#reiner gamma
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Indeed, the astronomer Ewen Whitaker, whose work on the history of lunar mapping is invaluable, suggests that the prominence given to Kepler, Copernicus and, most notably, Aristarchus – the ancient Greek who first suggested that the Earth circled the Sun – in Riccioli's scheme reflects a closet Copernicanism, one that he could not avow in the text but could at least hint at in his map.*
* What of Galileo? Riccioli gave him a prominent feature, too, but later observers found that the feature named for him was not, in fact, a crater, but a ray-like patch of peculiar brightness: it is now called Reiner Gamma, in accordance with later rules of nomenclature. By the time this had been realized, all the big craters were named; the crater now called Galilei is anomalously, even embarrassingly, small. In recompense, though, the four largest moons of Jupiter, which Galileo discovered and named after the Medici family to gain patronage, are now known as the Galilean moons.
"The Moon: A History for the Future" - Oliver Morton
#book quotes#the moon#oliver morton#nonfiction#astronomy#ewen whitaker#mapping#cartography#moon#johannes kepler#nicolaus copernicus#aristarchus#giovanni riccioli#nomenclature#namesake#galileo galilei#reiner gamma#crater#jupiter#medici family#io#europa#ganymede#callisto
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Saturday’s Late Night Sci-Fi Cinema:
War Between The Planets (1966 film)
Theatrical release poster
Main cast:
Giacomo Rossi Stuart (as Jack Stuart) as Commander Rod Jackson Ombretta Colli (as Amber Collins) as Lieutenant Terry Sanchez Enzo Fiermonte as General Norton Halina Zalewska (as Alina Zalewska) as Janet Norton Goffredo Unger (as Freddy Unger) as Captain Frank J. Perkinson Peter Martell Captain Emil Dubrowski John Bartha as Doctor Schmidt Marco Bogliani as Lieutenant Peters Vera Dolen as Lieutenant Tina Marley Norman Rose as The Narrator
Production staff:
Directed by: Antonio Margheriti (as Anthony Dawson) Story and screenplay by: Ivan Reiner and Renato Moretti (Ralph Moody) Produced by: Ivan Reiner (associate producer), Walter Manley (associate producer), Joseph Fryd (producer) and Antonio Margheriti (as Anthony Margheriti) (producer) Cinematography by: Riccardo Pallottini Edited by: Otello Colangeli Music by: Angelo Francesco Lavagnino Production company: Mercury Film International Released by: Fanfare Film Productions, Inc. Original release date: July 29, 1966 YouTube channel: VTV Classics
Huge landslides, earthquakes, very tall tidal waves and other mysterious phenomena are happening on every opposite corner of Planet Earth.
The United Democracies of the World has its top scientists looking for the cause of this strange activity. They now have a theory that a gravity disturbance from outer space never before encountered is the responsible for all of those disasters.
Planet Earth is doomed and something has to be done.
Commander Rod Jackson, of the United Democracies Space Command has been commissioned to the Gamma-One Space Station to be in charge of the mission to save the planet Earth from a mysterious planet that is approaching in a collision course.
War Between The Planets is the English dubbed release in America of an Italian movie originally titleled Il Pianeta Errante (translated in English as The Errant Planet).
A 1966 color film by director Antonio Margheriti.
Fascinating facts:
This is the third movie of a quadrlogy of the Gamma-One series by director Antonio Margheriti under the pseudonym Anthony Dawson.
The cast was very different from the other movies of the series.
#space opera#60s sci fi#italian adventure#italian fantasy#Italian sci-fi movies#italian movies#Youtube#war between the planets
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The rocks are located near an area named Reiner Gamma, the small group of meter-sized rocks stood out because they are covered in a layer of dust with special reflective properties.
This will help us understand how moon dust moves and about magnetic properties on the moon.
Discovery of a Dust Sorting Process on Boulders Near the Reiner Gamma Swirl on the Moon
Journal of Geophysical Research: PlanetsVolume 129, Issue 1 e2023JE007910 Research Article
From a database of lunar fractured boulders
After a photo-geologic investigation and determined that the features correspond to a dust mantling on top of boulders with a unique photometric behavior.
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Magnetized magma intrusions being sources of two lunar magnetic anomalies revealed by 3D inversion
This work is led by Professor Shuo Yao from China University of Geosciences (Beijing), and her doctoral student Hongyi Wang. The authors have applied a 3D amplitude inversion technique from geophysical survey to study the origin of lunar magnetic carriers. This inversion technique was originally proposed and developed at the University of British Columbia’s Geophysical Inversion Facility (UBC-GIF). After careful checks for validity and stability, the authors believed that the amplitude inversion technique is well-suited for the Moon where the direction of the magnetic anomaly is complex, the Curie depth is unknown, and the grid spacing of surface magnetic anomaly is much larger than that on the earth. Assuming the magnetized body being spherical and using the related depth weighting function, the 3D distribution of magnetization could be reconstructed. The boundary of the reconstructed 3D distribution of magnetization can reveal the depth to the bottom of the magnetic carriers. The depth to the bottom is key evidence to determine the origin of the magnetized materials and the Curie temperature.
This work studied a weak magnetic anomaly in Mare Tranquillitatis and a strong famous one called Reiner Gamma in Oceanus Procellarum. The surface magnetic anomaly model is calculated from the orbit measurements of Lunar Prospector and Kaguya spacecraft. The surface ages of the two studied areas are 3.6 and 3.3 billion years just on either side of the famous intensity drop of the ancient magnetic field. According to the results from model test, the boundary of spherical magnetized body could be estimated by the contour at 20% of the maximum magnetization reconstructed by inversion. From the boundary, the authors derived the depths to the bottom and the thickness of the magnetized body. The depth to the bottom of the magnetic carriers under Mare Tranquillitatis is about 50 km, and that under Reiner Gamma is about 30 km. The results indicated that magnetized magma intrusion rather than impact melt layer is the source of the magnetic carriers in lunar crust. The maximum magnetization reconstructed by inversion is about 3.0 A/m under Reiner Gamma. Since the magnetized materials under Reiner Gamma may be older than the surface materials, the intensity of ancient magnetic field deduced by the magnetization is about some microteslas 3.3 billion years ago.
IMAGE: In the first row, from left to right, the four panels show the distribution of magnetization in the profiles of depth versus latitude at 302°E related to depth constraints of the inversion region at 30, 60, 90, and 120 km. In the second row, the distribution of magnetization in profiles of depth versus longitude at 7.4°N are shown. The horizontal slices of magnetization at the depth related to maximum magnetization are shown in the third row. The bottom row shows the forward-calculated surface anomalies related to the four depth constraints. The dashed white contours denote 20% of the maximum magnetization. Credit Beijing Zhongke Journal Publising Co. Ltd.
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Black Diamonds - Destination Paradise - Review
Schwarze Diamanten sind eigentlich sehr selten und noch seltener in der Natur anzutreffen, diese werden heute meist eingefärbt. Sind sie in reiner Form, wie der Black Orlov, anzutreffen, zudem sündhaft teuer. Im St. Galler Rheintal jedoch befinden sich in Form der Black Diamonds gleich vier Stück davon und mit dem neuen Album «Destination Paradise» dürfte auch deren Wert erneut steigen. Mich, Andi, Manu und Chris haben nach drei Jahren Logis im No-Tell Motel ausgecheckt mit einem neuen Reiseziel, dem Paradies. Und auf dem Weg dorthin hinterlassen sie Spuren in Form von dreizehn (wenn der Bonus-Track mitgezählt wird) neuen Ohrwürmern. Die Reise beginnt mit «Through Hell And Back», fast schon im Bereich des Power Metal anzusiedeln, ist es genau die Art von Opener, der den Hörer wachzurütteln vermag und darauf vorbereitet was noch kommt. Messerscharfe Riffs der Mach-Art Gamma Ray und ein treibendes Schlagzeug mit dem Drang vorzupreschen. Dazu diese starken Gesangsharmonien im Refrain. «After The Rain» kennt man schon. Und genau an diesem Song merkt man, die Black Diamonds wollen definitiv die Leiter zum Rockolymp hochsteigen. Nicht nur vom Songwriting her sind sie einige Stufen geklettert auch das Video wirkt viel professioneller als die vergangenen Filmchen. Obwohl wenn ich ehrlich bin, ich den Humor aus früheren Clips ein wenig vermisse. Aber der Erfolg, denn sie mit dem bei Musicclip gedrehten Video zurzeit feiern, gibt ihnen Recht und stellt sie als hart und seriös arbeitende Rockband dar. Einmal gehört, setzt sich «After The Rain» in den Gehörgängen fest. Der nächste Song ist eine Widmung an die «Everyday Heroes» die ohne Verlangen nach Ruhm und Geld ihre helfende Hand ausstrecken, wenn sie benötigt wird. Eine wunderschöne Hymne die mit einem Refrain ausgestattet, der einfach zum Mitsingen einlädt. Zudem diesen repetiven Gitarrenlauf in der zweiten Strophe offenbart, für den es sich alleine schon lohnt den Song in Dauerschlaufe zu hören. Kreischende Gitarren Obertöne leiten den nächsten Uptempo Song «Bottums Up» der mit einem unaufhaltsamen Drang nach vorne nur so danach schreit live auf der Bühne präsentiert zu werden. Im Mittelteil wird dann etwas Tempo rausgenommen, um dann gegen Ende nochmal aufzudrehen. Vor ein paar Tagen erschien mit «Only For A While» die nächste Single. Die obligate Ballade mit einem wunderschönen Piano Intro. Ein sehr verletzlicher Song der die Rheintaler von einer komplett anderen Seite zeigt. Ein schöner Song mit der Nachricht den Kopf nicht hängen zu lassen, wenn es mal Schweisse läuft und einen Song anzustimmen. Getreu dem Motto; wo man Lieder singt, da lass dich nieder, böse Menschen kennen keine Lieder. So würde ich dies interpretieren. Dann geht die Reise weiter durch das «Valley Of The Broken Hearted». Eine typische Black Diamonds Melodic Rock Nummer, bei der es so viel zu entdecken gibt. Sphärisch gespielte Chords die sehr viel Raum bekommen. Ein Gitarrenriff, dass zum Mitsingen einlädt. Bassnoten die so gezielt eingesetzt werden, dass sie ein Gewinn für den Song sind. Ein Schlagzeug, welches Punkte zu setzen vermag, um dann im Refrain den Motor zu starten. Und wie bei allen Songs auf Destination Paradise, ein songdienliches Gitarrensolo, Chris zeigt auf allen Nummern sein Gespür für Melodie. Songs mit «Rock’n’Roll» im Titel sind grundsätzlich leider selten meine liebsten Nummern. Irgendwie fehlt mir dem Wort die Melodie oder ich assimiliere es mit AC/DC, die es doch exzessiv benutzen. Die Black Diamonds haben auch solch einen Song mit «Rock N’ Roll Is My Religion», der aber weit entfernt ist von AC/DC und Konsorten. Es ist ein treibender Rocksong, und auch wenn die Wörter gegen den Schluss nicht mehr gesungen werden, die Gitarre trifft die Intonierung so genau, dass der Text unterbewusst auf die Gitarre gelegt werden kann. Davonrennen kann man auch vor dem nächsten Song nicht, den «Nothing’s Gonna Keep Me From You» verfolgt den Hörer unweigerlich. Will ich denn auch davonrennen? Klare Antwort, Nein. Die Black Diamonds zählen für mich zu meinen liebsten Schweizer Bands, seit der ersten Begegnung am Bang Your Head Festival. Deshalb keine Angst, ich halte die Black Diamonds nicht davon ab meinen Weg zu kreuzen. Die Spieluhr wird aufgezogen und mit «From The Ashes» folgt der nächste Rocker, ein Riffmonster mit einem, nach mehrmaligem Durchhören der Platte, für mich wohl aufdringlichsten Chorus, im positiven Sinne. Mit 03.21 Spielzeit zwar die kürzeste Nummer, aber der Replay-Knopf kommt hier doch ziemlich oft zum Zuge. Die Black Diamonds sind auch immer wieder einmal gut für eine Covernummer und auf Destination Paradise kommt die mit einem Stern auf dem Walk Of Fame in Hollywood geehrte Künstlerin Belinda Carlisle zum Zuge. Nicht etwa ihr Megahit Heaven’s A Place On Earth (damals wurde dem Song eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit zu Livin’ On A Prayer nachgesagt), nein es ist «Leave A Light On» der hier umgeschrieben und mit David Balfour von den Label Kollegen Maverick verewigt wurde. Grandios umgesetzt und macht dem Original alle Ehre. In «Yesterday’s News» besingt Mich wie es früher einmal war «MTV is showing me, what I wanna be» als Aussage oder wie der lokale Plattenhändler sein bester Freund war. MTV spielt heute keine Musik mehr, Plattenhändler sind zu einem Grossteil verschwunden und «gone with the wind». Wahre Worte die mich als Kind der 80er auch in Erinnerungen schwelgen lassen und mich in diese Zeiten zurückversetzen, wie es Mich im Break besingt. Ein Wunder kommt noch ein fettes vielleicht frustrierendes «Hä» zum Schluss. Mittlerweile sind Black Diamonds im Paradies angekommen. Der letzte, zudem längste Song, «Paradise» der Vinylausgabe kommt aus dem Kopfhörer. Wartet wieder mit einem übermächtigen Refrain auf. Hier werfen sie nochmals alles in die Waagschale, ein richtiger Reisser, der von mir aus gerne auch als Single ausgekoppelt werden darf, da er alles darstellt, wofür Black Diamonds steht. Die Besitzer der CD, bekommen aber noch einen Bonustrack in Form von «Run With Us». Und da weiss ich jetzt echt nicht, was ich noch schreiben soll. Für mich ist dies die beste Nummer überhaupt auf diesem grandiosen Album. Alleine wie die Strophen gesungen werden mit diesen langgezogenen Vokalen zum Ende jeder einzelnen Zeile, Weltklasse. Diese typischen 80er Jahre Drumrolls in der zweiten Strophe. Dieser übermächtige Refrain. Ehrlich Jungs, dies ist ein Opener für jede Show, den nach dieser Nummer rennt jeder mit Euch, garantiert. Selbst ich als aktiver Passivsportler mit Renndispenz würde mit Euch mithalten, egal wohin es geht. Die dritte Strophe, getrieben von Andi’s Bass, so geht Songwriting. Black Diamonds ist ein Album gelungen, dass in jede Plattensammlung von Fans des Melodic Rocks gehört, vorbestellen kann die Platte hier bei CeDe. Ein Album gespickt mit Ohrwürmern, so dass es schwerfällt, einen Favoriten rauszupicken. Ein Album, dass ohne jeden Zweifel eine Glanzleistung darstellt und auch in meinen Jahrescharts weit vorne angesiedelt sein wird. Der Release ist auf den 31. Mai 2024 angesetzt, bis dahin soll noch eine dritte Single veröffentlich werden. Einen Tag später, am 01. Juni 2024 findet die Release Party in Diepoldsau statt. Ich werde wohl in der glücklichen Lage sein, fast alle Songs schon mitsingen zu können, denn ich werde dort sein. Tickets gibt es hier. Tracklist: - Through Hell And Back - After The Rain - Everyday Heroes - Bottums Up - Only For A While - Valley Of The Broken Hearted - Rock N' Roll Is My Religion - Nothing's Gonna Keep Me From You - From The Ashes - Leave A Light On (feat. David Balfour) - Yesterday's News - Paradise - Run With Us (CD-Bonus Track) Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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NASA’s Network of Small Moon-Bound Rovers Is Ready to Roll - NASA
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/nasas-network-of-small-moon-bound-rovers-is-ready-to-roll-nasa/
NASA’s Network of Small Moon-Bound Rovers Is Ready to Roll - NASA
Construction and testing are complete on the CADRE rovers, which will map the lunar surface together as a tech demo to show the promise of multirobot missions.
A trio of small rovers that will explore the Moon in sync with one another are rolling toward launch. Engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California recently finished assembling the robots, then subjected them to a punishing series of tests to ensure they’ll survive their jarring rocket ride into space and their travels in the unforgiving lunar environment.
Part of a technology demonstration called CADRE (Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration), each solar-powered rover is about the size of a carry-on suitcase. The rovers and associated hardware will be installed on a lander headed for the Moon’s Reiner Gamma region. They’ll spend the daylight hours of a lunar day – the equivalent of about 14 days on Earth – conducting experiments by autonomously exploring, mapping, and using ground-penetrating radar that will peer below the Moon’s surface.
The goal is to show that a group of robotic spacecraft can work together to accomplish tasks and record data as a team without explicit commands from mission controllers on Earth. If the project succeeds, future missions could include teams of robots spreading out to take simultaneous, distributed scientific measurements, potentially in support of astronauts.
Engineers have put in long hours test-driving rovers and working out bugs to finish the hardware, get it through testing, and prepare it for integration with the lander.
“We have been in overdrive getting this tech demo ready for its lunar adventure,” said Subha Comandur, CADRE project manager at JPL. “It’s been months of nearly round-the-clock testing and sometimes re-testing, but the team’s hard work is paying off. Now we know these rovers are ready to show what a team of little space robots can accomplish together.”
Shake and Bake
While the list of tests is extensive, the most brutal involve extreme environmental conditions to ensure the rovers can withstand the rigors of the road ahead. That includes being locked in a thermal vacuum chamber that simulates the airless conditions of space and its extreme hot and cold temperatures. The hardware also gets clamped to a special “shaker table” that vibrates intensely to make sure it will endure the journey out of Earth’s atmosphere.
“This is what we submit our rovers to: ‘shake’ to simulate the rocket launch itself and ‘bake’ to simulate the extreme temperatures of space. It’s very nerve-wracking to witness in person,” said JPL’s Guy Zohar, the project’s flight system manager. “We’re using many carefully selected commercial parts on our project. We expect them to work, but we’re always a little worried when we go into testing. Happily, each test has ultimately been successful.”
Engineers also performed environmental testing on three hardware elements mounted on the lander: a base station that the rovers will communicate with via mesh network radios, a camera that will provide a view of the rovers’ activities, and the deployer systems that will lower the rovers to the lunar surface via a fiber tether fed slowly out from a motorized spool.
Putting Code to the Test, Too
Meanwhile, engineers working on CADRE’s cooperative autonomy software have spent many days in JPL’s rocky, sandy Mars Yard with full-scale versions of the rovers called development models. With flight software and autonomy capabilities aboard, these test rovers showed they can accomplish key goals for the project. They drove together in formation. Faced with unexpected obstacles, they adjusted their plans as a group by sharing updated maps and replanning coordinated paths. And when one rover’s battery charge was low, the whole team paused so they could later continue together.
The project conducted several drives at night under large flood lamps so the rovers could experience extreme shadows and lighting that approximate what they’ll encounter during the lunar daytime.
After that, the team performed similar drive tests with flight models (the rovers that will go to the Moon) in a JPL clean room. When the spotless floor there proved a bit slippery – a texture different from the lunar surface – the robots got out of formation. But they stopped, adjusted, and proceeded on their planned path.
“Dealing with curveballs – that’s important for the autonomy. The key is the robots respond to things going off plan, then they replan and are still successful,” said JPL’s Jean-Pierre de la Croix, CADRE principal investigator and autonomy lead. “We’re going to a unique environment on the Moon, and there will, of course, be some unknowns. We’ve done our best to prepare for those by testing software and hardware together in various situations.”
Next, the hardware will ship to Intuitive Machines for installation on a Nova-C lander that will launch atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
More About the Project
A division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, JPL manages the CADRE technology demonstration project for the Game Changing Development program within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate in Washington. CADRE is a payload under NASA’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative, which is managed by the agency’s Science Mission Directorate. The agency’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland and its Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, California, both supported the project. Motiv Space Systems designed and built key hardware elements at the company’s Pasadena facility. Clemson University in South Carolina contributed research in support of the project.
For more about CADRE, go to:
News Media Contact
Melissa Pamer Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. 626-314-4928 [email protected]
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For years, people noticed strange features on the Moon dubbed “Lunar Swirls.” They’re bright regions that appear to be concentrations of lighter-colored material on the surface. It turns out that interactions between the solar wind and magnetic regions on the Moon may play a role at two sites. Scientists long thought that these swirls weren’t related to the surrounding topography, but it turns out there’s some kind of interaction going on between the swirl deposition and the surface. Planetary Science Institute senior scientist John Weirich led a team to study topographic data for lunar swirls at high resolution. They found a correlation between the swirl areas and lower topography in a region called the Reiner Gamma swirl. About Swirl Regions The Moon has a number of similar regions with high-contrast bright markings that appear to loop across the surface. Generally, they look like wide bright swirls separated by darker off-swirl lanes. The fact that they exist spurs questions about how they form and there isn’t a clear answer, yet. Once that mystery is solved, scientists will have a better understanding of how the lunar surface is affected by the solar wind, bombardment by micrometeorites, how the lunar soil “migrates”, and what other effects the local environment has on the surface. Lunar swirls are found in several regions on the Moon. Courtesy NASA. “Lunar swirls have piqued scientists’ interest since they were discovered, partly because the scientific community doesn’t completely understand how they formed. There are many hypotheses about their formation process. Each hypothesis has observations that support it, but there are also other observations that contradict them,” Weirich said. “Since we don’t have a full understanding of how these swirls formed, we don’t completely understand the story they can tell us about the Moon. Forming them could involve a combination of well-understood processes interacting together or a currently unknown process. Unusual objects or phenomena are sometimes the key to obtaining deeper knowledge, and for this reason, lunar swirls are very intriguing. And the fact that they look really cool.” Studying Swirls in Higher Detail To do their work, Weirich’s team looked at earlier research showing that bright areas are 2-3 meters lower than dark areas, particularly in the Mare Ingenii lunar swirl. “However, it is not as simple as the bright areas are uniformly lower than the dark areas. If that was the case this relationship between topography and swirl would be easy to demonstrate by comparing an elevation map to a picture of the swirl. Instead, this relationship is only seen when we compare the average height of the bright areas and the average height of the dark areas.” Weirich studied Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission images and applied a special software suite to determine the surface topography. The team also used machine-learning tools on specific images. It classified the swirls into various units: bright areas (on-swirl)and dark areas (or “off-swirl”). The studies allowed them to identify transition regions between the two units, and they labeled those “diffuse-swirl”. The correlation between topography and swirl formation still doesn’t explain exactly why they form. But, it does give planetary scientists some new clues as they study other swirl features on the Moon. At present, there are several theories about formation, but none of them explain all of the details. One idea is that they formed as a result of cometary impacts. That explains the brightness of these features. Another theory is that the swirls form when weak magnetic fields protect lighter-colored lunar surface soil (regolith) from the solar wind. Finally, weak electric fields created by brief interactions between the magnetic anomalies and solar wind plasma could play a role. Those fields could affect electrically charged fine dust on the surface. How topography plays into any of these theories is still an unknown. How They Did It The specialized software the team used does stereophotoclinometry to analyze the topography of a surface. It combines stereo imaging and photoclinometry to get the surface height of a region. The swirl units of interest were defined by machine learning procedures. The team then compared that information to the SPC-derived topography. That allowed them to statistically determine if height correlations existed and what differences they showed. The SPC methodology has been used on various surfaces, including using data from the OSIRIS-REx mission, among other missions. Planetary scientists use SPC methodologies to describe the shapes of planets, asteroids, comets, and other small bodies. Still, there’s not yet a definite explanation for these swirls. However, the combo of high-resolution imaging, machine learning, and advanced software techniques gives planetary scientists more insight into their still-mysterious origins. For More Information Two Lunar Swirls Linked to Topography The post The Lunar Swirl Mystery Deepens appeared first on Universe Today.
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The moon, Earth's only natural satellite, has captivated humanity's imagination for centuries. While we often marvel at its silvery glow and recognize its significant role in Earth's tides and night sky, there are lesser-known aspects of this celestial body that are equally intriguing. Beyond the familiar tales of moon landings and lunar phases, the moon hides a multitude of captivating secrets. In this exploration, we delve into 10 less discussed facts about the moon, shedding light on its enigmatic lunar swirls, seismic activities known as moonquakes, mysterious mass concentrations, and the surprising presence of water on its surface. We'll also uncover the delicate lunar atmosphere, the true nature of the moon's far side, and the unique coloration of its soil. Join us as we embark on an adventure to discover the lesser-known wonders of Earth's faithful companion, the moon. Lunar Swirls Lunar swirls are intriguing and enigmatic patterns found on the surface of the moon. These bright, wispy features stand out against the darker lunar regolith (soil). They are often referred to as "lunar Reiner Gamma" after one of the prominent swirls. The exact cause of lunar swirls is not yet fully understood, but there are several theories. One hypothesis suggests that the swirls may result from the interaction between the moon's surface and its magnetic field. It is believed that these magnetic fields may protect the underlying regolith from darkening due to the sun's radiation, creating distinctive bright patterns. Another hypothesis proposes that the swirls might be related to ancient volcanic activity. It is suggested that magnetic anomalies associated with past volcanic activity may have influenced the formation of the swirls. Lunar swirls are typically found in regions with a relatively low concentration of impact craters. They are often associated with young and geologically complex areas, such as the lunar maria (large basaltic plains). Studying lunar swirls provides valuable insights into the moon's geologic history, its magnetic properties, and the processes that have shaped its surface over billions of years. However, further research and exploration are still needed to unravel the full mystery behind these captivating lunar features. Moonquakes Moonquakes are seismic activities that occur on the moon, similar to earthquakes on Earth. However, moonquakes are generally less frequent and less intense than earthquakes. Moonquakes can be categorized into four types: deep moonquakes, shallow moonquakes, thermal moonquakes, and meteorite impact moonquakes. Deep Moonquakes: These quakes occur deep below the moon's surface, around 700 kilometers (435 miles) or more. They are thought to be caused by tidal forces exerted by the gravitational interaction between the Earth and the moon. Deep moonquakes can last for several minutes and have magnitudes up to around 5 on the Richter scale. Shallow Moonquakes: Shallow moonquakes have epicenters within about 20 kilometers (12 miles) of the moon's surface. They are believed to be related to the gradual cooling and contraction of the moon's interior, causing the brittle crust to fracture. Shallow moonquakes have shorter durations and lower magnitudes compared to deep moonquakes. Thermal Moonquakes: Thermal moonquakes are caused by the expansion and contraction of the moon's surface due to temperature changes. They typically occur when the lunar surface transitions between periods of extreme cold and warmth during the moon's day-night cycle. These quakes are generally weak and short-lived. Meteorite Impact Moonquakes: Moonquakes can also be triggered by the impact of meteorites. When a meteorite collides with the moon's surface, it generates seismic waves that can cause moonquakes. These impact-induced moonquakes tend to be relatively localized near the impact site. Moonquakes were first detected by seismometers deployed on the moon during the Apollo missions.
They continue to be studied and monitored using data from various lunar missions. Understanding moonquakes helps scientists gain insights into the moon's internal structure, geologic processes, and its interaction with Earth's gravitational forces. Mascons Mascons, short for "mass concentrations," are regions on the moon's surface with higher-than-average gravitational pull. They were discovered during the Apollo missions when astronauts orbiting the moon noticed anomalies in the spacecraft's trajectories. Mascons are primarily associated with large impact basins on the moon. When a celestial object, such as a massive asteroid or comet, collides with the moon, it creates a basin by excavating material and redistributing it around the impact site. This redistribution causes variations in the density and thickness of the lunar crust. The denser regions of the crust, known as mascons, create localized gravitational anomalies. These anomalies affect the trajectory of spacecraft in lunar orbit, requiring adjustments to maintain a stable orbit. Mascons can have a significant influence on the moon's gravitational field, leading to uneven distribution and deviations from what would be expected from a uniform spherical body. The exact mechanism behind the formation of mascons is not fully understood, but one prevailing theory suggests that they are created by the accumulation of dense, iron-rich materials from the impact event, resulting in localized gravitational anomalies. Studying mascons provides valuable information about the moon's geology, impact history, and interior structure. Mascons have been instrumental in mapping lunar gravity and understanding the distribution of mass within the moon. They also offer insights into the processes that shaped the moon's surface during its early history. Lunar Water Lunar water refers to the presence of water on the moon's surface, primarily in the form of ice. For a long time, it was believed that the moon was completely dry, but recent discoveries have confirmed the existence of water in various locations. The water on the moon is found in extremely cold and permanently shadowed areas near the lunar poles. These regions, such as deep craters, are shielded from the sun's direct rays, creating frigid conditions where water ice can accumulate and persist. The presence of lunar water has been confirmed through the analysis of data from various lunar missions, including the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and the Chandrayaan-1 mission. These missions have detected signatures of water molecules and hydroxyl (OH) groups in the form of ice on the moon's surface. The origin of lunar water is still a subject of scientific investigation. One possibility is that water molecules are delivered to the moon by comets or through the solar wind, which carries hydrogen ions that can react with oxygen-bearing minerals on the lunar surface to form water. Another hypothesis suggests that water might be produced through chemical reactions within the moon itself, such as the interaction of solar wind protons with the lunar soil. The discovery of lunar water is of great interest for future lunar exploration and colonization efforts. Water is a vital resource, not only for sustaining human life but also for potential fuel production and as a source of oxygen for life support systems. The presence of lunar water opens up possibilities for creating a sustainable human presence on the moon and serves as a valuable resource for future space missions. Moon Dust Moon dust, also known as lunar regolith, refers to the fine layer of fragmented rock and soil that covers the moon's surface. It is composed of small particles ranging from tiny specks to larger grains, created by billions of years of meteorite impacts. Moon dust is primarily made up of basaltic rocks, which are rich in iron and magnesium, along with smaller amounts of other minerals like anorthosite. These materials are the remnants of ancient volcanic activity on the moon.
The properties of moon dust differ from Earth's soil. It lacks organic matter and water due to the moon's lack of atmosphere and the extreme temperature variations it experiences. Moon dust is also highly abrasive and can cling to surfaces, posing challenges for astronauts and equipment during lunar missions. Its sharp, jagged edges can potentially damage spacesuits, electronics, and seals. Studying moon dust provides valuable insights into the moon's geological history and the processes that have shaped its surface. Scientists have examined moon dust samples brought back by the Apollo missions and have analyzed the chemical composition and mineralogy to understand the moon's origins and evolution. Moon dust is of ongoing interest for future lunar missions and the establishment of lunar bases. Scientists and engineers are exploring methods to mitigate its impacts, such as developing dust-repellent materials and protective measures. Understanding and managing moon dust will be crucial for the success of future human activities on the moon and for gaining a deeper understanding of our celestial neighbor. Lunar Atmosphere The moon has an extremely thin and tenuous atmosphere, often referred to as an exosphere. While the moon's atmosphere is not comparable to Earth's dense atmosphere, it does contain trace amounts of gases. The lunar atmosphere is composed of various elements, including helium, neon, hydrogen, and small amounts of other gases such as argon, methane, and carbon dioxide. However, the concentrations of these gases are so low that they are considered almost negligible. Due to the moon's weak gravity and lack of a substantial atmosphere, the gas particles in the exosphere are widely spaced and do not interact frequently. As a result, the moon's exosphere does not exhibit the same properties as Earth's atmosphere, such as pressure or the ability to sustain human life. The lunar exosphere is primarily derived from different sources. Some gases originate from the solar wind, which is a stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun. These particles interact with the lunar surface, causing atoms to become electrically charged and escape into the exosphere. Other gases may come from outgassing, which is the release of volatile compounds from the moon's interior or from impacts of micrometeoroids. The study of the lunar atmosphere provides insights into the moon's interaction with its space environment, the effects of solar radiation, and the processes that have shaped its surface over time. While the lunar atmosphere may be faint, understanding its composition and behavior contributes to our overall understanding of the moon as a celestial body. Lunar Farside The lunar farside, often referred to as the "dark side of the moon," is the hemisphere of the moon that is permanently hidden from view from Earth. It is not actually perpetually dark; it receives just as much sunlight as the near side. The term "dark side" is a misnomer. The reason we only see one side of the moon from Earth is due to a phenomenon called tidal locking. The moon's rotation period and its orbit around the Earth are synchronized, resulting in the same side always facing Earth. This is known as the "nearside." The lunar farside has a distinct topography compared to the nearside. It features fewer of the large, smooth plains called maria that are prominent on the nearside. Instead, the farside is characterized by rugged highlands, abundant craters, and numerous impact basins. Exploration of the lunar farside began with the Soviet Union's Luna missions and has continued with more recent missions such as China's Chang'e series. These missions have provided valuable data and imagery of the farside, allowing scientists to study its geology, composition, and history. The lunar farside holds great potential for future exploration and scientific investigations. Its unique geologic features and lack of radio interference
from Earth make it an ideal location for radio astronomy and studying the universe beyond our planet. Additionally, the farside's pristine environment could provide opportunities for radio observatories and the establishment of a future lunar base or observatory. Lunar Soil Color Lunar soil, also known as lunar regolith, appears grayish in color when observed from space. However, upon closer inspection, the soil is composed of a mixture of different materials that contribute to its coloration. The primary components of lunar soil are dark basaltic rocks and lighter-colored materials such as anorthosite. Basalt, which is rich in iron and magnesium, gives the lunar soil a darker tone, while anorthosite, which is predominantly made of feldspar, lends a lighter hue. The presence of these materials, along with other minerals and glasses formed by volcanic activity and meteorite impacts, creates the characteristic coloration of lunar soil. The overall appearance can vary depending on the specific location and age of the lunar surface. The grayish color of lunar soil is a result of the limited presence of organic matter and the absence of water or atmospheric processes that can lead to weathering and soil development, as observed on EarMoonth. Studying the color and composition of lunar soil provides valuable insights into the moon's geologic history, its volcanic past, and the impact processes that have shaped its surface over billions of years. Analyzing the soil samples collected during the Apollo missions has been crucial in understanding the moon's formation and evolution.
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The moon, Earth's only natural satellite, has captivated humanity's imagination for centuries. While we often marvel at its silvery glow and recognize its significant role in Earth's tides and night sky, there are lesser-known aspects of this celestial body that are equally intriguing. Beyond the familiar tales of moon landings and lunar phases, the moon hides a multitude of captivating secrets. In this exploration, we delve into 10 less discussed facts about the moon, shedding light on its enigmatic lunar swirls, seismic activities known as moonquakes, mysterious mass concentrations, and the surprising presence of water on its surface. We'll also uncover the delicate lunar atmosphere, the true nature of the moon's far side, and the unique coloration of its soil. Join us as we embark on an adventure to discover the lesser-known wonders of Earth's faithful companion, the moon. Lunar Swirls Lunar swirls are intriguing and enigmatic patterns found on the surface of the moon. These bright, wispy features stand out against the darker lunar regolith (soil). They are often referred to as "lunar Reiner Gamma" after one of the prominent swirls. The exact cause of lunar swirls is not yet fully understood, but there are several theories. One hypothesis suggests that the swirls may result from the interaction between the moon's surface and its magnetic field. It is believed that these magnetic fields may protect the underlying regolith from darkening due to the sun's radiation, creating distinctive bright patterns. Another hypothesis proposes that the swirls might be related to ancient volcanic activity. It is suggested that magnetic anomalies associated with past volcanic activity may have influenced the formation of the swirls. Lunar swirls are typically found in regions with a relatively low concentration of impact craters. They are often associated with young and geologically complex areas, such as the lunar maria (large basaltic plains). Studying lunar swirls provides valuable insights into the moon's geologic history, its magnetic properties, and the processes that have shaped its surface over billions of years. However, further research and exploration are still needed to unravel the full mystery behind these captivating lunar features. Moonquakes Moonquakes are seismic activities that occur on the moon, similar to earthquakes on Earth. However, moonquakes are generally less frequent and less intense than earthquakes. Moonquakes can be categorized into four types: deep moonquakes, shallow moonquakes, thermal moonquakes, and meteorite impact moonquakes. Deep Moonquakes: These quakes occur deep below the moon's surface, around 700 kilometers (435 miles) or more. They are thought to be caused by tidal forces exerted by the gravitational interaction between the Earth and the moon. Deep moonquakes can last for several minutes and have magnitudes up to around 5 on the Richter scale. Shallow Moonquakes: Shallow moonquakes have epicenters within about 20 kilometers (12 miles) of the moon's surface. They are believed to be related to the gradual cooling and contraction of the moon's interior, causing the brittle crust to fracture. Shallow moonquakes have shorter durations and lower magnitudes compared to deep moonquakes. Thermal Moonquakes: Thermal moonquakes are caused by the expansion and contraction of the moon's surface due to temperature changes. They typically occur when the lunar surface transitions between periods of extreme cold and warmth during the moon's day-night cycle. These quakes are generally weak and short-lived. Meteorite Impact Moonquakes: Moonquakes can also be triggered by the impact of meteorites. When a meteorite collides with the moon's surface, it generates seismic waves that can cause moonquakes. These impact-induced moonquakes tend to be relatively localized near the impact site. Moonquakes were first detected by seismometers deployed on the moon during the Apollo missions.
They continue to be studied and monitored using data from various lunar missions. Understanding moonquakes helps scientists gain insights into the moon's internal structure, geologic processes, and its interaction with Earth's gravitational forces. Mascons Mascons, short for "mass concentrations," are regions on the moon's surface with higher-than-average gravitational pull. They were discovered during the Apollo missions when astronauts orbiting the moon noticed anomalies in the spacecraft's trajectories. Mascons are primarily associated with large impact basins on the moon. When a celestial object, such as a massive asteroid or comet, collides with the moon, it creates a basin by excavating material and redistributing it around the impact site. This redistribution causes variations in the density and thickness of the lunar crust. The denser regions of the crust, known as mascons, create localized gravitational anomalies. These anomalies affect the trajectory of spacecraft in lunar orbit, requiring adjustments to maintain a stable orbit. Mascons can have a significant influence on the moon's gravitational field, leading to uneven distribution and deviations from what would be expected from a uniform spherical body. The exact mechanism behind the formation of mascons is not fully understood, but one prevailing theory suggests that they are created by the accumulation of dense, iron-rich materials from the impact event, resulting in localized gravitational anomalies. Studying mascons provides valuable information about the moon's geology, impact history, and interior structure. Mascons have been instrumental in mapping lunar gravity and understanding the distribution of mass within the moon. They also offer insights into the processes that shaped the moon's surface during its early history. Lunar Water Lunar water refers to the presence of water on the moon's surface, primarily in the form of ice. For a long time, it was believed that the moon was completely dry, but recent discoveries have confirmed the existence of water in various locations. The water on the moon is found in extremely cold and permanently shadowed areas near the lunar poles. These regions, such as deep craters, are shielded from the sun's direct rays, creating frigid conditions where water ice can accumulate and persist. The presence of lunar water has been confirmed through the analysis of data from various lunar missions, including the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and the Chandrayaan-1 mission. These missions have detected signatures of water molecules and hydroxyl (OH) groups in the form of ice on the moon's surface. The origin of lunar water is still a subject of scientific investigation. One possibility is that water molecules are delivered to the moon by comets or through the solar wind, which carries hydrogen ions that can react with oxygen-bearing minerals on the lunar surface to form water. Another hypothesis suggests that water might be produced through chemical reactions within the moon itself, such as the interaction of solar wind protons with the lunar soil. The discovery of lunar water is of great interest for future lunar exploration and colonization efforts. Water is a vital resource, not only for sustaining human life but also for potential fuel production and as a source of oxygen for life support systems. The presence of lunar water opens up possibilities for creating a sustainable human presence on the moon and serves as a valuable resource for future space missions. Moon Dust Moon dust, also known as lunar regolith, refers to the fine layer of fragmented rock and soil that covers the moon's surface. It is composed of small particles ranging from tiny specks to larger grains, created by billions of years of meteorite impacts. Moon dust is primarily made up of basaltic rocks, which are rich in iron and magnesium, along with smaller amounts of other minerals like anorthosite. These materials are the remnants of ancient volcanic activity on the moon.
The properties of moon dust differ from Earth's soil. It lacks organic matter and water due to the moon's lack of atmosphere and the extreme temperature variations it experiences. Moon dust is also highly abrasive and can cling to surfaces, posing challenges for astronauts and equipment during lunar missions. Its sharp, jagged edges can potentially damage spacesuits, electronics, and seals. Studying moon dust provides valuable insights into the moon's geological history and the processes that have shaped its surface. Scientists have examined moon dust samples brought back by the Apollo missions and have analyzed the chemical composition and mineralogy to understand the moon's origins and evolution. Moon dust is of ongoing interest for future lunar missions and the establishment of lunar bases. Scientists and engineers are exploring methods to mitigate its impacts, such as developing dust-repellent materials and protective measures. Understanding and managing moon dust will be crucial for the success of future human activities on the moon and for gaining a deeper understanding of our celestial neighbor. Lunar Atmosphere The moon has an extremely thin and tenuous atmosphere, often referred to as an exosphere. While the moon's atmosphere is not comparable to Earth's dense atmosphere, it does contain trace amounts of gases. The lunar atmosphere is composed of various elements, including helium, neon, hydrogen, and small amounts of other gases such as argon, methane, and carbon dioxide. However, the concentrations of these gases are so low that they are considered almost negligible. Due to the moon's weak gravity and lack of a substantial atmosphere, the gas particles in the exosphere are widely spaced and do not interact frequently. As a result, the moon's exosphere does not exhibit the same properties as Earth's atmosphere, such as pressure or the ability to sustain human life. The lunar exosphere is primarily derived from different sources. Some gases originate from the solar wind, which is a stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun. These particles interact with the lunar surface, causing atoms to become electrically charged and escape into the exosphere. Other gases may come from outgassing, which is the release of volatile compounds from the moon's interior or from impacts of micrometeoroids. The study of the lunar atmosphere provides insights into the moon's interaction with its space environment, the effects of solar radiation, and the processes that have shaped its surface over time. While the lunar atmosphere may be faint, understanding its composition and behavior contributes to our overall understanding of the moon as a celestial body. Lunar Farside The lunar farside, often referred to as the "dark side of the moon," is the hemisphere of the moon that is permanently hidden from view from Earth. It is not actually perpetually dark; it receives just as much sunlight as the near side. The term "dark side" is a misnomer. The reason we only see one side of the moon from Earth is due to a phenomenon called tidal locking. The moon's rotation period and its orbit around the Earth are synchronized, resulting in the same side always facing Earth. This is known as the "nearside." The lunar farside has a distinct topography compared to the nearside. It features fewer of the large, smooth plains called maria that are prominent on the nearside. Instead, the farside is characterized by rugged highlands, abundant craters, and numerous impact basins. Exploration of the lunar farside began with the Soviet Union's Luna missions and has continued with more recent missions such as China's Chang'e series. These missions have provided valuable data and imagery of the farside, allowing scientists to study its geology, composition, and history. The lunar farside holds great potential for future exploration and scientific investigations. Its unique geologic features and lack of radio interference
from Earth make it an ideal location for radio astronomy and studying the universe beyond our planet. Additionally, the farside's pristine environment could provide opportunities for radio observatories and the establishment of a future lunar base or observatory. Lunar Soil Color Lunar soil, also known as lunar regolith, appears grayish in color when observed from space. However, upon closer inspection, the soil is composed of a mixture of different materials that contribute to its coloration. The primary components of lunar soil are dark basaltic rocks and lighter-colored materials such as anorthosite. Basalt, which is rich in iron and magnesium, gives the lunar soil a darker tone, while anorthosite, which is predominantly made of feldspar, lends a lighter hue. The presence of these materials, along with other minerals and glasses formed by volcanic activity and meteorite impacts, creates the characteristic coloration of lunar soil. The overall appearance can vary depending on the specific location and age of the lunar surface. The grayish color of lunar soil is a result of the limited presence of organic matter and the absence of water or atmospheric processes that can lead to weathering and soil development, as observed on EarMoonth. Studying the color and composition of lunar soil provides valuable insights into the moon's geologic history, its volcanic past, and the impact processes that have shaped its surface over billions of years. Analyzing the soil samples collected during the Apollo missions has been crucial in understanding the moon's formation and evolution.
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Entregan espectrómetro de plasma para misión lunar
Southwest Research Institute ha entregado un espectrómetro de plasma para la integración en un módulo de aterrizaje lunar como parte de la investigación Lunar Vertex de la NASA, programada para comenzar el próximo año. El sitio objetivo es la región Reiner Gamma en el lado cercano de la luna, un área misteriosa conocida por tener un campo magnético local. El Espectrómetro de Plasma de Anomalías…
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THE COUNT IS COMPLETE! Everyone with more than one vote is guaranteed a place in the bracket! We have now filled 60/64 slots. Several characters most definitely got their position improved by propaganda or very good entry essays.
Those who made it thus far:
The Moon Knight System (Marvel Comics and related Media) [10 votes!]
Michelangelo and the Doctors (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) [8 votes]
Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk, and the Gamma System (Marvel Comics and related media) [7 votes]
Leonard Church and related AIs (Red VS Blue) [7 votes]
Alluka and Nanika (Hunter x Hunter) [6 votes]
Shallan Davar, Veil and Radiant (The Stormlight Archive) [5 votes]
Ling Yao and Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist and related media) [5 votes]
Sora, Roxas, Ventus, Vanitas and Xion (Kingdom Hearts) [5 votes]
Touko Fukawa and Genocider Sho (Danganronpa series) [5 votes]
Hajime Hinata and Izuru Kamukura (Danganronpa series) [5 votes]
Hal 9000 and David Bowman (2001: A Space Odyssey and related media) [4 votes]
Link, Red, Blue, Green and Vio (The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords) [5 votes]
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb series) [5 votes]
"Crazy" Jane and the Underground (Doom Patrol) [4 votes]
Uendo Toniedo, Patches, Kisegawa and Owen (Ace Attorney) [3 votes]
Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus (The Locked Tomb series) [4 votes]
Darcy and the Core (Amphibia) [4 votes]
Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) [4 votes]
Dr. Alto Clef and company (SCP Foundation) [3 votes]
Raphael (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) [3 votes]
Doc and O'Malley (Red VS Blue) [3 votes]
Artemis and Orion Fowl (Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex) [3 votes]
Harry du Bois and his Skills (Disco Elysium) [3 votes]
Mollymauk, Lucien and Kingsley (Critical Role) [2 votes]
Frisk, Chara, and the Player (Undertale) [3 votes]
Vash the Stampede and Eriks (Trigun and related media) [3 votes]
Oscar Pine and Ozpin (RWBY) [3 votes]
Maxim Kischine (Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance) [3 votes]
Hojo Emu and Tensai Gamer M (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid) [3 votes]
Yugi Mutou and Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh and related media) [3 votes]
The Riddler/Edward Nygma (Gotham) [2 votes]
Luigi Mario, Mr. L, Dreamy Luigi, and Pi'illo Island Residents (Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi spinoffs) [2 votes]
Reiner Braun (Attack on Titan) [2 votes]
Alfendi Layton (Layton Brothers: Mystery Room) [2 votes]
Spaceboy and Space Ex-Boyfriend (Omori) [2 votes]
Madeline and Mirrorline (Celeste) [2 votes]
Francis Morgan (Deadly Premonition) [2 votes]
Jean-Paul Valley and Azrael (Batman and related media) [2 votes]
Warren Worthington III and Archangel (X-Men and related media) [2 votes]
Kaneki Ken (Tokyo Ghoul) [2 votes]
Akashi Seijuro (Kuroko's Basketball) [2 votes]
Vergil, V, Griffon and Urizen (Devil May Cry series) [2 votes]
Legion (Mass Effect) [2 votes]
One-One (Infinity Train) [2 votes]
Kris and the Red Soul (Deltarune) [2 votes]
Eddie Brock and the Symbiote (Venom and related media) [2 votes]
Livio the Doublefang and Razlo the Trip of Death (Trigun Maximum and related media) [2 votes and also me automatically opting them in]
Shu Itsuki and Mademoiselle (Ensemble Stars) [2 votes]
Ayin, Abram, Abel and Adam (Lobotomy Corporation) [2 votes]
Huey and the Duke of Making A Mess (DuckTales) [2 votes]
Jet Bradley, Red Jet and Clarence (Tron 2.0) [2 votes]
Raiden and Jack Sears (Metal Gear Solid series) [2 votes]
Doppio and Diavolo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) [2 votes]
Soma Cruz (Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow) [2 votes]
Tyler Durden and the Narrator (Fight Club) [2 votes]
Miyao and Meow (Ciconia: When They Cry) [2 votes]
Edward Teach and the Kraken (Our Flag Means Death) [2 votes]
Red and the Twitch Chat Hivemind (Twitch Plays Pokemon Red) [2 votes]
Jesse Custer, the Missouri Cowboy, and Genesis (Preacher and related media) [1 vote, honorary entry for best essay on a one-vote character]
Sunny/Omori and the Headspace team (Omori) [it's my poll and I get to pick some guys]
And with a grand total of 290 submissions, preliminaries are now CLOSED!
Once I finish tallying, I'll let y'all know who's in for certain, and explain how we'll decide the rest of the bracket! Stay tuned!
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i was tagged by the wonderful maddie @leonardcohenofficial to post the posters from my favorite new-to-me watches of the year!! (in purely aesthetic order)
rope - alfred hitchcock (1948) sunset boulevard - billy wilder (1950) deep end - jerzy skolimowski (1970) i’m not there - todd haynes (2007) brewster mccloud - robert altman (1970) carol - todd haynes (2015) ladies and gentlemen, the fabulous stains - lou adler (1982) what’s up doc? - peter bogdanovich (1972) the effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds - paul newman (1972)
i'll tag @frogeye-pierce @thebuffalospringfeild @iwrotemrtambourineman and @juliebarnes!!!!
i only made it through half my goal of 100 new-to-me movies this year (life was. crazy) but the 52 i did watch will be under the cut!
edge of the city - martin ritt (1957)
the grand budapest hotel - wes anderson (2014)
licorice pizza - paul thomas anderson (2021)
dazed and confused - richard linklater (1993)
brewster mccloud - robert altman (1970)
the tragedy of macbeth - joel coen (2021)
my own private idaho - gus van sant (1991)
my beautiful laundrette - stephen frears (1985)
dead reckoning - john cromwell (1947)
keep off my grass! - shelley berman (1975)
raising arizona - joel & ethan coen (1987)
top hat - mark sandrich (1935)
the man who fell to earth - nicolas roeg (1976)
chicago - rob marshall (2002)
the blues brothers - john landis (1980)
little miss sunshine - jonathon dayton & valerie faris (2006)
sunset boulevard - billy wilder (1950)
i'm not there - todd haynes (2007)
love & mercy - bill pohlad (2014)
walk hard - jake kasdan (2007)
mysterious skin - gregg akari (2004)
whip it - drew barrymore (2009)
sophie scholl: die letzten tage - marc rothemund (2005)
when harry met sally - rob reiner (1989)
the watermelon woman - cheryl dunye (1996)
shiva baby - emma seligman (2020)
juno - jason bateman (2007)
carol - todd haynes (2015)
what's up doc? - peter bogdanovich (1972)
the philadelphia story - george cukor (1946)
die fälscher - stefan ruzowitzky (2007)
but i'm a cheerleader - jamie babbit (1999)
the twilight saga: eclipse - david slade (2010) <- THIS WAS NOT MY CHOICE but it was technically new to me. i want to emphasize my friend forced me to watch this with her
velvet goldmine - todd haynes (1998)
magical mystery tour - bernard knowles & the beatles (1967)
the shape of water - guillermo del toro (2017)
all that heaven allows - douglas sirk (1955)
i was a male war bride - howard hawks (1949)
the effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds - paul newman (1972)
ladies and gentlemen, the fabulous stains - lou adler (1982)
the breakfast club - john hughes (1985)
airplane! - jerry & david zucker & jim abrahams (1980)
maleficent - robert stromberg (2014) <- twilight friend pick lmfao
chi-raq - spike lee (2015)
a league of their own - penny marshall (1992)
rope - alfred hitchcock (1948)
pearl - ti west (2022)
get out - jordan peele (2017)
one cut of the dead - shinichiro ueda (2017)
deep end - jerzy skolimowski (1970)
the hours and times - christopher munch (1991) <- random number generator decided my gay john lennon fate with this one :/
glass onion - rian johnson (2022)
#i'm not upset about not meeting my goal because there was a steep drop-off in august that correlated to big life events. i'm okay with#living out and about in the world. there will be more movies to watch next year :)) i like going through the list and remembering every#detail of where and why i watched the movies i did and with who etc etc. also is carol a controversial pick idk i liked it. i like haynes
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Captain Annie: The First Avenger
AOT Manga Spoilers.
Amino Conscripto 2019 challenge: Disney x AOT
On my Ao3 and Fanfiction accounts.
This was always going to happen. It was decided. It’s probably happened, once before. Maybe in a different way, but this is how she wakes today. Any inconsistency explained with one word: PATHS.
An Island of Devils. Annie is cursed, cursed with the Power of the Female Titan. She’s completed many operations, always for a supposed greater good. Yet this is where she falls.
Mikasa slices Annie’s giant, skinless fingers. Landing delicately ontop her head. “Now fall.”
She can’t escape. Eren’s giant form. Not a Titan, but a devil. Raging in flames, ready to bite down on her nape with incisor teeth. This can’t be the end?
Annie has to do it. The Titan researchers said it would be her last resort, now’s a better time than ever.
Blue crystals form over her body, encasing her. Pushing back Eren, Mikasa, and everyone. Away, to leave Annie isolated. Her eyelids flutter before sealing shut in the ice.
“Reiner, Berthold. Come save me.”
She waits. Seconds, unable to hear the outside world. Tired, she rests.
Annie juts awake, but her eyes don’t open. Only hearing the stampede of massive footsteps, but it doesn’t affect her. Allowing her to tire again. Alone, isolated from the world. Yet, she’s frozen. Not even able to cry.
When are they coming to save her?
Annie gasps for breath. Oxygen filling her lungs, she thrashes her arms over white sheets. Opening her eyes, to the faint light in the room that gradually increases in luminosity.
She’s out. Out of her crystal. No one’s in the room. The simple Marlian hospital. They did it, she is safe.
Her eyes drift to the bedside counter. A metal object reminiscent of a Plato clock. It flickers in red light. 12:00. Noon. This scene looked very familiar. A PATH opens in her mind, telling her she’s out of time.
The door opens. A man walks inside, tall. “I see you’re finally awake, frozen girl.”
“Who are you? You’re not the General?”
“Call me Fury, director of S.H.E.I.L.D.”
Wait, he’s the agent for Marley’s secret defence force?
“But I met the director of S.H.E.I.L.D before. You’re not him.”
“That was Fury senior. .” He was a real piece of work, let me tell you.
“Just to be clear, we’re still talking about Magath, right?”
The man nods, but he’s not Fury. He’s Samuel L. Jackson. And that makes it all the worse.
“Things have changed since you were last awake. The world has got a whole lot smaller.”
So they failed their mission. Eren activated the Rumbling and became the tyrant of the world. Which begged the question: why was she alive?
Annie springs off the bed, then stalls. Fury gestures for her to stop.
“Calm down, you’re home now.”
The man drags a stool, painfully scrapping on the ground before dropping his weight on the cranking seat. Past his acting days, he looks at her with a grumpy expression. He’s going to monologue.
“The preceding mission, before Paradis, you were piloting the Hydra bomber locked on autopilot to Liberio. As you weren’t a fool, you jumped out of the plane in the last moment, using your Titan form to crush the landing.”
“Soldier, I want you to understand something. Give me your mission report?”
Fury locks a deadly glare, eyes filled with a dark past. Annie falters. Squirming, she bites her lip. But she collects herself, returning a lazy stare to Fury. Like there is no problem at all.
“The bomber was on autopilot. I tried to move the steering column, only jutting it a little. That was enough for some manual control over the plane. This came with a caveat. Every time I left the steering yoke, the plane reverted back to its original heading. I couldn’t trust a damaged plane, so jamming the controls was a no go. That’s why I stayed behind, I was the only one who could crash that plane. A sacrifice wouldn’t have been stupid. But why are we talking about that? We know all of this already. Tell me, what happened on Paradis?”
He ignores her question, reshuffling himself on his stool like the question is awkward. He’s hiding a terrifying truth.
“The Hydra clean up went smoothly and was a great assistance to our war efforts. So I want to know something?”
He leans in.
“How come, a very capable Warrior like yourself failed at the last moment. On Paradis, you infiltrated the Walls and went face to face with the Coordinate. Everything was laid out for you, then you flunked it. Reverting to your crystal form.”
“I was outmatched.”
“No, you were scared. Thought you could hide away, that the crystal would protect you, keep you conscious. That’d you wake up from a fake slumber, and surprise the enemy. You were wrong, you couldn’t breathe in that crystal. It froze you in cryostasis. We didn’t even think that was possible.”
Annie would rather not waste her words on interrupting Fury. She huffs to the side, watching the window. Bright light glares on her skin. Almost like its a beautiful sunny day outside, but Annie’s a Titan shifter. She can tell straight away this is fake. She’s inside an industrial complex, not a general hospital.
Annie is a bird, trapped in a cage. And if Fury didn’t answer her questions soon, she would rattle the bars.
“I’m asking one last time, what happened Fury?”
Fury bolts up, striding forward.
“What didn’t happen, Annie? Marley got their butt kicked, while you were stuck in your crystal for who knows how long. And we want to know why?”
What’s Annie to say, she was probably in a coma. Sure, she could have fought harder against the Survey Corps, but she was on their home turf. The safest option was to run.
A voice in PATHS gives her doubt. Telling her, she is weak. Pathetic. Missed out on everything.
Annie considers it. That Fury is right. She gave up too soon. Glancing up, Fury is furious. He wants her to own up, try to atone for her failure. Be their slave for the remainder of her short life. It must be so short now.
“So I’m your prisoner?”
“On the contrary, you’re free. Free as a butterfly in skates riding a roller coaster. You can do anything you want. But first, you should listen.”
A stream of Erens spouting Freedom invade her mind: telling her to save Armin and Mikasa. Whose memories are these? Eren’s obviously, but that’s beside the point.
“All I want is to see my father. So whatever game you’re trying to pull, skip it.”
Fury sighs, making his way to the door.
“It’s been 70 years.”
Annie gasps, for such a stupid lie.
“Someone would have rescued me.”
“They wouldn’t leave the fate of a beloved character to an off-screen death.”
“Did it with Ymir.”
He’s serious, Isayama forgot about her.
Annie crumples on her bed, covering her eyes with her forearm.
“What happened?”
“The Yeagers happened. Eren and Zeke together were able to activate the coordinate and change the world. Flattening all their enemies. If it wasn’t for one woman, none of us would be standing here today?”
Annie will bite the bullet. “Who?”
“Stark. Pieck Stark. A brilliant mind, always exactly right. The last words of Zeke Yeager, before she finished him off, and stopped the Rumbling. In her remaining years, she even privatised world peace. Leaving everything to her adopted daughter.”
Ah, Pieck. A fellow Warrior, always a nice girl.
But Annie wants to see her father. She promised she would return. Return back home, even if the whole world turned against her. She can’t have missed him? She needs to be sure.
“How long, how long has it been?”
“I don’t know?”
“But you said 70 years before.”
“Thinking it over, that doesn’t work with our timeline. Hey.”
Annie knocks Fury over and pushes past him. Bursting outside the paper room, sprinting to the doors. The hallway changes. More shiny, clinical. She’s out the entrance reception. Crashing through the glass doors, into the bright and busy metropolis. Cars, plentiful, zoom past her. On an intersection of roads. The buildings flash large images, spinning. Spinning Annie’s head. Her whole body. As she collapses on the ground.
Laughing hysterically. This was not her home.
Five figures drop beside her, one by one. A girl clad in iron armour, a boy, dressed as a Viking, a green hulk shrinking into an old lady, a pile of stone, dragged along by a little girl hurling a bucket of water.
Fury stands in front. “There was once an initiative. To form a group of remarkable and unique individuals: to fight the fight that no one else could.”
This is Eren’s fault. He did this, used the power of the coordinate to change the world into a Super Hero parody.
“Pieck always wanted you to join this team. Be the glue that held it together.”
Annie eyes the heroes.
The iron helmet opens, revealing a face similar to Eren. Just as hostile. The tin soldier is held back by a herculean man, with the face of a 12-year-old. Fury laughs.
“This is Gabi Stark. She, accidentally, shot a border patrol officer. They captured her and forced her to make missiles. Luckily, Pieck taught her well, and she made the first Iron man suit. Now she can retaliate with deadly force whenever she causes a problem.”
The hair on Annie’s skin prickles. She can feel the temptation. Just looking at Gabi makes her want to start a Civil War.
But Fury points to Gabi’s restrainer.
“Falco Odinson, a God from Asgard. Always wanted to fly, and now he can. In exchange, he has to help Gabi solve racism.”
Annie doesn’t care. The old lady gives a piercing glare. She knows her.
“And this is Mikasa, the incredible hulk.”
Mikasa rolls bandages around her fists.
“So you decided to wake up Annie.”
“You’re the monster, how fitting.”
“I was having a nice picnic with Eren, Armin and Gabi when a gamma bomb exploded. It unleased my Ackerman rage, turning me into this monster.”
Samuel L. Jackson is quick to correct. “Actually, Eren Said this:”
Eren echos through PATHS.
“Ever since I was a kid, Mikasa. I’ve always hated you.”
Mikasa transforms, collapsing the entire neighbourhood.
Really, of all the old friends Annie could have a reunion with after 70 years, why did it have to be Mikasa?
Annie kicks the stone, annoying the monster. “Who’s this then?”
“That’s Hawkeye, a very effective member of the team.”
“Yeah, but who’s Hawkeye here?”
“That’s a tombstone.”
The last one, the Black Widow. A deadly poison. Too cool to actually show up. Instead, they get Ymir. Not the 104th cadet. Actual ancient Ymir. She splashes her bucket over Annie.
“You know, this technically makes us Disney Princesses now.”
“So I’m Sleeping Beauty?”
Annie doubts either of them is of royal blood. She sighs – no, grieves.
This is too much. If there is one moral to take away from all this: Don’t wait too long in your crystal.
With all the silliness aside, they’re just trying to distract her from the truth. Her father is dead.
PATHS echos the last voice. “I love you 3000.”
Annie’s not the only one suffering a loss. Fury lost Stark, and he’s trying to rebuild the past. But it’s over now.
Samuel L. Jackson raises his hands. “This is the Avenger initiative.”
Annie’s fist trembles, but she breathes deeply. Turning back.
There is only one thing to do.
“I’m done.”
Annie Leonheart as Steve Rogers
Nick Fury as Samuel L. Jackson, don’t question it.
Pieck as Howard Stark
Gabi Braun as Tony Stark
Falco Grice as Thor Odinson
Mikasa Ackerman as Bruce Banner
Sasha Blouse as Clint Barton
Ymir Fritz as Natasha Romanoff
Reiner Braun as Bucky Barnes
Eren Yeager as PATHS
Annie walks with flowers through the massive graveyard. It isn’t cloudy or foggy. The sky is beautiful today.
Annie doesn’t even care that she screwed up the Paradis operation. No matter how long Fury will pester her, thinking she has to own up to a problem long past. Her heart’s not in it: fighting for the rest of her short life. Saying ‘No’ was the best decision she ever made. Even if she does miss out on a multi-billion-dollar franchise.
She reaches it. The Mound. The grave.
“Father, I’m home.”
A routine for her, Annie places the flowers next to the grave. She looks at her wrinkled hands. The curse of Ymir has aged her considerably, but she doesn’t regret how she’s spent the remaining years of her life.
Reiner strolls towards her, a 100 year old husk. Death, never quite able to take him.
“Seems you’re still kicking it.”
They’ve forgiven each other for the past. Reiner lays down next to her.
“It keeps bothering me, PATHS. Why does it keep me alive just so I can suffer, have you figured it out yet?”
Annie nods her head. It was so satisfying.
“You have, great! Going to tell me what you found?”
“No. No, I don’t think I will.”
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Solar Wind Leaves 'Sunburn' Scars on the Moon
The Reiner Gamma lunar swirl photographed by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is an example of the moon's "sunburn." Credit: NASA LRO WAC science team
People on Earth who've gotten sunburns are familiar with the sun's powerful rays — but the moon suffers from sunburn, too.
Some regions of the lunar surface exhibit a distinctive pattern of darker and lighter swirls. Using NASA's ARTEMIS mission — which stands for Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun — astronomers have revealed new clues about the origin of these swirls.
The sun releases a constant flow of charged particles known as solar wind into space. While Earth's natural magnetic field deflects solar-wind particles, the moon has a weaker magnetic field, leaving some areas of the lunar surface exposed to the sun's damaging radiation, according to a statement from NASA.
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Mysterious 'lunar swirls' point to moon's volcanic, magnetic past
The mystery behind lunar swirls, one of the solar system's most beautiful optical anomalies, may finally be solved thanks to a joint Rutgers University and University of California Berkeley study.
The solution hints at the dynamism of the moon's ancient past as a place with volcanic activity and an internally generated magnetic field. It also challenges our picture of the moon's existing geology.
Lunar swirls resemble bright, snaky clouds painted on the moon's dark surface. The most famous, called Reiner Gamma, is about 40 miles long and popular with backyard astronomers. Most lunar swirls share their locations with powerful, localized magnetic fields. The bright-and-dark patterns may result when those magnetic fields deflect particles from the solar wind and cause some parts of the lunar surface to weather more slowly.
"But the cause of those magnetic fields, and thus of the swirls themselves, had long been a mystery," said Sonia Tikoo, coauthor of the study recently published in the Journal of Geophysical Research -- Planets and an assistant professor in Rutgers University-New Brunswick's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. "To solve it, we had to find out what kind of geological feature could produce these magnetic fields -- and why their magnetism is so powerful."
Working with what is known about the intricate geometry of lunar swirls, and the strengths of the magnetic fields associated with them, the researchers developed mathematical models for the geological "magnets." They found that each swirl must stand above a magnetic object that is narrow and buried close to the moon's surface.
The picture is consistent with lava tubes, long, narrow structures formed by flowing lava during volcanic eruptions; or with lava dikes, vertical sheets of magma injected into the lunar crust.
But this raised another question: How could lava tubes and dikes be so strongly magnetic? The answer lies in a reaction that may be unique to the moon's environment at the time of those ancient eruptions, over 3 billion years ago.
Past experiments have found that many moon rocks become highly magnetic when heated more than 600 degrees Celsius in an oxygen-free environment. That's because certain minerals break down at high temperatures and release metallic iron. If there happens to be a strong enough magnetic field nearby, the newly formed iron will become magnetized along the direction of that field.
This doesn't normally happen on earth, where free-floating oxygen binds with the iron. And it wouldn't happen today on the moon, where there is no global magnetic field to magnetize the iron.
But in a study published last year, Tikoo found that the moon's ancient magnetic field lasted 1 billion to 2.5 billion years longer than had previously been thought -- perhaps concurrent with the creation of lava tubes or dikes whose high iron content would have become strongly magnetic as they cooled.
"No one had thought about this reaction in terms of explaining these unusually strong magnetic features on the moon. This was the final piece in the puzzle of understanding the magnetism that underlies these lunar swirls," Tikoo said.
The next step would be to actually visit a lunar swirl and study it directly. Tikoo serves on a committee that is proposing a rover mission to do just that.
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SOUL SISTERS chapter twenty-one: let’s get lost
Ymir comes to once more, blinking into the light. Reiner and Historia's conversation fades in and out over the music: something about last year's Gamma formal, and Ymir remembers now, with a start, that Historia has been to this event before, as Reiner had so eloquently described to her once via text message:
Text from Reiner she crushed a can of beer on her forehead and blew chad in the pantry
Right. So, this weekend should be interesting.
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