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🚨🚨🚨 It’s another woooooorld premiere! 😂😍💯🤡🙌🙏 I love it so much I’m gonna do some extra credit. 🏆 @pauseinjoywithpatti with @get_repost ・・・ This Friday two presentation of metaphysical philosophical proportions are being delivered at 11am to dance with the ego! * Many years ago, I sat with a psychotherapists/Buddhist/sober/ex-lawyer/shaman who was one of my students going through the program. I knew, at level two the gamechanger of clearing, accepting and being level three needed to look towards the future coming towards the present, this is part of their journey to their own authentic life to not just follow their bliss but in-joy it. But which future possibility. This is the level you can’t hide, you’re not allowed to be under the radar as it’s about owning your fears, your insecurities and what better way to publicly talk about something metaphysical you and only you have an experience of in your own unique way. How do you know your life is edited, censored and within the realms of false security if you to rub up against your fears, your insecurities and see your programs for what they are. If you are interested in psychic surgery from 1pm-3pm please let me know as space is limited. @sgbentley @yourfriendsamrush * #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster (at Los Angeles, California)
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Hello Los Angeles. Grateful to be celebrating my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary this Saturday at Zuma. To be honest if it wasn’t for my fathers severe clinical depression and observing first hand the methods of care he was agreeing to in western medicine wouldn’t have being pulled into healing. A few suicide attempts, ECT, my mothers tumor that landed me back in Glasgow with a messed up surgery creating a colostomy bag that we decided to visualize being reversed was how I began my training. * My Reiki, EFT training and creation of Pause in Joy was all done in REAL-TIME, with life and death moments. My father taught me that sweetspot of when to push someone and when to back off, my mother taught me how to navigate someone who was drowning in despair and just wanted to check out. It is not lost on me the unique specialness that my parents have been my students at Pause in Joy for 17 years. Today they can’t believe the sh** they normalized, the stuff they ignored and the set point their mind was operating from. Immensely grateful to be officiating them renewing their vows and honored the consciousness navigated me to channel four books that began with these two amazing beings that were the kickstart to it all. #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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Swallowing the Sun Meditation in 15minutes. The partial solar eclipse begins at 10.45am as we activate our solar energy, higher intelligence, becoming lighter, as the giver of life on this planet is hidden but only partially giving us its crescent. The things we take for granted, things that are always there like the sun give us the opportunity to be our own illumination and see things we were dazzled with before as they are not how we wish them to be. Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year of the Dog intention setting at 4pm tomorrow. #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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LOVE IS...finding this photo of Angel coming down the stairs asking me is that frickin painting finished yet! The perfection of two Fibonacci spirals perfectly colliding in mathamtaical precision is the moments of life we encounter with a tree,a sunset, a coyote, a horse and then our dog, our friends, our partners, our work, our connection. Do what you LOVE, Love what you do, spend time with those you love and especially the things you take for granted - LOVE THAT MORE, LOVE THEM MORE. I promise to finish the painting Angel for you before my birthday in April to bring technicolor into this world as the full spectrum of love. #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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My Angel has finally come home today in his wee Lotus Urn. He didn’t go over the rainbow bridge voluntarily as my old boyfriend who passed at end of last year in Scotland came over and scooped him up. As soon as he got over the bridge to be with Charlie, Benjy, Chico, Luck and Roy he dramatically looked at all his new buddies and decided to shoot back over the bridge to come back to me. Two FU dogs came to me the next day with one with its foot on a puppy, so it’s official Angel will be Archie’s big little brother as soon as we can find his incarnation. Thankyou for all you thoughts of kindness and love, I know he meant a lot to you all in unique ways and we will do a Angel hike next week Feb 23rd in the morning to scatter some of his ashes with my parents next week when they arrive for their 50th Golden Anniversary. @pawsinjoy #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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Letting in our lightness in perfect balance with our devotion. Keep it light folks, the temple is inside you not without you and your belief built it. Go inward as this is going to be quite a week for your growth, clarity and truths to yourself. Find the lightness in your practice and in whatever nurtures your devotion. Your connection to that light within is the key to in-joying this year. #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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Change your perception! But what if you don’t know you are in such an unhealthy environment, what if the realization hasn’t even come into your awareness that you have normalized stress, your family bullying you because they love you right. What if, you DECIDE today to look at what you consider normal, what you decided what suppose to be your journey and decided that everything you bought into was just someone else’s truth that’s not true for you. Time is up! Time up pretending you don’t want to live a life in-joy, Times is up for denying your love of your dreams. Times is up being agreeable when all you want is to be heard. Time is up lying to yourself that the environment you are in is your lot. Decide right now to invite a new perspective 🙌🏽 Ian sending you some energy with this post I know you will use it wisely. Excessive Resistance to Love begins tomorrow for 3 weeks on Zoom online. See you there .... but first you need to admit you are in fact in Resistance Heal Screening Santa Clarita + Q & A with me 😁 #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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5,4,3,2,1 The February newsletter is on its way for your mid afternoon break. The Year of Dog is coming but not before a partial solar eclipse and a look at love from all dimensions. Allowing yourself to love your ideas, your projects, yourself will be a practice of focus and concentration, withdrawing from the circus trying to distract you and your own agreeableness to-be taken hostage because that’s right your nice. But sometimes we are nice to others and through our own needs, dreams and vision away or certainly put them on the back burning. The world needs your contribution, your innovations, your song for us to live more harmoniously together elevating each other. #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster http://mailchi.mp/0d2020c6c9bc/year-of-the-dog-eclipsing-your-thinking-and-focus-like-the-joy-bringer-you-are I used to be able to link in Bio but not letting me.
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Thankyou everyone for your kind messages after watching @healdocumentary ✨ The trailer has had 1.9 million views let’s make it 2 million. I’ll be bringing you some videos soon to help with the discipline or is it the commitment to a home practice. Again, so grateful for your support around the world let’s keep the momentum building as we haven’t even reached tipping point yet. ⚡️☄️💫 #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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The Duality is an inside job as much as an outside reality. Your practice is to have both sides of the brain co-operating, Shiva and Shakti co-operating, ying and yang co-operating, higher-self and ego co-operating. But if you are frightening yourself to the death with a duel that will be your reality. First port of call, the person in the mirror then there needs to be a truce with common agreement made for the betterment of your environment, your mind, your body and your soul. Once both sides are on board with the vision you’re unstoppable. Now go make friends with your ego it was only trying to protect you. #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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Something has to give and you either give in, give up or give a sh**. Only you know what’s needed, only you know how you tick yourself into see what you can get away with or get by with doing. This is the greatest act of self-Love know when you need to give in to your resistance, give in to playing small and give in to convincing yourself what you have been doing doesn’t work. Then there is the giving up of clinging to what doesn’t work, giving up putting your energy down the drain, giving up doing it alone and finally giving a shit about people who clearly don’t give a shut about you,giving a shit about your projects, ideas, life, health and wealth. Now we are getting clear with this big shift this weekend I’ll see you on Zoom Tuesday at 4pmfor our Excessive Resistance to Change EFT of 3 week to change your change. #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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On Hogmanay the Scottish New Years Eve, EVERYTHING need to be cleaned, no laundry in baskets and who/where you spend it is important. New Years Day heralds the first Supermoom with a Lunar Eclipse. The Peacock with its tail open is the eternal chance for change in every moment, the more experiences, more opportunities, more gratitude as the release you MUST let go of for 2018 is the hidden underbelly of this excessive resistance to change. All resistance in the Skeleton and Nervous system shuts down the body, shuts down flow, shuts down Abundance as you ration what you can handle. Be ready for 5 weeks of the subconscious brining to the surface the unknown, the epiphany’s, realizations that can set you free sometimes with a sting but set you free nonetheless. The TRUTH is .... you always know but to do, WHY you don’t do it is now irrelevant as it wants all the attention to be dissected thus you are delayed some more. Be kind to yourself and if that means being labeled selfish then so be it! #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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Thankyou everyone for your messages supporting Heal over the Holidays. Now with the documentary streaming on Vimeo and Amazon you can post a review for others to read and be encouraged by. Now let’s see what else is possible in this beautiful New Year stay tuned for the new newsletter style Monday and some live videos of the traditions of this incredibly Scottish tradition of Hogmanay this Sunday. Does anyone have a spare lump of coal by chance? #hogmanay #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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Clean this before the end of the year as an act of self-love. What if, you will never be ready, what if the resistance is just a tactic to delay the inevitable. But what is the inevitable? The inevitable is the one thing we want to know but delay knowing. Do you really have it, are you as amazing as you think, or are you more amazing than you know? Time to find out really as 2018 is all about immersing into the realty of now. The scripts and cue cards are evaporating as regurgitating bumper sticker spirituality will cease. Know what it is you are resisting, look at your predictable behavior and decide to reach for something else, decide to look for another possibility and disrupt your patterns of comfortable anesthetized existence. Know thyself! #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #knowthyself #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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Lots of laughter over the Holidays is the best medicine and of course lots of dogs. Merry Christmas everyone ... give your family and friends a big Reiki hug from me 🤗 #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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Happy Winter Solstice from @griffithobservatory ✨ It’s now TIME to quit pretending you are not who you are, quit denying your magnificence, quit trying to control what others think of you... let them think about you, let them discuss you, dissect you, let them not get you then get you, be confused by you and love you. Your only WORK now is to just BE YOU and REVEAL who you truly are... because remember I know who you are and it’s brilliant now let everyone else know what I O. 💗😘🙌🏽 #healing #healer #mindbody #mindbodyspirit #meditation #mentalhealth #chronicillness #documentary #holistic #integrativemedicine #pattipenn #detox #cleanse #organic #epigenetics #reiki #ayurveda #healdocumentary #alternativemedicine #energyhealing #energeticmedicine #pauseinjoy #yoga #yogaeverygoddamnday #reikieverygoddamnday #EFT #tapping #emotionalfreedom #lightworker #reikimaster
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