calware · 11 months
that’s because “rustbloods” refers to both the brown and burgundy castes 😭 it’s originally used to refer to tavros and aradia iirc
it just had its context changed over time as they adopted words like bronze and gold and stuff, while burgundies kept “rust”
(i like to headcanon that was what they wanted to be called, like in a reclaiming the word way)
oh dw i am not at all that serious about the "debate" lol. i do think it's the same dark red/orange of the two castes and i vaguely remember it being used for both of them. anyways i like your headcanon 👍
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davekatweek · 1 month
i don’t know if this is a strange question, but i’m just curious— is there any significance to the dates chosen for davekatweek? is it the anniversary of any specific comic scene, or is it just a random day for fun?
sort of!
the first ever davekat week was formed a month or so after the official comic confirmed them back in 2015 (which vindicated me from when i was 14 and shipping them with maybe 3 other people in the tumblr tags).
but then progressive years kind of happened whenever i had the time to run them, and i was going to give up honestly b/c i graduated college and did not have the energy anymore, until our new mod meli took over. they run it when they can now! i just pin the posts b/c tumblr is evil and won't let them for some godforsaken reason. tumblr fix your shit (gun emoji)
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meoware · 18 days
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thatneoncrisis · 2 months
i know nothing abt tlt but hearing about your satirical horror fluff take on fandom tropes really intrigues me. would i gain anything from reading your fic or is it kind of a “you had to be there to get it” thing
probably by now that ive explained myself three times over youll miss out on the genuine 180 the fic does. also it kind of requires you to be familiar enough with the books to feel that something is off. also it has massive spoilers for basically all three books so you know.
i think you should just read the locked tomb there are some awesome subversions in that series i think a homestuck fan would enjoy
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gendertrickster · 1 year
if you would be interested in expanding more on godfeels id be interested in hearing it! i was looking into it a while ago but i got kind of nervous to read it because the author and work itself seemed rather intense ^^;
just answered another ask, you can read that if you'd like. i don't really feel like going into specific problems with the work itself, but "intense" is definitely a word that could describe it. i would even go as far as to say "actively hostile", but that's just me
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scoutpologist · 6 months
none of thats fucked up, honestly i think its natural and makes a lot of sense to feel as a trans/nongendered person in this environment. no apologies necessary
i think its not really a controversial statement to say that the world would be better off without these ideas of gender weve built for ourselves because yeah it kind of would. gender can for sure be beautiful in the ways people interact with or change it but thats not really gender itself i guess but more the interpretation. the current idea of gender itself to me is a divisive thing that was mainly used to oppress people. i mean maybe if colonialism hadnt happened wed have a different popular form of gender that was built on celebrating and worshiping differences and that would be really cool but as it is i dont really see anything wrong with personally wishing it didnt exist so that it wouldnt have to apply to you.
also i dont think youre a girl just because youre often interacted with as one. as a multigender person whos constantly the brunt of misogyny i get why it might feel easier to just "accept" girlhood since thats how people want to label you but like, nah. you dont have to.
and even if youre totally fine being seen as a girl that doesnt mean you have to be one on the inside too. your gender can just be your own special thing if you want.
this was way too much talking but basically do whatever you want forever. its okay to hate gender its okay to want no part in it. its okay to try to escape it by dressing like a bog monster or really emo but its also okay to stay exactly the same and just tell people youre not really a girl. its all up to you
i wish you luck
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thank you so much for sending such a long and in-depth response!!
you're right in that it's not fucked up. looking at it with a clear head i know it's not.
"gender can for sure be beautiful in the ways people interact with or change it but thats not really gender itself i guess but more the interpretation. the current idea of gender itself to me is a divisive thing that was mainly used to oppress people."
^^^ this is roughly how i feel about it but i was struggling to put it into words. i also hesitate greatly at times to say that gender is a tool of oppression because even though that's true, that line of thinking can very easily be misconstrued as trans people being oppressors forcing gender onto others, rather than victims of the social oppression. it's the reason i haven't really brought this up before as well. i'm very relieved to find that people have understood what i meant lol.
"also i dont think youre a girl just because youre often interacted with as one. as a multigender person whos constantly the brunt of misogyny i get why it might feel easier to just "accept" girlhood since thats how people want to label you but like, nah. you dont have to."
very true (and thank you for this <3). i think i feel the way i do because identifying that way used to be a very core part of my identity. and it always comes back to me as something that's difficult to let go of. i feel a kinship with other people who had the same formative experiences as me or who are going through them now.
i guess what gets me is that i understand and feel that gender is social, but i'm socially labeled a girl. so... technically that could make me a girl, in some way. and that's what i can't buck off - the fact that i'm seen that way means i have some connection to it that's socially definitely there. i'll never be able to get rid of my past and my childhood, too, and i wouldn't want to change those either. so does this make me a girl?
in my case specifically? it might, in some way defined solely by experience. and if it does make me, in some sense, a girl, what does that matter for how i view myself and my gender? it really would only matter for peace of mind and acceptance of how people see me. it's something different from my internal perception of myself. so i don't know. i'll have to think about it. but you've really got me thinking.
i think that people's internal perceptions of themselves and the outside perception are very different things, but they can interact to a certain extent based on the person. some people might not care at all and some do care. so it's a very individual thing that i'm talking about.
"and even if youre totally fine being seen as a girl that doesnt mean you have to be one on the inside too. your gender can just be your own special thing if you want."
very true. everyone do whatever you want forever <3
and as for the screenshot, yeah, i believe that gender is entirely social and made up as well. so do whatever the fuck you want. be free. maybe i should take that advice.
thanks again for the response, it means a lot, and i'm super happy to have this convo. talking about this is very freeing and it's always helpful and enlightening to hear others' thoughts!!
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metfell · 2 years
im sorry met you know i will always support these endeavors but i genuinely think cbeeduo is not coming back like, ever. like ever ever for serious. 😭 maybe we should just hold a big tumblr funeral so we can finally put them to rest and reach the acceptance stage
cbeeduo is fucking dead and u kno wat i think im coming to terms with that bc at least i have bedrockverse and my silly little drawings but CCBEEDUO??? I MISS THEM. THERES STILL HOPE.
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jackiebrackettt · 10 months
omg nice icon 😏
heehee I really love it :] !! it’s very fun ty ty for letting me use it o7
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insufferablemod · 3 months
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gal pals
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relaxxattack · 5 months
also right in the beginning of the game xefros says "years" instead of sweeps like... c'mon now
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comfortstars · 1 year
it was acceptable in the 80's!
art and characters by @relaxxattack :)
happy birthday jackie bracket i made this edit in your honor o7
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calware · 2 years
we HAVE to secure the vriska win in the next 13 hours ive gotten way too invested in this
i know i need her to win or else i don't think i'll be able to continue blogging about homestuck knowing that i failed her
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urfavcrime · 7 months
guys the amount of flashbacks and nostagia i am getting from watching old dsmp vods is actually insane
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meoware · 1 month
im really sorry for the reblog spam i forgot that people get notifs from those, i was just admiring your art 💔
Aw no worries, I appreciate it a lot! It makes me happy that you like my art so much.
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thatneoncrisis · 2 months
15 for the ask game?
Least favorite canon ship?
damn. this is crazy i dont really dislike any of them all that much. the ones i find boring all imploded pretty quickly. and the other ones like jakejane or roxygen i wouldnt really call Canon, or theyre only cemented in a post canon capacity. something like vrismeen feels too easy and its less that i dont like the relationship, i get the Point of it its Supposed to be bad.
fuuuuuuuck i guess jadedavesprite? the whole thing basically happened offscreen and javepeta is just the good version of it
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
hehe i used the knifetrick quote for the chip drawing :3
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