#regular speech marks r a bit more of a hassle for me to use
cvrseduser-a · 8 months
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Anonyme a demandé : can i ask why you use arrows for dialogue on all your blogs? just seems like regular quotation marks would be easier to understand and easier to type
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Hello ! Well... To be honest, it's pretty simple haha ; my keyboard is in French, and speech marks ( " ) and inverted commas ( ‘ ’ ) don't exist in French. Instead guillemets ( « » ) are used to indicate speech. Essentially my keyboard automatically uses « » when I try to use quotation marks ? So it's actually easier for me since it's just the symbol that my keyboard has, otherwise I'd have to change / copy&paste quotation marks into each dialogue lol...
I also think it's stylish ! So I don't bother changing them.
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