 months
9-1-1 non-timeline: Shannon and Eddie
I've had some discussion about Shannon come across my dash lately, so I thought I'd throw in my own thoughts. I've a lot of issues with Shannon, but my biggest issue with any discussion about her is always that Eddie and Shannon's timeline is the most fucked up timeline in the whole show. And that's saying something in a show where time just... doesn't seem to go linear? And still people don't think about those contradictions before they use them in their arguments.
Anyway. The Diaz family timeline.
We know Eddie is a Staff Sergeant when he is injured and discharged in 2015. To reach the rank of Staff Sergeant, you have to have at least six years in service. And here we have the first contradiction. Because Chris was born in 2011, four years before Eddie was discharged. And while Shannon said in one of the flashbacks that Eddie went and enlisted when they learned about her pregnancy, that just doesn't make sense with his rank.
So, we as fans are in a position here to decide how to make sense out of it. For me that comes down to the question which of the two facts we are presented is more reliable? A military rank with very strict guidelines or something said by an angry wife in a fight? I'll chose to believe Eddie joined the army at the latest in 2009 if not a little earlier—so long before Chris was even a blip on Shannon and Eddie's radar—and that Shannon tried to gaslight Eddie during their fight about running away.
And also, re-enlisting when Chris was around two years old (estimation based on the appearance of the child we saw Eddie holding when Shannon told him Chris just didn't know him) when Eddie enlisted after learning Shannon was pregnant doesn't make any sense either. Usually, a solider sign up for four years active duty, sometimes six years, and in a few here unlikly cases two years. The rest of the eight-year contract in either case is spent in the reserves. Neither two years nor four years of active duty can be true here with around six months of pregnancy (because they weren't planning it and Shannon probably didn't notice right away, and then enlisting doesn't mean you start your contract right that day). He either would have already enlisted, or much more likely, it would have been a little more than a year away.
The decision to believe the military carrier over spiteful words during a fight, of course, brings us right to the new information that was thrown at us in season 6 in form of her gravestone: Shannon's age, and as Eddie mentioned they were high school sweethearts, his age, too. The thing is, dates on any props in this show are reliably unreliable.
You remember Claudette's death? Which happened several weeks after Chimney and Maddie returned to LA? And that Chimney and Maddie had reconnected on St. Patrick’s Day in Boston? And do you remember the invitation for Claudette's funeral stating her date of death as before St. Patrick’s Day?
Yeah. Dates on props in this show can clearly not be trusted because the props department clearly doesn't check with the writers or the (probably non-existing) series bible. So, I think that date is a mistake.
Eddie would have been 17 in 2009 if he had been born in 1992. Of course, in theory, he could have finished high school with 17 and then joined the army right away. But I doubt he would have made it to Staff Seargeant in just six years if he had joined that young and inexperienced. As far as my research has provided, you have to be very dedicated to your job to get there in the quickest time allowed, and Eddie was dealing with getting married and worrying about becoming a father. At that age, that would have probably been enough of a distraction to make it impossible to get the promotion in the minimal time required to even be able to get it.
So, Eddie was probably not born in 1992. And if we want to believe that they were high school sweethearts, I don't want to believe he is more than a year older than Shannon. But even that would still make his military carrier very tight and unlikly.
For Eddie to have a little bit time between school and army and for him to reach his rank with a little leeway (especially as I don't think that rank was brand new when he was injured) I'd make them at least three years older than the gravestone tried to tell us. Which still makes them very young parents, of course.
And the show didn't only fuck up with Shannon and Eddie's timeline and age. Eddie's sisters are not any better.
In Eddie Begins Helena talks about the birth of her children in the order of Eddie, Sophia, Adriana--and a lot of fandom went "Oh, that's their birth order, otherwise she'd not have talked about them in that order!" I strongly disagree. Because the whole conversation took place over the birth of Eddie's son. Why would they talk about either of his sisters first before him when it was all about Eddie and his family in this moment?
There is also this moment in season 3 when Bobby talks with the rest of the 118 about May's college essay. And Eddie says something about watching his sisters write them and deciding against him. That implies at least one of his sisters is older than him. How could he otherwise have watched his sister work on her college essay and make that the deciding point about not going to college himself? If he was the oldest, he'd already have made that decision.
In season 6 we then of course learn that when Adriana was born, Eddie was old enough that his father had already told him he needed to be the man of the family (why are all the parents of the mains so horrible) and that he was tall enough to reach the pedals of his father's car and still look over the steering wheel. At least a little, probably. I don't think he'd have gotten the idea he could drive the car if he hadn't been able to see anything. So, I'd estimate Eddie is anything between 10 and 12 or even 13 years older than Adriana. And Sophia is even another couple of years older than Eddie. That's a pretty huge age gab to the youngest sibling (and makes her be age difference to Christopher less than to her siblings).
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notthestarwar · 9 months
your recent boba and jango posts have me thinking about how in "legacy of the force," boba repeatedly condemns himself for not loving mirta, his own granddaughter, despite clear evidence to the contrary. i was always like "lol idiot can't even reliably interpret his own emotions" but now i'm thinking about it and like... so much of the way he cares about mirta is wanting desperately for her to be safe, happy, and free from his own tainted legacy. what if boba knows damn well that he feels all of this, but because his definition of paternal love comes from jango, whose love for him was defined by an exacting desire for his son to be a perfectly groomed carrier of his own legacy (ultimately at the EXPENSE of boba's safety, happiness, and freedom), that now boba can't even recognize his own feelings as love? and then he feels like he's failed his father by not being as "loving" as he was. when the cycle is one of the few things you have left of your father, breaking it feels like betrayal...
omg i've been so excited to log on and answer this all day lol
ok so. yes thats exactly what I think it is. Jango didn't GET love, he didn't understand it because of what happened to him as a child, and Boba inherited this, only, its way way worse in Boba.
For Jango, he struggles to understand how to show love because he associates it with loss and fear and violence. He might have once known familial love but by the time he has Boba all those memories have been tainted by what came after. But he does have something of a foundation that would allow him to understand how to show it and untangle it from all his mixed up feelings about the rest of it. If he worked for it, he could get there without much of a problem, tho of course he never would have because he's Jango so theres all that denial and refusal to admit he might be wrong.
But when it comes to Boba? His idea of love isnt tangled up in anything after the fact, his entire foundation is rotten thanks to the generational trauma he inherrited from Jango and his absolutely bizzare upbringing with 0 role models to show him an alternative.
You don't need to understand love to be able to love. 'wanting desperately for her to be safe, happy, and free from his own tainted legacy.' this? is a natural human expression of love. but of course boba doesn't see that! when unhealthy attatchement is your baseline, loving someone enough to want them to be free, probably feels like you dont care about them enough.
Where Boba is at, isnt a place thats impossible to heal and grow from, tho he'd have a much harder job of it than jango would, thanks to his early foundation giving him such weird ideas and him never being exposed to anything else in later life (OF COURSE jango's behaviour towards boba is a huge part of this but, i also cant stop thinking about the influence of growing up around the clones would have? seeing them brought up in a way that was totally void of love. seeing how jango acted towards them in spite of them being from him, being the same genetically as Boba. in spite of them being children. like. god. Boba has SUCH a weird frame of reference here and then the life he lives later on doesnt really expose him to anything that would correct his distortions of thought (not that he ever would have let it))
because this is the second part. and youve hit it on your head here. its all about betraying jango. boba can not admit that jango made mistakes, and that boba has something he needs to heal from BECAUSE of jango, because to do so would be a betrayal of his father. his dead father, that boba lost before he got to the age where you see that your parents arent perfect and that they make mistakes. boba undoubtedly puts jango on a pedalstal, he idolises him and is forgiving of things that i really really dont think he would be, had jango survived.
i've played with this idea before of… what would boba's relationship with jango be if jango had survived? i think theres a very high possiblity that there would be a breaking point where all of a sudden he did begin to see that jango isnt always right. that jango had made mistakes. and maybe, to begin to question what this 'legacy' jango wants him to carry really is.
the truth is, boba's determination to do right by his dad, to carry this legacy. to be a bounty hunter and to do what he thinks his dad would have done. using jangos words to introduce himself. its largely thanks to the fact that Boba KNOWS that jango wanted him to carry jangos legacy, he has always known that, but what he doesnt really know is what exactly jangos legacy involves. jango wasnt honest with him. didnt give him all the details. boba wasnt old enough to ask for the reasons WHY, to read between the lines. he doesnt know what motivated jango. he doesnt know what jango wanted out of life, what jango considered to be his legacy, as the last of the fetts. all boba really knows is empty words told to a child. jango made a lot of declarations about his way being the right way, but he never actually explained, there was never any substance to it. Would he have? had he had time? maybe. but boba wasnt old enought to be told in the time they had.
boba cant admit that what he feels for Mirta is love because if he does that, he has to admit that its something jango could have felt towards boba himself, and yet he didnt. its to admit that boba missed out on something, thanks to jango. boba sees Mirta as a person, jango saw boba as a tool. To admit that he is doing right by her with these feelings, would lead to some uncomfortable questions. he would have to accept that jango did not do right by him, and how can boba do that? not at this kind of level. its one thing admitting your parent made mistakes (and thats hard enough) but to admit that your parent didnt love you right? didnt love you in a way you deserved? that there was a different way and they didnt take it? how could boba do that?
jango died his hero, and so jango always will be his hero. to do things differently to jango, to admit that jangos way isnt the best way? that is to betray his dead father, who he loves. Bobas greatest love will always be for this idea of who jango was, before he was taken from him. bobas idea of jango isnt based on facts, the adoration of a child who idolised his father and then lost him, far too early. he was left alone in the galaxy, so to him, jango will always be who jango might have been. the built up idea of a man who never was, based on childish memory, stretched out in to- what if he'd lived? and continued to be that forerver. its a fantasy. and any admission that jango wasnt a good father, wasnt the kind of father figure jango himself would want to be, could bring that fantasy crashing down.
i have lots of thoughts on this lol thank you so much for sending this!!!! i absolutely adore your takes and theyve really helped shape how i see jango
:green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart::green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart::green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart::green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:
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heather1815 · 1 year
In your honest opinion how do you think Tord would react to having a daughter or son?
Would Tom be jealous even if it was their kid?
How would Tord explain it to the RA?
🫶 Sorry for all the questions! Love your work!
I’m gonna answer this regarding both stories.
Tom would never be jealous of a kid, regardless of universe or whether it’s his or not. It’s a child. They deserve love and attention no matter what.
MLTS Tord would be ecstatic to have a child of his own. He’d vow to be a way better parent than his own mother ever was to him. He’d probably spoil his child a lot too! Of course, a child is a big commitment and he can’t exactly hide it from the Red Army, so he’d come clean to them and use it as an excuse to bring his child everywhere. You know those baby carrier things that you strap to your chest to carry babies around? Tord would definitely have one of those to bring his child everywhere, and when he is on his office doing paperwork he’d just lay them down on a play mat next to him and let them play while he works. Which is a bit of a problem at times because he tends to drift off and just watch over them instead of working.
Wym Tord on the other hand, while he is enthusiastic about having a child, its more for the fact of having a legitimate heir to the Larson family bloodline rather than the prospect of being a father and raising a kid. He’d be involved in his child’s upbringing, teaching them the ways of the Larson family and preparing them to take on the mantle of Red Leader, but other than that he is very much emotionally detached from the situation. He is busy with his job as leader as usual to really raise a kid properly so he leaves them with a reliable babysitter or his partner of choice to care for. The Red Army of course would be overjoyed by the arrival of the new heir and would devote their entire lives to protect and serve the young heir.
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entheorg · 11 months
Just How Can Customers Decide On A Respectable Duct Cleaning Service Supplier?
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Air ducts are actually a vital part of your home's heating and cooling system. They maintain the air streaming as well as preserve the interior air high quality of your home, making it comfy as well as healthier for you as well as your family members. Nevertheless, like every other home part, they need upkeep, cleansing, and also repair work to operate ideally. When it pertains to air shaft cleansing, you ought to never skimp on top quality. A respectable service provider can make a huge difference in the indoor air top quality in your home. However how can consumers opt for a trustworthy air duct cleaning Seattle company supplier? In this comprehensive guide, we'll offer you with ideas and also secrets to select a trusted air shaft cleaning service supplier that meets your individual needs.
Analysis and also Recommendation:
The first step in discovering a reputable commercial dryer vent cleaning is to analysis and request suggestions from good friends and also other reliable sources. A great duct cleaning company provider should have a strong credibility and reputation in the neighborhood, as well as there is a high likelihood that someone you recognize may possess utilized their services in the past. When researching online, you should search for reviews on the company's website and also social media sites web pages. You can also get in touch with companies like the Bbb (BBB) to find out if there have been any complaints housed versus the company.
Sector Knowledge as well as Qualification:
Another essential factor to look at when deciding on a duct cleaning service carrier is sector expertise and license. Constantly seek a company that has functioned for a handful of years as well as possesses a group of expert experts. Experienced technicians have the knowledge as well as proficiency to spot potential problems in the course of the cleaning method and also address all of them suitably. Furthermore, qualification is essential as it shows that the company adheres to business standards, uses the most up to date cleaning techniques, and keeps a high amount of professionalism and reliability.
The Cleaning Refine and Equipment:
Washing air ducts may be a direct method however or even carried out accurately, it can create even more danger than really good. You should make sure that the commercial air duct cleaning you pick possesses a premium cleaning process that features a detailed cleansing of all ductwork. The cleansing method should consist of cleaning of the supply as well as profit duct, enrolls, grilles, diffusers, motors, supporters, and coils. You need to also ask them about the kind of cleansing equipment they utilize. The best reliable cleaning equipment ought to have the ability to catch the gunk as well as debris that the cleansing procedure displaces, preventing it from being launched back in to the home's air supply.
Service Contract and also Insurance Policy:
A reputable duct cleaning company carrier need to use a service agreement that summarizes the scope of work, price, completion time, and other important information. The agreement should reside in writing, as well as each celebrations ought to authorize it before the work begins. It is likewise vital to ensure that the company is actually covered before working with. A covered by insurance company takes duty for any problems or even incidents that may take place in the course of the cleansing process, delivering peace of mind to you and your family.
Cost and Opportunity price quotes:
Ultimately, it is actually necessary to pick an air duct cleaning service company that delivers straightforward and competitive costs. Never make a decision located solely on cost, since low prices often suggests crappy services. Additionally, make sure that the company you choose offers a clear and succinct timeline for the fulfillment of the job. You don't desire your home to become disrupted for a lengthy period, and also a knowledgeable company should have the expertise to finish the operate in a timely and also reliable way.
Discovering a reliable air shaft cleaning service provider for your home needs time as well as mindful consideration. Through following these pointers as well as secrets, you will be able to choose an air shaft cleaning company carrier that satisfies your private demands and supplies high-quality services that maintain the air top quality in your house. Keep in mind, an exceptional air shaft washing company needs to have field expertise, impeccable references, high quality cleansing equipment, a service agreement, insurance policy, as well as straightforward prices and also opportunity estimates. Along with these think about thoughts, you can select an air shaft cleaning company that provides excellent worth for cash and also delivers a healthy and also comfy home environment for you and also your loved ones.
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girl4pay · 1 year
i’ll be like hi i’m so reliable and normal and good creditable can i please see the inside of this apartment please please hi please and the realtor will be like you can contact me through carrier pigeon or through your apartmentsdefinitelynotascam.net account and i’ll be like okay i gave apartmentsdefinitelynotascam.net my phone number blood type and the number of moles on my back now can i see the please the inside of the please apartment please and the realtor will be like i need references from jobs from today to 1960 and i’ll be like okay sent by carrier pigeon now please hi just a peek inside the apartment and the realtor will be like okay cool here’s an application but pay me $360 and take this cursed amulet first before you start it and i still haven’t seen the apartment and the only picture online is of the front garden and the bathroom taken at an angle so it looks like theres no toilet
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isaacapatow · 8 months
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with @davxdalexander & @mayrarcjas  | the daybreakers : david talks about ermano, and ike and mayra close something and consider an opening
ike apatow We got word that Ares was injured. They're gonna be bringing him back to Redwood as soon as he's stable enough to travel. -they're ranging among the junk in the yard, finding salvage that can be repurposed to repair and fortify things in town- The radio system we set up isn't reliable but at least they got that much through. We should start training damn carrier pigeons, man.
David Alexander Ares? Shit. -it seemed just about everyone was getting hurt- How bad is he?
ike apatow They couldn't give too much detail but from what I gather he's down for the count and they're worried his wounds might fester if he stays. Makes sense. Everyone who's there is there to be a target, after all, but targets with a chance of getting out of it alive. -Ike scowls down at the ground for a moment after saying that, his forehead in a pained crease-
David Alexander Well, that's good they can bring him back. Hopefully it ain't anything too bad. -David knows that Ike has a special spot for all of his raiders and he notices the look in his face- Zack won't let anything happen to them. As much of a pain in the ass he is, he's not that kind of guy. But I'm sure you know that.
ike apatow Yeah, no -- it's not that. He's gonna do what he can. It's ... -Ike stops looking around entirely, looking at David instead- They could all be dead a month from now. Or worse, captured. You were a prisoner with the Daybreakers, I mean not for long but long enough to see what it was like.
David Alexander -David waits for Ike to give him his attention and let him spill rather than pry. He crosses his arms and sighs as he nods along- It wasn't long, but yeah. I was glad we were gone as quick as we were. I don't want to think about what would happen if the others are taken.
ike apatow But we have to. That's our job, to think about that.
David Alexander -David nodded- Yeah. I know. But we're not gonna let that happen to them. -it wasn't a question - it was a matter of fact-
ike apatow -Ike stares at him flatly for a moment, then turns back to searching- I don't know how you do it.
David Alexander -his brow raises slightly as he follows Ike- Do what?
ike apatow Never bother thinking anything deeper than what you've been told to think.
David Alexander -David breaths out amusement under his breath- It's not that. It's a success mentality. Used it on missions and it never failed.
ike apatow -Ike snorts, although his interest is piqued by this- Positive thinking, seriously? That's what Uncle Sam taught you when you were in his gang?
David Alexander No, Uncle Sam taught me patience with stupiditiy. Ermano taught me positive thinking.
ike apatow Now I know you're fuckin' with me. Ermano has positive thoughts about trousers that can be let out in the ass and that's about it.
David Alexander -David smirked and shrugged- Am I? Or maybe that's just how close 'Mano and I are.
ike apatow All right, well -- whatever. You and Ermano can have had all the positive thinking personal hand-holding retreats you want, it doesn't mean it's gonna help anything.
David Alexander Might not, but it doesn't hurt either.
ike apatow You sure you didn't learn this from Mayra? That sounds more likely.
David Alexander -David shook his head- No, I learned this from being a leader to a bunch of guys who were terrified about going into war zones.
ike apatow See now -- if you were my CO and I was shit terrified to go get potentially blowed up and you told me to just think nice thoughts and assume success, I'd gank you in the night and go AWOL. -Ike smirks, leaning back at the hips as he jabs a finger at David- And that's why I'm not suited for the military.
David Alexander You'd be surprised how many guys did that. -he laughed under his breath- Yeah, I could see that. Ain't nothing wrong with it.
ike apatow So. Speaking of Mayra, what's up with you and Mayra?
David Alexander Uhhhh. -he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly- I'm just helpin' her out. She asked for some self defense lessons and she came to check up on me with the whole 'Mano incident.
ike apatow Noooooooooo, tell the truth. She made you smile. -Ike jams his fingertips on either side of his mouth, giving a dimply twinkly exaggerated smile and twisting his fingers- I had to hear the girls squealing about it, so now I get to bother you about it.
David Alexander I do know how to smile, y'know. She ain't the only one. -he shakes his head but is amsued nonetheless- We shared a single kiss. Just one.
ike apatow What's stopping you from more?
David Alexander I want to talk with her about things. Gauge her comfort level and everything.
ike apatow Things? What things? Am I a thing? Tell me if I'm a thing because I'm pretty fuckin sure I'm a thing.
David Alexander I don't know if you're a thing. That is more a Mayra answer than me. You might want to talk to her.
ike apatow Don't tell me to talk to her, I've talked to her more than you have and that's a fuckin fact. -he boots over a piece of a wheel well, crouching down to look at it but still talking- She's in love with me. She claims she's in love with me. Did she mention that?
David Alexander -David crossed his arms and stared at him with a brow raised- Not really, no.
ike apatow -Ike hoots, breaking apart some gears from a shaft and inspecting them- Well, now you know. She was probably never even gonna tell you.
David Alexander -David shrugs- Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know. For all I know it was just a kiss and nothing more. Hence why I wanted to talk to her first.
ike apatow What's Ermano say about it?
David Alexander Being happy for me and go for it because we're all on borrowed time.
ike apatow Huh, interesting. He normally has a lot to say about Mayra being slutty, even though she's barely slept with anybody.
Mayra Rojas -she had left sol’s home, dropping off a few items when she had overheard her name being said, by an all too familiar voice. looking through the junkyard fence, mayra saw david and ike talking. crouching, she continued to listen to the conversation, unseen-
David Alexander Honestly, I think Ermano's near brush with death has changed his mind on a few things. I also know he's been trying to get me a girl since as long as I have known him.
ike apatow Even one he thinks is a stone whore?
David Alexander A stone whore? -he raises his brow questioningly- I'm not exactly the most virtuous guy either, y'know.
ike apatow Oh, yeah -- Ermano won't care how many places you dipped your wick, this is entirely one-way judgy traffic,
David Alexander Like I said - Ermano said he was happy for me, even if there's nothing there. And he told me to go for it, but I don't know if there even is anything there.
ike apatow -standing back up, Ike looks at David for a while, then walks ahead a bit- All right. Well, I can handle the rest myself, if you want.
David Alexander -David shook his head as he follows along- Appreciate it but idle hands and all that. Besides, -he reaches down and picks up something Ike walked past- You missed some.
ike apatow Sure. Knock yourself out.
Mayra Rojas -mayra finally stepped out into view, looking over to the men- What’s the matter, Ike? Annoyed David didn’t give in to your instigation? Let me guess, you were the one who brought me up? Real nice. -she crossed her arms, sending a glare toward ike-
ike apatow What instigation? If he knew what one was, that would've been called a conversation.
David Alexander -David looked up as Mayra approached and he felt like he was missing something here- Were you eavesdropping?
Mayra Rojas I was leaving Sol’s and heard my name. A little hard not to when that happens. -her attention was only on david- Don’t listen to him when it has anything to do with me. It’s all false. Well, one thing is right. -she looks to ike with a pointed stare- I don’t love him.
ike apatow -cups his hand to his ear- Say that again? I wanna hear it in front of a witness.
Mayra Rojas Bite me. -she rolls her eyes-
ike apatow -he drops his hand, giving her a dark, serious stare- No. Say it again. I think I deserve that much and David does too.
Mayra Rojas You’re such an insufferable cockroach. -her arms fell to her side- You were right, I don’t love you. -there was so much more she wanted to say, but mayra chose to put a cork in it to not confuse david more than he already looked-
ike apatow Great. Now I'm gonna continue on, and you two can do whatever. -he starts to head off to the other side of the junkyard-
Mayra Rojas -she watches ike as he moves to the over side of the junkyard, frustration growing- Give me a sec and then I’ll answer any questions you might have -she says to david before following ike- Hey, what the hell was that? Why bother bringing me up to someone else when we haven’t even seen each other since before snow fall?
ike apatow -keeps walking, not turning around- That's what us lying cockroaches do.
Mayra Rojas Bullshit. -she catches up to him, and rounds to stop in front of him- Stop! That’s not fair. I’m moving on and trying to find what I need with someone else and this is what you do? I didn’t run to Jemma when I found out about you two. Why try to hinder my happiness?
ike apatow What would you even run to Jemma for?
Mayra Rojas My point.
ike apatow That isn't a point.
Mayra Rojas Yes, it is. You just refuse to see it. Hell, anything I say you refuse to even acknowledge it.
ike apatow That's rich coming from the girl who's refused to listen to a single thing I've said, even if it's about me.
Mayra Rojas -she lets out a sigh, but stays firm- You’re right. I didn’t want to hear you, and I’ll own up to that.
ike apatow -he looks at her directly instead of around at other things, mouth twisted to the side- All I said to him is that Ermano thinks you're a slut, and that you think you're in love with me. The first one's true, that's what Ermano thinks, and the second one has apparently changed, so... -Ike shrugs- So that's that. I'm not a fucking liar and I never have been, but thanks for assuming I would. 
Mayra Rojas -mayra rolled her eyes, two fingers reaching her temples to give them a few rolls- Jesus fucking Crickets, we’re never going to be able to have a decent conversation again, are we? Fuck, I didn’t know you moved to Gin’s place ‘til Lucien told me. Once upon a time, that’s something we would’ve talked about before it happened, and now? I feel like I’m looking at the shell of someone I used to know and I don’t like it.
ike apatow -he shrugs, shoulders slumping a little- I don't like it either. But I don't think there's any way back for us. You can't even talk to me without rolling your eyes and calling me names.
Mayra Rojas Maybe say something not ‘roll my eyes worthy’ -her words were a joke but she could see how they could’ve been taken serious- That was a joke, by the way. -moving a piece of hair behind her ear, mayra looked up at ike- I’m sorry. I’ll try to stifle my defense mechanism around you.
ike apatow -he can't help sounding a little mournful, looking down at her- I don't know why you even feel like you have to be defensive around me. I'm not trying to attack you, Mayra.
Mayra Rojas -she shrugs- Sometimes it feels like it.
ike apatow You know if I ask you to give me examples you wouldn't be able to come up with any. You know that, right.
Mayra Rojas Don't you think I already know it's all in my head?
ike apatow Uh, not really, since you act on it as if it's fact.
Mayra Rojas That's what mental illness is, Ike. I'm sure you can understand that better than most. -she wasn't insinuating ike had one, but to work with addicts ... to be an addict was classified as a mental illness in the old world- I've been seeing Theo. And while he's not a psychiatrist, he certainly presents some affirming information on personality disorders. The highs ... the lows ....
ike apatow Okay, okay. I don't require you to tell me what your diagnosis is, that's your business -- all I want is for you to stop treating me like a cartoon villain out to get you. I do know what mental illness is like, yeah, and rule one is that it's not an excuse for treating other people like shit.
Mayra Rojas I'm not making an excuse.
ike apatow Oh-kay. Congratulations on seeking help, then.
Mayra Rojas -mayra lets out a slow breath, her eyes slightly narrowing at him- How about this? And it might sound corny, but, whenever you're free, stop by for tea and we'll catch up. Maybe do just ten minutes and see how it goes for another tea date, as friends. Just a suggestion, think it over. -she puts a gentle hand on his arm- I do miss you, by the way. You were like one of my best friends ... that I fucked. -she snorts-
ike apatow How about you invite me for tea. I think that would work better than me calling the shots on anything between us. -he raises his eyebrows hopefully, resting his hand over hers on his arm-
Mayra Rojas -a small smile forms- Ike, will you please meet me for tea at my place, tonight? As long as you're not too busy.
ike apatow Yes I will. -he answers without hesitation, then sighs, cupping his other hand to the back of her head and pressing a short kiss to her hair before letting go- I'll see you later, kid. Now go tend to that basset hound of yours.
Mayra Rojas -she briefly folds into him and smiles at his comment. with a shake from her head, mayra walks back toward david, her hands shoved deep in her coat pockets- Hey, sorry about that. You need help?
David Alexander -when Mayra had ran off to do whatever it was with Ike, David had busied himself to avoid watching or listening. It was obviously a private conversation and one he felt like he didn't need to get into the middle of. He only looked up from the broken clock that he was taking apart when he heard Mayra- Just grabbing a couple more parts to pass on for projects. Everything good between you two?
Mayra Rojas -she gave a single-sided shrug- Time will tell, honestly. But - um. I want you to know that there's nothing romantic going on there. In case you were wondering.
David Alexander -David looked over to where Ike had disappeared before back at Mayra- I wasn't, but that's good to know. -he offers her a gentle smile as he finally pulls apart the clock and pulls out the gears- So....just how long were you spying on us?
Mayra Rojas Not long, truthfully. Probably the last minute or so before I stepped out. -she playfully narrowed her eyes at him- Why? Did you finally confess your undying love for Ermano?
David Alexander -David chuckles and shakes his head - Oh, no. Nothing that dramatic. But I did tell him that 'Mano has a crush on him.
Mayra Rojas I knew it -mayra playfully put a finger in the air- That's why he acts like he has a stick up his ass whenever Ike is around, huh?
David Alexander Oh yeah. He just doesn't want Ike to know it. He likes to play hard to get.
Mayra Rojas -she snorted at his joke- Figures.
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salami-dono · 1 year
Edgy OC asks for Dr. Jester!! 2, 4, 10, 22, 23, 24, 25.
>w> aaaand 13 n 7
Thank you for sending some questions. It took a while to answer.
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
This will be hard to answer, because what I’ve observed about Dr. Jester seems normal to me. Hm, I could think of a few things. 1) He thinks he’s cute. He’s very confident. 2) He likes dinosaurs. 3) He can speak to the small animals Sonic rescued in the classic games. He took a liking to a bird called Chicky (like the Flicky.) Instant friendship.
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
When I read this question, I didn’t know what it meant by fawn? I looked it up and I still don’t get it. Anyway, he usually fled when confronted directly. I don’t know if that’s true fear, or if he’s just avoiding unnecessary damage by retreating. Fighting is Saturn’s job… Why should he be scared of a dozen super-powered children?
(Send in the minions so you can escape. Predictable.)
Knuckles blasted through the windshield of his flying machine and he responded by lunging at him. He simply accepted his demise when the Egg Carrier failed catastrophically. Do you think he was scared then?  
Back when I first revisited the story in August of 2022, I wanted Eggman to punish what he saw as disloyalty from Dr. Jester, and destroy him. I thought they'd fight since Dr. Jester had a chaos emerald, but that didn't go anywhere. Now I think he would freeze. Sure, he’s used underhanded tricks when he thought Eggman had wronged him, but he’d never kill him. He had been holding on to the friendship they had long ago. I guess freeze is the answer?
He is not immune to sentimentality.
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
He’s already from an alternate universe. My sibling suggested an alternate storyline where Dr. Jester gets to the Dark Emerald first and frees Chaos. He doesn't like things he can't control.
I think Dr. Jester should be in a vampire AU! 
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
Neutral Evil.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
I think the answer is surprise, or fear. 
He can express anger just fine. He’s been dejected, elated… He's animated.
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
I’ve thought about this before. No matter what, he would have been interested in synthetic body parts. He could’ve been a prosthetist (one who makes and fits prosthetics), or developed very reliable pacemakers. What if he didn’t take it too far? He could’ve been a generous doctor that helped a lot of people live full lives--highly recommended! Such a shame.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
He’s so funny. 
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
He can be civil. That doesn't mean he’d like me. However, he’d gain nothing from hurting me. That’s good for me, I guess. 
Dr. Jester did meet a version of me in the story. He ignored me! I cared about him a lot! As a kid, I avoided writing/showing scenes in which he got hurt. Isn't that love?
Since it’s still fresh on my mind, he would’ve offered to save my cat. Or, maybe he’d put it as “extending her life indefinitely.” No matter how good his designs are, he will never make a robot that looks, sounds, and feels like a real cat. He wouldn’t understand this. He's so detached. He’d take it personally. 
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them? 
He used to be alive. That’s the biggest change. I had an old drawing of him that kinda felt like a “what-if?” scenario. I drew two Dr. Jesters, one of them was NOT a robot. He looked so friendly! What happened to him? I spent so much time keeping his design the same, so appearance-wise, little has changed. At least he has a bit of a background now.
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HIAB Hire: The Smart Solution for Lifting and Transporting Heavy Loads
In today's fast-paced construction and logistics industries, efficiency and reliability are paramount. The demand for innovative solutions to move and lift heavy loads has led to the rise of HIAB (Hydraulic Integrated with Arts and Boom) hire services. These versatile machines are transforming the way businesses approach their lifting and transporting needs. Among the leading providers of HIAB hire is Hire Safe Solutions, a company that prides itself on offering reliable, safe, and efficient solutions for working at height and heavy lifting. In this article, we will explore the benefits, features, and practical applications of HIAB hire, particularly focusing on tracked HIABs, while demonstrating how they can significantly improve operational efficiency.
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Understanding HIABs and Their Advantages
HIABs are specialized vehicles equipped with hydraulic cranes that facilitate the lifting and transportation of heavy loads. What sets HIABs apart from traditional lifting equipment is their ability to combine lifting and transportation into a single machine, making them invaluable for various industries, including construction, logistics, and utilities. The versatility of HIABs allows them to perform a wide range of tasks, from delivering materials to construction sites to lifting and placing heavy equipment.
One of the primary advantages of hiring a HIAB is the ability to access difficult or restricted locations. Tracked HIABs, in particular, are designed to navigate rough and uneven terrains, making them ideal for sites where standard vehicles would struggle. This capability is crucial for industries that often work in challenging environments, such as forestry, agriculture, and remote construction sites. The tracked design provides stability and traction, ensuring that loads can be safely lifted and transported without compromising safety.
Moreover, hiring a HIAB can lead to significant cost savings for businesses. By opting for a hire service, companies can avoid the high upfront costs associated with purchasing and maintaining heavy lifting equipment. With Hire Safe Solutions, businesses can choose from a range of HIAB models to suit their specific needs, ensuring they only pay for the equipment they require without any unnecessary expenses. Additionally, the flexibility of hire agreements allows businesses to scale their operations according to project demands, making it a smart choice for dynamic industries.
The Versatility of Tracked HIABs
When it comes to HIAB hire, tracked HIABs stand out due to their specialized design and functionality. The TP-15 HIAB, for example, is a prominent model offered by Hire Safe Solutions. With a payload capacity of 8,000 kilograms and the ability to lift 2,785 kilograms, this tracked HIAB is perfect for heavy-duty tasks. Its compact dimensions, measuring 6.52 meters in length and 2.75 meters in width, make it suitable for navigating tight spaces while still being powerful enough to handle substantial loads.
One of the key features of the TP-15 HIAB is its versatility. While it is predominantly used as a pole planter and carrier, its capabilities extend far beyond this single application. The tracked HIAB can transport a wide array of equipment over rough terrain, making it an invaluable asset for various industries. For instance, in construction, the TP-15 can be used to move heavy building materials, equipment, and machinery directly to the job site, reducing the need for multiple vehicles and streamlining operations.
Furthermore, tracked HIABs are equipped with advanced hydraulic systems that enhance their lifting capabilities. The precision and control offered by these hydraulic systems ensure that loads can be lifted and placed accurately, minimizing the risk of accidents and damage to materials. The reliability of tracked HIABs makes them essential for projects where precision is critical, such as in the installation of telecommunications poles or the lifting of delicate equipment.
Safety Considerations in HIAB Operations
Safety is a top priority when it comes to lifting and transporting heavy loads, and HIAB hire services are designed with this in mind. Hire Safe Solutions adheres to stringent safety standards to ensure that all equipment is maintained and inspected regularly. Before any HIAB is hired out, it undergoes thorough checks to verify its operational integrity and safety features. This commitment to safety is crucial in preventing accidents and ensuring that projects can progress without unnecessary interruptions.
Operators of HIABs must also receive proper training to operate the equipment safely and effectively. Hire Safe Solutions offers training programs to ensure that personnel are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to utilize HIABs properly. This training covers essential aspects such as load calculations, stability principles, and safe lifting techniques. By investing in operator training, businesses can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents and enhance overall safety on job sites.
In addition to operator training, HIABs come equipped with various safety features that contribute to their safe operation. For example, many HIABs include load moment indicators (LMIs), which provide real-time data on the load being lifted and the machine's stability. These indicators help operators make informed decisions regarding lifting operations, ensuring that they remain within safe limits. Such features are vital in preventing overloading and reducing the risk of equipment failure.
The Economic Benefits of HIAB Hire
In an era where businesses are continuously seeking ways to optimize costs and improve productivity, HIAB hire presents a compelling economic advantage. By hiring a tracked HIAB from Hire Safe Solutions, companies can significantly reduce their capital expenditure. The costs associated with purchasing, maintaining, and storing heavy lifting equipment can be substantial, especially for smaller businesses or contractors. By choosing HIAB hire, companies can allocate their financial resources more efficiently, investing in other critical areas of their operations.
Additionally, the flexibility offered by HIAB hire agreements allows businesses to adapt to changing project requirements. For instance, if a project demands increased lifting capacity for a limited period, companies can easily hire additional HIABs without the burden of long-term commitments. This adaptability is particularly beneficial in industries characterized by fluctuating workloads, ensuring that businesses can respond promptly to client demands without incurring unnecessary costs.
Moreover, hiring a tracked HIAB can enhance operational efficiency by reducing the time required for lifting and transporting materials. The ability to combine lifting and transportation into a single operation streamlines workflow and minimizes delays associated with multiple vehicles. For example, instead of using a crane to lift materials and then relying on a separate vehicle to transport them, a tracked HIAB can perform both tasks simultaneously. This efficiency not only saves time but also allows projects to progress more smoothly, ultimately leading to increased profitability.
Real-World Applications of HIAB Hire
The applications of HIAB hire are vast and varied, showcasing the versatility and practicality of these machines across different industries. In the construction sector, tracked HIABs are indispensable for transporting materials to and from job sites. Whether it’s lifting steel beams, concrete blocks, or heavy machinery, HIABs can handle the demands of any construction project. Their ability to navigate rough terrain means that construction companies can access remote sites without the need for extensive groundwork.
In the utility sector, HIABs are commonly used for tasks such as installing utility poles and maintaining overhead lines. The precision offered by tracked HIABs allows utility workers to position poles accurately, ensuring that installations are completed to standard. Furthermore, their capacity to carry heavy loads makes them ideal for transporting equipment needed for maintenance tasks, such as transformers or generators.
The agricultural industry also benefits from HIAB hire, particularly in tasks such as tree planting or transporting large agricultural machinery. The ability of tracked HIABs to traverse uneven fields and rough landscapes means that farmers and agricultural contractors can efficiently carry out essential tasks without the need for additional equipment.
Conclusion: Embracing HIAB Hire for Enhanced Efficiency
The rising demand for efficient and reliable lifting solutions has positioned HIAB hire services as a smart choice for businesses across various industries. With their ability to combine lifting and transportation capabilities, tracked HIABs like the TP-15 from Hire Safe Solutions offer unparalleled versatility and efficiency. The safety measures, operator training, and economic benefits associated with HIAB hire make it a compelling option for companies looking to optimize their operations.
By embracing HIAB hire, businesses can not only improve their productivity but also ensure that they are equipped to handle the challenges of modern construction and logistics. As industries continue to evolve, the integration of advanced lifting solutions will play a crucial role in shaping the future of heavy lifting and transporting. With Hire Safe Solutions leading the way, companies can confidently navigate their lifting needs, knowing they have a reliable partner by their side.
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Best Local Roll-Off Dumpster Rental Service in My Area
When tackling a house maintenance, production venture, or amazing cleanout, one among the most important challenges is finding out the best way to cast off all that particles. That's the place the Best Local Roll-Off Dumpster Rental Service in My Area comes into play. Renting a dumpster simplifies waste disposal, making it effortless and competent. With myriad features achieveable, know-how what form of dumpster apartment matches your demands can end in principal financial savings and obstacle-unfastened studies.
In this comprehensive assist, we’ll delve into every part you need to realize approximately local roll-off dumpster leases. From comparing economical dumpster rentals close to me to exploring tips on how to uncover the most reliable dumpster apartment services close me, we’ve bought you coated. Whether you're in quest of residential dumpster rentals near me or in quest of commercial ideas, permit’s take a closer appear!
Best Local Roll-Off Dumpster Rental Service in My Area
Choosing the Best Local Roll-Off Dumpster Rental Service in My Area requires interested by a number of reasons which include pricing, carrier great, and buyer opinions. A roll-off dumpster is an significant resolution for numerous tasks like abode renovations, backyard cleanups, or even best commercial production jobs. When studying your features:
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Check Reviews: Look for customer testimonials on-line to gauge provider fine. Compare Prices: Different businesses may well fee varying costs; do not accept the primary possibility. Ask About Sizes: Ensure they've a number sizes relevant to your precise task demands.
By concentrating on those supplies, you are able to pick out a respectable provider that meets your requisites devoid of breaking the bank.
Understanding Roll-Off Dumpsters What is a Roll-Off Dumpster?
Roll-off dumpsters are vast bins designed for trouble-free transport and loading of several varieties of waste. They’re frequently added by means of truck and placed on your house till stuffed.
How Do Roll-Off Dumpsters Work?
Once you order a roll-off dumpster from one of the vital native dumpster rental products and services, Porta Potty Rentals in Oregon will probably be dropped off at your place. You fill it with waste over a pre-agreed duration earlier than the corporation returns to assemble it.
Varieties of Waste Handled
Different condo prone might offer dumpsters acceptable for:
Construction Debris Yard Waste Household Junk
Make bound to determine what styles of waste each and every provider handles whilst on the search for dumpster rental for domicile projects near me.
Benefits of Renting a Roll-Off Dumpster Convenience
Renting a roll-off dumpster saves effort and time as you won’t want distinct journeys to the landfill.
While a few could imagine that renting is pricey, many regional facilities supply competitive rates—you may often in finding low-priced dumpster condo close to me chances in case you shop around.
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Reliable Motorcycle Shipping Services and Commercial Vehicle Transport
When it comes to transporting vehicles, specialized services play a crucial role inensuring safe and efficient delivery. Whether you need motorcycle shipping services or commercial vehicle transport, understanding your options can make all thedifference. Companies like Nationwide Auto Carriers offer tailored solutions to meet diverse transportation needs.
Understanding Motorcycle Shipping Services Motorcycle shipping services are designed specifically for transporting bikes, ensuring they arrive at their destination in pristine condition. Unlike standard autotransport, motorcycles require careful handling due to their unique structure andmechanics. Professionals use specialized equipment and techniques to securemotorcycles during transit, minimizing the risk of damage.
Nationwide Auto Carriers provides both open and enclosed transport options for motorcycles. Open transport is a cost-effective choice, where bikes are loaded ontoopen trailers. While this method exposes them to the elements, it remains popular for standard motorcycles. For high-value or vintage bikes, enclosed transport offers additional protection, safeguarding your investment from weather and road debris.
Why Opt for Commercial Vehicle Transport? Commercial vehicle transport is essential for businesses that need to move fleets, construction equipment, or other large vehicles. Whether you’re a contractor transporting machinery to a job site or a dealership relocating inventory, choosingareliable transport service can streamline your operations.
Nationwide Auto Carriers specializes in commercial vehicle transport, providingflexible options tailored to business needs. Their team understands the importance of timely deliveries and offers door-to-door service to minimize downtime. Additionally, they have the capacity to handle various types of commercial vehicles, ensuringthat your assets are in safe hands.
Key Benefits of Choosing Professional Transport Services Safety and Security: Both motorcycle and commercial vehicle transport servicesprioritize the safety of your vehicles. Trained professionals ensure proper loading, securing, and unloading.
Time Efficiency: Transporting vehicles on your own can be time-consuming. Professional services save you time, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business or relocation.
Insurance Coverage: Reputable companies like Nationwide Auto Carriers offer insurance coverage for peace of mind. Knowing your vehicle is protected duringtransit is invaluable.
Cost-Effectiveness: While it might seem tempting to handle transportationindependently, the costs can add up quickly. Professional services often providecompetitive rates that include all necessary logistics.
Conclusion Whether you’re looking for reliable motorcycle shipping services or efficient commercial vehicle transport, Nationwide Auto Carriers has you covered. Their commitment to safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction makes thema top choicefor all your transport needs. For more information and to get a quote, visit nationwideautocarriers.com today. Ensure your vehicles reach their destination safelyand affordably!
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