#rehabilitation program skepticism
in-sightjournal · 3 months
Ask A Genius 1000: Dad Called
Rick Rosner, American Comedy Writer, www.rickrosner.org Scott Douglas Jacobsen, Independent Journalist, www.in-sightpublishing.com Scott Douglas Jacobsen: As I noted when you were questioning me in “Ask Scott Anything,” sessions one through five, at least those done so far, my father is an alcoholic. He also did some heavier drugs, apparently, but to uncertain amounts. As far as I have known…
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yanderenightmare · 2 months
TW: nsfw, noncon/dubcon, omegaverse, subjugation, some type of sexism, bad politics, chemically induced heat? institutionalized reader, doctors, wack rehabilitation program, ish brainwashing
fem reader
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You’d been difficult to tame. Or, he just didn’t have the time to do it properly—too busy at work and too tired when coming home. He’d wanted a sweet Omega, one who did house chores when he was away and had dinner ready for him when he got off.
You’d looked real sweet at the auction—a perfectly beautiful Omega. You weren’t cheap either—everyone had made their bids, but he’d been the one to walk away with the prize in the end. He can’t say he regrets it—he still has a fondness for you even though you’re not what he’d thought he’d purchased.
You just need some behavioral correcting. And so, he put you in an Omega institution.
It had been recommended to him. It’s not so uncommon, he later found out while reading up on the place. Auctioned Omegas tend to end up a little rough around the edges—here, at the institution, they’ll smooth those edges right out.
Sadly, there’s been a rise in unstable Omegas as of late—he reads on their website. It’s a misguided revolution taking place in several auction homes that’s to blame for it—circling modern ideas of liberation, equality, andindependence. It all stems from a place of fear, the website explains in detail—Omegas seek to stand on their own in the world. Cooped up in auction homes, they fear they’ll never see the outside without a mate—and as the years dwindle on and their prospects become slimmer, they start fantasizing about doing it on their own.
He feels sorry for you while reading it. Your attitude makes more sense now, knowing you’ve been fed a bunch of deluded nonsense. He can’t blame you for getting swept up in it—you’re a little younger than him, after all. But the silly idea of a lone Omega isn’t just laughable but dangerous. It was best of him to make sure any such notions were quashed—for your own good—before you end up doing something you might regret. 
And it seemed this place was the place to do it. In fact, many of his fellow Alphas had done the same, and they’d all sung this particular institution’s praises.
Oh, but it’s been hard. You wouldn’t talk to him much or even keep him in good company at home, but still, he misses your presence. The house seems so empty without your little everyday spats to keep him on his toes.
You’ve been away for a whole month now, and he hasn’t even been allowed to visit, not once. It would ruin the process, he was told. But he’s been assured that the caretakers there have been making great progress with you. He should be able to come pick you up as soon as the start of next week.
He remembers having been skeptical about leaving you here as he walks to announce himself at the help desk. The facility is pristine and sterile—very impersonal, just like any other hospital. He wonders if you’ve been scared. After all, it’s most likely your skittish nature that makes you so hostile, joined with misgivings making you confused. It can’t be easy. He hopes the doctors here have helped you sort things out. Maybe you won’t be so frustrated all the time.
He was led to a private room where he could complete some paperwork for your release while waiting for your discharge. He made quick work of it. A door opens, and your doctor comes through, and then, following right behind him, there’s you—his pretty little Omega.
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you quite so subdued—not even when you’d been caged at the auction, there’d still been some fight to your spirit. Now, not so much—taking quiet and careful steps with your head hung, looking at your slipper-clad feet.
You pick your face up when you recognize the scent, and then you look at him like you’ve just seen a ghost. Wide-eyed and lock-jawed—your breathing picks up rapidly, and his name drops from your lips like a pained whimper, followed by a sudden burst of tears and a rush toward him. “You came back—” 
You’re on him before he has the time to blink—pressed against him tightly, skin-to-skin and heart-to-heart, with your face buried in the grove of his neck. Your claws are slightly drawn, but in no effort to hurt him—rather, to cling to him. It’s not any normal hug—not that you’d ever given him one before—but even so, you’re swaddledaround his neck with your legs crossed at his back.
He’s taken aback by the behavior—it isn’t like you at all. He remembers your aversion to his touch, how you’d regard him like a plague, snarling each time he’d get too close. This was beyond new.
But you leave him no opening to comment either, too busy rambling in meek little whispers pressed into his skin, “Thank you, thank you, thank you—I knew you’d come back—knew you hadn’t forgotten about me. I’m sorry I was being difficult, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You’ve forgiven me, right? You’ll take me home now, right? Please—”
He’d never been in a position to soothe you before—you’d never wanted it. He doesn’t know what else to do but smooth a hand over your hunched and shuddering back, shushing you like he’d seen mothers do with their sobbing children. You didn’t look much different right now.
“Yeah… we’re going home,” he assures you. 
You hug him a little tighter as a sob wreaks through you.
This isn’t exactly what he prepared himself for. He thought you’d be... well, he doesn’t really know... nicer?Perhaps. Agreeable. Not so violent. But not this—this broken little ball of shivering sniffles holding onto him as if the world was about to end.
He swallows thickly, then looks at your doctor—he doesn’t seem surprised. In fact, he seems utterly unfazed.
It makes him wonder, a little warily, “What have you done with her?”
The doctor seems more than happy to explain—it’s only customary, after all. He’d paid a lot to have you rehabilitated here.
“Each omega requires special treatment suited to them,” the doctor explains. “Yours was particularly unruly.”
You flinch. He feels your claws dig deeper, but they’re too blunt to draw blood and too weak to hurt anyway. But even so, your sentiments are more than clear—you fear this doctor with your entire being.
“We’ve found that in the case of hostile Omegas, the most effective way to correct their behavior is to keep them isolated and let their own instincts remind them of what they need,” the doctor continues. “Of course, we’ve taken protective measures to ensure she wouldn’t harm herself in said isolation and have fed her accordingly at scheduled times every day.” He smiles. “We can assure you she’s been perfectly safe in the pillow room.”
He lifts the silver suitcase he’d been holding, props it up, and pops the lid, revealing a row of ten syringes—a hot pink fluid within.
“This is our recommended medicine.”
You shudder even more, unrelenting in your grip around him—hanging on so tightly as if you fear someone would come and pry you off him at any moment.
“Give one to her if and when she acts up. More instructions come with the case—please read through them carefully.”
He eyes the syringes with furrowed brows, picking one up to inspect it further. They don’t look like anything he’s read about in the brochure or on the website—perhaps a brand new method for treating Omegas? This is a cutting-edge institution, after all.
He can’t guess what they must do to make you cower like that. The spit-spire he left here a month ago wouldn’t cry over a tiny needle.
“What are they?” he asks.
The doctor’s smile stretches. “Nothing dangerous. All natural hormone components.”
He’s not sure what that entails, and so he quirks a brow while laying the syringe back in its designated mold. “And what does that mean?”
The doctor clasps the case shut and hands it over to him while explaining plainly, “They induce heat.” 
He accepts the case before his ears have the chance to draw back at his words. Now that explains your sudden clinginess—why you’re so frigid.
The doctor adds, “Poor thing’s spent quite a few alone in the pillow room, so I’m sure she’ll be grateful to finally be by her mate’s side again.”
He’s speechless.
Spending heat alone, without any relief, is a form nothing short of torture. If he’d known that was what they were doing to you, he wouldn’t have sent you here in the first place. He very nearly chews the doctor out for using such barbaric methods but thinks better of it. If anything were to be done, it would be through a well-worded and filed complaint and a vow to never do business with them ever again.
Though, coming home with you by his side, still clinging to him… he can’t argue with the results. 
So he doesn’t complain. He just enjoys your new and improved wellness and promises never to use those injections on you himself. Yes, they’d forego their expiration date soon enough, dusting away in the back of his closet. He’d never ever put you through something so horrid. That’s his pledge as your mate.
Oh, but then... the honeymoon phase dissolves. And you return to your old habits of teeth and claws.
It’s never-ending barking with you all over again—you want to leave, you want to be alone, you don’t want him to touch you, you blame him for what you went through at the institution, you hate him for it, and you’ll never ever forgive him.
He doesn’t want to—he swears while holding the syringe to your thigh where he’s strapped you down in bed with ropes and knots—he doesn’t want to, he really doesn’t, but you leave him no choice when you act like a wild animal. 
The first time is always the hardest. But he doesn’t leave you alone in a room like they did at the institution—no, he helps you through it. It’s not torture this way. It’s just… well, what can he say? It’s just a little reminder to get you back on your good behavior.
You would rather stay here than get sent back to the pillow room, right?
It’s all too easy the second time around even though it shouldn’t have been. It was only a day of small uproars, nothing all that bad—refusing to greet him at the door, to make dinner, to fix his plate, to wash dishes, to come to bed. He’d allowed you days like that in the past, but this time, he’d felt himself gravitate towards his so-called last resort once again. 
Still, he’d felt a little guilty about it. 
It would be easier to refrain if it didn’t work like a charm.
Now, he goes and finds the briefcase at the drop of a hat. Say something snarky or look at him funny. Give him any opportunity, and he’ll abuse it—even things you don’t even mean to do, like burning the food, shrinking his clothes in the wash, or forgetting to make the bed in the morning. He’s on you with the syringe deep in your flesh before you can even mouth the words “I’m sorry—”
You’re limp and sweat-drenched after a few hours. He spoons you as the spasms continuously ricochet through you—his spent leaking down your thighs. Even after several rounds, the hormones are still brewing up a bad storm within your gut, thundering in your heart as its lightning zips along your limbs. Your head is a rainy cloud—heavy and full yet soft like cotton.
“I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to—it was an accident—” you mumble between labored breaths, not entirely sure what error you’d made this time, shivering against his warm chest as he cups your breast in one big hand and your swollen cunt in the other.
“I know, I know it was, baby,” he coos. “But you need to be more mindful—can’t be making so many mistakes all the time.” His lips brush your skin as he purrs, placing small pecks against your cheek and neck. “How can I trust you with my pups if you’re gonna be such a scatterbrain, hm?”
The mention of pups makes something roar more ferociously in your underbelly, and you whimper meekly in return. “I’m sorry—I’ll do better.”
“Good. I’m sure you’ll get there, sweetie.”
The storm within crackles, rumbling with a deepening hunger. Even though you feel battle-worn and ever ready for the sweet escape of sleep, there’s something even needier and heedless that makes your body feel all but set ablaze.
You’ve cum so many times already, but it’s still not enough—it’s never enough. It takes everything in you to make sense of his words—to act civil even when all you want is to jump his bones—make him fuck you until your fever breaks, then allow you rest.
But act in any way out of turn, and he’ll only drag this out. Be sweet, you remind yourself—sugar, syrup, honeycomb—sweet and soft like velvet—no teeth or claws or growling. No matter what, don’t let the animal out of the cage.
“No matter how many lessons it’ll take…” he murmurs. “I’m here to help.”
“Thank you—” you wince while rubbing your thighs together—grinding against his hand in desperation. “Can you… can we—”
He chuckles fondly, feeling you rub your ass back against his crotch wantingly. “Oh? Another round so soon?” 
You bite your lip at his teasing. Far beyond proud to not be begging, “Yes, please—pretty, pretty please—”
The sweet warble in your voice is so pitiful and cute—he can’t help the smile it brings him. “Alright, honey,” he hums while shifting, getting up with a hearty sigh, then leaning over you to give your pleading little pout a kiss. He feeds you his next words with a grin on his face, “Let’s see about that needy pussy of yours.”
He spreads and shimmies himself between your aching thighs, nice and snug against the weeping little thing between them—looking down at you with heavy-lidded eyes and a smug smile that makes you feel like the most hopeless little Omega in the world.
He places another kiss upon your forehead—dwarfing your hand in his big one, braiding your fingers together while the other carries his meaty cock, holding it steady up to your fluttering and glossy slit. 
The size never fails to make you squirm as you look down at it—wondering why you crave it so badly when it only serves to make your body twist and scream from the stretch it gives you.
 “Don’t worry, sweetie,” he soothes the tiny cry that cracks from your throat once he starts easing the length inside the snug comforts of your walls. “Your Alpha’s here to make it all better.”
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♡ BNHA – old man Bakugou, Deku, Kirishima, Enji ♡ JJK – Nanami, Geto, Kusakabe ♡ HQ – Daichi, Ushijima ♡ AOT – Erwin
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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howlinchickhowl · 1 year
Returning for some penpal action for @gallavichthings a.u.gust. This one is a scooch NSFW, hehehehe.
Picasso Baby fifteen - penpals
Every day in the joint is a lot like the one before, and the one before that. Woken unwillingly by the aggressive flash of the strip lights coming on, cold shower, sloppy eggs on stale toast, and then the laundry. Six hours of steam and starch and stains that don’t come out even after being boiled. Every day follows the same relentless pattern, with one exception. One bright spot in the drudgery of Mickey’s days. Every day after work, during their allocated free time, the mail gets delivered, and every week, on Thursdays, Mickey gets a letter.
He’d been skeptical at first. His rehabilitation advisor, because that’s a thing they had at this prison, had been keen for him to join one of the programs they offered, said it showed willingness to make a change, would look good on his record for when his parole came up. There were a few different options, book club, drama therapy, all of them sounded like shit that was more likely to get Mickey into more trouble than out of it, so he’d picked this. Fucking penpal scheme, get paired up with some do-gooder on the outside to write letters with.
Mickey’s guy, Ian, he was kind of a lot at first, overly formal, way too fuckin’ enthusiastic. He had this irritatingly positive way of writing, always trying to see the bright side of shit. Took Mickey a couple months of getting rubbed up the wrong way every Thursday to finally blow his top and let the guy know it don’t matter how hard he tries, there’s no fuckin’ bright side when you’re looking at the uphill stretch of a five year bit, and Mickey would appreciate it if he’d give up and just talk normal.
After that he got less irritating. Stopped trying to tell Mickey how to feel about shit and started asking him more about himself, started sharing a bit more of himself with Mickey. He was an EMT, training to be a paramedic. He had a bunch of brothers and sisters, a dead mom and a bum dad, and some sort of brain disorder that Mickey had to look up in the prison Library and still doesn’t understand a lot about.
He’s an interesting guy, a little too fond of puns to be considered really funny, but Mickey likes him, likes hearing from him, doesn’t mind answering his nosy questions and telling him all the shit that’s going on in the lockup each week, the stuff that goes through his head sometimes in his darker moments. There’s something, now they know each other a little better, about Ian that makes Mickey feel calmer, more relaxed. Happier. Or something.
It was Ian who had persuaded him to start drawing again, said Mickey needed an outlet or some shit, sent him a fancy sketchbook and some pencils, and Mickey had sat running his fingers over that sketchbook every night for a whole week before he’d even dared to put something down in it. And then, he didn’t know what to draw.
When he used to draw as a kid it was always whatever was around, guns and spliffs and bleeding fists, black eyes and swastikas and girls with massive tits. He started sketching out a glock, used to be his favorite thing to draw, and just ran out of steam. Didn’t want to start this blank white page with relics of his old life.
When he’d told Ian about it, in his next letter, he’d felt stupid. It was just a fucking drawing of a gun, it shouldn’t bother him this much. But Ian’s reply had been so full of understanding, of sympathy, and he had made Mickey feel like it was ok. Like it was totally reasonable to not want to fill his new book with shit that was violent and hollow and fuckin’ evil. And he gave Mickey a few ideas of things he could draw instead.
He started to send pictures, visual references for Mickey to work from, an L platform at dawn, a hand holding a hotdog. Ian’s hand. And hadn’t that been a shock to the system.
It was. Big. That hand. Long freckled fingers wrapped around a jumbo dog, a glob of mustard on a massive thumb. Mickey had spent a lot longer than he had ever intended to staring at that hand and wondering how big it was compared to his own. Compared to other parts of him. He drew the hand, over and over, holding the hotdog, holding a cup of coffee, holding someone’s throat, holding a throbbing hard cock right on the verge of blowing its load. He got kind of obsessed with the hand, desperate to know what the other parts of Ian looked like.
Was the rest of him as big as his hand implied? Where did that hand lead? What was his face like? His chest? His cock? On impulse he had shoved one of his tamer compositions into his next letter to Ian and implied, heavily, that he was thinking about doing more life drawing and could use some further references to draw from.
And in his very next missive Ian had come through in a big fucking way. Mickey must have stared at the pictures he sent for hours before he could even bring himself to put pencil to paper. And for hours since, studying the lines of his absurdly handsome face, tracing the outline of his shoulder in his white tanktop, touching his fingertips to Ian’s lips, spread wide in a glorious smile directed at the stupid bright pink flower he’s holding in his perfect massive hand.
He’d sent back a drawing, his interpretation of Ian holding the flower, and written something about wanting to help him with his studies of musculature, not able to help himself, not even sure if Ian would read anything into it. But hoping all the same that he would.
And Ian, Ian had fucking delivered. He’d sent Mickey a silly shirtless picture of himself doing a strongman pose, and Mickey had worn a whole pencil down to the nub doing different studies of his chest, his biceps, his fucking throat. He’d sent a couple of them by return and from there their correspondence had devolved into a spiraling series of near pornographic exchanges with increasingly flirtatious letters all leading upto what Mickey is expecting in his delivery today.
An actual picture of Ian’s actual cock. Hard. Potentially with fluids. They’ve been building up to it for a while, and Mickey can hardly catch his breath every time he so much as thinks about it. He’s sat on his bunk, breathing shallow and trying not to think about it too hard when Jensen comes by with the mail. He passes the letter to Mickey like it’s nothing, just another day, just another letter from Mickey’s state assigned penpal, just another tick in Mickey’s column on the rehab officer’s form. He couldn’t be more wrong.
Mickey waits until just before bedtime to open it, doesn’t want to risk his bunkmate seeing anything he shouldn’t, luckily he’s got the top bunk so there’s no chance of having his shoulder looked over. He clambers up and shoves his legs under the cover, shimmying down until he’s only half upright and carefully opens the envelope, he doesn’t want to tear it completely in case he needs to cover up something incriminating.
And fucking hell. Incriminating is fucking right. It’s all right there. Ian’s huge fucking hand holding onto his, fucking hell, proportionate fucking cock. Hard as a ramrod and flushed pink and fucking. Glistening. With lube, or with pre-come, or sweat, or Christ with spit. Endless possibilities for Mickey to ponder on, play with in his mind. The tip is beaded with a perfect drop of clear liquid that makes Mickey’s mouth water, he can practically taste it.
Ian’s letter is long, like usual, guy has a lot to say, and Mickey will read it properly tomorrow at breakfast when his head isn’t so clouded with bedtime thoughts. But there is a short note attached to the photograph that puts a devilish smile across Mickey’s lips as he reaches down into his shorts to grab ahold of himself.
Send me a drawing of you in return. Any part you like ;)
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mrfleshwizard · 1 month
Kidnap rewrite crossover and au
Mrs Mayberry one of sinner who try Charlie program of rehabilitation. So we know her sin because of murder and also committed suicide. Mrs Mayberry of course skeptic but decided to give it a try. There she wasn't expecting meeting Adam and lute, Charlie convince mrs Mayberry is best candidate. Mrs Mayberry admitted the reason why she enter hell of course Adam Didn't think is very good idea, but hearing her story he understand. So he tell her no matter the reason bad action is still bad action. Mrs Mayberry annoyed stated she know that she didn't need reminder. Charlie try to calming the situasion she separated the two. Charlie Adam & lute talk privately. I want Charlie to have interaction with sinner to prove her point. Charlie explain why she is very determined to help sinner, lute intervene saying mrs Mayberry should keep her coolhead. Charlie agree then she pointed out just because someone in earth being a good person that doesn't guarantee their life will be easy. So Charlie tell lute she can tortured mrs Mayberry ex wife, Adam and lute agree to this deal. So Charlie Redeem sinner While they tortured some who truly deserved it.
I don't to villainezed or to make moral centric protagonist story. I want the story to have nuanced so Charlie have good point so does Adam & lute
This is actually so good.
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New SpaceTime out Friday
SpaceTime 20240830 Series 27 Episode 105
Discovery of the heaviest antimatter hyper-nucleus ever created
Physicists from the STAR Collaboration have for the first time observed a new antimatter hyper-nucleus called anti-hyperhydrogen-4.
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Rocket engine explodes during UK spaceport test A rocket engine exploded spectacularly during a hot fire first stage test at Britain's new SaxaVord spaceport in northern Scotland.
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Why food tastes bad in space
A new study may help explain why astronauts are constantly reporting that their meals taste bland in space.
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The Science Report
Five percent of people are consuming products that are potentially toxic to their livers.
The robotic glove that will help people who need hand rehabilitation.
Your social position – income and job – could be linked to your food preferences.
Skeptics guide to the accuracy of ghost hunts
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
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SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
I did actually have an idea for what could be a catalyst for Protag!Nagito changing his mind; Sakura. Just as her main self's determination managed to pretty much stop Class 78 actively participating in the Killing Game, what if some of Despair!Sakura's original self managed to pierce the brainwashing through sheer willpower? Not fully able to stop the compulsions Junko implanted into her, but she does become a kind of mole among the Remnants for the Class 77 survivors. Protag!Nagito realizing that if there old selves aren't completely gone, maybe the simulation idea that Gekkogahara proposed before getting shot down might not be a pipedream after all. Up until this point I picture him as being kind of a "Anti-Hero Replacement" for main Makoto. He does undergo some positive character growth and forge stronger bonds with his classmates in their Killing Game. And he does become a somewhat inspiring figure in a way the mastermind didn't intend. But it's more like the audience found his plucky determination and never-give-up attitude weirdly endearing than him being an "Ultimate Hope". And after they team up with the Future Foundation, he's a little too onboard with Munakata's brand of fighting despair. But rehabilitating the Remnants could well be the point where him and the Class 77 survivors actually do better than the Class 78 survivors in canon. Like for example, maybe Sonia decides on the location of the NWP being a secure remote area of Novoselic instead of Jabberwock Island (her homeland still being a holdout in this timeline). And insists that they fake the Remnants' death in some kind of bombing. All to ensure that the Foundation doesn't interfere with the program. And Protag!Nagito's more flawed characteristics compared to Makoto could actually become an advantage here. Like he might have an easier time relating to the Remnants post-deprogramming, with some of them feeling like they don't deserve a second chance. Plus I could actually see him clashing with Gekkogahara and insisting she come up with a method that doesn't involve amnesia. Because on top of it feeling kind of offensive after his experiences in their Killing Game and his struggles with dementia, he's just thinking "How do you think they're going to feel when they wake up from a comfy European holiday and find most of their family and friends are dead, the world is a mess, and they're the cause?!" Hell, if the Monokuma virus does happen in his timeline (not sure if Hajime/Izuru would be present or not), maybe he just drops all the bullshit. Leading the others to some hidden dev room with Usami and laying out where they really are and why they're here. Could well be one of the few Killing Games in the multiverse that ends with no murders. He let Makoto Naegi down, but goddammit him and the other survivors aren't gonna let the rest of their Kouhais down this time.
I like the idea of Nagito preferring to have them remember well—their sins basically—as a call back his own personal experience with dementia because yeah, that was always such a weird feature for the program to begin with. It’s remarkably harder to get closure from an experience you don’t even remember anymore but still visibly and emotionally have to deal with the effects of. How do you even begin to approach that? This doesn’t even touch upon the fact that you’ve basically been age regressed to a teenager again and suddenly find yourself in an adult body that’s been mutilated in so many ways. I’ve always wondered how exactly the SDR1 crew were going to approach class 77 in the event of an actual successful program—no virus detected. I also found it amusing that Makoto seemed the most skeptical of the survivors to use the program as is considering he was the one who implemented the failsafe in the event something went south (which it did of course). Makes me think that Makoto would have preferred the program worked differently and, if given the time, would have made it be a much more different experience for the remnants rather than the whole Hope Fragment school field trip concept. I’d like to see Makoto’s version of the Neo World Program now haha. Ah, the DR lore really is somethin’—oodles of fun to consider all the possible aus that could have happened with just one simple change.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom has ambitious and expensive plans for a dilapidated factory at San Quentin State Prison where inmates of one of the nation’s most notorious lockups once built furniture, and lawmakers have given him the greenlight to start with little input or oversight.
He wants to spend $360 million demolishing the building and replacing it with one more reminiscent of a college campus, with a student union, classrooms and possibly a coffee shop. It’s part of his desire to make San Quentin, once home to the nation’s largest death row and where the state performed executions, a model for preparing people for life on the outside — a shift from the state’s decades-long focus on punishment.
And Newsom wants it all to happen by December 2025, just before he leaves office.
A 21-member advisory council Newsom selected to help shape the new facility’s design and programming does not have to follow open meetings laws, while the Legislature traded away seats on the council and formal oversight during budget negotiations.
That’s a concern for supporters and critics of prison reform. Republican lawmakers say the Legislature needs more of a say in the process, especially when the state faces a nearly $32 billion budget deficit. Criminal justice advocates say reforming San Quentin is a distraction from the real goal of closing more prisons.
“Spending hundreds of millions on new prison infrastructure is a step in the wrong direction,” said Brian Kaneda of CURB, a criminal justice reform coalition. “If there’s no public accessibility to the San Quentin advisory council meetings, that’s a really significant concern that I think people aren’t paying enough attention to.”
After inquiries from The Associated Press, the governor's office said it will release the advisory council's report to the public before Newsom presents his next budget to lawmakers in January.
“Since the very beginning of this process, the administration has engaged a diverse set of stakeholders and committed to transparently making the Advisory Council’s recommendations public. Our partners in the Legislature — along with stakeholders including victims, incarcerated individuals and their families, (The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation) staff, and program providers — are the linchpin to San Quentin’s success," Izzy Gardon, deputy director of communications for Newsom, said in a statement.
The advisory council includes criminal justice reform advocates, San Quentin top brass and Newsom political allies like Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg. It has met at least five times since June, and it will give a preliminary report to the administration this September and a final report in December.
The Democratic governor first announced his plans for remaking the prison — and renaming the facility located about 18 miles (29 kilometers) north of San Francisco the San Quentin Rehabilitation Center — in March. He said California would offer its own take on the Scandinavian prison model where cells look more like dorm rooms and inmates have access to activities and educational programs.
Newsom in 2019 instituted a moratorium on executions, and the state has begun moving San Quentin’s remaining 700 death row inmates to other prisons. San Quentin is home to more than 3,600 inmates total.
San Quentin already has some of the nation’s most innovative programs for inmates. In July, Newsom’s administration invited reporters to tour the prison, showcasing accredited college classes, a coding academy and the prison’s award-winning newsroom, among other programs. Many inmates said they’re excited for more programming spaces, but others remained skeptical.
Juan Haines, an inmate at San Quentin for nearly three decades, said the governor’s efforts to shift the culture at San Quentin would only work if both inmates and prison guards are buying into the vision, he told reporters during the July media tour.
Steinberg, one of the advisory council's leaders, said the group is tackling how to retrain correctional officers and improve inmates’ experience, among other issues.
The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation started soliciting contractors to design the new campus before lawmakers approved the budget, and a firm has been hired with plans to start construction next year. Lawmakers waived the historic preservation requirement and an environmental impact review to speed up the project.
The San Quentin campus would cost $360 million through a lease revenue bond. Lawmakers also agreed to another $20 million from the general fund for other smaller capital projects recommended by the council.
Democratic lawmakers, who hold a supermajority in California, said they’re supportive of Newsom’s project. Approving it helped them score a different political victory.
In exchange for approval, they added a provision to the budget giving them access to key data on the operational capacities of prisons across the state, which they say will help determine which to shut down. California has roughly 15,000 empty prison beds, a number that’s expected to grow.
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ldcppharma · 20 days
Is bpharma a good career option? Which is good to do bpharma/ BPT / bnys?
 Choosing between a Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharma), Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT), or Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (BNYS) depends on your interests, career goals, and the type of work environment you prefer. Here’s a comparison of each option to help you make an informed decision:
1. Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharma)
Career Paths:
Community or hospital pharmacist
Pharmaceutical researcher
Regulatory affairs specialist
Pharmaceutical sales and marketing
Strong job stability and demand in the healthcare sector
Opportunities for specialization (e.g., clinical pharmacy, industrial pharmacy)
Competitive salary and career growth potential
Requires knowledge of chemistry, biology, and pharmacology
May involve long hours and the need for attention to detail
Best For: Those interested in the science of medications, patient care, and working in various settings like pharmacies or pharmaceutical companies.
2. Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)
Career Paths:
Physiotherapist in hospitals, clinics, or private practice
Sports physiotherapist
Rehabilitation specialist
Academic or researcher in physiotherapy
Direct impact on improving patients’ physical health and mobility
Growing demand due to increasing awareness of physical health
Opportunities to work with diverse populations, including athletes and elderly patients
Can be physically demanding
Requires strong interpersonal skills and patience
Best For: Those who are passionate about physical health, rehabilitation, and working directly with patients to improve their quality of life.
3. Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (BNYS)
Career Paths:
Naturopathic doctor
Yoga instructor
Wellness consultant
Researcher in alternative medicine
Focuses on holistic and preventive healthcare approaches
Growing interest in alternative medicine and wellness
Opportunities for personal growth and development in wellness practices
May face skepticism in some healthcare settings
Limited regulatory recognition in some regions
Best For: Individuals interested in holistic health, natural remedies, and combining traditional and alternative medicine practices.
Considerations for Each Field:
Interest and Passion: Reflect on which subject excites you the most. Your interest in the core areas of study and practice will significantly impact your career satisfaction.
Career Goals: Consider what type of career you envision for yourself. Each field offers different types of roles and work environments.
Job Market and Stability: Research the demand and job market for each profession in your region. Different regions may have varying levels of demand for each role.
Educational Requirements: Each program has different prerequisites and coursework. Assess your readiness and willingness to undertake the required education.
Work-Life Balance: Think about the work environment and lifestyle associated with each career. For example, pharmacy roles may involve shifts, while physiotherapy and naturopathy may offer more regular hours.
Ultimately, the best choice will align with your personal interests, strengths, and long-term career goals. Consider speaking with professionals in each field, gaining some practical experience through internships or shadowing, and evaluating your career aspirations to make an informed decision.
To get an admission in B.Pharm in Bharuch visit LDCP, Pharmacy College with a good campus.
Choosing a career in pharmacy, such as pursuing a Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharma), can be a great option depending on your interests and goals. Here are some factors to consider:
Job Stability and Demand: The healthcare sector, including pharmacy, generally offers strong job stability and demand. As the population grows and ages, the need for healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, continues to increase.
Career Opportunities: A BPharma degree can open doors to various career paths, including roles as a community pharmacist, hospital pharmacist, pharmaceutical researcher, or even positions in regulatory affairs, sales, and marketing within the pharmaceutical industry.
Impact: Pharmacists play a crucial role in healthcare by ensuring the safe and effective use of medications. If you’re interested in contributing to patient care and improving health outcomes, this could be a rewarding career.
Educational Requirements: A BPharma is typically the first step. Depending on your career goals, you might need additional qualifications or certifications. For example, becoming a registered pharmacist often requires passing licensing exams and meeting continuing education requirements.
Work Environment: Pharmacists can work in various settings, including retail pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, or even in research and academia. Consider what type of environment you prefer and if you’re comfortable with the responsibilities involved.
Salary and Growth: The salary for pharmacists can be quite competitive, and there are opportunities for advancement, particularly if you pursue further education or specialize in a niche area.
Job Satisfaction: Many pharmacists find their work fulfilling due to the direct impact they have on patients' health and well-being. However, job satisfaction can vary based on the work setting and individual preferences.
If you have a passion for medicine, enjoy problem-solving, and are interested in the science behind medications, a BPharma could be a great career option for you. It’s also helpful to talk to professionals in the field and possibly gain some experience through internships or part-time work to see if it aligns with your career aspirations.
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lavendertowerarchives · 2 months
A couple years ago, in a Criminal Justice class I was taking (better than the alternatives and rather enjoyable), I was presented with the notion that the american justice system is meant to reform its inmates. Its purpose isn't just to hold people, it's to help them change. This prompted immediate skepticism from me.
Turns out it was true. Its mission is exactly that. I was rather shocked at the time. I always thought it was just an advanced form of "time-out" where criminals were sent and held until they could not legally be held any longer. Before this class, I had never heard of any program to rehabilitate the convicted, the accused, or the guilty. Other people seemed to know this already, but it's not like I did a survey.
A lack of information certainly contributed to the fact that I didn't know better. I realize only two years later that another reason I took the "system" for granted is because I'd never seen it in action before. Not only had I never heard of an inmate coming out of an institution better than when the came in, at least by design. Stories like Shawshank Redemption were outliers by a large margin, both making improvement seem near-impossible and showing that criminals of any caliber would only be released once they were deemed both harmless and no longer profitable for the prison to keep exploiting.
The most important part of this is that I hadn't seen it in my own life, either. I often fucked up as a child, and when I slipped up and let my mother know, I would not get explanation nor assistance for what I did wrong. All I got was punishment. If I got any words thrown at me, it was in the form of a lecture which was mostly to communicate "I will catch you again, what the fuck were you thinking, I'm an awful mother."
As an unrelated side note, lectures have never worked for me, explained only recently by my ADHD semi-diagnosis (blah blah blah she told me to take my results elsewhere because she can't legally diagnose me blah blah blah). My hatred of directed lectures stemmed from the unnecessary and unrestrained anger being shown to me, the insistence that I sit still and make eye contact, and that I do not interrupt nor refute. In other words, things I have always struggled heavily with. But that's irrelevant for now.
It was always a punishment that I got (me and my brother both), and that punishment was always disconnected from the infraction. I fail a test? No playing on the computer today. I stay too late after school? No touching my Lego collection for a while, at least until she forgot she told me not to. There was never any effort on her part to understand why I messed up, help me not mess up, or explain how/why I shouldn't do what I'm supposed to do.
I took the punishment and made do. I had my ways. I understood that this was how it worked (to her). The thing that really made me realize that this was punishment for punishment's sake and not for my own improvement was when I got my phone confiscated for the first time (I think. If I had it taken away before, it was only for an hour or so).
I did something she disapproved of. Her response, that evening, was to take my phone and put it high up somewhere. She knew she couldn't hide it, and the symbolic nature of the ban was what had weight, not the actual confiscation. I went to sleep that night, restless simply because I didn't have something to drown my thoughts.
The next morning, I did everything as normal, except my distraction of choice was To Kill a Mockingbird. I just picked it up and carried it with me. Any time I would grab my phone, I just opened the book instead. I wasn't really talking to my friends much anyways, and I could totally afford to not play any of my games for a day, a week, however long I wouldn't have it. I just made do. It wasn't in my nature to pine away for something I didn't need.
Than night, I asked my brother to text my partner that I was phoneless (they were/are prone to freaking out when they don't hear from me). I got back to reading. My mother saw this and grew even more frustrated that I showed zero remorse for what I did (I don't remember sawree). She made it clear that the confiscation was to make me feel bad. This forced me to understand that this was not me being reprimanded. This was to make her feel better by making me feel worse. As usual, she completely misunderstood the relationship I have with my belongings, and I am not in fact addicted to any of them. My family is just boring as fuck and annoying as hell to be around.
I got my phone back right afterwards after she realized it wasn't having the effect she desired. I showed minor joy and just went back to doing my thing. I had finished the book (took only a day, woo), and was ready to sleep. She had taught me nothing except she was capable of wishing and causing me distress. Something I didn't know my mother could or would do.
When she tried to teach me things, she failed spectacularly by demonstrating a full and unapologetic lack of background knowledge, as well as some foreground knowledge, point-blank refusing to answer my questions to help me understand things. I only ever learned things she had no part in, with an exemplary case above.
Punishment in any form is a great deterrent, but it's only effective if it's tailor-made to make someone not want to do something. If it's anything less than devastating, any decision regarding the crime in question is turned into a cost-benefit equation. I could live without my phone. I can live without my computer. I don't want to, but I can (ignore the fact that I don't want to live under any circumstances. shush).
I'd never been a part of someone else's reform. I didn't know that was a thing that happened. I guess I'm not surprised that the US prison system is just another facade for racism and classism instead of actually doing its job.
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infoblogify · 3 months
Workers Compensation Physical Therapy in Freehold Explained by a Professional Woodbridge Chiropractor
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Getting hurt at work is more common than you'd think. For many injured workers, physical therapy plays a significant role in their recovery process. It’s not just about healing the injury but about getting back to work and regaining quality of life. That's where specialized care, such as the services provided by a skilled Woodbridge chiropractor, becomes crucial.
The Role of a Woodbridge Chiropractor in Providing Tailored Physical Therapy
Injured at work? Seeking help from a Woodbridge chiropractor could be your first step toward recovery. Chiropractors specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal injuries, often using physical therapy as a key component of patient care. They create tailored physical therapy plans to address each worker's unique needs, speeding up recovery and reducing the risk of future injuries.
Benefits of Seeking Physical Therapy in Freehold for Workers' Compensation Cases
Why Freehold? This town isn’t just known for its rich history; it’s also home to some of the best healthcare services around. Seeking workers compensation physical therapy in Freehold offers numerous benefits:
Quicker Recovery: Personalized treatment plans ensure faster healing.
Return to Work: Effective therapy means injured workers can get back to their jobs sooner.
Comprehensive Care: Access to a range of specialized treatments tailored to individual needs.
Common Work-Related Injuries That Can Benefit from Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can aid in the recovery of various work-related injuries, including:
Back and Neck Pain: Often resulting from lifting heavy objects or from poor ergonomics.
Repetitive Strain Injuries: Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendinitis.
Sprains and Strains: Common in physically demanding jobs.
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Essential for workers who've had surgery due to their injuries.
Personalized Treatment Plans Offered by the Woodbridge Chiropractor
One size does not fit all when it comes to injury recovery. A Woodbridge chiropractor will assess your specific condition and develop a personalized treatment plan. This may include:
Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques to enhance joint and muscle function.
Exercise Programs: Customized routines to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance.
Ergonomic Advice: Guidance on how to modify your work environment to prevent further injuries.
How the Local Community in Freehold Can Access These Services
Accessing workers compensation physical therapy Freehold is straightforward. Many local clinics accept workers' compensation claims, ensuring that injured employees get the care they need without financial strain. Local businesses should encourage their employees to seek these services early to facilitate quicker recovery and return to work.
Testimonials from Past Patients
Nothing speaks louder than real-life success stories:
John D. from Freehold shares, “I was skeptical at first, but the combination of chiropractic care and physical therapy got me back on my feet faster than I expected. Highly recommend!”
Mary L., another happy patient, says, “The personalized attention I received from my Woodbridge chiropractor was incredible. I felt understood and cared for every step of the way.”
Physical therapy is a pivotal element in the recovery process for injured workers. Whether you're in Freehold or Woodbridge, seeking specialized care from a professional chiropractor can expedite your recovery and help you return to work stronger than before. Don't wait—take the first step towards your recovery today.
Ready to start your recovery journey? Contact your local chiropractor in Woodbridge or explore physical therapy options in Freehold now!
By focusing on the benefits and personalized care available, this blog aims to engage the local community, injured workers, and health enthusiasts, showcasing how essential physical therapy and chiropractic care are for those dealing with work-related injuries.
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gamebird · 5 months
I had several dreams last night but as usual only one really stuck.
Someone called me to tell me that a government program was rehabilitating older homes, including the one I owned in Alaska (real life: I do not own a home in Alaska. Nor do I live anywhere near Alaska). They wanted to do refurbishments to the home up to the value of the government program. I said if the money was really out there, then I wanted to talk to the current tenant (I guess I was a landlord) and have them prioritize what they wanted fixed, since I didn't remember ever seeing this house. The guy on the phone wasn't happy about this.
Then I was in Alaska at this house trying to talk the tenants into buying it because I didn't remember owning a house there so I'd be fine without it. I was going to sell it to them super cheap but they were still skeptical. They left and I was living there now and it was morning, so I came downstairs and had some bizarre attempts to make breakfast (like the skillet was the shape of a crescent basket and the bacon would only cook properly if it was in one position in the 'pan', or else it would char or not cook).
My mom was there, except my mom was an amalgamation of my own mother and my boyfriend's. I gave her something for breakfast that I'd managed to cook or just take out of a bag (maybe some bread) and when she asked for something else, I pointed out to her the kitchen appliances had been stolen (other than the stove, I guess). And right then, the thieves returned to steal more things. I hid behind the stove and dialed 911. The thieves were hostile and confrontational. They didn't see me, but they could hear the phone, because Emergency Services was trying to ask me a lot of questions but I couldn't say anything because I was hiding. So I popped out and told the thieves, "I have to take this call", and they were fine with that, interrupting their threats and slurs to let me wander upstairs and tell the cops to come rescue us.
While I was there, I saw a golf ball sized spider wandering the floor, blending in with the shag carpet. The carpet was mustard yellow and the spider brownish-yellow. I thought I could catch it and throw it on the thieves because I knew it was terribly venomous. I got a glass to put it in but the glass shrunk to a shot glass which was too small, which I decided was a stupid dream trick and told myself it was all perspective. Then the spider fit.
I got distracted sitting at a table playing a card game. Not sure who with, or what was going on with the spider or the thieves or the cops or the tenants or the breakfast.
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lucaleonesblog · 5 months
Why are animal communicators important for the conservation and rehabilitation of wildlife?
In a world where the delicate balance of ecosystems is constantly under threat, the importance of wildlife conservation and rehabilitation cannot be overstated. Amidst the myriad challenges faced by conservationists, one often overlooked yet crucial aspect is the role of animal communicators. These individuals possess a unique ability to bridge the communication gap between humans and animals, playing a significant role in understanding, conserving, and rehabilitating wildlife populations.
Understanding Animal Communication
Methods of Animal Communication
Animals employ a variety of methods to communicate, ranging from intricate body language to distinct vocalizations. While some species rely heavily on visual cues and postures to convey messages, others utilize vocal calls, songs, or even chemical signals to communicate with conspecifics and other species.
Role of Body Language and Vocalizations
Body language, including gestures, facial expressions, and posture, plays a crucial role in animal communication. Similarly, vocalizations such as chirps, roars, and howls convey important information regarding territory, mating rituals, and danger alerts.
Challenges in Wildlife Conservation
Human-Wildlife Conflict
As human populations continue to expand into natural habitats, conflicts between humans and wildlife escalate. This often leads to retaliatory killings, habitat destruction, and disruptions in wildlife behavior and populations.
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
The rapid pace of urbanization and industrialization results in extensive habitat loss and fragmentation, further exacerbating the challenges faced by wildlife populations. Fragmented habitats restrict animal movement, gene flow, and access to essential resources, pushing many species towards the brink of extinction.
The Role of Animal Communicators
Bridging the Communication Gap
Animal communicator act as intermediaries, deciphering and interpreting the subtle cues and signals emitted by wildlife. By understanding animal behavior and needs, they facilitate communication between humans and animals, fostering mutual understanding and empathy.
Assessing Wildlife Behavior and Needs
Through their unique abilities, animal communicators can assess wildlife behavior, identify stressors, and understand individual needs. This insight is invaluable for conservationists and rehabilitators, guiding conservation efforts and ensuring the well-being of wildlife populations.
Conservation Efforts
Understanding Animal Behavior for Conservation Planning
Insights gained from animal communicators aid in the development of effective conservation strategies. By understanding the behavioral patterns and ecological requirements of target species, conservationists can implement targeted interventions to mitigate threats and promote habitat conservation.
Facilitating Rehabilitation Programs
In cases of injured, orphaned, or displaced wildlife, animal communicators play a vital role in facilitating rehabilitation programs. Their ability to communicate with distressed animals enables rehabilitators to provide appropriate care, reduce stress, and increase the chances of successful release back into the wild.
Case Studies
Successful Interventions with Animal Communicators
Numerous success stories highlight the efficacy of animal communicators in wildlife conservation and rehabilitation. From resolving human-wildlife conflicts to facilitating the release of rehabilitated animals, their interventions have resulted in positive outcomes for both animals and communities.
Criticism and Controversy
Skepticism Surrounding Animal Communication
Despite their contributions, animal communicators often face skepticism and criticism from skeptics and traditional conservationists. The subjective nature of their work and the lack of scientific validation have led to debates regarding their credibility and effectiveness.
Ethical Considerations
The ethical implications of animal communication raise important questions regarding consent, exploitation, and anthropocentrism. Critics argue that human interpretation of animal behavior may impose human biases and limitations, potentially compromising the welfare of wildlife.
Benefits of Animal Communication
Enhancing Conservation Outcomes
By bridging the communication gap between humans and animals, animal communicators enhance conservation outcomes. Their insights facilitate informed decision-making, leading to more effective conservation strategies and positive conservation outcomes.
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eleonorecolin · 6 months
Describe how animal communicators aid in the preservation and healing of wildlife.
In the vast realm of wildlife conservation, one often overlooked aspect is the role of animal communicators. These individuals possess a unique ability to bridge the communication barrier between humans and animals, aiding in both the preservation and healing of wildlife populations. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of animal communication and explore how these communicators contribute to the well-being of wildlife.
Understanding Animal Communication
Animals have their own intricate systems of communication, often beyond human comprehension. From vocalizations to body language and chemical signals, they convey messages vital for survival and social interaction. Understanding these modes of communication is crucial for effective conservation efforts.
Role of Animal Communicators
Animal communicator serve as mediators between humans and animals, tapping into their innate ability to understand and convey messages. Through telepathic connections and intuitive insights, they establish a deep bond with wildlife, enabling them to address various issues affecting their well-being.
Preservation of Wildlife
Wildlife faces numerous threats, including habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. Animal communicators play a vital role in raising awareness about these issues and advocating for conservation measures. By communicating with animals directly, they gather valuable insights into their needs and preferences, aiding in the creation of effective preservation strategies.
Healing of Wildlife
Injuries and traumas are common among wildlife populations, whether due to human interference or natural causes. Animal communicators offer invaluable support in the healing process, providing comfort and reassurance to injured animals. Through their interventions, they facilitate faster recovery and rehabilitation, ultimately improving the chances of survival.
The Impact of Animal Communicators
The work of animal communicators has yielded significant results in the field of wildlife conservation. Their ability to connect with animals on a profound level has led to successful interventions, ranging from reuniting lost animals with their families to resolving behavioral issues that endanger their survival. Despite skepticism from some quarters, their contributions are increasingly being recognized and valued by conservationists worldwide.
Ethical Considerations
Ethical guidelines govern the practice of animal communication, ensuring that interventions are conducted with the utmost respect for the natural order. While the temptation to intervene may be strong, communicators must balance their desire to help with the need to preserve the autonomy of wildlife populations. This involves respecting their natural behaviors and allowing them to thrive in their natural habitats.
Challenges and Limitations
Despite their remarkable abilities, animal communicators face certain challenges and limitations in their work. Communication with wild animals can be unpredictable, and not all individuals are receptive to their efforts. Moreover, ethical dilemmas may arise when deciding whether to intervene in natural processes or allow them to unfold without human interference.
Training and Education
Becoming an animal communicator requires dedication and training. While some individuals may possess innate abilities, formal education and mentorship can enhance their skills and understanding of animal behavior. Various programs and certifications are available for those interested in pursuing a career in this field, ensuring a solid foundation in both theory and practice.
Collaboration with Conservationists
Collaboration between animal communicators and conservationists is essential for maximizing their impact. By working together, they can develop holistic conservation strategies that address both the physical and emotional needs of wildlife. Through shared knowledge and expertise, they can achieve greater success in preserving biodiversity and protecting endangered species.
Future of Animal Communication in Wildlife Preservation
As technology continues to advance, new opportunities emerge for animal communicators to expand their reach and effectiveness. From remote communication devices to sophisticated analytical tools, these innovations hold promise for enhancing our understanding of animal behavior and improving conservation outcomes. With continued research and innovation, the future looks bright for the field of animal communication.
Public Awareness and Support
Raising public awareness about the work of animal communicators is crucial for garnering support and resources. By educating the public about the importance of wildlife conservation and the role of communicators in this endeavor, we can inspire action and foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for wildlife and future generations to come.
In conclusion, animal communicators play a vital role in the preservation and healing of wildlife. Through their unique abilities and compassionate efforts, they help bridge the gap between humans and animals, fostering understanding and empathy in the process. As we strive to protect our planet's precious biodiversity, let us recognize and support the invaluable contributions of these dedicated individuals.
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marcoferri · 6 months
Describe how wildlife preservation and healing are aided by animal communicators.
In the intricate web of nature, communication isn't just confined to human interaction. Animals, too, possess their own languages, often subtle and complex. Enter animal communicators, individuals who claim to bridge the gap between human understanding and the non-verbal communication of animals. These communicators facilitate conversations, not through spoken words, but through intuition, empathy, and observation.
The Role of Animal Communicators in Wildlife Preservation
Wildlife preservation hinges not only on scientific research but also on understanding the needs and behaviors of the animals themselves. Animal communicators play a crucial role in this aspect. By deciphering the non-verbal cues and behaviors of wildlife, they offer insights into their needs, preferences, and even warnings about potential threats. This information is invaluable for conservation efforts, helping researchers and conservationists make informed decisions.
Healing Through Animal Communication
Animals, like humans, can experience trauma, stress, and physical injuries. Animal communicators step in to address these issues, offering emotional support and healing energies. Through their unique abilities, they can identify emotional blockages or physical ailments, providing comfort and aid to distressed animals. This form of therapy is particularly beneficial in wildlife rehabilitation centers and sanctuaries, where injured or traumatized animals are nursed back to health.
Case Studies of Successful Healing
Numerous anecdotes and case studies attest to the effectiveness of animal communication in aiding healing processes. From calming distressed elephants to assisting in the rehabilitation of injured birds, the stories abound. Animal communicators have been instrumental in resolving behavioral issues, facilitating bonding between rescued animals, and even guiding lost wildlife back to their natural habitats.
Challenges and Criticisms
Despite the growing acceptance of animal communication, skeptics remain. Critics argue that the lack of scientific evidence undermines the credibility of animal communicators. Ethical concerns also arise regarding the exploitation of animals for entertainment or commercial purposes. However, advocates emphasize the importance of empirical research and ethical guidelines to ensure the integrity and legitimacy of animal communication practices.
Training and Qualifications of Animal Communicators
Becoming an animal communicator requires more than just a love for animals. It demands a deep understanding of animal behavior, intuition, and communication techniques. While formal education in fields like animal behavior or psychology can provide a foundation, many communicators also undergo specialized training and mentorship to hone their skills. Certification programs and professional associations offer accreditation, ensuring standards of practice and ethical conduct.
Future Directions and Potential
As technology advances, so do the possibilities for animal communication. Tools like bioacoustics and remote sensing devices offer new ways to understand and interact with wildlife. Integrating animal communication with conservation efforts holds promise for more effective strategies in preserving endangered species and their habitats. By embracing a holistic approach that combines scientific research with intuitive insights, we can pave the way for a brighter future for wildlife preservation.
In conclusion, animal communicators serve as invaluable allies in the quest for wildlife preservation and healing. Through their unique abilities, they offer insights, comfort, and aid to both animals and humans alike. While challenges and skepticism persist, the potential for collaboration between animal communicators and conservationists offers hope for a more harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.
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alicecolomboblog · 6 months
Explain the role that animal communicators play in the conservation and rehabilitation of wildlife.
In the vast realm of wildlife conservation and rehabilitation, there exists a unique yet crucial role played by individuals known as animal communicators. These individuals possess an extraordinary ability to connect with animals on a deeper level, facilitating communication and understanding between humans and wildlife.
Understanding Animal Behavior
Animal communicator delve into the intricate world of animal behavior, gaining insights that are often overlooked by traditional scientific methods. By observing and interpreting various cues, they decipher the language of animals, offering invaluable perspectives into their thoughts and emotions.
Establishing Connection
Establishing a connection with wildlife is paramount for animal communicators. Through patience, empathy, and mutual respect, they cultivate relationships based on trust and understanding, bridging the gap between different species.
Communication Methods
Animal communication encompasses a diverse range of methods, including non-verbal cues, body language, and even telepathic communication. These techniques allow communicators to interact with animals on a profound level, transcending linguistic barriers.
Applications in Conservation
In the realm of conservation, animal communicators serve as invaluable allies. They aid researchers in gathering crucial data, contribute to relocation efforts, and provide insights that inform conservation strategies.
Aid in Rehabilitation
In rehabilitation centers, traumatized animals often find solace in the presence of animal communicators. Through gentle communication and emotional support, these individuals assist in the healing process and facilitate the reintegration of animals into their natural habitats.
Ethical Considerations
Respect for wildlife and ethical conduct are fundamental principles upheld by animal communicators. They recognize the importance of maintaining boundaries and prioritizing the well-being of the animals they work with.
Training and Skills
Becoming an animal communicator requires dedication, education, and honing of intuitive abilities. Training programs and workshops provide aspiring communicators with the necessary skills to excel in their field.
Success Stories
Countless success stories underscore the impact of animal communicators in conservation and rehabilitation efforts. From facilitating the rescue of endangered species to aiding in the rehabilitation of injured animals, their contributions are immeasurable.
Challenges and Limitations
Despite their remarkable abilities, animal communicators face challenges such as language barriers between species and skepticism from skeptics. However, their dedication and perseverance continue to drive positive change in the field of wildlife conservation.
Collaboration with Conservationists
Collaboration between animal communicators and conservationists is essential for the advancement of conservation efforts. By working together, they can develop innovative strategies and amplify their impact on wildlife preservation.
Public Awareness and Advocacy
Raising public awareness about the role of animal communicators is vital for garnering support for wildlife conservation. Through education and advocacy, these individuals strive to promote a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between humans and animals.
Future Directions
As technology continues to evolve, the field of animal communication holds promise for further advancements. With continued research and innovation, the potential for enhancing conservation efforts is limitless.
Personal Experiences
The firsthand experiences of animal communicators offer compelling insights into their work. From heartwarming interactions with rescued animals to profound moments of connection, these experiences highlight the transformative power of communication.
In conclusion, animal communicators play a pivotal role in the conservation and rehabilitation of wildlife. Their ability to connect with animals on a profound level fosters understanding, compassion, and ultimately, positive outcomes for both animals and the environment.
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dougdarnbrough · 8 months
Rehabilitation Over Punishment: The Success Story of Drug Courts
In the realm of criminal justice, the introduction of drug courts has marked a significant shift in the approach toward handling drug-related offenses. This innovative system diverges from the traditional punitive model, instead embracing a philosophy of rehabilitation and compassion. At the forefront of this transformation is a new style of leadership, exemplified by the former judges and administrators who guide these courts. This article will explore how drug courts, specifically focusing on a case study from New Bedford, MA, are redefining justice through compassionate leadership.
Understanding Drug Courts
Drug courts are specialized court docket programs that target criminal defendants and offenders, juvenile offenders, and parents with pending child welfare cases who have alcohol and other drug dependency problems. Unlike traditional courts, drug courts aim to address the root cause of criminal behavior: substance abuse. The goal is to offer individuals an opportunity to enter recovery, thereby reducing the likelihood of future illegal activity.
The Compassionate Approach
Central to the philosophy of drug courts is the concept of "justice with compassion." This approach recognizes that addiction is a disease that requires treatment, not just punishment. Leaders in these courts, particularly judges Doug, play a unique role. They must balance legal obligations with a deeper understanding of addiction's impact on behavior. This balance requires a shift from a purely punitive approach to one that includes empathy, knowledge, and support.
The Role of the Judge
In a drug court, the former judge is more than just an arbiter of justice. They are part mentor, part disciplinarian, and part advocate. For instance, in New Bedford, MA, a judge Doug overseeing a drug court might spend considerable time understanding the specific circumstances of each participant. This judge would work closely with treatment providers and social workers to tailor rehabilitation programs that address individual needs, monitor progress, and encourage accountability. His role extends beyond the courtroom, often involving direct interaction with participants to promote and support their recovery journey.
Challenges and Innovations in Leadership
Leading a drug court has its challenges. One of the primary challenges is resource allocation. Effective drug courts require adequate funding, trained personnel, and strong partnerships with community-based treatment providers. Furthermore, leaders in these courts often face skepticism from traditional sectors of the criminal justice system and must work to advocate for the efficacy and necessity of their approach.
Despite these challenges, drug courts have been innovatively adapting to meet the needs of their communities. In many places, including New Bedford, MA, drug courts are becoming more sophisticated in their approach, incorporating evidence-based treatment modalities, leveraging technology for better monitoring and communication, and developing robust support networks for participants.
Impact and Future Directions
The impact of drug courts has been largely positive. Studies have shown that these courts reduce recidivism rates and are more cost-effective than incarceration. Participants often report improved life circumstances, including better family relationships, higher employment rates, and sustained sobriety. The success of these programs has led to a broader reevaluation of how the justice system addresses substance abuse and related crimes.
As drug courts evolve, their leadership will face new challenges and opportunities. The ongoing opioid epidemic, for instance, has forced these courts to adapt their strategies and treatment resources. Additionally, there's a growing recognition of the need to address the diverse needs of participants, including considerations around mental health, gender, and cultural background.
Drug court leadership, emphasizing justice tempered with compassion, represents a significant shift in the criminal justice system. By focusing on rehabilitation over punishment and recognizing the complex nature of addiction, these courts offer a more humane and practical approach to addressing drug-related offenses. As the model continues to evolve, the lessons learned from drug courts, exemplified by places like New Bedford, MA, could inform broader reforms in the justice system, pointing towards a future where compassion and rehabilitation are integral to our concept of justice.
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