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First published 11:58am Monday, April the 8th, 2024- edited: the 9th of September, 2024
By Cameron Logsdon
Have you ever seen movie footage of a different planet? Would you like to see some real photographs taken by scientists and sattelites?====================
I would live to discuss a hypethesis of mine that"s been bugging me for a long time.
Did you know as Saturn is the second largest planet in the mily way solar system next to Jupiter. Multiple variables fall into place in reguards to the homeopathy and general status and charchteristic of the flora and fauna locale.
In every sci fi movie. They document how it may be possible to travel to another planet with the use of a flight craft or some sort of jet. Which will always be the case in reguards to space exploration, the final frontier. This is because a jet(especially a large one) would provide optimal conditions as well as making the proper nessessitiess available and provide comfort for long term travel and hyper sleep in the confines of space. Now that i've finished stating the obvious.
The term "space" being the inherently obvious term for all the blackness you see as you look out of the front of the jet windshield(cockpit; flightdeck) is quite accurate in fact. As all that blackness is basically just dark matter in a scientific allegorical sense.

If you pay attention to the surface of take mars for instance, in the new 2022 movie "Riddick". Mars , or the "red planet" is actually simplistic enough in it's own right to make for more of a simple ecosystem. We're actually quite scared to think of what may exist or be able to survive there because it is entirely possible to meet extraterrestrial life. The term extraterrestial meaning: sciences not indigenous to Earth. From it's simple martian atmosphere. It's atmosphere is even similar to that of Earth. lf you This term meaning, sciences not indigenous to Earth.
To back up this theory. Here's a collective of real photos taken by the hubble telescope, numerous sattleite photos and even rover photography from the 20'and xx rover mission Curiosity that landed on Mars in 2014. and yes I can absolutely show these phots and its legal because i ive in America and i know my basic human rights. This information is clearly available to the public and has been in conjunction with the United States first ammendment which states freedom of the press. This is a blog, I'm the one blogging. These photos are actually so easy to access even a child could access this information if he or she indeed felt so inclined.

What's even more interesting with the help of these very clear hd photographs is the view of the sky behind the moutains. It seems to have a greyish white tint to it. Indeed it could be a dust storm of sand. Or a micture of red earth. Maybe it's methane or perhaps a nitrogen and helium mixture. These are the most popular theories as to what may happen if you were to breathe on mars: with no helmet on. No masks of any sort. Just simply going outside and inhaling and exhaling. Either way it would behoove most in the scientific community to reveal that an atmosphere is present. But what if hypothetically Jupiter could be considered an alternative light source( more specfically, like the Sun) throughout the day being it is closer than Earth. The chances of harnessing natural gases and energy is acceptable. And Jupiter is technically much easier to track inherently based on its numerical proximity and celestial path. It is much larger than the sun relatively. My point being that one person may try to assume that a planet, like mars. Has more than one sun. If technology is not advanced enough to try and locate exact coordinates. Than the information is null and therefore untrue.
To the naked eye or even a telescope- Saturn continues to be visible as just a. Tiny dot to the human eye? Imagine how earth must look from Saturn. Just a tiny little blue dot probably? Unlikely.
At certain times of the day any sort of blueish hew could suggest oxygen and even h20 may be attainable; at least with he help of some sort of boiling process. A filtration system would make this even easier, in fact. Meaning that simple homemade items and such could provide the necessary means of having procured fresh water. Further delving in of resources suggest that polar ice caps may be forming there as well although, which would suggest that lakes could be found or maybe even a fresh water springs inside of caves could be possible hypothetically. The only way to find a cave though of course, would take a master rock climber and/or cave spelunking enthusiast. in another essay I should attempt to discuss terraforming. Is it just a word? Or is it more a term we should associate with the identification of planetary travel?
Mars has been and continues to be a marvel among scientists and scholar alike, and continues to inspire and baffle many who wish to pursue a career in space exploration or the profession of flying, or piloting a aeroplane(a pilot).
All sources found through microsoft image searches. Thanks for reading.
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What good blogs do you recommend?
http://magicalexperience.tumblr.com/ she's my favorite
http://palomaslittlebox.tumblr.com/ she's beyond lovely
http://makemefeelthemoonlight.tumblr.com/ lovely as well
http://sadsundaynights.tumblr.com/ FOLLOW HER NOW
http://m4rkh0ppus.tumblr.com/ his blog is so nice and so is he
http://y0umuggle.tumblr.com/ i love her blog
http://hitlerscat.tumblr.com/ my second favorite sdfg
also 1000dancingskeletons and hennawhore, can't post their links because my computer gets stuck when i go into their blogs don't know why :(
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