#relax nonny
nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
“If she would survive that would be a vastly different story. . . ”
They made it a vastly different story when they wrote Lestat as a malicious domestic abuser to Louis & slave master who hated Claudia. It’s been obvious they do not care if their exaggerated melodrama added for shits n giggles changes the story or fucks up a character. Sam is the only one with the initiative to express his dissatisfaction b/c he knows Lestat unlike these half ass writers. They made Lestat into a caricature in season 1 & it ruined Loustat. Season 2 was supposed to fix it but that is not happening based on the nature of his comment. The audience needed the truth. Sam talking about Anne never telling readers the truth says all we need to know. He is warning us. We are not getting the truth & the Lestat slander will continue. 
Lestat … slander?^^
See, I don’t know why it’s so hard for the audience to get the POVs stuff. I don’t.
The tale breaks at the end of s1, why is it so hard to take a mental step back and think?!
What we saw was not the truth. Not the whole of it, and that will be continued in s2.
And s3 I bet.
Armand spelled it out for the audience, too: You‘ve only heard half the story.
The writers are playwrights. The show will unfold over several seasons. They dig into gaslighting, manipulation and memory. The promotion and posters speak a very clear language.
Let‘s wait to judge it all (as a whole) when it’s unfolded, shall we?!
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
bff toji finding out you still haven’t had your first kiss and he just gives it to you so it’s w someone “special” and it evolves into a whole makeout session omfg
🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 h– hello... i need.. air... FUUUCK FUCK FUCK FUUCKKK!!!!!!!!! he guides you to sit on his lap while keeping a steady hand on your jaw, pulling you toward him while the other rests on your lower back... and it 100% does escalate to you both just grinding against each other, the kisses grow hungrier and hungrier and it's just soooooso fucking hot🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
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mister-eames · 11 months
I love and worship the beloved “mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling” but ALSO can we please talk about the moment leading up to it? how right after “do it faster!” Comment (a misplaced anger) by Arthur to eames, When eveyone is hating each other and themselves, and eames who really didn’t have to help Arthur (mr-i-missed-the-part-about-fischers-militarized-mind-so-i-have-to-take-all-of-them-down-myself), stayed behind to help him?, I haven’t seen anyone talk/write about this part quite as much as the beloved “darling” comment, cause eames KNEW his idiot husband is blaming himself and just went there to help him and show that he’s not alone? Can we please??
You are correct, nonnie. I suppose I never really noticed Arthur taking it upon himself to deal with the combative projections all on his own in that warehouse, as if compelled to do so. They didn't really need to take them on (or any of them out really) - yes, they were getting 'boxed in' but the rooftop snipers weren't really a threat tbh. They'd be hoofing it outta there in that van in a matter of minutes, regardless.
A: How are we going to reconcile them if they're so estranged?
E: Well I'm working on that, aren't I?
A: Do it faster.
Arthur says 'do it faster' and then goes to take on snipers all by himself. Arthur, who can't just sit around and twiddle his thumbs while they're loading Saito up in the car. Arthur, who may have cocked up this whole job and Cobbs chances off ever getting home by missing the militarisation. Arthur, who must not only must he be blaming himself for this, but he must also be absolutely terrified and cannot, will not show it. Before, the job was a long shot. Now it's a gunshot between him and limbo and whatever horror Arthur perceives limbo to be. It's one gunshot between everyone else and limbo (purgatory? hell?) and them never coming back - or worse, coming back wrong.
Maybe Eames was being cocky and trying to get a rise out of Arthur. Maybe he was trying to distract him. Maybe it's all of the above and Eames knew Arthur enough to know he was kicking himself. What Eames did was he took a bit of the load off Arthur's shoulders with a size joke masqueraded as (valid) advice and a 'darling' and a big ol' explosion - and I think that is one of the reasons why dreamhusbands is so powerful. Because we love the 'darling' line, god knows I do, but what we really love is all the text and subtext that came before it - 'darling' didn't create the Arthur/Eames fandom - it's just another ingredient in the stew.
Eames says 'darling' and we hear 'darling' (supportive), 'darling' (derogatory), 'darling' (affectionate), 'darling' (cautionary). Their entire relationship throughout the film is laden with loaded words and unspoken words that speak to their history. And that really is the thing - Eames didn't need to be there. He didn't need to tell Arthur to 'dream bigger' in that moment. Eames, who is trying to juggle a severely shortened timeline and has as much pressure on him than anyone else, if not more, to try and play therapist to Fischer, still didn't let Arthur's snappish finger-clicking get a rise out of him. Still saw in Arthur what Arthur was feeling. And Arthur, who says 'do it faster', welcomes Eames helping him out - in fact, when he sees Eames approach, his whole body relaxes like his strings were cut. It's fucking teamwork.
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ctrlhope · 4 months
This might sound like an odd question, but I keep thinking about it.... Would Spider Jimin's web/silk be able to hold someone off the ground? Suspended if that's the right word I'm thinking of. 🤔
Not odd at all lovely 🤭 <33 trust I got u
cw. bondage
If Jimin, you know, just so happened to want to string up his pretty little human, his silks would have no trouble doing such a thing! He’d be so careful too, wrapping you up just right. Making you look like the perfect present tied up for him.
Would make his brain go a little haywire, to be honest. Seeing his angel stuck for him, pretty little pictures drawn across your skin when he still had the right mind to tease you. Webbing holding you in place. His silks covering your body. Presented just for him on a silver platter.
Personally, I think he’d prefer to tie to up to a web. Whatever angle that web sits at, he has no care for. (A web standing straight up, you attached to it with nothing but his silks… he would fall apart at the sight.) There’s just something about it that makes his spider just preen, little voice in the back of his head rambling about just how good a mate you are. Pretty and tied for him. Covered in him, in his scent, his marks. But I can only imagine what happens if you decide to get bratty on him. Then he doesn’t mind you tied up like a pretty doll. Not at all <33
So! Short answer: his webs are definitely strong enough to support holding someone off the ground! Definitely not like, a single string, but he knows how to prepare you correctly, so don’t worry :DD I imagine his webbing is similar to spider man’s to be honest, just a bit thinner and more delicate. But still very strong since he’s able to sit on it after a few passes over the same spot ++ he uses it to hunt :>> 💞💞
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nani-nonny · 10 months
There’s??? A bird??? On my bed???
I don’t own a bird. Not even my roommates. My window isn’t open. No windows are open. No one is home yet.
I’m so confused. Someone’s blue budgie is just on my bed. Is this a prank?
My turtle doesn’t seem to care that there’s a whole bird chilling on my bed. (Not like she would or could do anything but still)
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just-a-silly-boy · 1 year
Uh sorry for what is going on here...
But can we just have more of your art? I want to see more of your Simon, please? Your version of them is so interesting
Oh dont be sorry, Nonny. Shits happens everywhere... well...
🎵Lets skip to the good part!🎵
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The beast from air mets the beast from forest...
Maybe that wasnt what you expected for Simon but I had this in my head since I saw this art and wanted to draw something inspired in it because it is SO FUCKING GOOD. Thank you!
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aheathen-conceivably · 9 months
Sorry I've been busy with university and work so I'm still catching up on your other stuff (I like the other family you were playing with! I love seeing simmers take a break from their story telling and just fucking around in game). Idk why I keep threatening to cry over your sims when we both know I'll do that anyways. Anyways, ugh I love Violette still doing ballet. I wish dancing was a career sims could have because I would adore seeing her grow up to be a ballerina! - LGL
Hello again, LGL!! Sorry this one is coming a bit late. Life is kicking my ass too so never apologize for being busy. Ya know you sent this before yesterday’s post with Jo and Gio so I have a feeling your threats of crying may have become a reality after that one 🥲
And now why hasn’t the sims given us a dancer career? Why is “entertainer” just lumped into one? Like seriously what a missed opportunity and a space ripe for so much development from the sims team (bands and more musical instruments I’m looking at you). But come on now, when have the limitations of the actual game ever stopped our pixels before 😉
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whotookmysenbon · 6 months
Can I just gaze at your face, counting each and every freckle while feeding you dango? Maybe some head scratches. Is that alright with you?
Hmmm…. Counter offer, you take me on a regular dango date and then we head to my place for tea? 10:30 tomorrow morning at that little shop on the corner of the marketplace, I’ll be waiting~ ;)
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garoujo · 1 year
heyy, I hope this isn't too personal or anything.. i've just had my first kiss not too long ago, it was more of a peck on the lips but vv sweet. but now everytime he tries to kiss more passionately i tend to freeze up and end up not reciprocating.. do you have any tips?
hiiii nonnie ! omigosh don’t worry im v open when it comes to stuff like this so i don’t mind (i’m a big sister so i always gotta be ready for these chats akajaka) ଘ꒰ა´͈ ᐜ `͈꒱ა* ✩ but look !!! congrats on ur first kiss for a start ueueu . . but don’t force urself ! just relax & it’ll come naturally so try not to overthink it i promise you’ll melt into it & it’ll all become so much better if u just let yourself breathe a bit ꒰ゝ˕ σ̴̶̷̤ˋ꒱ i know it’s probably so hard not to get nervous but don’t think too much about what u need to do ! <3
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formulaforza · 1 year
That cake will be charles if he cheats
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iamanartichoke · 1 year
1 and 7
the character everyone gets wrong.
I mean -
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7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I don't think there's any character I hate as a result of fandom; tbh, I don't think there's any character I hate, period. At best, I dislike some characters - some more strongly than others *cough*Vision*cough* - but, that's due to their treatment by their writers/directors/etc. and has nothing to do with fandom. Generally, though, I'm pretty ambivalent about most characters outside of the "core Thor" universe.
It's weird bc it genuinely takes so much energy to dislike something, and to hate something, and while fandom can be annoying with its various blorbos, in various ways, I just don't have the energy to waste on caring about it much? I think that's part of what generally baffles and frustrates me about wank, too - so much of it is rooted in this need people have to make others see and/or agree with their point-of-view - but, I feel like there's so much gray in fiction that allows for a lot of various interpretations, and even when I think someone's interpretation is wrong (or even when it is factually wrong), I just feel like - well, you do your thing, boo. It only becomes an issue for me when boo wants to make their thing the only valid one, to the point of hostility and toxicity. That said, it doesn't make me dislike any character, it just makes me lose patience with the fandom.
Which - I don't mean to seem like I am on this high horse or anything about being "above it all," because I do get feeling some kind of way and feeling it strongly. I mean, there was a time when the way fandom acted about Ragnarok made me dislike Ragnarok, but the problem with that is that I actually liked Ragnarok. I don't think it's as brilliant as some of the fandom claims, and there's a lot to criticize about it, but it became clear to me at some point along the yellow wank road that "I don't think this is a good movie" and "I enjoy watching this movie anyway" co-existed for me, and very few, if any, people agreed with that. Like, it had to be one or the other. And in that instance, it wasn't so much the fandom's attitude toward Ragnarok that made me dislike Ragnarok - rather, my issues with Ragnarok existed independently of the fandom wank, and I managed to figure out a way to curate my fandom experience and my feels around that so that I could continue to enjoy myself. Bc ultimately, if I'm going to invest a lot of mental and emotional energy into a Thing, I'd rather get serotonin out of it than anguish. I'm willing to invest my energy into having a more complicated relationship with my blorbo and his blorbiverse if it means I can continue to get something positive; I'm not willing to invest my energy into making myself feel worse. The world sucks enough.
I don't know if that really answers the question, but *helpless shrug* tl;dr: not applicable, but no tears were shed for Vision's demise.
Choose Violence Ask Game.
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itoshi-s · 2 years
Congrats on the new ipad!! Very serious question about the blue lock bois, if okay: who. who would ever nut inside their s/o, and treat it like they just made a goal bc I have serious thoughts about this. tyvm and have a nice day!
each time i pass this ask in my inbox i can only think of one man and it is ryusei shidou....... he gets so ecstatic when he cums inside,, literally gets hard all over again within seconds LOL so u better prepare 2 spend a lil while in bed w him.. just once isn't nearly enough :3 he'll go until he's fucked raw & so sore it's as if he truly did just land himself a hat trick (..or two)
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aeterna---amantes · 2 years
Hello! I saw that your were a Norse heathen (I do hope I’m using the right terms) and that one of the deities you worked with was Hagal! I’ve been feeling pulled towards him as of recently but I can’t seem to find anything about him! Could you give me books/sites where I could learn more, please? I hope you’re having a good day and thank you! :)
|| Oh, hello! Happy New Year to you, and thank you for the ask!
That's a tricky question because Hagal is not a god Norse heathens usually work with. You won't find much about him, other than the rune Hagalaz, which is tied to him, meaning hail - which is in connection with nature, bringing a destructive force in one's life. Study his rune to understand how he works.
Upon learning the runes, you'll find that this rune represents chaos and destruction of something (in my life, it often destroys obstacles in my way for some reason). It is perceived as a negative rune, but in my experience, it can be refreshing to obliterate something to allow new things to flourish.
Hagal works this way. Destroy what doesn't work for you, and start again. Sometimes the hail can't be controlled and you lose something you thought you needed (it often turns out that no, you're better without it). You can learn a lot about letting go with him.
Since he's not a 'common' god to work with like Thor or Odin for most, I'd suggest you look to the runes and turn to nature for interaction with him. I often feel a pull towards him whenever it rains or there's a storm; I often feel Thor in the thunder, but I'm pulled more towards Hagal when it pours heavily. He's definitely in the air of spring and the heavy rains of summer, he's there during the cold autumn rains and the winter blizzards.
I hope I've helped a little. Blessed be. 🖤
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chiropterx · 2 years
Do you like Christmas, Kirk?
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"Like it? My friend, I love Christmas! Sure, Gotham might be dark and cold throughout the majority of the year but there's something special about Christmas no matter where you are in the world, don't you think? I know I've got a lot of good memories thanks to my family back when I was a kid." Kirk chuckles, a boyish grin spreading across his face. Oh, how he adored Christmas. It was one of the most visual holidays of all thanks to all the bright lights, tinsel-adorned trees, snowmen, festive decorations and food, not to mention endless reruns of movies he'd grown up watching to the point he could remember each scene word for word without the need to hear. Surgery and countless hours of research into chiropterology had gotten around that, allowing him to enjoy the hymn of carols and the voices of his nearest and dearest once more but Christmas had long cemented itself as a special celebration for everyone, how it was a time to remember how much your loved ones meant to you and all the good times you've spent together over the years. "I still enjoy it even though I'm a grown man and some years I make the travel back to my parent's home country to visit them and all my other relatives. It's not like Christmas in America where the focus is shifted more towards gifts but I make sure to bring back a few for everyone to enjoy anyway. Probably best not to mention to the kids we eat Rudolph over in Lappland, ja?"
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hiyorisarugaki · 2 years
Hiyori-san, this is my 2 cents so don’t be offended. You might want to meet a mental therapist for your anger issues. And try marriage counseling with your hubby. Problems aren’t always soothed out if you deal with them on your own you know
These grey-faced strangers tend to have the unusual ability to know exactly what seemed to be going on in her life. She recoiled instantly, even when the stranger was quite polite when they addressed her. She wasn’t really keen to discuss her married life with complete strangers, but this one seems to have her best interests (?) at heart.
“I… already am. I’ve found- one.” She shrugs. It wasn’t actually difficult to discuss her problems with a doctor in the world of the living. They had assessed her symptoms once she mentioned that she needs help on ‘certain’ issues.
She has a therapy session every Thursday, but it does not end after the session. She has a lot of work to do, diving into the darkness of her own heart. To figure out how and why she is so angry. What the causes are. What triggers her and why she explodes and hurts those that do not wish her any harm whatsoever.
“My therapist says that my anger will never completely go away, but they will teach me tools ‘ta help learn from it and use it appropriately. Apparently every time I get angry… I gotta figure out and identify which emotion I’m really tryin’a avoid.”
She was weighed heavily with guilt and shame right now. She could have lashed out, but she had been so drained from her sessions that she has lost the energy and fire for a fight. She doesn’t want to fight.
‘What I know now is how I don't want to be loved. I don't want to love like I'm in a war, Hiyori.’
She chews on her lower lip, her fang biting down on the flesh and she shakes her head. I surrender.
“I know I ain’t doing this alone. But I - it’ll take me time ‘ta get better. It don’t seem fair ‘ta keep Shinji hanging about for some maybe of me gettin’ better. He deserves better than the standards I lowered him to. If I get another chance ‘ta win him over, I’ll try my hardest.”
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🌹 🏵️ 🪷 💐 🫶
OH MY GOD NONNY A WHOLE BOUQUET!!!! Bless you darling I can smell the flowers from here giving my brain the lil serotonin boost it needed 🥹
Okay okay whew now we have to try not to rant (it never works….I always rant):
🌹: Plot
Honestly, I think this all comes down to having a few lil nuggets of ideas or scenes decades in advance that I get so excited about I literally construct the plotline around them. So I get to weave in all these flash forwards/flash backs knowing that moment is coming, and when we finally get there there’s such a moment of payoff for me.
🏵️: Sim Style
Sim style?! Nonny I am shooketh! Mostly because compared to other folks on Tumblr I don’t really feel like I have a simstyle? Other than makeup (which I cannot do IRL or in the sims) I’m probably the least comfortable making sims more than I am doing anything else in the game (like out of all CAS, build, and gameplay elements). I don’t use a lot of skin details or CC presets so I often worry they can look a little “blah” in comparison. But I am happy you love them 🥺
🪷: Editing Style/Aesthetics
Yessss! I love this one! So fun fact about me I will basically go watch a film just for the cinematography. Like a well shot, stunning aesthetic does more for me than much else and can honestly carry a weak plot. I think alot of my own love for simblr comes from seeing that same eye for detail and aesthetics carry into a hobby I’ve always loved (simming since ‘02 baby) so I’m honored you count me in that number 💕
💐: World-Building
So honestly this one is never seen in total because we just get sprinkles of it throughout the posts, but the actual, physical act of building out a sims world might be one of the things that takes me the longest. I’m so incredibly picky about whether or not a build “fits” on the lot and the surroundings that I end up spending hours editing anything I download. It’s one of the most daunting things for the next gen, even though I’ve been working on it since the 1910s.
And is the 🫶🏼 just for love because a 🫶🏼 right back at you my dearest one.
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