newcomers6 · 2 years
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. Sudah pernah saya bilang kan kalau biologi adalah salah satu pelajaran terfavorit saya saat masih sekolah? Saat ini pun saya masih menggemari ilmu hayati tersebut walaupun sudah tidak sekolah. Walaupun pendidikan tinggi yang saya kenyam hampir tidak ada bau-bau biologinya meski jika dicari kaitannya pasti ada. Pada kesempatan yang lalu saya bercerita tentang tangkapan gambar objek hewani, kali ini saya ingin bercerita tentang kerajaan lain. Dunia yang memuat ciptaan Tuhan paling unik, yang diam namun tetap hidup, yang membisu namun nyatanya saya tak bisa hidup tanpa mereka. Inilah regnum plantae, kerajaan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Spesifik, saya akan membahas tentang kaktus, karena cuma itu foto yang saya punya. Haha. Maka apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan kaktus, bagaimana ia diciptakan sebagai makhluk unik, yang berbeda dari tumbuhan pada umumnya? Tidak akan kamu temukan helai dedaunan di batangnya. Itu karena ia beradaptasi terhadap habitatnya yang panas, kering dan langka air. Daun yang biasa digunakan tanaman lain untuk “memasak” makanan ia ubah menjadi duri demi menghalangi penguapan yang ekstrim. Batangnya pun terlapisi oleh semacam zat lilin untuk tujuan yang sama serta menyimpan air sebanyak-banyaknya untuk bertahan hidup. Sedang akarnya menjalar panjang menembus berlapis-lapis tanah mencari sumber air. Hal menarik dari kaktus lainnya adalah ia tetap hidup meski berada di lingkungan sarat air. Berbeda dengan tanaman lain yang pasti mengering mati bila dipindah ke gurun pasir. Saya pernah bertemu dengan orang yang mempunyai karakter seperti kaktus ini. Dia mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan berbagai jenis manusia. Dia suka sekali mengeluarkan guyonan garing sampai membuat saya capai mau tertawa seperti apa lagi. Mata, telinga dan pikirannya begitu tajam membuat saya kagum meski ucapannya terkadang juga tajam, manakala saya melakukan kekhilafan yang cukup serius. Namun demikian ia tidak kenal lelah dalam mencari penghidupan di saat keadaan benar-benar sulit serta pandai mengatur pengeluaran untuk dapat tetap bertahan. Ialah bapak saya, orang yang menanam kaktus dalam gambar di atas. Sehat selalu bapak, semoga diri ini senantiasa berbakti padamu. #30hbc2317 #30hbc23 https://www.instagram.com/p/CngSjt7JDxx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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botaniqueer · 6 years
regnum-plantae replied to your photo “My Oxalis triangularis plants (the purple ones) and O. gigantea (The...”
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I've tried my hand with hybridising a few species of Oxalis with O. Triangularis with no success, all before researching the topic and realising O. Triangularis doesn't naturally set seeds and Oxalis species don't readily hybridise due to they're wild variations in ploidy, even within the same species :s
Dang :/ I suspected this may be the case with how little searches about Oxalis hybridization yielded online despite how common they are as houseplants.
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kihaku-gato · 6 years
@regnum-plantae replied to your photoset “Gotta be proud of your kaffir lily when the unimpressionable member of...”
Aw I love them! I've just prepared a couple of seeds for germination, hopefully they'll live :)
If they’re anything like the adult plants I would think they would do pretty good even as seedlings, still, fingers crossed on them sprouting for you!
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aeridanus · 7 years
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Photos for @regnum-plantae :) This is the Solandra they had at the Esquinzo Playa resort on Fuerteventura back in November. I thought I had taken photos of the entire plant, but those where the only ones, unfortunately - you can see how massive this one was on the second photo, though.
The guide says that the Jandia Playa resort also has Solandras, did you visit that resort, by any chance?
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plantanarchy · 7 years
regnum-plantae replied to your photoset “me: goes to Europe and takes a whole bunch of blurry pictures ft....”
@plantanarchy where have you been in Europe??
I went on a few week long school trip to Austria and Germany in may 2015 and that’s the only time I’ve been! Most of that time was in Salzburg but we also spent a week in Vienna and a few days in Prien am Chiemsee and half a day in Munich.
The first two tree pictures were biergartens in Salzburg, third is Mirabellplatz in Salzburg, fourth is the River Salzsach, the fifth is on a trail in Hallstatt, and the sixth is Petersfriedhof, a big ole cemetary right below the big ole castle in Salzburg.
My college required study abroad and had a super cool abroad program that coordinated tons of different trips across the globe chaperoned by various professors. My program was with a history and music education professor and so the trip was kind of a mix of visiting/learning about significant historical places and music-related stuff (so much Mozart) and we saw a performance of Wagner’s Die Walküre in Vienna.
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9thbutterfly · 7 years
regnum-plantae replied to your photoset: disgustingplants: undeadm0nkeys: plants that...
@9thbutterfly I thought the same the moment I saw it too, and ruined the post for me!
Yeah, it really annoys me to have to reblog that fake thing along with all the awesome ones, but I really like the other ones.
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regnum-plantae · 6 years
Read my Top10 posts of 2018
1). 861 notes - 02 September 2018
“Dandelion coffee, the Italian take”
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2). 824 notes - 03 August 2018
“The tropical pond house at Glasgow Botanic Gardens”
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3). 556 notes - 25 November 2018
“How I recruited a small army of ladybugs”
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4). 501 notes - 17 January 2018
“Monstera deliciosa, Araceae”
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5). 446 notes - 22 September 2018
“Amanita muscaria, the fly agaric”
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6). 369 notes - 28 July 2018
“Aglais io, the (European) peacock butterfly”
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7). 361 notes - 12 January 2018
“When the winter sun appears & Scotland melts”
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8). 324 notes - 05 September 2018
“Achillea millefolium ‘Desert Eve Terracotta’, Asteraceae”
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9). 263 notes - 25 June 2018
“Arpophyllum giganteum, Orchidaceae”
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10). 251 notes - 14 November 2018
Tales from the garden centre
My 2018 in review, I wish you all a brilliant 2019!
Created by TumblrTop10 
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spatheandspadix · 6 years
Please tell me about the significance of the vertical placement! I just checked the 2 ideas I had and they can't be it, they aren't species I'm familiar with I guess :s  I need to go to bed and I won't sleep if I don't know!!!
It’s the sorting of these 3 relatives along environmental gradients: chestnut oak on the driest ridgetop, white oak on the midslope, swamp white oak in the floodplain.
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nhacly · 2 years
Hồng xiêm – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Hồng xiêm – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Hồng xiêm Lá và quả hồng xiêm Phân loại khoa học Giới (regnum) Plantae ( không phân hạng ) Angiospermae ( không phân hạng ) Eudicots (không phân hạng) Bạn đang đọc: Hồng xiêm – Wikipedia tiếng Việt Asterids Bộ (ordo) Ericales Họ (familia) Sapotaceae Phân họ (subfamilia) Sapotoideae Tông (tribus) Mimusopeae Chi (genus) Manilkara Loài (species) M. zapota Danh pháp hai phần Manilkara…
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maglearning-id · 3 years
Ciri Khusus Tumbuhan Paku dan Lumut
Ciri Khusus Tumbuhan Paku dan Lumut
Ciri Khusus Tumbuhan Paku dan Lumut – Tumbuhan adalah jenis organisme yang masuk dalam regnum plantae. Dalam kelas regnum plantae, di dalamnya termasuk jenis pepohonan, rerumputan, terna, paku-pakuan, semak, lumut, alga dan lain-lain. Di seluruh dunia ada kurang lebih 350 ribu spesies tumbuhan yang hidup di dunia. Hampir semua jenis tumbuhan tersebut memiliki ciri khas…
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5-and-a-half-acres · 7 years
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Witch hazel. Hamamelis "Jelena". @regnum-plantae
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scotszoologist · 6 years
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Some Californian poppies in the sun
Turns out these are actually Meconopsis cambrica, the Welsh poppy - huge thanks to @regnum-plantae for letting me know! 
I’m more of an animal person than a plant person, so I will definitely get some IDs wrong, if anyone ever notices a mistake then please let me know and I’ll correct it!
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cannedbreads · 7 years
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Found this purple flower in the garajonay forest, who can Id this plant??? I really want to know!! @regnum-plantae
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9thbutterfly · 6 years
regnum-plantae replied to your post: fozmeadows: YOU GUYS. Someone has gone to the...
@9thbutterfly they sell these at the garden centre where I work, they’re hilarious!
I’m definitely planning to buy some at some point. Once I remember how to read books again.
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regnum-plantae · 6 years
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Regnum: Plantae’s Second Birthday!
This blog has turned two today, hurray! Deciding to write about what I love and share what I learn is still one of the best choices I have ever made, so, once again, thanks to all the other bloggers who have inspired me to start and all those who have been supportive of what I do. I’ll also take the chance to thank @plant-a-day, who has been sharing basically every plant post I wrote, starting from the most recent ones and travelling back towards the very beginning -if you follow that blog you’ve probably had a chance to see the evolution in my writing and how I eventually found my own personal style (in English, my second language) of presenting what I see. It has been quite interesting to see some old stuff of mine popping up in my feed daily, it has shown me how much I’ve grown. And that’s also my advice to anybody who’s just starting to write: it’s your blog, unless you’re getting paid for it, find your way, write about what you want and how you want! It’s certainly nice to see my following growing everyday, but the quality of the interactions I have had a chance to have thanks to what I write, and the kind of people from all over the world I’ve virtually met here, matter to me more than a simple number. I will evolve, but I won’t change my way of blogging. By the way, I honestly wish I could go for a nice walk in the woods with some of you plant/nature geeks, and then invite you over to my place to bake you a pizza! 
I don’t know what this third year will bring, so much has changed in my life in the last twelve months, but I’m certainly going to keep writing about plants, botany and horticulture. Hopefully, I might even get this blog to evolve into something bigger, but we shall see! ;) 
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artbeesdesign · 6 years
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regnum-plantae: Chionodoxa gigantea (syn. C. luciliae),... https://ift.tt/2vqInCD
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