usnewsper-politics · 3 months
UK Immigration System Overhauled: New Rules for High-Skilled Workers and Fair Immigration #Brexitreferendum. #caponmigrants #controlofborders #discriminationinimmigration #EUandnonEUcitizens #fairandbalancedimmigration #highskilledworkers #joboffer #lowerskilledjobs #reducingimmigration #regionaldisparities #salarythresholds #shortageoflowskilledworkers #skillsshortage #STEM #UKimmigrationsystem
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usnewsper-business · 7 months
Struggling with Housing Costs: Australians Face Financial Burden #costoflivingpressure #financialburden #housingaffordability #housingcosts #regionaldisparities
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neosciencehub · 7 months
Dexamethasone in Severe COVID-19
A recent study, part of the COVID-STEROID 2 trial, reveals striking regional differences in the effectiveness of dexamethasone for treating severe COVID-19. @neosciencehub #neosciencehub #nsh COVID-19 #Dexamethasone #GlobalHealth #RegionalDisparities
A Tale of Two Continents In India, a notable aspect of the study was the higher prevalence of diabetes among patients, influencing their response to dexamethasone. This distinct health profile, coupled with differences in healthcare infrastructure and resource availability, highlighted the importance of customizing treatment strategies to suit regional health dynamics, offering vital insights…
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
UK Immigration System Overhauled: New Rules for High-Skilled Workers and Fair Immigration #Brexitreferendum. #caponmigrants #controlofborders #discriminationinimmigration #EUandnonEUcitizens #fairandbalancedimmigration #highskilledworkers #joboffer #lowerskilledjobs #reducingimmigration #regionaldisparities #salarythresholds #shortageoflowskilledworkers #skillsshortage #STEM #UKimmigrationsystem
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