#reign 1x18
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forbescaroline · 1 year ago
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 85. sebastian de poitiers and kenna de poitiers - reign
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winnie-the-monster · 2 years ago
“Locked in the tower. Did you think I would slink out of my room like a rat in the passage ways?”
“Not like a rat, like a defiant queen. You will be released as soon as your brother has cast off. I told him that we’d follow as soon as we could.
“So you lied.”
“It is not a lie. When I know that it is safe…”
“It will be too late. We both know that day will never come. I will not help you with the cardinal, if that’s what you think.”
“I know. My mother and I will do what we have to. We’ll find a way. You may hate me right now, but I’ve done this for you. I love you and I have put you first.”
“You love a girl, you don’t love a queen. Or you would allow me to be one. You are putting yourself and your country first, just like you’ve always have”
“That is true.”
“If Scotland falls, I will never forgive you. You will lose my country and you will lose me. I warned you Francis, we are one in the same.”
“Scotland won’t fall. And neither will we.”
“I can’t hear another word. Get out!”
“I’ll be back when you’ve had a chance to calm down.”
“Francis. You can’t just leave me locked in here. Francis. Francis!”
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dailyreigngifs · 2 years ago
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ADELAIDE KANE as Mary Stuart REIGN | 1x18: No Exit
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unreal-unearthed · 2 years ago
darla and angel x vampire
i wrote a little something to go with this edit, and i don't really have anywhere else to share it, so i thought i'd put it here and see how i like doing stuff like this on here
🩸 🦇 🖤
darla and angel: control and influence
a take i’ve seen thrown around in this fandom quite a bit is one that implies that angel is a large reason why spike was an ‘evil’ vampire; that spike learned everything from angel, and was only ever ‘bad’ to earn angels approval. to the point where i have seen suggestions that everything evil that spike did is all largely at the fault of angel. and by the logic of that take, it can be said everything angel ever did that was evil is at the fault of darla. 
from the moment angel is sired, darla provides him guidance and controls a large part of his vampiric existence. when he rises, she is there awaiting him, and as he makes his first kill in the graveyard, he looks to her for approval and reassurance that he is doing the right thing, to which she smiles and nods, and so it begins. after he murders his family, darla finds him in his old home and approves of what he has done but not without reminding him of how his father will always have defeated him, even if angelus ultimately killed him (ats 1x15). the power dynamic between the two is reminiscent of a mother and her son, and the narrative presents it to the audience as such a relationship through a myriad of metaphors and their overall dynamic.
darla may be the one who stands in the shadows behind angelus and his reign of terror, but she has a significant amount of control over him that goes rather unnoticed. it is darla who picks out drusilla for angelus and gives him the plan to torture her, and it is darla who kidnaps the romani girl for him. and thus she kicks off the catalyst of events that leads to angelus regaining his soul. a soul to which darla reacts with horror to, and forces angelus to leave. a common pattern in their relationship is her leaving angelus whenever it suits or betters her (see ats 1x18, 2x09, 5x8). reinforcing that she is the one who holds control over their relationship, and angelus who becomes almost lost when she isn’t around.  
angelus notably allows her this control, something rather uncharacteristic of him (possibly suggesting something about the nature of sire/childe relationships). and he is shown to do almost nothing without her approval. it is only when he has a soul does he truly defy her wishes, made clear with the weight and impact of his decision to save the baby rather than kill it for her approval (ats 2x07). with approval from her being something he is shown to be desperate for, time and time again. all angel wants from the moment he rises is for darla to approve of him as a vampire. and this holds years after their relationship has ended, shown in the way her words have a profound impact on him when she finds him attempting to restart his life in sunnydale. years after first siring him, she is still bleeding him dry.
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mesillusionssousecstasy · 1 year ago
Love, Death + Robots : Volume 1
The animation were incredible and so different from each other.
But the show should have been named "Kill, Death + Robots".
My favorite one was again the three robots exploring the apocalyptic earth and lucky thirteen wasn't that bad at all.
So here a review for each episode :
Three robots (1x01) : I love those three robots, the way they are discovering each human tradition was well done. I really liked the part about the cats being the god of them all. It's also the fragility of the human race.
Beyond the Aquila rift (1x02) : The animation was amazing. From the beginning you know that it will end badly. It's the idea of what's real. Terrible story, I really didn't expect that.
Ice age (1x03) : The only episode with true actors. I also liked the mini world in the freezer, being the repetition of the same story, the same cycle.
Sonnie's edge (1x04) : It's about monster fight in a pit controlled by human. The end is really unexpected.
When the yogurt took over (1x05) : the story was very stupid and ridiculous, but I liked the demolition of human satellite.
The secret war (1x06) : It was the best SGI animation from the entire volume, every detail was so well done. However, the characters should have spoken in Russian and at the end, the episode became too much like a video game.
Sucker of souls (1x07) : I was sure from the first moment of the episode that it will concern vampires, but I don't understand what they were looking in the first place, in this tomb? Also, why Gary has a girl's voice, that doesn't make sense. And I really liked the importance of cats in this episode too.
The witness (1x08) : Every animation is different, this one was very different from the other, like animation on drugs too. Why there isn't any one in this town? Why the man has the key of the flat? It seems that the two of them are stuck in a loop in which he killed her and the other she killed him.
Suits (1x09) : Poor cows. It was honestly a weak episode. What was the point of it?
Good hunting (1x10) : First of all why the characters do not speak in Mandarin? And why it couldn't be a love story between Jan and Ling instead of this horrible story, even if the end is good.
The dump (1x11) : Is about a monster who survive on garbage, I called it "le monstre des poubelles".
Shape-Shifters (1x12) : I really hate war, but I think they want to show us, who are the real animal during war?
Fish night (1x13) : From the beginning, there was a foreshadowing of what will become later in the episode. The animation with the ocean sea was amazing, the desert becomes a sea of glowing fishes. It also shows us that the young boy becomes a fish, suggesting his descent to death.
Helping hand (1x14) : The episode was disgusting, but I presume it's about surviving and not dying in the atmosphere.
Alternate histories (1x15) : If only an application like this could exist. It's called multiversity.
Lucky 13 (1x16) : The story in itself was a bit sad, but cute. The ship sacrifice itself.
Blindspot (1x17) : The only episode with a happy ending I presume, but it's a shame that we don't know why this microchip is so important.
Zima Blue (1x18) : The episode with a bittersweet ending, the last art of Zima, beneficing himself at the end.
Some quotes:
"- You've seen one post-apocalytic city, you've seen 'em all." (Robot 1 - 1x01)
"- No. Indeed, it was their own hubris that ended their reign, their belief that they were the pinnacle of creation that caused them to poison the water, kill the land and choke the sky. In the end, no nuclear winter was needed, just the long heedless autumn of their own self-regard. (Pyramid robot) - Are you okay? (Orange robot) - Yeah, sorry. Thought that would sound better than, "Nah, they just screwed themselves by being a bunch of morons." (Pyramid robot - 1x01)
"- And what makes you so special? - I'm not special. Unique." (1x04)
"- Now, hate that was something I had to learn. You don't come into this world with hate." (1x04)
"- Everyone sees what they want to see." (1x04)
"- Do try to at least act excited. (Doctor) - Mercenaries are like hookers, pretending to be excited costs extra." (Mr. Flynn - 1x07)
"- Well, at least I'll die young and beautiful." (1x09)
"- You know what I think? It's all in the attitude. The right attitude can sell anything." (Young boy - 1x13)
"- God damn company penny pinchers, am I right? (Bill) - Why pay two when one'll do?" (Astronaut - 1x13)
"- I had to make a wee sacrifice to the great nothing." (Astronaut - 1x14)
"- In spite of all his success, Zima was still dissatisfied and what he did next was, for many, too extreme a sacrifice to make for art." (Clare - 1x18)
"- But you're a man with machine parts, not a machine that thinks it's a man. (Clare) - Sometimes, it's difficult even for me to understand what I've become. And harder still to remember what I once was." (Zuma - 1x18)
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awkward-sultana · 4 years ago
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Mary Stuart’s sequin embellished black tulle blouse and patterned skirt in 1x18
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lifeisdeal · 8 years ago
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itsfrarysreign · 5 years ago
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frary-us · 6 years ago
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infinite-beginnings · 7 years ago
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Mac picking up on his teammates’ crushes
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kuekyuuq · 3 years ago
Supergirl/Supercop Fandom/Canon Things
Today, let's talk about some (odd?) things, that appear in the SG/SC fandom/fanfics.
[This is gonna be another long post, lotsa images/gifs, and I own nothing. Please be fair, I am aware it is all just fiction and I am just having a good time myself here. I do not mean to offend, but to share my thoughts and to entertain. I also acknowledge the lore/canon can be contradicting, but I tried to present the most agreed upon consensus on the below.]
- Kara sweats (like a human) ..?
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...dude, girl can catch on fire and not feel it. 😑
Outside of greenK or red sun exposure... she didn't even sweat from physical taxation when she stopped that space-freighter or fought Reign.
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That's not to say she can't sweat... given the right kind of exhaustion >.>
- Kara needs a lot of calories ..?
In 1x18 Barry Allen (meta-human) said, he needs to eat for upkeep (“About 10,000 calories per day”). At which Winn replied: "Oh, yeah. You've definitely met the right girl." referring to Kara.  And I think, that's where this misunderstanding comes from...
...Kara likes to eat. She does not need to eat. Kryptonians under a yellow sun can sustain their upkeep from the yellow sun radiation alone. Less fun, tho.
It's also where the idea for this came from, somehow:
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The argument could be made, that like many/some of her other senses Kara's sense of taste is more enhanced (that or original Kryptonian cuisine tasted really bland, which may or not be related to the planet not having much diversity to offer in the years/decades/centuries(?) before its destruction). So, everything just tastes really good to her (except greens). That and she probably just burns her intake away (as her sun radiation based metabolism may be that much more energy rich, which makes me agree with Kara having a generally higher body temperature), so she wouldn't gain weight.
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Note: it's not the sunlight but the sun's radiation. Which permeates and lingers and hence Kara doesn’t need direct sun-exposure, and won’t drain her energy on rainy days. This sort of metabolism is called "radiosynthesis". (An Earth equivalent would not be a plant, but a radiotrophic fungus, as found at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.)
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- Red sun radiation (or the absence of a yellow sun) immediately makes Kara weak ..?
(CWSG depicted that one wrong or at least not quite right on several occasions - taking the consensus of some 80 years of Superman / Kryptonian lore into account, SGCW imo does not win this round) ...Kryptonians are rather often likened to batteries, in the way they absorb sunlight radiation to charge them. That is why Kara isn't powerless at night or underground. Various forms of Kryptonite disrupt this biochemical(?) procedure and either actively drain the Kryptonian's cell / cancel out the stored sun radiation or the counter-healing from the Kryptonite poisoning sap away the energy resources (sources are unclear on that). Red sunlight radiation offers merely a different / lower energy yield for Kryptonians. On a planet with a red sun (or in darkness, or any other yellow sunless environment) a Kryptonian's power would reduce slowly as they expend it. The longer they are subjected to a red sun and the more energy they exert, the more diminished their powers become until they completely lose all their abilities and benefits from yellow sun radiation.. This (slow, or forced through power exertion - e.g. solar flaring) drainage also means, that Kara would need a yellow sunlight radiation source to replenish herself after prolonged red sunlight exposure to regain her powers.
...tying this in with the point before, their red sun Rao did not radiate as much or  lesser energy, hence Kryptonians on Krypton (additionally to sunbathing?) or prolonged other red sun location dwelling / yellow sun deprivation naturally need to eat.
On that note:
- RedKryptonite =/= red sunlight (lamps)
One makes for an uninhibited (easily pissed off) Kryptonian, two does not (re-)charge their cells for powers.
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- Lena aimed greenK cannons at Kara in 5x08 ..?
While that may have been Kara's (and Alex's) perception, the "Counter Measures" had been programmed by Lex and automatically started up when “Kryptonian X-Ray Vision” was detected. When Eve asked Lena whether or not to deploy them, Lena (hesitantly) said yes to the "Ion Rays Cannon". When Kara basically shrugged those off, the cannons rearmed themselves with Kryptonite and Lena IMMEDIATELY ordered Eve to cancel them, to "Shut them down! Now!!".
Lena got mad when Eve couldn't overwrite the protocol and pushed Eve aside to do it herself and breathed a deep sigh of relief when she managed to disarm them, barely in time.
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... ...trapping Kara with the Fortress' own (apparently pre-installed... we shall not kink-shame Kal!) greenK cage: Yes, that she did. But, realistically, how else was Lena, a mere human with a (very mislead) plan, to gain a headstart over a Kryptonian? While rude (and undeniably painful), the intensity apparently wasn't even set high enough to bring Kara down to her knees and there was a reasonable chance J'onn or someone else would rather sooner than later come and free Kara. (Let's not forget, the DEO used and had more plans to take down / contain a Kryptonian, and more than once Kara herself - the very pilot episode even! - and we forgave both J'onn and Alex.)
- Lena is afraid of heights ..?
Might be a misinterpretation... Or true. I can’t really tell... But was never actually canonically stated.
In 2x01 Lena tells her helicopter pilot “I hate flying, I know statistically it's the safest way to travel, but still”. Almost crashing less than a minute later may not have helped her aversion. She did not seem physically tense during take-off before that.
Later on she is shown to neither mind casually standing on her balconies (even after being thrown off one) nor being carried by Kara.
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And let's not forget this leap of faith:
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...I also share the growing suspicion that Lena's fear of "traveling through air" may either be limited to non-Kara flights or possibly even have been cured at some point...
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((On a sadder note, it's reasonable to assume, that Lena's aversion to (plane) flying may be due to her 4-year old self being dragged onto a plane right after she lost her mother, when she was taken from NFL Ireland to the US and before she got dropped by a complete stranger (Lionel) into a cold unwelcoming household, hence she may have come to associate flying with fear, abandonment, loss of control and uncertainty. And in part to regain some of that control she later in life got herself a piloting license.))
Fun fact:
Kara being portrayed as physically stronger than Kal-El in CWSG is actually lore-related (and kinda sorta maybe -pseudo- scientific).
Across most of the lore, Krypton was much larger than Earth, therefore had far greater gravity. Kryptonians had evolved to withstand that. Even without powers, Kal's physiology/genetics would still make him stronger and more durable than any human. But, Kal was a baby and grew up on Earth. Kara was already a teenager, and her bones and muscle tissue (and her cardio-pulmanory system) developed stronger and more robust under that greater gravity, while Kal's most likely adapted to "only" withstand Earth's gravity (but then solar radiation, so he's still a Super) .
So, instead of it being the magic of "girl power", Kara having been old/matured enough to witness and remember her planet's destruction for once gave her a benefit...
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It can also be argued, that Kara being at the verge of physical adolescence resulted in her body having had to "make due" with red sun radiation in its "informative" stages, and hence once on Earth, the yellow sun radiation affected her more (for the rest of her life).
Or the counterargument could be made, that this is false as Kal had more time on Earth, with his body developing subjected to yellow sun radiation, adapting more efficiently to it, that he should, in fact, be naturally stronger...
Still, Kryptonians do not necessarily have to be "heavier" than humans. If their cells have (evolved to have) a different structure, they could be stronger, more durable, more energy efficient and sturdier without being heavier (like 3D graphene materials, where an (artificial) particular geometric arrangement makes the (naturally) brittle material that much stronger, but with bio-matter/cells. Add more energy (solar radiation) and with that (electro-)magnetism into the mix and we may pseudo-science our way into explaining how Kryptonians become next to invulnerable on Earth.)
How Kara broke her arm from a mere fall that easily after she solar-flared is actually - dare I say - unrealistic... but, alas, CWSG.
...unless the CWSG writers went the route of this one older and weird explanation of why Kryptonians can fly, which basically says “Kryptonians have hollow bones, like birds. That’s why they can fly.” ... 😧...🤣(Yes, like that. No more, no wings or anything, just their bones are like birds’ and that’s why! ...like I said, the Super-lore is some 80 years old...)
All that said, yes, in AUs technically everything goes.
But, some things can actually be just as if not more fun, without ignoring canon or long standing lore... Maybe?
(Admittedly, the Superman and hence Kryptonian and Supergirl lore undergoes constant changes over the decades - mostly for the better, though, making more and more “scientific” sense. Yet, even within the run of CWSG there were some blatant contradictions. And... just, let's not talk about Crisis.)
I mean no harm and I also enjoy fics that chose a different take on the above mentioned. I hope, though, this helps one or the other and may even inspire some.
Feel free to ignore anything or everything, though. I am not your boss :P 
Stay safe!
Kue out.
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fishalthor-archive · 4 years ago
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toby regbo in every episode ever of reign
↳ 1x18 no exit
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winnie-the-monster · 2 years ago
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dailyreigngifs · 2 years ago
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prettygossiphorrorfriends · 8 years ago
Every Unanswered PLL Question from every episode
Since I think the Charles is CeCe reveal is fake, I’m going to watch the show from the beginning and see what questions I have. (Any “answers” given in Game Over, Charles are irrelevant to me because I think they’re fake). All answers given in the show will be bolded with the episode it was answered in, in parenthesis. Just a warning this is going to be long hence the show has over 100 episodes. Also, I have a lot of -A related questions that have never been confirmed. Even during Mona’s reign as -A, some things just don’t add up. I know Marlene says that everything from season 1 and until the end of season 2 is Mona and season 3 starts a new -A, but like I said, some things don’t add up.
Pilot (1x01) Spencer heard someone scream ‘that night’, who was it? Why did the Montgomery’s leave Rosewood for a year? To get away from Rosewood after Alison went missing. (2x19) Did Ezra follow/know Aria was going to be at the Hollis Bar & Grill or was he there coincidentally? Why did Hanna roll her eyes when she waved to Aria in class? Who was the blonde in Maya’s (Alison’s) room? How did Hanna start off in the crowd looking at the chaos of Alison’s house when a body was found then ended up behind Spencer and Aria (behind the crowd)? What’s the “Jenna Thing”? Alison lit a firecracker in the Cavanaugh’s garage while Jenna and her step brother, Toby, were in it. The firecracker ended up blinding Jenna. Alison told the girls to keep it a secret and they let Toby take the blame for it. (1x02)
The Jenna Thing (1x02) Who was the older boy with a girlfriend that Alison was seeing the summer of her disappearance? Ian. (1x10) If Ezra didn’t want to be in a relationship with Aria based on the fact that it’s too dangerous, why did he want her to stay in his class? Why did Jenna come back to Rosewood High? Why is Wilden so insistent on finding out what happened on the night Alison disappeared? Who did Jenna send a text to?
To Kill a Mocking Girl (1x03) Why did Toby come back to Rosewood High? Why did Wilden really question Hanna alone? Why was Toby in the girls’ locker room when he saved Emily from Ben? Who were the two blondes on Melissa��s laptop screensaver? What did Alison have on Toby that made him take the blame for the “Jenna Thing”? She saw Jenna and Toby doing it. (1x06) Who was the one pinning up Emily and Maya’s photo booth pictures on the wall?
Can You Hear Me Now? (1x04) Who put the photo booth picture in Emily’s book? Who was recording Spencer and Wren and what were they planning to do with that footage? Who wrote the letter to Aria’s mom? Who ‘cleaned’ up the mess that Wren made with the flowers? Why was Spencer so concerned about Alison’s bracelet when she found out that someone had to of been in the house and not other things like her own safety? Who wrote on Spencer’s mirror?
Reality Bites Me (1x05) Who took the video of the liars in Spencer’s room? Why did -A send the pictures of Emily and Maya to Hanna and not all the liars? Why was Jenna seeing a therapist? It was Toby’s therapist. She had a session with him to see how she felt on living with Toby again. (1x06) Did -A know that Aria didn’t have her phone or was -A texting Aria’s phone so Ezra could purposely find out?
There’s No Place Like Homecoming (1x06) What is the ‘truth’ about Toby that Jenna was talking about? Why was Jenna listening to the liars talking about her session with the therapist? What was Toby trying to tell Emily about what happened the summer of Alison’s disappearance? Toby wanted to thank Alison for getting him away from Jenna. (1x10) Who painted that there was one less person in Rosewood on the Welcome to Rosewood sign?
The Homecoming Hangover (1x07) Why did Alison visit Jenna when she was in the hospital and what did she say to her? What really happened when Toby crashed his motorcycle? Why did -A want Toby out of their way? What was -A going to do with the files from Toby’s psychiatrist?
Please, Do Talk About Me When I’m Gone (1x08) How did Alison help Jenna after her accident? Who sent Spencer the text saying they’ll be watching the dedication for Alison? Why was Alison afraid of Spencer? Why did Toby call Alison on the night she disappeared? Why is Toby being accused of killing Alison? Why did Alison tell Jason that it was Spencer who initiated the prank on Toby that actually lead to Jenna being blinded? In what ways is Jason worse than Alison? Why were Ian and Wilden at Alison’s memorial? Who made a copy of Alison’s bracelet? Who destroyed Alison’s memorial? Lucas. (1x12)
The Perfect Storm (1x09) Who put Emily’s letter to Alison in the library book? Who sent Wilden those photos of Emily at the memorial? Who sent that video of Alison to the police?
Keep Your Friends Close (1x10) Who was Alison talking to in the video? Ian. (1x10) Who sent Mona the -A text? Whose car did Alison get into the night she disappeared? Ezra (4x25) Who carved ‘Alison + Ian’ on the tree? Who wrote ‘I see you’ on Mr. Fitz’s car? Noel Khan. (1x11) Who hit Hanna with the car? Mona (2x25) What did Hanna know that she deserved to be run over by a car?
Moments Later (1x11) Why would Noel be -A? Was that really Alison visiting Hanna in the hospital?  Yes (4x14) How do the liars combined know more about that night then they realize? Who and how did someone take down the tree? Who sent Emily’s mom the pictures of Emily and Maya kissing? Why did Melissa and Ian elope within a week or so of them speaking again? Why was Noel spying on Ezra? Who wrote ‘Sorry about losing my temper, my bad. Love, A’ on Hanna’s cast? Why did -A cut down the ‘Alison + Ian’ tree?
Salt Meets Wound (1x12) Who signed Alex up for the tennis clinic? Who was upstairs and outside of Hanna’s house? Who stole the money from Hanna’s house? Why was Alison so jumpy about the Hilton Head questions? 
Know Your Frenemies (1x13) What were Melissa and Ian whispering about? Why was Noel there when Hanna ate those cupcakes? Who put the answers in Noel’s locker to set him up? Why did -A save Aria and Ezra’s relationship? Who was watching the liars while they were looking through Ian’s boxes? Who sent the video of Ian and Alison at the kissing rock to the liars?
Careful What U Wish 4 (1x14) Who took Spencer’s laptop and switched it with a yearbook? Why did -A want Hanna to dance with Lucas? Who deleted the video of Ian and Alison on Spencer’s laptop? Who is the shadow in the picture of Alison on Spencer’s laptop? Spencer. (1x15) Who did Ella give the black hoodie and gloves to after the dance?
If at First You Don’t Succeed, Lie, Lie Again (1x15) Who put the ticket in Hanna’s locker to give to Ella? Who messed with Ella’s car? Caleb. (1x15) Who took the photo of Alison outside of the barn? Who put Spencer’s name in the appointment book for the bracelets? Why was Jason in Maya’s room looking into Spencer’s window?
Je Suis Une Amie (1x16) Who broke the Cavanaugh’s mailbox? Who broke into the school after-hours? Caleb. (1x16) Whose things are that in the air vent at the school? Caleb. (1x16) What does the note that Toby gave to Spencer say? B.A.D. (1x17) 2.1.4. (1x17)
The New Normal (1x17) Who is Jenna buying lingerie for? Garrett. (2x07) What is 2.1.4. supposed to mean? Hotel room number. (1x19) Caleb’s locker number. (1x20) Who was Jenna talking to on the phone? Why was Jenna talking about Spencer on the phone? Why is Jenna afraid of the liars? Who called the exterminator to Hanna’s house? Did -A kill Mrs. Potter?
The Badass Seed (1x18) What did Ian give to Jenna? Who planted the trophy in the prop room? Who really pushed the girl down the stairs at the frat party? In Hanna’s dream, Alison said Noel, is this true? (7x08)
A Person of Interest (1x19) How did Jenna know she was talking to Aria in the school bathroom? Who left the bag of ice in the 214 hotel room? Who was Caleb talking to on the phone? Jenna. (1x20) Is Melissa telling the truth about why Ian was in Hilton Head? Who was the restricted number calling Emily before she saw the message from Spencer? Who recorded the liars reading the -A text?
Someone to Watch Over Me (1x20) Why did Jenna have the owl necklace that was in Caleb’s backpack? He was passing her information using it. (1x20) What was on the owl flash drive Caleb gave to Hanna? Nothing. (1x20) Why does Ian really want Spencer to run away? How did fibers from the sweater Alison was wearing ‘that night’ get onto the ‘Alison’ bracelet Spencer had?
Monsters in the End (1x21) What key is Jenna looking for? The storage room key which held the videos of the liars, Jenna and Toby. (1x21) Was Garrett tailing the liars because of his job or something else? What was the prior engagement Alison had before she met up with the liars ‘that night’? Who sent Spencer that text message? Who wrote, “Shut up or I’ll shut you up” on the wall inside the house at the festival? Who locked Spencer in the house at the festival? Who was outside of Ezra’s door?
For Whom the Bell Tolls (1x22) Why did Jenna trust Ian with getting the videos back? Who pushed Ian off the bell tower? Alison (4x25) Where did Ian’s body go? Why was Noel Kahn in the crowd outside of the church?
It’s Alive (2x01) What’s Jenna doing in the alley? Why did Jason move back into the DiLaurentis house? What did Garrett and Jenna think Jason was looking for? What’s the “Jason Thing”? When did Mona and Noel become a thing? Who broke into Ezra’s apartment? Who broke into Dr. Sullivan’s office and put Ezra’s certificate in it? Who was following Dr. Sullivan? Who was texting Melissa? Who was in Emily’s house and wiped her computer?
The Goodbye Look (2x02) When did Maya’s family move out of the DiLaurentis’ and why did Jason move in? Of all names, why did Mona call Aria, “Big A”? Who broke into Emily’s garage? Mike. (2x05) Who broke into Spencer’s house and pushed Aria? Mike. (2x05) Why did Melissa lie about being outside? Who did Melissa show the ultrasound picture to? Why is Jason replanting the yard? What did the dog find in the DiLaurentis yard?
My Name is Trouble (2x03) Who was Melissa talking to on the phone? Who was the shadow in the DiLaurentis house window? Why was Jason covering the window with newspaper? Why was Alison crying? Whose bloody gauze was in Jason’s trash bag? Who was Melissa talking to? Wren. (2x03) Who sent Emily the Danby letter? What did Wren give Melissa? Medicine and medical supplies. (2x04) Who bought Melissa’s ring at the pawn shop?
Blind Dates (2x04) Why did Melissa have a packed suitcase? Who killed Ian?
The Devil You Know (2x05) If Ian has been dead for a week, who has been texting Melissa? If Ian’s suicide note is made up of -A texts does that mean -A killed Ian? Why would Ian kill Alison? Who hired Logan Reed for the money pick up? Who left Jason that note? Jenna and Garrett (2x12) What was Melissa going to tell Spencer? Mr. Hastings was “relieved” that Alison was missing and that Melissa sent threatening messages to Alison. (2x22) Also that she lost the baby (3x04). Why did Garrett pay for Logan Reed to leave? Who projected the kissing rock video in the cemetery? 
Never Letting Go (2x06) If Ian didn’t kill Alison, did -A? Who was watching Jason and Aria? Why was Mr. Hastings yelling at Mrs. DiLaurentis about Jason? Because Jason is their kid and Mr. Hastings didn't want anyone to find out. (2x19) Why was Mike really breaking into people’s homes? Where was Jason the day/night Alison disappeared? Who sabotaged the Alison memoriam at the fashion show? Who projected that A message after the fashion show? Why was Noel being sketchy about the CD?
Surface Tension (2x07) Who sent the basket to Hanna’s house? Why was there a field hockey stick buried in the Hastings backyard and who put it there? Also, why was Mr. Hastings acting sketchy about the field hockey stick? Why was Ezra keeping a close eye on Aria and Jason? Why did Mr. Hastings burn the hockey stick if it didn’t mean anything? Who injected steroids in the cream?
Save the Date (2x08) Why did Wren accept the job in Rosewood? Why was Caleb being watched by the guy in the car? He was a P.I. Caleb’s mom hired to find him. (2x09) Why were Jenna and Garrett so paranoid about the girls knowing what the murder weapon was? Who put the pain cream in Emily’s food? Who took page 5 of the autopsy report? Jenna and Garrett (2x12) Who was laying down in the morgue? 
Picture This (2x09) Why was Jason all freaked out about the worker going into his shed? What’s wrong with Mike? What happened to Byron’s brother, Scott? Who took the pictures of Aria sleeping? Apparently Alison. (2x10) Why was there surveillance equipment in Jason’s shed? Why was Jenna and Garrett watching Jason and Aria? Who took that picture of Emily and Spencer in Jason’s shed?
Touched by an A-ngel (2x10) Who messed with Emily’s cereal? What is the N.A.T. Club? A club Jason, Ian, and Garrett were apart of and they video recorded people in Rosewood. (2x10) Now that we know Jason was apart of the N.A.T. Club, did Alison really take the pictures of Aria sleeping? Who gave Emily the massage? Lucas, says Mona. (4x02) Why is Jenna threatening Spencer for still looking for Alison’s killer? Were Jason and Garrett talking about the N.A.T. Club? Who was in Dr. Sullivan’s office?
I Must Confess (2x11) Why was Garrett in Jason’s house? Who was Jenna talking to on the phone? Who called Dr. Sullivan with the recording of the session with the liars? Who were the two shadows in Jason’s house? Jason and Mr. Hastings. (2x11) Who was watching Dr. Sullivan outside of her office? Why was Alison asking Hanna’s grandma about disowning family members? Why was A seeing Dr. Sullivan? Who told Dr. Sullivan to leave and where did she go? Who bugged Dr. Sullivan’s office?
Over My Dead Body (2x12) Who put the box in Spencer’s house? Who put the doll in Emily’s car? Who locked Emily in the barn? Did Alison really drag Emily out of the barn? Yes (5x05) Who set up the girls? Jenna and Garrett (2x12) Who is “Pretty Eyes”? Toby. (3x24)
The First Secret (2x13) Who is the twin story about? Who was in that creepy house? How does Jenna know who Alison is if she just moved there? Who sent Alison that text in the Halloween store? Who was in the zombie baby costume behind Alison Who sent Alison the voodoo doll? Who was watching Alison’s house? Who was in the zombie baby costume outside of Spencer’s house? Were Jenna and Mona friends after meeting at the Halloween party? If it wasn’t Noel who helped Alison with the trick, who was it? Were the people Alison made fun of dressed as the zombie baby face? Why was Lucas dressed as a zombie baby face…was he the one following Alison?
Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares (2x14) Why was Garrett watching the liars doing community service if there were already cops there? Why were the girls fighting? They’re fake fighting to trick -A (2x14). Emily circled ‘yes’ on the board when -A asked if she wanted to make a deal, does that mean Emily knew -A was in the class? What was on Lucas’ computer? Who met Emily in the greenhouse?
A Hot Piece of ‘A’ (2x15) What were Jenna and Garrett talking about on the phone? Why is Lucas calling into the crisis hotline? Who would be in the car with Jenna? What was Lucas trying to tell Hanna on the boat? Lucas gambled and lost Caleb’s money. (2x16) How did Mona and Noel go “skinny dipping” so quickly if we just saw them at the party?
Let the Water Hold Me Down (2x16) Who was in the bathroom with Hanna? Who is Maya getting calls/texts from? Who broke into Hanna’s house? Lucas. (2x16) Where was Jenna the night Alison went missing if she wasn’t at the blind school? Who put dirt and worms in the girls’ food? Who messed with the scaffold?
Blond Leading the Blind (2x17) Why were Ian, Garrett, Jenna and Melissa in Alison’s room the night she disappeared? Why did Garrett say, “That’s weird” when opening the box in Alison’s room? Who took the picture of Spencer and Toby? Who sent Alison those notes? Why are Jenna and Noel having dinner together? Where did Toby go? Who burned the pictures of Ezra and Toby?
A Kiss Before Lying (2x18) Why did Alison need an I.D. that didn’t look like her? Why was Noel helping Maya with her phone at the Grille? Who did Jenna get to replace Caleb…is it Noel? Who sent that picture of Kate from Hanna’s phone? Kate. (2x19) Who took Mr. Hasting’s gun? Mona (2x25)
The Naked Truth (2x19) Why would Alison store the red coat at that place? Who’s phone number was in Alison’s red coat pocket? Why would Mr. Hastings risk everything to help Jason and the DiLaurentis family? Because Jason is his kid and Mr. Hastings didn't want anyone to find out. (2x19) Who was on the roof watching Hanna and Caleb? Who stole Caleb’s laptop?
CTRL:A (2x20) Why was Maya talking to Jason? Why did Alison have/hide $15,000 in cash? Who put the letter of where Aria was going to be on Byron’s car? Who was watching Emily?
Breaking the Code (2x21) Who sent Mona that -A text? Why was Garrett watching Spencer and Aria meet up with Jonah? Why was Melissa also in Alison’s room? Who was watching the liars talk about Melissa in Alison’s room? Who sent Mona the police report of Hanna? Why did Melissa ditch Spencer for Garrett? Why is Garrett going to Melissa’s doctor’s appointments with her?
Father Knows Best (2x22) Where did Maya go? What did Mr. Hastings do with the $15k in cash? He hired a P.I. to look into her disappearance. (2x22) Whose car did Maya get in at the bus station? Why was Melissa acting shady before she left? Who was watching Ella and Ashley?
Eye of the Beholder (2x23) Why did Alison talk about the girls to Duncan? Who set Jason’s house on fire? Who sent Jenna the text that Jason needed to talk to her? Who planted a Rosewood Police badge outside of Jason’s house?
If These Dolls Could Talk (2x24) Was Alison really in Spencer’s house or was she dreaming it? Did Jenna basically tell the liars that she’s not -A but she knows who - A is? What videos was Melissa talking about? Why is Jenna lying about the autopsy report page and turning on Garrett? Who was wearing the babydoll mask in the basement of the doll shop? Why are Garrett and Melissa seeing each other?
unmAsked (2x25) Who was watching the girls in the hotel room? Why was Toby talking to Dr. Sullivan? Who was Jenna meeting with? Who is the blonde girl with the red dress and gold mask? Who was Alison watching? Why was Jenna following Aria? How did -A take all of the pictures in the lair? Who is in the black swan outfit? Melissa, the outfit was left in a package outside her door with a note saying to wear it to the dance and distract Jenna or else everyone would find out that she lost the baby. (3x04) Why are Lucas, Jenna, and Black Swan talking? Why would Mona be -A? Supposedly because the liars took Hanna away from her, but…the -A texts made the liars become close. (2x25) Did Mona kill Alison? Who is apart of the -A team? Why was Mona’s timer going off on her watch? Who is the ‘we’ Mona is talking about in her head? Who killed Maya? Nate aka Lyndon. (3x12) Why is Melissa in the crowd? Who is Mona talking to?
So most of the questions from the first two seasons are legit questions I had while watching the show for the first time and still have questions about today. Like I said I still don’t believe Mona did everything during her reign, I think she had help from more than one person. The questions I have from season 3 and on will also be legit questions I had/have but I will also gear more questions toward the many, many plot holes these seasons hold. Any plot hole questions will have the ‘-‘ symbol in front of this.
It Happened ‘That Night’ (3x01) Whose car door was that? Why was Emily at Alison’s grave? Who took Alison’s remains? Who used Spencer’s phone to call Emily? Who is the unknown number that called Spencer? Why does Wren really work at Radley? What does Wren mean when he spent a life time trying to understand mental illnesses? Who was in the black hoodie in the bathroom with Aria? Who was rustling in the bushes watching Spencer at the Lostwoods Resort? Whose blue car was that? Who texted Emily? Who took the pictures of the liars and who put them into Spencer’s car?
Blood is the New Black (3x02) Who put the tooth necklace in Emily’s bag? Who is close to Spencer that has her completely fooled? Whose medical records was Garrett referring to? Why did Ezra want Emily to know that he’s sorry about Maya dying? Who is Wren’s dad? Why does it seem so hard for him to talk about Mona and mental illnesses? Who left the earring in Aria’s locker? Who was watching Aria outside of her room? -If Toby was apart of the -A team at this time…why is he telling her about Jenna’s new eye drops prescription? If earrings aren’t Meredith’s, whose are they? Why is Garrett so quiet now that Mrs. Hastings is his lawyer, what did she tell him not to say? Who was watching Ella fill out Emily’s test? Why was Jenna driving Emily? She was helping Emily by driving her home. (3x03) Who was in the red coat buying the black hoodies and gloves?
Kingdom of the Blind (3x03) What did Lucas mean by saying that Mona as -A is just the tip of the iceberg, there’s more under the surface? Does Lucas know who the new -A is? Why is Melissa cleaning the ashes from the fireplace, what did she just burn? What does Mona mean by you can’t trust family? How does Mona know about Alison’s body being dug up? Why is Lucas visiting Mona? Who told vice principal Hackett about Ella altering Emily’s grade? -If Lucas was on the -A team, wouldn’t he know that Mona is faking the whole Radley trip? If so, why is he visiting Mona to see if she really is faking it? When did Melissa really lose her baby? The day after she found Ian’s body. (3x04) What was Jenna doing at a gun store? Who is after Jenna? Why was Mona holding a queen of hearts card? Who was drinking the vodka soda?
Birds of a Feather (3x04) Why was Walden visiting Mona? Who was in California when Caleb’s mom got in the car accident? Who is Jason writing the check for? Who changed Mona’s visiting privileges? 
That Girl Is Poison (3x05) Who was in the hoodie watching Garrett’s house? Why was Lucas banging on the photographer’s window? The photographer is taking his things hostage because he was developing his own pictures. (3x05) What note did Garrett write for his mom? A note letting her know he won’t give up. (3x05) Who had Emily’s jacket? Why does Jenna want the photographer to take photos of every moment? Who drugged Emily’s flask? Who put the note under Garrett’s mom’s hospital bracelet? Why does Lucas have the sleeping pills in his camera bag? Who was going through Maya’s bag and how did they get that?
The Remains of the A (3x06) Who is April Rose? It’s an antique shop. (3x06) Why does Ezra have a lot of cash? He sold his grandfather’s old car. (3x06) Who was Emily sitting next to at the diner the night she got drugged? Holden. (3x06) Why would Garrett give -A a note about an antique shop? Alison’s anklet was in there. (3x06) Who gave Alison that anklet? What party is the stamp for on Holden’s arm? Why was Ezra acting sketchy about the money in his sock drawer? Why were the cops looking for the anklet, how did they know it existed? Who sent Spencer the text? Who was looking for an apartment in Rosewood?
Crazy (3x07) Was CeCe acting like Alison or was Alison acting like CeCe? How did Jenna know Maya? Who sent Hanna the ouija board? Why is Mona more willing to talk to Aria than Hanna? How does CeCe know how Emily takes her coffee? What is Mona talking about in the children’s ward? Why did Maya have a website? Why was -A recording the conversation between Mona, Hanna, and Aria?
Stolen Kisses (3x08) -If this is the episode where Toby is fed up with Spencer’s lies and joins the -A team, how was he ‘Pretty Eyes’ last season? Why does Wren want Mona to stay in Radley instead of going to a different facility in New York? Why would Maya get in the car with Garrett? What was Maya afraid of?
The Kahn Game (3x09) Who sent the text to Hanna? Caleb. (3x09) Why is CeCe trying to talk to Jason? -If CeCe didn’t go to Rosewood High, how does she know Noel’s brother? Why was Maya and Holden at a Kahn party? What did CeCe really do with Spencer’s college application? Where was Ezra when Aria called? Why did CeCe really want Spencer and Aria at the party? Who sent Spencer the email about her application?
What Lies Beneath (3x10) Who stole Maya’s cell phone? Why was Maya staying at Noel Kahn’s house?
 Why did Jenna seem scared of Nate? Who is L.J.? Lyndon James (3x12) Who locked in Emily and Hanna in Noel Kahn’s cabin? Who spray painted that -A message on the Kahn’d cabin? Who grabbed Maya?
Single Fright Female (3x11) Who put the snake in the box? Who took the knife from Maya’s bag? Who put the other earring into Paige’s bag? Who was Jenna talking about and where is she going? Why is Paige acting so shady? Who are the two -As at the jukebox?
The Lady Killer (3x12) Who sent Paige the -A text? Who was talking to Mona on the phone? Who was the -A in the rocking chair? Who made that creepy call to Emily in the cabin? Who made that call to the liars? Why does -A owe Emily? Why did Garrett look at the liars like he was guilty of something? Why is Toby apart of the -A team? To help the liars and keep Spencer safe. (3x24)
This Is a Dark Ride (3x13) Who is Mona talking to when she is painting the mask? Who is in the zombie baby costume? Garrett. (3x13) Who is the little girl at Hanna’s house? Who is the Queen of Hearts that drugged Aria? Wilden or Melissa (4x02) Who was watching Emily and Paige? Is the hockey stick that Garrett used to pretend to kill Alison the same one that Toby found in the yard? Why was Alison talking to Byron the night she disappeared? She was blackmailing him. (3x14) Who took Aria and put her in the box? Who was in the fake Caleb costume wearing the Alison mask? Mona. (4x02) Who is the Queen of Hearts that was fighting with Spencer and Paige? Wilden (4x05) Who killed Garrett? Where was Lucas without his camera? There were two people pushing the crate Aria and Garrett were in, who were they? Who did Aria stab with the screw driver? Jason. (3x14) Who put Alison’s body bag on the train? Whose hand was sticking out of the ground? Alison (4x13)
She’s Better Now (3x14) Who was the black hoodie skateboarding? Lucas. (3x14) Who put the brain in Mona’s locker? Paige and Caleb. (3x17) What did Mona whisper to Lucas? Why were Jason and Mona hugging? Why does Harold have Mona’s stuff? Who is watching Spencer and Toby? Why was Mona looking at Meredith like that? Who set the booth on fire at school? Lucas. (3x15) Who messed with that guys bike?
Mona-Mania (3x15) Who was in the basement with the liars? Lucas. (3x15) Who sent Spencer the text? Who slashed Paige’s tire? Toby. (3x15) Who was Emily chasing? Toby. (3x15) Who sent Hanna the text? Why was Mona watching Byron and who was she talking to? Who hid the Queen of Hearts and fake Caleb mask?
Misery Loves Company (3x16) Who was watching the liars in Aria’s house? If Mona isn’t calling the shots then who is? Who was the girl in the red coat watching Hanna? Who trapped Hanna at her interview? Is that really Alison in Aria’s room? Who was Melissa talking to on the phone in the flashback? Did Melissa and Alison get into it after Byron left? Did Toby want to get caught by Spencer?
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno (3x17) Who put the -A key on Spencer’s nightstand? Who is beach hottie? Who is Alison chatting with in the notebook? Who sent Spencer the text from Aria? What is Wilden talking to Emily’s mom about? Who was Alison having sex with in Cape May? Who was Paige talking to? Who was the red coat blow torching Hanna’s bobble head?
Dead to Me (3x18) Who put the postcard in Emily’s mom’s bag? Who called Ezra’s apartment and just hung up? What was Emily’s hypnosis really about? Who was the black hoodie breaking into Alison’s coffin? Who was the red coat at Alison’s grave? Who was the black hoodie buying the Whiskey?
What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted? (3x19) Who wrote on Spencer’s glasses? Who put all the bottles in front of Jason’s house and who is watching them? What were CeCe, Wilden, and Alison doing in Cape May together? What were CeCe and Melissa talking about the night Alison disappeared? Who messed with the elevator at Mr. Dilaurentis’ office? Where did Jason go? A friend’s place in Virginia. (3x20) Who were the two black hoodies playing spin the bottle?
Hot Water (3x20) Why are the girls so quick to name CeCe as red coat when they barely even know her? Who is watching the liars? Why are CeCe and Wilden talking and what about? Who was watching Spencer and Wren kiss? Who was the red coat watching Spencer? Who was the black hoodie in Spencer’s bathroom? Where is CeCe going? Why did Melissa want the video tapes more than anyone? If Melissa hated Alison, why would she be hanging out with her and CeCe and take a picture for them? Where did detective Wilden go? Jenna and Shana helped Wilden. (3x24)
Out of Sight, Out of Mind (3x21) Who is Eddie Lamb? A Radley employee. (3x22) Why did Mona have a lot of cash? Who put Wilden’s car into Hanna’s garage? -Mona said she put Wilden’s car into Hanna’s garage, but how did she if she is in the woods with Spencer and Toby playing dead? Who is texting Emily from Toby’s phone? Who is the red coat that went into the workshop? How does the guy in the workshop know Emily’s name? Who smashed Emily’s car window and put the package in Emily’s car?
Will the Circle Be Unbroken? (3x22) Who sent Hanna the text of her mom and Wilden? Who was the one messing with the visitor’s passes at Radley? Wren. (3x23) Did Alison plan on faking her death and that’s why she was writing those diaries?
I’m Your Puppet (3x23) Why was Alison’s lip bleeding in the flashback? Who was the red coat at the morgue? Who put the Alison mask on the John Doe in the morgue? Did -A set up Caleb’s dad? Yes. (3x23) Was Spencer really dancing with Alison? Why did Wren authorize a visitor’s pass for CeCe? CeCe told Wren that she could help Mona get through what she’s dealing with. (3x23) Why would Melissa tell CeCe that Mona is in Radley?
A dAngerous gAme (3x24) Whose idea was the party? Spencer. (3x24) Who is Jenna talking to on the phone? Who texted Jenna? Who did Jenna meet? Shana. (3x24) In 2x25 unmAsked, Jenna met someone at that same park, was it Shana too? Why is Melissa talking to Jenna and Shana? She sent them to the lodge to find out who the liars were meeting (4x05) Who locked the girls into the lodge? Wilden (4x05) Shana (5x01) Who set the lodge on fire? Wilden (4x05) How does Mona not know who red coat is? Did Spencer see Alison or someone in an Alison mask? Why was Jenna in the woods? Who hit Toby on the head? Who dropped their lighter by Toby? Did Alison really save them from the fire? She saved Hanna, but all the other girls were already pulled out by someone else (4x25) -If CeCe stole the game from Mona AFTER she got into Radley, who was she talking to when she said, “I did everything you asked me to,” Who got the cop car from the lake? Who sent the liars + Mona the -A text?
A Liars’ Guide to Rosewood (4x01) Why is Mona referring -A as ‘-A’ instead of herself?
A is for A-l-i-v-e (4x02) Why are Shana and Jenna afraid of Melissa? Who killed Wilden? Whose red coat was found at the lodge? If red coat was -A why would she save them from the fire? Who gave those dolls to the little girls? Who was in the burned down lodge with Spencer and Toby? Who sent Toby the message about his mom? What does Jenna think is going to happen to him? When did Wilden see Alison the night she disappeared? Why was Jessica staring at Spencer from Alison’s room? Who was the black veil at Wilden’s funeral? Who was the guy with Jenna at Wilden’s funeral?
Turn of the Shoe (4x03) Who was trying to choke Mona? Who was the person in the Dilaurentis house? Whose phone number was Tipi singing? Who is board shorts? Who took tipi from Spencer’s room?
Cat’s Cradle (4x04) Why was Melissa at the police station? Whose mask did Hanna take from Hector Lime’s shop? Melissa (4x04). Why did Melissa get a mask made? Why is Melissa asking if Spencer would protect her?
Face Time (4x05) The tin can sitting next to Dr. Palmer is the same tin can Mona brought to Radley when she visited Spencer, did Mona or someone on the -A team get to Palmer first? What blonde girl was Dr. Palmer talking about? Who drove Alison to Hector’s place? Who was telling Wilden what to do? Who took Melissa’s mask from the lake and is putting it back together?
Gamma Zeta Die (4x06) Who put the bees in Ella’s car?
Under the Gun (4x07) Why was Shana in Ravenswood? Who was driving Jenna’s car? Who is in the video of the red coat wearing an Emily mask? Whose car did -A hotwire?
Crash & Burn, Girl (4x08) Who sent Wilden the package of meat for the bbq? Why was Jenna talking with the plane guy, Nigel Wright? Who ran the car into Emily’s house?
The Guilty Girl’s Handbook (4x09) How did Spencer end up with the same tin of cookies? Who drilled holes into the floor?
Into the Deep (4x10) What were Jenna and Shana talking about? Who hit Jenna and threw her in the lake? Where was Shana when Jenna got hit? Why was Jenna afraid of CeCe Drake? Why was Mona happy to be back in Radley? Who was the red coat going into the DiLaurentis house? Who was the black hoodie playing the piano?
The Mirror Has Three Faces (4x11) Where do Wren’s loyalties lie? What things is Wren keeping from Mona? Why did Wren spell diagnosis wrong? Who was trying to see Mona in Radley? Who was Wren talking to on the phone? Why was Wren watching Hanna and Caleb? Does Mona really still hold a grudge against the liars? How did Alison get CeCe kicked out of UPenn? Who was the red coat in Alison’s room with Hanna? Why was Mrs. DiLaurentis at Radley? Alison and CeCe were messing around (4x11). -If CeCe went to Radley dressed head-to-toe in Alison’s clothing calling herself Alison…wouldn’t the Radley employees know who CeCe is because she was a patient there?? Who called in the anonymous tip that Mrs. Hastings bullied Mona into a confession? Wren (4x11). Why is Wren coloring in the coat red on the lady in the farm picture? Who was staying in the DiLaurentis basement? Who put Mrs. Marin’s shoe at Emily’s house?
Bring Down the Hoe (4x12) Who put the money in Hanna’s locker? Who put the CD in Toby’s car? Who put the stake in the holes while the girls were in the basement? Who pulled a gun on Alison? Who is CeCe talking to? Who was the red coat at the barn? Why is CeCe listening into Ezra’s apartment?
Now You See Me, Now You Don’t (4x13) Why is Wren’s house packed up, where is he going? Why is Shana at Wren’s house? Why did Shana have a packaging slip with Wren and Melissa’s name on it? Who was the red coat who was watching Ezra and Aria? Why was Shana at Mona’s house? Who took Emily? Who are the two red coats? CeCe (4x13) and Alison (5x01) Where did CeCe go? Whose lair is that? Ezra’s (4x13) Who were Shana and Mona talking about? Who is Mrs. Grunwald talking about? Who is dressed up in the gas mask costume? Ezra (4x14)
Grave New World (4x14) What was this entire episode?
Who’s in the Box? (4x15) What was Ezra and Mona’s conversation about, does she know Ezra is being shady? Mona was helping Ezra with his book to keep herself out of it (4x23) Who is Ezra’s friend out of the country? Who was the black hoodie that went into the cabin?
Love ShAck, Baby (4x16) Clearly whoever called Ashley while Ezra was there was helping him, who was it? Who took Emily’s bracelet from the kissing rock, stole the diary, and put the bracelet where the diary was?
Close Encounters (4x17) Who was in the church with Emily? Shana (4x17) Why can’t Alison trust the others? Who put the knives in Jake’s punching bag? Who broke into Shana’s locker and burned her picture?
Bite Your Tongue (4x18) Why was Mona in Aria’s room? What did Ezra need to talk about to Mona behind a closed door? the book (4x23) Who was trying to climb up Emily’s window? Who was in the school with Emily? Who was the -A in the dentist office with Hanna? One of the names on the dentist record was C. Cavanaugh, is this a relative of Toby’s?
Hot for Teacher (4x19) Who was taking pictures of Shana and Emily? Who messed with Shana? Who was the black hoodie with Wren’s prescription pads?
Shadow Play (4x20) Was anything they talked about in this episode true?
Free Fall (4x21) Who put Wren’s prescription pads in Spencer’s purse? How does Ezra know that all Spencer saw was a motorcycle helmet and a tattoo when she thought Toby was dead? Who moved the equipment and files out of the cabin basement? Who was the blonde that picked up Alison’s money? Who was the black hoodie the picked up the pages to Ezra’s book?
She’s Come Undone (4x22) Who put the pills in Spencer’s locker?
Cover for Me (4x23) Who put the dirt in Spencer’s bed? Why is Toby in London? To talk to Melissa, but that never happened because she wasn’t there (5x02) Why would Mrs. DiLaurentis be -A? Why was Mrs. Dilaurentins talking to the police? Why was Mrs. DiLaurentis in Spencer’s room? It was Mary Drake (7x14)
Unbridled (4x24) Who was watching the liars? Who put the photos in Spencer’s car? Who were the brand new clothes for in Alison’s room? CeCe? (4x25) Why was Mrs. DiLaurentis watching Spencer from Alison’s room? Where was Jason if the rehab he says he was at has been closed for 2 years? Who did Mrs. DiLaurentis give the suitcase to? Who put the bones in Spencer’s dress? -If CeCe is supposed to be -A during this time, who is the black hoodie who called the police on CeCe?
A is for Answers (4x25) Why is Noel helping Alison? Who does CeCe think killed the girl in Alison’s grave? -CeCe straight up says the person who hurt the girl in Ali’s grave is the same person who is still trying to hurt Alison…but she is the one that is currently hurting Alison. Why is Melissa really back in town? Who is Jessica talking to on the phone? What is the understanding between Mr. Hastings and Mrs. DiLaurentis? Who hit Alison in the back of the head? Who was Mrs. DiLaurentis talking to while she was burying Alison? -If Mona was really -A at the time Alison was hurt, wouldn’t she just have killed her at the hotel? What is Melissa whispering to her dad? Who was the black hoodie with the gun? Shana (5x01) How did Ezra know they were in New York on the roof? He was following Shana (5x02) Who killed Jessica? Mary Drake (7x14)
EscApe from New York (5x01) Who was on the roof of the ambulance? Who was Mona talking to? Lucas (5x01). Who is the black hoodie at the hospital and who are they talking to? Who set up all of those fake -A’s to be at the park? Why is Ezra in the police database? Why did Melissa join Mona’s get together? How did Holbrook know he was talking to Alison? Did CeCe actually go to France or was that a cover?
Whirly Girlie (5x02) Why is Jason cleaning his car out late at night? Who sent Alison the text? Mona (5x02) Who was playing Shana’s song outside of Aria’s house? Why was Jason watching Alison sleep? Why was Jason in New York? Who put Shana’s song on Aria’s iPod? Who was Mrs. DiLaurentis sending that email to? Who is Jason’s friend in Philly and what is he giving to them?
Surfing the Aftershocks (5x03) Who was Mona talking to?
Thrown from the Ride (5x04) Why is Spencer wearing a wig?
Miss Me X 100 (5x05) Who was Alison talking to in the car? Cyrus (5x10) Why is Jenna back? Why was Jenna living in New York? What is Lucas planning to do? Who was in the car following Alison? Why/how are Sydney and Jenna hanging out? Who else was meeting with Jenna, Mona, and Sydney? Who blew up Toby’s house and why? Who sent them the text? Who was in the black hoodie in the apartment?
Run Ali Run (5x06) Who is Bethany Young? Who buried Mrs. DiLaurentis and sent Alison that text? Why was Detective Tanner at Radley? Why can’t Eddie talk about Bethany to anyone, even the cops? Who sent Ezra the picture that Bethany drew? Eddie Lamb (5x06) Who put the rat in Paige’s locker? Who was choking Alison in her house? Who was the black veil giving Bethany’s parents some flowers?
The Silence of E. Lamb (5x07) Why does Mona have Noel’s notes? How does Eddie know Aria? Why does Bethany hate Mrs. DiLaurentis so much? Where was Alison going? Where did Eddie Lamb go? Hanna told Sydney they were in New York…did Sydney tell -A? Why did -A steal Mrs. Fields’ invitation?
Scream for Me (5x08) Who wrote in Alison’s sheet music? Why was Mrs. DiLaurentis taking Bethany out of Radley and gave her a horse? Who was in Hanna’s house? Noel (5x08) Why was Melissa’s riding helmet at the horse stable Emily and Spencer went to? Who locked Emily and Spencer into the horse stable? Who was the black hoodie in Spencer’s room?
March of Crimes (5x09) Who was watching Emily in the boy’s locker room? Why was Sydney dressed just like Jenna? Who messed with the eye chart? Is Sydney telling the truth about how she knows Jenna? What does Alison have on Noel that he’s willing to help her so much? Who was the guy caught for “abducting” Alison? Cyrus Petrillo (5x10) Who was the black hoodie in the eye doctor’s office?
A Dark Ali (5x10) Who called Spencer? What guy was Melissa talking to in their backyard and what did she give him? Why does Mona have a picture of Cyrus in her purse? What was Melissa recording? Why was -A folding a candy striper’s dress?
No One Here Can Love or Understand Me (5x11) Who displayed the -A message at the store with all the TVs? Is Melissa’s story true about burying Bethany? What did Aria whisper to Mona? Was it always a plan for Bethany to die? Who was watching Hanna and Caleb?
Taking This One to the Grave (5x12) Who was Mona talking to? Lucas (5x12) How did Toby become a cop in like two weeks? What did Holbrook tell Alison? Did Alison know Bethany? What abandoned barn did Alison drive to? Who was the black hoodie in front of Mona’s house? That was definitely Alison walking up Mona’s stairs, but who entered Mona’s room? Why was Alison watching Mona’s house with a smile? Was it her plan to kill Mona?
How the ‘A’ Stole Christmas (5x13) Did Mona really send that package to Hanna? Who were the two yellow dresses for? Why are Jenna and Sydney apart of Alison’s clique? Out of fear (5x13) Who is the white hooded person? CeCe (5x13) Who was Alison kissing? How long have Alison and Holbrook been together? Who is the black hoodie in Alison’s house? Who was in the zombie baby mask? Why was Mrs. DiLaurentis in the black veil outfit? Who displayed the “Merry Christmas” on the barn?
Through a Glass, Darkly (5x14) Where is Mona’s body? How was Ezra able to buy the brew?
Fresh Meat (5x15) Who put the guts in Hanna’s stuffed animal? Who locked Caleb into the kiln? Is Alison telling the truth about where she was on Thanksgiving? Yes (5x20) How does Jonny know who Spencer is? Who put the bookmark of Aria’s letter in the book at the bookstore? Who sent that note to Alison in jail?
Over a Barrel (5x16) Who printed Aria’s letter on the receipt at the brew? Who sent Aria the text about meeting at the Grille? Who unlocked Mona’s computer? Whose storage unit has Mona’s computer/bloody clothes? What is in the barrel? Who put Hanna’s name on the storage unit lease? Who is the black hoodie who broke into Holbrook’s computer?
The Bin of Sin (5x17) Who moved everything out of the storage unit? Who recorded Hanna and Caleb’s conversation? Who locked Spencer and Aria in the freezer? Who was the black hoodie that went back to the ice cream place?
Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me (5x18) Why did Holbrook come back and where has he been all this time? He was in a hotel room having meetings with internal affairs (5x18) Why was Holbrook mad? They suspended him with inappropriate behavior (5x18) Why did Mike visit Alison in jail? Did Lesli put that tape in Mona’s book or does she just know about it? Who was following Hanna? Holbrook (5x18) Who did Mike leave the candy for? Mona (5x20) Who was the black hoodie in Mona’s room?
Out, Damned Spot (5x19) Whose blood did Mike take? Mona (5x20) Who is Hank Mahoney and why are they calling Mike? It’s actually Cyrus and Mike gave him something in an envelope (5x19) Whose account is Mike withdrawing money from? Why is Mike creeping around Spencer’s house? Who is the black hoodie putting Hanna’s blood on Mona’s clothes?
Pretty Isn’t the Point (5x20) Who was the necklace for that Mike bought? Who put Kate’s name on the sign up sheet for the beauty pageant? Who was watching the liars? Who is the black hoodie that messed with Mike’s weights?
Bloody Hell (5x21) Why did Alison write ‘Mona’ on the table? Does Andrew know about -A? Where were Melissa and Wren really at? Who wrote ‘told everything’ under the ‘Mona’ on the table? Why is Cyrus in the hospital? Who is sending Alison the doll in an orange jumpsuit with the note? Who put the blood in Spencer’s bag? Who is Varjak? Who was in the hospital room with Cyrus?
To Plea or Not to Plea (5x22) Was Mona’s “lawyer” hired from -A? Who trashed Alison’s cell?
The Melody Lingers On (5x23) Who was talking to Alison in the personal ads? Who was playing the music from Mona’s room? Who put the anagrams in Mona’s mirror? Why was Andrew watching Mona’s house? Who broke into Mona’s house? Who played the song on the secret catcher thing in the brew? Who shredded Varjak’s papers?
I’m a Good Girl, I Am (5x24) -How could Lesli Stone and Mona have gotten close and have been texting last summer if Mona was in Radley last summer? Andrew has a cut on his hand, did he break into Mona’s house? Who put the box on the porch? Who was shooting the darts? Who pepper sprayed Mike? Did Andrew shoot the darts?
Welcome to the Dollhouse (5x25) Who kidnapped the girls? How does Peter know what Alison is capable of, did he witness something else that she did that we don’t know about? Where are the liars? Whose voice is on the intercom? Who is controlling the chimes/watching the liars? Who is Charles? Why is -A recreating a prom that already happened? Why is Melissa calling? Why is Andrew listening to Melissa and Veronica’s conversation? Why did Spencer bring up Maya? Who is in the mask? What is the significance of the apple farm?
Game On, Charles (6x01) Who is the blonde girl in the dollhouse? Sara Harvey (6x01) Who was the one who gassed the liars? Why are the girls on slabs? The were chipped (6x06) Why is Andrew the top suspect? Who called Alison’s phone? Caleb and Ezra (6x01) Did Mona carve that into the wardrobe? Who was the -A in the dollhouse and who was the -A at the Campbell’s farm?
Songs of Innocence (6x02) Why is Sara really at Emily’s house?
  Songs of Experience (6x03) Who was in the room with Sara? Who was watching Alison and her family?
Don’t Look Now (6x04) Who was inside Aunt Carol’s house? Mary Drake (7x07) Who put the note in the dark room? Who was the black hoodie on the computer?
She’s No Angel (6x05) Who was the black hoodie in the junkyard? What does Lesli Stone have to do with anything? Who was the black hoodie making pink streaks for Aria’s hair?
No Stone Unturned (6x06) Why does Lesli Stone have multiple pairs of fake glasses and the dog cages?
O Brother, Where Art Thou (6x07) Who sent Jason the birthday invitation? Who is the black hoodie meeting Jason? Who set up the video of the birthday party to play in the DiLaurentis attic? Who sent the black hoodie that painting of Charles’ birthday party?
FrAmed (6x08) Who is the black hoodie and the red coat watching the art gallery? What does the Carissimi Group have to do with anything? Who switched Aria’s pictures? Why was Clark meeting with Rhys Matthews? Who was the red coat watching Ella and Ashley? Who was the black hoodie and the red coat in the limo?
Last Dance (6x09) Who sent Alison the text? Who called Alison? Who was in that red coat demon mask? Mona (6x10) Why is Rhys in the DiLaurentis house? Who was in the DiLaurentis basement? Who locked the moms in the basement?
Game Over, Charles (6x10) *DISCLAIMER* I refuse to believe the story CeCe told is true. Therefore, any “answers” given in this episode are irrelevant to me. What was in the bags taken from the Carissimi Group? -If Charles is around 12 in the flashback on the roof…how come Toby’s mom actually died a year before ‘The First Secret’? Why did Bethany want Marion dead? -CeCe straight up confirmed to Emily that she was talking to Melissa the night Ali disappeared. Why is she all of a sudden denying it? -If CeCe didn’t give Mona the plan, why did she say “I did everything you asked me to.” -If Cece’s mom was killed, why would she send the “I buried your mom just like I watched her burry you” text to Alison about her own dead mother?
Of Late I Think of Rosewood (6x11) Who killed CeCe? Mona (7x19) Charlotte’s Web (6x12) Who left flowers on CeCe’s grave? Alex? (7x20)
The Gloves Are On (6x13) Who was Sara saying goodbye to? Who sent the liars a text?
New Guys, New Lies (6x14) Who sent the liars the text of the golf club? Who took pictures of Spencer? Who sent Spencer the text? Why is Byron calling Ezra? Who sent Hanna the text? Whose storage unit is that? Who was wearing the mask?
Do Not Disturb (6x15) Who sent Hanna the text? Why did Sara really visit Alison at the school? Was Sara Harvey in the hospital room with Emily? What is Sara Harvey looking for? Who sent Emily the groceries?
Where Somebody Waits for Me (6x16) Who sent Hanna the breakfast? Who was cleaning the shocking thing?
We’ve All Got Baggage (6x17) Who was in the mask cleaning Sara’s room? Who sent Alison the text? Why is Melissa acting shady? Who sent Emily the books? Who was trying to hit Emily with the car? Who was looking at the manual and eating wedding cake?
Burn This (6x18) Who took the pictures at the wedding? What was Sara Harvey helping the police with? Who was black mailing Melissa? Who sent Spencer that text? Who started the fire?
Did You Miss Me? (6x19) Who sent Alison the flowers and card? What is in the tube? The Radley floor plan (6x19)
Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars (6x20) Who took Hanna? Who is A.D.? Alex (7x20)
Tick Tock, Bitches (7x01) No questions
Bedlam (7x02) No questions
The Talented Mr. Rollins (7x03) No questions
Hit and Run, Run, Run (7x04) Why is Jenna really back? Who is Rollins really? Archer Dunhill (7x05)
Along Comes Mary (7x05) Who changed Emily’s grade and sent her the message? What did Archer pay Jenna for? Who put Alison’s jacket in her closet? Why is Noel back?
Wanted: Dead or Alive (7x06) Who called Hanna? Who was watching Aria and Hanna in the mask? Is Jenna telling the truth about how she knows Archer and CeCe? Who is Sara trying to keep Emily safe from? Who is the cop watching Alison’s house? Who beat up Alison? Who was outside of Sara’s door? Who killed Sara Harvey? Who taped Hanna and Spencer digging up Archer?
Original G’A’ngsters (7x07) Why doesn’t Aria have a file in the cellar? Who is Mary Drake’s second child? Spencer (7x10) and Alex (7x20) How did Jessica have the photos of the liars? Who messed with Spencer’s car? Who sent the liars the text? Who blew up Jessica’s cellar? Did Noel write ‘I see you’ on the back of Spencer’s car? Why does A.D. have Aria’s file? Why did A.D. have a file for Noel?
Exes and OMGs (7x08) Why were Alison’s students wearing black hoodies? Who broke into Dr. Cochran’s office? Who left the note in Noel’s file?
The Wrath of Kahn (7x09) Whose phone did Noel throw out? Why was Noel helping out in the dollhouse? Who broke into Spencer’s house and stole the flash drive?
The Darkest Knight (7x10) Where did Noel go? Who sent the liars that text? Why is Sydney still helping Jenna? Why is Mary Drake there with Jenna and Noel? Who dragged Jenna away? Alex? (7x20)
Playtime (7x11) Who put the game board in Spencer’s barn? Who shot Spencer? Alex? (7x20) Who sent Spencer the text? Who gave Jenna the book?
These Boots Were Made for Stalking (7x12) Who did Jenna send a text to? Who locked Hanna in the shoe place? Who sent Hanna the text? Who was watching the liars?
Hold Your Piece (7x13) Who sent the police Archer’s finger?
Power Play (7x14) Who put the game board in Alison’s house? Who was Aria talking to on FaceTime? Who is the father of Alison and Emily’s baby? Wren (7x20)
In the Eye Abides the Heart (7x15) Why did A.D. use Aria’s face for the facetime? Why was Spencer talking to Wren? It was Alex (7x20) Why does Spencer want Ezra to keep quiet about talking to Wren? Because it was her twin sister Alex (7x20)
The Glove That Rocks the Cradle (7x16) Why did A.D. want Hanna to pick up the drive with the Patsy Cline song? What is the Patsy Cline song supposed to mean? How did Lucas end up with the comic book? It was sent to him (7x16) Whose hotel room was Lucas knocking on? Who is finishing the comic book? 
Driving Miss Crazy (7x17) What is Mona doing at the end of the episode?
Choose or Lose (7x18) Who put the phone in The Brew for Aria? Did Mona make that call to Aria? Who put the phone in the hotel room? How did Tanner call Alison’s burner phone? Who is that in Aria’s trunk and who put it there? Archer (7x19) What is Mona doing with the game board?
Farewell, My Lovely (7x19) Who took the game out of Mona’s house and who was she going to meet? Who took Archer’s body out of Aria’s trunk?
Til DeAth Do Us PArt (7x20) What was the point of the beginning scene with Lucas dancing around the liars and Jenna on a horse? Does Melissa know about Spencer’s twin? Why does Mona have Mary and Alex Drake locked up? Why is the PLL story happening all over again? Where are the rest of the answers?
Well, there you have it folks. PLL is over. Like I stated earlier, we can all basically say, “Mona did everything in the first two seasons, CeCe did everything in the 3rd-6th season and Archer Dunhill/Alex Drake/Mary Drake did everything in the last 2 seasons,” I still would like to know who did every single thing because even in season 2, Lucas gave Emily the massage, it was during Mona’s reign as -A but she still had help and I would like to know who helped the -A’s. This post took me a long time to make. I started it after the CeCe reveal and I finished it tonight while watching the finale. (Also sorry for any typos. I tried proof reading this like a million times, but hey nobody is perfect). Enjoy!
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awkward-sultana · 4 years ago
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Lady Lola’s red gown in 1x18
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